BiMes 06, 071 TA 1930 T0356 (P509178)

Update made on 2024-10-23 at 18:45:14 by Firth, Richard for Firth, Richard

publications_key Frayne1990RIME4; Reichel2001diss; Whiting1977-TXT2WWV9 Hallo1977;1426511
publications_type history; history; primary primary;history
publications_exact_ref .05.07.2001, ex. 01 (seal only); "318 Seal legend no. 101; 341 Seal legend no. 178"; 071 TA 1930 T0356 .05.07.2001, ex. 01 (seal only); 071 TA 1930 T0356
publications_comment ; Reichel's seal no. 178 is a burgul seal; ;
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