CT 08, pl. 02, Bu 1891-05-09, 0747 (P370426)

Administrative tablet excavated in Sippar-Yahrurum (mod. Tell Abu Habbah), dated to the Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) period and now kept in British Museum, London, UK

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Museum Collection(s)

British Museum, London, UK

Museum Number

BM 080609


Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)


Sippar-Yahrurum (mod. Tell Abu Habbah)

Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)






1. _1(u) 6(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
 ts: šeššeret manā kaspum
 en: 16 minas of silver
2. sza isz-tu _iti bara2-za3-gar mu {d}nin-urta am! sag# [...]_
 ts: ša ištu waraḫ nišānim šanat ana ninurta rīmim rēštîm ...
 en: that from the month of Nišānum (of) the year 31 of Ammi-ditana (lit. the year: "(For) Ninurta the foremost wild bull ...")
3. a-di _iti szu-numun-a mu alan_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na lugal [...]
 ts: adi waraḫ dumuzim šanat ṣalam samsu-iluna šarrim ...
 en: to the month of Dumuzi (of) the year 34 of Ammi-ditana (lit. the year: "A statue of Samsu-iluna the king ...")
4. i-na su2-ud-du-ri-im id-di-nu
 ts: ina suddurim iddinū
 en: have been paid in installments (and)
5. sza {d}suen-im-gur-an-ni _dumu-e2-dub-ba-a_ im-tah-ha-ru
 ts: ša sîn-imguranni mār bīt ṭuppi imtaḫḫaru
 en: that Sîn-imguranni the military scribe has received;
  single ruling
6. _2(disz) ma-na sza3 sa10 amar mu 3(asz)_
 ts: šinā manā libbu šīm būrim ša šālaš šanātim
 en: 2 minas (of silver), part of the price of the three-years-old calf
7. sza i-na _e2-gal_ a-na _dam-gar3-mesz_ in-na-ad-nu
 ts: ša ina ekallim ana tamkārī innadnū
 en: that has been given to the merchants at the palace (and that)
8. it-ti _dam-gar3-mesz sipa-mesz_ i-sza-mu
 ts: itti tamkārī rē’ū išāmū
 en: the shepherds purchased from the merchants,
9. _ku3-babbar_ i-na qa2-ti _sipa_ it-ta-ad-di-nu-ma
 ts: kaspam ina qāti rē’îm ittaddinūma
 en: (the merchants) every time have handed over the silver (received) from shepherds’ hands and
10. a-na _nig2-ka9_ isz-ta!-ak#-ka#-nu#
 ts: ana nikkassim ištakkanū
 en: have deposited into the account;
  single ruling
11. _1(u) 8(disz) ma-na# [ku3-babbar_]
 ts: šamāššeret manā kaspum
 en: (total:) 18 minas of silver,
12. sza# [i]-na# _1(disz) [ma-na-e_ ... ma-ah-ru]
 ts: ša ina ištēn manā ... maḫru
 en: of which have been received ... per mina,
13. sza a-na _{gi}pisan lugal#_ [ik-kam-su2-ma]
 ts: ša ana pisan šarrim ikkamsūma
 en: that have been collected for the royal coffer(s) but,
14. a-di-ni ka-ni-ik _e2-gal_ la [ik-ka-an-na-ku]
 ts: adīni kanīk ekallim la ikkannakū
 en: so far, had not yet been provided a sealed document of the palace.
1. _sza3 ku3-babbar sa10 siki amar mu 3(asz) u3# [sze-gesz-i3_]
 ts: libbu kaspim šīm šipātim būrim ša šālaš šanātim u šamaššammī
 en: (The 18 minas are:) part of the silver, price of the wool, the three-years-old calf and the sesame,
2. sza i-na _e2-gal_ im-tah-ha-ru
 ts: ša ina ekallim imtaḫḫaru
 en: that (Utu-šumundib) has received at the palace;
3. szi-ta-at sza _mu {d}urasz ur-sag gal-la-asz_
 ts: šītat ša šanat ana uraš uršānim rabîm
 en: the rest of (the sale in) the year 27 of Ammi-ditana (lit. the year: "For Uraš the great hero")
4. u3 _sza3_ sza _mu alan-a-ni masz2-da-ri-a_
 ts: u libbu ša šanat ṣalamšu mašdaria
 en: and part of (the sale in) the year 28 of Ammi-ditana (lit. the year: "His statue (bearing) the mašdaria levy")
5. sza qa2-ti-szu
 ts: ša qātīšu
 en: which are under his responsability (lit. in his hands).
6. _mu-kux(DU)_ {d}utu-szu-mu-un-dib _di-ku5 dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni
 ts: šūrubti utu-šumundib dayyānim mār ilšu-ibni
 en: Contribution of Utu-šumundib the judge son of Ilšu-ibni
7. u3 e-t,i-rum _dumu_ sa3-ni-iq-pi4-{d}utu
 ts: u eṭirum mār saniq-pî-šamaš
 en: and Eṭirum son of Saniq-pî-šamaš
8. _sza3 kar_ zimbir{ki}-ia-ah-ru-rum
 ts: libbu kār sippir-yaḫrurum
 en: member of the kārum body of Sippar-yaḫrurum.
  single ruling
9. ka-ni-ku sza isz-tu _iti bara2-za3-gar_
 ts: kanīkū ša ištu waraḫ nišānim
 en: The sealed documents (related to the period) from the month of Nišānum
10. _mu {d}nin-urta am sag a2-dah-a-ni-sze3_
 ts: šanat ana ninurta rīmim rēštîm rēṣīšu
 en: of the year 31 of Ammi-ditana (lit. the year: "For Ninurta the foremost wild bull, his helper")
11. a-di _iti szu-numun-a mu alan_ sa-am-su-[i-lu-na] _pa4-bil-ga-ni_
 ts: adi waraḫ dumuzi šanat ṣalam samsu-iluna abi abīšu
 en: to the month of Dumuzi of the year 34 of Ammi-ditana (lit. the year: "A statue of Samsu-iluna the king, his father's father"),
12. i-na _{gi}pisan_ {d}utu-szu-mu-un-dib szar-ru-x x kam
 ts: ina pisan utu-mundib ...
 en: from the (tablets) container of Utu-šumundib ...
  single ruling
13. _iti szu-numun-a u4 2(u)# [n-kam_]
 ts: waraḫ dumuzi ūmam ešrā u ...
 en: The month of Dumuzi, the day 20 + n (?)
14. _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _pa4-bil-<ga>-ni e2-nam-ti-la-sze3_
 ts: šattum ša ammi-ditana šarrum ṣalam samsu-iluna abi abīšu ana enamtila
 en: the year in which Ammi-ditana the king (brought) a statue of Samsu-iluna his grandfather into Enamtila.
seal 1
1. [...]
 ts: ...
 en: ...
2. [...]
 ts: ...
 en: ...
3. [...]
 ts: ...
 en: ...
4. [...]
 ts: ...
 en: ...

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Consult word list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

  • Artifact type: Tablet
  • Material: Clay
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

  • primary: CT 8, 2b

    [Pinches1899CT8] Pinches, Theophilus G. 1899. Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum 8. London: The Trustees of the British Museum.

  • history: JA 270, p.25-65, p. 43-44

    [Charpin1982marchands] Charpin, Dominique. 1982. “Marchands Du Palais et Marchands Du Temple à La Fin de La Ire Dynastie de Babylone.” Journal Asiatique 270: 25–65.

  • history: HG 3, no. 114

    [Kohler1909HG3] Kohler, Josef, and Arthur Ungnad. 1909. Hammurabi’s Gesetz. Band III: Übersetzte Urkunden, Erläuterungen. Leipzig: Eduard Pfeiffer.

  • Composite No.:
  • Museum No.: BM 080609
  • Accession No.: 1891-05-09 Bu, 0747

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2024-10-06 at 10:50:37 Guidi, Carlo Translation Guidi, Carlo Lafont, Bertrand approved View
2023-08-19 at 13:39:11 Rattenborg, Rune Artifact Rattenborg, Rune; Smidt, Gustav Ryberg Geomapping Landscapes of Writing Rattenborg, Rune approved View
2023-01-21 at 07:53:06 Pagé-Perron, Émilie Artifact Földi, Zsombor J.; Jiménez, Enrique; Pagé-Perron, Émilie Electronic Babylonian Library Pagé-Perron, Émilie approved View
2021-08-21 at 15:34:28 Jagersma, Bram Atf Jagersma, Bram CDLI approved View
2021-08-21 at 15:31:25 Jagersma, Bram Atf Jagersma, Bram CDLI approved View
2018-07-31 at 08:58:23 Jagersma, Bram Atf Jagersma, Bram CDLI approved View
2007-08-01 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact CDLI CDLI approved View

Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:

General Notes: -
CDLI Notes: -
Cite this Artifact
“CT 08, Pl. 02, Bu 1891-05-09, 0747 Artifact Entry.” (2007) 2023. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). August 19, 2023. https://cdli.ucla.edu/P370426.
CT 08, pl. 02, Bu 1891-05-09, 0747 artifact entry (No. P370426). (2023, August 19). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). https://cdli.ucla.edu/P370426 (Original work published 2007)
CT 08, pl. 02, Bu 1891-05-09, 0747 artifact entry (2023) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: https://cdli.ucla.edu/P370426 (Accessed: March 12, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-03-12]},
	year = {2023},
	month = {aug 19},
	title = {CT 08, pl. 02, {Bu} 1891-05-09, 0747 artifact entry},
	url = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P370426},
	howpublished = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P370426},

DA  - 2023/8/19/
PY  - 2023
ID  - P370426
LB  - CDLI:P370426
M1  - 2025/3/12/
TI  - CT 08, pl. 02, Bu 1891-05-09, 0747 artifact entry
UR  - https://cdli.ucla.edu/P370426
ER  - 
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