Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Dahl, Jacob L. on 2015-01-12 at 11:33:30 with credits to Dahl, Jacob L.

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
CDLI Literary 000395 (Shulgi A) composite (P469697) 2234604
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 27: {d}nin-immax(|LAGABxSIG7|)muszen
ba-tu-ud-de3-en-na-ta does not appear in words list
4(disz)-ba-me-en only appears a few times in words list
ge6-ga-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-sun2-kam-me-en only appears a few times in words list
ku3-ga-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-lil2-la2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-tu-ra-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}en-ki-kam-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}nanna-a-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}utu-u3-me-en only appears a few times in words list
ansze-gir2-nun-na only appears a few times in words list
du7-u3-me-en only appears a few times in words list
su3-su3-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}szakkan2-na only appears a few times in words list
kasz4-e only appears a few times in words list
kin-ga2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}nisaba-kam-me-en only appears a few times in words list
nam-ur-sag-gu10-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
nam-kal-ga-gu10-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
gesztu2-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-du7-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ge-na-bi only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-da-sa2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ag2-ga2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-ra-ag2-ga2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ra-gig-ga-am3 only appears a few times in words list
za3-sze-ni-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
i3-me-en-na-ke4-esz only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-gur only appears a few times in words list
he2-mi-sa2-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ge only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi2-du3 only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi2-gub only appears a few times in words list
sze17-bi-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
he2-eb-szi-te-en-te-en only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-szi-in-tum3 only appears a few times in words list
ar2-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ak-ak-de3 only appears a few times in words list
du10-tuku-me-en only appears a few times in words list
ib2-zi-ge only appears a few times in words list
kasz4-e only appears a few times in words list
1(disz)-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
nigin2-nigin2-da only appears a few times in words list
nam-szul-bi-ta only appears a few times in words list
ne3-ba only appears a few times in words list
ib2-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
nir-DU only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-su3-su3 only appears a few times in words list
du10-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-bad-bad only appears a few times in words list
gar-gar-ra-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-su8-su8-ge-esz-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ki-ur3-bi-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
sar-sar-re-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
a2-dam-ma only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ku4-re-en only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi2-du8 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ni-gaz only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ni-szar2 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ni-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
lu-lu-me-en only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ni-tag only appears a few times in words list
|KI.LUGAL.GUB|-ta only appears a few times in words list
il2-la-gu10-ne only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-e2-gal-la-ka-kam only appears a few times in words list
he2-ni-dub2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-ni-tu5 only appears a few times in words list
he2-ni-gam only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-gu7 only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-immax(|LAGABxSIG7|)muszen only appears a few times in words list
sur2-du3{muszen}-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-zi-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
a-la-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-gur-re-en only appears a few times in words list
he2-nigin2-nigin2 only appears a few times in words list
{tu15(IM)}mer does not appear in words list
mer-ra only appears a few times in words list
mur-bi only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-sza4 only appears a few times in words list
7(disz)-bi-ta only appears a few times in words list
he2-ni-gu7 only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-tuk4-tuk4 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-dub2-dub2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ma-da-ab-la2 only appears a few times in words list
murgu-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
dub-dab only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-mi-ib-za only appears a few times in words list
dub-dab only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ba-da-te only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ba-da-zi only appears a few times in words list
banda3{da}-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
gur5-ru-usz only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-bur2-bur2 only appears a few times in words list
edin-na-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
hub2-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-szu2-szu2 only appears a few times in words list
la-la-gal2-la-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-gun3-gun3 only appears a few times in words list
du-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
im2-ma-gu10-ne only appears a few times in words list
i3-ga2-ga2-de3 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-nigin2-nigin2 only appears a few times in words list
sag-ur-sag-gu10-ne only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-du8-usz-am3 only appears a few times in words list
esz3-esz3-bi only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ak only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-di-ni-nag only appears a few times in words list
szer3-re-esz only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-an-ne-esz only appears a few times in words list
nag-bi-a only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-da-an-tusz-am3 only appears a few times in words list
silim-esz2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ab-du11 only appears a few times in words list
il2-la-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-eb-gen-ne-en only appears a few times in words list
guru7-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
sar-ra-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
na-e-a-e11-de3 only appears a few times in words list
ul-le-a-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ge26-gin7-nam only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-gal2-la only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-mi-in-ge only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-dab5-ba only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-il2 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-gam-gam only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ge-en-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
se3-ga-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-mi-sa4 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-pa3-de3-ne only appears a few times in words list
e2-kisz-nu-gal2-ta only appears a few times in words list
immax(|LAGABxSIG7|)muszen only appears a few times in signs list
tu15(IM) does not appear in signs list
&P469697 = ETCSL  A praise poem of Shulgi (Shulgi A)
&P469697 = CDLI Literary 000395 (Shulgi A) composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. lugal-me-en sza3-ta ur-sag-me-en
# (Cited in Ur III catalogue at Yale, 0.1.2, line 30; OB catalogue from Nibru, at Philadelphia, 0.2.01, line 1; OB catalogue from Urim (U2), 0.2.04, line 4; OB catalogue at Andrews University, 0.2.11, line 7; OB catalogue at Yale, 0.2.12, Seg. A, line 1)
>>Q000395 001
2. {d}szul-gi-me-en ba-tu-ud-de3-en-na-ta nita kal-ga-me-en
>>Q000395 002
3. pirig igi husz uszumgal-e tu-da-me-en
>>Q000395 003
4. lugal an ub-da 4(disz)-ba-me-en
>>Q000395 004
5. na-gada sipa sag ge6-ga-me-en
>>Q000395 005
6. nir-gal2 dingir kur-kur-ra-me-en
>>Q000395 006
7. dumu u3-tu-da {d}nin-sun2-kam-me-en
>>Q000395 007
8. sza3-ge pa3-da an ku3-ga-me-en
>>Q000395 008
9. lu2 nam tar-ra {d}en-lil2-la2-me-en
>>Q000395 009
10. {d}szul-gi ki ag2 {d}nin-lil2-la2-me-en
>>Q000395 010
11. mi2 zi du11-ga {d}nin-tu-ra-me-en
>>Q000395 011
12. gesztu2 szum2-ma {d}en-ki-kam-me-en
>>Q000395 012
13. lugal kal-ga {d}nanna-a-me-en
>>Q000395 013
14. pirig ka du8-a {d}utu-u3-me-en
>>Q000395 014
15. {d}szul-gi hi-li-a pa3-da {d}inanna-me-en
>>Q000395 015
16. ansze-gir2-nun-na kaskal-e du7-u3-me-en
>>Q000395 016
17. ansze-kur-ra har-ra-an-na kun su3-su3-me-en
>>Q000395 017
18. dur3 {d}szakkan2-na kasz4-e kin-ga2-me-en
#(1 ms. has instead the line:) ansze {d}szakkan2 kasz4!(DU)-e ki ag2-me-en
# 1 ms. has instead: ansze {d}szakkan2 kasz4-e ki ag2-me-en
>>Q000395 018
19. dub-sar gal-zu {d}nisaba-kam-me-en
>>Q000395 019
20. nam-ur-sag-gu10-gin7 nam-kal-ga-gu10-gin7
#(1 ms. has instead:) [nam]-kal#-la-gu10-gin7
# 1 ms. has instead: [nam]-kal-la-gu10-gin7
>>Q000395 020
21. gesztu2-ga2 szu hu-mu-ni-du7-am3
>>Q000395 021
22. inim ge-na-bi ha-ma-da-sa2-am3
>>Q000395 022
23. nig2-si-sa2-e ki ha-ba-ag2-ga2-am3
>>Q000395 023
24. nig2-erim2-e ki la-ba-ra-ag2-ga2-am3
>>Q000395 024
25. inim nig2-erim2 du11-ga hul ha-ba-ra-gig-ga-am3
>>Q000395 025
26. {d}szul-gi-me-en lugal kal-ga sag-bi-sze3 e3-a-me-en
>>Q000395 026
27. a2-nun-gal2 za3-sze-ni-sze3 hul2-la i3-me-en-na-ke4-esz
>>Q000395 027
28. giri3 hu-mu-gur kaskal kalam-ma-ke4 si he2-mi-sa2-sa2
>>Q000395 028
29. danna hu-mu-ge e2 gal-la he2-bi2-du3
>>Q000395 029
30. za3-ba {gesz}kiri6 he2-bi2-gub ki ni2 dub2-bu he2-bi2-gar
#(1 ms. has instead:) he2-bi2-ib2-du3
#(1 ms. has instead the line:) za3-ba |UNU.SAR|-bi ki ri-ib du he2-bi-gal2
# 1 ms. has instead: he2-bi2-ib2-du3
# 1 ms. has instead: za3-ba |UNU.SAR|-bi ki ri-ib du he2-bi-gal2
>>Q000395 030
31. ki-bi lu2 zu-a he2-em-mi-tusz
>>Q000395 031
32. sig-ta du igi-nim-ta du-e
>>Q000395 032
33. a2 sze17-bi-sze3 ni2 he2-eb-szi-te-en-te-en
>>Q000395 033
34. nita har-ra-an-na du kaskal-e ge6 ba-an-da-sa2-a
>>Q000395 034
35. iri du3-a-gin7 zi-ni ha-ba-szi-in-tum3
>>Q000395 035
36. mu-gu10 u4 ul-le2-a-asz ga2-ga2-de3 ka-ta nu-szub-bu-de3
>>Q000395 036
37. ar2-gu10 kalam-ma ak-ak-de3
#(1 ms. has instead:) bara3!-bara3-e-de3
# 1 ms. has instead: bara3!-bara3-e-de3
>>Q000395 037
38. ka tar-gu10 kur-kur-ra si-il-le-de3
>>Q000395 038
39. du10-tuku-me-en usu-gu10 ib2-zi-ge kasz4-e kab2 di-de3
>>Q000395 039
40. nibru{ki}-ta sig4 uri2{ki}-ma-sze3
>>Q000395 40
41. danna 1(disz)-gin7 szu nigin2-nigin2-da sza3-gu10 ha-ma-ab-du11
>>Q000395 041
42. pirig nam-szul-bi-ta nu-kusz2-u3 ne3-ba gub-ba-me-en
>>Q000395 042
43. {tug2}nig2-lam2 banda3{da} ib2-ga2 ba-du3
>>Q000395 043
44. tu{muszen} nir-DU sumur-bi dal-la-gin7 a2-gu10 hu-mu-su3-su3
>>Q000395 044
45. anzu{muszen} kur-bi-sze3 igi il2-la-gin7 du10-gu10 hu-mu-bad-bad
>>Q000395 045
46. iri ma-da ki gar-gar-ra-gu10 ha-ma-su8-su8-ge-esz-am3
>>Q000395 046
47. ug3 sag ge6-ga u8-gin7 lu-a u6 du10 ha-ma-ab-du11
>>Q000395 047
48. masz2 hur-sag-ga2 ki-ur3-bi-sze3 hub2 sar-sar-re-gin7
>>Q000395 048
49. {d}utu a2-dam-ma u4 dagal-la
>>Q000395 049
50. e2-kisz-nu-gal2-sze3 ha-ba-ku4-re-en
>>Q000395 050
51. e2 {d}suen-na tur3 i3 gal-gal-la he2-gal2-la he2-bi2-du8
>>Q000395 051
52. gu4 ha-ba-ni-gaz udu ha-ba-ni-szar2
#(some mss. have instead:) ha-ba-ni-szum
# some mss. have instead: ha-ba-ni-szum
>>Q000395 052
53. szem5 a2-la2-e szix(|KAxBALAG|) ha-ba-gi4
>>Q000395 053
54. tigi(|BALAG.NAR|) nig2 du10-ge si ha-ba-ni-sa2
#(1 ms. has instead the line:) balag di MU [...]
54. tigi nig2 du10-ge si ha-ba-ni-sa2
# 1 ms. has instead: balag di MU [...]
>>Q000395 054
55. {d}szul-gi lu2 nig2 lu-lu-me-en ninda gesz ha-ba-ni-tag
>>Q000395 055
56. pirig-gin7 |KI.LUGAL.GUB|-ta ni2 il2-la-gu10-ne
>>Q000395 056
57. e2-gal-mah {d}nin-e2-gal-la-ka-kam
>>Q000395 057
58. du10 he2-ni-dub2 a zal-le he2-ni-tu5
>>Q000395 058
59. du10 he2-ni-gam ninda hu-mu-ni-gu7
>>Q000395 059
60. {d}nin-immax(|LAGABxSIG7|)muszen sur2-du3{muszen}-gin7 ha-ba-zi-ge-en
#(2 mss. have instead:) {d}nin-ninna2{muszen}
# 2 mss. have instead: {d}nin-ninna2{muszen}
>>Q000395 060
61. nibru{ki}-sze3 a-la-ga2 ha-ba-gur-re-en
>>Q000395 061
62. u4-bi-a u4-de3 gu3 he2-eb-be2 mar-uru5 he2-nigin2-nigin2
>>Q000395 062
63. {tu15(IM)}mer mer-ra {tu15(IM)}u18-lu mur-bi ni2-bi-a hu-mu-un-sza4
63. {tu15(IM)}mer mer-ra {tu15}u18-lu mur-bi ni2-bi-a hu-mu-un-sza4
>>Q000395 063
64. nim gir2-gir2 tu15 7(disz)-bi-ta an-na tesz2 he2-ni-gu7
>>Q000395 064
65. u4 te-esz du11-ga ki he2-em-tuk4-tuk4
>>Q000395 065
66. {d}iszkur-re an nig2-dagal-la-ba gu3 hu-mu-ni-dub2-dub2
>>Q000395 066
67. im an-na-ke4 a ki-ta gu2 he2-em-ma-da-ab-la2
#(1 ms. has instead the line:) [im] an-na-da [a ki]-ke4 sag he2-[ma]-da#-ab-sa2
# 1 ms. has instead: [im] an-na-da [a ki]-ke4 sag he2-[ma]-da-ab-sa2
>>Q000395 067
68. na4 tur-tur-bi na4 gal-gal-bi
>>Q000395 068
69. murgu-ga2 dub-dab he2-em-mi-ib-za dub-dab
#(1 ms. has instead:) bu-u4#-ba-ad
# 1 ms. has instead: bu-u4-ba-ad
>>Q000395 069
70. lugal-me-en ni2 ba-ra-ba-da-te su ba-ra-ba-da-zi
>>Q000395 070
71. pirig banda3{da}-gin7 gur5-ru-usz hu-mu-bur2-bur2
>>Q000395 071
72. ansze edin-na-gin7 hub2-ga2 hu-mu-szu2-szu2
>>Q000395 072
73. sza3 la-la-gal2-la-gu10 kasz4 hu-mu-ni-gun3-gun3
>>Q000395 073
74. dur3 dili du-gin7 im2-ma-gu10-ne
>>Q000395 074
75. {d}utu e2-a-ni-sze3 igi i3-ga2-ga2-de3
>>Q000395 075
76. kaskal 1(u) 5(disz) danna-am3 szu hu-mu-nigin2-nigin2
>>Q000395 076
77. sag-ur-sag-gu10-ne igi hu-mu-un-du8-usz-am3
#(instead of line 77, 1 ms. has 2 lines:) {d}[...] lu-a [...] a-lal3 {d}en#-[lil2] [{d}]nin-lil2-ka?# [szu] he-mi-il2
# 1 ms. has 2 lines: {d}[...] lu-a [...] a-lal3 {d}en-[lil2] [{d}]nin-lil2-ka? [szu] he-mi-il2
>>Q000395 077
78. u4 1(disz)-a nibru{ki} uri2{ki}-ma esz3-esz3-bi hu-mu-ak
>>Q000395 078
79. szesz gu5-li-gu10 szul {d}utu-am3
>>Q000395 079
80. e2-gal an-ne2 ki gar-ra-am3 kasz hu-mu-un-di-ni-nag
>>Q000395 080
81. nar-gu10 tigi(|BALAG.NAR|) 7(disz)-e szer3-re-esz ha-ma-an-ne-esz
81. nar-gu10 tigi 7(disz)-e szer3-re-esz ha-ma-an-ne-esz
>>Q000395 081
82. gidlam(|MUNUS.USZ.DAM|)-gu10 ki-sikil {d}inanna nin hi-li an ki-a
82. gidlam-gu10 ki-sikil {d}inanna nin hi-li an ki-a
>>Q000395 082
83. gu7 nag-bi-a hu-mu-da-an-tusz-am3
>>Q000395 083
84. ni2-gu10 silim-esz2-am3 ba-ra-ab-du11
>>Q000395 084
85. igi il2-la-ga2 he2-eb-gen-ne-en
>>Q000395 085
86. sza3-ge guru7-ga2 an-ta he2-eb-gi4
>>Q000395 086
86A. inim-inim-ma im sar-ra-gu10
>>Q000395 086A
86B. zi a-a-gu10 ku3 {d}lugal-banda3{da}
>>Q000395 086B
86C. {d}nanna lugal an ki-ke4
>>Q000395 086C
86D. [...]
>>Q000395 086D
86E. [...]
>>Q000395 086E
86F. [...]
>>Q000395 086F
86G. [...]
>>Q000395 086G
86H. me# [...] x na?#-e-a-e11-de3
86H. me [...] x na?-e-a-e11-de3
>>Q000395 086H
86I. [...] u4# ul-le-a-sze3
86I. [...] u4 ul-le-a-sze3
>>Q000395 086I
86J. lugal [ki-en-gi]-ra?# ge26-gin7-nam ug3-e ba-ra-gal2-la
86J. lugal [ki-en-gi]-ra? ge26-gin7-nam ug3-e ba-ra-gal2-la
>>Q000395 086J
87. an-ne2 aga zi mah sag-ga2 he2-em-mi-in-ge
#(some mss. have instead:) ku3-sig17
#(1 ms. has instead:) ku3-zi
#(1 ms. has instead:) ku3
# some mss. have instead: ku3-sig17
# 1 ms. has instead: ku3-zi
# 1 ms. has instead: ku3
>>Q000395 087
88. e2-kur za-gin3-na {gesz}gidri ha-ba-dab5-ba
>>Q000395 088
89. bara2 babbar-ra {gesz}gu-za suhusz ge-na sag an-sze3 ha-ba-il2
>>Q000395 089
90. nam-lugal-la a2 hu-mu-ni-mah
>>Q000395 090
91. kur hu-mu-gam-gam kalam hu-mu-ge-en-ge-en
>>Q000395 091
92. an ub-da 4(disz) ug3 sag se3-ga-a-ba mu-gu10 he2-em-mi-sa4
>>Q000395 092
93. szer3 ku3-ga2 hu-mu-un-e-ne
>>Q000395 093
94. nam-mah-gu10 hu-mu-ni-pa3-de3-ne
>>Q000395 094
95. a2 mah lugal-la-kam mi2 du11-ga
>>Q000395 095
96. {d}suen-e e2-kisz-nu-gal2-ta
>>Q000395 096
97. nam-ur-sag nam-kal-ga nam-ti nig2 du10 sag-e-esz rig7-ga
>>Q000395 097
98. a2 mah szum2-ma {d}nu-nam-nir-ra
>>Q000395 098
99. {d}szul-gi kur gul-gul kalam ge-en-ge-en
>>Q000395 099
100. iszib an ki-a gaba-ri nu-tuku
>>Q000395 100
101. {d}szul-gi dumu nir-gal2 an-na-ke4 mi2 du11-ga
>>Q000395 101
102. {d}nisaba za3-mi2
#(instead of lines 101-102, 1 ms. has:) [{d}]szul!-gi dumu?# nir-gal2# an-na za3-mi2
# instead of lines 101-102, 1 ms. has: [{d}]szul!-gi dumu? nir-gal2 an-na za3-mi2
>>Q000395 102
CDLI Literary 000396 (Shulgi B) composite (P469698) 2234605
nig2-ul-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
za3-mi2-bi-im only appears a few times in words list
kal-ga-na only appears a few times in words list
szer3-bi-im only appears a few times in words list
da-ri2-bi-im only appears a few times in words list
sza3-bala-bala-a only appears a few times in words list
u4-da-ka only appears a few times in words list
egir-ra-bi only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-na-de6 only appears a few times in words list
DU-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
i3-bulug5-e only appears a few times in words list
tar-ra-me-en only appears a few times in words list
tur-ra-gu10-ne only appears a few times in words list
e2-dub-ba-a-a-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ki-uri-ka only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-zu only appears a few times in words list
nam-dumu-gi7 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-sar only appears a few times in words list
nam-ku3-zu-ba only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-re6-re6 only appears a few times in words list
szudum(SZID) does not appear in words list
im-mi-til-til only appears a few times in words list
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mu-szi-ga2-ga2-a only appears a few times in words list
nig2-umun2-a only appears a few times in words list
da-ri2-kam only appears a few times in words list
sar-re-bi only appears a few times in words list
kal-ga-na only appears a few times in words list
szer3-bi-im only appears a few times in words list
ki-giri3-gen-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
mu-szi-in-gar only appears a few times in words list
nu-ha-lam-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
du10-ga-me-en only appears a few times in words list
ba-i-i-ta only appears a few times in words list
lu-a-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-se3-ga-am3 only appears a few times in words list
aga-ni only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ba-ta-an-il2 only appears a few times in words list
gidri-ni only appears a few times in words list
nam-lugal-la-ta only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ba-ta-e11-de3 only appears a few times in words list
gal-gal-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
{uruda}szukur-ra only appears a few times in words list
szab-szab-e only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}ga-rig2-ak only appears a few times in words list
sza5-sza5-dam only appears a few times in words list
ur-gi7-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
{uruda}dur10-usz only appears a few times in words list
NE-NE-ga only appears a few times in words list
DU-ba only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-gaz-za only appears a few times in words list
bala-e-da-bi only appears a few times in words list
nu-gid2-i-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
nu-te-ge26-e-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ib2-ta-|DU.DU| only appears a few times in words list
nam-dub-ba only appears a few times in words list
dugud-dugud-da-bi only appears a few times in words list
nam-ku3-zu-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
nam-kal-ga-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-zu-a-na only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-...-na only appears a few times in words list
nig2-ge-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-lul-la-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-si-il-le only appears a few times in words list
rib-ba-me-en only appears a few times in words list
gissu-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
la2-a-me-en only appears a few times in words list
ki-bala-na only appears a few times in words list
da-ri2-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ne-a-a only appears a few times in words list
kaskal-bi-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-gal2-la-ba only appears a few times in words list
nu-gub-gub-ba only appears a few times in words list
lu2-inim-ma-be2-ne only appears a few times in words list
kad4-bi-im only appears a few times in words list
szer3-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
im-de2-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
inim-gu10-ta only appears a few times in words list
im-tag-tag-ge-ne only appears a few times in words list
DU-a-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-an-du11 only appears a few times in words list
til-la-me-en only appears a few times in words list
nir-gal2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-an-zu only appears a few times in words list
tag-tag-da-bi only appears a few times in words list
kun4 only appears a few times in words list
dib-be2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
e2-gal-bi-im only appears a few times in words list
nam-lugal-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
sza-ba-an-galam-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}lamma-bi-im only appears a few times in words list
szer3-bi-im only appears a few times in words list
lugal-lugal-e-ne-er only appears a few times in words list
diri-ga-me-en only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-in-du7 only appears a few times in words list
szudum(SZID) does not appear in signs list
nisaba2 only appears a few times in signs list
gizzal2 only appears a few times in signs list
niskum only appears a few times in signs list
szubtum5 only appears a few times in signs list
2(man) only appears a few times in signs list
isisz only appears a few times in signs list
|U.NAM.KUR| only appears a few times in signs list
|GESZ.PI.TUG2.AN.NISABA| only appears a few times in signs list
&P469698 = ETCSL  A praise poem of SZulgi (SZulgi B)
&P469698 = CDLI Literary 000396 (Shulgi B) composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. lugal-e mu-ni nig2-ul-sze3
# (Cited in OB catalogue from Nibru, at Philadelphia, 0.2.01, line 26; OB catalogue in the Louvre, 0.2.02, line 17; OB catalogue from Urim (U1), 0.2.03, line 1, line 13)
>>Q000396 001
2. u4 su3-ra2-ka pa e3 ak-de3
>>Q000396 002
3. {d}szul-gi lugal uri5{ki}-ma-ke4
>>Q000396 003
4. a2-na za3-mi2-bi-im kal-ga-na szer3-bi-im
>>Q000396 004
5. gal-an-zu nig2 sag-bi-sze3 e3-a-na mu da-ri2-bi-im
>>Q000396 005
6. sza3-bala-bala-a egir u4-da-ka szu-a bala-e-de3
>>Q000396 006
7. kal-ga dumu {d}nin-sun2-ka-ra
>>Q000396 007
8. gesztu2 egir-ra-bi igi-sze3 mu-un-na-de6
>>Q000396 008
9. a2-ni szer3-ra silim-esz2 mu-un-e
>>Q000396 009
10. dim2-ma nig2 sa6-ga sza3-ta DU-a-ni ni2-bi i3-bulug5-e
>>Q000396 010
11. lugal a lugal-e ru-a nin-e tu-da-me-en
>>Q000396 011
12. {d}szul-gi-me-en dumu-gi7 sza3 zi-ta nam du10 tar-ra-me-en
>>Q000396 012
13. tur-ra-gu10-ne e2-dub-ba-a-a-am3
>>Q000396 013
14. dub ki-en-gi ki-uri-ka nam-dub-sar-ra mi-ni-zu
>>Q000396 014
15. nam-dumu-gi7 ge26-e-gin7-nam im nu-mu-un-sar
>>Q000396 015
16. nam-dub-sar-ra ki nam-ku3-zu-ba lu2 im-mi-re6-re6
>>Q000396 016
17. zi-zi-i ga2-ga2 szudum(SZID) nig2-szid-de3 za3 im-mi-til-til
>>Q000396 017
18. {d}nanibgal sig7-ga {d}nisaba2-ke4
>>Q000396 018
19. gesztu2 gizzal2-la szu dagal ma-ni-in-du11
>>Q000396 019
20. dub-sar gal2 tak4-a nig2-e nu-dib-be2-me-en
>>Q000396 020
21. sa nemurx(|PIRIG.TUR|)-gin7 zi-ga-gu10-ne
>>Q000396 021
22. {ansze}niskum(PIRIG)-gin7 kasz4 kal-ga di-ga2
22. {ansze}niskum-gin7 kasz4 kal-ga di-ga2
>>Q000396 022
23. sza3 an-na-ke4 hul2-la ma-ab-de6
>>Q000396 023
24. a-la-ga2 {d}en-lil2-le gu3 zi ma-ni-in-de2
>>Q000396 024
25. nam-si-sa2-gu10-usz gidri ma-an-szum2-mu-usz
>>Q000396 025
26. gu2 kur-kur-ra-ka giri3 ba-da-gub
>>Q000396 026
27. {gesz}tukul-ga2 mu-bi sig-sze3 mu-un-gal2
>>Q000396 027
28. aga3-kar2 se3-ga-gu10 igi-nim-sze3 mu-un-gal2
>>Q000396 028
29. me3 szen-szen-na um-ta-ab-e3-en
>>Q000396 029
30. ki ib2-du11-ga {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3
>>Q000396 030
31. ama erin2-na-gu10-u8 igi-sze3 ba-du-un
>>Q000396 031
32. igi-bar-ra-gu10-u8 a-sza3 ba-ab-zalag-ge-en
>>Q000396 032
33. ge26-e-me-en {gesz}tukul-la a-la mu-un-ga2-ga2-an
>>Q000396 033
34. {uruda}szukur {uruda}ma-sa-tum a-ba-da-ab-gal2-le-en-na
>>Q000396 034
35. {kusz}da-lu-usz2-a a2-sag3-ge-bi mu-zu
>>Q000396 035
36. im-dug im-lag hul sag3-ga-gu10
>>Q000396 036
37. mer im ne3-gal2-la-gin7 dal-le-da-bi
>>Q000396 037
38. sza3 dab-ba-gu10-u8 la-ba-ab-dib-be2-en
>>Q000396 038
39. ni2 zi ir kur-re ba-ab-szum2-mu-un
>>Q000396 039
40. szesz gu5-li-gu10 szul {d}utu-am3
>>Q000396 040
41. ki zi-sza3-gal2-la-ka igi mu-na-ni-du8
>>Q000396 041
42. {d}szul-gi-me-en dalla e3-bi-a inim mu-un-da-bala-e-en
>>Q000396 042
43. dingir igi sa6 me3-ga2-a-kam
>>Q000396 043
44. szul {d}utu kur-ra ki ag2 {d}lamma {gesz}tukul-ga2-kam
>>Q000396 044
45. inim-ma-ni-sze3 ga-mu-un-kal-ge LA ga-mu-un-ne3-e
>>Q000396 045
46. me3 gesz gesz-e la2-a-ba {d}utu ga2-a-ar ma-an-e3
>>Q000396 046
47. {gesz}tukul igi-nim-ma du10-ga2 bi2-tar
>>Q000396 047
48. sig-sze3 elam{ki}-ma gu3-ba gesz ma-ab-us2
>>Q000396 048
49. ki-bala {gesz}tukul-ga2 a-na ba-zi-zi-ga
>>Q000396 049
50. nam-lu2-ulu3-bi sze sahar-ra-gin7
>>Q000396 050
51. ki-en-gi ki-uri ha-ba-ni-du8
>>Q000396 051
52. nig2 ak-a-ga2 ni2-bi ga-bulug5
>>Q000396 052
53. kal-ga-ga2 mu-bi a2 bi2-su3-u4
>>Q000396 053
54. gesztu2-gu10 nig2 galam-ma su3-ga-am3
>>Q000396 054
55. a-na-gu10 nig2 ka-ge dib-ba nu
>>Q000396 055
56. nam-nun-da du-du-a-gu10-ne
>>Q000396 056
57. {u2}|ZI&ZI.LAGAB| gesz hul {u2}|ZI&ZI.LAGAB| gesz hul zukum-ma-gu10-ne
>>Q000396 057
58. til-lu-ug til-lu-ug-da nig2-zi-gal2 edin-na dab5-dab5-be2-da-gu10-ne
>>Q000396 058
59. ur-mah ug uszumgal edin-na-ke4
>>Q000396 059
60. me-da im-ti-ba me-a gen-na-ba
>>Q000396 060
61. gu3 nam-ur-sag-ga2-bi-ir edin-na ga2-la ha-ba-ni-dag-dag
>>Q000396 061
62. sa-du3-a-ta ba-ra-ab-szi-gen-ne-en
>>Q000396 062
63. sze-er-tab-ta en-nu-ug3 ba-ra-bi2-ak
>>Q000396 063
64. a2 gesz-la2-a ba-ab-ak {gesz}tukul ba-ra-bi2-szub{ub}
>>Q000396 064
65. u4 zu2 ses-a-bi {uruda}szukur zi-ba he2-bi2-gar
>>Q000396 065
66. za-pa-ag2-bi-sze3 gaba-gu10 ba-ra-bi2-zi
>>Q000396 066
67. ge26-e tusz-gu10-sze3 ba-ra-ba-ta-gen-ne-en
>>Q000396 067
68. ur-sag ur-sag-e gaz-a-gin7
>>Q000396 068
69. edin-na nig2 ul4-la-asz hu-mu-ni-ak
>>Q000396 069
70. gu3 szubtum5-ma ki giri3 ku5-da-ba edin-ba hu-mu-si-si-ig
>>Q000396 070
71. tur3 amasz ki sag bi2-in-bur2-bur2-ra
>>Q000396 071
72. sipa ildu2-ma-bi-ir su-bi hu-mu-du10
>>Q000396 072
73. u4 me-da u4 ul-le2-a-sze3
>>Q000396 073
74. ga-nam dili-bi ba-an-da-se3-ga lu2 nam-mu-un-szi-ib-be2
>>Q000396 074
75. ur-mah {gesz}tukul-la bi2-til-la-gu10
>>Q000396 075
76. a-ra2-bi za3-bi-sze3 szid-bi ba-ra-zu
>>Q000396 076
77. nig2 ak-a-ga2 ni2-bi ga-bulug5
>>Q000396 077
78. kal-ga-ga2 mu-bi a2 bi2-su3-u4
>>Q000396 078
79. gesztu2-gu10 nig2 galam-ma su3-ga-am3
>>Q000396 079
80. a-na-gu10 nig2 ka-ge dib-ba nu
>>Q000396 080
81. {d}szul-gi dingir nam-gurusz-a sag-kal erin2-na-me-en
>>Q000396 081
82. tir-ra sa i-ni-sa2 ti galam-ma i-ni-gid2
>>Q000396 082
83. nig2 szu 2(man) a2-ta ri-a-ga2 {gesz}gag-pan he2-ni-ib-ri-en
>>Q000396 083
84. am gal gu4 an-na sun2 alim gu3 ib2-de2-de2-e
>>Q000396 084
85. kur-ur2-ra sag bala-e-da-bi
>>Q000396 085
86. a2 ne3-gal2-la-ga2 ti zu2 mu-ni-in-ri
>>Q000396 086
87. u3 ur5-re nig2 la-ga me-dim2
>>Q000396 087
88. zi-bi edin-na szub-szub-bu-da-bi
>>Q000396 088
89. an-za-gar3 libir-ra-gin7 hu-mu-szub{ub}
>>Q000396 089
90. sag-bi {gesz}naga3 hul-gin7 ki he2-bi2-tag
>>Q000396 090
91. ansze edin-na-sze3 {gesz}es2-ad la-ba-nu2-en pu2 la-ba-ba-al-e
>>Q000396 091
92. {gesz}gag-u2-tag-ga la-ba-szi-gid2-en
>>Q000396 092
93. gaba-ri-gu10-gin7 du10 bi2-bur2
>>Q000396 093
94. gaz tur-ba dur3 sal-la gaz-gin7-nam la-ba-szi-nigin2-nigin2-de3
>>Q000396 094
95. szeg9-bar ne3-gal2-la edin-na kasz4 di-da-bi
>>Q000396 095
96. ur5-bi {gesz}gag-ta ba-ta-la2
>>Q000396 096
97. a2 dili zi-ga-gu10 ki-a ba-ab-ha-za
>>Q000396 097
98. {gesz}gag-pan-ta zu2 kesz2-ga2 na-me
>>Q000396 098
99. im-ri-a 1(disz)-am3 lu2 na-ma-ta-e3-e
>>Q000396 099
100. nita igi si sa2-a-me-en
>>Q000396 100
101. AB-ru-um ki-iz-ru-um-ma DU-a-gu10-ne
>>Q000396 101
102. {gesz}ilar sag3-ge-bi gal-zu-me-en
>>Q000396 102
103. gesz-nu11 an-ta szu bar-ra-gin7 kasz4 du11#-bi
103. gesz-nu11 an-ta szu bar-ra-gin7 kasz4 du11-bi
>>Q000396 103
104. nig2 bi2-ra-a-gu10 ki-bi nu-zi-zi-i
>>Q000396 104
105. nig2-gu2-un-na-sze3 da ba-ri-e
>>Q000396 105
106. {gesz}ellag nig2 an-na diri-ga-am3 tug2-gin7 im-ra-ra-an
>>Q000396 106
107. nig2-ur2-limmu2 nim-gin7 gir2-re-da a2-sag3 bi2-ib-szub{ub}-be2-en
>>Q000396 107
108. {d}szul-gi-me-en du10 szu bar-ra-gin7 masz am3-mi-ib2-dab5-be2-en
>>Q000396 108
109. a2-gu10 nig2 na-me la-ba-dab5-be2 ma-ga-tum ma-szum2
>>Q000396 109
110. ki-giri3-gen-gu10 nig2 mu-un-gar-gar
>>Q000396 110
111. edin-ta du-gu10-ne nig2 mu-un-szi-la2-la2
>>Q000396 111
112. ama ugu-gu10 {d}nin-sun2-ka-ra
>>Q000396 112
113. dumu nig2 5(disz) nig2 1(u)-ni ge26-e-me-en
>>Q000396 113
114. nig2 ak-ga2 ni2-bi ga-bulug5
>>Q000396 114
115. kal-ga-ga2 mu-bi a2 bi2-su3-u4
>>Q000396 115
116. gesztu2-gu10 nig2 galam-ma su3-ga-am3
>>Q000396 116
117. a-na-gu10 nig2 ka-ge dib-ba nu
>>Q000396 117
118. lugal-me-en ur-sag szu du7-a kalam-ma kur2-ra-am3
>>Q000396 118
119. {d}szul-gi nir-gal2 usu gal-gal-la-me-en
>>Q000396 119
120. kal-ga-me-en nig2 sag nu-ge-me-en nig2-hul nu-zu-me-en
>>Q000396 120
121. i7-da {gesz}ma2-gur8-gu10 gu2 nu-mu-da-ga2-ga2
>>Q000396 121
122. ansze erin2-na-gu10 zi-bi nu-mu-e-da-szub-be2
>>Q000396 122
123. szesz gu5-li-gu10 szul {d}utu-gin7
>>Q000396 123
124. za3-sze3 pirig-gin7 su8-su8-ge-ga2
>>Q000396 124
125. ansze sahar la2 ug-gin7 szix(|KAxBALAG|) gi4-a-ga2 szusz3 sa6-ga-bi-me-en
>>Q000396 125
126. dur3{ur3}-gin7 kasz4-a ne3-gu10 nu-silig-ge
>>Q000396 126
127. kasz4-ta e3-a-me-en du10 nu-kusz2-u3-me-en
>>Q000396 127
128. nam-te nu-gal2-me-en isisz-a gu4-gu4-u4-me-en
>>Q000396 128
129. inim-gu10 nig2 ka-ta nu-szub-bu-dam
>>Q000396 129
130. mi2-gu10 di nig2-ge-na-ka ka-ga14(KA) mu-szi-gal2
130. mi2-gu10 di nig2-ge-na-ka ka-ga14 mu-szi-gal2
>>Q000396 130
131. masz2-szu-gid2-gid2 dadag-ga-me-en
>>Q000396 131
132. giri3-gen-na inim uzu-ga-ka {d}nin-tu-bi ge26-e-me-en
>>Q000396 132
133. szu-luh-ha nam-iszib szu du7-de3
>>Q000396 133
134. en-ra za3-mi2 <di>-de3 ge6-par4-sze3 hug-e
134. en-ra za3-mi2 di-de3 ge6-par4-sze3 hug-e
>>Q000396 134
135. lu2-mah nin-dingir sza3 ku3-ge pa3-da
>>Q000396 135
136. sig-sze3 sag ga2-ga2 nim-sze3 aga3-kar2 se3-ge
>>Q000396 136
137. e2 szu-nir-ra-ke4 gal2 tag4-tag4-[x]
137. e2 szu-nir-ra-ke4 gal2 tag4-tag4-x
>>Q000396 137
138. gesz-gid2-da a me3 tu5-tu5-[x]
138. gesz-gid2-da a me3 tu5-tu5-x
>>Q000396 138
139. ki-bala-a-sze3 sa2 galam-ma ga2-ga2-[x]
139. ki-bala-a-sze3 sa2 galam-ma ga2-ga2-x
>>Q000396 139
140. inim dingir-re-e-ne nig2 kal-kal-la-am3
>>Q000396 140
141. sila4 babbar udu kin-gi4-a-ka inim-gar u3-bi2-gar-gar
>>Q000396 141
142. ki mu pa3-da-ba a esza ba-ni-de2
>>Q000396 142
143. inim siskur2-ra-ka udu sa am3-mi-ni-ib2-gi4-gi4-in
>>Q000396 143
144. masz2-szu-gid2-gid2-gu10 na-ga2-ah-gin7 u6 mu-e
>>Q000396 144
145. udu sa gi4-a szu-ga2 ma-an-dab
>>Q000396 145
146. sa6-ga hul-da la-ba-an-da-ha-ze2-en
>>Q000396 146
147. sza3 zalag ni2-ga2-me-en igi-gu10-ta i3-du-un
>>Q000396 147
148. lugal-me-en sza3 udu 1(disz)-a-kam
>>Q000396 148
149. a2 ag2-ga2 nig2 ki-szar2-ra-ka igi mu-na-ni-du8
>>Q000396 149
150. nig2 ak-ga2 ni2-bi ga-bulug5
>>Q000396 150
151. kal-ga-ga2 mu-bi a2 bi2-su3-u4
>>Q000396 151
152. gesztu2-gu10 nig2 galam-ma su3-ga-am3
>>Q000396 152
153. a-na-gu10 nig2 ka-ge dib-ba nu
>>Q000396 153
154. {d}szul-gi lugal uri5{ki}-ma-me-en
>>Q000396 154
155. u3 nam-nar-ra gu2-gu10 ha-na-szum2
>>Q000396 155
156. nig2 na-me-bi la-ba-da-an-gib-en
>>Q000396 156
157. tigi(|BALAG.NAR|) a-da-ab nam-nar szu du7-a bur3 dagal-bi mu-zu
157. tigi a-da-ab nam-nar szu du7-a bur3 dagal-bi mu-zu
>>Q000396 157
158. gesz szu-kar2-ke4 sza3 bi2-ib-dab5
>>Q000396 158
159. si ak-de3 a2 nu-mu-e-szi-ib-gaz-e-en
>>Q000396 159
160. zi-zi-i szu2-szu2-ba gesz mu-e-hur-hur
>>Q000396 160
161. {gesz}gu2-usz za-mi2-a kam-ma sa6-ga mi-ni-zu
>>Q000396 161
162. {gesz}sa-esz5 u3 sza3 nam-nar-ra-ka sza3 du-bu-la mi-ni-zu
>>Q000396 162
163. {gesz}mi-ri2-tum nig2 e2 si-ga-ke4 szu mu-un-gid2-gid2-de3
>>Q000396 163
164. {gesz}al-gar {gesz}sa-bi2-tum in-dim2 lugal-la aga szu-si mu-ni-zu
>>Q000396 164
165. {gesz}ur-za-ba-bi2-tum {gesz}har-har {gesz}za-na-ru
>>Q000396 165
166. {gesz}ur-gu-la {gesz}dim3-lu2-ma2-gur8-ra ne-gin7 gu3 mi-ni-e3
>>Q000396 166
167. dumu nar-ra szu tam-tam-ma-gin7
>>Q000396 167
168. gesz-gu3-di gesz la-ba-ra-ab-tuku-a ki-gu10-usz lu2 mu-ni-ib-DU-[x (x)]
168. gesz-gu3-di gesz la-ba-ra-ab-tuku-a ki-gu10-usz lu2 mu-ni-ib-DU-x (x)
>>Q000396 168
169. u3-ne-en sza3-bi ba-zu-zu
>>Q000396 169
170. nig2 u4-bi-sze3 szu-ga2 gal2-la-gin7 ba-e-de3-ga2-ga2-de3-[x]
170. nig2 u4-bi-sze3 szu-ga2 gal2-la-gin7 ba-e-de3-ga2-ga2-de3-x
>>Q000396 170
171. ad pa3-de3 gid2-i tu-lu ge-na szu-ga2 la-ba-ra-e3
>>Q000396 171
172. gi-di gi sipa-gin7 nu-um-me
>>Q000396 172
173. szumun-sza4 mur sza4-e i-si-isz ga2-ga2
>>Q000396 173
174. sza3 ge sag us2-bi-gin7 i3-zu
>>Q000396 174
175. hul2-hul2-le-me-en du10-du10-ge-me-en
>>Q000396 175
176. giri17-zal nam-nun-na u4 zal-zal-le-me-en
>>Q000396 176
177. lu2-u18-lu ni2-te-a-ni-sze3 gesztu2 he2-ga2-ga2
>>Q000396 177
178. nig2-bi nig2 igi nigin2-na-ka
>>Q000396 178
179. za3 nam-ti-la sag im-gi4-a
>>Q000396 179
180. ze2 kur nam-gu2-ka3-ka lu2 la-ba-an-tag4-tag4-e
>>Q000396 180
181. kal-ga ne3-ni-ta nir-gal2-la-me-en
>>Q000396 181
182. mu mah-a-ni-ta nir-gal2-e
>>Q000396 182
183. nig2 he2-em-gu-ul-gu-ul-e a-na-asz ba-ni-ib-la2-e
>>Q000396 183
184. ama ugu-gu10 {d}nin-sun2-na-ra ama na-an-da-u3-tu
>>Q000396 184
185. hul2-hul2-le-ga2 du10-du10-ge-ga2
>>Q000396 185
186. a-sila3-gar-ra-gu10 mi2-esz2 ma-ni-in-du11
>>Q000396 186
187. nig2-lul-la ka-ga14(KA) nu-un-gal2
187. nig2-lul-la ka-ga14 nu-un-gal2
>>Q000396 187
188. munus-e tur-ra szu nu-bar-re
>>Q000396 188
189. e2-gal-ga2 nig2-hul2-hul2-la u4 mi-ni-ib2-zal-zal-e
>>Q000396 189
190. {d}szul-gi-me-en ti-la u4 su3-ra2-ka nig2 mi-ni-ib-gu-ul-gu-ul-lu-ga2
>>Q000396 190
191. lugal-me-en u4 nam-gu10 ba-tar-ra-ta
>>Q000396 191
192. ti-la ur5 sa6-ge nig2 gu-ul-gu-ul-lu-ga2
>>Q000396 192
193. igi {d}utu dumu {d}nin-gal-la-ka-sze3 ba-ra-ma-ni-la2
>>Q000396 193
194. lugal-me-en u4 ti-la su3-ra2-sze3
>>Q000396 194
195. mu-gu10 u4 ul-le2-a-asz szer3-re he2-em-du10-ge
>>Q000396 195
196. szer3 zu-gu10-gin7 inim zu-gu10-gin7
>>Q000396 196
197. nig2 sag gi4-a mul-an-bi-me-en
>>Q000396 197
198. ni2 sag-ki e2-gal ge-ne2-dam
>>Q000396 198
199. sag-gag gi-ninda iri{ki} du3-du3-u3-dam
>>Q000396 199
200. ni2 sag-ki-gu10 a-ba-da-ab-gal2-la-am3
>>Q000396 200
201. kur-kur {gesz}kab-gin7 a-ba-da-ab-gal2-en-na
>>Q000396 201
202. ni2 me-lam2 {gesz}kar2 se3-se3 szu-ga2
>>Q000396 202
203. {gesz}rab3-gin7 kalam-ma a-ba-da-gal2-le-na
>>Q000396 203
204. nam-tag-ga sag3-ge du8-u3-bi mu-zu
>>Q000396 204
205. inim-ma gal-gal-la silim-zu gal2#-[la-me-en]
205. inim-ma gal-gal-la silim-zu gal2-la-me-en
>>Q000396 205
206. a e3-a-gin7 gu3 gal u4 gal u4 a [x x]
206. a e3-a-gin7 gu3 gal u4 gal u4 a x x
>>Q000396 206
207. hi-il-zum{ki} dab5-be2 elam um-szi-[x]
207. hi-il-zum{ki} dab5-be2 elam um-szi-x
>>Q000396 207
208. a2-gal2 inim-ma-bi-ir gaba-ri-ni mu-zu
>>Q000396 208
209. dumu ki-en-gi{ki}-ra numun-ba ge26-e-me-en
>>Q000396 209
210. ur-sag ki-en-gi{ki}-ra ur-sag ge26-e-me-en
>>Q000396 210
211. 3(disz)-kam-ma-asz [lu2] kur ge6-ge6-ga-ke4
211. 3(disz)-kam-ma-asz lu2 kur ge6-ge6-ga-ke4
>>Q000396 211
212. ge26-e-me-en [gu3 mu-na]-de2#-e
212. ge26-e-me-en gu3 mu-na-de2-e
>>Q000396 212
213. 4(disz)-kam-ma-asz [mar-tu] lu2 kur-ra A [x (x)]
213. 4(disz)-kam-ma-asz mar-tu lu2 kur-ra A x (x)
>>Q000396 213
214. eme bala-e mu-un-da-an-gub-be2
>>Q000396 214
215. ge26-e eme-ni-ta inim-inim kilib-ba-ni si mu-un-na-ab-sa2-e
>>Q000396 215
216. 5(disz)-kam-ma-asz su-bir4{ki}-a |U.NAM.KUR| gu3 ra
>>Q000396 216
217. eme-na dumu iri-na nu-me-en-na inim ba-an-di-ni-ib-kar-re
>>Q000396 217
218. di ki-en-gi{ki}-ke4 si sa2-da-gu10-ne
>>Q000396 218
219. 5(disz)-bi eme-bi ba-ni-ib-gi4-gi4-in
>>Q000396 219
220. e2-gal-ga2 kasz4 inim bala-e eme-e li-bi2-du3-e
>>Q000396 220
221. di-til-la-ga2 sza3 usz im-gu7
>>Q000396 221
222. gal-zu nam-lugal an-ta-gal2-bi-me-en
>>Q000396 222
223. ukken gar-ra-gu10 ug3 sag se3-ga-gin7
>>Q000396 223
224. nimgir gal si gu3 SA gu3-bi-a ni2 sza3-ga szub-bu-de3
>>Q000396 224
225. ad gi4-gi4-da inim szar2-szar2-dam
>>Q000396 225
226. pu-uh2-ru-um{ki} nam tar-tar-re-de3
>>Q000396 226
227. szagina-gu10-ne-er ad gi4-gi4 mu-un-zu inim szar2-szar2 mu-zu
>>Q000396 227
228. inim i7-gin7 unu2-ba suh-ra-ba
>>Q000396 228
229. szer7-da sag i3-tum2-tum2-ga2 ma-da gal-gal-ga2 suhusz ma-ab-ge-en-ge-en
>>Q000396 229
230. inim-ta {gesz}tukul-gin7 iri lah5-me-en
>>Q000396 230
231. nam-ku3-zu-gu10 gam-gam-da-bi-gin7
>>Q000396 231
232. nam-kal-ga sag-izi [bar7]-a-gin7
232. nam-kal-ga sag-izi bar7-a-gin7
>>Q000396 232
233. ama tuku nu-me-en sza3 inim-[ma] mu-zu
233. ama tuku nu-me-en sza3 inim-ma mu-zu
>>Q000396 233
234. inim-gu10 sag i3 li inim-ma-kam
>>Q000396 234
235. sza3 izi-gin7 bar7-a sze17-bi mu-zu
>>Q000396 235
236. ka gesz-gi-gin7 izi-ba szum2-ma te-en-te-en-bi mu-zu
>>Q000396 236
237. inim-gu10 lu2-inim-ma diri-ga ki mu-un-szi-ib-la2-e
>>Q000396 237
238. nig2 kal-kal-la ge26-e lu2-bi-me-en
>>Q000396 238
239. sun5-na dugud-bi sag-bi ma-kal
>>Q000396 239
240. nig2 na-me-ga2 la-ba-da-kar2-kar2-re-de3
>>Q000396 240
241. inim an-na inim {d}en-lil2-la2-ta
>>Q000396 241
242. zi kalam-ma zi kur-kur-ra-ka giri17 szu sza-ba-gal2
>>Q000396 242
243. ga2-la nu-dag-ge musz3 nu-tum2-mu-bi-me-en
>>Q000396 243
244. dingir-re-e-ne gub-bu in-ga-zu
>>Q000396 244
245. {d}a-nun-na-ke4-ne sza3 sze17-de3 mu-zu
>>Q000396 245
246. {d}szul-gi nam-nun-na gu2 gal pesz11-a-me-en
>>Q000396 246
247. nig2 gal-gal-la a-ba-da-gal2-le-en-na
>>Q000396 247
248. sza3-ga2 hul2-la a-ba-da-gal2-la
>>Q000396 248
249. nig2 ga2-la dag-dag-ge bar-sze3 nu-szub-be2-me-en
>>Q000396 249
250. ur5-gin7 gid2-gid2 sag gal2-a-me-en
>>Q000396 250
251. a2 ki-lul-la nu-mu-szi-ag2#-[ga2]
251. a2 ki-lul-la nu-mu-szi-ag2-ga2
>>Q000396 251
252. a-gar3 gal-gal-e gu2 mu#-[un-szum2]
252. a-gar3 gal-gal-e gu2 mu-un-szum2
>>Q000396 252
253. gan2-ne2 gan2 zi-de3 gesz mu#-[ni-in-du3]
253. gan2-ne2 gan2 zi-de3 gesz mu-ni-in-du3
>>Q000396 253
254. du6 sag e pa5-re a2 szum2-mu#-[me-en]
254. du6 sag e pa5-re a2 szum2-mu-me-en
>>Q000396 254
255. i3 gal-gal-me-en siki gal-[gal]-me-en
255. i3 gal-gal-me-en siki gal-gal-me-en
>>Q000396 255
256. gu nam-gu10 mah sze nam#-[gu10] mah
256. gu nam-gu10 mah sze nam-gu10 mah
>>Q000396 256
257. enmen2 sza3-gar dingir-re-e-ne-ka# sza3-zarah(|SAG.PA.LAGAB|) ma-ab-gu#-ul#-gu-ul
257. enmen2 sza3-gar dingir-re-e-ne-ka sza3-zarah ma-ab-gu-ul-gu-ul
>>Q000396 257
258. {d}szul-gi-me-en zi ki-en-gi-ra-me-en
>>Q000396 258
259. lugal bad-bad-ra2 gaba-ri nu-tuku-me-en
>>Q000396 259
260. in-ga-ab-be2-en nig2-gu10 nig2 gal-am3
>>Q000396 260
261. lugal-me-en a-na-gu10 szu ba-ab-te-ge26-e
>>Q000396 261
262. gesztu2 a2 diri nam-si-sa2-gu10-usz
>>Q000396 262
263. inim ge-na nig2 nu-ha-lam-e-gu10-usz
>>Q000396 263
264. {d}isztaran-gin7 di ku5-ru gal-zu-gu10-usz
>>Q000396 264
265. {d}en-lil2-le a2 ug3 lu-a-na mu-da-an-ag2-ga2-ta
>>Q000396 265
266. uri he2-em dumu ki-en-gi-ra he2-em
>>Q000396 266
267. ki gu-ti-um{ki} lu2 i-{d}utu he2-em
>>Q000396 267
268. lugal u4 ul-le-a 1(disz)-ra
>>Q000396 268
269. sza3-gu10 nig2-a2-zi ba-ra-mu-un-na-ta-ab-de6
>>Q000396 269
270. nam-lu2-ulu3 us2-a an-ta se3-ga-ta
>>Q000396 270
271. gesztu2 dab5-ba-ba na-ga2-ah-bi nu-me-en-na
>>Q000396 271
272. en3-du u4-bi-ta libir-ra ul-le2-a
>>Q000396 272
273. tigi(|BALAG.NAR|) za-am-za-am szu szi-tum2-mu-de3
273. tigi za-am-za-am szu szi-tum2-mu-de3
>>Q000396 273
274. u4 na-me lul-sze3 ba-ra-bi2-pa3 ka-ge ba-ra-bi2-gi4
>>Q000396 274
275. nig2 libir-ra-bi en he2-bi-tar-tar szub-bu-de3 ba-ra-bi2-szum2
>>Q000396 275
276. tigi(|BALAG.NAR|) za-am-za-am ki di-bi nig2 na#-[me] gesztu2-ga he2-ni-us2
276. tigi za-am-za-am ki di-bi nig2 na-me gesztu2-ga he2-ni-us2
>>Q000396 276
277. szer3-gid2-da-bi e2 du10-ga-ga2 pa e3 ha-ba-ni-ak
>>Q000396 277
278. nig2 szu-ta ba-ra-szub-bu-da-[bi]
278. nig2 szu-ta ba-ra-szub-bu-da-bi
>>Q000396 278
279. szu nam-nar-ra-ke4 he2-bi2-la2-la2
>>Q000396 279
280. sza3 kalam-ma-ke4 izi zal-gin7 he2-bi2-ak
>>Q000396 280
281. a-na ab-tuku ur5-re ib2-hul
>>Q000396 281
282. a-ba nam-ti an-na ba-e-e3
>>Q000396 282
283. u4 me-da u4 ul-le2-a-sze3
>>Q000396 283
284. lu2 {d}en-lil2-la2 mu-un-zi-[zi-i]
284. lu2 {d}en-lil2-la2 mu-un-zi-zi-i
>>Q000396 284
285. tukum-bi ge26-e-gin7-nam lugal si sa2-am3
>>Q000396 285
286. mi2 szu12 szer3 nam-ku3-zu-gu10
>>Q000396 286
287. a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2 ki-giri3-gen-na-gu10
>>Q000396 287
288. lugal-bi-ir e2-gal du10-ga-na he2-na-an-us2
>>Q000396 288
289. nig2 in-na-du10-ga sza3-sze3 he2-na-gid2
>>Q000396 289
290. mi2-ga2 usu-bi he2-en-zi-zi-[i]
290. mi2-ga2 usu-bi he2-en-zi-zi-i
>>Q000396 290
291. szer3-ga2 a-la-bi he2-en-tum2-tum2-mu
>>Q000396 291
292. gesztu2 gal-gal-gu10 ur5-da hu-mu-na-ak
>>Q000396 292
293. kal-ga nig2 in-da-se3-ge-da-gin7
>>Q000396 293
294. ki a2-na la-ba-ni-ib-gal2-la-am3
>>Q000396 294
295. nig2-nam-gu10-u8 szu ha-ba-an-sag3-sag3-ge me-tesz2 hu-mu-i-i
>>Q000396 295
296. mu du10-ga-gu10 he2-en-pa3-pa3-de3
>>Q000396 296
297. tukum-bi sza3-ga-ni nig2-erim2 mu-e-szi-ib2-tum3
>>Q000396 297
298. nig2 na-me-ga2 sag ba-an-sag3
>>Q000396 298
299. lu2 a2 zi-ga-bi-ir {d}nanna di he2-en-e
>>Q000396 299
300. {d}utu sag-izi-e szu he2-en-da-ab-ri-e
>>Q000396 300
301. lugal-bi ki-giri3-gen-na he2-du inim-ma-ni al-ze2-er
>>Q000396 301
302. un-ga-ti u4 ti-la-ni-a
>>Q000396 302
303. nig2 usu-na he2-en-ak en3-du me-da tum3
>>Q000396 303
304. lugal-me-en in-ga-zu-a-ta nig2-me-gar gu3 i3-de2
>>Q000396 304
305. gesztu2-gesztu2-ga diri-ga-gu10-sze3
>>Q000396 305
306. um-mi-a-gin7 mu libir-ra-gu10-sze3
>>Q000396 306
307. nig2-umun2-a en3-du-gu10 he2-en-pa3-de3 mul-an he2-u3-tu
>>Q000396 307
308. sig-sze3 uri5{ki}-ma ki sikil-la bi2-mu2
>>Q000396 308
309. e2-|GESZ.PI.TUG2.AN.NISABA| mul en3-du-ga2-ka
>>Q000396 309
310. nim-sze3 nibru{ki}-a ki-gal-la bi2-gub
>>Q000396 310
311. szu12 e2-kur-ra ki he2-us2-sa-gu10-usz
>>Q000396 311
312. dub-sar he2-gub szu-ni he2-eb-dab5-be2
>>Q000396 312
313. nar he2-gub gu3 hu-mu-un-ne2-re-de2
>>Q000396 313
314. e2-dub-ba-a da-ri2 hur nu-kur2-ru-dam
>>Q000396 314
315. ki-umun2 da-ri2 hur nu-silig-ge-dam
>>Q000396 315
316. gesztu2 dab5-ba-gu10 i3-ne-esz2 ne-e ur5-ra-am3
>>Q000396 316
317. nig2 ka-ge dib-ba ki-szar2-ra
>>Q000396 317
318. giri3-gen-na inim en3-du-ga2-kam a-na mu-szi-gal2-la
>>Q000396 318
319. an {d}en-lil2 {d}utu {d}inanna lul ba-ra-na he2-ge-en
>>Q000396 319
320. u3 nam-erim2-e lu2 na-an-ga-am3-me
>>Q000396 320
321. u4 ne-e mu-sar-ra-gu10-a
>>Q000396 321
322. iri nu-mu-un-gul-la bad3 nu-mu-un-se3-ga-gu10
>>Q000396 322
323. kur gi-sig-gin7 nu-mu-un-dub2-ba-gu10
>>Q000396 323
324. ar2 za3 li-bi2-til-til-la-gu10
>>Q000396 324
325. a-na-gin7-nam nar-e en3-du-a mu-szi-ga2-ga2-a
>>Q000396 325
326. nig2-umun2-a sag-kal mu da-ri2-kam
>>Q000396 326
327. nig2-lul nig2-ge-na nu-me-a sar-re-bi a-na-gin7-nam
>>Q000396 327
328. lugal-me-en a2-ga2 {d}lamma-bi kal-ga-na szer3-bi-im
>>Q000396 328
329. ki-giri3-gen-na-gu10 nar-e mu-szi-in-gar
>>Q000396 329
330. en3-du-gu10 nig2 nu-ha-lam-e-de3
>>Q000396 330
331. inim-gu10 nig2 ka-ta nu-szub-bu-de3
>>Q000396 331
332. ge26-e lugal kalam-ma du10-ga-me-en
>>Q000396 332
333. numun ba-i-i-ta za3 ug3 lu-a-sze3
>>Q000396 333
334. lugal nig2-ga2 nig2 bi2-in-se3-ga-am3
>>Q000396 334
335. aga-ni an-ne2 ba-ra-ba-ta-an-il2
>>Q000396 335
336. gidri-ni bara2 nam-lugal-la-ta ba-ra-ba-ta-e11-de3
>>Q000396 336
337. kal-ga nam-ku3-zu gesztu2 szum2-ma-me-en
>>Q000396 337
338. nig2 gal-gal-ga2 za3-bi til-la
>>Q000396 338
339. pirig igi {uruda}szukur-ra ga-rasz{sar}-gin7 szab-szab-e
>>Q000396 339
340. nemurx(|PIRIG.TUR|) szu zi-ga igi {gesz}ga-rig2-ak gi-gin7 sza5-sza5-dam
>>Q000396 340
341. zi-bi ur-gi7-gin7 {uruda}dur10-usz NE-NE-ga
>>Q000396 341
341a. sun2 usu gal-gal gu4 a2 nu-gi4-a
>>Q000396 341A
343. gu4 kur-bi-sze3 DU-ba edin-na mi-ni-gaz-za
>>Q000396 343
344. kur-ba szu-a bala-e-da-bi
>>Q000396 344
345. hur-sag nig2 sza3-ge nu-gid2-i-gin7
>>Q000396 345
346. sza3-ge szu nu-te-ge26-e-gin7 ib2-ak
>>Q000396 346
347. inim ib2-ta-|DU.DU| i-gi4-in-zu lul na-nam
>>Q000396 347
348. ki nam-dub-ba inim dugud-dugud-da-bi
>>Q000396 348
349. nam-ku3-zu-gu10 nam-kal-ga-gu10
>>Q000396 349
350. a2 gal2 tak4-a ki silim-esz2 di-ga2
>>Q000396 350
351. mu-un-zu-a-na nu-mu-un-[...]-na#
351. mu-un-zu-a-na nu-mu-un-...-na
>>Q000396 351
352. nig2-ge-na-gu10 nig2-lul-la-gin7
>>Q000396 352
353. szu tesz2-a mu-un-ru-gu2 ka tar-ra mu-un-si-il-le
>>Q000396 353
354. ur-sag kal-ga-ni kal-ga rib-ba-me-en
>>Q000396 354
355. {d}szul-gi gissu-a-ni kur-ra la2-a-me-en
>>Q000396 355
356. lugal {gesz}tukul a-RU-ub ki-bala-na ge26-e-me-en
>>Q000396 356
357. mu da-ri2-gu10 a2 gal bi2-su3-u4
>>Q000396 357
358. i3-ne-esz2 {d}utu u4 ne-a-a
>>Q000396 358
359. kur dumu ki-en-gi-ra nu-zu-ba
>>Q000396 359
360. sa-dur2 kaskal-bi-sze3 szu la-ba-gal2-la-ba
>>Q000396 360
361. za3-ba ka-inim-ma lu2 nu-gub-gub-ba
>>Q000396 361
362. szesz di4-di4-la2 lu2-inim-ma-be2-ne
>>Q000396 362
363. dumu-sag inim u3-tu szer3 kad4 inim kad4-bi-im
>>Q000396 363
364. szer3-ga2 mul-an-gin7 gu3 im-de2-e-ne
>>Q000396 364
365. inim-gu10-ta x-gin7 ki im-tag-tag-ge-ne
>>Q000396 365
366. [...] buru5{muszen} DU-a-gin7
>>Q000396 366
367. [...]-da la-ba-an-du11
>>Q000396 367
368. [...] za3 til-la-me-en
>>Q000396 368
369. [...] x-ba nir-gal2-me-en
>>Q000396 369
370. [...]-a mu-da-an-zu
>>Q000396 370
371. [...] GAR [...] su3#-u4-da
371. [...] GAR [...] su3-u4-da
>>Q000396 371
372. [x] x x x x ge26-e-me-en
372. x x x x x ge26-e-me-en
>>Q000396 372
373. [x x] x tag-tag-da-bi
373. x x x tag-tag-da-bi
>>Q000396 373
374. e2-bi-a lu2 si sa2-bi kun4 dib-be2-me-en
>>Q000396 374
375. lu2 mu pa3-da {d}nanna-me-en
>>Q000396 375
376. sag us2 e2 {d}en-lil2-ka ama-a-tu an-na-me-en
>>Q000396 376
377. {d}szul-gi-me-en e2-gu10 e2-hur-sag e2-gal e2-gal-bi-im
>>Q000396 377
378. ki-tusz nam-lugal-ga2 za3-mi2 gal-gal-la-kam
>>Q000396 378
379. hur-sag za-gin3-na-gin7 sza-ba-an-galam-en
>>Q000396 379
380. {d}inanna nin dingir-re-e-ne-ke4
>>Q000396 380
381. a2-ga2 {d}lamma-bi-im kal-ga-ga2 szer3-bi-im
>>Q000396 381
382. lugal-lugal-e-ne-er diri-ga-me-en
>>Q000396 382
383. nig2 ki-szar2-ra-ke4 szu mi-ni-in-du7
>>Q000396 383
384. za3-mi2-gu10 du10-ga-am3
>>Q000396 384
385. {d}nisaba za3-mi2
>>Q000396 385
CDLI Literary 000397 (Shulgi C) composite (P469699) 2234606
ATF: Parsing failed on line 5 near character 2
pa3-da-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
du8-ha-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
szul-gi-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
pa3-da-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
du8-ha-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
su3-su3-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
ru-a-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
gun3-gun3-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
ab2-szilam-e only appears a few times in words list
ga-a only appears a few times in words list
ne-ha-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
pesz-sza only appears a few times in words list
bulug3-ga2-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
kun2-kun2 only appears a few times in words list
KA-KA-e only appears a few times in words list
du7-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-si-sa2-da only appears a few times in words list
nig2-erim2-ma only appears a few times in words list
bar-us2-bi only appears a few times in words list
in-ga-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
pirig-pirig only appears a few times in words list
nu-tuku-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
he2-du7-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}silig-ga only appears a few times in words list
ak-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
husz-husz only appears a few times in words list
gaba-gal2-bi only appears a few times in words list
su3-su3-e-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
e3-de3-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
di-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
nam-lu2-a only appears a few times in words list
mu-e11-de3-na-ta only appears a few times in words list
he2-gal2-la-ka only appears a few times in words list
gu7-a-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ta-e3-en3 only appears a few times in words list
bi2-la2 only appears a few times in words list
e2-temen-ni2-guru3 only appears a few times in words list
gug-a only appears a few times in words list
nam-nun-ni only appears a few times in words list
mu-ni-ib2-si-nam only appears a few times in words list
mu-tag only appears a few times in words list
mu-ni-du7 only appears a few times in words list
nam-iszib-ba-ka only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-dadag only appears a few times in words list
gesztug3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-su8-su8-ge-esz2 only appears a few times in words list
guru3-guru3-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-ta-dag-ge-ne only appears a few times in words list
gesztug3 only appears a few times in words list
ki-en-gi-ra-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
ak-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
szu-gu10-u3 only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-ib2-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
sig-a-da only appears a few times in words list
kur2-kur2-ra only appears a few times in words list
ga2-ga2-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
|KAxX|-|KAxX| only appears a few times in words list
si-il-si-le2-bi only appears a few times in words list
an-ga-lam-ma-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
dal-la-bi only appears a few times in words list
a-sza3-ge only appears a few times in words list
ra-ra-da only appears a few times in words list
il2-il2-da only appears a few times in words list
GU7 only appears a few times in words list
DI-bi only appears a few times in words list
masz-dara3 only appears a few times in words list
ki-gal-lum-ma only appears a few times in words list
du7-a-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-ni-e3 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-szid only appears a few times in words list
szum2-mu-bi only appears a few times in words list
nundum-ma-na only appears a few times in words list
ti-la-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
musz-bi only appears a few times in words list
a2-gal2-la-ta only appears a few times in words list
pu-hu-ru-um only appears a few times in words list
si-a-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
sukkal-e only appears a few times in words list
la-la-da-bi only appears a few times in words list
ukken-ta only appears a few times in words list
tesz2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
tag-tag-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
e-re-bu-um only appears a few times in words list
KA-ta only appears a few times in words list
x-gu10-u only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ga-am3-szi-in-ak-ak-esz2 only appears a few times in words list
ku5-ra2-ne2-e only appears a few times in words list
ga2-ga2-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
|NI.SUM| only appears a few times in words list
ge-ge-na-asz only appears a few times in words list
gal-gal-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
im-szi-ni-dab5-ba-am3 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-erim2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
sumur-ra-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
im-szi-e3 only appears a few times in words list
sa2-ra only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-ta-an-ul4-ul4 only appears a few times in words list
zi-ga-ra only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-ta-NIGIN only appears a few times in words list
ti-la-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
kin-ga2-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
gu2-erim2-ma only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-gub-ba-gu10-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-um-szi-ib2-en3 only appears a few times in words list
zi-zi-ga only appears a few times in words list
nigin2-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
um-ta-gi only appears a few times in words list
ma-NE-NE only appears a few times in words list
tar-re-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
u3-ma-ni-gi only appears a few times in words list
DA-bi-e only appears a few times in words list
ma-ab-de6 only appears a few times in words list
mah-gu10-u3 only appears a few times in words list
a-ba-da-ab-nigin2-ne2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-sag3-ga-ba only appears a few times in words list
ga2-ra-gu10-ta only appears a few times in words list
uzu-ga only appears a few times in words list
dadag-ga-ba only appears a few times in words list
bul-e only appears a few times in words list
nu-se3-ge-be2-e only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-ak-e-en3 only appears a few times in words list
PU-PU-re-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
dab-ba-gu10-ta only appears a few times in words list
im-ta-|DU.DU|-u3 only appears a few times in words list
i3-gid2 only appears a few times in words list
kur7-re only appears a few times in words list
kalam-ma-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
kur-kur-ra-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
ki-en-gi-ra-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}gilgamesz2-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
sa2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
in-dib-e only appears a few times in words list
NE-ma-a only appears a few times in words list
eme-a only appears a few times in words list
ga2-ra-a only appears a few times in words list
ge26-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
bur2-bur2-bi only appears a few times in words list
sipa-me-en only appears a few times in words list
ku3-zu! does not appear in words list
he2-ni-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
A-A only appears a few times in words list
eme-gi-ra-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-ga-zu-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-ne2-esz2 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ne-ni-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
eme-gi-ra-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
he2-en3-ga-zu-am3 only appears a few times in words list
x-bur10-bur10-re-esz2 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-ne2-esz2 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ne-ni-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
liru3-ma only appears a few times in words list
gid2-gid2-da only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-DAR only appears a few times in words list
me3-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
kalam-ma-ke4-ne only appears a few times in words list
sag-ga2-ne only appears a few times in words list
lu2-kar only appears a few times in words list
ki-en-gi-ra-ke4-ne only appears a few times in words list
pap-hal does not appear in words list
kiszib-la2-gu10-u3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-x-du11 only appears a few times in words list
du3-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
dur2-bi-ta only appears a few times in words list
mu-gi4-esz only appears a few times in words list
liru3-ta only appears a few times in words list
u3-su-tuku only appears a few times in words list
i3-me-nam only appears a few times in words list
i3-me-nam only appears a few times in words list
ki-en-gi-ra-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-da-sa2-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-in-gu2-un-gun2-ne only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-me-ne only appears a few times in words list
sa6-me-en only appears a few times in words list
he2-ma-ab-DU only appears a few times in words list
e11-a-ta only appears a few times in words list
he2-ma-ab-DU only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ab-dul only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ab-dul only appears a few times in words list
gi4-be2-e only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-da-ab-hu-hu-luh-esz2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-ma-ab-tum2 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ab-ti only appears a few times in words list
ga-lam only appears a few times in words list
si-il-la2-a only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi-gar only appears a few times in words list
UR-bi only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-szi-ni-szub only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-gaz only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}RI-e only appears a few times in words list
he2-mi-ni-x only appears a few times in words list
he2-mi-ib2-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-... only appears a few times in words list
sipa-me-en only appears a few times in words list
ki-gub-ba-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
mu-gul-gul only appears a few times in words list
ki-tusz-a-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
mu-lah4-lah4 only appears a few times in words list
inim-gu10-ta only appears a few times in words list
un-ne2 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
sag3-ga-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
szu4-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
im-da-su8-x-esz2 only appears a few times in words list
x-gu10-ta only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-ni-dib-e only appears a few times in words list
IM-ta-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
KIB only appears a few times in words list
ba-e3 only appears a few times in words list
ensi-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-us2 only appears a few times in words list
x-ma-ti-a-ta only appears a few times in words list
mu-bu3-bu3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-se3-ga-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ki-be2-e only appears a few times in words list
nam-gi4-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
mu-gul-a-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-szid only appears a few times in words list
ki-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
nam-ba-da-x-x-tak4 only appears a few times in words list
nu-ha-lam-e-da only appears a few times in words list
mar-uru5-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
im-su3 only appears a few times in words list
i3-gi4-in-zu only appears a few times in words list
ur2-bi-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-gar-ga2-ar only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-ni-il2 only appears a few times in words list
i3-im-zal only appears a few times in words list
im-ta-e3-a-ta only appears a few times in words list
he2-mi-du8-du8 only appears a few times in words list
bi2-i3-us2 only appears a few times in words list
x-ra-ni-DU only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-bi2-us2 only appears a few times in words list
RA-a only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-ta-hu-hu-luh-esz2 only appears a few times in words list
erin2-ni only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ab-ti only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-ab-tuku-tuku only appears a few times in words list
se3-se3 only appears a few times in words list
szeg3-ge26 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ta-an-zal only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-BU-BU only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-ur4 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ku5-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
|SZU.KAL|-e only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-suh only appears a few times in words list
2(disz)-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
zi-du6-zi-du6 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-de3-... only appears a few times in words list
ha-...-la2 only appears a few times in words list
ma-da-ma-da only appears a few times in words list
he2-szi-... only appears a few times in words list
su-a-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-se3-se3 only appears a few times in words list
he2-mi-se3 only appears a few times in words list
ki-nu2-bi-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
du-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
he2-mi-szub only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-ib2-dib-be2-na-gu10-u3 only appears a few times in words list
he2-mi-du11 only appears a few times in words list
gar-ra-be2-e only appears a few times in words list
i3-lu-lam-ma only appears a few times in words list
sza4-bi only appears a few times in words list
si-SZIR3 only appears a few times in words list
szu2-szu2-bi only appears a few times in words list
du7-a-me-en3 only appears a few times in words list
sa-esz only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-x-ni-u4-u4 only appears a few times in words list
ur-mah-ha only appears a few times in words list
sza4-sza4 only appears a few times in words list
sza-mu-sza4 only appears a few times in words list
gu2-un-gun2-gun2 only appears a few times in words list
SILA4 only appears a few times in words list
szu12-szu12 only appears a few times in words list
ma-da-ka only appears a few times in words list
i3-lu-lam-ma only appears a few times in words list
nig2-TU-TU-da only appears a few times in words list
x-re-ne only appears a few times in words list
ne2-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
{d}gesztin-an-na-ra only appears a few times in words list
ugu4-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-sun2-na-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
dagal-ta only appears a few times in words list
dagal-la-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-gen-nam only appears a few times in words list
ma-an-gal2-gal2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-tu-ra-ka only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-gen-nam only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ma-... only appears a few times in words list
ki-in-dar-re only appears a few times in words list
he2-mi-... only appears a few times in words list
lipisz-tuku-me-en only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ti-... only appears a few times in words list
ti-ti-bi only appears a few times in words list
sumun-na only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ma-ta-x only appears a few times in words list
a-na-bi only appears a few times in words list
he2-ma-ta-si-x only appears a few times in words list
szagan-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-... only appears a few times in words list
{d}gilgamesz2-ra only appears a few times in words list
e2-masz-a-ni-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-na-... only appears a few times in words list
DI-bi only appears a few times in words list
KUSZ only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-mi-... only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-ni-ib2-... only appears a few times in words list
gal-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-mi-... only appears a few times in words list
kun2 only appears a few times in signs list
kun2 only appears a few times in signs list
gesztug3 only appears a few times in signs list
gesztug3 only appears a few times in signs list
GU7 only appears a few times in signs list
|NI.SUM| only appears a few times in signs list
PU only appears a few times in signs list
PU only appears a few times in signs list
kur7 only appears a few times in signs list
bur10 only appears a few times in signs list
bur10 only appears a few times in signs list
liru3 only appears a few times in signs list
liru3 only appears a few times in signs list
SZIR3 only appears a few times in signs list
SILA4 only appears a few times in signs list
KUSZ only appears a few times in signs list
&P469699 = ETCSL  A praise poem of Shulgi (Shulgi C)
&P469699 = CDLI Literary 000397 (Shulgi C) composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
@m=segment A
1. lugal-me-en3 am a2 pa3-da-me-en3 pirig ka du8-ha-me-en3
# (Cited in OB catalogue in the Louvre, 0.2.02, line 63)
>>Q000397 A001
2. szul-gi-me-en3 am a2 pa3-da-me-en3 pirig ka du8-ha-me-en3
>>Q000397 A002
3. u4 gal an-ta szu ba-ra-gin7 me-lam2 su3-su3-me-en3
>>Q000397 A003
4. a zi gu4 ninda2 a ru-a-gin7 sag bar gun3-gun3-me-en3
>>Q000397 A004
5. lugal ab2-szilam-e tu-da i3 ga-a ne-ha-me-en3
>>Q000397 A005
6. amar ab2 babbar2-ra gu2 pesz-sza tur3-ra bulug3-ga2-me-en3
>>Q000397 A006
7. tug2-ba13 kun2-kun2 mu4 u3-luh-ha su3-su3 KA-KA-e du7-me-en3
>>Q000397 A007
8. sipa zi nig2-si-sa2-da hul2-la
>>Q000397 A008
9. nig2-erim2-ma usan3 bar-us2-bi ge26 in-ga-me-en3
>>Q000397 A009
10. a2 pirig-pirig ur-sag me3-a gaba-ri nu-tuku-me-en3
>>Q000397 A010
11. za3 sa6-sa6 pirig szu zi-ga {gesz}tukul-e he2-du7-me-en3
>>Q000397 A011
12. szita2 za-gin3 {gesz}silig-ga szu du8
>>Q000397 A012
13. szu-si gid2-gid2 nig2-kesz2 bad-bad gir2 nagga u3-sar ak-me-en3
>>Q000397 A013
14. husz-husz me3 gaba-gal2-bi
>>Q000397 A014
15. szen-szen-na eme su3-su3-e-me-en3
>>Q000397 A015
16. musz-husz kur-re eme e3-de3-me-en3
>>Q000397 A016
17. uszumgal lu2-sze3 gu2 kur2 di-me-en3
>>Q000397 A017
18. ur-sag-me-en3 mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne
>>Q000397 A018
19. sipa-me-en3 szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne
>>Q000397 A019
20. za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ga du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-ne
>>Q000397 A020
21. nam-lu2-a mu-e11-de3-na-ta
>>Q000397 A021
22. amar gu4 mu he2-gal2-la-ka tu-da
>>Q000397 A022
23. u4 nam-he2 du11-ga ga zi gu7-a-me-en3
>>Q000397 A023
24. sag-gu10 men-na dalla im-ma-ni-e3
>>Q000397 A024
25. iri-gu10 {d}utu-gin7 ba-ta-e3-en3 sza3-ba ki bi2-la2
>>Q000397 A025
26. e2-temen-ni2-guru3 me ki us2-sa
>>Q000397 A026
27. gug-a nam-nun-ni mu-ni-ib2-si-nam
>>Q000397 A027
28. sag mu-tag szu-luh nam-lugal-la2-ka szu gal mu-ni-du7
>>Q000397 A028
29. eridu{ki}-ta a nam-iszib-ba-ka ni2-gu10 mi-ni-dadag
>>Q000397 A029
30. gesztug3 7(disz)-bi mu-da-su8-su8-ge-esz2
>>Q000397 A030
31. sza3 tug2-ba13 la2 hi-li guru3-guru3-me-en3 ga2-la nu-mu-un-ta-dag-ge-ne
>>Q000397 A031
32. ur-sag-me-en3 mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne
>>Q000397 A032
33. sipa-me-en3 szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne
>>Q000397 A033
34. za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-ne
>>Q000397 A034
35. e2 gesztug3 igi-gal2 kalam-ma-ka
>>Q000397 A035
36. szul-gi lugal ki-en-gi-ra-me-en3 umun2 zi ak-me-en3
>>Q000397 A036
37. szu-gu10-u3 gi ku3-ga si mi-ni-ib2-sa2
>>Q000397 A037
38. IM GAR sig-a-da gu3 di-di
>>Q000397 A038
39. kur2-kur2-ra ad sza ga2-ga2-ga2
>>Q000397 A039
40. |KAxX|-|KAxX| DI ak gu-gin7 si-il-si-le2-bi
>>Q000397 A040
41. [x (x)] nig2-gur11 an-ga-lam-ma-sze3 dal-la-bi
41. x (x) nig2-gur11 an-ga-lam-ma-sze3 dal-la-bi
>>Q000397 A041
42. x ku3 gan2 ku3-ga esz2 za-gin3 a-sza3-ge ra-ra-da
>>Q000397 A042
43. buru14 he2-gal2-la szu il2-il2-da
>>Q000397 A043
44. gu sag sze sag-ga2 GU7 DI-bi
>>Q000397 A044
45. al {gesz}u3-szub a2-ba gesz ga2-ga2 gesz-hur usz ki tag
>>Q000397 A045
46. masz-dara3 ki-gal-lum-ma sag tag-ga szu gal du7-a-me-en3
>>Q000397 A046
47. dub za-gin3-na pa mu-ni-e3
>>Q000397 A047
48. szudum(SZID) nig2-szid gesz-hur kalam-ma-ka
48. szudum nig2-szid gesz-hur kalam-ma-ka
>>Q000397 A048
49. igi-gal2 szum2-mu-bi a2-bi-sze3 in-ga-zu
>>Q000397 A049
50. ur-sag-me-en3 mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne
>>Q000397 A050
51. sipa-me-en3 szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne
>>Q000397 A051
52. za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-ne
>>Q000397 A052
53. ka sa6 nundum-ma-na ti-la-me-en3
>>Q000397 A053
54. sza3-gu10 dub gal-gal gesz-hur# [x x]
54. sza3-gu10 dub gal-gal gesz-hur x x
>>Q000397 A054
55. inim-ma musz-bi du3 [...]
>>Q000397 A055
56. DI a2-gal2-la-ta lu2 [x x] a2-bi-sze3 in-ga-zu
56. DI a2-gal2-la-ta lu2 x x a2-bi-sze3 in-ga-zu
>>Q000397 A056
57. pu-hu-ru-um ki ad mah gi4-gi4-da
>>Q000397 A057
58. ug3 sag ge6 gu2 si-a-ga2
>>Q000397 A058
59. sukkal-e inim kur-kur-ra gesz la-la-da-bi
>>Q000397 A059
60. inim zu ukken-ta igi sag-ga2
>>Q000397 A060
61. gu4 sag ki x ka tesz2-sze3 tag-tag-gin7#
61. gu4 sag ki x ka tesz2-sze3 tag-tag-gin7
>>Q000397 A061
62. gaba-ri inim-ma i3-[...]
>>Q000397 A062
63. gu4-gin7 gu3 nun [...-du11]
63. gu4-gin7 gu3 nun [...]-du11
>>Q000397 A063
64. e-re-bu-um x [...]
>>Q000397 A064
65. KA-ta [...]
$ 8 lines broken
>>Q000397 065
66. [...]
>>Q000397 066
67. [...]
>>Q000397 067
68. [...]
>>Q000397 068
69. [...]
>>Q000397 069
70. [...]
>>Q000397 070
71. [...]
>>Q000397 071
72. [...]
>>Q000397 072
73. [...]
>>Q000397 073
74. [...] x x-gu10-u
>>Q000397 A074
75. [...] x he2-em-ga-am3-szi-in-ak-ak-esz2
>>Q000397 A075
76. [ge26-e] sipa nam ku5-ra2-ne2-e [di] zi ga2-ga2-ga2 in-ga-me-na-ta
76. ge26-e sipa nam ku5-ra2-ne2-e di zi ga2-ga2-ga2 in-ga-me-na-ta
>>Q000397 A076
77. |NI.SUM| kalam ge-ne2 e2 ki-bala tum3-tum3 a2-bi-sze3 in-ga-zu
>>Q000397 A077
78. nig2 ge-ge-na-asz gu4 gal-gal-gin7 a2 im-szi-ni-dab5-ba-am3
>>Q000397 A078
79. nig2-erim2-sze3 musz ki sumur-ra-gin7 eme im-szi-e3# [x (x)]
79. nig2-erim2-sze3 musz ki sumur-ra-gin7 eme im-szi-e3 x (x)
>>Q000397 A079
80. lu2 si sa2-ra la-ba-ta-an-ul4-ul4
>>Q000397 A080
81. lu2 a2 zi-ga-ra la-ba-ta-NIGIN# [...]
81. lu2 a2 zi-ga-ra la-ba-ta-NIGIN [...]
>>Q000397 A081
82. ur-sag-me-en3 mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne
>>Q000397 A082
83. sipa-me-en3 szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne
>>Q000397 A083
84. za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-ne
>>Q000397 A084
85. mas-su ki-en-gi-ra ti-la-me-en3
>>Q000397 A085
86. gesz-hur di ak-a kin-ga2-me-en3
>>Q000397 A086
87. iri ma-da ki-bala gu2-erim2-ma mu-da-gub-ba-gu10-sze3
>>Q000397 A087
88. me3-gu10 a-ma-ru-kam sag2 nu-um-szi-ib2-en3
>>Q000397 A088
89. zi-zi-ga sig-ta nigin2-na-gu10 lu2-u3 um-ta-gi
>>Q000397 A089
90. KA x x an-na ma-NE-NE
>>Q000397 A090
91. e2-gal mah ki nam tar-re-ga2
>>Q000397 A091
92. sila4 dadag-ga szu u3-ma-ni-gi
>>Q000397 A092
93. zi-da DA-bi-e nig2 sa6-ga ma-ab-de6
>>Q000397 A093
94. {gesz}gu-za mah-gu10-u3 a-ba-da-ab-nigin2-ne2 [x x]
94. {gesz}gu-za mah-gu10-u3 a-ba-da-ab-nigin2-ne2 x x
>>Q000397 A094
95. {gesz}tukul sag3-ga {gesz}tukul nu-sag3-ga-ba
>>Q000397 A095
96. e2 ki-tusz ki ga2-ra-gu10-ta mu-zu
>>Q000397 A096
97. sza3-ta {d}nin-tu gal-zu nig2-nam-ma in-ga-me-na-ta
>>Q000397 A097
98. uzu-ga ki dadag-ga-ba geszkim mu-ni-zu
>>Q000397 A098
99. sag bul-e ki DI nu-se3-ge-be2-e en-nu-ug3 im-ma-ak-e-en3
>>Q000397 A099
100. en musz nig2-nam-ma PU-PU-re-me-en3
>>Q000397 A100
101. sza3 dab-ba-gu10-ta ge26-e im-ta-|DU.DU|-u3
>>Q000397 A101
102. i3-gid2 nig2-na de5-ga kur7-re a2-bi-sze3 in-ga-zu
>>Q000397 A102
103. igi-gu10-ta ensi kalam-ma-me-en3
>>Q000397 A103
104. sza3-gu10 {d}isztaran kur-kur-ra-me-en3
>>Q000397 A104
105. szul-gi sipa zi ki-en-gi-ra-me-en3
>>Q000397 A105
106. szesz gu5-li-gu10 {d}gilgamesz2-gin7
>>Q000397 A106
107. zi-du mu-zu erim2-du mu-zu
>>Q000397 A107
108. zi-du si sa2-am3 igi-gu10-sze3 in-dib-e
>>Q000397 A108
109. erim2-du lu2 hul-gal2 NE-ma-a bi2-in-tum2-mu
>>Q000397 A109
110. sza3-ge du11-ga eme-a ga2-ra-a
>>Q000397 A110
111. a-ba-a ge26-gin7 bur2-bur2-bi mu-zu
>>Q000397 A111
112. ur-sag-me-en mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne
>>Q000397 A112
113. sipa-<me-en> szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne
113. sipa-me-en szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne
>>Q000397 A113
114. za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-ne
>>Q000397 A114
115. ku3-zu! gesztu2 dagal in-ga-me-na-[ta]
115. ku3-zu! gesztu2 dagal in-ga-me-na-ta
>>Q000397 A115
116. [...] x du11-ga he2-ni-gal2 [x]
116. [...] x du11-ga he2-ni-gal2 x
>>Q000397 A116
117. [x x] x |KAxX| x x x tesz2-bi i3-[x]
117. x x x |KAxX| x x x tesz2-bi i3-x
>>Q000397 A117
118. [x x] ki#-en-gi-ra x x [...]
118. [x x] ki-en-gi-ra x x [...]
>>Q000397 A118
119. [x x] x ki-en-gi-ra nam-tar-ra# [...]
119. [x x] x ki-en-gi-ra nam-tar-ra [...]
>>Q000397 A119
120. [x x] x KU a2 x BA A-A BA DU# [...]
120. [x x] x KU a2 x BA A-A BA DU [...]
>>Q000397 A120
121. [eme] [mar]-tu nig2 eme-gi-ra-gin7 he2-[en-ga-zu-am3]
121. [eme] mar-tu nig2 eme-gi-ra-gin7 he2-en-ga-zu-am3
>>Q000397 A121
122. [x x] x lu2 kur-ra hur-sag-ta du x
122. x x x lu2 kur-ra hur-sag-ta du x
>>Q000397 A122
123. [silim] ha#-ma-ne2-esz2 eme mar-tu-a inim hu-mu-ne-ni-gi4?#
123. silim ha-ma-ne2-esz2 eme mar-tu-a inim hu-mu-ne-ni-gi4?
>>Q000397 A123
124. eme# elam nig2 eme-gi-ra-gin7 he2-en3-ga-zu-am3
124. eme elam nig2 eme-gi-ra-gin7 he2-en3-ga-zu-am3
>>Q000397 A124
125. x x elam{ki}-ma nidba x x-bur10-bur10-re-esz2
>>Q000397 A125
126. silim ha-ma-ne2-esz2 eme elam-ma inim hu-mu-ne-ni-gi4
#(source:) ni-ne
# 1 source has: ni-ne
>>Q000397 126
$2 lines broken
127. [...]
>>Q000397 127
128. [...]
>>Q000397 128
129. x x [...]
>>Q000397 A129
130. am-si x x x [...] ak
>>Q000397 A130
131. geszpu2 liru3-ma [...]-me-en3
>>Q000397 A131
132. sipa-me-en3 szu-si gid2-gid2-da [x x] x DA mi-ni-DAR
132. sipa-me-en3 szu-si gid2-gid2-da x x x DA mi-ni-DAR
>>Q000397 A132
133. kisal mah-a ki me3-gin7 a-[ba] ba#-ni-gi4
133. kisal mah-a ki me3-gin7 a-ba ba-ni-gi4
>>Q000397 A133
134. ur-sag gal-gal kalam-ma-ke4-ne
>>Q000397 A134
135. kal-ga lu2# a2-tuku kur-kur-ta igi sag-ga2-ne
135. kal-ga lu2 a2-tuku kur-kur-ta igi sag-ga2-ne
>>Q000397 A135
136. lu2-kar ki-en-gi-ra-ke4-ne
>>Q000397 A136
137. szu gaba-ri pap-hal x-ne
>>Q000397 A137
138. kiszib-la2-gu10-u3 kab2 mu-da-[x]-du11
138. kiszib-la2-gu10-u3 kab2 mu-da-x-du11
>>Q000397 A138
139. gu4 du3-gin7 dur2-bi-ta mu-gi4-esz
>>Q000397 A139
140. liru3-ta u3-su-tuku i3-me-nam
>>Q000397 A140
141. geszpu2 x-ta a2-gal2 i3-me-nam
>>Q000397 A141
142. szul-gi sipa zi ki-en-gi-ra-me-en3 lu2 nu-mu-da-sa2-me-en3
>>Q000397 A142
143. ur-sag-me-en3 mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz he2#-[em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne]
143. ur-sag-me-en3 mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne
>>Q000397 A143
144. sipa-me-en3 szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-in-gu2-un-gun2-ne
>>Q000397 A144144. sipa-me-en3 szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-in-gu2-un-gun2-ne
>>Q000397 A144. sipa-me-en3 szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-in-gu2-un-gun2-ne
>>Q000397 A144
145. za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-me-ne
>>Q000397 A145
146. du10 bad-bad ki giri3 gub sa6-me-en
>>Q000397 A146
$about n lines missing
$ n lines broken
@m=segment B
1. ur-mah pirig [...]
>>Q000397 B001
2. x x [...]
>>Q000397 B002
3. x [...]
>>Q000397 B003
4. x [...]
>>Q000397 B004
5. x x-ta u2-ta he2-ma-ab-DU
>>Q000397 B005
6. a e11-a-ta he2-ma-ab-DU
>>Q000397 B006
7. me-lam2-bi iri-a ha-ba-ab-dul
>>Q000397 B007
8. za-pa-<ag2>-bi kur-kur-ra ha-ba-ab-dul
8. za-pa-ag2-bi kur-kur-ra ha-ba-ab-dul
>>Q000397 B008
9. u4 an-na-gin7 sig4 gi4-be2-e ug3 ha-ba-da-ab-hu-hu-luh-esz2
>>Q000397 B009
10. szul-gi sipa zi ki-en-gi-ra-me-en
>>Q000397 B010
11. su pirig sa pirig-ga2 he2-ma-[ab]-tum2
11. su pirig sa pirig-ga2 he2-ma-ab-tum2
>>Q000397 B011
12. gesz-gid2-da-gu10 szu ha-ba-ab-ti
>>Q000397 B012
13. ur ga-lam e3-a szu si-il-la2-a {uruda}gag he2-bi-gar
>>Q000397 B013
14. UR-bi U2 GU2 NA ki he2-em-szi-ni-szub
>>Q000397 B014
15. hu-mu-gaz {gesz}RI-e he2-mi-ni-[x]
15. hu-mu-gaz {gesz}RI-e he2-mi-ni-x
>>Q000397 B015
16. sag ge6 u6 he2-mi-ib2-[e-ne] iri-ga2 hu-mu-ni-[...]
16. sag ge6 u6 he2-mi-ib2-e-ne iri-ga2 hu-mu-ni-[...]
>>Q000397 B016
17. ur-sag-me-en mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-[ne]
17. ur-sag-me-en mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne
>>Q000397 B017
18. sipa-me-en szu12-da mul-an-[gin7] hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-[gun2-ne]
18. sipa-me-en szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne
>>Q000397 B018
19. za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-[ne]
19. za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-ne
>>Q000397 B019
20. ki-gub-ba-gu10 kur mu-gul-gul
>>Q000397 B020
21. ki-tusz-a-gu10 uru2 mu-lah4-[lah4]
21. ki-tusz-a-gu10 uru2 mu-lah4-lah4
>>Q000397 B021
22. inim-gu10-ta un-ne2 SI IM ba-ga2
>>Q000397 B022
23. ki {gesz}tukul sag3-ga-ga2 x he2-du7?
>>Q000397 B023
24. abul {d}utu szu4-gin7 iri [x] im-da-su8-x-esz2
24. abul {d}utu szu4-gin7 iri x im-da-su8-x-esz2
>>Q000397 B024
25. x-gu10-ta BA GA2 ki x ha x lu2 nu-mu-ni-dib-e
>>Q000397 B025
26. x IM-ta-gu10 kur-ra mi-ni-gar
>>Q000397 B026
27. gu2 i7 x KIB la2 gu2 i7-da ba-e3?
>>Q000397 B027
28. ensi-gu10 ki ba-ni-us2
>>Q000397 B028
29. x mah-gu10 a-na-a |DU.DU| giri3 x x nu-DI
>>Q000397 B029
30. ki-bala U3 x-ma-ti-a-ta
>>Q000397 B030
31. sig4-bi ur2-ba mu-bu3-bu3 [x] x
31. sig4-bi ur2-ba mu-bu3-bu3 x x
>>Q000397 B031
32. uru2 mu-se3-ga-gu10 ki-be2-e nam#-gi4#-gi4
32. uru2 mu-se3-ga-gu10 ki-be2-e nam-gi4-gi4
>>Q000397 B032
33. e2 mu-gul-a-gu10 du6-du6-ra2 hu#-mu#-un-szid
33. e2 mu-gul-a-gu10 du6-du6-ra2 hu-mu-un-szid
>>Q000397 B033
34. bad3 an ki-sze3! gu2 gur3-ru gal2 nam-ba-da#-[x-x]-tak4
34. bad3 an ki-sze3! gu2 gur3-ru gal2 nam-ba-da-x-x-tak4
>>Q000397 B034
35. ki gal za3-ba NE x BA mu nu-ha-lam-e-da
>>Q000397 B035
36. x zi x a2 mah szum2-ma-me-en
>>Q000397 B036
37. [x] AN x NAM x x [...]
>>Q000397 B037
38. x ki ti mar-uru5-[gu10]
38. x ki ti mar-uru5-gu10
>>Q000397 B038
39. muszen dal-la-gin7 a2-bi im-su3#
39. muszen dal-la-gin7 a2-bi im-su3
>>Q000397 B039
40. i3-gi4-in-zu ki ur2-bi-sze3 A x x
>>Q000397 B040
41. am-gin7 sza3-tum2-ma du11 ba-ni-gar-ga2-ar
>>Q000397 B041
42. gesz-gid2-da-gu10 si ba-ni-sa2
>>Q000397 B042
43. szu-nir mah-gu10 gaba kur-ra-ka sag im-ma-ni-il2
>>Q000397 B043
44. u4 i3-im-zal {d}utu im-ta-e3-a-ta
>>Q000397 B044
45. hur-sag-e igi he2-mi-du8-du8 u6 ga-am3-du11
>>Q000397 B045
46. du10 bi2-i3-us2 x x-ra-ni-DU ba-ra-bi2-us2
>>Q000397 B046
47. si du3-du3-a ti UR RA-a
>>Q000397 B047
48. x gi4 x-ta ha-ma-ta-hu-hu-luh-esz2
>>Q000397 B048
49. erin2-ni ni2 ha-ba-ab-ti
>>Q000397 B049
50. [x] x x x x gesz? ha-ma-ab-tuku-tuku
50. x x x x x gesz? ha-ma-ab-tuku-tuku
>>Q000397 B050
51. x lugal kalam us2-sa se3-se3 in-ga-me-na-ta
>>Q000397 B051
52. [x x] x LA x im-gin7 x szeg3-ge26 [...] x x x x [x] x
52. [x x] x LA x im-gin7 x szeg3-ge26 [...] x x x x x x
>>Q000397 B052
53. [...] x [...]
>>Q000397 B053
54. [...]
>>Q000397 B054
55. x [...] sza3 x x [...]
>>Q000397 B055
56. ge6 ba-ta-an-zal
>>Q000397 B056
57. gesz x x a2 bad x a2 hu-mu-ni-BU-BU
>>Q000397 B057
58. a2 diri-ga kur-ra ba-DU ni2 hu-mu-ni-ur4
>>Q000397 B058
59. ki-bala a diri-bi hu-mu-ku5-ku5
>>Q000397 B059
60. udu sipa nu-tuku-gin7 |SZU.KAL|-e ha-ba-suh
>>Q000397 B060
61. a2-gu10 gu su3-ra2 szar2 du11-ge x x x
>>Q000397 B061
62. u4 2(disz)-sze3 kur-re ha ur-gin7 tesz2-bi NI [...]
>>Q000397 B062
63. sag-ur-sag lu2 mu tuku [...]
>>Q000397 B063
64. zi-du6-zi-du6 ha-ba-de3-[...]
>>Q000397 B064
65. ur2 mah-gu10 gu2-da ha-[...-la2]
65. ur2 mah-gu10 gu2-da ha-[...]-la2
>>Q000397 B065
66. ma-da-ma-da he2-szi#-[...]
66. ma-da-ma-da he2-szi-[...]
>>Q000397 B066
67. pesz10 su-a-gin7 hu-mu-ni-se3-se3#
67. pesz10 su-a-gin7 hu-mu-ni-se3-se3
>>Q000397 B067
68. gu3 kalam-ma tesz2-a he2-mi-se3
>>Q000397 B068
69. me3-gu10 am ki-nu2-bi-sze3 du-gin7 ur2-bi he2-mi-szub
>>Q000397 B069
70. ki mi-ni-ib2-dib-be2-na-gu10-u3 ma-da he2-mi-du11
>>Q000397 B070
71. ug3 lu-a ki-tusz ki gar-ra-be2-e szu-a he2-em-mi-gi4
>>Q000397 B071
72. ur-sag-me-en3 mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne
>>Q000397 B072
73. sipa-me-en3 szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne
>>Q000397 B073
74. za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-ne
>>Q000397 B074
75. la-la tuku i3-lu-lam-ma ki ag2 in-ga-me-na-ta
>>Q000397 B075
76. tigi(|BALAG.NAR|) a-da-ab ma-al-ga-tum gal-gal-la ad sza4-bi mu-zu
76. tigi a-da-ab ma-al-ga-tum gal-gal-la ad sza4-bi mu-zu
>>Q000397 B076
77. si-SZIR3 {gesz}szu-kar2 gal-gal du7-du7-dam
>>Q000397 B077
78. zi-zi-i szu2-szu2-bi in-ga-zu
>>Q000397 B078
79. gal-an-zu gesz-gu3-di 7(disz)-na szu gal du7-a-me-en3
>>Q000397 B079
80. bala-bala-e gi su3 x [...]
>>Q000397 B080
81. sa-bi bad-bad SI [...]
>>Q000397 B081
82. sa-esz [...]
>>Q000397 B082
$ 1 line missing
84. [...] x DA hu-mu#-[x]-ni-u4-u4
83. [...]
>>Q000397 B083
84. [...] x DA hu-mu-x-ni-u4-u4
>>Q000397 B084
85. ma2-gur8 gesz-gu3-di ur-mah-ha
>>Q000397 B085
86. [x x] x x RA mu-ni-zu
86. x x x x RA mu-ni-zu
>>Q000397 B086
87. [x] x DI AGA nar-e ad sza4-sza4
87. x x DI AGA nar-e ad sza4-sza4
>>Q000397 B087
88. sza-mu-sza4 gu2-un-gun2-gun2 a2-bi-sze3 in-ga-zu
>>Q000397 B088
89. {lu2}ki-sikil ubur? ku3-ga x MUNUS SILA4 zi dib gu2 u4 x
>>Q000397 B089
90. ad du10-ga szu12-szu12 balag ku3-ta a-ne hul2-la du11-du11
>>Q000397 B090
91. esz3 gu2 ma#-da#-ka me-te-bi
91. esz3 gu2 ma-da-ka me-te-bi
>>Q000397 B091
92. i3-lu-lam-ma nig2-TU-TU-da gu2 x x-re-ne du7
>>Q000397 B092
93. nin9 ne2-gu10 {d}gesztin-an-na-ra
>>Q000397 B093
94. ama ugu4-gu10 {d}nin-sun2-na-ke4
>>Q000397 094
>>Q000397 B094
95. x gesztu2 dagal-ta [...] x x
$ 6 lines broken
>>Q000397 095
102. [...] x x [x]
>>Q000397 B095
96. [...]
>>Q000397 B096
97. [...]
>>Q000397 B097
98. [...]
>>Q000397 B098
99. [...]
>>Q000397 B099
100. [...]
>>Q000397 B100
101. [...]
>>Q000397 B101
102. [...] x x x
>>Q000397 B102
103. [...] LUM? x NA# [x]
103. [...] LUM? x NA x
>>Q000397 B103
104. [...] dagal-la-gu10 [x x] ba#-da-gen-nam
104. [...] dagal-la-gu10 x x ba-da-gen-nam
>>Q000397 B104
105. [x x] x diri ma-an-gal2-gal2-am3
105. x x x diri ma-an-gal2-gal2-am3
>>Q000397 B105
106. [x x] [{d}en]-lil2 {d}nin-lil2 {d}nin-tu-ra-ka
106. x x {d}en-lil2 {d}nin-lil2 {d}nin-tu-ra-ka
>>Q000397 B106
107. [...] {d}nanna {d}nin-urta
>>Q000397 B107
108. [x x] ku3 {d}inanna-ka
108. x x ku3 {d}inanna-ka
>>Q000397 B108
109. [...] gal#-la [ba-da]-gen#-nam
109. [...] gal-la ba-da-gen-nam
>>Q000397 B109
110. [...] x NI [...] x
>>Q000397 B110
$about n lines missing
$ n lines broken
@m=segment C
1. an# [...] x GIM x [...]
1. an [...] x GIM x [...]
>>Q000397 C001
2. x [x x] zabar# nig2-ga2 [...]
2. x [x x] zabar nig2-ga2 [...]
>>Q000397 C002
3. x [...] a2 he2-em-ma-[...]
>>Q000397 C003
4. x [x ki]-in-dar-re he2-mi#-[...]
4. x x ki-in-dar-re he2-mi-[...]
>>Q000397 C004
5. an# [x] x dingir mas-su [...]
5. an [x] x dingir mas-su [...]
>>Q000397 C005
6. lipisz-[tuku]-me#-en x he2-em-ti-[...]
6. lipisz-tuku-me-en x he2-em-ti-[...]
>>Q000397 C006
7. ti-ti#-bi {gi}kid? sumun-na [...] he2-em-ma#-ta-x x x [...]
7. ti-ti-bi {gi}kid? sumun-na [...] he2-em-ma-ta-x x x [...]
>>Q000397 C007
8. a2-bi a-na-bi he2-ma-ta-si?-[x (x)]
8. a2-bi a-na-bi he2-ma-ta-si?-x (x)
>>Q000397 C008
9. bur szagan-sze3 hu-mu-ni-[...]
>>Q000397 C009
10. szesz gu5-li-gu10 {d}gilgamesz2-ra
>>Q000397 C010
11. e2-masz-a-ni-sze3 szu hu-mu-na-[...]
>>Q000397 C011
12. DI-bi KUSZ DA LA A he2-em-mi#-[...]
12. DI-bi KUSZ DA LA A he2-em-mi-[...]
>>Q000397 C012
13. x x x BI A x [...] ha-ma-ni-ib2-[...]
>>Q000397 C013
14. lu2-bi gesz [x] gal-ga2 he2-mi-[...]
14. lu2-bi gesz x gal-ga2 he2-mi-[...]
>>Q000397 C014
$about n of lines missing
$ n lines broken
CDLI Literary 000399 (Shulgi E) composite (P469700) 2234607
ge-en-ge-ne2 only appears a few times in words list
su4-un-su4-un-na-ni only appears a few times in words list
dib-dib-be2 only appears a few times in words list
ni2-te-na-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
ma-ni-in-de2 only appears a few times in words list
ma-ni-in-szum2 only appears a few times in words list
eridu{ki}-ga-ta only appears a few times in words list
suh{su-uh} only appears a few times in words list
kesz2-ra2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
tum2-ma-me-en only appears a few times in words list
ma-ab-de6 only appears a few times in words list
il2-la-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-ni-in-du8 only appears a few times in words list
he2-du7-me-en only appears a few times in words list
za3-mi2-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
ga-du11 only appears a few times in words list
i3-me-en-na-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
dingir-re-ne-er only appears a few times in words list
gal-zu-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
sza3-ne-sza4-a only appears a few times in words list
ma-ab-gar-ra only appears a few times in words list
ma-zal-le-da only appears a few times in words list
gur4-gur4! does not appear in words list
gar-gar-gu10-ne only appears a few times in words list
ma-al-ga-tum-bi only appears a few times in words list
mu-szi-in-gar-gar-re-esz only appears a few times in words list
sig-sze3! does not appear in words list
bala-e-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
abul-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ma-gid2-da only appears a few times in words list
dul-le-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
til-la-asz only appears a few times in words list
DU-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-kusz2 only appears a few times in words list
nim-ta only appears a few times in words list
kasz4-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
tuk4-a only appears a few times in words list
ki-giri3-gen-na-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
szer3-gid2-da only appears a few times in words list
bala-bala-e-bi only appears a few times in words list
mu-szi-in-gar-gar-re-esz only appears a few times in words list
galam-galam-ma-ba only appears a few times in words list
tam-tam-ma-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-tak4-a-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
hul2-hul2-le-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
du10-du10-ge-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
za-am-za-am-ma-ka only appears a few times in words list
bi2-zu-zu-a only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-til-la only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-gub-bu-de3-en-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
kasz4-ta only appears a few times in words list
e3-a-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
za-am-za-am-bi only appears a few times in words list
mu-szi-in-gar-gar-re-esz only appears a few times in words list
ku5-ra2-ni only appears a few times in words list
nu-il2-i-da only appears a few times in words list
ku5-ra2-ni only appears a few times in words list
nig2-gig-sahar-ra-ka only appears a few times in words list
dingir-re-ne-ka only appears a few times in words list
en3-du-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ma-ni-in-gar only appears a few times in words list
szu12-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
nu-um-se3-se3-ga only appears a few times in words list
mi2-esz2 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ni-du11 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ba-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
dadag-ga-gu10-um only appears a few times in words list
zu-gu10-um only appears a few times in words list
sipa-me only appears a few times in words list
til-til-la-gu10-um only appears a few times in words list
nam-lugal-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
mi2-esz2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-ni-du11 only appears a few times in words list
en3-du-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
in-ga-ba-gal2-la only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-na only appears a few times in words list
szer3-gid2-da only appears a few times in words list
nu-dib-be2 only appears a few times in words list
ki-szu-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
nam-bi2-ib2-tag4-tag4-a only appears a few times in words list
u4-sakar-ra-ka-na only appears a few times in words list
he2-na-du12 only appears a few times in words list
su3-su3-u3-da-bi only appears a few times in words list
tusz-a-ra only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-ne-ga2-ga2-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
ge26-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
mu-na-de2-e-a only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-bar-e only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-pa3-de3 only appears a few times in words list
ha-mu-na-ta-e3 only appears a few times in words list
um-ta-ga2-ar only appears a few times in words list
ASZ-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-ib-x only appears a few times in words list
x-ku5-re7 only appears a few times in words list
ha-mu-na-ta-e3 only appears a few times in words list
maszkim-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
he-en6-szum2 only appears a few times in words list
iri-na-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
nam-bi2-ib-du10-ge only appears a few times in words list
gug-kal only appears a few times in words list
sze-gar-ra-ka only appears a few times in words list
na-ni-sa6 only appears a few times in words list
{d}|SZE.TIR|-e only appears a few times in words list
garadinx(|TAB.GAR.SZE|)-na-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
na-ni-ib-dim2-e only appears a few times in words list
guru7-ni only appears a few times in words list
im-szu only appears a few times in words list
na-ba-ab-sig7-ge only appears a few times in words list
dam-gara3 only appears a few times in words list
sze-gar only appears a few times in words list
bala-a-ni-ta only appears a few times in words list
nig2-dim2-dim2-ma only appears a few times in words list
kalam-ma-na-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
tak4-ka3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-ba-ba only appears a few times in words list
he2-eb-dag-ge only appears a few times in words list
sze-gar only appears a few times in words list
he2-sam2-e only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}al-le only appears a few times in words list
dusu-ka! does not appear in words list
he2-di3-ni-ib2-tum2-tum2-mu only appears a few times in words list
lu2-bi-e only appears a few times in words list
e2-gal-la-na-ka only appears a few times in words list
x-ni-ib2-tum2-tum2-mu only appears a few times in words list
nam-tag2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-da-se3 only appears a few times in words list
uri2{ki}-ma-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
si-im-da only appears a few times in words list
bar-ra-bi only appears a few times in words list
du2-ru-na-bi only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ri-ri only appears a few times in words list
nam-ti-bi only appears a few times in words list
nam-usz2-da only appears a few times in words list
nam-gilim-ma only appears a few times in words list
a-zu-u3 only appears a few times in words list
di-ku5-bi only appears a few times in words list
en3-du-gu10-a only appears a few times in words list
gibil-gibil-la-am3 only appears a few times in words list
AM3 only appears a few times in words list
he2-na-ta-... only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ni-...-e only appears a few times in words list
na-am3-bi2-x-x only appears a few times in words list
sa-ga only appears a few times in words list
nam-lugal-la-na only appears a few times in words list
na-an-x only appears a few times in words list
nam-bi2-gub-be2 only appears a few times in words list
ub-szu-ukken-na-ta only appears a few times in words list
guru7-a only appears a few times in words list
pa3-da-ni only appears a few times in words list
gi4-de3 only appears a few times in words list
an-gar only appears a few times in words list
x-ga-na only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-an-x only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-an-x only appears a few times in words list
szul-gi-me only appears a few times in words list
nu-gu-la-na only appears a few times in words list
ha-mu-x only appears a few times in words list
szul-gi-me only appears a few times in words list
ki-szu-ki-szu-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
tag4-tag4 only appears a few times in words list
szid-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-te-ge26 only appears a few times in words list
x-bi-im only appears a few times in words list
ba-tar-ra only appears a few times in words list
gal-la-na only appears a few times in words list
ki-uri-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-na-ak-a only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-gul-a only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-x only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-gu-ul-gu-ul-la only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-e-x only appears a few times in words list
sza-mu-da-du11-ga only appears a few times in words list
a-a-ar-ra-na only appears a few times in words list
ak-a-bi only appears a few times in words list
inim-ma-na only appears a few times in words list
tag-ga-bi only appears a few times in words list
en3-du-ni-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
e2-szu-me-sza4-ta only appears a few times in words list
ba-i-i-ta only appears a few times in words list
ge-na-ar only appears a few times in words list
nam-lugal-la2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-na-ta-an-szum2 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}tukul-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
a-a-ar only appears a few times in words list
nam-gu2-ka-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
husz-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
szubtum3 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-ga2-ar only appears a few times in words list
musz-gir2-gin7-nam only appears a few times in words list
dun-ta only appears a few times in words list
la-gen-ne-en only appears a few times in words list
erin2-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
bi2-tak4 only appears a few times in words list
bar-ra-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ba-dib only appears a few times in words list
gu-ti-um{ki}-ma only appears a few times in words list
sa-ga only appears a few times in words list
mer-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ba-gi4-me-en only appears a few times in words list
bi2-su13-u4 only appears a few times in words list
zi-sza3-gal2-la-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
na-ma-da-an-te only appears a few times in words list
sag-dili-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
nu-zu-na only appears a few times in words list
umbin-sze-ba only appears a few times in words list
dab5-dab5-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
uzu-bi only appears a few times in words list
ab-gul-e only appears a few times in words list
du-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ba-us2 only appears a few times in words list
{d}gir3-ra-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
mer-a only appears a few times in words list
mu-dub2 only appears a few times in words list
te-te only appears a few times in words list
u3-bu-bu-ul-bi only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-gub-gub-ba only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-il2-la only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}dehi2-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-mu2-a only appears a few times in words list
ki-szu only appears a few times in words list
{kusz}gurx(|E.TUM|) only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-ni-us2-a only appears a few times in words list
nu-kusz2-a-na only appears a few times in words list
li-bi2-nu2-a only appears a few times in words list
kurun3 only appears a few times in words list
ne-ne only appears a few times in words list
diri-ga-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-ni-in-bala-a only appears a few times in words list
TAR-TAR-a-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-ab-ak only appears a few times in words list
ki-tukum-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-e-zi only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}tukul-la-bi only appears a few times in words list
ir-pag only appears a few times in words list
amar-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
gu-ti-um{ki}-ma only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}mu-bu-um-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
mu-gam only appears a few times in words list
ma-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz only appears a few times in words list
lah6-me-en only appears a few times in words list
rib-ba-me-en only appears a few times in words list
szer3-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
na-an-dib-be2 only appears a few times in words list
gu-kur only appears a few times in words list
du11-ga-ga2-kam only appears a few times in words list
mu-szi-ga2-ga2-a-am3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}gesztin-an-na-ka-kam only appears a few times in words list
nu-ha-lam-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
e2-|GESZ.PI.TUG2.AN.NISABA| only appears a few times in words list
nig2-umun2-a only appears a few times in words list
mu-bi-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
bi2-sar only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-ab-dib-be2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-ha-lam-e only appears a few times in words list
mu-tuku2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-szi-tum2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-ni-in-bar-re only appears a few times in words list
|GESZ.TUG2.PI.SZIR@t.SILA3| only appears a few times in words list
{d}nisaba-ka-kam only appears a few times in words list
he2-na-ta-de2-e only appears a few times in words list
ki-dar-ra-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ta-e3-e3 only appears a few times in words list
ki-szu-ki-szu-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ma-an-du12 only appears a few times in words list
na-an-tak4-tak4 only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-lil2-la2-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
kin-nim only appears a few times in words list
szul-gi-me-en only appears a few times in words list
gur4! does not appear in signs list
garadinx(|TAB.GAR.SZE|) only appears a few times in signs list
gara3 only appears a few times in signs list
tag2 only appears a few times in signs list
AM3 only appears a few times in signs list
szubtum3 only appears a few times in signs list
dehi2 only appears a few times in signs list
kurun3 only appears a few times in signs list
pag only appears a few times in signs list
|GESZ.PI.TUG2.AN.NISABA| only appears a few times in signs list
tuku2 only appears a few times in signs list
|GESZ.TUG2.PI.SZIR@t.SILA3| only appears a few times in signs list
&P469700 = ETCSL  A praise poem of SZulgi (SZulgi E)
&P469700 = CDLI Literary 000399 (Shulgi E) composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}en-lil2 temen an ki-bi-da
# (Cited in OB catalogue in the Louvre, 0.2.02, line 61)
>>Q000399 001
2. szibir kalam ge-en-ge-ne2 szu du8
>>Q000399 002
3. su4-un-su4-un-na-ni kur-ra dib-dib-be2
>>Q000399 003
4. me ni2-te-na-ke4 giri17 szu gal2
>>Q000399 004
5. {d}en-lil2 sipa da-ri2 kalam-ma-ke4
>>Q000399 005
6. {d}szul-gi lugal uri2{ki}-ma-me-en
>>Q000399 006
7. igi du8-a bar-ra-na gu3 zi ma-ni-in-de2
>>Q000399 007
8. en-e sza3 gu2-bi gi4-a-na gidri ma-ni-in-szum2
>>Q000399 008
9. sig4 eridu{ki}-ga-ta aga zi ak-me-en
>>Q000399 009
10. unu{ki}-ta suh{su-uh} za-gin3 kesz2-ra2-me-en
>>Q000399 010
11. sipa ki ag2 {d}nanna-me-en bara2-ga tum2-ma-me-en
>>Q000399 011
12. inim {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4 nig2 sa6-ga ki-szar2-ra ma-ab-de6
>>Q000399 012
13. u2 il2-la-ga2 igi im-ma-ni-in-du8 gu3 hul2-la ma-an-de2
>>Q000399 013
14. lugal mu szer3-ra he2-du7-me-en
>>Q000399 014
15. {d}szul-gi-me-en szu12 za3-mi2-ga2 silim-esz2 ga-du11
>>Q000399 015
16. {d}nin-tu nig2-nam-ma i3-me-en-na-ga2
>>Q000399 016
17. dingir-re-ne-er gub-bu gal-zu-ga2
>>Q000399 017
18. dingir sza3-ne-sza4-a inim ma-ab-gar-ra
>>Q000399 018
19. mu he2-gal2-la ki-bi-sze3 ma-zal-le-da
>>Q000399 019
20. um-mi-a gur4-gur4! gar-gar-gu10-ne
>>Q000399 020
21. inim nin-gu10 {d}gesztin-an-na-ka-ta
>>Q000399 021
22. a-da-ab tigi(|BALAG.NAR|) ma-al-ga-tum-bi mu-szi-in-gar-gar-re-esz
22. a-da-ab tigi ma-al-ga-tum-bi mu-szi-in-gar-gar-re-esz
>>Q000399 022
23. sig-sze3! {gesz}tukul ab-e bala-e-ga2
>>Q000399 023
24. kur elam{ki} u2 abul-gin7 dab5-be2 ma-gid2-da
>>Q000399 024
25. igi-nim-ta ug3 sze-gin7 dul-le-ga2
>>Q000399 025
26. kur-za3 til-la-asz me3-a DU-ga2
>>Q000399 026
27. ansze szu-gi4 kaskal x nu-kusz2 kur? nim-ta kasz4?-ga2
>>Q000399 027
28. szu tuk4-a ki-giri3-gen-na-ga2
>>Q000399 028
29. szer3-gid2-da ar2 nam-lugal-la
>>Q000399 029
30. szumun-sza4 kun-gar bala-bala-e-bi mu-szi-in-gar-gar-re-esz
>>Q000399 030
31. nam-dub-sar-ra nig2 galam-galam-ma-ba szu tam-tam-ma-ga2
>>Q000399 031
32. u4-sakar mu2-mu2 szudum(SZID) nig2-szid-de3 gal2 ba-ab-tak4-a-ga2
32. u4-sakar mu2-mu2 szudum nig2-szid-de3 gal2 ba-ab-tak4-a-ga2
>>Q000399 032
33. hul2-hul2-le-ga2 du10-du10-ge-ga2
>>Q000399 033
34. zi-zi szu2-szu2 tigi(|BALAG.NAR|) za-am-za-am-ma-ka ki bi2-zu-zu-a
34. zi-zi szu2-szu2 tigi za-am-za-am-ma-ka ki bi2-zu-zu-a
>>Q000399 034
35. aga szu-si gesz-gu3-di gal-gal-la za3-bi-sze3 ba-ab-til-la
>>Q000399 035
36. nig2 a2 nun gi4-a la-ba-gub-bu-de3-en-na-gu10
>>Q000399 036
37. du10-tuku nu-kusz2-u3 kasz4-ta e3-a-ga2
>>Q000399 037
38. gi-gid2 za-am-za-am-bi mu-szi-in-gar-gar-re-esz
>>Q000399 038
39. mu an lugal sag-bi-sze3 e3-a
>>Q000399 039
40. {d}en-lil2 du11-ga-ni szu nu-bala-e-de3
>>Q000399 040
41. mu {d}suen iri nam ku5-ra2-ni sig4-bi nu-il2-i-da
>>Q000399 041
42. lu2 nam ku5-ra2-ni nig2-gig-sahar-ra-ka
>>Q000399 042
43. mu {d}utu maszkim dingir-re-ne-ka
>>Q000399 043
44. nig2-lul en3-du-ga2 lu2 ba-ra-ma-ni-in-gar
>>Q000399 044
45. szu12-gu10 nig2 nu-um-se3-se3-ga mi2-esz2 ba-ra-ni-du11
>>Q000399 045
46. {d}szul-gi-me-en silim nig2 a2 diri-ga szer3-ra ba-ra-ba-gal2
>>Q000399 046
47. ku3 sa6-ga-gin7 dadag-ga-gu10-um
>>Q000399 047
48. gesztu2-ga szer3 zu inim zu-gu10-um
>>Q000399 048
49. sipa-me nig2 na-me za3 til-til-la-gu10-um
>>Q000399 049
50. nam-lugal-ga2 mi2-esz2 he2-ni-du11
>>Q000399 050
51. mu nig2 en3-du-ga2 en-na <in>-ga-ba-gal2-la
51. mu nig2 en3-du-ga2 en-na in-ga-ba-gal2-la
>>Q000399 051
52. lul ba-ra-na he2-ge-en
>>Q000399 052
53. en3-du-gu10 a-da-ab he2-em tigi(|BALAG.NAR|) ma-al-ga-tum he2-em
53. en3-du-gu10 a-da-ab he2-em tigi ma-al-ga-tum he2-em
>>Q000399 053
54. szer3-gid2-da ar2 nam-lugal-la
>>Q000399 054
55. szumun-sza4 kun-gar bala-bala-e he2-em
>>Q000399 055
56. gi-gid2 za-am-za-am he2-em
>>Q000399 056
57. gesztu2-ge nu-dib-be2 ka-ta nu-szub-bu-de3
>>Q000399 057
58. ki-szu-ke4 lu2 nam-bi2-ib2-tag4-tag4-a
>>Q000399 058
59. e2-kur za-gin3-na musz nam-ba-an-tum2-mu
>>Q000399 059
60. {d}en-lil2-ra esz3 u4-sakar-ra-ka-na he2-na-du12
>>Q000399 060
61. esz3-esz3 kasz gi-rin a-gin7 su3-su3-u3-da-bi
>>Q000399 061
62. {d}en-lil2 {d}nin-lil2-da tusz-a-ra he2-en-ne-ga2-ga2-ga2
>>Q000399 062
63. u4 ul-le2-a-asz lu2 ge26-gin7 {d}en-lil2-le
>>Q000399 063
64. [nam]-sipa# kalam-ma-sze3 gu3 mu-na-de2-e-a
64. nam-sipa kalam-ma-sze3 gu3 mu-na-de2-e-a
>>Q000399 064
65. [x x] x en3-du-gu10
65. x x x en3-du-gu10
>>Q000399 065
66. [x x] x x x igi hu-mu-ni-bar-e
66. x x x x x igi hu-mu-ni-bar-e
>>Q000399 066
67. [x x] ki ag2-ga2 mu-gu10 hu-mu-pa3-de3
67. x x ki ag2-ga2 mu-gu10 hu-mu-pa3-de3
>>Q000399 067
68. [...] lu2-bi u4 en3-du#-gu10#
68. [...] lu2-bi u4 en3-du-gu10
>>Q000399 068
89. [...]
>>Q000399 089
70. [...] nar?#-gu10 [...] gal2
70. [...] nar?-gu10 [...] gal2
>>Q000399 070
71. e2 [...] ki# ag2 mu-gu10 [x x]-ga2
71. e2 [...] ki ag2 mu-gu10 x x-ga2
>>Q000399 071
72. lu2 [x x] {d}en-ki {d}en-lil2-le [...]-le?# he2-em
72. lu2 x x {d}en-ki {d}en-lil2-le [...]-le? he2-em
>>Q000399 072
73. e2 lu2 [x x] si sa2 nam-tar-ra sa6-ga [ha-mu]-na-ta-e3
73. e2 lu2 x x si sa2 nam-tar-ra sa6-ga ha-mu-na-ta-e3
>>Q000399 073
74. tukum-bi en3-du-gu10
>>Q000399 074
75. mu-gu10# um#-ta-ga2-ar mu-ni ASZ-sze3 ba-ni-ib-x
75. mu-gu10 um-ta-ga2-ar mu-ni ASZ-sze3 ba-ni-ib-x
>>Q000399 075
76. sig4 e2-kur-ra-ka mu-gu10 nu-pa3-de3?
>>Q000399 076
77. lu2-bi [...]-e nig2-erim2 nig2-a2-zi ak-[de3]
77. lu2-bi [...]-e nig2-erim2 nig2-a2-zi ak-de3
>>Q000399 077
78. lu2-bi lugal he2-em ensi2 he2-em
>>Q000399 078
79. {d}en-lil2-le x sag-ga2?-na nam [x x]-ku5-re7
79. {d}en-lil2-le x sag-ga2?-na nam x x-ku5-re7
>>Q000399 079
80. e2 {d}en-lil2-la2-ta nig2-erim2 nig2-a2-zi ha-mu-na-ta-[e3]
80. e2 {d}en-lil2-la2-ta nig2-erim2 nig2-a2-zi ha-mu-na-ta-e3
>>Q000399 080
81. nig2-erim2 maszkim-sze3 he-en6-szum2
>>Q000399 081
82. a2-sag3 nam-usz2 dugud gal2-la-gin7
>>Q000399 082
83. su iri-na-ke4 nam-bi2-ib-du10-ge
>>Q000399 083
84. gug-kal bar-sze3 mu sze-gar-ra-ka igi kalam-ma-ka na-ni-sa6
>>Q000399 084
85. {d}|SZE.TIR|-e garadinx(|TAB.GAR.SZE|)-na-ke4 sze na-ni-ib-dim2-e
>>Q000399 085
86. {d}nanibgal sig7-ga {d}nisaba-ke4
>>Q000399 086
87. guru7-ni im-szu na-ba-ab-sig7-ge
>>Q000399 087
88. ugnim-ma [...]
>>Q000399 088
89. dam-gara3 gal-a-ni ku3 ur2-[ra ...]
89. dam-gara3 gal-a-ni ku3 ur2-ra [...]
>>Q000399 089
90. sze-gar a-nag dingir-re-[e-ne-ke4]
90. sze-gar a-nag dingir-re-e-ne-ke4
>>Q000399 090
91. iri bala-a-ni-ta sze BA# [...]
91. iri bala-a-ni-ta sze BA [...]
>>Q000399 091
92. nig2-gur11 {uruda}szen zabar ku3 szu x [...]
>>Q000399 092
93. nig2-dim2-dim2-ma kalam-ma-na-ke4
>>Q000399 093
94. tak4-ka3 nu-ba-ba szu he2-eb-dag-ge?
>>Q000399 094
95. sze-gar nig2 gu2 KUR? SZA TA# [...]
95. sze-gar nig2 gu2 KUR? SZA TA [...]
>>Q000399 095
96. nig2 2(disz) gin2 iri-na 1(disz) sila3 sze he2-sam2-e
>>Q000399 096
97. ug3-e {gesz}al-le dusu?-ka! szu he2-di3-ni-ib2-tum2-tum2-mu
>>Q000399 097
98. lu2-bi-e nag gu7 e2-gal-la#-[na]-ka# szu?# [x]-ni-ib2-tum2-tum2-mu
98. lu2-bi-e nag gu7 e2-gal-la-na-ka szu? x-ni-ib2-tum2-tum2-mu
>>Q000399 098
99. gag nam-tag2 gu-la he2-da-se3?
>>Q000399 099
100. {d}nanna lugal uri2{ki}-ma-ke4
>>Q000399 100
101. si-im-da balag igi# bar#-[ra-bi]
101. si-im-da balag igi bar-ra-bi
>>Q000399 101
102. ninda igi du2-ru-na-bi szu bi2-[ri-ri]
102. ninda igi du2-ru-na-bi szu bi2-ri-ri
>>Q000399 102
103. nam-ti-bi nam-usz2-da x [x x] tu-ra sa6-ge [x x]
103. nam-ti-bi nam-usz2-da x x x tu-ra sa6-ge x x
>>Q000399 103
104. nam#-gilim-ma a-zu-u3? x [x x]
104. nam-gilim-ma a-zu-u3? x x x
>>Q000399 104
105. su?# x x [...]
105. su? x x [...]
>>Q000399 105
106. [...]
>>Q000399 106
107. [...]
>>Q000399 107
108. [...]
>>Q000399 108
109. ku3-sig17# [...]
109. ku3-sig17 [...]
>>Q000399 109
110. szer7-da iri ug3-ba di-ku5-bi!# [he2-em] sag-bi e3-a-ni [he2-em]
110. szer7-da iri ug3-ba di-ku5-bi he2-em sag-bi e3-a-ni he2-em
>>Q000399 110
111. lu2 en3-du-gu10-a szu i3-[...]
111. lu2 en3-du-gu10-a szu i3-...
>>Q000399 111
112. [...] GISZ gibil-gibil-la-am3 [...]
>>Q000399 112
113. [...] x-ga AM3 he2-na-ta-[...]
113. [...] x-ga AM3 he2-na-ta-...
>>Q000399 113
114. [...] iri bar-ra ha-ba-ni-[...]-e
114. [...] iri bar-ra ha-ba-ni-...-e
>>Q000399 114
115. bad3 iri-na-ka na-am3-bi2?#-[x-x]
115. bad3 iri-na-ka na-am3-bi2?-x-x
>>Q000399 115
116. a sa-ga nam-lugal-la-na na-an?#-[x x]
116. a sa-ga nam-lugal-la-na na-an?-x x
>>Q000399 116
117. ki lugal gub ki dadag-ga nam-bi2-gub-[be2]
117. ki lugal gub ki dadag-ga nam-bi2-gub-be2
>>Q000399 117
118. ub-szu-ukken-na-ta bar-sze3 he2-[...]
>>Q000399 118
119. sza3-ge guru7-a mu pa3-da-ni [...]
>>Q000399 119
120. [...] x x szu-szu? KA? gi4-de3
>>Q000399 120
121. an-gar x-ga-na ha-ba-an-[x x]
121. an-gar x-ga-na ha-ba-an-x x
>>Q000399 121
122. nidba e2-kur-sze3 il2-la-na {d}en-lil2-le he2-[...]
122. nidba e2-kur-sze3 il2-la-na {d}en-lil2-le he2-...
>>Q000399 122
123. kadra(|NIG2.SZA3.A|) zi nig2 du10-ga-na he2#-[x x] KA-bi# [...]
$ 25 lines broken
149. nam# [...]
123. kadra zi nig2 du10-ga-na he2-[x x] KA-bi [...]
$ (25 lines broken)
149. nam [...]
>>Q000399 149
150. mu-da-an-x KA? [...]
>>Q000399 150
151. GISZ A KA? nig2 nu-[...]
>>Q000399 151
152. szul-gi-me nir-[gal2 ...]-ra gaba-ri# [nu]-tuku#
152. szul-gi-me nir-gal2 [...]-ra gaba-ri nu-tuku
>>Q000399 152
153. {gesz}tukul-a ma2-gur8 ki-bala [...] gul#-gul-lu-de3 [x x]
153. {gesz}tukul-a ma2-gur8 ki-bala [...] gul-gul-lu-de3 x x
>>Q000399 153
154. A UL x lugal-me x nu-gu-la-na er2-ra ha-mu-[x x]
154. A UL x lugal-me x nu-gu-la-na er2-ra ha-mu-x x
>>Q000399 154
155. szul?#-gi-me nar gal nu-banda3 nam-nar#-[ra] x nar ki-nu2 x [...]
155. szul?-gi-me nar gal nu-banda3 nam-nar-[ra] x nar ki-nu2 x [...]
>>Q000399 155
156. tukum-bi IM [...] x igi sa6-ga# [...]
156. tukum-bi IM [...] x igi sa6-ga [...]
>>Q000399 156
157. en3-du-gu10 ka-ta szub gesztu2-ge# [dib]
157. en3-du-gu10 ka-ta szub gesztu2-ge dib
>>Q000399 157
158. ki-szu-ki-szu-ke4 IGI? [...] tag4-tag4
>>Q000399 158
159. x-bi lugal-a-ni ba-ni-in#-[...]
159. x-bi lugal-a-ni ba-ni-in-[...]
>>Q000399 159
160. e2 tigi(|BALAG.NAR|) dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 NE [...]
160. e2 tigi dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 NE [...]
>>Q000399 160
161. mu szid-am3 an zi-ga igi hul-sze3 ba-[...]
>>Q000399 161
162. lugal nam-nar-ra {d}suen [...]
>>Q000399 162
163. {d}lamma nam-nar-ra {d}gesztin-an-na# [...]
163. {d}lamma nam-nar-ra {d}gesztin-an-na [...]
>>Q000399 163
164. [...]-gin7 [...] ha-ba-te?-ge26 x
>>Q000399 164
165. [...] zi#-da [...] x-bi-im he2-[...]
165. [...] zi-da [...] x-bi-im he2-[...]
>>Q000399 165
166. [...] gesztu2 [...]
$7 lines broken
$ (7 lines broken)
>>Q000399 166
174. u4 nam kur-kur-ra# [ba-tar-ra]
174. u4 nam kur-kur-ra ba-tar-ra
>>Q000399 174
175. lugal sza3 gal-la-na [...]
>>Q000399 175
176. hi-li-a {d}en-lil2 {d}nin#-[lil2] [...]
176. hi-li-a {d}en-lil2 {d}nin-[lil2] [...]
>>Q000399 176
177. zi ki-en-gi ki-uri-sze3 [...]
>>Q000399 177
178. kalam-e nig2-ge-na [...]
>>Q000399 178
179. e nu-mu-na-ak-a [...]
>>Q000399 179
180. iri nu-mu-gul-a [...]
>>Q000399 180
181. kur gal idim-ma ki [...]
>>Q000399 181
182. za3-ba ki gal-gal BA?# [...]
182. za3-ba ki gal-gal BA? [...]
>>Q000399 182
183. dingir e2-gal-la nu-mu-x [...]
>>Q000399 183
184. {d}en-lil2-ra sag mu-ni-in-x [...]
>>Q000399 184
185. e2-kur-re nig2 la-ba-gu-ul-gu-ul-la
>>Q000399 185
186. za-ra dingir-re-ne nu-mu-e-x x
>>Q000399 186
187. szer3 me sza-mu-da-du11-ga x [...]
>>Q000399 187
188. a-a-ar-ra-na a-na ak-[a-bi ...]
188. a-a-ar-ra-na a-na ak-a-bi [...]
>>Q000399 188
189. inim-ma-na a-na ki szu tag-ga-[bi ...]
189. inim-ma-na a-na ki szu tag-ga-bi [...]
>>Q000399 189
190. nar-re en3-du-ni-sze3 [...]
>>Q000399 190
191. ge26 szul-gi lugal# [...]
191. ge26 szul-gi lugal [...]
>>Q000399 191
192. u2-a an ku3-ga nidba# [...]
192. u2-a an ku3-ga nidba [...]
>>Q000399 192
193. sag us2 {d}en-lil2 an?# [...]
193. sag us2 {d}en-lil2 an? [...]
>>Q000399 193
194. {d}nanna A x DA nam-en# [...]
194. {d}nanna A x DA nam-en [...]
>>Q000399 194
195. ensi2 {d}en-lil2-la2 {d}nin#-[urta]-ke4
195. ensi2 {d}en-lil2-la2 {d}nin-urta-ke4
>>Q000399 195
196. szita2 {gesz}mitum(|KA.AN|) e2-szu-me-sza4-ta ma-an-szum2
196. szita2 {gesz}mitum e2-szu-me-sza4-ta ma-an-szum2
>>Q000399 196
197. numun nam-lu2-ulu3 ba-i-i-ta
>>Q000399 197
198. lugal dili-ni ugnim ge-na-ar
>>Q000399 198
199. {d}en-lil2-le gidri nam-lugal-la2 nu-mu-na-ta-an-szum2
>>Q000399 199
200. dur3 dili-ni {gesz}tukul-la gaba ri-a
>>Q000399 200
201. u4 na-me lugal kalam-ma-ke4 {gesz}tukul-sze3 nu-gi4
>>Q000399 201
202. a2 lugal-gu10 {d}en-lil2-la2-ta
>>Q000399 202
203. mu-gu10 an-za3-sze3 ga2-ga2-de3
>>Q000399 203
204. a-a-ar da-ri2 nam-gu2-ka-gu10
>>Q000399 204
205. u4 su3-ra2-asz szu-a bala-e-de3
>>Q000399 205
206. ki-bala gu2-erim2-gal2 kur a2-ta ri-a
>>Q000399 206
207. nemurx(|PIRIG.TUR|) husz-gin7 szubtum3 la-ba-ga2-ar
>>Q000399 207
208. musz-gir2-gin7-nam dun-ta la-gen-ne-en
>>Q000399 208
209. ama erin2-na-gu10 a2-ga2 bi2-tak4
>>Q000399 209
210. igi bar-ra-gu10 sag ba-dib
>>Q000399 210
211. ma-da gu-ti-<um{ki}>-ma sa-ga hur-sag-ga2-ka
211. ma-da gu-ti-um{ki}-ma sa-ga hur-sag-ga2-ka
>>Q000399 211
212. musz mer-gin7 ba-gi4-me-en ni2-gu10 a2 bi2-su13-u4
>>Q000399 212
213. erin2 zi-sza3-gal2-la-gu10 na-me na-ma-da-an-te
>>Q000399 213
214. sag-dili-gin7 kur ki nu-zu-na du10 szu bar
>>Q000399 214
215. pirig umbin-sze-ba sun2 dab5-dab5-gin7 uzu-bi ab-gul-e
>>Q000399 215
216. uszum dili du-gin7 ni2 mu-da-ri
>>Q000399 216
217. iri du3-du3-a gal2 sag-gu10 ba-us2
>>Q000399 217
218. {d}gir3-ra-gin7 gu3 mer-a mu-dub2
>>Q000399 218
219. za-pa-ag2 sza3 ni2 te-te izi u3-bu-bu-ul-bi hur-sag-ga2 ba-an-szub
>>Q000399 219
220. ki-bala-e inim la-ba-gub-gub-ba szu-nir la-ba-il2-la
>>Q000399 220
221. me3-gu10 an-ur2 dungu gal2-la u2-sa11-an ni2 gu2 e3
>>Q000399 221
222. kur-re tir {gesz}dehi2?-gin7 la-ba-mu2-a
>>Q000399 222
223. ki-szu mar-za {d}inanna-ka
>>Q000399 223
224. {gesz}ilar {kusz}gurx(|E.TUM|) u4 gal-gin7 ki la-ba-ni-us2-a
>>Q000399 224
225. {gesz}tukul-e lah4 lipisz me3-a a2 nu-kusz2-a-na gig-bi li-bi2-nu2?-a
>>Q000399 225
226. kurun3 u3-mun sag lul sag zi-da im u4 ka ne-ne
>>Q000399 226
227. dungu diri-ga-gin7 u8 ge6 kur-ra sag nu-mu-ni-in-bala-a
>>Q000399 227
228. ad6 gesz-gi-a ki-in-dar-[ra ...]
228. ad6 gesz-gi-a ki-in-dar-ra [...]
>>Q000399 228
229. KU? BU UL TAR-TAR-a-gin7 KA U2 GI x [...]
>>Q000399 229
230. musz-gir2 edin-na-ke4 ur5-sze3 la-ba-ab-ak x
>>Q000399 230
231. ki-tukum-sze3 egir u4-da nu-e-zi?# [x]
231. ki-tukum-sze3 egir u4-da nu-e-zi? x
>>Q000399 231
232. hul-du gu2-erim2-gal2 a2 {gesz}tukul-la-bi izi? ir-pag nu?-[...]
>>Q000399 232
233. giri3 suh3-a har-ra-an amar?-gin7 ku5-ra2
>>Q000399 233
234. ma-da gu-ti-um{ki}-ma {gesz}mu-bu-um-gin7 mu-gam
>>Q000399 234
235. kur-re ni2-bi sza3 ma-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz gu2-ba giri3 bi2-gub
>>Q000399 235
236. dili-ni iri a2-na lah6-me-en
>>Q000399 236
237. kal-ga mi2 {gesz}tukul-la du11-ga-me-en
>>Q000399 237
238. mu gil(|GI%GI|)-sa inim szu12-da du11 am-gin7 rib-ba-me-en
238. mu gil-sa inim szu12-da du11 am-gin7 rib-ba-me-en
>>Q000399 238
239. si sa2 lu2 du10-ga kalam-ma-me-en
>>Q000399 239
240. en3-du-gu10 ka-ga14(KA) he2-gal2
240. en3-du-gu10 ka-ga14 he2-gal2
>>Q000399 240
241. szer3-gu10 gesztu2-ge na-an-dib-be2
>>Q000399 241
242. gu-kur silim-esz2 du11-ga-ga2-kam
>>Q000399 242
243. inim {d}en-ki-ke4 mu-szi-ga2-ga2-a-am3
>>Q000399 243
244. hul2-hul2-e sza3-ta du11 tal2-tal2 {d}gesztin-an-na-ka-kam
>>Q000399 244
245. u4 ul-le2-a-asz nu-ha-lam-e-de3
>>Q000399 245
246. e2-|GESZ.PI.TUG2.AN.NISABA| nig2-umun2-a gal-gal mu-bi-sze3 mul-an ku3-gin7 bi2-sar
>>Q000399 246
247. u4 me-da na-me gesztu2-ge nig2 la-ba-ab-dib-be2 [...]-bi
>>Q000399 247
248. nu-ha-lam-e mul-an sag2 nu-di mu da-ri2 mu-tuku2?
>>Q000399 248
249. nar-e dub-sar he2-en-szi-tum2 igi he2-en-ni-in-bar-re
>>Q000399 249
250. gesztu2 |GESZ.TUG2.PI.SZIR@t.SILA3| {d}nisaba-ka-kam
>>Q000399 250
251. dub za-gin3-gin7 gu3 he2-na?-ta?-de2-e
>>Q000399 251
252. en3-du-gu10 ku3 ki-dar-ra-gin7 pa he2-em-ta-e3-e3
>>Q000399 252
253. ki-szu-ki-szu-ke4 he2-em-ma-an-du12
>>Q000399 253
254. esz3 u4-sakar-ra na-me na-an-tak4-tak4
>>Q000399 254
255. ga2 tigi(|BALAG.NAR|) {d}en-lil2 {d}nin-lil2-la2-ke4
255. ga2 tigi {d}en-lil2 {d}nin-lil2-la2-ke4
>>Q000399 255
256. kin-sig kin-nim {d}nanna-ka
>>Q000399 256
257. szul-gi-me-en za3-mi2-gu10 du10-ga musz3 nam-ba-an-tum2-mu
>>Q000399 257
CDLI Literary 000401 (Shulgi G) composite (P469702) 2234608
me-te-na only appears a few times in words list
nig2-du11-ga-ni only appears a few times in words list
nam-nun-na-ni-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
im-guru3 only appears a few times in words list
sag5-e only appears a few times in words list
til-la-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
a-ba-ga-an-da-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
de6-a-bi only appears a few times in words list
LIL2 only appears a few times in words list
lal3-gar-ra-bi only appears a few times in words list
nig2-bi only appears a few times in words list
szen-nam only appears a few times in words list
e2-kur-ra-kam only appears a few times in words list
sa-dur2-ra only appears a few times in words list
i3-du3-e only appears a few times in words list
da-ri2-kam only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-ib2-su3-ra2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-kur2 only appears a few times in words list
dasz!-im2-babbar-re does not appear in words list
bi2-se3 only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-in-de6 only appears a few times in words list
e2-du10-ga only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-du11 only appears a few times in words list
en-ne2 only appears a few times in words list
sza3-tur-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
gal2-la-na only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-u3-tu only appears a few times in words list
kal-ga-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
mes-e only appears a few times in words list
zalag-zalag only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-du10 only appears a few times in words list
bi2-pa3 only appears a few times in words list
bi2-si only appears a few times in words list
mu-ni-la2 only appears a few times in words list
mu-gar only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-zi only appears a few times in words list
szu12-dam only appears a few times in words list
nam-szita-am3 only appears a few times in words list
u2-sal-la-am3 only appears a few times in words list
asilx(EZEN)-le2 only appears a few times in words list
mu-i-i only appears a few times in words list
bi2-se3 only appears a few times in words list
gesz-gi5-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
sa-gid2-da-kam only appears a few times in words list
zi-da-am3 only appears a few times in words list
e3-a-am3 only appears a few times in words list
u2-a-bi only appears a few times in words list
ama-tu only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ma-ab-su3-re6 only appears a few times in words list
du10-ga-kam only appears a few times in words list
dadag-ga-kam only appears a few times in words list
hul2-le-de3 only appears a few times in words list
du11-ga!(BI) only appears a few times in words list
su3-su3-am3 only appears a few times in words list
naggax(AN) only appears a few times in words list
su8-su8-ga-ni-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
gub-ba-ni-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-ni-in-tar-e only appears a few times in words list
sig7-ga-ni only appears a few times in words list
mu-szi-dagal-e only appears a few times in words list
gu2-un-gu2-un only appears a few times in words list
mu-na-ab-za only appears a few times in words list
mu-ge-ge-en6 only appears a few times in words list
lu2-lal3! does not appear in words list
he2-em-szi-ib2-te-te only appears a few times in words list
bala-za only appears a few times in words list
ma-ra-ni-in-e3 only appears a few times in words list
gesz-gi5-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
sa-gar-ra-kam only appears a few times in words list
lugal-be2-e only appears a few times in words list
lugal-be2-e only appears a few times in words list
sza3-ge-esz only appears a few times in words list
i-pa3 only appears a few times in words list
u18-ru12-NI-bi-im only appears a few times in words list
LIL2 only appears a few times in signs list
dasz! does not appear in signs list
asilx(EZEN) only appears a few times in signs list
naggax(AN) only appears a few times in signs list
lal3! only appears a few times in signs list
&P469702 = ETCSL  An adab to Enlil for SZulgi (SZulgi G)
&P469702 = CDLI Literary 000401 (Shulgi G) composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}en-lil2 gal-di en me-te-na nig2-du11-ga-ni zi
>>Q000401 001
2. {d}nu-nam-nir sipa da-ri2 kalam-ma kur gal-ta e3-a
>>Q000401 002
3. sa2 gal pa3-de3 gu2-gal an ki me sza-ra u5-a
>>Q000401 003
4. en nam-nun-na-ni-sze3 ni2 gal im-guru3 mul-an szu du7-a
>>Q000401 004
5. me ul me sag5-e gal kin-ga2 dili-ni dingir mah
>>Q000401 005
6. en u4 ti kur-za3 til-la-sze3 ug3 du10-us2 dili-a tum2
>>Q000401 006
7. sa-par3 mah an ki szu2-a esz2 kur-kur-ra la2-a
>>Q000401 007
8. {d}en-lil2-da a-ba a2 mu-da-an-ag2 a-ba-ga-an-da-sa2
>>Q000401 008
9. gal bi2-du11 sza3-ga-ni i7 mah a-na-am3 de6-a-bi
>>Q000401 009
10. inim ku3-ga-na LIL2 lal3-gar-ra-bi e2-ta nam-ta-e3
>>Q000401 010
11. nig2-bi nig2 ku3-ga-am3 nig2 szen-nam me e2-kur-ra-kam
>>Q000401 011
12. sig4 zi nam tar-ra abzu sa-dur2-ra nig2 kal-kal-la-am3
>>Q000401 012
13. e2-kur lu2 zi-de3 i3-du3-e mu da-ri2-kam
>>Q000401 013
14. dumu lu2 zi-da-ke4 gidri mi-<ni>-ib2-su3-ra2 {gesz}gu-za-bi nu-kur2
14. dumu lu2 zi-da-ke4 gidri mi-ni-ib2-su3-ra2 {gesz}gu-za-bi nu-kur2
>>Q000401 014
15. nam-bi-sze3 e2-kur-ra sig7 mi-ni-gar dasz!-im2-babbar-re
>>Q000401 015
16. a-a-ni {d}en-lil2 inim-ma bi2-se3 ama di-da mi-ni-in-de6
>>Q000401 016
17. e2-du10-ga {d}nanna dumu nun-ne2 nig2 al ba-ni-du11
>>Q000401 017
18. en-ne2 <a> sza3-tur-sze3 gal2-la-na lu2 zi mi-ni-u3-tu
18. en-ne2 a sza3-tur-sze3 gal2-la-na lu2 zi mi-ni-u3-tu
>>Q000401 018
19. {d}en-lil2 sipa a2 kal-ga-ke4 mes-e pa bi2-e3
>>Q000401 019
20. dumu nam-lugal bara2-ge4 he2-du7 szul-gi lugal-am3
>>Q000401 020
21. a pirig-ga2 <e2>-kur szu dagal-la du11-du11 ki ag2 [{d}nin]-lil2-la2
21. a pirig-ga2 e2-kur szu dagal-la du11-du11 ki ag2 {d}nin-lil2-la2
>>Q000401 021
22. e2-kur-ta nam-nir-gal2 szum2-ma lugal uri5#[{ki}]-ma
22. e2-kur-ta nam-nir-gal2 szum2-ma lugal uri5{ki}-ma
>>Q000401 022
23. sza3 zalag-zalag sipa {d}lamma kalam-ma mu-ni bi2#-in?#-du10
23. sza3 zalag-zalag sipa {d}lamma kalam-ma mu-ni bi2-in?-du10
>>Q000401 023
24. szul-gi {d}en-lil2-le sza3 ku3-ge bi2-pa3 kalam szu-ni bi2-si
>>Q000401 024
25. szibir eszgiri2 a2-na mu-ni-la2 sipa kur-kur-ra-kam
>>Q000401 025
26. gidri {d}nanna szu nu-bala-e szu-ni-sze3 mu-gar
>>Q000401 026
27. dur2 nam-lugal sag2 nu-di-da gu2 an-sze3 mi-ni-zi
>>Q000401 027
28. u4 szu12-dam ge6 nam-szita-am3 kalam u2-sal-la-am3
>>Q000401 028
29. sipa he2-gal2-la szul-gi mu gil(|GI%GI|)-sa lugal asilx(EZEN)-le2
29. sipa he2-gal2-la szul-gi mu gil-sa lugal asilx(EZEN)-le2
>>Q000401 029
30. kal-ga a lu2 zi-de3 ri-a {d}en-lil2 mu-i-i
>>Q000401 030
31. sa-gid2-da-am3
>>Q000401 031
32. szul#-[gi] lugal uru16 [...] ku?-kur silim-e-esz2 du11-ga
32. szul-[gi] lugal uru16 [...] ku?-kur silim-e-esz2 du11-ga
>>Q000401 032
33. lugal# [(x)] aga3-kar2 {d}inanna ki-bala-a bi2-se3
33. lugal x aga3-kar2 {d}inanna ki-bala-a bi2-se3
>>Q000401 033
34. gesz-gi5-gal2 sa-gid2-da-kam
>>Q000401 034
35. {d}en-lil2 zi-da-am3 inim-ma-ni mah-am3
>>Q000401 035
36. nam du10 tar-ra-ni sag-bi-sze3 e3-a-am3
>>Q000401 036
37. gu nig2 kal mu2-mu2 sze nig2 kal mu2-mu2
>>Q000401 037
38. szul-gi e2-kur-ra u2-a-bi na-nam
>>Q000401 038
39. gu-bi gu na-nam sze-bi sze na-nam
>>Q000401 039
40. nig2-u2-rum {d}nanna ama-tu e2-kur-ra
>>Q000401 040
41. sza3-ta mu pa3#-da {d}nin-lil2-la2 na-nam
41. sza3-ta mu pa3-da {d}nin-lil2-la2 na-nam
>>Q000401 041
42. szul-gi sipa kalam-ma sag {d}en-lil2-le zu
>>Q000401 042
43. e2-a lu2-bi na-nam u4 he2-em-ma-ab-su3-re6
>>Q000401 043
44. uri5{ki} iri{ki} du10 nun-ne2 ki gar-ra
>>Q000401 044
45. sza3-bi dub-szen ku3 abzu igi nu-bar
>>Q000401 045
46. nam#-iszib du10-ga-kam szu-luh dadag-ga-kam
46. nam-iszib du10-ga-kam szu-luh dadag-ga-kam
>>Q000401 046
47. nidba gal-gal-bi e2-kur hul2-le-de3
>>Q000401 047
48. {d}en#-lil2-le gu3 ba-an-de2 du11#-ga!(BI) zi-zi-dam
48. {d}en-lil2-le gu3 ba-an-de2 du11-ga!(BI) zi-zi-dam
>>Q000401 048
49. sipa nam-lugal-la bara2 mah-ha tum2-ma
>>Q000401 049
50. szul-gi nam-en-na tug2-ba13 su3-su3-am3
>>Q000401 050
51. bur!# naggax(AN) he-nun-na su8-su8?-ga?-ni-sze3
51. bur naggax(AN) he-nun-na su8-su8?-ga?-ni-sze3
>>Q000401 051
52. unu2 e2-kur#-ra-ka kin?-sig? gub?#-ba?#-ni#-sze3#
52. unu2 e2-kur-ra-ka kin?-sig? gub?-ba?-ni-sze3
>>Q000401 052
53. {d}en-lil2 nam-nun-na [mu]-ni?#-in?-tar?-e#
53. {d}en-lil2 nam-nun-na mu-ni?-in?-tar?-e
>>Q000401 053
54. an-gin7 sig7-ga-ni x [...]-e#
54. an-gin7 sig7-ga-ni x ...-e
>>Q000401 054
55. {d}nanna lugal-am3 [...]-am3#
55. {d}nanna lugal-am3 [...]-am3
>>Q000401 055
56. ki-ur3 ki gal-la?# [...] du10# mu#-na#-szum2
56. ki-ur3 ki gal-la? [...] du10 mu-na-szum2
>>Q000401 056
57. {d}en-lil2-la2 KA#? [...] mu#-szi-dagal?-e
57. {d}en-lil2-la2 KA? [...] mu-szi-dagal?-e
>>Q000401 057
58. kur a nun gi4-a gu2#-un#-gu2#-un# mu-na-ab-za
58. kur a nun gi4-a gu2-un-gu2-un mu-na-ab-za
>>Q000401 058
59. ma-da mu-ge-ge#-en6# ug3 giri3-ni-sze3 mu-nu2
59. ma-da mu-ge-ge-en6 ug3 giri3-ni-sze3 mu-nu2
>>Q000401 059
60. szul-gi sipa lu2-lal3! nibru{ki} ki ag2-am3
>>Q000401 060
61. sig4 {d}en-lil2-la2 gissu-bi du10-ga-am3
>>Q000401 061
62. sipa zi szul-gi-re ni2 he2-em-szi-ib2-te-te
>>Q000401 062
63. sa-gar-ra-am3
>>Q000401 063
64. szul-gi bala-za {d}en-lil2-le u4 du10 ma-ra-ni-in-e3
>>Q000401 064
65. gesz-gi5-gal2 sa-gar-ra-kam
>>Q000401 065
66. an-na lugal-be2-e ki-a kur gal-be2-e
>>Q000401 066
67. a-a {d}en-lil2 an-na lugal-be2-e ki-a kur gal-be2-e
>>Q000401 067
68. gal bi2-du11 szul-gi bala zi-da sza3-ge-esz i-pa3
>>Q000401 068
69. u18-ru12-NI-bi-im
>>Q000401 069
70. a-da-ab {d}en-lil2-la2-kam
# (lines 69 and 70 are written as one line in source)
>>Q000401 070
CDLI Literary 000404 (Shulgi L) composite (P469703) 2234609
ATF: Parsing failed on line 5 near character 2
URUGAL only appears a few times in words list
GUR5 only appears a few times in words list
mu-na-a-szum2 only appears a few times in words list
i3-ru only appears a few times in words list
a-zu-u3 only appears a few times in words list
sza-mu-u3-i-i only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-se3 only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-ga2-ar only appears a few times in words list
ki-bala-a-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
gu2-kiri6 only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-du11 only appears a few times in words list
su3-ra2-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
za-pa-zu only appears a few times in words list
gi4-gi4-a-zu-ta only appears a few times in words list
bi2-gu7 only appears a few times in words list
mu-du11 only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-us2-sa only appears a few times in words list
szum2-ma-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
mu-ni-szu4 only appears a few times in words list
ni2-zu-da only appears a few times in words list
im-da-sag3-ge only appears a few times in words list
URUGAL only appears a few times in signs list
GUR5 only appears a few times in signs list
&P469703 = ETCSL  A tigi (?) for SZulgi (SZulgi L)
&P469703 = CDLI Literary 000404 (Shulgi L) composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
@m=segment A
$about n lines missing
1. [...] x A2 x x [...]
>>Q000404 A001
2. [...] x me3-a szen x [...]
>>Q000404 A002
3. [...] x USZ URUGAL? GUR5? a-zu x [x] x mu-na-a-szum2
>>Q000404 A003
4. [...]-ta# sipa szul-gi ni2 kur2-ra i3-ru
>>Q000404 A004
5. [...] sipa a-zu-u3 me-tesz2 sza-mu-u3-i-i
>>Q000404 A005
6. [sa]-gid2#-da-am3
>>Q000404 A006
7. [...] x UG ba-ni-ra aga3-kar2 im-mi-se3
>>Q000404 A007
8. [...] sumun me gar im-mi-ga2-ar
>>Q000404 A008
9. [...] ki-bala-a-ke4 gu2-kiri6 im-mi-du11
>>Q000404 A009
10. [...] x kur isz su3-ra2-a-ba za-pa-zu im-mi#-[x]
>>Q000404 A010
11. [... szix(|KAxBALAG|)] gi4#-gi4-a-zu-ta [(x)]
>>Q000404 A011
12. [... sug-za3]-ge4?# bi2#-gu7# [x]
>>Q000404 A012
$about n lines missing
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x A2 x x [...]
>>Q000404 A001'
2'. [...] x me3-a szen x [...]
>>Q000404 A002'
3'. [...] x USZ URUGAL? GUR5? a-zu x x x mu-na-a-szum2
>>Q000404 A003'
4'. ...-ta sipa szul-gi ni2 kur2-ra i3-ru
>>Q000404 A004'
5'. [...] sipa a-zu-u3 me-tesz2 sza-mu-u3-i-i
>>Q000404 A005'
6'. sa-gid2-da-am3
>>Q000404 A006'
7'. [...] x UG ba-ni-ra aga3-kar2 im-mi-se3
>>Q000404 A007'
8'. [...] sumun me gar im-mi-ga2-ar
>>Q000404 A008'
9'. [...] ki-bala-a-ke4 gu2-kiri6 im-mi-du11
>>Q000404 A009'
10'. [...] x kur isz su3-ra2-a-ba za-pa-zu im-mi-x
>>Q000404 A010'
11'. [...] szix(|KAxBALAG|) gi4-gi4-a-zu-ta (x)
>>Q000404 A011'
12'. [...] sug-za3-ge4? bi2-gu7 x
>>Q000404 A012'
$ n lines broken
@m=segment B
1. [...] x x x [...]
>>Q000404 B001
2. [...] x-sze3 mu-du11?#
2. [...] x-sze3 mu-du11?
>>Q000404 B002
3. [...] x im-mi-us2-sa?#
3. [...] x im-mi-us2-sa?
>>Q000404 B003
4. [...] tir izi szum2-ma-gin7
>>Q000404 B004
5. [...] ni2?#-ba mu-ni-szu4
5. [...] ni2?-ba mu-ni-szu4
>>Q000404 B005
6. [...] ni2-zu-da [...] kur2-re sag im-da-sag3-ge
>>Q000404 B006
7. [sa-gar]-ra-am3
7. sa-gar-ra-am3
>>Q000404 B007
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