Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Foxvog, Daniel A. on 2020-03-06 at 13:23:46 with credits to Foxvog, Daniel A.;

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
FAOS 02, 108 (P509653) 2340308
a-x-... only appears a few times in words list
lu-HI-... only appears a few times in words list
&P509653 = FAOS 02, 108
#atf: lang akk
$ beginning broken
1'. 1/2(disz)# _gin2#_ x x [...]
2'. 1/2(disz) _gin2_ x x [...]
3'. a-na# a-x-[...]
4'. _igi-6(disz)-gal2#_ [...]
5'. [x x] x x [...]
6'. [x x x] x [...]
$ n lines broken
7'. [x x x] x x x [...]
8'. 2(ban2)# ziz2# lu-HI-[...]
9'. x [x x x] x [...]
FAOS 02, 071 (P509618) 2340309
ma-s,i2-i3-li2 only appears a few times in words list
lu2-lu2 only appears a few times in words list
i-lu-un-tu-su-u2 only appears a few times in words list
in-pa2 only appears a few times in words list
i-sze only appears a few times in words list
i2-le only appears a few times in words list
sa3-ru-um only appears a few times in words list
i2 only appears a few times in signs list
&P509618 = FAOS 02, 071
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(esze3) GAN2 a-sza3 gug4#
# FAOS 02: '12 iku'
2. ka2-{d}gibil
3. za3 ma-s,i2-i3-li2
4. ki mu-sa3-ni-qum
5. i3-li2-ia-um <in-szi-sa10>
6. sa10 til-la-ni-sze3
7. 1/3(disz) ma-na 1(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
8. in-na-la2
9. gesz-gan-na
10. ib2-ta-bala
11. u4-kur2-sze3 lu2-lu2
1. nu-mu-un-gi4-gi4#
2. mu i-lu-un-tu-su#-u2
3. u3 {d}nin-urta in-pa2
4. igi a-na-gu-um
5. igi na-bi-i3-li2-szu
6. dumu# a-bi-ia
7. igi zu-za-lum
8. dumu ha-di-el
9. igi {d}suen-sze-mi
10. dumu {d}suen#-ma-lik
11. igi {d}suen-i-din-nam
12. dumu i-sze
13. igi a-ab-ba-t,a3-bu-um
14. mu {gesz}gu-za {d}nin-urta i2-le
$ beginning broken
1'. in#-pa3
2'. igi# zu-za#-[lum dumu ha-di-el]
3'. igi# {d}suen#-[sze-mi dumu {d}suen-ma-lik]
$ rest broken
@seal 1
1. mu-sa3-ni-qum
2. dumu sa3-ru-um
FAOS 02, 109 (P509654) 2340310
ATF: Parsing failed on line 5 near character 31
ATF: Parsing failed on line 15 near character 34
u8-udu only appears a few times in words list
la-la-a only appears a few times in words list
be2-la-nu-um only appears a few times in words list
te-er-ha-tum only appears a few times in words list
u8-udu only appears a few times in words list
te-er-ha-tum only appears a few times in words list
u8-udu only appears a few times in words list
te-er-ha-tum only appears a few times in words list
gu4-sza3-gu4 only appears a few times in words list
&P509654 = FAOS 02, 109
#atf: lang akk
1. [n] me#-at u8-udu [u3 geme2]_
2. 7(disz) _ab2-gu4 amar#_
3. [n] _ma-na ku3-babbar sza3-ga_ x [...]
4. 1(u)# _ma-na ku3-babbar sza3-ga a-ra2# [2(disz)]-kam#_
5. 1(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar sza3-ga a-ra2 3(disz)-kam_
6. 8(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar sza3-ga a-ra2 4(disz)-kam_
7. 1(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar sza3-ga_ la-la-a _szu ba-an-ti_
8. 3(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar szu ti-a_ be2-la-nu-um
9. 3(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar sa10_ ri-ba-<am>-i3-li2
10. 4(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ te-er-ha-tum dingir-ba-ni
11. 1(disz) _me-at _u8-udu u3 geme2_
12. te-er-ha-tum dingir-ba-ni
13. [n] _ma-na ku3-babbar 1(disz) me-at u8-<udu> u3 geme2_
14. te#-[er]-ha#-tum# [ri]-ba#-am#-i3-li2
15. [...] x x
$ rest broken
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x [...]
2'. [...] x _szu ti-a_ x [...]
3'. 3(disz)# _gu4-sza3-gu4_ larsa{ki} x [...]
FAOS 02, 072 (P509619) 2340311
ki-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
{d}suen-ma-da only appears a few times in words list
lu2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
u2-nu-bu-um only appears a few times in words list
e2-a-i-din-nam only appears a few times in words list
s,a-li-ia only appears a few times in words list
i-ku-un-ka-sza only appears a few times in words list
i-tur2-su2-me-el only appears a few times in words list
&P509619 = FAOS 02, 072
#atf: lang sux
1. 4(disz) sar ki-gal2
2. sza3-bi 4(disz) {gesz}geszimmar ib2-ta-gub
# FAOS 02: personal name is missing
3. u3 {d}suen-ma-da
4. ki mu-ha-du-um
5. {d}suen-ia-ni
6. dumu i3-li2-ia-um in-szi-sa10
7. 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
8. sa10 til-la-ni#-[sze3] in#-na-la2
9. gesz-gan-na ib2#-ta-bala
10. inim-bi al-til
11. u4-kur2 lu2-sze3
12. nu-mu-un-gi4-gi4-dam
13. mu {d}nin-urta
1. u3 ma-na-ba-al-te-el
2. in-pa3-da#
3. igi u2-nu-bu-um dumu ku-bi-na-da
4. igi e2-a-i-din-nam
5. dumu e2-a-ba-ni
6. igi i-pi2-iq-nu-nu dumu a-bi-ia
7. igi s,a-li-ia
8. dumu i-ku-un-ka-sza
9. igi {d}suen-e-ri-ba-am dub-sar
10. mu us2-sa 3(disz) {gesz}gu-za za3-bi-us2 ma-na-ba-al-te-el mu-dim2
@seal 1
1. mu-ha-du-um
2. dumu i-tur2-su2-me-el
FAOS 02, 098 (P509644) 2340312
x-x-ri-im only appears a few times in words list
4(disz)! only appears a few times in words list
e-pi-ni-im only appears a few times in words list
sza-ba-re-e only appears a few times in words list
szi-ba-tum only appears a few times in words list
nam-ri-tim only appears a few times in words list
a-ma-zu-um only appears a few times in words list
sza-ta-ah-ti-in-el3 only appears a few times in words list
pi2-qi2-tim only appears a few times in words list
nu-ur2-ri-ia only appears a few times in words list
ta-ab-li-t,im only appears a few times in words list
esz-re-tim only appears a few times in words list
6(u) only appears a few times in words list
4(disz)! only appears a few times in signs list
6(u) only appears a few times in signs list
&P509644 = FAOS 02, 098
#atf: lang akk
1. [2(u) 1(disz) x] x x x
2. _e2#_ [x] x x x x
3. a-na# [x]-x-ri#-im#
4. 1(u) 4(disz)! _gu4_ a#-na# e#-pi#-ni#-im#
5. a-na sza-ba-re-e
6. 6(disz) _ab2_ szi-ba-tum
7. a-na nam-ri-tim
8. 1(disz) _gu4_ a-ma-zu-um
9. [1(disz)] _gu4_ puzur4-{d}utu x x
1. _e2#_ sza-ta-ah-ti-in-el3
2. 1(disz) _gu4 erin2 nig2_ pi2-qi2-tim
# FAOS 02 suggests instead of clear erin2: gu4 babbar!?
3. _e2_ nu-ur2-ri-ia
4. a-na ta-ab-li-t,im
5. 2(u) 2(disz) a-na _e2_ {d}nanna
6. a-na esz-re-tim
7. _szunigin 6(u) 6(disz) ab2 gu4_
FAOS 02, 106 (P509651) 2340313
ATF: Parsing failed on line 15 near character 37
ATF: Parsing failed on line 22
ha-na-nu only appears a few times in words list
{d}suen-ia-NI only appears a few times in words list
ia-mu-ut-ba-lum only appears a few times in words list
ka-ba-ri-ia only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}igi-mar only appears a few times in words list
qa2-bi-lum only appears a few times in words list
ia-ta-ru only appears a few times in words list
&P509651 = FAOS 02, 106
#atf: lang akk
1. 1/2(disz)# _gin2 ku3-babbar szu ti-a_ x a x ha-na-nu
2. 1(disz) 2/3(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar szu ti#-a_ {d}suen-ba-ni _simug_
3. 1(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar szu ti-a_ {d}nanna-ma-an-szum2
4. _igi-6(disz)-gal2 giri3_ {d}suen#-ia-NI
5. a-na ia-mu-ut-ba-lum
6. 2(disz) 1/3(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar szu ti-a_ a-na-gum
7. _igi-6(disz)-gal2 dumu_ mu-za-ni _azlag2_ x x x x
8. 2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar szu ti-<a>_ {d}suen#-i-din-nam
9. _dumu#_ ka-ba-ri-ia
10. 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2 sa10-bi_ x x x TAR
11. 1(disz) _gin2 sa10-bi {gesz}igi-mar
12. 2/3(disz) _gin2 sa10#-[bi_ x x x x]
1. a-na ku-ku-[nu]-um#
2. 2(disz) _gin2_ mu-sa3-ni-qum
3. 1(disz) _gin2_ qa2-bi-lum
4. 1(disz) _gin2_ ia-ta-ru
5. ($ blank space $) 1(u) 5(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_
6. _mu_ ma-na-ba-al-te-el
FAOS 02, 100 (P509645) 2340314
szu-{d}nirah only appears a few times in words list
lum-ma-el3 only appears a few times in words list
ia-PA-te-x only appears a few times in words list
i-la-x-x only appears a few times in words list
{d}suen-le-qe2 only appears a few times in words list
szi-ri-a-ia-bi only appears a few times in words list
x-x-a only appears a few times in words list
{d}lugal-banda3 only appears a few times in words list
&P509645 = FAOS 02, 100
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. 4(disz)# [x] x x
2'. 2(u) 7(disz) ab2 amar-ga
3'. 3(disz) gu4 <<ab2 amar-ga#>>
4'. 1(u) 5(disz) gu4 amar-ga
5'. szunigin# 5(u) 5(disz) ab2 gu4
6'. szu-ti-a szu-{d}nirah
1. igi lum-ma-el3
2. igi ia-PA-te-x
3. dumu i-la#-x-x
4. igi {d}suen-le#-qe2
5. igi# szi-ri-a-ia-bi#
6. [igi] x-x-a dumu la#-[lum]
$ rest broken
@seal 1
1. [x]-x-x-x
2. dub-sar
3. dumu {d}lugal-banda3
FAOS 02, 107 (P509652) 2340315
sag-nita2 only appears a few times in words list
usz-bar only appears a few times in words list
ka-x-x-e only appears a few times in words list
{d}suen-ni-a only appears a few times in words list
&P509652 = FAOS 02, 107
#atf: lang sux
1. 5(ban2) 3(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 sza3 gal# sag-nita2
2. 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sza gal usz#-bar
3. 3(barig) dabin# a-ra2# 3(disz)-kam
4. giri3 ka-x-x-e
5. szu ti-a {d}[suen]-ni#-a#
$ 2 lines traces
3. iti udru{duru5}
4. u4 2(u)-kam ba-zal
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