publications_key |
publications_type |
publications_exact_ref | Piepkorn, Historical Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal I |
20091115 cdliadmin_dahl
designation | OIM A07995 |
artifact_type | prism |
period | Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) |
composites | needed |
museum_no | OIM A07995 |
is_provenience_uncertain | 0 |
is_period_uncertain | 0 |
is_artifact_type_uncertain | 0 |
is_school_text | 0 |
collections | Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA |
dates | Assurbanipal.00.00.00 |
genres | Official or display |
genres_comment | witness |
genres_uncertain | 0 |
languages | Akkadian |
languages_uncertain | 0 |
materials | clay |
materials_uncertain | 0 |
publications_key | 1413168 |
publications_type | history |
retired | 0 |
has_fragments | 0 |
is_artifact_fake | 0 |