MAD 1, 320 (P215148)

Administrative tablet excavated in Ešnunna (mod. Tell Asmar), dated to the Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) period and now kept in Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures West Asia & North Africa Museum (formerly Oriental Institute), Chicago, Illinois, USA

Open image


1. 1(asz@c) er3-ra-ra
2. 4(barig@c) sza-an
3. dumu nu-ru-um
4. 1(asz@c) dingir-na-s,i2-ir
5. 3(barig@c) sza-mi-um
6. dumu puzur4-a-bi
7. 3(barig@c) a-zu-dingir
8. dumu mu-mu
9. [n] i3-li2-bi-la-ni
10. dumu# i-za-mar
1. [...]-AN
2. dumu# a-bi2-bi2
  blank space
3. [szunigin n sze] gur
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