designation | USC 6622 |
artifact_type | tablet |
period | Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) |
provenience | Umma (mod. Tell Jokha) |
seals | S003673.4 |
museum_no | USC 6622 |
accession_no | K187 |
artifact_preservation | -- |
is_provenience_uncertain | 0 |
is_period_uncertain | 0 |
is_artifact_type_uncertain | 0 |
is_school_text | 0 |
height | 40.0 |
thickness | 14.0 |
width | 40.0 |
surface_preservation | Fair |
collections | Archaeological Research Collection, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA |
dates | Amar-Suen.05.00.00 |
external_resources | BDTNS |
external_resources_key | 164262 |
genres | Administrative |
genres_comment | wood 6 2/3 talents of gisz u2-bil2-la; possession of duku-sanctuary |
genres_uncertain | 0 |
languages | Sumerian |
languages_uncertain | 0 |
materials | clay |
materials_uncertain | 0 |
retired | 0 |
has_fragments | 0 |
is_artifact_fake | 0 |