MSVO 4, 60 (P005462)

Administrative tablet excavated in Uncertain (mod. uncertain), dated to the Uruk III (ca. 3200-3000 BC) period and now kept in Nies Babylonian Collection, Yale Babylonian Collection, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Open image


column 1
1. 2(N14) , NAR# SZE~a#
2. 1(N14) , SZE~a EN~a A
3. 1(N14) , SZE~a NAR#
4. , SZE~a# PAP~a
column 2
1. 1(N01)# , UD5~a
2. 2(N01) , PA~a
3. 1(N01)# , ZATU710#? GI
4. 3(N01)# , SZU# SAL PAP~a#
5. 2(N01)# , AB2# GI4~a#
6. 1(N01) , GU4@g BAR
7. 1(N01) , PAP~a SZE~a#
column 3
1. 1(N14)# 5(N01)# , SZE~a SZU
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