Update made on 2024-08-15 at 15:50:40 by Firth, Richard for Firth, Richard
publications_comment ; ;
Update made on 2024-03-18 at 09:03:56 by Firth, Richard for Firth, Richard
excavation_no GN 2582 JN 2582
artifact_comments stamp seal (High hemispheroid) (material from Ashmolean catalog: banded brown calcite); Matthews: Brown/white banded calcite. Pierced . Drilled design, each hole c. 0.05 cm deep . Flat side badly abraded. stamp seal (High hemispheroid) (material from Ashmolean catalog: banded brown calcite)
artifact_type_comments stamp seal (High hemispheroid) (material from Ashmolean catalog: banded brown calcite)
Update made on 2024-01-18 at 10:05:10 by Firth, Richard for Firth, Richard
provenience_comments Iraq, 2582
excavation_no JN 2582
Update made on 2024-01-18 at 08:48:02 by Firth, Richard for Firth, Richard
period Pre-Writing (ca. 8500-3500 BC)
materials_color brown
Update made on 2023-07-30 at 08:47:07 by Firth, Richard for Firth, Richard
designation CDLI Seals 016830 (physical) unpublished ?
seal_no S016830
Update made on 2022-02-03 at 00:00:00 by CDLI for CDLI
designation unpublished ?
artifact_type Stamp seal
provenience uncertain (mod. Jemdet Nasr)
museum_no Ashm 1926-0482
provenience_comments Iraq, 2582
is_provenience_uncertain 0
is_period_uncertain 0
is_artifact_type_uncertain 0
is_school_text 0
height 36.0
width 23.0
artifact_comments stamp seal (High hemispheroid) (material from Ashmolean catalog: banded brown calcite)
collections Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK
materials calcite
materials_uncertain 0
retired 0
has_fragments 0
is_artifact_fake 0
artifact_type_comments stamp seal (High hemispheroid) (material from Ashmolean catalog: banded brown calcite)
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