Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Englund, Robert K. on 2015-03-13 at 14:22:09 with credits to Such-Gutiérrez, Marcos;

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
CDLJ 2015/3 §2.25 (P361740) 2236927
1(asz@45)-kam-asz does not appear in words list
&P361740 = CDLJ 2015/002 §2.25
#atf: lang sux
1. 5(asz) 3(barig)#? 5(ban2)#? ziz2# gur# lugal#
#tr.en: 5 gur 3 (?) barig 5 (?) ban2 emmer, royal (measure),
2. 3(u) 2(asz) 4(barig)#? 1(ban2)# [...] gig# gur# lugal#
#tr.en: (and) 32 gur 4 (?) barig 1 ... ban2 wheat, royal (measure),
3. ki lu2-{d}igi-ma#-sze3#-ta#
#tr.en: from (of) Lu-igimaše,
4. kiszib3 ur-{d}lamma dumu ur#-[{d}ba-ba6]
#tr.en: under seal of Ur-Lamma, son (of) Ur-Baba,
5. i3-dub a-sza3 ar#?-[sza?-ti?]-a#?-{d}nin-[dar?-a?-ta?]
#tr.en: (from?) the depot of the field Aršatia-Nin-dar-a (?);
1. iti ezem-{d}szul-gi
#tr.en: month “Festival of Šulgi,”
2. mu si-mu#-ur4#-[um{ki?} u3] lu-lu-bu-um{ki} a#-[ra2] 1(u) la2 1(asz@45)#-kam-asz# ba#-hul#-[a?]
#tr.en: year “Simurum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed.”
@seal 1
1. ur-{d}lamma
#tr.en: Ur-Lamma,
2. dub-sar
#tr.en: the scribe,
3. dumu ur-{d}ba-ba6
#tr.en: son (of) Ur-Baba.
CDLJ 2015/3 §2.26 (P404805) 2236928
&P404805 = DUROM U 10725
&P404805 = CDLJ 2015/002 §2.26
#atf: lang sux
1. pisan dub-ba
#tr.en: Basket-of-tablets:
2. e2-tum
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: bītum (baskets),
3. sag-nig2-gur11-ra
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: debits
4. u3 zi-ga
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: and ‘booked-outs’
5. lu2-{d}ba-ba6
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: (of) Lu-Baba,
6. iti masz-da3-gu7-ta
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: from month “Gazelle feast,”
1. iti sze-sag11-ku5-sze3
#tr.en: xxx
#tr.en: to month “Harvest,”
2. iti 1(u) 2(disz)-kam
#tr.en: xxx
3. mu en-unu6-gal {d}inanna ba-hun
#tr.en: year: “xxx.”
#tr.en: it is 12 months;
3. mu en-unu6-gal-{d}inanna ba-hun
#tr.en: year “En-unugal-Inanna was installed.”
CDLJ 2015/3 §2.27 (P404806) 2236929
gur-dub-bi only appears a few times in words list
dug-3(ban2)-bi only appears a few times in words list
szabra-a only appears a few times in words list
bu-zu-a-ta only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-kux(LIL) does not appear in words list
kar-gesztin-ka only appears a few times in words list
kux(LIL) only appears a few times in signs list
&P404806 = CDLJ 2015/002 §2.27
#atf: lang sux
1. [n] 5(ban2) {u2}gamun2 ge6
#tr.en: ... 5 ban2 black cumin,
2. gur-dub-bi 4(disz)-am3
#tr.en: its gurdub (baskets): 4;
3. 3(u) ma-na siki-ud5
#tr.en: 30 mana goat hair,
4. gur-bi 1(disz)-am3
#tr.en: its gur(dub basket): 1;
5. 1(barig) sze-lu2
#tr.en: 1 barig coriander,
6. dug-3(ban2)-bi 2(disz)-am3
#tr.en: its vessels of 3 ban2: 2;
7. 2(barig) 1(ban2) 3(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz
#tr.en: 2 barig 1 ban2 3 2/3 sila3 sesame oil,
1. dug-bi 2(disz)-am3
#tr.en: its vessels: 2;
2. 2(gesz2) 5(u) 3(disz)! {kusz}ummu3
#tr.en: (and) 173 water skins,
3. dug-bi 5(disz)-am3
#tr.en: its vessels: 5;
4. ki szabra-a
#tr.en: from the household manager (?);
5. 2(barig) 5(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 1(u) gin2 i3-szah2
#tr.en: 2 barig 5 ban2 3 sila3 10 shekels lard,
6. dug-bi 4(disz)-am3
#tr.en: its vessels: 4,
7. la2#-ia3 ka dug 4(disz)-ba 6(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3
#tr.en: the deficit of the mouth (of) these 4 vessels: 6 2/3 sila3,
# appears to record variance in actual filled capacity of the 4 lard pots
8. ki# bu-zu-a-ta
#tr.en: from Buzua;
9. e2#-kiszib3-ba-ka ba-an-kux(LIL)#
#tr.en: (the products) brought into the warehouse;
1. sza3# kar-gesztin-ka
#tr.en: in Kar-geštin
2. mu# hu-uh2-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul
#tr.en: year: “Ḫuḫnuri was destroyed.”
CDLJ 2015/3 §2.28 (P404807) 2236930
a2-ti-da-za3-gu2-la2 only appears a few times in words list
da-za3-gu2-la2 only appears a few times in words list
a2-ti-e2-sag{ki} only appears a few times in words list
a2-ti-e2-sag{ki} only appears a few times in words list
&P404807 = CDLJ 2015/002 §2.28
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(gesz2) 3(u) 5(asz) gu2 3(u) 5(disz) 1/3(disz)#? ma-na siki sumun
#tr.en: 95 talents 35 1/3 (?) mana old wool,
2. e2-kiszib3-ba a2-ti-da-za3-gu2-la2
#tr.en: the warehouse Ati-Dazagula,
3. 3(u) 3(asz) gu2 1(u) 4(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na siki!
#tr.en: 33 talents 14 5/6 mana wool,
4. siki a-pi4-sal4{ki}
#tr.en: wool (of) Apisal,
5. e2-kiszib3-ba da-za3-gu2-la2
#tr.en: the warehouse Da-zagula,
6. 4(asz) gu2 1(u) la2 1(asz@45) ma-na siki ge6
#tr.en: (and) 4 talents 9 mana black wool,
7. e2-kiszib3-ba a2-ti-e2-sag{ki}
#tr.en: the warehouse Ati-Esag,
8. 1(gesz2) 3(u) la2 5(u)
#tr.en: 90 less 50
# meaning unclear, probably calculation notes
9. ki ur-e11-e-ta
#tr.en: from Ur-e’e;
1. 4(u) 7(asz) gu2 4(u) 6(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na siki
#tr.en: 47 talents 46 5/6 mana wool,
2. e2-kiszib3-ba a2-ti-e2-sag#{ki}
#tr.en: the warehouse Ati-Esag,
3. ki kas4-ta
#tr.en: from Kas;
4. e2-kiszib3-ba ensi2-ka
#tr.en: the warehouse of the governor;
5. 2(u) 7(disz) 5/6(disz)! ma-na siki GI
#tr.en: 27 5/6 mana wool (of) native (sheep)
6. 2(u) 2/3(disz) ma-na siki mug
#tr.en: (and) 20 2/3 mana wool combings
7. ki ur-{d}szara2
#tr.en: with Ur-Šara;
8. 2(u) 6(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na siki GI
#tr.en: 26 5/6 mana wool (of) native (sheep)
9. ki lu2-kal-la
#tr.en: with Lukalla.
CDLJ 2015/3 §2.29 (P404808) 2236931
&P404808 = CDLJ 2015/002 §2.29
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(disz) sila4 {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: 1 male lamb (for) Enlil
2. 1(disz) sila4 {d}nin-lil2
#tr.en: (and) 1 male lamb (for) Ninlil,
3. mu-kux(DU) szesz-da-da sanga
#tr.en: delivery (of) Šešdada, the household manager,
4. zabar-dab5 maszkim
#tr.en: the zabar-dab5 official (was) the deputy;
5. 2(disz) ab2 1(u) la2 1(asz@45) udu
#tr.en: 2 cows, 9 rams,
6. 1(disz) u8 1(disz) sila4
#tr.en: 1 ewe, 1 male lamb,
7. 7(disz) masz2 2(disz) ud5
#tr.en: 7 male kids (and) 2 nanny goats,
1. szu-gid2 e2-muhaldim-sze3
#tr.en: šu-gid2 for the kitchen;
2. 2(disz) dusu2-munus
#tr.en: (and) 2 domestic jennies,
3. ba-usz2 e2-kiszib3-ba-sze3
#tr.en: slaughtered, for the warehouse;
4. zi-ga u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam
#tr.en: booked out, 27th day;
5. iti ezem-mah
#tr.en: month “Big Festival,”
6. mu {d}szul-gi lugal-e ur-bi2-lum{ki} lu-lu-bu si-mu-ru-um{ki} u3 kar2-har asz-sze3 sagdu-bi szu-bur2-a bi2-ra-a
#tr.en: year: “Sulgi, the king, the heads of Urbilum, Simurrum, Lullubu and Karḫar in a single campaign did smash.”
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