Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by CDLI on 2015-05-06 at 08:17:34 with credits to CDLI

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
BRM 3, 184 (P107384) 2242551
&P107384 = BRM 3, 184
#atf: lang sux
@object tag
1. pisan dub-ba
1. pisan-dub-ba
#tr.en: Basket-of-tablets:
2. kiszib3 dab#-ba
#tr.en: xxx
3. a-gu#
#tr.en: xxx
4. mu en#-unu6#-gal {d}inanna# ba-hun
#tr.en: xxx
1. u3 mu sza-asz-ru{ki} ba-hul-sze3
#tr.en: xxx
2. i3-gal2
#tr.en: xxx
$ blank space
CDLI School Texts 004870 (pisan-dub-ba) composite (P464136) 2242552
nina{ki} only appears a few times in words list
&P464136 = CDLI School Texts 004870 composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. pisan dub-ba
1. pisan-dub-ba
#tr.en: Basket-of-tablets:
>>Q004870 001
2. gurum2 ak
#tr.en: personnel inspections
>>Q004870 002
3. sipa unu3
#tr.en: of large cattle herders
>>Q004870 003
4. ki-nu-nir{ki}
#tr.en: in Kinunir,
>>Q004870 004
5. nina{ki}
#tr.en: Nina,
>>Q004870 005
6. gu2-ab-ba{ki}
#tr.en: and Guabba;
>>Q004870 006
7. sipa szaganx(AMA){gan}
#tr.en: of equid herders
>>Q004870 007
8. sipa unu3 {d}szul-gi
#tr.en: and large cattle herders of Šulgi
>>Q004870 008
9. u3 sag-apin e2 {d}nin-hur-sag
#tr.en: and plow-heads of the household of Ninḫursag,
>>Q004870 009
10. i3-gal2
#tr.en: are here;
>> Q004870 010
11. mu ha-ar-szi{ki} ba-hul
#tr.en: year: “Ḫarsi was destroyed.”
>>Q004870 011
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