approved by CDLI
Atf update submitted by Englund, Robert K. on 2017-06-20 at 21:08:46 with credits to Alivernini, Sergio;
Artifact | Revision | Changes |
CDLB 2017/001 6 (P202113) | 2289397 |
a-sza3-mah only appears a few times in words list
&P202113 = CDLB 2017/001 6 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. 1(u)# 9(asz)# 3(barig) 1(ban2) sze gur lugal #tr.en: 19 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 barley, (according to the) royal (measure), 2. ki ur-{d}da-mu-ta #tr.en: from Ur-Damu; 3. 2(u) 1(asz) 2(barig) 4(ban2) ki ur-{d}lamma dumu lu2-{d}suen-ta #tr.en: 21 gur 2 barig 4 ban2 from Ur-Lamma, son of Lu-Suen; $ blank space 4. szunigin 4(u) 1(asz) 5(ban2) sze! gur #tr.en: total: 41 gur 5 ban2 barley; 5. sza3-bi-ta #tr.en: therefrom: 6. 6(bur3) 1(esze3) 5(iku) GAN2 1(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2)-ta #tr.en: 6 bur3 1 eše3 5 iku surface area (sowed with) 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 each (bur3); 7. 3(bur3) 1(esze3) 3(iku) 1/4(iku) GAN2 1(asz) 3(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3-ta #tr.en: 3 bur3 1 eše3 3 1/4 iku surface area (sowed with) 1 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 each (bur3); 8. 1(bur'u) 2(bur3) 2(esze3) 3(iku) GAN2 1(asz) 4(barig)-ta #tr.en: 1 bur’u, 2 bur3 2 eše3 3 iku surface area (sowed with) 1 gur 4 barig each (bur3). 9. sze-bi 3(u) 8(asz) 4(barig) 4(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 gur #tr.en: the barley: 38 gur 4 barig 4 1/3 sila; 10. mu-kux(DU) #tr.en: delivery; @reverse 1. lu2-x-[...] x #tr.en: Lu-..., 2. da-da [dumu ur]-gu#-la #tr.en: Dada, son of Ur-gula; $ blank space 3. a-sza3-mah #tr.en: Great-Field; 4. nig2-ka9-ak #tr.en: running account, $ blank space 5. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal #tr.en: year: “Amar-Suen is king.” |
CDLB 2017/001 2 (P319075) | 2289398 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 50 col 9: $ blank line
a2-pa5 only appears a few times in words list
pirig-tur-gin7-DU-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
u2-sag11 only appears a few times in words list
a-gesztin-na-ka only appears a few times in words list
ki-sumun-na only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-DAR-a only appears a few times in words list
&P319075 = CDLB 2017/001 2 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 1. a2-pa5 na-ba-sa2-ta #tr.en: From the side of the Nabasacanal: 2. 1(gesz2) 3(u) ninda gid2 1(disz) kusz3 dagal 1(disz) kusz3 sukud #tr.en: 90 ninda the length, 1 cubit the width, 1 cubit the height, 3. a-sza3 7(disz) 1/2(disz) sar #tr.en: the volume 7 1/2 sar; 4. 1(gesz2)# ninda# gid2 1(disz) kusz3 dagal 2(disz) kusz3 sukud #tr.en: 60 ninda the length, 1 cubit the width, 2 cubits the height, 5. a-sza3 2(u) sar #tr.en: the volume: 20 sar; 6. a-pi4-sal4 x [...] #tr.en: Apisal ...; $ rest broken @column 2 1. 2(u) [...] #tr.en: 20 ... 2. a-sza3 [...] #tr.en: the volume ... 3. 1(u) 2(disz) x [...] #tr.en: 12 ... 4. a [...] #tr.en: ... 5. a# [...] #tr.en: ... $ rest broken @reverse @column 1 $ beginning broken 1'. [...] #tr.en: ... 2'. n [...] #tr.en: n ... 3'. n [...] #tr.en: n ... 4'. a2 [...-ta] #tr.en: from the side of ... @column 2 $ beginning broken 1'. 5(u) 5(disz) ninda gid2 1(disz)# kusz3# [dagal] 1(disz) kusz3 sukud# #tr.en: 55 nindan the length, 1 cubit the width, 1 cubit the height; 2'. a-sza3 4(disz) 1/2(disz) sar 5(disz) gin2 #tr.en: the volume 4 1/2 sar, 5 shekels. 3'. e a-sza3 pirig-tur-gin7-DU-sze3 #tr.en: For a levee in the field Pirigtur-gin-DU $ blank line 4'. szunigin 8(gesz2) 5(u) ninda gid2 #tr.en: Total: 530 ninda the length. 5'. szunigin 1(gesz2) 5(u) 8(disz) 1/2(disz) sar kin sahar u3# u2-sag11 #tr.en: Total: 118 1/2 sar the activity for earth work and reed bundle for barges 6'. e a-sza3 lugal-mu10-us2-sa2 gaba a-gesztin-na-ka #tr.en: The levee of the Lugal-mussa field that is in front of A-geštin field 7'. e ki-sumun-na gid2-da #tr.en: has been measured up to the levee of plot with poor soil?; 8'. ugula sanga {d}dumu-zi u3 sanga {d}nin-DAR-a #tr.en: the foremen (are) the chief adminstrator of (the temple of) Dumuzi and the chief administrator of (the temple of) Nin-DARa. @left 1. mu gu-za {d}en-lil2-la2 ba-[dim2] #tr.en: Year: The throne of Enlil was fashioned |