Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Englund, Robert K. on 2017-09-02 at 13:11:43 with credits to CDLI;

This update event contains hidden changes

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
MDP 17, 182 (P008380) 2294391
M362~gc only appears a few times in words list
M362~gc only appears a few times in signs list
&P008380 = MDP 17, 182
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M362~gc M059~d , 4(N14) 8(N01)# [...]
2. [M269] , 1(N01)
3. M106~a# , 1(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N24)
4. M009# , 1(N01)# [...]
5. [M206~g] , [...]
6. [M102~d] , [...]
7. M309~a# , 1(N01)
$ rest broken
$ broken ?
MDP 26S, 4765 (P009203) 2294392
M482 only appears a few times in words list
M277~g only appears a few times in words list
M482 only appears a few times in words list
M136~g only appears a few times in words list
M482 only appears a few times in words list
M302~b only appears a few times in words list
3(N14@b) only appears a few times in words list
M482 only appears a few times in words list
M482 only appears a few times in signs list
M277~g only appears a few times in signs list
M482 only appears a few times in signs list
M136~g only appears a few times in signs list
M482 only appears a few times in signs list
M302~b only appears a few times in signs list
3(N14@b) only appears a few times in signs list
M482 only appears a few times in signs list
&P009203 = MDP 26S, 4765
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. M482# , 3(N14)
3. M103 M277~g |M136+M365| [...] , [...]
4. [...] M388 |M036+1(N30D)| , 2(N14@b)
5. M482 , 1(N14)
6. M131~k M136~g [...] , [...]
7. [...] , [...] n(n@b)
8. M482# , 1(N14)
9. M302~b |M136+M365| |M036+1(N30D)| , 1(N14@b)
10. M388 [...] , [...]
@column 1
1. |M036+1(N30D)| , 1(N34@b) 3(N14@b) 1(N01@b)#
2. [M482?] , 1(N34)
3. M297~b , 2(N39B) 1(N24)
MDP 17, 001 (P008199) 2294395
|M157~a+M080~c| only appears a few times in words list
M039~c1 only appears a few times in words list
|M157~a+M080~c| only appears a few times in signs list
M039~c1 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008199 = MDP 17, 001
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157~a# ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. |M157~a+M080~c| M039~c1 , 1(N14)
3. M131~k M039~c , 5(N01)
$ blank
TCL 32, 030 (P368507) 2294396
ATF: Syntax error at line 29 col 7: $ seal
M256~d only appears a few times in words list
M033~a only appears a few times in words list
M256~d only appears a few times in signs list
M033~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P368507 = PETF 1, 030
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M327+M342| ,
#tr.en: (header)
2. |M377+M320+M377| M391 , 1(N02)
3. M256~d M056~f# M288 , 1(N45)# [...]
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] M288 , 4(N14)
5'. M391 M056~f M288 , 1(N34) 2(N14) 2(N01)# [...]
$ n lines broken
6'. [...] M288 , 2(N14) 3(N01)
7'. M038~i# M319# M288 , 1(N01)# [...]
$ n lines broken
8'. [...] M048~d M033~a M388 M125 M102~d M096 M288 , 2(N01)# [...]
$ n lines broken
9'. [...] , [...] 1(N14) 1(N01)
10'. M038~i M319 M288#? , [...]
$ n lines broken
11'. [...] , [...] 2(N14)
12'. M388 x [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
@column 1
1. [...] , [...] 3(N14)# 3(N01) 4(N39B)# 1(N24)# [...]
1. 1(N34)
$ seal 1
$ seal = PSESXXX
MDP 06, 345 (P008127) 2294398
&P008127 = MDP 06, 345
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. M288# , 1(N01)
$ n lines broken
2'. x |M153+X| [...] , [...]
$ rest broken
$ broken ?
MDP 26, 377 (P009065) 2294400
&P009065 = MDP 26, 377
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x , 5(N14)
MDP 17, 359 (P008557) 2294401
&P008557 = MDP 17, 359
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. x M305# M388 x , [...]
3. [...] , 3(N39B)
4. M297 M218 M329# [...] , [...]
5. x x x , [...]
@column 1
1. [...] , [...] 1(N30C)# 1(N30D)
2. [...] , n
MDP 26, 433 (P009121) 2294402
1(N39A) only appears a few times in words list
1(N39A) only appears a few times in signs list
&P009121 = MDP 26, 433
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M305 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M341 M157 M288 , 1(N01) 1(N39B) 1(N39A)
$ blank?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 17, 002 (P008200) 2294403
ATF: Syntax error at line 10 col 7: $ seal
M317~b only appears a few times in words list
M317~b only appears a few times in signs list
&P008200 = MDP 17, 002
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M175+M288| ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M317~b M297# , 2(N01) 3(N39B) 1(N24) 1(N01@b) 4(N39B@b)
$ blank
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PES0270 = PES0971
MDP 26, 133 (P008821) 2294404
M209~a only appears a few times in words list
M209~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P008821 = MDP 26, 133
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M209~a ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M346 M001~b , 3(N14) 9(N01)
3. x M346 , 2(N23) 3(N14) 1(N01)
4. M251# , 1(N23) 6(N14) 5(N01)
5. M346# , 1(N23) 3(N14) 5(N01)
@column 1
1. [...] , [5(N23)] 7(N14)
MDP 17, 268 (P008466) 2294405
&P008466 = MDP 17, 268
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x , 2(N01)
$ blank
Iran 14 pl. IIId; Fourth Symposium 89ff. photo 2; Expedition 23 45 fig. 12 (P009466) 2294406
M248~c only appears a few times in words list
M038~f only appears a few times in words list
M248~c only appears a few times in signs list
M038~f only appears a few times in signs list
&P009466 = M-1155
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x x ,
2. M388 x M248~c M096#? , 1(N14) 8(N01)
3. M222 x x , 7(N01)
4. M387 M066# x [x] M263 M218 , 7(N01)
5. x M388 M057~b# [...] M325 , 1(N14) 3(N01)#
6. M388 |M218+X| x x x M096 , 2(N14) 2(N01)
7. M038~f#? M146#? [...] M110~a M242~b# M096 , 5(N01)
8. |M136+M365| M388 M029~a [...] , [...]
9. [...] x M377~e M054# M388 M218 M219 M029~a , [...]
10. x , [...]
@column 1
1. [...] x , 1(N14) 3(N01)#
@column 2
1. M388 , 1(N23) 1(N14) [...]
MDP 26, 200 (P008888) 2294407
&P008888 = MDP 26, 200
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M195 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M056~f#? M288 , 6(N14) 5(N01)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 26S, 5240 (P009338) 2294408
M115 only appears a few times in words list
M115 only appears a few times in signs list
&P009338 = MDP 26S, 5240
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , 1(N45) 6(N14) [...]
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] , [...] 1(N14)#?
3'. M305# M388 M110 M242~b# M096 [...] , [...]
4'. [...] x , 2(N01)# 1(N39B)#
5'. x x , 1(N01)#
$ n lines broken
6'. [...] M320# M288 , 1(N01) 1(N39B) 1(N24)
7'. [...] M103~2# M254~a x M387~c M288 , 5(N01) 3(N39B) 1(N14)?
$ n lines broken
8'. [...] x , 2(N14) 1(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N30D)
9'. [...] M259#? M281~f M096 M288 , 3(N14) 2(N01) [...]
$ n lines broken
10'. [...] , [...] 1(N24)
11'. M304 M388# M115# |M296+M296| M288# , 1(N14) 3(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N24) 2(N30C)
$ n lines broken
12'. [...] M288# , 1(N01)# 1(N39B) 1(N24)
13'. [...] , 2(N01)#
14'. M073~b M230~a M096 M288 , 3(N01)
$ rest broken
$ broken
MDP 17, 183 (P008381) 2294409
M134~f only appears a few times in words list
M124~b only appears a few times in words list
M134~f only appears a few times in signs list
M124~b only appears a few times in signs list
&P008381 = MDP 17, 183
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M134~f ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M003#? M362 , 1(N14)
3. M367#? , [...]
$ n lines broken
4'. M346 , 2(N14) 4(N01)#
$ n lines broken
5'. M124~b# , 7(N01)
$ rest broken
$ broken ?
MDP 26S, 4766 (P009204) 2294410
M387~aa only appears a few times in words list
M271~g only appears a few times in words list
M263~b2 only appears a few times in words list
M251~h only appears a few times in words list
M265~g only appears a few times in words list
M387~aa only appears a few times in signs list
M271~g only appears a few times in signs list
M263~b2 only appears a few times in signs list
M251~h only appears a few times in signs list
M265~g only appears a few times in signs list
&P009204 = MDP 26S, 4766
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M384~d M387~aa M271~g , 2(N01)
3. M263~b2 , 2(N01)
4. M297 , 2(N39B) 2(N30C@b)
# derived sze form made by framing the notation with M002
5. M251~h M297 , 1(N01) 2(N30C)
6. M111~a# M323~i M388 M145~a M371 M036 , 4(N01)
7. M111~a# M388 |M296+M296| M096 M036 , 5(N01)
8. M323~i M265~g , 3(N01)
@column 1
1. M036 , 6(N01)
2. M111~a M388 |M218+M320| M262 M218 M263~b1 , 1(N01)
3. M036# , 5(N01)
@column 2
4. M297 , 2(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N24) 2(N30C) 1(N30D) 1(N39C)
TCL 32, 108 (P368591) 2294411
&P368591 = PETF 1, 109
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , [...] 5(N01)
$ rest broken
@column 01
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , [...] 2(N14) 1(N01)
2'. M288#? , [...]
$ rest broken
TCL 32, 031 (P368508) 2294412
ATF: Syntax error at line 11 col 7: $ seal
&P368508 = PETF 1, 031
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. x x , 6(N01)#
2'. M262 [...] , [...]
3'. [...] , [...]
$ blank
$ seal 1
$ seal = PSESXXX
MDP 06, 346 (P008128) 2294413
&P008128 = MDP 06, 346
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M338#? [...] M305#?
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] x x x , 1(N01)#
$ rest broken
$ broken ?
MDP 17, 360 (P008558) 2294414
M268~d only appears a few times in words list
M270~n only appears a few times in words list
M268~d only appears a few times in signs list
M270~n only appears a few times in signs list
&P008558 = MDP 17, 360
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , 2(N01)
2'. M054# [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
4. M268~d M270~n , 5(N01)
$ rest broken
@column 1
1. [...] M388#? M387 , 5(N01)#?
2. M297 , 3(N39B) [...]
MDP 26, 434 (P009122) 2294415
M122~2 only appears a few times in words list
M382 only appears a few times in words list
M122~5 only appears a few times in words list
M122~2 only appears a few times in signs list
M382 only appears a few times in signs list
M122~5 only appears a few times in signs list
&P009122 = MDP 26, 434
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M122~2 M054 , 1(N14) 1(N01)
3. M382 , 1(N14) 4(N01)
4. M003 , 1(N01)
5. M365 , 1(N14) 6(N01)
6. M009 M122~5 , 7(N01)
$ blank?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 17, 003 (P008201) 2294416
|M157~a+M348| only appears a few times in words list
M310~1 only appears a few times in words list
M014~b only appears a few times in words list
|M157~a+M348| only appears a few times in signs list
M310~1 only appears a few times in signs list
M014~b only appears a few times in signs list
&P008201 = MDP 17, 003
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157~a ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. |M157~a+M348| M032 , 5(N01)
3. M376 M032 , 5(N01)
4. M310~1 M032 , 5(N01)
5. M131~k M014~b? ,
#tr.en: (subscript)
@column 1
1. M032 , 1(N14) 5(N01)
MDP 17, 269 (P008467) 2294417
|M009+M320| only appears a few times in words list
M332~g only appears a few times in words list
|M009+M320| only appears a few times in signs list
M332~g only appears a few times in signs list
&P008467 = MDP 17, 269
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] |M009+M320| M390 M240 M288#? , [...]
2'. [...] x |M106+M288| , 1(N01)
3'. M332~g? |M218+M288| [...] , [...]
4'. [...] x , 2(N01) 1(N30C)#?
@column 1
1. [...] x , 1(N14)#? [...]
MDP 26S, 4767 (P009205) 2294418
M128~dd only appears a few times in words list
M011 only appears a few times in words list
M243~h only appears a few times in words list
M128~dd only appears a few times in signs list
M011 only appears a few times in signs list
M243~h only appears a few times in signs list
&P009205 = MDP 26S, 4767
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M038~e M288# , 1(N39B)
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] M297#? , 1(N39B)
3'. M305 M388 M146 M128~dd M096 M387~a M011# x , 2(N01)#?
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] x , 1(N24)
5'. M218 M243~h# , 1(N39B)
6'. M297 , [...]
$ n lines broken
7'. [...] , 1(N01)
8'. M297 , 1(N24)
9'. x , [...]
$ rest broken
$ broken ?
MDP 17, 184 (P008382) 2294420
M205~d only appears a few times in words list
M375~a only appears a few times in words list
2(N8A) only appears a few times in words list
M099~a only appears a few times in words list
4(N8A) only appears a few times in words list
M205~d only appears a few times in signs list
M375~a only appears a few times in signs list
2(N8A) only appears a few times in signs list
M099~a only appears a few times in signs list
4(N8A) only appears a few times in signs list
&P008382 = MDP 17, 184
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M205~d ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M375~a , 1(N01) 2(N8A)?
3. M099~a [...] , [...]
4. M072 , 1(N01)
5. M210~d , 4(N8A)
6. x x [...] , [...]
@column 1
1. [...] , 6(N01)#
MDP 17, 121 (P008319) 2294421
&P008319 = MDP 17, 121
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M386~a M131 M218 M288 , 3(N39B)
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] , 2(N30C)
3'. M219 M371~a , 1(N39B) 1(N24)
$ n lines broken
4'. x M288# , 1(N24) 2(N30C)
@column 1
1. [...] , 2(N30C)#
2. M371 M009 M371 , 1(N39B)
@column 2
1. x , 2(N01) 1(N24)
TCL 32, 109 (P368592) 2294422
ATF: Syntax error at line 13 col 7: $ seal
M256~d only appears a few times in words list
M039~c1 only appears a few times in words list
M256~d only appears a few times in signs list
M039~c1 only appears a few times in signs list
&P368592 = PETF 1, 110
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] , [...] M256~d M039~c1 M288 , 2(N34)#? [...]
$ blank
@column 01
@column 1
$ n lines broken
1'. [...] |M305+M320| ,
$ seal = PESxxxx
MDP 26, 201 (P008889) 2294423
M368~b only appears a few times in words list
M368~b only appears a few times in signs list
&P008889 = MDP 26, 201
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M368~b ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. x M288 , 2(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N24)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
TCL 32, 032 (P368509) 2294424
ATF: Syntax error at line 14 col 7: $ seal
&P368509 = PETF 1, 032
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] , [...] 6(N14)# 3(N01) [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] , [...] 3(N39B) 1(N30C) 1(N30D)#
@column 01
@column 1
1. M391 , 4(N01)# [...]
$ rest broken
$ seal 1
$ seal = PES330
MDP 26, 378 (P009066) 2294425
&P009066 = MDP 26, 378
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x , 4(N14)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 06, 347 (P008129) 2294426
M340~b only appears a few times in words list
M340~b only appears a few times in signs list
&P008129 = MDP 06, 347
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M340~b# , [...]
3. [...] , [...]
1. 1(N34)
MDP 17, 004 (P008202) 2294427
ATF: Syntax error at line 12 col 7: $ seal
&P008202 = MDP 17, 004
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157# ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M139 M388 M218 M295# M297 , 1(N14) 1(N01)
3. M218 ,
#tr.en: (subscript)
$ blank
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PES0173
MDP 26, 435 (P009123) 2294428
&P009123 = MDP 26, 435
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. M081 M036 , 2(N39B) 1(N24)
2'. M311~b , 1(N24)
$ n lines broken
3'. M081 , 2(N39B)
4'. M311~b , 1(N24)
5'. M081 , 2(N39B)
6'. M311~b , 1(N24)
$ n lines broken
7'. M081 M036 , 1(N39B)
8'. M311~b , 1(N24)
$ broken?
MDP 26, 134 (P008822) 2294429
M209~c only appears a few times in words list
M277~e only appears a few times in words list
M209~c only appears a few times in signs list
M277~e only appears a few times in signs list
&P008822 = MDP 26, 134
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M209~c ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M305 M001 , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. M277~e , 5(N01)
4'. M001 , [...]
$ n lines broken
5'. M377 M003~b , 2(N01)
6'. M124 , [...]
$ n lines broken
7'. x , 1(N01)
8'. x , 1(N01)
9'. x , [...]
$ rest broken
$ broken ?
MDP 17, 361 (P008559) 2294430
1(N39C@b) only appears a few times in words list
1(N39C@b) only appears a few times in signs list
&P008559 = MDP 17, 361
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , 1(N01) 1(N39B) 1(N24) 1(N30C)
2'. M001 , 1(N39C@b)
@column 1
1. [...] , 3(N39B)# 1(N30C)# 1(N30D)#?
MDP 17, 270 (P008468) 2294431
M259~3 only appears a few times in words list
M259~3 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008468 = MDP 17, 270
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x ,
2. M218 M259~3#? M009 M371#? [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] x , 1(N01)
5'. M057 M380 M371 , 2(N01)
$ rest broken
$ broken ?
MDP 26, 081 (P008769) 2294432
ATF: Syntax error at line 11 col 7: $ seal
M136~m only appears a few times in words list
M136~m only appears a few times in signs list
&P008769 = MDP 26, 081
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M304# ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M286# , 2(N14)#
3. M136~m#? M319#
$ blank
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PESxxxx
Iran 14 pl. IIIh; Fourth Symposium 89ff. photo 1 (P009460) 2294433
M136~p only appears a few times in words list
M136~p only appears a few times in signs list
&P009460 = M-1000
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M136~p ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M327 M005 M003~b M388 x , [...]
3. x M288 , 5(N01)
4. x M365 , 1(N01)
5. M054 , [...]
6. [...] , 4(N01)#
@column 1
1. [...] , 1(N14) 6(N01)
MDP 17, 185 (P008383) 2294434
M352~n1 only appears a few times in words list
M420~1 only appears a few times in words list
M321~f only appears a few times in words list
M420~1 only appears a few times in words list
M352~n1 only appears a few times in signs list
M420~1 only appears a few times in signs list
M321~f only appears a few times in signs list
M420~1 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008383 = MDP 17, 185
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M327+M342| ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M158~h M388 M352~n1 M301~a M066 [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] M010~2 , 4(N01)
4'. M348 M376 , 1(N14) 6(N01)
5'. M420~1 , 1(N01)# [...]
$ n lines broken
6'. [...] M009 , 1(N01)
7'. x x M057~a2 M288 , 1(N01)# [...]
$ n lines broken
8'. [...] M057 M288 , 3(N01)
9'. M009 , 1(N01)
$ n lines broken
10'. M124 M347 |M218+M320| M371 M288 , 1(N01)
$ n lines broken
11'. [...] , 2(N01)
12'. M321~f , 1(N01)
@column 1
1. [...] , 6(N01)#
2. M376 , 1(N14) 8(N01)
3. M420~1 , 1(N01)
4. [...] , 3(N01)#
MDP 26S, 4768 (P009206) 2294435
|M305+M136~c| only appears a few times in words list
|M305+M136~c| only appears a few times in signs list
&P009206 = MDP 26S, 4768
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157~a ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M387~i M387~i M054 , 5(N01)#
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] , 5(N01)
4. |M305+M136~c| M354 , 1(N14)#? [...]
$ rest broken
@column 1
1. [...] , [...] 1(N30C) 1(N30D) 1(N39C)
1. 1(N34)
MDP 17, 005 (P008203) 2294436
M270~e only appears a few times in words list
M264~d2 only appears a few times in words list
M270~e only appears a few times in words list
M270~e only appears a few times in signs list
M264~d2 only appears a few times in signs list
M270~e only appears a few times in signs list
&P008203 = MDP 17, 005
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M136+M365|# ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. |M175+M153| M270~e , 2(N39B) 1(N30C) [...]
3. [...] M264~d2 , 1(N01)
4. M270~e , 1(N01)
5. M297 , 1(N39B) [...]
$ (scribal design 1 = SD004 ?)
@column 1
1. M288 , 4(N39B) 1(N24) 2(N30C)
$ (scribal design 2 = SD007)
TCL 32, 110 (P368593) 2294437
&P368593 = PETF 1, 111
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M288# , 2(N14) 3(N01)
2'. |M305+M320|# [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] [...] 1(N14)
4'. M096#? M377 M374~c x [...] , [...]
$ rest broken
@column 01
@column 1
1. M391 M009 M056~f [...] , [...]
$ rest broken
TCL 32, 033 (P368510) 2294438
&P368510 = PETF 1, 033
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. 3(N01)
$ blank
MDP 06, 348 (P008130) 2294439
&P008130 = MDP 06, 348
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. M292 M111~a , 1(N01) 2(N39B)#
$ rest broken
$ broken
MDP 26, 202 (P008890) 2294440
&P008890 = MDP 26, 202
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x ,
2. M293~a# , 1(N01)
3. [...] , 2(N39B)
4. x , 1(N39B)
5. M376# , 1(N01) 1(N39B) 1(N30D)#?
6. M367 , 2(N39B)
7. [...] , 1(N39B)#
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 26, 436 (P009124) 2294442
M112~f only appears a few times in words list
M112~f only appears a few times in signs list
&P009124 = MDP 26, 436
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M112~f ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M157 M387~l x , 1(N01)#
$ n lines broken
3. [...] , 9(N14) 2(N01)
4. x [...] , [...]
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
$ (scribal design 1 = SDxxx)
MDP 17, 271 (P008469) 2294443
M128~de only appears a few times in words list
M128~de only appears a few times in signs list
&P008469 = MDP 17, 271
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , 1(N30C)
2'. M387~ef , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] , 2(N30C)
4'. M387~ef M297 , 1(N39B)
$ n lines broken
5'. M387~ef M297 , 2(N39B) 1(N24)
6'. M387 M128~de x [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
7'. M057 |M296+M296| M010~2 , 3(N39B)
8'. M387 M057~b# M002 , 1(N30C)
$ rest broken
$ broken ?
MDP 17, 363 (P008561) 2294444
M352~d only appears a few times in words list
M322~a only appears a few times in words list
M248~g only appears a few times in words list
M382~i only appears a few times in words list
M352~d only appears a few times in signs list
M322~a only appears a few times in signs list
M248~g only appears a few times in signs list
M382~i only appears a few times in signs list
&P008561 = MDP 17, 363
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. M352~d M352~c#? , 2(N01)
2'. M322~a# [...] , [1(N01)]
$ n lines broken
3'. M248~g M382~i M352~c , 1(N01)
@column 1
1. [...] , 4(N01)
MDP 26S, 4769 (P009207) 2294445
M177~a only appears a few times in words list
M332~g only appears a few times in words list
M177~a only appears a few times in signs list
M332~g only appears a few times in signs list
&P009207 = MDP 26S, 4769
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M177~a M388 M032 M297 M288 , 1(N14)
3. M348 M288# , 1(N01) 1(N39B)
4. M292 M388 M146 M032 M332~g [...] , 1(N14)#?
5. x M347 M219#? M101 , 1(N14)
@column 1
1. M288# , 3(N14) 1(N01) 1(N39B)
MDP 17, 186 (P008384) 2294447
M188~g only appears a few times in words list
M188~g only appears a few times in signs list
&P008384 = MDP 17, 186
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M188~g#? ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M346 , 7(N01)
3. M006 , 1(N01)
4. M346~a , 3(N01)
5. M387 , 5(N01)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 17, 006 (P008204) 2294448
&P008204 = MDP 17, 006
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M377+M320+M377|
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M157~a M056~f M288 , 1(N01) 1(N39B)
$ blank
1. 1(N34)
MDP 17, 122 (P008320) 2294449
M136~p only appears a few times in words list
M249 only appears a few times in words list
M145~e only appears a few times in words list
M069~f only appears a few times in words list
M069~f only appears a few times in words list
M069~f only appears a few times in words list
M069~f only appears a few times in words list
M136~p only appears a few times in signs list
M249 only appears a few times in signs list
M145~e only appears a few times in signs list
M069~f only appears a few times in signs list
M069~f only appears a few times in signs list
M069~f only appears a few times in signs list
M069~f only appears a few times in signs list
&P008320 = MDP 17, 122
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M327+M342|# ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M136~p M249 |M351+3(N01)| M139 M145~bb , 2(N39B) 1(N24)
3. M145~e , 1(N24)#
4. M206~f , 1(N34)
5. M206~f , 1(N34)
6. M252~q , 3(N14)
7. M069~f , 1(N30D)
8. |M218+M320| , 1(N34)
9. M059 M145~bb , 1(N39B) 2(N30C)
10. M069~f# , 1(N30C)
11. M387~l M145~bb , 1(N39B)
12. M252~q# , 2(N14)#
13. [...] , 1(N39B)#
14. M145~bb# , 1(N39B) 1(N24)
15. |M218+M320| , 1(N34)
16. M069~f , 1(N30D)
17. M009~a M145~bb , 2(N39B) 1(N24)
18. [...] , 1(N34)
19. M069~f# , 1(N30D)
20. M032# , 1(N01)
MDP 26, 379 (P009067) 2294450
M146~f only appears a few times in words list
M223~d only appears a few times in words list
M146~f only appears a few times in signs list
M223~d only appears a few times in signs list
&P009067 = MDP 26, 379
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M146~f , 1(N14)
2. M383 , 1(N14) 1(N01)
3. M218 , 1(N14)
4. M387~l , 1(N14)
5. M122 , 1(N14)
6. M223~d , 1(N14) 1(N01)
$ blank?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 26, 135 (P008823) 2294451
M210~f only appears a few times in words list
M210~f only appears a few times in signs list
&P008823 = MDP 26, 135
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M210~f? , 1(N14) 4(N01)
2. M210~g#?
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
Kadmos 24, 006 fig. 2 (P009457) 2294452
M053~b only appears a few times in words list
M053~b only appears a few times in signs list
&P009457 = UM 73-08-001
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x ,
2. M029~a , 2(N45) 7(N14)
3. M053~b , 4(N14) 6(N01)
4. x , 1(N34)
@column 1
1. x M029~a , 1(N45) 2(N14)#
TCL 32, 034 (P368511) 2294453
&P368511 = PETF 1, 034
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M297 , 2(N39B)
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] M057 M297 , 2(N30C)
$ rest broken
@column 1
1. M288 , 2(N39B)# [...]
MDP 17, 364 (P008562) 2294454
ATF: Parsing failed on line 5 near character 1
&P008562 = MDP 17, 364
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
TCL 32, 111 (P368594) 2294455
&P368594 = PETF 1, 112
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M262 , 4(N01)
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] , 1(N14)
3'. M223~b M157 M288 , [...]
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] , [...] 1(N01)#
@column 01
@column 1
1. M288# , [...]
MDP 26, 437 (P009125) 2294456
M112~f only appears a few times in words list
M006@g~2 only appears a few times in words list
M112~f only appears a few times in signs list
M006@g~2 only appears a few times in signs list
&P009125 = MDP 26, 437
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M112~f ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M367 , 1(N01)
3. M346 , 1(N01)
4. x , 1(N01)
5. M006@g~2 , 2(N01)
6. M125~a M251 , 1(N01)
@column 1
1. M346 , 6(N01)
MDP 26, 203 (P008891) 2294457
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 7: M038~bx
M035~a only appears a few times in words list
M035~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P008891 = MDP 26, 203
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M035~a#? ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. x M220 , 1(N01)
3. M038~bx M328~b? M038~bx , 1(N01)
4. x M219 , [...]
5. M112# M356#? M057 x , 1(N01)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 06, 349 (P008131) 2294458
&P008131 = MDP 06, 349
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. |M195+M057|# ,
2'. M365 , 2(N01)#
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] , 1(N14) 4(N01)
4'. x , [...]
$ rest broken
@column 1
1. [...] , [...] 1(N01)#
MDP 17, 187 (P008385) 2294459
|M305+M029~a| only appears a few times in words list
|M260~a+X| only appears a few times in words list
|M305+M029~a| only appears a few times in signs list
|M260~a+X| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008385 = MDP 17, 187
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M305+M029~a|
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M346 , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] M379~c , 2(N30C) 1(N30D)
4'. M112 , [...]
$ n lines broken
5'. |M260~a+X| , 2(N01)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 17, 007 (P008205) 2294460
ATF: Syntax error at line 13 col 7: $ seal
M176~b only appears a few times in words list
M176~b only appears a few times in signs list
&P008205 = MDP 17, 007
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157~a ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M262~1 M262~1 M096 M288 , 2(N14)
3. M005~a? M263~1 M347 M219 M101 M101 M288 , 2(N14)
4. M176~b
#tr.en: (subscript)
$ blank
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PES0093
MDP 26S, 4770 (P009208) 2294461
|M153+M320+M153| only appears a few times in words list
|M153+M320+M153| only appears a few times in signs list
&P009208 = MDP 26S, 4770
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. x [... M206~d] , 1(N01)#
3. |M153+M320+M153| M206~d , 6(N01)#
4. |M195+M038~a| M206~d , 2(N01)
5. x x , 2(N01)
@column 1
1. M206~d , 9(N01)
2. M288 , 1(N14) 5(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N24)#
1. 1(N34)
MDP 17, 272 (P008470) 2294462
ATF: Parsing failed on line 11 near character 26
..., only appears a few times in words list
..., only appears a few times in signs list
&P008470 = MDP 17, 272
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M096# M004# M218# x , 2(N01)
2'. x M390? , 4(N01)
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] , 1(N01)
4'. |M036+1(N30D)|#? , 5(N01)
5'. M240# M370~c# M004# [...], [...]
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , 1(N01) 1(N30D)
MDP 26, 438 (P009126) 2294463
M064 only appears a few times in words list
M064 only appears a few times in signs list
&P009126 = MDP 26, 438
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M064 ,
2. x M126 x , 2(N01)
3. M374~c , 5(N01)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 26, 082 (P008770) 2294464
&P008770 = MDP 26, 082
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M305 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M124 M265~f , 2(N30C)
3. M370 , 1(N30C)
4. M059 , [...] 1(N30C)
5. M305 , 2(N30C)
6. M387 , 1(N24)
7. x , 1(N30C)
@column 1
1. [...] , 1(N39B) 1(N24) 2(N30C)
TCL 32, 112 (P368595) 2294465
&P368595 = PETF 1, 113
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. |M195+M057| M388 M390 M219# [M218 M288] , [...] 1(N14)#
3. x [... M288] , [...]
4. [...] ,
@column 01
@column 1
1. [...] , [...]
TCL 32, 036 (P368512) 2294466
3(N01@b) only appears a few times in words list
4(N01@b) only appears a few times in words list
3(N01@b) only appears a few times in signs list
4(N01@b) only appears a few times in signs list
&P368512 = PETF 1, 036
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. x M057~a |M036+1(N14)|# , 3(N01@b)
2'. |M036+1(N14)|# , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] 1(N01)
4'. M387~ef |M036+1(N14)|# , 4(N01@b)
5'. x , 2(N30C)#
6'. M288# [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
7'. [...] x M157#? |M036+1(N14)|# , 1(N01@b)#
8'. M387~ef#? , 2(N14)#
$ rest broken
@column 1
1. M297# , 1(N39B@b)
NMI BK — ? (P009469) 2294467
M247~n only appears a few times in words list
M247~n only appears a few times in signs list
&P009469 = M-1473
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M054# ,
2. M247~n , 1(N01)
1. 1(N34)?
MDP 06, 350 (P008132) 2294468
M332~e only appears a few times in words list
|M228+M320| only appears a few times in words list
|M157~a+M131~d| only appears a few times in words list
M332~e only appears a few times in signs list
|M228+M320| only appears a few times in signs list
|M157~a+M131~d| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008132 = MDP 06, 350
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M388 M262 M372 M388 M377~e M347 x x M288 , 1(N14)
3. M332~e |M228+M320| M371 , 1(N14)
4. |M157~a+M131~d|?
#tr.en: (subscript)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 17, 365 (P008563) 2294469
&P008563 = MDP 17, 365
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. x , 1(N34)# [...]
$ n lines broken
2'. M054~i# , 2(N14) 1(N01)# [...]
$ rest broken
@column 1
1. [...] , 5(N14)# [...]
MDP 26, 204 (P008892) 2294470
M242 only appears a few times in words list
M217~e only appears a few times in words list
M242 only appears a few times in signs list
M217~e only appears a few times in signs list
&P008892 = MDP 26, 204
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M005~a#? ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M305#? M388 M242#? x M347#? M004# M217~e# M263# , 3(N01)
4. |M036+1(N30D)|#? , 7(N01)
5. x , 1(N01)
6. M291 M009 x , 5(N01)
7. |M036+1(N30D)|#? , 1(N14) 5(N01)
8. x x M263#? , 1(N01)
9. M036 , [...]
@column 1
1. M297#? , 1(N01)#?
MDP 26, 136 (P008824) 2294471
ATF: Syntax error at line 12 col 7: $ seal
M302~i only appears a few times in words list
M302~i only appears a few times in words list
M302~i only appears a few times in signs list
M302~i only appears a few times in signs list
&P008824 = MDP 26, 136
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. M210~d# M302~i , 5(N01)
2'. x , 3(N01)
3'. M384~ab
@column 1
1. M302~i , 8(N01)
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PESxxxx
MDP 17, 008 (P008206) 2294472
&P008206 = MDP 17, 008
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M136+M365| ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. |M351+3(N01)| M288 M009 , 3(N01)
3. |M260~2+1(N24)| , 1(N01) 1(N39B)
$ blank
MDP 17, 123 (P008321) 2294473
M316~e3 only appears a few times in words list
M370~d only appears a few times in words list
M316~e3 only appears a few times in signs list
M370~d only appears a few times in signs list
&P008321 = MDP 17, 123
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. x , 1(N30C@b)
3. |M036+1(N30C)| , 2(N30C)
4. M387 M316~e3# , [...]
5. |M036+1(N30C)|#? , 2(N30C)
6. M291 , 2(N30C)
7. M370~c M288 , 2(N30C)
8. |M036+1(N30D)|#? , 1(N39B)
9. M010~2 , 1(N30C)
10. M387# M316~e2# , 1(N30C)
11. M370~d , 2(N30C)
12. M387 [...] , [...]
13. [...] M010~2 , 2(N30C)
14. M387 M081 |M036+1(N30C)|# , 1(N24)
15. M010~2 , 2(N30C)
16. x x
17. [...] , [...]
18. M010~2# , 2(N30C)
@column 1
1. M266~b , 1(N01) 1(N24) 1(N30C)
2. |M036+1(N30C)| M296? , 4(N39B) 1(N24) 2(N30C)#
$ (scribal design 1 = SDxxx)
MDP 17, 273 + 280 + 291 (P008471) 2294474
M210~ma only appears a few times in words list
M383~d only appears a few times in words list
M210~ma only appears a few times in signs list
M383~d only appears a few times in signs list
&P008471 = MDP 17, 273 + 280 + 291
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , 2(N34)
3. M038~b , 1(N48)#
$ n lines broken
4'. M059 , 2(N48)
5'. M381 , 1(N34)#
$ n lines broken
6'. M210~ma , 1(N48) 6(N34)
$ n lines broken
7'. [...] , 1(N48)# 4(N34)#
$ n lines broken
8'. [...] , 1(N34)
9. M304 , 4(N34)
10. M383~d , 4(N34)#
@column 1
1. [...] , 1(N48) 1(N34) 1(N45)
MDP 31, 001 (P009340) 2294475
|M009~d+M346+M009~d| only appears a few times in words list
|M009~d+M346+M009~d| only appears a few times in signs list
&P009340 = MDP 31, 001
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M388#? M288#? M049~d M109# |M009~d+M346+M009~d| , 2(N01)# [...]
$ blank
MDP 26, 380 (P009068) 2294476
M152~d only appears a few times in words list
M152~d only appears a few times in signs list
&P009068 = MDP 26, 380
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M152~d , 3(N01)
$ broken
MDP 26S, 4771 (P009209) 2294477
M401 only appears a few times in words list
M393~a only appears a few times in words list
M401 only appears a few times in signs list
M393~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P009209 = MDP 26S, 4771
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M401 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M393~a M340 x x x M054 , 3(N01)
3. M288 , 1(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N24)
4. M054 , 1(N01)
5. M265 , 1(N01)
6. M354 , 1(N01)
7. M286#?
@column 1
1. M297~b , 2(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N24) 1(N30D) 1(N39C)
1. 1(N34)
MDP 17, 188 (P008386) 2294478
&P008386 = MDP 17, 188
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M341 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. x [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. M057~b1 , [...]
$ rest broken
$ broken?
1. 1(N34)
Kadmos 24, 006 fig. 2 (P009459) 2294479
M351~d only appears a few times in words list
M351~d only appears a few times in words list
M351~d only appears a few times in signs list
M351~d only appears a few times in signs list
&P009459 = M-0632
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x ,
2. |M136+M365|# , 1(N45) 3(N34) 6(N14) 2(N01)
3. M351~d# 1(N45) 2(N14) 3(N01)#
4. M348 x , 1(N45) 2(N01)
5. x , 3(N01)
6. M057 , 3(N14) 9(N01)
7. M206~b#? 4(N14)# 5(N01) 1(N08A)
8. x , 7(N34) 6(N01) 1(n)
9. x , 2(N01)#
10. M383 , 2(N01)
11. M072# x x , 5(N34)
@column 1
1. M041~j# M348 M351~d M348 x , 4(N34) 3(N01)
TCL 32, 113 (P368597) 2294480
&P368597 = PETF 1, 114
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M075~o , 1(N14)
$ rest broken
@column 01
@column 1
1. [...] , 2(N14)
MDP 26, 439 (P009127) 2294481
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 7: M038~bx
M111~d only appears a few times in words list
M111~d only appears a few times in signs list
&P009127 = MDP 26, 439
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M111~d ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M038~bx M387 M288 , 2(N45)
3. M387 M387 M153# , 1(N34)#? [...]
4. [...] , 2(N45)
5. M387 M288 , 1(N34)
6. M387 M288 , 2(N45) 4(N14) 4(N01)
7. |M218+M288| , 1(N34) 3(N14)
8. M387 M288 , 1(N45) 9(N14)
9. M220
@column 1
1. M288 , 5(N34) 2(N45) 6(N14) 4(N01)#
MDP 17, 009 (P008207) 2294482
M361~c only appears a few times in words list
M270~c only appears a few times in words list
1(N30C@g) only appears a few times in words list
1(N30C@g) only appears a few times in words list
1(N30D@g) only appears a few times in words list
M361~c only appears a few times in signs list
M270~c only appears a few times in signs list
1(N30C@g) only appears a few times in signs list
1(N30C@g) only appears a few times in signs list
1(N30D@g) only appears a few times in signs list
&P008207 = MDP 17, 009
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M305+X| ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M387 M263~b1 , 3(N01)
3. M361~c M263~b1# , [...]
4. |M305+X| M380# M270~c# , 1(N30C@g) 1(N30D)
5. M038~a2 M388 , 1(N30C@g)
6. M124 M370 , 1(N30D@g)
7. M387 M263~b1 , 2(N01)
@column 1
$ broken
1. 1(N34)#?
MDP 06, 351 (P008133) 2294483
M151~a only appears a few times in words list
M151~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P008133 = MDP 06, 351
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M151~a ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M388 M146 M371 M297 , 2(N14)
3. |M175+M175|
#tr.en: (subscript)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
TCL 32, 037 (P368513) 2294484
&P368513 = PETF 1, 037
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , 1(N14)#
2'. M057 , 4(N14)
3'. x [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
4'. M057#? M066 M348 [...] , [...]
1. M243~aa M388 M009 x [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
2'. x M009 M371# [...] , [...]
$ rest broken
MDP 26S, 4772 (P009210) 2294485
M056~j only appears a few times in words list
M056~j only appears a few times in signs list
&P009210 = MDP 26S, 4772
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M195# M056~j M288 , 5(N14)# [...]
$ rest broken
$ blank
MDP 17, 366 (P008564) 2294486
M264~c only appears a few times in words list
M264~c only appears a few times in signs list
&P008564 = MDP 17, 366
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] M296 M264~c M263 M248 [...] , [...]
@column 1
1. x x x , 4(N01)
MDP 17, 274 (P008472) 2294487
&P008472 = MDP 17, 274
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , [...]
3. M106~a# , 1(N45) 9(N14) 4(N01)# [...]
MDP 26, 205 (P008893) 2294488
7(N23) only appears a few times in words list
7(N23) only appears a few times in signs list
&P008893 = MDP 26, 205
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. |M377+M377| M053~a#? M388 M072 , 1(N51) 7(N23) 7(N14) 4(N01)#
3. x , 3(N14)
4. M367#? , 1(N51) 2(N23)
5. M101#? , 3(N23) 6(N14) 3(N01)
6. M417~h# , 2(N23) 3(N01)#
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 26, 137 (P008825) 2294489
&P008825 = MDP 26, 137
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M210~d ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. |M260+1(N24)|# , 1(N01)
3. M354 , 5(N01)
4. M009~a |M260+1(N24)| , 1(N01)
5. M354 , 1(N01)
6. M388 , 2(N01)
7. x , 1(N01)
8. M354 , 5(N01)
@column 1
1. M297 , 2(N39B) 1(N24) 2(N30D)
MDP 17, 189 + 336 (P008387) 2294490
M050~k4 only appears a few times in words list
M050~k4 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008387 = MDP 17, 189 + 336
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M175+M136| ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M380 M266~b# M263 , 1(N01)
3. M387~ef , [...]
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] , 2(N30C)
5'. M010~2# , 1(N30C)
6'. M387~a# M002 , 1(N30C@b)?
$ n lines broken
7'. M294~a M050~k4 , 2(N30C)
8'. M036 , 1(N24) 1(N30C)#
$ n lines broken
9'. x , 1(N30C)
10'. M387~a# M346 M081 , 1(N01)
@column 1
1. [...] , 1(N39B) 2(N30C)
$ (scribal design 1 = SDxxx)
MDP 26, 381 (P009069) 2294492
&P009069 = MDP 26, 381
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x , 1(N14)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 17, 010 (P008208) 2294493
ATF: Syntax error at line 15 col 7: $ seal
|M157~a+M342| only appears a few times in words list
M145~c only appears a few times in words list
|M157+M059| only appears a few times in words list
|M157~a+M342| only appears a few times in signs list
M145~c only appears a few times in signs list
|M157+M059| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008208 = MDP 17, 010
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. |M157~a+M342|# M032 , 2(N01)
2'. M145~c , 1(N39B)
3'. M206~fa# , 3(N14)
4'. M158# M032 , 2(N01)
5'. M206~fa , 3(N14)
6'. |M157+M059| |M305+M342|#?
#tr.en: (subscript)
$ blank
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PES0163 = PES0992
MDP 26, 440 (P009128) 2294494
M111~c only appears a few times in words list
M264~d2 only appears a few times in words list
M111~c only appears a few times in signs list
M264~d2 only appears a few times in signs list
&P009128 = MDP 26, 440
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M111~c ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M157~a M297~b , 2(N39B) 1(N24)
3. M264~d2 , 1(N01)
4. M346 , 5(N01)
5. x , 2(N30C) 1(N30D)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
TCL 32, 114 (P368598) 2294495
&P368598 = PETF 1, 115
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] M220 , 1(N14) [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] , 1(N14) [...]
$ rest broken
@column 01
@column 1
1. [...] , [...] 3(N01) [...]
MDP 17, 367 (P008565) 2294496
&P008565 = MDP 17, 367
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x , [...]
$ rest broken
$ broken
MDP 17, 190 (P008388) 2294497
M375~i only appears a few times in words list
M375~i only appears a few times in signs list
&P008388 = MDP 17, 190
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M375~i , 5(N01)
2. M210~d , 1(N01)
TCL 32, 038 (P368514) 2294498
M295~la only appears a few times in words list
M329~a only appears a few times in words list
|M009+M320| only appears a few times in words list
M295~la only appears a few times in signs list
M329~a only appears a few times in signs list
|M009+M320| only appears a few times in signs list
&P368514 = PETF 1, 038
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , [...] 1(N01)#
2'. x , 1(N01)#
3'. M295~la#? M223# , 1(N01)#
4'. x [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
5'. [...] x M059# M329~a , 1(N01)#
6'. [...] , 2(N01)
7'. M305# x |M009+M320|
$ n lines broken
8'. [...] x , 2(N01)#
9'. x , 1(N01)#
10'. M387~c x M387# , 2(N01)#
11'. x [...] , [...]
$ rest broken
@column 01
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x , [...]
$ n lines broken
2'. x x M388# M332# x [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. M263 M377~e M099# M262# , 1(N01)
4'. M369 , 2(N01)
$ n lines broken
$ rest broken
Kadmos 24, 008 fig. 4 (P009463) 2294499
&P009463 = M-1152
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x ,
2. M125# M009 , 7(N01)
3. x M125 M009# , 1(N14)#
4. |M036+1(N14)| M125 M009# , 1(N14)
@column 1
1. M009 , 2(N14) 7(N01)
MDP 17, 124 (P008322) 2294500
M054~b only appears a few times in words list
M252~l only appears a few times in words list
M383~a only appears a few times in words list
M106~b only appears a few times in words list
|M157~a+M367| only appears a few times in words list
M193~f only appears a few times in words list
M134~a only appears a few times in words list
M059~b only appears a few times in words list
M151~e only appears a few times in words list
M059~b only appears a few times in words list
M193~f only appears a few times in words list
M378 only appears a few times in words list
M383~k only appears a few times in words list
M368~c only appears a few times in words list
M074~b only appears a few times in words list
M316~q only appears a few times in words list
M054~b only appears a few times in signs list
M252~l only appears a few times in signs list
M383~a only appears a few times in signs list
M106~b only appears a few times in signs list
|M157~a+M367| only appears a few times in signs list
M193~f only appears a few times in signs list
M134~a only appears a few times in signs list
M059~b only appears a few times in signs list
M151~e only appears a few times in signs list
M059~b only appears a few times in signs list
M193~f only appears a few times in signs list
M378 only appears a few times in signs list
M383~k only appears a few times in signs list
M368~c only appears a few times in signs list
M074~b only appears a few times in signs list
M316~q only appears a few times in signs list
&P008322 = MDP 17, 124
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M327+M342| ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M054~b , 4(N14)
3. M328~b , 2(N14)# 4(N01)# [...]
4. [...] , [...]
5. [...] , 3(N01)
6. M252~l M054~i M059~d , 1(N14) 2(N01)
7. M136~i , 1(N14) 2(N01)
8. M383~a# , [...]
9. [...] , [...]
10. [...] M106~b , 1(N01)
11. M101 , 1(N14) 4(N01)
12. M418~b , 7(N01)
13. |M157~a+M367| , 1(N14) 6(N01)
14. x , [...]
15. [...] , [...]
16. [...] M342# M006 , 1(N01)
17. M158 , 8(N01)
18. M105~a , 1(N01)
19. M387~h M367 , 9(N01)
20. M054~i M006 , 6(N01)#
21. M001# M367# , 6(N01)#
22. M136~i , 4(N01)
23. M367 M193~f , 2(N01)
24. M134~a , 3(N01)
25. M325~d , 2(N01)
26. M059~b# , 7(N01)#?
27. M105~a , 1(N01)
28. M151~e M059~b , 3(N01)
29. M367 M105~a , 1(N01)
30. M348 , 1(N01)
31. M304 M006 , 3(N01)
32. M328~b M059~d , 2(N14) [...] 1(N01)# [...]
33. [...] , [...]
34. M136# , 2(N14) 2(N01)
35. M003# , 1(N14) 4(N01)#
36. M193~f , 1(N01)
37. M325 M378 , 1(N01)
38. M210 , 1(N14) 4(N01)
39. M105~a , 1(N01)
40. M003 , 8(N01)#
41. M054~i# , 1(N14)# 7(N01)#
42. M105~a , 1(N01)
43. M003# , 6(N01)#
44. M105~a , 2(N01)
45. M365 , 3(N01)
46. M003 , 2(N01)
47. M383~k 8(N01)#
48. M368~c , 6(N01)
49. M003 , 3(N01)
50. M105~a , 1(N01)
51. M074~b M316~q , 1(N01)
MDP 26, 206 (P008894) 2294501
M248~g only appears a few times in words list
M248~g only appears a few times in signs list
&P008894 = MDP 26, 206
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M052~a , 7(N01)
2. M248~g , 1(N14) 4(N01)#
$ n lines broken
3'. M081 , 3(N01)
4'. M003~b , 8(N01)
5'. M175# , 2(N01)#
$ n lines broken
6'. M387~c , 1(N14)
7'. M001 , 3(N01)
8'. M373 , 2(N14) 2(N01)
9'. M054# , [...]
$ n lines broken
10'. M305# , 6(N01)
11'. M361~a , 1(N01)
12'. M365 , 4(N01)#
$ n lines broken
13. M072 , 5(N01)
14. M124 M388 , [...]
$ rest broken
$ broken ?
MDP 06, 352 (P008134) 2294502
M288~c only appears a few times in words list
M288~c only appears a few times in signs list
&P008134 = MDP 06, 352
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157# ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. |M195+M038| M388 M288~c M218#? M218 M288 , 2(N45)# 3(N01)#
3. M131~e#
#tr.en: (subscript)
MDP 26S, 4773 (P009211) 2294503
ATF: Syntax error at line 11 col 7: $ seal
&P009211 = MDP 26S, 4773
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157~a ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M340 M054 M388 , 5(N01)#
3. M288# , 2(N01)# 2(N39B) 1(N24)
4. M388 M387 M221 |M153+M342|
#tr.en: (subscript)
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PES329
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PES329
1. 1(N34)
MDP 17, 275 (P008473) 2294504
M346~1 only appears a few times in words list
M346~1 only appears a few times in words list
M346~1 only appears a few times in words list
M346~1 only appears a few times in signs list
M346~1 only appears a few times in signs list
M346~1 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008473 = MDP 17, 275
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , 3(N14) 4(N01)#
#tr.en: 34 x
$ n lines broken
3'. M367#? , 2(N14) 3(N01)#
#tr.en: 23 billy goats?
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] , [...] 5(N14)# 8(N01)
#tr.en: 58
5'. M346~1# , 1(N23) 3(N14) 9(N01)
#tr.en: 139 female sheep?
$ n lines broken
6'. [...] , 1(N14)# 4(N01)#
#tr.en: 14 x
7'. M346~1 , 1(N23) 8(N14)
#tr.en: 180 female sheep?
$ n lines broken
8'. [...] , [...] 6(N14)#
#tr.en: 60 x
$ rest broken
@column 1
1. x M362 , 1(N51) 2(N23)# [...]
#tr.en: belonging to x +1200 nanny goats
$ n lines broken
2'. M346~1 , 4(N23)# [...]
#tr.en: +400 female sheep?
$ n lines broken
3'. M006 , [...]
#tr.en: x rams
$ rest broken
MDP 26, 083 (P008771) 2294505
M030~g only appears a few times in words list
M030~g only appears a few times in signs list
&P008771 = MDP 26, 083
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M305 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. x , 2(N14)
3. x , [...]
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] M030~g? , 3(N14) 6(N01)
$ n lines broken
5'. [...] , 3(N01)
$ n lines broken
6'. x , 2(N01)#
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. M288#? , 3(N14) 3(N01)#
1. 2(N01)
MDP 26, 441 (P009129) 2294506
M072~a only appears a few times in words list
M072~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P009129 = MDP 26, 441
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x ,
2. M305 M354 , 2(N14) 4(N01)
3. M354 , 1(N34)
4. M354# , 1(N14@b) 2(N1@b)
5. 1(N14)
6. M265~f# , 1(N30C)#
7. x , 1(N01)
8. M263~a , 1(N01)
9. M072~a? , 2(N30C)
10. 1(N24@b)
@column 1
1. [...] , 1(N39B)# 1(N24) 1(N30C) 1(N30D) 2(N39B@b) 1(N24@b) 2(N30C@b) 1(N30C@b)
MDP 17, 012 (P008210) 2294507
&P008210 = MDP 17, 012
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x ,
2. M195~d? , 2(N14)
3. x , 1(N14) 1(N01)
4. M387~l , 1(N14)
5. M122 , 1(N14)
6. x , 3(N01)
@column 1
1. x , 5(N14) 1(N01)
MDP 31, 002 (P009341) 2294508
&P009341 = MDP 31, 002
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x , 9(N01)
2. x , 1(N01)
3. M001 , 9(N01)
4. [...] , 9(N01)
5. M033 , 1(N01)
6. M001 , 8(N01)
7. M033 , 1(N01)
8. [...] , 9(N01)
9. M033# , 1(N01)#
10. M001 , 9(N01)
11. M033 , 1(N01)
12. M001# , 6(N01)#
13. [...] , 1(N01)
14. M001 , 1(N14)
15. M006 , 5(N01)
16. M033 , 5(N01)
@column 1
1. x , 5(N14) 6(N01)
2. M106~a , 3(N01)
3. M033 , 4(N01)
4. M354#? , 1(N34) 3(N14)
5. M260#? , 1(N14) 1(N01)
6. M354#? , 4(N14)#
TCL 32, 039 (P368515) 2294509
&P368515 = PETF 1, 039
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , [...] 1(N01)#
3. [...] M056~f# M288 , [...]
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] , [...] 1(N01)# [...]
$ rest broken
@column 01
@column 1
1. M391 , 2(N01)# [...]
$ rest broken
MDP 17, 368 (P008566) 2294510
&P008566 = MDP 17, 368
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , 1(N01)
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] M110 , 1(N01)
3'. M370# , 2(N01)
4'. M072 , [...]
$ n lines broken
5'. M387 M009 M371 , 1(N01)
6'. M370 , 1(N01)
7'. M066? M001#? M376#? , [...]
$ n lines broken
8'. x , 1(N01)
9'. M370#? , 1(N01)
10'. M145~a M377 x M371 , [...]
$ n lines broken
11'. [...] , 3(N01)?
$ rest broken
$ broken ?
TCL 32, 115 (P368599) 2294511
&P368599 = PETF 1, 116
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , [...] 1(N01)
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] , [...] 3(N01)
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] , [...] 3(N01)#
$ rest broken
$ broken
NMI BK — ? (P009471) 2294512
ATF: Parsing failed on line 5 near character 1
&P009471 = M-1475
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
MDP 17, 276 (P008474) 2294513
&P008474 = MDP 17, 276
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ broken
@column 1
1. M362 , 6(N23) 4(N14) 5(N01)
#tr.en: 645 nanny goats
2. M346 , 1(N23) 6(N14)# [...]
#tr.en: +160 female sheep
3. [...] , [...]
4. M006 , 7(N14)# 5(N01)#
#tr.en: 75 rams
5. M362#? , 1(N23)# [...]
#tr.en: +100 nanny goats?
$ rest broken
MDP 17, 191 (P008389) 2294514
ATF: Syntax error at line 23 col 7: $ seal
&P008389 = MDP 17, 191
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M384~ab M362 , 4(N14) 7(N01)
#tr.en: 47 nanny goats (belonging to) x
2. M367 , 8(N01)
#tr.en: 8 billy goats
3. M346 , 6(N01)#
#tr.en: 6 female sheep
4. [M006] , [6(N01)?]
#tr.en: 6 male sheep
5. M362~a , 1(N14)
#tr.en: 10 female kids
6. M367~a# , 2(N01)#
#tr.en: 2 male kids
7. [M346~a] , [1(N01)]
#tr.en: 1 female lamb
8. [M006@g] , [1(N01)]
#tr.en: 1 male lamb
$ blank
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PES222
MDP 26, 138 (P008826) 2294515
M209~a only appears a few times in words list
M209~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P008826 = MDP 26, 138
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M209~a ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M304 M354 , 1(N14)
3. M111 M354 , 3(N01)
4. M383 M354 , 1(N14) 1(N14@b)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 26S, 4776 (P009213) 2294516
M213~b does not appear in words list
M249~c only appears a few times in words list
M075~ab only appears a few times in words list
M213~b does not appear in signs list
M249~c only appears a few times in signs list
M075~ab only appears a few times in signs list
&P009213 = MDP 26S, 4776
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M005~a# M213~b M346 , 2(N01)
3. M005~a x [...] , [2(N01)]
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] , 2(N01)
5'. M249~c M001 , 2(N01)
6'. M131# M388# [...] , 2(N01)
$ n lines broken
7'. [...] M388 M260~1 M260~1 , 2(N01)
8'. M075~ab [...]
$ rest broken
@column 1
1. [M346] , [...] 2(N01)
1. 2(N01)
MDP 06, 353 (P008135) 2294517
M259~2 only appears a few times in words list
M338~a only appears a few times in words list
M145~d only appears a few times in words list
M259~2 only appears a few times in signs list
M338~a only appears a few times in signs list
M145~d only appears a few times in signs list
&P008135 = MDP 06, 353
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M305 M388 M218 M259~2 M371 M033 M066 M346 , 3(N01)
#tr.en: 3 female sheep belonging to x
3. M103~3 M371 M386~a M338~a M346 , 2(N01)
#tr.en: 2 female sheep belonging to x
5. M145~d M103~3 M145~a M097~h M004 M218 M346 , 2(N01)
#tr.en: 2 female sheep belonging to x
6. M009 M103~3 M146 M066 M096 M346 , 2(N01)
#tr.en: 2 female sheep belonging to x
7. M103~3 M387 M048~c M320 M346 , 2(N01)
#tr.en: 2 female sheep belonging to x
8. M209~d M346 , 1(N01)
#tr.en: 1 female sheep belonging to x
9. M124 M325~e M218#? M038~e#? M346 , 1(N01)
#tr.en: 1 female sheep belonging to x
@column 1
1. M346 , 1(N14) 3(N01)
#tr.en: (total) 13 female sheep
2. M131~e M001
#tr.en: (subscript)
1. 1(N34)
MDP 17, 125 (P008323) 2294518
&P008323 = MDP 17, 125
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157# ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M387 M266~b# M261~b1 , 3(N01)
3. M263~a , 2(N01)
4. M387~ef [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
5'. M387 M260~1# , 1(N01)
6'. M263 , 4(N01)
7'. |M175+M136| M266~b M261~b1 , 2(N01)#
$ n lines broken
8'. M261~b1 , 1(N01)
$ rest broken
$ broken
MDP 26, 442 (P009130) 2294519
M151~d only appears a few times in words list
M289 only appears a few times in words list
M151~d only appears a few times in signs list
M289 only appears a few times in signs list
&P009130 = MDP 26, 442
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M059 , 3(N14)
2. M220 , 2(N14) 3(N01)
3. |M136+X| , 4(N14) 3(N01)
4. M210~g , 4(N14) 3(N01)
5. M054 , 1(N14) 2(N01)
6. x , 2(N14) 3(N01)
7. x , 1(N14) 3(N01)
8. M009 , 1(N14) 3(N01)
9. M243 , 3(N01)
10. M219 , 1(N14) 3(N01)
11. M151~d , 1(N14) 3(N01)
@column 1
1. M289 , 2(N45) 6(N01)
Kadmos 24, 008 fig. 4 (P009468) 2294520
M152~e only appears a few times in words list
M374~a only appears a few times in words list
M152~e only appears a few times in signs list
M374~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P009468 = M-1469
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M054# , 4(N01)
2. x M260~1# , 2(N01)
3. x , 4(N01)
4. M001 , 1(N01)
5. M152~e , 1(N01)
6. M374~a , 1(N01)
7. M125~a , 4(N01)
MDP 17, 013 (P008211) 2294521
ATF: Syntax error at line 10 col 7: $ seal
&P008211 = MDP 17, 013
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. |M195+M057|# x M288 , 1(N14@b)#?
$ blank
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PES0104
MDP 26, 382 (P009070) 2294522
M152~g only appears a few times in words list
M152~g only appears a few times in signs list
&P009070 = MDP 26, 382
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M152~g , 1(N14)
2. M122? , 1(N14)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 26, 207 (P008895) 2294523
M314~g only appears a few times in words list
M314~g only appears a few times in signs list
&P008895 = MDP 26, 207
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x ,
2. x , 2(N01)
3. x , 2(N01)
4. x , 1(N14)
5. x , 1(N01)
6. x , 2(N01)
7. x , 3(N14)
8. x x M314~g x , 1(N01)
9. x , 1(N01)
@column 1
1. M297~b , 6(N14) 3(N01)
TCL 32, 040 (P368516) 2294524
M1 only appears a few times in words list
M1 only appears a few times in signs list
&P368516 = PETF 1, 040
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] , 1(N30C)#
3'. x , 1(N39B)
4'. x , 1(N30C)
$ n lines broken
5'. [...] , 1(N39B) 1(N24)
6'. M371 , 1(N39B)
7'. x
$ n lines broken
8'. M1 x
$ blank
MDP 17, 369 (P008567) 2294525
&P008567 = MDP 17, 369
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M157+X| ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M388 M009 M387 x [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. M388# M066 M352~n [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] , 4(N1@b) 1(N24@b)
$ n lines broken
5'. M124#? x , [...]
$ rest broken
$ broken ?
TCL 32, 117 (P368601) 2294526
&P368601 = PETF 1, 118
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M001#? M305# M388# M218# x [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] M305 M388 M218 |M218+M101|# [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] x M218 , 1(N24) 2(N30C)
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] , 2(N30C)#
5'. M388# , 1(N01)#?
$ rest broken
@column 01
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , [...] 1(N30C)#
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] , [...] 2(N30C)# 1(N30D)#
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] , [...] 1(N30C)# 1(N30D)
4'. M136~c# M218#? , 1(N30C)# [...]
$ n lines broken
5'. x x , [...]
$ rest broken
MDP 17, 192 (P008390) 2294527
&P008390 = MDP 17, 192
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M376# , 1(N14) 1(N01)#
2'. M124# , 1(N14)#? [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] M124# M374~c M124 , 1(N14) 3(N01)#
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] , [...] 3(N01)#
5'. M376 , 3(N01)# 1(N08A)
@column 1
1. M374~c , 1(N01)
2. M376 M203~a , [...]
$ rest broken
MDP 26S, 4777 (P009214) 2294528
M321~c only appears a few times in words list
M205~g only appears a few times in words list
M321~c only appears a few times in signs list
M205~g only appears a few times in signs list
&P009214 = MDP 26S, 4777
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M292# M380~b M309~d M321~c M376 , [...]
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] M376# , 4(N01)
3'. M205~g x , [...]
@column 1
1. M376 , 1(N14) 7(N01)
MDP 17, 277 (P008475) 2294529
M362~b only appears a few times in words list
M362~b only appears a few times in signs list
&P008475 = MDP 17, 277
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
@column 1
1. M362 M362~b , 1(N23) 5(N14) 2(N01)
2. M346 M346~a , 3(N23)# [...]
MDP 26, 139 (P008827) 2294530
M382~c only appears a few times in words list
M382~c only appears a few times in signs list
&P008827 = MDP 26, 139
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x ,
2. x , 5(N01)#
3. M153 , 2(N01)
4. M081 , [...]
5. M122# , 2(N01)
6. M003~b , 3(N01)#
7. M003~b , 2(N01)
8. M382~c x , [...]
9. x M099# , 2(N01)
10. M346 , 5(N01)
11. M124 M009 , 1(N01)
@column 1
1. x , 2(N14) 3(N01)
2. x , 2(N01)
3. M009 , 1(N01)
4. [...] , 1(N01)
5. M304 , 4(N01)
MDP 06, 354 (P008136) 2294531
M259~1 only appears a few times in words list
M295~c only appears a few times in words list
M259~1 only appears a few times in signs list
M295~c only appears a few times in signs list
&P008136 = MDP 06, 354
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M388 M096 x M009 M259~1 M218# M288 , 1(N14)
3. M352~n M066# , 1(N14)#?
4. M048~i M218 M219 , 1(N14)
5. M219 M387 M218 , 3(N14)
6. M057~a M240 M386~a M240 , 3(N14)
7. M080~a M066 , 3(N14)
8. M218 M295~c#? M218 , 2(N14)
9. M097~f? M218~b#? M250~ba M263 , 2(N14)
@column 1
1. M288#? , 1(N45)# 6(N14)
NMI BK — ? (P009473) 2294532
&P009473 = M-1477
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. 1(N30D@b)
MDP 26, 084 (P008772) 2294533
&P008772 = MDP 26, 084
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M305 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. x , 5(N14) 8(N01)
3. M288 , 3(N14) 5(N01) 1(N39B)
4. M061 M054 , 9(N01)
5. M288 , 4(N01)# 2(N39B) 1(N24)
@column 1
1. M054 , 6(N14) 6(N01)# 3(N39B) 1(N24)
MDP 26, 443 (P009131) 2294534
&P009131 = MDP 26, 443
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M059 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M288 , 3(N34) 1(N14) 2(N01)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 17, 014 (P008212) 2294535
&P008212 = MDP 17, 014
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M327+X| ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M157 M374~c#? M387 M376 , 5(N01) 1(N08A)#?
3. M203~c M376 , 2(N01)
MDP 31, 003 (P009342) 2294536
ATF: Syntax error at line 12 col 7: $ seal
&P009342 = MDP 31, 003
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. x , 8(N14) 4(N01)
3. M096~d , 4(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N24)#
4. x , 5(N01)#
@column 1
1. x M288#? , 1(N45) 2(N01) n
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PESxxxx
MDP 17, 370 (P008568) 2294537
|M288+M376| only appears a few times in words list
|M288+M376| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008568 = MDP 17, 370
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. |M288+M376| , 1(N45) [...]
$ rest broken
$ broken
MDP 26, 208 (P008896) 2294538
&P008896 = MDP 26, 208
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M388 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M386 x M219# x , 2(N01)
3. M240 x x , 3(N01)#
4. [...] , 3(N01)
5. x M218 , 2(N01)
6. x , 2(N01)#
7. M218# , [...]
8. [...] , 1(N01)
9. x x , 2(N01)
@column 1
1. x , 2(N14) 4(N01)
TCL 32, 116 (P368602) 2294539
|M347+M038~a| only appears a few times in words list
|M347+M038~a| only appears a few times in signs list
&P368602 = PETF 1, 117
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , [...] 5(N01)
2'. x M372 [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] M057 , 7(N01)
4'. M377~e M347 [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
5'. [...] , 1(N14)
6'. M347 |M347+M038~a| M057 [...] , [...]
@column 01
@column 1
$ blank
MDP 17, 193 (P008391) 2294540
&P008391 = MDP 17, 193
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M317# , 1(N14) 2(N01)#
2'. x x , [...]
3'. M054# , [...]
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] , 1(N14) 5(N01)
5'. M003~b , 3(N01)
6'. M054 , 2(N14) [...]
$ n lines broken
7'. [...] M066~a#? M317 , 1(N14) 2(N01)#
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1. M373# , 2(N01)# [...]
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. x? , 8(N01)#
TCL 32, 041 (P368517) 2294541
M050~p only appears a few times in words list
M050~p only appears a few times in signs list
&P368517 = PETF 1, 041
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] M379# , 1(N30C)# [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. M387 M264~a , 1(N01)
4'. M263 , 2(N01)#
$ n lines broken
5'. M264~a , 1(N01)
6'. M263# , 2(N01)
7'. M297# , 2(N39B)# [...]
$ rest broken
@column 01
@column 1
1. M379 , 1(N30C) 1(N30D)
2. M010 M379 , 1(N30C) 1(N30D)#
$ n lines broken
3'. M050~p# , 2(N30C)
4'. M106~a , 1(N30D)
5'. M387 [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
6'. [...] , 2(N30C) 1(N30C@b)#
$ rest broken
MDP 26, 383 (P009071) 2294542
&P009071 = MDP 26, 383
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x ,
2. x , 1(N14) 1(N01)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 06, 355 (P008137) 2294543
&P008137 = MDP 06, 355
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M005~a ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M305 M388 M240 M097~h# M004 M218 M263 , 1(N01)
3. |M036+1(N30D)| , 5(N01)
4. M305 M388# M128# M128# M096 M263~e , 1(N01)
5. |M036+1(N30D)| , 5(N01)
6. M009~a M305 M388 M217 M035 M066# M263~e , 1(N01)
7. |M036+1(N14)| , 5(N01)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 26S, 4779 (P009216) 2294544
|M153+M106| only appears a few times in words list
|M153+M106| only appears a few times in signs list
&P009216 = MDP 26S, 4779
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. |M153+M106|#? M081 M346 M036 M297# , 4(N01)#
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] , 3(N39B)#
3'. M387~ef# x M297 , 2(N01)
$ rest broken
$ broken ?
MDP 17, 126 (P008324) 2294545
&P008324 = MDP 17, 126
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x M056~f M288 , 1(N14)# 4(N01)
2'. M032 M386~a# M218# x [...] , [...]
$ rest broken
@column 1
1. [...] , 5(N14)# 1(N01)
MDP 17, 278 (P008476) 2294546
M328~c only appears a few times in words list
M328~c only appears a few times in signs list
&P008476 = MDP 17, 278
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , 1(N14)
2'. x x M106# , 1(N24) 1(N30D)
3'. x M388 M242~b x , 1(N14)#
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] , 2(N39B)
5'. x x x , 1(N01)
6'. x M371#? M388#? x M218 x , 1(N39B)# 2(N30C)#?
$ n lines broken
7'. [...] , 2(N01)# 1(N39B) 2(N30C)?
8'. M146#? M305# M387#? , 4(N14) 2(N01) 1(N39B) 2(N30C)# 1(N30D)#
$ n lines broken
9'. [...] x M296 , 4(N14) 2(N39B) 1(N30D)#?
10'. M210#? , 3(N14) 3(N39B)# [...]
11'. [...] , 1(N01) 3(N39B)
$ n lines broken
12'. x x , 2(N01) 1(N39B) 1(N24) 1(N30D)
13'. M305# , 2(N39B)# 1(N24)#
14'. x , 2(N01) 2(N39B)
$ n lines broken
15'. [...] , 2(N01)# 2(N39B) 1(N24)
16'. M377# M054 , 1(N14)# 2(N39B) 1(N24)
$ n lines broken
17'. M328~c# x [...] , [...]
$ rest broken
$ broken ?
MDP 26, 444 (P009132) 2294547
&P009132 = MDP 26, 444
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M059 , 5(N14)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 06, 201 (P008001) 2294548
M321~j only appears a few times in words list
M039~b only appears a few times in words list
M321~j only appears a few times in signs list
M039~b only appears a few times in signs list
&P008001 = MDP 06, 201
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157# ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M319 M032 , 1(N14) 7(N01)#
3. M321~j# , 1(N01)
4. M321#? , 2(N01)
5. M005 , 4(N01)
6. M376 , 1(N34) 3(N01) 1(N08)
7. M310#? M376 , 1(N14) 9(N01)
8. M149~a , 9(N01)
9. M381#? M149~a , 2(N01)
10. M218 M039~b? ,
#tr.en: (subscript)
$ blank
MDP 17, 015 (P008213) 2294549
ATF: Syntax error at line 10 col 7: $ seal
M324~c only appears a few times in words list
M324~c only appears a few times in signs list
&P008213 = MDP 17, 015
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157~a# ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M324~c M001 M288 , 1(N14)
$ blank
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PESxxxx
NMI BK — ? (P009474) 2294550
&P009474 = M-1478
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. 1(N01)
MDP 17, 371 (P008569) 2294551
&P008569 = MDP 17, 371
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. M297~d , 1(N01)
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] , [...]
$ rest broken
$ broken
MDP 26, 140 (P008828) 2294552
&P008828 = MDP 26, 140
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M208 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M054 , 4(N01)
$ rest broken
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 26, 209 (P008897) 2294553
ATF: Syntax error at line 10 col 7: $ seal
&P008897 = MDP 26, 209
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M126 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M288 , 3(N01) 1(N39B) 2(N30C)
$ blank
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PESxxxx
MDP 17, 194 (P008392) 2294554
M503 only appears a few times in words list
M251~c2 only appears a few times in words list
M503 only appears a few times in signs list
M251~c2 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008392 = MDP 17, 194
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M503 x [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] x , 1(N01)
3'. M251~c2 M009 M371 , 1(N01)
$ rest broken
$ broken
TCL 32, 042 (P368518) 2294556
&P368518 = PETF 1, 042
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , [...] 2(N01)#
3. M038~i , 1(N45) 4(N14)# [...]
4. [...] , [...]
5. [...] x x M388 M288#? , [...]
6. [...] , [...]
@column 01
@column 1
MDP 26S, 4780 (P009217) 2294557
M375~e only appears a few times in words list
M375~e only appears a few times in signs list
&P009217 = MDP 26S, 4780
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. M195 M387 M375~e M376 , 1(N14)
$ rest broken
$ broken
MDP 17, 279 (P008477) 2294558
M131~d only appears a few times in words list
M254 only appears a few times in words list
M311 only appears a few times in words list
M131~d only appears a few times in signs list
M254 only appears a few times in signs list
M311 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008477 = MDP 17, 279
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M066 M096# , 3(N01)
2'. M203~c M066 M352~o# M131~d# [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] , 2(N01)#
4. M388 M315 M263~1 M297 , 2(N01)
5'. x x [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
6'. [...] |M296+M296| M096 , 2(N01)
7'. M254# M352~n M218#? [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
8'. [...] x M371# , 1(N01)
9'. M124 M057 M099 M371 , 1(N01)
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M240# M096 , 3(N01)#
2'. x , 3(N01)
3'. M311 M314 [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] , 2(N39B)# 1(N24)
5'. M066 [...] M218 M066 , 2(N39B)
@column 2
1. [...] , 9(N14)# 1(N39B) 1(N24)
MDP 06, 356 (P008138) 2294559
M312~f only appears a few times in words list
|M343~h+M354| only appears a few times in words list
|M039~ca+1(N30D)| only appears a few times in words list
|M039~c+1(N30D)| only appears a few times in words list
M103~1 only appears a few times in words list
M312~f only appears a few times in signs list
|M343~h+M354| only appears a few times in signs list
|M039~ca+1(N30D)| only appears a few times in signs list
|M039~c+1(N30D)| only appears a few times in signs list
M103~1 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008138 = MDP 06, 356
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157# ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. |M195+M057|# M149~a M320 x M312~f x M297~b# , 5(N01)
3. |M343~h+M354| M305 M388 M347 M097~h M004 M218 M263 , 1(N01)
4. |M039~ca+1(N30D)| , 5(N01)
5. M066 M259# M332~d M218 M263~b , 1(N01)
6. |M039~c+1(N30D)| , 5(N01)
7. M103~1 M111~a#? M263~b , 1(N01)
8. M036 , 5(N01)
@column 1
1. M297#? , 5(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N24) 2(N30C)#
MDP 26, 445 (P009133) 2294560
M076~e only appears a few times in words list
M479 only appears a few times in words list
M076~e only appears a few times in signs list
M479 only appears a few times in signs list
&P009133 = MDP 26, 445
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M076~e ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M479 , 1(N34) 5(N01)
3. [...] , 5(N23)
$ blank?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 26, 085 (P008773) 2294561
M302~j only appears a few times in words list
M209~d1 only appears a few times in words list
M209~d1 only appears a few times in words list
M302~j only appears a few times in signs list
M209~d1 only appears a few times in signs list
M209~d1 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008773 = MDP 26, 085
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M305 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. x M302~j , 1(N34)
3. M059 , [...]
4. M209~d1 x , 2(N14)
5. M051~a , 3(N14) 2(N01)#
6. M209~d1 x , 6(N01)
7. M145# M124 , 1(N01)
8. x , [...]
9. |M136+X| x , 2(N14)
10. x , 2(N14)
@column 1
1. [...] , 3(N14) 8(N01)
1. 1(N34)?
MDP 17, 016 (P008214) 2294562
ATF: Syntax error at line 15 col 7: $ seal
M357 only appears a few times in words list
M357 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008214 = MDP 17, 016
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M005~a x M259 M341 [...] M288 , 1(N14)
3. M157 M001 x M325~e , 2(N01)#
4. M357 M388 M262 M347 M371 , 1(N01)
5. M218
#tr.en: (subscript)
@column 1
1. [...] , [...] 1(N14) 3(N01)
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PES0125
MDP 26, 384 (P009072) 2294563
&P009072 = MDP 26, 384
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M036 , 2(N01)
2. [...] , 4(N1@b)
$ broken?
MDP 17, 195 (P008393) 2294564
M056~g only appears a few times in words list
M056~g only appears a few times in signs list
&P008393 = MDP 17, 195
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M288 , 4(N14)
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] x M390 M218 , 2(N01)
@column 1
1. M056~g M288 , 4(N14)# [...]
MDP 17, 127 (P008325) 2294565
&P008325 = MDP 17, 127
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157#? ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M005~a# M056~e M288 , 2(N45) 1(N14) 3(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N24)
$ blank
MDP 17, 372 (P008570) 2294566
&P008570 = MDP 17, 372
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] , [...] 2(N30C)#
2. x , [...]
MDP 31, 004 (P009343) 2294567
ATF: Syntax error at line 52 col 7: $ seal
M048~g only appears a few times in words list
M217~ea only appears a few times in words list
M034~a only appears a few times in words list
|M127+M127| only appears a few times in words list
M149~g only appears a few times in words list
M295~i only appears a few times in words list
M317~b only appears a few times in words list
M295~a only appears a few times in words list
M048~g only appears a few times in signs list
M217~ea only appears a few times in signs list
M034~a only appears a few times in signs list
|M127+M127| only appears a few times in signs list
M149~g only appears a few times in signs list
M295~i only appears a few times in signs list
M317~b only appears a few times in signs list
M295~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P009343 = MDP 31, 004
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [x x x M288 , 2(N01)]
2'. M376# , 1(N08A)
3'. M124# [x M288] , 2(N01)#
4'. M376 , 1(N08A)
5'. |M175+M288| M048~g M110~b M288#? , 2(N01)
6'. M376# , 1(N08A)#
7'. M124#? [...] M149~a M288 , 2(N01)
8'. M376 , 1(N08A)
9'. M217~ea M032 M096~1 M066 M288# , 2(N01)
10'. M376# , 1(N08A)
11'. M309~d x x [...] M288 , 2(N01)
12'. M367~i , 1(N01)
13'. M124 M034~a M218 M288 , 2(N01)
14'. M367~i , 1(N01)
15'. M149~a2 M352~s M371 M288# , 2(N01)
16'. M376 , 1(N08A)
17'. x x M288 , 2(N01)
18'. M376 , 1(N08A)
19'. M097~h? |M127+M127| M057~a2 M149~g M288# , 2(N01)
20'. M376# , 1(N08A)
21'. M066 M262? M096~1 M149~a2 M288 , 2(N01)#
22'. M376 , 1(N08A)
23'. M218 M295~i M149~a2 M288 , 2(N01)
24'. M376# , 1(N08A)#
25'. [x] x M288# , 2(N01)
26'. M376# , 1(N08A)#
27'. x x x M288 , 2(N01)#
28'. M376# , 1(N08A)
29'. M371# x [M288] , [2(N01)]
30'. [M376 , 1(N08A)]
31'. [x x M288 , 2(N01)]
32'. [M376 , 1(N08A)]
33'. [x x M288 , 2(N01)]
34'. M367~i# , 1(N01)#
35'. x M371 M029~a#? M288 , 2(N01)
@column 1
1. M376# , 1(N08A)
2. M317~b M207 M057~a4 M288 , 4(N01)
3. M367~i# , 1(N01)#
4. M124 M207# M295~a M371 M288 , 2(N01)
5. M367~i , 1(N01)
6. M210~d M388 M263 M347? M371 M288 , 2(N01)
7. M367~i# , 1(N01)#
8. M147~d M124 M029~b M096~1 M288 , 2(N01)
9. M376 , 1(N08A)
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PES0993
@column 2
10. M288# , 7(N14) 2(N01)
11. M376 , 8(N01)
12. M367~i , 5(N01)# [...]
MDP 06, 202 (P008002) 2294568
|M305+M111~c| only appears a few times in words list
|M002+M379| only appears a few times in words list
|M305+M324~c| only appears a few times in words list
|M305+M111~c| only appears a few times in signs list
|M002+M379| only appears a few times in signs list
|M305+M324~c| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008002 = MDP 06, 202
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M175+M288| ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. |M305+M111~c| M264~a , 3(N01)
3. M263~b# [...] , [...]
4. |M002+M379| , 3(N39B) 2(N30C)
5. |M305+M324~c| M264~a# , 2(N01)
6. M263~b , 2(N01)
7. M297~b , 2(N39B) 2(N30C)
8. M054#? M264~a , 2(N01)
9. M297 , 1(N39B)
@column 1
1. [... M297] , [n] 1(N24) 1(N30C)
1. 1(N34)#
NMI BK — ? (P009475) 2294569
&P009475 = M-1480
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. x M036 , 1(N14)
TCL 32, 119 (P368604) 2294570
&P368604 = PETF 1, 120
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. M158#? x M218# M035# M004 M218 , 1(N01)#
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] M136~b# |M157+X| , 3(N14)# 1(N01)# 1(N39B)# [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] x , 1(N01)#
$ rest broken
@column 01
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] M009 , 2(N14)# 2(N01)# 1(N39B)#? [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] , [...] 2(N30C)#
4'. M175# [...] , [...]
$ rest broken
MDP 26S, 4782 (P009219) 2294571
&P009219 = MDP 26S, 4782
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157~a ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M387~a M036 , 1(N39B) 1(N30C)#?
3. M387# M036# , 1(N39B) 1(N30C)
4. M387~ef M036 , 1(N39B) 1(N30C)
5. |M260~1+1(N24)|# , 1(N01)
@column 1
1. M288 , 3(N39B) 1(N24)
1. 1(N34)
MDP 26, 141 (P008829) 2294572
&P008829 = MDP 26, 141
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M384~ab ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M059 M153# M346# , 6(N14)
$ n lines broken
3'. x M006# , 3(N01)#
4'. M341# , [...]
$ rest broken
@column 1
1. [...] , 6(N14)# n
MDP 26, 210 (P008898) 2294573
ATF: Syntax error at line 30 col 7: $ seal
M009~e only appears a few times in words list
M009~f only appears a few times in words list
M012 only appears a few times in words list
M032~a only appears a few times in words list
M375 only appears a few times in words list
M018 only appears a few times in words list
M032~a only appears a few times in words list
M009~e only appears a few times in signs list
M009~f only appears a few times in signs list
M012 only appears a few times in signs list
M032~a only appears a few times in signs list
M375 only appears a few times in signs list
M018 only appears a few times in signs list
M032~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P008898 = MDP 26, 210
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , 1(N14)
2'. M009~e , 8(N01)
3'. M009~f , 1(N14) 3(N01)
4'. x , 1(N14)
$ n lines broken
5'. [...] , 2(N01)
6'. M269~a M012 , 8(N01)
7'. M009 , 4(N14)
$ n lines broken
8'. [...] , 1(N14) 3(N01)
9'. M032~a , 2(N14)
10'. M032 , 2(N34)
$ n lines broken
11'. [...] M375# M032# , 2(N01)
12'. x , 2(N14) 4(N01)
13'. x , [...]
$ n lines broken
14'. [...] , 1(N01)
15'. x , 1(N01)
16'. M262 , 7(N01)
@column 1
1. M018 , 3(N34) 1(N14) [...]
2. M032~a , 3(N34) 3(N01)
$ seal 1
# seal 1 = PESxxxx
TCL 32, 043 (P368519) 2294574
&P368519 = PETF 1, 043
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] M048~e#? M288 , 1(N14)#
2'. |M175?+M153|# [...] , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. [...] , [...] 2(N01)
4'. M048~e M288 , 1(N14)
5'. M125#? [...] , [...]
$ rest broken
@column 01
@column 1
$ broken
MDP 17, 281 (P008479) 2294575
M278~e only appears a few times in words list
M195~m only appears a few times in words list
M152 only appears a few times in words list
M278~e only appears a few times in signs list
M195~m only appears a few times in signs list
M152 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008479 = MDP 17, 281
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. [...] x ,
2. M001 M259 M218# M278~e , 1(N01)
3. M195~m M220 M218 x [...] , 1(N01)
4. M152 M097~h# M387 M387 M377 M295# M096#? M066 , 1(N01)
5. |M296+M296|# M263~1 x M096 [...] , 1(N01)
6. M066~a M057 , 1(N01)
7. M263~1#? x [...] M066~a , 1(N01)
@column 1
1. [...] , 6(N01)
MDP 06, 357 (P008139) 2294576
M152 only appears a few times in words list
M152 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008139 = MDP 06, 357
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M157 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. |M195+M057| |M305+X|? M264~a , 2(N01)
3. M263 , 3(N01)
4. M387 M376#? , 2(N01)
5. M263# , 1(N01)
6. M002 , 2(N30C)
7. M305 M388 M066 M259 M218 M263~e , 1(N01)#
8. M136~c# x M388 M152 M057~a2 M260 , 1(N01)
9. M036#? , 2(N01)
@column 1
1. M260#? , 1(N01)#? 2(N39B)#?
1. 1(N34)#?
MDP 17, 017 (P008215) 2294577
M059~a only appears a few times in words list
M214 only appears a few times in words list
M075~o! only appears a few times in words list
M059~a only appears a few times in signs list
M214 only appears a few times in signs list
M075~o! only appears a few times in signs list
&P008215 = MDP 17, 017
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. |M327+M342|
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. |M136+M365|# x ,
3.a. |M351+3(N01)| M075~m , 1(N39B)
3.b. M075~k , 1(N39B)
3.c. M075~o , 1(N39B)
4.a. M059~a M075~m , 1(N39B)
4.b. M075~k , 1(N39B)
4.c. M075~o , 1(N39B)
5.a. M387~l# M075~m , 1(N39B)
5.b. M075~k , 1(N39B)
5.c. M075~o# , 1(N39B)
6.a. M286 M214#? M075~m# , 1(N39B)#
6.b. M075~k# , 1(N39B)#
6.c. M075~o , 1(N39B)
7.a. M009~a M075~m# , 1(N39B)
7.b. M075~k# , 1(N39B)
7.c. M075~o! , 1(N39B)
@column 1
1. M075~m# M075~k# , 2(N01)
2. M075~o , 1(N01)
MDP 26, 446 (P009134) 2294578
M076~e only appears a few times in words list
M076~e only appears a few times in signs list
&P009134 = MDP 26, 446
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M076~e , 4(N14) 2(N01)
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 17, 196 (P008394) 2294579
&P008394 = MDP 17, 196
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ broken
@column 1
1. M309~d , 5(N14)
2. M387~ef M263 , 2(N01)
1. 1(N34)
MDP 17, 373 (P008571) 2294580
&P008571 = MDP 17, 373
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] , 3(N39B) 2(N30C@b)?
2'. x , [...]
$ n lines broken
3'. x , 3(N39B) 1(N24) 1(N24@b)? 2(N30C@b)#?
$ n lines broken
4'. [...] , 1(N24)
5'. x , [...]
$ rest broken
$ broken
MDP 26, 385 (P009073) 2294583
3(N1@b) only appears a few times in words list
3(N1@b) only appears a few times in signs list
&P009073 = MDP 26, 385
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M036 , 1(N45)
$ n lines broken
2'. [...] , 3(N1@b) 1(N39B@b) 1(N24@b)
$ rest broken
$ blank ?
$ blank space
# sic?
MDP 26, 086 (P008774) 2294595
M361~b only appears a few times in words list
M361~b only appears a few times in signs list
&P008774 = MDP 26, 086
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1. M305 ,
#tr.en: (header)
# header
2. M346 , 3(N23) 4(N01)
3. M346 , 4(N14) 6(N01)
4. M361~b#?
#tr.en: (subscript)
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