approved by CDLI
Atf update submitted by Englund, Robert K. on 2014-01-01 at 12:27:36 with credits to Englund, Robert K.
Artifact | Revision | Changes |
RIME, ex. 01 (P257923) | 2219982 |
ATF: Parsing failed on line 167 near character 2
limmu2-ba-me-en does not appear in words list
li-um-ma does not appear in words list
mu-ub-gi4-a does not appear in words list
{m}{d}en-lil2-iz-zu does not appear in words list
{m}{d}szesz-ke-e!-el does not appear in words list
{m}szu-{d}a-nu-um does not appear in words list
{m}...-e-lum does not appear in words list
{m}i-bi2-ma-ma does not appear in words list
{m}nu-ur2-szu-e-li does not appear in words list
{m}{d}iszkur-szar-rum does not appear in words list
{m}ba-ad-ga-nu-um does not appear in words list
{m}ri-im-szu-nu does not appear in words list
{m}a-bi-ha-ni-isz does not appear in words list
{m}x-bi-ma-ra-ad-da does not appear in words list
mu-un-da-dala-esz-am3 does not appear in words list
i3-libir-da only appears a few times in words list
dingir!-mah only appears a few times in words list
ul... only appears a few times in words list
i-dib-be2 does not appear in words list
IG-x does not appear in words list
sag-ga2-ta only appears a few times in words list
3(u)-bi-ta does not appear in words list
u3-sumun only appears a few times in words list
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
szeg12-a only appears a few times in words list
dala only appears a few times in signs list
ul... only appears a few times in signs list
&P257923 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 |
RIME composite (P431033) | 2219983 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 5: #atf def linktext A = Q020230
&P431033 = RIME #atf def linktext A = Q020230 #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. me-silim #tr.en: Mesilim, 2. lugal kisz #tr.en: king of Kiš, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P222744) | 2219984 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 19: gesz-hur-bi u4 ul[...
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 11: 1(disz) (n)
&P222744 = RIME, ex. 01 |
RIME, ex. 03 (P247662) | 2219985 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @column
szum2-tul2-tul2 does not appear in words list
GAG-a only appears a few times in words list
&P247662 = RIME, ex. 03 #atf: lang sux @tablet @column 1 1. [{d}nin-gir2-su2] 2. x [...] 3. [...] 4. [{d}]en#-lil2#-le 5. e-na-sur-ra 6. me-silim-e 7. na bi2-ru2-a 8. a2 ag2-ga2-ne2# $ 3 lines missing @column 2 $ 4 lines missing 5. na-ru2-a-bi# 6. i3-bux(PAD) 7. edin lagasz{ki}-sze3 8. i3-kux(DU) 9. a-sza3 uszur-da#-u2 10. a-sza3 szum2-tul2-tul2 11. a-sza3 e2-luh-ha#! 12. a-sza3 ki-ma-ri2 13. a-sza3 du6-asz2-ri2 14. [...] du6? [...] x 15. [...] gir2# 16. [...] LAGAB 17. [...] szum2-mu#? @column 3 1. [...] 2. [...] x [...] GAG?-a 3. [...] GAN2# [...] DAH? 4. [...]-ma 5. {d#}nin#-gir2-[su2]-ka 6. x [...] x [...] KU? 7. lu2 umma{ki}-ke4 8. ba-ri-ri 9. na-ru2-a 10. mu-bux(PAD) 11. lu2 umma#{ki}-ke4 12. a#-sza3# NIG2# ba# DU# dar# kur# [x] x 13. mu-sze3 ba-sa4 14. lu2 umma{ki}-ke4 15. e-ma-de6 16. mu-sze3 ba-sa4 17. lu2 umma{ki}-ke4 18. e-ma-dah @column 4 1. mu-sze3 ba-sa4 2. e2-an-na-tum2 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki} 5. a2 szum2-ma 6. {d}en-lil2-ke4 7. ga-zi gu7-a 8. {d}nin-hur-sag-ka-ke4 9. mu du10 sa4-a 10. {d}nansze-ke4 11. kur gu2 gar-gar 12. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka-ke4 13. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra |
RIME composite (P431079) | 2219986 |
giszkim-ti does not appear in words list
giszkim does not appear in signs list
&P431079 = RIME #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra #tr.en: For Ningirsu, 2. e2-an-na-tum2 #tr.en: Eanatum, 3. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 4. lagasz{ki} #tr.en: of Lagaš, 5. mu pa3-da #tr.en: nominated 6. {d}en-lil2-ke4 #tr.en: by Enlil, 7. a2 szum2-ma #tr.en: given strenth 8. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka-ke4 #tr.en: by Ningirsu, 9. sza3 pa3-da #tr.en: chosen by the heart 10. {d}nansze-ke4 #tr.en: of Nanše, 11. ga-zi gu7-a #tr.en: fed wholesome milk 12. {d}nin-hur-[sag]-ka-ke4 #tr.en: by Ninḫursaga, 13. mu du10 sa4-a #tr.en: called a good name 14. {d}inanna-ka-ke4 #tr.en: by Inanna, 15. gesztu2 szum2-ma #tr.en: given wisdom 16. {d}en-ki-ka-ke4 #tr.en: by Enki, 17. ki-ag2 #tr.en: beloved 18. {d}dumu-zi-abzu-ka-ke4 #tr.en: by Dumuzi-abzu, 19. giszkim-ti #tr.en: trusted 20. {d}hendur-sag-ka-ke4 #tr.en: by Ḫendursag, 21. ku-li ki-ag2 #tr.en: beloved friend 22. {d}lugal-uru11-ka-ke4 #tr.en: of Lugalurub, 23. dumu a-kur-gal #tr.en: son of Akurgal, 24. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 25. lagasz[{ki}-ke4] #tr.en: of Lagaš, 26. [{d}nin]-gir2-su2-ra #tr.en: for Ningirsu 27. gir2-su{ki} #tr.en: Girsu 28. [ki]-be2 mu-na-gi #tr.en: he restored. 29. bad3 iri-ku3-ga #tr.en: The walls of the Holy City 30. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built for him. 31. {d}nansze #tr.en: For Nanše 32. NINA{ki} #tr.en: Nigin 33. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built. 34. e2-an-na-tum2-e #tr.en: By Eanatum 35. elam hur-sag u6-ga #tr.en: Elam, the awesome mountain range, 36. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3 #tr.en: was defeated, 37. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi #tr.en: and its tumuli 38. mu-dub #tr.en: he heaped up. 39. szu-nir uru18{ki}-ka #tr.en: The Standard of Uru, 40. ensi2-bi #tr.en: though by its ruler 41. sag mu-gub-ba #tr.en: it had been set up at the head (of it), 42. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3 #tr.en: he defeated it, 43. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi #tr.en: and its tumuli 44. mu-dub #tr.en: he heaped up. 45. umma{ki} #tr.en: Umma 46. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3 #tr.en: he defeated, 47. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi 2(u@c) #tr.en: and its 20 tumuli 48. [mu]-dub #tr.en: he heaped up. 49. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra #tr.en: To Ningirsu |
RIME, ex. 01 (P222400) | 2219987 |
{d}nin-gir2-su2!-ka-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
giszkim-ti does not appear in words list
{d}hendur-sag!-ka-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
uru18{ki!}-ka only appears a few times in words list
a-sza3! only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin!-gir2-su2-ka-ta only appears a few times in words list
akszak{ki}-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
kur-ra-na! only appears a few times in words list
ma-ri2!{ki} only appears a few times in words list
giszkim does not appear in signs list
ri2! only appears a few times in signs list
&P222400 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object boulder @surface a @column 1 1. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra 2. e2-an-na-tum2 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki} 5. mu pa3-da 6. {d}en-lil2-ke4 7. a2 szum2-ma 8. {d}nin-gir2-su2!-ka-ke4 9. sza3 pa3-da @column 2 1. {d}nansze-ke4 2. ga-zi gu7-a 3. {d}nin#-hur#-[sag]-ka-ke4# 4. mu du10# sa4-a 5. {d}inanna-ka-ke4 6. gesztu2 szum2-ma 7. {d}en-ki#-ka-ke4 8. ki-ag2 9. {d}dumu-zi-abzu-ka-ke4 10. giszkim-ti 11. {d}hendur-sag!-ka-ke4 12. ku-li ki-ag2 13. {d}lugal-uru11-ka-ke4 @column 3 1. dumu a-kur-gal 2. ensi2 3. lagasz[{ki}-ke4] 4. [{d}nin]-gir2#-su2!-ra 5. gir2-su{ki} 6. [ki]-be2 mu-na#-gi 7. bad3 iri-ku3-ga 8. mu-na-du3 9. {d}nansze 10. NINA{ki} 11. mu-na-du3 12. e2-an-na-tum2-e 13. elam hur-sag u6-ga 14. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3 15. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi 16. mu-dub 17. szu-nir uru18{ki!}-ka 18. ensi2-bi 19. sag mu-gub-ba 20. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3 21. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi 22. mu-dub 23. umma{ki} 24. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3 25. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi 2(u@c) @column 4 1. [mu]-dub# 2. {d#}nin-gir2-su2-ra |
RIME, ex. 02 (P222401) | 2219988 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
{d}nin-gir2-su2!-ka-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
giszkim-ti does not appear in words list
{d}hendur-sag!-ka-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
uru18{ki!}-ka only appears a few times in words list
a-sza3! only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin!-gir2-su2-ka-ta only appears a few times in words list
akszak{ki}-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
kur-ra-na! only appears a few times in words list
ma-ri2!{ki} only appears a few times in words list
giszkim does not appear in signs list
ri2! only appears a few times in signs list
&P222401 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @object boulder @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra 2. e2-an-na-tum2 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki} 5. mu pa3-da 6. {d}en-lil2-ke4 7. a2 szum2-ma 8. {d}nin-gir2-su2!-ka-ke4 9. sza3 pa3-da @column 2 1. {d}nansze-ke4 2. ga-zi gu7-a 3. {d}nin#-hur#-[sag]-ka-ke4# 4. mu du10# sa4-a 5. {d}inanna-ka-ke4 6. gesztu2 szum2-ma 7. {d}en-ki#-ka-ke4 8. ki-ag2 9. {d}dumu-zi-abzu-ka-ke4 10. giszkim-ti 11. {d}hendur-sag!-ka-ke4 12. ku-li ki-ag2 13. {d}lugal-uru11-ka-ke4 @column 3 1. dumu a-kur-gal 2. ensi2 3. lagasz[{ki}-ke4] 4. [{d}nin]-gir2#-su2!-ra 5. gir2-su{ki} 6. [ki]-be2 mu-na#-gi 7. bad3 iri-ku3-ga 8. mu-na-du3 9. {d}nansze 10. NINA{ki} 11. mu-na-du3 12. e2-an-na-tum2-e 13. elam hur-sag u6-ga 14. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3 15. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi 16. mu-dub 17. szu-nir uru18{ki!}-ka 18. ensi2-bi 19. sag mu-gub-ba 20. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3 21. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi 22. mu-dub 23. umma{ki} 24. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3 25. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi 2(u@c) @column 4 1. [mu]-dub# 2. {d#}nin-gir2-su2-ra |
RIME composite (P431099) | 2219989 |
{d}hendur-sag-ka-ka only appears a few times in words list
e-sar-sar only appears a few times in words list
{d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-menx(|GA2xEN|)-zi-en-mete-na-ka-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}uri3 does not appear in words list
&P431099 = RIME #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}hendur-sag #tr.en: For Ḫendursag, 2. gal nimgir abzu-ra #tr.en: chief herald of the Abzu, 3. en-an-na-tum2 #tr.en: Enanatum, 4. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 5. [lagasz]{ki} #tr.en: of Lagaš, 6. [a2 szum2-ma] #tr.en: given power 7. {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: by Enlil, 8. ga zi gu7-a #tr.en: fed wholesome milk 9. {d}nin-hur-sag-ka #tr.en: by Ninḫursaga, 10. sza3 pa3-da #tr.en: chosen by the heart 11. {d}nansze #tr.en: of Nanše, 12. ensi2 gal #tr.en: chief ruler 13. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka #tr.en: of Ningirsu, 14. gu3 zi de2-a #tr.en: truly called 15. {d}inanna-ka #tr.en: by Inanna, 16. mu pa3-da #tr.en: nominated 17. {d}hendur-sag-ka #tr.en: by Ḫendursag, 18. dumu tu-da #tr.en: son begotten 19. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka #tr.en: by Lugalurub, 20. dumu a-kur-gal #tr.en: son of Akurgal, 21. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 22. lagasz{ki}-ka #tr.en: of Lagaš, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P222496) | 2219990 |
{d}hendur-sag-ka-ka only appears a few times in words list
e-sar-sar only appears a few times in words list
{d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-menx(|GA2xEN|)-zi-en-mete-na-ka-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz!}uri3 does not appear in words list
&P222496 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 1. {d}hendur-sag 2. gal nimgir abzu-ra 3. en-an-na-tum2 4. ensi2 5. [lagasz]{ki} 6. [a2 szum2-ma] 7. {d}en-lil2-la2 8. ga zi gu7-a 9. {d}nin-hur-sag-ka 10. sza3 pa3-da 11. {d}nansze @column 2 1. ensi2 gal 2. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 3. gu3 zi de2-a 4. {d}inanna-ka 5. mu pa3-da 6. {d}hendur-sag-ka 7. dumu tu-da 8. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka 9. dumu a-kur-gal 10. ensi2 11. lagasz{ki}-ka @column 3 |
RIME composite (P431102) | 2219991 |
&P431102 = RIME #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}inanna #tr.en: For Inanna, 2. nin kur-kur-ra #tr.en: queen of all the lands, 3. en-an-na-tum2 #tr.en: Enanatum, 4. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 5. lagasz{ki} #tr.en: of Lagaš, 6. sza3 pa3-da #tr.en: chosen by the heart 7. {d}nansze #tr.en: of Nanše, 8. ensi2 gal #tr.en: chief ruler 9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka #tr.en: of Ningirsu, 10. mu du10 sa4-a #tr.en: called a good name 11. {d}inanna-ka #tr.en: by Inanna, 12. dumu tu-da #tr.en: son begotten 13. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka #tr.en: by Lugalurub, 14. dumu a-kur-gal #tr.en: son of Akurgal, 15. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 16. lagasz{ki}-ka #tr.en: of Lagaš, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P222502) | 2219992 |
&P222502 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet # reconstruction @obverse @column 1 1. {d}inanna 2. nin kur-kur-ra 3. en-an-na-tum2 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki} 6. sza3 pa3-da 7. {d}nansze 8. ensi2 gal 9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka 10. mu du10 sa4-a 11. {d}inanna-ka 12. dumu tu-da @column 2 1. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka 2. dumu a-kur-gal 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki}-ka |
RIME, ex. 02 (P222503) | 2219993 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222503 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @object boulder @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna 2. nin kur-kur-ra 3. en-an-na-tum2 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki} 6. sza3 pa3-da 7. {d}nansze 8. ensi2 gal 9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka 10. mu du10 sa4-a 11. {d}inanna-ka 12. dumu tu-da @column 2 1. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka 2. dumu a-kur-gal 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki}-ka |
RIME, ex. 03 (P222504) | 2219994 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222504 = RIME, ex. 03 #atf: lang sux @object peg @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna 2. nin kur-kur-ra 3. en-an-na-tum2 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki} 6. sza3 pa3-da 7. {d}nansze 8. ensi2 gal 9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka 10. mu du10 sa4-a 11. {d}inanna-ka 12. dumu tu-da @column 2 1. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka 2. dumu a-kur-gal 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki}-ka |
RIME, ex. 04 (P222505) | 2219995 |
&P222505 = RIME, ex. 04 #atf: lang sux @tablet # reconstruction @obverse @column 1 1. {d}inanna 2. nin kur-kur-ra 3. en-an-na-tum2 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki} 6. sza3 pa3-da 7. {d}nansze 8. ensi2 gal 9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka 10. mu du10 sa4-a 11. {d}inanna-ka 12. dumu tu-da @column 2 1. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka 2. dumu a-kur-gal 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki}-ka |
RIME composite (P431105) | 2219996 |
&P431105 = RIME #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. [en]-an-na-tum2 #tr.en: Enanatum, 2. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 3. lagasz{ki} #tr.en: of Lagaš, 4. [sza3] pa3-da #tr.en: chosen by the heart 5. [{d}]nansze #tr.en: of Nanše, 6. ensi2 gal #tr.en: chief ruler 7. [{d}]nin-[gir2]-su2-ka #tr.en: of Ningirsu, 8. [dumu] tu-da #tr.en: son begotten 9. [{d}]lugal-[uru11{ki}-ka] #tr.en: of Lugalurub, 10. dumu a-kur-gal #tr.en: son of Akurgal, 11. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 12. lagasz{ki}-ka #tr.en: of Lagaš, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P222478) | 2219997 |
&P222478 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a @column 1 1. [en]-an-na-tum2 2. ensi2 3. lagasz{ki} 4. [sza3] pa3-da 5. [{d}]nansze 6. ensi2 gal 7. [{d}]nin-[gir2]-su2-ka 8. [dumu] tu-da 9. [{d}]lugal-[uru11{ki}-ka] @column 2 1. dumu a-kur-gal 2. ensi2 3. lagasz{ki}-ka |
RIME composite (P431106) | 2219998 |
&P431106 = RIME #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. en-an-na-tum2 #tr.en: For Enanatum, 2. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 3. lagasz{ki} #tr.en: of Lagaš, 4. a2 szum2-ma #tr.en: given power 5. [{d}]en-[lil2-la2] #tr.en: by Enlil, 6. [sza3 pa3-da] #tr.en: chosen by the heart 7. [{d}nansze] #tr.en: of Nanše, 8. [ensi2 gal] #tr.en: chief ruler 9. [{d}nin-gir2-su-ka] #tr.en: of Ningirsu, 10. mu [du10] sa4-a #tr.en: called a good name 11. {d}inanna-ka #tr.en: by Inanna, 12. gesztu2 szum2-ma #tr.en: given wisdom 13. {d}en-ki #tr.en: by Enki, 14. dumu tu-da #tr.en: son begotten 15. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka #tr.en: of Lugalurub, 16. dumu a-kur-gal #tr.en: son of Akurgal, 17. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 18. lagasz{ki} #tr.en: of Lagaš, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P222500) | 2219999 |
&P222500 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object boulder @surface a @column 1 1. en-an-na-tum2 2. ensi2 3. lagasz{ki} 4. a2 szum2-ma 5. [{d}]en-[lil2-la2] 6. [sza3 pa3-da] 7. [{d}nansze] 8. [ensi2 gal] 9. [{d}nin-gir2-su-ka] 10. mu [du10] sa4-a @column 2 1. {d}inanna-ka 2. gesztu2 szum2-ma 3. {d}en-ki 4. dumu tu-da 5. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka 6. dumu a-kur-gal 7. ensi2 8. lagasz{ki} |
RIME composite (P431111) | 2220000 |
&P431111 = RIME #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. [{d}lugal-uru11{ki}] #tr.en: For Lugalurub 2. [{d}ama-uszumgal]-an-na-ra #tr.en: and Ama-ušumgal-ana, 3. me-an-ne2-[si] #tr.en: Meanesi, 4. [dumu] en-an-[na-tum2] #tr.en: son of Enanatum, 5. [ensi2] #tr.en: ruler 6. [lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4] #tr.en: of Lagaš, 7. [u4] en-an-na-tum2 #tr.en: when Enanatum, 8. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 9. lagasz{ki} #tr.en: of Lagaš, 10. [sza3] pa3-da #tr.en: chosen by the heart 11. {d}nansze #tr.en: of Nanše, 12. ensi2 gal #tr.en: chief ruler 13. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka #tr.en: of Ningirsu, 14. dumu tu-da #tr.en: son begotten 15. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka #tr.en: of Lugalurub, 16. dumu a-kur-gal #tr.en: son of Akurgal, 17. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 18. lagasz{ki}-ka #tr.en: of Lagaš, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P222494) | 2220001 |
&P222494 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object statue @surface a @column 1 1. [{d}lugal-uru11{ki}] 2. [{d}ama-uszumgal]-an-na-ra 3. me-an-ne2-[si] 4. [dumu] en-an-[na-tum2] 5. [ensi2] 6. [lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4] 7. [u4] en-an-na-tum2 8. ensi2 9. lagasz{ki} 10. [sza3] pa3-da 11. {d}nansze 12. ensi2 gal 13. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka 14. dumu tu-da 15. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka 16. dumu a-kur-gal 17. ensi2 18. lagasz{ki}-ka |
RIME composite (P431117) | 2220002 |
5(asz@c)-a only appears a few times in words list
gar3-dar-ra-a only appears a few times in words list
nam-nun-da only appears a few times in words list
&P431117 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}en-lil2 #tr.en: Enlil, 2. lugal kur-kur-ra #tr.en: king of all the lands, 3. ab-ba dingir-dingir-re2-ne-ke4 #tr.en: father of all the gods, 4. inim gi-na-ni-ta #tr.en: by his righteous command 5. {d}nin-gir2-su #tr.en: for Ningirsu 6. {d}szara2-bi #tr.en: and Šara, 7. ki e-ne-sur #tr.en: demarcated the (border) ground. 8. me-silim #tr.en: Mesilim, 9. lugal kisz{ki}-ke4 #tr.en: king of Kiš, 10. inim {d}isztaran-na-ta #tr.en: by the command of Ištaran, 11. esz2-GAN2 be2-ra #tr.en: struck the measuring line upon it, 12. ki-ba na bi2-ru2 #tr.en: and on that place he erected a stele. 13. usz #tr.en: Uš, 14. ensi2 #tr.en: governor 15. umma{ki}-ke4 #tr.en: of Umma, 16. nam inim-ma diri-diri-sze3 #tr.en: something greatly beyond words (?) 17. e-ak #tr.en: he did. 18. na-ru2-a-bi #tr.en: That stele 19. i3-bux(PAD) #tr.en: he tore out, 20. edin lagasz{ki}-sze3 #tr.en: and into the plain of Lagaš 21. i3-kux(DU) #tr.en: he entered. 22. {d}nin-gir2-su #tr.en: Ningirsu, 23. ur-sag {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4 #tr.en: the hero of Enlil, 24. inim si-sa2-ni-ta #tr.en: by his (Enlil’s) just command, 25. umma{ki}-da #tr.en: with Umma 26. dam-ha-ra #tr.en: battle 27. e-da-ak #tr.en: did. 28. inim {d}en-lil2-la2-ta #tr.en: By the word of Enlil 29. sa szu4 gal bi2-szu4 #tr.en: he cast (his) big battle-net upon it, 30. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi #tr.en: and its many tumuli 31. edin-na ki ba-ni-us2-us2 #tr.en: he built up in the plain. 32. e2-an-na-tum2 #tr.en: Eanatum, 33. ensi2 #tr.en: governor 34. lagasz{ki} #tr.en: of Lagaš, 35. pa-bil3-ga #tr.en: uncle 36. en-mete-na #tr.en: of Enmetena, 37. ensi2 #tr.en: governor 38. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 #tr.en: of Lagaš, 39. en-a2-kal-le #tr.en: with Enakale, 40. ensi2 #tr.en: the governor 41. umma{ki}-da #tr.en: of Umma, 42. ki e-da-sur #tr.en: demarcated the (border) ground, 43. e-bi i7-nun-ta #tr.en: and its levee from Princely Canal 44. gu2-edin-na-sze3 #tr.en: to the Gu’edena 45.a. ib2-ta-ni-e3 #tr.en: he extended. 45.b. GAN2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka #tr.en: Of Ningirsu’s field 45.c. 3(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) 1/2(asz@c) esz2 {ninda}nindax(DU) #tr.en: 215 rope-ninda 45.d. a2 umma{ki}-sze3 #tr.en: under the control of Umma 45.e. mu-tak4 #tr.en: he left 45.f. GAN2 lugal nu-tuku #tr.en: and into a field with no owner 45.g. i3-kux(DU) #tr.en: made it. 46. e-ba na-ru2-a #tr.en: On that levee steles 47. e-me-sar-sar #tr.en: he inscribed, 48. na-ru2-a #tr.en: and the stele 49. me-silim-ma #tr.en: of Mesilim 50. ki-be2 bi2-gi4 #tr.en: he restored. 51. edin umma{ki}-sze3 #tr.en: Into the plain of Umma 52. nu-dib2 #tr.en: he did not pass. 53. im-dub-ba #tr.en: On the boundary mound 54. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka #tr.en: of Ningirsu 55. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra #tr.en: (named) Namnunda-kigara, 56. bara2 {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: a dais of Enlil, 57. bara2 {d}nin-hur-sag-ka #tr.en: a dais of Ninḫursag, 58. bara2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka #tr.en: a dais of Ningirsu, 59. bara2 {d}utu #tr.en: and a dais of Utu 60. bi2-du3 #tr.en: he constructed. 61. sze {d}nansze #tr.en: Of the barley of Nanše 62. sze {d}nin-gir2-su-ka #tr.en: and the barley of Ningirsu, 63. 1(asz@c) guru7-am6 #tr.en: one grain-heap measure # 3600 gur, ca. 7800 hl. at 1.5 liters per OS Lagash sila3 64. lu2 umma{ki}-ke4 #tr.en: the Man of Umma 65. ur5-sze3 i3-gu7 #tr.en: consumed as an interest-bearing loan. 66. ku5-ra2 ba-us2 #tr.en: The ‛cut’ was imposed, 67. 4(szar'ugal@c){gal} guru7 #tr.en: and 144,000 (gur measured in) grain-heaps # reckoned at 40 : 1 68. ba-kux(KWU147) #tr.en: it was made. 69. bar sze-bi nu-da-su3-su3-da-ka #tr.en: Because he was unable to repay that barley, 70. ur-lum-ma #tr.en: Urlumma, 71. ensi2 #tr.en: governor 72. umma{ki}-ke4 #tr.en: of Umma, 73. e ki-sur-ra #tr.en: the levee of the boundary territory 74. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka #tr.en: of Ningirsu 75. e ki-sur-ra #tr.en: and the levee of the boundary territory 76. {d}nansze #tr.en: of Nanše 77. a-e i3-mi-e3 #tr.en: he removed with water. 78. na-ru2-a-be2 #tr.en: To its steles 79. izi ba-szum2 #tr.en: he set fire, 80. i3-bux(PAD)-bux(PAD) #tr.en: and he tore them out. 81. bara2 ru-a dingir-re2-ne #tr.en: The set daises of the gods 82. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra #tr.en: which on the Namnunda-kigara (mound) 83. ab-du3-a #tr.en: had been constructed, 84. i3-gul-gul #tr.en: he demolished. 85. kur-kur e-ma-hun #tr.en: He hired foreign countries, 86. e ki-sur-ra #tr.en: and over the levee of the boundary territory 87. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka #tr.en: of Ningirsu 88. e-ma-ta-bala #tr.en: he crossed. 89. en-an-na-tum2 #tr.en: Enanatum, 90. ensi2 #tr.en: governor 91. lagasz{ki}-ke4 #tr.en: of Lagaš, 92. GAN2 u3-gig-ga #tr.en: in the Ugiga field, 93. {a-sza3}asza5 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka #tr.en: the field of Ningirsu, 94. gesz tesz2-tesz2-sze3 e-da-la2 #tr.en: had (previously) fought with him, 95. en-mete-na #tr.en: but Enmetena, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P222532) | 2220003 |
5(disz@t)-a only appears a few times in words list
nam-nun-da only appears a few times in words list
&P222532 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. {d}en-lil2 2. lugal kur-kur-ra 3. ab-ba dingir-dingir-re2-ne-ke4 4. inim gi-na-ni-ta 5. {d}nin-gir2-su 6. {d}szara2-bi 7. ki e-ne-sur 8. me-silim 9. lugal kisz{ki}-ke4 10. inim {d}isztaran-na-ta 11. esz2-GAN2 be2-ra 12. ki-ba na bi2-ru2 13. usz 14. ensi2 15. umma{ki}-ke4 16. nam inim-ma diri-diri-sze3 17. e-ak 18. na-ru2-a-bi 19. i3-bux(PAD) 20. edin lagasz{ki}-sze3 21. i3-kux(DU) 22. {d}nin-gir2-su 23. ur-sag {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4 24. inim si-sa2-ni-ta 25. umma{ki}-da 26. dam-ha-ra 27. e-da-ak 28. inim {d}en-lil2-la2-ta 29. sa szu4 gal bi2-szu4 30. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi 31. edin-na ki ba-ni-us2-us2 32. e2-an-na-tum2 33. ensi2 34. lagasz{ki} 35. pa-bil3-ga 36. en-mete-na 37. ensi2 38. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 39. en-a2-kal-le 40. ensi2 41. umma{ki}-da 42. ki e-da-sur @column 2 1. e-bi i7-nun-ta 2. gu2-edin-na-sze3 3. ib2-ta-ni-e3 GAN2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 3(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) 1/2(asz@c) esz2 {ninda}nindax(DU) a2 umma{ki}-sze3 mu-tak4 GAN2 lugal nu-tuku i3-kux(DU) 4. e-ba na-ru2-a 5. e-me-sar-sar 6. na-ru2-a 7. me-silim-ma 8. ki-be2 bi2-gi4 9. edin umma{ki}-sze3 10. nu-dib2 11. im-dub-ba 12. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 13. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra 14. bara2 {d}en-lil2-la2 15. bara2 {d}nin-hur-sag-ka 16. bara2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 17. bara2 {d}utu 18. bi2-du3 19. sze {d}nansze 20. sze {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 21. 1(asz@c) guru7-am6 22. lu2 umma{ki}-ke4 23. ur5-sze3 i3-gu7 24. ku5-ra2 ba-us2 25. 4(szar'ugal@c){gal} guru7 26. ba-ku4 27. bar sze-bi nu-da-su3-su3-da-ka 28. ur-lum-ma 29. ensi2 30. umma{ki}-ke4 31. e ki-sur-ra 32. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 33. e ki-sur-ra 34. {d}nansze 35. a-e i3-mi-e3 36. na-ru2-a-be2 37. izi ba-szum2 38. i3-bux(PAD)-bux(PAD) 39. bara2 ru-a dingir-re2-ne 40. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra 41. ab-du3-a 42. i3-gul-gul @column 3 1. kur-kur e-ma-hun 2. e ki-sur-ra 3. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka 4. e-ma-ta-bala 5. en-an-na-tum2 6. ensi2 7. lagasz{ki}-ke4 8. GAN2 u3-gig-ga 9. {a-sza3}asza5 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka 10. gesz tesz2-tesz2-sze3 e-da-la2 11. en-mete-na |
RIME, ex. 02 (P222533) | 2220004 |
nun-ta only appears a few times in words list
gin2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
5(disz@t)-a only appears a few times in words list
nun-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ne2-gaz-e only appears a few times in words list
&P222533 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @object cylinder @surface a @column 1 1. {d}en-lil2 2. lugal kur-kur-ra 3. ab-ba dingir-dingir-re2-ne-ke4 4. inim gi-na-ni-ta 5. {d}nin-gir2-su 6. {d}szara2-bi 7. ki e-ne-sur 8. me-silim 9. lugal kisz{ki}-ke4 10. inim {d}isztaran-na-ta 11. esz2 GAN2 be2-ra 12. ki-ba na bi2-ru2 13. usz 14. ensi2 15. umma{ki}-ke4 16. nam inim-ma diri-diri-sze3 17. e-ak 18. na-ru2-a-bi 19. i3-bux(PAD) 20. edin lagasz{ki}-sze3 21. i3-kux(DU) 22. {d}nin-gir2-su 23. ur-sag {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4 24. inim si-sa2-ni-ta 25. umma{ki}-da 26. dam-ha-ra 27. e-da-ak 28. inim {d}en-lil2-la2-ta 29. sa szu4 gal bi2-szu4 30. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi 31. edin-na ki ba-ni-us2-us2 @column 2 1. e2-an-na-tum2 2. ensi2 3. lagasz{ki} 4. pa-bil3-ga 5. en-mete-na 6. ensi2 7. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 8. en-a2-kal-le 9. ensi2 10. umma{ki}-da 11. ki e-da-sur 12. e-bi i7 nun-ta 13. gu2-edin-na-sze3 14. ib2-ta-ni-e3 15. GAN2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 16. 3(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) 1/2(asz@c) esz2 {ninda}nindax(DU) 17. a2 umma{ki}-sze3 18. mu-tak4 19. GAN2 lugal nu-tuku 20. i3-kux(DU) 21. e-ba na-ru2-a 22. e-me-sar-sar 23. na-ru2-a 24. me-silim-ma 25. ki-bi bi2-gi4 26. edin umma{ki}-sze3 27. nu-dab5 28. im-dub-ba 29. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 30. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra 31. bara2 {d}en-lil2-la2 32. bara2 {d}nin-hur-sag-ka 33. bara2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka @column 3 1. bara2 {d}utu 2. bi2-du3 3. sze {d}nansze 4. sze {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 5. 1(asz@c) guru7-am6 6. lu2 umma{ki}-ke4 7. ur5-sze3 i3-gu7 8. ku5-ra2 ba-us2 9. 4(szar'ugal@c){gal} guru7 10. ba-ku4 11. bar sze-bi nu-da-su3-su3-da-ka 12. ur-lum-ma 13. ensi2 14. umma{ki}-ke4 15. e ki-sur-ra 16. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 17. e ki-sur-ra 18. {d}nansze 19. a-e i3-mi-e3 20. na-ru2-a-bi 21. izi ba-szum2 22. i3-bux(PAD)-bux(PAD) 23. bara2 ru-a dingir-re2-ne 24. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra 25. ab-du3-a 26. i3-gul-gul 27. kur-kur e-ma-hun 28. e ki-sur-ra 29. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka 30. e-ma-ta-bala 31. en-an-na-tum2 32. ensi2 33. lagasz{ki}-ke4 34. GAN2 u3-gig-ga 35. {a-sza3}asza5 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka @column 4 1. gesz tesz2-tesz2-sze3 e-da-la2 2. en-mete-na |
RIME, ex. 04 (P418029) | 2220005 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
nun-ta only appears a few times in words list
gin2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
5(disz@t)-a only appears a few times in words list
nun-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ne2-gaz-e only appears a few times in words list
&P418029 = RIME, ex. 04 #atf: lang sux @object vessel @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}en-lil2 2. lugal kur-kur-ra 3. ab-ba dingir-dingir-re2-ne-ke4 4. inim gi-na-ni-ta 5. {d}nin-gir2-su 6. {d}szara2-bi 7. ki e-ne-sur 8. me-silim 9. lugal kisz{ki}-ke4 10. inim {d}isztaran-na-ta 11. esz2 GAN2 be2-ra 12. ki-ba na bi2-ru2 13. usz 14. ensi2 15. umma{ki}-ke4 16. nam inim-ma diri-diri-sze3 17. e-ak 18. na-ru2-a-bi 19. i3-bux(PAD) 20. edin lagasz{ki}-sze3 21. i3-kux(DU) 22. {d}nin-gir2-su 23. ur-sag {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4 24. inim si-sa2-ni-ta 25. umma{ki}-da 26. dam-ha-ra 27. e-da-ak 28. inim {d}en-lil2-la2-ta 29. sa szu4 gal bi2-szu4 30. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi 31. edin-na ki ba-ni-us2-us2 @column 2 1. e2-an-na-tum2 2. ensi2 3. lagasz{ki} 4. pa-bil3-ga 5. en-mete-na 6. ensi2 7. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 8. en-a2-kal-le 9. ensi2 10. umma{ki}-da 11. ki e-da-sur 12. e-bi i7 nun-ta 13. gu2-edin-na-sze3 14. ib2-ta-ni-e3 15. GAN2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 16. 3(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) 1/2(asz@c) esz2 {ninda}nindax(DU) 17. a2 umma{ki}-sze3 18. mu-tak4 19. GAN2 lugal nu-tuku 20. i3-kux(DU) 21. e-ba na-ru2-a 22. e-me-sar-sar 23. na-ru2-a 24. me-silim-ma 25. ki-bi bi2-gi4 26. edin umma{ki}-sze3 27. nu-dab5 28. im-dub-ba 29. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 30. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra 31. bara2 {d}en-lil2-la2 32. bara2 {d}nin-hur-sag-ka 33. bara2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka @column 3 1. bara2 {d}utu 2. bi2-du3 3. sze {d}nansze 4. sze {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 5. 1(asz@c) guru7-am6 6. lu2 umma{ki}-ke4 7. ur5-sze3 i3-gu7 8. ku5-ra2 ba-us2 9. 4(szar'ugal@c){gal} guru7 10. ba-ku4 11. bar sze-bi nu-da-su3-su3-da-ka 12. ur-lum-ma 13. ensi2 14. umma{ki}-ke4 15. e ki-sur-ra 16. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 17. e ki-sur-ra 18. {d}nansze 19. a-e i3-mi-e3 20. na-ru2-a-bi 21. izi ba-szum2 22. i3-bux(PAD)-bux(PAD) 23. bara2 ru-a dingir-re2-ne 24. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra 25. ab-du3-a 26. i3-gul-gul 27. kur-kur e-ma-hun 28. e ki-sur-ra 29. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka 30. e-ma-ta-bala 31. en-an-na-tum2 32. ensi2 33. lagasz{ki}-ke4 34. GAN2 u3-gig-ga 35. {a-sza3}asza5 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka @column 4 1. gesz tesz2-tesz2-sze3 e-da-la2 2. en-mete-na |
RIME composite (P431119) | 2220006 |
&P431119 = RIME #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}inanna-ra #tr.en: For Inanna 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra #tr.en: and for Lugalemuš, 3. en-mete-na #tr.en: Enmetena, 4. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 #tr.en: of Lagaš, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P222550) | 2220007 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222550 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 02 (P222551) | 2220008 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222551 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 03 (P222552) | 2220009 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222552 = RIME, ex. 03 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 04 (P222553) | 2220010 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222553 = RIME, ex. 04 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 05 (P222554) | 2220011 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222554 = RIME, ex. 05 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 06 (P222555) | 2220012 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222555 = RIME, ex. 06 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 07 (P222556) | 2220013 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222556 = RIME, ex. 07 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 08 (P222557) | 2220014 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222557 = RIME, ex. 08 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 09 (P222558) | 2220015 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222558 = RIME, ex. 09 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 10 (P222559) | 2220016 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222559 = RIME, ex. 10 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 11 (P222560) | 2220017 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222560 = RIME, ex. 11 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 12 (P222561) | 2220018 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222561 = RIME, ex. 12 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 13 (P222562) | 2220019 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222562 = RIME, ex. 13 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 14 (P222563) | 2220020 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222563 = RIME, ex. 14 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 15 (P222564) | 2220021 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222564 = RIME, ex. 15 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 16 (P222565) | 2220022 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222565 = RIME, ex. 16 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 17 (P222566) | 2220023 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222566 = RIME, ex. 17 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 18 (P222567) | 2220024 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222567 = RIME, ex. 18 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 19 (P222568) | 2220025 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222568 = RIME, ex. 19 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 20 (P222569) | 2220026 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222569 = RIME, ex. 20 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 21 (P222570) | 2220027 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222570 = RIME, ex. 21 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 22 (P222571) | 2220028 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222571 = RIME, ex. 22 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 23 (P222572) | 2220029 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222572 = RIME, ex. 23 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 24 (P222573) | 2220030 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222573 = RIME, ex. 24 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 25 (P222574) | 2220031 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222574 = RIME, ex. 25 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 26 (P222575) | 2220032 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222575 = RIME, ex. 26 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 27 (P222576) | 2220033 |
&P222576 = RIME, ex. 27 #atf: lang sux @object nail @surface a @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 28 (P222577) | 2220034 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222577 = RIME, ex. 28 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 29 (P222578) | 2220035 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222578 = RIME, ex. 29 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 30 (P247892) | 2220036 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P247892 = RIME, ex. 30 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 31 (P222580) | 2220037 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222580 = RIME, ex. 31 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 32 (P222581) | 2220038 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222581 = RIME, ex. 32 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 33 (P222582) | 2220039 |
&P222582 = RIME, ex. 33 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 34 (P222583) | 2220040 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222583 = RIME, ex. 34 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 35 (P222584) | 2220041 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222584 = RIME, ex. 35 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 36 (P222585) | 2220042 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222585 = RIME, ex. 36 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 37 (P222586) | 2220043 |
&P222586 = RIME, ex. 37 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3#-ra 3. en#-mete#-na# 4. ensi2# 5. lagasz#{ki#}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 38 (P418030) | 2220044 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P418030 = RIME, ex. 38 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 39 (P418031) | 2220045 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P418031 = RIME, ex. 39 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. add41 (P235684) | 2220046 |
&P235684 = RIME, ex. add41 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. add42 (P235685) | 2220047 |
&P235685 = RIME, ex. add42 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME 1.09.05.add32, ex. 01 (P342633) | 2220048 |
&P342633 = RIME, ex. add43 #atf: lang sux @object door socket @surface a 1. [{d}inanna-ra] 2. [{d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra] 3. [en-mete-na] 4. [ensi2] 5. [lagasz{ki}-ke4] |
RIME, ex. add44 (P253748) | 2220049 |
&P253748 = RIME, ex. add44 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME, ex. add45 (P421691) | 2220050 |
&P421691 = RIME, ex. add45 #atf: lang sux @object nail @surface a @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki}-ke4 |
RIME composite (P431120) | 2220051 |
&P431120 = RIME #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra #tr.en: For Lugalemuš, 2. en-mete-na #tr.en: Enmetena, 3. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 4. lagasz{ki} #tr.en: of Lagaš 5. sza3 pa3-da #tr.en: chosen by the heart 6. {d}nansze #tr.en: of Nanše, 7. ensi2 gal {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka #tr.en: chief ruler of Ningirsu, 8. dumu en-an-na-tum2 #tr.en: son of Enanatum, 9. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 10. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 #tr.en: of Lagaš, 11. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra #tr.en: for Ningirsu 12. esz3 dug-ru #tr.en: the shrine Dugru 13. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built, 14. a-husz #tr.en: the Aḫuš, 15. e2 igi zi bar-ra #tr.en: the temple that he (Ningirsu) views with a steadfast eye, 16. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built 17. mu-ni-tum2 #tr.en: and made fitting for him. 18. {gesz}gigir2 kur dub {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka {ha}har-ra-an eridu{ki}-ka gam4-[gam-gam-bi] #tr.en: The chariot (named) The Mountain Heaper (or Shaker?) of Ningirsu, the Grebe(?) of the Eridu Road, 19. ni2-bi kur sza3-ga #tr.en: whose fearsomeness is of the heart of the mountains, 20. mu-na-dim2 #tr.en: he fashioned for him. 21. e2 dur3{ur3} zi-le #tr.en: The House of Fine(?) Donkeys 22. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built for him. 23. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra #tr.en: For Lugalurub 24. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni #tr.en: his palace of Urub 25. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built. 26. {d}nansze #tr.en: For Nanše 27. e2-engur-ra zu2-lum-ma #tr.en: the E’engur of the Zulum (field) 28. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built 29. mu-ni-tum2 #tr.en: and made fitting for her. 30. ama-gi4 lagasz{ki} #tr.en: A remission of the obligations of Lagaš 31. e-gar #tr.en: he instituted. 32. ama dumu i3-ni-gi4 #tr.en: He returned the mother to the child 33. dumu ama i3-ni-gi4 #tr.en: and returned the child to the mother, 34. ama-gi4 sze ur5-ka #tr.en: and a remission of interest-bearing barley loans 35. e-gar #tr.en: he instituted. 36. u4-ba en-mete-na-ke4 #tr.en: At that time, Enmetena 37. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra #tr.en: for Lugalemuš 38. e2-musz3 pa5-ti-bir5-ra{ki}-ka #tr.en: the Emuš of Pa-tibira, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P222593) | 2220052 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
gam4-gam- does not appear in words list
&P222593 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 2. en-mete-na 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki} 5. sza3 pa3-da 6. {d}nansze 7. ensi2 gal {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka 8. dumu en-an-na-tum2 9. ensi2 10. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 @column 2 1. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra 2. esz3 dug-ru 3. mu-na-du3 4. a-husz 5. e2 igi zi bar-ra 6. mu-na-du3 7. mu-ni-tum2 8. {gesz}gigir2 kur dub {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka {ha}har-ra-an eridu{ki}-ka gam4-[gam- gam-bi] 9. ni2-bi kur sza3-ga 10. mu-na-dim2 @column 3 1. e2 dur3{ur3} zi-le 2. mu-na-du3 3. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra 4. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni 5. mu-na-du3 6. {d}nansze 7. e2-engur-ra zu2-lum-ma 8. mu-na-du3 9. mu-ni-tum2 10. ama-gi4 lagasz{ki} @column 4 1. e-gar 2. ama dumu i3-ni-gi4 3. dumu ama i3-ni-gi4 4. ama-gi4 sze ur5-ka 5. e-gar 6. u4-ba en-mete-na-ke4 7. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 8. e2-musz3 pa5-ti-bir5-ra{ki}-ka @column 5 |
RIME, ex. 02 (P222594) | 2220053 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
kur-sza3-ga only appears a few times in words list
&P222594 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 2. en-mete-na 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki} 5. sza3 pa3-da 6. {d}nansze 7. ensi2 gal {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka 8. dumu en-an-na-tum2 9. ensi2 10. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 @column 2 1. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra 2. esz3 dug-ru 3. mu-na-du3 4. a-husz 5. e2 igi zi bar-ra 6. mu-na-du3 7. mu-ni-DU 8. {gesz}gigir2 kur-dab6 {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka {ha}har-ra-an eridu{ki}-ka gam4-[gam-gam-bi] 9. ni2-bi kur-sza3-ga 10. mu-na-dim2 @column 3 1. e2 dur3{ur3}-zi-le 2. mu-na-du3 3. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra 4. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni 5. mu-na-du3 6. {d}nansze 7. e2-engur-ra zu2-lum-ma 8. mu-na-du3 9. mu-ni-DU 10. ama gi4 lagasz{ki} @column 4 1. e-gar 2. ama dumu i3-ni-gi4 3. dumu ama i3-ni-gi4 4. ama gi4 sze ur5-ka 5. e-gar 6. u4-ba en-mete-na-ke4 7. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 8. e2-musz3 pa5-ti-bir5-ra{ki}-ka @column 5 |
RIME, ex. 04 (P222595) | 2220054 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222595 = RIME, ex. 04 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 2. en-mete-na 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki} 5. sza3 pa3-da 6. {d}nansze 7. ensi2 gal {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka 8. dumu en-an-na-tum2 9. ensi2 10. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 @column 2 1. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra 2. esz3 dug-ru 3. mu-na-du3 4. a-husz 5. e2 igi zi bar-ra 6. mu-na-du3 7. mu-ni-DU 8. {gesz}gigir2 kur-dab6 {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka {ha}har-ra-an eridu{ki}-ka gam4-[gam-gam-bi] 9. ni2-bi kur sza3-ga 10. mu-na-dim2 @column 3 1. e2 dur3{ur3}-zi-le 2. mu-na-du3 3. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra 4. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni 5. mu-na-du3 6. {d}nansze 7. e2-engur-ra zu2-lum-ma 8. mu-na-du3 9. mu-ni-DU 10. ama gi4 lagasz{ki} @column 4 1. e-gar 2. ama dumu i3-ni-gi4 3. dumu ama i3-ni-gi4 4. ama gi4 sze ur5-ka 5. e-gar 6. u4-ba en-mete-na-ke4 7. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 8. e2-musz3 pa5-ti-bir5-ra{ki}-ka @column 5 |
RIME composite (P431121) | 2220055 |
&P431121 = RIME #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}inanna-ra #tr.en: For Inanna 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra #tr.en: and for Lugalemuš, 3. en-mete-na #tr.en: Enmetena, 4. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 5. lagasz{ki} #tr.en: of Lagaš, 6. dumu en-an-na-tum2 #tr.en: son of Enanatum, 7. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 8. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 #tr.en: of Lagaš, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P222587) | 2220056 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222587 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 @column 2 1. lagasz{ki} 2. dumu en-an-na-tum2 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 @column 3 |
RIME, ex. 02 (P222588) | 2220057 |
&P222588 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 @column 2 1. lagasz{ki} 2. dumu en-an-na-tum2 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 @column 3 |
RIME, ex. 03 (P222589) | 2220058 |
&P222589 = RIME, ex. 03 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 @column 2 1. lagasz{ki} 2. dumu en-an-na-tum2 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 @column 3 |
RIME, ex. 04 (P222590) | 2220059 |
&P222590 = RIME, ex. 04 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 @column 2 1. lagasz#{ki} 2. dumu en-an-na-tum2 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 @column 3 |
RIME, ex. 05 (P222591) | 2220060 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222591 = RIME, ex. 05 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 @column 2 1. lagasz#{ki} 2. dumu en-an-na-tum2 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 @column 3 |
RIME, ex. 06 (P418032) | 2220061 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P418032 = RIME, ex. 06 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse # reconstruction @column 1 1. {d}inanna-ra 2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 @column 2 1. lagasz#{ki} 2. dumu en-an-na-tum2 3. ensi2 4. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 @column 3 |
RIME composite (P431134) | 2220062 |
&P431134 = RIME #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. [{d}]en-lil2 #tr.en: For Enlil 2. [e2]-ad-[da]-ka-ra #tr.en: of the House of the Father (temple), 3. en-mete-na #tr.en: Enmetena, 4. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 5. lagasz{ki} #tr.en: of Lagaš, 6. sza3 pa3-da #tr.en: chosen by the heart 7. {d}nansze #tr.en: of Nanše, 8. ensi2 gal #tr.en: chief ruler 9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka #tr.en: of Ningirsu, 10. [dumu] en-an-[na]-tum2 #tr.en: son of Enanatum, 11. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 12. lagasz{ki}-ka #tr.en: of Lagaš, 13. dumu-KA #tr.en: descendant 14. ur-{d}nansze #tr.en: of Ur-Nanše, 15. lugal #tr.en: king 16. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 #tr.en: of Lagaš, 17. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra #tr.en: for Ningirsu 18. esz3 dug-ru #tr.en: the shrine Dugru 19. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built, 20. a-husz #tr.en: and the Aḫuš, 21. e2 igi zi bar-ra #tr.en: the temple that he (Ningirsu) views with a steadfast eye, 22. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built. 23. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra #tr.en: For lugalurub 24. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni #tr.en: his palace of Urub 25. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built. 26. {d}nansze #tr.en: For Nanše 27. e2-engur-ra zu2-lum-ma #tr.en: the E’engura of (the field) Zulum 28. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built. 29. {d}en-ki #tr.en: For Enki, 30. lugal eridu{ki}-ra #tr.en: the king of Eridu, 31. abzu pa5-sir2-ra #tr.en: the Abzu of Pasira 32. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built. 33. {d}nin-hur-sag-ra #tr.en: For Ninḫursaga 34. gi-gu3-na #tr.en: the temple terrace 35. tir ku3-ga #tr.en: of the sacred grove 36. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built. 37. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra #tr.en: For Ningirsu 38. an-ta-sur-ra #tr.en: the Antasura 39. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built, 40. sza3-pa3-da #tr.en: and the Chosen by the Heart (temple) 41. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built. 42. e2 {d}ga2-tum3-du10 #tr.en: The temple of Gatumdu 43. mu-du3 #tr.en: he built. 44. {d}nansze #tr.en: For Nanše 45. gi-gu3-na mah-ni #tr.en: her great temple terrace 46. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built, 47. e2-ni ki-be2 mu-na-gi4 #tr.en: and her temple he restored. 48. {d}en-lil2-la #tr.en: For Enlil 49. e2-ad-da im-sag-ga2 #tr.en: the House of the Father (temple) of Imsag 50. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: he built. 51. u4-ba en-mete-na-ke4 #tr.en: At that time, Enmetena 52. alan-na-ni #tr.en: (this) stone figure of himself 53. mu-tu #tr.en: he created, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P222506) | 2220063 |
&P222506 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object statue @surface a @column 1 1. [{d}]en-lil2 2. [e2]-ad-[da]-ka-ra 3. en-mete-na 4. ensi2 5. lagasz{ki} 6. sza3 pa3-da 7. {d}nansze 8. ensi2 gal 9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka 10. [dumu] en-an-[na]-tum2 11. ensi2 12. lagasz{ki}-ka 13. dumu-KA 14. ur-{d}nansze 15. lugal 16. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4 17. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra 18. esz3 dug-ru 19. mu-na-du3 20. a-husz @column 2 1. e2 igi zi bar-ra 2. mu-na-du3 3. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra 4. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni 5. mu-na-du3 6. {d}nansze 7. e2-engur-ra zu2-lum-ma 8. mu-na-du3 9. {d}en-ki 10. lugal eridu{ki}-ra 11. abzu pa5-sir2-ra 12. mu-na-du3 13. {d}nin-hur-sag-ra 14. gi-gu3-na 15. tir ku3-ga 16. mu-na-du3 17. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra 18. an-ta-sur-ra 19. mu-na-du3 20. sza3-pa3-da 21. mu-na-du3 22. e2 {d}ga2-tum3-du10 23. mu-du3 @column 3 1. {d}nansze 2. gi-gu3-na mah-ni 3. mu-na-du3 4. e2-ni ki-be2 mu-na-gi4 5. {d}en-lil2-la 6. e2-ad-da im-sag-ga2 7. mu-na-du3 8. u4-ba en-mete-na-ke4 9. alan-na-ni 10. mu-tu |
RIME, ex. 03 (P247677) | 2220064 |
{d}en-ki-ga-ke4 does not appear in words list
&P247677 = RIME, ex. 03 #atf: lang sux @object cylinder @surface a @column 1 1. u4 {d}szara2 2. {d}en-lil2-ra 3. ra2-zu# ur4 sza3-ga 4. e-na-du11-ga 5. e-na-gen-na 6. gesz-sza3-ki-du10 sipa# ki-ag2-ga2 7. {d}szara2-ke4# 8. a x x-sze3#? tu#-da# 9. nir#-gal2# sag husz @column 2 1. ki-en#-[gi-ke4] 2. gaba-gal2 [nu]-gi4 kur-kur-ke4# 3. en za3 kesz2 4. {d}nin-ur4-ke4 5. ama sza3 kusz2 {d}en-ki-ka-ke4 6. {d}en-ki-ga-ke4 |
RIME composite (P431232) | 2220065 |
mu-tar-re-esz2-a only appears a few times in words list
sag-gu4-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
&P431232 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}en-lil2 #tr.en: Enlil, >>Q001379 001 2. lugal kur-kur-ra #tr.en: king of all the lands - >>Q001379 002 3. lugal-za3-ge-si #tr.en: For Lugalzagesi, >>Q001379 003 4. lugal unu{ki}-ga #tr.en: king of Uruk, >>Q001379 004 5. lugal kalam-ma #tr.en: king of the nation, >>Q001379 005 6. iszib an-na #tr.en: incantation-priest of An, >>Q001379 006 7. lu2-mah #tr.en: lumaḫ-priest >>Q001379 007 8. {d}nisaba #tr.en: of Nisaba, >>Q001379 008 9. dumu U2-U2 #tr.en: son of U-U, >>Q001379 009 10. ensi2 umma{ki} #tr.en: ruler of Umma >>Q001379 010 11. lu2-mah #tr.en: and lumaḫ-priest >>Q001379 011 12. {d}nisaba-ka #tr.en: of Nisaba, >>Q001379 012 13. igi zi bar-ra #tr.en: looked upon truly >>Q001379 013 14. an lugal kur-kur-ka #tr.en: by An the king of all the lands, >>Q001379 014 15. ensi2 gal #tr.en: chief ruler >>Q001379 015 16. {d}en-lil2 #tr.en: of Enlil, >>Q001379 016 17. gesztu2 szum2-ma #tr.en: given wisdom >>Q001379 017 18. {d}en-ki #tr.en: by Enki, >>Q001379 018 19. mu pa3-da #tr.en: nominated >>Q001379 019 20. {d}utu #tr.en: by Utu, >>Q001379 020 21. sukkal-mah #tr.en: chief minister >>Q001379 021 22. {d}suen #tr.en: of Suen, >>Q001379 022 23. szagina #tr.en: military governor >>Q001379 023 24. {d}utu #tr.en: of Utu, >>Q001379 024 25. u2-a {d}inanna #tr.en: one who provides for Inanna, >>Q001379 025 26. dumu tu-da #tr.en: son born >>Q001379 026 27. {d}nisaba #tr.en: of Nisaba, >>Q001379 027 28. ga zi gu7-a #tr.en: fed wholesome milk >>Q001379 028 29. {d}nin-hur-sag #tr.en: by Ninḫursaga, >>Q001379 029 30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga #tr.en: a man of Mes-sanga-Unuga, >>Q001379 030 31. sag a2 e3-a #tr.en: servant raised >>Q001379 031 32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|) #tr.en: by Ningirim >>Q001379 032 33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka #tr.en: the queen of Uruk, >>Q001379 033 34. agrig-mah #tr.en: chief steward >>Q001379 034 35. dingir-re-ne-ra #tr.en: of the gods - >>Q001379 035 36. u4 {d}en-lil2 #tr.en: When Enlil, >>Q001379 036 37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 #tr.en: king of all the lands, >>Q001379 037 38. lugal-za3-ge-si #tr.en: to Lugalzagesi >>Q001379 038 39. nam-lugal #tr.en: the kingship >>Q001379 039 40. kalam-ma #tr.en: of the nation >>Q001379 040 41. e-na-szum2-ma-a #tr.en: had given, >>Q001379 041 42. igi kalam-ma-ke4 #tr.en: and the eyes of the nation >>Q001379 042 43. si e-na-sa2-a #tr.en: he had let be directed toward him, >>Q001379 043 44. kur-kur giri3-na #tr.en: and all the lands at his feet >>Q001379 044 45. e-ni-se3-ga-a #tr.en: he had placed, >>Q001379 045 46. utu-e3-ta #tr.en: and from east >>Q001379 046 47. utu-szu2-sze3 #tr.en: to west >>Q001379 047 48. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a #tr.en: he had made them subject to him, >>Q001379 048 49. u4-ba #tr.en: then, >>Q001379 049 50. a-ab-ba #tr.en: from the sea, >>Q001379 050 51. sig-ta-ta #tr.en: the lower one, >>Q001379 051 52. idigna #tr.en: along the Tigris >>Q001379 052 53. buranun-be2 #tr.en: and the Euphrates >>Q001379 053 54. a-ab-ba #tr.en: to the sea >>Q001379 054 55. igi-nim-ma-sze3 #tr.en: the upper one, >>Q001379 055 56. giri3-bi #tr.en: their roads >>Q001379 056 57. si e-na-sa2 #tr.en: he put in proper order for him. >>Q001379 057 58. utu-e3-ta #tr.en: From east >>Q001379 058 59. utu-szu2-sze3 #tr.en: to west >>Q001379 059 60. [{d}]en-lil2-le #tr.en: Enlil >>Q001379 060 61. [gaba]-szu-gar #tr.en: no rival >>Q001379 061 62. nu-mu-ni-tuku #tr.en: did he let him have. >>Q001379 062 63. kur-kur u2-sal-la #tr.en: All the lands in riverine meadows >>Q001379 063 64. mu-da-nu2 #tr.en: rested (contentedly) under him, >>Q001379 064 65. kalam-e #tr.en: and the nation >>Q001379 065 66. a-ne hul2-la mu-da-e #tr.en: was happily making merry under him. >>Q001379 066 67. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi #tr.en: All those on thrones in Sumer >>Q001379 067 68. ensi2 kur-kur-ra #tr.en: and the rulers of foreign lands >>Q001379 068 69. ki unu{ki}-ge #tr.en: unto the land of Uruk >>Q001379 069 70. me nam-nun-sze3 #tr.en: the divine power of princeship >>Q001379 070 71. mu-na-tar-e-ne #tr.en: they determine(?) for him. >>Q001379 071 72. u4-ba #tr.en: In those days, >>Q001379 072 73. unu{ki}-ge #tr.en: Uruk >>Q001379 073 74. giri17-zal-a #tr.en: in rejoicing >>Q001379 074 75. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le #tr.en: spent its days under him. >>Q001379 075 76. uri5{ki}-e #tr.en: Ur, >>Q001379 076 77. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3 #tr.en: like a bull, its head skyward >>Q001379 077 78. mu-dab6-il2 #tr.en: did lift up under him. >>Q001379 078 79. larsa{ki} #tr.en: Larsa, >>Q001379 079 |
RIME, ex. 02 (P263413) | 2220066 |
&P263413 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @object macehead @surface a @column 1 1. {d}en-lil2 >>Q001379 001 2. lugal kur-kur-ra >>Q001379 002 3. lugal-za3-ge-si >>Q001379 003 4. lugal unu{ki}-ga >>Q001379 004 5. lugal kalam-ma >>Q001379 005 $ n lines broken 6'. [{d}nin]-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|)# >>Q001379 032 7'. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka >>Q001379 033 8'. agrig-mah >>Q001379 034 9'. dingir-re-ne-ra >>Q001379 035 @column 2 1. {d}en-lil2 >>Q001379 036 2. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 >>Q001379 037 3. lugal-za3-ge-si >>Q001379 038 4. nam-lugal >>Q001379 039 5. kalam-ma >>Q001379 040 6. e-na-szum2-ma-a >>Q001379 041 7. igi kalam-ma-ke4 >>Q001379 042 $ n lines broken 8'. [...] >>Q001379 081 9'. a-ne hul2#-la# >>Q001379 082 10'. mu-da-e# >>Q001379 083 11'. umma{ki} >>Q001379 084 |
RIME, ex. 04 (P264670) | 2220067 |
nam-ti-x-ni-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P264670 = RIME, ex. 04 #atf: lang sux @object vase @surface a @column 1 $ broken @column 2 $ broken @column 3 $ beginning broken 1'. [...] >>Q001379 122 2'. igi ha-mu-da#-du8 >>Q001379 123 3'. nam# sa6-ga >>Q001379 124 4'. szu na-mu-da#-ni-bala-ne# >>Q001379 126 5'. sipa sag gu4#-gal2# >>Q001379 127 6'. da-ri2 he2#-[x] >>Q001379 128 7'. nam-ti-[x]-ni-sze3# >>Q001379 129 8'. {d}en-lil2# >>Q001379 130 |
RIME, ex. 89 (P222899) | 2220068 |
&P222899 = RIME, ex. 89 #atf: lang sux @object bowl # reconstruction @surface a @column 1 1. {d}en-lil2 2. lugal kur-kur-ra 3. lugal-za3-ge-si 4. lugal unu{ki}-ga 5. lugal kalam-ma 6. iszib an-na 7. lu2-mah 8. {d}nisaba 9. dumu U2-U2 10. ensi2# umma{ki} 11. lu2#-mah 12. {d}nisaba-ka 13. igi zi bar-ra 14. an lugal kur-kur-ka 15. ensi2 gal 16. {d}en-lil2 17. gesztu2 szum2-ma 18. {d}en-ki 19. mu pa3-da 20. {d}utu 21. sukkal-mah 22. {d}suen 23. szagina 24. {d}utu 25. u2-a {d}inanna 26. dumu tu-da 27. {d}nisaba 28. ga zi gu7-a 29. {d}nin-hur-sag 30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga 31. sag a2 e3-a 32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|) 33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka 34. agrig-mah 35. dingir-re-ne-ra 36. u4 {d}en-lil2 37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 38. lugal-za3-ge-si 39. nam-lugal 40. kalam-ma 41. e-na-szum2-ma-a 42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4 43. si e-na-sa2-a 44. kur-kur giri3-na 45. e-ni-se3-ga-a 46. utu-e3-ta @column 2 1. utu-szu2-sze3 2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a 3. u4-ba 4. a-ab-ba 5. sig-ta-ta 6. idigna 7. buranun-be2 8. a-ab-ba 9. igi-nim-ma-sze3 10. giri3-bi 11. si e-na-sa2 12. utu-e3-ta 13. utu-szu2-sze3 14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le 15. [gaba]-szu#-gar 16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku 17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la 18. mu-da-nu2 19. kalam!-e 20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e 21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi 22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra 23. ki unu{ki}-ge 24. me nam-nun-sze3 25. mu-na-tar-e-ne 26. u4-ba 27. unu{ki}-ge 28. giri17-zal-a 29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le 30. uri5{ki}-e 31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3 32. mu-dab6-il2 33. larsa{ki} |
RIME, ex. 90 (P222900) | 2220069 |
&P222900 = RIME, ex. 90 #atf: lang sux @object bowl # reconstruction @surface a @column 1 1. {d}en-lil2 2. lugal kur-kur-ra 3. lugal-za3-ge-si 4. lugal unu{ki}-ga 5. lugal kalam-ma 6. iszib an-na 7. lu2-mah 8. {d}nisaba 9. dumu U2-U2 10. ensi2# umma{ki} 11. lu2#-mah 12. {d}nisaba-ka 13. igi zi bar-ra 14. an lugal kur-kur-ka 15. ensi2 gal 16. {d}en-lil2 17. gesztu2 szum2-ma 18. {d}en-ki 19. mu pa3-da 20. {d}utu 21. sukkal-mah 22. {d}suen 23. szagina 24. {d}utu 25. u2-a {d}inanna 26. dumu tu-da 27. {d}nisaba 28. ga zi gu7-a 29. {d}nin-hur-sag 30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga 31. sag a2 e3-a 32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|) 33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka 34. agrig-mah 35. dingir-re-ne-ra 36. u4 {d}en-lil2 37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 38. lugal-za3-ge-si 39. nam-lugal 40. kalam-ma 41. e-na-szum2-ma-a 42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4 43. si e-na-sa2-a 44. kur-kur giri3-na 45. e-ni-se3-ga-a 46. utu-e3-ta @column 2 1. utu-szu2-sze3 2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a 3. u4-ba 4. a-ab-ba 5. sig-ta-ta 6. idigna 7. buranun-be2 8. a-ab-ba 9. igi-nim-ma-sze3 10. giri3-bi 11. si e-na-sa2 12. utu-e3-ta 13. utu-szu2-sze3 14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le 15. [gaba]-szu#-gar 16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku 17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la 18. mu-da-nu2 19. kalam!-e 20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e 21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi 22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra 23. ki unu{ki}-ge 24. me nam-nun-sze3 25. mu-na-tar-e-ne 26. u4-ba 27. unu{ki}-ge 28. giri17-zal-a 29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le 30. uri5{ki}-e 31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3 32. mu-dab6-il2 33. larsa{ki} |
RIME, ex. 91 (P222901) | 2220070 |
&P222901 = RIME, ex. 91 #atf: lang sux @object bowl @surface a @column 1 1. {d}en-lil2 2. lugal kur-kur-ra 3. lugal-za3-ge-si 4. lugal unu{ki}-ga 5. lugal kalam-ma 6. iszib an-na 7. lu2-mah 8. {d}nisaba 9. dumu U2-U2 10. ensi2# umma{ki} 11. lu2#-mah 12. {d}nisaba-ka 13. igi zi bar-ra 14. an lugal kur-kur-ka 15. ensi2 gal 16. {d}en-lil2 17. gesztu2 szum2-ma 18. {d}en-ki 19. mu pa3-da 20. {d}utu 21. sukkal-mah 22. {d}suen 23. szagina 24. {d}utu 25. u2-a {d}inanna 26. dumu tu-da 27. {d}nisaba 28. ga zi gu7-a 29. {d}nin-hur-sag 30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga 31. sag a2 e3-a 32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|) 33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka 34. agrig-mah 35. dingir-re-ne-ra 36. u4 {d}en-lil2 37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 38. lugal-za3-ge-si 39. nam-lugal 40. kalam-ma 41. e-na-szum2-ma-a 42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4 43. si e-na-sa2-a 44. kur-kur giri3-na 45. e-ni-se3-ga-a 46. utu-e3-ta @column 2 1. utu-szu2-sze3 2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a 3. u4-ba 4. a-ab-ba 5. sig-ta-ta 6. idigna 7. buranun-be2 8. a-ab-ba 9. igi-nim-ma-sze3 10. giri3-bi 11. si e-na-sa2 12. utu-e3-ta 13. utu-szu2-sze3 14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le 15. [gaba]-szu#-gar 16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku 17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la 18. mu-da-nu2 19. kalam!-e 20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e 21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi 22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra 23. ki unu{ki}-ge 24. me nam-nun-sze3 25. mu-na-tar-e-ne 26. u4-ba 27. unu{ki}-ge 28. giri17-zal-a 29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le 30. uri5{ki}-e 31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3 32. mu-dab6-il2 33. larsa{ki} |
RIME, ex. 92 (P222902) | 2220071 |
&P222902 = RIME, ex. 92 #atf: lang sux @object bowl @surface a @column 1 1. {d}en-lil2 2. lugal kur-kur-ra 3. lugal-za3-ge-si 4. lugal unu{ki}-ga 5. lugal kalam-ma 6. iszib an-na 7. lu2-mah 8. {d}nisaba 9. dumu U2-U2 10. ensi2# umma{ki} 11. lu2#-mah 12. {d}nisaba-ka 13. igi zi bar-ra 14. an lugal kur-kur-ka 15. ensi2 gal 16. {d}en-lil2 17. gesztu2 szum2-ma 18. {d}en-ki 19. mu pa3-da 20. {d}utu 21. sukkal-mah 22. {d}suen 23. szagina 24. {d}utu 25. u2-a {d}inanna 26. dumu tu-da 27. {d}nisaba 28. ga zi gu7-a 29. {d}nin-hur-sag 30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga 31. sag a2 e3-a 32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|) 33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka 34. agrig-mah 35. dingir-re-ne-ra 36. u4 {d}en-lil2 37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 38. lugal-za3-ge-si 39. nam-lugal 40. kalam-ma 41. e-na-szum2-ma-a 42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4 43. si e-na-sa2-a 44. kur-kur giri3-na 45. e-ni-se3-ga-a 46. utu-e3-ta @column 2 1. utu-szu2-sze3 2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a 3. u4-ba 4. a-ab-ba 5. sig-ta-ta 6. idigna 7. buranun-be2 8. a-ab-ba 9. igi-nim-ma-sze3 10. giri3-bi 11. si e-na-sa2 12. utu-e3-ta 13. utu-szu2-sze3 14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le 15. [gaba]-szu#-gar 16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku 17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la 18. mu-da-nu2 19. kalam!-e 20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e 21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi 22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra 23. ki unu{ki}-ge 24. me nam-nun-sze3 25. mu-na-tar-e-ne 26. u4-ba 27. unu{ki}-ge 28. giri17-zal-a 29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le 30. uri5{ki}-e 31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3 32. mu-dab6-il2 33. larsa{ki} |
RIME, ex. 93 (P222903) | 2220072 |
&P222903 = RIME, ex. 93 #atf: lang sux @object bowl @surface a @column 1 1. {d}en-lil2 2. lugal kur-kur-ra 3. lugal-za3-ge-si 4. lugal unu{ki}-ga 5. lugal kalam-ma 6. iszib an-na 7. lu2-mah 8. {d}nisaba 9. dumu U2-U2 10. ensi2# umma{ki} 11. lu2#-mah 12. {d}nisaba-ka 13. igi zi bar-ra 14. an lugal kur-kur-ka 15. ensi2 gal 16. {d}en-lil2 17. gesztu2 szum2-ma 18. {d}en-ki 19. mu pa3-da 20. {d}utu 21. sukkal-mah 22. {d}suen 23. szagina 24. {d}utu 25. u2-a {d}inanna 26. dumu tu-da 27. {d}nisaba 28. ga zi gu7-a 29. {d}nin-hur-sag 30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga 31. sag a2 e3-a 32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|) 33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka 34. agrig-mah 35. dingir-re-ne-ra 36. u4 {d}en-lil2 37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 38. lugal-za3-ge-si 39. nam-lugal 40. kalam-ma 41. e-na-szum2-ma-a 42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4 43. si e-na-sa2-a 44. kur-kur giri3-na 45. e-ni-se3-ga-a 46. utu-e3-ta @column 2 1. utu-szu2-sze3 2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a 3. u4-ba 4. a-ab-ba 5. sig-ta-ta 6. idigna 7. buranun-be2 8. a-ab-ba 9. igi-nim-ma-sze3 10. giri3-bi 11. si e-na-sa2 12. utu-e3-ta 13. utu-szu2-sze3 14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le 15. [gaba]-szu#-gar 16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku 17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la 18. mu-da-nu2 19. kalam!-e 20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e 21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi 22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra 23. ki unu{ki}-ge 24. me nam-nun-sze3 25. mu-na-tar-e-ne 26. u4-ba 27. unu{ki}-ge 28. giri17-zal-a 29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le 30. uri5{ki}-e 31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3 32. mu-dab6-il2 33. larsa{ki} |
RIME, ex. 94 (P222904) | 2220073 |
&P222904 = RIME, ex. 94 #atf: lang sux @object bowl @surface a @column 1 1. {d}en-lil2 2. lugal kur-kur-ra 3. lugal-za3-ge-si 4. lugal unu{ki}-ga 5. lugal kalam-ma 6. iszib an-na 7. lu2-mah 8. {d}nisaba 9. dumu U2-U2 10. ensi2# umma{ki} 11. lu2#-mah 12. {d}nisaba-ka 13. igi zi bar-ra 14. an lugal kur-kur-ka 15. ensi2 gal 16. {d}en-lil2 17. gesztu2 szum2-ma 18. {d}en-ki 19. mu pa3-da 20. {d}utu 21. sukkal-mah 22. {d}suen 23. szagina 24. {d}utu 25. u2-a {d}inanna 26. dumu tu-da 27. {d}nisaba 28. ga zi gu7-a 29. {d}nin-hur-sag 30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga 31. sag a2 e3-a 32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|) 33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka 34. agrig-mah 35. dingir-re-ne-ra 36. u4 {d}en-lil2 37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 38. lugal-za3-ge-si 39. nam-lugal 40. kalam-ma 41. e-na-szum2-ma-a 42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4 43. si e-na-sa2-a 44. kur-kur giri3-na 45. e-ni-se3-ga-a 46. utu-e3-ta @column 2 1. utu-szu2-sze3 2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a 3. u4-ba 4. a-ab-ba 5. sig-ta-ta 6. idigna 7. buranun-be2 8. a-ab-ba 9. igi-nim-ma-sze3 10. giri3-bi 11. si e-na-sa2 12. utu-e3-ta 13. utu-szu2-sze3 14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le 15. [gaba]-szu#-gar 16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku 17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la 18. mu-da-nu2 19. kalam!-e 20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e 21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi 22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra 23. ki unu{ki}-ge 24. me nam-nun-sze3 25. mu-na-tar-e-ne 26. u4-ba 27. unu{ki}-ge 28. giri17-zal-a 29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le 30. uri5{ki}-e 31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3 32. mu-dab6-il2 33. larsa{ki} |
RIME, ex. 95 (P222905) | 2220074 |
&P222905 = RIME, ex. 95 #atf: lang sux @object bowl @surface a @column 1 1. {d}en-lil2 2. lugal kur-kur-ra 3. lugal-za3-ge-si 4. lugal unu{ki}-ga 5. lugal kalam-ma 6. iszib an-na 7. lu2-mah 8. {d}nisaba 9. dumu U2-U2 10. ensi2# umma{ki} 11. lu2#-mah 12. {d}nisaba-ka 13. igi zi bar-ra 14. an lugal kur-kur-ka 15. ensi2 gal 16. {d}en-lil2 17. gesztu2 szum2-ma 18. {d}en-ki 19. mu pa3-da 20. {d}utu 21. sukkal-mah 22. {d}suen 23. szagina 24. {d}utu 25. u2-a {d}inanna 26. dumu tu-da 27. {d}nisaba 28. ga zi gu7-a 29. {d}nin-hur-sag 30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga 31. sag a2 e3-a 32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|) 33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka 34. agrig-mah 35. dingir-re-ne-ra 36. u4 {d}en-lil2 37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 38. lugal-za3-ge-si 39. nam-lugal 40. kalam-ma 41. e-na-szum2-ma-a 42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4 43. si e-na-sa2-a 44. kur-kur giri3-na 45. e-ni-se3-ga-a 46. utu-e3-ta @column 2 1. utu-szu2-sze3 2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a 3. u4-ba 4. a-ab-ba 5. sig-ta-ta 6. idigna 7. buranun-be2 8. a-ab-ba 9. igi-nim-ma-sze3 10. giri3-bi 11. si e-na-sa2 12. utu-e3-ta 13. utu-szu2-sze3 14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le 15. [gaba]-szu#-gar 16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku 17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la 18. mu-da-nu2 19. kalam!-e 20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e 21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi 22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra 23. ki unu{ki}-ge 24. me nam-nun-sze3 25. mu-na-tar-e-ne 26. u4-ba 27. unu{ki}-ge 28. giri17-zal-a 29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le 30. uri5{ki}-e 31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3 32. mu-dab6-il2 33. larsa{ki} |
RIME, ex. 97 (P268311) | 2220075 |
&P268311 = RIME, ex. 97 #atf: lang sux @object vase # reconstruction @surface a @column 1 1. {d}en-lil2 2. lugal kur-kur-ra 3. lugal-za3-ge-si 4. lugal unu{ki}-ga 5. lugal kalam-ma 6. iszib an-na 7. lu2-mah 8. {d}nisaba 9. dumu U2-U2 10. ensi2# umma{ki} 11. lu2#-mah 12. {d}nisaba-ka 13. igi zi bar-ra 14. an lugal kur-kur-ka 15. ensi2 gal 16. {d}en-lil2 17. gesztu2 szum2-ma 18. {d}en-ki 19. mu pa3-da 20. {d}utu 21. sukkal-mah 22. {d}suen 23. szagina 24. {d}utu 25. u2-a {d}inanna 26. dumu tu-da 27. {d}nisaba 28. ga zi gu7-a 29. {d}nin-hur-sag 30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga 31. sag a2 e3-a 32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|) 33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka 34. agrig-mah 35. dingir-re-ne-ra 36. u4 {d}en-lil2 37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 38. lugal-za3-ge-si 39. nam-lugal 40. kalam-ma 41. e-na-szum2-ma-a 42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4 43. si e-na-sa2-a 44. kur-kur giri3-na 45. e-ni-se3-ga-a 46. utu-e3-ta @column 2 1. utu-szu2-sze3 2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a 3. u4-ba 4. a-ab-ba 5. sig-ta-ta 6. idigna 7. buranun-be2 8. a-ab-ba 9. igi-nim-ma-sze3 10. giri3-bi 11. si e-na-sa2 12. utu-e3-ta 13. utu-szu2-sze3 14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le 15. [gaba]-szu#-gar 16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku 17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la 18. mu-da-nu2 19. kalam!-e 20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e 21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi 22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra 23. ki unu{ki}-ge 24. me nam-nun-sze3 25. mu-na-tar-e-ne 26. u4-ba 27. unu{ki}-ge 28. giri17-zal-a 29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le 30. uri5{ki}-e 31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3 32. mu-dab6-il2 33. larsa{ki} |
RIME, ex. 98 (P268312) | 2220076 |
&P268312 = RIME, ex. 98 #atf: lang sux @object vase @surface a @column 1 1. {d}en-lil2 2. lugal kur-kur-ra 3. lugal-za3-ge-si 4. lugal unu{ki}-ga 5. lugal kalam-ma 6. iszib an-na 7. lu2-mah 8. {d}nisaba 9. dumu U2-U2 10. ensi2# umma{ki} 11. lu2#-mah 12. {d}nisaba-ka 13. igi zi bar-ra 14. an lugal kur-kur-ka 15. ensi2 gal 16. {d}en-lil2 17. gesztu2 szum2-ma 18. {d}en-ki 19. mu pa3-da 20. {d}utu 21. sukkal-mah 22. {d}suen 23. szagina 24. {d}utu 25. u2-a {d}inanna 26. dumu tu-da 27. {d}nisaba 28. ga zi gu7-a 29. {d}nin-hur-sag 30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga 31. sag a2 e3-a 32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|) 33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka 34. agrig-mah 35. dingir-re-ne-ra 36. u4 {d}en-lil2 37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 38. lugal-za3-ge-si 39. nam-lugal 40. kalam-ma 41. e-na-szum2-ma-a 42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4 43. si e-na-sa2-a 44. kur-kur giri3-na 45. e-ni-se3-ga-a 46. utu-e3-ta @column 2 1. utu-szu2-sze3 2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a 3. u4-ba 4. a-ab-ba 5. sig-ta-ta 6. idigna 7. buranun-be2 8. a-ab-ba 9. igi-nim-ma-sze3 10. giri3-bi 11. si e-na-sa2 12. utu-e3-ta 13. utu-szu2-sze3 14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le 15. [gaba]-szu#-gar 16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku 17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la 18. mu-da-nu2 19. kalam!-e 20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e 21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi 22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra 23. ki unu{ki}-ge 24. me nam-nun-sze3 25. mu-na-tar-e-ne 26. u4-ba 27. unu{ki}-ge 28. giri17-zal-a 29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le 30. uri5{ki}-e 31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3 32. mu-dab6-il2 33. larsa{ki} |
RIME composite (P462114) | 2220077 |
&P462114 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}nin-gal #tr.en: To the goddess Ningal, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P216772) | 2220078 |
&P216772 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 1. [{d}nin]-gal# |
RIME 3/, ex. 43 (P248542) | 2220079 |
&P248542 = RIME 3/, ex. add57 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a $ beginning broken 1'. {d#}en#-[ki] |
RIME 3/ composite (P432281) | 2220080 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 86 col 9: $ blank line
Words list not available
Signs list not available
&P432281 = RIME 3/ & RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @obverse |
RIME 3/, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 (P227139) | 2220081 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
nu-bal-x only appears a few times in words list
nu-un-szi-ib2-kesz2-re only appears a few times in words list
{d}szu-{d}suen-na-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
he2-gal-la only appears a few times in words list
mu-szub only appears a few times in words list
a2-an-kar2 only appears a few times in words list
nam-ur-sag-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
me-lam2-bi only appears a few times in words list
dul4-dul4-lu only appears a few times in words list
gidlam4-na-ta only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-an-du11 only appears a few times in words list
tum2-ma-e only appears a few times in words list
sza3-ga-na only appears a few times in words list
szimaszki{KI} only appears a few times in words list
za-ab-sza-li{ki} only appears a few times in words list
za3! only appears a few times in words list
an-sza3-an{ki}-ta only appears a few times in words list
alam-... only appears a few times in words list
in-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
&P227139 = RIME 3/, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse # (RIME 3/ @column 1 1'. AN x [x (x)] 2'. szu nu-bal-x 3'. gidlam4-ni 4'. en {d}nu-nam-nir-re 5'. nig2 al du11-ga-ni 6'. nu-un-szi-ib2#-kesz2-re 7'. {d}nin-lil2 8'. nun kur-kur-ra diri-ga |
RIME composite (P448279) | 2220082 |
dib2-ba only appears a few times in words list
{d}szu-i3-li-szu only appears a few times in words list
{d}en-lil only appears a few times in words list
an-sza-an{ki}-na-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
sar-ra-ba only appears a few times in words list
...-da-ab only appears a few times in words list
na-an-na-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
|SIG4.ZI|-bi only appears a few times in words list
{d}szu-nir-ba only appears a few times in words list
|SIG4.ZI| only appears a few times in signs list
&P448279 = RIME #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}nanna #tr.en: For Nanna, 2. nir-gal2 an-ki-a #tr.en: sovereign in heaven and earth, 3. dumu nun zi #tr.en: righteous princely son 4. {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: of Enlil, 5. en asza-ni an-ki-sze3 #tr.en: lord who alone over heaven and earth 6. dingir-re-ne-er za3 dib2-ba #tr.en: surpasses all gods, 7. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master, 8. {d}szu-i3-li-szu #tr.en: Šu-ilišu, 9. dingir kalam-ma-na #tr.en: god of his country, 10. lugal kal-ga #tr.en: strong king, 11. lugal uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: king of Ur, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P225590) | 2220083 |
{d}szu-il3-li2-su only appears a few times in words list
u6-di-de3 only appears a few times in words list
gun3-na only appears a few times in words list
an-sza-an{ki}-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
sag3 only appears a few times in words list
...-da-ab-... only appears a few times in words list
na-an-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}su-nir-ba only appears a few times in words list
&P225590 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 1. {d}nanna 2. nir-gal2 an-ki-a 3. dumu nun zi 4. {d}en-lil2-la2 5. en asza-ni an-ki-sze3 6. dingir-re-ne-er za3 dib-ba 7. lugal-a-ni-ir 8. {d}szu-il3-li2-su 9. dingir kalam-ma-na 10. lugal kal-ga 11. lugal uri5{ki}-ma |
RIME composite (P448284) | 2220084 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 1: 1.
lu2-ulu4 only appears a few times in words list
nu-kuru5-bi does not appear in words list
ulu4 only appears a few times in signs list
&P448284 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text 1. {d}nanna #tr.en: Nanna, 2. sag gal dingir-dingir a-nun-ke4-ne #tr.en: great head of the Anuna gods, 3. nir-gal2 e2-kur-ra #tr.en: the most authoritative one of the Ekur, 4. me-ni an-ki-da gu2 la2-a #tr.en: whose divine powers embrace heaven and earth 5. u18-ru sag2 nu-di #tr.en: and which no storm can dissipate, 6. en asza-ni dingir pa e3-a #tr.en: the lord who alone is a god who comes forth resplendentdly, 7. dumu sag {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: the first-born son of Enlil, 8. me ul-li2-a ki-be2 gi4-gi4 #tr.en: in order to restore the ancient divine attributes, 9. gesz-hur uri2{ki}-ma #tr.en: and the divine plans of Ur 10. si sa2-e-de3 #tr.en: to set right, 11. dumu nun-e e2-kur-ta #tr.en: from the Ekur the princely son 12. me mah ib2-ta-an-e3 #tr.en: brought forth the exalted divine powers, 13. {d}i-din-{d}da-gan #tr.en: and to Iddin-Dagan, 14. gesztu2 szum2-ma {d}en-ki-ka-ra #tr.en: given wisdom by Enki, 15. mas-su2 inim pa3-de3 #tr.en: to the leader who reveals the matter, 16. nig2-nam gal-zu-ra #tr.en: who knows everything well, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P225585) | 2220085 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 1: 1.
lu2-ulu4 only appears a few times in words list
nu-kuru5-bi does not appear in words list
ulu4 only appears a few times in signs list
&P225585 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object tablet 1. {d}[nanna] 2. sag gal dingir-dingir [a-nun-ke4-ne] 3. nir-gal2 [e2-kur-ra] 4. me-ni an-ki-da# [gu2 la2-a] 5. u18-ru sag2 [nu-di] 6. en asza-ni [dingir pa e3-a] 7. [dumu sag {d}en-lil2-la2] 8. [me ul-li2-a ki-be2 gi4-gi4] 9. [gesz-hur] uri2#{ki}-[ma] 10. [si] sa2-[e]-de3# 11. [dumu] nun-e e2-kur-ta 12. me mah ib2-ta-an-e3 13. [{d}i-din]-{d}da-gan 14. gesztu2 szum2#-ma {d}en-ki-ka-ra 15. mas-su2 inim pa3-de3 16. nig2-nam gal-zu-ra |
RIME, ex. 02 (P225584) | 2220086 |
nu-kuru5-bi does not appear in words list
&P225584 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 1. {d}nanna 2. sag gal dingir-dingir a-nun-ke4-ne 3. nir-gal2 e2-kur-ra 4. me-ni an-ki-da gu2 la2-a 5. u18-ru sag2 nu-di 6. en asza-ni dingir pa e3-a 7. dumu sag 8. {d}en-lil2-la2 9. me ul-li2-a ki-be2 gi4-gi4 10. gesz-hur uri2#{ki#}-ma# 11. si [sa2-e-de3] $ rest broken @column 2 $ n lines broken 1'. {d}i-din-{d}da-gan 2'. lugal kal-ga 3'. lugal uri2{ki}-ma 4'. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME composite (P448285) | 2220087 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 5 col 1: 1.
in-gub only appears a few times in words list
&P448285 = RIME, ex. 01 & RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text # (RIME 1. {d}nin-lil2 #tr.en: For Ninlil, 2. nin dingir-re-e-ne-ra #tr.en: queen of the gods, 3. {d}i-din-{d}da-gan lugal-e #tr.en: Iddin-Dagan, the king, 4. uruda uruda alan gal-gal min-a-bi mu-na-dim2 #tr.en: fashioned two big copper statues 5. nibru{ki}-sze3 nu-un-de6 #tr.en: but did not bring them to Nippur. 6. szu {d}i-din-{d}da-gan-ta #tr.en: From (the hands of) Iddin-Dagan 7. en-na {d}en-lil2-ba-ni lugal-e #tr.en: until Enlil-bani, the king, 8. mu 1(gesz2) 5(u) 7(disz)-kam #tr.en: it was 117 years 9. sza3 i3-si-in-na-ka i3-su8-ge-esz-am3 #tr.en: that they stood in Isin. 10. {d}nin-lil2-le sza3 hul2-la-ni-ta #tr.en: Ninlil, with a happy heart 11. al in-du3 in-du11-ma #tr.en: desired it and gave command, and so 12. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni lugal kal-ga #tr.en: Enlil-bani, the strong king, 13. lugal i3-si-in-na lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: king of Isin, king of Sumer and Akkad, |
RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 (P342802) | 2220088 |
&P342802 = RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet # (RIME @obverse 1. {d}nin-lil2 2. nin dingir-re-e-ne-ra 3. {d}i-din-{d}da-gan lugal-e 4. {uruda}alan gal-gal min-a-bi mu-na-dim2 5. nibru{ki}-sze3 nu-un-de6 6. szu {d}i-din-{d}da-gan-ta 7. en-na {d}en-lil2-ba-ni lugal-e 8. mu 1(gesz2) 5(u) 7(disz)-kam 9. sza3 i3-si-in-na-ka i3-su8-ge-esz-am3 10. {d}nin-lil2-le sza3 hul2-la-ni-ta 11. al in-du3 in-du11-ma 12. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni lugal kal-ga 13. lugal i3-si-in-na lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME, ex. 01 (P423444) | 2220089 |
&P423444 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. u2-a nibru{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga 7. en unu#{[ki]}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME, ex. 02 (P423445) | 2220090 |
&P423445 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan# 2. u2-a nibru#{[ki]} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga# 7. en unu#{ki}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na# 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri# |
RIME, ex. 03 (P423446) | 2220091 |
&P423446 = RIME, ex. 03 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. u2-a nibru{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga 7. en unu#{ki}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 9. lugal ki#-en-gi# ki#-uri# |
RIME, ex. 05 (P423447) | 2220092 |
&P423447 = RIME, ex. 05 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d#}isz#-[me-{d}da-gan] 2. [u2-a nibru{ki}] 3. sag#-[us2] 4. uri5#{ki#}-[ma] 5. u4-da# [gub] 6. eridu#[{ki}-ga] 7. en# unu#{ki#}-ga# 8. lugal# [i3-si-in{ki}-na] 9. [lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri] |
RIME, ex. 06 (P423448) | 2220093 |
&P423448 = RIME, ex. 06 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d#}isz-me-{d}da#-gan# 2. u2-a nibru{ki#} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki#}-ma 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga# 7. [en unu{ki}-ga] 8. [lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na] 9. [lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri] |
RIME, ex. 07 (P423449) | 2220094 |
&P423449 = RIME, ex. 07 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. u2-a nibru{[ki]} 3. sag#-us2 4. uri5#{ki}-ma 5. u4#-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga 7. en unu#{ki}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-[na] 9. lugal ki-en#-gi# ki#-uri |
RIME, ex. 08 (P423450) | 2220095 |
&P423450 = RIME, ex. 08 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d#}[da]-gan# 2. u2-a nibru{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma# 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga# 7. en unu{ki}-ga# 8. lugal i3-si-in#{ki#}-na# 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME, ex. 09 (P423451) | 2220096 |
&P423451 = RIME, ex. 09 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da#-gan 2. u2#-a nibru{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga 7. en unu#{ki}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME, ex. 10 (P423452) | 2220097 |
&P423452 = RIME, ex. 10 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. u2-a nibru{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga 7. en unu{ki}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na# 9. lugal ki-en-gi# ki-[uri] |
RIME, ex. 11 (P423453) | 2220098 |
&P423453 = RIME, ex. 11 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz#-me-{d}da-gan 2. u2-a nibru{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga 7. en unu{ki}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki#}-na 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME, ex. 12 (P423454) | 2220099 |
&P423454 = RIME, ex. 12 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan# 2. u2-a nibru#{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da# gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga 7. en unu{ki}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME, ex. 13 (P423455) | 2220100 |
&P423455 = RIME, ex. 13 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. u2-a nibru{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da [gub] 6. eridu{ki}-[ga] 7. en unu#{ki}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki#}-na 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME, ex. 14 (P423456) | 2220101 |
&P423456 = RIME, ex. 14 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da#-[gan] 2. u2-a nibru{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga 7. en unu#{ki}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME, ex. 15 (P423457) | 2220102 |
&P423457 = RIME, ex. 15 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {[d]}isz-me-{d}da#-gan# 2. u2-a nibru{ki#} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki#}-ga 7. en unu#[{ki}-ga] 8. lugal i3-si-in#{ki}-na# 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME, ex. 16 (P371187) | 2220103 |
&P371187 = RIME, ex. 16 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. u2-a nibru{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5#{ki}-ma# 5. u4-da# [gub] 6. eridu{ki}-ga# 7. en unu#{[ki]}-ga# 8. lugal i3-si#-in#{ki#}-na 9. lugal ki-en#-gi ki#-uri |
RIME, ex. 17 (P270018) | 2220104 |
&P270018 = RIME, ex. 17 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. u2-a nibru{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga 7. en unu{ki}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME, ex. 18 (P270019) | 2220105 |
&P270019 = RIME, ex. 18 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. u2-a nibru{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga 7. en unu{ki}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME, ex. 23 (P263437) | 2220106 |
&P263437 = RIME, ex. 23 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d#}isz#-me-{d}da#-gan# 2. u2-a nibru{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-[ga] 7. en unu{ki}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME, ex. add30 (P461405) | 2220107 |
&P461405 = RIME, ex. add30 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. u2-a nibru{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga 7. en unu{ki}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME, ex. 10 (P428305) | 2220108 |
&P428305 = RIME, ex. 10 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a $ 3 lines broken 4. uri5#[{ki}-ma] 5. u4-da# [gub] 6. eridu#{ki}-[ga] 7. [en] unu#[{ki}-ga] 8. [lugal] kal#-[ga] 9. lugal# [i3]-si#-[in]{ki#}-na# 10. lugal# ki#-en#-gi# ki#-uri# |
RIME, ex. 01 (P225577) | 2220109 |
an-gal does not appear in words list
&P225577 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. nita kal-ga 3. lugal i-si-in{ki}-na 4. lugal an ub-da limmu2-ba-ke4 5. u4 nibru{ki} |
RIME, ex. 01 (P427993) | 2220110 |
&P427993 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ra 3. u4 {d}en-lil2-le 4. {d}nin-urta 5. ur-sag kal-ga-ni 6. maszkim-sze3 7. mu-ni-in-tuk-a 8. szita mi-tum sag ninnu 9. mu-na-dim2 10. szeg12 al-ur3-ra |
RIME, ex. 03 (P263434) | 2220111 |
&P263434 = RIME, ex. 03 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ra 3. u4 {d}en-lil2-le 4. {d}nin-urta 5. ur-sag kal-ga-ni 6. maszkim-sze3 7. mu-ni-in-tuk-a 8. szita mi-tum sag ninnu 9. mu-na-dim2 10. szeg12 al-ur3-ra |
RIME, ex. 04 (P263439) | 2220112 |
&P263439 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a $ beginning broken 1'. mu#-ni#-in#-tuku#-a# 2'. szita mi-tum sag ninnu 3'. mu-na-dim2 4'. szeg12 al-ur3-ra |
RIME, ex. 05 (P263445) | 2220113 |
&P263445 = RIME, ex. 05 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ra 3. u4 {d}en-lil2-le 4. {d}nin-urta 5. ur-sag kal-ga-ni 6. maszkim-sze3 7. mu-ni-in-tuk-a 8. szita mi-tum sag ninnu 9. mu-na-dim2 10. szeg12 al-ur3-ra |
RIME, ex. 06 (P263446) | 2220114 |
&P263446 = RIME, ex. 06 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ra 3. u4 {d}en-lil2-le 4. {d}nin-urta 5. ur-sag kal-ga-ni 6. maszkim-sze3 7. mu-ni-in-tuk-a 8. szita mi-tum sag ninnu 9. mu-na-dim2 10. szeg12 al-ur3-ra |
RIME composite (P448294) | 2220115 |
&P448294 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan #tr.en: Išme-Dagan, 2. u2-a nibru{ki} #tr.en: provider of Nippur, 3. sag-us2 #tr.en: constant attendant 4. uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: of Ur, 5. u4-da gub #tr.en: who stands daily at the service 6. eridu{ki}-ga #tr.en: of Eridu, 7. en unu{ki}-ga #tr.en: en-priest of Uruk, 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki} #tr.en: king of Isin, 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: king of Sumer and Akkad, |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P293561) | 2220116 |
&P293561 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 2. u2-a nibru{ki} 3. sag-us2 4. uri5{ki}-ma 5. u4-da gub 6. eridu{ki}-ga 7. en unu{ki}-ga 8. lugal i3-si-in{ki} 9. lugal ki-en-gi ki#-uri# |
RIME composite (P448295) | 2220117 |
&P448295 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}nanna #tr.en: For Nanna, 2. dumu sag #tr.en: first-born son 3. {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: of Enlil 4. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master, 5. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan #tr.en: Išme-Dagan, 6. u2-a nibru{ki} #tr.en: provider of Nippur, 7. sag-us2 #tr.en: constant attendant 8. uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: of Ur, 9. u4-da gub #tr.en: who stands daily at the service 10. eridu{ki}-ga #tr.en: of Eridu, 11. en unu{ki}-ga #tr.en: en-priest of Uruk, 12. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na #tr.en: king of Isin, 13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: king of Sumer and Akkad, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P270012) | 2220118 |
&P270012 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object vase @surface a 1. {d}nanna 2. dumu sag 3. {d}en-lil2-la2 4. lugal-a-ni-ir 5. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan 6. u2-a nibru{ki} 7. sag-us2 8. uri5{ki}-ma 9. u4-da gub 10. eridu{ki}-ga 11. en unu{ki}-ga 12. lugal# i3-si-in{ki}-na 13. lugal# ki#-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME composite (P448296) | 2220119 |
&P448296 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}nin-gal #tr.en: For the goddess Ningal, 2. erisz sag il2 #tr.en: the proud lady, 3. me-ni me nu-sa2 #tr.en: whose divine powers are unrivaled powers, 4. ad gi4-gi4 gal-zu #tr.en: wise counsellor, 5. nam-nin-a tum2-ma #tr.en: one fitting for queenship, 6. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: her mistress - 7. en-an-na-tum2-ma #tr.en: Enanatuma, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P270014) | 2220120 |
&P270014 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object statuette @surface a 1. {d}nin-gal 2. erisz sag il2 3. me-ni mu nu-sa2 4. ad gi4-gi4 gal-zu 5. nam-nin-a tum2-ma 6. nin-a-ni-ir 7. en-an-na-tum2-ma |
RIME composite (P448305) | 2220121 |
&P448305 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}inanna #tr.en: For Inanna 2. mu-ur5{ki} #tr.en: of the city Mur(um), 3. {d}inanna-ka-ni-ir #tr.en: her personal goddess, 4. nam-ti #tr.en: for the life 5. {d}li-pi2-it-esz4-dar #tr.en: of Lipit-Ištar, 6. sipa gesz tuku #tr.en: the shepherd who heeds 7. dingir-re-e-ne #tr.en: the gods, 8. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: king of Sumer and Akkad, 9. dam {d}inanna-ka-sze3 #tr.en: and spouse of Inanna, 10. la-ma-sa3-tum #tr.en: Lammasatum 11. ama-ne2 #tr.en: his mother, 12. u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3 #tr.en: also for her own life, 13. e2-mar-uru5 #tr.en: the Stormwind House, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431516) | 2220122 |
&P431516 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}inanna 2. mu-ur5{ki} 3. {d}inanna-ka-ni-ir 4. nam-ti 5. {d}li-pi2-it-esz4-dar 6. sipa gesz tuku 7. dingir-re-e-ne 8. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri 9. dam {d}inanna-ka-sze3 10. la-ma-sa3-tum 11. ama-ne2 12. u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3 13. e2-mar-uru5 |
RIME composite (P448311) | 2220123 |
guru6-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
guru6 only appears a few times in signs list
&P448311 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}na-na-a #tr.en: To Nanaia 2. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his lady, 3. nam-ti #tr.en: for the life 4. {d}bur-{d}suen #tr.en: of Bur-Sin, 5. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: king of Sumer and Akkad, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P345856) | 2220124 |
kara2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
kara2 only appears a few times in signs list
&P345856 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object plate @surface a 1. {d}na-na-a 2. nin-a-ni-ir 3. nam-ti 4. {d}bur-{d}suen 5. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME, ex. 01 (P225574) | 2220125 |
&P225574 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni 2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra 3. nibru{ki} 4. lugal kal-ga 5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri 7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da 8. {d}inanna |
RIME, ex. 04-05 (P430893) | 2220126 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 20: u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}#
ki-in only appears a few times in words list
&P430893 = RIME, ex. 04-05 #atf: lang sux @tablet @surface a @column 1 1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni 2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra 3. nibru{ki} 4. lugal kal-ga 5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri 7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da 8. {d}inanna @column 2 |
RIME, ex. 06 (P270010) | 2220127 |
&P270010 = RIME, ex. 06 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni 2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra 3. nibru{ki} 4. lugal kal-ga 5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na# 6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri 7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da 8. {d}inanna# |
RIME, ex. 10 (P223407) | 2220128 |
&P223407 = RIME, ex. 10 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. [{d}en-lil2]-ba#-ni 2. sipa# [nig2-nam] szar2#-ra 3. [nibru]{ki} 4. [lugal kal]-ga 5. [lugal] i3#-si-in{ki}-na 6. [lugal] ki#-en-gi ki#-uri 7. [dam] sza3#-ge# pa3#-da 8. {[d]}inanna |
RIME, ex. add11 (P342632) | 2220129 |
&P342632 = RIME, ex. add11 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni 2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra 3. nibru{ki} 4. lugal kal-ga 5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri 7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da 8. {d}inanna |
RIME composite (P448320) | 2220130 |
&P448320 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni #tr.en: Enlilbani, 2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra #tr.en: shepherd who has made everything plentiful 3. nibru{ki} #tr.en: for Nippur, 4. lugal kal-ga #tr.en: mighty king, 5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na #tr.en: king of Isin 6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, 7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da #tr.en: spouse chosen by the heart 8. {d}inanna #tr.en: of Inanna, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P225339) | 2220131 |
ba-sumun-na only appears a few times in words list
&P225339 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni 2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra 3. nibru{ki} 4. lugal kal-ga 5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri 7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da 8. {d}inanna |
RIME, ex. 02-03 (P247891) | 2220132 |
&P247891 = RIME, ex. 02-03 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni 2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra 3. nibru{ki} 4. lugal kal-ga 5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri 7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da 8. {d}inanna |
RIME, ex. add04-05 (P387687) | 2220133 |
&P387687 = RIME, ex. 04-05 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni 2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra 3. nibru{ki} 4. lugal kal-ga 5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri 7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da 8. {d}inanna |
RIME composite (P448322) | 2220134 |
{d}nin-ib-gal does not appear in words list
&P448322 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}nin-ib-gal #tr.en: For Nanibgal, 2. nin sza3-la2 su3 #tr.en: the merciful lady |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P286598) | 2220135 |
{d}nin-ib-gal does not appear in words list
&P286598 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}nin-ib-gal 2. nin sza3-la2 su3 |
RIME composite (P448323) | 2220136 |
&P448323 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}nin-tin-ug5-ga #tr.en: For Nintinuga, 2. nin ti-la ug5-ga #tr.en: the lady who revives the dead, 3. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his mistress, 4. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni #tr.en: Enlilbani, 5. lugal kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty king, 6. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na #tr.en: king of Isin 7. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P392108) | 2220137 |
&P392108 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}nin-tin-ug5-ga 2. nin ti-la ug5-ga 3. nin-a-ni-ir 4. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni 5. lugal kal-ga 6. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 7. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME composite (P448324) | 2220138 |
&P448324 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}sud3 #tr.en: For Sud 2. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his mistress, 3. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni #tr.en: Enlilbani, 4. lugal kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty king, 5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na-ke4 #tr.en: king of Isin, 6. e2-dim-gal-an-na #tr.en: the Great Mast of Heaven House, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P247887) | 2220139 |
&P247887 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone head @surface a 1. {d}sud3 2. nin-a-ni-ir 3. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni 4. lugal kal-ga 5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na-ke4 6. e2-dim-gal-an-na |
RIME composite (P448327) | 2220140 |
gig2-ge does not appear in words list
ebur does not appear in words list
ma-ra-su3-ud does not appear in words list
gig2-ga does not appear in words list
gig2 does not appear in signs list
ebur does not appear in signs list
gig2 does not appear in signs list
&P448327 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @obverse 1. [...] 2. [...] x 3. [...]-me#?-en #tr.en: ... am I. 4. esz3 nibru{ki} #tr.en: To the shrine of Nippur, 5. dur-an-ki-a-sze3 #tr.en: the Bond of Heaven and Earth, 6. gu3 zi-de3-esz ma-an-de2 #tr.en: he truly called me. 7. sag-ki zalag-ga-ni #tr.en: His pure brow 8. mu-szi-in-bar #tr.en: he directed towards me, 9. nam du10 mu-un-tar #tr.en: and a good fate he determined for me: 10. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni #tr.en: Enlilbani, 11. szu du11-ga-mu-me-en #tr.en: my accomplishment, you are. 12. a2 nun #tr.en: Princely power 13. hu-mu-ta-gal2 #tr.en: there shall be with you. 14. {d}a-nun-na #tr.en: The Anuna gods 15. ku3 an-sze3 #tr.en: to the holy heaven 16. [x] he2-ni-tum2?-ma? #tr.en: may you(?) ... 17. [x] x x x x 18. [...] 19. [...] 20. [...] x 21. x x 22. nam-he2 #tr.en: Abundance 23. hu-mi-diri-ge #tr.en: may you make surpassing there. 24. kalam-ma #tr.en: In the nation 25. x x x gal2? #tr.en: ... 26. ma?-ra?-gal2 #tr.en: I have produced for you. 27. ub-da limmu2-ba #tr.en: In the four world quarters 28. gaba-ri #tr.en: a rival 29. na-an-tuk-tuk-un #tr.en: may you not have. 30. ug3 sag gig2-ge #tr.en: To the Black Headed People 31. ba-du10-ge-me-en #tr.en: you are the one who is pleasing. 32. {d}utu-bi #tr.en: Their sun god 33. he2-me-en #tr.en: may you be. 34. mu nam-ti-la #tr.en: Years of life 35. bala u4-bi #tr.en: and a reign whose days 36. su3-su3-ra2 #tr.en: are very long 37. sag-e-esz #tr.en: as a gift 38. mu-rig7 #tr.en: I have presented. 39. esz3 nibru{ki} #tr.en: (In) the shrine of Nippur 40. gu2 an-sze3 #tr.en: your neck towards heaven 41. [he2-em-mi-zi] #tr.en: may you raise up. 42. [...] 43. [...] x 44. ab-sin2-bi #tr.en: Its furrows 45. mu-e-dagal #tr.en: you have made broad. 46. x x AN #tr.en: ... 47. ebur#? luh #tr.en: At its harvest, clean 48. ku3-ku3-ga-bi-sze3 #tr.en: and most holy, 49. u4-szu2-usz #tr.en: daily 50. ha-ba-gub-be2-en #tr.en: you have indeed served, 51. gesz-tag-bi #tr.en: and its offerings, 52. nig2 mu-szi-bar-ra #tr.en: things which I have examined, 53. ma-tum2 #tr.en: you have brought to me. 54. szeg12 e2-kur-ra-ke4 #tr.en: The brickwork of the Ekur 55. he2-em-da-hul2 #tr.en: has indeed rejoiced over them. 56. utu-e3-ta #tr.en: From east 57. u4-szu2-usz #tr.en: to west 58. nam-sipa-bi #tr.en: their shepherdship 59. ma-ra-szum2 #tr.en: I have given you. 60. nam-lugal-zu #tr.en: Your rule 61. pa-e3 bi2-ak #tr.en: I have made resplendent, 62. u4-bi #tr.en: and its days 63. ma-ra-su3-ud #tr.en: I have extended for you. 64. x x ma #tr.en: ... 65. [...]-sze3 #tr.en: ... 66. [...] #tr.en: ... 67. mu-ra-ge-en #tr.en: I have secured for you. 68. aga me-lam2 #tr.en: A crown with a divine halo 69. u6 di-de3 #tr.en: to marvel at, 70. he2-du7 #tr.en: distinguished in appearance, 71. sag-za ba-kesz2-re6 #tr.en: is bound upon your head. 72. za3 kur-ra-sze3 #tr.en: To the borders of the foreign land 73. mi-ni-mah-en #tr.en: I have exalted you, 74. tesz2-bi-sze3 #tr.en: and all together 75. mu-se3-ke-en #tr.en: you have united them. 76. ki-bala-a #tr.en: In the rebellious land 77. iri{ki} du11-ga-zu-ta #tr.en: the city which at your command 78. la-ba-x #tr.en: did not ..., 79. bad3 mu-gul #tr.en: you destroyed (its) wall, 80. giri3-zu-ta #tr.en: and at your feet 81. gesz he2-szi-szu2-e #tr.en: you cast fetters upon them. 82. enkar szibir #tr.en: The enkar weapon, the shepherd's staff, 83. gidri nig2 gi-na #tr.en: and the lawful scepter 84. ug3 sag gig2-ga #tr.en: by which the Black Headed People 85. lah5-lah5-e #tr.en: are led, 86. u4 da-ri2-sze3 #tr.en: forever 87. szu zi #tr.en: faithfully in hand 88. mu-e-gar #tr.en: you have taken. 89. x-[x]-x #tr.en: ... 90. [x x] x-me-en #tr.en: ... are you. 91. inim sza3 nu-zu #tr.en: The word whose inner meaning is not known 92. na-me #tr.en: no one 93. nu-kur2-ru-dam #tr.en: can alter. 94. nam tar-ra-mu #tr.en: My fate 95. du-ri2-sze3 #tr.en: forever 96. ha-mu-un-gar #tr.en: you have established. 97. {d}en-lil2-le #tr.en: Enlil - 98. szeg12 e2-kur-ra-ta #tr.en: there from within the brickwork of the Ekur 99. nam-mu #tr.en: my fate 100. mi-ni-in-tar-ra #tr.en: having been decreed by him, 101. nibru{ki} #tr.en: in Nippur 102. nig2-si-sa2 #tr.en: justice 103. mu-ni-in-gar #tr.en: I(?) established, 104. nig2-gi-na #tr.en: and lawfulness 105. pa bi2-e3 #tr.en: I made come forth resplendently. 106. udu-gin7 ka u2 gu7 #tr.en: As for sheep, food for eating 107. ba-ni-in-kin #tr.en: I sought out for them 108. u2 sig7-ga bi2-gu7 #tr.en: and let them eat green plants. 109. {gesz}szu-dul9 dugud-da #tr.en: The heavy yoke 110. gu2-bi im-ta-zi #tr.en: I lifted from their necks, 111. dur2? gi-na bi2-tusz #tr.en: and in a secure abode I made them dwell. 112. nibru{ki}-a #tr.en: In Nippur, 113. nig2-gi-na #tr.en: righteousness 114. mi-ni-in-gar-ra #tr.en: having established there, @reverse 115. sza3-bi mu-du10-ga #tr.en: and having gladdened their hearts, 116. i3-si-in{ki} #tr.en: Isin 117. iri{ki} an-ne2 #tr.en: the city, An 118. {d}en-lil2#-le #tr.en: and Enlil 119. {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ra #tr.en: to Nininsina 120. sag-e-esz #tr.en: as a gift 121. mu-un-ni-in-rig7-esz #tr.en: did present, 122. nig2-gi #tr.en: and law 123. nig2-si-sa2 #tr.en: and justice 124. mu-ni-in-gar #tr.en: I established there (also). 125. sza3 kalam-ma mu-du10 #tr.en: I gladdened the heart of the nation. 126. sze nig2-ku5-ra #tr.en: The barley tax 127. igi-5(disz)-gal2 i3-me-a #tr.en: which used to be one-fifth, 128. igi-1(u)-gal2-la #tr.en: into one-tenth 129. he2-mi-ku4 #tr.en: I turned it. 130. |MASZ.EN.KAK| #tr.en: Commoners 131. iti-da #tr.en: per month 132. u4 4(disz)-am3 #tr.en: (only) four days 133. he2-gub #tr.en: I made serve. 134. masz2-ansze #tr.en: The livestock 135. e2-gal-la-ke4 #tr.en: of the palace 136. a-sza3 x x ki?-x-a #tr.en: which in the fields ... 137. x x x #tr.en: and about which the ... 138. i-{d}utu #tr.en: complaints 139. bi2-in-esz-a #tr.en: did voice, 140. masz2-ansze #tr.en: (those) livestock 141. e2-gal-la #tr.en: of the palace 142. ab-sin2-ta #tr.en: from the furrows 143. he2-em-ta-e3 #tr.en: I did send forth. 144. i-{d}utu se3-ga #tr.en: That which was subject to complaint 145. nig2-gig-ga #tr.en: into a forbidden thing 146. he2-ni-ku4 #tr.en: I turned. 147. di-ku5 nig2-gi-e #tr.en: A judge who righteousness |
RIME, ex. 01 (P268919) | 2220141 |
gig2-ge does not appear in words list
ebur does not appear in words list
ma-ra-su3-ud does not appear in words list
gig2-ga does not appear in words list
ki!-ag2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
lu2-si-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
gig2 does not appear in signs list
ebur does not appear in signs list
gig2 does not appear in signs list
&P268919 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 1. [...] 2. [...] x 3. [...]-me#?-en 4. esz3# nibru{ki} 5. dur#-an-ki-a-sze3 6. gu3 zi-de3-esz ma-an-de2 7. sag-ki zalag-ga-ni 8. mu-szi-in-bar 9. nam du10 mu-un-tar 10. {d}en-<lil2-ba-ni> 11. szu du11-ga-mu-me-en 12. a2# nun 13. hu-mu-ta-gal2 14. {d}[a]-nun-na 15. ku3# an-sze3 16. [x] he2-ni-tum2?-ma? 17. [x] x x x x 18. [...] 19. [...] @column 2 1. [...] x 2. x x 3. nam-he2# 4. hu-mi-diri-ge 5. kalam-ma 6. x x x gal2? 7. ma?-ra#?-gal2 8. ub?-da#? limmu2-ba 9. gaba-ri 10. na-an-tuk-tuk-un 11. ug3 sag gig2-ge 12. ba-du10-ge-me-en 13. {d}utu-bi 14. he2-me-en 15. mu nam-ti-la 16. bala u4-bi 17. su3-su3-ra2 18. sag-e-esz 19. mu-rig7 20. esz3 nibru{ki} 21. gu2 an-sze3# 22. [he2-em-mi-zi] 23. [...] 24. [...] x @column 3 1. ab#-sin2-bi 2. mu-e-dagal 3. x x AN 4. ebur#? luh 5. ku3-ku3-ga-bi-sze3 6. u4-szu2-usz 7. ha-ba-gub-be2-en 8. gesz-tag-bi 9. nig2 mu-szi-bar-ra 10. ma-tum2 11. szeg12 e2-kur-ra-ke4 12. he2-em-da-hul2 13. utu-e3-ta 14. u4-szu2-usz 15. nam-sipa-bi 16. ma-ra-szum2 17. nam-lugal-zu 18. pa-e3 bi2-ak 19. u4-bi 20. ma-ra-su3-ud 21. x x ma 22. [...]-sze3 23. [...] 24. mu-ra-ge-en @column 4 1. aga me-lam2 2. u6 di-de3 3. he2-du7 4. sag-za ba-kesz2-re6 5. za3 kur-ra-sze3 6. mi-ni-mah-en 7. tesz2-bi-sze3 8. mu-se3-ke-en 9. ki-bala-a 10. iri{ki} du11-ga-zu-ta 11. la-ba-x 12. bad3 mu-gul 13. giri3-zu#-ta# 14. gesz he2-szi-szu2-e 15. enkar szibir# 16. gidri nig2 gi#-na 17. ug3 <sag> gig2-<ga> 18. lah5-lah5-e 19. u4 da-ri2-sze3 20. szu zi 21. mu-e#-gar 22. x-[x]-x 23. [x x] x-me-en @column 5 1. inim sza3 nu-zu 2. na-me 3. nu-kur2-ru-dam 4. nam tar-ra-mu 5. du-ri2-sze3 6. ha-mu-un?-gar 7. {d}en-<lil2>-le 8. szeg12 e2-kur-ra-ta 9. nam-mu 10. mi-ni-in-tar-ra 11. nibru#{ki} 12. nig2-si-sa2 13. mu-ni-in-gar 14. nig2-gi-[na] 15. pa bi2-e3 16. udu-gin7 ka u2 gu7# 17. ba-ni-in-kin# 18. u2 sig7#-ga# bi2-gu7 19. {gesz}szu-dul9 dugud-da 20. gu2-bi im-ta-zi 21. dur2? gi-na bi2-tusz 22. nibru{ki}-a 23. nig2-gi-na 24. mi-ni-in-gar-ra @reverse @column 1 1. sza3-bi mu-du10-ga 2. i3-si-in{ki} 3. iri{ki} an-ne2 4. {d}en-lil2#-le 5. {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ra 6. sag-e-esz 7. mu-un-ni-in-rig7-esz 8. nig2-gi 9. nig2-si-sa2 10. mu-ni-in-gar 11. sza3 kalam-ma mu-du10 12. sze nig2-ku5-ra 13. igi-5(disz)-gal2 i3-me-a 14. igi-1(u)-gal2-la 15. he2-mi-ku4 16. |MASZ.EN.KAK| 17. iti-da 18. u4 4(disz)-am3 19. he2-gub 20. masz2-ansze 21. e2-gal-la-ke4 22. a-sza3 x x ki?-x-a 23. x x x @column 2 1. i-{d}utu 2. bi2-in-esz-a 3. masz2-ansze 4. e2-gal-la 5. ab-sin2-ta 6. he2-em-ta-e3 7. i-{d}utu se3-ga 8. nig2-gig-ga 9. he2-ni-ku4 10. di-ku5 nig2-gi-e |
RIME composite (P448328) | 2220142 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 48 col 7: #tr.en:is its name.
&P448328 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}za-am-bi-ia #tr.en: Zambiya, 2. sipa ni2 tuku #tr.en: shepherd who has respect 3. nibru{ki} #tr.en: for Nippur, 4. engar gu mah tum2 #tr.en: farmer who brings tall flax 5. sze mah tum2 #tr.en: and brings tall barley 6. esz3 dur-an-ki-sze3 #tr.en: to the shrine Duranki, 7. u2-a zi #tr.en: faithful provider 8. kisal e2-gal-mah-a #tr.en: who the courtyard of the Egalmah 9. nig2 nam-he si-si #tr.en: fills with abundant things, 10. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na #tr.en: king of Isin 11. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, 12. dam igi il2-la #tr.en: spouse regarded 13. {d}inanna #tr.en: by Inanna, |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P390510) | 2220143 |
&P390510 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. {[d]}za#-am#-bi-ia 2. sipa ni2 tuku 3. nibru{ki} 4. engar gu mah tum2 5. sze mah tum2 6. esz3# dur-an-ki-sze3 7. u2-a zi 8. kisal e2-gal-mah-a#? 9. nig2# nam-he# si-si 10. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na#? 11. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri @column 2 1. dam igi il2#-la# 2. {d}inanna |
RIME composite (P448618) | 2220144 |
du-ga-ni-ir only appears a few times in words list
&P448618 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}da-gan #tr.en: For Dagan, 2. en gal kur-kur-ra #tr.en: the great lord of all the lands, 3. dingir sag du-ga-ni-ir #tr.en: the god who created him, 4. {d}ur-du6-ku3-ga #tr.en: Urdukuga, 5. sipa nig2-nam tum3 #tr.en: the shepherd who brings everything 6. nibru{ki} #tr.en: for Nippur, 7. engar mah #tr.en: the exalted farmer 8. an {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: of An and Enlil, 9. u2-a e2-kur-ra #tr.en: who provides for the Ekur, 10. he2-gal2 du8-du8 #tr.en: who heaps up abundance 11. e2-szu-me-sza4 #tr.en: for the Ešumeša 12. e2-gal-mah-a #tr.en: and the Egalmah (temples), 13. sa2-du11 esz3-ta ba-ba-a #tr.en: who the regular offerings which were expropriated from the sanctuaries 14. dingir-re-e-ne-er #tr.en: to the gods 15. in-ne-eb2-gur-ra #tr.en: did return, 16. lugal kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty king, 17. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na #tr.en: king of Isin 18. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, 19. dam igi zi bar-ra #tr.en: spouse regarded faithfully 20. {d}inanna-ke4 #tr.en: by Inanna, 21. e2-tusz-ki-gar-ra #tr.en: the Well-Founded Residence House 22. i3-si-in{ki}-na #tr.en: in Isin, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P452291) | 2220145 |
&P452291 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}da-gan 2. en gal kur-kur-ra 3. dingir sag-du-ga-ni-ir 4. {d}ur-du6-ku3-ga 5. sipa nig2-nam tum3 6. nibru{ki} 7. engar mah 8. an {d}en-lil2-la2 9. u2-a e2-kur-ra 10. he2-gal2 du8-du8 11. e2-szu-me-sza4 12. e2-gal-mah-a 13. sa2-du11 esz3-ta ba-ba-a 14. dingir-re-e-ne-er 15. in-ne-eb2-gur-ra 16. lugal kal-ga 17. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 18. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri 19. dam igi zi bar-ra 20. {d}inanna-ke4 21. e2-tusz-ki-gar-ra 22. i3-si-in{ki}-na |
RIME, ex. 04-05 (P286226) | 2220146 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P286226 = RIME, ex. 04-05 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a # (YOS 9, 29) @column 1 1. {d}da#-gan# 2. en gal kur-kur-ra 3. dingir sag-du-ga-ni-ir 4. {d}ur-du6-ku3-ga 5. sipa nig2-nam tum3 6. nibru{ki} 7. engar mah 8. an {d}en-lil2-la2 9. u2-a e2-kur-ra 10. he2-gal2 du8-du8 11. e2-szu-me-sza4 12. e2-gal-mah-a @column 2 1. [sa2-du11 esz3-ta ba-ba-a] 2. dingir#-[re-e-ne-er] 3. in-ne#-[eb2-gur-ra] 4. lugal kal#-[ga] 5. lugal i3-si#-[in{ki}-na] 6. lugal ki-en#-[gi] ki-[uri] 7. dam igi zi bar-ra# 8. {d}inanna-ke4 9. e2-tusz-ki-gar-ra 10. i3-si-in{ki}-na |
RIME composite (P448330) | 2220147 |
du6-edin-na only appears a few times in words list
&P448330 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}lu2-lal3 #tr.en: For Lulal 2. du6-edin?-na #tr.en: of (the city) Du-Edina, 3. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master, 4. ur-du6-ku3-ga #tr.en: Urdukuga, 5. sipa nig2-nam tum3 #tr.en: shepherd who brings everything 6. nibru{ki} #tr.en: for Nippur, $ n lines broken 7'. dam igi zi bar-ra #tr.en: spouse regarded faithfully 8'. {d}inanna-ke4 #tr.en: by Inanna, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P225729) | 2220148 |
du6-eden-na only appears a few times in words list
eden only appears a few times in signs list
&P225729 = RIME, 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {[d]}lu2#-lal3 2. [du6]-eden#?-na 3. [lugal-a]-ni#-ir 4. [ur-du6-ku3]-ga 5. [sipa nig2-nam] tum3 6. [nibru]{ki#} $ n lines broken 1'. [dam igi zi bar-ra] 2'. [{d}inanna]-ke4 |
RIME composite (P448331) | 2220149 |
&P448331 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}suen-ma-gir #tr.en: Sin-magir, 2. sipa u2-a #tr.en: the shepherd, the provider 3. e2 an {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: for the temples of An and Enlil, 4. nig2-nam du8-du8 #tr.en: the one who heaps up everything 5. e2-gal-mah-a #tr.en: for the Egalmah (temple), 6. engar sa2-du11 szum2-szum2-mu #tr.en: farmer who constantly gives regular offerings 7. dingir ug3 du3-a-bi-sze3 #tr.en: to the gods of all the people, 8. sza3 hul2-hul2 erin2-a-na #tr.en: who gladdens the hearts of his men, 9. mu pa3-da {d}namma #tr.en: having a name chosen by Nanna, 10. sze-ga {d}nin-isin2{si}-na #tr.en: obedient one of Nininsina, 11. nam-lugal an-da ak-da-ni-sze3 #tr.en: the one who for the exercising of kingship with An 12. iri-na mu-un-suh-a #tr.en: in his city was selected by him, 13. lugal kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty king, 14. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na #tr.en: king of Isin 15. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431569) | 2220150 |
&P431569 = RIME, 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}suen-ma-gir 2. sipa u2-a 3. e2 an {d}en-lil2-la2 4. nig2-nam du8-du8 5. e2-gal-mah-a 6. engar sa2-du11 szum2-szum2-mu 7. dingir ug3 du3-a-bi-sze3 8. sza3 hul2-hul2 erin2-a-na 9. mu pa3-da {d}namma 10. sze-ga {d}nin-isin2{si}-na 11. nam-lugal an-da ak-da-ni-sze3 12. iri-na mu-un-suh-a 13. lugal kal-ga 14. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 15. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME composite (P448332) | 2220151 |
&P448332 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}ak-tup-pi2-tum #tr.en: For the goddess Aktuppitum 2. kiri8-tab #tr.en: of Kiritab, 3. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: her mistress, 4. nam-ti #tr.en: for the life 5. {d}suen-ma-gir #tr.en: of Sin-magir, 6. lugal kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty king, 7. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na #tr.en: king of Isin, 8. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, 9. nu-t,u3-up-tum #tr.en: Nutuptum, |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431572) | 2220152 |
&P431572 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}ak-tup-pi2-tum 2. kiri8-tab 3. nin-a-ni-ir 4. nam-ti# 5. {d}suen-ma-gir 6. lugal kal-ga 7. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na 8. lugal ki-en-gi# ki-uri-ke4# 9. nu-t,u3-up-tum |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431577) | 2220153 |
&P431577 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu >>Q002005 001 2. sag-us2 >>Q002005 002 3. nibru{ki} >>Q002005 003 4. sipa sze-ga an-na >>Q002005 004 5. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku >>Q002005 005 |
RIME composite (P448337) | 2220154 |
{d}mar-du2 does not appear in words list
&P448337 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}mar-du2 #tr.en: For Mardu, 2. dumu an-na #tr.en: the son of An, 3. me-ni ku3-ku3-ga #tr.en: whose divine powers are most holy, 4. dingir-ra-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his god, 5. {d}da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu #tr.en: Damiq-ilišu, 6. sipa sze-ga an-na #tr.en: obedient shepherd of An, 7. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku #tr.en: one who gives heed to Enlil, |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P392109) | 2220155 |
{d}mar-du2 does not appear in words list
&P392109 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}mar-du2 2. dumu an-na 3. me-ni ku3-ku3-ga 4. dingir-ra-a-ni-ir 5. {d}da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu 6. sipa sze-ga an-na 7. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku |
RIME composite (P448338) | 2220156 |
u2-s,a-ar-pa-ra{ki} only appears a few times in words list
&P448338 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. [{d}ne3-eri11-gal] #tr.en: For Nergal 2. u2-s,a-ar-[pa-ra{ki}] #tr.en: of Us,apara, 3. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master, 4. {d}da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu #tr.en: Damiq-ilišu, 5. sipa sze-ga an-na #tr.en: obedient shepherd of An, 6. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku #tr.en: one who gives heed to Enlil, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431580) | 2220157 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 19: u2-s,a-ar#-[pa-ra-(
u2-s,a-ar-pa-ra-an{ki} only appears a few times in words list
&P431580 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. [{d}ne3-eri11-gal] 2. u2-s,a-ar#-[pa-ra-(an){ki}] 3. lugal#-a-ni-ir# 4. {d}da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu 5. sipa sze#-ga an-na 6. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku |
RIME composite (P448345) | 2220158 |
uri2{ki}-ma-ka-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P448345 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}da-gan #tr.en: For Dagan, 2. en dingir gal-gal-e-ne #tr.en: lord of the great gods, 3. dingir-ra-a-ni-ir #tr.en: her god, 4. nam-ti #tr.en: for the life 5. gu-un-gu-nu-um #tr.en: of Gungunum, 6. nita kal-ga #tr.en: the strong man, 7. lugal uri2{ki}-ma-ka-sze3 #tr.en: the king of Ur, 8. en-an-na-tum2-ma #tr.en: Enanatuma, |
RIME composite (P448349) | 2220159 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 17: sag-ki#? [zalag-(
mar-du2-me-en does not appear in words list
&P448349 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a $ beginning broken 1'. [e2]-kur#-ra# he2-du7 #tr.en: distinguished one of the Ekur temple, 2'. [dumu] zil an gal-e #tr.en: the good son whom great An 3'. nir szum2-ma #tr.en: gave authority, 4'. me nig2-nam-ma #tr.en: the divine powers of everything 5'. szu-ni-sze3 gal2-la #tr.en: having been put into his hands, 6'. dingir ku3 an sikil-la #tr.en: holy god who in the pure heaven 7'. dub3 gar-ra #tr.en: is seated, 8'. nir zi mah kalam-ma #tr.en: exalted steadfast authority of the nation, 9'. e2 ki-tusz mah #tr.en: who in the exalted residence 10'. ki ku3-ga #tr.en: on a sacred place 11'. bara2 ri-a #tr.en: lay down a dais, 12'. giri17-zal-la dur2-gar #tr.en: and who is seated (there) in luxury, 13'. gal-di gal-zu mah #tr.en: excelling, all-knowing, exalted, 14'. esz-bar-e sa-di #tr.en: properly arriving at divine decisions, 15'. giri17-zal a-a ugu-na #tr.en: the delight of the father who begot him, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431602) | 2220160 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 17: sag-ki#? [zalag-(
mar-du2-me-en does not appear in words list
kin-gal-esz only appears a few times in words list
&P431602 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 $ beginning broken 1'. [e2]-kur#-ra# he2-du7 2'. [dumu] zil an gal-e 3'. nir szum2-ma 4'. me nig2-nam-ma 5'. szu-ni-sze3 gal2-la 6'. dingir ku3 an sikil-la 7'. dub3 gar-ra 8'. nir zi mah kalam-ma 9'. e2 ki-tusz mah 10'. ki ku3-ga 11'. bara2 ri-a 12'. giri17-zal-la dur2-gar 13'. gal-di gal-zu mah 14'. esz-bar-e sa-di 15'. giri17-zal a-a ugu-na |
RIME composite (P448353) | 2220161 |
&P448353 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}inanna #tr.en: For Inanna, 2. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his mistress, 3. {d}su-mu-el3 #tr.en: Sumu-el, 4. nita kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty man, 5. lugal uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: king of Ur 6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, 7. {e2}szutum ku3 #tr.en: the sacred storehouse, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431606) | 2220162 |
&P431606 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}inanna 2. nin-a-ni-ir 3. {d}su-mu-el3 4. nita kal-ga 5. lugal uri5{ki}-ma 6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri 7. {e2}szutum ku3 |
RIME composite (P448361) | 2220163 |
nu2-da only appears a few times in words list
&P448361 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object compoite text @surface a 1. {d}nin-gal #tr.en: For Ningal, 2. gidlam2 ku3 #tr.en: the holy spouse 3. {d}asz-im5-babbar2-ra #tr.en: of Ašimbabbar, |
RIME, ex. 02 (P270015) | 2220164 |
&P270015 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. {d}nin-gal 2. gidlam2 ku3 3. {d}asz-im5-babbar2-ra |
RIME, ex. 05 (P225367) | 2220165 |
&P225367 = RIME, ex. 05 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}nin-gal 2. gidlam2 ku3 3. {d}asz-im5-babbar2-ra |
RIME composite (P448362) | 2220166 |
&P448362 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. nu-ur2-{d}iszkur #tr.en: Nur-Adad, 2. nita kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty man, 3. engar zi uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: the steadfast farmer of Ur, 4. lugal larsa{ki}-ma #tr.en: king of Larsa, 5. me esz3 e2-babbar-ra #tr.en: who the divine attributes of the Ebabbar shrine 6. ku3-ku3-ge #tr.en: makes sacred - 7. eridu{ki} u4 ul-li2-a-ta #tr.en: that city Eridu, which since olden days 8. szu mu-un-hul-a-ba #tr.en: had been allowed to fall into ruin, 9. bala nig2-si-sa2-mu-usz #tr.en: for my reign of justice 10. du3-de3 al bi2-du11 #tr.en: I desired to rebuild it. 11. {d}en-ki-ke4 #tr.en: And as for the god Enki, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P345487) | 2220167 |
&P345487 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. nu-ur2-{d}iszkur 2. nita kal-ga 3. engar zi uri5{ki}-ma 4. lugal larsa{ki}-ma 5. me esz3 e2-babbar-ra 6. ku3-ku3-ge 7. eridu{ki} u4 ul-li2-a-ta 8. szu mu-un-hul-a-ba 9. bala nig2-si-sa2-mu-usz 10. du3-de3 al bi2-du11 11. {d}en-ki-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 02 (P428551) | 2220168 |
&P428551 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. nu#-ur2-{d}iszkur 2. nita kal-ga 3. engar# zi uri5{ki}-ma 4. lugal larsa{ki}-ma 5. me esz3 e2-babbar-ra 6. ku3#-ku3#-ge 7. eridu{ki} u4 ul-li2-a-ta 8. szu mu-un-hul-a-ba 9. bala nig2-si-sa2-mu-usz# 10. du3-de3 al bi2-du11 11. {d}en-ki-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 05 (P270036) | 2220169 |
&P270036 = RIME, ex. 05 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a $ (abraded) 1. nu-ur2-{d}iszkur 2. nita kal-ga 3. engar zi uri5{ki}-ma 4. lugal larsa{ki}-ma 5. me esz3 e2-babbar-ra 6. ku3-ku3-ge 7. eridu{ki} u4 ul-li2-a-ta 8. szu mu-un-hul-a-ba 9. bala nig2-si-sa2-mu-usz 10. du3-de3 al bi2-du11 11. {d}en-ki-ke4 |
RIME, ex. 06 (P270022) | 2220170 |
&P270022 = RIME, ex. 06 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. nu#-ur2-{d}iszkur # 2. nita kal-ga 3. engar zi# uri5#{ki}-ma# 4. lugal larsa{ki}-ma 5. iszib esz3 e2-babbar#-ra# 6. ku3#-ku3-ge 7. eridu{ki} u4 ul-li2#-a-ta 8. szu mu-un-hul-a#-ba# 9. bala nig2-si-sa2-mu#-usz 10. du3-de3 al bi2-du11 11. {d}en-ki-ke4 |
RIME composite (P448365) | 2220171 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 5 col 1: 6.
&P448365 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text $ 5 lines broken 6. x [...]-x-ga #tr.en: ... 7. en pirig [gal ka-asz]-bar an-ki #tr.en: (for) the lord, great lion, the decider of heaven and earth, 8. am an-sze3 izi-gar-gin7 ga2-ga2 #tr.en: wild bull who is set against the sky like a torch, 9. szul [zi ...] an dagal-la #tr.en: steadfast youth ... of wide heaven, 10. di ku5 [...]-ra #tr.en: the ... judge 11. ti-la ug5-[ga en3 tar]-bi-im #tr.en: who attends to the living and the dead, 12. me-be2 asz-a-ni [szu du7-du7] #tr.en: who alone makes perfect those divine powers, 13. nun [szul {d}utu] #tr.en: the prince, youthful Utu, 14. an# [x] x x x [x (x)] mah #tr.en: exalted ..., 15. men ku3-ga [gal-bi] tum2-ma #tr.en: most suited for the holy crown, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P343060) | 2220172 |
e2-mah only appears a few times in words list
&P343060 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 $ 5 lines broken 6. x [...]-x-ga 7. en pirig# [gal ka-asz]-bar# an-ki 8. am# an#-sze3# izi#-gar#-gin7# ga2-ga2 9. szul# [zi ...] an dagal-la 10. di# ku5# [...]-ra 11. ti-la ug5#-[ga en3 tar]-bi-im 12. me-be2 asz-a-ni# [szu du7-du7] 13. nun [szul {d}utu] 14. an# [x] x x x [x (x)] mah# 15. men ku3-ga [gal-bi] tum2#-ma |
RIME composite (P448367) | 2220173 |
&P448367 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}utu #tr.en: For Utu 2. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master, 3. {d}suen-i-din-na-am #tr.en: Sin-iddinam, 4. nita kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty man, 5. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: provider of Ur, 6. lugal larsa{ki}-ma #tr.en: king of Larsa 7. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, 8. e2-babbar #tr.en: the Ebabbar, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P428306) | 2220174 |
&P428306 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}utu 2. lugal-a-ni-ir 3. {d}suen-i-din-na-am 4. nita kal-ga 5. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma 6. lugal larsa{ki}-ma 7. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri 8. e2-babbar |
RIME composite (P448368) | 2220175 |
x-de3 only appears a few times in words list
&P448368 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}suen-i-din-na-am #tr.en: Sin-iddinam, 2. nita kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty man, 3. u2-a uri2{ki}-ma #tr.en: provider of Ur, 4. lugal larsa{ki}-ma #tr.en: king of Larsa 5. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, $ 12 lines broken 18. [...] x-de3 #tr.en: in order to ..., 19. {d}utu lugal-mu #tr.en: to Utu my master 20. inim in-na-sa6-sa6 #tr.en: I spoke pleasing words, 21. a-ra-zu sza3-ge de6-a-ga2 #tr.en: and to the prayers of my heart’s desire 22. hu-mu-szi-in-sze #tr.en: he was agreeable. 23. u4-bi-a sze-ga {d}utu #tr.en: At that time, through the willingness 24. lugal-ga2-ta #tr.en: of my master, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P345952) | 2220176 |
x-x-x-de3 only appears a few times in words list
&P345952 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object brick stamp @surface a $ beginning broken 1'. [x-x]-x-de3 2'. {[d]}utu# lugal-mu 3'. inim# in-na-sa6-sa6 4'. [a]-ra#-zu sza3-ge de6-a-ga2 5'. hu-mu-szi-in-sze 6'. u4-bi-a sze-ga {d}utu 7'. lugal-ga2-ta |
RIME composite (P448369) | 2220177 |
u4-ul-li2-a-asz only appears a few times in words list
&P448369 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}utu #tr.en: For Utu, 2. en di-ku5 an-ki #tr.en: lord and judge of heaven and earth, 3. gal-zu esz-bar #tr.en: learned in decision, 4. nig2-gi-e bar tam-e #tr.en: who chooses the right, 5. lugal e2-babbar-ra #tr.en: the king of the Ebabbar temple, 6. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master, 7. {d}suen-i-din-na-am #tr.en: Sin-iddinam, 8. sipa nig2-nam du8-du8 #tr.en: the shepherd who provides everything in abundance 9. nibru{ki} #tr.en: for Nippur, 10. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: the provider of Ur, 11. lugal larsa{ki}-ma #tr.en: king of Larsa, 12. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, 13. e2-babbar #tr.en: the Ebabbar, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P272838) | 2220178 |
&P272838 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. {d}utu 2. en di-ku5 an-ki 3. gal-zu esz-bar 4. nig2-gi-e bar tam-e 5. lugal e2-babbar-ra 6. lugal-a-ni-ir 7. {d}suen-i-din-na-am 8. sipa nig2-nam du8-du8 9. nibru{ki} 10. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma 11. lugal larsa{ki}-ma 12. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 13. e2-babbar |
RIME composite (P448370) | 2220179 |
&P448370 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. u4 {d}utu esz3 e2-babbar-ra #tr.en: When Utu the shrine Ebabbar's 2. nam#-bi mu-un-tar-ra-a #tr.en: fate did determine, 3. me# gesz-hur szu [du7-du7-de3] #tr.en: to perfect the divine attributes and plans 4. [...] x x x [...] #tr.en: ..., 5. [ki]-tusz-bi dagal#-[e-de3] #tr.en: to enlarge its residence, 6. gal#-le-esz KA# [...] #tr.en: and greatly to .... 7. x-asz mu-un#-[du11-ga] #tr.en: ... he having spoken(?), 8. u4#-ba {d}suen-i-din#-[na-am] #tr.en: then it was towards me, Sin-iddinam, 9. nita kal-[ga] #tr.en: the mighty man, 10. u2-a uri5{ki}-[ma] #tr.en: the provider of Ur, 11. lugal larsa{ki}-[ma] #tr.en: the king of Larsa 12. lugal ki-en-gi# ki-uri-me#-[en] #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, 13. szul {d}utu kur kilib3-ba-ni-[ta] #tr.en: that youthful Utu, out of all the lands, 14. igi zi mu-szi-in#-[bar] #tr.en: did direct his steadfast eye. 15. nam-sipa larsa{ki}-ma#-[sze3] #tr.en: To the shepherdship of Larsa 16. hu-mu-un-il2-[le-en] #tr.en: he raised me up, 17. erin2 ma-da lu-a-bi #tr.en: its troops of numerous areas 18. inim-mu-sze3 he2-em-mi-in#-[tusz] #tr.en: at my command he made dwell, 19. a2 ag2-ga2 gal-gal-la#-[bi] #tr.en: and all the great orders for them 20. szu-mu-sze3 he2-em-mi-in#-[si] #tr.en: he put fully into my hands. 21. ki-tusz sza3 du10-ga-na #tr.en: His residence which gladdens his heart 22. szu dagal di-de# #tr.en: to enlarge widely, 23. nam ni2-tuku-mu-sze3 #tr.en: in view of my reverence, 24. a2#-bi hu-mu#-da-an-ag2 #tr.en: regarding it he gave me orders. 25. u4#-bi-a {d}utu lugal-mu-ur2 #tr.en: At that time, Utu my master, 26. inim sa6-sa6-ge-mu-ta #tr.en: through my pleasing words (of prayer) 27. iri{ki}-ga2 i-{d}utu #tr.en: (any cause for) complaint from my city 28. he2-eb2-ta-zi #tr.en: he removed. 29. ugnim larsa{ki}-ma #tr.en: The army of Larsa 30. asz-bi um-mi-tusz #tr.en: I having made dwell together as one, 31. a2 sza3-gal i3-szesz4 #tr.en: wages, food, ointment, 32. sza3 du10-ga-bi-de3 #tr.en: (enough) to please the heart, 33. lu2 kin ak-bi-sze3 #tr.en: to the men doing that work 34. ha-ba-szum2-szum2 #tr.en: I did give. 35. sza3 mu asz-ka #tr.en: During a single year 36. szeg12 al-ur5-ra-bi #tr.en: the baked bricks for it 37. he2-bi2-du8 #tr.en: I baked there, |
RIME composite (P448373) | 2220180 |
&P448373 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}utu #tr.en: For Utu, 2. en nig2-gi #tr.en: the lord of truth, 3. sag-kal an-ki #tr.en: foremost one of heaven and earth, 4. diri {d}a-nun-ke4-ne #tr.en: surpassing (all) the Anuna gods, 5. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master, 6. {d}suen-i-din-na-am #tr.en: Sin-iddinam, 7. nita kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty man, 8. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: provider of Ur, 9. lugal larsa{ki}-ma #tr.en: king of Larsa 10. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431653) | 2220181 |
&P431653 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}utu 2. en nig2-gi 3. sag-kal an-ki 4. diri {d}a-nun-ke4-ne 5. lugal-a-ni-ir 6. {d}suen-i-din-na-am 7. nita kal-ga 8. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma 9. lugal larsa{ki}-ma 10. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri |
RIME 4.02.10.add02 composite (P448371) | 2220182 |
ATF: Parsing failed on line 39 near character 1
an-na-tak4-tak4 only appears a few times in words list
&P448371 = RIME 4.02.10.add02 composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}utu #tr.en: For Utu, 2. en pirig [gal] #tr.en: the lord, the big lion, 3. {gesz}si-gar an-na-[tak4-(tak4)] #tr.en: who opens the bolt of heaven, 4. di-ku5 sig igi-nim-ma #tr.en: judge of the upper and lower lands, 5. lugal e2-babbar2-ra #tr.en: king of the Ebabbar, 6. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master, 7. {d}suen-i-ri-ba-am #tr.en: Sin-iribam, 8. nita kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty man, 9. dumu ga-esz{ki}-ra-bi #tr.en: son of Ga'eš-rabi, 10. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: provider of Ur, 11. lugal larsa{ki}-ma #tr.en: king of Larsa 12. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, 13. e2-babbar2 #tr.en: the Ebabbar temple, |
RIME 4.02.10.add02, ex. 01 (P253796) | 2220183 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 26: {gesz}si-gar an-na-[tak4-(
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 38: [{gesz}si]-gar an#-[na]-ke3# tak4#?-[(
an-na-ke3 only appears a few times in words list
giri17-zal-la-ni only appears a few times in words list
da-ri-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
zi-da!-ni-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P253796 = RIME 4.02.10.add02, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cylinder @surface a @column 1 1. {[d]}utu 2. [en] pirig# [gal?] 3. [{gesz}si]-gar an#-[na]-ke3# tak4#?-[(tak4)] 4. [di]-ku5 sig igi-nim#-[ma] 5. lugal e2-babbar2-ra 6. lugal-a-ni-ir# 7. {d}suen-i-ri-ba-am 8. nita kal-ga 9. dumu# ga-esz{ki}-ra-bi 10. [u2]-a uri5{ki}-ma# 11. [lugal] larsa{ki#}-ma# 12. lugal# ki-en-gi# ki-uri#-ke4# @column 2 1. e2-babbar2 |
RIME 4.02.10.add02, ex. 03 (P225324) | 2220184 |
da-ri2-ka-ni only appears a few times in words list
HUR only appears a few times in words list
HUR only appears a few times in signs list
&P225324 = RIME 4.02.10.add02, ex. 03 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 $ column missing @column 2 1. [e2]-babbar2# |
RIME composite (P448383) | 2220185 |
&P448383 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}nin-gesz-zi-da #tr.en: For the god Ningišzida, 2. szagina uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: governor-general of Ur, 3. {d}suen-i-qi2-sza-am #tr.en: Sin-iqišam, 4. nita kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty man, 5. dumu {d}suen-i-ri-ba-am #tr.en: son of Sin-iribam, 6. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: the provider of Ur, 7. lugal larsa2{ki}-ma #tr.en: king of Larsa, 8. [e2]-nig2-gi-na #tr.en: the House of Law, 9. [e2] ki-tusz #tr.en: the temple and residence |
RIME, ex. 01 (P225713) | 2220186 |
&P225713 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}nin-gesz-zi-da 2. szagina uri5{ki}-ma 3. {d}suen-i-qi2-sza-am 4. nita kal-ga 5. dumu {d}suen-i-ri-ba-am 6. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma 7. lugal larsa2{ki}-ma 8. [e2]-nig2-gi-na 9. [e2] ki-tusz |
RIME composite (P448388) | 2220187 |
&P448388 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}nin-gal #tr.en: For Ningal, 2. nin mah-di #tr.en: the illustrious lady, 3. me kilib3-ba sag il2 #tr.en: who lifts her head in all divine powers, 4. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his mistress, 5. ARAD2-{d}suen #tr.en: Warad-Sin, 6. u2-a nibru{ki} #tr.en: provider of Nippur, 7. ensi2 uri5{ki} #tr.en: governor of Ur, 8. larsa{ki} #tr.en: Larsa, 9. lagasz{ki} #tr.en: Lagaš, 10. u3 ma-da ku-ta-al-la{ki}-ke4 #tr.en: and the land of Kutalla, 11. u4 {d}nin-gal #tr.en: when Ningal 12. szu12-da-a-ne2 #tr.en: owing to his prayers 13. in-de3-gub-a #tr.en: stood(?) with him, 14. e2-i7-lu2-ru-gu2-kalam-ma #tr.en: the Temple Ordeal River of the Country, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431670) | 2220188 |
&P431670 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone # reconstruction @surface a 1. {d}nin-gal 2. nin mah di 3. me kilib3-ba sag il2 4. nin-a-ni-ir 5. ARAD2-{d}suen 6. u2-a nibru{ki} 7. ensi2 uri5{ki} 8. larsa{ki} 9. lagasz{ki} 10. u3 ma-da ku-ta-al-la{ki}-ke4 11. [u4 {d}nin-gal] 12. [szu12-da-a-ne2] 13. [in-de3-gub-a] 14. e2-i7-lu2-ru-gu2-kalam-ma |
RIME composite (P448389) | 2220189 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 18: [ku-ta-al-la{ki}-(
&P448389 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. [{d}nin]-isin2{si}-na #tr.en: For Nininsina, 2. [dumu]-sag an-na #tr.en: first-born child of An, 3. [e2-gi4]-a e2-kur-ra #tr.en: daughter-in-law of the Ekur temple, 4. [nin-a]-ni-ir #tr.en: his mistress, 5. [ARAD2-{d}]suen #tr.en: Warad-Sin, 6. [u2-a] nibru{ki} #tr.en: the provider of Nippur, 7. ensi2 #tr.en: ruler 8. [uri2]{ki} #tr.en: of Ur, 9. [larsa]{ki} #tr.en: Larsa, 10. [lagasz]{ki} #tr.en: Lagaš, 11. [u3 ma]-da #tr.en: and the land 12. [ku-ta-al-la{ki}-(a)]-ke4 #tr.en: of Kutalla, 13. [u4 {d}nin-isin2]{si}-na #tr.en: when Nininsina 14. [szu12-da-a]-ne2 #tr.en: at his prayers 15. [in-de3-gub]-a #tr.en: stood with him, 16. [e2-gal]-mah #tr.en: the Egalmah temple, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P225723) | 2220190 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 18: [ku-ta-al-la{ki}-(
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 26: [u4 {d}nin-isin2]{si#}-na*
&P225723 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. [{d}nin]-isin2#{si}-na 2. [dumu]-sag# an-na 3. [e2-gi4]-a# e2-kur-ra 4. [nin-a]-ni-ir 5. [ARAD2-{d}]suen 6. [u2-a] nibru#{ki} 7. ensi2# 8. [uri2]{ki} 9. [larsa]{ki} 10. [lagasz]{ki} 11. [u3 ma]-da 12. [ku-ta-al-la{ki}-(a)]-ke4 13. [u4 {d}nin-isin2]{si#}-na* 14. [szu12-da-a]-ne2 15. [in-de3-gub]-a 16. [e2-gal]-mah |
RIME composite (P448397) | 2220191 |
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
&P448397 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}nanna #tr.en: For Nanna, 2. en an ku3-ge dalla e3 #tr.en: the lord who shines splendidly against the holy sky, 3. dumu-sag {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: first-born son of Enlil, 4. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master, 5. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk #tr.en: I, Kudur-mabuk, 6. ad-da kur mar-du2 #tr.en: father of the Amorite land, 7. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak #tr.en: son of Simtu-šilḫak, 8. igi-du8 {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: the seer of Enlil, 9. {d}nin-lil2-da sze-ga-am3 #tr.en: who is agreeable to Ninlil, 10. e2-babbar-da ni2-tuku #tr.en: who has fear of the Ebabbar, 11. u2-a e2-kur-ra #tr.en: provider of the Ekur, 12. sag-us2 e2-kisz-nu-gal2 #tr.en: constant supporter of the Ekišnugal, 13. lu2 sza3 nibru{ki} du10-du10-me-en #tr.en: the man who makes pleasant the heart of Nippur, 14. u4 {d}nanna a-ra-zu-mu #tr.en: when Nanna to my supplications 15. mu-szi-in-sze-ga-am3 #tr.en: was agreeable, 16. hul-gal2-e-ne sag e2-babbar-ra #tr.en: the evildoers who ... in the Ebabbar 17. bi2-in-sal-esz-a #tr.en: did ... 18. szu-mu-sze3 bi2-in-si-a #tr.en: when into my hands he put them, 19. masz-gan2-szabra{ki} #tr.en: Maškam-šapir 20. kar-ra-{d}utu{ki}-ke4 #tr.en: and Kar(a)-Šamaš 21. larsa{ki}-sze3 he2-em-mi-gi4 #tr.en: he (Nanna) returned to Larsa. 22. {d}nanna lugal-mu #tr.en: 'Nanna my master, 23. za-e-me-en ba-e-ak #tr.en: it is you who have done it; 24. ga2-e a-na-mu-me-en #tr.en: I myself, what am I by myself?' 25. nam-bi-sze3 #tr.en: Because of this, 26. {d}nanna lugal-mu #tr.en: while to Nanna my master 27. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-ga2 #tr.en: I was making beautiful words (or prayer), 28. ga2-nun-mah #tr.en: the Ganunmah, 29. e2 ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 #tr.en: the house of silver and gold, 30. uri3 erim3 dugud #tr.en: the sanctuary of the heavy treasures 31. {d}suen-na-ka #tr.en: of Sin, 32. u4 ul-li2-a-ta #tr.en: since in ancient times 33. ba-du3-a-ba ba-sumun #tr.en: it had been built but now had grown old, 34. nam-ti-mu-sze3 #tr.en: for my life 35. u3 nam-ti #tr.en: and the life 36. ARAD-{d}suen dumu-mu #tr.en: of Warad-Sin my son, 37. lugal larsa{ki}-ma-sze3 #tr.en: the king of Lagaš, 38. mu-na-du3 #tr.en: I built it 39. ki-bi-sze3 he2-em-mi-gi4 #tr.en: and did indeed restore it. 40. nig2 ak-mu-sze3 #tr.en: At my deeds 41. {d}nanna lugal-mu #tr.en: may Nanna my master 42. ha-ma-hul2-e #tr.en: rejoice over me, 43. nam-tar nam-ti-la #tr.en: and a fate of (long) life, 44. bala du10-ga #tr.en: a good reign, 45. {gesz}gu-za suhusz gi-na #tr.en: and a throne with a secure foundation 46. sag-e-esz #tr.en: as a gift 47. ha-ma-ab-rig7-ge #tr.en: may he grant me. |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431673) | 2220192 |
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
&P431673 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. {d}nanna 2. en an ku3-ge dalla e3 3. dumu-sag {d}en-lil2-la2 4. lugal-a-ni-ir 5. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk 6. ad-da kur mar-du2 7. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak 8. igi-du8 {d}en-lil2-la2 9. {d}nin-lil2-da sze-ga-am3 10. e2-babbar-da ni2-tuku 11. u2-a e2-kur-ra 12. sag-us2 e2-kisz-nu-gal2 13. lu2 sza3 nibru{ki} du10-du10-me-en 14. u4 {d}nanna a-ra-zu-mu 15. mu-szi-in-sze-ga-am3 16. hul-gal2-e-ne sag e2-babbar-ra 17. bi2-in-sal-esz-a 18. szu-mu-sze3 bi2-in-si-a 19. masz-gan2-szabra{ki} 20. kar-ra-{d}utu{ki}-ke4 21. larsa{ki}-sze3 he2-em-mi-gi4 22. {d}nanna lugal-mu 23. za-e-me-en ba-e-ak 24. ga2-e a-na-mu-me-en 25. nam-bi-sze3 @column 2 1. {d}nanna lugal-mu 2. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-ga2 3. ga2-nun-mah 4. e2 ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 5. uri3 erim3 dugud 6. {d}suen-na-ka 7. u4 ul-li2-a-ta 8. ba-du3-a-ba ba-sumun 9. nam-ti-mu-sze3 10. u3 nam-ti 11. ARAD-{d}suen dumu-mu 12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma-sze3 13. mu-na-du3 14. ki-bi-sze3 he2-em-mi-gi4 15. nig2 ak-mu-sze3 16. {d}nanna lugal-mu 17. ha-ma-hul2-e 18. nam-tar nam-ti-la 19. bala du10-ga 20. {gesz}gu-za suhusz gi-na 21. sag-e-esz 22. ha-ma-ab-rig7-ge |
RIME, ex. 45 (P431698) | 2220193 |
&P431698 = RIME, ex. 45 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 $ beginning broken 1'. [szu-mu]-sze3# bi2#-[in-si-a] 2'. [masz]-gan2#-szabra#[{ki}] 3'. [kar-ra]-{d}utu{ki}-ke4# 4'. [larsa]{ki#}-sze3# he2#-em-mi#-gi4# 5'. [{d}]nanna# lugal-mu 6'. [za-e]-me#-en ba-e-ak 7'. ga2#-e a-na-mu-me-en 8'. [nam]-bi#-sze3# @column 2 1. [{d}nanna] lugal#-mu# 2. [inim sa6]-sa6#-ge#-da-ga2# 3. [ga2]-nun#-mah# 4. [e2 ku3]-babbar# ku3#-sig17# 5. uri3# erim3# dugud 6. [{d}suen]-na#-ka 7. [u4 ul-li2]-a#-ta# 8. [ba-du3-a-ba] ba#-sumun# 9. [nam-ti]-mu#-sze3 10. [u3] nam#-ti 11. [ARAD2-{d}]suen# dumu-mu# 12. [lugal] larsa#{ki#}-ma#-sze3# 13. mu#-na#-du3 14. [ki-bi]-sze3# he2#-em-mi-gi4 15. [nig2] ak-mu-sze3 16. [{d}]nanna# lugal-mu 17. ha#-ma#-hul2-e 18. nam#-tar# nam-ti-la 19. bala# du10#-ga# 20. {gesz#}gu#-za suhusz gi-na 21. sag#-e-esz 22. ha-ma-ab-rig7-ge |
RIME 4.02.13.x1001, ex. 01-02 (P225703) | 2220194 |
ag2-x does not appear in words list
ki-tesz only appears a few times in words list
tesz only appears a few times in signs list
&P225703 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a $ 9 lines broken 10. ku?-ta#?-[al-la{ki}-ke4] 11. e2 {kusz}suhub-bi# x [...] 12. gesz a x x [...] 13. esz3 uri5#[{ki} ...] 14. iri ki [ag2-x x] 15. kalam [...-sze3] 16. ki-[tesz sa3 du10-ga-na] 17. nam#-[ti-mu-sze3] 18. u3#? [nam-ti] $ rest broken @surface b @column 1 1. [{d}...] 2. [...] 3. [lugal-a-ni-ir] 4. [ARAD2-{d}suen] 5. [u2-a nibru{ki}] 6. [ensi2 uri2{ki}] 7. [larsa{ki}] 8. [lagasz{ki}] 9. [u3 ma-da] 10. [ku?-ta?-al-la{ki}]-ke4# 11. [e2 {kusz}suhub-bi x ...] 12. [gesz a x x ...] 13. [esz3 uri5{ki} x] x |
RIME 4.02.13.x1003 composite (P448400) | 2220195 |
a-a-ni-ta only appears a few times in words list
&P448400 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {[d]}nin-mah #tr.en: For Ninmah, 2. [e2]-gi4-a uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: daughter-in-law of Ur, 3. x du11-ga a-a-ni-ta #tr.en: ... through her father, 4. dalla e2-nun-na #tr.en: bright(?) one of the Enun (or: agrun-cella) 5. me-te unu7 gal #tr.en: ornament of the great sanctuary, 6. gesz-hur-bi sikil-la #tr.en: whose divine plan is pure, 7. gidlamx(|SAL.USZ.DI.DAM|) ku3 nin szar-ra za3-dib #tr.en: sacred spouse, surpassing all ladies, 8. sag-en3-tar #tr.en: who cares for 9. x dingir-dingir-re-e-ne #tr.en: the ... of all the gods, 10. nidba gal szum2-ma #tr.en: given large food offerings, 11. nam-nun-na diri-ga #tr.en: surpassing in princeliness, 12. me gal-gal-la tum2#-ma #tr.en: fit for many great divine powers, |
RIME 4.02.13.x1003, ex. 01 (P225592) | 2220196 |
du11-ga-a-a-ni-ta only appears a few times in words list
unu7-gal only appears a few times in words list
&P225592 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. {[d]}nin#-mah 2. [e2]-gi4#-a uri5{ki}-ma 3. x du11-ga-a-a-ni-ta 4. dalla e2-nun-na 5. me-te unu7-gal 6. gesz-hur-bi sikil-la 7. gidlamx(|SAL.USZ.DI.DAM|) ku3 nin szar-ra za3-dib 8. sag-en3-tar 9. x dingir-dingir-re-e-ne @reverse 1. nidba gal szum2-ma 2. nam-nun-na diri-ga 3. me gal-gal-la tum2#-ma |
RIME composite (P448403) | 2220197 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 4: dur*
{m}ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk does not appear in words list
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
{m}ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk does not appear in words list
szu-il2-la2 only appears a few times in words list
za3-za3-bi only appears a few times in words list
numun-x-... only appears a few times in words list
&P448403 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}nanna en gal #tr.en: For Nanna the great lord, 2. u4 an ku3-ge si #tr.en: light that fills holy heaven, 3. men nun-na sag il2 #tr.en: who holds high the head with the princely crown, 4. dingir zi u4 ge6-bi he2-he2 #tr.en: steadfast god who mixes day and night, 5. iti ge-en-ge-en #tr.en: who verifies the months, 6. mu silim-ma #tr.en: who makes whole the years, 7. sza3 e2-kur-ra-ke4 sun5-na #tr.en: who within the Ekur humbly 8. esz-bar zi szu ti #tr.en: receives trustworthy divine decisions 9. ki a-a-ugu-na-ke4 #tr.en: at the place of the father who begot him, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P225587) | 2220198 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 4: dur*
{m}ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk does not appear in words list
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
NUN only appears a few times in words list
{m}ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk does not appear in words list
mu-u2-numun-x-... only appears a few times in words list
e2-babbar-du only appears a few times in words list
&P225587 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 1. {d}nanna en gal 2. u4 an ku3-ge si 3. men nun-na sag il2 4. dingir zi u4 ge6-bi he2-he2 5. iti ge-en-ge-en 6. mu silim-ma 7. sza3 e2-kur-ra-ke4 sun5-na 8. esz-bar zi szu ti 9. ki a-a-ugu-na-ke4 |
RIME composite (P448404) | 2220199 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 8 col 7: #tr.en:come forth from the holy heavens,
mu-un-ni-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
tar-re-da only appears a few times in words list
&P448404 = RIME compoite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {[d]}nanna #tr.en: For Nanna, 2. [an ku3]-ta pa e3-a #tr.en:come forth from the holy heavens, 3. men x-x-sze3 tum2-ma #tr.en: worthy of the ... crown, 4. szul hi-li #tr.en: appealing youth 5. zi-sza3-gal2 tu #tr.en: who begets divine inspiration, 6. mu-ni a-re-esz kal #tr.en: whose name is praiseworthy and precious, 7. ibila sza3 zi-ta e3-a #tr.en: heir come out of a fine womb, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P225589) | 2220200 |
mu-un-ne2-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
ib2-szi-re-a only appears a few times in words list
nam-tar-re-da only appears a few times in words list
&P225589 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 1. {[d]}nanna# 2. [an ku3]-ta# pa e3-a# 3. men# x-x-sze3# tum2-ma 4. szul hi-li 5. zi#-sza3*-gal2 tu 6. mu-ni a-re-esz kal 7. ibila# sza3 zi-ta e3-a |
RIME composite (P448410) | 2220201 |
egir-a-ne2 only appears a few times in words list
&P448410 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. ARAD2-{d}suen #tr.en: I, Warad-Sîn, 2. nita kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty man, 3. sipa nig2-gi mu2-[mu2] #tr.en: shepherd who makes justice blossom, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431745) | 2220202 |
&P431745 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone # conflatd text @surface a 1. ARAD2#-{d}suen# 2. nita# kal-ga# 3. sipa nig2-gi mu2#-[mu2] |
RIME composite (P448412) | 2220203 |
ak-ak-de3 does not appear in words list
sikil-be2 only appears a few times in words list
ma-da-be2-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
PAD-KU-PAD-de3 only appears a few times in words list
&P448412 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. u4 an {d}en-lil2-bi #tr.en: When An and Enlil 2. nun da-ri2 a-a dingir-re-e-ne #tr.en: the eternal princes, the fathers of the gods, 3. nam tar-tar-re-me-esz #tr.en: they who decide the fates, 4. {d}nanna dumu zi-le #tr.en: to Nanna, the good son, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431750) | 2220204 |
ak-ak-de3 does not appear in words list
ma-da-be2-ke4-ne only appears a few times in words list
DA-GABA only appears a few times in words list
SZUKU-KU-SZUKU-de3 only appears a few times in words list
gu-lu-x-de3 only appears a few times in words list
&P431750 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object barrel @surface a 1. u4 an {d}en-lil2-bi 2. nun da-ri2 a-a dingir-re-e-ne 3. nam tar-tar-re-me-esz 4. {d}nanna dumu zi-le |
RIME composite (P448414) | 2220205 |
{d}utu-be2 only appears a few times in words list
&P448414 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. {d}nergal #tr.en: For Nergal, 2. en ir9 kur a2-gal2 #tr.en: mighty lord of the netherworld, strong one, 3. dumu-sag {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: first-born son of Enlil, 4. lugal-mu-ur2 #tr.en: my master, 5. ARAD2-{d}suen #tr.en: I, Warad-Sîn, 6. sag-en3-tar e2-babbar-ra #tr.en: who takes care of the Ebabbar temple, 7. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: provier of Ur, 8. {d}en-lil2-le gar-ra #tr.en: put in place by Enlil, |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431762) | 2220206 |
gar!(BUR)-ra only appears a few times in words list
gar!(BUR) only appears a few times in signs list
&P431762 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. {d}nergal# 2. en ir9 kur a2-gal2 3. dumu-sag {d}en-lil2-la2 4. lugal-mu-ur2 5. ARAD2-{d}suen 6. sag-en3-tar e2-babbar-ra 7. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma 8. {d}en-lil2-le gar!(BUR)-ra |
RIME, ex. 03 (P431763) | 2220207 |
ha-ma-ab-rig7-ga only appears a few times in words list
&P431763 = RIME, ex. 03 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. [{d}]nergal# 2. [en ARAD2 kur] a2#-gal2 3. [dumu-sag {d}]en#-lil2-la2 4. lugal#-mu-ur2 5. [ARAD2]-{d#}suen 6. sag#-en3#-tar kur e2-babbar-ra 7. [u2-a] uri5{ki}-ma 8. [{d}]en#-lil2 gar-ra |
RIME composite (P448426) | 2220208 |
&P448426 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}inanna nin gu2-sag #tr.en: For Inanna, the mistress of everything, 2. me kilib3-ba du10 gal2 #tr.en: who makes good(?) all the divine powers, 3. a2-ag2-ga2 kalam szu dab5-be2 #tr.en: who holds in her hands the (divine) instructions of the nation, 4. dumu gal {d}suen-na #tr.en: the great daughter of Sīn, 5. nin-a-ne-ne-er #tr.en: their mistress, 6. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk #tr.en: Kudur-mabuk, 7. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la #tr.en: the father of Emutbala 8. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak #tr.en: and son of Simti-šilḫak, 9. u3 ri-im-{d}suen dumu-ni #tr.en: and Rīm-Sîn his son, 10. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki} #tr.en: the prince who reveres Nippur, 11. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: provider of Ur, 12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma #tr.en: king of Larsa 13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad - 14. e2-me-ur4-ur4 #tr.en: the Temple That Gathers the Divine Powers, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431778) | 2220209 |
&P431778 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object canephor @surface a 1. {d}inanna nin gu2-sag 2. me kilib3-ba du10 gal2 3. a2-ag2-ga2 kalam szu dab5-be2 4. dumu gal {d}suen-na 5. nin-a-ne-ne-er 6. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk 7. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la 8. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak 9. u3 ri-im-{d}suen dumu-ni 10. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki} 11. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma 12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma 13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 14. e2-me-ur4-ur4 |
RIME, ex. 02 (P371189) | 2220210 |
&P371189 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @object canephor @surface a @column 1 1. {d}inanna nin gu2#-sag 2. me kilib3-ba [du10] gal2 3. a2-ag2-ga2 kalam szu dab5-be2 4. dumu gal {d}suen-na 5. nin#-a-ne-ne-er 6. [ku]-du#-ur-ma-bu-uk 7. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la 8. dumu si-im-ti-szi#-il#-ha-ak 9. u3 ri-im-{d}suen dumu-ni 10. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki} 11. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma 12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma 13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 14. e2-me-ur4-ur4 |
RIME composite (P448427) | 2220211 |
e2-sza3-hul2-la only appears a few times in words list
&P448427 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}na-na-a #tr.en: For Nanaia, 2. nin hi-li sze-er-ka-an di #tr.en: lady adorned with allure, 3. nam-sa6-ga-ni gal diri #tr.en: whose beauty is surpassingly great, 4. dumu zi-le an gal-la #tr.en: the good daughter of great An, 5. nin-a-ne-ne-er #tr.en: their mistress - 6. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk #tr.en: Kudur-mabuk, 7. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la #tr.en: father of Emutbala 8. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak #tr.en: and son of Simti-šilḫak, 9. u3 ri-im-{d}suen dumu-ni #tr.en: also Rīm-Sîn his son, 10. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki} #tr.en: the prince who reveres Nippur, 11. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: provider of Ur, 12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma #tr.en: king of Larsa 13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, 14. e2-sza3-hul2-la #tr.en: the Temple That Gladdens the Heart, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P371188) | 2220212 |
&P371188 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object canephor @surface a @column 1 1. {d}na-na-a 2. nin hi-li sze-er-ka-an di 3. nam-sa6-ga-ni gal diri 4. dumu zi-le an gal-la 5. nin-a-ne-ne-er 6. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk 7. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la 8. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak 9. u3 ri-im-{d}suen dumu-ni 10. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki} 11. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma 12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma 13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 14. e2 sza3 hul2-la |
RIME, ex. 02 (P386352) | 2220213 |
mu-ni-in-il2-i-isz only appears a few times in words list
&P386352 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. {d}na-na-a 2. nin hi-li sze-er-ka-an di 3. nam-sa6-ga-ni gal diri 4. dumu zi-le an gal-la 5. nin-a-ne-ne-er 6. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk 7. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la 8. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak 9. u3 ri-im-{d}suen dumu-ni 10. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki} 11. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma 12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma 13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 14. e2 sza3 hul2-la @reverse |
RIME, ex. 04 (P368694) | 2220214 |
&P368694 = RIME, ex. 04 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. {d}na-na-a 2. nin hi-li sze-er-ka-an di 3. nam-sa6-ga-ni gal diri 4. dumu zi-le an gal-la 5. nin-a-ne-ne-er 6. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk 7. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la 8. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak 9. u3 ri-im-{d}suen dumu-ni 10. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki} 11. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma 12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma 13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 14. e2 sza3 hul2-la @reverse |
RIME composite (P448428) | 2220215 |
he2-ni-in-sza2-szar2 only appears a few times in words list
&P448428 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}dumu-zi #tr.en: For Dumuzi, 2. en siskur2 #tr.en: lord of offerings, |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431790) | 2220216 |
he2-ni-in-sza2-szar2 only appears a few times in words list
&P431790 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}dumu-zi 2. en siskur2 |
RIME composite (P448430) | 2220217 |
&P448430 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}en-ki #tr.en: For Enki, 2. en nam gal tar-tar-re #tr.en: the lord who determines the great destinies, 3. a2 kilib3-ba ag2-e #tr.en: who issues all the instructions, 4. gal-zu en sa2-gar #tr.en: the all-knowing one, lord, counselor 5. dingir gal-gal-e-ne-er #tr.en: of the great gods, 6. umusz galga szum2-mu #tr.en: who provides good counsel and understanding, 7. nun gal du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me-dam #tr.en: great prince whose pronouncements cannot be altered, 8. inim-ma-ni u18-ru #tr.en: whose word is powerful, 9. he2-gal2 szar2-re #tr.en: who multiplies abundance, 10. ug3-a asilax(|EZEMxX|) si-si #tr.en: who fills the people with joy 11. zi-gal2-la-asz ha-la szum2-mu #tr.en: and apportions the shares to living beings, 12. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master - 13. ri-im-{d}suen #tr.en: Rīm-Sîn, 14. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki} #tr.en: the prince who reveres Nippur, 15. u2-a uri2{ki}-ma #tr.en: provider of Ur, 16. sag-en3-tar #tr.en: who cares for 17. gir2-su{ki} ki-lagasz{ki}-a #tr.en: Girsu and the whole area of Lagaš, 18. me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7 #tr.en: who makes perfect the divine powers and plans of Eridu, 19. e2-babbar-da ni2-te-ge26 #tr.en: who shows fear of the Ebabbar, 20. lugal larsa{ki}-ma #tr.en: king of Larsa 21. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, 22. lu2 e2 dingir-re-e-ne szu gibil bi2-in-ak #tr.en: the man who renovated the temples of the gods, 23. gesz-hur szu-luh gal-bi szu im-mi-in-du7-a #tr.en: who, having correctly performed their great divine plans and lustration rites, 24. nam-szita a-ra-zu-e u4-szu2-usz-e gub-ba #tr.en: daily stands serving at the šita and arazu prayers - 25. e2-gesztu2-szu-du7 #tr.en: the Temple Which Perfects Understanding, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431793) | 2220218 |
&P431793 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object canephor @surface a 1. {d}en-ki 2. en nam gal tar-tar-re 3. a2 kilib3-ba ag2-e 4. gal-zu en sa2-gar 5. dingir gal-gal-e-ne-er 6. umusz galga szum2-mu 7. nun gal du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me-dam 8. inim-ma-ni u18-ru 9. he2-gal2 szar2-re 10. ug3-a asilax(|EZEMxX|) si-si 11. zi-gal2-la-asz ha-la szum2-mu 12. lugal-a-ni-ir 13. ri-im-{d}suen 14. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki} 15. u2-a uri2{ki}-ma 16. sag-en3-tar 17. gir2-su{ki} ki-lagasz{ki}-a 18. me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7 19. e2-babbar-da ni2-te-ge26 20. lugal larsa{ki}-ma 21. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri 22. lu2 e2 dingir-re-e-ne szu gibil bi2-in-ak 23. gesz-hur szu-luh gal-bi szu im-mi-in-du7-a 24. nam-szita a-ra-zu-e u4-szu2-usz-e gub-ba 25. e2-gesztu2-szu-du7 |
RIME, ex. 02 (P431794) | 2220219 |
&P431794 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. {d}en-ki 2. en nam gal tar-tar-re 3. a2 kilib3-ba ag2-e 4. gal-zu en sa2-gar 5. dingir gal-gal-e-ne-er 6. umusz galga szum2-mu 7. nun gal du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me-dam 8. inim-ma-ni u18-ru 9. he2-gal2 szar2-re 10. ug3-a asilax(|EZEMxX|) si-si 11. zi-gal2-la-asz ha-la szum2-mu 12. lugal-a-ni-ir 13. ri-im-{d}suen 14. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki} 15. u2-a uri2{ki}-ma 16. sag-en3-tar @reverse 1. gir2-su{ki} ki-lagasz{ki}-a 2. me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7 3. e2-babbar-da ni2-te-ge26 4. lugal larsa{ki}-ma 5. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri 6. lu2 e2 dingir-re-e-ne szu gibil bi2-in-ak 7. gesz-hur szu-luh gal-bi szu im-mi-in-du7-a 8. nam-szita a-ra-zu-e u4-szu2-usz-e gub-ba 9. e2-gesztu2-szu-du7 |
RIME composite (P448432) | 2220220 |
&P448432 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}nin-szubur #tr.en: For Ninšubur, 2. nin sukkal zi an-na #tr.en: the lady, the trusty messenger of An, 3. me ku3-ga szu du7 #tr.en: who perfects the holy divine powers, 4. sag il2 igi-sze3 du dingir-re-e-ne #tr.en: the one who proudly goes at the fore of the gods, 5. a2-ag2-ga2 szum2-mu gal-zu #tr.en: who gives the instructions, all-knowing, 6. sza3 kusz2 sza3 du10-du10 {d}inanna #tr.en: who counsels and pleases the heart of Inanna, |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431799) | 2220221 |
&P431799 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. {d}nin-szubur 2. nin sukkal zi an-na 3. me ku3-ga szu# du7 4. sag il2 igi#-[sze3] du dingir-re#-e-ne 5. a2-ag2-ga2 szum2-mu gal-zu 6. sza3 kusz2 sza3 du10-du10 {d}inanna |
RIME composite (P448433) | 2220222 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 2: [(
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 2: [(
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 34: larsa{ki}-<<ma>>-sze3 mu-un-[ku4-(
&P448433 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. [{d}nin]-lil2 #tr.en: For Ninlil, 2. [...] me-lam2-ma sag il2 #tr.en: who ... lifts her head in a divine radiance, 3. [... gal]-le-esz gar-ra #tr.en: ... greatly established, 4. [...]-x-a #tr.en: ... 5. [...] tar-ra #tr.en: ... 6. [...]-ha #tr.en: ... 7. [nin-a-ni]-ir #tr.en: his mistress, 8. [ri-im-{d}]suen# #tr.en: Rīm-Sîn. 9. [nita] kal#-ga #tr.en: the mighty man, 10. [sipa inim sa6-sa6]-ge nibru{ki} #tr.en: the shepherd who makes words beautiful for Nippur 11. [u2-a uri2{ki}]-ma #tr.en: provider of Ur, 12. [me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7]-du7# #tr.en: who makes perfect the divine powers and plans of Eridu, 13. [sag-en3-tar gir2]-su#{ki} #tr.en: who tends to Girsu 14. [ki-lagasz{ki}-a-ke4] #tr.en: and the area of Lagaš 15. [lugal larsa{ki}-ma] #tr.en: king of Larsa 16. [lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4] #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad, 17. [u4 ugnim unu{ki}-ga] #tr.en: when the armies of Uruk, 18. [i3-si-in{ki} ka2-dingir-ra]{ki} #tr.en: Isin, Babylon, 19. [ra-pi2-qum]{ki} #tr.en: Rapiqum, 20. [su-ti-um]{ki}-bi# #tr.en: and Sutium 21. [{gesz}tukul in]-sag3-ga #tr.en: he struck with weapons, 22. [(me3-ba) ARAD]-ne#-ne #tr.en: and (in that battle) ARADnene, 23. [lugal unu{ki}]-ga# in-dab5*-ba #tr.en: the king of Uruk, he seized, 24. [(musz-gin7) sag-ga2]-na [giri3]-ni# in-us2-sa #tr.en: and (as with a snake) he laid his foot upon his head, 25. [iri didli ma]-da [unu]{ki}-ga #tr.en: and the various cities of the land of Uruk 26. [...] sza3 {d}en#-lil2#-le #tr.en: which ... Enlil 27. [mu-na]-an-szum2-ma-a #tr.en: had given to him, 28. [{gesz}tukul] kal#-ga {d}nin-urta #tr.en: by means of the mighty weapon of Ninurta, 29. a2 zi-da du-na-ta #tr.en: the one that goes at his right side, 30. geszkim sa6-ga {d}nanna-ta# #tr.en: by means of the favorable sign of Nanna, 31. nam-nir-gal2 {d}nergal# #tr.en: and by means of the authority of Nergal, 32. dingir# sag# du-ga#-[na-ta] #tr.en: the god who begot him, 33. {gesz}esi-da-bi# [x x x] #tr.en: its ebony ... 34. nam-ra-ak u3# [x x] #tr.en: booty and ... 35. larsa{ki}-<<ma>>-sze3 mu-un-[ku4-(ra)] #tr.en: he brought into Larsa. 36. {d}nin-lil2 nin-a-ne2 #tr.en: Ninlil, his mistress, 37. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-ne2 #tr.en: at his making words beautiful, 38. szu12#-da-a-ne2 gesz in-ni-in-tuku-am3 #tr.en: listened to his prayers 39. szu-il2-la-a-ni in-szi-in-sze-ga-am3 #tr.en: and was agreeable to his Raised Hand entreaties. 40. u4-ba e2-nin-bi-sze3-tum2 #tr.en: At that time, the Temple Worthy of its Lady, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431800) | 2220223 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 2: [(
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 2: [(
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 34: larsa{ki}-<<ma>>-sze3 mu-un-[ku4-(
{d}nin!-lil2 only appears a few times in words list
&P431800 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. [{d}nin]-lil2 2. [...] me-lam2-ma sag il2 3. [... gal]-le-esz gar-ra 4. [...]-x-a 5. [...] tar-ra 6. [...]-ha 7. [nin-a-ni]-ir 8. [ri-im-{d}]suen# 9. [nita] kal#-ga 10. [sipa inim sa6-sa6]-ge# nibru{ki} 11. [u2-a uri2{ki}]-ma 12. [me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7]-du7# 13. [sag-en3-tar gir2]-su#{ki} 14. [ki-lagasz{ki}-a-ke4] 15. [lugal larsa{ki}-ma] 16. [lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4] 17. [u4 ugnim unu{ki}-ga] 18. [i3-si-in]{ki#} 19. [ka2-dingir-ra]{ki} 20. [ra-pi2-qum]{ki} 21. [su-ti-um]{ki}-bi# 22. [{gesz}tukul in]-sag3-ga 23. [(me3-ba) ARAD]-ne#-ne 24. [lugal unu{ki}]-ga# in-dab5*-ba 25. [(musz-gin7) sag-ga2]-na [giri3]-ni# in-us2-sa 26. [iri didli ma]-da [unu]{ki}-ga 27. [...] sza3 {d}en#-lil2#-le 28. [mu-na]-an-szum2-ma-a 29. [{gesz}tukul] kal#-ga {d}nin-urta @column 2 29. a2 zi-da du-na-ta 30. geszkim sa6-ga {d}nanna-ta# 31. nam-nir-gal2 {d}nergal# 32. dingir# sag# du-ga#-[na-ta] 33. {gesz}esi-da-bi# [x x x] 34. nam-ra-ak u3# [x x] 35. larsa{ki}-<<ma>>-sze3 mu-un-[ku4-(ra)] 36. {d}nin#!-lil2 nin-a-ne2 37. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-ne2# 38. szu12#-da-a-ne2 gesz in-ni-in-tuku-am3 39. szu-il2-la-a-ni in-szi-in-sze-ga-am3 40. u4-ba e2-nin-bi-sze3-tum2 |
RIME composite (P448434) | 2220224 |
ki-an-a-na only appears a few times in words list
szu2-a-asz only appears a few times in words list
ra-pi5-qum{ki} only appears a few times in words list
su-ti-um{ki}-ma only appears a few times in words list
mu-sag3-ga only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-isin2{si}-in only appears a few times in words list
mu-si3-si3-ga only appears a few times in words list
nig2-GA only appears a few times in words list
sa6-sa6-ge4-da-mu-ne only appears a few times in words list
&P448434 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}nin-gesz-zi-da #tr.en: For Ningšzida, 2. ur-sag i-szi ni2 di sag-ki-bi sur2 hu-hu-ul #tr.en: hero with a radiance which inspires fear, whose brow destroys(?) in rage, 3. {gesz}gu-za-la2 ki-an-a-na szu2-a-asz na de5 eri11-gal-la #tr.en: chair-bearer who ... the ki’an, counselor of the netherworld, 4. dingir zi sag-en3-tar e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la me nun-na szu du7 #tr.en: steadfast god who cares for the Ekišnugal, who perfects the princely divine powers, 5. lugal-mu-ra #tr.en: my master, 6. {d}ri-im-{d}suen #tr.en: I, Rīm-Sîn, 7. nita kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty man, 8. sipa inim sa6-sa6-ge nibru{ki} #tr.en: the shepherd who makes words beautiful for Nippur, 9. me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga ku3-ku3-ge #tr.en: who makes holy the divine powers and plans of Eridu, 10. u2-a uri2{ki}-ma #tr.en: the provider of Ur, 11. sag-en3-tar gir2-su{ki} ki-lagasz{ki} #tr.en: who tends to Girsu and the whole area of Lagaš, 12. lu2 e2 dingir-re-e-ne szu gibil bi2-in-ak #tr.en: a man who renovated the temples of the gods, 13. lugal larsa{ki}-ma #tr.en: the king of Larsa 14. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-me-en #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad - 15. u4 ugnim unu{ki} #tr.en: when the armies of Uruk, 16. i3-si-in{ki} ka2-dingir-ra{ki} #tr.en: Isin, Babylon, 17. ra-pi5-qum{ki} su-ti-um{ki}-ma #tr.en: Rapiqum, and Sutium 18. {gesz}tukul mu-sag3-ga #tr.en: I struck with weapons, 19. me3-ba ARAD-ne-ne lugal unu{ki}-ga mu-dab5-ba #tr.en: and in that battle I captured ARADnene, the king of Uruk, 20. inim an lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ta #tr.en: through the word of An the king of the gods, 21. du11-ga mah {d}en-lil2 lugal-ga2-ta #tr.en: through the exalted utterance of Enlil my master, 22. {d}nin-lil2 nin-ga2-ta #tr.en: through Ninlil my mistress, 23. {d}nin-urta ur-sag kal-ga a2 zi-da du-ga2-ta #tr.en: through Ninurta the mighty hero, my one who goes at the right side, 24. {d}nuska2 sukkal-mah ad-da e2-gal-ga2-ta #tr.en: through Nuska the chief minister and father of my palace, 25. gesztu2 {d}en-ki-ke4 ma-an-szum2-ma-ta #tr.en: through the wisdom given me by Enki, 26. {d}nin-hur-sag du10 ki si-ig-ge4-ga2-ta #tr.en: through Ninhursag, the one who puts goodness on the earth, 27. geszkim sa6-ga {d}nanna-ta #tr.en: through the favorable (lunar) signs of Nanna, 28. nam-nir-gal2 {d}utu lugal-ga2-ta #tr.en: through the authority of Utu my master, 29. a2-ag2-ga2 sa6-ga {d}iszkur-ta #tr.en: through the positive instructions of Iškur, 30. usu {d}nergal dingir sag du-ga2-ta #tr.en: through the power of Nergal, the god who begot me, 31. {d}inanna nin me3-ga2-ta #tr.en: through Inanna, the mistress of my battles, 32. {d}nin-isin2{si}-in nin a2-ga2-ta #tr.en: through Nininsina, the mistress of my military forces, 33. {d}nin-szen-szen-na ma-zalag-ga2-ta #tr.en: through Ninšenšena my one who shines for me - 34. iri didli ma-da unu{ki}-ga mu-si3-si3-ga #tr.en: when the various cities of the land of Uruk I had struck down, 35. nam-ra-ak nig2-GA a-na gal2-la-bi #tr.en: and the booty and property, however much it was, 36. larsa{ki}-sze3 #tr.en: to Larsa 37. im-mi-ku4-ra #tr.en: I had brought in, 38. u4-ba {d}nin-gesz-zi-da #tr.en: at that time, to Ningišzida 39. lugal-mu-ra #tr.en: my master 40. inim sa6-sa6-ge4-da-mu-ne #tr.en: while I was making beautiful words (of prayer) 41. e2-nig2-gi-na #tr.en: the Temple of Righteousness, |
RIME composite (P448435) | 2220225 |
im-mi-in-gun3 only appears a few times in words list
&P448435 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}nanna #tr.en: For Nanna, 2. en gal me-lam2-ma sag il2 #tr.en: the great lord who raises his head in an aura of fearsome splendor 3. an-ki-a pa e3 #tr.en: and appears resplendently in heaven and earth, 4. su-lim dagal sze-er-zi-bi mu2-mu2 #tr.en: who makes grow broad awesome brilliance and radiance 5. ug3 szar2-ra-asz u4 ga2-ga2 #tr.en: and generates light for the numerous peoples, 6. nun u18-ru me-ni a-re-esz kal #tr.en: powerful prince whose divine powers are praiseworthy and mighty, 7. nig2-nam-ma-ni ku3-ku3-ug #tr.en: everything of whom is most holy, 8. dumu zi-le kur-gal {d}en-lil2-le #tr.en: best son of Great Mountain Enlil, |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431802) | 2220226 |
im-mi-gun3 only appears a few times in words list
&P431802 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. {d}nanna 2. en gal me-lam2-ma sag il2 3. an-ki-a pa e3 4. su*-lim dagal sze-er-zi-bi mu2-mu2 5. ug3 szar2-ra-asz u4 ga2-ga2 6. nun u18-ru me-ni a-re-esz kal 7. nig2-nam-ma-ni ku3-ku3-ug 8. dumu zi-le kur-gal {d}en-lil2-le |
RIME composite (P448436) | 2220227 |
ma-ni-in-si-esz-a only appears a few times in words list
e2-a2-ag2-ga2-szum2-mu only appears a few times in words list
&P448436 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}nin-szubur #tr.en: For Ninšubur, 2. en gal me kilib3-ba ag2-e #tr.en: great lord who measures out all the divine powers, 3. sza3 inim sa6-ge gal-zu #tr.en: who well knows the essence of making fine words (of prayer), 4. sukkal-mah sza3 kusz2-u3 an gal-la #tr.en: chief minister and counselor of great An 5. du11-ga-ni igi-sze3 du #tr.en: whose utterances take precedence, 6. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master - 7. ri-im-{d}suen #tr.en: Rīm-Sîn, 8. sipa gu2-un kar2 nibru{ki} #tr.en: the shepherd who makes the tribute/taxes sparkle for Nippur, 9. me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7 #tr.en: who makes perfect the divine powers and plans of Eridu, 10. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma #tr.en: provider of Ur, 11. e2-babbar-da ni2 te-ge26 #tr.en: who shows fear of the Ebabbar, 12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma# #tr.en: the king of Larsa 13. lugal# ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 #tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad - 14. u4 an {d}en-lil2 #tr.en: when An, Enlil, 15. {d}en-ki #tr.en: and Enki, 16. dingir gal-gal-e-ne #tr.en: the great gods, 17. unu{ki} iri ul #tr.en: Uruk, the ancient city, 18. szu-mu-sze3 ma-ni-in-si-esz-a #tr.en: they put into my hand, 19. {d}nin-subur lugal-mu-ur2 #tr.en: for Ninšubur my master, 20. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-mu-ta #tr.en: through my making fine words (of prayer), 21. e2-a2-ag2-ga2-szum2-mu #tr.en: the Temple That Gives Instructions, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431806) | 2220228 |
ATF: Parsing failed on line 23 near character 30
ma-ni-in-si-esz-a, only appears a few times in words list
a, only appears a few times in signs list
&P431806 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. {d}nin-szubur# 2. en gal me kilib3-ba ag2-e 3. sza3 inim sa6-ge gal-zu 4. sukkal-mah sza3 kusz2-u3 an gal-la 5. du11-ga-ni igi-sze3 du 6. lugal-a-ni-ir 7. ri-im-{d}suen 8. sipa gu2-un [kar2] nibru{ki} 9. me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7 10. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma 11. e2-babbar-da ni2 te-ge26 12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma# @reverse 1. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 2. u4 an {d}en-lil2 3. {d}en-ki 4. dingir gal-gal-e-ne 5. unu{ki} iri ul 6. szu-mu-sze3 ma-ni-in-si-esz-a, 7. {d}nin-subur lugal-mu-ur2 8. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-mu-ta 9. e2 a2-ag2-ga2 szum2-mu |
RIME composite (P448438) | 2220229 |
&P448438 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a $ beginning broken 1'. [x x x x] NE si #tr.en: ... 2'. [x x x x] gesz-szub-bi #tr.en: ... their lots, 3'. [x x] al# bi2-in-du11-ga #tr.en: having requested ..., 4'. [en-an]-e-du7 #tr.en: Enanedu, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431808) | 2220230 |
bi2-in-du11-ga! only appears a few times in words list
&P431808 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 $ beginning broken 1'. [x x x x] NE# si 2'. [x x x x] gesz-szub-bi 3'. [x x] al# bi2-in-du11-ga! 4'. [en-an]-e-du7 |
RIME composite (P448439) | 2220231 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 19: [larsa{ki}] ki-ur3*
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 28: ug3 szar2-ra-mu-sze3 u2 gu7*
gal-gal-be2 only appears a few times in words list
ka-be2 only appears a few times in words list
u3-bi2-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
&P448439 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. [u4 an {d}en-lil2 {d}en]-ki {d}nin-mah-[bi] #tr.en: When An, Enlil, Enki, and Ninmah 2. [igi zi] mu-un-szi-bar-[re-esz-a] #tr.en: directed a righteous eye towards me, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P225591) | 2220232 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 19: [larsa{ki}] ki-ur3*
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 28: ug3 szar2-ra-mu-sze3 u2 gu7*
du11-ga-ne2 only appears a few times in words list
gal-gal-bi only appears a few times in words list
u3-bi2-in-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
&P225591 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. [u4 an {d}en-lil2 {d}en]-ki# {d}nin-mah-[bi] 2. [igi zi] mu-un-szi-bar-[re-esz-a] |
RIME composite (P448440) | 2220233 |
&P448440 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}nin-e2-gal #tr.en: For Ninegal, 2. nin gal me kilib3 szu-na dab5-be2 #tr.en: the great lady who holds all the divine powers in her hands, 3. ug3 szar2-ra-asz igi-bi gal2 #tr.en: who sees the numerous peoples, 4. na-de5 mah szita5-du3 sag-ge6 #tr.en: exalted counselor, overseer of the Black Headed (People) 5. a-ra2-bi za3 nu-sa2 #tr.en: whose ways are unrivaled, 6. nir-gal2 ukken-na du11-ga-ni igi-sze3 du #tr.en: authoritative one of the assembly, whose utterance takes precedence, 7. mu-ni a-re-esz gi7 #tr.en: whose name is ... for praise, 8. dingir zi ki a-a ugu-ni-ta #tr.en: steadfast goddess from the father who engendered her, 9. ka ba-ni sze-ga #tr.en: whose speech is favorable, 10. dumu gal {d}suen-na #tr.en: great daughter of Suen, 11. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: her mistress, 12. si-ma-at-{d}inanna #tr.en: Simat-Ištar, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431811) | 2220234 |
&P431811 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. {d}nin-e2-[gal] 2. nin gal me kilib3 szu-na [dab5-be2] 3. ug3 szar2-ra-[asz igi-bi gal2] 4. na-de5 mah [szita5-du3 sag-ge6] 5. a-ra2-bi [za3 nu-sa2] 6. [nir-gal2 ukken-na du11-ga-ni igi-sze3 du] 7. [mu-ni a-re-esz gi7] 8. [dingir zi ki a-a ugu-ni-ta] 9. [ka ba-ni sze-ga] 10. [dumu gal {d}suen-na] 11. [nin-a-ni-ir] 12. si-[ma-at]-{d}inanna |
RIME composite (P448441) | 2220235 |
&P448441 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}nin-e2-gal #tr.en: For Ninegal, 2. nin gal kilib3 sag-ge6 szar2-ra-ba #tr.en: the great lady, who all the Black Headed (People) 3. an {d}en-lil2 {d}en-ki-bi #tr.en: An, Enlil, and Enki 4. szu-ni-sze3 bi2-in-si-esz-a #tr.en: filled into her hands, 5. di esz-bar-bi si sa2-sa2-e #tr.en: who correctly delivers verdicts and decisions, 6. sa2-gar-gar en3-tar-tar gal-zu #tr.en: the all-knwing counselor and inquirer, 7. gu2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne-ka #tr.en: the one who among all the great gods 8. inim mah du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me #tr.en: whose august spoken words cannot be altered, 9. ki igi zalag-ga-ni an dagal-la dag-ga #tr.en: where her bright eye roams in the wide heaven roaming, 10. ki igi zi bar-ra-na #tr.en: in the place where she directs her trusty eye, 11. {d}lamma nir-gal2 #tr.en: a trusty protective genie 12. bi2-ib2-szum2-mu-a #tr.en: she provides, 13. dingir arhusz su3 szu-nigin-bi du10 #tr.en: goddess with far-reachng mercy, whose compassion is sweet, 14. szud3 a-ra-zu-e gesz tuku #tr.en: who listens to prayers and entreaties, 15. dumu-gal {d}suen-na #tr.en: great daughter of the god Suen, 16. a2-ag2-ga2 an-ki-a ur4-ur4 #tr.en: who assembles the commands of heaven and earth, 17. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: her lady - 18. si-ma-at-{d}inanna #tr.en: Simat-Eštar, 19. dam ki-ag2 #tr.en: beloved spouse 20. {d}ri-im-{d}suen #tr.en: of Rim-Sin, 21. szul gesz tuku {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: the youth who listens to the Enlil, 22. igi-du8-a an-na sza3 ku3-ge pa3-da #tr.en: and looks to An, chosen by the pure heart, |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431817) | 2220236 |
&P431817 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. {d}nin-e2-gal 2. nin gal kilib3 sag-ge6 szar2-ra-ba 3. an {d}en-lil2 {d}en-ki-bi 4. szu-ni-sze3 bi2-in-si-esz-a 5. di esz-bar-bi si sa2-sa2-e 6. sa2-gar-gar en3-tar-tar gal-zu 7. gu2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne-ka 8. inim mah du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me 9. ki igi zalag-ga-ni an dagal-la dag-ga 10. ki igi zi bar-ra-na 11. {d}lamma nir-gal2 12. bi2-ib2-szum2-mu-a 13. dingir arhusz su3 szu-nigin-bi du10 14. szud3 a-ra-zu-e gesz tuku 15. dumu-gal {d}suen-na 16. a2-ag2-ga2 an-ki-a ur4-ur4 17. nin-a-ni-ir 18. si-ma-at-{d}inanna 19. dam ki-ag2 20. {d}ri-im-{d}suen 21. szul gesz tuku {d}en-lil2-la2 22. igi-du8-a an-na sza3 ku3-ge pa3-da |
RIME, ex. 06 (P345855) | 2220237 |
&P345855 = RIME, ex. 06 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. {d}nin-e2-gal 2. nin gal kilib3 sag-ge6 szar2-ra-ba 3. an {d}en-lil2 {d}en-ki-bi 4. szu-ni-sze3 bi2-in-si-esz-a 5. di esz-bar-bi si sa2-sa2-e 6. sa2-gar-gar en3-tar-tar gal-zu 7. gu2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne-ka 8. inim mah du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me 9. ki igi zalag-ga-ni an dagal-la dag-ga 10. ki igi zi bar-ra-na 11. {d}lamma nir-gal2 12. bi2-ib2-szum2-mu-a 13. dingir arhusz su3 szu-nigin-bi du10 14. szud3 a-ra-zu-e gesz-tuku 15. dumu-gal {d}suen-na 16. a2-ag2-ga2 an-ki-a ur4-ur4 17. nin-a-ni-ir 18. si-ma-at-{d}inanna 19. dam ki-ag2 20. {d}ri-im-{d}suen 21. szul gesz tuku {d}en-lil2-la2 22. igi-du8-a an-na sza3 ku3-ge pa3-da |
RIME composite (P448444) | 2220238 |
szu-tag only appears a few times in words list
&P448444 = rime composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. en-an-e-du7 #tr.en: Enanedu, 2. en {d}nanna #tr.en: en priestess of Nanna, 3. nam gal nam-en-na sza3 ku3-ta nam-gi7 an-na #tr.en: having the great fate of the en office from the womb on, a nobility of heaven, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P431821) | 2220239 |
ki-szu-tag only appears a few times in words list
&P431821 = rime, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. en-an-e-du7 2. en {d}nanna 3. nam gal nam-en-na sza3 ku3-ta nam-gi7 an-na |
RIME 4.02.14.x2006 composite (P448450) | 2220240 |
{d}dingir-mar-du2 does not appear in words list
&P448450 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}dingir-mar-du2 #tr.en: To Dingir-Mardu, 2. en gal ni2 husz# ri# #tr.en: great lord who oppresses with fierce fearsomeness, 3. me sikil-la za3 kesz2 #tr.en: with pure divine powers bound to his side, |
RIME 4.02.14.x2006, ex. 01 (P308203) | 2220241 |
{d}dingir-mar-du2 does not appear in words list
zi-... only appears a few times in words list
&P308203 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @surface a 1. {d}dingir-mar-du2 2. en gal ni2 husz# ri# 3. me sikil-la za3 kesz2 |
RIME composite (P448460) | 2220242 |
&P448460 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}inanna #tr.en: For Inanna, 2. dingir ib2-ba gu2-en-na sag il2 #tr.en: the angry goddess, with head held high in the throne room, 3. an-ta-gal2 kur-kur-ra dalla #tr.en: exalted one, brightest in all the lands, 4. musz3-me-bi i-szi si #tr.en: whose face is full of radiance, 5. dingir zi sza3 gur-ru-bi du10-ga #tr.en: steadfast goddess whose proud heart is good, 6. arhusz su13 la-ra-ah nig2-gig-ga #tr.en: she of far-reaching compassion who those in straights and sickness 7. szu dab5-be2 gal-zu-a-asz #tr.en: she knows well how to take in hand, 8. nin-mu-ra #tr.en: my lady - 9. nam-ti #tr.en: for the life 10. {d}ri-im-{d}suen #tr.en: of Rīm-Sîn, 11. lugal larsa{ki}-ma-sze3 #tr.en: king of Larsa, 12. u3 li-ri-isz-ga-am-lum dumu-munus-a-ni #tr.en: and of Lirīš-gamlum his daughter, 13. {d}ri-im-{d}suen-{d}sza-la-ba-asz-ta-szu #tr.en: I, Rīm-Sîn-Šala-bāštašu, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P286396) | 2220243 |
&P286396 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object portion of base for basin @surface a @column 1 1. {d}inanna 2. dingir ib2-ba gu2-en-na sag il2 3. an-ta-gal2 kur-kur-ra dalla 4. musz3-me-bi i-szi si 5. dingir zi sza3 gur-ru-bi du10-ga 6. arhusz su13 la-ra-ah nig2-gig-ga 7. szu dab5-be2 gal-zu-a-asz 8. nin-mu-ra 9. nam-ti 10. {d}ri-im-{d}suen 11. lugal larsa{ki}-ma-sze3 12. u3 li-ri-isz-ga-am-lum dumu-munus-a-ni 13. {d}ri-im-{d}suen-{d}sza-la-ba-asz-ta-szu |
RIME composite (P448469) | 2220244 |
hu-mu-da-an-ag3 only appears a few times in words list
lugal-lugal-a-ne2-er only appears a few times in words list
&P448469 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object comosite @surface a 1. u4 {d}utu #tr.en: When Utu, 2. en gal an-ki-bi-da #tr.en: great lord of heaven and earth, 3. lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 #tr.en: king of the gods, 4. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 #tr.en: at me, Hammurapi, 5. nun sze-ga-ni-me-en #tr.en: the prince agreeable to him, 6. igi zalag-ga-na #tr.en: with his shining eyes 7. hul2-la-bi #tr.en: happily 8. mu-un-bar-re-en #tr.en: looked, 9. nam-lugal da-ri2 #tr.en: and an everlasting kingship 10. bala u4 su3-ra2 #tr.en: and a reign of long days 11. ma-ni-in-rig7 #tr.en: he presented to me; 12. suhusz ma-da #tr.en: and the foundation of the land, 13. nam-en-bi ak-de3 #tr.en: to exercise the lordship over which 14. ma-an-szum2-ma #tr.en: he gave to me, 15. ma-ni-in-ge4-en #tr.en: he made secure for me; 16. zimbir{ki} #tr.en: of Sippar 17. ka2-dingir-ra{ki} ug3-bi #tr.en: and Babylon their people 18. ki-tusz ne-ha tusz-u3-da #tr.en: to settle in peaceful habitations 19. inim ku3 nu-kur2-ru-da-na #tr.en: with his holy word that cannot be altered 20. bi2-in-du11-ga-a #tr.en: he commanded me, 21. bad3 zimbir{ki} #tr.en: and the wall of Sippar 22. du3-u3-da #tr.en: to build 23. sag-bi il2-i-da #tr.en: and its top to raise up 24. a2 gal hu-mu-da-an-ag3 #tr.en: he gave me the great order. 25. u4-ba #tr.en: At that time, 26. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 #tr.en: I, Hammurapi, 27. lugal kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty king, 28. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki} #tr.en: king of Babylon, 29. ni2-tuku #tr.en: (god-)fearing one 30. {d}utu-da gesz tuku #tr.en: who heeds Utu, |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431836) | 2220245 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 4: nun*
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 17: nam-lugal da-ri2*
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 7: suhusz*
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 9: ni2-tuku*
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 20: usu mah {d}utu#-ke4*
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 20: gal-bi hu-mu-na-du3*
hu-mu-da-an-ag3 only appears a few times in words list
&P431836 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. u4 {d}utu 2. en gal an-ki-bi-da 3. lugal dingir-re-e-ne-<ke4> 4. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 5. nun* sze-ga-ni-me-en 6. igi zalag-ga-na 7. hul2-la-bi 8. mu-un-bar-re-en 9. nam-lugal da-ri2* 10. bala u4 su13-ra2 11. ma-ni-in-rig7 12. suhusz* ma-da 13. nam-en-bi ak-de3 14. ma-an-szum2-ma 15. ma-ni-in-ge4*-en 16. zimbir{ki} 17. ka2-dingir-ra{ki} ug3-bi 18. ki-tusz ne-ha tusz-u3-da 19. inim ku3 nu*-kur2*-ru-da-na 20. bi2-in-du11-ga-a 21. bad3 zimbir{ki} 22. du3-u3-da 23. sag-bi il2-i-da 24. a2 gal hu-mu-da-an-ag3 25. u4-ba 26. ha-am-mu-<ra>-pi2 27. lugal kal-ga @column 2 1. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki} 2. ni2-tuku* 3. {d}utu-da gesz tuku |
RIME composite (P448480) | 2220246 |
ATF: Parsing failed on line 81 near character 1
{d}amar-utu-ra does not appear in words list
{d}amar-utu-ra does not appear in words list
{d}amar-utu-me-en does not appear in words list
&P448480 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 #tr.en: Hammurapi, 2. lugal kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty king, 3. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki} #tr.en: king of Babylon 4. lugal an ub-da limmu2 #tr.en: and king of the four world quarters, 5. kalam dim2-dim2-me #tr.en: builder of the nation, 6. lugal nig2 ak-ak-bi #tr.en: king whose deeds 7. su {d}utu #tr.en: to the well-being of Utu 8. {d}amar-utu-ra #tr.en: and Marduk 9. ba-du10-ga-me-en #tr.en: are pleasing, I - 10. bad3 zimbir{ki} #tr.en: the wall of Sippar 11. sahar-ta #tr.en: with earth 12. hur-sag gal-gin7 #tr.en: like a great mountain 13. sag-bi #tr.en: its top 14. he2-em-mi-il2 #tr.en: I truly raised. 15. ambar-ra hu-mu-ni-nigin2 #tr.en: With a marsh I surrounded it. 16. {i7}buranun #tr.en: The Euphrates 17. zimbir{ki}-sze3 #tr.en: all the way up to Sippar 18. hu-mu-ba-al #tr.en: indeed I dug, 19. kar silim-ma-ke4 #tr.en: and alongside a safe harbor 20. hu-mu-ni-us2 #tr.en: I set it. 21. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 #tr.en: Hammurapi, 22. kalam dim2-dim2-me #tr.en: builder of the nation, 23. lugal nig2 ak-ak-bi #tr.en: king whose deeds 24. su {d}utu #tr.en: to the well-being of Utu 25. {d}amar-utu-ra #tr.en: and Marduk 26. ba-du10-ga-me-en #tr.en: are pleasing, I - 27. zimbir{ki} #tr.en: Sippar 28. ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-bi-da-ke4 #tr.en: and Babylon 29. ki-tusz ne-ha #tr.en: in peaceful residences 30. du-ri2-sze3 #tr.en: eternally 31. he2-em-mi-tusz #tr.en: I made to dwell. 32. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 #tr.en: Hammurapi, 33. sze-ga {d}utu #tr.en: favored one of Utu, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P430807) | 2220247 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @column
{d}amar-utu-ra does not appear in words list
{d}amar-utu-ra does not appear in words list
{d}amar-utu-me-en does not appear in words list
&P430807 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object composite @column 1 1. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 2. lugal kal-ga 3. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki} 4. lugal an ub-da limmu2 5. kalam dim2-dim2-me 6. lugal nig2 ak-ak-bi 7. su {d}utu 8. {d}amar-utu-ra 9. ba-du10-ga-me-en 10. bad3 zimbir{ki} 11. sahar-ta 12. hur-sag gal-gin7 13. sag-bi 14. he2-mi-il2 15. ambar-ra hu-mu-ni-nigin2 16. {i7}buranun 17. zimbir{ki}-sze3! 18. hu-mu-ba-al 19. kar silim-ma-ke4 20. hu-mu-ni-us2 @column 2 21. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 22. kalam dim2-dim2-me 23. lugal nig2 ak-ak-bi 24. su {d}utu 25. {d}amar-utu-ra 26. ba-du10-ga-me-en 27. zimbir{ki} 28. ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-bi-da-ke4 29. ki-tusz ne-ha 30. du-ri2-sze3 31. he2-em-mi-tusz 32. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 33. sze-ga {d}utu |
RIME composite (P448482) | 2220248 |
&P448482 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}utu #tr.en: For Utu, 2. en an-ki-bi-da #tr.en: lord of heaven and earth, 3. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master, 4. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 #tr.en: Hammurapi, 5. gu3 de2-a an-na #tr.en: called by An, 6. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku #tr.en: one who listens to Enlil, 7. sze-ga {d}utu #tr.en: favored of Utu, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P365476) | 2220249 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @column
&P365476 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @column 1 1. {d}utu 2. en an-ki-bi-da 3. lugal-a-ni-ir 4. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 5. gu3 de2-a an-na 6. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku 7. sze-ga {d}utu |
RIME composite (P448484) | 2220250 |
&P448484 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}inanna zabala{ki} #tr.en: For Inanna of Zabalam, 2. nin me-lam2-ma-ni #tr.en: the lady whose divine radiance 3. an-ki-a dul-la2 #tr.en: covers heaven and earth, 4. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his mistress, 5. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 #tr.en: Hammurapi, 6. gu3 de2-a an-na #tr.en: one called by An, 7. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku #tr.en: who listens to Enlil, 8. sze-ga {d}utu #tr.en: favored one of Enlil, 9. sipa sza3 du10-du10 #tr.en: shepherd who pleases the heart 10. {d}amar-utu-ke4 #tr.en: of Marduk, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P365475) | 2220251 |
&P365475 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. {d}inanna zabala{ki} 2. nin me-lam2-ma-ni 3. an-ki-a dul-la2 4. nin-a-ni-ir 5. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 6. gu3 de2-a an-na 7. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku 8. sze-ga {d}utu 9. sipa sza3 du10-du10 10. {d}amar-utu-ke4 |
RIME 4.03.06.x1001 composite (P448488) | 2220252 |
ur2-x only appears a few times in words list
asz2-bala-ba-ke4-esz only appears a few times in words list
&P448488 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a $ beginning broken 1'. [...] e NE [...] #tr.en: ... 2'. [... za]-e-da nu lugal nu [...] #tr.en: ... without you (Utu), no king is ... 3'. [...] za-e-me-en a2-[...] #tr.en: ... you are, ... 4'. [...] x ni2-tuku sze-ga-zu nam-nir-[gal2 ...] #tr.en: ... one who fears and is favored by you, authority ... 5'. x x [...] nig2-kal-la-zu gal-bi nam-[...] #tr.en: (at) your valued ..., greatly ... |
RIME 4.03.06.x1001, ex. 01 (P274219) | 2220253 |
ur2-ka only appears a few times in words list
e2-azag only appears a few times in words list
asz2-bala-ba!-ke4!-esz only appears a few times in words list
&P274219 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse $ beginning broken 1'. [...] e NE# [...] 2'. [... za]-e#-da nu lugal nu-[...] 3'. [...] za-e-me-en a2# [...] 4'. [...] x ni2#-tuku sze-ga-zu nam-nir#-[gal2 ...] 5'. x x [...] nig2-kal-la-zu gal-bi nam#-[...] |
RIME 4.03.06.x2001 composite (P448489) | 2220254 |
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
&P448489 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. [{d}asz]-ra-tum #tr.en: For the goddess Ašratum, 2. e2-gi4-a an-na #tr.en: daughter-in-law of An, 3. nam-nin-a tum2-ma #tr.en: one fit for ladyship, 4. nin hi-li ma-az-bi #tr.en: lady of allure and voluptuousness, 5. hur-sag-ga2 #tr.en: in the mountains 6. mi2 zi-de3-esz du11-ga #tr.en: gently cared for, 7. nin sza3-la2 su3 #tr.en: lady of far-reaching compassion 8. gidlam2-a-ni-ir #tr.en: who to her spouse 9. inim ni2-tuku-bi sa6-ga #tr.en: makes fine reverent words, 10. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his mistress, 11. nam-ti #tr.en: for the life 12. ha-am-mu-ra-[pi2] #tr.en: of Hammurapi, 13. lugal mar-[du2] #tr.en: king of the Amorites, 14. i-tur2-asz-du-[um] #tr.en: Itūr-ašdum, 15. ra-bi-a-an i7 si2-la2-ku #tr.en: chief of the Silakku canal (district), 16. dumu szu-ba-an-an-[ke4] #tr.en: son of Šubā-ilān, 17. {d}lamma me-te nam-dingir-[ra-na] #tr.en: a guardian angel (figurine) befitting her divinity, |
RIME 4.03.06.x2001, ex. 01 (P431861) | 2220255 |
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
&P431861 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object slab @surface a 1. [{d}asz]-ra-tum 2. e2#-gi4#-a an-na 3. nam-nin-a tum2-ma 4. nin hi-li ma-az-bi 5. hur-sag-ga2 6. mi2 zi#-de3-esz du11-ga 7. nin sza3-la2 su3 8. gidlam2-a-ni-ir 9. inim ni2-tuku-bi sa6-ga 10. nin-a-ni-ir 11. nam-ti# 12. ha-am-mu-ra#-[pi2] 13. lugal mar-[du2] 14. i-tur2-asz-du#-[um] 15. ra-bi-a-an i7 si2#-la2-ku 16. dumu szu-ba-an-an#-[ke4] 17. {d}lamma me-te nam-dingir#-[ra-na] |
RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 02 (P286233) | 2220256 |
{gesz}tukul!-ta only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-tusz! only appears a few times in words list
{d}{sze3!}szer7-da-ta only appears a few times in words list
{d}amar-utu-bi-da-ka does not appear in words list
ur5-sze3!-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ge-en-ge-en! only appears a few times in words list
hul2-hul2-la-bi-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
8(disz)-am3! only appears a few times in words list
ka-ar-me-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}amar-utu-bi-da-ka does not appear in words list
&P286233 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a @column 1 1. u4 {d}en-lil2-le 2. lugal dingir-re-e-ne 3. en gal kur-kur-ra-ke4 4. {d}utu-ra igi sa6-ga-na 5. mu-un-szi-in-bar-ra-am3 6. zimbir{ki} 7. iri ul ki-szu-pesz-a-ni 8. bad3-bi du3-u3-de3 9. e2-babbar-ra 10. ki-be2 gi4-gi4-de3 11. u6-nir gi-gun4-na mah-a-ni 12. sag-bi an-gin7 il2-i-de3 13. {d}utu {d}{sze3!}szer7-da-bi 14. ki-tusz# ku3#-ne-ne-a 15. asila nig2 hul2-hul2-la-bi-sze3 ku4-ku4-de3 16. inim nig2 nu-kur2-ru-da-na 17. bi2-in-du11-ga-a 18. u4-bi-a 19. ur#-sag szul {d#}utu 20. nam gal {d}en-lil2-le 21. zimbir{ki#} e2-babbar-ra 22. mu-ni-in-tar-ra-sze3 23. hul2-la-gin7 24. im-ma-na-ni-ib2-gar# 25. sa-am-su-i-lu-na 26. lugal szu du11-ga-ni-me-en 27. gu3 hul2 ma-an-de2 28. a2-bi mu-da-an-ag2# 29. u4-bi-a 30. kilib3 ki-en-gi ki#-uri# 31. lu2 gu2# mu#-da#-ab-du3#-usz-a 32. sza2 mu asz-a-ka# 33. a-ra2# 8(disz)-am3 34. {gesz}tukul!-ta he2#-em#-mi#-sag3 35. iri didli gu2#-bar-ra-mu-ne @column 2 1. du6 _ka#-ar2-me_-sze3 he2-ni-ku4 2. lu2-erim2 3. lu2-hul-gal2# 4. suhusz-bi kalam-ta he2#-em-mi-bu 5. kur gu2-si-a 6. du11-ga-ga2 hu-mu#-ni-tusz! 7. nig2 u4 ul-li2-a-ta 8. szeg12 e2-babbar-ra 9. ba-dim2-ma-ta 10. lugal igi-du-ne#-ne#-er 11. lugal na-me 12. {d}utu ba-ra-mu-un-szi-in-sze-ga-am3 13. bad3 zimbir{ki} 14. nu-mu-na-ta-an-du3-am3 15. sa-am-su-i-lu-na |
RIME, ex. 03 (P268899) | 2220257 |
igi-du-ne-ne!-er only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-na-ta-an-du3-am3 only appears a few times in words list
&P268899 = RIME, ex. 03 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 1. [u4 {d}en-lil2-le] 2. [lugal dingir-re-e-ne] 3. [en gal kur-kur-ra-ke4] 4. [{d}utu-ra] igi [sa6-ga-na] 5. [mu-un-szi]-in?-bar-[ra-am3] 6. zimbir#{ki} 7. [iri] ul ki-szu-pesz-a#-[ni] 8. bad3#-bi du3-u3-de3 9. e2#-babbar-ra 10. [ki]-be2 gi4-gi4-de3 11. u6#-nir# gi-gun4#-na mah-a-ni# 12. sag#-bi an-gin7 il2-i-de3 13. {[d]}utu# {d}{sze3}szer7-da-bi 14. [ki-tusz] ku3-ne-ne-a 15. [asila nig2] hul2-hul2-la-bi-sze3 ku4#-ku4-de3 16. [inim nig2] nu-kur2-ru-da-na 17. [bi2]-in#-du11-ga-a 18. [u4]-bi-a 19. [ur-sag] szul# {d}utu 20. [nam gal] {[d]}en-lil2-le 21. [zimbir]{ki#} e2#-babbar-ra 22. [mu-ni]-in#-tar-ra-sze3 23. [hul2]-la#-gin7 24. [im-ma-na]-ni#-ib2-gar $ rest broken @column 2 $ beginning broken 1'. [x (x)] x [...] x [...] 2'. lu2-erim2 x [...] 3'. suhusz-bi kalam-[ta] he2-em#-mi#-[bu] 4'. kur gu2-si-[a] 5'. du11-ga-ga2 hu-mu-[ni-tusz] 6'. nig2 u4 ul-li2-a-[ta] 7'. szeg12 e2-babbar-[ra] 8'. ba-dim2-ma#-[ta] 9'. lugal igi-du#-[ne]-ne!-[er] 10'. lugal na-[me] 11'. {d}utu ba-ra-mu-[un]-szi-in-sze-ga-[am3] 12'. bad3 zimbir{ki} 13'. hu-mu-un-na-ta-an-du3-[am3] 14'. sa-am-su-i-lu#-na# |
RIME composite (P448503) | 2220258 |
gal-e-ne-er only appears a few times in words list
bal-e-dam only appears a few times in words list
in-zu-a only appears a few times in words list
szilig-ga-me-esz only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-da-ab-bal-bal-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
udug-za only appears a few times in words list
ba-me-da-an-ag2 only appears a few times in words list
asz3-nun-na{ki} only appears a few times in words list
nu-un-na-an-gal2-la only appears a few times in words list
nam-mi-in-tum2 only appears a few times in words list
gir2-ta only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-gaz only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-si3 only appears a few times in words list
ugnim-ni-ta only appears a few times in words list
&P448503 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}en-lil [nam-lugal-la-ni] #tr.en: Enlil, whose kingship 2. dingir-e-ne-[er] #tr.en: of all the gods 3. ib2-gu-[la ...] #tr.en: is the greatest, 4. sipa nam [tar-re] #tr.en: the shepherd who determines the destinies, 5. {d}za-ba4-ba4 {d}inanna #tr.en: because Zababa and Inanna 6. [nun] gal-e-ne-er #tr.en: among the great (divine) princes 7. gu3-mur in-ak-esz-a-asz #tr.en: were the most heroic, 8. [igi ku3]-ga-na nam-mu-un-ne-szi-du8 #tr.en: he looked at them with his holy eyes. 9. [iri] kisz{ki} #tr.en: The city Kiš, 10. [ki-szu]-pesz sag-ga2 #tr.en: their foremost cult site 11. [ki-tusz] mah-a-ne-ne #tr.en: and exalted residence, 12. [bad3]-bi du3-u3-de3 #tr.en: to build its wall 13. [sag]-bi diri nig2 u4-bi-da-ka il2-i-da #tr.en: and to raise up its top more than before 14. [sza3-ga]-ne2 zi-de3-esz nam-mu-un-tum2 #tr.en: his heart truly moved him. 15. [{d}en]-lil2 en gal #tr.en: And Enlil, the great lord, 16. [du11-ga]-ni szu nu bal-e-dam #tr.en: whose utterance cannot be overturned 17. [nam] ib2-tar-re-da #tr.en: and a fate which he determines 18. [nu-kur2]-ru-[da] #tr.en: cannot be altered, $ n lines broken 19'. [u3-ma-a]-ni sa2 #tr.en: To him (Zababa) who his victories 20'. [du11-ga]-ar #tr.en: achieves, 21'. [{d}inanna dumu-munus]-am3 #tr.en: and Inanna, the daughter |
RIME, ex. 01 (P447977) | 2220259 |
ATF: Parsing failed on line 23 near character 4
gal-e-ne-er only appears a few times in words list
bal-e-dam only appears a few times in words list
in-zu-a only appears a few times in words list
szilig-ga-me-esz only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-da-ab-bal-bal-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
udug-za only appears a few times in words list
ba-me-da-an-ag2 only appears a few times in words list
asz3-nun-na{ki} only appears a few times in words list
nu-un-na-an-gal2-la only appears a few times in words list
nam-mi-in-tum2 only appears a few times in words list
gir2-ta only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-gaz only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-si3 only appears a few times in words list
ugnim-ni-ta only appears a few times in words list
&P447977 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object barrel @surface a 1. {d}en-lil# [nam-lugal-la-ni] 2. dingir-e-ne#-[er] 3. ib2-gu#-[la ...] 4. sipa nam [tar-re] 5. {d}za-ba4-ba4 {d}inanna# 6. [nun] gal#-e-ne-er 7. gu3#-mur in-ak-esz-a-asz 8. [igi ku3]-ga#-na nam-mu-un#-ne-szi-du8 9. [iri] kisz{ki} 10. [ki-szu]-pesz# sag-ga2 11. [ki-tusz] mah-a-ne-ne 12. [bad3]-bi du3-u3-de3 13. [sag]-bi diri nig2 u4-bi-da-ka il2-i-da 14. [sza3-ga]-ni zi-de3-esz nam#-mu-un-tum2 15. [{d}en]-lil2 en gal 16. [du11-ga]-ni szu nu bal-e-dam 17. [nam] ib2-tar-re-da# 18. [nu-kur2]-ru#-[da] $ 1-2 lines broken 1'. [u3-ma-a]-ni# sa2 2'. [du11-ga]-ar 3'. [{d}inanna dumu-munus]-am3# |
RIME 4.03.07.x1001 composite (P448507) | 2220260 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 28: [...] gal ni2 husz-bi ri-ga*
&P448507 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a $ beginning broken 1'. [...] x x x #tr.en: ... 2'. [...]-x bi2-in-sa4-a #tr.en: which he named ..., 3'. [...]-bi# bi2-ib2-il2-la #tr.en: its ... which they had raised up, 4'. [x dingir-re]-e#-ne-ka mi-ni-ib2-gu-ul-la #tr.en: which they had made great in the ... of the gods, 5'. [...] gal ni2 husz-bi ri-ga* ezem-ezem-da mi-ni-in-da-tusz #tr.en: great ..., beset by its fierce fearsomeness, seated with him at the festivals, 6'. [...] x x nam-en-na-ka dur2 gal-le-esz in-na-an-gar #tr.en: on a ... of lordship she grandly took at seat before him. 7'. [...] x x x la nig2 sa6-ga-ni #tr.en: ... her good ... 8'. [a2] zi#-da-na mi-ni-in-gub #tr.en: he erected on her right side. 9'. [...] _zi-ik-ru-uk-ki_ #tr.en: ... At Your Command 10. [...] AN _li-ib-lu-ut,_ mu-bi-im #tr.en: ... May He Live is its name. $ single ruling |
RIME 4.03.07.x1001, ex. 01 (P343134) | 2220261 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 28: [...] gal ni2 husz-bi ri-ga*
nig2-sa6-ga-ni only appears a few times in words list
&P343134 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 $ beginning broken 1'. [...] x x x 2'. [...]-x bi2-in-sa4-a 3'. [...]-bi# bi2-ib2-il2-la 4'. [x dingir-re]-e#-ne-ka mi-ni-ib2-gu-ul-la 5'. [...] gal ni2 husz-bi ri-ga* ezem-ezem-da mi-ni-in-da-tusz 6'. [...] x x nam-en-na-ka dur2 gal-le-esz in-na-an-gar 7'. [...] x x x la nig2-sa6-ga-ni 8'. [a2] zi#-da-na mi-ni-in-gub 9'. [...] _zi-ik-ru-uk-ki_ 10. [...] AN _li-ib-lu-ut,_ mu-bi-im $ single ruling |
RIME composite (P448512) | 2220262 |
ATF: Parsing failed on line 65 near character 2
ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-a only appears a few times in words list
mar-du2{ki}-a-me-en does not appear in words list
su-mu-la-il3-a does not appear in words list
ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-a only appears a few times in words list
nam-lugal-la-ga2-a only appears a few times in words list
mah-ni only appears a few times in words list
ib2-ta-sa4-a only appears a few times in words list
he2-...-an-...-gar-ra-ta only appears a few times in words list
{m}{d}EN-u2-sza-al-li-im does not appear in words list
{m}da-bi-bi does not appear in words list
&P448512 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. am-mi-di-[ta]-na #tr.en: Ammi-ditana, 2. lugal kal-ga #tr.en: the mighty king, 3. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-a #tr.en: king of Babylon, 4. lugal kisz{ki}-a #tr.en: king of Kiš, 5. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri{[ki]}-ke4 #tr.en: king of Sumer and Akkad, 6. lugal da-ga-an# kur mar-du2{ki}-a-me-en #tr.en: king of the totality of the Amorite lands am I - 7. sza3-bal-bal #tr.en: descendant 8. su-mu-la-il3-a #tr.en: of Sūmû-la-il, 9. dumu# ur-sag gal #tr.en: son of the great champion 10. a-bi-e-szu-uh-a-me-en #tr.en: Abī-ešuḫ am I - 11. sze-ga {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: one favored of Enlil, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P447988) | 2220263 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 25 col 9: $ blank line
ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-a only appears a few times in words list
mar-du2{ki}-a-me-en does not appear in words list
hi-pi only appears a few times in words list
esz-szu does not appear in words list
su-mu-la-il3-a does not appear in words list
{m}{d}EN-u2-sza-al-li-im does not appear in words list
{m}da-bi-bi does not appear in words list
&P447988 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet # Neo-Babylonian copy of an older inscription @obverse 1. am-mi-di-[ta-na] 2. lugal kal-[ga] 3. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki#}-[a] 4. lugal kisz{ki#}-[a] 5. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri#{[ki]}-[ke4] 6. lugal da-ga-an# kur mar-du2{ki}-a-me-en# 7. _hi-pi esz-szu_ sza3-bal-bal# 8. su-mu-la-il3-a# 9. dumu ur-sag gal# 10. a-bi-e-szu-uh-a-me-en 11. sze-ga# {d}en-lil2-la2 |
RIME composite (P448525) | 2220264 |
&P448525 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}suen-ga-szi-id #tr.en: Sin-kašid, 2. lugal unu{ki}-ga #tr.en: king of Uruk 3. lugal am-na-nu-um #tr.en: and king of Amnanum, 4. u2-a e2-an-na #tr.en: provider of the Eanna, 5. u4 e2-an-na #tr.en: when the Eanna, 6. mu-du3-a #tr.en: he built, 7. ni-szi-i-ni-szu #tr.en: for Nīši-īnīšu 8. erisz-dingir {d}lugal-banda3{da} #tr.en: the eriš-dingir priestess of Lugalbanda, |
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P448091) | 2220265 |
&P448091 = RIME, ex. 01-02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}suen-ga-szi-id 2. lugal unu{ki}-ga 3. lugal am-na-nu-um 4. u2-a e2-an-na 5. u4 e2-an-na 6. mu-du3-a 7. ni-szi-i-ni-szu 8. erisz-dingir {d}lugal-banda3{da} |
RIME composite (P448526) | 2220266 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 24 col 7: #tr.en he (Enki) had given to him regarding it,
&P448526 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}en-ki #tr.en: For Enki, 2. en dumu-sag mah an-na #tr.en: the lord, exalted first-born son of An, 3. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master, 4. {d}suen-ga-szi-id #tr.en: Sîn-kāšid, 5. lugal unu{ki}-ga #tr.en: king of Uruk, 6. lugal am-na-nu-um #tr.en: king of Amnanum, 7. u2-a e2-an-na #tr.en: and the provider of the Eanna temple, 8. u4 e2-an-na mu-du3-a #tr.en: when he had built the Eanna, 9. gesztu2 nig2 mah-a #tr.en: and tremendous intelligence 10. mu-na-ni-in-szum2-ma #tr.en he (Enki) had given to him regarding it, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P448092) | 2220267 |
&P448092 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}en-ki 2. en dumu-sag mah an-na 3. lugal-a-ni-ir 4. {d}suen-ga-szi-id 5. lugal unu{ki}-ga 6. lugal am-na-nu-um 7. u2-a e2-an-na 8. u4 e2-an-na mu-du3-a 9. gesztu2 nig2 mah-a 10. mu-na-ni-in-szum2-ma |
RIME, ex. add04 (P432734) | 2220268 |
mu-na-ni-in-szum2-ma-a only appears a few times in words list
&P432734 = RIME, ex. add04 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d}en-ki 2. en dumu-sag mah an-na 3. lugal-a-ni-ir 4. {d}suen-ga-szi-id 5. lugal unu{ki}-ga 6. lugal am-na-nu-um 7. u2-a e2-an-na 8. u4 e2-an-na mu-du3-a 9. gesztu2 nig2# mah-a 10. mu-na-ni#-in#-szum2#-ma#-a |
RIME composite (P448528) | 2220269 |
&P448528 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}iszkur dumu an-[na] #tr.en: For Iškur, son of An, 2. ku3-gal2 an-ki-[ra] #tr.en: canal inspector of heaven and earth, 3. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master, 4. {d}suen-ga-[szi-id] #tr.en: Sîn-kāšid, 5. lugal unu{ki}-[ga] #tr.en: king of Uruk, 6. lugal am-na-nu-[um] #tr.en: king of Amnanum, 7. e2 u4 gal-gin7 ki husz-[a du3-a] #tr.en: the House Like a Big Storm Built in a Fierce Place, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P448097) | 2220270 |
nam-lugal-la-ga2-ka only appears a few times in words list
&P448097 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object cone $ (= text of ex. 01 incorparating several variants) @surface a 1. {d#}iszkur dumu an-[na] 2. ku3#-gal2 an-ki-ra# 3. lugal-a-ni-ir# 4. {d}suen-ga-[szi-id] 5. lugal# unu{ki}-[ga] 6. lugal# am-na-nu-[um] 7. e2# u4 gal-gin7 ki husz-[a du3-a] |
RIME, ex. 02 (P448098) | 2220271 |
&P448098 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @object cone @surface a 1. {d#}iszkur dumu an-[na] 2. ku3#-gal2 an-ki-[ra] 3. lugal#-a-ni-ir# 4. {d}suen#-ga-[szi-id] 5. lugal# unu{ki#}-[ga] 6. lugal# am-na#-nu-[um] 7. e2# u4 gal-gin7 ki# husz-[a du3-a] |
RIME composite (P448533) | 2220272 |
&P448533 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}na-na-a #tr.en: For Nanaia, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P225304) | 2220273 |
&P225304 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d#}na-na-a |
RIME composite (P448537) | 2220274 |
&P448537 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}inanna #tr.en: For Inanna, 2. nin gal e2-an-na #tr.en: great queen of the Eanna temple, 3. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his lady, 4. an-am3 #tr.en: Anam, 5. sipa zi unu{ki}-ga #tr.en: faithful shepherd of Uruk, 6. sze-ga an {d}inanna #tr.en: favored by An and Inanna, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P345489) | 2220275 |
&P345489 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. {d}inanna 2. nin gal e2-an-na 3. nin-a-ni-ir 4. an-am3 5. sipa zi unu{ki}-ga 6. sze-ga an {d}inanna |
RIME, ex. 02 (P293562) | 2220276 |
&P293562 = RIME, ex. 02 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. {d}inanna 2. nin gal e2-an-na 3. nin-a-ni-ir 4. an-am3 5. sipa zi unu{ki}-ga 6. sze-ga an {d}inanna |
RIME composite (P448538) | 2220277 |
&P448538 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}inanna #tr.en: For Inanna, 2. nin gal e2-an-na #tr.en: great queen of the Eanna temple, 3. nin-mu-ra #tr.en: my mistress, 4. an-am3 sipa zi #tr.en: Anam, the faithful shepherd 5. unu{ki}-ga-ke4 #tr.en: of Uruk, 6. agrig szu dim4-ma #tr.en: the prudent steward 7. sze-ga an {d}inanna #tr.en: favored by An and Inanna, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P293444) | 2220278 |
&P293444 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse @column 1 1. {d}inanna 2. nin gal e2-an-na 3. nin-mu-ra 4. an-am3 sipa zi 5. unu{ki}-ga-ke4 6. agrig szu dim4-ma 7. sze-ga an {d}inanna |
RIME composite (P448539) | 2220279 |
&P448539 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. an lugal dingir-re-e-ne #tr.en: For An, king of the gods, 2. lugal-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his master, 3. {d}inanna nin gal e2-an-na #tr.en: and Inanna, the great queen of the Eanna temple, 4. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his mistress, 5. an-am3 sipa zi #tr.en: Anam, the faithful shepherd 6. unu{ki}-ga #tr.en: of Uruk, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P448141) | 2220280 |
&P448141 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object door socket @surface a 1. an lugal dingir-re-e-ne 2. lugal-a-ni-ir 3. {d}inanna nin gal e2-an-na 4. nin-a-ni-ir 5. an-am3 sipa zi 6. unu{ki}-ga |
RIME composite (P448541) | 2220281 |
&P448541 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}inanna #tr.en: For Inanna 2. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his mistress, 3. an-am3 sipa zi #tr.en: Anam, the faithful shepherd 4. unu{ki}-ga #tr.en: of Uruk, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P293445) | 2220282 |
&P293445 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. {d}inanna 2. nin-a-ni-ir 3. an-am3 sipa zi 4. unu{ki}-ga |
RIME composite (P448549) | 2220283 |
uru17 only appears a few times in words list
&P448549 = RIME composite #atf: lang sux @object composite @surface a 1. {d}inanna #tr.en: For Inanna, 2. nin uru17 an-na #tr.en: the powerfu queen of heaven, 3. nin-a-ni-ir #tr.en: his mistress, 4. me-ku-bi #tr.en: Mê-Kūbi, 5. dumu-munus bil2-la-ma #tr.en: the daughter of Bilalama, 6. ensi2 #tr.en: governor 7. asz2-nun-na{ki} #tr.en: of Ešnunna, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P448154) | 2220284 |
nin-uru17-an-na only appears a few times in words list
&P448154 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang sux @object brick @surface a 1. {d}inanna 2. nin-uru17-an-na 3. nin-a-ni-ir 4. me-ku-bi 5. dumu-munus bil2-la-ma 6. ensi2 7. asz2-nun-na{ki} |
RIME composite (P448587) | 2220285 |
&P448587 = RIME composite #atf: lang akk @object composite @surface a 1. i-tur2-{d}utu #tr.en: Itūr-Šamaš, 2. ra-bi2-an #tr.en: chief 3. ra-ba-bi-ma #tr.en: of the Rabbeans, 4. _dumu_ i-din-dingir #tr.en: son of Iddin-Ilum, 5. _ensi2_ #tr.en: governor 6. ki-sur-ra{ki} #tr.en: of Kisurra, |
RIME, ex. 01 (P448231) | 2220286 |
&P448231 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang akk @object brick @surface a 1. i-tur2-{d}utu 2. ra-bi2-an 3. ra-ba-bi-ma 4. _dumu_ i-din-dingir 5. _ensi2_ 6. ki-sur-ra{ki} |