RIME composite (P448594)
Official or display artifact excavated in Malgium (mod. Tulūl Yassir), dated to the Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) periodMetadata / catalogue
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Text data
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-Museum Number
Malgium (mod. Tulūl Yassir)Artifact Type
-Genre / Subgenre(s)
Official or display (composite)Language(s)
surface a
1. {d}i-pi2-iq-esz3-tar2 _lugal_
en: Ipiq-Eštar, king
2. szi-ki-in {d}en-ki {d}dam-ki-na
en: appointed by Enki and Damkina,
3. _lugal_ ma-al-gi-im{ki}
en: king of Malgium,
4. _dumu_ a-pil2-i3-li2-szu
en: son of Apil-ilīšu -
5. i-nu an {d}en-lil2 _dingir-mah_
en: when Anum, Enlil, Bēlet-ilī,
6. u3 {d}e2-a szar-ri
en: and Ea, my king,
7. mi-il-ik ma-tim im-li-ku
en: had taken counsel about the land,
8. wa-szi-ib _lu_-im be-el pi-ri-isz-tim
en: he who dwells in the apsû(?), the lord of every secret,
9. u3-ta2-di a-na hi-ir-ti-szu
en: made it known to his wife,
10. el-le-tim {d}dam-ki-na
en: the pure Damkina,
11. ar-hi-isz-ma mu-uh-ri hi-t,a
en: (saying) Quickly! Take away the offence!
12. szu-ti-qi2 ma-ru-usz-ta-am
en: Avert misfortune!
13. a-na wa-ar-ki-a-tim
en: Into the future
14. lu ki-na isz-da-szu
en: may its foundation be secure,
15. ma-al-gu-um{ki} a-al-ki
en: that of Malgium, your city!
16. szar-ru-tum _bala_-um li-<ri>-ik
en: May the kingship and rule last long,
17. a ip-pa-ar-ku i-na _e2-nam-ti-la_
en: may it never cease in the Temple of Life!
18. i-nu-mi-szu ur-dam ma-a-tum
en: At that time, the land came down
19. i na-ap-ha-ri ka-lu-szu
en: in its entirety, all of it;
20. isz-ku-un ha-ba-ra-tam ra-bi-tam
en: it set up a great clamor
21. u3 ma-ru-usz-tam i-pu-usz
en: and caused trouble.
22. u2-sza-al-pi2-it ki-is,-s,a-am
en: It desecrated the sanctuary,
23. szu-ba-at _dingir-mah_ ra-bi-tim
en: the residence of great Bēlet-ilī,
24. u3 s,il2-lam ra-asz-ba-am _{gesz}kiri6_-sza i-ki-is
en: and cut down the awe-inspiring protection, her grove.
25. {d}i-pi2-iq-esz4-tar2 _lugal_ na-'a-du
en: Ipiq-Eštar, the pious king,
26. bi-ni-it qa2-ti-szu
en: the creation of his hand,
27. sza {d}e2-a a-na-ku
en: of Ea, namely I -
28. i-na szu-ur-ri {d}e2-a {d}dam-ki-na
en: from the very first, Ea and Damkina
29. a-na wa-ar-du-<ti>-szu-nu ir-szu-nin-ni
en: desired that I serve them;
30. e-pu-usz ab-ni bi-ta-am
en: I made and built the house
31. a-na _dingir-mah_ um-mi-ia
en: for Bēlet-ilī my mother.
32. az2-qu2-up-szi-im _{gesz}kiri6_-a-am el-lam
en: I planted for her a sacred garden,
33. si2-ma-at i-lu-ti-sza
en: one befitting her divinity.
34. u2-sza-asz-ki-in _sa2-du11_ in-bi-im
en: I set up regular offerings of fruit
35. a-na da-a-ar-i-tam mah-ri-sza
en: before her, forever.
36. ab-bi szum _e2 e2-ki-tusz-gesztux(|GESZ.PI|)_
en: I named the house Temple - Residence of Intelligence.
37. u2-te-er-szi-im pa*-ra-ka-<am> pa-ni-a-am
en: I returned to her (her) former dais
38. u3 szu-ba-sa3 ar-mi
en: and founded well her residence.
39. sza te-em-me-ni u2-da-ap-pa-ru
en: Whoever shall remove my foundation documents,
40. _dingir-mah_ er-re-tam ra-bi-tam
en: with a great curse may Bēlet-ilī
41. li-ru-ur-szu
en:: curse him!
Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Consult word list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Artifact type:
Artifact type comments:
composite text
- Material:
- Measurements (mm):
- Weight:
- Artifact Preservation:
- Condition Description:
- Join Information:
- Seal no.:
- Seal information:
Artifact comments:
composite text
- Genre(s): Official or display (composite)
- Language(s): Akkadian
primary: RIME 4, .11.01.01 composite
[Frayne1990RIME4] Frayne, Douglas R. 1990. Old Baylonian Period (2003-1595 BC). Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Early Periods 4. University of Toronto Press.
- Composite No.: Q006346
- Museum No.:
- Accession No.:
- Provenience: Malgium (mod. Tulūl Yassir) [uncertain]
- Elevation:
- Stratigraphic Level:
- Excavation No:
- Findspot Square:
- Findspot Comments:
- Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
- Dates Referenced: Ipiq-Eshtar.00.00.00
- Alternative Years:
- Date Comments:
- Accounting Period: 0
Created | Creator | Type | Authors | Project | Reviewer | Status | Action |
2013-06-03 at 14:48:43 | Foxvog, Daniel A. | Atf | Foxvog, Daniel A. | CDLI | approved | ||
2013-01-20 at 00:00:00 | CDLI | Artifact | Foxvog, Daniel A.; Frayne, Douglas R. | CDLI | approved |
Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:
There is no external resource for this artifact yet.
This artifact is a composite text. View the score of RIME composite. See below for a list of its witness(es):
Witness | Period | Provenience |
RIME, ex. 01 (P448236) | Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) | Malgium (mod. Tulūl Yassir) |