
Manuscript volume of miscellaneous cuneiform texts, Dept of the Middle East, British Museum

Entry type unpublished
BibTeX Key LayardunpubMSD
Designation Layard, MS D
Authors Layard, Austen Henry
Cite this Publication
Layard, Austen Henry. n.d. “Manuscript Volume of Miscellaneous Cuneiform Texts, Dept of the Middle East, British Museum.”
Layard, A. H. (n.d.). Manuscript volume of miscellaneous cuneiform texts, Dept of the Middle East, British Museum.
Layard, A. H. (no date) “Manuscript volume of miscellaneous cuneiform texts, Dept of the Middle East, British Museum.”
	author = {Layard, Austen Henry},
	title = {Manuscript volume of miscellaneous cuneiform texts, {Dept} of the {Middle} {East}, {British} {Museum}},

AU  - Layard, Austen Henry
ID  - LayardunpubMSD
TI  - Manuscript volume of miscellaneous cuneiform texts, Dept of the Middle
 East, British Museum
ER  - 

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