CT 02, pl. 24, Bu 1891-05-09, 328 (P365105)

Legal tablet excavated in Sippar-Yahrurum (mod. Tell Abu Habbah), dated to the Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) period and now kept in British Museum, London, UK

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Museum Collection(s)

British Museum, London, UK

Museum Number

BM 080204


Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)


Sippar-Yahrurum (mod. Tell Abu Habbah)

Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)






1. _3(iku) GAN2 a-sza3 a#-gar3#_ mu-ka-ra-nu
 ts: šalašat ikû eqlum ugārim mukarānu(m)
 en: A field of 3 IKU (in) the Mukarānum irrigation district;
2. _3(iku) GAN2 a-sza3_ hu-up-tum _ka2_ mi-ri-ga-at{ki}
 ts: šalašat ikû eqlum ḫuptum bāb mirigat
 en: a ḫuptu-field of 3 IKU (at) the Miriqat gate,
3. i-ta _a-sza3_ i-ku-un-pi4-sin _dumu_ sin-e-x-x
 ts: ita eqel ikūn-pî-sîn mār sîn-e...
 en: next to the field of Ikūn-pî-sîn son of Sîn-e...
4. u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ {d}utu-na-s,ir _dumu_ i-zi-za-re-e
 ts: u ita eqel šamaš-nāṣir mār izi(z)zare
 en: and next to the field of Šamaš-nāṣir son of Izizzare,
5. _sag-bi 1(disz)-kam-ma a-sza3_ sin-i-din-nam _dumu_ {d}utu-na-s,ir
 ts: rēssu maḫrûm eqel sîn-i(d)dinam mār šamaš-nāṣir
 en: its first front is the field of Sîn-iddinam son of Šamaš-nāṣir,
6. _sag-bi 2(disz)-kam-ma a-sza3_ {d}utu-na-s,ir _dumu_ i-zi-iz-za-re-e
 ts: šanûm rēssu eqel šamaš-nāṣir mār izizzare
 en: its second front is the field of Šamaš-nāṣir son of Izizzare
7. u3 _a-sza3_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _dumu_ sin-na-s,ir
 ts: u eqel ilšu-ibnīšu mār sîn-nāṣir
 en: and the field of Ilšu-ibnīšu son of Sîn-nāṣir,
8. sza {d}utu-na-s,ir _dumu_ u-bar!-rum
 ts: ša šamaš-nāṣir mār ubarrum
 en: that Šamaš-nāṣir son of Ubarrum
9. _ki_ KA-{d}a-a _lukur!_ {d}utu _dumu-munus_ a-li-mu
 ts: itti pî-ayya nadīt šamaš mārat alimu
 en: from Pî-ayya nadītu of Šamaš daughter of Alimu
10. u3 sig-{d}marduk a-hi-sza i-sza-mu-u2
 ts: u ipqu-marduk aḫīša išāmu
 en: and Ipqu-marduk her brother had bought (and)
11. a-na ma-an-na-szu! _dumu-munus_-szu isz-t,u2-ru
 ts: ana mannašu mārtīšu išṭuru
 en: had deed to Mannašu his daughter by means of a written document;
12. _1(iku) GAN2 a-sza3 a-gar3_ di-ri-tum
 ts: ištēn ikû eqlum ugārim diritum
 en: a field of 1 IKU (in) the Diritum irrigation district
13. i-ta _a-sza3_ ri-isz-dingir _dumu_ id-na-i3-li2-szu
 ts: ita eqel rīš-ilī mār idna-ilīšu
 en: next to the field of Rīš-ilī son of Idna-ilīšu,
14. _sag-bi 1(disz)-kam-ma e_ {d}szul-gi
 ts: rēssu maḫrûm iki šulgi
 en: its first front is the dike of Šulgi,
15. _sag-bi 2(disz)-kam-ma_ di-ri-tim? sza-ap-li-tum
 ts: šanûm rēssu diritim šaplītum
 en: its second front (in) Diritum is the Šaplītum
16. er-s,e-tum
 ts: erṣetum
 en: area,
17. szi-ma-at dumu-munus-ki _dumu-munus_ u-bar-rum
 ts: šīmāt mārat-erṣetim mārat ubarrum
 en: purchased property of Mārat-erṣetim daughter of Ubarrum
18. a-ha-at {d}utu-na-s,ir
 ts: aḫat šamaš-nāṣir
 en: sister of Šamaš-nāṣir;
19. ($ blank space $) _1(esze3) 1(iku) GAN2 a-sza3_
 ts: ištēn ebel ištēn ikû eqlum
 en: a field of 7 IKU;
1. _2(disz) sar e2 du3-a da_ sig-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ x-x-bu?
 ts: šinā mūšar bītum epšum ṭēḫi ipqu-ilīšu mār ...bu
 en: a built house plot of 2 SAR adjacent to (the property of) Ipqu-ilīšu son of ...
2. u3 _da e2_ {d}iszkur-szar-rum _dumu_ sig-an-tum!
 ts: u ṭēḫi bīt adad-šarrum mār ipqu-antum
 en: and adjacent to the house of Adad-šarrum son of Ipqu-antum,
3. _sag-bi 1(disz)-kam-ma sila_
 ts: rēssu maḫrûm sūqum
 en: its first front is the street
4. _sag-bi 2(disz)-kam-ma e2_ {d}iszkur-re-me-ni
 ts: šanûm rēssu bīt adad-rēmēni
 en: its second front is the house of Adad-rēmēni;
5. mi-im-ma an-ni-im sza {d}utu-na-s,ir _gudu4?_
 ts: mimma annim ša šamaš-nāṣir pašīšum
 en: all this, that Šamaš-nāṣir the pašīšu-priest
6. a-na ma-an-na-szi _lukur_ {d}utu dumu-munus-szu id-di!-nu
 ts: ana mannaši nadīt šamaš mārtīšu iddinu
 en: has given to Mannaši nadītu of Šamaš his daughter,
7. a-di ba-al-t,a-at qa2-as-sa3-ma u2-ka-al
 ts: adi balṭat qāssāma ukāl
 en: she (lit. her hand) will hold as long as she lives.
8. isz-tu i#-lu-sza iq-te-ru-szi
 ts: ištu ilūša iqterūši
 en: After she dies (lit. her god takes her away),
9. {disz}li#-ta-wi!-ra-am! a-hu-sza a-pil-sza
 ts: litawiram aḫūša apilša
 en: Lītawiram her brother shall be her heir,
10. [re-di] wa-ar-ka-ti-sza
 ts: redi warkatīša
 en: the inheritor of her estate,
11. {disz}mu#-ha!-ad!-di-tum um-ma-szu a-di ba-al-t,a-at
 ts: muḫadditum ummašu adi balṭat
 en: Muḫadditum his mother, as long as she lives,
12. it-ta-na-asz-szi
 ts: ittanašši
 en: he will support.
13. {disz}{d}suen-i-din-nam _dumu_ sin-a-bu-szu
 ts: sîn-i(d)dinam mār sîn-abūšu
 en: Sîn-iddinam son of Sîn-abūšu
14. a-na sa3-ka-pi2-sza iz-za-az
 ts: ana sakapīša izzaz
 en: will be responsible for her (lit. in case of her eviction).
  single ruling
15. _igi_ ni-id-nu-sza _dumu_ sig-i3-li2-szu _igi_ sin-i-din-nam _dumu lugal?_
 ts: maḫar nidnuša mār ipqu-ilīšu maḫar sîn-i(d)dinam mār šarrim
 en: Before Nidnuša, son of Ipqu-ilīšu; before Sîn-iddinam son of the king;
16. _igi_ sig-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ szu-mi-sza _igi_ {d}utu-na-s,ir
 ts: maḫar ipqu-ilīšu mār šumīša maḫar šamaš-nāṣir
 en: before Ipqu-ilīšu, son of Šumīša; before Šamaš-nāṣir;
17. _igi_ sin-i-din-nam _dumu_ be-la!-nu-um
 ts: maḫar sîn-i(d)dinam mār bēlanum
 en: before Sîn-iddinam, son of Bēlanum;
18. _igi_ ta-ri-bu-um _dub-sar_
 ts: maḫar taribum ṭupšarrum
 en: before Taribum, the scribe.
19. _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u)-kam_
 ts: waraḫ dumuzi ūmam ešret
 en: The month of Dumuzi, the day 10
20. _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e usu! sza3-asz-gub_
 ts: šattum abi-ešuḫ šarrum ina emūqim gitmālim
 en: the year “Abi-ešuḫ the king with the perfect power (of Nanna)”.

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Consult word list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)

  • Artifact type: Tablet
  • Material: Clay
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

  • Genre(s): Legal
  • Language(s):

  • primary: CT 2, 24

    [Pinches1896CT2] Pinches, Theophilus G. 1896. Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum 2. London: The Trustees of the British Museum.

  • history: HG 3, no. 472

    [Kohler1909HG3] Kohler, Josef, and Arthur Ungnad. 1909. Hammurabi’s Gesetz. Band III: Übersetzte Urkunden, Erläuterungen. Leipzig: Eduard Pfeiffer.

  • history: Care of the Elderly p.59-117, p. 77

    [Stol1998elderly] Stol, Marten. 1998. “Care of the Elderly in Mesopotamia in the Old Babylonian Period.” In The Care of the Elderly in the Ancient Near East, edited by Marten Stol and Sven P. Vleeming, 59–117. Studies in the History and Culture of the Ancient Near East, Volume 14. Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill.

  • history: Suurmeijer diss., App. p. 95-96

    [Suurmeijer2014property] Suurmeijer, Guido. 2014. “Property Transfer within the Family in Old Babylonian Sippar.” Phdthesis, Gent: Universiteit Gent.

  • Composite No.:
  • Museum No.: BM 080204
  • Accession No.: 1891-05-09 Bu, 0328

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2024-06-14 at 09:53:10 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2023-08-19 at 13:39:11 Rattenborg, Rune Artifact Rattenborg, Rune; Smidt, Gustav Ryberg Geomapping Landscapes of Writing Rattenborg, Rune approved View
2023-05-18 at 16:19:20 Lafont, Bertrand Atf Guidi, Carlo Lafont, Bertrand approved View
2023-01-21 at 07:53:06 Pagé-Perron, Émilie Artifact Földi, Zsombor J.; Jiménez, Enrique; Pagé-Perron, Émilie Electronic Babylonian Library Pagé-Perron, Émilie approved View
2018-08-04 at 00:58:12 Jagersma, Bram Atf Jagersma, Bram CDLI approved View
2018-08-04 at 00:56:32 Jagersma, Bram Atf Jagersma, Bram CDLI approved View
2007-02-22 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact CDLI CDLI approved View

Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:

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CDLI Notes: -
Cite this Artifact
“CT 02, Pl. 24, Bu 1891-05-09, 328 Artifact Entry.” (2007) 2024. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). June 14, 2024. https://cdli.ucla.edu/P365105.
CT 02, pl. 24, Bu 1891-05-09, 328 artifact entry (No. P365105). (2024, June 14). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). https://cdli.ucla.edu/P365105 (Original work published 2007)
CT 02, pl. 24, Bu 1891-05-09, 328 artifact entry (2024) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: https://cdli.ucla.edu/P365105 (Accessed: March 14, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-03-14]},
	year = {2024},
	month = {jun 14},
	title = {CT 02, pl. 24, {Bu} 1891-05-09, 328 artifact entry},
	url = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P365105},
	howpublished = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P365105},

DA  - 2024/6/14/
PY  - 2024
ID  - P365105
LB  - CDLI:P365105
M1  - 2025/3/14/
TI  - CT 02, pl. 24, Bu 1891-05-09, 328 artifact entry
UR  - https://cdli.ucla.edu/P365105
ER  - 
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