Has seal impression(s)
Impressed with seal(s): S004286
Primary Publication: Gelb, Ignace J.; Kienast, Burkhart (1990) FAOS 7 355 no. 2
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Mari (mod. Tell Hariri)
Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Object Type: Vessel > jar
Material: clay
atf: lang akk
object sealing
surface a
seal 1
1. tu-ra-{d}da-gan#
2. _szagina#_
3. [ma-ri2{ki}]
4. puzur4#-[esz18-dar]
5. _dumu_-szu
Primary Publication: Pettinato, Giovanni (1981) MEE 03 001
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication: Pettinato, Giovanni (1981) MEE 03 002 + 005
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Witness to composite(s): Q000008
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf: lang sux
column 1
1. ukkin
2. gal5-la2
3. NI
4. lagar
5. kisal
6. ta
7. LAK390
9. SZID gal
10. UB
11. ga UB
12. |GA2xAN|:ME
13. en-nun
14. en e2!(SA) nun HI HU
15. en |AN&AN| ux(|EZENxAN|) HI
16. en#? amar kalam
column 2
1. en |AN&AN| HI#?
2. en nam2-tuku
3. en-nun x
4. en RU nun
5. en |AN&AN| sag
6. nam2-{gesz}szita
7. nam2-iri
8. nam2-szesz2
9. szuszinx(|SZE.NAM2|)
10. gi en sig7 ux(|EZENxAN|) HI
11. u4 men szu du7
12. u4 men szu nu-du7
13. u4 e2 nun-ta e3
14. u4 men sza3-ta UD
15. en tur karx(SZE3)
16. en tur an-karx(SZE3)
column 3
1. |SAGxEN|#
2. en |NINDA2xHI|
3. en-nun |NINDA2xHI|
5. |AN&AN| SIG7
7. a2
8. kab
9. nigir
10. nesag
11. gi-gun4
12. gal musz
13. gal |MUSZ&KAK&MUSZ|
14. e2
15. e2 ku3
16. e2 x
column 4
1. PA e2 GAN2
2. szusz3
3. gal dilmun
4. szidim
5. ma2 nesag
6. si gu4
7. TAR sag
8. addirx(|A.GISAL.SI.ELLES214|)
9. unu3
10. ugula unu3
11. luhszu
12. kisal luhszu
13. gal pa dim
14. gal [...]
15. mun ha# DUN#?
16. SZID |GA2xSILA3|-me
column 5
2. e2 ku3 SZID
3. ib ta
4. ib LAK390
5. sagx(LAK384)-ta
6. sagx(LAK384) LAK390
7. szen
9. GA2
10. ME
11. TUG2
12. A-EREN
13. lunga
14. lunga szu du8
15. a-zu5!(GUL)
16. szu-ku6
column 6
1. gar3
2. uzu ak
3. muhaldim
4. uzu mu#-[sze6]
5. muhaldim
6. ku6 mu-x
7. gesz?-SAR
8. sum{sar}
9. gurusz
10. ASZ gurusz
11. LAGAB-LAGAB gurusz
12. gurusz an-dul3 ak
13. SAG@g
14. [tab] SAG@g#
15. x x SAG@g
16. x an-dul3
column 7
1. |URUxMIN|#
2. kalam# x PA
3. mu-bur2?
4. gesz#? sza3
5. [...] BU# KUL
6. szul KUL
7. TAK4 AB2 LU
8. e2 sukkal SIG7
9. buru4 til
10. nagar
11. aszgab
12. zadim
13. simug
14. bur-gul
15. ad-kup4
16. gal-KID
column 1
1. x
2. bar-ra x
3. ti-ra-il
4. dub mu-[sar]
5. [ip-dur]-i-szar
6. dub zu-zu
column 2
1. _in_
2. u4
3. dumu-nita dumu-nita
4. dub-sar
5. e3
6. _asz2-tu3_
7. ma-ri2{ki}
Witness to composite(s): Q000038
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
atf: lang sux
column 1
1. SZITA(LAK503)#
2. ti-isz-da-num2
3. NAM2
4. u3#-mu-szum#
5. TUK#
6. [...]-um#
7. [APIN]
8. [en-ga]-ru12-um
or [u3]-ru12-um or [a-bi2]-en#-um
9. [|SZE+NAM2|]
10. su-szum
11. SUD2
12. me-szi2-za-num2
13. GA@g
14. ga-ru12-um
column 2
2. gi-za-lum
3. |GA2xPA|
4. sa-la-um
6. li-sa-gum2
8. si-la-mu-um
10. nu-u9-mu#-um
11. SZESZ2
12. a-ti-gi-num2
13. |(URUxMIN)xIGI|#
14. si-la-ga-um
15. |URUxMIN|
16. gesz-gal#-[lum]
column 3
2. ub2#-bi2-sa-ga-im
3. GUM
4. KAM4
5. ga-mu-um
6. GAN
7. IL
8. MES
9. me-szum
10. DUN3#
11. [du]-wu-tum
12. LAGAR@g
13. [du]-tum
14. IGI@g
15. u3-ga-lum
16. ARKAB2
17. ar3-ga-bu3-um
18. MUSZ3#
column 4
1. mu-sza#-[um]
2. SANGA2#
3. sza-ga-um
4. DUN3@g@g
5. ne-gi-ru12-um
7. i3-zi-num2
8. |SAL.TUG2|
9. u3-ru12-szum2
11. szu-hu-ru12-um
12. NUN
13. nu-num2
14. |MA@gxTAK4|
15. si-ru12-um
16. |MASZ.GU2.GAR3|
17. i3-ti-gi-ra-um
column 5
1. |GU2xNUN|#
2. en-sza-bu3
3. KU7
4. ga-ga-lum
5. BUR2
6. bi2-ri2-gum2
8. nu-gu2-lum
9. GUL
10. su-me-num2
12. na-ga-lum
13. DUN3@g
14. a-ga-um
16. asz2-ga-bu3
17. MUG@g
18. za-ti-num2
19. DIM
20. ti-mu-um
column 6
1. UN
2. gi-li9-mu-um
4. nu-ri2-szum2
6. bu3-szum2
7. GAN2
8. ga-na-um
9. sag@g
10. lu-ma-'a3-szum2
11. |HIxNUN.ME.U|
12. la-ha-szu-um
13. TAK4
14. | szu-wu-um ASZ@t
15. |TAK4.ALAN|
16. la-'a3-num2
18. bi2-ba-la-ga-um
column 7
2. ba-ha-ru12-um
4. i3-ti-num2
5. KID
6. gi-i-tum
7. |GA2x(NUN&NUN)|
8. u9-ru12-um
9. dara4
10. de3-ri2-gum2
11. KUN
12. gu2-gu2-um
14. su-du-u9-um
column 1
1. USZx(LAK672)
2. u3-szum2
3. DIM@g
4. mu-nu-um
6. na-ga-um
7. |LAGABx(GU4+GU4)|
8. na-hi-ru12-um
9. |HIxNUN|
10. u3#-[...]
11. [|HIxMASZ|]
12. su-ru12-um
13. UZ3
14. a-'a3-tum
column 2
1. |GA2xAN|
2. [...]
3. [|HIxDISZ|]
4. [...]
5. GIG#
6. [...]
7. GAM
8. a-zu-tum
9. NA2
10. sze3-tum
11. |SZU2.DUN3@g@s|
12. usz-ti-num2
13. AMAR#
14. ma-'a3-ru12-um
15. |SZE.(NUN&NUN)|
16. ti-i-ru12-um
17. TU#
18. hu-du-szum
column 3
1. ASALx(LAK212)
2. a-sa#-[lum]
3. TE@g
4. mar-u9-um
5. NU11
6. mu-sza-na-um
8. en-da-um
10. sze3-mu-um
11. SIG
12. si-gum2
13. ZUM
14. gi-zu-um
15. GEME2
16. gi-me-num2
18. u3-szu-wu-um
19. pesz2
20. bi2#-szum2
21. [PIRIG]
column 4
1. ba-ri2-gum2
2. LU2@s
3. mu#-[x]-tum#
4. SIG4
5. gur-gi-num2
6. LUH
7. su-gal-lum
8. NI
Archi different from SZUM2 line 114
9. za-ru12-um
11. gu2-du-num2
13. sza-na-gum2
14. DIM2
15. 'a3-ti-num2
16. SZEG9
17. sze3-gu-um
18. |GI4%GI4|
19. u3-su-ru12-um
21. nu-ga-ti#-mu#-um#
22. [ab2]
column 5
1. |U.GU4|
2. u3-lu-um
4. gu-sze3-num2
5. erin2
6. [...]-um#
7. DAG
8. sza3
9. ku5
10. ZE2
11. |LAGABxUSZ2|
12. du-lu-tum
13. LAK225
14. DUR2
16. RU
17. U2
18. KAD4
19. |ERIN2+X|
20. SUM
21. E
22. GI4
23. TE
column 6
beginning broken
1'. [x]
2'. da-li#?-[...]
3'. SUR
4'. su-ra-um
5'. KUR
6'. GUR
7'. gu2-ru12-um
8'. KUL
9'. nu-gu2-num2
10'. BAL
11'. ma-la-gu-um
12'. ZU5:A
13'. |PAP.PAP|
14'. TAK4(LAK492)
15'. da-ga-um
16'. KAK
17'. PAP
18'. LAM
19'. SZA#?
20'. [...]-'a3#-um
column 7
beginning broken
1'. SZIR#
2'. [si]-ru12-wu-um
3'. ZUM#
4'. [ri2?]-mu-mu
5'. |NUNUZ.AB2xLA|
6'. la#-ha#-da-mu-mu
8'. mu-sza-lum
9'. HUL2
10'. HUL2
11'. |U.GAN|?
12'. sa-ga-tum
see Bonechi NABU 1998 82
13'. |DAG.KISIM5xUSZ|#
14'. u3-[x]-LUM#
15'. SZEN#
16'. sza#-nu#-[um]
17'. [...]
18'. [...]
19'. [x]
20'. x-u3#-LUM
21'. |NUNUZ.AB2xLA|
22'. la-ha-da-mu-mu
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay
Primary Publication:
Collection: National Museum of Syria, Idlib, Syria
Museum no.: NMSI —
Provenience: Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh)
Period: Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC)
Object Type: tablet or envelope > tablet
Material: clay