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Boiy2002accession Boiy, Tom
Fs Walker p.25-33
Boiy, Tom. 2002. “The ‘Accession Year’ in the Late Achaemenid and Early Hellenistic Period.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 25–33. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
Britton2002remarks Britton, John P.
Fs Walker p.35-36
Britton, John P. 2002. “Remarks on BM 37361.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 35–36. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
DaRiva2002Schafe Da Riva, Rocío
Fs Walker p.57-64
Da Riva, Rocío. 2002. “Schafe, Die ‘Aus Den Häusern’ Herbeigeführt Wurden: BM 78910 Und Die Rolle Des Privaten Spenders (Kāribu) Im Neubabylonischen Sippar.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 57–64. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
Fischer2002Ur-gigir Fischer, Claudia
Fs Walker p.75-92
Fischer, Claudia. 2002. “Ur-Gigir, a Sumerian Cosmopolitan.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 75–92. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
Frame2013BaAr5 Frame, Grant
BaAr 5
Frame, Grant. 2013. The Archive of Mušēzib-Marduk, Son of Kiribtu and Descendant of Sîn-Nāṣir : A Landowner and Property Developer at Uruk in the Seventh Century BC. Babylonische Archive 5. Dresden: Islet.
Goddeeris2002adoption Goddeeris, Anne
Fs Walker p.93-98
Goddeeris, Anne. 2002. “An Adoption Document from the Kisurra Collection in the British Museum.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 93–98. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
Heeßel2002Rezept Heeßel, Nils P.
Fs Walker p.99-106
Heeßel, Nils P. 2002. “Ein Neubabylonisches Rezept Zur Berauschung Und Ausnüchterung.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 99–106. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
Jursa2002Florilegium Jursa, Michael
Fs Walker p.107-130
Jursa, Michael. 2002. “Florilegium Babyloniacum: Neue Texte Aus Hellenistischer Und Spätachämenidischer Zeit.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 107–30. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
Koch-Westenholz2002extispicy Koch-Westenholz, Ulla S.
Fs Walker p.131-145
Koch-Westenholz, Ulla S. 2002. “Old Babylonian Extispicy Reports.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 131–45. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
MacGinnis2002Elam MacGinnis, John
Fs Walker p.177-182
MacGinnis, John. 2002. “Working in Elam.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 177–82. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
Pientka-Hinz2002Kaufvertrag Pientka-Hinz, Rosel
Fs Walker p.201-214
Pientka-Hinz, Rosel. 2002. “Ein Spätbabylonischer Kaufvertrag Aus Babylon.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 201–14. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
Richardson2002extispicy Richardson, Seth F. C.
Fs Walker p.229-244
Richardson, Seth F. C. 2002. “Ewe Should Be so Lucky: Extispicy Reports and Everyday Life.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 229–44. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
Robson2002Plimpton Robson, Eleanor
Fs Walker p.245-292
Robson, Eleanor. 2002. “Guaranteed Genuine Originals: The Plimpton Collection and the Early History of Mathematical Assyriology.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 245–92. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
Steele2002ephemerides Steele, John M.
Fs Walker p.293-318
Steele, John M. 2002. “Some Lunar Ephemerides and Related Texts from Babylon.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 293–318. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
vonKoppen2002redeeming van Koppen, Frans
Fs Walker p.147-176
Koppen, Frans van. 2002. “Redeeming a Father’s Seal.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 147–76. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
Waerzeggers2002endogamy Waerzeggers, Caroline
Fs Walker p.319-342
Waerzeggers, Caroline. 2002. “Endogamy in Mesopotamia in the Neo-Babylonian Period.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 319–42. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.
Weszeli2002Abschrift Weszeli, Michaela
Fs Walker p.343-354
Weszeli, Michaela. 2002. “Du Sollst Nicht Darüber Spotten: Eine Abschrift Der 10. Tafel von Úru Àm.Ma.Ir.Ra.Bi.” In Mining the Archives. Festschrift for Christopher Walker, edited by Cornelia Wunsch, 343–54. Babylonische Archive 1. Dresden: ISLET.

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