Meissner Supp. 26 (BM 040782) + (P349850)
Lexical tablet excavated in Nineveh (mod. Kuyunjik), dated to the Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) period and now kept in British Museum, London, UKMetadata / catalogue
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Museum Collection(s)
British Museum, London, UKMuseum Number
BM 040782 + BM 040489Provenience
Nineveh (mod. Kuyunjik)Artifact Type
ClayGenre / Subgenre(s)
Lexical (malku-sharru 1)Language(s)
-Has fragments
BM 040782 = Meissner supp. 26; may join CT 18, 27 (P274542); collated after scanned photo
column 1
beginning broken
1'. e#-nu# = [x]
2'. hal-dim#-ma#-nu = MIN<(%n b=elu)>
in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) written midcolumn
3'. szu-'e-e-tum = be-el-tum#
in 2nd sub col.: tum# = remnant of top final horizontal wedge head obscured by repair
4'. en-tum = MIN<(be-el-tum#)>
in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) written midcolumn
5'. ma-al-ka-tum = szar-ra-tum#
6'. sza-nun-ka-tum = MIN<(szar-ra-tum#)>
in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) written midcolumn
7'. ka#-ru-bu = ru-bu-u2#
8'. ba#-qa-szu = ra-bu-u2
9'. szu#-pu-u2 = MIN<(ra-bu-u2)>
in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) written midcolumn
10'. [ru]-um-tum = ka-bit-tum
11'. [x-x]-tin#-nu = kab-tum
in 1st sub col. there is room for 2 signs in the break before TIN
12'. [a-rat]-tu#-u2 = MIN#<(kab-tum)>
in 1st sub col.: tu# = fragment of final vertical wedge head;; in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) written midcolumn
13'. [...]-lum# = [MIN<(kab-tum)>]
rest broken
column 2
beginning broken
1'. gi#-tam-lu = git2#-ma-lu#
2'. ha#-asz2-sza2-mu-u2 = MIN<(git2#-ma-lu#)>
in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) written midcolumn
3'. na#-gal-mu-szu = sza2-qu-u2#
4'. sze#-e-ru = ez-zu#-um#
5'. sze#-zu-zu = MIN<(ez-zu#-um#)>
in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) written midcolumn
6'. na#-al-bu-bu = MIN<(ez-zu#-um#)>
in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) written midcolumn
7'. s,i#-ih-hu = uz-zu
8'. s,i#-ih-hu = mar-tum
9'. na#-ad-ru = sze-gu-u2
10'. na#-al#-bu-bu = na-an-du-ru
11'. ka-duh#-hu-u2 = na#-'-i-ri#
12'. NIN?# u sze-ri ul-lu-hu = sza2# uz#-zu# pu-luh-tu2 ra-mu-u2
in 1st sub col. perhaps read 1st sign: KIMIN?#
13'. qar#-da-mu = e-ri
14'. qar#-da-mu = nak#-ri
15'. [a]-dam-mu-u2# = MIN#<(nak#-ri)>
in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz)# written midcolumn
16'. tu#-qu-un#-tum# = MIN#<(nak#-ri)>
in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz)# written midcolumn
17'. za#-ma#-[nu] = [...]
in 1st sub col.: za# = left edge of initial vertical wedges
rest broken
column 1
beginning broken
1'. ni?#-sa-a-tum = NI# MIN#<(%n n=iszu)>
in 1st sub col.: ni?# = perhaps the faint outline of bottom oblique wedge; in 2nd sub col.: NI# = erasure; no evidence of writing between NI# & 2(disz)#
2'. ba#-'#-u2-la-tum = MIN<(%n n=iszu)>
in 1st sub col.: ba# = final vertical wedge
3'. hu#-usz-ra-an-ni = ab-ra-a-tum#
in 1st sub col.: hu# = remnants of oblique & final vertical wedges
4'. szu#-li-la-an-ni = nap-har ni-szu
in 1st sub col.: szu# = bottom of final vertical wedge tail
5'. e#-te-eb-ra-an-ni = nap-har s,al-mat SAG-DU
in 1st sub col.: e# = remnants of final vertical wedges
6'. at#-mu-u2 re-sze-e-ti = MIN<(nap-har)> MIN<(s,al-mat SAG-DU)>
7'. er#-bu-u2 = kib-ra-tum
8'. er-bu-u2 kib-ra-ti = MIN<(kib-ra-tum)> ar-ba-'
in 1st sub col.: final sign is TI not AN
9'. ad-na-tum# = ma-a-tum
10'. un-na-tum = MIN<(ma-a-tum)>
11'. da-ad-dum = MIN<(ma-a-tum)>
12'. ma-ti-ta-an = ma-ta-a-tum
13'. da-ad-mu = a-lu
14'a. u2-ru *(P2) MIN<(a-lu)>
in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz) written over ASZ-like sign
14'b. ki-uru2{ru#} *(P2)# MIN#<(a-lu)>
ll. 14'a-b written on 1 line; synonyms are separated by a glossenkeil
15'a. ki-szur-ru-u2 *(P2) MIN<(a-lu)>
15'b. ma-ha#-zu# *(P2) MIN<(a-lu)>
ll. 15'a-b written on 1 line; synonyms are separated by a glossenkeil
16'a. du-ru-usz-szu *(P2) MIN<(a-lu)>
in 1st sub col.: 2(disz) written over ASZ-like sign
16'b. na-mu#-u2 *(P2) MIN<(a-lu)>
ll. 16'a-b written on 1 line; synonyms are separated by a glossenkeil
17'a. nam-masz-szu-u2 *(P2) MIN<(a-lu)>
17'b. a-da-szu *(P2) MIN<(a-lu)>
ll. 17'a-b written on 1 line; synonyms are separated by a glossenkeil
column 2
beginning broken
1'. ni?#-[x-x?] = [...]
in 1st sub col.: ni?# = part of horizontal/oblique wedge head + vertical wedge tail
2'. tu#-['-u2] = [...]
3'a. sa-gu#-[u?] = [...]
3'b. [...] = [...]
4'a. ku-um-mu?# = [...]
in 1st sub col.: mu?# = faint remains of initial horizontal wedge head?
4'b. [...] = [...]
5'a. u2#-ra-szi = [...]
5'b. [...] = [...]
6'a. asz2#-ri *(P2)# [...]
in 1st sub col.: asz2# = faint remnant of vertical wedge; *(P2)# = faint traces of winkelhakens at edge of break = glossenkeil
6'b. [...] = [...]
7'a. gi-gu-nu-u2# = [...]
7'b. [...] = [...]
8'. mi-pa-ru# = [...]
9'. ku-bu# = MIN?#<(%n b=itu)>
in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz)?# = tail? ends of 2 vertical wedges, written at left of sub col.; alignment of other 2(disz) signs in one entry lines is midcolumn
10'. E2# s,ur#-ru-hu = E2 sza2-qu#-[u2?]
11'. pi-ia-a-mu = szi-kit-tum#
12'a. ga-a-ga-mu *(P2) MIN<(szi-kit-tum#)>
12'b. si-is-si-ri-in-nu *(P2) MIN#<(szi-kit-tum#)>
ll. 12'a-b written on 1 line; synonyms are separated by a glossenkeil; in 2nd sub col.: 2(disz)# = initial vertical wedge tail
13'. a-ru-u2 = qa-ri-tum#
14'a. a-ka-mu *(P2) MIN<(qa-ri-tum#)>
14'b. a-ra-ru-u2 *(P2) ka-ru-tum#
ll. 14'a-b written on 1 line; synonyms are separated by a glossenkeil
15'. si-is-si-mu = i-szit-tum#
16'a. si-is-si-ru *(P2) MIN<(i-szit-tum#)>
16'b. *(P2) su!-uk-ku *(P2) pa-rak-ku#
ll. 16'a-b written on 1 line; entries separated by a glossenkeil, synonyms separated by a glossenkeil; in 2nd sub col.: su! = SU without (visible) 2nd vertical wedge; sign is distinct from ZU & SZU signs on this tablet
17'. su#-uk-ku = ni-me-du
18'. isz#-di E2 = a-sur-ru-u2
19'a. a#-ri# *(P2)# rug#-bu NIM-MA{ki}
in 1st sub col.: a#-ri# signs are faintly visible in outline, final vertical wedge head of ri# is clear; top winkelhaken of glossenkeil# is clearly visible
19'b. *(P2) za3-ga *(P2) i-szi-ir-tum#
ll. 19'a-b written on 1 line; entries separated by a glossenkeil, synonyms separated by a glossenkeil
20'a. [i]-gi#-gi# *(P2) MIN<(i-szi-ir-tum#)>
in 1st sub col.: 1st gi# = outline of final oblique wedges
20'b. ki-kur-ru-u2 *(P2) szu-ub-tum#
ll. 20'a-b written on 1 line; synonyms separated by a glossenkeil
21'a. [x]-x *(P2) MIN<(szu-ub-tum#)>
in 1st sub col.: x may be U2#; there seems to be room for only 1 sign before x, 2 if squeezed
21'b. *(P2)# pan-pa-nu *(P2) MIN<(szu-ub-tum#)>
ll. 21'a-b written on 1 line; entries separated by a glossenkeil, synonyms separated by a glossenkeil
22'a. [x-x-x]-x?# *(P2)# MIN<(szu-ub-tum#)>
in 1st sub col.: x?# = tail of 1 horizontal wedge?; top winkelhaken of glossenkeil visible
22'b. si-ma-ak-ku *(P2) szu#-bat# DINGIR#
ll. 22'a-b written on 1 line; synonyms are separated by a glossenkeil
23'a. [...] = [...]
23'b. e#-ma#-szu# = [...]
ll. 23'a-b written on 1 line; synonyms were probably separated by a glossenkeil
rest broken
1a. qu-un-nab-ru *(P2) MIN#<(a-lu)>
see composite text for placement of lines from top edge.
1b. si-laq-qu *(P2) MIN<(a-lu)>
ll. 1'a-b written on 1 line; synonyms are separated by a glossenkeil
2. a-tu2-ur da-ad-mu = gi-mir URU-MESZ
in 2nd sub col.: MIR has middle & final vertical wedges, connected by 2(+) faint horizontal wedges
3. ASZ-TE-KUG-GA = la-ar-su
4. i-lib = u2-ru
5. IGI-NIR-GAL2 = e-ri-du
Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)
Consult word list of Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)
- Artifact type: Tablet
- Material: Clay
- Measurements (mm):
- Weight:
- Artifact Preservation:
- This artifact is composed of fragments.
- Condition Description:
- Join Information:
- Seal no.:
- Seal information:
- Artifact comments:
primary: Meissner Supplement, Supp. 26 (BM 040782) +
[Meissner1898Supp] Meissner, Bruno. 1898. Supplement Zu Den Assyrischen Wörterbüchern.
history: CT 18, pl. 27
[Thompson1904CT18] Thompson, R. Campbell. 1904. Cuneiform Texts. Cuneiform Texts From Babylonian Tablets In The British Museum 18.K 04409 ?
- Composite No.:
- Museum No.: BM 040782 + BM 040489
- Accession No.:
- Provenience: Nineveh (mod. Kuyunjik)
- Elevation:
- Stratigraphic Level:
- Excavation No:
- Findspot Square:
- Findspot Comments:
- Period: Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)
- Dates Referenced:
- Alternative Years:
- Date Comments:
- Accounting Period: 0
Created | Creator | Type | Authors | Project | Reviewer | Status | Action |
2024-10-23 at 16:13:24 | Firth, Richard | Artifact | Firth, Richard | Firth, Richard | approved |
2024-06-03 at 14:11:18 | Firth, Richard | Artifact, Other Entity | Firth, Richard | Firth, Richard | approved |
2023-09-09 at 18:41:45 | Rattenborg, Rune | Artifact | Rattenborg, Rune | Geomapping Landscapes of Writing | Rattenborg, Rune | approved |
2023-06-15 at 20:34:30 | Rattenborg, Rune | Artifact | Rattenborg, Rune | Geomapping Landscapes of Writing | Rattenborg, Rune | approved |
2023-06-01 at 15:26:27 | Rattenborg, Rune | Artifact | Novotny, Jamie; Rattenborg, Rune | Rattenborg, Rune | approved |
2023-01-21 at 07:42:50 | Pagé-Perron, Émilie | Artifact | Földi, Zsombor J.; Jiménez, Enrique; Pagé-Perron, Émilie | Electronic Babylonian Library | Pagé-Perron, Émilie | approved |
2017-10-27 at 09:15:00 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | CDLI | CDLI | approved |
2008-05-26 at 05:29:12 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | Englund, Robert K. | CDLI | approved |
2006-08-15 at 00:00:00 | CDLI | Artifact | Veldhuis, Niek | CDLI | approved |
Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects: