publications_key |
Durand2004RA98; Krebernik2001Tuttul
publications_type |
collation; primary
publications_exact_ref | 134; KTT 130 |
publications_comment |
; Verköstigung reisender Musiker.
publications_key |
Durand2004RA98; Krebernik2001Tuttul
publications_type |
collation; primary
publications_exact_ref | 134; KTT 130 |
publications_comment |
; Verköstigung reisender Musiker.
publications_key |
Krebernik2001Tuttul; 1597983
publications_type |
primary; collation
publications_exact_ref | KTT 130; 134 |
publications_comment |
Verköstigung reisender Musiker.;
20091203 tsouparopoulou
designation | KTT 130 |
artifact_type | tablet |
period | Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) |
provenience | Tuttul (mod. Tell Bi'a) |
museum_no | NMSR — |
period_comments | Mari period (Yasmah-Addu and Zimri-Lim) |
is_provenience_uncertain | 0 |
is_period_uncertain | 0 |
is_artifact_type_uncertain | 0 |
is_school_text | 0 |
height | 37.0 |
thickness | 21.0 |
width | 33.0 |
excavation_no | Bi.28/48:141,26 |
seal_information | SL-28 ; {d}utu-ma-gi-ir |
collections | National Museum of Syria, Raqqa, Syria |
dates | Yasmah-Addu.Adad-bani.--.-- |
genres | Administrative |
genres_uncertain | 0 |
languages | Akkadian |
languages_uncertain | 0 |
materials | clay |
materials_uncertain | 0 |
publications_key | Krebernik2001-129 |
publications_type | primary |
publications_comment | Verköstigung reisender Musiker. |
retired | 0 |
has_fragments | 0 |
is_artifact_fake | 0 |