Metadata history

STT 2, 131 (P338451)

Update made on 2023-06-15 at 20:34:30 by Rattenborg, Rune for Rattenborg, Rune

Added external links to ARMEP ( based on CC0 data dump dated 1 June 2023

external_resources eBL; ARMEP eBL
external_resources_key SU-1952.82; P338451 SU-1952.82


external_resources eBL
external_resources_key SU-1952.82
Update made on 2006-09-20 at 00:00:00 by CDLI for Price, Jason R.

20060920 cdliadmin

designation STT 2, 131
artifact_type tablet
period Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)
provenience Huzirina (mod. Sultantepe)
museum_no AMM —
is_provenience_uncertain 0
is_period_uncertain 0
is_artifact_type_uncertain 0
is_school_text 0
height 40.0
width 26.0
excavation_no SU 1952, 082
collections Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi, Ankara, Turkey
languages Akkadian
languages_uncertain 0
materials clay
materials_uncertain 0
publications_key Gurney1964
publications_type primary
publications_exact_ref 131
retired 0
has_fragments 0
is_artifact_fake 0
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