ARM 02, 033 (P272945)
Letter tablet excavated in Mari (mod. Tell Hariri), dated to the Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) period and now kept in National Museum of Syria, Damascus, SyriaMetadata / catalogue
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National Museum of Syria, Damascus, SyriaMuseum Number
NMSD —Provenience
Mari (mod. Tell Hariri)Artifact Type
ClayGenre / Subgenre(s)
1. a#-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma i-ba-al-dingir
ts: ana bēliya qibima umma ibal-el
en: To my lord speak! Thus Ibal-El,
2. _ARAD2#_-ka-a-ma t,up-pa-am sza be-li2 u2-sza-bi-lam esz-me
ts: waradkama ṭuppam ša bēlī ušābilam ešme
en: your servant: The tablet my lord sent I heard;
3. asz-szum t,e4-em ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 _lugal_ babila{ki}
ts: aššum ṭēm ḫammu-rapi šar bābilim
en: concerning the information of Hammurapi, king of Babylon,
4. sza a-na be-li2-ia isz-pu-ra-am um-ma-a-mi
ts: ša ana bēliya išpuram ummami
en: who wrote to my lord, thus:
5. it-ti ri-im-{d}suen _lugal_ la-ar-sa{ki} an-na-am-ma-ar
ts: itti rim-sîn šar larsa annammar
en: “With Rim-Sîn, king of Larsa, I will meet;
6. [u3] _lu2#_ esz3-nun-na{ki} it-ti-ia in-ne2-em-me2-ed
ts: u awīl ešnunna ittīya innemmed
en: and the man of Ešnunna with me will join.
7. i-na-[an]-na# s,a-ba-am t,u2-ur-dam-ma s,i-bu-tam sza-a-ti lu-uk-szu-ud-ma
ts: inanna ṣābam ṭurdamma ṣibūtam šâti lukšudma
en: Now troops send here, and that desire let me achieve!
8. it-ti s,a-bi-ka s,a-ba-am e-mu-qa-tim lu-ut,-ru-da-kum-ma
ts: itti ṣābika ṣābam emūqātim luṭrudakkumma
en: With your troops powerful troops let me dispatch to you and
9. s,i-bu-ut-ka ku-szu-ud t,e4-ma-am an-ne2-em sza ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
ts: ṣibûtka kušud ṭēmam annêm ša ḫammu-rapi
en: your desire achieve! This report of Hammurapi
10. a-na be-li2-ia isz-pu-ra-am ma-ha-ar _lu2 su#-ga-gi#-mesz ARAD2_-di-ka
ts: ana bēliya išpuram maḫar awīlī sugāgī wardīka
en: to my lord he sent. Before the men of Sugāgi, your servants,
11. [asz]-ku-un-ma um-ma a-na-ku-ma szi-ta-la-a-ma szum-ma [a-na s,a-bi]-im#
ts: aškunma umma anākuma šitalāma šumma ana ṣābim
en: I established, and thus I: “Consider! If for the troops
12. [sza] ha#-am#-mu#-ra#-pi2 _lu2#_ babila{ki} isz-te#-ni#-ne-[ti]
ts: ša ḫammu-rapi awīl bābilim išteninnêti
en: that Hammurapi, the man of Babylon, sought us out
13. [_... x]-mesz_
ts: ...”
en: ...
14. [...] na#-sza-at
ts: ... našat
en: ... you are lifted;
rest broken
beginning broken
1'. [...] be#-li2-ia# [...]
ts: ... bēliya ...
en: ... of my lord ...
2'. [...] dan#-na-tum sza-ak-na#-[at]
ts: ... dannatum šaknat
en: ... hard times(?) were set ...
3'. [... x]-szu asz-szum t,e4-em {disz}sza-du-un-la-ba
ts: ... -šu aššum ṭēm šaddun-laba
en: ... concerning the report of Šaddun-laba,
4'. [ki-a-am isz]-pu-ra-am um-ma {disz}sza-du-un-la-ba-ma
ts: kiam išpuram umma šaddun-labama
en: in this way he wrote to me, thus Šaddun-laba:
5'. asz-szum qa#-qa-ad {disz}isz-me-{d}iszkur na-ki-ir be-li2-ia a-ki-su-ma
ts: aššum qaqqad išme-addu nakir bēliya akkisuma
en: “Because the head of Išme-Addu, enemy of my lord, I cut off, and
6'. a-na s,e-er be-li2-ia u2-sza-bi-lu _lu2-mesz_ hu-ur-ra-ya{ki}
ts: ana ṣēr bēliya ušābilu awīlī ḫurraya
en: to my lord sent, men of Ḫurraya
7'. u3 _lu2_ szi-na-ah{ki} i-li-ku-nim ki-re-ti-ia ik-ki-su
ts: u awīlī šinaḫ illikūnim kirêtiya ikkisū
en: and men of Šinaḫ came. They cut down my orchards.”
8'. um-ma-a-mi al-kam a-lam{ki} lu-up-qi2-da-kum-ma#
ts: ummami alkam ālam lupqidakkumma
en: and thus: “Come! Let me the city entrust to you,
9'. a-na s,e-er be-li2-ia lu-ut-ta-la-ak a-na {disz}i-ba-al#-[{d}]iszkur#
ts: ana ṣēr bēliya lūttalak ana ibal-addu
en: so that to my lord I may go out.” To Ibal-Addu
10'. asz-pu-ur-ma 5(u) s,a-ba-am a-na na-s,a-ar asz-na-ak-ki-im{ki}
ts: ašpurma hamšā ṣābam ana naṣār Ašnakkim
en: I wrote, and 50 soldiers to guard Ašnakkum
11'. u2-sze-ri-ib-ma {disz}sza-du-un-la-ba u3 i-ba-al-{d}iszkur
ts: ušeribma šaddun-laba u ibal-addu
en: he sent in, then Šaddun-laba and Ibal-Addu
12'. a-na s,e-ri-ia i-na pu-hu-ur ha-na-_mesz_
ts: ana ṣēriya ina puḫur ḫanê
en: to me in the assembly of Haneans
13'. a-na si-ha-ra-ta{ki} ik-szu-du-nim <um>-ma-a-mi as-su2-ur-ri
ts: ana siḫarata ikšudunim ummami assurri
en: at Siharata arrived. Thus: “Perhaps
14'. a-na s,e-er be-li2-ia at-ta-al-la-ak-ma wa-ar-ki-ia
ts: ana ṣēr bēliya attallakma warkiya
en: to my lord I will go out, and after my (departure)
15'. a-la-nu sza it-ti-ia na-ak-ru a-na asz-na-ak-ki-im{ki}
ts: ālānū ša ittiya nakrū ana ašnakkim
en: the cities that with me are hostile, against Ašnakkum,
16'. la i-sa-an-ni-qu2-ma pi2-i a-lim la usz2-ba-la-ka-tu
ts: lā isanniqūma pī ālim la ušbalakkatū
en: would not approach and the mouth of the city would not stir up?”
17'. i-na-an-na qa-du-um ha-na-_mesz_ a-na li-ib-bi ma-tim
ts: inanna qadum ḫanê ana libbi mātim
en: Now together with the Haneans into the heart of the country
18'. it#-ti-szu a-la-ak-ma da-'a4-at a-la-ne2-e
ts: ittišu allakma daḫat ālānê
en: with him I will go, and intelligence of the cities
19'. [sza it-ti]-szu na-ak-ru a-sza-al a-di _u4 3(disz)-kam_-mi
ts: ša ittišu nakrū ašal adi šalāšat ūmimmi
en: that with him are hostile I will get. Within three days,
20'. [t,e4]-ma-am ga-am-ra-am a-na s,e-er be-li2-ia
ts: ţēmam gamram ana ṣēr bēliya
en: a complete report to my lord
21'. [a]-sza#-ap-pa-ra-am na-wu-um u3 _dumu_ si-im-a-al
ts: ašapparam nawûm u mār simal
en: I will send. The steppe and the mār-Sim’al
22'. sza#-a-lim
ts: šalim
en: are well.
Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Consult word list of Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
- Artifact type: Tablet
- Material: Clay
- Measurements (mm):
- Weight:
- Artifact Preservation:
- Condition Description:
- Join Information:
- Seal no.:
- Seal information:
- Artifact comments:
primary: ARM 2, 33
[Jean1941ARM2] Jean, Charles-François. 1941. Lettres. Archives Royales de Mari 2. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner.
history: LAPO 17, p. 216 no. 583
[Durand1998LAPO17] Durand, Jean-Marie. 1998. Les Documents Épistolaires Du Palais de Mari. Tome II. Littératures Anciennes Du Proche-Orient 17. Paris: Les Éditions du CERF.
- Composite No.:
- Museum No.: NMSD —
- Accession No.:
- Provenience: Mari (mod. Tell Hariri)
- Elevation:
- Stratigraphic Level:
- Excavation No:
- Findspot Square:
- Findspot Comments:
- Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
- Dates Referenced:
- Alternative Years:
- Date Comments:
- Accounting Period: 0
Created | Creator | Type | Authors | Project | Reviewer | Status | Action |
2024-08-09 at 10:52:08 | Firth, Richard | Artifact, Other Entity | Firth, Richard | Firth, Richard | approved |
2023-10-11 at 12:41:16 | Rattenborg, Rune | Artifact | Charpin, Dominique; Rattenborg, Rune | Archives Babyloniennes | Rattenborg, Rune | approved |
2019-02-05 at 07:31:11 | Johnson, J. Cale | Atf | Johnson, J. Cale | CDLI | approved |
2014-04-29 at 16:44:53 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | Englund, Robert K. | CDLI | approved |
2014-04-28 at 15:35:41 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | Cancik-Kirschbaum, Eva | CDLI | approved |
2014-04-21 at 11:45:07 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | Englund, Robert K. | CDLI | approved |
2014-04-21 at 11:19:28 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | Englund, Robert K. | CDLI | approved |
2014-04-21 at 11:14:34 | Englund, Robert K. | Atf | Englund, Robert K. | CDLI | approved |
2005-06-24 at 00:00:00 | CDLI | Artifact | Ajango, Kelsey M.; Ben-Marzouk, Nadia; Donnelly-Lewis, Brian; Guerra, Dylan; Price, Jason R.; Reynolds, Kathryn R.; Washburn, Jody E. | CDLI | approved |
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