Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Englund, Robert K. on 2016-10-13 at 12:14:33 with credits to Englund, Robert K.

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 004 (P217645) 2269077
pa-nam2-MAR only appears a few times in words list
|GA2x(SAL.ME)| only appears a few times in words list
|SAGxX| only appears a few times in words list
|GA2xGAR| only appears a few times in words list
enkum only appears a few times in words list
ninkum only appears a few times in words list
...-nar only appears a few times in words list
...-balag only appears a few times in words list
...-szu12 only appears a few times in words list
e2-pa only appears a few times in words list
sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|) only appears a few times in words list
{d}sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|) only appears a few times in words list
GAN2-en only appears a few times in words list
tar only appears a few times in words list
pa-gu2 only appears a few times in words list
pa-du6 only appears a few times in words list
hursag only appears a few times in words list
tidimx(|PA.SZA6|) only appears a few times in words list
luhszu only appears a few times in words list
hub2 only appears a few times in words list
|ALANxGAN2@t| only appears a few times in words list
|MUSZ&KAK&MUSZ| only appears a few times in words list
pa-dur only appears a few times in words list
pa-uruda only appears a few times in words list
mes-kesz2 only appears a few times in words list
|GA2x(SAL.ME)| only appears a few times in signs list
|SAGxX| only appears a few times in signs list
|GA2xGAR| only appears a few times in signs list
enkum only appears a few times in signs list
ninkum only appears a few times in signs list
hursag only appears a few times in signs list
tidimx(|PA.SZA6|) only appears a few times in signs list
luhszu only appears a few times in signs list
|ALANxGAN2@t| only appears a few times in signs list
|MUSZ&KAK&MUSZ| only appears a few times in signs list
&P217645 = CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 004
#atf: lang sux
@object prism
@surface a
@column 1
1. nameszda#
>>Q000003 001
2. nam2-tuku
>>Q000003 002
3. nam2-di
>>Q000003 003
4. nam2-umusz
>>Q000003 004
5. nam2-iri#
>>Q000003 005
6. [nam2]-szesz#?
6. [...]-szesz#?
>>Q000003 006
7. ukur2
>>Q000003 007
8. nam2-engar
>>Q000003 008
9. szuszx(|SZE.NAM2|)
>>Q000003 009
10. pa-nam2-MAR
>>Q000003 010
11. esz3 iszib
>>Q000003 011
12. gal |BADxDISZ@t|
>>Q000003 012
13. en IB
>>Q000003 013
14. gal szita
>>Q000003 014
15. abgal
>>Q000003 015
16. kingal#
>>Q000003 016
17. tiru#
>>Q000003 017
18. [...]
>>Q000003 018
@column 2
1. gal [...]
>>Q000003 019
2. gal [...]
>>Q000003 020
3. tug2 x
>>Q000003 021
4. szandana
>>Q000003 022
5. gal kisal
>>Q000003 023
6. gal sila4#
>>Q000003 024
7. gal szab
>>Q000003 025
8. gid2 szab
>>Q000003 026
9. gal nesag
>>Q000003 027
10. gal |NUN.LAGAR|
>>Q000003 028
11. gal simug2
>>Q000003 029
12. sanga simug2
>>Q000003 031
13. adkin? simug2
>>Q000003 030
14. esz3 ku3-simug2
>>Q000003 032
15. gal ku3-simug2
>>Q000003 033
16. gal ak
>>Q000003 034
17. gal im
>>Q000003 035
18. tur# im
>>Q000003 036
@column 3
1. [...]
>>Q000003 037
2. [...]
>>Q000003 038
3. [...]
>>Q000003 039
4. [...]
>>Q000003 040
5. gal [...]
>>Q000003 041
6. [...]
>>Q000003 043
7. gal |GA2x(SAL.ME)|
>>Q000003 042
8. gal [...]
>>Q000003 044
9. gal tag#
>>Q000003 045
10. gal# sanga
>>Q000003 046
11. sanga mes
>>Q000003 047
12. sa12-du5
>>Q000003 048
13. |SAGxX|
>>Q000003 049
14. DUB2
>>Q000003 050
15. dam abgal
>>Q000003 051
16. GAN2@t me
>>Q000003 053
17. szu12 abgal
>>Q000003 052
18. nun |GA2xGAR|
>>Q000003 054
@column 4
1. [...]
>>Q000003 055
2. [...]
>>Q000003 056
3. [...]
>>Q000003 057
4. [...]
>>Q000003 058
5. [...]
>>Q000003 059
6. [...]
>>Q000003 060
7. [...]
>>Q000003 061
8. [...]
>>Q000003 062
9. SIG7 nimgir#
>>Q000003 063
10. enkum#
>>Q000003 064
11. ninkum#?
>>Q000003 065
12. gal suhur
>>Q000003 067
13. sanga suhur
>>Q000003 066
14. apin mar
>>Q000003 068
15. BU-nun
>>Q000003 069
16. sanga BU-nun
>>Q000003 070
17. sanga nun
>>Q000003 071
18. gal tuku
>>Q000003 072
@column 5
1. [...]
>>Q000003 073
2. [...]
>>Q000003 074
3. [...]
>>Q000003 075
4. [...]
>>Q000003 076
5. [...]-nar#
>>Q000003 077
6. [...]-balag
>>Q000003 078
7. [...]-szu12#
>>Q000003 079
8. [...]
>>Q000003 080
9. x-[...]
>>Q000003 081
10. e2-pa enkux(ZAG)#
>>Q000003 082
11. dilmun enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 083
12. gal sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|) enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 085
13. {d}sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|) enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 084
14. idigna enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 086
15. gal du6
>>Q000003 087
16. kur du6
>>Q000003 088
17. par4 du6
>>Q000003 089
18. ba-KU du6
>>Q000003 090
@column 6
1. [...]
>>Q000003 091
2. [gal] unu3#
2. [...] unu3#
>>Q000003 092
3. GAN2-en unu3
>>Q000003 093
4. tar#? unu3
>>Q000003 094
5. gal pa-gu2
>>Q000003 095
6. gal kuruszda#
>>Q000003 096
7. gal? kuruszda
>>Q000003 097
8. uszumgal#
>>Q000003 098
9. [...] udu
>>Q000003 099
10. [...] ab2-udu
>>Q000003 100
11. gal# pa-du6 ab2-udu
>>Q000003 101
12. gal nagar
>>Q000003 102
13. gal du5
>>Q000003 103
14. gal aszgab
>>Q000003 104
15. gal zadim{za}
>>Q000003 105
16. gal simug
>>Q000003 106
17. gal dim
>>Q000003 107
18. gal e2
>>Q000003 108
@column 7
1. [...]
>>Q000003 109
2. [...]
>>Q000003 110
3. gal gurusz#
>>Q000003 111
4. gal musz
>>Q000003 112
5. gal munu4
>>Q000003 113
6. gal sanga
>>Q000003 114
7. gal sanga GAN2
>>Q000003 115
8. gal hursag#
>>Q000003 116
9. gal ti
>>Q000003 117
10. gal tidimx(|PA.SZA6|)
>>Q000003 118
11. gal luhszu
>>Q000003 119
12. gal hub2
>>Q000003 120
13. gal |ALANxGAN2@t|
>>Q000003 122
14. gal |MUSZ&KAK&MUSZ|
>>Q000003 121
15. gal pa-dur
>>Q000003 124
16. gal pa-uruda
>>Q000003 123
17. gal bahar3
>>Q000003 125
18. gal mes-kesz2
>>Q000003 126
19. gal e2
>>Q000003 127
20. kid#
>>Q000003 128
21. gal kid
>>Q000003 129
@surface b
$ beginning broken
1'. x [...]
>>Q000003 colophon
2'. lu2 x [...]
>>Q000003 colophon
3'. dub-sar#?
>>Q000003 colophon
4. dumu da-da#
>>Q000003 colophon
5'. te [x]
5'. te [...]
>>Q000003 colophon
CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 005 (P218302) 2269078
pa-nam2-szita3 only appears a few times in words list
lagar-bad only appears a few times in words list
gid2-szab only appears a few times in words list
|GA2xX|-... only appears a few times in words list
|GA2xERIN2|-me only appears a few times in words list
pa-du6 only appears a few times in words list
hursag only appears a few times in words list
|MUSZ&MUSZ| only appears a few times in words list
|GA2xERIN2| only appears a few times in signs list
hursag only appears a few times in signs list
|MUSZ&MUSZ| only appears a few times in signs list
&P218302 = CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 005
#atf: lang sux
@object prism
@surface a
@column 1
1. nameszda
>>Q000003 001
2. nam2-tuku
>>Q000003 002
3. nam2-di
>>Q000003 003
4. nam2-umusz
>>Q000003 004
5. nam2-iri
>>Q000003 005
6. nam2-szesz2
>>Q000003 006
7. ukur2
>>Q000003 007
8. nam2-engar
>>Q000003 008
9. szuszx(|SZE.NAM2|)
>>Q000003 009
10. pa-nam2-szita3
>>Q000003 010
11. esz3 iszib
>>Q000003 011
12. gal lagar-bad
>>Q000003 012
13. en IB
>>Q000003 013
14. gal szita
>>Q000003 014
15. abgal
>>Q000003 015
16. kingal
>>Q000003 016
17. tiru
>>Q000003 017
18. gal sukkal
>>Q000003 018
19. gada sukkal
>>Q000003 019
@column 2
1. gal ga#?
>>Q000003 020
2. tug2 ga?
>>Q000003 021
3. szandana
>>Q000003 022
4. gal kisal
>>Q000003 023
5. gal sila4#
>>Q000003 024
6. gal szab
>>Q000003 025
7. gid2-szab
>>Q000003 026
8. gal nesag
>>Q000003 027
9. gal |NUN.LAGAR|
>>Q000003 028
10. gal simug2
>>Q000003 029
11. adkin simug2
>>Q000003 030
12. sanga simug2
>>Q000003 031
13. esz3 ku3-simug2
>>Q000003 032
14. gal ku3-simug2
>>Q000003 033
15. gal ak
>>Q000003 034
16. gal im#
>>Q000003 035
17. tur im#
>>Q000003 036
18. gal [...]
>>Q000003 037
19. gal [...]
>>Q000003 038
@column 3
1. [...]
>>Q000003 039
2. gal |GA2xX|#-[...]
>>Q000003 040
3. gal |GA2xGAR|-me#
>>Q000003 041
4. gal |GA2xSAL|-me#
>>Q000003 042
5. gal |GA2xERIN2|-me#
>>Q000003 043
6. gal szusz3#
>>Q000003 044
7. gal tag
>>Q000003 045
8. gal sanga#
>>Q000003 046
9. mes sanga#
>>Q000003 047
10. sa12-du5#
>>Q000003 048
11. |SAGxX|#
>>Q000003 049
$ rest broken
# traces
@column 4
1. [...]
>>Q000003 058
1. [...]
>>Q000003 059
3. engiz#
>>Q000003 060
4. endib#
>>Q000003 061
5. gal# nimgir
>>Q000003 062
6. SIG7# nimgir
>>Q000003 063
7. enkum#
>>Q000003 064
8. ninkum#
>>Q000003 065
@column 5
1. [...] nar
>>Q000003 077
2. [...] balag
>>Q000003 078
3. gal szu12
>>Q000003 079
4. gal enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 080
5. nesag enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 081
6. e2?-pa enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 082
7. dilmun enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 083
8. {d}sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|) enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 084
9. sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|)# enkux(ZAG)#
>>Q000003 085
@column 6
1. gal kuruszda#
>>Q000003 096
2. sanga kuruszda
>>Q000003 097
3. uszumgal
>>Q000003 098
4. gal ab2-udu
>>Q000003 099
5. lagar ab2-udu
>>Q000003 100
6. gal pa-du6 ab2-udu
>>Q000003 101
7. gal nagar
>>Q000003 102
8. gal du5
>>Q000003 103
9. gal# aszgab
>>Q000003 104
@column 7
1. [...] sanga#-GAN2?
>>Q000003 115
2. [...] hursag
>>Q000003 116
3. gal ti
>>Q000003 117
4. gal# tidimx(|PA.SZA6|)
>>Q000003 118
5. gal luhszu
>>Q000003 119
6. gal hub2
>>Q000003 120
7. gal |MUSZ&MUSZ|?
>>Q000003 121
8. gal tak4-alan
>>Q000003 122
9. gal pa-uruda
>>Q000003 123
10. [...]-dur
>>Q000003 124
11. [...] bahar2#
>>Q000003 125
12. [...] kesz2#
>>Q000003 126
13. [...] e2#
>>Q000003 127
14. kid#
>>Q000003 128
15. [...] kid#
>>Q000003 129
@surface b
$ beginning broken
# missing colophon
CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 008 (P227723) 2269079
ATF: Parsing failed on line 9 near character 8
ATF: Parsing failed on line 11 near character 11
ATF: Parsing failed on line 13 near character 12
ATF: Parsing failed on line 15 near character 8
ATF: Parsing failed on line 17 near character 9
ATF: Parsing failed on line 19 near character 11
ATF: Parsing failed on line 21 near character 13
ATF: Parsing failed on line 23 near character 10
ATF: Parsing failed on line 25 near character 10
ATF: Parsing failed on line 30 near character 7
ATF: Parsing failed on line 32 near character 7
ATF: Parsing failed on line 34 near character 7
ATF: Parsing failed on line 36 near character 7
ATF: Parsing failed on line 38 near character 7
ATF: Parsing failed on line 40 near character 7
ATF: Parsing failed on line 42 near character 7
ATF: Parsing failed on line 44 near character 7
ATF: Parsing failed on line 46 near character 7
endib only appears a few times in words list
SIG7 only appears a few times in words list
enkum only appears a few times in words list
ninkum only appears a few times in words list
apin-... only appears a few times in words list
apin-x-... only appears a few times in words list
BU-nun only appears a few times in words list
nu-un-na-... only appears a few times in words list
en-ku3-gal only appears a few times in words list
en-ku3-nesag-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
en-ku3-da-kalam-ma only appears a few times in words list
en-ku3-dilmun-na only appears a few times in words list
en-ku3-u2-si4-na only appears a few times in words list
en-ku3-ba-asz-ti only appears a few times in words list
en-ku3-idigna only appears a few times in words list
...-ab-gal only appears a few times in words list
...-par4 only appears a few times in words list
endib only appears a few times in signs list
enkum only appears a few times in signs list
ninkum only appears a few times in signs list
&P227723 = CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 008
#atf: lang sux
$ broken
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. endib# %syl [...]
>>Q000003 061
2'. gal [nimgir] %syl [...]
2'. gal [...] %syl [...]
>>Q000003 062
3'. SIG7 [nimgir] %syl [...]
3'. SIG7 [...] %syl [...]
>>Q000003 063
4'. enkum# %syl [...]
>>Q000003 064
5'. ninkum# %syl [...]
>>Q000003 065
6'. gal suhur %syl x-[...]
>>Q000003 067
7'. apin# suhur %syl apin-[...]
>>Q000003 066
8'. mar apin %syl apin-x-[...]
>>Q000003 068
9'. BU#-nun# %syl nu#-un#-na#-[...]
>>Q000003 069
$ rest broken
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. [gal enkux(ZAG)] %syl en-ku3-gal
1'. [...] %syl en-ku3-gal
>>Q000003 080
2'. [nesag enkux(ZAG)] %syl en-ku3-nesag-ga2
2'. [...] %syl en-ku3-nesag-ga2
>>Q000003 081
3'. [pa-dag enkux(ZAG)] %syl en-ku3-da-kalam-ma
3'. [...] %syl en-ku3-da-kalam-ma
>>Q000003 082
4'. [dilmun enkux(ZAG)] %syl en-ku3-dilmun-na
4'. [...] %syl en-ku3-dilmun-na
>>Q000003 083
5'. [{d}sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|) enkux(ZAG)] %syl en-ku3-u2-si4-na
5'. [...] %syl en-ku3-u2-si4-na
>>Q000003 084
6'. [sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|) enkux(ZAG)] %syl en-ku3-ba-asz-ti
6'. [...] %syl en-ku3-ba-asz-ti
>>Q000003 085
7'. [idigna enkux(ZAG)] %syl en#-ku3-idigna
7'. [...] %syl en#-ku3-idigna
>>Q000003 086
8'. [gal labx(DU6)] %syl [la]-ab#-gal
8'. [...] %syl [...]-ab#-gal
>>Q000003 087
9'. [par4 labx(DU6)] %syl [la-ab]-par4
9'. [...] %syl [...]-par4
>>Q000003 088
$ rest broken
$ broken
CDLI Lexical 000002, ex. 191 (P000723) 2269080
ATF: Parsing failed on line 5 near character 3
GISZGAL only appears a few times in words list
GISZGAL only appears a few times in signs list
&P000723 = CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 010
#atf: lang qpc
$ all entries preceded by 1(N01)
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. 1(N01) , [...] |1(N58).BAD~a|#
>>Q000003 012
2'. 1(N01) , EN~a# IB~a
1'. [...] |1(N58).BAD~a|#
>>Q000002 012
2'. EN~a# IB~a
>>Q000002 013
3'. 1(N01) , [...]
3'. [...]
>>Q000002 014
$ rest broken
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. 1(N01) , GADA~a SUKKAL
>>Q000002 019
2'. 1(N01) , GAL~a GARA2~a
2'. GAL~a GARA2~a
>>Q000002 020
3'. 1(N01) , TUG2~a GARA2~a
3'. TUG2~a GARA2~a
>>Q000002 021
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. 1(N01) , [...]
1'. [...]
>>Q000002 038
2'. 1(N01) , GAL~a GISZGAL
>>Q000002 039
3'. 1(N01) , GAL~a |ZATU737xDI|
3'. GAL~a |ZATU737xDI|
>>Q000002 040
4'. 1(N01) , SANGA~a |ZATU737xX|
4'. SANGA~a |ZATU737xX|
>>Q000002 041
5'. 1(N01) , SANGA~a# |ZATU737xX|#
5'. SANGA~a# |ZATU737xX|#
>>Q000002 042
$ rest broken
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. 1(N01) , ZATU725#?
1'. ZATU725#?
>>Q000002 051
2'. 1(N01) , DAM#?
2'. DAM#?
>>Q000002 052
$ rest broken
CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 011 (P020642) 2269081
szuszx(|SZE.NAM2|) only appears a few times in words list
pa-nam2-szita3 only appears a few times in words list
|BADxDISZ@t| only appears a few times in words list
tiru only appears a few times in words list
szuszx(|SZE.NAM2|) only appears a few times in signs list
|BADxDISZ@t| only appears a few times in signs list
tiru only appears a few times in signs list
&P020642 = CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 011
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. szuszx(|SZE.NAM2|)
>>Q000003 009
2'. pa-nam2-szita3#
>>Q000003 010
3'. esz3 iszib
>>Q000003 011
4'. gal |BADxDISZ@t|
>>Q000003 012
5'. en IB
>>Q000003 013
6. gal szita
>>Q000003 014
7. abgal
>>Q000003 015
8. kingal
>>Q000003 016
9. tiru#
>>Q000003 017
10. [gal] sukkal
10. [...] sukkal
>>Q000003 018
$ rest broken
$ blank space
$ rest broken
1. [...] x na4 x ti |KAxX| na# [x]
1. [...] x na4 x ti |KAxX| na# [...]
>>Q000003 colophon
CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 012 (P010714) 2269082
...-umusz only appears a few times in words list
nam2-engar only appears a few times in words list
PA-NAM2-x only appears a few times in words list
|BADxDISZ| only appears a few times in words list
kingal! only appears a few times in words list
|BADxDISZ| only appears a few times in signs list
kingal! only appears a few times in signs list
&P010714 = CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 012
#atf: lang sux
$ (all entries preceded by 1(u@c) )
@column 1
1. [...]
>>Q000003 001
2. [...]
>>Q000003 002
3. [...]
>>Q000003 003
4. [nam2]-umusz#
4. [...]-umusz#
>>Q000003 004
5. [nam2]-iri#
5. [...]-iri#
>>Q000003 005
6. [...]
>>Q000003 006
@column 2
1. [...]
>>Q000003 007
2. nam2#-engar#?
>>Q000003 008
3. [...]
>>Q000003 009
4. PA-NAM2-x
>>Q000003 010
5. esz3 iszib
>>Q000003 011
6. gal#? |BADxDISZ|#
>>Q000003 012
@column 3
1. en IB
>>Q000003 013
2. gal szita#
>>Q000003 014
3. abgal#
>>Q000003 015
4. kingal#!
>>Q000003 016
5. tiru#
>>Q000003 017
$ blank space
CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 014 (P010078) 2269083
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 9: nesag? [.
nam2-di only appears a few times in words list
nam2-umusz only appears a few times in words list
nam2-szesz2 only appears a few times in words list
pa-nam2-sud2! only appears a few times in words list
|BADxDISZ@t| only appears a few times in words list
adkin only appears a few times in words list
|UMUMxKASKAL| only appears a few times in words list
szesz2 only appears a few times in words list
|GA2x(DI.ME)| only appears a few times in words list
|GA2x(GAR.ME)| only appears a few times in words list
|GA2x(SAL.ME)| only appears a few times in words list
|GA2x(UD.ME)| only appears a few times in words list
DUB2 only appears a few times in words list
|GA2xGAR.ME| only appears a few times in words list
endib only appears a few times in words list
enkum only appears a few times in words list
ninkum only appears a few times in words list
gal!(APIN) only appears a few times in words list
. does not appear in words list
DAG-... only appears a few times in words list
sud2! only appears a few times in signs list
|BADxDISZ@t| only appears a few times in signs list
adkin only appears a few times in signs list
|UMUMxKASKAL| only appears a few times in signs list
|GA2x(DI.ME)| only appears a few times in signs list
|GA2x(GAR.ME)| only appears a few times in signs list
|GA2x(UD.ME)| only appears a few times in signs list
DUB2 only appears a few times in signs list
|GA2xGAR.ME| only appears a few times in signs list
endib only appears a few times in signs list
enkum only appears a few times in signs list
ninkum only appears a few times in signs list
gal!(APIN) only appears a few times in signs list
. does not appear in signs list
&P010078 = CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 014
#atf: lang sux
$ (all entries preceded by light 1(gesz2@c)
@column 1
1. nameszda
>>Q000003 001
2. nam2-tuku
>>Q000003 002
3. nam2-di
>>Q000003 003
4. nam2-umusz
>>Q000003 004
5. nam2-iri
>>Q000003 005
6. nam2-szesz2
>>Q000003 006
7. ukur2
>>Q000003 007
8. nam2 engar
>>Q000003 008
9. szuszx(|SZE.NAM2|)
>>Q000003 009
10. pa-nam2-sud2!
>>Q000003 010
11. esz3 iszib
>>Q000003 011
12. gal |BADxDISZ@t|
>>Q000003 012
13. en IB
>>Q000003 013
14. gal LAK503b
>>Q000003 014
15. abgal
>>Q000003 015
16. kingal
>>Q000003 016
17. tiru
>>Q000003 017
18. gal sukkal
>>Q000003 018
@column 2
1. gada sukkal
>>Q000003 019
2. gal ga
>>Q000003 020
3. tug2 gara2
>>Q000003 021
4. szandana
>>Q000003 022
5. gal kisal
>>Q000003 023
6. gal sila4
>>Q000003 024
7. gal szab
>>Q000003 025
8. gid2 szab
>>Q000003 026
9. gal nesag
>>Q000003 027
10. gal |NUN.LAGAR|
>>Q000003 028
11. gal umum
>>Q000003 029
12. adkin simug
>>Q000003 030
13. sanga |UMUMxKASKAL|
>>Q000003 031
14. esz3 simug-ku3
>>Q000003 032
15. gal simug-ku3
>>Q000003 033
16. gal ak
>>Q000003 034
17. gal im
>>Q000003 035
18. tur im
>>Q000003 036
@column 3
1. gal sza#
>>Q000003 037
2. gal szesz2#
>>Q000003 038
3. gal geszgal#
>>Q000003 039
4. gal |GA2x(DI.ME)|
>>Q000003 040
5. sanga |GA2x(GAR.ME)|
>>Q000003 041
6. sanga |GA2x(SAL.ME)|
>>Q000003 042
7. sanga |GA2x(UD.ME)|
>>Q000003 043
8. gal ISZ
>>Q000003 044
9. gal TAG
>>Q000003 045
10. gal sanga
>>Q000003 046
11. mes sanga
>>Q000003 047
12. sa12-du5
>>Q000003 048
13. UB sag
>>Q000003 049
14. DUB2
>>Q000003 050
15. dam me
>>Q000003 051
16. abgal szu12
>>Q000003 052
17. GAN2@t me#
>>Q000003 053
18. nun |GA2xGAR.ME|
>>Q000003 054
@column 4
1. [...]
>>Q000003 055
2. arkab2# [gar]
2. arkab2# [...]
>>Q000003 056
3. musz3# [ME]
3. musz3# [...]
>>Q000003 057
4. gal# [...]
>>Q000003 058
5. gal sanga2
>>Q000003 059
6. engiz#
>>Q000003 060
7. endib
>>Q000003 061
8. gal nimgir
>>Q000003 062
9. SIG7 nimgir
>>Q000003 063
10. enkum
>>Q000003 064
11. ninkum
>>Q000003 065
12. sanga suhur
>>Q000003 066
13. gal!(APIN) suhur
>>Q000003 067
14. mar apin
>>Q000003 068
15. BU-nun
>>Q000003 069
16. BU-nun sanga
>>Q000003 070
17. nun sanga#
>>Q000003 071
18. gal tuku
>>Q000003 072
@column 5
$ beginning broken
1'. nesag? [enkux(ZAG)]
1'. nesag? [.]
>>Q000003 081
2'. DAG#-[PA enkux(ZAG)]
2'. DAG#-[...]
>>Q000003 082
3'. dilmun# [enkux(ZAG)]
3'. dilmun# [...]
>>Q000003 083
4'. {d}sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|)# [enkux(ZAG)]
4'. {d}sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|)# [...]
>>Q000003 084
5'. sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|)# [enkux(ZAG)]
5'. sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|)# [...]
>>Q000003 085
6'. idigna# [enkux(ZAG)]
6'. idigna# [...]
>>Q000003 086
7'. gal# [labx(DU6)]
7'. gal# [...]
>>Q000003 087
8'. [...]
>>Q000003 088
9'. [...]
>>Q000003 089
10'. [...]
>>Q000003 090
@column 6
$ broken
$ rest broken
$ blank space
$ (design)
CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 016 (P225903) 2269084
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 7: nam2#!(
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 7: nam2#!(
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 11: pa-nam2#!?(
nam2!(TUG2)-tuku only appears a few times in words list
nam2!(TUG2)-di only appears a few times in words list
nam2!(TUG2)-umusz only appears a few times in words list
nam2!(TUG2)-iri only appears a few times in words list
nam2!(TUG2)-szesz2 only appears a few times in words list
nam2!(TUG2)-engar only appears a few times in words list
pa-nam2!(TUG2)-... only appears a few times in words list
mes-sanga only appears a few times in words list
mar-apin only appears a few times in words list
sanga-BU-nun only appears a few times in words list
sanga-nun only appears a few times in words list
pa-dag only appears a few times in words list
ba-KU only appears a few times in words list
nun-en only appears a few times in words list
du6-pa only appears a few times in words list
|PA+X| only appears a few times in words list
GAN2-sanga only appears a few times in words list
...-|MUSZ&MUSZ| only appears a few times in words list
tak4-... only appears a few times in words list
pa-... only appears a few times in words list
hal-|GU2xKAK| only appears a few times in words list
mes!-kesz2 only appears a few times in words list
|PA+X| only appears a few times in signs list
&P225903 = CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 016
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. nameszda
>>Q000003 001
2. nam2!(TUG2)#-tuku
>>Q000003 002
3. nam2!(TUG2)-di
>>Q000003 003
4. nam2!(TUG2)-umusz#
>>Q000003 004
5. nam2#!(TUG2)-iri#
>>Q000003 005
6. nam2#!(TUG2)-szesz2
>>Q000003 006
7. ukur2#
>>Q000003 007
8. nam2!(TUG2)-engar
>>Q000003 008
9. [...]
>>Q000003 009
10. pa-nam2#!?(TUG2)-[...]
>>Q000003 010
11. esz3# [...]
>>Q000003 011
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. gal kisal#?
>>Q000003 023
2. gal sila4#?
>>Q000003 024
3. gal# szab#?
>>Q000003 025
4. [...] szab#?
>>Q000003 026
$ rest broken
@column 3
1. gal# tag#
>>Q000003 045
2. gal# sanga#
>>Q000003 046
3. mes#-sanga
>>Q000003 047
4. sa12-du5#
>>Q000003 048
5. UB# [...]
>>Q000003 049
$ rest broken
@column 4
1. gal# suhur
>>Q000003 067
2. mar-apin
>>Q000003 068
3. BU-nun
>>Q000003 069
4. sanga#?-BU-nun
>>Q000003 070
5. sanga#?-nun
>>Q000003 071
$ n lines broken
6'. [...] nar#?
>>Q000003 077
# nar = LAK242 or LAK243?
7'. [...] balag
>>Q000003 078
8'. [...] szu12
>>Q000003 079
9'. gal# enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 080
10'. nesag enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 081
11'. pa#?-dag enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 082
12'. dilmun# enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 083
13'. {d}sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|) enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 084
# {d}sugx written sud an pa el
14'. sugx(|SUD.PA.EL|) enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 085
15'. idigna enkux(ZAG)
>>Q000003 086
16'. gal labx(du6)
>>Q000003 087
17'. kur# labx(DU6)#
>>Q000003 088
@column 5
1. kisal labx(DU6)
>>Q000003 089
2. ba-KU labx(du6)
>>Q000003 090
3. TAR labx(du6)
>>Q000003 091
4. gal unu3
>>Q000003 092
5. nun-en unu3
>>Q000003 093
6. TAR# unu3#
>>Q000003 094
$ n lines broken
7'. sanga ab2#-udu#
>>Q000003 099
8'. lagar ab2-udu
>>Q000003 100
9'. gal du6-pa ab2-udu
>>Q000003 101
10'. gal nagar
>>Q000003 102
11'. gal du5
>>Q000003 103
12'. gal aszgab
>>Q000003 104
13'. gal zadim
>>Q000003 105
14'. gal umum
>>Q000003 106
15'. gal |PA+X|
>>Q000003 107
# x looks like LAK544 (=gu2) minus vertical half wedge in right-most element.
16'. gal e2
>>Q000003 108
17'. gal kiri6
>>Q000003 109
18'. gal# USZ#
>>Q000003 110
@column 6
1. gal gurusz
>>Q000003 111
2. gal musz
>>Q000003 112
3. gal munu4
>>Q000003 113
4. gal sanga
>>Q000003 114
5. gal GAN2-sanga#
>>Q000003 115
6. gal [...]
>>Q000003 116
$ n lines broken
7'. gal# [...]-|MUSZ&MUSZ|#
>>Q000003 121
8'. gal tak4#-[...]
>>Q000003 122
9'. gal pa#-[...]
>>Q000003 123
10'. gal hal-|GU2xKAK|#
>>Q000003 124
11'. gal bahar2#
>>Q000003 125
12'. gal mes!?-kesz2#?
>>Q000003 126
13'. gal e2
>>Q000003 127
14'. kid
>>Q000003 128
15'. gal kid
>>Q000003 129
16'. sanga [...]
>>Q000003 colophon
17'. sanga#? [...]
>>Q000003 colophon
$ beginning broken
$ blank space
CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 019 (P218299) 2269085
hursag only appears a few times in words list
tidimx(|PA.SZA6|) only appears a few times in words list
|MUSZ%MUSZ.KAK| only appears a few times in words list
...-alan only appears a few times in words list
tidimx(|PA.SZA6|) only appears a few times in signs list
|MUSZ%MUSZ.KAK| only appears a few times in signs list
&P218299 = CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 019
#atf: lang sux
$ broken
@column 1
1. [...] sanga# [...]
>>Q000003 115
2. [...] hursag#
>>Q000003 116
3. [gal] ti#
3. [...] ti#
>>Q000003 117
4. gal# tidimx(|PA.SZA6|)#
>>Q000003 118
5. gal# luhszu#
>>Q000003 119
6. gal# hub2#
>>Q000003 120
7. [...] |MUSZ%MUSZ.KAK|#
>>Q000003 121
8. [...]-alan#?
>>Q000003 122
$ rest broken
CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 020 (P346719) 2269086
TAR-... only appears a few times in words list
sanga{...-an-da-ga-na}-GAN2 only appears a few times in words list
{hu-ur-sag-gal}hursagx(|PA.DUN3|) only appears a few times in words list
{ti-ti-im-gal}dim only appears a few times in words list
{...-ti-di-im-gal}|PA.SZA6| only appears a few times in words list
{...-usz-hu-um-ni-ir}luhszu only appears a few times in words list
{...-x}hub2 only appears a few times in words list
{x-ku}|MUSZ%MUSZ| only appears a few times in words list
|PA.SZA6| only appears a few times in signs list
&P346719 = CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 020
#atf: lang sux
$ obverse broken
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. gal [...]
>>Q000003 092
2'. en-[...]
>>Q000003 093
3'. TAR#-[...]
>>Q000003 094
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. [gal sanga]{[sa]-an-da#-ga#-na#}-GAN2#
1'. [... sanga]{[...]-an-da#-ga#-na#}-GAN2#
>>Q000003 115
2'. gal {hu#-ur-sag-gal}hursagx(|PA.DUN3|)
>>Q000003 116
3'. [gal] {ti#-ti-im-gal}dim
3'. [...] {ti#-ti-im-gal}dim
>>Q000003 117
4'. [gal] {[x]-ti-di-im-gal}|PA.SZA6|
4'. [...] {[...]-ti-di-im-gal}|PA.SZA6|
>>Q000003 118
5'. [gal] {[lu]-usz-hu-um-ni-ir}luhszu
5'. [...] {[...]-usz-hu-um-ni-ir}luhszu
>>Q000003 119
6'. [gal] {[x-x-x]-x}hub2
6'. [...] {[...]-x}hub2
>>Q000003 120
7'. [gal] {x-ku}|MUSZ%MUSZ|
7'. [...] {x-ku}|MUSZ%MUSZ|
CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 021 (P429533) 2269087
|GA2xDI|-ME only appears a few times in words list
|GA2xGAR|-ME only appears a few times in words list
|GA2xUD|-ME only appears a few times in words list
|GA2xSAL|-ME only appears a few times in words list
ME! only appears a few times in words list
|GA2xGAR| only appears a few times in words list
arkab only appears a few times in words list
|GA2xDI| only appears a few times in signs list
|GA2xUD| only appears a few times in signs list
ME! only appears a few times in signs list
arkab only appears a few times in signs list
&P429533 = CDLI Lexical 000003, ex. 021
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. nesag gal
>>Q000003 027
2. [gal] |NUN.LAGAR|#
2. [...] |NUN.LAGAR|#
>>Q000003 028
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. gal |GA2xDI|-ME
>>Q000003 040
2. sanga |GA2xGAR|-ME
>>Q000003 041
3. sanga |GA2xUD|-ME
>>Q000003 043
4. sanga |GA2xSAL|-ME
>>Q000003 042
5. gal ISZ
>>Q000003 044
6. gal# TAG
>>Q000003 045
$ rest broken
@column 3
1. GAN2@t#? ME!
>>Q000003 053
2. abgal |GA2xGAR|
>>Q000003 054
3. arkab?
>>Q000003 055
4. arkab2 GAR
>>Q000003 056
5. musz3 ME
>>Q000003 057
>>Q000003 058
$ rest broken
@column 4
1. sanga# suhur#
>>Q000003 066
2. gal suhur
>>Q000003 067
3. mar apin
>>Q000003 068
4. BU-nun
>>Q000003 069
5. sanga BU-nun
>>Q000003 070
6. NUN sanga#
>>Q000003 071
$ rest broken
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