RINBE 1, Nebuchadnezzar II nn, ex. nn (P508434)

Official or display brick excavated in Babylon (mod. Bābil), dated to the Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) period and now kept in Western Australian Museum, Welshpool, WA, Australia

Open image


object brick
surface a
1. [{d}na3-ku-du]-ur2-ri-uri3
 en: Nebuchadnezzar,
2. [_lugal_] babila2#{ki}
 en: king of Babylon,
3. [za-ni-in e2]-sag#-il2
 en: who provides for the E-sagil
4. [u3 e2]-zi#-da
 en: and the E-zida,
5. [_ibila_ a-sza]-re#-du#
 en: foremost son
6. [sza {d}na3-ibila-uri3]
 en: of Nabopolassar,
7. [_lugal_ babila2{ki}]
 en: king of Babylonia.
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