Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Dahl, Jacob L. on 2011-09-09 at 03:27:35 with credits to Dahl, Jacob L.

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
MDP 06, 303 (P008092) 1953375
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M269~a3! only appears a few times in words list
M269~a3! only appears a few times in signs list
&P008092 = MDP 06, 303
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] M263~e#? , 1(N01)
3. X [...] , [...]
4. [...] M269~a3#?! , 1(N30C) 1(N30D)#?
5. [...] , [...] 1(N30C)#
@column 1
1. M288#? , 1(N01) 1(N24) 2(N30C)# 1(N30D)
MDP 06, 304 (P008093) 1953380
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M101~b only appears a few times in words list
M059~f only appears a few times in words list
M101~b only appears a few times in signs list
M059~f only appears a few times in signs list
&P008093 = MDP 06, 304
@column 1
1. [...] , [...]
2. [...] , 1(N14)# 2(N01)#
3. X [...] , [...]
4. [...] , 1(N14)
5. M101~b , 2(N14)
6. [...] X# M230 M024# M033# , 1(N14)
7. M146# X , [...]
8. [...] , [...] 1(N14) 1(N01)
9. [...] M254~a#? , [...]
10. [...] , 1(N01)#
11. [...] M387~a M110# , [...]
12. [...] , 1(N01)
13. [...] M153 M059~f# , [...]
14. [...] , [...]
15. [...] M309#? M314# [...]
MDP 06, 305 (P008094) 1953385
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M103~a does not appear in words list
M103~a does not appear in signs list
&P008094 = MDP 06, 305
@column 1
1. M157# ,
2. [...] |M157+M288| , [...]
3. M328~b M103~a M286#? , [...]
4. [...] , [...] 4(N39B) 1(N30C)#
5. M219#? , 1(N39B) 1(N24) 2(N30C)#
@column 1
1. [...] X , 1(N39B)# [...]
2. [...] , 3(N39B)
MDP 06, 306 (P008095) 1953390
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M141 only appears a few times in words list
M141 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008095 = MDP 06, 306
@column 1
1. [...] , [...]
2. [...] , [...]
3. [...] M387 M141 M049~d M315 , 1(N39B)
4. X [...] , [...]
MDP 06, 307 (P008096) 1953395
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P008096 = MDP 06, 307
@column 1
1. [...] , [...]
2. M218#? , 1(N14)# 2(N01)#
3. M254~a# X# [...] , [...]
4. M195~d# M296# M288# , 1(N45) 1(N14)#
MDP 06, 308 (P008097) 1953400
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M096, only appears a few times in words list
M096, only appears a few times in signs list
&P008097 = MDP 06, 308
@column 1
1. [...] , [...]
2. [...] M109 M096#?, [...]
3. [...] , 3(N01)
@column 1
1. M288#? , 2(N14) 1(N01)#?
MDP 06, 309 (P008098) 1953405
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M372~a only appears a few times in words list
M372~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P008098 = MDP 06, 309
@column 1
1. [...] , [...]
2. [...] M066 M288 , 1(N14) 2(N01)
3. [...] , 1(N45)
4. M254~a M372~a M288 , 1(N14)# [...]
5. M388 M066 M352~n M370 M218 M288 , [...]
6. [...] , [...] 9(N14)
MDP 06, 310 (P008099) 1953410
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M321~fa only appears a few times in words list
M311 only appears a few times in words list
M321~f only appears a few times in words list
M321~ha only appears a few times in words list
M321~fa only appears a few times in signs list
M311 only appears a few times in signs list
M321~f only appears a few times in signs list
M321~ha only appears a few times in signs list
&P008099 = MDP 06, 310
@column 1
1. M157 ,
2. M319 M218 M321~fa , 8(N01)
3. [...] , 1(N01)
4. M032 , 6(N01)
5. M376 , 1(N14) 8(N01)#
6. [...] , 9(N01)
7. M311#? M376 , 3(N14)
8. [...] M321~f , 2(N01)
9. [...] M321~ha , [...]
MDP 06, 311 (P008100) 1953415
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P008100 = MDP 06, 311
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , [...]
3. [...] , 1(N01)
4. |M370+M072+M370| , 1(N01)
5. M054 , 1(N01)
6. M288 , 1(N01) 1(N39B) 1(N24)
7. M124 M370 M024~a1 M371 , [...]
8. M332~d? M024~a M371 M376 M370 X , [...]
8. M332~d? M024? M371 M376 M370 X , [...]
9. X# , 2(N01)
10. |M370+M046+M370#?| [...] , [...]
@column 1
1. [...] , 2(N39B) 1(N24)
2. M057~b , [...]
3. M288 , 1(N01)
4. M218 M295~e M054 , [...]
5. [...] M288#? , 3(N14) 5(N01) 4(N39B)
MDP 06, 312 (P008101) 1953420
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P008101 = MDP 06, 312
@column 1
1. [...] , [...]
2. [...] X# M240# , [...]
3. [...] X# M223# M044 , 1(N24)
4. M218 , [...]
5. [...] , 3(N01)
6. M314# X# M096 , 2(N01)
7. M218 M032 , [...]
8. [...] , 2(N01)
MDP 06, 313 (P008102) 1953425
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M112~e only appears a few times in words list
|M157+M381| only appears a few times in words list
M112~e only appears a few times in signs list
|M157+M381| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008102 = MDP 06, 313
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , 2(N01)
3. M288#? , 2(N39B)
4. [...] , 2(N01) 1(N08A)
5. M112~e , 1(N39B)
6. M288#? , 4(N01) [...]
7. |M157+M381#| , [...]
MDP 06, 314 (P008103) 1953430
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P008103 = MDP 06, 314
@column 1
1. M157 ,
2. M057~a# M240# M096 M218 M139 M388#? M066~a# M219 M218 M288 , 1(N14)
3. M048~c
MDP 06, 315 (P008104) 1953435
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
|M157+M057| only appears a few times in words list
|M157+M057| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008104 = MDP 06, 315
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. M329#? , 1(N01)
3. M370 M376 M072 , 1(N01)#
4. |M157+M057?| M297 M072 , [...]
5. M370# M046# , 1(N01)
6. M388 M376 M001 , 1(N01)
7. |M370~b+M388| , 1(N01)#
8. M288 , 1(N01) 2(N39B)
9. [...] , 1(N01)
10. M124 , 1(N01)
11. |M370+M388+M370| , 2(N01)
12. |M370~b+M388| , 2(N01)
13. X# , 1(N01)# 2(N39B)#
MDP 06, 316 + 322 + 324 + MDP 26S, 335 + Sb 15247 (P008105) 1953440
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
|M157+M153| only appears a few times in words list
M371, only appears a few times in words list
|M370~b+X| only appears a few times in words list
|M157+M153| only appears a few times in signs list
M371, only appears a few times in signs list
|M370~b+X| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008105 = MDP 06, 316
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. M054 , 1(N01)
3. |M370~b+M072| , 1(N01)
4. M288 , [...]
5. |M157+M153| M297~b M072 , 1(N01)
6. M054# , [...]
7. [...] , 1(N01)
8. |M370~b+M072| , 1(N01)
9. [...] , [...]
10. M124 M318~a M009 [M371?], [...]
11. M373 , 1(N01)
12. M288# , [...]
@column 1
1. M057# M072# , 1(N01)#
2. M370#? , [...]
3. M386~a M386~a M370# M376 M072#? , 1(N01)
3B. |M370~b+X#| , 1(N01)#
# line squeezed inbetween two other lines
4. [...] , [...] 1(N24)
5. M124 M218 M371 M332~d?# , 1(N01)
6. M388# M387 M009 M371 M054 , [...]
7. M054# M386~a X# , 1(N01)
8. M218 M388 M332~d#? , [...]
MDP 06, 317 (P008106) 1953446
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M257~d only appears a few times in words list
M295~da only appears a few times in words list
M257~d only appears a few times in signs list
M295~da only appears a few times in signs list
&P008106 = MDP 06, 317
@column 1
1. M157 ,
2. M005~a M257~d M348 M346 , 9(N14) 8(N01)
3. M263~1 M295~da X# , 5(N14) 1(N01)
4. |M218+M320#| X# M001 , 9(N14)
5. M009#? [...] , [3(N14) 4(N01)]
6. M136~a#? M006 , 2(N14)
@column 1
1. M346 , 2(N23) 9(N14) 3(N01)
MDP 06, 318 (P008107) 1953451
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
|M153+M029| only appears a few times in words list
|M153+M029| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008107 = MDP 06, 318
@column 1
1. M157 ,
2. X# M288#? , 3(N01)
3. |M153+M029#?| , [...]
1. 1(N34)
MDP 06, 319 (P008108) 1953456
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
|M348+X| only appears a few times in words list
|M175+M387~c| only appears a few times in words list
M193~b only appears a few times in words list
|M377~e+M377~e| only appears a few times in words list
M301~aa only appears a few times in words list
M228 only appears a few times in words list
M304~a only appears a few times in words list
|M348+X| only appears a few times in signs list
|M175+M387~c| only appears a few times in signs list
M193~b only appears a few times in signs list
|M377~e+M377~e| only appears a few times in signs list
M301~aa only appears a few times in signs list
M228 only appears a few times in signs list
M304~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P008108 = MDP 06, 319
@column 1
1. M157 ,
2. M388 X M004# M263# M218# M348 , 3(N01)#
3. X# M242~ab , [...]
4. [...] , [...] 1(N01) 1(N24)
5. X , 3(N01)
6. X X M329 |M348+X| M124# M346 , [...]
7. [...] , [...]
8. [...] X , [...]
9. [...] , [...]
10. [...] M218 , 4(N01)
11. M263# M329 , [...]
12. [...] , [...]
13. [...] M054#? , [...]
14. [...] , [...]
15. M371 M332~d#? M218 , 1(N01)#
@column 1
1. X M388? M254~a#? M347# X , [...]
2. M387~ee , 3(N01)
3. [...] , [...]
4. [...] X# M097~h# M218# , 1(N01)
5. |M175+M387~c#?| M193~b , 1(N14)
6. M387~l M388 M387 M329 , 3(N01)
7. |M377~e+M377~e#| M388 M146#? X# , 3(N01)
8. M009 M301~aa M066~a , 3(N01)
9. M387 M377~e M347 [...] , [...]
10. M228# M295# M218 , 3(N01)
11. X# M388 M097~h M318~a M371 , 3(N14)
12. M304~a [...] , [...]
13. [...] , [...]
14. [...] , [...] 3(N14)
15. M139 M388 M146# M004 M263 M218 M346 , 1(N14) 4(N01)
MDP 06, 320 (P008109) 1953461
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M316 does not appear in words list
M316 does not appear in signs list
&P008109 = MDP 06, 320
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , 1(N01)
3. [...] M388 M332~d , [...]
4. [M097~h?] M004 M218 , 2(N01)
5. M305# M316#? X# , [...]
6. [...] , [...] 1(N30C)
7. M305 M388 M066#? M352~o M218 |M218+M320#| , [...]
8. [...] , 1(N30C) 1(N30D)
9. X# , [...]
MDP 06, 321 (P008110) 1953466
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P008110 = MDP 06, 321
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] M388 , [...]
3. [...] X# M218 , 8(N01)
4. [...] , 2(N01)
5. M297 , 1(N14)
6. M262 M380 X# , [...]
7. [...] , [...] 6(N01)
8. |M327+M342#?| M388 M259? M219 , [...] 2(N01)
9. M219# M001 M230 M096 , 1(N14)
MDP 06, 323 (P008112) 1953476
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M059~f1 only appears a few times in words list
M059~f1 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008112 = MDP 06, 323
@column 1
1. M157#? ,
3. M388# M057~a M240# M059~f1 [...] , [...]
4. M377~e M097~h#? M262~1 , 1(N01)
5. [...] , [...]
6. M099 M390 M218 , 1(N01)
7. [...] , 1(N01)
8. [...] , [...]
9. [...] , [...] 2(N01)
10. M352~o , [...]
MDP 06, 325 (P008114) 1953486
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M103~b does not appear in words list
M111~i only appears a few times in words list
M103~b does not appear in signs list
M111~i only appears a few times in signs list
&P008114 = MDP 06, 325
@column 1
1. M157# ,
2. X M103~b# M111~i# M066 X , [...]
3. M032 , 6(N01)
4. M005 , 3(N01)
@column 1
1. [...] , 2(N14) 3(N01)#
MDP 06, 326 (P008115) 1953491
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
X(NXX) does not appear in words list
X(NXX) does not appear in signs list
&P008115 = MDP 06, 326
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. X# M131# , 1(N01)#
3. X# , 1(N01)#
4. [...] , [...]
5. M305# , 2(N01)#
6. M329# M376# , 1(N08A)#
7. [...] , [...]
8. X# , 1(N01)#
9. X# , 1(N01)#
10. M180#? , X(NXX)#?
11. [...] , [...]
12. [...] , 1(N01)#?
13. M003~b# M175#? M032# , 1(N01)
14. M096~d X# M376# , [...]
15. X# X# M131# , [...]
16. [...] , [...]
@column 1
#traces of total
MDP 06, 327 (P008116) 1953497
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M323~b only appears a few times in words list
|M157+M381| only appears a few times in words list
M323~b only appears a few times in signs list
|M157+M381| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008116 = MDP 06, 327
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. X# X# , [...]
3. M323~b# M111~a , 1(N39B)# [...]
@column 1
1. |M157+M381#| , 1(N39B)
2. M340#? , 3(N39B) 1(N24)
MDP 06, 328 (P008117) 1953502
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M240~b only appears a few times in words list
M224~a only appears a few times in words list
M240~b only appears a few times in signs list
M224~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P008117 = MDP 06, 328
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. M388 M346 , 1(N01)
3. M009# X# , [...]
4. X# M240~b M057~a , 1(N14) 4(N01)
5. M346 , 2(N01)
6. M387 M224~a , 4(N01)
7. M096 , 1(N14) 1(N01)
@column 2
1. [...] X# , 1(N01)
2. M329#? [...] , [...]
@column 1
1. X X
@column 2
1. [...] , 3(N01)#
MDP 06, 329 (P008118) 1953507
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M197 only appears a few times in words list
M197 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008118 = MDP 06, 329
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , [...] 3(N39B)# [...]
3. [...] , [...] 2(N39B)#
4. |M305+X#| [...] , [...]
5. [...] , [...] 1(N24)# 2(N30C)#? [...]
@column 1
1. [...] , 3(N39B)
2. M197#? [...] , [...]
3. [...] , [...] 2(N39B) 1(N24)
4. X# , [...]
5. |M305+X#?| M056~f? , [...]
6. X# , [...]
MDP 06, 330 (P008119) 1953512
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M263~h only appears a few times in words list
M302~a only appears a few times in words list
M103~a does not appear in words list
M282 only appears a few times in words list
|M305+M180| only appears a few times in words list
M263~h only appears a few times in signs list
M302~a only appears a few times in signs list
M103~a does not appear in signs list
M282 only appears a few times in signs list
|M305+M180| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008119 = MDP 06, 330
@column 1
1. M157# ,
2. M391 , 3(N01)
3. [...] , 2(N01)
4. M376 , 3(N01)
5. [...] , 3(N01)
6. M001 , 7(N01)
7. M376 , 6(N01)
8. M149~a , 2(N01)?
9. M263~h X# , [...]
10. [...] , 2(N01)
11. M302~a , 2(N01)
12. |M136+X#| M032? , 1(N14) 5(N01)
13. M325~d M032 , 3(N01)
14. M376 , [...]
15. M203~a , 1(N01)
16. M103~a X# X# M096 M282 M096 M376 , 1(N01) 1(N08A)#?
#Monaco has M282
17. M325~d M149~a X# , [...]
18. [...] , [...]
19. |M305+M180| M032# , 1(N01)
20. X# , 5(N01)
21. M149~a1 , 2(N01)
22. X# M149~a , X
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