NMSI — (P241344)

Update made on 2024-07-19 at 18:56:52 by Firth, Richard for Firth, Richard

publications_key Archi1981KišEbla; Archi1984QuadSem13; Archi1985rapports; Archi1990FsKupper; Biga1991PdP46; Mander1990MEE10; Pomponio1980sistema-ponderale; sec42297; sec40836; sec42304; Waetzoldt1984IlBilinguismoEbla Archi1984QuadSem13; Archi1985rapports; Archi1990FsKupper; Mander1990MEE10; Pomponio1980sistema-ponderale; sec42297; sec42298; sec41028; sec42304; sec42307; Waetzoldt1984IlBilinguismoEbla
publications_type history; history; history; history; history; history; history; history; history; history; history history; history; history; history; history; history; history; history; history; history; history
publications_exact_ref 79-80 (rev. xii:11'-xiii:13) [1981]; 244, 248-250 [1984]; p. 75 50) (obv. vi:14, viii:2, ix:17, rev. viii:20, x:17, xiii:3, xiv:20); 204 (obv. v:1-9, x:1-15, rev. xiii:20-27) [1990]; 288 n. 8 (obv. iii:1-7) ; p. 91, 164; p. 181 n. 16; ; 551 n. 11 (obv. vii:3) [1980]; ; p. 415 nn. 68, 76, 423 n. 153 [1984] 244, 248-250 [1984]; p. 75 50) (obv. vi:14, viii:2, ix:17, rev. viii:20, x:17, xiii:3, xiv:20); 204 (obv. v:1-9, x:1-15, rev. xiii:20-27) [1990]; p. 91, 164; p. 181 n. 16; ; ; 79-80 (rev. xii:11'-xiii:13) [1981]; ; ; p. 415 nn. 68, 76, 423 n. 153 [1984]
publications_comment ; ; ; ; ; ; (obv. vii:13-14, xvi:7-9, rev. v:9'-11'); ; ; ; ; ; ; ; (obv. vii:13-14, xvi:7-9, rev. v:9'-11'); ; ; ; ; ;
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