CT 03, pl. 35-39, BM 021335 (P108472)

Update made on 2024-07-03 at 17:07:31 by Firth, Richard for Firth, Richard

publications_key Carroué1986Cours; King1898CT3; Maekawa1997agricultural-11; Pettinato1976CT; Pettinato1976CT; Civil1994-70977 King1898-0;1378235
publications_type history; primary; citation; citation; collation; citation primary;history
publications_exact_ref p. 13-57, esp. 27ff.; pl. 35-39, BM 021335; p. 130-131; p. 142; p. 142; Instructions 119-120 pl. 35-39, BM 021335
publications_comment ; ; ; ; ;
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