Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Englund, Robert K. on 2009-06-03 at 10:41:25 with credits to Englund, Robert K.

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
RA 049, 92 29 (P127854) 2055926
ATF: Syntax error at line 16 col 9: $ blank line
lu2-sag10 does not appear in words list
&P127854 = RA 49, 92 29
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(disz) gurusz
#lem: n; jurusz[male]
2. u4 5(disz)-sze3
#lem: ud[day]; n
3. zar3 tab-ba szu ur3-ra
#lem: zar[sheaf]; tab[double]; szu[hand]; ur[drag]
#lem: zar[sheaf]; tab[double]|FN; szu[hand]; ur[roof]|ur[drag]|ur[abundant]|ur[drag]|ur[harness]|ur[roof]|ur[shut]
4. a-sza3 gibil
#lem: aszag[field]; gibil[new]
#lem: aszag[field]; AN|gibil[new]|FN
5. ugula lu2-sag10
#lem: ugula[overseer]; PN
$ blank line
6. kiszib3 ur-e2-nun
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
7. giri3 da-da-ga
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
$ (blank space)
#lem: jiri[foot]|u; PN
$ blank space
8. iti sig4-{gesz}i3-szub-ba-gar
#lem: itud[month]; MN
#lem: itud[moon]; MN
9. mu us2-sa en unu6 gal {d}inanna
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; en[priest]; unu[dwelling]; gal[big]; DN
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; en[priest]; unu[dwelling]; gal[big]; CN|TN|DN|FN
RA 049, 93 34 (P127859) 2055942
ATF: Parsing failed on line 20 near character 2
nagar-ra-sze3 does not appear in words list
gur8-za-an does not appear in words list
{gesz}muszen only appears a few times in words list
gur8-za-an does not appear in words list
&P127859 = RA 49, 93 34
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 7(gesz2) 3(u) gu-nigin2 pa-tar gi
#lem: n; n; gunijin[bale]; PN; gi[reed]
2. gurusz-e 5(disz) gu-nigin2-ta
#lem: jurusz[male]; n; gunijin[bale]
3. en-du8-du-ta masz2 nagar-ra-sze3 ga6-ga2
#lem: FN; masz[goat]; nagar[carpenter]; gaj[carry]
#lem: arad[slave]|AN|PN|GN|FN; masz[goat]; nagar[carpenter]; gaj[carry]
4. mu us2-sa ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[destroy]
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[raid]
1. kiszib3 gur8-za-an#
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
$ (blank space)
$ blank space
2. ugula ba-sa6 {gesz}muszen?
#lem: ugula[overseer]; PN; X
3. mu us2-sa ki-masz{ki} ba-hul mu us2-sa-a-bi
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[destroy]; mu[year]; us[follow]
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[raid]; mu[year]; us[follow]
@seal 1
1. gur8-za-[an]
#lem: PN
2. dumu al-la#
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
#lem: dumu[child]; PN|FN
SM 1911.05.016 (P127864) 2055958
ATF: Parsing failed on line 24 near character 2
al-ba-x-ta does not appear in words list
he2-lah4 does not appear in words list
dalla-ta only appears a few times in words list
he2-lah4 does not appear in words list
&P127864 = RA 57, 094 1
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(gesz2) 1(u) 4(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; n; n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
#lem: n; n; n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; AN|FN|lugal[king]
2. RI al-ba-x-ta
#lem: u; u
3. giri3 he2-lah4
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
#lem: jiri[foot]|u; PN
4. ki dalla-ta
#lem: ki[place]; dalla[ring]
5. kiszib3 lugal-inim-gi-na-ka
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
6. ib2-ra
#lem: rah[beat]
1. he2-lah4
#lem: PN
2. en3-bi tar-re-dam
#lem: en[cvne]; tar[cut]
$ (blank space)
$ blank space
3. iti ezem-me-ki-gal2
#lem: itud[month]; MN
#lem: itud[moon]; MN
4. mu a-ra2 2(disz)-kam kar2-har{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; ara[times]; n; GN; hulu[destroy]
#lem: mu[year]; ara[times]; n; GN; hulu[raid]
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