ASJ 09, 234 04 (P102280)

Administrative tablet excavated in Umma (mod. Tell Jokha), dated to the Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) period and now kept in Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

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Museum Collection(s)

Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Museum Number



Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)


Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)

Artifact Type




Genre / Subgenre(s)






Has seal impression(s)

1. 3(asz) sze szuku-ra gur
 en: 3 gur barley rations:
2. ur-{d}szu-zi-an-dul3
 en: Ur-Šuzi-andul;
3. 3(asz) ARAD2-mu
 en: 3: ARAD-mu;
4. 3(asz) da-da
 en: 3: Dada;
5. 3(asz) ur-{d}ma-mi
 en: 3: Ur-Mami;
6. 2(asz) a-du-du
 en: 2: Adudu;
7. 3(asz) {d}szara2-ba-an-sa6
 en: 3: Šara-bansa,
8. 2(asz) ur-KU-x
 en: 2: Ur-KU-x
9. 3(asz) en#?-ra-kal
 en: 3: Enrakal;
10. 3(asz) ur-{d}szul-pa-e3
 en: 3: Ur-Šulpa’e;
11. 2(asz)# ur-e11-e
 en: 2: Ur-e’e;
12. 3(asz) ur-e11-e min-kam
 en: 3: Ur-e’e, the second one;
13. 1(asz) 1(barig) {d}szara2-i3-[x]
 en: 1, 1 barig: Šara-i3-[x];
14. 3(asz) x-{d}x-[x]
 en: 3: ...;
1. 3(asz)# x x [x]
 en: 3 ...;
2. sze szuku e-tak4-a#
 en: barley ration left;
3. 2(barig) lugal-za3#?-ge#-si engar
 en: 2 barig: Lugal-zagesi, the ploughman;
4. 2(barig) ur-saga-mu engar
 en: 2 barig: Ur-saga-mu, the ploughman;
5. 2(barig) ur-am3-ma
 en: 2 barig : Uramma;
6. 2(barig) lugal#-sa6-i3-zu engar
 en: 2 barig: Lugal-sa-izu, the ploughman;
7. 2(barig)# ur-{d}suen engar
 en: 2 barig: Ur-Suen, the ploughman;
8. engar szuku su3 sze nu-tuku-me
 en: ploughmen of fallow prebend, receiving no barley;
  blank space
9. szunigin 3(u) 9(asz) 1(barig) sze szuku-ra gur
 en: total: 39 gur 1 barig barley rations
10. ki ka-guru7-ta
 en: from the granary supervisor;
11. kiszib3 i7-pa-e3
 en: under seal of Ipa’e;
12. mu si-ma-num2{ki} ba-hul
 en: year: “Simanum was destroyed;”
1. 6(asz) x 3(barig) 3(u)
 en: (total:) 6 × 30
seal 1
1. i7-pa-e3
 en: Ipa’e
2. dumu lugal-uszurx(|LAL2.TUG2|)
 en: son of Lugal-ušur.

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
Consult word list of Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)

#new_text=P102280 # ID FORM LEMMA UPOSTAG XPOSTAG FEATS HEAD DEPREL DEPS MISC 1 3(asz) 3(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 2 sze sze[barley] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 3 szuku-ra szukur[ration] NOUN N Number=Sing|Case=Gen _ _ _ _ 4 gur gur[unit] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 5 ur-{d}szu-zi-an-dul3 Urszuzi'andul[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 6 3(asz) 3(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 7 ARAD2-mu Aradmu[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 8 3(asz) 3(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 9 da-da Dada[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 10 3(asz) 3(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 11 ur-{d}ma-mi Urmami[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 12 2(asz) 2(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 13 a-du-du Adudu[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 14 3(asz) 3(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 15 {d}szara2-ba-an-sa6 Szarabansa[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 16 2(asz) 2(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 17 ur-KU-x _[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 18 3(asz) 3(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 19 en-ra-kal Enrakal[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 20 3(asz) 3(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 21 ur-{d}szul-pa-e3 Urszulpa'e[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 22 2(asz) 2(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 23 ur-e11-e Ure'e[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 24 3(asz) 3(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 25 ur-e11-e Ure'e[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 26 min-kam min[two] NUM NU Case=Gen _ _ _ _ 27 1(asz) 1(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 28 1(barig) 1(bariga)[unit] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 29 {d}szara2-i3-x _[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 30 3(asz) 3(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 31 x-{d}x-x _[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 32 3(asz) 3(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 33 x _[_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34 x _[_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 35 x _[_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 36 sze sze[barley] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 37 szuku szukur[ration] NOUN N Number=Sing|Case=Abs _ _ _ _ 38 e-tak4-a b] VERB V Verb Form=Fin|Person=3|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 39 2(barig) 2(bariga)[unit] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 40 lugal-za3-ge-si Lugalzagesi[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 41 engar engar[farmer] NOUN N Number=Sing|Animacy=Hum _ _ _ _ 42 2(barig) 2(bariga)[unit] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 43 ur-saga-mu Ursagamu[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 44 engar engar[farmer] NOUN N Number=Sing|Animacy=Hum _ _ _ _ 45 2(barig) 2(bariga)[unit] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 46 ur-am3-ma Uramma[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 47 2(barig) 2(bariga)[unit] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 48 lugal-sa6-i3-zu Lugalsa'izu[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 49 engar engar[farmer] NOUN N Number=Sing|Animacy=Hum _ _ _ _ 50 2(barig) 2(bariga)[unit] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 51 ur-{d}suen Ursuen[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 52 engar engar[farmer] NOUN N Number=Sing|Animacy=Hum _ _ _ _ 53 engar engar[farmer] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 54 szuku szukur[ration] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 55 su3 sug[empty] VERB V _ _ _ _ _ 56 sze sze[barley] NOUN N Number=Sing|Case=Abs _ _ _ _ 57 nu-tuku-me tuku[acquire] VERB V Polarity=Neg|Person=3|Number=Plur _ _ _ _ 58 szunigin szunigin[total] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 59 3(u) 3(u)[ten] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 60 9(asz) 9(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 61 1(barig) 1(bariga)[unit] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 62 sze sze[barley] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 63 szuku-ra szukur[ration] NOUN N Number=Sing|Case=Gen _ _ _ _ 64 gur gur[unit] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 65 ki ki[place] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 66 ka-guru7-ta Kaguru[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing|Case=Gen,Abl _ _ _ _ 67 kiszib3 kiszib[seal] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 68 i7-pa-e3 Ipa'e[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing|Case=Gen _ _ _ _ 69 mu mu[year] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 70 si-ma-num2{ki} Simanum[1] PROPN SN Number=Sing|Case=Abs _ _ _ _ 71 ba-hul hulu[destroy] VERB V Voice=Mid|Person=3|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 72 6(asz) 6(asz)[one] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 73 x _[_] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 74 3(barig) 3(bariga)[unit] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 75 3(u) 3(u)[ten] NUM NU _ _ _ _ _ 76 i7-pa-e3 Ipa'e[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 77 dumu dumu[child] NOUN N Number=Sing _ _ _ _ 78 lugal-uszurx(|LAL2.TUG2|) _[1] PROPN PN Animacy=Hum|Number=Sing|Case=Gen _ _ _ _

  • Artifact type: Tablet
  • Material: Clay
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:

  • primary: ASJ 9, p.203-275, p. 234 4

    [Snell1987Emory] Snell, Daniel C. 1987. “The Ur III Tablets in the Emory University Museum.” Acta Sumerologica 9: 203–75.

  • Composite No.:
  • Museum No.: X.3.126
  • Accession No.:

  • Provenience: Umma (mod. Tell Jokha)
  • Elevation:
  • Stratigraphic Level:
  • Excavation No:
  • Findspot Square:
  • Findspot Comments:

  • Period: Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC)
  • Dates Referenced: Šū-Suen.03.00.00
  • Alternative Years:
  • Date Comments:
  • Accounting Period: 0

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2022-12-04 at 11:30:39 Pagé-Perron, Émilie Annotation McGrath, William; Wang Jinyan Machine Translation and Automated Analysis of Cuneiform Languages Pagé-Perron, Émilie approved View
2017-03-03 at 09:52:19 Englund, Robert K. Atf CDLI CDLI approved View
2016-01-28 at 14:22:51 Englund, Robert K. Atf Ozaki Tohru CDLI approved View
2014-07-05 at 18:52:20 Englund, Robert K. Atf Aupperle, Eric CDLI approved View
2014-03-20 at 12:18:17 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-03-19 at 12:35:21 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-03-19 at 12:16:05 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2001-12-20 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact CDLI CDLI approved View

Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:

This artifact is impressed by the following seal(s):

Seal Provenience Period Date
CDLI Seals 002538.3 (composite) (P533438) - -

General Notes: -
CDLI Notes: -
Cite this Artifact
“ASJ 09, 234 04 Artifact Entry.” 2001. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). December 20, 2001.
ASJ 09, 234 04 artifact entry (No. P102280). (2001, December 20). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI).
ASJ 09, 234 04 artifact entry (2001) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: (Accessed: July 27, 2024).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2024-07-27]},
	year = {2001},
	month = {dec 20},
	title = {ASJ 09, 234 04 artifact entry},
	url = {},
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DA  - 2001/12/20/
PY  - 2001
ID  - P102280
LB  - CDLI:P102280
M1  - 2024/7/27/
TI  - ASJ 09, 234 04 artifact entry
UR  -
ER  - 
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