Transliteration history

ARM 06, 080 (P339017)

Update made on 2016-02-20 at 18:32:34 by CDLI for CDLI
&P339017 = ARM 06, 080
#atf: lang akk
1. [a-na] be-li2#-[ia]
2. [qi2]-bi2-ma#
3. [um]-ma ba-ah-di-li#-[im]
4. _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma#
5. [asz]-szum# t,e4-em da-mi#-[...] i-[...] x-im
$ rest broken
$ beginning broken
1'. [wa-ar-ka-as-su2-nu]
2'. [ap]-ru-us-[ma]
3'. ki#-la-lu-szu-nu ka-lu-u2
4'. [i]-na-an-na a-di t,e4-mu-um
5'. [an-nu]-um# ma-ha-ar be-li2-ia#
6'. [...] x it-[ta-asz-ki-nu]
7'. [...] x x [...]-rum ka-lu#-szu#
8'. [...] li#-[...]

Total 1 record(s)

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