Metadata history

CT 22, pl. 40, 217 (P365694)

Update made on 2024-12-08 at 10:02:07 by Firth, Richard for Firth, Richard
provenience Sippar-Yahrurum (mod. Tell Abu Habbah)
Update made on 2024-12-06 at 11:33:59 by Firth, Richard for Firth, Richard
artifact_type tablet
languages Akkadian
materials clay
Update made on 2023-08-19 at 13:10:32 by Rattenborg, Rune for Rattenborg, Rune; and Smidt, Gustav Ryberg

External resources links added based on conversion of eBL external resources keys and matches from GLoW data dump, see

external_resources eBL; BM eBL
external_resources_key BM.64385; W_1882-0918-4365 BM.64385


external_resources eBL
external_resources_key BM.64385
Update made on 2007-03-09 at 00:00:00 by CDLI for CDLI

20070309 cdliadmin_issa

designation CT 22, pl. 40, 217
period Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC)
museum_no BM 064385
is_provenience_uncertain 0
is_period_uncertain 0
is_artifact_type_uncertain 0
is_school_text 0
collections British Museum, London, UK
genres Letter
genres_uncertain 0
publications_key Thompson1906
publications_type primary
publications_exact_ref pl. 40, 217
retired 0
has_fragments 0
is_artifact_fake 0
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