UET 2, 0088 (P005663)

Administrative tablet excavated in Ur (mod. Tell Muqayyar), dated to the ED I-II (ca. 2900-2700 BC) period

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column 1
1. 1(N51@f) , KAL~b2 GAR
2. 9(N51@f) 3(N14@f) , GAR SZE~a
3. , SUG5? PA~a SI URI5
4. 8(N51@f) 1(N34@f@t) 3(N14@f) , SZE~a GAR GARA2~a E2~a?
column 2
1. [...] , [...]
2. , GISZ TI |URI3~a+IB~a|# KALAM~a
3. , U4 GAR X
4. 1(N45@f)#? 4(N51@f) [...] , X [...]
5. , [...]
column 1
1. [...] 4(N01@f) , |NINDA2xSZIM~a| UR5~a EZEN~b
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