CDLI Seals 012566 (composite) (P500953)

20170904 firth translation from: Frayne, Douglas R.

Update made on 2017-09-04 at 00:00:00 by CDLI for Firth, Richard; and Frayne, Douglas R.

designation CDLI Seals 012566 (composite)
artifact_type seal (not impression)
period Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
provenience Isin (mod. Bahriyat)
seal_no S012566
is_provenience_uncertain 1
is_period_uncertain 0
is_artifact_type_uncertain 0
is_school_text 0
artifact_comments composite
dates Damiq-ilišu.07.07.00
genres Administrative
genres_comment composite
genres_uncertain 0
languages Sumerian
languages_uncertain 0
materials stone
materials_uncertain 0
publications_key Matini2014-2
publications_type history
retired 0
has_fragments 0
is_artifact_fake 0
artifact_type_comments composite
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