UDT 025 (P136153)

Administrative tablet & envelope excavated in Girsu (mod. Tello), dated to the Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) period and now kept in Nies Babylonian Collection, Yale Babylonian Collection, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

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  1 line blank
1. 8(asz) dabin gur lugal
  blank space
2. ma2-a si-ga zi3-KA ra?
  blank space
3. ki nam-ha-ni-ta
1. kiszib3 lu2-bala-sa6-ga
  blank space
2. iti sze-sag11-ku5
3. mu us2-sa ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
seal 1
1. lu2-bala-sa6-ga
2. dub-sar
3. dumu ur-{d}nin-mar{ki}
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