
Ur-Nammâ(k)’s Conquest of Susa

Entry type inproceedings
BibTeX Key Marchesi2013SusaElam
Designation Susa and Elam (pp. 285-292)
Authors Marchesi, Gianni
Editors De Graef, Katrien
Tavernier, Jan
Cite this Publication
Marchesi, Gianni. 2013. “Ur-Nammâ(k)’s Conquest of Susa.” In Susa and Elam. Archaeological, Philological, Historical and Geographical Perspectives Proceedings of the International Congress Held at Ghent University, December 14–17, 2009, edited by Katrien De Graef and Jan Tavernier, 285–92. Brill: Leiden, Boston.
Marchesi, Gianni. (2013). Ur-Nammâ(k)’s Conquest of Susa. In K. De Graef & J. Tavernier (Eds.), Susa and Elam. Archaeological, Philological, Historical and Geographical Perspectives Proceedings of the International Congress Held at Ghent University, December 14–17, 2009 (pp. 285–292). Brill: Leiden, Boston.
Marchesi, Gianni (2013) “Ur-Nammâ(k)’s Conquest of Susa,” in De Graef, K. and Tavernier, J. (eds) Susa and Elam. Archaeological, Philological, Historical and Geographical Perspectives Proceedings of the International Congress Held at Ghent University, December 14–17, 2009. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 285–292.
	author = {Marchesi,  Gianni},
	booktitle = {Susa and {Elam}. {Archaeological}, {Philological}, {Historical} and {Geographical} {Perspectives} {Proceedings} of the {International} {Congress} {Held} at {Ghent} {University}, {December} 14--17, 2009},
	editor = {De Graef, Katrien and Tavernier, Jan},
	year = {2013},
	pages = {285--292},
	organization = {Brill: Leiden, Boston},
	title = {Ur-{Namm}{\^ a}(k)\textquoteright{}s {Conquest} of {Susa}},

A2  - De Graef, Katrien
A2  - Tavernier, Jan
AU  - Marchesi,  Gianni
C3  - Susa and Elam. Archaeological, Philological, Historical and Geographic
al Perspectives Proceedings of the International Congress Held at Ghen
t University, December 14–17, 2009
DA  - 2013///
C2  - 2013
ID  - Marchesi2013SusaElam
PB  - Brill: Leiden, Boston
SP  - 285-292
TI  - Ur-Nammâ(k)’s Conquest of Susa
ER  - 
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