Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Englund, Robert K. on 2019-05-29 at 21:02:01 with credits to Peterson, Jeremiah;

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
UET 6, 0284 (P346349) 2326979
dam-da only appears a few times in words list
dumu-da only appears a few times in words list
he2-me-da-an-ti only appears a few times in words list
&P346349 = UET 6, 0284
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. u2 dam-da ze2-eb
2. u2 dumu-da ze2-eb
3. {d}asznan {d}ku3-su3
4. e2#-a he2-me-da-an-ti#
#tr.en: A plant that is good with a spouse, a plant that is good with a son, may Ezina-Kusu (grain) live with you in the house
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 050 (P346144) 2326980
ATF: Parsing failed on line 28 near character 15
{gesz}|DAR.GAG| only appears a few times in words list
x-TUG2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-na-ab-be2 only appears a few times in words list
bur12-ra-ni only appears a few times in words list
pad-pad-ra2-ni only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib-gul-la-a only appears a few times in words list
urx(AMA)-ta only appears a few times in words list
al-x-ma only appears a few times in words list
im-da-ab-gu7 only appears a few times in words list
ama-na-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-da-kar-ra only appears a few times in words list
al-dag-dag-ge only appears a few times in words list
a!-a-na only appears a few times in words list
ama!-na only appears a few times in words list
nu-te-ga2-dam only appears a few times in words list
al-… does not appear in words list
a! only appears a few times in words list
nu-dab-dab-...-ne only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-sze8-sze8 only appears a few times in words list
nu2-na only appears a few times in words list
im-x-LU only appears a few times in words list
ki-si-ge only appears a few times in words list
pad only appears a few times in words list
pad-ra2-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
...-gar-ra only appears a few times in words list
nu-zu! only appears a few times in words list
NE-... only appears a few times in words list
bi2-bar only appears a few times in words list
|DAR.GAG| only appears a few times in signs list
urx(AMA) only appears a few times in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
&P346143 = CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 49
&P346144 = CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 050
#atf: lang sux
1. lu2# {gesz}ma2-du3 ra igi bi2-du8 a-na-gin7 i3-gal2
>>Q000364 294
2. a2#-sze3 ama-gu10 lu2 he2-en-na-ab-be2 ti bur12-ra-ni a
>>Q000364 294
3. {gesz#}sag-du ninda pax(PAD)-pax(PAD)-ra2-ni a bi2-ib-gul-la-(x)-a
>>Q000364 297
4. lu2# ama-ta szub-ba igi bi2-du8 a-na-gin7 i3-gal2
>>Q000364 287a
5. gu4#-gin7 al-szub uh im-da-ab-gu7
>>Q000364 289
6-7. lu2# asz2! ama-na-ke4 sa2 bi2-in-du11-ga igi# bi2#-du8 a-na-gin7 i3-gal2
8. ibila# ba-an-da-kar gidim#-a#-ni# szu al-ga2-ga2-x-ke4#
8. lu2# inim# a-a-na u3 ama!-na ni2# nu#-te#-ge26#-dam igi bi2-du8 [a-na-gin7] i3#-gal2#
9. [...] x x x x
$ rest broken
1. lu2#? {gesz}|DAR.GAG| ra igi bi2-[duh] a-na-gin7 i3-gal2#
#tr.en: Did you see the man who struck (and dislodged(?)) the mast/mooring pole/loom peg(!?)? How is he (found) there?
2. x-TUG2 ama-gu10 lu2 he2-en-na-ab#-be2# ti bur12-ra-ni a [...]
#tr.en: (He says?) “Now, someone should say to my mother(?) “his torn out (dislocated) rib (i.e., boat planking)(!?) (let the) water (pour in?)”
3. {gesz#?}sag-du ninda pad-pad-ra2-ni a bi2-ib-gul-la-a#?
#tr.en: The (supporting) beam(!?) (crumbling) like breads crumbs, destroyed him(!?) with water(!?)
4. lu2#? urx(AMA)-ta szub-ba igi bi2-duh a-na-gin7 i3-gal2
#tr.en: Did you see the man who had fallen from the roof(!?) How is he (found) there?
5. [...]-gin7 al-x-ma eh im-da-ab-gu7#?
#tr.en: He ... like an ox, eaten by parasites
6. [...] a#?-a ama-na-ke4 sa2 bi2-in-du11-ga#?
7. [igi] bi2#-duh a-na-gin7 i3-gal2#
#tr.en: Did you see the man who was overtaken by(?) the curse(?) of his mother and father? How is he (found) there?
8. ibila#? ba-an-da-kar#?-ra#? [...]-x szu# al-dag#?-dag#?-ge#?
#tr.en: (His) heir has absconded from him, his ghost(?) roams around
9. [...] inim#? a!-a-na u3 ama!?-na [...] nu#?-te#?-ga2?-dam igi bi2-duh
10. [...] i3#-gal2#
#tr.en: Did you see the man who was (intent to) not respect the command of his mother and father? How is he (found) there?
11. [...] x x [...]
$ beginning broken
1'. [u2-ni al-bar a]-ni [al-bar u2] gi7#  al-[gu7-e a gi7 al-na8-na8]
>>Q000364 287
2'. [lu2 me3]-a# szub-ba igi bi2-[du8] a-na-gin7 [i3-gal2]
>>Q000364 290
3'. [ad ama-ni] sag#-du nu-dab-dab#-be2#-[ne] dam#-a#-ni er2 ba-ni-sze8#?-sze8#?
>>Q000364 291
4'. [...] x na x na [...]-ma igi bi2-du8 a-na-gin7 i3-gal2
5'. [...] x-ta szu#-ta im x ki
6'. [gidim lu2 ninda] ki-sig10-ga nu-tuku [igi] bi2#-du8 [a-na]-gin7# i3-gal2
>>Q000364 292
7'. [szu su-ub-be2] ninda nig2-pax(PAD)-ra2-a-ni sila szub#-ba# i3-gu7#-e
>>Q000364 293
8'. nigar#{gar}-ra tur-tur#-[gu10 ni2-bi nu-zu igi bi2-du8 a-na-gin7 i3-gal2
>>Q000364 298
9'. {gesz}bunig ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar lal3 i3-nun-na e-ne im-di-e-ne
>>Q000364 299
10'. lu2 izi x igi# bi2-du8# [igi <nu-mu-ni-du8>]
>>Q000364 302
11'. [<gidim-ma-ni nu-gal2 i>-bi2-ni an-na ba-e-e3]
>>Q000364 303
1'. [...]-ni [...]
#tr.en: His food is set aside, his water is set aside
2'. [...] BU# al-[…]
#tr.en: ...
3'. [...] a!? [...]
#tr.en: He is eating ... food, he is drinking ... water
4'. [...]-a#? szub-ba igi bi2-[duh] a-na-gin7 [i3-gal2]
#tr.en: Did you see the man who fell in battle(?)? How is he (found) there?
5'. [...] sag-du nu-dab#?-dab#?-[...]-ne#? dam#-a-ni er2 ba-ni-sze8-sze8
#tr.en: There(?) his (father and?) mother do not grasp(?) (his?) head, his wife weeps
6'. [...] edin#?-na nu2#-na
#tr.en: ...
7'. [...]-ma igi! bi2-duh a-na-gin7 i3-gal2
#tr.en: Did you see (the man) whose corpse lies(!) in the plain ...? How is he (found) there?
8'. [...] x-ta x-ta im-x-LU#?
#tr.en: ... apart from(?) ...
9'. [...] ki-si-ge? nu-tuku
#tr.en: ...
10'. [...] i3-gal2
#tr.en: Did you see the ghost that does not have someone (to provide) funerary offerings (for him)? I saw him. How is he treated?
11'. [...] pad#? ninda pad-ra2-a-ni sila#? szub#?-ba i3-gu7#?-e
#tr.en: ..., he eats his bread crumbs that have fallen (into) the street
12'. [...]-gar-ra tur-tur# [...] ni2#-bi nu-zu!?
#tr.en: ...
13'. a#-na-gin7# [...]
#tr.en: <Did you see>(?) the tiny stillborn babies, who do not know their own names? How are they (found) there?
14'. {gesz#}bunig# ku3#?-[...]
#tr.en: They play in a trough/bucket of gold and silver (filled with) honey and ghee
15'. lu2# izi NE#-[...] igi bi2-bar? [...]
#tr.en: Did you see the man who was set on fire(?)? I looked around for him and did not see him
UET 6, 0285 (P346350) 2326981
al-kar-re only appears a few times in words list
&P346350 = UET 6, 0285
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. pesz2# tur-re lu2 szu dab5-ba
2. erim2# al-kar-re e#-sze#
#tr.en: "The little mouse is fleeing from(?) the captor(?), the enemy” they say
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0286 (P346351) 2326982
nu-mu-un-mar only appears a few times in words list
ma-an-du11! only appears a few times in words list
&P346351 = UET 6, 0286
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. in-nu in dub2-ba
2. in ma-an-du11
#tr.en: There is no insulter(?), yet ... insulted me
3. su-lum nu-mu-un-mar
4. su-lum mar ma-an-du11#!?
#tr.en: No one(?) has treated ... with contempt, yet ... treats me(?) with contempt
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 051 (P346145) 2326983
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 34: {gesz}szu-kara2 a2-kar2-ra gesz!?pa
me3-a-ka only appears a few times in words list
szub-x only appears a few times in words list
nu-un!-dab5-be2 only appears a few times in words list
x-sze8-sze8 only appears a few times in words list
x-ne-ke4-e only appears a few times in words list
x-x-x-en only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-kar-asz only appears a few times in words list
x-da-an!-gul-e only appears a few times in words list
bi2!-duh only appears a few times in words list
...-x-x-ge only appears a few times in words list
...-ib-bala-x only appears a few times in words list
al-x-e only appears a few times in words list
i3-gu7-x only appears a few times in words list
e-ne-di only appears a few times in words list
im-de-ne only appears a few times in words list
nu-bi2-tak4-a only appears a few times in words list
i3-sub-be2 only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-gi4-gi4-... only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-gi4-gi4-x-... only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}szu-kara2 only appears a few times in words list
a2-kar2-ra only appears a few times in words list
gesz!pa-a-szu does not appear in words list
a2-gid2-da only appears a few times in words list
e2-gal-la-na! only appears a few times in words list
sag-tuku only appears a few times in words list
bur-szum2-ma only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-bar-bar-re-ne only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-hul2-hul2-la only appears a few times in words list
agrun-na-ta only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-na-mi-ni-in-il2 only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-da-an-ag2 only appears a few times in words list
nag-ze2-en only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-da-sa9 only appears a few times in words list
am3-da-diri only appears a few times in words list
AGA-bi only appears a few times in words list
in-szi-in-TAG-ne only appears a few times in words list
{d}gilgamesz2-e only appears a few times in words list
ki-hul-a only appears a few times in words list
ki-hul-a only appears a few times in words list
sag-tuku only appears a few times in words list
nag-ze2-en only appears a few times in words list
bi2! only appears a few times in signs list
gesz!pa does not appear in signs list
&P346145 = CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 51
&P346145 = CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 051
#atf: lang sux
$ (not done)
1. lu2# ki# me3#-a#-ka# szub#?-x igi# bi2-duh#
#tr.en: Did you see the man who fell a the site of battle?
2. ki# ama#-ni# sag#?-x x x nu#-un!-dab5#-be2# x-ni# er2# x-sze8#-sze8# x-a-ni# edin-na ba-an-nu2
#tr.en: His mother does not seize his head(?) there, his spouse weeps, his ghost(?) has laid down in the plain
3. [...] x x-ne#?-ke4?-e#? igi#!? bi2#-duh#
#tr.en: Did you see ...?
4. [...] x x NE# x x x x x-x-x-en
#tr.en: ...
5. [...] x x [...] bi2#-duh#
#tr.en: Did you see ...?
6. [...]-x
7. [... bi2]-duh#?
#tr.en: Did you see ...?
8. [...]-x
9. [... bi2]-duh#
#tr.en: Did you see ...?
10. [...]-x
11. [...] ba#?-an-kar-asz#?
#tr.en: ... took away(?) ...
12'. [...] x-da#?-an#!?-gul#?-e#?
#tr.en: ...
13. [...] x x igi bi2#!?-duh#
#tr.en: Did you see ...?
14. [...]-x-x-ge#
#tr.en: ...
15. [...]-ib#-bala#?-x
#tr.en: ...
16. [...] al#?-x-e
#tr.en: ..., he is eating/drinking ...
17. [...] bi2#-duh
#tr.en: Did you see the ghost who had no one to place food (as a funerary offering)/who had no funerary offering?
18. [...] x sila szub-ba i3#-gu7#?-x
#tr.en: Scraping the pot, he is eating bread crumbs that have fallen into the street
19. [...] bi2#-duh
#tr.en: Did you see the little stillbirths, who do not know their own names?
20. [... e]-ne#?-di# im#-de#-ne
#tr.en: They play in/on a trough/table of gold and silver
21. [...] nu#?-bi2#?-tak4#?-a
#tr.en: ... not abandoned/opened(?)
22. [...] x x-a i3-sub#?-be2?
#tr.en: Suckling/rubbing(?) ...
23. [...]-x-x
24. [...]-x
25. [... bi2]-duh#?
#tr.en: Did you see ...?
$ beginning broken
1. [unu{ki}] im-mi-gi4-gi4-[ne]
2. iri#-bi# im-mi-gi4-gi4-ne
3. {gesz#}szu-kar2 a2-kar2-ra-ke4 pa-a-szu a2-gid2-[da] da-da-ra-sze3 mi-ni-in-ku4
4. e2-gal-la-na hul2-hul2-la mi-ni-in-gar
5. gurusz ki-sikil unug-ga{ki} sag-tuku bur-szum2-ma kul-[aba{ki}]
6. alan-bi igi mu-un-bar-bar-re-ne im-ma-hul2-hul2-la
7. {d}utu agrun-na-ta e3-a-na? sag mu-un-na mi-ni-in-il2!
8. a2-bi mu-un-da-an-ag2
9. a-a-mu u3 ama-mu a si-ig-ga nag-ze2-en
10. u4 nu-mu-un-da-sa9 am3-da-dirig aga3-bi in-szi-in-tag-ne
11. {d}gilgamesz2-e ki hul-a ba-an-szub
12. u4 9(disz)-kam ki hul-a ba-an-szub
13. gurusz ki-sikil unu{ki}-ga sag!-tuku bur-szu-ma kul-aba{ki} er2 ba-sze8-sze8
14. bi2-in-du11-ga-gin7-nam
15. dumu gir2-su{ki}-a zag bi2-in-tag
16. a-a-mu u3 ama-mu a si-ig-ga nag-ze2-en
17. ur-sag {d}gilgamesz2 dumu {d}nin-sumun2-ka za3-mi2-zu du10-ga-am3
$ double ruling
$ blank space
1'. [...] x [...] im#-mi#-gi4#-gi4#?-[...]
#tr.en: ... was returning
2'. x-x im-mi-gi4-gi4-x-[...]
#tr.en: ... was returning(?)
3'. {gesz}szu-kara2 a2-kar2-ra gesz!?pa-a-szu a2-gid2-da#? da-da-ra-sze3 mi-ni-in-x
#tr.en: He girded himself/his long arms(?) with implements, armor, the pašu ax, and a spear(?)
4'. e2-gal-la-na!? hul2-hul2#-la mi-ni-in-gar
#tr.en: He initiated constant/much rejoicing in his palace
5'. ug3 ki-sikil unu{ki}-ga sag#?-tuku bur-szum2-ma kul#-[aba4{ki} ...]
#tr.en: The young men(!?) and women of Uruk, the foremost(?) and the matrons of Kulaba
6'. alan-bi igi mu-un-bar-bar-re-ne im-ma-hul2-hul2-la
#tr.en: The were looking at the statue/form (of Gilgamesh?) and rejoicing intensely
7'. {d}utu agrun-na-ta e3-a-na#? sag mu-un-na-mi-ni-in-il2#?
#tr.en: When Utu emerged from his chamber (at sunrise), he (Gilgamesh?) raised his head
8'. a2-bi mu-un-da-an-ag2
#tr.en: He gave this(?) order
9'. a-a-gu10 u3 ama-gu10 a si#-ig#-ga#? nag#?-ze2#?-en#
#tr.en: (Saying) “My father and mother, drink clear water!”
10'. u4 nu-mu-un-da-sa9 am3-da-diri AGA?-bi in-szi-in-TAG-ne
#tr.en: The day could not reach the halfway point, it (the libation?) was overflowing(?), they were ...
11'. {d}gilgamesz2-e ki-hul#-a ba-an-szub
#tr.en: Gilgamesh cast down the mourning site(?)
12'. u4 9(disz)-kam ki-hul-a ba-an-szub
#tr.en: It was the 9th day, that he had cast down the mourning site(?)
13'. ug3 ki-sikil unu{ki}-ga sag#?-tuku bur#-szu-ma kul-aba4{ki} er2 ba-sze8-sze8
#tr.en: The young men(!?) and young women of Uruk and the foremost(?) and the matrons of Kulaba wept
14'. bi2-in-du11-ga-gin7-nam
#tr.en: It was when he said (this)
15'. dumu gir2-su{ki}-a za3 bi2-in-tag
#tr.en: He rejected/shoved away the citizen(s) of girsu
16'. a-a-gu10 u3 ama-gu10 a si-ig nag#?-ze2?-en
#tr.en: (Saying?) “my father and mother, drink clear water!”
17'. ur-sag {d}gilgamesz2 dumu {d}nin-sun2-ka za3-mi2-zu du10-ga-am3
#tr.en: Hero Gilgamesh, sun of Ninsun, your praise is sweet
UET 6, 0278 (P346346) 2326984
u3-mu-ni-in-szub only appears a few times in words list
gu2-un-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
al-sig-en only appears a few times in words list
&P346346 = UET 6, 0278
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. i3-du-du-na-ke4#-esz#
#tr.en: Because he(?) is going
2. i3-kasz4-kasz4-na-ke4#-esz
#tr.en: Because he(?) is running
3. ba-an-tum2 ba#-an#-tum2
#tr.en: "He shall succeed(?), he shall bring/succeed(?)
4. mu-gu10-sze3 ba#-an#-du11#?
#tr.en: One said as my name
1. sisix(|ANSZE.KUR|) lu2 u5-a-ni
2. u3#-mu-ni-in-szub
#tr.en: After a horse bucked off/abandoned its rider
3. tukumbi gu2-un-gu10 da-ri2-sze3#?
4. ne-en-nam
5. al-sig-en e-sze
#tr.en: (It said) “If my load is going to be this permanently, I will be weak”
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0288 (P346353) 2326985
ba-da-an-na-x only appears a few times in words list
na-ga2-e only appears a few times in words list
a2-asz2-bi only appears a few times in words list
&P346353 = UET 6, 0288
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. en-na ku3-zu ku3 ba-da-an-na-x
2. na-ga2-e
3. a2-asz2-bi sa2 bi2-in-du11-ga
#tr.en: As long as he could assign a price(?) to wisdom(?), the idiot achieved his wish regularly
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000357, ex. 003 (P346146) 2326986
ATF: Parsing failed on line 23 near character 27
ATF: Parsing failed on line 35 near character 19
ATF: Parsing failed on line 37 near character 15
ATF: Parsing failed on line 39 near character 10
ATF: Parsing failed on line 41 near character 10
ATF: Parsing failed on line 43 near character 4
ATF: Parsing failed on line 45 near character 2
ATF: Parsing failed on line 47 near character 2
ATF: Parsing failed on line 49 near character 2
ATF: Parsing failed on line 51 near character 2
ATF: Parsing failed on line 62 near character 39
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 33: iri{ki}-bi-ne [...] x a2-dam-bi /
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 51: a!-lulimx?(GIR3) mu#-bi ba-ab-sze21-esz x x [...].
mu-da-ab-dim2-dim2-esz only appears a few times in words list
nig2-ki only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib2-gal2-esz only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni!-ib2-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-dun-dun only appears a few times in words list
pa5-re! only appears a few times in words list
dil-am3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}szakkan only appears a few times in words list
… does not appear in words list
tug2-sag-szu only appears a few times in words list
tuku5 only appears a few times in words list
nu-gal2-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-gal2-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-gal2-... only appears a few times in words list
…-la does not appear in words list
ti-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
…-la does not appear in words list
…-e does not appear in words list
…-TU does not appear in words list
…-NE does not appear in words list
…-NIG2 does not appear in words list
…-la does not appear in words list
…-tuku does not appear in words list
… does not appear in words list
… does not appear in words list
1(disz@t)-kam-ma-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}asal-lu2-hi-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-na-ni-ib-szum2-mu only appears a few times in words list
mu-na-ni-ib-szum2-mu only appears a few times in words list
3(disz@t)-kam-ma-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
la-ra-ak{ki} only appears a few times in words list
{d}pa-bil2-sag-ga2-ra only appears a few times in words list
mu-na-ni-ib-szum2-mu only appears a few times in words list
4(disz@t)-kam-ma-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-na-ni-ib-szum2-mu-ne only appears a few times in words list
5(disz@t)-kam-ma-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
… does not appear in words list
mu-na-ni-ib-szum2-mu only appears a few times in words list
iri{ki}-bi-ne only appears a few times in words list
/...-a does not appear in words list
iri-bi-ne only appears a few times in words list
...-x-gar-esz only appears a few times in words list
...-da-ab-ak-esz only appears a few times in words list
a-lulimx(GIR3) only appears a few times in words list
...-an-pa3-de3-... only appears a few times in words list
a!-lulimx(GIR3) only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-sze21-esz only appears a few times in words list
.... only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-sug2-esz-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
sze21-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
dab5-be2-... only appears a few times in words list
sze-bi-da only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-an-gar-re-... only appears a few times in words list
mu-na-ab-szum2-... only appears a few times in words list
mu-na-ab-x-... only appears a few times in words list
usz-x only appears a few times in words list
x-mu-u2 only appears a few times in words list
… does not appear in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
4(disz@t) only appears a few times in signs list
5(disz@t) only appears a few times in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
/... does not appear in signs list
lulimx(GIR3) only appears a few times in signs list
lulimx(GIR3) only appears a few times in signs list
.... only appears a few times in signs list
&P346146 = CDLI Literary 000357, ex. 003
#atf: lang sux
1. nam-lu2-lux(URU) mu?-da-ab-dim2-dim2-esz
2. [nig2]-ki#? gu3? tesz2-a ki-ta lu-lu-a-ba
3. masz2-ansze nig2-ur2-limmu2 [eden-na] me-te-asz bi2-ib2-gal2-esz
4. an-eden-na? [u2]-szim# giri17-zal-la dagal-bi ba-ni!-ib2-[...]
5. u4-ba id2 nu-dun-dun# [...] x x x x [...] x
6. eg2 pa5-re! [...] x
7. gud apin x x nam# [...]
1. nam-lu2-lux(URU) mu#?-da-ab-dim2-dim2-esz
#tr.en: They created humanity
2. [nig2]-ki#? gu3#? tesz2-a ki?-ta# lu-lu-a-ba
#tr.en: After(?) the animals in unison proliferated below(?)
3. masz2#-ansze nig2#-ur2#-limmu2# [edin-na] me-te-asz bi2-ib2-gal2-esz
#tr.en: They put the domestic herds and quadrupeds appropriately in the plain/0?
4. an-edin-na? [u2]-szim# giri17-zal-la dagal-bi ba-ni!-ib2-[...]
#tr.en: In the upper steppe ... joy, the birth mother(?) ....
5. u4-ba i7# nu-dun-dun# [...] x x x x [...] x
#tr.en: At that time, the canal was not dug ...
6. e pa5-re#! [...] x
#tr.en: The dike and ditch were not dredged ...
7. gu4 apin x x NAM# [...] x
#tr.en: The plow(!?) ...
8. kur-kur-re us2# dil-am3#? [... dab5 ...]
9. nam-lu2-lux(URU) igi-bi [...]
10. {d}szakkan bar-rim4-ma#? [...]
#tr.en: The lands followed a single track(?)
9. nam-lu2-lux(URU) igi#-bi# [...]
#tr.en: Humanity ... their eyes/faces
10. {d}szakkan bar-rim4-ma#? […]
#tr.en: Sumuqan did not go out? in the desert ...
11. tug2-sag-szu tuku5 x [...]
#tr.en: Weaving the cap/headcloth(?) ... ...
12. nam-lu2-lux(URU) [...]
13. u4-ba musz nu-[gal2-la-am3? gir2 nu-gal2-la?]
14. ur-mah nu-gal2-[la-am3? giri17 nu-gal2-la?]
15. ur-gi7 ur-[bar-ra nu-gal2-la?]
16. nam-lu2-lux(URU) [gaba szu gar nu gal2]-la#?
17. ni2 te-ga2 su#? [zi-zi nu-gal2]-la?
18. lu2 ki?-[...]-e
19. lugal x [...]-tu
20. x [...]-ne
21. [...]-NIG2
22. [...]-la
23. [...]-tuku
24. [...] x [...] x
#tr.en: Humanity ...
13. u4-ba musz nu-[gal2-...]
#tr.en: At that time, the snake was not present, the scorpion was not present ...
14. ur-mah nu-gal2-[...]
#tr.en: The lion was not present, ...
15. ur-gir15 ur-[bar-ra nu-gal2-...]
#tr.en: The dog and the wolf was not present ...
16. nam-lu2-lux(URU) […]-la#?
#tr.en: Humanity had no opponent ...
17. ni2 ti-ga2 x […]-la?
#tr.en: Fear and gooseflesh(!?) were not present ...
18. lu2 ki? […]-e
#tr.en: The man ...
19. lugal x […]-TU
#tr.en: The king ...
20. x […]-NE
#tr.en: …
21. […]-NIG2
#tr.en: …
22. […]-la
#tr.en: …
23. […]-tuku
#tr.en: …
24. […] x […] x
$ beginning broken
1'. [diszx(U)-kam-ma-sze3 ... {d}]asal#-lu2-hi-sze3 [mu-na-ni-ib]-szum2#-mu
2'. [min3-kam-ma-sze3]-ki [mu-na-ni-ib]-szum2#-mu
3'. esz-kam-ma-[sze3 la-ra-ak{ki} {d}pa-bil2]-sag-ga2-ra [mu-na-ni-ib]-szum2-mu
4'. limmu3-kam-ma-sze3 [... mu]-na-ni-ib-szum2-mu-ne
5'. iax(NINNU)-kam-ma-sze3 szuruppak# [... mu-na-ni]-ib-szum2-mu
6'. iri{ki}-bi-ne [...] x a2-dam-bi [...]-a
1'. [1(disz@t)-kam-ma-sze3? ... {d}]asal#-lu2-hi-sze3 [mu-na-ni-ib]-szum2#-mu
#tr.en: For the 1st (time), ... were giving Eridu or Ku'ara? to Asalluhi
2'. [2(disz@t)-kam-ma-sze3 ...]-ki [mu-na-ni-ib]-szum2#-mu
#tr.en: For the 2nd time ... were giving ...
3'. 3(disz@t)-kam-ma-[sze3 la-ra-ak{ki} {d}pa-bil2]-sag-ga2-ra [mu-na-ni-ib]-szum2-mu
#tr.en: For the 3rd (time) … were giving Larak to Pabilsag
4'. 4(disz@t)-kam-ma-sze3 [... mu]-na-ni-ib-szum2-mu-ne
#tr.en: For the 4th (time) … were giving ...
5'. 5(disz@t)-kam-ma-sze3 szuruppak#[{ki} … mu-na-ni]-ib-szum2-mu
#tr.en: For the 5th (time) … were giving Shuruppak? to Sud?
6'. iri{ki}-bi-ne [...] x a2-dam-bi /[...]-a
#tr.en: Those cities ... their settlements ...
7'. an {d}en-lil2 [{d}en-ki? {d}nin-hur]-sag#-ga2-ke4
8'. sza3 iri-bi-ne eridu{ki} [...] sag#?-bi-sze3 [...]-x-gar-esz
9'. lu2-lux(URU) ug3 dagal# szar2#-ra ba-nu2#? [...]-da-ab-ak-esz{i-wi-ru-u2?}
# Akkadian gloss at end
#tr.en: An, Enlil, Enki? and Ninhursag
8'. sza3!? iri-bi-ne eridu{ki} [...] sag#?-bi-sze3 / [...]-x-gar-esz
#tr.en: Among(?) those cities, Eridu ... they established at the front/as the leader(?)
9'. lu2-lux(URU) ug3 dagal# szar2#-ra ba-nu2#? [...]-da-ab-ak-esz
#tr.en: They led(?) a man who was lying(?) among its vast and many people ...
10'. an {d}en-lil2 {d}en-ki a-a dingir-[re]-e-ne
#tr.en: An, Enlil, and Enki, the father(s) of the gods(?)
11'. nam-sipa kilib3? ug3 szar2-ra-ba a-lulimx(GIR3)? [...]-an-pa3-de3-[...]
12'. a-lulimx(GIR3) mu#-bi ba-ab-sze21-esz{x-x-[...]}
# Akkadian gloss at end?
13'. HUR kab2 du11-ga a2 ag2-e mu-un-sug2-esz-a-[ba?]
14'. nam-lu2-lux(URU)# nig2 a-na mu sze21-a-ba giri3-ni dab5-be2-[...]
#tr.en: They chose Alulim for the shepherdship of the entirety of the many people
12'. a!-lulimx?(GIR3) mu#-bi ba-ab-sze21-esz x x [...].
#tr.en: They named him(!) Alulim
13'. HAR kab2 du11#?-ga a2 ag2-e mu-un-sug2-esz-a-[ba?]
#tr.en: After they served according to the command to check thusly/for ever after(?)
14'. nam-lu2-lux(URU)#? nig2 a-na mu sze21-a-ba giri3-ni dab5-be2-[...]
#tr.en: Humanity, whoever possessed a name, grasping his feet (in submission?)/following his path (i.e., his instruction?) ...
15'. szer7-[da? sze?]-bi-da szu-na ba-da-an-gar-re-[...]
#tr.en: They put both (capital) offense and negligence(?) in his hand
16'. [...] x e-ne-ra mu-na-ab-szum2#-[...]
17'. [...] x mu-[...]
18'. x [...] x [...] x mu-na-ab-x [...]
$ double ruling
#tr.en: .... gave(?) ... to him
17'. [...] x mu#-[...]
#tr.en: ...
18'. [...] x [...] x mu-na-ab-x-[...]
#tr.en: ...
19'. usz-x x x-mu-u2
# Akkadian subscript
#tr.en: ...
UET 6, 0289 (P346354) 2326987
NIGIN2 only appears a few times in words list
lu2-lul-la-ra only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-abul-la only appears a few times in words list
sag-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
egir!-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
nig2-gen6-na does not appear in words list
ba-an-da-bur12 only appears a few times in words list
nig-gen6-na does not appear in words list
ib2-ta-x only appears a few times in words list
im-da-szub-bu-de3 only appears a few times in words list
NIGIN2 only appears a few times in signs list
egir! only appears a few times in signs list
gen6 does not appear in signs list
gen6 does not appear in signs list
&P346354 = UET 6, 0289
#atf: lang sux
1. KA NIGIN2? du11-du11 lu2-lul-la-ra
#tr.en: As for(?) the ..., the liar
2. {d}nin-abul#-la sag-a-ni bi2-in-x
#tr.en: Ninabula ... her(?) head
3. sa6-ga-ni hul-sze3 ba-da-gal2
#tr.en: His good(ness) was made into(?) evil (when) with him(?)
4. igi-ni tesz2 la-ba-an-tuku
#tr.en: His face had no shame
5. szu-si egir!-a-ni mu-un-da-gal2
#tr.en: The (accusatory?) finger was there (pointing) behind him(?)
6. {d}utu en nig2-gen6-na ki ag2#
#tr.en: Utu, the lord who loves truth
7. nig2-erim2 ba-an-da-bur12 nig-gen6-na gid2-da#?
#tr.en: Tore out evil from him and prolonged(!?) truth
# profound/distant”?
8. nam-tag dugud ib2-ta-x
#tr.en: ... the grave sin
9. KA szu#? kal x
#tr.en: ...
10. im-da-szub-bu-de3#?
#tr.en: ... is to cast away/fall away(?)
CDLI Literary 000369, ex. 009 (P346147) 2326988
...-la-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
ge6-par4-... only appears a few times in words list
...-par4-ra-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
...-lu7 only appears a few times in words list
aratta{ki}-... only appears a few times in words list
IL2-... only appears a few times in words list
u4-te-en-e only appears a few times in words list
{d}dumu-zi-... only appears a few times in words list
kur-ra-gin7! only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-ni-ib2-... only appears a few times in words list
ku3-ga2-a only appears a few times in words list
uszu3-asz3 does not appear in words list
zi-pa-ag2-x only appears a few times in words list
...-kar2 only appears a few times in words list
ba-szi-in-gar only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-an-pa3 only appears a few times in words list
uszu3 only appears a few times in signs list
&P346147 = CDLI Literary 000369, ex. 009
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] kul#-aba4{ki}-a sag-men# [...]
#tr.en: When you place the sagmen crown (on your head?) in Uruk and in Kulab
2'. [...]-la#-ke4 ge6-par4#-[...]
#tr.en: The ... of the great shrine should bring you to the gipar complex(?)
3'. [...]-par4#-ra#-ke4 esz3 gal-[...]
#tr.en: (And then) the ... of the gipar complex should bring you to the great shrine(?)
4'. [...]-lu7#? aratta{ki#?}-[...]
#tr.en: The people of Aratta
5'. [...]-NE# x-x gesz IL2#-[...]
#tr.en: ... they carry ... and wood(?)
6'. [...] ne# u4#-te-en-e um-ma#-[...]
#tr.en: After this day reaches the evening
7'. [...] {d#}dumu-zi-da udu masz2 x NI [...]
#tr.en: In the site of Dumuzi where (his) sheep and goats ... are numerous
8'. a kal-ga a-sza3 {d}dumu-zi#-[...]
#tr.en: In the “mighty water,” the field of Dumuzi
9'. udu kur-ra-gin7! dub3 ha-ra-ni-ib2#-[...]
#tr.en: They should kneel down for you like a sheep of the mountains
10'. gaba ku3-ga2-a u4-gin7 e3-ni
#tr.en: Come out upon my holy chest like sunlight
11'. uszu3-asz3
#tr.en: (Subtotal of) thirty-six (lines)
1. zi-pa-ag2#-x [...] he2-me#-en#
#tr.en: May you be that of the šuba stone(!?) of my throat
2. [...] x [...]-kar2# dumu# {d}utu za3-mi2
#tr.en: ... Enmerkar, son of Utu, praise
3. [...] kesz2# ba-szi-in-gar
#tr.en: The lord placed care towards the holy word of Inanna
4. [...]-ta#? ba-ra-an-pa3
#tr.en: He selected a messenger who was learned and strong from the workforce/troops
CDLI Literary 000796, ex. 082 (P254875) 2326989
nar-ra-am3 only appears a few times in words list
&P254875 = CDLI Literary 000796, ex. 082
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. nar en3-du dili-am3 he2-zu
#tr.en: If a singer knew/learned (only) one song/hymn
2. ad sza4 he2#-sa6#
#tr.en: And his lament/vocalization(?) was (nevertheless) good
3. e-ne#-am3 nar#-ra-am3
#tr.en: He is a singer/musician
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000382, ex. 004 (P346148) 2326990
ATF: Syntax error at line 5 col 1: 1'.
...-bi-ne only appears a few times in words list
im-ze-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-sug2-ge-... only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-an-dab5-be2-esz only appears a few times in words list
lil2-... only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-szub-... only appears a few times in words list
giri16-lu only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-e3-... only appears a few times in words list
kusz2-u3-bi only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-bar-re-... only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib2-HI-HI-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-BU only appears a few times in words list
...-mi-ib2-du11-ge only appears a few times in words list
&P346148 = CDLI Literary 000382, ex. 004
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x [...]
2'. [...] lu2-erim2 nu-[...] kur2 im-ma-an#?-[...]
#tr.en: Its baliff/lurker, though not an enemy, ... another place
3'. [...]-bi#-ne HAR im-ze#-[...] bar#-ta ba-sug2-ge#?-[...]
#tr.en: The great gods cut ..., they stood outside
4'. [...] bar# im-ma-an-dab5-be2-esz edin# lil2#?-[...]
#tr.en: They roamed in the mountain range, the plain with howling? phantoms ...
5'. [...] silim# du3-a gu7-a nag-bi-sze3 x [...] im-mi-in-szub-[...]
#tr.en: They abandoned the praised(?) city/city built in peace(?) on account of (a lack of) eating and drinking/hunger and thirst(?)
6'. [...] x-ma dum-dam mu-ni-in-[...] giri16-lu im-mi-in-e3#-[...]
#tr.en: In the meadow(?) ... howled and brought out/intoned a lament
7'. [...] lu2#? banda3{+da} sza3 kusz2-u3-bi [...] igi-sze3 ka ba x [...]
#tr.en: The deliberations of the elders and juniors ... before ... the utterance(?) ...
8'. [...] x mu-un-bar-re#-[...] bi2#-ib2-HI-HI-[...]
#tr.en: …
9'. [...] x-bi ba-BU x [...]
#tr.en: ...
10'. [...]-mi#?-ib2-du11-ge# [...]
#tr.en: ...
11'. [...] du3#?-a me-a [...]
#tr.en: ... where(?) ...?
12'. [...] x [...]
CDLI Literary 000795, ex. 052 (P254876) 2326991
nig2-gen6-na-ta does not appear in words list
in-da-... only appears a few times in words list
ia-u3-tu only appears a few times in words list
nig2-erim2-me-e only appears a few times in words list
he2-ib-kuszx(SAG)-sze only appears a few times in words list
nu-sze-ba only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-hun only appears a few times in words list
an-szeg3 only appears a few times in words list
gen6 does not appear in signs list
&P254876 = CDLI Literary 000795, ex. 052
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. nig2-gen6-na-ta a-ba in-da#-[...]
#tr.en: Who compares with justice?
2. nam-ti ia-u3-tu#
#tr.en: It gives birth to life
3. nig2-erim2-me-e
4. a2-bi he2-ib-kuszx(SAG)-sze#
#tr.en: If wickedness exerts itself
5. {d}utu nu-sze-ba
#tr.en: Utu is not negligent (in responding)
$ single ruling
6. SZESZ#? gal tu15 zi-ga he2-en-hun?
#tr.en: If the great .../older brother(?) pacifies/appoints(?) a risen wind
7. an-szeg3
#tr.en: ... makes it rain(?)
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0292 (P346355) 2326992
nam-tar-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
mar-am3 only appears a few times in words list
a-ra2-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-ses-e only appears a few times in words list
im-da-an-sa2-a only appears a few times in words list
im-da-an-hul only appears a few times in words list
NUMUN2 only appears a few times in words list
NUMUN2 only appears a few times in signs list
&P346355 = UET 6, 0292
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. nam#-tar#-gu10 ga-am3-du11
#tr.en: I want to speak of my fate
2. su-lum mar-am3
#tr.en: It is contempt
3. a-ra2#-gu10 ga-am3-du11
#tr.en: I want to speak about my way (through life)
4. ka lu2 ba-an-ses-e
#tr.en: It will embitter the mouth of a man
$ blank space
$ blank space
1. er2-gu10 im-da-an-sa2-a
#tr.en: That which vies with my weeping/filled(!?) (my eyes) with tears(?)
2. sza3-gu10 im-da-an-hul
#tr.en: It made my heart malevolent(?)
3. tusz-a NUMUN2? e2-a ba-an-du11
#tr.en: It said “Sit/dwell(?), ... in the house"(!?)
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000768, ex. 012 (P346149) 2326993
...-ib-zu-zu-... only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ma-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-...-x only appears a few times in words list
nu-ub-szi-si-ge5-... only appears a few times in words list
...-en-za-na only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-an-du8-ru-ne-en-za-na-ta only appears a few times in words list
ugula-me only appears a few times in words list
he2-ni-ib-dab5-be2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-ib-szid-de3-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
he2-ib-gin6-ne2-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
li-bi2-in-ak-esz only appears a few times in words list
nu-un-szid-de3-esz only appears a few times in words list
du14-da only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-ib-ri-esz only appears a few times in words list
...-x-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
{disz}{d}en-ki-ta-lu2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
e-ne-... only appears a few times in words list
in-gi4-... only appears a few times in words list
ugu-zu-usz only appears a few times in words list
&P346149 = UET 6, 0064
#atf: lang sux
$ broken
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. inim# [...]
#tr.en: (User of) hostile words, (creator of?) hostility, evil person(?)
2'. ga-ba-[al ...]
#tr.en: You will (repeatedly) argue
3'. x [...]
#tr.en: ... whose belly/inside is overflowing with ...
4'. szah2 lu#?-[...]
#tr.en: Mud-spattered pig, dog that ...
5'. ansze [...]
#tr.en: Donkey that eats its own bed
6'. sza3 gi4-[...]
#tr.en: You can argue with me by means of your truthful(?) heart?
#tr.en: (double ruling)
7'. x [...]
@column 2'
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x [...]
2'. [...]-ib#-zu-zu#?-[...]
#tr.en: I(?) spoke to him two times, thus he is aware
3'. [...]-x-x-x tesz2# he2-em-ma-[...]
#tr.en: On account of the fact that one has insulted(?), he has aquired pride(?)
4'. [...] ba#-ni#-[...]-x za#-na nu-ub-szi-si-ge5#-[...]
#tr.en: Children, you are the ones who engage in quarreling, we do not ...
5'. [...]-en#?-za#-na#? x la#-ba-an-du8-ru-ne-en-za-na-ta
#tr.en: After you (pl.) do not take the case, and do not sit for testimony(?)
6'. [...]-ze2#-en# ugula#-me# di he2-ni-ib-dab5#-be2
#tr.en: Come, ..., our overseer should take the case
7'. [...] szu-ga2 mu-e-szum2
#tr.en: Overseer of my colleagues, you entrusted me (with a task)
8'. [... he2]-ib-szid-de3-e-ne
#tr.en: "They should count up the assignment”
9'. [... he2]-ib-gin6-ne2-e-ne
#tr.en: "They should correct the total”
10'. [...] mu-e-da-a-ag2
#tr.en: You ordered me thus
11'. [... li]-bi2#-in-ak-esz nigin nu-un-szid-de3-esz
#tr.en: (But) they did not ..., they did not count up the total
12'. [...]-bi#-sze3 du14-da ba-ni-ib-ri-esz#
#tr.en: Today(?) and daily, they quarrel there (instead)
13'. [...] a-ba me#-[esz]
#tr.en: Who are they? Who are they?
14'. [...]-x-gal2 u3 {disz}{d}en-ki-ta-lu2-am3 e-ne#-[...]
#tr.en: The two are Enkihegal(!) and Enkitalu
15'. [... a]-na-gin7-nam zi in-gi4-[...]
#tr.en: Come, you, how will they calm down?
16'. [... ba]-an-ti-esz inim-sze3 la-ba#-[...]
#tr.en: They did not accept the case, and did not sit for testimony(?)
17'. [...] ugu-zu-usz im-ma#-[...]
#tr.en: You(?) are distressed, ... comes upon you
18'. [...] gal2-la-am3#? [...]
#tr.en: What juveniles are present in the place of instruction?
CDLI Literary 000796, ex. 083 (P254877) 2326994
sikix(U8) only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-tuku-tuku only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-diri-ga only appears a few times in words list
sikix(U8) only appears a few times in signs list
&P254877 = CDLI Literary 000796, ex. 083
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. sag sar-ra sikix(U8) ba-an-tuku-tuku
#tr.en: A shaven head acquired (more) hair
2. u3 lu2 sze de5-de5-ga
3. {d}asznan ba-ab-diri-ga
#tr.en: And the grain gatherer increased (the growth of) Ezina (the grain goddess)
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000619, ex. 020 (P346150) 2326995
he2-du7-am3 only appears a few times in words list
szi-im-da-DU only appears a few times in words list
gal-gal-da only appears a few times in words list
hur-ra-za only appears a few times in words list
szi-im-mi-du3-du3-a only appears a few times in words list
bi-du10-ga only appears a few times in words list
4(asz)-ba only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-ni-tag-ga only appears a few times in words list
kur-kur-ra-... only appears a few times in words list
...-gin3-... only appears a few times in words list
amasz-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-il2-e only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-dab5-be2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-du-un-du-un only appears a few times in words list
li-bi2-ib-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-x-x only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-u3-tu only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-ni-ib2-nu2-nu2 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-ni-ib2-us2-e only appears a few times in words list
&P346150 = CDLI Literary 000619, ex. 020
#atf: lang sux
1. [...]-bi# sipa# zi# kalam#-ma#
#tr.en: Its supreme farmer, the true shepherd of the land
2. [...]-ga# zi-de3-esz tu-da#
#tr.en: Born faithfully on a good day
3. engar# GAN2 dagal-la he2-du7-am3
#tr.en: The farmer is the ornament in the vast field
4. szi#-im-da-DU nindaba gal-gal-da
#tr.en: And therefore he comes(?) with many nindaba offerings
5. gesz-la2-bi nu-mu-un-DU e2-kur za-gin3-sze3
#tr.en: (And therefore?) silence has not set into the sparkling Ekur
6. {d}en-lil2 a2-dam ku3 ki-a hur-ra-za
#tr.en: Enlil, when you designed the pure settlement in the ground
7. nibru{ki} iri x ni2-za szi-im-mi-du3-du3-a
#tr.en: And therefore had Nibru ..., built in(?) your own city
8. ki-ur3 kur ki sikil su-a bi-du10-ga
#tr.en: (And) sweetened the flesh (of) the Ki'ur complex, the mountain, the pure place
9. ub-da 4(asz)-ba murub4-ba dur-an-ki ki ba-e-ni-tag#-ga#
#tr.en: (And) planted Duranki in the midst (of?) the 4 corners
10. 1(u) sahar-bi zi kalam-ma zi# kur#-kur-ra-[...]
#tr.en: Its soil(?), the life of the land and the life of the (other) lands
# count of ten lines
11. [...]-bi# ku3# husz#-a# usz8# [...]-gin3#-[...]
#tr.en: Its brickwork (consisting) of reddish gold(?) on(?) a foundation of lapis lazuli
$ beginning broken
1'. szita ku3# me# [...]
#tr.en: Prayed to him (with?) the holy šita prayer/ritual arrangement and the holy me
2'. 1(u) kur-gal {d}en#-[...]
#tr.en: (10) Great Mountain Enlil, without you
# with 10 line tag
3'. iri{ki} nu-du3# [...]
#tr.en: Cities would not be built, settlements would not be founded
4'. tur3 nu-du3# amasz#-[...]
#tr.en: The cattlepen would not be built, its sheepfold would not be accumulated(?)
5'. lugal nu-il2#-e# en nu#-u3#-tu#
#tr.en: The king would not be exalted, the lord/en priest(ess) would not be born
6'. lu2-mah eresz-dingir masz2-a nu-mu-un-dab5#-be2#
#tr.en: The lumah priest and erešdigir priestess would not be chosen by extispicy
7'. erin2-e szagina ugula nu-tuku-tuku
#tr.en: Among the troops neither general nor sargeant would possess (command over them)
8'. i7-de3 a-esztub{ku6} u5-bi nu-du-un-du-un
#tr.en: In the river/canal, the carp flood would not excavate the higher land
9'. egir-bi ab su3-a si# li-bi2-ib-sa2 kun# nu-mu-x-x
#tr.en: Its end would not function properly in the deep(?) sea, (its) “tail would not undulate” (i.e., leave a wake)
10'. ab#-e# erim3 dugud ni2-ba nu-mu-un-u3-tu
#tr.en: The sea would not have given birth to heavy (laden) treasure houses(?) by itself
11'. [...] engur#-ra-ke4 gesz-gi-a nunuz nu-mu-ni-ib2-nu2-nu2
#tr.en: The fish of the deep water would not have laid eggs in the reedbed
12'. [... an]-na#-ke4 ki dagal-la gud3 la-ba-ni-ib2-us2-e#?
#tr.en: The bird of heaven would not found a nest in the broad earth
CDLI Literary 000801, ex. 012 (P346356) 2326996
kir4-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
nu-ni-hab2-a only appears a few times in words list
nu-gu7-e only appears a few times in words list
&P346356 = CDLI Literary 000801, ex. 012
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. kir4-gin7 en-na nu-ni-hab2-a
2. nu-gu7-e
#tr.en: Like a hyena, as long as it does not stink, he will not eat (it)
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0295 (P254878) 2326997
hu-mu-un-im2-e only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-sar-re only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-GIR3 only appears a few times in words list
ib2-il2-x only appears a few times in words list
in-tuku-am3 only appears a few times in words list
&P254878 = UET 6, 0295
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. hu-mu-un-im2#-e
#tr.en: If he runs after(?) ...
2. hu-mu-un#-sar-re
#tr.en: If he chases after ...
3. hu-mu-un#-GIR3
#tr.en: If he is mighty/stretches out(?)
4. ib2-il2-x
#tr.en: He will carry ...(?)
5. bi2-in-du11-ga
#tr.en: The one who caused that to be said (this about him)(?)
6. lu2 dingir in-tuku-am3#
#tr.en: He is a man who has had a god
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000733, ex. 002 (P346151) 2326998
ninnu-e only appears a few times in words list
da-ru12-ru12 only appears a few times in words list
im-ta only appears a few times in words list
he-nun-ta only appears a few times in words list
kur-gal-e only appears a few times in words list
sag-du5 only appears a few times in words list
he-me-en only appears a few times in words list
e2-nig2-gur11-ra only appears a few times in words list
masz-a only appears a few times in words list
&P346151 = CDLI Literary 000733, ex. 002
#atf: lang sux
1. nin# mul#-an-gin7 gun3-a dub za-gin3 szu du7
#tr.en: Lady who is sparkling like a heavenly star, perfecting/equipped with a lapis tablet
2. {d}nisaba immal2 gal {d}urasz tu-da#
#tr.en: Nisaba, given birth to by the great wild cow Uraš
3. szeg9 naga ku3-ga ga zi gu7#?-[...]
#tr.en: Fallow deer(?) purified by potash(?), suckling nourishing milk
4. gi-di imin-e ka ba-[...]
#tr.en: "Opening the mouth” of the seven flutes/pipes
5. me gal ninnu-e szu du7-[...]
#tr.en: Perfecting the fifty cosmic powers
6. nin#-gu10 a2-nun-gal2 e2-kur-ra
#tr.en: My lady, the strong one of the Ekur temple
7. uszumgal ukken-e dalla e3
#tr.en: ušumgal creature that is manifest in the assembly
8. da-ru12-ru12 kalam-ma im-ta inim du11-du11
#tr.en: Aruru of the land, speaking words by means of clay(?)
9. ki ni2 si u4-da sza3 kusz2-u3
#tr.en: Taking counsel in the place filled with awe(?), of/in the day
10. kur i3 he-nun-ta mi2 zi du11-ga
#tr.en: Taken care of by(?) the mountain(?) by means of the oil of abundance(?)
11. gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)# gal-la kur-gal-e tu-da
#tr.en: One (possessing) great wisdom, sired by the Great Mountain (Enlil)
12. [...] zi# dub-sar mah an-na sag-du5 {d}en-lil2-la2#
#tr.en: True lady, the supreme scribe of An, the land recorder of Enlil
13. [...] gal2#? dingir-re-e-ne
#tr.en: Wise and attentive one of the gods
14. [...] gu# mu2-mu2-de3
#tr.en: In order to make barley and flax grow in the furrows
15. [... nam]-en#-na u6 di#-de3
#tr.en: In order to admire/see the grain goddess Ezina of lordship (i.e., high quality)
16. [...] zi#? [...]
#tr.en: In order to faithfully take care of(?) the seven great thrones/rulers
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] munus#? [...]
#tr.en: Nisaba, the true woman, the good woman, woman who was born in the mountain/netherworld
2'. [...] tur3#-ra i3 he2#-[me-en] amasz gara2 he-me-[en]
#tr.en: Nisaba, in the cattlepen you shall be the oil, in the sheepfold, you shall be the cream
3'. e2#-nig2-gur11-ra kiszib3-la2 he2-me-en#
#tr.en: In the treasury, you are the seal-bearer
4'. e2#-gal#-la agrig zi he2-me-en#
#tr.en: In the palace, you are the true steward
5'. gur7 du6 gur7 masz-a gur7 gu2 gur#? <he2>-me-en
#tr.en: You are the one who heaps up large and small grain piles
6'. nun#-e {d}nisaba-ra mi2 du11-ga
#tr.en: The ruler who has taken care of Nisaba
7'. a-a {d}en-ki za3-mi2-zu du10-ga-am3#
#tr.en: Father Enki, your praise is sweet
$ blank space
UET 6, 0296 (P346357) 2326999
nam-lu2-lu7-ka only appears a few times in words list
iz-zi-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
dul-bi only appears a few times in words list
iri-za-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
mu-a-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
na-ba-an-du3-du3-e only appears a few times in words list
KA-sig only appears a few times in words list
nam-ba-an-gu7-gu7-e only appears a few times in words list
na-ba-an-du3 only appears a few times in words list
&P346357 = UET 6, 0296
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. ka nam-lu2-lu7-ka
#tr.en: The mouth/speech of mankind (i.e., gossip?)
2. iz-zi-gin7 dul-bi gig-ga
#tr.en: That which pains in an all-encompassing manner like a wave?
3. lu2-tur sza3 iri-za-ke4
#tr.en: The child of the midst of your city
4. mu-a-sze3!? ugu-zu bulug3-ga2
#tr.en: Reared against/above you because of/according to (his) name(!?)
5. ka-zu na-ba-an-du3-du3-e
#tr.en: Do not disrespect/be difficut to(?) him
6. KA-sig? nam-ba-an-gu7-gu7-e
#tr.en: Do not slander him
7. szu hul ugu-zu na-ba-an-du3?
#tr.en: Do not make him violent against you(?)
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0298 (P254880) 2327000
ha-la-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P254880 = UET 6, 0298
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. ha-la ha-la-sze3 ga2-ga2
2. nig2-gig {d}utu-kam
#tr.en: Adding an inheritance share (in addition to another) inheritance share is a taboo of Utu
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000674, ex. 001 (P346152) 2327001
SUG-ta only appears a few times in words list
im-...-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
nam-du10-zu-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
nam-mah-zu-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-il2-la2 only appears a few times in words list
tar-re-de3-esz only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-in-su13-un only appears a few times in words list
an-ki-zu only appears a few times in words list
mu-ri-in-du11 only appears a few times in words list
nam-dumu-nun only appears a few times in words list
mi-ri-in-du7 only appears a few times in words list
ma-ra-ni-in-e3 only appears a few times in words list
a-ra2-a only appears a few times in words list
mah-zu-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
giri3-zu-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-in-tu-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
u4-sakar-zu only appears a few times in words list
an-ki-ka only appears a few times in words list
mi-ri-in-pa3 only appears a few times in words list
ukkin only appears a few times in words list
nam-{d}en-lil2-la2-na only appears a few times in words list
mu-ra-an-rig7 only appears a few times in words list
{d}en-ki!-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
gal-zu-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
DAR-a only appears a few times in words list
nam-gal-zu-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
sag-zu! only appears a few times in words list
hul2-la-ka-ne-ne only appears a few times in words list
ki!-tusz only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-ni-in-tusz-un only appears a few times in words list
nindaba-esz only appears a few times in words list
za3-gu-la2 only appears a few times in words list
...-in-durun-usz only appears a few times in words list
hul2-la-ne-... only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-ni-in-szum2-szum2 only appears a few times in words list
ki-mah only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-in-tusz-un only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-in-tusz-un only appears a few times in words list
ma-ra-ab-sikil-e only appears a few times in words list
ma-ra-ab-szen-e only appears a few times in words list
mu-ra-ab-ku3-ge only appears a few times in words list
mu-ra-ab-szen-... only appears a few times in words list
x-an-x only appears a few times in words list
ma-ra-ab-ak only appears a few times in words list
ma-ra-x-sa2-e only appears a few times in words list
du6-mah only appears a few times in words list
ma-ra-ab-szen only appears a few times in words list
kin2-nim-za only appears a few times in words list
kin2-sig-ga only appears a few times in words list
kin2-sig only appears a few times in words list
kin2-nim-zu only appears a few times in words list
nidba-x only appears a few times in words list
ma-ra-an-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
ma-ra-ab-ku3-ug only appears a few times in words list
ma-ra-ab-szen only appears a few times in words list
sa-kesz2-DU only appears a few times in words list
nam-nun-x only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-in-pa3 only appears a few times in words list
abzu-ni only appears a few times in words list
szu!-luh only appears a few times in words list
mu-ra-an-ga2-ga2! only appears a few times in words list
{d}ku3-su13-e only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-gub only appears a few times in words list
i3-im-sikil-e only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-ha-za only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-durun-usz only appears a few times in words list
nu-szub-bu-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
tu5-a-zu only appears a few times in words list
gada-mah only appears a few times in words list
suh-gir11 only appears a few times in words list
nam-men-na only appears a few times in words list
dadag-ge only appears a few times in words list
ukkin only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-gublaga-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-an-ku3-ga only appears a few times in words list
i3-im-sikil-e only appears a few times in words list
ki-gal-zu-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ga2-ga2-zu-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}ku3-su3-e only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-an-ku3-ge only appears a few times in words list
i3-im-sikil-e only appears a few times in words list
eresz! only appears a few times in words list
nam-eresz-za only appears a few times in words list
agrun only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-ib2-hul2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-na-ku3-ge only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-na-ku3-ge only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-na-szen-e only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-na-dadag-ge only appears a few times in words list
aga! only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ma-il2-e only appears a few times in words list
du7! only appears a few times in words list
{d}x-DU-babbar-e only appears a few times in words list
sag! only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-il2-e only appears a few times in words list
SUG only appears a few times in signs list
eresz! only appears a few times in signs list
du7! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346152 = CDLI Literary 000674, ex. 001
#atf: lang sux
1. dumu nun-e#? |ABxA| ku3-ta e3#?-a ba-zal-zal si NI#? [...]
#tr.en: Princely son, emerged from the pure ..., spending time(?), ... his(?) horn ...
2. kur me sikil esz3 abzu sza3 x [...] x dagal kur# me#? [...]
#tr.en: The mountain of the pure me, shrine Abzu, broad ..., mountain of the … cosmic powers
3. ki-ur3 mah x [...] x la [...]
#tr.en: The supreme foundation ...
4. SUG-ta me-lam2# husz#?-a#-zu#? musz3# im#?-[...]-ge-en
#tr.en: Your reddish aura ... from/in the marshland/throne(?)
5. nam-du10-zu-sze3 nam-gal nam-mah-zu-sze3! sag im-ma#-il2#-la2
#tr.en: (You are) the one whose(?) head is raised on behalf of your goodness as well as your greatness and supremacy
6. nam tar#-re-de3-esz a2 mah mi-ni-in-su13-un
#tr.en: You sail/run/spread out supremely(?) in order to(?) determine fate
7. nam-lugal an-ki-zu an gal-e szu dagal mu-ri-in-du11
#tr.en: Great An broadly put your kingship of the universe at your disposition
8. nam-dumu-nun gal-zu {d}en-lil2-le nam-men szu mi-ri-in-du7
#tr.en: (As for?) you great status as princely son, Enlil has perfected your lordship(?)
9. nam-dingir mah {d}en-lil2 pa e3 ma-ra-ni-in-e3
#tr.en: Enlil has made (your) supreme divinity manifest
10. 1(u) a-ra2-a a sig mah-zu-sze3! nam tar-re ki du10 ama du10
#tr.en: The determination of fate on behalf of the way (i.e. flow?) of(?) your supreme cold water(?), the sweet earth, the sweet mother(?)
# line tally of ten
11. {d}en-ki |ABxA| sza3 ku3-ta giri3-zu-sze3! im-mi-in-gar
#tr.en: Enki at the inner(?) ... has set at your feet
12. {d}en-lil2 nam-mah nam-en-na mi-ni-in-tu-de3-en
#tr.en: Enlil engendered you into (a role of) supremacy and lordship
13. {d}nanna u4-sakar-zu u4-sakar imin-bi mu pa3-da
#tr.en: Nanna, your crescent is invoked by the name “the seven crescents"(?)
14. {d}en-lil2 an-ki-ka mu-zu ku3-ga mu mi-ri-in-pa3
#tr.en: Enlil uttered your name, which is holy, for you in the universe
15. dumu nun-e nam-gal-zu an-ki-a pa e3 im-mi-in-e3
#tr.en: Princely son, he made your greatness manifest in the universe
16. ukkin mah nam-{d}en-lil2-la2-na sag-e-esz mu-ra-an-rig7
#tr.en: The supreme assembly has bestowed upon you his Enlil-ship
17. {d}en-ki!-ke4 du6? eridu{ki}-ta nam-men nam-mah-zu mu-ri-in-tar
#tr.en: Enki at the mound(?) of Eridu determined your lordship and supremacy for you
18. abzu mah du6? esz3 eridu#{ki#}-ta nam-en gal-zu-sze3
#tr.en: At the supreme Abzu, the mound(?) of shrine Eridu, on behalf of your great lordship
19. lugal an-ki-ke4 x x DAR-a nam-gal-zu-sze3 ba-an-du11
#tr.en: The king of the universe, ..., spoke on account of your greatness
20. 1(u) {d}nanna sag-zu!? il2# {d}a-nun#-na#-ke4-ne-er# ha-la ba-an-pa3
#tr.en: Nanna, he has selected as (your) share your(?) exaltedness among the Anuna gods
# with line tally 10
21. me sikil sza3 hul2-la-ka-ne-ne ki#!?-tusz ku3#? im-mi-ni-in-tusz-un
#tr.en: He seated you/made you dwell (in?) the holy dwelling(!?) among(?) their heart-gladdening(?) pure cosmic powers
22. dingir gal-gal-e-ne nindaba#-esz ba#-an-pa3
#tr.en: He has chosen the great gods for nindaba offerings
23. za3-gu-la2 sza3 hi-li mah#? si-a [...]-in-durun-usz
#tr.en: They sat in the family shrine(?), (its) midst filled with supreme allure
24. dingir-re-e-ne siskur2 sza3 hul2-la-ne#?-[... im]-mi#-ni-in-szum2-szum2
#tr.en: He has given the gods heart-gladdening siskur offering/ritual there
25. ki-mah ki ku3-ga mi-ni-in-[tusz]-un#
#tr.en: He sat you in the supreme place, a pure place
26. {d}nanna ki ku3-ga ki-tusz ku3 mi-ni-in-tusz#?-un#?
#tr.en: He sat(!?) you in the supreme place, a pure place
27. {d}en-ki-ke4 ki-tusz ma-ra-ab-sikil#-e# ki#? x ma#?-ra#-ab-szen-e
#tr.en: Enki purifies the dwelling, he sanctifies the ... place(?)
28. an mu-ra-ab-ku3-ge ki mu-ra#-ab#?-szen#?-[...]
#tr.en: He purifies heaven for you, he sanctifies earth for you
29. e2-kisz-nu-gal2 e2 tir {gesz}erin-na# x x x-an#?-x
#tr.en: The Ekišnugal temple, the temple that is a forest of cedar trees, ...
30. [1(u)] bara2# mah-zu ki ku3-ga ma-ra-ab-ak izi#?-gar#? an-ki-a
#tr.en: He prepares your supreme dais (in?) a pure place for you, it is(?) the torch(?) of the universe
# line tally of ten
31. gesz#-hur szu-luh mah-zu si# ma#-ra#-x-sa2-e#
#tr.en: He properly executes your supreme plans and cleansing ritual for you
1. du6-mah unu2#? x-zu? banszur ki#? ku3-ga# ma-ra-ab-szen
#tr.en: He purifies the Dumah, your ... dining hall (and?) the table of(?) the pure place for you
2. kin2-nim-za kin2#-sig-ga kin2-sig kin2-nim-zu
#tr.en: In you morning meal, in the afternoon meal, your afternoon and morning meal(!?)
3. gu2!? nidba#?-x si ma-ra-an-sa2
#tr.en: He has set the loads of(?) nindaba offerings in order for you
4. e2 szu-luh-ha# ma#-ra#-ab-ku3-ug ma-ra-ab-szen
#tr.en: He purifies and sanctifies the temple of(?) the cleansing rites(?) for you
5. e2-e sa-kesz2#?-DU sa x GAB? x x KA x ba-an-szum2?
#tr.en: ...
6. nam#-nun-x mi-ni-in-pa3
#tr.en: ... chose/named ... there
7. {d}en-ki abzu-ni u3-tu szu#!-luh mu-ra-an#-ga2-ga2#!
#tr.en: Enki, the engenderer of his Abzu(?), sets up/initiates the cleansing ritual for you there
8. {d}ku3-su13-e szu-luh-ha ba-ni-gub e2 ni2-bi u3-tu
#tr.en: Kusu has served in conjunction with(?) the cleansing ritual, in(?) the temple fashioned by itself
9. 1(u) |ABxA| sza3 bar-ba gir4 gu4 udu ninda esz3 bar-ba szu-luh ku3-ga
#tr.en: At the outside of the inner ... the oven (for) bulls, sheep, and bread(?) at the outside of the shrine, (with?) the holy cleansing ritual
# with line tally 10
10. e2-e i3-im-sikil-e sag ba-ab-ha-za a2-szu-giri3 ba-an-durun-usz
#tr.en: In the temple he purifies, he(?) has been ready(?), (his) limbs sit (idle?)
11. szu-luh-ha ku3 nu-szub-bu-sze3 sug mah
#tr.en: In order that the holy cleansing ritual is not abandoned, (from) the supreme marsh
12. |ABxA| dagal ku3-ga-ta nam-bi im-ta-e3
#tr.en: From the broad and pure ..., its fate emerges
13. e2-kisz-nu-gal2 bara2 mah ku3-ga me gal mah an-ki-a szu du7
#tr.en: The Ekišnugal temple, supreme and holy dais, equipped with the great and supreme me of the universe
14. |ABxA| ku3-ta pesz10 mah a tu5-a-zu
#tr.en: When you wash at the holy ..., (on?) the supreme bank
15. i3 hur-sag su ku3-ga gal2-la-zu
#tr.en: When you put (i.e., apply?) oil of the mountains (on your) pure body
16. {d}nanna bara2 mah-zu dur2#? gar-ra
#tr.en: Nanna, (when) you sit on your supreme dais
17. gada-mah aga sag il2 si mul suh-gir11 nam-men-na
#tr.en: The gadamah garment, the exalted crown (with) shining horns, the pectoral of lordship
18. i3 ku3 i3 sikil i3 dadag-ge
#tr.en: Pure oil, holy oil, sanctified oil
# left edge
19. i3 mah i3 nam-men i3 ukkin gal-zu su-bar ku3-ga-ka
#tr.en: The supreme oil, the oil of lordship/en priesthood, the oil of the great assembly, it is of (i.e., on?) the holy body
20. 1(u) kar za-gin3 kar mah kar ku3-ga-na
#tr.en: In his blue quay, his supreme quay, his pure quay
# with line tally 10
21. {d}nin-gublaga-ke4 en szu im-ma-an-ku3-ga
#tr.en: Ningublaga, the lord who has purified the hands
22. {d}en-ki abzu eridu{ki}-ta szu-bi i3-im-sikil-e
#tr.en: (And?) Enki purify the hands in the Abzu of Eridu
23. u2-a-zu banszur unu2 ki-gal-zu-sze3 szu ku3 ga2-ga2-zu-sze3
#tr.en: In order that you set pure hands(?) towards(?) your food and drink(?) (upon?) the table (of?) your dining hall (on?) the platform
24. {d}ku3-su3-e szu sikil szu dadag ak szu im-ma-an-ku3-ge
#tr.en: Kusu, the one who(?) purifies hand and sanctifies hands, will purify the hands
25. {d}en-ki abzu eridu{ki}-ta szu-bi i3-im-sikil-e
#tr.en: Enki purifies the hands in the Abzu of Eridu
26. esz3 abzu bara2 mah uri2{ki}-ma nam du10 gal tar-re
#tr.en: Determining a good and great destiny (for both?) shrine Abzu and the supreme throne of Ur
27. e2#-kisz#-nu-gal2 ki-tusz ku3 du10-ga-am3 {d}nin-gal eresz! mah-bi
#tr.en: The Ekišnugal temple is a pure and good dwelling, (and) Ningal is its supreme queen
28. x x ku3 ki nam-eresz-za {d}nanna lugal-bi-ir
#tr.en: The holy ... is a pure place of your queenship for Nanna the king
29. e2-kisz#-nu#-gal2 agrun ku3-ga e2 nam-lugal-zu
#tr.en: The Ekišnugal temple, the pure cella, the temple of your kingship
30. {d}nanna {d#}nin-gal ki-tusz mi-ni-ib2-hul2
#tr.en: Nanna and Ningal have rejoiced (in) the dwelling
31. {d}suen#?-[e] en# zu mah an-ki aga-zu aga mah-am3
#tr.en: Suen, supreme knowing lord of the universe, your crown is a supreme crown
32. me-lam2 husz# an-ki#-a ri#?-a# x [{d}]dil#?-im2-babbar szu#? he2-en-na-ku3-ge
#tr.en: Casting(?) a red/furious aura throughout the universe, ... Dilimbabbar, thus the hands(?) are pure for him
33. an-gin7 he2-en-na-ku3-ge# [ki]-gin7# he2-en-na-szen-e
#tr.en: Thus they are pure like heaven for him, thus they are sanctified like earth for him
34. sza3# an#?-na#?-gin7 [he2]-en-na-dadag-ge
#tr.en: Thus they are clean for him like the midst of heaven(?)
35. x [...] an-ki-a aga!? ku3 sag# [he2]-em-ma-il2-e
#tr.en: Thus ... in/of the universe raises (his) head (with) a pure crown
36. [{d}]suen#-e en zu mah! an#-ki# bara2 sikil-la szu du7!
#tr.en: Suen, supreme knowing lord of the universe, ideally suited for the pure dais
37. [{d}]x-DU-babbar-e sag-men aga# zi-da si mul mah x x
#tr.en: Dilimbabbar(?), the crown, ... the true crown (with) supreme shining horns,
38. sag#! im-ma-il2-e# [...]
#tr.en: Raises (his head)
CDLI Literary 000801, ex. 005 (P254881) 2327002
lu-hum-ma only appears a few times in words list
i-ib2-il2-x only appears a few times in words list
&P254881 = CDLI Literary 000801, ex. 005
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. szah2 lu-hum-ma su-a
#tr.en: A pig splattered with mud
$ single ruling
2. szah2 ninda pad-ra2
3. i-ib2-il2-x
#tr.en: The pig raises (even) the morsels of food
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000795, ex. 053 (P254882) 2327003
banda3{+da}-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ma-ke3-e only appears a few times in words list
x-e-a only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-lal only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-ab-ha-za only appears a few times in words list
&P254882 = CDLI Literary 000795, ex. 053
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. [...] ama#?-gu10 nin banda3{+da}-gu10 ma-ke3#-e#
#tr.en: (When) my mother and my little sister act thusly to me(?)
2. x-e-a ga2-e
3. lu2 dim2-ma mu-da-lal
#tr.en: ... am I one whose intellect is (so) deficient
4. te-gu10 mu-da-ab-ha-za e-sze
#tr.en: (That) I would “hold my cheek” (pay attention?) to her?
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000675, ex. 002 (P346153) 2327004
mu-ni-in-su-ub only appears a few times in words list
{d}nanna-a only appears a few times in words list
mu-ni-in-su-ub only appears a few times in words list
suh3-sah4-ha-ta only appears a few times in words list
an-bar7-ra only appears a few times in words list
suh3-sah4-ha-ta only appears a few times in words list
an-bar7-ra only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-di-ni-ib2-be2 only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-di-ni-ib2-DU only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-di-ib2-tar-re only appears a few times in words list
{du!}du8 only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-na-gar-ra only appears a few times in words list
ga2-tur3 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}al-gar-sur9-ra only appears a few times in words list
mu-na-tag-tag-ge only appears a few times in words list
ab2-bi only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-na-di-ni-x-re only appears a few times in words list
1(szar2)-am3 only appears a few times in words list
pesz13 only appears a few times in words list
amar-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
3(szar'u)-am3 only appears a few times in words list
gu4-ab2-ka-ni only appears a few times in words list
5(szar2)-am3 only appears a few times in words list
gun3-bi only appears a few times in words list
4(szar2)-am3 only appears a few times in words list
babbar2-bi only appears a few times in words list
2(szar'u) only appears a few times in words list
5(szar2)-am3 only appears a few times in words list
dara4!-bi only appears a few times in words list
{ab2}szilam-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
5(szar'u) only appears a few times in words list
ab2-za3-e3!-za3-esz5-bi only appears a few times in words list
masz2-PIRIG-masz2-PIRIG-bi only appears a few times in words list
SUR2 only appears a few times in words list
du3-bi only appears a few times in words list
ti-la-ba only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-tur-tur only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-bulug3-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
mu-ni-ib-su3-su3-u3-ne only appears a few times in words list
umbisag only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib-gub-bu-en only appears a few times in words list
gara2! only appears a few times in words list
gi4!-gi4-a-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-da-mu2-mu2 only appears a few times in words list
kurun2!-bi-da only appears a few times in words list
sikil-la-na only appears a few times in words list
mu-na-da-ab-szar2-re only appears a few times in words list
2(szar'u) only appears a few times in signs list
dara4! only appears a few times in signs list
5(szar'u) only appears a few times in signs list
SUR2 only appears a few times in signs list
umbisag only appears a few times in signs list
gara2! only appears a few times in signs list
kurun2! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346153 = CDLI Literary 000675, ex. 002
#atf: lang sux
1. en-e an-na-ka mu-ni-in-su-ub
#tr.en: The lord rubbed/polished that of(?) heaven
2. ge6-u3-na szu tag mu-ni-in-du11
#tr.en: He adorned the night
3. {d}nanna-a an-na-ka mu-ni-in-su-ub
#tr.en: Nanna rubbed/polished that of(?) heaven
4. ge6-u3-na szu tag mu-ni-in-du11
#tr.en: He adorned the night
5. kur suh3-sah4-ha-ta e3-a-ni
#tr.en: When he came out from the confused (i.e., complicated)/thudding(?) mountains/netherworld
6. an-bar7-ra {d}utu bi2-in-gub
#tr.en: (It was as if!?) Utu stationed him at noon(?)
7. {d}dil-im2-babbar kur suh3-sah4-ha-ta e3-a-ni
#tr.en: When he came out from the confused (i.e., complicated)/thudding(?) mountains/netherworld
8. an-bar7-ra {d}utu bi2-in-gub
#tr.en: (It was as if!?) Utu stationed him at noon(?)
9. a-a-ni inim#-ma-ni zi-da#
#tr.en: His father, whose word is true
10. u4-de3 ge6-a [inim] mu-un-di-ni-ib2-be2
#tr.en: Speaks with him there day and night
11. {d}en-lil2-le inim#-[ma-ni] zi#-da
#tr.en: His father, whose word is true
12. u4-de3 ge6-a inim# mu-un#-[di-ni]-ib2#-DU?
#tr.en: Speaks with him there day and night
13. esz#-bar-ra nam# mu-un-di-ib2-tar-re
#tr.en: He decrees fate (via?) decisions
14. ge6-par4 mah#-a-ni 4(disz) na-nam
#tr.en: His supreme gipar residences are indeed 4
15. {du#!?}du8# 4(disz) mu-un-na-gar-ra
#tr.en: 4 platform/ruin mounds(?) are established for him
16. ga2-tur3 gal-a-ni 1(esze3) GAN2 4(disz)-am3
#tr.en: His great cattle pens, one eše in area, are four in number
17. {gesz}al-gar-sur9-ra mu#-na#-tag-tag-ge
#tr.en: The algarsura instrument is played for him
18. ab2-bi# gu2#? mu-un-na#-di-ni-x-re
#tr.en: The cows are gathered for him there
19. ab2 hi-a-ni 1(szar'u) 1(szar2)-am3
#tr.en: His various cows are 39,600
20. ab2 pesz13 amar-a-ni 3(szar'u)-am3
#tr.en: His cows pregnant with a calf are 108,000
21. gu4-ab2-ka-ni 3(szar'u) 5(szar2)-am3
#tr.en: His breed bulls are 126,000
22. ab2 igi gun3-bi 1(szar'u) 4(szar2)-am3
#tr.en: The cows with speckled faces are 50,400
23. ab2 babbar2-bi 2(szar'u) 5(szar2)-am3
#tr.en: The white cows are 90,000
1. ab2 dara4#!?-bi 5(disz)-ta a-ra2 5(disz)-am3#
#tr.en: Its brown(?) cows are 5 apiece(?) times four
2. ab2 hi-a a-a {d}nanna-ke4
#tr.en: The various cows of father Nanna
3. {ab2}szilam-a-ni 5(szar'u) na-nam
#tr.en: His šilam cows are indeed 180,000
4. ab2-za3-e3!-za3-esz5-bi 4(disz)-me-esz
#tr.en: Its zagešzageš cows are 4
5. masz2#-PIRIG#-masz2#-PIRIG-bi 7(disz)-me-esz
#tr.en: The (herds of) domestic animals(?) are seven
6. unu3# SUR2 du3-bi 7(disz)-me-esz
#tr.en: All of(?) the ... cowherds are seven
7. ab2-ba ti-la-ba 4(disz)-me-esz
#tr.en: The ones who dwell with the cows are 4
8. en-ra mu-un-tur-tur mu-un-bulug3-e-ne
#tr.en: For the lord they diminish and make (the herd?) grow
9. ge6-par4-ra mu-ni-ib-su3-su3-u3-ne
#tr.en: They fill(!?) the cloister
10. umbisag gal-bi {d}nisaba-ke4
#tr.en: Its chief scribe, Nisaba
11. {d}nisaba-ke4 szid-bi mu-un-dab5 im-ma bi2-ib-gub-bu-en
#tr.en: Nisaba has captured their number and you(!?) will enter it on the tablet
12. ab2 ku3 {d}nanna-ke4 mi2 du11-ga sul {d}suen za3-mi2
#tr.en: The pure cow(s) of Nanna, having been taken care of, youth Suen, praise
13. i3 nam-he2 gara2!? tur3 gi4#!?-gi4#??-a-ke4 szu mu-un-da-mu2-mu2
#tr.en: The butter of abundance, the cream? (re)turned(i.e. restored!?) by(!?) the cattle pen, are increased
14. kurun2 gal hur-sag# lal3 kurun2!-bi-da
#tr.en: Great liquor of the mountain range(?) with its alcoholic syrup(?)
15. lugal-ra du8 mah sikil-la-na mu-na-da-ab-szar2-re
#tr.en: Is mixed for the king at the supreme and pure platform/ruin mound(?)
16. kal-ga geszkim-ti {d}en-lil2-la2 sul dingir zi-gal2-la
#tr.en: The mighty one, the trust of Enlil, youth, god of the people(?)
17. mas-su kalam-ma {d}nin-gal eresz ge6-par4-ra
#tr.en: Leader of the land, (for whom?) Ningal is queen of the cloister
18. a-a {d}nanna za3-mi2
#tr.en: Father Nanna, praise!
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000795, ex. 058 (P346359) 2327005
nig2-gen6-na does not appear in words list
ni2-ni only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-diri-ga only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-na-szi-kikken2 only appears a few times in words list
gen6 does not appear in signs list
&P346359 = CDLI Literary 000795, ex. 058
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. {gesz}ma2 nig2-gen6-na ni2-ni ba-ab-diri-ga
#tr.en: The truth(ful?) boat that has floated (downstream) by itself
2. {d}utu kar-ra gin6-na
3. mu-un-na-szi-kikken2
#tr.en: Utu will seek (in order to rescue it)
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000615, ex. 001 (P346154) 2327006
mu-ri-in-sze21 only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-dadag-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
u4-za-ha-al-e only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-szum2-mu-un only appears a few times in words list
mu-e-szum2-mu only appears a few times in words list
bur3-bur3!-e only appears a few times in words list
sanga2-mah only appears a few times in words list
hal-hal-la-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
gud10 only appears a few times in words list
nu-zu-zu only appears a few times in words list
an-ki-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-e-szub-esz only appears a few times in words list
|SIG7.ALAN| only appears a few times in words list
gal-le only appears a few times in words list
szir3-ra-ni only appears a few times in words list
ga-am3-e11 only appears a few times in words list
ga-am3-e3 only appears a few times in words list
gun3-gun3-nu only appears a few times in words list
abzux(DE2) only appears a few times in words list
|MUNUS.LAGAR| only appears a few times in words list
|MUNUS.LAGAR| only appears a few times in words list
NIN-x only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-szi-... only appears a few times in words list
e3-bi only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ra-an-si-ge5!-... only appears a few times in words list
ku3-ku3-ug2 only appears a few times in words list
zu2! only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu!-u8-da-an-tusz only appears a few times in words list
mu-ri-... only appears a few times in words list
bar!-bi-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-NE-x only appears a few times in words list
nam-eresz-e only appears a few times in words list
bur3! only appears a few times in signs list
gud10 only appears a few times in signs list
|MUNUS.LAGAR| only appears a few times in signs list
|MUNUS.LAGAR| only appears a few times in signs list
ge5! only appears a few times in signs list
zu2! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346154 = CDLI Literary 000615, ex. 001
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x x [...]
2'. inim mah [...]
#tr.en: Supreme word ...
3'. i7-lu2-ru-gu2 a-ra2 mah-zu# nu#-[...]
#tr.en: “River of the ordeal, no one ... your supreme flow”
4'. mu-sze3 mu-ri-in-sze21
#tr.en: He named you
5'. lu2 zi ku3-sig17 mu-un-dadag-[ge-en]
#tr.en: You purify the true man (like) gold
6'. lu2-erim2-e u4-za-ha-al-e ba-ab-szum2#-mu#-[un]
#tr.en: You will furnish the evildoer with(?) disappearance
7'. umusz galga dim2-ma ga zi-de3-esz gu7#-a#?
#tr.en: Faithfully consuming intellect, counsel, and intelligence (as if they were) milk(?)
8'. e-ne ad gal du11-du11
#tr.en: How he is speaking with a great voice
9'. gal-zu mah dumu sag {d}en-ki-ke4
#tr.en: Supremely intelligent one, eldest son of Enki
10'. [...] x x mah#? u3-tu kilib3-ba-bi szu2 mu-e-szum2#-mu#
#tr.en: You gave ... that covers(?) everything that the supreme ... gave birth to(?)
11'. {d}asal-lu2-hi gesztu2 bad a-a-ni-gin7 gal-[...]
#tr.en: Asalluhi, (possessor of) profound intelligence, like his father...
12'. igi-gal2-tuku nig2-nam bur3-bur3!-e e-ne-ra#? [...]
#tr.en: Possessor of insight, penetrating everything, for him ...
13'. sanga2-mah an-ki-a me nig2-nam-ma igi zu-zu
#tr.en: Supreme purification priest that surveys the cosmic power of everything in the universe
14'. dumu gesztu2 dagal szu du7 a-ra2 gesz gal gi hal-hal-la-ke4
#tr.en: Son who exemplifies broad wisdom, (whose) way (is) a great tree(?) of the split reed(s) (i.e., among splitting reeds?)
15'. {d}asal-lu2-hi gud10 mah nam gal tar-re
#tr.en: Asalluhi, supreme gu4(u) functionary, determining the great fate(s)
16'. szu bar a-ra2 nig2-nam nu-zu-zu
#tr.en: Whose “release” (is a) way/decree of which nothing is known
17'. an gal an-ki-sze3 me ba-a
#tr.en: When great An allocated the cosmic powers to the universe
1. mu7-mu7 mu-e-szub-esz
#tr.en: They (the members of the divine assembly?) cast (i.e., assigned?) incantations/murmuring (upon) you (as your lot)
2. dingir igi sa6 igi nigin nam-lu2-lu7
#tr.en: God with a beautiful face, surveyor of humanity
3. |SIG7.ALAN|#? hi-li su3 tibir ra gal-an-zu kin2 gal-le ak
#tr.en: (Possessing) features that exude allure, superior work of the skilled metalworker”
4. ad gal di-ku5 esz3 mah-a inim-ma nu-kam3-me
#tr.en: Great voice/adviser(?), judge of the great shrine whose word will not be changed
5. a-ra2-ni mah szir3-ra-ni ga-am3-e11 mu-ni pa ga-am3-e3
#tr.en: His way is supreme, I want to intone his song, I want to make his name manifest
6. sag gun3-gun3-nu abzux(DE2) sukkal mah eridu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: One who is possessed of a variegated head(?) of the Abzu, supreme vizier of Eridu
7. {d}asal-lu2-hi nir-gal2
#tr.en: Asalluhi, authoritative one
8. enkum# ninkum
#tr.en: May the enkum and nenkum functionaries
9. abgal# abrig2# |MUNUS.LAGAR| BAD |MUNUS.LAGAR| ME en NIN#?-x
#tr.en: The abgal, agrig, ..., ..., and the en(?) and ereš-digir(?) functionaries
10. ka ku3 ba-a-zu igi-bi hu-mu-un-szi#-[...]
#tr.en: May they(?) look(?) towards the utterance of your holy mouth
11. u4-szu2-usz-e e3-bi za-ra hu-mu-ra-an-si-ge5#!?-[...]
#tr.en: Daily may they prepare the exit for you
12. szu sikil giri3 sikil nig2-nam ku3-ku3-ug2 szu-luh dadag#-ga#
#tr.en: (Possessor) of pure hands and feet, who purifies everything, who cleanses the šuluh ritual
13. nam-szita4 e2-abzu zu2! kesz2-bi za-e-me-en
#tr.en: You are the one who organizes the namšita functionar(ies) of the Eabzu temple
14. kuara{ki} iri ki ag2 sza3-ge pa3-da-zu
#tr.en: (In) Ku'ara, your beloved city that was chosen in the heart
15. hul2-la hu-mu!-u8-da-an-tusz
#tr.en: May you dwell joyfully (there)
16. {d}asal-lu2-hi nun sza3 dagal mu-sze3 mu-ri#-[...]
#tr.en: Asalluhi, the ruler with a broad mind (Enki?), ... named you(?) (there)
17. igi bar#!-bi-sze3 mi-ni-NE-x [...]
#tr.en: Towards their/its sight ...
18. [...] x x AN nam-eresz-e [...]
#tr.en: ... ladyship ...
19. [...] x [...] x [...]
CDLI Literary 000795, ex. 059 (P346360) 2327007
pesz13 only appears a few times in words list
peszx(SZA3) only appears a few times in words list
peszx(SZA3) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346360 = CDLI Literary 000795, ex. 059
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. tur5-ra du10-ga-am3
#tr.en: Illness is “good” (i.e., better)
2. pesz13? gig-ga-am3
#tr.en: Pregnancy is painful
3. peszx(SZA3) tur5-ra
4. im-ma-diri-ga-ta#
#tr.en: Pregnancy and sickness (i.e., morning sickness) ... is much (worse)
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0304 (P254883) 2327008
ab-si-a only appears a few times in words list
na4-a only appears a few times in words list
&P254883 = UET 6, 0304
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. ki dingir ab#?-si-a
2. a-ba-a szu gul#-la
#tr.en: Who (could be) the destroyer(?) of the place that a god occupies(?)
$ single ruling
3. gul dingir-ra
4. na4-a gar-ra
#tr.en: The ... of a god is placed in stone/a stone bead
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000700, ex. 001 (P346155) 2327009
sur2-du3-a only appears a few times in words list
mar-ru10 only appears a few times in words list
nemur only appears a few times in words list
szex(|KAxSZE|) only appears a few times in words list
DU-DU-ma only appears a few times in words list
bi-du3 only appears a few times in words list
lug-ga only appears a few times in words list
dub2-dub2-bu only appears a few times in words list
MASZ-MASZ-MASZ only appears a few times in words list
MASZ-MASZ-MASZ only appears a few times in words list
gada-la2-mu2 only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-zu-ra only appears a few times in words list
MI-GIM only appears a few times in words list
MI-GIM only appears a few times in words list
DU-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
a-ge6-a-gin7! only appears a few times in words list
...-x-lum only appears a few times in words list
ku5-ku5-ru only appears a few times in words list
ni2-ta-na only appears a few times in words list
ru10 only appears a few times in signs list
nemur only appears a few times in signs list
szex(|KAxSZE|) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346155 = UET 6/1, 070
&P346155 = CDLI Literary 000700, ex. 001
#atf: lang sux
#link: def A = Q000700 = Ningiszzida B
1. en me-te# ku3#-ga ni2 husz gal gur3-ru
>>A 1
2. lugal-mu en {d}nin-gisz-zi-da ni2 husz gal gur3-ru
>>A 2
3. ur-sag# sur2#-du3{muszen} dingir-re-e-ne lugal-mu giri17-zal igi gun3 ti mar-uru5 szu du7
>>A 3
>>A 4
4. nemurx(|PIRIG.TUR|) ban3-da sag gisz ra-ra musz-husz szeg11! gi4-gi4
>>A 5
5. DU-DU-ma bi-HI uszumgal ambar-ra gurusz3 bur2-ra u18-lu lu2-ra te-a
>>A 6
6. nun sag mah kur-sza3-ga lug-ga edin DIB sag dub2-dub2 [(X)]
>>A 7
7. lugal-mu ka-zu masz-masz masz mah en {d}nin-gisz-zi-da ki zu [...]
>>A 8
8. {d}nin-gisz-zi-da ka-zu masz-masz masz en {d}nin-gisz-zi-da ki [...]
>>A 9
9. gada x x a-gin7 gar-ra-zu sza3-zu a-ba mu-un-zu
>> A 10
10. {d}nin-gisz-zi-da a-gin7 gar-ra-zu sza3-zu a-ba mu-[un-zu]
>>A 11
11. inim ku3-zu mu-un-zu-ra mu-un-zu nu-mu-un-zu-ra [nu-mu-un-zu]
>>A 12
12. nu-mu-un-zu-ra nu-mu-un-zu-ra me-dim2 mu-un-na-[...]
>>A 13
13. {d}nin-gisz-zi-da nu-mu-un-zu-ra me-dim2 mu-un-na-X
>>A 14
14. inim mah-zu ki-sze3 du-a-ba musz-husz na-nam KA X X
>>A 15
15. id2#-da a-gi6-am3 na-szub-szub a-sza3-ga mar-uru5#-[am3 na-zi-zi]
>>A 16
>>A 17
16. [...] [sza3 ni2]-te#-na-ka mu-un-[...]
>>A 19
17. [...] [X ki? RA X me]-a# zag# gar# E#? [...]
>>A 20
#tr.en: Lord, holy ornament, bearing a furious and great aura
>>Q000700 001
2. lugal-gu10 en {d}nin-gesz-zi-da ni2 husz gal gur3-ru
#tr.en: My king, lord Ningešzida, bearing a furious and great aura
>>Q000700 002
3.a. ur-sag# sur2?-du3-a dingir-re-e-ne lugal-gu10
#tr.en: Hero, falcon of the gods, my king,
>>Q000700 003
3.b. giri17-zal igi gun3 ti mar-ru10 szu du7
#tr.en: face sparkling (with) joy, equipped with arrows and a quiver
>>Q000700 004
4. nemur banda3{+da} sag gesz ra-ra musz-husz szex(|KAxSZE|) gi4-gi4
#tr.en: Wild leopard who kills, screaming mušhuš creature
>>Q000700 005
5. DU-DU-ma? bi-du3 uszumgal ambar-ra guru5 bur2-ra ulu3{+lu} lu2-ra te-a
#tr.en: ..., ušumgal creature rushing forth/gnashing its teeth(?) in the marshes, southern storm drawing near to man
>>Q000700 006
6. nun sag mah kur sza3-ga# lug-ga edin# lu sag dub2-dub2-bu#?
#tr.en: First, great ruler living in the mountain midst, smashing heads of sheep(?) in the plain
>>Q000700 007
7. lugal-gu10 KA-zu MASZ-MASZ-MASZ en {d}nin-gesz-zi-da ki-zu x-[...]
#tr.en: My king, your mouth/tooth ..., lord Ningišzida, your place(?) ...
>>Q000700 008
8. {d}nin-gesz-zi-da KA-zu MASZ-MASZ-MASZ en {d}nin-gesz-zi-da ki-zu# [...]
#tr.en: Ningešzida, your mouth/tooth ..., lord Ningešzida, your place(?) ...
>>Q000700 009
9. gada-la2-mu2 a-gin7 gar-ra-zu sza3-zu a-ba mu-un-zu
#tr.en: My(?) linen clad priest, when you put ... thusly, who has known your thoughts?
>>Q000700 010
10. {d}nin-gesz-zi-da a-gin7 gar-ra-zu sza3-zu a-ba mu-[un-zu]
#tr.en: Ningešzida, when you put ... thusly, who has known your intention?
>>Q000700 011
11. inim ku3-zu mu-un-zu-ra mu-un-zu nu-mu-un-zu-ra [...]
#tr.en: For the one who has known your holy word, he has known it (to his benefit?), for the one who has not known he has not known it(?)
>>Q000700 012
12. nu-mu-un-zu-ra nu-mu-un-zu-ra MI-GIM mu-un-na#-[...]
#tr.en: For the one who has not known, for the one who has not known, ...
>>Q000700 013
13. {d}nin-gesz-zi-da nu-mu-un-zu-ra MI-GIM mu-un#-[na-...]
#tr.en: Ningešzida, for the one who has not known, ...
>>Q000700 014
14. inim mah-zu ki-sze3 DU-a-ba musz-husz na-nam x [...]
#tr.en: When you exalted word comes towards the earth/netherworld, it is indeed a mušhuš creature ...
>>Q000700 015
15.a. i7#?-da a-ge6-a-gin7#!? du7-du7
#tr.en: Thrashing in the river like(?) a flood,
>>Q000700 016
15.b. a-sza3-ga ma?-ru#? [...]
#tr.en: ... in the field like(?) a stormwind(?)
>>Q000700 017
16. [...]-x#-lum a-u5 me ku5-ku5-ru IM [...]
#tr.en: Magilum(?), separating the ... high flood, u
>>Q000700 018
17. [...] x# sza3 ni2-ta-na KA mu-un-[...]
#tr.en: … his own heart/midst …
>>Q000700 019
18. [...] x ki? RA X me]-a# za3# gar# E#? [...]
#tr.en: …
>>Q000700 020
$ (part destroyed, part uninscribed)
UET 6, 0305 (P346361) 2327010
na-an-szum2 only appears a few times in words list
&P346361 = UET 6, 0305
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. a2 ba-[...]
2. {gesz}mitum na-an-[szum2]
#tr.en: One should not give the mitum weapon (for) the strength (of) the cripple/dwarf
3. {d}en-lil2 a2-tah-ni
#tr.en: Enlil is his helper
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000616, ex. 001 (P346157) 2327011
sukkal! only appears a few times in words list
mu-x-hi-isz-tum only appears a few times in words list
uru2-ku3-ga only appears a few times in words list
he2-du7-bi-im only appears a few times in words list
{d}ba-ba6-ur2 only appears a few times in words list
nam-lu2-lu7{lu} only appears a few times in words list
hul2-le-za only appears a few times in words list
{d}lamma-sa6-ga only appears a few times in words list
MUNUS-bi only appears a few times in words list
kiszi4-kiszi4 only appears a few times in words list
gun3-gun3-gu2 only appears a few times in words list
DU-e only appears a few times in words list
a-ma-ru-um only appears a few times in words list
u6-di-zu only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-szi-ni-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
gub-bu-zu only appears a few times in words list
gesz-gi-na only appears a few times in words list
tam-tam-ma-ka only appears a few times in words list
{d}lamma-sa6-ga only appears a few times in words list
MUNUS-bi only appears a few times in words list
ga-e-i-i-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
dub-ba-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-me-za only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-ni-ib-x only appears a few times in words list
he2-IM-em-ku7 only appears a few times in words list
gesztin-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
{d}ig-alim-ma-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
me-tesz2-bi only appears a few times in words list
nam-gu3-de2-a-za only appears a few times in words list
{d}lamma-sa6-ga only appears a few times in words list
MUNUS-bi only appears a few times in words list
il2-i only appears a few times in words list
sukkal! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346157 = CDLI Literary 000616, ex. 001
#atf: lang sux
1. munus zi {d}utu kalam-ma {d}lamma me-tesz2 ga-i#-i#
#tr.en: True woman, the Utu (i.e., sun) of the land, I want to praise the lamma
2. sukkal! mah ama {d}ba-ba6 zi lugal-la u3-tu
#tr.en: Supreme vizier of mother Bau, who engenders the life of the king
3. ra-gaba ku3 an-sza3-ta dub nam-ti-la-na e11#-de3
#tr.en: Pure rider, bringing her tablet of life down from the midst of heaven
4. tu15 an-ta giri3-a DU he2-gal2 pa e11
#tr.en: Wind(?) from above going along the path, making abundance manifest(!?)
5. mu-x-hi-isz-tum sag szum2 me-te {d}ba-ba6 uru2-ku3-ga he2-du7-bi-im#
#tr.en: The one who advances forth, the fitting one of Bau, she is the ornament of the Irikug sacred precinct
6. {d}lamma lu2# siskur2-ra {d}ba-ba6-ur2? inim du10 ga#-di
#tr.en: Lamma, the one of the siskur prayer/ritual, (says) “I want to say a sweet word for Bau”
7. nam-lu2-lu7{lu} ki ag2 nig2-ba-bi hul2-le#-za
#tr.en: Who loves the people, when you rejoice at their gift
8. {d}lamma-sa6-ga {d}ba#-ba6# MUNUS-bi su3-u4-sze3 ga-mu-e-i-i-de3-en
#tr.en: Lammasaga of Bau ... we praise profoundly
9. x sag sa6 hi-li gur3-ru kiszi4-kiszi4 {na4}za-gin3 duru5
#tr.en: ... (with?) a beautiful(?) head(?), bearing allure, both halves (of her head) are(?) gleaming lapis
10. [...] x-ga TUG2 NIG2 gesz? E gun3#-gun3#-gu2
#tr.en: ..., sparkling/variegated ...
11. [...] DU-e#? a#?-ma?-ru-um? u6-di-zu
#tr.en: ... your admiration/sight
12. [...] x lugal-sze3 <igi?> he2-em-szi-ni-gal2
#tr.en: ... may she look at(?) the king there
13. [...] gub#?-bu-zu# lal3 x [...]
#tr.en: ... when you stand/your standing, honey ...
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x LU LU ru#? [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. [...] gesz?-gi-na tam-tam-ma-ka
#tr.en: ... of pure limbs(?)
3'. [...] x-ra munus zi {d}lamma-gu10
#tr.en: ..., true lady, my lamma
4'. [{d}lamma-sa6-ga {d}ba-ba6] MUNUS#-bi su3-u4-sze3 ga-e-i-i-de3-en
#tr.en: Lammasaga of Bau ... we praise profoundly
5'. [...] x dub?-ba?-sze3 la2-a he2-em-me-za e3? ur4? ak
#tr.en: May your saying “may ... attached ... to ..."(?), ...
6'. nir-gal2 ki ag2 {d}ba-ba6 nin dugud du11-ga zi-da-ke4
#tr.en: Noble one, beloved by Bau, the important lady of the true command
7'. ha-ra-ni-ib-x he2#?-<<IM?>>-em-ku7 nin x gesztin?-gin7 ku7-ku7-da
#tr.en: May she ... for you, may ... be sweet(?), lady to be sweetened like ... and wine?
8'. en {d}ig-alim-ma-ke4 gal-bi hu-mu-gal2 me-tesz2-bi
#tr.en: Lord Igalima, may the(?) praise be greatly present
9'. munus zi {d}lamma-gu10 nin nam-gu3-de2-a-za
#tr.en: True lady, my protective deity, lady of your (own?) craft of proclamation(?)
10'. {d}lamma-sa6-ga {d}ba-ba6 MUNUS-bi su3-u4-sze3 ga-mu-e-i-i#-de3#-en
#tr.en: Lamasaga of Bau ... we praise profoundly
11'. nin gu7 nag giri17-zal? x nam-he2-a x il2-i
#tr.en: The lady ... joyful(?) eating and drinking, raising ... abundance ...
12'. ki-tusz he2-gal2 abzu-ta kurun2 kasz-a gu3 nun di
#tr.en: The dwelling “abundance from/in(?) the Abzu,” bellowing nobly in (consuming) liquor and beer
CDLI Literary 000795, ex. 054 (P254884) 2327012
ub-lil2-la2 only appears a few times in words list
immen2 only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-an-gurum only appears a few times in words list
&P254884 = CDLI Literary 000795, ex. 054
#atf: lang sux
1. nin9-e ub-lil2-la2 nam-me-a
#tr.en: Sister, if(?) there was no outdoor shrine
2. ama-gu10 i7-da nam-me-a
#tr.en: My mother, if(?) there was no river
3. immen2# ba-da#-an-gurum e-sze
#tr.en: I(?) could have(?) died from(?) thirst
$ blank space
UET 6, 0307 (P346362) 2327013
{uruda}du5 only appears a few times in words list
nagar-ka only appears a few times in words list
simug-ka only appears a few times in words list
lu2-kurun-na-ka only appears a few times in words list
&P346362 = UET 6, 0307
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. {uruda}du5 nagar-ka
2. na4 simug-ka
3. [...] x du10-ga
4. lu2-kurun-na-ka
#tr.en: The adze belongs to the carpenter, the stone (anvil?) belongs to the blacksmith, and sweet ... belongs to the brewer
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0073 (P346158) 2327014
UN-zu only appears a few times in words list
zalag-ge2-esz only appears a few times in words list
il2-x-mu only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-BAD3 only appears a few times in words list
nam-disz-sza only appears a few times in words list
u8-ki only appears a few times in words list
ma-tuku only appears a few times in words list
szir3-zu only appears a few times in words list
szi-in-ga-GI only appears a few times in words list
lu2-inim-ma-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
he2-eb-HI only appears a few times in words list
nam-sul only appears a few times in words list
til-til-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
su13-e only appears a few times in words list
sza3!-ba only appears a few times in words list
szi-in-gin6-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
gi-gid2-da only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-BAD3 only appears a few times in words list
ri-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
e3-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
me-tesz2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-i only appears a few times in words list
{d}utu-e3-ra only appears a few times in words list
{d}utu-szu2-szu2! only appears a few times in words list
ka-tar-ra only appears a few times in words list
mu-szi-BAD-e only appears a few times in words list
sag-ni only appears a few times in words list
LU-a-bi only appears a few times in words list
szu2! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346158 = UET 6, 0073
#atf: lang sux
1. lugal#-gu10 kur-kur-ra zalag-ga#? [...]
#tr.en: My king, shining(?) in the lands ...
2. {d}utu-gin7#? gal-le-esz DU x-[...]
#tr.en: Like Utu, he greatly ...
3. UN-zu {d}en-lil2-la2 UD zalag-ge2-esz igi# il2#-[x]-mu#?
#tr.en: Look at the shining(?) ... of Enlil(?)
4. u4 hul u4 x bala# DU mu-un-x-x
#tr.en: He ... a destructive storm, a storm traversing ...
5. {d}nin-BAD3# nam#?-disz#?-sza#? u8?-ki ma-tuku
#tr.en: Ningublaga, ...
6. [{d}]nin-EZEN#?
7. lu2-szir3#?-ra-ke4 szir3#?-zu szi-in-ga-GI
#tr.en: Ningublaga, may the singer also(?) ... your song/festival(?)
8. lu2-inim-ma?-ke4#? x sag he2-eb-HI#?
#tr.en: May the witness(?) ...
9. ur-sag gal-gal-e#?-ne#? [...] x lugal nam-sul x [...] x
#tr.en: The great heroes ... king ... youth ...
10. me#?-lam2 til-til-e-de3 kur su13#?-e
#tr.en: The one/ones(?) who is to bring an end(?) to the aura (of an adversary?) and then radiate it upon(?) the mountain/netherworld(?)
11. sza3#!?-ba gal2-la a-gin7 {d}isztaran-gin7 szi-in-gin6-gin7
#tr.en: May what is in the (i.e. your!?) heart thus be just like Ištarān(?)
12. {d}nin-EZEN
13. x lugal-gu10 an-ne2 mu-ra-an-szum2
#tr.en: Ningublaga, ... my king, An gave ... to you
14. ki#? ag2 a-a nir {d#?}nin#?-x
#tr.en: Beloved(?) of (his) father, the authoritative one, Ningublaga(?) ...
1. iri#?{ki} inim-ma? nu-[...] {d}nu-nam-nir x [...]
#tr.en: The city(?) ... by the irrevocable word(?) of Nunamnir(?)
2. hur-sag gi-gid2-da x [...]
#tr.en: The mountain range ... the pipe(?) ...
3. {d}nin-BAD3 tu15 ri-gin7 an-ne2 x us2#-sa
#tr.en: Ningublaga, established by An/in heaven(?) like a blowing wind(?)
4. {d}nin-EZEN#
5. ul e3-sze3 me-tesz2-sze3#? mu-i
#tr.en: Ningublaga, in a way that brings out pleasure/rejoicing(?) (may) you be praised
6. {d}utu-e3-ra {d}utu-szu2#-szu2!
#tr.en: From(?) sunrise to(?) sunset(?)
7. sul ka-tar-ra SU x x mu#?-szi-BAD-e
#tr.en: Youth ... praise ...
8. sag-ni i3-pa3 LU LU#?-a#-bi#?
#tr.en: His head was selected(?), ...
9. {d}nin-EZEN AN AB? x x-ra#? [...]
#tr.en: Ningublaga ...
UET 6, 0308 (P346363) 2327015
nu-mu-duh only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-na-ni-ib2-gi4-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
duh-zu only appears a few times in words list
tum3-tum3-mu only appears a few times in words list
&P346363 = UET 6, 0308
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. pesz2 tur-re ama-ni-ir na-ab-be2-a
#tr.en: The little mouse was speaking to its mother
2. im-ta-e3 lu2 na-me igi nu-mu-duh
#tr.en: I(?) came out, and nobody saw (me)
3. ama-ni mu-un-na-ni-ib2-gi4-gi4
#tr.en: His mother was replying to him
4. igi duh-zu tum3-tum3-mu e-sze
#tr.en: The one who sees you(?) will be taking (you) away
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0074 (P346159) 2327016
LUH only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-ni-in-dim2 only appears a few times in words list
gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)! only appears a few times in words list
TAB-NIG2 only appears a few times in words list
nir-nir only appears a few times in words list
hu-hu-ul only appears a few times in words list
su3-ag2-bi only appears a few times in words list
an-ka only appears a few times in words list
gesz-la2-ni only appears a few times in words list
barax(|BARA2xIGI|)-bara2-ke4-ne only appears a few times in words list
gu2-an only appears a few times in words list
nu-sza4 only appears a few times in words list
nu-ub!-du11 only appears a few times in words list
u3!-tu only appears a few times in words list
...-sa6 only appears a few times in words list
nu-szum2-szum2-mu only appears a few times in words list
du5-e only appears a few times in words list
zi-sza3-gal2-ka only appears a few times in words list
{d}lammax(DAG)-{d}lammax(DAG) only appears a few times in words list
dingir-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
gur!-ru only appears a few times in words list
lugal-gu10-ur2 only appears a few times in words list
ku3-ga-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
di-ir-ga only appears a few times in words list
GIRI16 only appears a few times in words list
galam-ma-bi only appears a few times in words list
kilib3-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
szu-a-ra only appears a few times in words list
sa6-ge-bi only appears a few times in words list
lugal-gu10-ur2 only appears a few times in words list
LUH only appears a few times in signs list
gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)! only appears a few times in signs list
barax(|BARA2xIGI|) only appears a few times in signs list
lammax(DAG) only appears a few times in signs list
lammax(DAG) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346159 = UET 6, 0074
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface unclear)
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] LUH#? x [...] dingir#? na#-me# e#-ne-gin7 nu-mu-ni-in-dim2 [...]
#tr.en: ..., no (other) god acts like him
2'. [...] ba#-an-gi4 gal-an-zu gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)#!? bad a-ra2 sag2 ka ba-ni x [...]
#tr.en: ..., wise (with his) responses, open minded one, (his) way <cannot be?> dispersed(!?), his utterance ...
3'. [...] x musz3# hi-li su3 TAB-NIG2 sikil-la# alan nir-nir alan gar-ra x [...]
#tr.en: ... (possessor of a) face exuding allure, pure ..., stretched-out form(?), a statue(?) inlaid with(?) ...
4'. [...] x me-lam2-ma hu-hu-ul su3#?-ag2#?-bi u4-gin7 i-lim kar2-kar2 [...]
#tr.en: ... in an aura, lighting up with an aura brightly like the day
5'. [...] x mah me-te e2 an-ka#?? dingir gal#-gal-e-ne-er gesz-la2-ni x [...]
#tr.en: Supreme ..., ornament of the temple of An(?), for the great gods his (attentive) silence(?) ...
6'. [sag]-en3#-tar barax(|BARA2xIGI|)-bara2-ke4-ne inim-ma-ni gu2-an an-ki-a za3 nu-sza4 TUR MUSZ3 [...]
#tr.en: Supervisor of the (mortal) rulers, his word is unreachable within the heights(?) of the universe, ...
7'. [...] x DU? ur-sag AN sa2-e KA lagar? ku3 a2? ag2# igi zu-zu x x [...] ga2? [...?]
#tr.en: ... hero, god who regularly (furnishes offerings!?) ..., holy lagar vizier(?), bringing attention to the command(?) ...
8'. [...] di? u6 di du7-a me-dim2-bi# la-la gur3 sukud sa6-ge#? [...] nu#?-ub!?-du11
#tr.en: ... suitable for admiration, whose limbs bearing happiness ..., a beautiful stature that has not(?) ...
9'. [du11]-ga dugud sza3#? bar# tam-me inim u3#!?-tu tak4 ad-hal an-ki sza3 an me nun [...]-sa6#
#tr.en: Examining the content of important speech(?) (and then) begets (additional) words (i.e., revises?) while leaving (the message intact), who betters(?) the secret of the universe (which reside?) in the mind of An(?), and the foremost cosmic powers
10'. ka#?-mud-gal2 kingal {d}a-nun-na-ke4-ne {d}en-ki? ku3-zu nig2-nam [...] sag#-e-esz rig7#-[...]
#tr.en: Advocate and kingal overseer of the Anuna gods, who was bestowed knowledge of everything by Enki
11'. za3#-e3 nun-gal-e-ne umun2#? diri dab e-ne-da nu {d}en-lil2#?-le#? dingir gal-gal-e-ne-er a2 ag2 nu-szum2-szum2-mu#
#tr.en: Foremost of the great princes (Igigi), (possessing) excessive and surpassing knowledge, without him An and Enlil(?) do not issue orders to the great gods
12'. dingir#? zi ki ag2 an ku3-ga du5?-e gesz tuku uri3#? zi-sza3#-gal2#?-ka#? ti-le-de3 ki ag2# [...]
#tr.en: True god, beloved by holy An, paying attention to ...(?), guardian of life-giving force who loves to sustain(?), ...
13'. {d#}nin-szubur# en {d}lammax(DAG)-{d#}lammax(DAG) dingir-sze3 tuku arhusz sza3 gur#!?-ru mu-un-zu-a lugal-gu10-ur2 u3#-[ne-de3-tah]
#tr.en: Ninšubur, lord whom the lamma protective spirits have as (their) (personal) god(?), who has known compassion and mercy, to my king, when you repeat(?) to him
14'. sza3#? {d}inanna inim sa6-ge igi# an ku3-ga-sze3!? ka ba-ni dingir gal-gal-e-ne gizzal im-[...]
#tr.en: Putting a good word to the heart of Inanna, before An the great gods have paid attention to(?) his utterance
15'. [{gesz}]gidri il2 a2 ag2 di-ir-ga za3 kesz2 musz3 ad gal2-bi ul hi-li inim? gun3
#tr.en: Raising the scepter, issuing commands, clad in(?) the ritual arrangements(?), his(?) advice giving(?) face charming(?) with pleasure and allure
16'. [...] GIRI16 me-ni me-ta szen a-ra2 galam-ma-bi mah dab?-ba kilib3-sze3 nig2-nam# x x x [...]
#tr.en: ..., his cosmic powers are purer than (other) cosmic powers(?), (its) skillful way/decree supremely surpassing(?), ... in totality everything ...
17'. [...] {d#}nin-szubur sza3# kusz2#-u3 {d}inanna szul-a-lum du8-du8 szu-a-ra mur gig-ga sag x [...]
#tr.en: Holy? Ninšubur, taking counsel (with) Inanna, undoing punshment, the one “struck upon the hand,” murgig disease(?) ...
18'. [...] x [...] gesz# tuku inim sa6-ge-bi nu-kar2-kar2 nam-tag#? [...]
#tr.en: ... listening to ..., his(!) praying/good words never disparaging(?), ... sin(?)
19'. [...] x x zi#-zi lugal#?-gu10#?-ur2#? u3#-ne-de3#-[pesz]
#tr.en: ... when you (say it) a 3rd time(?) to my king
CDLI Literary 000799, ex. 025 (P346364) 2327017
mud6-da-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
gid2-da-bi only appears a few times in words list
al-ke3-en only appears a few times in words list
mud6 only appears a few times in signs list
&P346364 = CDLI Literary 000799, ex. 025
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. ur mud6-da-gin7
#tr.en: As (if dealing with?) a rabid dog
2. i7-da gid2-da-bi
#tr.en: The one who tows (boats?) of (i.e. in?) the river(?)
3. a szu al-ke3-en e-sze
#tr.en: You ... the water, as they say
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0310 (P346365) 2327018
nam-lu2-lu7-... only appears a few times in words list
na-ba-an-du7-... only appears a few times in words list
ki-inim-ma-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
nu-erim2-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
dingir-ra-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-x-... only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-x-... only appears a few times in words list
&P346365 = UET 6, 0310
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. gesztu2 ku3-zu gesztu2#-[...]
#tr.en: Intelligence, wisdom, ...
2. KA TUG2 nam-lu2-lu7#-[...]
#tr.en: ... humanity ...
3. szu na-ba-an-du7-[...]
#tr.en: ... should not perfect
4. ki-inim-ma-ke4 nam-ba#-[...]
#tr.en: The witness should not .../... should not ... testimony(?)
5. sag nu-erim2-gin7 gesz [...]
#tr.en: ... smite like the head of an enemy(?)
6. ki-ma-an-ze2-er KA [...]
#tr.en: A “slippery place"(?) ...
7. ki dingir-ra-ke4 ba-an-x-[...]
#tr.en: ... the site of a god/shrine(?)
8. inim-zu ka-sze3 hu-mu-x-[...]
#tr.en: And therefore/May(?) your word(?) ... to your mouth(?)
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000736, ex. 010 (P346160) 2327019
e2-ga2-na only appears a few times in words list
gin6-na-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
dingir-ra-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-ni-x only appears a few times in words list
dab5!-ba-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ku10-ku10-ga only appears a few times in words list
su13-ga only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-dun only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-szi-sug2-ge-de3-esz only appears a few times in words list
&P346160 = CDLI Literary 000736, ex. 010
#atf: lang sux
1. lu2 e2 munus-e nig2 mi2 du11-ga
#tr.en: That man in(?) the “house of the woman"(?) is something that is cared for(?)
2. sahar e2-ga2-na tug2 gin6-na-a-ni#? x x
#tr.en: In(?) the dust of my(!?) house his “true"(?) garment ...
3. sul dingir-ra-a-ni x# la-ba-ni-x
#tr.en: The young man has not ... his god
4. e2-gu10 kurun dab5!-ba-gin7 lu2 AN
#tr.en: My house (brings) the sky/god(?) (down for the man) as if seized by liquor (i.e., drunk?)
5. musz gir2 e2 ku10-ku10-ga nig2-me-gar su13#?-ga
#tr.en: Snakes and scorpions have filled the darkened house with stunned silence
6. dam-a-ni tug2 ba#-an#?-dun#? mu-un-szi-sug2#?-ge-de3-esz
#tr.en: His spouse has laid the warp (for) the garment(?), (she and the other weavers?) are to serve him(?)
1. {d}nun-gal nin e2-kur-ra#
#tr.en: Nungal, the lady of the prison
2. za3-mi2
#tr.en: Praise!
$ blank space
UET 6, 0311 (P254885) 2327020
iti-dam only appears a few times in words list
x-ra-si-ge only appears a few times in words list
eme-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
al-bil2-la only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-ab-te-... only appears a few times in words list
bi2-...-du11 only appears a few times in words list
UR-e only appears a few times in words list
ba-...-e only appears a few times in words list
&P254885 = UET 6, 0311
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. KA-gu10 iti#?-dam#? KA# x-ra-si-ge#
#tr.en: My mouth/voice expresses(?) to you monthly
2. eme-gu10 ansze x-x-x
3. egir-bi nu-mu-un#-gi4#-gi4
#tr.en: My tongue, like a running donkey(?), does not turn back
4. ka-gu10 tu7 al-bil2-la#? ha-ra-ab-te#?-[...]
#tr.en: My mouth shall cool hot soup for you/hot soup shall be cooled for you(?)
5. sza3 ku6 giri3-pad-ra2 de5#-de5#-ga
#tr.en: The inside of a fish, picked of bones
6. ka-gu10 za-e bi2#?-[...]-du11#
#tr.en: My mouth, you ... (?)
7. UR#-e ba-[...]-e
#tr.en: The dog(?) will ...
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000389, ex. 002 (P346161) 2327021
pa4-bi-luh-ha only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}gisal-a-gar-ra only appears a few times in words list
ku3-tuku only appears a few times in words list
{d}nun-nam-nir only appears a few times in words list
uri-e only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-suh-e only appears a few times in words list
nibru{ki}-e only appears a few times in words list
nam-mi only appears a few times in words list
e2-mud-kur-ra-kam only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}gu-za-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
suhuszx(DU@s)-bi only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-gin6 only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
si-si-e only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
enkar only appears a few times in words list
esz-giri17 only appears a few times in words list
DU-DU-e only appears a few times in words list
gal2-la-... only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-gin6 only appears a few times in words list
...-na-kam only appears a few times in words list
bi-szu2 only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-ir-mi-re only appears a few times in words list
{i7}EZEN-ku3 only appears a few times in words list
ka-ke only appears a few times in words list
du-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
pa4-bi-luh only appears a few times in words list
{i7}EZEN-ku3 only appears a few times in words list
iri{ki}-bi only appears a few times in words list
pa4-bi-luh only appears a few times in words list
hu-ma-ra-ab-de6 only appears a few times in words list
gu2-gu2-bi only appears a few times in words list
{u2}munzer only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}tir-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
su-su-... only appears a few times in words list
an-ub-...-bi only appears a few times in words list
uri-... only appears a few times in words list
suhuszx(DU@s) only appears a few times in signs list
enkar only appears a few times in signs list
&P346161 = CDLI Literary 000389, ex. 002
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] mu-un-ba-[al-e]
#tr.en: Who will dig the canal here?
2'. i7# [pa4-bi]-luh-ha a-ba mu#-un#-[ba-al-e]
#tr.en: The canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean, who will dig the canal here?
3'. i7# {gesz}gisal-a-gar-ra# a#-ba# mu#-[un-ba-al-e]
#tr.en: The canal in which the oar is set (to start a journey?), who will dig the canal here?
4'. i7 a-ba mu-un-ba#-al#-[e]
#tr.en: Who will dig the canal here?
5'. ur-{d}namma ku3-tuku mu-un-ba-[al-e]
#tr.en: Ur-Namma, the one who has silver, will dig here
6'. i7 a-ba mu-un-ba-al#-[e]
#tr.en: Who will dig the canal here?
7'. {d}szul-gi nig2-tuku mu-un-ba#-[al-e]
#tr.en: Shulgi, the one who has possessions, will dig here
8'. i7 a-ba mu-un-ba-al-e
#tr.en: Who will dig the canal here?
9'. lugal sza3 zi-da nam tar-ra nam-nir-ra sag il2
#tr.en: The king whose fate was decided in the fertile womb, who raises his head in authority
10'. ur-{d}namma sul igi il2-la kur-gal u4 {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4
#tr.en: Ur-Namma, the youth who is watched by the Great Mountain, the storm of (i.e. that is?) Enlil
11'. {d}nun-nam-nir ki-en-gi uri-e me-am3 mu-un-suh-e
#tr.en: Where in Sumer and Akkad will Nunamnir chose?
12'. nibru{ki}-e hur-sag nam-ti-la-ka nam-mi im-mi-in-tar
#tr.en: In Nippur, at the “mountain range of life,” he decreed my(!?) fate
13'. uri2{ki}-e e2-mud-kur-ra-kam
#tr.en: At Ur, it being in the Emudkura shrine
14'. {gesz}gu-za-a-ni suhuszx(DU@s)-bi im-mi-in-gin6
#tr.en: He secured the foundations of his throne
15'. aga me-lam2 me-tesz2 nam-lugal-la sag-ga2 im-mi-gal2
#tr.en: The crown and the (accompanying) aura, (eliciting) the “praise” of kingship, he(!?) put on my(?) head
16'. {gesz}gidri ku3 ug3 1(szar2) si-si-e sa2 szu-ga2 im-mi-in-sa2
#tr.en: He made the pure scepter that puts the many people in order the equal of my hand(?)
17'. enkar szibir#? esz#-giri17# zi#-gal2#? DU#-DU-e [...]
#tr.en: He gave to my hand the enkara weapon, the staff(?) and the nose-rope that convey the people
18'. [...]
19'. [...]-NE
#tr.en: ...
1. [...] x gal2 sag kun gal2-la#-[...]
#tr.en: ... possessing a head and tail (i.e., the beginning and end of a canal?)/present at the head and tail(?)
2. [...] gur3#-ru ki#-tusz sza3 hul2-la#
#tr.en: ... bearing ..., a dwelling that makes the heart rejoice
3. [...] x-da ur2-bi im-mi-in-gin6
#tr.en: ... made its foundation firm
4. [...]-na-kam gu2-da am bi-szu2
#tr.en: ...
5. [...]-zi ku3-babbar-ra gub-ba-am3 [...] im-mi-ir-mi-re
#tr.en: The gizi reed growth, “standing in silver"(?), flourishes
6. [...] u4 he2-gal2-la bala ub-ba {i7}EZEN-ku3 mu sze
#tr.en: My canal(?) (that furnishes?) a day of abundance, a reign(?) of ..., the “pure ...” canal is named
7. [...] da#-ri ka-ke du-a-ba i7 pa4-bi-luh mu sze
#tr.en: Named an everlasting name that is suitable for the mouth, the canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean canal is named
8. ga2 iri{ki}-ga2 a-ra2-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi mu-sze-na
#tr.en: (As for?) me, the way of (the canal of?) my city is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds
9. {i7}EZEN-ku3 iri{ki}-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi mu-sze-na
#tr.en: The “pure ...” canal, it flow(!?) is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds
10. i7 pa4-bi-luh a-ra2-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi mu-sze-na
#tr.en: The canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean, its flow is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds
11. he2-gal2-bi ku6 hu-ma-ra-ab-de6 e2-kisz-nu-gal2-sze3
#tr.en: Abundantly it brought fish to the Ekišnugal temple
12. gu2-gu2-bi {u2}munzer lu2-e u2-lal3 gu7-e
#tr.en: On its banks are munzer plants which one eats (like?) the “honey plant”
13. a-gar3 gal-bi# sze gu-nu mu2-mu2 {gesz#}tir#-gin7#? su-su-[...]
#tr.en: Making mottled barley/crops grow in its meadows (so that it) sways like a forest/for it to be denuded (at harvest time) like a forest(?)
14. lugal an-ub#-[...]-bi sze-ga {d#?}[...]
#tr.en: The king of the four regions, obedient one of Enlil
15. ur#?-{d#?}[namma ... ki]-en#-gi uri#-[...]
#tr.en: Ur-Namma, the shepherd and provider in Sumer and Akkad, loved by Enlil
16. [...] x [...]
#tr.en: ...
UET 6, 0312 (P346366) 2327022
szub!-ba only appears a few times in words list
ki!-bi only appears a few times in words list
&P346366 = UET 6, 0312
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. dingir szub!-ba ki!-bi gi4-gi4
#tr.en: Who restores a fallen god to its place
2. agrig zi an-na
#tr.en: Faithful steward of An
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000389, ex. 001 (P346162) 2327023
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 8: gesz#?[...
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 8: gesz#?[...
{d}nun-nam-nir only appears a few times in words list
nibru{ki}-e only appears a few times in words list
gesz...-ni does not appear in words list
suhuszx(DU@s)-bi only appears a few times in words list
...-gin6 only appears a few times in words list
nam-...-la only appears a few times in words list
sag-...-mi-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
gesz... does not appear in words list
si-si-... only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-...-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
...-giri17 only appears a few times in words list
DU-DU-e only appears a few times in words list
...-gu10-usz only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
na-ri-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
{i7}EZEN-ku3 only appears a few times in words list
ka-ge5 only appears a few times in words list
du-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
pa4-... only appears a few times in words list
mu-szi-na only appears a few times in words list
{i7}EZEN-ku3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-szi-na only appears a few times in words list
pa4-bi-luh only appears a few times in words list
mu-szi-na only appears a few times in words list
hu-ma-ra-ab-de6 only appears a few times in words list
gu2-gu2 only appears a few times in words list
mu-su-ur only appears a few times in words list
lu2-u2 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}tir-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
su-su-e-x only appears a few times in words list
...-ub-da only appears a few times in words list
limmu2-bi only appears a few times in words list
uri-e only appears a few times in words list
bala-na only appears a few times in words list
uri2{ki}-ma-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
sila-am3 only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-in-za-e-en-za-e-le only appears a few times in words list
da-a-ri only appears a few times in words list
gesz... does not appear in signs list
suhuszx(DU@s) only appears a few times in signs list
gesz... does not appear in signs list
&P346162 = CDLI Literary 000389, ex. 001
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. {d#}nun#-nam#-[nir ...]
#tr.en: Where in Sumer and Akkad will Nunamnir chose?
2'. nibru#{ki#}-e# [hur]-sag# [...] nam#-[...]
#tr.en: In Nippur, at the “mountain range of life,” he decreed my(!?) fate
3'. uri2#{ki#}-e# e2#-[...]
#tr.en: At Ur, it being in the Emudkura shrine
4'. gesz#?[...]-ni suhuszx(DU@s)-bi# [...]-gin6#
#tr.en: He secured the foundations of his throne
5'. aga# [...] me#-tesz2 nam#-[...]-la#? sag-[...]-mi-gal2
#tr.en: The crown and the (accompanying) aura, (eliciting) the “praise” of kingship, he(!?) put on my(?) head
6'. gesz#?[...] ku3# ug3 1(szar2) si-si#-[...] szu-ga2 im#-mi#-[...]-sa2#
#tr.en: He made the pure scepter that puts the many people in order the equal of my hand(?)
7'. [...]-giri17 zi-gal2 DU#-DU#-e#? [...]-gu10-usz im-ma#-an#-szum2#?
#tr.en: He gave to my hand ... and the nose-rope that convey the people
8'. [...]-e#? x [...] e2 u6 di-da-bi [...] im#-mi#-in#-sa2
#tr.en: ... the temple to be admired(?) he put in order(?)
9'. [...] x [...] x x x
$ beginning broken
1'. gi#-zi# [...]
#tr.en: The gizi reed growth, “standing in silver"(?), flourishes
2'. na-ri-gu10 u4 he2-gal2#-la#? [...] {i7}EZEN-ku3 mu sze-[...]
#tr.en: My canal(?) (that furnishes?) a day of abundance, a reign(?) of ..., the “pure ...” canal is named
3'. mu# da-ri ka-ge5 du-a-ba i7 pa4-[...]
#tr.en: Named an everlasting name that is suitable for the mouth, the “its (outlying) ditches are clean” canal is named
4'. [...] iri#{ki}-ga2 a-ra2-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi [mu-szi-na]
#tr.en: (As for?) me, the way of (the canal of?) my city is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds
5'. [{i7}EZEN]-ku3# iri-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi mu-szi-na#
#tr.en: The “pure ...” canal, it flow(!?) is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds
6'. [i7 pa4-bi]-luh# a-ra2-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi mu-szi-na#
#tr.en: The canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean, its flow is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds
7'. [...] ku6 hu-ma#-ra-ab-de6 e2-kisz-nu-gal2-sze3
#tr.en: Abundantly it brought fish to the Ekišnugal temple
8'. [...] gu2#-gu2 mu-su-ur lu2-u2 u2-lal3 gu7-e
#tr.en: ... (on its banks) are munzer plants which one eats (like?) the “honey plant”
9'. [...]-bi# sze gu-nu# mu2-mu2 {gesz}tir-gin7 su-su-e-x
#tr.en: Making mottled barley/crops grow in its meadows (so that it) sways like a forest/for it to be denuded (at harvest time) like a forest(?)
10'. [...]-ub#-da# limmu2-bi sze-ga {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: The king of the four regions, obedient one of Enlil
11'. [...] sipa# u2-a ki-en-gi uri-e ki ag2 {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: Ur-Namma, the shepherd and provider in Sumer and Akkad, loved by Enlil
12'. bala#?-na nig2 uri2{ki}-ma-ke4 sila-am3 u4 mi-ni-in-za-e-en-za-e-le za#-e-me#-en
#tr.en: In his reign(?) that makes(?) (every)thing of Urim rejoice, you are the one who spends time there(?)
13'. ur-{d}namma lugal mu da-a-ri za3-mi2-zu du10-ga
#tr.en: Ur-Namma, king with an eternal name, your praise is sweet
CDLI Literary 000799, ex. 010 (P254886) 2327024
kun-bi-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
al-gun3-gun3-nu only appears a few times in words list
al-x-x-... only appears a few times in words list
&P254886 = CDLI Literary 000799, ex. 010
#atf: lang sux
$ single ruling
1. ur# kun#-bi-sze3 na-ab#-[be2-a]
#tr.en: The dog was speaking to its tail:
2. al-gun3-gun3-nu al-x-x-[...]
#tr.en: "Sparkling, ...
3. dumu-gu10 ki ag2# x x e-sze
#tr.en: My beloved child ...
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0314 (P346367) 2327025
mu-na-da-DU only appears a few times in words list
&P346367 = UET 6, 0314
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. nir#-gal2-e#?
2. KA#? dingir-ra-kam#
#tr.en: The authoritative one is the mouth/word(?) of (his) god
3. ma2#-gur8 i7-da#
4. {gesz}gigir har-ra-an-na
5. mu-na-da-DU
#tr.en: (And therefore) the barge can move in the river and the chariot can move on the road for him
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000395, ex. 016 (P346163) 2327026
ATF: Parsing failed on line 173 near character 1
ba-tu-da-na-ta only appears a few times in words list
tu-da-x only appears a few times in words list
...-ub-da only appears a few times in words list
4(asz)-ba-me-en only appears a few times in words list
sag-gig2-ga-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-sumun2-kam-me-en only appears a few times in words list
ku3-ga-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-lil2-la2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-tur5-ra-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}en-ki-kam-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}utu-me-en only appears a few times in words list
...-gir2-nun-na only appears a few times in words list
dur3{+urx(SILA4)} only appears a few times in words list
nam-ur-... only appears a few times in words list
...-x-ga only appears a few times in words list
e3-me-en only appears a few times in words list
...-ke4-esz only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-x-x only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi2-x only appears a few times in words list
he2-eb-szi-te-en-te-en only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-sa2-a only appears a few times in words list
...-a-ni-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-szi-in-tum3 only appears a few times in words list
a-ar2-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ke3-ke3-de3 only appears a few times in words list
dub3-tuku-me-en only appears a few times in words list
im-zi-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
IM2 only appears a few times in words list
x-ga2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
asz-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ni10-ni10-x only appears a few times in words list
nam-sul-bi-ta only appears a few times in words list
ne3-ba only appears a few times in words list
banda3{+da}-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ib2-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
NIR-DU only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-su13-su13 only appears a few times in words list
{d}anzu2{muszen} only appears a few times in words list
dub3-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
gar-gar-...-sug2-ge-esz-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-ab-du10 only appears a few times in words list
ki-...-bi-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
sar-sar-re-de3 only appears a few times in words list
a2-dam-ma only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-an-ku4-re only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi2-ib2-du3 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ni-gaz only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ni-szum only appears a few times in words list
la2-la2-e only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-du10-e only appears a few times in words list
pirig-... only appears a few times in words list
gal-gal-... only appears a few times in words list
murgu2-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
dub-dab only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-mi-ib2-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ba-da-te only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ba-da-zi only appears a few times in words list
banda3{+da}-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-bur2-bur2 only appears a few times in words list
ansze-edin-na-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
hub2-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-szu2-szu2 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-gun3-gun3-nu only appears a few times in words list
du9-urx(SILA4) only appears a few times in words list
asz-... only appears a few times in words list
im2-ma-gu10-ne only appears a few times in words list
i3-ga2-ga2-de3 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-nigin2 only appears a few times in words list
sag-ur-sag-gu10-ne only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-duh-a only appears a few times in words list
asz-am3 only appears a few times in words list
esz3-esz3-bi only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-nigin2 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-di-ni-nag only appears a few times in words list
szir3!-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
nag-bi-a only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-da-an-tusz-e only appears a few times in words list
silim-sze3!-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ab-x only appears a few times in words list
il2-la-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-mi-in-gen only appears a few times in words list
gur6-gur6-a-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
he2-ib2-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
im-sar-ra-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
{d}lugal-TUR-USZ only appears a few times in words list
ul-li2!-a-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
x-e-a only appears a few times in words list
ga2-gin7-nam only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-gal2-la! only appears a few times in words list
sag-ga2! only appears a few times in words list
mu-ni-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ab-dab5!-be2 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-gul-gul only appears a few times in words list
...-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
si-ga-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-mi-sze21 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-e3-de3 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-in-pa3-de3-e-a only appears a few times in words list
e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-ta only appears a few times in words list
...-sag only appears a few times in words list
IM2 only appears a few times in signs list
szir3! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346163 = CDLI Literary 000395, ex. 016
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. [...]-ta# ur-sag#-[me]-en#
#tr.en: I am the king, from the womb I was a hero
2. [...]-me#-en ba-tu-da-na-ta# [...]
#tr.en: I am Shulgi, after I was born, I was a mighty male
3. [...] uszumgal#-e tu-da-x [...]
#tr.en: I am a pirig creature with a furious face that was given birth to by an ušumgal creature
4. lugal#? [...]-ub#-da# 4(asz)-ba-me-en
#tr.en: I am the king of the 4 quarters
5. na#-gada# sipa sag#-gig2-ga-me-en
#tr.en: I am the herder and shepherd of the black-headed
6. nir#-gal2 dingir kur-kur-ra-me-en
#tr.en: I am the authoritative one, the god of the lands
7. dumu u3-tu {d}nin-sumun2-kam-me-en
#tr.en: I am the child born of Ninsumun
8. sza3-ge pa3-da an ku3-ga-me-en
#tr.en: I am the one chosen in the heart by An
9. lu2 nam tar-re {d}en-lil2-la2-me-en
#tr.en: I am the man decreed by Enlil
10. {d}szul-gi ki ag2 {d}nin-lil2-la2-me-en
#tr.en: I am Shulgi, loved by Ninlil
11. mi2 zi du11-ga {d}nin-tur5-ra-me-en#
#tr.en: I am the one taken care of by Nintur
12. gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)# szum2-ma {d}en-ki-kam-me-en#
#tr.en: I am one given wisdom by Enki
13. [...] kal-ga {d}nanna-me-en
#tr.en: I am the mighty king of(?) Nanna
14. [...] duh-a {d}utu-me#-en#
#tr.en: I am the open-mouthed pirig creature (of) Utu
15. [...]-gi hi-li pa3-da#? {d#}inanna# [...]
#tr.en: I am Shulgi, whose allure was chosen/discovered (by) Inanna
16. [...]-gir2#-nun-na# [...-me]-en#
#tr.en: I am a girnun equid, suitable for the road
17. sisix(|ANSZE.KUR|)# har-ra#-an#-na# [...-me]-en#
#tr.en: I am a horse swishing its tail on the road
18. dur3{+urx(SILA4)}#? [...]-me#-en
#tr.en: I am a male donkey of Sumuqan, seeking to run
19. dub-sar# [...]
#tr.en: I am the knowledgable scribe of Nisaba
20. nam#?-ur#?-[...]
#tr.en: Like my heroism and my strength
21. gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)#-[...]
#tr.en: Intelligence is therefore perfected(?)
22. inim#? [...]
#tr.en: The true word is therefore made compatible with me(?)
23. nig2#?-[...]
#tr.en: Therefore justice is loved(?)
24. nig2#?-[...]
#tr.en: Therefore(?) evil is not loved(?)
25. inim#? [...] hul#? [...]-x-ga#
#tr.en: Therefore(?) the speaking of evil words is hated(?)
26. [...] e3#-me-en
#tr.en: I am Shulgi, the mighty king who goes out towards the front
27. [...] x x [...]-ke4#?-esz
#tr.en: Because I am rejoicing at my might and shoulder (=strength)(?)
28. [...]-sze3? szu#? he2#-em#-x-x
#tr.en: ...
29. [...]-en# e2-gal-la he2-bi2-x
#tr.en: I establish the (length of) the double-hour and had palace(s) built (there at that interval)(?)
30. [...]-x
@column 2
1. [...]-sze3#? ni2# he2-eb-szi-te-en-te-en
#tr.en: Therefore shall relax towards its “cool side”
2. [...] har#?-ra#?-an#?-na#? [...] kaskal#-e#? ge6 ba-da-sa2-a
#tr.en: The male going on the road who (otherwise) spends the night on the road
3. [...]-a-ni-gin7# zi#-ni# ha-ba-szi-in-tum3
#tr.en: Therefore has taken refuge there as if it was his built city
4. mu#-gu10 u4 ul-li2-a-asz# ga2#-ga2#-de3# ka#-ta nu-szub-bu-de3
#tr.en: So that my name is established to distant time, so that it is not dropped by/from the mouth
5. a-ar2-gu10 kalam-ma# ke3#-ke3#-de3#
#tr.en: So that my praise is performed in the land
6. dub3-tuku-me#-en usu-gu10 im-zi-ge-en IM2 x-ga2-me-en
#tr.en: I am possessed of speed, I muster up my strength, I am ... running
7. nibru{ki}-ta#? szeg12# uri2#{ki}-ma-sze3
#tr.en: From Nibru to the brickwork of Urim
8. danna asz-gin7 szu ni10#-ni10#-x sza3#?-gu10#? ha#-ma-ab?-du11
#tr.en: My heart therefore spoke to me in order to make a round trip as if (it was only) one double-hour
9. pirig nam-sul#-bi#?-ta#? nu#-x-x ne3#-ba gub-ba-me-en
#tr.en: A pirig creature not tiring by means of its youth, I am one who stands in its strength
10. {tug2#?}nig2-lam2# banda3#{+da#}-gu10# ib2#?-ga2#? ba-ab-du11
#tr.en: My little niglam garment was suitable on my hips(?)
11. tum12{muszen} NIR#-DU# x-x dal#-a-gin7 a2-gu10# hu-mu#-un-su13-su13
#tr.en: Therefore, like a ... wild dove flying furiously, I pumped my arms
12. {d}anzu2{muszen} kur-bi#-sze3# igi il2#-[...] dub3-gu10 hu-mu#-[...]
#tr.en: Therefore, like the Anzud bird raising its eye towards its mountain, I spread my knees apart (in stride)
13. uru2# ma-da ki gar-gar#-[...]-sug2#-ge#-esz-am3
#tr.en: Therefore the cities of the land that I founded served me
14. ug3 sag-gig2-ga u8#?-[...] ha#-ma-ab-du10
#tr.en: Therefore my black-headed people, teeming like ewes, look to me sweetly
15. masz2 hur-sag-ga2 ki#-[...]-bi#-sze3# hub2# sar#?-sar-re-de3
#tr.en: (Like) a goat of the mountain range that is to run to its dwelling(?)
16. {d}utu a2-dam#-ma# u4 dagal-la
#tr.en: (As?) Utu, broadening the daylight upon the settlements
17. [e2]-kisz#-nu#-gal2-la ha-ba-an-ku4-re
#tr.en: Therefore I(?) was entering the Ekišnugal temple
18. KISAL#? {d}suen-na tur3 i3 gal-gal-la he2-gal2-la he2-bi2-ib2-du3
#tr.en: Therefore the temple/courtyard!? of Suen, the cattlepen (of) great amounts of butter(?) was heaped up with abundance
19. gu4 ha-ba-ni-gaz udu! ha-ba-ni-szum
#tr.en: Therefore bulls were slaughtered there, sheep were slaughtered there
20. szem5#? kusz# la2-la2-e x ha-ba-gi4
#tr.en: Therefore the šem and ala drums resounded
21. tigi#? nig2#-du10#-e#? [...]-sa2#?
#tr.en: Therefore the tigi drum, the good thing, was played properly there
22. {d}szul#-gi# lu2# NIG2#? [...]
#tr.en: I am Shulgi, the one who makes anything/food(?) numerous and therefore food (offerings) were offered there
23. pirig#?-[...]
#tr.en: When I roused myself from the ... cultic area like a pirig creature
24. x [...]
25. x [...]
#tr.en: reverse
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. u4 te-esz# [...]
#tr.en: Therefore the howling(?) storm shook the ground
2'. {d}iszkur-re# [...]
#tr.en: Iškur shouted in the broad heavens
3'. szegx(|IM.A|) an-na#-ke4#? a# ki#-ta# [...]
#tr.en: Therefore the rain of heaven mingled with (lit. embraced) the water below
4'. na4 tur-tur-bi na4 gal-gal#-[...]
#tr.en: Its small and large (hail)stones
5'. murgu2#-ga2 dub-dab he2-em-mi-ib2-[...]
#tr.en: Therefore made a thud on my back
6'. lugal-me-en ni2 ba-ra-ba-da-te# su ba-ra-ba-da-zi
#tr.en: I am a king who therefore could not be frightened or have gooseflesh
7'. pirig# banda3{+da}-gin7 guru5-usz hu-mu-bur2-bur2
#tr.en: Like a fierce pirig creature (I) therefore snarled(?)
8'. ansze#-edin-na#-ke4 hub2-ga2 hu-mu-un-szu2-szu2
#tr.en: Therefore (as) an equid of the plain (I) galloped
9'. sza3# la-la gal2#-la#-gu10 kasz4 hu-mu-ni-gun3-gun3-nu
#tr.en: Therefore (with) my heart with happiness inside of it (I) was running
10'. du9#-urx(SILA4?)# asz#?-[...] im2#-ma-gu10-ne
#tr.en: When I ran (as) a perfect male donkey
11'. {d}utu e2-a-ni#-sze3# igi# i3-ga2-ga2-de3
#tr.en: Utu was to look towards his house (at sunset)
12'. kaskal 1(u)! 5(disz) danna-am3# szu# hu-mu-nigin2
#tr.en: And thus (I) had made the round trip, the journey being 15 double-hours
13'. sag-ur-sag#-gu10-ne# igi# hu#-mu-un-duh-a
#tr.en: My sagursag performers saw (the feat?)
14'. u4 asz-am3#? nibru{ki} uri2{ki}-ma esz3#?-esz3#?-bi hu#-mu-un-nigin2?
#tr.en: It was one day, I(!?) performed(!?) the ešeš festival in (both) Nibru and Urim
15'. szesz# gu5#-li#-gu10# sul {d}utu-am3
#tr.en: My brother and friend, who is the youth Utu
16'. e2-gal an-ne2 ki gar-ra-am3 kasz hu-mu-di-ni-nag#?
#tr.en: It was the palace founded by An, therefore I drank beer there with him
17'. nar#-gu10 tigi imin-e szir3!-ga2 ha-ma-ab-du11
#tr.en: Therefore my singer performed my song(?) at the seven tigi drums
18'. gidlam#-gu10 ki-sikil {d}inanna nin# hi#-li an-ki-a
#tr.en: My spouse, the young maiden Inanna, the lady (who is) the allure of the universe
19'. gu7# nag-bi-a ha-ma-da-an-tusz-e
#tr.en: She sits with (me) in eating and drinking
20'. ni2-gu10 silim-sze3!-am3 ba-ra-ab-x
#tr.en: Thus I myself have not been praised(i.e., I have not boasted?)
21'. igi il2-la-gu10 he2-em-mi-in-gen
#tr.en: Thus my raised eye goes (where it wishes)(?)
22'. sza3# gur6-gur6-a-gu10 an-ta he2-ib2-gi4
#tr.en: Thus my “free will” confronts(?) (what it wishes)
23'. inim inim-ma im-sar-ra-gu10
#tr.en: My fixed sayings/affairs(?) that were written
24'. zi a-a-gu10 ku3 {d}lugal-TUR-USZ
#tr.en: By the life of my father, holy lugalbanda(!)
25'. {d}nanna lugal an-ki-ke4
#tr.en: (And) Nanna, the king of the universe
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x x
2'. [...] u4# ul-li2!-a-sze3
#tr.en: ... to distant days
3'. x [...] x-e-a e11-de3
4'. lugal# [...]-x ga2-gin7-nam ug3-e ba-ra-gal2-la!
#tr.en: Thus there has not been a king ... like me among the people
5'. an-[...] ku3#-sig17# sag-ga2! mu-ni-ge-en
#tr.en: An has firmly placed a golden crown on my head
6'. e2-kur# za#-gin3-na# gidri ha-ba-ab-dab5#!-be2#?
#tr.en: Thus in the shining Ekur (I) seized the scepter(?)
7'. bara2 babbar {gesz}gu-za suhusz#? gin6#-na# sag#? [...]
#tr.en: Thus (my) head was raised heavenwards (on) the white dais and the throne with a firm foundation
8'. nam-lugal-la# [...]-mah#
#tr.en: Thus (my) power was exalted in the kingship
9'. kur hu-mu-gul#-gul# [...]-ge#-en
#tr.en: Thus the enemy land/mountain was destroyed, the land made firm
10'. an-ub-da# limmu2 ug3 sag si-ga-a-ba mu-gu10 he2-em-mi-sze21
#tr.en: Therefore may my name be invoked among the cared for people (of) the four regions
11'. szir3 ku3-ga2 hu-mu-un-e3-de3
#tr.en: Therefore they shall perform(?) my pure songs
12'. nam-mah-gu10 hu-mu#-ni-in-pa3-de3-e-a
#tr.en: Therefore they shall discover my greatness
13'. a2 mah lugal-la-ka mi2 du11-ga
#tr.en: The one taken care of with the great might of kingship
14'. {d#}suen#-e e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-ta
#tr.en: Who Suen at the Ekišnugal temple
15'. [...]-sag# nam-kal-ga nam-ti# nig2#-du10 sag-e-esz rig7#-[...]
#tr.en: Gave heroism, might, and a good life
16'. [...] mah# szum2-ma {d}nu#-nam#-nir#-ra#
#tr.en: Given supreme strength by Nunamnir
17'. [{d}]szul-gi kur gul-gul kalam# [...]-en#
#tr.en: Shulgi, the destroyer of the enemy land, the establisher of the land
18'. iszib# an-ki-a gaba-ri# nu#-tuku#
#tr.en: The išib priest of the universe who has no rival
19'. {d}szul-gi dumu nir-gal2# an#?-na#?-ke4#? mi2# du11#-ga#
#tr.en: Shulgi, cared for by the noble son of An
20'. {d}nisaba za3#-mi2
#tr.en: Nisaba, praise
$ double ruling
21'. szu-nigin ninnu
#tr.en: Total: fifty(!?)
CDLI Literary 000395, ex. 017 (P346164) 2327027
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 18: dur3{+urx(SILA4)}#
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 25: mir-mir!-re# {tu15}ulu3(+
sed4-de3-... only appears a few times in words list
du3-a-ni-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
zi-...-tum3 only appears a few times in words list
ul-asz-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ar2-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ke3-ke3-de3 only appears a few times in words list
dub3-tuku-me-en only appears a few times in words list
i-im-zi-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
uri2{ki}-ma-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
danna{+na} only appears a few times in words list
asz-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ni10-ni10-ta only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ab-du7 only appears a few times in words list
nam-sul-bi-ta only appears a few times in words list
ni2-x only appears a few times in words list
banda3{+da}-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
ib2-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
NIR-DU only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-su13-su13 only appears a few times in words list
{d}anzu2{muszen} only appears a few times in words list
dub3-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-bad-bad only appears a few times in words list
...-ra-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
...-ma-sug2-sug2-ge-esz-am3 only appears a few times in words list
...-gig2-ga only appears a few times in words list
lu!-a-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
sar-sar-re-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
...-la-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-an-ku4-re only appears a few times in words list
i3! only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi2-ib-si only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ni-gaz only appears a few times in words list
ha-di-ni-szum only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-du10-ge only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
{d}sul-gi only appears a few times in words list
lu-lu-a-me-en only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ni-tag only appears a few times in words list
ki-lugal-DU-ta only appears a few times in words list
il2-la-gu10-ne only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-e2-gal-la-kam only appears a few times in words list
he2-ni-dub2 only appears a few times in words list
zal!-le only appears a few times in words list
he2-ni-tu5 only appears a few times in words list
he2-ni-gurum only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-gu7 only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-ninna2 only appears a few times in words list
sur2-du3{muszen}-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-zi-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
nibru{ki}-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
a-la-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
ha-DI-ku4-re only appears a few times in words list
u4-ba-a only appears a few times in words list
mar-rux(TE) only appears a few times in words list
he2-ni10-ni10 only appears a few times in words list
mir-mir!-re only appears a few times in words list
{tu15}ulu3(+lu} does not appear in words list
murum-bi only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-sza4 only appears a few times in words list
imin!-bi-ta only appears a few times in words list
an!-na only appears a few times in words list
he2-ni-gu7 only appears a few times in words list
zal! only appears a few times in signs list
mir! only appears a few times in signs list
ulu3(+lu does not appear in signs list
imin! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346164 = CDLI Literary 000395, ex. 017
#atf: lang sux
1. a2 sed4-de3-[...]
#tr.en: Therefore shall relax towards its “cool side”
2. [...] har-ra-an-na DU#? [...]
#tr.en: The male going on the road who (otherwise) spends the night on the road
3. [...] du3-a-ni-gin7 zi#-[...]-tum3
#tr.en: Therefore has taken refuge there as if it was his built city
4. mu#-gu10 ul-asz-am3 ga2-ga2#-de3# ka-ta nu#-szub-bu-de3
#tr.en: So that my name is established to distant time, so that it is not dropped by/from the mouth
5. ar2-gu10 kalam-ma ke3#?-ke3#-de3
#tr.en: So that my praise is performed in the land
6. dub3-tuku-me-en usu#-gu10# i-im-zi-ge-en x-[...] x di-dam
#tr.en: I am possessed of speed, I muster up my strength so that (my) running is tested
7. nibru{ki}-ta#? [...] uri2#{ki}-ma-sze3!
#tr.en: From Nibru to the brickwork of Urim
8. danna{+na} asz-gin7# szu ni10-ni10-ta sza3-gu10 ha-ba-ab-du7
#tr.en: Therefore my heart resolved to make the round trip as if (the journey) was one double-hour
9. pirig nam-sul-bi-ta nu-kusz2#-u3 ni2#?-x gub-ba-me-en
#tr.en: A pirig creature not tiring by means of its youth, I am one who stands by itself(?)
10. {tug2}nig2-lam2 banda3{+da}-ga2 ib2-ga2 ba-ab-du11
#tr.en: My little niglam garment was suitable on my hips(?)
11. tum12{muszen} NIR-DU sumur-bi dal-a-gin7 a2-gu10 hu-mu-un-su13-su13
#tr.en: Like a ... wild dove flying furiously, I pumped my arms
12. [{d}]anzu2#{muszen} kur-bi-sze3 igi il2-la-gin7 dub3-gu10 hu-mu-un-bad-bad
#tr.en: Therefore, like the Anzud bird raising its eye towards its mountain, I spread my knees apart (in stride)
13. [...]-ra#?-gu10#? [...]-ma#?-sug2#-sug2#?-ge-esz-am3
#tr.en: Therefore the cities of the land that I founded stood for me
14. [...]-gig2#-ga u8-gin7 lu!?-a-gu10 [...] du10 ha-ma-ab-du11
#tr.en: Therefore my black-headed people, teeming like ewes, look to me sweetly
1. [...]-bi#-sze3 hub2 sar-sar-re-gin7
#tr.en: Like a goat of the mountain range that is running to its dwelling(?)
2. [...] u4 dagal#-la
#tr.en: (As?) Utu, broadening the daylight upon the settlements
3. [...]-la#?-sze3! ha-ba-an-ku4-re
#tr.en: Therefore I(?) was entering the Ekišnugal temple
4. [...] tur3#? i3! gal-gal-la [he2]-gal2#-la# he2-bi2-ib-si
#tr.en: Therefore the temple of Suen, the cattlepen (of) great amounts of butter(?) was filled with abundance
5. [... ha]-ba#-ni#-gaz udu#? ha-di?-ni-szum
#tr.en: Therefore bulls were slaughtered there, sheep were slaughtered there
6. [...] kusz# la2-la2 szeg10#? ha-ba-gi4
#tr.en: Therefore the šem and ala drums resounded
7. tigi# nig2-du10-ge si ha-ba-sa2
#tr.en: Therefore the tigi drum, the good thing, functioned properly there
8. {d#}sul-gi lu2 NIG2 lu-lu-a-me-en ninda gesz ha-ba-ni-tag
#tr.en: I am Shulgi, the one who makes anything/food(?) numerous and therefore I(?) offered food (offerings) there
9. pirig-gin7 ki-lugal-DU-ta ni2 il2-la-gu10-ne
#tr.en: When I roused myself from the ... cultic area like a pirig creature
10. e2-gal-mah {d}nin-e2-gal-la-kam
#tr.en: It was in the Egalmah temple of Ninegala
11. dub3 he2-ni-dub2 a zal!-le he2-ni-tu5
#tr.en: Therefore (I?) relaxed(?) there, (I?) bathed there with flowing water
12. dub3 he2-ni-gurum ninda hu-mu-ni-gu7
#tr.en: Therefore (I?) bend the knee there and ate food there
13. {d}nin-ninna2 sur2-du3{muszen}-gin7 ha-ba-zi-ge-en
#tr.en: Therefore I was arising like a harrier and a falcon
14. nibru{ki}-sze3! a-la-ga2 ha-DI-ku4-re
#tr.en: Therefore I(!?) was returning(?) towards Nibru in my exuberance
15. u4-ba-a u4-de3 gu4 he2-eb-be2 mar-rux(TE) he2-ni10-ni10
#tr.en: At that time the storm therefore shouted, the stormwind circled
16. mir-mir!-re# {tu15}ulu3(+lu} murum-bi ni2-bi-a hu#-mu-un-sza4
#tr.en: Therefore the north(?) and south winds howled by themselves
17. nim gir2-gir2-re tu15 imin!-bi-ta# an!-na tesz2 he2-ni-gu7#
#tr.en: Therefore flashing lighting wreaked havoc in heaven together with the seven winds
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000396, ex. 011 (P346165) 2327028
gizzal-la only appears a few times in words list
ma-ni-in-du11 only appears a few times in words list
nu-dab-be2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
nemur-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
zi-ga-gu10-ne only appears a few times in words list
{ansze}ni-is-kum only appears a few times in words list
ma-ab-de6 only appears a few times in words list
a-la-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
ma-ni-in-de2 only appears a few times in words list
nam-si-sa2-gu10-usz only appears a few times in words list
ma-an-szum2-mu-usz only appears a few times in words list
si-ga-gu10-u8 only appears a few times in words list
um-ta-ab-e3-en only appears a few times in words list
...-gu10-u8 only appears a few times in words list
...-sza3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-zalag-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-ga2-ga2-an only appears a few times in words list
{uruda}ma-sa-tum only appears a few times in words list
a-ba-da-ab-gal2-le-en-na only appears a few times in words list
{kusz}da-lu-usz2-a only appears a few times in words list
a2-sig3-ge-bi only appears a few times in words list
im-du-ug only appears a few times in words list
im-lag only appears a few times in words list
sag3-ga-gu10-u8 only appears a few times in words list
dal-le-da-bi only appears a few times in words list
dab-ba-gu10-u8 only appears a few times in words list
li-bi2-ib-dab-be2-en only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-szum2-mu-un only appears a few times in words list
mu-na-ni-duh only appears a few times in words list
dalla-bi-a only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-ab-be2-en only appears a few times in words list
me3-ga2-kam only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}tukul-ga2-kam only appears a few times in words list
...-mu-un-kal-la-ge only appears a few times in words list
ga14-mu-un-ne3-e only appears a few times in words list
nemur only appears a few times in signs list
&P346165 = CDLI Literary 000396, ex. 011
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [... {d}]nisaba#-ke4
#tr.en: The beautiful Nanibgal, Nisaba
2'. [...] gizzal#-la szu dagal ma-ni-in-du11
#tr.en: Gave wisdom and intelligence generously to me
3'. [...] gal2# tak4#-a nig2-e nu-dab-be2-me-en
#tr.en: I am experienced scribe who does not ignore (lit. pass by) anything
4'. sa# nemur-gin7 zi-ga-gu10-ne
#tr.en: When I rose as (if possessing) the musculature of a leopard
5'. {ansze}ni-is-kum kasz4 kal-ga di-ga2
#tr.en: When I galloped mightily like a nisku equid
6'. sza3 an-na-ke4 hul2-la ma-ab-de6
#tr.en: The heart of An brought rejoicing for me
7'. a-la-ga2 {d}en-lil2-le gu3 zi ma-ni-in-de2
#tr.en: In my happiness Enlil spoke truthfully to me
8'. nam-si-sa2-gu10-usz gidri ma-an-szum2-mu-usz
#tr.en: They gave me a scepter because of my justice
9'. gu2 kur-kur-ra-ke4 giri3 ba-da-gub
#tr.en: (I) was able to step on the neck of the lands
10'. {gesz}tukul-ga2 mu-bi sig-sze3 mu-un-gal2
#tr.en: ... put the fame of my weapon to the Lowland
11'. aga-kar2 si-ga-gu10-u8 igi-nim-sze3 mu-un-gal2
#tr.en: ... put (news of) my conquests to the highland
12'. me3# szen-szen-na um-ta-ab-e3-en
#tr.en: After I go out(?) into combat and battle
13'. [...] ib2# du11-ga {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3
#tr.en: To the place that Enil has grown angry (at) (?)
14'. [...]-gu10#-u8 igi-sze3 ba-du-un
#tr.en: I go at the front of(?) my troops
1. [...]-sza3# ba#-ab-zalag-ge-en
#tr.en: I illuminate the area (lit. field) that I see
2. ga2#-e#-me#-en# {gesz#}tukul#-la# a-la mu-un-ga2-ga2-an
#tr.en: It is I who puts passion into the weapon
3. {uruda}szukur {uruda}ma-sa-tum a-ba-da-ab-gal2-le-en-na
#tr.en: I am in possession of the spear and the masatum weapon
4. {kusz}da-lu-usz2-a a2-sig3-ge-bi mu-zu
#tr.en: (I) know the slingstone of the sling (i.e., how to load it?)
5. im-du-ug im-lag hul sag3-ga-gu10-u8
#tr.en: My discharged(?) destructive clay bullets and pellets
6. mir ni2 gal2-la-gin7 dal-le-da-bi
#tr.en: The ones that are to fly like an aura bearing(?) northern storm
7. sza3 dab-ba-gu10-u8 li-bi2-ib-dab-be2-en
#tr.en: In(?) my anger I do not let them pass (their mark?)
8. ni2 zi-ir kur-re ba-ab-szum2-mu-un
#tr.en: I give fear and distress(?) to(?) the (enemy) land
9. 1(u) szesz gu5-li-gu10 sul {d}utu-am3
#tr.en: My brother and friend, who is the youth Utu
# line tally of ten
10. ki zi-sza3-gal2-la-ka igi mu-na-ni-duh
#tr.en: I looked to him in a place of encouragement/vitality
11. {d}szul-gi-me-en dalla-bi-a inim mu-da-ab-be2-en
#tr.en: I am Shulgi, I speak a word with him openly
12. dingir# igi sa6 me3-ga2-kam
#tr.en: He is the beautiful-faced god of my battle
13. [... {d}]utu# [...] szesz#?-ra ki ag2 {d}lamma {gesz}tukul-ga2-kam
#tr.en: The youth Utu who makes a brother love a brother(?) is the protective spirit of my weapon
14. [...]-mu#-un-kal-la#-ge# la ga14-mu-un-ne3#?-e
#tr.en: Because of his word I will be strong(?), I will be mighty(?) ...
15. [...]-e3#
#tr.en: Utu comes out for me in the combat of battle(?)
CDLI Literary 000396, ex. 012 (P346166) 2327029
sug2-sug2-ge-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
ug-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
gi4-a-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
sa6-ga-bi-me-en only appears a few times in words list
dur3-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
kasz4-a only appears a few times in words list
ne-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
kasz4-ta only appears a few times in words list
nu-kusz2-u3-me-en only appears a few times in words list
nu-gal2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
izi-sa only appears a few times in words list
gu4-gu4-u4-me-en only appears a few times in words list
nu-szub-bu-dam only appears a few times in words list
mi2-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-gin6-na-ka only appears a few times in words list
mu-e-szi-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
dadag-ga-me-en only appears a few times in words list
giri3-gen-na-ka only appears a few times in words list
uzu-ga-ka only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-tur5-bi only appears a few times in words list
ga2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
nam-iszib-a only appears a few times in words list
du7-de3 only appears a few times in words list
mi2-de3 only appears a few times in words list
ge6-par4-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
hun-e only appears a few times in words list
szu-nir-ra-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
tak4-tak4 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}gid2-da only appears a few times in words list
tu5-tu5 only appears a few times in words list
kin2-gi4-a-ka only appears a few times in words list
u3-bi2-... only appears a few times in words list
pa3-da-ba only appears a few times in words list
u3-ba-... only appears a few times in words list
siskur2-ra-ka only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-ib2-gi4-... only appears a few times in words list
masz2-szu-gid2-gid2-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
na-ga2-ah-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-an-ta-ha-... only appears a few times in words list
ni2-ga2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
disz-a-... only appears a few times in words list
nig2-ki-szar2-ra-ka only appears a few times in words list
nig2-ak-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
ga-bulug5-... only appears a few times in words list
gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-galam-ma only appears a few times in words list
nam-nar-a only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-szum2 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-na-me-bi only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-an-da-gib-e only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}szu-kar2-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
dab5-x-... only appears a few times in words list
...-mu-e-szi-ib-gaz-e-... only appears a few times in words list
szu2-...-ba only appears a few times in words list
mu-e-hur-hur only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}za3-mi2-a only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}sa-esz only appears a few times in words list
nam-nar-ra-ka only appears a few times in words list
sza3-du-gu-... only appears a few times in words list
in-dim2 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}mi-ri2-tum only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}ur-za-ba-bi-tum only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}ur-gu-la only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}dim3-lu2-ma2-gur8-... only appears a few times in words list
NE-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
nar-ra only appears a few times in words list
tam-tam-ma-... only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}gu3-di only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}a-ba-ra-ab-tuku-a only appears a few times in words list
ki-gu10-... only appears a few times in words list
u6-ne-en only appears a few times in words list
gal2-gal2-la-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
gin6-x only appears a few times in words list
sipa-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
nu-um-... only appears a few times in words list
sza4-a only appears a few times in words list
sag-us2-bi-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
hul2-hul2-le-me-en only appears a few times in words list
du10-du10-ge only appears a few times in words list
zal-zal-le only appears a few times in words list
te-ni-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
nigin2-na-ka only appears a few times in words list
...-ti-la only appears a few times in words list
im-gi4-a only appears a few times in words list
nam-gu2-ga-ka only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-an-szub-szub-... only appears a few times in words list
ne-ni-ta only appears a few times in words list
mah-a-ni-ta only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-gu-ul-gu-ul-e only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-ib-la2-e only appears a few times in words list
gesz2-disz does not appear in words list
ra-x-mi only appears a few times in words list
&P346166 = CDLI Literary 000396, ex. 012
#atf: lang sux
1. szesz# gu5-li-gu10 sul {d}utu-am3
#tr.en: As (i.e., like) my brother and friend Utu
2. za3-sze pirig-gin7 sug2-sug2-ge-ga2
#tr.en: Of my ones standing (with) shoulders like a pirig creature
3. ansze sahar# la2 ug-gin7 szeg10 gi4-a-ga2 szusz3 sa6-ga-bi-me-en
#tr.en: Of my dust covered(?) equids screaming like ug creatures, I am their good groom
4. dur3-gin7 kasz4-a ne-gu10 nu-silig-ge
#tr.en: Like a male donkey, my strength never wavers as a runner
5. kasz4-ta e3-a-me-en dub3 nu-kusz2-u3-me-en
#tr.en: I come out (ahead) from the (other) runners
6. nam-tag nu-gal2-me-en izi-sa gu4-gu4#-u4-me-en
#tr.en: I bear no sin, I jump around continually in mirth(?)
7. inim-gu10 nig2 ka-ta nu-szub-bu-dam
#tr.en: My word is something never to be abandoned by the mouth
8. mi2-gu10 di nig2-gin6-na-ka ka-ga14 mu-e-szi-gal2
#tr.en: My praise(?) is present in the mouth on my behalf (manifested) in legal decisions of truth
9. masz2-szu-gid2-gid2 dadag-ga-me-en
#tr.en: I am a ritually pure diviner
10. giri3-gen-na-ka uzu-ga-ka {d}nin-tur5-bi ga2-me-en
#tr.en: I am the Nintur (mother goddess) of the procedures of omens
11. szu-luh nam-iszib-a szu du7-de3
#tr.en: In order to perfect the lustration rites of the išib priesthood
12. en-ra za3# mi2#-de3# ge6-par4-sze3 hun-e
#tr.en: In order to praise the en priestess and install (her) on behalf of the gipar building
13. lu2-mah eresz-dingir sza3 ku3-ge pa3-da
#tr.en: In order to choose the lumah priest and erešdigir priestess in the holy heart
14. sig-sze3 sag ga2-ga2 nim-sze3 aga-kar2 si-ge
#tr.en: To advance towards the lowland and inflict defeat against the highland
15. e2 szu-nir-ra-ke4 gal2 tak4-tak4
#tr.en: To open the “house of the emblem”
16. {gesz}gid2-da a me3 tu5-tu5
#tr.en: To wash the lance with the “water of battle”
17. ki-bala-a sa2 galam-ma ga2-ga2
#tr.en: To enact clever plans in the rebel land
18. inim dingir-re-e-ne nig2# kal#-kal# x
#tr.en: The words of the gods is(?) a most precious thing (for these matters)
19. sila4 babbar udu kin2-gi4-a-ka i5-gar u3-bi2#?-[...]
#tr.en: After I(?) establish an oracular utterance with/in the white lamb, the sheep suitable for extispicy
20. ki mu pa3#-da-ba a esza u3-ba#-[...]
#tr.en: After I(?) pour water and eša flour in the place where the name is uttered/the oath is taken
21. inim# siskur2-ra-ka udu sa-a mi-ni-ib2-gi4#-[...]
#tr.en: I will prepare the sheep with/according to(?) the words of the siskur ritual
22. masz2-szu-gid2-gid2-gu10 na-ga2-ah-gin7 mu-ni#-[...]
#tr.en: My diviner ... there(?) like a barbarian
23. udu sa gi4-a szu-ga2 ba-an-[...]
#tr.en: The prepared sheep “passes into my hand"(?)
24. sa6-ga hul-da# la-ba-an-ta-ha-[...]
#tr.en: I do not “hold” good (omens) with bad (omens)
25. sza3 zalag ni2-ga2-me-en igi-gu10-ta i3-du-un#
#tr.en: A brilliant mind is mine, I go by my (own) eyes
26. lugal-me-en sza3 udu disz-a-[...]
#tr.en: I am the king, the entrails of a single sheep
27. a2 ag2-ga2 nig2-ki-szar2-ra-ka igi mu-na-ni-[...]
#tr.en: I see the orders of the whole world
28. nig2-ak-ga2 ni2-bi ga-bulug5#-[...]
#tr.en: I shall boast about my deeds
29. kal-ga-ga2 mu-bi a2 bi2-su3-u4
#tr.en: I have made the reputation of my might spread wide
30. gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)-gu10 nig2-galam-ma su3-ga-am3
#tr.en: My intellect is full of cleverness
31. a-na-gu10 nig2 ka-ge dab-ba nu
#tr.en: What of mine does not surpass description?
32. {d}szul#-gi# lugal uri2{ki}-ma-me-en
#tr.en: I am Shulgi, the king of Urim
1. u3 nam-nar-a gu2#?-gu10 ha-ba-szum2
#tr.en: And therefore I am devoted to the art of the musician
2. nig2-na-me-bi# la-ba-an-da-gib-e
#tr.en: Nothing about it is blocked to me(?)
3. tigi a-da-ab nam-nar szu du7-a buru3 dagal-bi mu#?-zu
#tr.en: (I) have learned the depth and width of tigi and adab songs (or instruments?), perfected by/equipped for the musician's craft(?)
4. {gesz}szu-kar2-ke4 sza3-bi dab5-x-[...]
#tr.en: The (playing of) the šukar instrument was grasped in the mind(?)
5. si ke3-de3 [...]-mu-e-szi-ib-gaz-e#-[...]
#tr.en: In order to adjust the frets(?), I did not cause the arm to break(?)
6. zi-zi szu2#-[...]-ba# gesz mu-e-hur-hur#
#tr.en: I made plans for/drew its “raising” and “lowering"(?)
7. gu2 esz {gesz}za3-mi2-a kam-ma sa6-ga mi-ni-[...]
#tr.en: I have known how to tune(?) the three ... gu instrument and the lyre well
8. {gesz}sa-esz u3 sza3 nam-nar-ra-ka sza3-du-gu#?-[...]
#tr.en: I have known the “three stringed” instrument and the “heart of the art of the musician (soundbox?), and the “howling heart”
9. {gesz}al-gar {gesz}sa-bi2#-tum# in#-dim2# lugal-la# [...]
#tr.en: I have known the fingering technique/plectrum(?) of the algar and sabitum instruments, which the king created(?)
10. {gesz}mi-ri2-tum nig2 [...] szu#? mu#?-[...]
#tr.en: (I) accepted(?) the “Mari” instrument, that which silences the temple(?)
11. {gesz}ur-za#-ba-bi#-[tum {gesz}]har#-har# [...]
#tr.en: The “(king) Urzababa” instrument, the harhar instrument, the harhar instrument
12. {gesz#}ur#-gu#-la# {gesz}dim3#-lu2#-ma2-gur8#-[...] NE-gin7 gu3 mi-ni-[...]
#tr.en: The “lion” instrument, the “post of the boatman” instrument, and zanaru instrument, I brought out (their) noises ...
13. dumu nar-ra szu tam-tam-ma#-[...]
#tr.en: Like a pure-handed/skilled(?) member of the musicians
14. {gesz}gu3-di {gesz#}a-ba-ra-ab-tuku-a ki-gu10#-[...]
#tr.en: (If) someone brings(?) a gudi instument never heard before to where I am (my place)
15. u6-ne-en sza3-bi ba#-[...]
#tr.en: When I “make it speak"(?), its essence(?) is made known
16. nig2 u4-bi-sze3 szu gal2-gal2-la-gin7 ba-x-[...]
#tr.en: I can make it like something at its (appropriate) time
17. ad pa3-da gid2-i tu-lu gin6-x [...]
#tr.en: Finding the sound (by?) tightening(?), slackening, and correcting has not escaped my hand
18. gi-di gi sipa-gin7 nu-um#?-[...]
#tr.en: (I) do not play the reed flute like (a mere) reed (pipe) of the shepherd
19. szumun-sza4 murum sza4#-a#? i-si-isz ga2#-[...]
#tr.en: Intoning a šumunša song, wailing in lament
20. sza3-ge sag#-us2#-bi-gin7 mu#-[...]
#tr.en: In the heart(?) (I) have known how to do this, like (one who does it) regular(ly)
21. hul2-hul2-le-me-en du10-du10#-ge [...]
#tr.en: I am one who causes rejoicing, I am one who makes things sweet
22. giri17-zal nam-nun-na# u4# zal-zal-le# [...]
#tr.en: I am one who spends the day in joy and princeliness
23. lu2#-lu7 ni2 te-ni-sze3 gesztu2 he2-[...]
#tr.en: If a man pays attention to his fear
24. [...] nig2 igi nigin2-na-ka#?
#tr.en: The matter(?), that which the eye surveys
25. [...]-ti#-la sag im-gi4-a#
#tr.en: The circumscribed limits of life
26. [...] nam-gu2-ga-ka lu2 la-ba-an-szub-szub#-[...]
#tr.en: The bile/poison of the “land/netherworld of oppression,” a man cannot cast aside(?)
27. kal#-ga ne-ni-ta nir gal2-la am3#?
#tr.en: He is(!?) one who trusts in his own might
28. mu mah-a-ni-ta nir gal2-e
#tr.en: And thus one who trusts his great name
29. nig2 he2-em-gu-ul-gu-ul-e a-na-asz ba-ni-ib-la2-e
#tr.en: Makes (everything) the best, why would he diminish them?
$ double ruling
30. gesz2-disz
#tr.en: (Total) sixty one lines(?)
31. ra#-x-mi
#tr.en: ...
CDLI Literary 000396, ex. 013 (P346167) 2327030
ama-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
bar7-ra-am3 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-na-me-gu10-u8 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-an-... only appears a few times in words list
{d}en-lil2-la2-... only appears a few times in words list
x-x-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-tum2-bi-me-en only appears a few times in words list
sed4!-bi only appears a few times in words list
pesz11-a-me-en only appears a few times in words list
a-ba-da-ab-gal2-la-an only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-am3-gal2-la only appears a few times in words list
...-dag-ge only appears a few times in words list
x-x-be2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
...-a-asz only appears a few times in words list
disz-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-mu-un-na-ta-x-x only appears a few times in words list
si-ga-a-ta only appears a few times in words list
dab5-dab5-ba only appears a few times in words list
u4-bi-a-ta only appears a few times in words list
ul-a-asz only appears a few times in words list
DU-gu10-ne only appears a few times in words list
na-a-me only appears a few times in words list
lul-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-bi2-pa3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-bi2-gi only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi2-tar-tar only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-bi2-szum2 only appears a few times in words list
szir3-gid2-da-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
du10-ga-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)-ga only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-szub-... only appears a few times in words list
sed4! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346167 = CDLI Literary 000396, ex. 013
#atf: lang sux
1. ama#-gi4 nu-me-en sza3 inim#-[...]
#tr.en: (I) have known (how to impose) the meaning of the words “I am not freed”
2. inim-gu10# sag i3 li#-[...]
#tr.en: My words are the finest of pressed/high quality oils
3. sza3 izi-gin7 bar7-ra-am3 [...]
#tr.en: A heart that burns like fire--(I) have known its cooling
4. inim-ma lu2 inim-ma# diri-ga# [...]
#tr.en: One will weigh (my) words against(?) a man excessive in words
5. nig2 kal-kal-la ga2-e lu2-[...]
#tr.en: I am a man of the most precious things
6. sun5-na dugud-bi sag#-[...]
#tr.en: The importance of being humbled is appreciated by me
7. nig2-na-me-<gu10>-u8 la-ba-an#-[...]
#tr.en: One cannot slander/alter(?) anything of mine(?)
8. inim an-na inim {d}en-lil2-la2#-[...]
#tr.en: By the word of An and Enlil
9. zi kalam-ma zi kur-kur-ra-ka giri17 szu x-x-gal2
#tr.en: (I) shall cover (my) mouth (in submission) for the life of the homeland and the life of the foreign lands
10. ga2-la nu-dag#-ge musz3 nu-tum2-bi-me-en
#tr.en: I am their unceasing one, their unfailing one
11. dingir-re-e-ne gub-ba in-ga-an-zu
#tr.en: (I!) too have known how to serve the gods
12. {d}a-nun-na-ke4-e-ne ki#? sed4#!?-bi mu-zu
#tr.en: (I) have known the cooling place(!?) of the Anuna
13. {d}szul-gi nam-nun-na gu2 gal pesz11#-a-me-en
#tr.en: I am Shulgi, whose great neck grows thick in princeliness
14. nig2 gal-gal-la a-ba-da-ab-gal2-la-an#?
#tr.en: When(?) I am able to have great things
15. sza3#?-gu10#? hul2-la ba-da-am3-gal2-la#
#tr.en: Rejoicing is able to be (in) my heart
16. [...]-dag#-ge#? bar#?-x x-x-be2#-me#-en
#tr.en: I am one who will not cast that which is being brought to an end aside
$ beginning broken
1'. lugal# u4# [...]-a#-asz#? disz#?-[...]
#tr.en: (Or) a single king from(?) ancient times
2'. sza3-gu10 nig2-a2-zi ba-ra-mu-un#-na#-ta#?-x-x
#tr.en: Thus I am not plotting(?) violence against him
3'. nam-lu2-lu7 an-ta si-ga-a-ta
#tr.en: (That which accrued) after mankind was placed from heaven (on the earth)(?)
4'. gesztu2 dab5-dab5-ba na-ga2#-ga2 nu-me-en
#tr.en: I am not a barbarian(!) regarding (this) accumulated(?) knowledge
5'. en3-du u4-bi-a-ta# libir-ra u4 ul-a-asz
#tr.en: From cultic songs of the (present?) time to ancient ones of distant days(?)
6'. tigi za-am-za-am szu IGI DU-gu10-ne
#tr.en: Therefore when I ... the tigi and zamzam songs/instruments(?)
7'. u4 na-a-me# lul-sze3 ba-ra-bi2-pa3# ka-ge ba-ra-bi2-gi
#tr.en: At no time have I chosen them/uttered(?) falsely or blocked them in the mouth
8'. nig2 libir-ra en3 he2-bi2-tar-tar szub-bu-de3 ba-ra-bi2-szum2
#tr.en: Therefore I have inquired after these ancient things and not given them over to be abandoned
9'. szir3-gid2-da-ga2 e2 du10-ga-ga2 pa e3#? [...]
#tr.en: Therefore I made my širgida songs manifest in my good palace/temple
10'. tigi za-am-za-am x-bi#? [...] gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)#-ga [...]
#tr.en: Therefore the ... of the tigi and zamzam songs/instruments, everything, I embedded in (my) memory(?)
11'. nig2#? x-x [...] ba#-ra#-szub#?-[...]
#tr.en: That which was thus not dropped from the hand
CDLI Literary 000415, ex. 001 (P346168) 2327031
ATF: Parsing failed on line 42 near character 1
ri-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
dugud-da-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
re-esz-am3 only appears a few times in words list
DA-ni only appears a few times in words list
re-esz-am3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}sul-gi only appears a few times in words list
uri2{ki}-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
a-a-gu10-ur2 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-su3-u4 only appears a few times in words list
SUD-bi only appears a few times in words list
ba-BAD only appears a few times in words list
...-sa-a only appears a few times in words list
&P346168 = CDLI Literary 000415, ex. 001
#atf: lang sux
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x a x
2'. [...] x x
3'. [...] szu nu-bar-re
#tr.en: ... will not release
4'. [...] x-bi si-ga?-am3
#tr.en: ...
5'. [...] bar-re
#tr.en: ...
6'. [...] gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)# kalam-ma u4-szu2-usz
#tr.en: ... the wisdom/ear(?) of the land daily
7'. [...] mu ri-a mu ri-sze3? NI
#tr.en: ... until distant years(?) ...
8'. [...] gu2#-un dugud-da-a-ni mu ri NI
#tr.en: ... his heavy tribute ... distant years(?)
9'. [...] mu#? re-esz-am3
#tr.en: ... until distant years?
10'. [...] x-ni-sze3 DA-ni me-ri
#tr.en: ...
11'. [...] mu#?-bi igi bar-re
#tr.en: Looking at ...
12'. [...] IGI USZ mu re-esz-am3
#tr.en: ... until distant years?
@column 1
1. [... {d}]sul#-gi lugal uri2#{ki}-ke4#?
#tr.en: Shulgi, king of Ur
2. [...] nig2? U? NI? me-ri#
#tr.en: ...
3. [...] ugu#?-gu10
#tr.en: My birth (mother/father?) ...
4. [...] KA# a-a-gu10-ur2
#tr.en: ... for my father
5. [...] {d#}lugal-banda3{+da}
#tr.en: ... lugalbanda
6. [...] x-bi NIM
7. [...] ha#?-ba-su3-u4
#tr.en: May ... be long-lasting(?)_
8. [...] SUD-bi
#tr.en: ...
9. [...] x x ba-BAD
#tr.en: ...
10. [...]-NE?
#tr.en: ...
11. [...]-sa-a
#tr.en: ...
12. [...]-x
CDLI Literary 000448, ex. 006 (P346169) 2327032
...-in-tar only appears a few times in words list
s,e-ru-ti-i-szu only appears a few times in words list
szi-im-ta-am only appears a few times in words list
ra-bi-ta-am only appears a few times in words list
i-szi-im-ku-um only appears a few times in words list
mu-de3-de3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-il2-e only appears a few times in words list
giri3-zu-usz only appears a few times in words list
a-ga-am only appears a few times in words list
ki-na-am only appears a few times in words list
u2-sze-pi-ku-um only appears a few times in words list
...-szi-i-ka only appears a few times in words list
sze-pi-i-ka only appears a few times in words list
te-er-ta-am only appears a few times in words list
u2-we-er-ka only appears a few times in words list
li-bi-i-szu only appears a few times in words list
pe-ta-... only appears a few times in words list
mi-im-... only appears a few times in words list
&P346169 = CDLI Literary 000448, ex. 006
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-ni [...]-in-tar
2'. [{d}i-din-{d}]da#-gan szar-ru-um [...]-x a-sza-ar s,e-ru-ti-i-szu szi#-im-ta-am ra-bi-ta-am i-szi-im-ku-um
#tr.en: Iddin-Dagan, king, An decreed a great fate for you in an exalted place
3'. aga zi-da dalla mu-de3-de3 nam#-sipa kalam-ma-sze3 mu#-un-il2-e [kur] giri3#-zu-usz mu-un-gar
4'. [a]-ga#-am ki-na-am [u2]-sze#-pi-ku-um [...]-x re-u2-ut ma-tim [...]-szi-i-ka ma#-ta-am a-na sze-pi-i-ka isz#-ku-un
#tr.en: He made the true crown appear for you(!), raised you to the shepherdship of the land, and set the land at your feet
5'. [...] x [...]
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. x-e#? x [...]
2'. {d}en-lil2 te-er-ta#-[am] sza-a-ti u2-we-er-ka#
#tr.en: Enlil has commanded you with this instruction
3'. {d}i-din-{d}da-gan sipa sza3-ga-na-me-en
4'. {d}i-din-{d}da-gan re-i# li-bi-i-szu at-ta
#tr.en: Iddin-Dagan, you are the shepherd of his heart
5'. gu3 zi de2-a# {d}en-lil2-la2-me-[en]
6'. sza {d}en-lil2 i-x-[...]
#tr.en: You are the one who Enlil has spoken to faithfully
7'. {d}en-ki-ke4 gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)#? [...] nig2-nam-ma [...]
8'. e2-a uz-[...] pe-ta-[...] mi-im#?-[...]
#tr.en: Enki (brought for you) (the ability) to learn broad knowledge of everything
CDLI Literary 000451, ex. 004 (P346170) 2327033
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 54: {gesz}erin {gesz#}za-ba-lum {gesz}szu-ur2-me# gesz#?[...
nig2-du11-ga only appears a few times in words list
lugal-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
sag12-... only appears a few times in words list
dim-gal only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-du10-... only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}dupsik-ta only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ta-an-zi only appears a few times in words list
he2!-em-ta-ga2-x only appears a few times in words list
nibru{ki}-ke4-ne only appears a few times in words list
lugal-ga2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-lil2-nin-lil2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}en-lil2-la2-ka! only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ra-x-... only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ab-ak only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
he2-ni!-gar only appears a few times in words list
nibru{ki}-me-en only appears a few times in words list
gal2-gal2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
umusz-ta only appears a few times in words list
kal-la-me-en only appears a few times in words list
a-ra2-da only appears a few times in words list
suh3-a-me-en only appears a few times in words list
u3-en3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-sza4-sza4-me-en only appears a few times in words list
nam-e only appears a few times in words list
sa2-sa2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
nig2-...-x-x only appears a few times in words list
igi-nim-ma! only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}szu-ur2-me only appears a few times in words list
gesz... does not appear in words list
kur-kur!-re only appears a few times in words list
dili-ka! only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-an!-dab5 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-an-si only appears a few times in words list
ga2!-e-me-en only appears a few times in words list
e2-kur-ra-me-en only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-du11-ga-ta only appears a few times in words list
e2-kur-za-gin3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}en-lil2-la2!-ka only appears a few times in words list
{d!}nin-lil2-la2!-ka only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-na-ni-in-ku4 only appears a few times in words list
ag2-ga2-ni-x only appears a few times in words list
e2-x-...-x-...-x only appears a few times in words list
...-sa2-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
disz-me-{d}da-gan only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-na-gub only appears a few times in words list
3(disz)-kam! only appears a few times in words list
gesz... does not appear in signs list
&P346170 = CDLI Literary 000451, ex. 004
#atf: lang sux
1. nig2-du11-ga {d}en-lil2 lugal-ke4 ki-bi-sze3 mu-un#-[...]
#tr.en: The speech of Enlil, the king(!?), I(?) set in its place
2. iri{ki} an-gin7 sza3 bar-ta sag12-[...]
#tr.en: The city that is beautiful/verdant(?) like heaven inside and out
3. nibru{ki} dim-gal an-ki-a su-bi hu-mu-du10#-[...]
#tr.en: Nibru, the post of the universe, therefore its flesh is sweetened
4. erin2-bi {gesz}dupsik-ta he2-em-ta-an-zi#?
#tr.en: Therefore I(?) removed the workforce from the carrying basket
5. ugnim-bi {gesz}tukul-ta he2!-em-ta-ga2-x
#tr.en: Therefore its army is separated from(?) the weapon
6. ku3-si2 ku3-babbar gu4 udu-bi gu2-un dumu nibru{ki}-ke4#-ne# hu-mu#-[...]
#tr.en: Therefore its gold, silver, bulls and sheep, the tribute of the citizens of Nippur, is released
7. e2 {d}en-lil2 lugal-ga2-sze3 {d}nin-lil2-<<nin-lil2>>-sze3
#tr.en: On behalf of the temple of Enlil, my king, and Ninlil
8. {d}nin-urta ur-sag kal-ga# {d}en-lil2-la2-ka!? erin2-bi ha-ba-ra-x-[...]
#tr.en: The workforce of(!?) Ninurta, the mighty hero of Enlil, I(?) therefore removed (from duty)
9. NIG2 sur sze i3 siki udu za3 u ba-ab-ak szu ha-ba-ab-ak
#tr.en: Half loaves of bread/one half (of the following?)(!?), barley, butter, and sheep's wool was therefore tithed and prepared/taken care of(?)
10. nig2-erim2 nig2-a2-zi ka-ba he2-em-gi4#?
#tr.en: Therefore evil and violence were “returned into their mouths”
11. nig2-gin6-na ki-en-gi ki-uri he2-ni!-gar
#tr.en: Therefore truth was established in Sumer and Akkad
12. u3-tu-da ki-en-gi dumu nibru{ki}-me-en
#tr.en: I was born in Sumer, I am a citizen of Nibru
13. sza3 tuku giri17 szu? gal2-gal2-me-en
#tr.en: I am a courageous one who continually stokes his nose in submission(?)
14. igi ku3-zu umusz-ta kal-la-me-en
#tr.en: I am one with a wise eye, valued by the intellect(?)
15. ad gi4-gi4 a-ra2-da kusz2-u3-me-en
#tr.en: I am an adviser who exhausts (himself) with (his) (unwavering?) way
16. nig2-nam zu ug3-ta suh3-a-me-en
#tr.en: Knowing everything, I am removed from the people
17. di-ku5 u3-en3# nu-sza4-sza4-me-en
#tr.en: I am a judge who does not release (an explanation)
18. ka-asz-bar si# nam-e sa2#-sa2#?-me-en
#tr.en: (Via?) a decision, I am the one who sets fate (back) in order(?)
19. a2#?-tuku nig2#-[...]-x-x
#tr.en: (Now) the powerful do not engage in excess/behave arrogantly(?)
20. kal-ga# [...]
#tr.en: The strong do not oppress the poor
21. x [...]
#tr.en: reverse
$ beginning broken
1'. udu a-lum [...]
#tr.en: Therefore he sent long-fleeced sheep and ... ewes straight to me
2. kur igi-nim-ma! ki# bad-ra2 [...]
#tr.en: From the highland, his(!?) far away place ...
3. {gesz}erin {gesz#}za-ba-lum {gesz}szu-ur2-me# gesz#?[...]
#tr.en: Therefore he brought cedar, juniper, cypress, and boxwood to me by themselves(?)
4. {d}en#-lil2 lugal-gu10 kur-kur!-re gu2 gesz x x x [...]
#tr.en: Enlil, my king, who makes the lands ... submit(!?)
5. ug3-e du10-us2 dili-ka!? ha#-ma-an!-dab5 gu3 tesz2-a ha-ma-an-si
#tr.en: Therefore he made(?) the people take to a single path for me, he made them into a unified voice for me
6. ga2#!?-e#-me#-en# {d#}en#-lil2-sze3 gal2-la-me-en ki!? ag2-ga2 e2-kur#-ra-me-en
#tr.en: It is me, I am present facing(?) Enlil, I am the beloved of the Ekur
7. u4 ki-en#-gi# [ki]-uri sag2 ba-ab-du11-ga-ta
#tr.en: After Sumer and Akkad had been dispersed
8. e2#?-kur#?-za#?-gin3#? [{d}]en#-lil2#-la2#!-ka# e2-ga2-gesz-szu2-a {d#!?}nin#-lil2#?-la2#!?-ka
#tr.en: In the Ekurzagin temple of Enlil, in the Egagešua temple of Ninlil
9. x x x {uruda#?}alan#? ba-ra-na-ni-in-ku4#
#tr.en: Therefore no king had brought a statue inside for him/her
10. {d#}en#-lil2#-le#? sza3#? ki#? [ag2]-ga2#?-ni#-x e2#-x-[...]-x-[...]-x [...] x [...] x [...]
#tr.en: Thus by means of the loving heart of Enlil the Enamtila temple was opened for me
11. e2-kur#?-ra#? [...]-sa2#?-sa2#?
#tr.en: Thus great amounts of treasure were brought straight into the Ekur temple
12. erim3#? [...]
#tr.en: Thus everlasting things were piled up in the treasury(?)
13. {gesz}[gu-za ... {d}]en#?-lil2#? [...]
#tr.en: A throne whose limbs were limbs of exceeding quality, was thus set up for Enlil, my king(?)
14. e2-ga2#-<gesz>-szu2#-a# [...]
#tr.en: In the Egagešua temple of the Ki'ur, the great place
15. {gesz}gu#-za# [...]
#tr.en: A throne of Ninlil was thus set up
16. disz#-[me-{d}da-gan ...]
#tr.en: I am Išme-Dagan, the son of Dagan
17. {gesz}gu#-za# [...]-x [...]
#tr.en: The throne of the seven ... enclosures(?), inlaid with(?) ..., nirigi, and šuba stones(?) ...
18. x x x x x [...] x [{d}]en#-lil2 lugal-gu10-ra# hu-mu-na-gub#
#tr.en: ... was thus set up for Enlil, my king
20. a-ra2 3(disz)-kam!
#tr.en: It is the 3rd time (in a series)
21. {d}en-lil2 diri-sze3
#tr.en: (The composition with the incipit) “Enlil exceedingly”
CDLI Literary 000481, ex. 016 (P346171) 2327034
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 10: kesz3{ki}!
a-ra-zu-ne only appears a few times in words list
ki-ur3-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
tum2-tum2-e only appears a few times in words list
im2-e only appears a few times in words list
ul4-ul4-la only appears a few times in words list
nu-kusz2-... only appears a few times in words list
kesz3{ki}!-a does not appear in words list
eridu{ki}-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
nu-dag-... only appears a few times in words list
uru2-ni-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
da-da-ra only appears a few times in words list
nam-szul-... only appears a few times in words list
suhuszx(DU) only appears a few times in words list
erin2-... only appears a few times in words list
{na4}KA-kal only appears a few times in words list
{kusz}gur21{+urx(SILA4)} only appears a few times in words list
x-e-si-A2 only appears a few times in words list
gin6-ne2-... only appears a few times in words list
an-dul7 only appears a few times in words list
gen-na-me-en only appears a few times in words list
kal!(KID) only appears a few times in words list
a-ra2-e only appears a few times in words list
nu-AN-GU-le-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-gesz-zi-da-... only appears a few times in words list
{iti}NE-NE-gar only appears a few times in words list
{+i3-si}isin2-na only appears a few times in words list
uszu3-me-en does not appear in words list
! does not appear in signs list
suhuszx(DU) only appears a few times in signs list
kal!(KID) only appears a few times in signs list
uszu3 only appears a few times in signs list
&P346171 = CDLI Literary 000481, ex. 016
#atf: lang sux
1. a-ra-zu-ne [...]
#tr.en: I am one (whose) supplication/prayers make Ninlil rejoice
2. ga2-la nu-dag-ge# [...]
#tr.en: I am the unceasing one serving Nuska
3. ki-ur3#?-sze3 szu#?? [...]
#tr.en: I am one whose hand is oriented(?) towards the Ki'ur
4. nig2 tum2-tum2-e im2#-e [...]
#tr.en: I am the fitting one for carrying things and running(?)
5. ul4#-ul4-la# dub3 nu-kusz2#-[...]
#tr.en: I am one constantly hurrying (but) whose knees do not tire
6. nesag tum3# e2#! UD nu-x-[...]
#tr.en: I am the bringer of the nesag offering who does not allow light to pass through(?) the Ebabbar temple
7. nibru{ki}-sze3# he2-gal2# [...]
#tr.en: I am the one who chases(?) abundance towards/on behalf of Nibru
8. kesz3{ki}!-a iszib-bi x-[...]
#tr.en: In Keš I am the one serving as(?) its išib priest
9. uri2#{ki}-sze3# i3 sag# [...]
#tr.en: On behalf of Urim I am the first rate butter and cream
10. 1(u) eridu{ki}-sze3! ga2-la nu#-dag#?-[...]
#tr.en: On behalf of Eridu I am its unceasing one
# line tally of ten
11. ki unu{ki}-sze3 nindaba [...]
#tr.en: On behalf of the site of Unug I am the great nindaba offerings
12. e2-kur-ta nam#-ti# szum2-ma [...]
#tr.en: I am the one given life by the Ekur temple(?)
13. zi-sza3#-gal2# uru2#-ni#-sze3# al# [...]
#tr.en: I am the one who wishes for vitality on behalf of his city
14. {d}li#-pi2#-it#-esz18-dar sipa kur-kur-[...]
#tr.en: I am lipit-Ištar, the shepherd of the lands
15. lugal me3#?-sze3# ku#-kur du7#-du7# [...]
#tr.en: I am the king, a wave thrashing towards battle
16. da#-da#-ra nam#-szul#?-[...]
#tr.en: I am one who does not loosen the knots of the bindings of youthfulness
17. giri2-ur3-ra u3#?-[...]
#tr.en: I am the one sharpening the giri'ura knife
18. me3#-a nim-gin7# [...]
#tr.en: In battle I am the one flashing like lightning
1. suhuszx(DU) gin6-na erin2#-[...]
#tr.en: I am one who establishes the foundation and destroys among the troops
2. 1(u) {na4}KA-kal#? na4# x-x-[...]
#tr.en: I am the sagkal stone(?), the stone that ...(?)
# with line tally 10
3. {kusz}gur21{+urx(SILA4?)} igi tab ugnim#-ma# [...]
#tr.en: I am a shield, the watcher of the army
4. x-e#?-si#?-A2# ur-sag igi zalag-ga zu2#-kesz2# gin6-ne2#?-[...]
#tr.en: I am the bright-faced hero who solidifies the troop formation
5. {d}li-pi2-it-esz18-dar dumu# {d}en-lil2#?-me#?-en#?
#tr.en: I am lipit-Ištar, the son of Enlil
6. {kusz}ummu3 a# sed4# zi# gurusz-a#? [...]
#tr.en: I am a waterskin (of) cold water, the life of the young man/worker
7. igi gal2 kaskal#-a an-dul7 erin2-na-me#-[en]
#tr.en: I am the one who watches the campaign, the (protective) shade of the troops
8. lugal tusz#?-a-ni bara2#?-ga gen-na-me#-[en]
#tr.en: I am a king that when he sits, he goes on(!?) the dais
9. sza3 dugud-da inim-sze3 gal2-la#-me#-[en]
#tr.en: I put important thoughts to words(?)
10. dim2-ma kal!(KID) su13 a#-ra2-e# kin2#-ga2#? [...]
#tr.en: I am one (who possesses) profound intellect and counsel(!?), seeking the (correct) way
11. nig2-nam nu-AN-GU-le-me-en# [...]
#tr.en: I am one who does not hurry(!?) anything, ...
12. 1(u) sza3 su3-ra2 gesztu2 dagal-la-me#-[en]
#tr.en: I am one (who possesses) profound thought and broad understanding
# with line tally 10
$ blank space
13. im-gid2-da {d}nin-gesz-zi-[da-...]
#tr.en: Single column tablet of Ningešzida-...
14. {iti#}NE-NE-gar u4 1(u) 3(disz)-[kam]
#tr.en: It is the month of NENEgar, 13th day
15. mu {+i3-si}isin2-na [...]
#tr.en: The year Isin ...
1. ki uszu3-me#-en
#tr.en: ...
CDLI Literary 000481, ex. 017 (P346172) 2327035
gir2-gir2-re-me-en only appears a few times in words list
dar-re-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{na4}sag-NIR only appears a few times in words list
pesz5-pesz5-a-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{kusz}gur21{+ur3} only appears a few times in words list
ugnim-ma-me-en only appears a few times in words list
gin6-na-me-en only appears a few times in words list
gurusz-a-me-en only appears a few times in words list
tum2-ma-me-en only appears a few times in words list
a-ra2-e only appears a few times in words list
kin2-ga2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
nig2-GI-...-ul4-e only appears a few times in words list
egirx(IL)-bi only appears a few times in words list
kikken2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
su13-ra2 only appears a few times in words list
bur3-bur3-... only appears a few times in words list
nig2-gin6-... only appears a few times in words list
da-...-me-en only appears a few times in words list
nig2!-si-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
ki-uri-... only appears a few times in words list
nig2-gin6-na-gu10-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}li-pi2-it-... only appears a few times in words list
hul2-la-ka only appears a few times in words list
...-mu-di-ni-ib-zal-e only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-pa3 only appears a few times in words list
egirx(IL) only appears a few times in signs list
nig2! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346172 = CDLI Literary 000481, ex. 017
#atf: lang sux
1. giri2-ur3#-ra u3-sar ak#-me-en#
#tr.en: I am the one sharpening the giri'ura knife
2. me3#-a nim-gin7# gir2-gir2-re-me-en#
#tr.en: In battle I am the one flashing like lightning
3. suhusz# gin6-na erin2-na gar3 dar-re-me-en
#tr.en: I am the one who secured the foundations (of the land?) and repulse the (enemy) troops
4. {na4}sag-NIR na4 pesz5-pesz5-a-me-en
#tr.en: I am the sagkal(!) stone, the stone that ...(?)
5. {kusz}gur21{+ur3#} igi tab ugnim-ma-me-en
#tr.en: I am a shield, the watcher of the army
6. ur-sag igi zalag-ga zu2-kesz2 gin6-na#-me-en
#tr.en: I am the bright-faced hero who solidifies the troop formation
7. {d}li-pi2-it-esz18-dar dumu {d}en-lil2-la2-me-en
#tr.en: I am lipit-Ištar, the son of Enlil
8. {kusz}ummu3 a sed4 zi# gurusz-a-me-en
#tr.en: I am a waterskin (of) cold water, the life of the young man/worker
9. igi gal2 kaskal-la an-dul3 erin2-na-me-en
#tr.en: I am the one who watches the campaign, the (protective) shade of the troops
10. lugal tusz-a-ni bara2-ga tum2-ma-me#-en#
#tr.en: I am a king that when he sits, he is suitable for the dais
11. sza3 dugud-da inim#-sze3 gal2-la-me-en
#tr.en: I put important thoughts to words(?)
12. dim2#?-ma# galga su13 a-ra2-e kin2-ga2-me-en
#tr.en: I am one (who possesses) profound intellect and counsel(!?), seeking the (correct) way
13. nig2-GI-[...]-ul4-e egirx(IL)#-bi kikken2-me-en
#tr.en: I am one who does not hurry(!?) anything, seeking its “end” (instead)
14. sza3# su13-ra2# gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)# dagal#-la#-me-en
#tr.en: I am one (who possesses) profound thought and broad understanding
15. {na4}u2# nig2# bur3-bur3-[...] ug3#-ta e3-a#-me-en
#tr.en: I am emery, that which perforates, emerging from the people/land
16. nig2#-gin6#-[...] ka-[...] gal2#?-la#?-me-en
#tr.en: I am the one who has/puts truth in the mouth
17. si sa2 da#-[...]-me-en
#tr.en: I am one who does not destroy eternal justice
18. di#-ku5# ka#-[...] si# sa2# [...]
#tr.en: I am judge who sets affairs straight when he is to make a decision
19. kur#-kur-re a2# [...]-ga2#? [...] x x [...]
#tr.en: I am adept at giving orders to the lands
20. nig2#!?-si#?-sa2# ki#-en-gi ki-uri#?-[...]
#tr.en: I established justice in Sumer and Akkad
21. nig2#-gin6-na-gu10-sze3 a-na-am3 mu#?-[...]
#tr.en: What can be abandoned because of my truth?
1. [...] {d#}li#-pi2-it#-[...]
#tr.en: I am lipit-Ištar, who sets the people in order
$ n lines broken
2'. e2#-gal nam#-[...]
#tr.en: In my palace of kingship, the pure and sweet dwelling
3'. gidlam#-gu10# [...]
#tr.en: My spouse, holy Inanna
4'. {gesz}gu#-za#?-ga2#? [...]
#tr.en: She established the foundation of my throne there for me
5'. [...] gu2#-da# hu-[...]
#tr.en: And therefore she (will) embrace (me) until distant (time) and far-off days
6'. [...] sza3# hul2-la-ka
#tr.en: In the sweet bedroom, the place where the heart rejoices
7'. [...]-mu-di-ni-ib-zal-e
#tr.en: For the lady I will spend the day with her
8'. [...]-dar#? ibila kal-ga-me-en
#tr.en: I am lipit-Ištar, the mighty heir
9'. lugal# [...] e3# ak-me-en
#tr.en: I am the king who makes justice manifest
10'. mu#-gu10# kur#-kur#-ra# [zi]-de3#-esz# hu#-mu#-un#-pa3
#tr.en: May my name be uttered faithfully in the lands
11'. {d#}[li]-pi2-it-esz18-dar# [...-me]-en#
#tr.en: I am lipit-Ištar, the son of Enlil
12'. za3#-mi2#-gu10 du10-ga-am3#
#tr.en: My praise is sweet
$ blank space
UET 6, 0088 + 0538 (P346173) 2327036
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 26: [...] x ha-ba-x lu2 na4?[...
dim2-me only appears a few times in words list
bara2-bara2-ge2-ne-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
u3-...-ti only appears a few times in words list
...-x-in-ak only appears a few times in words list
su13-da-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
dagal-la-ta only appears a few times in words list
KA-ga-na only appears a few times in words list
dingir-re-e-ne-... only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-na-... only appears a few times in words list
he2-hul2 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ra-ke4-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-ab-dub2-bu-ne only appears a few times in words list
u3-mu-ni-in-dim2 only appears a few times in words list
mu-ra-x-x-ne only appears a few times in words list
til2-i-da only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-x only appears a few times in words list
na4... does not appear in words list
na-nam-me-esz only appears a few times in words list
til2 only appears a few times in signs list
na4... does not appear in signs list
&P346173 = UET 6, 0088 + 0538
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x [...] x x
2'. [...] x dim2#-me ki?-szu#?-pesz#? igi zu-zu
#tr.en: ... fashioning ... surveying the shrines(?)
3'. [...]-x ni2-te-na dingir en3 tar#-tar# nu-tuku
#tr.en: ... his own ..., who does not possess a caretaking god
4'. [...] x mah dab nir-gal2 {d}a-nun-na-ke4-ne#
#tr.en: ..., supreme and surpassing(?), authoritative one of the Anuna
5'. [...] x he2-gal2 szum2-mu bara2-bara2-ge2-ne-ke4
#tr.en: ..., the one who gives abundance of (i.e., to?) the rulers
6'. [...] x nam-he2 ki-a gar-[...]
#tr.en: ... placing(?) abundance on earth
7'. [...] x bar sikil-ta gal-le-esz u3#?-[...]-ti
#tr.en: ... when ... greatly from/by means of the pure ...
8'. [...] x-na gu3 bi2-in-de2 sza3 x [...]-x-in-ak
#tr.en: ... spoke ..., ... the heart
9'. [...] ubur#? an su13-da-ke4 ur2 x [...]
#tr.en: ... the breast/teat(?) of distant heaven(?), the base ...
10'. [...] x dagal-la-ta? KA-ga-na nig2-nam#? [...]
#tr.en: ... when he(?) ... from/by means of(?) a broad ..., everything ...
11'. [...] x-a x [...]
#tr.en: ...
12'. [...] x-NE#? [...]
#tr.en: ...
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x [...]
2'. [...] x dingir-re-e-ne#-[...]
#tr.en: ... of(?) the gods ...
3'. [...] hur-sag-sze3 he2-en-na#-[...]
#tr.en: ... may ... towards the mountain range
4'. [...] sza3#-bi#? he2-hul2 hu-mu-ra-ke4-e-ne
#tr.en: ... may its(?) heart rejoice, may they ...
5'. [...]-zu hur-sag sikil-la he2-a
#tr.en: ... may your ... be a pure mountain range
6'. [...] x-ba ni2 ha-ma-ab-dub2-bu-ne
#tr.en: May ... relax in its ...
7'. [...] x iri nam-lugal-la u3-mu#-ni-in-dim2
#tr.en: When/after/because ... fashions ..., in/of the city of kingship
8'. [...] gal-le-esz# [...]-re-en
#tr.en: ... you will ... greatly
9'. [...] x [...]-ne
#tr.en: ...
10'. [...] x me-dim2 [...]-ne
#tr.en: ... limbs ...
11'. [...] x-ra gu2? x mu#-ra-x-x-ne
#tr.en: ...
12'. [...] nam-lugal he2-x-x
#tr.en: ... kingship ...
13'. [...] du11-ga-bi-sze3 gesz ha-ba-[...]
#tr.en: ... may ... listen to its command(?)
14'. [...] lu2 usz2-a til2-i-da KA# [...]
#tr.en: ... in order to revive the dead man ...
15'. [...] x-ba he2-a lu2 UD x-bi? [...]
#tr.en: May/if ..., who/a person ...
16'. [...] abzu-a kin2 szu dim2-ma x [...]
#tr.en: ... in/of the Abzu, work and craftsmanship/creation(?) ...
17'. [...] {d}utu#? u4-da x [...]
#tr.en: ... Utu ... in the daytime(?)
18'. [...] tesz2-a x? ba-ni-in-[...]
#tr.en: ... together ...
19'. [...] x ha-ba-x lu2 na4?[...]
#tr.en: ...
20'. [...] na-nam-me-esz lu2 [...]
#tr.en: They are indeed(?) ...
21'. [...] AN ke4 nam [...]
#tr.en: ...
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