publications_key |
Gomi1990Hirose; Gregoire2001AAICAB1/3; Heimpel1991; Hilgert2003OIP121; Langdon1911TAD; Langdon1911TAD; Legrain1912TRU; Yıldız1988Puzriš-Dagan-Texte; Yıldız1988Puzriš-Dagan-Texte
publications_type |
history; history; citation; history; primary; history; history; history; primary
publications_exact_ref | 127; . 196, Bod A 72 ; 381 & Sallaberger, ZA 82, 132 (PDT 2, 1323); 132; 24; 37; 409; 1323; 1320 & 1322 |
publications_comment |
"(obv. & rev., cast A); ""Ur-nigar received (dead animals) from Abba-shaga. Of them thirty sheep and eleven goats were under the control of Ilum-rabi and thirty-nine goats under the control of Ur-shaga."" Judging from the expression ""Ur-ni9-gar ~u ba-ti,"" these animals"; "TAD 24 (=AAICAB 1/3, pl. 196, Bod A 69) & TAD 37 (=AAICAB 1/3, pl. 196, Bod A 72); cast copies"; ; (obv. & obv., Cast B); ; (obv. & rev., cast A); (obv. & rev., cast A); (obv. & rev., cast A); (obv. & obv., Cast B)
publications_key |
Gomi1990Hirose; Gregoire2001AAICAB1/3; Heimpel1991; Hilgert2003OIP121; Langdon1911TAD; Langdon1911TAD; Legrain1912TRU; Yıldız1988Puzriš-Dagan-Texte; Yıldız1988Puzriš-Dagan-Texte
publications_type |
history; history; citation; history; primary; history; history; history; primary
publications_exact_ref | 127; . 196, Bod A 72 ; 381 & Sallaberger, ZA 82, 132 (PDT 2, 1323); 132; 24; 37; 409; 1323; 1320 & 1322 |
publications_comment |
"(obv. & rev., cast A); ""Ur-nigar received (dead animals) from Abba-shaga. Of them thirty sheep and eleven goats were under the control of Ilum-rabi and thirty-nine goats under the control of Ur-shaga."" Judging from the expression ""Ur-ni9-gar ~u ba-ti,"" these animals"; "TAD 24 (=AAICAB 1/3, pl. 196, Bod A 69) & TAD 37 (=AAICAB 1/3, pl. 196, Bod A 72); cast copies"; ; (obv. & obv., Cast B); ; (obv. & rev., cast A); (obv. & rev., cast A); (obv. & rev., cast A); (obv. & obv., Cast B)
publications_key |
Gomi1990Hirose; Heimpel1991; Hilgert2003OIP121; Langdon1911TAD; Langdon1911TAD; Legrain1912TRU; Gregoire2001-34615; Yıldız1988Puzriš-Dagan-Texte; Yıldız1988Puzriš-Dagan-Texte
publications_type |
history; citation; history; primary; history; history; history; history; primary
publications_exact_ref | 127; 381 & Sallaberger, ZA 82, 132 (PDT 2, 1323); 132; 24; 37; 409; . 196, Bod A 72 (all obv. & rev., cast A) & Orient 16 (1980) 040 02, AUAM 73.1653 (all obv. & obv., Cast B)M. Hilgert, JCS 49, 1997, 45ff. (to cast A/B); 1323; 1320 & 1322 |
publications_comment |
"(obv. & rev., cast A); ""Ur-nigar received (dead animals) from Abba-shaga. Of them thirty sheep and eleven goats were under the control of Ilum-rabi and thirty-nine goats under the control of Ur-shaga."" Judging from the expression ""Ur-ni9-gar ~u ba-ti,"" these animals"; ; (obv. & obv., Cast B); ; (obv. & rev., cast A); (obv. & rev., cast A); ; (obv. & rev., cast A); (obv. & obv., Cast B)
Merge Heimpel, 1991
publications_key |
Gomi1990Hirose; Hilgert2003OIP121; Langdon1911TAD; Langdon1911TAD; Legrain1912TRU; sec19257; 1597859; Yıldız1988Puzriš-Dagan-Texte; Yıldız1988Puzriš-Dagan-Texte
publications_type |
history; history; primary; history; history; history; citation; history; primary
publications_exact_ref | 127; 132; 24; 37; 409; ; 381 & Sallaberger, ZA 82, 132 (PDT 2, 1323); 1323; 1320 & 1322 |
publications_comment |
"(obv. & rev., cast A); ""Ur-nigar received (dead animals) from Abba-shaga. Of them thirty sheep and eleven goats were under the control of Ilum-rabi and thirty-nine goats under the control of Ur-shaga."" Judging from the expression ""Ur-ni9-gar ~u ba-ti,"" these animals"; (obv. & obv., Cast B); ; (obv. & rev., cast A); (obv. & rev., cast A); ; ; (obv. & rev., cast A); (obv. & obv., Cast B)
20011220 ur3_catalogue
cdli_comments | 20150418 englund: currently nine identified casts (s. publication history and collection numbers; original lost) |
designation | TAD 24 etc. (cast copies) |
artifact_type | tablet |
period | Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) |
provenience | Puzriš-Dagan (mod. Drehem) |
museum_no | OIM A04663 & AUAM 73.1653 & Bod A 069 & Bod A 072 & ICP 0409 & Ist PD — & WML 51.63.153 & YMEC — |
is_provenience_uncertain | 0 |
is_period_uncertain | 0 |
is_artifact_type_uncertain | 0 |
is_school_text | 0 |
height | 33.0 |
thickness | 13.0 |
width | 29.0 |
artifact_comments | & numerous cast copies in various collections |
collections | Arkeoloji Müzeleri, Istanbul, Turkey;Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK;Institut Catholique, Paris, France;Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA |
dates | Amar-Suen.02.11.00 |
external_resources | BDTNS;OI |
external_resources_key | 002177;05c5787e-6b31-4295-9e94-89be224273d0 |
genres | Administrative |
genres_uncertain | 0 |
languages | Sumerian |
languages_uncertain | 0 |
materials | clay |
materials_uncertain | 0 |
publications_key | Langdon1911-16;1382137 |
publications_type | primary;history |
publications_comment | Hirose 127: "Ur-nigar received (dead animals) from Abba-shaga. Of them thirty sheep and eleven goats were under the control of Ilum-rabi and thirty-nine goats under the control of Ur-shaga." Judging from the expression "Ur-ni9-gar ~u ba-ti," these animals |
retired | 0 |
has_fragments | 0 |
is_artifact_fake | 0 |
artifact_type_comments | & numerous cast copies in various collections |