Administrative tablet excavated in Ebla (mod. Tell Mardikh), dated to the Ebla (ca. 2350-2250 BC) period and now kept in National Museum of Syria, Aleppo, Syria
© Directorate-General for Antiquities and Museums, Syrian Arab Republic
column 1
1. 1(asz@c) _nu2_
2. 1(u@c) {gesz}ASAR
3. 4(u@c) _{gesz}szudun_
4. [x GESZ ...]
5. [x {gesz}]ZE2# x
column 2
1. 1(u@c) {gesz}ZE2
2. 3(u@c) _la-ha_ za-a-dum
3. 3(u@c) _la-ha_ du-gu
4. 1(asz@c) mi gu2-bar _zi3-sig5_
5. 1(asz@c) mi gu2-bar# [...]
column 3
1. 1(asz@c) mi gu2-bar SUR x x x
2. 2(asz@c) mi gu2#-[bar] SUR [...]
3. 5(u@c) gu2#-[bar ...]
4. _munu4_
5. [...]
column 1
column 2
1. [n] 3(u@c) _gu2-bar sze# ge6_
2. 1(u@c) gu2-bar _sze babbar_
3. 2(u@c) gu2-bar _ziz2_
4. 2(u@c) gu2-bar _sig5_
5. _sze-ba_
6. 1(asz@c) _iti_
column 3
column 4