Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Englund, Robert K. on 2016-07-13 at 18:40:45 with credits to Englund, Robert K.

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
CDLI Literary Descent of Ishtar (composite) (P497322) 2261077
ATF: Unknown error
nu-gi4-a only appears a few times in words list
munus{d}3(u) does not appear in words list
e-t,e-e only appears a few times in words list
{d}ir-kal-la only appears a few times in words list
e-ri-bu-szu2 only appears a few times in words list
a-lak-ta-sza2 only appears a few times in words list
e-ri-bu-szu2 only appears a few times in words list
zu-um-mu-u2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-u2-ra only appears a few times in words list
bu-bu-us-su-nu only appears a few times in words list
a-kal-szu-nu only appears a few times in words list
t,i-it,-t,u only appears a few times in words list
e-t,u-t,i only appears a few times in words list
lab-szu-ma only appears a few times in words list
is,-s,ur-ri only appears a few times in words list
sza2-bu-uh only appears a few times in words list
ep-ru only appears a few times in words list
ka-sza2-di-sza2 only appears a few times in words list
ba-a-bi only appears a few times in words list
a-ma-tu4 only appears a few times in words list
iz-zak-kar only appears a few times in words list
{lu2}i3-du8-me-e only appears a few times in words list
pi-ta-a only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-ka only appears a few times in words list
pi-ta-a only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-ka-ma only appears a few times in words list
lu-ru-ba only appears a few times in words list
a-mah-ha-as, only appears a few times in words list
dal-tum only appears a few times in words list
sik-ku-ru only appears a few times in words list
a-szab-bir only appears a few times in words list
a-mah-ha-as, only appears a few times in words list
si-ip-pu-ma only appears a few times in words list
u3-sza2-bala-kat3 only appears a few times in words list
mi-tu-ti only appears a few times in words list
i-ma-i-du only appears a few times in words list
mi-tu-ti only appears a few times in words list
iz-zak-ka-ra only appears a few times in words list
i-zi-zi only appears a few times in words list
ta-na-da-asz2-szi only appears a few times in words list
lu-ul-lik only appears a few times in words list
mu-ki only appears a few times in words list
lu-sza2-an-ni only appears a few times in words list
iz-zak-ka-ra only appears a few times in words list
a-ha-ta-ki only appears a few times in words list
i-za-az only appears a few times in words list
ba-bi-ka only appears a few times in words list
mu-kil-tu only appears a few times in words list
kep-pe-e only appears a few times in words list
da-li-ha-at only appears a few times in words list
sze-mi-sza2 only appears a few times in words list
e-ri-qu only appears a few times in words list
pa-nu-sza2 only appears a few times in words list
sza2-bat only appears a few times in words list
ku-ni-ni only appears a few times in words list
is,-li-ma only appears a few times in words list
sza-ba-tu-sza2 only appears a few times in words list
lib3-ba-sza2 only appears a few times in words list
ub-la-an-ni only appears a few times in words list
kab-ta-sa-ma only appears a few times in words list
usz-par2-da-an-ni-ma only appears a few times in words list
an-ni-tu-me-e only appears a few times in words list
a-szat-ti only appears a few times in words list
a-szat-ta-a only appears a few times in words list
dal-hu-te only appears a few times in words list
gurusmesz only appears a few times in words list
{munus}hi-re-ti only appears a few times in words list
u4-mesz-szu3 only appears a few times in words list
t,ar-du only appears a few times in words list
pi-ta-asz2-szi only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-ka only appears a few times in words list
up-pi-is-si-ma only appears a few times in words list
garzamesz only appears a few times in words list
la-bi-ru-ti only appears a few times in words list
ip-ta-asz2-szi only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-szu only appears a few times in words list
li-risz-ki only appears a few times in words list
kur-nu-gi-a only appears a few times in words list
li-ih-du only appears a few times in words list
pa-ni-ki only appears a few times in words list
sag-du-sza2 only appears a few times in words list
2(disz)-a only appears a few times in words list
gesztu-min-sza2 only appears a few times in words list
3(disz)-szu only appears a few times in words list
gu2-ia only appears a few times in words list
4(disz)-u2 only appears a few times in words list
na4-tu only appears a few times in words list
murub4-mesz-sza2 only appears a few times in words list
na4-tu only appears a few times in words list
murub4-mesz-ia only appears a few times in words list
szu-sza2 only appears a few times in words list
giri3-sza2 only appears a few times in words list
giri3-ia only appears a few times in words list
7(disz)-u2 only appears a few times in words list
kep only appears a few times in signs list
gurusmesz only appears a few times in signs list
garzamesz only appears a few times in signs list
&P497322 = CDLI Literary Descent of Ishtar (composite)
#atf: lang akk
1. a-na _kur nu-gi4-a_ qaq-qa-ri {d}eresz-ki-gal
#tr.ts: ana kur-nugia qaqqari ereškigal
#tr.en: To Kur-nugia, domain of Ereškigal,
>>QIshtardescent 001
2. {d}inanna _dumu munus_ {d}3(u) u2-zu-un-sza2 isz-kun
#tr.ts: ištar mārat sîn uzunša
#tr.en: did Ištar, daughter of Sîn, her ear direct;
>>QIshtardescent 002
3. isz-kun-ma _dumu munus_{d}3(u) u2-zu-un-sza2
#tr.ts: iškumma mārat sîn uzunša
#tr.en: indeed did direct the daughter of Sin her ear
>>QIshtardescent 003
4. a-na _e2_ e-t,e-e szu-bat {d}ir-kal-la
#tr.ts: ana bīt eṭê šubat irkalla
#tr.en: to the house of darkness, the dwelling of Irkalla,
>>QIshtardescent 004
5. a-na _e2_ sza e-ri-bu-szu2 la a-s,u-u2
#tr.ts: ana bīti ša ēribūšu lā āṣû
#tr.en: to the house where those who enter are not such who exit,
>>QIshtardescent 005
6. a-na har-ra-ni sza a-lak-ta-sza2 la ta-a-a-rat
#tr.ts: ana ḫarrāni ša alaktaša lā tayyārat
#tr.en: to the route whose path is one of he who does not return,
>>QIshtardescent 006
7. a-na _e2_ sza e-ri-bu-szu2 zu-um-mu-u2 nu-u2-ra
#tr.ts: ana bīti ša ēribūšu zummû nūra
#tr.en: to the house where those who enter are deprived of light,
>>QIshtardescent 007
8. a-szar _sahar-hi-a_ bu-bu-us-su-nu a-kal-szu-nu t,i-it,-t,u
#tr.ts: ašar eprū bubūssunu akalšunu ṭīṭṭu
#tr.en: Where dust (satisfies) their hunger, their food is clay,
>>QIshtardescent 008
9. nu-u2-ru ul im-ma-ru i-na e-t,u-t,i asz2-bu
#tr.ts: nūru ul īmmarū ina eṭūṭi ašbū
#tr.en: (where) light they do not see, in darkness they sit
>>QIshtardescent 009
10. lab-szu-ma _gim_ is,-s,ur-ri s,u-bat kap-pi
#tr.ts: labšūma kīma iṣṣūri ṣubāt kappi
#tr.en: (where) they are clothed like birds, in garments of feathers,
>>QIshtardescent 010
11. _ugu {gesz}ig_ u _{gesz}sag-kul_ sza2-bu-uh ep-ru
#tr.ts: eli dalti u sikkūri išabbuḫ epru
#tr.en: over the door and lock, dust was settled,
>>QIshtardescent 011
12. {d}inanna a-na _ka2 kur-nu-gi4-a_ ina ka-sza2-di-sza2
#tr.ts: ištar ana bāb kur-nugi'a ina kašādiša
#tr.en: Ištar, at the gate of kur-nugi’a arriving,
>>QIshtardescent 012
13. a-na _{lu2}i3-du8_ ba-a-bi a-ma-tu4 iz-zak-kar
#tr.ts: ana ati bābi amātu izzakkar
#tr.en: to the gatekeeper speaks:
>>QIshtardescent 013
14. _{lu2}i3-du8_-me-e pi-ta-a ba-ab-ka
#tr.ts: atûmē pitâ bābka
#tr.en: “Gatekeeper, open your gate for me;
>>QIshtardescent 014
15. pi-ta-a ba-ab-ka-ma lu-ru-ba a-na-ku
#tr.ts: pitâ bābka lūruba anāku
#tr.en: open your gate for me, that I, indeed I, may enter;
>>QIshtardescent 015
16.szum-ma la ta-pat-ta-a ba-a-bu la er-ru-ba a-na-ku
#tr.ts: šumma lā tapattâ bābu lā erruba anāku
#tr.en: if you do not open the gate for me, so that I, indeed I, cannot enter,
>>QIshtardescent 016
17. a-mah-ha-as, dal-tum sik-ku-ru a-szab-bir
#tr.ts: amaḫḫaṣ daltum sikkūru ašabbir
#tr.en: I will strike the door, the lock I will break;
>>QIshtardescent 017
18. a-mah-ha-as, si-ip-pu-ma u3-sza2-bala-kat3 _{gesz}ig-mesz_
#tr.ts: amaḫḫaṣ sippūma ušabalakkat dalāti
#tr.en: I will strike the posts, I will push the doors aside,
>>QIshtardescent 018
19. u2-sze-el-la-a mi-tu-ti _gu7-mesz_ bal-t,u-ti
#tr.ts: ušellâ mītūti ikkalū balṭūti
#tr.en: I will raise up the dead; they will devour the living,
>>QIshtardescent 019
20. _ugu_ bal-t,u-ti i-ma-i-du mi-tu-ti
#tr.ts: eli balṭūti ima’’idū mītûti
#tr.en: that the dead will outnumber the living.”
>>QIshtardescent 020
31.mi-na-a lib3-ba-sza2 ub-la-an-ni mi-na-a kab-ta-sa-ma usz-par2-da-an-ni-ma
21. _{lu2}i3-du8_ pa-a-szu2 i-pu-usz-ma i-qab-bi
#tr.ts: atû pâšu īpuš-ma iqabbi
#tr.en: The gatekeeper worked his mouth, saying,
>>QIshtardescent 021
22. iz-zak-ka-ra a-na _gal_-ti {d}isz-tar
#tr.ts: izzakkara ana rabīti ištar
#tr.en: speaking to great Ištar:
>>QIshtardescent 022
23. i-zi-zi be-el-ti la ta-na-da-asz2-szi
#tr.ts: izizzī bēltī lā tanadašši
#tr.en: “Stand, my lady, do not knock it down,
>>QIshtardescent 023
24. lu-ul-lik _mu_-ki lu-sza2-an-ni a-na szar-ra-ti {d}eresz-ki-gal
#tr.ts: lullik zikirki lušanni ana šarrati ereškigal
#tr.en: let me go and your words repeat to the queen Ereškigal.”
>>QIshtardescent 024
25. e-ru-um-ma _{lu2}i3-du8_ iz-zak-ka-ra a-na {d}eresz-ki-gal
#tr.ts: ērum-ma atû izzakkara ana ereškigal
#tr.en: He entered, and the gatekeeper spoke to Ereškigal:
>>QIshtardescent 025
26. an-ni-tu me-e a-ha-ta-ki {d}isz-tar i-za-az i-na ba-bi-ka
#tr.ts: annītu mê ahātaki ištar izzaz ina bābi
#tr.en: “Here now, your sister Ištar stands at your gate,
>>QIshtardescent 026
27. mu-kil-tu sza2 kep-pe-e _gal-mesz_ da-li-ha-at ap-si-i ma-har {d}e2-a _lugal_
#tr.ts: mukiltu ša keppê rabûti dālihat apsî mahar ea šarri
#tr.en: she who holds the great hunting loops, who roils up the deep before Ea the king.”
>>QIshtardescent 027
28. {d}eresz-ki-gal an-ni-ta i-na sze-mi-sza2
#tr.ts: ereškigal annīta ina šemîša
#tr.en: Ereškigal, hearing this,
>>QIshtardescent 028
29. ki-ma ni-kis {gesz}bi-ni e-ri-qu pa-nu-sza2
#tr.ts: kīma nikis bīni ēriqū pānūša
#tr.en: like cut tamarisk her face went yellow,
>>QIshtardescent 029
30. ki-ma sza2-bat ku-ni-ni is,-li-ma sza-ba-tu-sza2
#tr.ts: kīma šapat kunīni iṣlimā šabātūša
#tr.en: like the edge drinking reed her lips went black.
>>QIshtardescent 030
31. mi-na-a lib3-ba-sza2 ub-la-an-ni mi-na-a kab-ta-sa-ma usz-par2-da-an-ni-ma
#tr.ts: mīna libbaša ublananni mīna kabtassama ušpardannima
#tr.en: What brought her heart to me? What caused her liver to light up for me?
>>QIshtardescent 031
32. an-ni-tu-me-e a-na-ku it-ti {d}a-nun-na-ki _a-mesz_ a-szat-ti
#tr.ts: annītumē anāku itti anunnaki mê ašatti
#tr.en: Here now, am I to drink water with the Anunnaki?
>>QIshtardescent 032
33. ki-ma _ninda-mesz_ a-kal _im_ ki-ma _kasz-mesz_ a-szat-ta-a _a-mesz_ dal-hu-te
#tr.ts: kīma aklī akkal ṭīṭṭa kīma šikārī ašattâ mê dalḫūte
#tr.en: like bread, shall I eat clay? Like beer, shall I drink murky water?
>>QIshtardescent 033
34. lu-ub-ki a-na _gurus_mesz_ sza e-zi-bu hi-re-ti
34. lu-ub-ki a-na _gurus_mesz_ sza e-zi-bu {munus}hi-re-ti
#tr.ts: lubki ana eṭlūti ša ezzibū ḫīrēti
#tr.en: Should I weep for the young men who leave behind wives?
>>QIshtardescent 034
35.lu-ub-ki a-na _{munus}ki-sikil-mesz_ sza _ta ur2_ {lu}ha-i-ri-szi-na szal-lu-pa-ni
#tr.ts: lubki ana ardāti ša ultu sūni ḫā’irīšina šallupāni
#tr.en: Should I weep for the maidens who are torn from the lap of their spouses?
>>QIshtardescent 035
36. a-na _{lu2}tur_ la-ke-e lu-ub-ki sza ina la _u4-mesz_-szu3 t,ar-du
#tr.ts: ana šerri lakê lubki ša ina lā ūmīšu ṭardu
#tr.en: For the weak young one should I weep, who before his days was lead away?
>>QIshtardescent 036
37. a-lik _{lu2}i3-du8_ pi-ta-asz2-szi ba-ab-ka
#tr.ts: alik atû pitâšši bābaš
#tr.en: Go, gatekeeper, open for her the gate,
>>QIshtardescent 037
38. up-pi-is-si-ma ki-ma _garza_mesz_ la-bi-ru-ti
#tr.ts: uppissima kīma parṣī labirūti
#tr.en: treat her according to the ancient rules!”
>>QIshtardescent 038
39. il-lik _{lu2}i3-du8_ ip-ta-asz2-szi ba-ab-szu
#tr.ts: illik atû iptašši bābšu
#tr.en: Off went the gatekeeper, and opened for her his gate.
>>QIshtardescent 039
40. er-bi be-el-ti gu2-du8-a{ki} li-risz-ki
#tr.ts: erbī bēltī kutâ lirīški
#tr.en: “Enter, my lady, let Kuthâ rejoice over you.”
>>QIshtardescent 040
41. _e2-gal kur-nu-gi-a_ li-ih-du ina pa-ni-ki
#tr.ts: ekal kur-nugi'a liḫdu ina pāniki
#tr.en: May the palace of the kur-nugi’a be happy at your presence!”
>>QIshtardescent 041
42. 1(disz)-en _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal _aga gal_-a sza _sag-du_-sza2
#tr.ts: išten bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal agâ rabâ ša qaqqadiša
#tr.en: The 1st gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the great crown of her head.
>>QIshtardescent 042
43. am-mi-ni _i3-du8_ ta-at-bal _aga gal_-a sza _sag-du_-ia
#tr.ts: ammīni atû tatbal agâ rabâ ša qaqqadiya.
#tr.en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the great crown of my head?”
>>QIshtardescent 043
44. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
#tr.ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
#tr.en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
>>QIshtardescent 044
45. 2(disz)-a _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal in-s,a-ba-te sza _gesztu-min_-sza2
#tr.ts: šanâ bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal inṣabāte ša uznīša
#tr.en: The 2nd gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the earrings of her ears.
>>QIshtardescent 045
46. am-mi-ni _i3-du8_ ta-at-bal in-s,a-ba-te sza _gesztu-min_-ia
#tr.ts: ammīni atû tatbal inṣabāte ša uznīya
#tr.en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the earrings of my ears?”
>>QIshtardescent 046
47. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
#tr.ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
#tr.en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
>>QIshtardescent 047
48. 3(disz)-szu _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal _{na4}nunuz-mesz_ sza _gu2_-sza2
#tr.ts: šalšu bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal erimmāti ša kišādīša
#tr.en: The 3rd gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the beads of her neck.
>>QIshtardescent 048
49. am-mi-ni _i3-du8_ ta-at-bal _{na4}nunuz-mesz_ sza _gu2_-ia
#tr.ts: ammīni atû tatbal erimmāti ša kišādiya
#tr.en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the beads of my neck?”
>>QIshtardescent 049
50. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
#tr.ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
#tr.en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
>>QIshtardescent 050
51. 4(disz)-u2 _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal du-di-na-te sza2 _gaba_-sza2
#tr.ts: rebû bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal dudināte ša irtiša
#tr.en: The 4th gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the pectoral of her chest.
>>QIshtardescent 051
52. am-mi-ni _{lu2}i3-du8_ ta-at-bal du-di-na-te sza2 _gaba_-ia
#tr.ts: ammīni atû tatbal dudināte ša iritīya
#tr.en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the pectoral of my chest?”
>>QIshtardescent 052
53. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
#tr.ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
#tr.en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
>>QIshtardescent 053
54. 5(disz)-szu2 _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal szib-bu _na4-tu_ sza _murub4-mesz_-sza2
#tr.ts: hamšu bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal šibbu aban-alādi ša qablīša
#tr.en: The 5th gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the belt of birthstones of her hips
>>QIshtardescent 054
55. am-mi-ni _{lu2}i3-du8_ ta-at-bal szib-bu _na4-tu_ sza _murub4-mesz_-ia
#tr.ts: ammīni atû tatbal šibbu aban-alādi ša qablīya
#tr.en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away belt of birthstones of my hips?”
>>QIshtardescent 055
56. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
#tr.ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
#tr.en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
>>QIshtardescent 056
57. 6(disz)-szu2 _ka2_ u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal _har-mesz szu_-sza2 u _giri3_-sza2
#tr.ts: šeššu bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal šemērī qātiša u šēpiša
#tr.en: The 6th gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the bracelets of her hand and her foot.
>>QIshtardescent 057
58. am-mi-ni _{lu2}i3-du8_ ta-at-bal _har-mesz szu_-ia u _giri3_-ia
#tr.ts: ammīni atû tatbal ḫašī qātiya u šepiya
#tr.en: “Why, gatekeeper, did you take away the bracelets of my hand and my foot?”
>>QIshtardescent 058
59. er-bi be-el-ti sza _{d}nin-ki_-ti3 ki-a-am _garza-mesz_-sza2
#tr.ts: erbī bēltī ša bēlet-erṣeti kīam parṣūša
#tr.en: “Enter, my lady, of the lady of the netherworld thus are her rules.”
>>QIshtardescent 059
60. 7(disz)-u2 ka2 u2-sze-rib-szi-ma um-ta-s,i it-ta-bal s,u-bat bal-t,i sza2 zu-um-ri-sza2
#tr.ts: šebû bāba ušēribšima umtaṣṣi ittabal ṣubāt balṭi ša zumriša
#tr.en: The 7th gate he let her enter, and he spread out and took away the garment of modesty of her body.
>>QIshtardescent 060
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