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RIME, ex. 01 (P222390)


Witness to composite(s): Q001050

Primary Publication: Frayne, Douglas R. (2008) RIME 1 09.01.06b, ex. 01

Collection: National Museum of Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq

Museum no.: IM —

Provenience: Lagash (mod. El-Hiba)

Period: ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC)

Object Type: Wall relief > Wall slab

Material: stone > sedimentary rock > limestone

Date: Ur-Nanshe.00.00.00

 atf: lang sux
object slab
column 1
1. [ur-{d}]nansze#
2. [lugal]
3. [lagasz]
4. [dumu gu-ni-DU]
column 2
1. dumu gur-sar
2. ba-gara2
3. sig4 bahar2(LAK742)
4. mu#-du3
5. [ba]-gara2
6. [x] SAR
7. [mu]-dun
column 3
1. e2-muhaldim
2. ba-gara2
3. si-sa2-sze3 szum2-ma
4. eb muhaldim
5. ba-gara2
6. si-sa2-sze3 szum2-ma
7. eb-gal
8. mu-du3
9. e2 {d}nansze
column 4
1. mu-du3
2. esz3 gir2-su2
3. mu-du3
4. ki-nir
5. mu-du3
6. e2 {d}ga2-tum3-du10
7. mu-du3
8. ti-ra:asz2
9. mu-du3
10. nin-gar
11. mu-du3
column 5
1. e2 nin-mar{ki}
2. mu-du3
3. e2-dam mu-du3
4. ka2-ME
5. mu-du3
6. abzu-e
7. mu-du3
8. bad3 lagasz
9. mu-du3
10. pa5!(|E.PAP.PAP|) saman3
11. mu-dun
column 6
1. a-suhur
2. mu-dun
3. {d}nin-mar{ki}
4. mu-tu
5. {d}nin-esz3-LAK175
6. mu-tu
7. {d}nin-sag3
8. mu-tu
9. szul-sza3
10. mu-tu
11. kinda2-zi
12. mu-tu
13. {d}gu2-szu-du8
column 7
1. mu#-tu
2. {d}lamma
3. szita4!(KI-KID)-e3
4. mu-tu
5. {d}lugal-ur-tur3
6. mu-tu
column 1
1. [ur-{d}nansze]
2. [lugal]
3. lagasz
4. lu2# uri5
5. lu2 umma{ki}
6. mex(|ME.LAK526|)
7. e-sze3-DU
8. lu2 lagasz
column 2
1. lu2 uri5
2. |GIN2.SZE3| mu-se3
3. mu-[dab5]
4. ensi2# ma2-gur8
5. mu-dab5
6. ama-bara2-si
7. kiszib3-gal2
8. nu-banda3
column 3
1. mu-dab5
2. pap-ur-sag
3. dumu# U2#-U2-U2
4. [mu-dab5]
5. [...]
7. [nu]-banda3#
8. mu-dab5
9. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|
10. mu#-dub
11. lu2 umma{ki}
12. |GIN2.SZE3| mu-se3
column 4
1. lu2-pa3
2. bilx(|GISZ.PAP.NE|)-la-la
3. nu-banda3
4. mu-dab5
5. pa:bilx(|BIL2.GISZ|)-gal-tuku
6. ensi2#
7. umma{ki}
8. mu-dab5
9. ur-pu2-sag
10. nu-banda3
11. mu-dab5
column 5
1. hur-sag-sze3-mah2
2. dam-gar3-gal
3. mu-dab5
4. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|
5. mu-dub
column 6
1. lu2 umma{ki}

No image available

RIME composite (P431040)


Composite No.: Q001050

Primary Publication: Frayne, Douglas R. (2008) RIME 1 09.01.06b composite


Museum no.:

Provenience: Lagash (mod. El-Hiba)

Period: ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC)

Object Type:


Date: Ur-Nanshe.00.00.00

 atf: lang sux
object composite text
surface a
1. [ur-{d}]nansze
 en: Ur-Nanše,
2. [lugal]
 en: king
3. [lagasz]
 en: of Lagaš,
4. [dumu gu-ni-DU]
 en: son of GuniDU,
5. dumu gur-sar
 en: “son” of Gursar,
6. ba-gara2
 en: the Bagara
7. sig4 bahar2
 en: with baked bricks
8. mu-du3
 en: he built.
9. [ba]-gara2
 en: (The canal) Bagara
10. [x] SAR
 en: ...
11. [mu]-dun
 en: he dug.
12. e2-muhaldim
 en: A kitchen
13. ba-gara2
 en: for the Bagara
14. si-sa2-sze3 szum2-ma
 en: having given, in proper (working) order
15. eb muhaldim
 en: (and) a cook oval
16. ba-gara2
 en: for the Bagara
17. si-sa2-sze3 szum2-ma
 en: having given, in proper (working) order,
18. eb-gal
 en: the Great Oval
19. mu-du3
 en: he built.
20. e2 {d}nansze
 en: The temple of Nanše
21. mu-du3
 en: he built.
22. esz3 gir2-su2
 en: The shrine Girsu
23. mu-du3
 en: he built.
24. ki-nir
 en: Kinir
25. mu-du3
 en: he built.
26. e2 {d}ga2-tum3-du10
 en: The temple of Gatumdu
27. mu-du3
 en: he built.
28. ti-ra:asz2
 en: Tiraš
29. mu-du3
 en: he built.
30. nin-gar
 en: Ningar
31. mu-du3
 en: he built.
32. e2 nin-mar{ki}
 en: The temple of Ninmar
33. mu-du3
 en: he built.
34. e2-dam mu-du3
 en: The Edam he built.
35. ka2-ME
 en: The ME-Gate
36. mu-du3
 en: he built.
37. abzu-e
 en: The Abzu of the Levee
38. mu-du3
 en: he built.
39. bad3 lagasz
 en: The wall of Lagaš
40. mu-du3
 en: he built.
41. pa5 saman3
 en: The Saman Canal
42. mu-dun
 en: he dug.
43. a-suhur
 en: Carp Water (canal)
44. mu-dun
 en: he dug.
45. {d}nin-mar{ki}
 en: (A statue of) Ninmar
46. mu-tu
 en: he created.
47. {d}nin-esz3-LAK175
 en: (A statue of) Nin-eš3-LAK175
48. mu-tu
 en: he created.
49. {d}nin-sag3
 en: (A statue of) Ninsag
50. mu-tu
 en: he created.
51. szul-sza3
 en: (A statue of) Šulša
52. mu-tu
 en: he created.
53. kinda2-zi
 en: (A statue of) Kindazi
54. mu-tu
 en: he created.
55. {d}gu2-szu-du8
 en: (A statue of) Gušudu
56. mu-tu
 en: he created.
57. {d}lamma
 en: (A statue of) Lamma
58. szita4-e3
 en: šita’e
59. mu-tu
 en: he created
60. {d}lugal-ur-tur3
 en: (A statue of) Lugal-ur-tur
61. mu-tu
 en: he created.
62. [ur-{d}nansze]
 en: Ur-Nanše,
63. [lugal]
 en: king
64. lagasz
 en: of Lagaš,
65. lu2 uri5
 en: (against) the Man of Ur
66. lu2 umma{ki}
 en: (and) the Man of Umma
67. mex(|ME.LAK526|)
 en: let battle
68. e-sze3-DU
 en: be brought against them.
69. lu2 lagasz
 en: By the Man of Lagaš
70. lu2 uri5
 en: the Man of Ur
71. |GIN2.SZE3| mu-se3
 en: was defeated
72. mu-[dab5]
 en: (and) seized.
73. ensi2 ma2-gur8
 en: The “ruler” of the (processional) barges
74. mu-dab5
 en: he seized.
75. ama-bara2-si
 en: Amabarasi
76. kiszib3-gal2
 en: (and) Kišibgal,
66. nu-banda3
 en: the lieutenants,
78. mu-dab5
 en: he seized.
79. pap-ur-sag
 en: Papursag,
80. dumu U2-U2-U2
 en: son of U’u’u,
81. [mu-dab5]
 en: he seized.
82. [...]
 en: ...,
83. [nu]-banda3
 en: the lieutenant,
84. mu-dab5
 en: he seized.
85. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|
 en: The tumuli
86. mu-dub
 en: he heaped up.
87. lu2 umma{ki}
 en: The Man of Umma
88. |GIN2.SZE3| mu-se3
 en: he defeated.
89. lu2-pa3
 en: Lupa
90. bilx(|GISZ.PAP.NE|)-la-la
 en: (and) Billala,
91. nu-banda3
 en: the lieutenants,
92. mu-dab5
 en: he seized.
93. pa:bilx(|BIL2.GISZ|)-gal-tuku
 en: Pabilgaltuku,
94. ensi2
 en: the ruler
95. umma{ki}
 en: of Umma,
96. mu-dab5
 en: he seized.
97. ur-pu2-sag
 en: Ur-pusag
98. nu-banda3
 en: the lieutenant,
99. mu-dab5
 en: he seized.
100. hur-sag-sze3-mah2
 en: Ḫursagšemaḫ,
101. dam-gar3-gal
 en: the chief merchant,
102. mu-dab5
 en: he seized.
103. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|
 en: The tumuli
104. mu-dub
 en: he heaped up.
105. lu2 umma{ki}
 en: The Man of Umma ...
  rest broken

Total 2 record(s)

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