Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by CDLI on 2006-10-12 at 12:17:34 with credits to CDLI

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
BRM 3, 124 (P107325) 1991247
ATF: Parsing failed on line 22 near character 2
ka-sahar{ki}-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
|PU3.SZA|-da-gan does not appear in words list
|PU3.SZA| only appears a few times in signs list
&P107325 = BRM 3, 124
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(u) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
#lem: n; jurusz[male]; ud[day]; n
2. ka-sahar{ki}-sze3
#lem: GN
3. giri3 a-du x
#lem: jiri[via]; PN; u
4. 3(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
#lem: n; jurusz[male]; ud[day]; n
5. gi SIG7-a
#lem: gi[reed]; SIGa[profession?]
6. ugula ur-{d}en#-lil2#-la2
#lem: ugula[overseer]; PN
1. kiszib3 a-tu
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
$ (blank space)
2. mu us2-sa e2 |PU3.SZA|-da-gan ba-du3 mu us2-sa-bi
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; e[house]; GN; du[build]; mu[year]; us[follow]
1. a-tu dub-[sar]
#lem: PN; dubsar[scribe]
2. dumu lugal-sa6-ga
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
BRM 3, 125 (P107326) 1991251
ATF: Parsing failed on line 20 near character 2
&P107326 = BRM 3, 125
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. [...] 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) 2(u) gurusz
#lem: u; n; n; n; jurusz[male]
2. u4 1(disz)-sze3
#lem: ud[day]; n
3. zar3# tab-ba szu ur3-ra
#lem: zar[sheaf]; tab[double]; szu[hand]; ur[drag]
4. ki#-su7-ka gub-ba
#lem: kisur[locus]; gub[stand]
5. ugula da-a-gi
#lem: ugula[overseer]; PN
1. kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
$ (blank space)
2. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
1. lugal-e2-mah#-[e]
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar#
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu lugal-ku3-ga#-[ni]
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
BRM 3, 126 (P107327) 1991255
ATF: Parsing failed on line 21 near character 2
&P107327 = BRM 3, 126
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(disz) gurusz
#lem: n; jurusz[male]
2. 3(disz) a2! 2/3(disz)
#lem: n; a[arm]; n
3. u4 3(disz)-sze3
#lem: ud[day]; n
4. e-sa-dur2-ra a-sza3 GAN2-{gesz}banszur
#lem: PN; aszag[field]; FN
1. sahar si-ga
#lem: sahar[dust]; sig[cast]
2. ugula da-a-gi
#lem: ugula[overseer]; PN
3. kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam bi2-du11-ga
#lem: kiszib[seal]; namszatam[administration]; PN
4. iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la
#lem: itud[month]; MN
5. mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. bi2-du11-ga
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu la-a-sa6
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
BRM 3, 127 (P107328) 1991258
ATF: Parsing failed on line 25 near character 2
&P107328 = BRM 3, 127
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(disz) gurusz u4 6(disz)-sze3
#lem: n; jurusz[male]; ud[day]; n
2. uri5{ki}-sze3
#lem: GN
3. ma2 ku6 gid2-da
#lem: ma[ship]; kud[fish]; gid[long]
4. 2(disz) gurusz u4 5(disz)-sze3
#lem: n; jurusz[male]; ud[day]; n
5. umma{ki}-sze3
#lem: GN
6. ma2 ku6 gid2-da
#lem: ma[ship]; kud[fish]; gid[long]
1. giri3 in-ha-an
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
2. kiszib3# [ur]-e11#-e
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
3. ugula da-a-ga
#lem: ugula[overseer]; PN
4. iti [...]
#lem: itud[month]; u
5. mu ha-ar-szi ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. ur-e11-e
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu ur-nigar{gar}
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
BRM 3, 128 (P107329) 1991261
ATF: Parsing failed on line 15 near character 2
i7-i3-sum-ka does not appear in words list
a-usz2-a only appears a few times in words list
hu-bi-ti only appears a few times in words list
&P107329 = BRM 3, 128
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(u) gurusz lu2 hun-ga2
#lem: n; jurusz[male]; lu[person]; huj[hire]
2. a2 6(disz) sila3-ta
#lem: a[arm]; n; sila[unit]
3. i7-i3-sum-ka
#lem: WN
4. a-usz2-a iti sze-kar-gal2-la
#lem: usz[die]; itud[month]; MN
1. mu us2-sa ha-ar-szi hu-bi-ti hul
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; GN; hulu[ruination]
$ blank line
2. kiszib3 a-kal-la
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
1. [...]
#lem: u
2. dub-[sar]
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu ur-e11-e
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
BRM 3, 129 (P107330) 1991264
ATF: Parsing failed on line 22 near character 2
a2-an-du does not appear in words list
&P107330 = BRM 3, 129
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(gesz2) 5(u) gurusz
#lem: n; n; jurusz[male]
2. umma{ki}-ta
#lem: GN
3. nibru{ki}-sze3
#lem: GN
4. zi3 de6-a
#lem: zid[flour]; de[bring]
5. ugula lugal#-mu-ma-ag2
#lem: ugula[overseer]; PN
1. kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam
#lem: kiszib[seal]; namszatam[administration]
2. kiszib3 lu2-[dingir]-ra
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
$ (blank space)
3. mu {d}szu#-{d}suen lugal
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
1. lu2-dingir-[ra]
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu a2-an-du
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
BRM 3, 130 (P107331) 1991268
ATF: Parsing failed on line 18 near character 2
{d}szar2-i3!-zu only appears a few times in words list
&P107331 = BRM 3, 130
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(u) sze gur
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
2. la2-ia3 su-ga
#lem: la'u[arrears]; sug[replace]
3. ki lu2-{d}szara2 dumu ur-{gesz}gigir-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN; dumu[child]; PN
4. ugu2 {d}szar2-i3!-zu ba-a-gar
#lem: ugu[account]; PN; jar[place]
1. sza3 sze 1(u) 6(asz) gur-kam
#lem: szag[heart]; sze[barley]; n; n; gur[turn]
$ (blank space)
2. mu ma#-da za-ab-sza-[li]{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; mada[land]; GN; hulu[destroy]
$ (no data)
@column 1
1. {d}szu-{d}suen
#lem: RN
2. lugal kal-ga
#lem: lugal[king]; kalag[strong]
3. lugal uri5{ki}-ma
#lem: lugal[king]; GN
4. lugal an ub-da limmu2-ba
#lem: lugal[king]; an[sky]; anubda[quarter]; limmu[four]
@column 2
1. ur-{d}szara2#
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar#
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu ur-dingir-ra#
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
4. sza13-dub-ba x
#lem: bisajdubak[archivist]; u
5. ARAD2-zu
#lem: arad[slave]
BRM 3, 131 (P107332) 1991272
ATF: Parsing failed on line 15 near character 2
ba-dim2-ta!(SZE3) only appears a few times in words list
en-mah-gal-an-na-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-a-{ga2}gar only appears a few times in words list
lugal-ig-iri does not appear in words list
ta!(SZE3) only appears a few times in signs list
&P107332 = BRM 3, 131
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1/2(disz)# lugal-a2-zi-da
#lem: n; PN
2. iti ezem-{d}szul-gi
#lem: itud[month]; MN
3. mu ku3 gu-za {d}en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2-ta!(SZE3)
#lem: mu[year]; kug[metal]; guza[chair]; DN; dim[create]
5. iti dal
#lem: itud[month]; MN
# second half renumbered to next line
6. mu en-mah-gal-an-na-sze3
#lem: mu[year]; PN
1. ki lugal-ku3-zu-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
2. ugu2# lugal-mu-ma-ag2 ba-a-{ga2}gar
#lem: ugu[account]; PN; jar[place]
$ (blank space)
1. lugal-ig-iri
#lem: PN
2. ARAD2 {d}szara2
#lem: arad[slave]; DN
BRM 3, 132 (P107333) 1991276
ATF: Parsing failed on line 18 near character 2
gu-u2!-gu only appears a few times in words list
sze-KIN-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
ma-an-sum does not appear in words list
&P107333 = BRM 3, 132
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(u) geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3
#lem: n; geme[worker]; ud[day]; n
2. kun-zi-da# dub-la2-{d}utu-ka# gub-ba#
#lem: kunzida[weir]; WN; gub[stand]
3. ugula ur-x-[...]
#lem: ugula[overseer]; PN
1. kiszib3 gu-u2!-gu
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
2. iti sze-KIN-ku5
#lem: itud[month]; MN
$ (blank space)
3. mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
#lem: mu[year]; bad[wall]; martu[westerner]; du[build]
1. gu-u2-gu-a
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu ma-an-sum
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
BRM 3, 133 (P107334) 1991280
ATF: Parsing failed on line 19 near character 2
e2!-igi-sa6-ga only appears a few times in words list
&P107334 = BRM 3, 133
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(disz) geme2 3(ban2)
#lem: n; geme[worker]; n
2. u4 1(u) 5(disz)-sze3
#lem: ud[day]; n; n
3. e2!-igi-sa6-ga
#lem: X
4. ki dingir-ra-ta
#lem: ki[place]; dijir[deity]
1. a-pi4#?-sal4?{ki#}
#lem: GN
2. giri3# [ur]-{d}szul-pa#-e3
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
3. iti# {d}li9-si4
#lem: itud[month]; DN
4. mu si#-mu#-ru-um lu-lu-bu a#-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; GN; ara[times]; n; lal[minus]; n; hulu[destroy]
1. ur#-{d}szul-[pa-e3]
#lem: PN
2. dub#-[sar]
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu lugal-ku3-[ga]
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
BRM 3, 134 (P107335) 1991283
ATF: Parsing failed on line 20 near character 2
&P107335 = BRM 3, 134
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(gesz2) 2(u) sa gi
#lem: n; n; sa[bundle]; gi[reed]
2. ma2 zi3-da la2-de3
#lem: ma[ship]; zid[flour]; la[hang]
3. ki lu2-sa6-ga#-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
4. gi-na ma2#-lah6
#lem: gin[establish]; malah[sailor]
5. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
1. iti diri
#lem: itud[month]; dirig[exceed]
$ (blank space)
2. mu ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. gi-[na]
#lem: gin[establish]
2. dumu da-[x]
#lem: dumu[child]; u
3. ma2-lah5#
#lem: malah[sailor]
BRM 3, 135 (P107336) 1991287
ATF: Parsing failed on line 48 near character 2
gu-u2-gu-ga only appears a few times in words list
szimaszki-sin2{ki} does not appear in words list
&P107336 = BRM 3, 135
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 6(gesz2) sa gi gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 2(disz)-ta
#lem: n; sa[bundle]; gi[reed]; gunijin[bale]; n; n
2. gi SIG7-a ukken-ne2
#lem: gi[reed]; SIGa[profession?]; PN
3. gi ga6-ga2# gu-u2-gu-ga
#lem: gi[reed]; gaj[carry]; X
4. 6(gesz2) sa gi gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 8(disz)-ta
#lem: n; sa[bundle]; gi[reed]; gunijin[bale]; n; n
5. gi SIG7-a lugal-nig2-lagar-e
#lem: gi[reed]; SIGa[profession?]; PN
6. gi ga6-ga2 ur-{gesz}gigir nu-banda3
#lem: gi[reed]; gaj[carry]; PN; nubanda[overseer]
7. 6(gesz2) sa gi gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 3(disz)-ta
#lem: n; sa[bundle]; gi[reed]; gunijin[bale]; n; n
8. gi SIG7-a lugal-{gesz}gigir-re
#lem: gi[reed]; SIGa[profession?]; PN
9. gi ga6-ga2 a-lu5-lu5 SZIM
#lem: gi[reed]; gaj[carry]; PN; szim[aromatics]
10. 7(gesz2) sa gi gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 3(disz)-ta
#lem: n; sa[bundle]; gi[reed]; gunijin[bale]; n; n
11. gi SIG7-<a> lugal-{gesz}gigir-re
#lem: gi[reed]; SIGa[profession?]; PN
12. gi ga6-ga2 {d}nanna-dalla
#lem: gi[reed]; gaj[carry]; PN
1. musz-lah5
#lem: PN
2. 4(gesz2) 4(u) 6(disz) sa gi gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 3(disz)-ta
#lem: n; n; n; sa[bundle]; gi[reed]; gunijin[bale]; n; n
3. gi SIG7-a lugal-{gesz}gigir-re
#lem: gi[reed]; SIGa[profession?]; PN
4. gi ga6-ga2 ur-{gesz}gigir gudu4 {d}szul-gi
#lem: gi[reed]; gaj[carry]; PN; gudug[priest]; RN
$ (blank space)
5. nibru{ki} ma2-a ga2-ra
#lem: GN; ma[ship]; jar[place]
6. ki ur-{d}szul#-pa#-e3-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
7. kiszib3 lugal-{gesz}gigir-re ugula
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN; ugula[overseer]
8. a-sza3 en-du8-du
#lem: aszag[field]; FN
9. mu ha-ar-szi ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. lugal-{gesz}gigir-re
#lem: PN
2. dumu szimaszki-sin2{ki}
#lem: dumu[child]; GN
BRM 3, 136 (P107337) 1991291
ATF: Parsing failed on line 22 near character 2
{gesz}gam-ma only appears a few times in words list
{lu2}lunga only appears a few times in words list
su7-su7 only appears a few times in words list
&P107337 = BRM 3, 136
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(disz) {gesz}gam-ma {gesz}ab-ba
#lem: n; X; jesza'abak[tree]
2. {lu2}lunga bala-a-ke4 szu ba-ti
#lem: lungak[brewer]; bala[turn]; szu[hand]; tej[approach]
3. 8(gesz2) sa gi su7-su7 {gi}ma-an-sim {gi}szer7-um bala-a-sze3
#lem: n; sa[bundle]; gi[reed]; sur[locus]|susu[reed]; mansim[sieve]; szerrum[mat]; bala[turn]
4. 2(gesz'u) sa gi
#lem: n; sa[bundle]; gi[reed]
5. ninda du8-a
#lem: ninda[bread]; du[spread]
6. mu 2(disz)-kam
#lem: mu[year]; n
7. mu ur-bi2-lum{ki} ba-hul-ta
#lem: mu[year]; GN; hulu[bad]
$ (blank space)
1. mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum{ki} ba-hul-sze3
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[bad]
BRM 3, 137 (P107338) 1991295
ATF: Syntax error at line 14 col 9: $ blank line
su7-su7 only appears a few times in words list
GA2-... only appears a few times in words list
&P107338 = BRM 3, 137
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(disz) gi su7-su7 esir2 su-ba
#lem: n; gi[reed]; sur[locus]|susu[reed]; esir[bitumen]; su[flesh]
2. 3(disz) gi ma-an-sim dabin
#lem: n; gi[reed]; mansim[sieve]; dabin[semolina]
3. ki a-gu-gu-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
4. kiszib3 lugal-e2#-mah-e
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
$ blank line
1. iti dal
#lem: itud[month]; MN
$ (blank space)
2. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum{ki} mu-hul
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. lugal-e2-mah#-[e]
#lem: PN
2. dumu GA2-[...]
#lem: dumu[child]; u
BRM 3, 138 (P107339) 1991299
ATF: Parsing failed on line 31 near character 2
x-x-la2 only appears a few times in words list
kux(LIL)-ra does not appear in words list
ur-{gesz}x only appears a few times in words list
kux(LIL) only appears a few times in signs list
&P107339 = BRM 3, 138
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(gesz'u) x-x-la2
#lem: n; u
2. x x asalx(|A.TU.NIR|)
#lem: u; u; X
3. gu#-kilib#-ba 4(disz)-ta
#lem: X; n
4. 4(gesz2) sa {gesz}ma-nu
#lem: n; sa[bundle]; manu[wood]
5. gu-nigin2-ba 3(disz)-ta
#lem: gunijin[bale]; n
6. 2(disz) sa naga
#lem: n; sa[bundle]; naja[potash]
1. gu-nigin2-ba 5(disz)-ta
#lem: gunijin[bale]; n
2. 1(u) {gesz}dal
#lem: n; jeszdal[crossbar]
3. ga2-ga2 gesz {kusz}ummu3
#lem: jar[place]; jesz[tree]; ummud[waterskin]
5. kux(LIL)-ra
#lem: kur[enter]
7. ki lugal-iti-da-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
8. kiszib3 lu2-igi-sa6-sa6
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
9. iti szu-numun mu hu-uh2-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul
#lem: itud[month]; szunumun[seed]; mu[year]; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. lu2-igi-sa6-sa6#
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu ur-{gesz}[x]
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
BRM 3, 139 (P107340) 1991302
ATF: Parsing failed on line 18 near character 2
{gesz}KU-ga2-ka does not appear in words list
unu6 only appears a few times in words list
lugal-ga-x does not appear in words list
&P107340 = BRM 3, 139
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(disz) {gesz}KU-ga2-ka
#lem: n; KU[plough?]
2. 1(disz) {gesz}dal
#lem: n; jeszdal[crossbar]
3. ki ur-sila-luh-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
4. kiszib3 ur-{d}nu-musz-da
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
1. sza3 bala-a
#lem: szag[heart]; bala[turn]
$ (blank space)
2. iti ezem-mah
#lem: itud[month]; MN
3. mu en unu6 gal {d}inanna ba-hun
#lem: mu[year]; en[priest]; unu[dwelling]; gal[big]; DN; huj[hire]
1. lugal-ga-[x]
#lem: PN
2. dumu ur-e11-[e]
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
3. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
BRM 3, 140 (P107341) 1991306
ATF: Parsing failed on line 18 near character 2
lu2-ku3-ga only appears a few times in words list
&P107341 = BRM 3, 140
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(barig) 3(ban2) {gesz}ge6-par4
#lem: n; n; jipar[tree]
2. ki ensi2-ka-ta
#lem: ki[place]; ensik[ruler]
3. ur-{d}szul-pa-e3 szu ba-ti#
#lem: PN; szu[hand]; tej[approach]
4. giri3 lu2-kal-la
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
1. kasz de2-a
#lem: kasz[beer]; de[pour]
$ (blank space)
2. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum[{ki} mu]-hul#
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. ur-{d}szul-pa-e3
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu lu2-ku3-ga
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
BRM 3, 141 (P107342) 1991310
ATF: Parsing failed on line 18 near character 2
&P107342 = BRM 3, 141
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 6(gesz2) sa {gesz}ma-nu
#lem: n; sa[bundle]; manu[wood]
2. gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) sa-ta
#lem: gunijin[bale]; n; sa[bundle]
3. sa2-du11 {d}szara2-sze3
#lem: sadug[offerings]; DN
4. ki da-da-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
1. kiszib3 ku3-ga#-ni
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
$ (blank space)
2. mu gu-za {d}en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
#lem: mu[year]; guza[chair]; DN; dim[create]
1. ku3-ga-ni
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu ur-{d}szul-[pa-e3?]
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
BRM 3, 142 (P107343) 1991314
ATF: Parsing failed on line 21 near character 2
&P107343 = BRM 3, 142
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 7(disz) uruda ha-bu3-da
#lem: n; urud[copper]; habuda[hoe]
2. ki-la2-bi 4(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na
#lem: kila[weight]; n; n; mana[unit]
3. 5(disz) uruda kin
#lem: n; urud[copper]; kij[work]
4. ki-la2-bi 1(disz) ma-na 9(disz) gin2
#lem: kila[weight]; n; mana[unit]; n; gij[unit]
1. ki ur-nigar{gar} simug-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN; simug[smith]
2. lu2-banda3{da}
#lem: PN
3. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
4. iti min-esz3
#lem: itud[month]; min[two]
5. mu us2-sa an-sza-an{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[destroy]
BRM 3, 143 (P107344) 1991317
ATF: Parsing failed on line 18 near character 2
na-ba-silim only appears a few times in words list
&P107344 = BRM 3, 143
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(u) 3(disz) uruda kin
#lem: n; n; urud[copper]; kij[work]
2. ki-la2-bi 5(disz) gin2-ta
#lem: kila[weight]; n; gij[unit]
3. ki ur-ama-na-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
4. na-ba-silim szu ba-ti
#lem: PN; szu[hand]; tej[approach]
5. iti {d}dumu-zi
#lem: itud[month]; DN
$ (blank space)
1. mu us2-sa ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[destroy]
BRM 3, 144 (P107345) 1991321
ATF: Parsing failed on line 27 near character 2
nesag2 only appears a few times in words list
&P107345 = BRM 3, 144
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. [...] 3(u) 8(disz) uruda du5#-sal
#lem: u; n; n; urud[copper]; sal[thin]
2. ki-la2-bi 1(u) 4(disz) ma#-na 3(disz) gin2
#lem: kila[weight]; n; n; mana[unit]; n; gij[unit]
3. 1(disz) uruda# za3-szu2 {d}nin-ur4-ra
#lem: n; urud[copper]; zagszu[brand]; PN
4. ki#-[la2-bi x] ma-na 1(disz) gin2
#lem: kila[weight]; u; mana[unit]; n; gij[unit]
5. ki# ur#?-[{d}]utu-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
6. 2(u) 6(disz) [uruda] du5#-sal
#lem: n; n; urud[copper]; sal[thin]
1. ki-la2-bi 1(u) 6(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na 5(disz) gin2
#lem: kila[weight]; n; n; n; mana[unit]; n; gij[unit]
2. 1(disz) uruda za3-szu2 {d}nin-ur4-ra ki-la2-bi 1/3(disz) ma-na 4(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2
#lem: n; urud[copper]; zagszu[brand]; PN; kila[weight]; n; mana[unit]; n; n; gij[unit]
3. ki# lugal#-e2-mah-[e]-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
4. kin til-la ur-{d}[szara2] u3 lu2#-kal-la [in-la2]
#lem: kij[work]; til[complete]; PN; u[and]; PN; la[hang]|la[stretch]|lal[small]
5. iti nesag2 mu en [eridu{ki}] ba-hun-ga2
#lem: itud[month]; nesaj[offering]; mu[year]; en[priest]; GN; huj[hire]
BRM 3, 145 (P107346) 1991324
ATF: Parsing failed on line 18 near character 2
&P107346 = BRM 3, 145
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 7(disz) uruda ha-bu3-da
#lem: n; urud[copper]; habuda[hoe]
2. ki-la2-bi# 1(disz) ma-na-ta
#lem: kila[weight]; n; mana[unit]
3. ki da#-da-ga
#lem: ki[place]; PN
4. ur-{d}en-lil2-la2
#lem: PN
1. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
$ (blank space)
2. iti szu-numun
#lem: itud[month]; szunumun[seed]
3. mu# us2-sa ki-masz{ki} mu us2-sa-a-bi
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; mu[year]; us[follow]
1. ur-{d}en-lil2-[la2]
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu lugal-ku3-ga
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
BRM 3, 146 (P107347) 1991328
ATF: Syntax error at line 17 col 9: $ blank line
mu-DU only appears a few times in words list
&P107347 = BRM 3, 146
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 7(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar#
#lem: n; gij[unit]; kugbabbar[silver]
2. mu-DU
#lem: muDU[delivery]
3. ki lu2-{d}szul-gi-ra-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
4. gu-du-du [...]
#lem: PN; u
1. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
$ blank line
2. iti iti-6(disz)
#lem: itud[month]; MN
3. mu {d}szu-{d}suen lugal-e ma-da za-ab-sza#-li{ki} mu-hul
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]; mada[land]; GN; hulu[destroy]
BRM 3, 147 (P107348) 1991331
ATF: Syntax error at line 10 col 9: $ blank line
mu-DU only appears a few times in words list
za-ab-sza-li-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
&P107348 = BRM 3, 147
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 8(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
#lem: n; gij[unit]; kugbabbar[silver]
2. x-x zu2-lum?
#lem: u; zulum[date]
$ blank line
3. ki ki-tusz-lu2-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
4. kiszib3# lu2#-{d}dumu#-zi#
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
5. mu#-DU
#lem: muDU[delivery]
$ (blank space)
1. iti ezem-{d}szul-gi
#lem: itud[month]; MN
2. mu dumu munus lugal ensi2 za-ab-sza-li-ke4 ba-tuku
#lem: mu[year]; dumu[child]; munus[female]; lugal[king]; ensik[ruler]; GN; tuku[acquire]
1. lu2-{d}dumu-zi#
#lem: PN
2. dumu ma-ni
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
3. sagi#
#lem: szagia[cup-bearer]
4. {d}gu3-de2#-[a]
#lem: PN
BRM 3, 148 (P107349) 1991335
ATF: Parsing failed on line 18 near character 2
&P107349 = BRM 3, 148
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. igi 3(disz) gal2 2(u) sze ku3-babbar
#lem: igi[face]; n; jal[be]; n; sze[barley]; kugbabbar[silver]
2. ki da-da-ga
#lem: ki[place]; PN
3. ur-{d}szul-pa-e3 ku3-dim2
#lem: PN; kugdim[smith]
4. su-su-dam
#lem: sug[replace]
1. iti# {d}li9-si4
#lem: itud[month]; DN
$ (blank space)
2. mu us2-sa ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. ur-{d}szul-pa-e3
#lem: PN
2. dumu ku3-sa6-ga
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
3. ku3-dim2
#lem: kugdim[smith]
BRM 3, 149 (P107350) 1991339
ATF: Parsing failed on line 35 near character 2
a-szu-su only appears a few times in words list
am-da-du3 only appears a few times in words list
unu6 only appears a few times in words list
&P107350 = BRM 3, 149
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(gesz2) 7(disz) dug 3(ban2)
#lem: n; n; dug[pot]; n
2. [x] dug si-il-la
#lem: u; dug[pot]; sil[split]
3. 2(disz) GAG in IG
#lem: n; u; in[abuse]|in[sector]|innu[straw]; u
4. 1(u) dug udul2 UD@g
#lem: n; dug[pot]; utul[tureen]; murub[middle]
5. 2(disz) dug sag
#lem: n; dug[pot]; saj[head]
6. 2(disz) dug a-bi2
#lem: n; dug[pot]; PN
7. 2(disz) sila3 sag
#lem: n; sila[unit]; saj[head]
1. 2(u) 2(disz) dug ninda 5(disz) sila3
#lem: n; n; dug[pot]; ninda[bread]; n; sila[unit]
2. 1(u) la2 1(disz) dug ninda 2(disz) sila3
#lem: n; lal[minus]; n; dug[pot]; ninda[bread]; n; sila[unit]
3. 4(disz) dug ninda a-szu-su
#lem: n; dug[pot]; ninda[bread]; X
4. 4(disz) dug am-da-du3
#lem: n; dug[pot]; PN
5. 7(disz) sila3 banda3{da}
#lem: n; sila[unit]; banda[junior]
6. ki i7-pa-e3-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
7. kiszib3 lugal-gu4-e
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
8. iti {d}dumu-zi
#lem: itud[month]; DN
9. mu en unu6 gal {d}inanna ba-hun
#lem: mu[year]; en[priest]; unu[dwelling]; gal[big]; DN; huj[hire]
1. lugal-[...]
#lem: PN
2. dumu ur-nigar[{gar}]
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
3. dub-[sar]
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
BRM 3, 150 (P107351) 1991342
ATF: Parsing failed on line 17 near character 2
sag10 only appears a few times in words list
szu-zu-e only appears a few times in words list
sag10 only appears a few times in signs list
&P107351 = BRM 3, 150
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. [...] 1(disz) sila3 zi3 ba-ba sag10
#lem: u; n; sila[unit]; zid[flour]; PN; sag[quality]
2. sa2#-du11 ku5-ra2
#lem: sadug[offerings]; kud[cut]
3. bala ur-tur
#lem: bala[turn]; PN
4. mu szesz-kal-la-sze3
#lem: mu[name]; PN
5. uruda szu-zu-e
#lem: urud[copper]; szu[hand]|zu[know]
1. iti ki-siki-{d}nin-a-zu
#lem: itud[month]; MN
2. mu {d}szu-{d}suen lugal uri5{ki}-ma-ke4
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]; GN
3. e2# {d}szara2# umma{ki}-ka mu-du3
#lem: e[house]; DN; GN; du[build]
BRM 3, 151 (P107352) 1991345
ATF: Syntax error at line 17 col 9: $ blank line
&P107352 = BRM 3, 151
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) i3-gesz gur
#lem: n; n; n; ijesz[oil]; gur[unit]
2. 1(u) 1(barig) 3(ban2) i3 szah2 gur
#lem: n; n; n; i[oil]; szah[pig]; gur[unit]
3. ki ensi2 umma{ki}-ta
#lem: ki[place]; ensik[ruler]; GN
4. {d}utu-GIR2@g-gal
#lem: PN
1. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
$ blank line
2. mu gu-za ku3 {d}en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
#lem: mu[year]; guza[chair]; kug[metal]; DN; dim[create]
$ blank line
BRM 3, 152 (P107353) 1991348
ATF: Syntax error at line 14 col 9: $ blank line
ur-e2-mah-e-ta only appears a few times in words list
nesag2 only appears a few times in words list
&P107353 = BRM 3, 152
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 5(u) 3(asz) 1(barig) sze gur
#lem: n; n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
2. sze gesz e3-a
#lem: sze[barley]; jesz[tree]; e[leave]
3. ki-su7 {gesz}kiri6#-gu-la
#lem: kisur[locus]; AN
4. giri3 ur-e2-mah-[e]-ta#
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
$ blank line
$ (blank space)
1. iti# nesag2
#lem: itud[month]; nesaj[offering]
2. mu us2-sa {d}szu-{d}suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3-a mu us2-sa-a-bi
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; RN; lugal[king]; bad[wall]; martu[westerner]; du[build]; mu[year]; us[follow]
$ blank line
BRM 3, 153 (P107354) 1991352
ATF: Parsing failed on line 8 near character 2
{tug2}nig2-lam2 does not appear in words list
{tug2}usz-bar does not appear in words list
&P107354 = BRM 3, 153
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 6(disz) {tug2}nig2-lam2 tab-ba us2
#lem: n; nijlam[garment]; tab[double]; us[side]
2. igi sag-ga2 us2-bi
#lem: igi[face]; saj[head]; us[side]
3. [x] {tug2}usz-bar
#lem: u; uszbar[garment]
1. 4(disz) x gen#
#lem: n; u; jen[go]
2. gesz [...]
#lem: jesz[tree]; u
3. [x] x x
#lem: u; u; u
$ (blank space)
BRM 3, 154 (P107355) 1991356
ATF: Syntax error at line 29 col 9: $ blank line
ur-tesz2-me only appears a few times in words list
AN-ma-x does not appear in words list
lu2-x-ne only appears a few times in words list
sum-mu-dam only appears a few times in words list
&P107355 = BRM 3, 154
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(asz) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. si-NE-e
#lem: PN
3. [...] 2(asz) ur-tesz2-me
#lem: u; n; PN
4. 2(asz) AN-ma#?-x
#lem: n; PN
5. 2(asz) lugal-a2-zi-da
#lem: n; PN
6. 2(asz) ba-sa6 kuruszda 2(asz) szabra
#lem: n; PN; kuruszda[fattener]; n; szabra[administrator]
1. {d}szul-gi
#lem: RN
2. ur-{d}li9-si4-ra
#lem: PN
3. ki ba-sa6-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
4. ba-zi
#lem: zig[issue]
5. lu2-x-ne sum-mu-dam
#lem: PN; szum[give]
$ blank line
6. mu dumu lugal#
#lem: mu[year]; dumu[child]; lugal[king]
BRM 3, 156 (P107357) 1991363
ATF: Parsing failed on line 21 near character 6
mu-DU only appears a few times in words list
&P107357 = BRM 3, 156
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. mu-DU
#lem: muDU[delivery]
2. u3 zi-ga
#lem: u[and]; zig[issue]
$ (blank space)
3. nig2-ka9 ak
#lem: nijSZID[account]; ak[do]
4. e2-tum
#lem: PN
5. kiszib3 bala-a
#lem: kiszib[seal]; bala[turn]
6. {d}en-lil2-la2
#lem: DN
7. egir5 ab-ba-sa6-ga-ta
#lem: ejir[back]; PN
$ (no data)
@column 1
1. {d}szu-{d}suen
#lem: RN
2. lugal kal-ga
#lem: lugal[king]; kalag[strong]
3. lugal uri5{ki}-ma
#lem: lugal[king]; GN
4. lugal an ub-da limmu2-ba
#lem: lugal[king]; an[sky]; anubda[quarter]; limmu[four]
@column 2
1. lugal-me-lam2
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu {d}en-lil2-la2 kuruszda
#lem: dumu[child]; DN; kuruszda[fattener]
4. ARAD2-zu
#lem: arad[slave]
BRM 3, 158 (P107358) 1991367
ATF: Syntax error at line 17 col 9: $ blank line
&P107358 = BRM 3, 158
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. [...] 2(disz) tug2! usz-bar
#lem: u; n; tug[textile]; uszbar[weaver]
2. 2(disz) tug2 u2 kal
#lem: n; tug[textile]; u[plants]; kal[rare]
3. dumu-gi7 HI-da
#lem: dumujir[citizen]; PN
4. szu ba-ab-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
1. kiszib3 ur-e11-e
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
$ blank line
2. mu si-ma-[num2{ki}] ba#-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; hulu[destroy]
BRM 3, 159 (P107359) 1991370
ATF: Parsing failed on line 39 near character 2
e-pi-na-a only appears a few times in words list
sze-KIN-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
&P107359 = BRM 3, 159
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(gesz2) [...] giri3 [...]
#lem: n; u; jiri[via]; u
2. 2(u) 4(disz) masz2 giri3 [na-ra]-am-i3-li2
#lem: n; n; masz[goat]; jiri[via]; PN
3. 1(u) 5(disz) [x] masz2 giri3 ba-er
#lem: n; n; u; masz[goat]; jiri[via]; PN
4. 8(disz) sila4 diri x x
#lem: n; sila[lamb]; dirig[exceed]; u; u
5. 4(gesz2) 2(u)
#lem: n; n
6. sza3-bi#-ta
#lem: szag[heart]
1. 3(u) 3(disz) udu ur-tur
#lem: n; n; udu[sheep]; PN
2. 8(disz) sila4 diri AN AN PA
#lem: n; sila[lamb]; dirig[exceed]; PN; PN; u
3. 2(disz) masz2 ba-er
#lem: n; masz[goat]; PN
4. 1(disz) masz2 ur-{d}en-lil2-la2 i3-du8
#lem: n; masz[goat]; PN; idu[doorkeeper]
5. 1(disz) masz2 e-pi-na-a
#lem: n; masz[goat]; X
6. 3(gesz2) 2(disz) udu lugal-ni i3-dab5
#lem: n; n; udu[sheep]; lugal[king]; dab[seize]
7. 3(gesz2) 4(u) 7(disz)
#lem: n; n; n
8. zi-ga-am3
#lem: zig[issue]
9. 3(u) 3(disz) udu ib2-tak4#?
#lem: n; n; udu[sheep]; ibtag[remainder]
10. a-la-mu i3-dab5
#lem: PN; dab[seize]
11. iti sze-KIN-[ku5]
#lem: itud[month]; MN
12. mu {d}szu-[{d}suen] lugal uri5[{ki}-ma-ke4] x x [...]
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]; GN; u; u; u
BRM 3, 160 (P107360) 1991373
ATF: Parsing failed on line 22 near character 3
gi-li only appears a few times in words list
gesz-am3 only appears a few times in words list
&P107360 = BRM 3, 160
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(asz) sze-ba gur lugal
#lem: n; szeba[ration]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. lugal-ma2-gur8-re
#lem: PN
3. 2(ban2) lugal-kisal
#lem: n; PN
4. 1(asz) gi-li#
#lem: n; X
5. 2(barig) ur-tur
#lem: n; PN
6. 2(barig) ik-s,ur2
#lem: n; u
7. 1(asz) inim-du11
#lem: n; PN
8. 1(asz) gesz-am3
#lem: n; jesz[tree]
$ erased
1. 2(barig) an-ne2
#lem: n; PN
2. 2(barig) lugal-nir-gal2
#lem: n; PN
3. 2(barig) szesz-ki-ag2-mu
#lem: n; PN
$ erased
5. a-sza3 musz-bi-an-na-ta
#lem: aszag[field]; FN
6. ki ur-{d}en#-lil2-la2-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
7. iti {d}dumu-zi
#lem: itud[month]; DN
8. mu dumu lugal
#lem: mu[year]; dumu[child]; lugal[king]
BRM 3, 161 (P107361) 1991376
ATF: Parsing failed on line 10 near character 2
&P107361 = BRM 3, 161
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. pisan dub-ba
#lem: bisaj[basket]; dub[tablet]
2. sa2-du11 dingir-re-e-ne
#lem: sadug[offerings]; dijir[deity]
3. mu bad3# ba-du3
#lem: mu[year]; bad[wall]; du[build]
4. i3-gal2
#lem: jal[be]
$ (blank space)
BRM 3, 162 (P107362) 1991380
ATF: Parsing failed on line 16 near character 2
&P107362 = BRM 3, 162
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(u) 3(disz) 2/3(disz) sar kin sahar
#lem: n; n; n; sar[garden]; kij[work]; sahar[dust]
2. a2 lu2# hun#-ga2# 6(disz) sila3-ta
#lem: a[arm]; lu[person]; huj[hire]; n; sila[unit]
3. i7-sal4-la ba-al-la
#lem: WN; bal[dig]
4. ugula inim-{d}szara2
#lem: ugula[overseer]; PN
5. kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
6. mu us2-sa ki-masz{ki}
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN
$ (blank space)
1. lugal-e2-mah-e
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu lugal-ku3-ga
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
BRM 3, 163 (P107363) 1991384
ATF: Parsing failed on line 17 near character 2
&P107363 = BRM 3, 163
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. pisan dub-ba
#lem: bisaj[basket]; dub[tablet]
2. zi-ga lugal u3 sag nig2-gur11-ra
#lem: zig[issue]; lugal[king]; u[and]; saj[head]; nijGA[property]
3. sze gu4 udu i3 siki ku3 uruda u3 diri la2-ia3 ku3 ga2-ra
#lem: sze[barley]; gud[ox]; udu[sheep]; i[oil]; siki[wool]; kug[metal]; urud[copper]; u[and]; dirig[exceed]; la'u[arrears]; kug[metal]; jar[place]
1. mu 1(disz)-a-kam
#lem: mu[year]; n
2. i3-gal2
#lem: jal[be]
3. mu us2-sa ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[destroy]
$ (blank space)
BRM 3, 164 (P107364) 1991388
ATF: Syntax error at line 17 col 9: $ blank line
&P107364 = BRM 3, 164
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. pisan dub-ba
#lem: bisaj[basket]; dub[tablet]
2. sze gesz e3-a#
#lem: sze[barley]; jesz[tree]; e[leave]
3. GAN2# gu4#
#lem: iku[unit]; gud[ox]
4. u3 sze apin#-la2-da ba-a
#lem: u[and]; sze[barley]; apinla[tiller]; PN
5. i3-gal2
#lem: jal[be]
$ blank line
1. mu us2-sa {d}szu-{d}suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; RN; lugal[king]; bad[wall]; martu[westerner]; du[build]
$ blank line
BRM 3, 165 (P107365) 1991391
ATF: Syntax error at line 12 col 9: $ blank line
sze-KIN-ku5-sze3 does not appear in words list
&P107365 = BRM 3, 165
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. pisan dub-ba
#lem: bisaj[basket]; dub[tablet]
2. {kusz}du10-gan
#lem: duggan[bag]
3. zi-ga
#lem: zig[issue]
$ blank line
4. kiszib3 lugal-iti-da
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
5. ki ab-ba-sa6-ga
#lem: ki[place]; PN
1. iti masz-da3-gu7-ta
#lem: itud[month]; MN
2. iti sze-KIN-ku5-sze3
#lem: itud[month]; MN
3. iti 1(u) 2(disz)-kam
#lem: itud[month]; n; n
4. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal-e sza-asz-ru{ki} mu-hul
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]; GN; hulu[destroy]
BRM 3, 166 (P107366) 1991394
ATF: Parsing failed on line 16 near character 2
&P107366 = BRM 3, 166
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. pisan dub-ba
#lem: bisaj[basket]; dub[tablet]
2. nig2-ka9 ak
#lem: nijSZID[account]; ak[do]
3. ab-ba-gi-na
#lem: PN
4. i3-gal2
#lem: jal[be]
$ (blank space)
1. mu sza-asz-szu2-ru{ki} a-ra2 2(disz)-kam ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; ara[times]; n; hulu[destroy]
BRM 3, 167 (P107367) 1991398
ATF: Parsing failed on line 17 near character 2
&P107367 = BRM 3, 167
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. pisan dub-ba
#lem: bisaj[basket]; dub[tablet]
2. gu4 si-<la> engar-e-ne
#lem: gud[ox]; PN; engar[farmer]
3. gu4 si-la unu3-de3
#lem: gud[ox]; PN; unud[cowherd]
4. udu nam-en-na
#lem: udu[sheep]; namuruna[~herd]
1. gaba-ri im e2-gal-la ku4-ra
#lem: gabari[copy]; im[clay]; egal[palace]; kur[enter]
2. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal u3 mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum{ki} mu-hul
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]; u[and]; mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]; GN; hulu[destroy]
3. sza3-ba i3-in-gal2
#lem: szag[heart]; jal[be]
BRM 3, 168 (P107368) 1991401
&P107368 = BRM 3, 168
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. pisan dub-ba
#lem: bisaj[basket]; dub[tablet]
2. e2-tum
#lem: PN
3. {d}en-lil2-la2
#lem: DN
4. igi-sze3
#lem: igi[eye]|igi[face]
5. en3-bi tar-re
#lem: en[cvne]; tar[cut]
6. giri3 gu-za-ni
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
$ (blank space)
BRM 3, 169 (P107369) 1991405
ATF: Parsing failed on line 29 near character 2
nam-en-nita2-la only appears a few times in words list
{d}nanna-kar-zi-da only appears a few times in words list
&P107369 = BRM 3, 169
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. pisan dub-ba
#lem: bisaj[basket]; dub[tablet]
2. gar-gar-ra
#lem: gagara[capital]
3. gurum2 ak erin2#-na
#lem: gurum[inspection]; ak[do]; erin[people]
4. giri3-se3-ga gu4 apin-na
#lem: jirsiga[attendant]; gud[ox]; apin[plow]
5. giri3-se3-ga sipa unu3-e-ne
#lem: jirsiga[attendant]; sipad[shepherd]; unud[cowherd]
1. gu4 apin# e2#-tur3
#lem: gud[ox]; apin[plow]; tur[stall]
2. udu nam-en#-nita2#-la
#lem: udu[sheep]; X
3. ki szu-na-mu-gi4#-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
4. lu2-{d}nin-szubur i3-dab5
#lem: PN; dab[seize]
5. giri3 ur-nigar{gar} sza13-dub-ba
#lem: jiri[via]; PN; bisajdubak[archivist]
6. u3 ur-{d}ba-ba6 dub-sar
#lem: u[and]; PN; dubsar[scribe]
7. mu en {d}nanna-kar-zi-da ba-hun
#lem: mu[year]; en[priest]; DN; huj[hire]
8. i3-gal2
#lem: jal[be]
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