Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Englund, Robert K. on 2014-01-01 at 12:27:36 with credits to Englund, Robert K.

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
RIME, ex. 01 (P257923) 2219982
ATF: Parsing failed on line 167 near character 2
limmu2-ba-me-en does not appear in words list
li-um-ma does not appear in words list
mu-ub-gi4-a does not appear in words list
{m}{d}en-lil2-iz-zu does not appear in words list
{m}{d}szesz-ke-e!-el does not appear in words list
{m}szu-{d}a-nu-um does not appear in words list
{m}...-e-lum does not appear in words list
{m}i-bi2-ma-ma does not appear in words list
{m}nu-ur2-szu-e-li does not appear in words list
{m}{d}iszkur-szar-rum does not appear in words list
{m}ba-ad-ga-nu-um does not appear in words list
{m}ri-im-szu-nu does not appear in words list
{m}a-bi-ha-ni-isz does not appear in words list
{m}x-bi-ma-ra-ad-da does not appear in words list
mu-un-da-dala-esz-am3 does not appear in words list
i3-libir-da only appears a few times in words list
dingir!-mah only appears a few times in words list
ul... only appears a few times in words list
i-dib-be2 does not appear in words list
IG-x does not appear in words list
sag-ga2-ta only appears a few times in words list
3(u)-bi-ta does not appear in words list
u3-sumun only appears a few times in words list
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
szeg12-a only appears a few times in words list
dala only appears a few times in signs list
ul... only appears a few times in signs list
&P257923 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. {d}nin-tu ama kalam-ma nin e2-e dam gal {d}en-lil2-la2 nin ki ag2-ga2-ni-ir
1. {d}nin-tu ama kalam-ma nin e2-e dam gal {d}en-lil2-la2 nin ki-ag2-ga2-ni-ir
2. lugal-an-na-mu-un-du3 nita kal-ga
3. [u2]-a nibru{ki} lugal# adab{ki}-a-ke4#
4. [lugal an] ub-da limmu2#-ba#-me#?-en#?
5. [...] x li#-um-ma# gur#-gur#-ru#-dam
6. [gu2 kur-kur]-ra#-ke4 mi#-ni-in#-gi-na
7. [ug3-e kur-kur-ra] u2-sal#-la mi-ni-in-nu2#-[a]
8. [e2 dingir gal-gal]-e-ne mu-un-du3-[a]
9. [ug3 ki-bi-sze3] mu-ub#-gi4#-[a]
10. [nam-lugal ki szar2-ra] mu-un#-[ak]-a#
11. [u4-ba] mi#-[gir-{d}en-lil2 ensi2 mar-ha-szi]{ki}
12. [{m}{d}en-lil2]-iz#-zu [ensi2 ...]{ki}
13. [{m}{d}szesz]-ke-e#!-el# [ensi2 ke-e-el]{ki}
14. [{m}szu]-{d#}a-nu-um ensi2# ka2#-[gal]-la#{ki}
15. [{m}...-e]-lum ensi2# am-da#-ma#{ki#}
16. [{m}i]-bi2#-[ma-ma] ensi2# ar#-da#-ma#{ki#}
17. [{m}nu-ur2]-szu-e#-li# ensi2 a-x-x{ki#}
18. [{m}{d}iszkur]-szar-rum ensi2 na#?-[x]-x{ki}
19. [{m}]ba-ad#-ga#-nu#-[um] ensi2# zi#?-x-[x]{ki}
20. [...]
21. [{m}ri]-im-szu-nu# ensi2 [...]{ki#}
22. [{m}a]-bi-ha-ni-isz#? ensi2# [...{ki}]
23. [{m}x]-bi-ma-ra-ad#-[da] ensi2# [... x]{ki#}
24. [1(u) 3(disz)] ensi2#-me-esz mu-x-[...]
25. [x x] x UD x x x [...] x
26. [...] um [x] mu-il2#?
27. [...] x KI a2 x [x x] x x x x-esz-a
28. [...] x [...] x [x]-ge#?-esz-am3
29. [...] x x x x-NE
30. [...] x x-bi mu-NE
31. [...] x x x  he2-bi2-du3
32. [...] he2#-em#-mi-de2?
33. [...]-em-x-x
34. [...] x-ni-ba-ba
35. [...] x gu-ti-um dagal-la-ke4?
36. [...] x x zu2-lum{ki} i-ni-dab5
37. [...] bi2-tusz
38. [...] x i-ni-dab5-dab5
39. [...] mu-un-da-dala-esz-am3
40. [...] su#-bir4{ki}-ke4-ne
41. [...]-gul-gul
42. [...]-dab5
43. [...] x
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. [...]
2. x (x) x [...]
3. dim2-ma x x [...]
4. x x ug3 x [...]
5. x mu-sa2 he2-bi2#-[...]
6. ki#? UN x [...]
7. x x [...]
8. x x ke4 x [...]
9. x (x) nita kal-[ga ...]
10. mar-ha-szi{ki#} iri ki ag2 x [...]
10. mar-ha-szi{ki#} iri ki-ag2 x [...]
11. nim-nim{ki#} szem5 zabar-ra x [...]
12. sza3 mar-ha-szi{ki}-sze3# sza3 bar?-x [...]
13. iri?{ki?} sa6-ga    {d}en-lil2-la2 [...]
14. x x x la? x [...]
15. sza3 mar-ha-szi{ki} [...]
16. x ki-bi-sze3 [...]
17. a2-bi [...]
18. e2 gan2 kalam-ma e2 {d}en-lil2-la2 [...]
19. KA kalam-ma-mu-sze3 [...]
20. zi ug3-mu-sze3 [...]
21. [x]-babbar2 dumu ki-en-gi4 [...]
22. [x] mar-ha-szi{ki}-ta [...]
23. [x x] x [...]
24. [...]
25. KA# kalam?-[ma-mu-sze3 ...]
26. [kin]-bi# i3#-libir#-da# [...]
27. dingir#!-mah# inim ku3-ga-[ni-ta]
28. gesz-hur-bi u4 ul[...]
29. 1(bur3) 1(esze3) GAN2 [...]
30. imin ka2-bi [...]
31. 1(disz)-am3 ka2-mah# [...]
32. sza3# {d}nin-tu# [...]
33. 2(disz)-kam-ma ka2#! [gu-la ...]
34. DI DU-DU [...]
35. i-dib-be2 x [...]
36. sza3-bi#-[ta ...]
37. 3(disz)-kam#-[ma ...]
38. x [...]
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. 1(disz) (n) szar [...]
2'. 7(disz) szar x [...]
3'. ki-tusz {d}nin-[tu?-ra? ...]
4'.  sza3-ba murgu2 sahar [...]
5'. 7(disz) {gesz}ig {gesz}KA# [...]
6'. ul ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar du3-[a ...]
7'. iti u4 7(disz) u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam IG-x x [...]
8'. 1(disz)-am3 {gesz}ig mah [...]
9'. ka2 mah-ta [...]
10'. 2(disz)-kam-ma {gesz}ig sag ku3 gal2 [...]
$ double ruling
11'. ka2 gu-la-ta [...]
12'. 3(disz)-kam-ma {gesz}ig u6-di gal [...]
13'. ka2 nam-tar-ra-ta [...]
14'. 4(disz) {gesz}ig gesz ge6 du10-ga [...]
15'. ka2 kar-zi-da kalam-ma-ta [...]
16'. 5(disz)-kam-ma {gesz}ig igi? lu2 gur3-ru [...]
17'. ka2 ka-asz-bar-ta [...]
18'. [6(disz)]-kam-ma {gesz}ig x-NE# gesz tuku [...]
19'. [ka2] x x x-ma#?-ta# [...]
20'. 7(disz)#-[kam-ma] {[gesz]}ig# me#-lam2 [...]
21'. ka2# [x] sag-ga2-ta [...]
22'. ub ka2#-bi-ta {gesz}ig {gesz}x [...]
23'. {gesz}sag-kul {gesz}szu ki? 3(u)-bi-ta x [...]
$ double ruling
24'. e2 u3-sumun x [...]
25'. u4 szeg12 tab-ba ku4-ra [...]
$ double ruling
26'. dingir-mah nin-mu sza3 e2 x [...]
27'. 7(disz) a-ra2 7(disz) gu4 niga udu niga siskur2 x [...]
$ double ruling
28'. igi {d}nin-tu-ra-sze3 [...]
29'. sukkal-mah kur {gesz}erin-na elam{ki} mar#-[ha-szi{ki} ...]
30'. mar-du2 su-ti-um#{[ki]} [...]
31'. lu2 1(gesz2)-am3 [...]
32'. 1(gesz2) gu3 niga-am3 7(disz)#? [...]
33'. sza3 e2-nam-zu-sze3 x [...]
34'. zi-sza3-gal2-la x [...]
35'. u4 4(disz)#? [...]
36'. sza3 x [...]
37'. AN# [...]
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] mu#? [...]
2'. [...] lugal# adab{ki} [x x]
3'. [...] nam-lugal ak-a-me-en
4'. [...] 6(szar2) GAN2-am3
5'. [...] bi2#-dab5 ki-tusz i-bi2-si
6'. [...] KI-e bi2-sa2 u4 mi-ni-ib2-zal-zal-e
7'. [...] e2-esz2-dam ba-ra-bi2-in-gal2-la
8'. [...] 3(bur3) GAN2-am3
9'. [...] x za u2 giri17-zal ba-u3-nam
10'. [... kur] {gesz}erin-na elam{ki} mar-ha-szi{ki} gu-ti-um{ki}
11'. [...] x su-bir4{ki} mar-du2 su-ti-um{ki} kur e2-an-na-bi
12'. [...]-da-ne-ne-a {gesz}gu-za ku3-sig17-ga i3-dur2-dur2-ru-ne-esz
13'. [... ku3]-sig17-ga szu-ne-ne-a i-ni-in-gal2
14'. [...] ku3-sig17-ga dub3-ne-ne-a i-ni-in-gal2
15'. [...] x-a-bi sza3 adab{ki} sza3 KA-mu-sze3 hu-mu#-ni-in-DU-a
16'. [...] igi-mu-sze3 hu-mu#-ni-in#-DU-a
17'. [...] gesz ge6 szar2-ra he2?-bi2-x
18'. [...] x-x-la [x (x)] x-bi x-zal-zal-la#?
19'. [x] DU u4 ul du3-a-sze3
20'. [x {d}en]-lil2-la2 mu-un-zi-zi-a
21'. [...] x-la2-bi ga2-e a-gin7-nam lugal si-sa2-me-en
22'. [...] ki-szar2-ra u3 ma-da-bi mi-ni-in-gur-esz-am3
23'. [...] ma-tum#? x x adab{ki} u3 ma-da-bi iri-ni-sze3
24'. [...] mi-in-in-il2-il2
25'. [...] x nam-bi2-ib2-tur-re
26'. [...] x x nam-ba-ab-gul-gul-e
27'. [egir?]-bi ensi2 kur {gesz}erin-na elam{ki} mar-ha-szi{ki} gu-ti-um{ki} su-bir3{ki} mar-du2 su-ti-um kur e2-an-na-bi-da
28'. gu4# udu! siskur2 ga2-ga2#-ra nu-ub-ku5-da
29'. sa2#-du11-bi ka-ka-na nu-ub-ku5-da
30'. dingir-mah nin e2-nam-zu-[ke4] nam#-ti-la# sag-e-esz rig7-ga
$ double ruling
31'. al-til
32'. szu-nigin2 2(gesz2) 5(u) 9(disz) mu-bi-im
33'. iti# szeg12-a u4 3(u)-kam
34'. [mu] a-bi-e-szu-uh lugal-e
35'. alan#-[a]-ni# masz2 kadra
RIME composite (P431033) 2219983
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 5: #atf def linktext A = Q020230
&P431033 = RIME
#atf def linktext A = Q020230
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. me-silim
#tr.en: Mesilim,
2. lugal kisz
#tr.en: king of Kiš,
3. dumu ki ag2
3. dumu ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved son
4. {d}nin-hur-sag
#tr.en: of Ninḫursaga,
5. [(x)] x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
$ rest broken
RIME, ex. 01 (P222744) 2219984
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 19: gesz-hur-bi u4 ul[...
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 11: 1(disz) (n)
&P222744 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf def linktext A = Q020230
#atf: lang sux
@object vase
@surface a
1. me-silim
2. lugal kisz
3. dumu ki# ag2
3. dumu ki#-ag2
4. {d}nin-hur-sag
5. [(x)] x x [...]
$ rest broken
RIME, ex. 03 (P247662) 2219985
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @column
szum2-tul2-tul2 does not appear in words list
GAG-a only appears a few times in words list
&P247662 = RIME, ex. 03
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. [{d}nin-gir2-su2]
2. x [...]
3. [...]
4. [{d}]en#-lil2#-le
5. e-na-sur-ra
6. me-silim-e
7. na bi2-ru2-a
8. a2 ag2-ga2-ne2#
$ 3 lines missing
@column 2
$ 4 lines missing
5. na-ru2-a-bi#
6. i3-bux(PAD)
7. edin lagasz{ki}-sze3
8. i3-kux(DU)
9. a-sza3 uszur-da#-u2
10. a-sza3 szum2-tul2-tul2
11. a-sza3 e2-luh-ha#!
12. a-sza3 ki-ma-ri2
13. a-sza3 du6-asz2-ri2
14. [...] du6? [...] x
15. [...] gir2#
16. [...] LAGAB
17. [...] szum2-mu#?
@column 3
1. [...]
2. [...] x [...] GAG?-a
3. [...] GAN2# [...] DAH?
4. [...]-ma
5. {d#}nin#-gir2-[su2]-ka
6. x [...] x [...] KU?
7. lu2 umma{ki}-ke4
8. ba-ri-ri
9. na-ru2-a
10. mu-bux(PAD)
11. lu2 umma#{ki}-ke4
12. a#-sza3# NIG2# ba# DU# dar# kur# [x] x
13. mu-sze3 ba-sa4
14. lu2 umma{ki}-ke4
15. e-ma-de6
16. mu-sze3 ba-sa4
17. lu2 umma{ki}-ke4
18. e-ma-dah
@column 4
1. mu-sze3 ba-sa4
2. e2-an-na-tum2
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}
5. a2 szum2-ma
6. {d}en-lil2-ke4
7. ga-zi gu7-a
8. {d}nin-hur-sag-ka-ke4
9. mu du10 sa4-a
10. {d}nansze-ke4
11. kur gu2 gar-gar
12. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka-ke4
13. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
14. {a-sza3}asza5 ki ag2-ni
14. {a-sza3}asza5 ki-ag2-ni
15. szu-na mu-ni-gi4
16. ki me-silim-e
17. na bi2-ru2-a
18. e2-an-na-tum2
19. nu bi2-dib
20. na-ru2-a-bi
21. ki-be2 bi2-gi4
RIME composite (P431079) 2219986
giszkim-ti does not appear in words list
giszkim does not appear in signs list
&P431079 = RIME
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
#tr.en: For Ningirsu,
2. e2-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Eanatum,
3. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
4. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
5. mu pa3-da
#tr.en: nominated
6. {d}en-lil2-ke4
#tr.en: by Enlil,
7. a2 szum2-ma
#tr.en: given strenth
8. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka-ke4
#tr.en: by Ningirsu,
9. sza3 pa3-da
#tr.en: chosen by the heart
10. {d}nansze-ke4
#tr.en: of Nanše,
11. ga-zi gu7-a
#tr.en: fed wholesome milk
12. {d}nin-hur-[sag]-ka-ke4
#tr.en: by Ninḫursaga,
13. mu du10 sa4-a
#tr.en: called a good name
14. {d}inanna-ka-ke4
#tr.en: by Inanna,
15. gesztu2 szum2-ma
#tr.en: given wisdom
16. {d}en-ki-ka-ke4
#tr.en: by Enki,
17. ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved
18. {d}dumu-zi-abzu-ka-ke4
#tr.en: by Dumuzi-abzu,
19. giszkim-ti
#tr.en: trusted
20. {d}hendur-sag-ka-ke4
#tr.en: by Ḫendursag,
21. ku-li ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved friend
22. {d}lugal-uru11-ka-ke4
#tr.en: of Lugalurub,
23. dumu a-kur-gal
#tr.en: son of Akurgal,
24. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
25. lagasz[{ki}-ke4]
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
26. [{d}nin]-gir2-su2-ra
#tr.en: for Ningirsu
27. gir2-su{ki}
#tr.en: Girsu
28. [ki]-be2 mu-na-gi
#tr.en: he restored.
29. bad3 iri-ku3-ga
#tr.en: The walls of the Holy City
30. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
31. {d}nansze
#tr.en: For Nanše
32. NINA{ki}
#tr.en: Nigin
33. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
34. e2-an-na-tum2-e
#tr.en: By Eanatum
35. elam hur-sag u6-ga
#tr.en: Elam, the awesome mountain range,
36. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
#tr.en: was defeated,
37. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi
#tr.en: and its tumuli
38. mu-dub
#tr.en: he heaped up.
39. szu-nir uru18{ki}-ka
#tr.en: The Standard of Uru,
40. ensi2-bi
#tr.en: though by its ruler
41. sag mu-gub-ba
#tr.en: it had been set up at the head (of it),
42. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
#tr.en: he defeated it,
43. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi
#tr.en: and its tumuli
44. mu-dub
#tr.en: he heaped up.
45. umma{ki}
#tr.en: Umma
46. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
#tr.en: he defeated,
47. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi 2(u@c)
#tr.en: and its 20 tumuli
48. [mu]-dub
#tr.en: he heaped up.
49. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
#tr.en: To Ningirsu
50. a-sza3 ki ag2-ga2-ni
50. a-sza3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved field,
51. gu2-edin-na
#tr.en: the Gu’edena,
52. szu-na mu-ni-gi4
#tr.en: he returned.
53. unu{ki}
#tr.en: Uruk
54. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
#tr.en: he defeated.
55. uri5{ki}
#tr.en: Ur
56. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
#tr.en: he defeated.
57. ki-{d}utu
#tr.en: Kiutu
58. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
#tr.en: he defeated.
59. iri-az{ki}
#tr.en: Iriaz
60. mu-hul
#tr.en: he destroyed,
61. ensi2-bi
#tr.en: and its ruler
62. mu-ug7
#tr.en: he killed.
63. mi-szi-me{ki}
#tr.en: Mišime
64. mu-hul
#tr.en: he destroyed.
65. a-ru2-a{ki}
#tr.en: Arua
66. mu-ha-lam
#tr.en: he obliterated.
67. e2-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Before Eanatum,
68. mu pa3-da
#tr.en: the one nominated
69. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka-da
#tr.en: by Ningirsu,
70. kur-kur-re2
#tr.en: all the lands
71. sag e-dab6-sag3
#tr.en: trembled.
72. mu lugal akszak{ki}-ka
#tr.en: In the year that the king of Akšak
73. i3-zi-ga-a
#tr.en: rose up,
74. e2-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Eanatum,
75. mu pa3-da
#tr.en: the one nominated
76. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ke4
#tr.en: by Ningirsu,
77. an-ta-sur-ra
#tr.en: from the Antasura
77. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka-ta
#tr.en: of Ningirsu
79. zu-zu
#tr.en: Zuzu,
80. lugal akszak{ki}
#tr.en: the king of Akšak,
81. akszak{ki}-sze3
#tr.en: all the way back to Akšak
82. mu-gaz
#tr.en: he smote,
83. mu-ha-lam
#tr.en: and he obliterated it.
84. u4-ba
#tr.en: At that time,
85. e2-an-na-tum2-ma
#tr.en: Eanatum,
86. e2-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Eanatum
87. mu u2-rum-ma-ni
#tr.en: being his own name
88. mu GIR3-GIR3-ni
#tr.en: while his Tidnu(?) name
89. lum-ma-a
#tr.en: is Lumma,
90. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
#tr.en: for Ningirsu
91. id5 gibil
#tr.en: a new canal
92. mu-na-dun
#tr.en: he dug,
93. lum-ma-gin7-du10
#tr.en: and Good Like Lumma
94. mu mu-na-sa4
#tr.en: he named it.
95. e2-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Eanatum,
96. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
#tr.en: a man subject to the word
97. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu,
98. e2-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: because Eanatum,
99. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
100. lagasz[{ki}]-ra
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
101. {d}inanna-ke4
#tr.en: by Inanna,
102. ki an-na-ag2-ga2-da
#tr.en: was loved,
103. nam-ensi2
#tr.en: together with the rulership
104. lagasz{ki}-ta
#tr.en: of Lagaš
105. nam-lugal kisz{ki}
#tr.en: the kingship of Kiš
106. mu-na-ta-szum2
#tr.en: she gave to him.
107. e2-an-na-tum2-da
#tr.en: Before Eanatum
108. elam sag e-dab6-sag3
#tr.en: Elam trembled,
109. elam kur-ra-na bi-gi4
#tr.en: and the Elamite he sent back to his land.
110. kisz{ki} sag e-dab6-sag3
#tr.en: Kiš trembled before him.
111. lugal akszak{ki}
#tr.en: The king of Akšak
112. kur-ra-na bi-gi4
#tr.en: he sent back to his land.
113. e2-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Eanatum,
114. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
115. lagasz{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
116. kur gu2 gar-gar
#tr.en: the subjugator of many foreign lands
117. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ke4
#tr.en: of Ningirsu,
118. elam SZUBUR{ki}
#tr.en: Elam, Subartu,
119. uru18{ki}
#tr.en: and Uru
120. a-suhur-ta
#tr.en: via the Carp Water (canal)
121. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
#tr.en: he defeated.
122. kisz{ki} akszak{ki}
#tr.en: Kiš, Akšak,
123. ma-ri2{ki}
#tr.en: and Mari
124. an-ta-sur-ra
#tr.en: via the Antasura
125. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ta
#tr.en: of Ningirsu
126. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
#tr.en: he defeated.
127. {d}nin-gir2-su-ra
#tr.en: For Ningirsu
128. lum-ma-gin7-du10
#tr.en: the Good Like Lumma (canal)
129. mu-na-us2
#tr.en: he placed alongside,
130. sag-sze3 mu-ni-rig8
#tr.en: and he presented it to him.
131. e2-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Eanatum,
132. a2 szum2-ma
#tr.en: given strenth
133. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ke4
#tr.en: by Ningirsu,
134. gesz-kesz2-ra2
#tr.en: the dam
135. lum-ma-gin7-du10
#tr.en: of the Good Like Lumma (canal)
136. esir2? 1(szar2@c) gur 2(disz@t) UL
#tr.en: with 3600 gur-measures (containing) 2 UL (each) of bitumen
137. mu-ni-du3
#tr.en: he built.
138. e2-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Eanatum,
139. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
#tr.en: a man subject to the word
140. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ke4
#tr.en: of Ningirsu,
141. dingir-ra-ni
#tr.en: whose (personal) god
142. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
#tr.en: is Šul-MUŠxPA,
143. e2-gal ti-ra-asz2{ki}
#tr.en: the palace Tiraš
144. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
145. dumu a-kur-gal
#tr.en: He is the son of Akurgal,
146. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
147. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
148. pa-bil3-ga-ni
#tr.en: and his grandfather
149. ur-{d}nansze
#tr.en: was Ur-Nanše,
150. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
151. lagasz{ki}-kam
#tr.en: of Lagaš.
RIME, ex. 01 (P222400) 2219987
{d}nin-gir2-su2!-ka-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
giszkim-ti does not appear in words list
{d}hendur-sag!-ka-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
uru18{ki!}-ka only appears a few times in words list
a-sza3! only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin!-gir2-su2-ka-ta only appears a few times in words list
akszak{ki}-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
kur-ra-na! only appears a few times in words list
ma-ri2!{ki} only appears a few times in words list
giszkim does not appear in signs list
ri2! only appears a few times in signs list
&P222400 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object boulder
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
2. e2-an-na-tum2
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}
5. mu pa3-da
6. {d}en-lil2-ke4
7. a2 szum2-ma
8. {d}nin-gir2-su2!-ka-ke4
9. sza3 pa3-da
@column 2
1. {d}nansze-ke4
2. ga-zi gu7-a
3. {d}nin#-hur#-[sag]-ka-ke4#
4. mu du10# sa4-a
5. {d}inanna-ka-ke4
6. gesztu2 szum2-ma
7. {d}en-ki#-ka-ke4
8. ki-ag2
9. {d}dumu-zi-abzu-ka-ke4
10. giszkim-ti
11. {d}hendur-sag!-ka-ke4
12. ku-li ki-ag2
13. {d}lugal-uru11-ka-ke4
@column 3
1. dumu a-kur-gal
2. ensi2
3. lagasz[{ki}-ke4]
4. [{d}nin]-gir2#-su2!-ra
5. gir2-su{ki}
6. [ki]-be2 mu-na#-gi
7. bad3 iri-ku3-ga
8. mu-na-du3
9. {d}nansze
10. NINA{ki}
11. mu-na-du3
12. e2-an-na-tum2-e
13. elam hur-sag u6-ga
14. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
15. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi
16. mu-dub
17. szu-nir uru18{ki!}-ka
18. ensi2-bi
19. sag mu-gub-ba
20. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
21. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi
22. mu-dub
23. umma{ki}
24. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
25. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi 2(u@c)
@column 4
1. [mu]-dub#
2. {d#}nin-gir2-su2-ra
3. a-sza3! ki ag2-ga2#-ni
3. a-sza3! ki-ag2-ga2#-ni
4. gu2-edin-na
5. szu-na mu-ni-gi4
6. unu{ki}
7. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
8. uri5{ki}
9. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
10. ki-{d}utu
11. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
12. iri-az{ki}
13. mu-hul
14. ensi2-bi
15. mu-ug7
16. mi-szi-me{ki}
17. mu-hul
18. a-ru2-a{ki}
19. mu-ha-lam
20. e2-an-na-tum2
21. mu pa3!-da
22. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka-da
23. kur-kur-re2
24. sag e-dab6-sag3
25. mu lugal akszak{ki}-ka
26. i3-zi-ga-a
27. e2-an-na-tum2
28. mu pa3#-da
@column 5
1. {d}nin-gir2-su!-ka-ke4
2. an-ta-sur-ra
3. {d}nin!-gir2-su2-ka-ta
4. zu-zu
5. lugal# akszak{ki}
6. akszak{ki}-sze3!
7. mu-gaz
8. mu-ha-lam
9. u4-ba
10. e2-an-na-tum2-ma
11. e2-an-na-tum2
12. mu u2-rum-ma#-ni
13. mu GIR3-GIR3-ni
14. lum-ma-a
15. {d}nin-gir2#-su2-ra#
16. id5 gibil
17. mu-na-dun
18. lum-ma-gin7-du10
19. mu mu-na-sa4
20. e2-an-na-tum2
21. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
22. {d}nin-gir2-su2!-ka
23. e2-an-na-tum2
24. ensi2
25. lagasz#[{ki}]-ra
26. {d}inanna-ke4
@column 6
1. ki an-na-ag2-ga2-da
2. nam-ensi2
3. lagasz{ki}-ta
4. nam#-lugal kisz{ki}
5. mu-na-ta-szum2
6. e2-an-na-tum2-da
7. elam sag e-dab6-sag3
8. elam kur-ra-na bi-gi4
9. kisz{ki} sag# e-dab6#-sag3
10. lugal akszak{ki}
11. kur-ra-na! bi-gi4
12. e2-an-na-tum2
13. ensi2
14. lagasz{ki}-ke4
15. kur gu2 gar-gar
16. {d}nin-gir2-su!-ka-ke4
17. elam SZUBUR{ki}
18. uru18{ki}
19. a-suhur-ta
20. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
21. kisz{ki} akszak{ki}
22. ma-ri2!{ki}
23. an-ta-sur-ra
@column 7
1. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ta
2. |GIN2.SZE3|# be2-se3#
3. {d}nin-gir2-su-ra
4. lum-ma-gin7-du10
5. mu-na-us2
6. sag-sze3 mu-ni-rig8
7. e2-an-na-tum2
8. a2!(DA) szum2-ma
9. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ke4
10. gesz-kesz2-ra2
11. lum-ma-gin7-du10
12. esir2#? 1(szar2@c) gur 2(disz@t) UL
13. mu-ni-du3
14. e2-an-na-tum2
15. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
16. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ke4
17. dingir-ra-ni
18. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
19. e2-gal ti-ra-asz2{ki}
20. mu-na-du3
@column 8
1. dumu a-kur-gal
2. ensi2
3. lagasz{ki}
4. pa-bil3-ga-ni
5. ur-{d}nansze
6. ensi2
7. lagasz{ki}-kam
RIME, ex. 02 (P222401) 2219988
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
{d}nin-gir2-su2!-ka-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
giszkim-ti does not appear in words list
{d}hendur-sag!-ka-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
uru18{ki!}-ka only appears a few times in words list
a-sza3! only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin!-gir2-su2-ka-ta only appears a few times in words list
akszak{ki}-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
kur-ra-na! only appears a few times in words list
ma-ri2!{ki} only appears a few times in words list
giszkim does not appear in signs list
ri2! only appears a few times in signs list
&P222401 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
@object boulder
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
2. e2-an-na-tum2
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}
5. mu pa3-da
6. {d}en-lil2-ke4
7. a2 szum2-ma
8. {d}nin-gir2-su2!-ka-ke4
9. sza3 pa3-da
@column 2
1. {d}nansze-ke4
2. ga-zi gu7-a
3. {d}nin#-hur#-[sag]-ka-ke4#
4. mu du10# sa4-a
5. {d}inanna-ka-ke4
6. gesztu2 szum2-ma
7. {d}en-ki#-ka-ke4
8. ki-ag2
9. {d}dumu-zi-abzu-ka-ke4
10. giszkim-ti
11. {d}hendur-sag!-ka-ke4
12. ku-li ki-ag2
13. {d}lugal-uru11-ka-ke4
@column 3
1. dumu a-kur-gal
2. ensi2
3. lagasz[{ki}-ke4]
4. [{d}nin]-gir2#-su2!-ra
5. gir2-su{ki}
6. [ki]-be2 mu-na#-gi
7. bad3 iri-ku3-ga
8. mu-na-du3
9. {d}nansze
10. NINA{ki}
11. mu-na-du3
12. e2-an-na-tum2-e
13. elam hur-sag u6-ga
14. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
15. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi
16. mu-dub
17. szu-nir uru18{ki!}-ka
18. ensi2-bi
19. sag mu-gub-ba
20. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
21. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi
22. mu-dub
23. umma{ki}
24. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
25. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi 2(u@c)
@column 4
1. [mu]-dub#
2. {d#}nin-gir2-su2-ra
3. a-sza3! ki ag2-ga2#-ni
3. a-sza3! ki-ag2-ga2#-ni
4. gu2-edin-na
5. szu-na mu-ni-gi4
6. unu{ki}
7. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
8. uri5{ki}
9. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
10. ki-{d}utu
11. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
12. iri-az{ki}
13. mu-hul
14. ensi2-bi
15. mu-ug7
16. mi-szi-me{ki}
17. mu-hul
18. a-ru2-a{ki}
19. mu-ha-lam
20. e2-an-na-tum2
21. mu pa3!-da
22. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka-da
23. kur-kur-re2
24. sag e-dab6-sag3
25. mu lugal akszak{ki}-ka
26. i3-zi-ga-a
27. e2-an-na-tum2
28. mu pa3#-da
@column 5
1. {d}nin-gir2-su!-ka-ke4
2. an-ta-sur-ra
3. {d}nin!-gir2-su2-ka-ta
4. zu-zu
5. lugal# akszak{ki}
6. akszak{ki}-sze3!
7. mu-gaz
8. mu-ha-lam
9. u4-ba
10. e2-an-na-tum2-ma
11. e2-an-na-tum2
12. mu u2-rum-ma#-ni
13. mu GIR3-GIR3-ni
14. lum-ma-a
15. {d}nin-gir2#-su2-ra#
16. id5 gibil
17. mu-na-dun
18. lum-ma-gin7-du10
19. mu mu-na-sa4
20. e2-an-na-tum2
21. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
22. {d}nin-gir2-su2!-ka
23. e2-an-na-tum2
24. ensi2
25. lagasz#[{ki}]-ra
26. {d}inanna-ke4
@column 6
1. ki an-na-ag2-ga2-da
2. nam-ensi2
3. lagasz{ki}-ta
4. nam#-lugal kisz{ki}
5. mu-na-ta-szum2
6. e2-an-na-tum2-da
7. elam sag e-dab6-sag3
8. elam kur-ra-na bi-gi4
9. kisz{ki} sag# e-dab6#-sag3
10. lugal akszak{ki}
11. kur-ra-na! bi-gi4
12. e2-an-na-tum2
13. ensi2
14. lagasz{ki}-ke4
15. kur gu2 gar-gar
16. {d}nin-gir2-su!-ka-ke4
17. elam SZUBUR{ki}
18. uru18{ki}
19. a-suhur-ta
20. |GIN2.SZE3| be2-se3
21. kisz{ki} akszak{ki}
22. ma-ri2!{ki}
23. an-ta-sur-ra
@column 7
1. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ta
2. |GIN2.SZE3|# be2-se3#
3. {d}nin-gir2-su-ra
4. lum-ma-gin7-du10
5. mu-na-us2
6. sag-sze3 mu-ni-rig8
7. e2-an-na-tum2
8. a2!(DA) szum2-ma
9. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ke4
10. gesz-kesz2-ra2
11. lum-ma-gin7-du10
12. esir2#? 1(szar2@c) gur 2(disz@t) UL
13. mu-ni-du3
14. e2-an-na-tum2
15. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
16. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ke4
17. dingir-ra-ni
18. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
19. e2-gal ti-ra-asz2{ki}
20. mu-na-du3
@column 8
1. dumu a-kur-gal
2. ensi2
3. lagasz{ki}
4. pa-bil3-ga-ni
5. ur-{d}nansze
6. ensi2
7. lagasz{ki}-kam
RIME composite (P431099) 2219989
{d}hendur-sag-ka-ka only appears a few times in words list
e-sar-sar only appears a few times in words list
{d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-menx(|GA2xEN|)-zi-en-mete-na-ka-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}uri3 does not appear in words list
&P431099 = RIME
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}hendur-sag
#tr.en: For Ḫendursag,
2. gal nimgir abzu-ra
#tr.en: chief herald of the Abzu,
3. en-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Enanatum,
4. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
5. [lagasz]{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
6. [a2 szum2-ma]
#tr.en: given power
7. {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: by Enlil,
8. ga zi gu7-a
#tr.en: fed wholesome milk
9. {d}nin-hur-sag-ka
#tr.en: by Ninḫursaga,
10. sza3 pa3-da
#tr.en: chosen by the heart
11. {d}nansze
#tr.en: of Nanše,
12. ensi2 gal
#tr.en: chief ruler
13. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu,
14. gu3 zi de2-a
#tr.en: truly called
15. {d}inanna-ka
#tr.en: by Inanna,
16. mu pa3-da
#tr.en: nominated
17. {d}hendur-sag-ka
#tr.en: by Ḫendursag,
18. dumu tu-da
#tr.en: son begotten
19. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka
#tr.en: by Lugalurub,
20. dumu a-kur-gal
#tr.en: son of Akurgal,
21. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
22. lagasz{ki}-ka
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
23. szesz ki ag2
23. szesz ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved brother
24. e2-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: of Eanatum,
25. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
26. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
27. u4 {d}inanna-ra
#tr.en: when for Inanna
28. eb-gal mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built the Great Oval,
29. e2-an-na kur-kur-ra
#tr.en: the Eanna (temple) more than all the mountains
30. mu-na-diri
#tr.en: he made it greater for her,
31. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2
#tr.en: and with gold and silver
32. szu mu-na-ni-tag
#tr.en: he decorated it for her.
33. {d}hendur-sag-ra
#tr.en: For Ḫendursag
34. e2-gal iri-ku3-ga-ka-ni
#tr.en: his palace of the Holy City
35. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built,
36. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2-ra
#tr.en: and with gold and silver
37. szu mu-na-ni-tag
#tr.en: he decorated it for him.
38. {d}nin-dar
#tr.en: For Nindar
39. e2-ni ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
#tr.en: his temple he restored.
40. {d}nin-musz3-[bar {d}nin-mar{ki}]
#tr.en: For Ninmušbar and Ninmar
41. gi-gu3-na-ne-ne
#tr.en: their temple terraces
42. mu-ne-du3
#tr.en: he built.
43. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
#tr.en: For Lugalurub
44. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni
#tr.en: his palace of Urub
45. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built,
46. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2-ra
#tr.en: and with gold and silver
47. szu mu-na-ni-tag
#tr.en: he decorated it for him.
48. {d}ama-gesztin-an-na-[ra]
#tr.en: For Amageštinana
49. [e2 sag-u9-ka-ni]
#tr.en: her temple of Sagub
50. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built,
51. [pu2] sig4 urx(BAHAR2)-ra
#tr.en: and a well, with baked bricks,
52. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
53. x x e-x-DU-[x-x]
#tr.en: ...
54. [{d}nin-gir2-su-ra]
#tr.en: For Ningirsu
55. esz3 dug-[ru]
#tr.en: the shrine Dugru
56. mu-[na-du3]
#tr.en: he built.
57. [...]
#tr.en: ...
$ n lines broken
58'. [u4 ...]
#tr.en: When ...
59'. [{d}nin]-gir2-[su]-ra
#tr.en: for Ningirsu
60'. umma{ki}
#tr.en: Umma
61'. szu-ta mu-na-ta-szub-a
#tr.en: he (Enlil?) made lose control (of it),
62'. szu en-an-na-tum2-ma-ke4
#tr.en: and into the control of Enanatum
63'. i3-mi-si-a
#tr.en: he had put it,
64'. ur-lum-ma
#tr.en: Urlumma,
65'. ensi2
#tr.en: the ruler
66'. umma{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: of Umma,
67'. [kur-kur e-ma-hun]
#tr.en: hired foreign countries,
68'. e ki-[sur]-ra
#tr.en: and over the levee of the border territory
69'. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ke4
#tr.en: of Ningirsu
70'. e-ma-bala
#tr.en: he crossed.
71'. an-ta-sur-ra ga2-kam
#tr.en: The Antasura is mine,
72'. bala i3-gu7-e
#tr.en: I will exploit the prebends(?)!
73'. bi2-du11
#tr.en: he said,
74'. du6 ur ge6-ga-ke4
#tr.en: and by the Hill of the Black Dog
75'. sag-ga2-ni i3-mi-us2
#tr.en: he brought up his vanguard.
76'. {d}nin-gir2-su-ke4
#tr.en: Ningirsu,
77'. gu3-ni-a inim LAK175-a
#tr.en: in his (own) voice, a ... word
78'. mu-ni-tak4
#tr.en: he left regarding him:
79'. ur-lum-ma
#tr.en: Urlumma,
80'. ensi2
#tr.en: the ruler
81'. umma{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: of Umma,
82'. an-ta-sur-ra ga2-kam
#tr.en: The Antasura is mine!
83'. i3-mi-du11
#tr.en: he has proclaimed.
84'. e2-sza3 ni2-ga2-sze3
#tr.en: The one who to my own private household
85'. mu-sze3-gen-na-am6
#tr.en: has come up
86'. en-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: against Enanatum,
87'. nita kal-ga-mu
#tr.en: my mighty male,
88'. szu na-an-na-zi-zi
#tr.en: he must not raise a hand!
89'. ur-lum-ma
#tr.en: Urlumma,
90'. ensi2
#tr.en: the ruler
91'. umma{ki}
#tr.en: of Umma,
92'. en-an-na-tum2-me
#tr.en: Enanatum
83'. e ki-sur-ra
#tr.en: all the way up to the levee of the border territory
94'. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-sze3
#tr.en: of Ningirsu
95'. mu-gaz
#tr.en: did smite,
96'. KID2 lum-ma gir2-nun-ta-ka
#tr.en: and in(?) the ... of the Lumma-Girnunta (canal)
97'. a-ba-ni-sze3 ba-gen
#tr.en: he went after him,
98'. tug2 nig2-bar-ba-ka-ni
#tr.en: and his outer garment
99'. mu-szi-si
#tr.en: he put all over(?) him.
100'. en-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Enanatum,
101'. lu2 e2 {d}hendur-sag-ka du3-a
#tr.en: the man who built the temple of Ḫendursag,
102'. dingir-ra-ni
#tr.en: his (personal) god
103'. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
#tr.en: is Šul-MUŠxPA.
$ blank space
104'. uri3 uruda
#tr.en: Upon (both) the copper standard
105'. udu uri3 uruda gesz-a gar-ra
#tr.en: and the sheep of the copper standard set on wood
106'. {d}hendur-sag-ka-ka
#tr.en: of Ḫendursag
107'. e-sar-sar
#tr.en: (this) was written.
108'. [{d}]szul-[|MUSZxPA|-menx(|GA2xEN|)]-zi-[en]-mete-na-ka-ke4
#tr.en: Šul-MUŠxPA-menzi-Enmetenaka
109'. i3-su-su
#tr.en: checked them.
110'. lugal {gesz}uri3
#tr.en: He (Ḫendursag) is the owner of the standard(s).
RIME, ex. 01 (P222496) 2219990
{d}hendur-sag-ka-ka only appears a few times in words list
e-sar-sar only appears a few times in words list
{d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-menx(|GA2xEN|)-zi-en-mete-na-ka-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz!}uri3 does not appear in words list
&P222496 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. {d}hendur-sag
2. gal nimgir abzu-ra
3. en-an-na-tum2
4. ensi2
5. [lagasz]{ki}
6. [a2 szum2-ma]
7. {d}en-lil2-la2
8. ga zi gu7-a
9. {d}nin-hur-sag-ka
10. sza3 pa3-da
11. {d}nansze
@column 2
1. ensi2 gal
2. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
3. gu3 zi de2-a
4. {d}inanna-ka
5. mu pa3-da
6. {d}hendur-sag-ka
7. dumu tu-da
8. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka
9. dumu a-kur-gal
10. ensi2
11. lagasz{ki}-ka
@column 3
1. szesz ki ag2
1. szesz ki-ag2
2. e2-an-na-tum2
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
5. u4 {d}inanna-ra
6. eb-gal mu-na-du3
7. e2-an-na kur-kur-ra
8. mu-na-diri
9. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2
@column 4
1. szu mu-na-ni-tag
2. {d}hendur-sag-ra
3. e2-gal iri-ku3-ga-ka-ni
4. mu-na-du3
5. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2-ra
6. szu mu-na-ni-tag
7. {d}nin-dar
8. e2-ni ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
9. {d}nin-musz3#-[bar {d}nin-mar{ki}]
@column 5
1. gi-gu3-na-ne-ne
2. mu-ne-du3
3. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
4. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni
5. mu-na-du3
6. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2-ra
7. szu mu-na-ni-tag
8. {d}ama-gesztin-an-na-[ra]
9. [e2 sag-u9-ka-ni]
@column 6
1. mu-na-du3
2. [pu2] sig4 urx(BAHAR2)-ra
3. mu-na-du3
4. x x e-x-DU-[x-x]
5. [{d}nin-gir2-su-ra]
6. esz3 dug-[ru]
7. mu-[na-du3]
8. [...]
$ rest broken
@column 7
1. [u4 ...]
2. [{d}nin]-gir2-[su]-ra
3. umma{ki}
4. szu-ta mu-na-ta-szub-a
5. szu en-an-na-tum2-ma-ke4
6. i3-mi-si-a
7. ur-lum-ma
8. ensi2
9. umma{ki}-ke4
@column 8
1. [kur-kur e-ma-hun]
2. e ki-[sur]-ra
3. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ke4
4. e-ma-bala
5. an-ta-sur-ra ga2-kam
6. bala i3-gu7-e
7. bi2-du11
8. du6 ur ge6-ga-ke4
@column 9
1. sag-ga2-ni i3-mi-us2
2. {d}nin-gir2-su-ke4
3. gu3-ni-a inim LAK175-a
4. mu-ni-tak4
5. ur-lum-ma
6. ensi2
7. umma{ki}-ke4
8. an-ta-sur-ra ga2-kam
9. i3-mi-du11
@column 10
1. e2-sza3 ni2-ga2-sze3
2. mu-sze3-gen-na-am6
3. en-an-na-tum2
4. nita kal-ga-mu
5. szu na-an-na-zi-zi
6. ur-lum-ma
7. ensi2
8. umma{ki}
9. en-an-na-tum2-me
10. e ki-sur-ra
@column 11
1. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-sze3
2. mu-gaz
3. KID2 lum-ma gir2-nun-ta-ka
4. a-ba-ni-sze3 ba-gen
5. tug2 nig2-bar-ba-ka-ni
6. mu-szi-si
7. en-an-na-tum2
8. lu2 e2 {d}hendur-sag-ka du3-a
9. dingir-ra-ni
10. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
@column 12
$ blank
@column 13
1. uri3 uruda
2. udu uri3 uruda gesz-a gar-ra
3. {d}hendur-sag-ka-ka
4. e-sar-sar#
5. [{d}]szul-[|MUSZxPA|-menx(|GA2xEN|)]-zi-[en]-mete-na-ka-ke4
6. i3-su-su
7. lugal {gesz#!}uri3#
RIME composite (P431102) 2219991
&P431102 = RIME
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}inanna
#tr.en: For Inanna,
2. nin kur-kur-ra
#tr.en: queen of all the lands,
3. en-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Enanatum,
4. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
5. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
6. sza3 pa3-da
#tr.en: chosen by the heart
7. {d}nansze
#tr.en: of Nanše,
8. ensi2 gal
#tr.en: chief ruler
9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu,
10. mu du10 sa4-a
#tr.en: called a good name
11. {d}inanna-ka
#tr.en: by Inanna,
12. dumu tu-da
#tr.en: son begotten
13. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka
#tr.en: by Lugalurub,
14. dumu a-kur-gal
#tr.en: son of Akurgal,
15. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
16. lagasz{ki}-ka
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
17. szesz ki ag2
17. szesz ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved brother
18. e2-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: of Eanatum,
19. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
20. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
21. {d}inanna-ra
#tr.en: for Inanna
22. eb-gal mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built the Great Oval,
23. e2-an-na
#tr.en: and the Eanna
24. kur-kur-ra mu-na-diri
#tr.en: he made greater than all the lands.
25. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2-ra
#tr.en: With gold and silver
26. szu mu-na-ni-tag
#tr.en: he decorated it for her
27. mu-ni-tum2
#tr.en: and made it fitting for her.
28. en-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Enanatum,
29. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
#tr.en: a man subject to the word
30. {d}inanna-ka
#tr.en: of Inanna,
31. dingir-ra-ni
#tr.en: may his (personal) god
32. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
#tr.en: Šul-MUŠxPA
33. nam-ti
#tr.en: for the life
34. en-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: of Enanatum,
35. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
36. lagasz{ki}-ka-sze3
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
37. u4 ul-la-sze3
#tr.en: unto distant days
38. {d}inanna-ra
#tr.en: to Inanna
39. eb-gal-la
#tr.en: in the Great Oval
40. kiri3 szu he2-na-sze3-gal2
#tr.en: make obeisances (saying):
41. u4 ul pa e3-a
#tr.en: He who has made it (the temple) resplendent unto distant days,
42. ensi2-bi
#tr.en: that ruler
43. ku-li-mu he2
#tr.en: is indeed my friend!
RIME, ex. 01 (P222502) 2219992
&P222502 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna
2. nin kur-kur-ra
3. en-an-na-tum2
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}
6. sza3 pa3-da
7. {d}nansze
8. ensi2 gal
9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
10. mu du10 sa4-a
11. {d}inanna-ka
12. dumu tu-da
@column 2
1. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka
2. dumu a-kur-gal
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka
5. szesz ki ag2
5. szesz ki-ag2
6. e2-an-na-tum2
7. ensi2
8. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
9. {d}inanna-ra
10. eb-gal mu-na-du3
@column 3
1. e2-an-na
2. kur-kur-ra mu-na-diri
3. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2-ra
4. szu mu-na-ni-tag
5. mu-ni-tum2
6. en-an-na-tum2
7. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
8. {d}inanna-ka
9. dingir-ra-ni
10. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
@column 4
1. nam-ti
2. en-an-na-tum2
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka-sze3
5. u4 ul-la-sze3
6. {d}inanna-ra
7. eb-gal-la
8. kiri3 szu he2-na-sze3-gal2
@column 5
1. u4 ul pa e3-a
2. ensi2-bi
3. ku-li-mu he2
RIME, ex. 02 (P222503) 2219993
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222503 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
@object boulder
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna
2. nin kur-kur-ra
3. en-an-na-tum2
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}
6. sza3 pa3-da
7. {d}nansze
8. ensi2 gal
9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
10. mu du10 sa4-a
11. {d}inanna-ka
12. dumu tu-da
@column 2
1. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka
2. dumu a-kur-gal
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka
5. szesz ki ag2
5. szesz ki-ag2
6. e2-an-na-tum2
7. ensi2
8. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
9. {d}inanna-ra
10. eb-gal mu-na-du3
@column 3
1. e2-an-na
2. kur-kur-ra mu-na-diri
3. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2-ra
4. szu mu-na-ni-tag
5. mu-ni-DU
6. en-an-na-tum2
7. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
8. {d}inanna-ka
9. dingir-ra-ni
10. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
@column 4
1. nam-ti
2. en-an-na-tum2
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka-sze3
5. u4 ul-la-sze3
6. {d}inanna-ra
7. eb-gal-la
8. kiri3 szu he2-na-sze3-gal2
@column 5
1. u4 ul pa e3-a
2. ensi2-bi
3. ku-li-mu he2
RIME, ex. 03 (P222504) 2219994
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222504 = RIME, ex. 03
#atf: lang sux
@object peg
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna
2. nin kur-kur-ra
3. en-an-na-tum2
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}
6. sza3 pa3-da
7. {d}nansze
8. ensi2 gal
9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
10. mu du10 sa4-a
11. {d}inanna-ka
12. dumu tu-da
@column 2
1. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka
2. dumu a-kur-gal
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka
5. szesz ki ag2
5. szesz ki-ag2
6. e2-an-na-tum2
7. ensi2
8. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
9. {d}inanna-ra
10. eb-gal mu-na-du3
@column 3
1. e2-an-na
2. kur-kur-ra mu-na-diri
3. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2-ra
4. szu mu-na-ni-tag
5. mu-ni-DU
6. en-an-na-tum2
7. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
8. {d}inanna-ka
9. dingir-ra-ni
10. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
@column 4
1. nam-ti
2. en-an-na-tum2
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka-sze3
5. u4 ul-la-sze3
6. {d}inanna-ra
7. eb-gal-la
8. kiri3 szu he2-na-sze3-gal2
@column 5
1. u4 ul pa e3-a
2. ensi2-bi
3. ku-li-mu he2
RIME, ex. 04 (P222505) 2219995
&P222505 = RIME, ex. 04
#atf: lang sux
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna
2. nin kur-kur-ra
3. en-an-na-tum2
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}
6. sza3 pa3-da
7. {d}nansze
8. ensi2 gal
9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
10. mu du10 sa4-a
11. {d}inanna-ka
12. dumu tu-da
@column 2
1. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka
2. dumu a-kur-gal
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka
5. szesz ki ag2
5. szesz ki-ag2
6. e2-an-na-tum2
7. ensi2
8. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
9. {d}inanna-ra
10. eb-gal mu-na-du3
@column 3
1. e2-an-na
2. kur-kur-ra mu-na-diri
3. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2-ra
4. szu mu-na-ni-tag
5. mu-ni-DU
6. en-an-na-tum2
7. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
8. {d}inanna-ka
9. dingir-ra-ni
10. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
@column 4
1. nam-ti
2. en-an-na-tum2
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka-sze3
5. u4 ul-la-sze3
6. {d}inanna-ra
7. eb-gal-la
8. kiri3 szu he2-na-sze3-gal2
@column 5
1. u4 ul pa e3-a
2. ensi2-bi
3. ku-li-mu he2
RIME composite (P431105) 2219996
&P431105 = RIME
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. [en]-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Enanatum,
2. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
3. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
4. [sza3] pa3-da
#tr.en: chosen by the heart
5. [{d}]nansze
#tr.en: of Nanše,
6. ensi2 gal
#tr.en: chief ruler
7. [{d}]nin-[gir2]-su2-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu,
8. [dumu] tu-da
#tr.en: son begotten
9. [{d}]lugal-[uru11{ki}-ka]
#tr.en: of Lugalurub,
10. dumu a-kur-gal
#tr.en: son of Akurgal,
11. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
12. lagasz{ki}-ka
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
13. szesz ki ag2
13. szesz ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved brother
14. e2-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: of Eanatum,
15. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
16. lagasz{ki}-ka-ra
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
17. u4 {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: when Lugalurub
18. en-an-na-tum2-ra
#tr.en: to Enanatum
19. nam-[lugal]
#tr.en: the kingship
20. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš
21. mu-na-szum2-ma-[a]
#tr.en: had given,
22. u4-[ba] en-an-na-tum2-me
#tr.en: then Enanatum
23. {d}inanna-ra
#tr.en: for Inanna
24. eb-gal
#tr.en: the Great Oval
25. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built,
26. e2-an-<na>
#tr.en: the Eanna (temple)
27. kur-kur-ra mu-na-diri
#tr.en: he made greater than all the mountains for her,
28. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2-ra
#tr.en: and with gold and silver
29. szu mu-na-ni-tag
#tr.en: he decorated it for her.
30. mu-ni-tum2-ma-a
#tr.en: When he had made it fitting for her,
31. u4-ba [en]-an-[na-tum2-me]
#tr.en: then Enanatum
32. [x]-x KI
#tr.en: ...
33. [e2]-gal?-ni
#tr.en: his palace
34. [...]
#tr.en: ...
35. mu-[na-du3]
#tr.en: he built for him.
36. ku3-sig17 [ku3-babbar2-ra]
#tr.en: With gold and silver
37. szu mu-[na]-ni-tag
#tr.en: he decorated it for him,
38. mu-ni-tum2
#tr.en: and made it fitting for him.
39. pu2 sig4 alurax(BAHAR2)-[ra]
#tr.en: A well, with baked bricks,
40. du6 uru11[{ki}]-ka
#tr.en: on the mound of Urub
41. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
42. {d}ama-gesztin-[an-na]-ra
#tr.en: For Amageštinana
43. e2 [sag]-u9-ka-ni
#tr.en: her temple of Sagub
44. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
$ rest broken
RIME, ex. 01 (P222478) 2219997
&P222478 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
@column 1
1. [en]-an-na-tum2
2. ensi2
3. lagasz{ki}
4. [sza3] pa3-da
5. [{d}]nansze
6. ensi2 gal
7. [{d}]nin-[gir2]-su2-ka
8. [dumu] tu-da
9. [{d}]lugal-[uru11{ki}-ka]
@column 2
1. dumu a-kur-gal
2. ensi2
3. lagasz{ki}-ka
4. szesz ki ag2
4. szesz ki-ag2
5. e2-an-na-tum2
6. ensi2
7. lagasz{ki}-ka-ra
8. u4 {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ke4
9. en-an-na-tum2-ra
10. nam-[lugal]
11. lagasz{ki}
@column 3
1. mu-na-szum2-ma-[a]
2. u4-[ba] en-an-na-tum2-me
3. {d}inanna-ra
4. eb-gal
5. mu-na-du3
6. e2-an-<na>
7. kur-kur-ra mu-na-diri
8. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2-ra
9. szu mu-na-ni-tag
10. mu-ni-tum2-ma-a
11. u4-ba [en]-an-[na-tum2-me]
12. [x]-x KI
13. [e2]-gal#?-ni
@column 4
1. [...]
2. mu-[na-du3]
3. ku3-sig17 [ku3-babbar2-ra]
4. szu mu-[na]-ni-tag
5. mu-ni-tum2
6. pu2 sig4 alurax(BAHAR2)-[ra]
7. du6 uru11#{[ki]}-ka
8. mu-na-du3
9. {d}ama-gesztin-[an-na]-ra
10. e2 [sag]-u9-ka-ni
11. mu-na-du3
@column 5
$ column missing
RIME composite (P431106) 2219998
&P431106 = RIME
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. en-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: For Enanatum,
2. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
3. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
4. a2 szum2-ma
#tr.en: given power
5. [{d}]en-[lil2-la2]
#tr.en: by Enlil,
6. [sza3 pa3-da]
#tr.en: chosen by the heart
7. [{d}nansze]
#tr.en: of Nanše,
8. [ensi2 gal]
#tr.en: chief ruler
9. [{d}nin-gir2-su-ka]
#tr.en: of Ningirsu,
10. mu [du10] sa4-a
#tr.en: called a good name
11. {d}inanna-ka
#tr.en: by Inanna,
12. gesztu2 szum2-ma
#tr.en: given wisdom
13. {d}en-ki
#tr.en: by Enki,
14. dumu tu-da
#tr.en: son begotten
15. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka
#tr.en: of Lugalurub,
16. dumu a-kur-gal
#tr.en: son of Akurgal,
17. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
18. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
19. szesz ki ag2
19. szesz ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved brother
20. [e2]-an-[na-tum2]
#tr.en: of Eanatum,
21. [ensi2]
#tr.en: ruler
22. [lagasz{ki}-ka-ra]
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
23. [u4 {d}]lugal-uru11{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: when Lugalurub
24. en-an-na-tum2-ra
#tr.en: to Enanatum
25. nam-lugal
#tr.en: the kingship
26. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš
27. mu-na-szum2-ma-a
#tr.en: had given,
28. kur-kur szu-ni-sze3
#tr.en: all the foreign lands into his hands
29. mu-sze3-gar-ra-a
#tr.en: had put,
30. ki-bala giri3-ni-sze3
#tr.en: and the rebel land at his feet
31. [...]-ra-a
#tr.en: had ...,
32. u4-ba en-an-na-tum2-me
#tr.en: then Enanatum
33. {d}inanna-ra
#tr.en: for Inanna
34. eb-[gal]
#tr.en: the Great Oval
35. [mu-na]-du3
#tr.en: he built.
36. x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
$ n lines broken
37'. [...]-ma-a
#tr.en: ...
38'. [...] x ki
#tr.en: ...
39'. lugal ki an-na-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: For his master who loved him,
40'. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
#tr.en: Lugalurub,
41'. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ba
#tr.en: the palace of Urub
42'. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
43'. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2-ra
#tr.en: With gold and silver
44'. szu mu-na-ni-tag
#tr.en: he decorated it for him,
45'. mu-ni-tum2
#tr.en: and made it fitting for him.
46'. en-an-na-tum2-[me]
#tr.en: Enanatum
47'. {d}[...]
#tr.en: for ...
48'. [...]
#tr.en: ...
49'. e2 [...]
#tr.en: the temple ...
50'. [...]
#tr.en: ...
51'. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
52'. {d}[...]
#tr.en: For ...
$ n lines broken
53'. x x a x ki ag2-ga2
53'. x x a x ki-ag2-ga2
#tr.en: In the beloved ...
54'. pu2 sig4 alurax(BAHAR2)-ra
#tr.en: a well, with baked bricks,
55'. mu-na-ni-du3
#tr.en: he built for him,
56'. bad3-bi
#tr.en: and its wall
57'. ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
#tr.en: he restored for him.
58'. en-an-na-tum2-me
#tr.en: Enanatum
59'. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
#tr.en: for Lugalurub
60'. {gesz}kesz2-ra2
#tr.en: the dam
61'. [(x) {d}]nin-hur-sag-ga2
#tr.en: (of?) Ninḫursaga
62'. [... sig4] alurax(BAHAR2)-ra
#tr.en: (...) with baked bricks
63'. mu-[na]-ni-du3
#tr.en: he built.
64'. en-an-na-[tum2]
#tr.en: Enanatum
$ rest broken
RIME, ex. 01 (P222500) 2219999
&P222500 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object boulder
@surface a
@column 1
1. en-an-na-tum2
2. ensi2
3. lagasz{ki}
4. a2 szum2-ma
5. [{d}]en-[lil2-la2]
6. [sza3 pa3-da]
7. [{d}nansze]
8. [ensi2 gal]
9. [{d}nin-gir2-su-ka]
10. mu [du10] sa4-a
@column 2
1. {d}inanna-ka
2. gesztu2 szum2-ma
3. {d}en-ki
4. dumu tu-da
5. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka
6. dumu a-kur-gal
7. ensi2
8. lagasz{ki}
9. szesz ki ag2
9. szesz ki-ag2
10. [e2]-an-[na-tum2]
11. [ensi2]
12. [lagasz{ki}-ka-ra]
13. [u4 {d}]lugal-uru11{ki}-ke4
@column 3
1. en-an-na-tum2-ra
2. nam-lugal
3. lagasz{ki}
4. mu-na-szum2-ma-a
5. kur-kur szu-ni-sze3
6. mu-sze3-gar-ra-a
7. ki-bala giri3-ni-sze3
8. [...]-ra-a
9. u4-ba en-an-na-tum2-me
10. {d}inanna-ra
11. eb-[gal]
12. [mu-na]-du3
13. x x [...]
$ several lines missing
1'. [...]-ma-a
2'. [...] x ki
@column 4
1. lugal ki an-na-ag2-ga2-ni
2. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
3. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ba
4. mu-na-du3
5. ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar2-ra
6. szu mu-na-ni-tag
7. mu-ni-tum2
8. en-an-na-tum2-[me]
9. {d}[...]
10. [...]
11. e2 [...]
12. [...]
13. mu-na-du3
14. {d}[...]
$ rest broken
@column 5
1. x x a x ki ag2-ga2
1. x x a x ki-ag2-ga2
2. pu2 sig4 alurax(BAHAR2)-ra
3. mu-na-ni-du3
4. bad3-bi
5. ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
6. en-an-na-tum2-me
7. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
8. {gesz}kesz2-ra2
9. [(x) {d}]nin-hur-sag-ga2
10. [... sig4] alurax(BAHAR2)-ra
11. mu-[na]-ni-du3
12. en-an-na-[tum2]
$ rest broken
RIME composite (P431111) 2220000
&P431111 = RIME
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. [{d}lugal-uru11{ki}]
#tr.en: For Lugalurub
2. [{d}ama-uszumgal]-an-na-ra
#tr.en: and Ama-ušumgal-ana,
3. me-an-ne2-[si]
#tr.en: Meanesi,
4. [dumu] en-an-[na-tum2]
#tr.en: son of Enanatum,
5. [ensi2]
#tr.en: ruler
6. [lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4]
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
7. [u4] en-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: when Enanatum,
8. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
9. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
10. [sza3] pa3-da
#tr.en: chosen by the heart
11. {d}nansze
#tr.en: of Nanše,
12. ensi2 gal
#tr.en: chief ruler
13. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu,
14. dumu tu-da
#tr.en: son begotten
15. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka
#tr.en: of Lugalurub,
16. dumu a-kur-gal
#tr.en: son of Akurgal,
17. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
18. lagasz{ki}-ka
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
19. [szesz ki ag2]
19. [szesz ki-ag2]
#tr.en: beloved brother
20. [e2-an-na-tum2]
#tr.en: of Eanatum,
21. [ensi2]
#tr.en: ruler
22. [lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4]
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
23. {d}inanna-[ra]
#tr.en: who for Inanna
24. eb-[gal] mu-[na-du3-a]
#tr.en: built the Great Oval
25. e2-[an-na kur-kur-ra]
#tr.en: and made the Eanna throughout the lands
26. [mu-na-diri-ga]-a
#tr.en: the greatest of all,
27. [alan]-ni mu-tu
#tr.en: he created (this) statue of himself,
28. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
#tr.en: and to Lugalurub
29. e2-a mu-na-ni-kux(DU)
#tr.en: he had it brought into the temple.
30. nam-ti ab-ba-ni
#tr.en: For the life of his father
31. en-an-na-tum2-ma-sze3
#tr.en: Enanatum,
32. nam-ti ama-ni
#tr.en: for the life of his mother
33. a-szurmin-sze3
#tr.en: Ašurmen,
34. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: and for his (own) life,
35. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-[ra]
#tr.en: to Lugalurub
36. [e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka]
#tr.en: in the palace of Urub
37. [kiri3 szu he2-na-sze3-gal2]
#tr.en: he will have it make obeisances.
RIME, ex. 01 (P222494) 2220001
&P222494 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object statue
@surface a
@column 1
1. [{d}lugal-uru11{ki}]
2. [{d}ama-uszumgal]-an-na-ra
3. me-an-ne2-[si]
4. [dumu] en-an-[na-tum2]
5. [ensi2]
6. [lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4]
7. [u4] en-an-na-tum2
8. ensi2
9. lagasz{ki}
10. [sza3] pa3-da
11. {d}nansze
12. ensi2 gal
13. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
14. dumu tu-da
15. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ka
16. dumu a-kur-gal
17. ensi2
18. lagasz{ki}-ka
19. [szesz ki ag2]
19. [szesz ki-ag2]
20. [e2-an-na-tum2]
21. [ensi2]
@column 2
1. [lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4]
2. {d}inanna-[ra]
3. eb-[gal] mu-[na-du3-a]
4. e2-[an-na kur-kur-ra]
5. [mu-na-diri-ga]-a
6. [alan]-ni mu-tu
7. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
8. e2-a mu-na-ni-kux(DU)
9. nam-ti ab-ba-ni
10. en-an-na-tum2-ma-sze3
11. nam-ti ama-ni
12. a-szurmin-sze3
13. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
14. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-[ra]
15. [e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka]
16. [kiri3 szu he2-na-sze3-gal2]
RIME composite (P431117) 2220002
5(asz@c)-a only appears a few times in words list
gar3-dar-ra-a only appears a few times in words list
nam-nun-da only appears a few times in words list
&P431117 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil,
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
#tr.en: king of all the lands,
3. ab-ba dingir-dingir-re2-ne-ke4
#tr.en: father of all the gods,
4. inim gi-na-ni-ta
#tr.en: by his righteous command
5. {d}nin-gir2-su
#tr.en: for Ningirsu
6. {d}szara2-bi
#tr.en: and Šara,
7. ki e-ne-sur
#tr.en: demarcated the (border) ground.
8. me-silim
#tr.en: Mesilim,
9. lugal kisz{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: king of Kiš,
10. inim {d}isztaran-na-ta
#tr.en: by the command of Ištaran,
11. esz2-GAN2 be2-ra
#tr.en: struck the measuring line upon it,
12. ki-ba na bi2-ru2
#tr.en: and on that place he erected a stele.
13. usz
#tr.en: Uš,
14. ensi2
#tr.en: governor
15. umma{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: of Umma,
16. nam inim-ma diri-diri-sze3
#tr.en: something greatly beyond words (?)
17. e-ak
#tr.en: he did.
18. na-ru2-a-bi
#tr.en: That stele
19. i3-bux(PAD)
#tr.en: he tore out,
20. edin lagasz{ki}-sze3
#tr.en: and into the plain of Lagaš
21. i3-kux(DU)
#tr.en: he entered.
22. {d}nin-gir2-su
#tr.en: Ningirsu,
23. ur-sag {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4
#tr.en: the hero of Enlil,
24. inim si-sa2-ni-ta
#tr.en: by his (Enlil’s) just command,
25. umma{ki}-da
#tr.en: with Umma
26. dam-ha-ra
#tr.en: battle
27. e-da-ak
#tr.en: did.
28. inim {d}en-lil2-la2-ta
#tr.en: By the word of Enlil
29. sa szu4 gal bi2-szu4
#tr.en: he cast (his) big battle-net upon it,
30. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi
#tr.en: and its many tumuli
31. edin-na ki ba-ni-us2-us2
#tr.en: he built up in the plain.
32. e2-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Eanatum,
33. ensi2
#tr.en: governor
34. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
35. pa-bil3-ga
#tr.en: uncle
36. en-mete-na
#tr.en: of Enmetena,
37. ensi2
#tr.en: governor
38. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
39. en-a2-kal-le
#tr.en: with Enakale,
40. ensi2
#tr.en: the governor
41. umma{ki}-da
#tr.en: of Umma,
42. ki e-da-sur
#tr.en: demarcated the (border) ground,
43. e-bi i7-nun-ta
#tr.en: and its levee from Princely Canal
44. gu2-edin-na-sze3
#tr.en: to the Gu’edena
45.a. ib2-ta-ni-e3
#tr.en: he extended.
45.b. GAN2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
#tr.en: Of Ningirsu’s field
45.c. 3(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) 1/2(asz@c) esz2 {ninda}nindax(DU)
#tr.en: 215 rope-ninda
45.d. a2 umma{ki}-sze3
#tr.en: under the control of Umma
45.e. mu-tak4
#tr.en: he left
45.f. GAN2 lugal nu-tuku
#tr.en: and into a field with no owner
45.g. i3-kux(DU)
#tr.en: made it.
46. e-ba na-ru2-a
#tr.en: On that levee steles
47. e-me-sar-sar
#tr.en: he inscribed,
48. na-ru2-a
#tr.en: and the stele
49. me-silim-ma
#tr.en: of Mesilim
50. ki-be2 bi2-gi4
#tr.en: he restored.
51. edin umma{ki}-sze3
#tr.en: Into the plain of Umma
52. nu-dib2
#tr.en: he did not pass.
53. im-dub-ba
#tr.en: On the boundary mound
54. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu
55. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra
#tr.en: (named) Namnunda-kigara,
56. bara2 {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: a dais of Enlil,
57. bara2 {d}nin-hur-sag-ka
#tr.en: a dais of Ninḫursag,
58. bara2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
#tr.en: a dais of Ningirsu,
59. bara2 {d}utu
#tr.en: and a dais of Utu
60. bi2-du3
#tr.en: he constructed.
61. sze {d}nansze
#tr.en: Of the barley of Nanše
62. sze {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
#tr.en: and the barley of Ningirsu,
63. 1(asz@c) guru7-am6
#tr.en: one grain-heap measure
# 3600 gur, ca. 7800 hl. at 1.5 liters per OS Lagash sila3
64. lu2 umma{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: the Man of Umma
65. ur5-sze3 i3-gu7
#tr.en: consumed as an interest-bearing loan.
66. ku5-ra2 ba-us2
#tr.en: The ‛cut’ was imposed,
67. 4(szar'ugal@c){gal} guru7
#tr.en: and 144,000 (gur measured in) grain-heaps
# reckoned at 40 : 1
68. ba-kux(KWU147)
#tr.en: it was made.
69. bar sze-bi nu-da-su3-su3-da-ka
#tr.en: Because he was unable to repay that barley,
70. ur-lum-ma
#tr.en: Urlumma,
71. ensi2
#tr.en: governor
72. umma{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: of Umma,
73. e ki-sur-ra
#tr.en: the levee of the boundary territory
74. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu
75. e ki-sur-ra
#tr.en: and the levee of the boundary territory
76. {d}nansze
#tr.en: of Nanše
77. a-e i3-mi-e3
#tr.en: he removed with water.
78. na-ru2-a-be2
#tr.en: To its steles
79. izi ba-szum2
#tr.en: he set fire,
80. i3-bux(PAD)-bux(PAD)
#tr.en: and he tore them out.
81. bara2 ru-a dingir-re2-ne
#tr.en: The set daises of the gods
82. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra
#tr.en: which on the Namnunda-kigara (mound)
83. ab-du3-a
#tr.en: had been constructed,
84. i3-gul-gul
#tr.en: he demolished.
85. kur-kur e-ma-hun
#tr.en: He hired foreign countries,
86. e ki-sur-ra
#tr.en: and over the levee of the boundary territory
87. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu
88. e-ma-ta-bala
#tr.en: he crossed.
89. en-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: Enanatum,
90. ensi2
#tr.en: governor
91. lagasz{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
92. GAN2 u3-gig-ga
#tr.en: in the Ugiga field,
93. {a-sza3}asza5 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka
#tr.en: the field of Ningirsu,
94. gesz tesz2-tesz2-sze3 e-da-la2
#tr.en: had (previously) fought with him,
95. en-mete-na
#tr.en: but Enmetena,
96. dumu ki ag2
96. dumu ki-ag2
#tr.en: the beloved son
97. en-an-na-tum2-ma-ke4
#tr.en: of Enanatum,
98. |GIN2.SZE3| i3-ni-se3
#tr.en: defeated him.
99. ur-lum-ma
#tr.en: Urlumma
100. ba-da-kar
#tr.en: fled
101. sza3 umma{ki}-sze3
#tr.en: into the middle of Umma
102. e-gaz
#tr.en: and was killed.
103. ansze-ni surx(ERIM) 1(gesz2@c)-am6
#tr.en: His donkeys, sixty teams,
104. gu2 i7 lum-ma gir2-nun-ta-ka
#tr.en: on the bank of the Lummagirnunta (canal)
105. e-sze3-tak4
#tr.en: were left behind,
106. nam-lu2-u18-ba
#tr.en: and their personnel’s
107. giri3-pad-ra2-bi
#tr.en: bones
108. edin-da e-da-tak4-tak4
#tr.en: were all left out on the plain.
109. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi
#tr.en: Their tumuli
110. ki 5(asz@c)-a
#tr.en: in five places
112. i3-mi-dub
#tr.en: he heaped up.
113. u4-ba il2
#tr.en: At that time, Il,
114. sanga zabala5{ki}-kam
#tr.en: who was the temple administrator of Zabala,
115. gir2-su{ki}-ta
#tr.en: from Girsu
116. umma{ki}-sze3
#tr.en: to Umma
117. gar3-dar-ra-a
#tr.en: slithering
118. e-gen
#tr.en: he went.
119. il2-le
#tr.en: Il
120. nam-ensi2
#tr.en: the rulership
121. umma{ki}-a
#tr.en: of Umma
122. szu e-ma-ti
#tr.en: seized.
123. e ki-sur-ra
#tr.en: The levee of the boundary territory
124. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu,
125. e ki-sur-ra
#tr.en: the levee of the boundary territory
126. {d}nansze
#tr.en: of Nanše,
127. im-dub-ba
#tr.en: and the boundary mound
128. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu
129. gu2 i7 idigna-sze3 gal2-la
#tr.en: which was located on the of bank of the Tigris
130. gu2-gu2 gir2-su{ki}-ka
#tr.en: in the region of Girsu,
131. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra {d}en-lil2-la2 {d}en-ki-ka
#tr.en: the Namnunda-kigara of Enlil, Enki,
132. {d}nin-hur-sag-ka
#tr.en: and Ninḫursag,
133. a-e i3-mi-e3
#tr.en: he removed with water.
134. sze lagasz{ki} 1(szar2@c) guru7-am6
#tr.en: The barley of Lagaš, (with only) 3600 (gur measured in a) grain-heap,
135. i3-su
#tr.en: he repaid.
136. en-mete-na
#tr.en: When Enmetena,
137. ensi2
#tr.en: governor
138. lagasz{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
139. bar e-ba-ka
#tr.en: because of those levees,
140. il2-sze3
#tr.en: to Il
141. lu2 he2-sze3-gi4-gi4-a
#tr.en: had sent envoys,
142. il2
#tr.en: Il,
143. ensi2
#tr.en: governor
144. umma{ki}-a
#tr.en: of Umma,
145. {a-sza3}asza5 kar-kar
#tr.en: field-thief,
146. nig2-erim2 du11-du11-ge
#tr.en: with hostility speaking,
147. e ki-sur-ra
#tr.en: “The levee of the boundary territory
148. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu
149. e ki-sur-ra
#tr.en: and the levee of the boundary territory
150. {d}nansze
#tr.en: of Nanše
151. ga2-kam
#tr.en: are mine!”
152. i3-mi-du11
#tr.en: he declared.
153. an-ta-sur-ra-ta
#tr.en: “From the Antasura (temple)
154. e2 {d}dimgal-abzu-ka-sze3
#tr.en: to the temple of Dimgalabzu
155. im ba-ni-e3-de3
#tr.en: I shall remove the earth from them!”
156. i3-mi-du11
#tr.en: he declared.
157. {d}en-lil2-le
#tr.en: But Enlil
158. {d}nin-hur-sag-ke4
#tr.en: and Ninḫursag
159. nu-na-szum2
#tr.en: did not give it to him.
160. en-mete-na
#tr.en: Enmetena,
161. ensi2
#tr.en: governor
162. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
163. mu pa3-da
#tr.en: nominated
164. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ke4
#tr.en: by Ningirsu,
165. inim si-sa2 {d}en-lil2-la2-ta
#tr.en: by the just word of Enlil,
166. inim si-sa2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ta
#tr.en: the just word of Ningirsu,
167. inim si-sa2 {d}nansze-ta
#tr.en: and the just word of Nanše,
168. e-bi i7 idigna-ta
#tr.en: that levee from the Tigris River
169. i7-nun-sze3
#tr.en: to Princely Canal
170. e-ak
#tr.en: he constructed.
171. nam-nun-da ki gar-ra
#tr.en: The Namnunda-kigara’s
172. ur2-bi na4-a mu-na-ni-du3
#tr.en: base in stone he built for him,
173. lugal ki an-na-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: and for his master who loves him,
174. {d}nin-gir2-su-ra
#tr.en: Ningirsu,
175. nin ki an-na-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: and his mistress who loves him,
176. {d}nansze
#tr.en: Nanše,
177. ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
#tr.en: he restored it.
178. en-mete-na
#tr.en: Enmetena,
179. ensi2
#tr.en: governor
180. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
181. gidri szum2-ma
#tr.en: the scepter given
182. {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: by Enlil,
183. gesztu2 szum2-ma
#tr.en: wisdom given
184. {d}en-ki-ka
#tr.en: by Enki,
185. sza3 pa3-da
#tr.en: by the heart chosen
186. {d}nansze
#tr.en: of Nanše,
187. ensi2 gal
#tr.en: big-governor
188. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu,
189. lu2 inim dingir-re2-ne dab5-ba
#tr.en: the man who the words of the gods held (dear),
190. dingir-ra-ni
#tr.en: may his (personal) god
191. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
#tr.en: Šul-MUŠxPA
192. nam-ti
#tr.en: for the life
193. en-mete-na-ka-sze3
#tr.en: of Enmetena
194. u4 ul-la-sze3
#tr.en: unto distant days
195. {d}nin-gir2-su-ra
#tr.en: before Ningirsu
196. {d}nansze
#tr.en: and Nanše
197. he2-na-szi-gub
#tr.en: stand (interceding) for him!
198. lu2 umma{ki}-a
#tr.en: A Man of Umma
199. e ki-sur-ra
#tr.en: who, over the levee of the boundary territory
200. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu
201. e ki-sur-ra
#tr.en: or over the levee of the boundary territory
202. {d}nansze-ka
#tr.en: of Nanše
203. a2 zi-sze3
#tr.en: in order by violence
204. {a-sza3}asza5 tum3-de3
#tr.en: fields to carry off,
205. am6-ta-bala-e-da
#tr.en: might (in the future) cross,
206. lu2 umma{ki} he2
#tr.en: a man of Umma be he,
207. lu2 kur-ra he2
#tr.en: or a man of a foreign land be he,
208. {d}en-lil2-le
#tr.en: may Enlil
209. he2-ha-lam-me
#tr.en: annihilate him!
210. {d}nin-gir2-su-ke4
#tr.en: Ningirsu,
211. sa szu4 gal-ni
#tr.en: when his big battle-net
212. u3-ni-szu4
#tr.en: he has cast over him,
213. szu mah giri3 mah-ni
#tr.en: his great hands and great feet
214. an-ta he2-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: from above may he bring down (upon him)!
215. nam-lu2-ulu3 iri-na
#tr.en: When the people in his city
216. szu u3-na-zi
#tr.en: a hand against him have raised,
217. sza3 iri-na-ka
#tr.en: in the middle of his city
218. ha-ne2-gaz-zex(|AB2.SZA3.GI|)
#tr.en: may they grind him up!
RIME, ex. 01 (P222532) 2220003
5(disz@t)-a only appears a few times in words list
nam-nun-da only appears a few times in words list
&P222532 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
3. ab-ba dingir-dingir-re2-ne-ke4
4. inim gi-na-ni-ta
5. {d}nin-gir2-su
6. {d}szara2-bi
7. ki e-ne-sur
8. me-silim
9. lugal kisz{ki}-ke4
10. inim {d}isztaran-na-ta
11. esz2-GAN2 be2-ra
12. ki-ba na bi2-ru2
13. usz
14. ensi2
15. umma{ki}-ke4
16. nam inim-ma diri-diri-sze3
17. e-ak
18. na-ru2-a-bi
19. i3-bux(PAD)
20. edin lagasz{ki}-sze3
21. i3-kux(DU)
22. {d}nin-gir2-su
23. ur-sag {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4
24. inim si-sa2-ni-ta
25. umma{ki}-da
26. dam-ha-ra
27. e-da-ak
28. inim {d}en-lil2-la2-ta
29. sa szu4 gal bi2-szu4
30. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi
31. edin-na ki ba-ni-us2-us2
32. e2-an-na-tum2
33. ensi2
34. lagasz{ki}
35. pa-bil3-ga
36. en-mete-na
37. ensi2
38. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
39. en-a2-kal-le
40. ensi2
41. umma{ki}-da
42. ki e-da-sur
@column 2
1. e-bi i7-nun-ta
2. gu2-edin-na-sze3
3. ib2-ta-ni-e3 GAN2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka 3(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) 1/2(asz@c) esz2 {ninda}nindax(DU) a2 umma{ki}-sze3 mu-tak4 GAN2 lugal nu-tuku i3-kux(DU)
4. e-ba na-ru2-a
5. e-me-sar-sar
6. na-ru2-a
7. me-silim-ma
8. ki-be2 bi2-gi4
9. edin umma{ki}-sze3
10. nu-dib2
11. im-dub-ba
12. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
13. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra
14. bara2 {d}en-lil2-la2
15. bara2 {d}nin-hur-sag-ka
16. bara2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
17. bara2 {d}utu
18. bi2-du3
19. sze {d}nansze
20. sze {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
21. 1(asz@c) guru7-am6
22. lu2 umma{ki}-ke4
23. ur5-sze3 i3-gu7
24. ku5-ra2 ba-us2
25. 4(szar'ugal@c){gal} guru7
26. ba-ku4
27. bar sze-bi nu-da-su3-su3-da-ka
28. ur-lum-ma
29. ensi2
30. umma{ki}-ke4
31. e ki-sur-ra
32. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
33. e ki-sur-ra
34. {d}nansze
35. a-e i3-mi-e3
36. na-ru2-a-be2
37. izi ba-szum2
38. i3-bux(PAD)-bux(PAD)
39. bara2 ru-a dingir-re2-ne
40. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra
41. ab-du3-a
42. i3-gul-gul
@column 3
1. kur-kur e-ma-hun
2. e ki-sur-ra
3. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka
4. e-ma-ta-bala
5. en-an-na-tum2
6. ensi2
7. lagasz{ki}-ke4
8. GAN2 u3-gig-ga
9. {a-sza3}asza5 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka
10. gesz tesz2-tesz2-sze3 e-da-la2
11. en-mete-na
12. dumu ki ag2
12. dumu ki-ag2
13. en-an-na-tum2-ma-ke4
14. |GIN2.SZE3| i3-ni-se3
15. ur-lum-ma
16. ba-da-kar
17. sza3 umma{ki}-sze3
18. e-gaz
19. ansze-ni surx(ERIM) 1(gesz2@c)-am6
20. gu2 i7 lum-ma gir2-nun-ta-ka
21. e-sze3-tak4
22. nam-lu2-u18-ba
23. giri3-pad-ra2-bi
24. edin-da e-da-tak4-tak4
25. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi
26. ki 5(disz@t)-a
27. i3-mi-dub
28. u4-ba il2
29. sanga zabala5{ki}-kam
30. gir2-su{ki}-ta
31. umma{ki}-sze3
32. gar3 dar-ra-a
33. e-gen
34. il2-le
35. nam-ensi2
36. umma{ki}-a
37. szu e-ma-ti
38. e ki-sur-ra
@column 4
1. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
2. e ki-sur-ra
3. {d}nansze
4. im-dub-ba
5. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
6. gu2 i7 idigna-sze3 gal2-la
7. gu2-gu2 gir2-su{ki}-ka
8. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra {d}en-lil2-la2 {d}en-ki-ka
9. {d}nin-hur-sag-ka
10. a-e i3-mi-e3
11. sze lagasz{ki} 1(szar2@c) guru7-am6
12. i3-su
13. en-mete-na
14. ensi2
15. lagasz{ki}-ke4
16. bar e-ba-ka
17. il2-sze3
18. lu2 he2-sze3-gi4-gi4-a
19. il2
20. ensi2
21. umma{ki}-a
22. {a-sza3}asza5 kar-kar
23. nig2-erim2 du11-du11-ge
24. e ki-sur-ra
25. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
26. e ki-sur-ra
27. {d}nansze
28. ga2-kam
29. i3-mi-du11
30. an-ta-sur-ra-ta
31. e2 {d}dimgal-abzu-ka-sze3
32. im ba-ni-e3-de3
33. i3-mi-du11
34. {d}en-lil2-le
35. {d}nin-hur-sag-ke4
36. nu-na-szum2
@column 5
1. en-mete-na
2. ensi2
3. lagasz{ki}
4. mu pa3-da
5. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ke4
6. inim si-sa2 {d}en-lil2-la2-ta
7. inim si-sa2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ta
8. inim si-sa2 {d}nansze-ta
9. e-bi i7 idigna-ta
10. i7-nun-sze3
11. e-ak
12. nam-nun-da ki gar-ra
13. ur2-bi na4-a mu-na-ni-du3
14. lugal ki an-na-ag2-ga2-ni
15. {d}nin-gir2-su-ra
16. nin ki an-na-ag2-ga2-ni
17. {d}nansze
18. ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
19. en-mete-na
20. ensi2
21. lagasz{ki}
22. gidri szum2-ma
23. {d}en-lil2-la2
24. gesztu2 szum2-ma
25. {d}en-ki-ka
26. sza3 pa3-da
27. {d}nansze
28. ensi2 gal
29. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
30. lu2 inim dingir-re2-ne dab5-ba
@column 6
1. dingir-ra-ni
2. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
3. nam-ti
4. en-mete-na-ka-sze3
5. u4 ul-la-sze3
6. {d}nin-gir2-su-ra
7. {d}nansze
8. he2-na-szi-gub
9. lu2 umma{ki}-a
10. e ki-sur-ra
11. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka
12. e ki-sur-ra
13. {d}nansze-ka
14. a2 zi-sze3
15. {a-sza3}asza5 tum3-de3
16. am6-ta-bala-e-da
17. lu2 umma{ki} he2
18. lu2 kur-ra he2
19. {d}en-lil2-le
20. he2-ha-lam-me
21. {d}nin-gir2-su-ke4
22. sa szu4 gal-ni
23. u3-ni-szu4
24. szu mah giri3 mah-ni
25. an-ta he2-ga2-ga2
26. nam-lu2-ulu3 iri-na
27. szu u3-na-zi
28. sza3 iri-na-ka
29. ha-ne2-gaz-zex(|AB2.SZA3.GI|)
RIME, ex. 02 (P222533) 2220004
nun-ta only appears a few times in words list
gin2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
5(disz@t)-a only appears a few times in words list
nun-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ne2-gaz-e only appears a few times in words list
&P222533 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
@object cylinder
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
3. ab-ba dingir-dingir-re2-ne-ke4
4. inim gi-na-ni-ta
5. {d}nin-gir2-su
6. {d}szara2-bi
7. ki e-ne-sur
8. me-silim
9. lugal kisz{ki}-ke4
10. inim {d}isztaran-na-ta
11. esz2 GAN2 be2-ra
12. ki-ba na bi2-ru2
13. usz
14. ensi2
15. umma{ki}-ke4
16. nam inim-ma diri-diri-sze3
17. e-ak
18. na-ru2-a-bi
19. i3-bux(PAD)
20. edin lagasz{ki}-sze3
21. i3-kux(DU)
22. {d}nin-gir2-su
23. ur-sag {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4
24. inim si-sa2-ni-ta
25. umma{ki}-da
26. dam-ha-ra
27. e-da-ak
28. inim {d}en-lil2-la2-ta
29. sa szu4 gal bi2-szu4
30. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi
31. edin-na ki ba-ni-us2-us2
@column 2
1. e2-an-na-tum2
2. ensi2
3. lagasz{ki}
4. pa-bil3-ga
5. en-mete-na
6. ensi2
7. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
8. en-a2-kal-le
9. ensi2
10. umma{ki}-da
11. ki e-da-sur
12. e-bi i7 nun-ta
13. gu2-edin-na-sze3
14. ib2-ta-ni-e3
15. GAN2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
16. 3(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) 1/2(asz@c) esz2 {ninda}nindax(DU)
17. a2 umma{ki}-sze3
18. mu-tak4
19. GAN2 lugal nu-tuku
20. i3-kux(DU)
21. e-ba na-ru2-a
22. e-me-sar-sar
23. na-ru2-a
24. me-silim-ma
25. ki-bi bi2-gi4
26. edin umma{ki}-sze3
27. nu-dab5
28. im-dub-ba
29. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
30. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra
31. bara2 {d}en-lil2-la2
32. bara2 {d}nin-hur-sag-ka
33. bara2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
@column 3
1. bara2 {d}utu
2. bi2-du3
3. sze {d}nansze
4. sze {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
5. 1(asz@c) guru7-am6
6. lu2 umma{ki}-ke4
7. ur5-sze3 i3-gu7
8. ku5-ra2 ba-us2
9. 4(szar'ugal@c){gal} guru7
10. ba-ku4
11. bar sze-bi nu-da-su3-su3-da-ka
12. ur-lum-ma
13. ensi2
14. umma{ki}-ke4
15. e ki-sur-ra
16. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
17. e ki-sur-ra
18. {d}nansze
19. a-e i3-mi-e3
20. na-ru2-a-bi
21. izi ba-szum2
22. i3-bux(PAD)-bux(PAD)
23. bara2 ru-a dingir-re2-ne
24. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra
25. ab-du3-a
26. i3-gul-gul
27. kur-kur e-ma-hun
28. e ki-sur-ra
29. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka
30. e-ma-ta-bala
31. en-an-na-tum2
32. ensi2
33. lagasz{ki}-ke4
34. GAN2 u3-gig-ga
35. {a-sza3}asza5 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka
@column 4
1. gesz tesz2-tesz2-sze3 e-da-la2
2. en-mete-na
3. dumu ki ag2
3. dumu ki-ag2
4. en-an-na-tum2-ma-ke4
5. gin2-sze3 i3-ni-se3
6. ur-lum-ma
7. ba-da-kar
8. sza3 umma{ki}-sze3
9. e-gaz
10. ansze-ni surx(ERIM) 1(gesz2@c)-am6
11. gu2 i7 lum-ma gir2-nun-ta-ka
12. e-sze3-tak4
13. nam-lu2-u18-ba
14. giri3-pad-ra2-bi
15. edin-da e-da-tak4-tak4
16. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi
17. ki 5(disz@t)-a i3-mi-dub
18. u4-ba il2
19. sanga zabala5{ki}-kam
20. gir2-su{ki}-ta
21. umma{ki}-sze3
22. gar3 dar-ra-a
23. e-gen
24. il2-le
25. nam-ensi2
26. umma{ki}-a
27. szu e-ma-ti
28. e ki-sur-ra
29. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
30. e ki-sur-ra
31. {d}nansze
32. im-dub-ba
33. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka gu2 i7 idigna-sze3 gal2-la gu2-gu2 gir2-su{ki}-ka
34. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra
35. {d}en-lil2-la2
36. {d}en-ki-ka
37. {d}nin-hur-sag-ka
38. a-e i3-mi-e3
39. sze lagasz{ki} 1(szar2@c) guru7-am6
40. i3-su
@column 5
1. en-mete-na
2. ensi2
3. lagasz{ki}-ke4
4. bar e-ba-ka
5. il2-sze3
6. lu2 he2-sze3-gi4-gi4-a
7. il2
8. ensi2
9. umma{ki}-a
10. {a-sza3}asza5 kar-kar
11. nig2-erim2 du11-du11-ge
12. e ki-sur-ra
13. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
14. e ki-sur-ra
15. {d}nansze
16. ga2-kam i3-mi-du11
17. an-ta-sur-ra-ta
18. e2 {d}dimgal-abzu-ka-sze3
19. IM ba-ni-e3-de3
20. i3-mi-du11
21. {d}en-lil2-le
22. {d}nin-hur-sag-ke4
23. nu-na-szum2
24. en-mete-na
25. ensi2
26. lagasz{ki}
27. mu pa3-da
28. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ke4
29. inim si-sa2 {d}en-lil2-la2-ta
30. inim si-sa2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ta
31. inim si-sa2 {d}nansze-ta
32. e-bi i7 idigna-ta
33. i7 nun-sze3
34. e-ak
35. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra
36. ur2-bi na4-a mu-na-ni-du3
37. lugal ki an-na-ag2-ga2-ni
38. {d}nin-gir2-su-ra
39. nin ki an-na-ag2-ga2-ni
40. {d}nansze
41. ki-bi mu-na-gi4
42. en-mete-na
@column 6
1. ensi2
2. lagasz{ki}
3. gidri szum2-ma
4. {d}en-lil2-la2
5. gesztu2 szum2-ma
6. {d}en-ki-ka
7. sza3 pa3-da
8. {d}nansze
9. ensi2 gal
10. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
11. lu2 inim dingir-re2-ne
12. dab5-ba
13. dingir-ra-ni
14. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
15. nam-ti
16. en-mete-na-ka-sze3
17. u4 ul-la-sze3
18. {d}nin-gir2-su-ra
19. {d}nansze
20. he2-na-szi-gub
21. lu2 umma{ki}-a
22. e ki-sur-ra
23. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka
24. e ki-sur-ra
25. {d}nansze-ka
26. a2 zi-sze3
27. {a-sza3}asza5 tum3-de3
28. am6-ta-bala-e-da
29. lu2 umma{ki} he2
30. lu2 kur-ra he2
31. {d}en-lil2-le
32. he2-ha-lam-me
33. {d}nin-gir2-su-ke4
34. sa szu4 gal-ni u3-ni-szu4
35. szu mah giri3 mah-ni
36. an-ta he2-ga2-ga2
37. nam-lu2-u18 iri-na
38. szu u3-na-zi
39. sza3 iri-na-ka
40. ha-ne2-gaz-e
RIME, ex. 04 (P418029) 2220005
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
nun-ta only appears a few times in words list
gin2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
5(disz@t)-a only appears a few times in words list
nun-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ne2-gaz-e only appears a few times in words list
&P418029 = RIME, ex. 04
#atf: lang sux
@object vessel
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
3. ab-ba dingir-dingir-re2-ne-ke4
4. inim gi-na-ni-ta
5. {d}nin-gir2-su
6. {d}szara2-bi
7. ki e-ne-sur
8. me-silim
9. lugal kisz{ki}-ke4
10. inim {d}isztaran-na-ta
11. esz2 GAN2 be2-ra
12. ki-ba na bi2-ru2
13. usz
14. ensi2
15. umma{ki}-ke4
16. nam inim-ma diri-diri-sze3
17. e-ak
18. na-ru2-a-bi
19. i3-bux(PAD)
20. edin lagasz{ki}-sze3
21. i3-kux(DU)
22. {d}nin-gir2-su
23. ur-sag {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4
24. inim si-sa2-ni-ta
25. umma{ki}-da
26. dam-ha-ra
27. e-da-ak
28. inim {d}en-lil2-la2-ta
29. sa szu4 gal bi2-szu4
30. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi
31. edin-na ki ba-ni-us2-us2
@column 2
1. e2-an-na-tum2
2. ensi2
3. lagasz{ki}
4. pa-bil3-ga
5. en-mete-na
6. ensi2
7. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
8. en-a2-kal-le
9. ensi2
10. umma{ki}-da
11. ki e-da-sur
12. e-bi i7 nun-ta
13. gu2-edin-na-sze3
14. ib2-ta-ni-e3
15. GAN2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
16. 3(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) 1/2(asz@c) esz2 {ninda}nindax(DU)
17. a2 umma{ki}-sze3
18. mu-tak4
19. GAN2 lugal nu-tuku
20. i3-kux(DU)
21. e-ba na-ru2-a
22. e-me-sar-sar
23. na-ru2-a
24. me-silim-ma
25. ki-bi bi2-gi4
26. edin umma{ki}-sze3
27. nu-dab5
28. im-dub-ba
29. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
30. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra
31. bara2 {d}en-lil2-la2
32. bara2 {d}nin-hur-sag-ka
33. bara2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
@column 3
1. bara2 {d}utu
2. bi2-du3
3. sze {d}nansze
4. sze {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
5. 1(asz@c) guru7-am6
6. lu2 umma{ki}-ke4
7. ur5-sze3 i3-gu7
8. ku5-ra2 ba-us2
9. 4(szar'ugal@c){gal} guru7
10. ba-ku4
11. bar sze-bi nu-da-su3-su3-da-ka
12. ur-lum-ma
13. ensi2
14. umma{ki}-ke4
15. e ki-sur-ra
16. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
17. e ki-sur-ra
18. {d}nansze
19. a-e i3-mi-e3
20. na-ru2-a-bi
21. izi ba-szum2
22. i3-bux(PAD)-bux(PAD)
23. bara2 ru-a dingir-re2-ne
24. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra
25. ab-du3-a
26. i3-gul-gul
27. kur-kur e-ma-hun
28. e ki-sur-ra
29. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka
30. e-ma-ta-bala
31. en-an-na-tum2
32. ensi2
33. lagasz{ki}-ke4
34. GAN2 u3-gig-ga
35. {a-sza3}asza5 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka
@column 4
1. gesz tesz2-tesz2-sze3 e-da-la2
2. en-mete-na
3. dumu ki ag2
3. dumu ki-ag2
4. en-an-na-tum2-ma-ke4
5. gin2-sze3 i3-ni-se3
6. ur-lum-ma
7. ba-da-kar
8. sza3 umma{ki}-sze3
9. e-gaz
10. ansze-ni surx(ERIM) 1(gesz2@c)-am6
11. gu2 i7 lum-ma gir2-nun-ta-ka
12. e-sze3-tak4
13. nam-lu2-u18-ba
14. giri3-pad-ra2-bi
15. edin-da e-da-tak4-tak4
16. |ISZ.DU6.KID2|-bi
17. ki 5(disz@t)-a i3-mi-dub
18. u4-ba il2
19. sanga zabala5{ki}-kam
20. gir2-su{ki}-ta
21. umma{ki}-sze3
22. gar3 dar-ra-a
23. e-gen
24. il2-le
25. nam-ensi2
26. umma{ki}-a
27. szu e-ma-ti
28. e ki-sur-ra
29. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
30. e ki-sur-ra
31. {d}nansze
32. im-dub-ba
33. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka gu2 i7 idigna-sze3 gal2-la gu2-gu2 gir2-su{ki}-ka
34. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra
35. {d}en-lil2-la2
36. {d}en-ki-ka
37. {d}nin-hur-sag-ka
38. a-e i3-mi-e3
39. sze lagasz{ki} 1(szar2@c) guru7-am6
40. i3-su
@column 5
1. en-mete-na
2. ensi2
3. lagasz{ki}-ke4
4. bar e-ba-ka
5. il2-sze3
6. lu2 he2-sze3-gi4-gi4-a
7. il2
8. ensi2
9. umma{ki}-a
10. {a-sza3}asza5 kar-kar
11. nig2-erim2 du11-du11-ge
12. e ki-sur-ra
13. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
14. e ki-sur-ra
15. {d}nansze
16. ga2-kam i3-mi-du11
17. an-ta-sur-ra-ta
18. e2 {d}dimgal-abzu-ka-sze3
19. IM ba-ni-e3-de3
20. i3-mi-du11
21. {d}en-lil2-le
22. {d}nin-hur-sag-ke4
23. nu-na-szum2
24. en-mete-na
25. ensi2
26. lagasz{ki}
27. mu pa3-da
28. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ke4
29. inim si-sa2 {d}en-lil2-la2-ta
30. inim si-sa2 {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ta
31. inim si-sa2 {d}nansze-ta
32. e-bi i7 idigna-ta
33. i7 nun-sze3
34. e-ak
35. nam-nun-da-ki-gar-ra
36. ur2-bi na4-a mu-na-ni-du3
37. lugal ki an-na-ag2-ga2-ni
38. {d}nin-gir2-su-ra
39. nin ki an-na-ag2-ga2-ni
40. {d}nansze
41. ki-bi mu-na-gi4
42. en-mete-na
@column 6
1. ensi2
2. lagasz{ki}
3. gidri szum2-ma
4. {d}en-lil2-la2
5. gesztu2 szum2-ma
6. {d}en-ki-ka
7. sza3 pa3-da
8. {d}nansze
9. ensi2 gal
10. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka
11. lu2 inim dingir-re2-ne
12. dab5-ba
13. dingir-ra-ni
14. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
15. nam-ti
16. en-mete-na-ka-sze3
17. u4 ul-la-sze3
18. {d}nin-gir2-su-ra
19. {d}nansze
20. he2-na-szi-gub
21. lu2 umma{ki}-a
22. e ki-sur-ra
23. {d}nin-gir2-su-ka-ka
24. e ki-sur-ra
25. {d}nansze-ka
26. a2 zi-sze3
27. {a-sza3}asza5 tum3-de3
28. am6-ta-bala-e-da
29. lu2 umma{ki} he2
30. lu2 kur-ra he2
31. {d}en-lil2-le
32. he2-ha-lam-me
33. {d}nin-gir2-su-ke4
34. sa szu4 gal-ni u3-ni-szu4
35. szu mah giri3 mah-ni
36. an-ta he2-ga2-ga2
37. nam-lu2-u18 iri-na
38. szu u3-na-zi
39. sza3 iri-na-ka
40. ha-ne2-gaz-e
RIME composite (P431119) 2220006
&P431119 = RIME
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}inanna-ra
#tr.en: For Inanna
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
#tr.en: and for Lugalemuš,
3. en-mete-na
#tr.en: Enmetena,
4. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
#tr.en: the Emuš, their beloved temple,
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for them
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
#tr.en: and affixed(?) (this) clay nail for them.
9. en-mete-na
#tr.en: Enmetena,
10. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
#tr.en: the man who built the Emuš,
11. dingir-ra-ni
#tr.en: his (personal) god
12. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
#tr.en: is Šul-MUŠxPA.
13. u4-ba en-mete-na
#tr.en: At that time Enmetena,
14. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
15. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
16. lugal-ki-ne2-esz2-du7-du7
#tr.en: and Lugalkine(š)dudu,
17. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
18. unu{ki}-bi
#tr.en: of Uruk,
19. nam-szesz e-ak
#tr.en: established brotherhood.
RIME, ex. 01 (P222550) 2220007
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222550 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# vars. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-esz2-du7-du7
# vars. omit -esz2-
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 02 (P222551) 2220008
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222551 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 03 (P222552) 2220009
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222552 = RIME, ex. 03
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 04 (P222553) 2220010
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222553 = RIME, ex. 04
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 05 (P222554) 2220011
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222554 = RIME, ex. 05
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 06 (P222555) 2220012
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222555 = RIME, ex. 06
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 07 (P222556) 2220013
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222556 = RIME, ex. 07
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 08 (P222557) 2220014
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222557 = RIME, ex. 08
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 09 (P222558) 2220015
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222558 = RIME, ex. 09
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 10 (P222559) 2220016
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222559 = RIME, ex. 10
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 11 (P222560) 2220017
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222560 = RIME, ex. 11
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 12 (P222561) 2220018
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222561 = RIME, ex. 12
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 13 (P222562) 2220019
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222562 = RIME, ex. 13
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 14 (P222563) 2220020
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222563 = RIME, ex. 14
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 15 (P222564) 2220021
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222564 = RIME, ex. 15
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 16 (P222565) 2220022
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222565 = RIME, ex. 16
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 17 (P222566) 2220023
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222566 = RIME, ex. 17
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 18 (P222567) 2220024
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222567 = RIME, ex. 18
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 19 (P222568) 2220025
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222568 = RIME, ex. 19
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 20 (P222569) 2220026
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222569 = RIME, ex. 20
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 21 (P222570) 2220027
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222570 = RIME, ex. 21
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 22 (P222571) 2220028
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222571 = RIME, ex. 22
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 23 (P222572) 2220029
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222572 = RIME, ex. 23
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 24 (P222573) 2220030
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222573 = RIME, ex. 24
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 25 (P222574) 2220031
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222574 = RIME, ex. 25
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 26 (P222575) 2220032
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222575 = RIME, ex. 26
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 27 (P222576) 2220033
&P222576 = RIME, ex. 27
#atf: lang sux
@object nail
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
8. KIB mu-ne-du11
@column 2
1. en-mete-na
2. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
3. dingir-ra-ni
4. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
5. u4-ba en-mete-na
6. ensi2
7. lagasz{ki}
8. lugal-ki-ne2-esz2-du7-du7
9. ensi2
10. unu{ki}-bi
11. nam#-szesz# e#-ak
RIME, ex. 28 (P222577) 2220034
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222577 = RIME, ex. 28
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 29 (P222578) 2220035
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222578 = RIME, ex. 29
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 30 (P247892) 2220036
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P247892 = RIME, ex. 30
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
8. KIB@g mu-na-du11
9. en-mete-na
$ blank space
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-esz2-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
$ blank space
RIME, ex. 31 (P222580) 2220037
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222580 = RIME, ex. 31
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 32 (P222581) 2220038
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222581 = RIME, ex. 32
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 33 (P222582) 2220039
&P222582 = RIME, ex. 33
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
8. KIB@g mu-na-du11
9. en-mete-na
10. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
$ blank space
@column 2
1. dingir-ra-ni
2. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
3. u4-ba en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}
6. lugal-ki-ne2-esz2-du7-du7
7. ensi2
8. unu{ki}-bi
9. nam-szesz e-ak
$ blank space
RIME, ex. 34 (P222583) 2220040
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222583 = RIME, ex. 34
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 35 (P222584) 2220041
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222584 = RIME, ex. 35
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 36 (P222585) 2220042
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222585 = RIME, ex. 36
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
# var. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
# var. mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 37 (P222586) 2220043
&P222586 = RIME, ex. 37
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3#-ra
3. en#-mete#-na#
4. ensi2#
5. lagasz#{ki#}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
8. KIB@g mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
10. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
@column 2
1. dingir-ra-ni
2. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
3. u4-ba en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}
6. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
7. ensi2
8. unu{ki}-bi
9. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 38 (P418030) 2220044
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P418030 = RIME, ex. 38
#atf: lang sux
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-esz2-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. 39 (P418031) 2220045
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P418031 = RIME, ex. 39
#atf: lang sux
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-esz2-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. add41 (P235684) 2220046
&P235684 = RIME, ex. add41
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-na-du3
8. KIB mu-na-du11
9. en-mete-na
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-esz2-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME, ex. add42 (P235685) 2220047
&P235685 = RIME, ex. add42
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
8. KIB@g mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
10. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
$ blank space
@column 2
1. dingir-ra-ni
2. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
3. u4-ba en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}
6. lugal-ki-ne2-esz2-du7-du7
7. ensi2
8. unu{ki#}-[bi]
9. nam-szesz# e-ak
$ blank space
RIME 1.09.05.add32, ex. 01 (P342633) 2220048
&P342633 = RIME, ex. add43
#atf: lang sux
@object door socket
@surface a
1. [{d}inanna-ra]
2. [{d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra]
3. [en-mete-na]
4. [ensi2]
5. [lagasz{ki}-ke4]
6. [e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne]
6. [e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne]
7. [mu-ne-du3]
8. [KIB mu-ne-du11]
9. [en-mete-na]
10. ensi2
11. lagasz{ki}
12. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
13. dingir-ra-ni
14. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
15. u4-ba en-mete-na
16. ensi2
16. lagasz{ki}
18. lugal-ki-ne2-esz2-du7-du7
19. ensi2
20. unu{ki}-bi#
21. nam#-szesz# [e-ak]
RIME, ex. add44 (P253748) 2220049
&P253748 = RIME, ex. add44
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne#?-du3#
8. KIB@g mu-na-du11
9. en-mete-na
$ blank space
@column 2
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
2. dingir-ra-ni
3. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
4. u4-ba en-mete-na
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}
7. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
8. ensi2
9. unu{ki}-bi
10. nam-szesz e-ak
$ blank space
RIME, ex. add45 (P421691) 2220050
&P421691 = RIME, ex. add45
#atf: lang sux
@object nail
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}-ke4
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ne-ne
6. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ne-ne
7. mu-ne-du3
8. KIB mu-ne-du11
9. en-mete-na
1. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
@column 2
1. dingir-ra-ni
2. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
3. u4-ba en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}
6. lugal-ki-ne2-<esz2>-du7-du7
7. ensi2
8. unu{ki}-bi
9. nam-szesz e-ak
RIME composite (P431120) 2220051
&P431120 = RIME
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
#tr.en: For Lugalemuš,
2. en-mete-na
#tr.en: Enmetena,
3. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
4. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš
5. sza3 pa3-da
#tr.en: chosen by the heart
6. {d}nansze
#tr.en: of Nanše,
7. ensi2 gal {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
#tr.en: chief ruler of Ningirsu,
8. dumu en-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: son of Enanatum,
9. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
10. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
11. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
#tr.en: for Ningirsu
12. esz3 dug-ru
#tr.en: the shrine Dugru
13. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built,
14. a-husz
#tr.en: the Aḫuš,
15. e2 igi zi bar-ra
#tr.en: the temple that he (Ningirsu) views with a steadfast eye,
16. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built
17. mu-ni-tum2
#tr.en: and made fitting for him.
18. {gesz}gigir2 kur dub {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka {ha}har-ra-an eridu{ki}-ka gam4-[gam-gam-bi]
#tr.en: The chariot (named) The Mountain Heaper (or Shaker?) of Ningirsu, the Grebe(?) of the Eridu Road,
19. ni2-bi kur sza3-ga
#tr.en: whose fearsomeness is of the heart of the mountains,
20. mu-na-dim2
#tr.en: he fashioned for him.
21. e2 dur3{ur3} zi-le
#tr.en: The House of Fine(?) Donkeys
22. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
23. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
#tr.en: For Lugalurub
24. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni
#tr.en: his palace of Urub
25. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
26. {d}nansze
#tr.en: For Nanše
27. e2-engur-ra zu2-lum-ma
#tr.en: the E’engur of the Zulum (field)
28. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built
29. mu-ni-tum2
#tr.en: and made fitting for her.
30. ama-gi4 lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: A remission of the obligations of Lagaš
31. e-gar
#tr.en: he instituted.
32. ama dumu i3-ni-gi4
#tr.en: He returned the mother to the child
33. dumu ama i3-ni-gi4
#tr.en: and returned the child to the mother,
34. ama-gi4 sze ur5-ka
#tr.en: and a remission of interest-bearing barley loans
35. e-gar
#tr.en: he instituted.
36. u4-ba en-mete-na-ke4
#tr.en: At that time, Enmetena
37. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
#tr.en: for Lugalemuš
38. e2-musz3 pa5-ti-bir5-ra{ki}-ka
#tr.en: the Emuš of Pa-tibira,
39. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
39. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved temple,
40. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built
41. ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
#tr.en: and restored.
42. dumu unu{ki}
#tr.en: The citizens of Uruk,
43. dumu larsa{ki}
#tr.en: the citizens of Larsa,
44. dumu pa5-ti-bir5-ra-ka
#tr.en: and the citizens of Pa-tibira,
45. [ama]-gi4-bi
#tr.en: a remission of their obligations
46. e-gar
#tr.en: he instituted.
47. {d}inanna-ra
#tr.en: For Inanna,
48. unu{ki}-sze3
#tr.en: back to Uruk,
49. szu-na i3-ni-gi4
#tr.en: to her control he returned them.
50. {d}utu-[ra]
#tr.en: For Utu,
51. larsa{ki}-sze3
#tr.en: back to Larsa,
52. szu-na i3-ni-gi4
#tr.en: to his control he returned them.
53. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
#tr.en: For Lugalemuš,
54. e2-musz3-sze3
#tr.en: back to the Emuš,
55. szu-na i3-ni-gi4
#tr.en: to his control he returned them.
56. en-mete-na
#tr.en: Enmetena,
57. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
#tr.en: a man subject to the word
58. {d}inanna-ka
#tr.en: of Inanna,
59. dingir-ra-ni
#tr.en: his (personal) god
60. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
#tr.en: is Šul-MUŠxPA.
RIME, ex. 01 (P222593) 2220052
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
gam4-gam- does not appear in words list
&P222593 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
2. en-mete-na
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}
5. sza3 pa3-da
6. {d}nansze
7. ensi2 gal {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
8. dumu en-an-na-tum2
9. ensi2
10. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
@column 2
1. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
2. esz3 dug-ru
3. mu-na-du3
4. a-husz
5. e2 igi zi bar-ra
6. mu-na-du3
7. mu-ni-tum2
8. {gesz}gigir2 kur dub {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka {ha}har-ra-an eridu{ki}-ka gam4-[gam-
9. ni2-bi kur sza3-ga
10. mu-na-dim2
@column 3
1. e2 dur3{ur3} zi-le
2. mu-na-du3
3. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
4. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni
5. mu-na-du3
6. {d}nansze
7. e2-engur-ra zu2-lum-ma
8. mu-na-du3
9. mu-ni-tum2
10. ama-gi4 lagasz{ki}
@column 4
1. e-gar
2. ama dumu i3-ni-gi4
3. dumu ama i3-ni-gi4
4. ama-gi4 sze ur5-ka
5. e-gar
6. u4-ba en-mete-na-ke4
7. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
8. e2-musz3 pa5-ti-bir5-ra{ki}-ka
@column 5
1. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
1. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
2. mu-na-du3
3. ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
4. dumu unu{ki}
5. dumu larsa{ki}
6. dumu pa5-ti-bir5-ra-ka
7. [ama]-gi4-bi
8. e-gar
9. {d}inanna-ra
10. unu{ki}-sze3
11. szu-na i3-ni-gi4
@column 6
1. {d}utu-[ra]
2. larsa{ki}-sze3
3. szu-na i3-ni-gi4
4. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
5. e2-musz3-sze3
6. szu-na i3-ni-gi4
7. en-mete-na
8. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
9. {d}inanna-ka
10. dingir-ra-ni
11. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
RIME, ex. 02 (P222594) 2220053
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
kur-sza3-ga only appears a few times in words list
&P222594 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
2. en-mete-na
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}
5. sza3 pa3-da
6. {d}nansze
7. ensi2 gal {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
8. dumu en-an-na-tum2
9. ensi2
10. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
@column 2
1. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
2. esz3 dug-ru
3. mu-na-du3
4. a-husz
5. e2 igi zi bar-ra
6. mu-na-du3
7. mu-ni-DU
8. {gesz}gigir2 kur-dab6 {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka {ha}har-ra-an eridu{ki}-ka gam4-[gam-gam-bi]
9. ni2-bi kur-sza3-ga
10. mu-na-dim2
@column 3
1. e2 dur3{ur3}-zi-le
2. mu-na-du3
3. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
4. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni
5. mu-na-du3
6. {d}nansze
7. e2-engur-ra zu2-lum-ma
8. mu-na-du3
9. mu-ni-DU
10. ama gi4 lagasz{ki}
@column 4
1. e-gar
2. ama dumu i3-ni-gi4
3. dumu ama i3-ni-gi4
4. ama gi4 sze ur5-ka
5. e-gar
6. u4-ba en-mete-na-ke4
7. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
8. e2-musz3 pa5-ti-bir5-ra{ki}-ka
@column 5
1. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
1. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
2. mu-na-du3
3. ki-bi mu-na-gi4
4. dumu unu{ki}
5. dumu larsa{ki}
6. dumu pa5-ti-bir5-ra-ka
7. [ama] gi4-bi
8. e-gar
9. {d}inanna-ra
10. unu{ki}-sze3
11. szu-na i3-ni-gi4
@column 6
1. {d}utu-[ra]
2. larsa{ki}-sze3
3. szu-na i3-ni-gi4
4. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
5. e2-musz3-sze3
6. szu-na i3-ni-gi4
7. en-mete-na
8. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
9. {d}inanna-ka
10. dingir-ra-ni
11. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
RIME, ex. 04 (P222595) 2220054
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222595 = RIME, ex. 04
#atf: lang sux
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
2. en-mete-na
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}
5. sza3 pa3-da
6. {d}nansze
7. ensi2 gal {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
8. dumu en-an-na-tum2
9. ensi2
10. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
@column 2
1. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
2. esz3 dug-ru
3. mu-na-du3
4. a-husz
5. e2 igi zi bar-ra
6. mu-na-du3
7. mu-ni-DU
8. {gesz}gigir2 kur-dab6 {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka {ha}har-ra-an eridu{ki}-ka gam4-[gam-gam-bi]
9. ni2-bi kur sza3-ga
10. mu-na-dim2
@column 3
1. e2 dur3{ur3}-zi-le
2. mu-na-du3
3. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
4. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni
5. mu-na-du3
6. {d}nansze
7. e2-engur-ra zu2-lum-ma
8. mu-na-du3
9. mu-ni-DU
10. ama gi4 lagasz{ki}
@column 4
1. e-gar
2. ama dumu i3-ni-gi4
3. dumu ama i3-ni-gi4
4. ama gi4 sze ur5-ka
5. e-gar
6. u4-ba en-mete-na-ke4
7. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
8. e2-musz3 pa5-ti-bir5-ra{ki}-ka
@column 5
1. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
1. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
2. mu-na-du3
3. ki-bi mu-na-gi4
4. dumu unu{ki}
5. dumu larsa{ki}
6. dumu pa5-ti-bir5-ra-ka
7. [ama] gi4-bi
8. e-gar
9. {d}inanna-ra
10. unu{ki}-sze3
11. szu-na i3-ni-gi4
@column 6
1. {d}utu-[ra]
2. larsa{ki}-sze3
3. szu-na i3-ni-gi4
4. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
5. e2-musz3-sze3
6. szu-na i3-ni-gi4
7. en-mete-na
8. lu2 inim-ma se3-ga
9. {d}inanna-ka
10. dingir-ra-ni
11. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
RIME composite (P431121) 2220055
&P431121 = RIME
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}inanna-ra
#tr.en: For Inanna
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
#tr.en: and for Lugalemuš,
3. en-mete-na
#tr.en: Enmetena,
4. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
5. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
6. dumu en-an-na-tum2
#tr.en: son of Enanatum,
7. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
8. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
9. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ne-ne
9. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ne-ne
#tr.en: the Emuš, their beloved temple,
10. mu-ne-du3
#tr.en: he built for them.
11. en-mete-na
#tr.en: Enmetena,
12. mu pa3-da
#tr.en: nominated
13. {d}inanna-ka
#tr.en: by Inanna,
14. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
#tr.en: the man who built the Emuš,
15. dingir-ra-ni
#tr.en: his (personal) god
16. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
#tr.en: is Šul-MUŠxPA.
RIME, ex. 01 (P222587) 2220056
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222587 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
@column 2
1. lagasz{ki}
2. dumu en-an-na-tum2
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
@column 3
1. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ne-ne
1. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ne-ne
2. mu-ne-du3
3. en-mete-na!
4. mu pa3-da
@column 4
1. {d}inanna-ka
2. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
3. dingir-ra-ni
4. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
RIME, ex. 02 (P222588) 2220057
&P222588 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
@column 2
1. lagasz{ki}
2. dumu en-an-na-tum2
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
@column 3
1. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ne-ne
1. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ne-ne
2. mu-ne-du3
3. en-mete-na
4. mu pa3-da
@column 4
1. {d}inanna-ka
2. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
3. dingir-ra-ni
4. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
RIME, ex. 03 (P222589) 2220058
&P222589 = RIME, ex. 03
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
@column 2
1. lagasz{ki}
2. dumu en-an-na-tum2
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
@column 3
1. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ne-ne
1. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ne-ne
2. mu-ne-du3
3. en-mete-na
4. mu pa3-da
@column 4
1. {d}inanna-ka
2. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
3. dingir-ra-ni
4. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
RIME, ex. 04 (P222590) 2220059
&P222590 = RIME, ex. 04
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
@column 2
1. lagasz#{ki}
2. dumu en-an-na-tum2
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
@column 3
1. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ne-ne
1. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ne-ne
2. mu-ne#-du3
3. en-mete-na#
4. mu# pa3#-da#
@column 4
1. {d}inanna-ka
2. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
3. dingir-ra-ni
4. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
RIME, ex. 05 (P222591) 2220060
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P222591 = RIME, ex. 05
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
@column 2
1. lagasz#{ki}
2. dumu en-an-na-tum2
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
@column 3
1. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ne-ne
1. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ne-ne
2. mu-ne#-du3
3. en-mete-na#
4. mu# pa3#-da#
@column 4
1. {d}inanna-ka
2. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
3. dingir-ra-ni
4. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
RIME, ex. 06 (P418032) 2220061
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P418032 = RIME, ex. 06
#atf: lang sux
# reconstruction
@column 1
1. {d}inanna-ra
2. {d}lugal-e2-musz3-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
@column 2
1. lagasz#{ki}
2. dumu en-an-na-tum2
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
@column 3
1. e2-musz3 e2 ki ag2-ne-ne
1. e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ne-ne
2. mu-ne#-du3
3. en-mete-na#
4. mu# pa3#-da#
@column 4
1. {d}inanna-ka
2. lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a
3. dingir-ra-ni
4. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|-am6
RIME composite (P431134) 2220062
&P431134 = RIME
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. [{d}]en-lil2
#tr.en: For Enlil
2. [e2]-ad-[da]-ka-ra
#tr.en: of the House of the Father (temple),
3. en-mete-na
#tr.en: Enmetena,
4. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
5. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
6. sza3 pa3-da
#tr.en: chosen by the heart
7. {d}nansze
#tr.en: of Nanše,
8. ensi2 gal
#tr.en: chief ruler
9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu,
10. [dumu] en-an-[na]-tum2
#tr.en: son of Enanatum,
11. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
12. lagasz{ki}-ka
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
13. dumu-KA
#tr.en: descendant
14. ur-{d}nansze
#tr.en: of Ur-Nanše,
15. lugal
#tr.en: king
16. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
17. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
#tr.en: for Ningirsu
18. esz3 dug-ru
#tr.en: the shrine Dugru
19. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built,
20. a-husz
#tr.en: and the Aḫuš,
21. e2 igi zi bar-ra
#tr.en: the temple that he (Ningirsu) views with a steadfast eye,
22. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
23. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
#tr.en: For lugalurub
24. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni
#tr.en: his palace of Urub
25. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
26. {d}nansze
#tr.en: For Nanše
27. e2-engur-ra zu2-lum-ma
#tr.en: the E’engura of (the field) Zulum
28. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
29. {d}en-ki
#tr.en: For Enki,
30. lugal eridu{ki}-ra
#tr.en: the king of Eridu,
31. abzu pa5-sir2-ra
#tr.en: the Abzu of Pasira
32. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
33. {d}nin-hur-sag-ra
#tr.en: For Ninḫursaga
34. gi-gu3-na
#tr.en: the temple terrace
35. tir ku3-ga
#tr.en: of the sacred grove
36. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
37. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
#tr.en: For Ningirsu
38. an-ta-sur-ra
#tr.en: the Antasura
39. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built,
40. sza3-pa3-da
#tr.en: and the Chosen by the Heart (temple)
41. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
42. e2 {d}ga2-tum3-du10
#tr.en: The temple of Gatumdu
43. mu-du3
#tr.en: he built.
44. {d}nansze
#tr.en: For Nanše
45. gi-gu3-na mah-ni
#tr.en: her great temple terrace
46. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built,
47. e2-ni ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
#tr.en: and her temple he restored.
48. {d}en-lil2-la
#tr.en: For Enlil
49. e2-ad-da im-sag-ga2
#tr.en: the House of the Father (temple) of Imsag
50. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
51. u4-ba en-mete-na-ke4
#tr.en: At that time, Enmetena
52. alan-na-ni
#tr.en: (this) stone figure of himself
53. mu-tu
#tr.en: he created,
54. en-mete-na {d}en-lil2-le ki ag2
54. en-mete-na {d}en-lil2-le ki-ag2
#tr.en: and Enmetena the One Loved by Enlil
55. mu mu-ni-sa4
#tr.en: he named it.
56. {d}en-lil2-la
#tr.en: To Enlil
57. e2-a
#tr.en: into the temple
58. mu-na-ni-kux(DU)
#tr.en: he had it brought.
59. en-mete-na
#tr.en: Enmetena,
60. lu2 e2-ad-da du3-a
#tr.en: the man who built the House of the Father --
61. dingir-ra-ni
#tr.en: may his (personal) god
62. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
#tr.en: Šul-MUŠxPA
63. nam-ti
#tr.en: for the life
64. en-mete-na-ka-sze3
#tr.en: of Enmetena
65. u4 ul-la-sze3
#tr.en: unto distant days
66. {d}en-lil2-la
#tr.en: to Enlil
67. kiri3 szu he2-na-gal2
#tr.en: make obeisances!
68. 2(bur'u@c) 5(bur3@c) GAN2 en-an-na-tum2 sur {d}nansze e-ta-e11
#tr.en: 25 bur of the field Drained(?) by Enanatum (in) the Ditch of Nanše,
69. 1(bur'u@c) 1(bur3@c) GAN2 ni2-zuh szubx(|ZI&ZI.SZE3|)
#tr.en: 11 bur of the field Thief of Rushes,
70. GAN2 ambar NINA{ki}-ka
#tr.en: fields in the Marsh of Nigin
71. pa5 ku3-ge us2-sa
#tr.en: bordering on the Holy Canal,
72. 1(szar2@c) GAN2 {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: and 60 bur of fields (already belonging to) Enlil,
73. GAN2 gu2-edin-na-ka
#tr.en: fields of the Gu’edena,
74. en-mete-na
#tr.en: Enmetena,
75. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
76. lagasz{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
77. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for Enlil
78. e2-ad-da-ka-ra
#tr.en: of the House of the Father,
79. gir2 e-na-du3
#tr.en: built (the needed) paths(?).
RIME, ex. 01 (P222506) 2220063
&P222506 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object statue
@surface a
@column 1
1. [{d}]en-lil2
2. [e2]-ad-[da]-ka-ra
3. en-mete-na
4. ensi2
5. lagasz{ki}
6. sza3 pa3-da
7. {d}nansze
8. ensi2 gal
9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
10. [dumu] en-an-[na]-tum2
11. ensi2
12. lagasz{ki}-ka
13. dumu-KA
14. ur-{d}nansze
15. lugal
16. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
17. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
18. esz3 dug-ru
19. mu-na-du3
20. a-husz
@column 2
1. e2 igi zi bar-ra
2. mu-na-du3
3. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
4. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni
5. mu-na-du3
6. {d}nansze
7. e2-engur-ra zu2-lum-ma
8. mu-na-du3
9. {d}en-ki
10. lugal eridu{ki}-ra
11. abzu pa5-sir2-ra
12. mu-na-du3
13. {d}nin-hur-sag-ra
14. gi-gu3-na
15. tir ku3-ga
16. mu-na-du3
17. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
18. an-ta-sur-ra
19. mu-na-du3
20. sza3-pa3-da
21. mu-na-du3
22. e2 {d}ga2-tum3-du10
23. mu-du3
@column 3
1. {d}nansze
2. gi-gu3-na mah-ni
3. mu-na-du3
4. e2-ni ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
5. {d}en-lil2-la
6. e2-ad-da im-sag-ga2
7. mu-na-du3
8. u4-ba en-mete-na-ke4
9. alan-na-ni
10. mu-tu
11. en-mete-na {d}en-lil2-le ki ag2
11. en-mete-na {d}en-lil2-le ki-ag2
12. mu mu-ni-sa4
13. {d}en-lil2-la
14. e2-a
@column 4
1. mu-na-ni-kux(DU)
2. en-mete-na
3. lu2 e2-ad-da du3-a
4. dingir-ra-ni
5. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
6. nam-ti
7. en-mete-na-ka-sze3
8. u4 ul-la-sze3
9. {d}en-lil2-la
10. kiri3 szu he2-na-gal2
@column 5
1. 2(bur'u@c) 5(bur3@c) GAN2 en-an-na-tum2 sur {d}nansze e-ta-e11
2. 1(bur'u@c) 1(bur3@c) GAN2 ni2-zuh szubx(|ZI&ZI.SZE3|)
3. GAN2 ambar NINA{ki}-ka
4. pa5 ku3-ge us2-sa
5. 1(szar2@c) GAN2 {d}en-lil2
@column 6
1. GAN2 gu2-edin-na-ka
2. en-mete-na
3. ensi2
4. lagasz{ki}-ke4
5. {d}en-lil2
6. e2-ad-da-ka-ra
7. gir2 e-na-du3
RIME, ex. 03 (P247677) 2220064
{d}en-ki-ga-ke4 does not appear in words list
&P247677 = RIME, ex. 03
#atf: lang sux
@object cylinder
@surface a
@column 1
1. u4 {d}szara2
2. {d}en-lil2-ra
3. ra2-zu# ur4 sza3-ga
4. e-na-du11-ga
5. e-na-gen-na
6. gesz-sza3-ki-du10 sipa# ki-ag2-ga2
7. {d}szara2-ke4#
8. a x x-sze3#? tu#-da#
9. nir#-gal2# sag husz
@column 2
1. ki-en#-[gi-ke4]
2. gaba-gal2 [nu]-gi4 kur-kur-ke4#
3. en za3 kesz2
4. {d}nin-ur4-ke4
5. ama sza3 kusz2 {d}en-ki-ka-ke4
6. {d}en-ki-ga-ke4
7. ku-li ki ag2#
7. ku-li ki-ag2#
8. {[d]}isztaran#-ke4
9. ensi2# kal#-ga#
10. {[d]}en-lil2-[ke4]
11. lugal# mu# pa3#
12. {d}inanna-[ke4]
13. e-[bi mu-ak]
$ rest broken
RIME composite (P431232) 2220065
mu-tar-re-esz2-a only appears a few times in words list
sag-gu4-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
&P431232 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil,
>>Q001379 001
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
#tr.en: king of all the lands -
>>Q001379 002
3. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: For Lugalzagesi,
>>Q001379 003
4. lugal unu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: king of Uruk,
>>Q001379 004
5. lugal kalam-ma
#tr.en: king of the nation,
>>Q001379 005
6. iszib an-na
#tr.en: incantation-priest of An,
>>Q001379 006
7. lu2-mah
#tr.en: lumaḫ-priest
>>Q001379 007
8. {d}nisaba
#tr.en: of Nisaba,
>>Q001379 008
9. dumu U2-U2
#tr.en: son of U-U,
>>Q001379 009
10. ensi2 umma{ki}
#tr.en: ruler of Umma
>>Q001379 010
11. lu2-mah
#tr.en: and lumaḫ-priest
>>Q001379 011
12. {d}nisaba-ka
#tr.en: of Nisaba,
>>Q001379 012
13. igi zi bar-ra
#tr.en: looked upon truly
>>Q001379 013
14. an lugal kur-kur-ka
#tr.en: by An the king of all the lands,
>>Q001379 014
15. ensi2 gal
#tr.en: chief ruler
>>Q001379 015
16. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of Enlil,
>>Q001379 016
17. gesztu2 szum2-ma
#tr.en: given wisdom
>>Q001379 017
18. {d}en-ki
#tr.en: by Enki,
>>Q001379 018
19. mu pa3-da
#tr.en: nominated
>>Q001379 019
20. {d}utu
#tr.en: by Utu,
>>Q001379 020
21. sukkal-mah
#tr.en: chief minister
>>Q001379 021
22. {d}suen
#tr.en: of Suen,
>>Q001379 022
23. szagina
#tr.en: military governor
>>Q001379 023
24. {d}utu
#tr.en: of Utu,
>>Q001379 024
25. u2-a {d}inanna
#tr.en: one who provides for Inanna,
>>Q001379 025
26. dumu tu-da
#tr.en: son born
>>Q001379 026
27. {d}nisaba
#tr.en: of Nisaba,
>>Q001379 027
28. ga zi gu7-a
#tr.en: fed wholesome milk
>>Q001379 028
29. {d}nin-hur-sag
#tr.en: by Ninḫursaga,
>>Q001379 029
30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: a man of Mes-sanga-Unuga,
>>Q001379 030
31. sag a2 e3-a
#tr.en: servant raised
>>Q001379 031
32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|)
#tr.en: by Ningirim
>>Q001379 032
33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka
#tr.en: the queen of Uruk,
>>Q001379 033
34. agrig-mah
#tr.en: chief steward
>>Q001379 034
35. dingir-re-ne-ra
#tr.en: of the gods -
>>Q001379 035
36. u4 {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: When Enlil,
>>Q001379 036
37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
#tr.en: king of all the lands,
>>Q001379 037
38. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: to Lugalzagesi
>>Q001379 038
39. nam-lugal
#tr.en: the kingship
>>Q001379 039
40. kalam-ma
#tr.en: of the nation
>>Q001379 040
41. e-na-szum2-ma-a
#tr.en: had given,
>>Q001379 041
42. igi kalam-ma-ke4
#tr.en: and the eyes of the nation
>>Q001379 042
43. si e-na-sa2-a
#tr.en: he had let be directed toward him,
>>Q001379 043
44. kur-kur giri3-na
#tr.en: and all the lands at his feet
>>Q001379 044
45. e-ni-se3-ga-a
#tr.en: he had placed,
>>Q001379 045
46. utu-e3-ta
#tr.en: and from east
>>Q001379 046
47. utu-szu2-sze3
#tr.en: to west
>>Q001379 047
48. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a
#tr.en: he had made them subject to him,
>>Q001379 048
49. u4-ba
#tr.en: then,
>>Q001379 049
50. a-ab-ba
#tr.en: from the sea,
>>Q001379 050
51. sig-ta-ta
#tr.en: the lower one,
>>Q001379 051
52. idigna
#tr.en: along the Tigris
>>Q001379 052
53. buranun-be2
#tr.en: and the Euphrates
>>Q001379 053
54. a-ab-ba
#tr.en: to the sea
>>Q001379 054
55. igi-nim-ma-sze3
#tr.en: the upper one,
>>Q001379 055
56. giri3-bi
#tr.en: their roads
>>Q001379 056
57. si e-na-sa2
#tr.en: he put in proper order for him.
>>Q001379 057
58. utu-e3-ta
#tr.en: From east
>>Q001379 058
59. utu-szu2-sze3
#tr.en: to west
>>Q001379 059
60. [{d}]en-lil2-le
#tr.en: Enlil
>>Q001379 060
61. [gaba]-szu-gar
#tr.en: no rival
>>Q001379 061
62. nu-mu-ni-tuku
#tr.en: did he let him have.
>>Q001379 062
63. kur-kur u2-sal-la
#tr.en: All the lands in riverine meadows
>>Q001379 063
64. mu-da-nu2
#tr.en: rested (contentedly) under him,
>>Q001379 064
65. kalam-e
#tr.en: and the nation
>>Q001379 065
66. a-ne hul2-la mu-da-e
#tr.en: was happily making merry under him.
>>Q001379 066
67. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi
#tr.en: All those on thrones in Sumer
>>Q001379 067
68. ensi2 kur-kur-ra
#tr.en: and the rulers of foreign lands
>>Q001379 068
69. ki unu{ki}-ge
#tr.en: unto the land of Uruk
>>Q001379 069
70. me nam-nun-sze3
#tr.en: the divine power of princeship
>>Q001379 070
71. mu-na-tar-e-ne
#tr.en: they determine(?) for him.
>>Q001379 071
72. u4-ba
#tr.en: In those days,
>>Q001379 072
73. unu{ki}-ge
#tr.en: Uruk
>>Q001379 073
74. giri17-zal-a
#tr.en: in rejoicing
>>Q001379 074
75. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le
#tr.en: spent its days under him.
>>Q001379 075
76. uri5{ki}-e
#tr.en: Ur,
>>Q001379 076
77. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3
#tr.en: like a bull, its head skyward
>>Q001379 077
78. mu-dab6-il2
#tr.en: did lift up under him.
>>Q001379 078
79. larsa{ki}
#tr.en: Larsa,
>>Q001379 079
80. iri ki ag2
80. iri ki-ag2
#tr.en: the beloved city
>>Q001379 080
81. {d}utu-ke4
#tr.en: of Utu,
>>Q001379 081
82. a-ne hul2-la
#tr.en: happily
>>Q001379 082
83. mu-da-e
#tr.en: made merry under him.
>>Q001379 083
84. umma{ki}
#tr.en: Umma,
>>Q001379 084
85. iri ki ag2
85. iri ki-ag2
#tr.en: the beloved city
>>Q001379 085
86. {d}szara2-ke4
#tr.en: of Šara,
>>Q001379 086
87. a2 mah
#tr.en: its great horns
>>Q001379 087
88. mu-dab6-il2
#tr.en: it lifted up under him.
>>Q001379 088
89. ki zabala5{ki}-e
#tr.en: The land of Zabala,
>>Q001379 089
90. u8 sila4 gur5-a-gin7
#tr.en: like a ewe stripped of a lamb,
>>Q001379 090
91. sig4 mu-da-gi4-gi4
#tr.en: did cry out under him.
>>Q001379 091
92. |KI.AN|{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: Ki’ana
>>Q001379 092
93. gu2 an-sze3
#tr.en: its neck skyward
>>Q001379 093
94. mu-dab6-zi
#tr.en: it lifted up under him.
>>Q001379 094
95. lugal-za3-ge-si
#tr.en: Lugalzagesi,
>>Q001379 095
96. lugal unu[{ki}-ga]
#tr.en: king of Uruk
>>Q001379 096
97. lugal kalam-ma
#tr.en: and king of the nation,
>>Q001379 097
98. |KIN.KIN|-ma
#tr.en: solicitously(?)
>>Q001379 098
99. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: to Enlil
>>Q001379 099
100. lugal-ni
#tr.en: his master
>>Q001379 100
101. nibru{ki}-a
#tr.en: in Nippur
>>Q001379 101
102. nidba gal-gal
#tr.en: very large food offerings
>>Q001379 102
103. e-na-su13-de3
#tr.en: he serves to him,
>>Q001379 103
104. a du10 e-na-de2-e
#tr.en: and sweet water he pours out for him.
>>Q001379 104
105. tukumx(|SZU.TUR|)
#tr.en: If
>>Q001379 105
106. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil,
>>Q001379 106
107. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
#tr.en: king of all the lands,
>>Q001379 107
108. an a-a ki ag2-ni
108. an a-a ki-ag2-ni
#tr.en: to An, his beloved father,
>>Q001379 108
109. nam-szita-mu
#tr.en: a prayer on my behalf
>>Q001379 109
110. he2-na-be2
#tr.en: should say,
>>Q001379 110
111. nam-ti-mu
#tr.en: to my life
>>Q001379 111
112. nam-ti
#tr.en: (additional) life
>>Q001379 112
113. ha-ba-dah-he
#tr.en: may he add!
>>Q001379 113
114. kur u2-sal-la
#tr.en: May the land in riverine meadows
>>Q001379 114
115. ha-mu-da-nu2
#tr.en: rest (contentedly) under me,
>>Q001379 115
116. nam-lu2-u18
#tr.en: may the people
>>Q001379 116
117. u2-szim-gin7
#tr.en: like sweet-smelling grasses
>>Q001379 117
118. szu dagal ha-mu-dab6-du11
#tr.en: spread out widely under me,
>>Q001379 118
119. ubur an-na-ke4
#tr.en: may the breast of heaven
>>Q001379 119
120. si ha-mu-dab6-sa2
#tr.en: function properly under me,
>>Q001379 120
121. kalam-e
#tr.en: and the nation
>>Q001379 121
122. ki sa6-ga
#tr.en: a pleasant place
>>Q001379 122
123. igi ha-mu-da-du8
#tr.en: may it behold under me.
>>Q001379 123
124. nam sa6-ga
#tr.en: The favorable destiny
>>Q001379 124
125. mu-tar-re-esz2-a
#tr.en: which they (An and Enlil) have determined
>>Q001379 125
126. szu na-mu-da-ni-bala-e-ne
#tr.en: may they never alter for me!
>>Q001379 126
127. sipa sag-gu4-gal2
#tr.en: A proud shepherd
>>Q001379 127
128. da-ri2 he2-me
#tr.en: may I be forever!
>>Q001379 128
129. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: For his life,
>>Q001379 129
130. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: to Enlil,
>>Q001379 130
131. lugal ki ag2-ni
131. lugal ki-ag2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved master,
>>Q001379 131
132. a mu-na-ru
#tr.en: he dedicated it (this vessel).
>>Q001379 132
RIME, ex. 02 (P263413) 2220066
&P263413 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
@object macehead
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2
>>Q001379 001
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
>>Q001379 002
3. lugal-za3-ge-si
>>Q001379 003
4. lugal unu{ki}-ga
>>Q001379 004
5. lugal kalam-ma
>>Q001379 005
$ n lines broken
6'. [{d}nin]-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|)#
>>Q001379 032
7'. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka
>>Q001379 033
8'. agrig-mah
>>Q001379 034
9'. dingir-re-ne-ra
>>Q001379 035
@column 2
1. {d}en-lil2
>>Q001379 036
2. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
>>Q001379 037
3. lugal-za3-ge-si
>>Q001379 038
4. nam-lugal
>>Q001379 039
5. kalam-ma
>>Q001379 040
6. e-na-szum2-ma-a
>>Q001379 041
7. igi kalam-ma-ke4
>>Q001379 042
$ n lines broken
8'. [...]
>>Q001379 081
9'. a-ne hul2#-la#
>>Q001379 082
10'. mu-da-e#
>>Q001379 083
11'. umma{ki}
>>Q001379 084
12'. iri ki ag2
12'. iri ki-ag2
>>Q001379 085
@column 3
1. {d}szara2-ke4
>>Q001379 086
2. a2 mah
>>Q001379 087
3. mu-dab6-il2
>>Q001379 088
4. ki zabala5?{ki}-e
# potentially zabala3 = MUSZ3.UNUG
>>Q001379 089
5. u8 sila4 gur5-a-gin7#
>>Q001379 090
6. sig4 mu-da#-gi4#-gi4#
>>Q001379 091
7. |KI.AN|{ki}-ke4
>>Q001379 092
8. [...]
>>Q001379 093
$ n lines broken
9'. nidba gal-gal
>>Q001379 102
$ rest broken
RIME, ex. 04 (P264670) 2220067
nam-ti-x-ni-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P264670 = RIME, ex. 04
#atf: lang sux
@object vase
@surface a
@column 1
$ broken
@column 2
$ broken
@column 3
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]
>>Q001379 122
2'. igi ha-mu-da#-du8
>>Q001379 123
3'. nam# sa6-ga
>>Q001379 124
4'. szu na-mu-da#-ni-bala-ne#
>>Q001379 126
5'. sipa sag gu4#-gal2#
>>Q001379 127
6'. da-ri2 he2#-[x]
>>Q001379 128
7'. nam-ti-[x]-ni-sze3#
>>Q001379 129
8'. {d}en-lil2#
>>Q001379 130
9'. lugal# ki ag2#-ni
9'. lugal# ki-ag2#-ni
>>Q001379 131
10'. a# mu#-[...]
>>Q001379 132
RIME, ex. 89 (P222899) 2220068
&P222899 = RIME, ex. 89
#atf: lang sux
@object bowl
# reconstruction
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
3. lugal-za3-ge-si
4. lugal unu{ki}-ga
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. iszib an-na
7. lu2-mah
8. {d}nisaba
9. dumu U2-U2
10. ensi2# umma{ki}
11. lu2#-mah
12. {d}nisaba-ka
13. igi zi bar-ra
14. an lugal kur-kur-ka
15. ensi2 gal
16. {d}en-lil2
17. gesztu2 szum2-ma
18. {d}en-ki
19. mu pa3-da
20. {d}utu
21. sukkal-mah
22. {d}suen
23. szagina
24. {d}utu
25. u2-a {d}inanna
26. dumu tu-da
27. {d}nisaba
28. ga zi gu7-a
29. {d}nin-hur-sag
30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga
31. sag a2 e3-a
32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|)
33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka
34. agrig-mah
35. dingir-re-ne-ra
36. u4 {d}en-lil2
37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
38. lugal-za3-ge-si
39. nam-lugal
40. kalam-ma
41. e-na-szum2-ma-a
42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4
43. si e-na-sa2-a
44. kur-kur giri3-na
45. e-ni-se3-ga-a
46. utu-e3-ta
@column 2
1. utu-szu2-sze3
2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a
3. u4-ba
4. a-ab-ba
5. sig-ta-ta
6. idigna
7. buranun-be2
8. a-ab-ba
9. igi-nim-ma-sze3
10. giri3-bi
11. si e-na-sa2
12. utu-e3-ta
13. utu-szu2-sze3
14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le
15. [gaba]-szu#-gar
16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku
17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la
18. mu-da-nu2
19. kalam!-e
20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e
21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi
22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra
23. ki unu{ki}-ge
24. me nam-nun-sze3
25. mu-na-tar-e-ne
26. u4-ba
27. unu{ki}-ge
28. giri17-zal-a
29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le
30. uri5{ki}-e
31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3
32. mu-dab6-il2
33. larsa{ki}
34. iri ki ag2
34. iri ki-ag2
35. {d}utu-ke4
36. a-ne hul2-la
37. mu-da-e
38. umma{ki}
39. iri ki ag2
39. iri ki-ag2
40. {d}szara2-ke4
41. a2 mah
42. mu-dab6-il2
43. ki zabala5?{ki}-e
44. u8 sila4 gur5-a-gin7
45. sig4 mu-da-gi4-gi4
46. |KI.AN|{ki}-ke4
@column 3
1. gu2 an-sze3
2. mu-dab6-zi#
3. lugal-za3-ge#-si
4. lugal unu[{ki}-ga]
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. |KIN.KIN|-ma
7. {d}en-lil2
8. lugal-ni
9. nibru{ki}-a
10. nidba gal-gal
11. e-na-su13-de3
12. a du10 e-na-de2-e
13. szu-tur
14. {d}en-lil2
15. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
16. an a-a ki ag2-ni
16. an a-a ki-ag2-ni
17. nam-szita-mu
18. he2-na-be2
19. nam-ti-mu
20. nam-ti
21. ha-ba-dah-he
22. kur u2-sal-la
23. ha-mu-da-nu2
24. nam-lu2-u18
25. u2-szim-gin7
26. szu dagal ha-mu-dab6-du11
27. ubur an-na-ke4
28. si ha-mu-dab6-sa2
29. kalam-e
30. ki sa6-ga
31. igi ha-mu-da-du8
32. nam sa6-ga
33. mu-tar-re-esz2-a!
34. szu na-mu-da-ni-bala-e-ne
35. sipa sag gu4-gal2
36. da-ri2 he2-me
37. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
38. {d}en-lil2
39. lugal ki ag2-ni
39. lugal ki-ag2-ni
40. a mu-na-ru
RIME, ex. 90 (P222900) 2220069
&P222900 = RIME, ex. 90
#atf: lang sux
@object bowl
# reconstruction
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
3. lugal-za3-ge-si
4. lugal unu{ki}-ga
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. iszib an-na
7. lu2-mah
8. {d}nisaba
9. dumu U2-U2
10. ensi2# umma{ki}
11. lu2#-mah
12. {d}nisaba-ka
13. igi zi bar-ra
14. an lugal kur-kur-ka
15. ensi2 gal
16. {d}en-lil2
17. gesztu2 szum2-ma
18. {d}en-ki
19. mu pa3-da
20. {d}utu
21. sukkal-mah
22. {d}suen
23. szagina
24. {d}utu
25. u2-a {d}inanna
26. dumu tu-da
27. {d}nisaba
28. ga zi gu7-a
29. {d}nin-hur-sag
30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga
31. sag a2 e3-a
32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|)
33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka
34. agrig-mah
35. dingir-re-ne-ra
36. u4 {d}en-lil2
37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
38. lugal-za3-ge-si
39. nam-lugal
40. kalam-ma
41. e-na-szum2-ma-a
42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4
43. si e-na-sa2-a
44. kur-kur giri3-na
45. e-ni-se3-ga-a
46. utu-e3-ta
@column 2
1. utu-szu2-sze3
2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a
3. u4-ba
4. a-ab-ba
5. sig-ta-ta
6. idigna
7. buranun-be2
8. a-ab-ba
9. igi-nim-ma-sze3
10. giri3-bi
11. si e-na-sa2
12. utu-e3-ta
13. utu-szu2-sze3
14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le
15. [gaba]-szu#-gar
16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku
17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la
18. mu-da-nu2
19. kalam!-e
20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e
21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi
22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra
23. ki unu{ki}-ge
24. me nam-nun-sze3
25. mu-na-tar-e-ne
26. u4-ba
27. unu{ki}-ge
28. giri17-zal-a
29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le
30. uri5{ki}-e
31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3
32. mu-dab6-il2
33. larsa{ki}
34. iri ki ag2
34. iri ki-ag2
35. {d}utu-ke4
36. a-ne hul2-la
37. mu-da-e
38. umma{ki}
39. iri ki ag2
39. iri ki-ag2
40. {d}szara2-ke4
41. a2 mah
42. mu-dab6-il2
43. ki zabala5?{ki}-e
44. u8 sila4 gur5-a-gin7
45. sig4 mu-da-gi4-gi4
46. |KI.AN|{ki}-ke4
@column 3
1. gu2 an-sze3
2. mu-dab6-zi#
3. lugal-za3-ge#-si
4. lugal unu[{ki}-ga]
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. |KIN.KIN|-ma
7. {d}en-lil2
8. lugal-ni
9. nibru{ki}-a
10. nidba gal-gal
11. e-na-su13-de3
12. a du10 e-na-de2-e
13. szu-tur
14. {d}en-lil2
15. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
16. an a-a ki ag2-ni
16. an a-a ki-ag2-ni
17. nam-szita-mu
18. he2-na-be2
19. nam-ti-mu
20. nam-ti
21. ha-ba-dah-he
22. kur u2-sal-la
23. ha-mu-da-nu2
24. nam-lu2-u18
25. u2-szim-gin7
26. szu dagal ha-mu-dab6-du11
27. ubur an-na-ke4
28. si ha-mu-dab6-sa2
29. kalam-e
30. ki sa6-ga
31. igi ha-mu-da-du8
32. nam sa6-ga
33. mu-tar-re-esz2-a!
34. szu na-mu-da-ni-bala-e-ne
35. sipa sag gu4-gal2
36. da-ri2 he2-me
37. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
38. {d}en-lil2
39. lugal ki ag2-ni
39. lugal ki-ag2-ni
40. a mu-na-ru
RIME, ex. 91 (P222901) 2220070
&P222901 = RIME, ex. 91
#atf: lang sux
@object bowl
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
3. lugal-za3-ge-si
4. lugal unu{ki}-ga
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. iszib an-na
7. lu2-mah
8. {d}nisaba
9. dumu U2-U2
10. ensi2# umma{ki}
11. lu2#-mah
12. {d}nisaba-ka
13. igi zi bar-ra
14. an lugal kur-kur-ka
15. ensi2 gal
16. {d}en-lil2
17. gesztu2 szum2-ma
18. {d}en-ki
19. mu pa3-da
20. {d}utu
21. sukkal-mah
22. {d}suen
23. szagina
24. {d}utu
25. u2-a {d}inanna
26. dumu tu-da
27. {d}nisaba
28. ga zi gu7-a
29. {d}nin-hur-sag
30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga
31. sag a2 e3-a
32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|)
33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka
34. agrig-mah
35. dingir-re-ne-ra
36. u4 {d}en-lil2
37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
38. lugal-za3-ge-si
39. nam-lugal
40. kalam-ma
41. e-na-szum2-ma-a
42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4
43. si e-na-sa2-a
44. kur-kur giri3-na
45. e-ni-se3-ga-a
46. utu-e3-ta
@column 2
1. utu-szu2-sze3
2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a
3. u4-ba
4. a-ab-ba
5. sig-ta-ta
6. idigna
7. buranun-be2
8. a-ab-ba
9. igi-nim-ma-sze3
10. giri3-bi
11. si e-na-sa2
12. utu-e3-ta
13. utu-szu2-sze3
14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le
15. [gaba]-szu#-gar
16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku
17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la
18. mu-da-nu2
19. kalam!-e
20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e
21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi
22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra
23. ki unu{ki}-ge
24. me nam-nun-sze3
25. mu-na-tar-e-ne
26. u4-ba
27. unu{ki}-ge
28. giri17-zal-a
29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le
30. uri5{ki}-e
31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3
32. mu-dab6-il2
33. larsa{ki}
34. iri ki ag2
34. iri ki-ag2
35. {d}utu-ke4
36. a-ne hul2-la
37. mu-da-e
38. umma{ki}
39. iri ki ag2
39. iri ki-ag2
40. {d}szara2-ke4
41. a2 mah
42. mu-dab6-il2
43. ki zabala5?{ki}-e
44. u8 sila4 gur5-a-gin7
45. sig4 mu-da-gi4-gi4
46. |KI.AN|{ki}-ke4
@column 3
1. gu2 an-sze3
2. mu-dab6-zi#
3. lugal-za3-ge#-si
4. lugal unu[{ki}-ga]
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. |KIN.KIN|-ma
7. {d}en-lil2
8. lugal-ni
9. nibru{ki}-a
10. nidba gal-gal
11. e-na-su13-de3
12. a du10 e-na-de2-e
13. szu-tur
14. {d}en-lil2
15. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
16. an a-a ki ag2-ni
16. an a-a ki-ag2-ni
17. nam-szita-mu
18. he2-na-be2
19. nam-ti-mu
20. nam-ti
21. ha-ba-dah-he
22. kur u2-sal-la
23. ha-mu-da-nu2
24. nam-lu2-u18
25. u2-szim-gin7
26. szu dagal ha-mu-dab6-du11
27. ubur an-na-ke4
28. si ha-mu-dab6-sa2
29. kalam-e
30. ki sa6-ga
31. igi ha-mu-da-du8
32. nam sa6-ga
33. mu-tar-re-esz2-a!
34. szu na-mu-da-ni-bala-e-ne
35. sipa sag gu4-gal2
36. da-ri2 he2-me
37. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
38. {d}en-lil2
39. lugal ki ag2-ni
39. lugal ki-ag2-ni
40. a mu-na-ru
RIME, ex. 92 (P222902) 2220071
&P222902 = RIME, ex. 92
#atf: lang sux
@object bowl
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
3. lugal-za3-ge-si
4. lugal unu{ki}-ga
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. iszib an-na
7. lu2-mah
8. {d}nisaba
9. dumu U2-U2
10. ensi2# umma{ki}
11. lu2#-mah
12. {d}nisaba-ka
13. igi zi bar-ra
14. an lugal kur-kur-ka
15. ensi2 gal
16. {d}en-lil2
17. gesztu2 szum2-ma
18. {d}en-ki
19. mu pa3-da
20. {d}utu
21. sukkal-mah
22. {d}suen
23. szagina
24. {d}utu
25. u2-a {d}inanna
26. dumu tu-da
27. {d}nisaba
28. ga zi gu7-a
29. {d}nin-hur-sag
30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga
31. sag a2 e3-a
32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|)
33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka
34. agrig-mah
35. dingir-re-ne-ra
36. u4 {d}en-lil2
37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
38. lugal-za3-ge-si
39. nam-lugal
40. kalam-ma
41. e-na-szum2-ma-a
42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4
43. si e-na-sa2-a
44. kur-kur giri3-na
45. e-ni-se3-ga-a
46. utu-e3-ta
@column 2
1. utu-szu2-sze3
2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a
3. u4-ba
4. a-ab-ba
5. sig-ta-ta
6. idigna
7. buranun-be2
8. a-ab-ba
9. igi-nim-ma-sze3
10. giri3-bi
11. si e-na-sa2
12. utu-e3-ta
13. utu-szu2-sze3
14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le
15. [gaba]-szu#-gar
16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku
17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la
18. mu-da-nu2
19. kalam!-e
20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e
21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi
22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra
23. ki unu{ki}-ge
24. me nam-nun-sze3
25. mu-na-tar-e-ne
26. u4-ba
27. unu{ki}-ge
28. giri17-zal-a
29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le
30. uri5{ki}-e
31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3
32. mu-dab6-il2
33. larsa{ki}
34. iri ki ag2
34. iri ki-ag2
35. {d}utu-ke4
36. a-ne hul2-la
37. mu-da-e
38. umma{ki}
39. iri ki ag2
39. iri ki-ag2
40. {d}szara2-ke4
41. a2 mah
42. mu-dab6-il2
43. ki zabala5?{ki}-e
44. u8 sila4 gur5-a-gin7
45. sig4 mu-da-gi4-gi4
46. |KI.AN|{ki}-ke4
@column 3
1. gu2 an-sze3
2. mu-dab6-zi#
3. lugal-za3-ge#-si
4. lugal unu[{ki}-ga]
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. |KIN.KIN|-ma
7. {d}en-lil2
8. lugal-ni
9. nibru{ki}-a
10. nidba gal-gal
11. e-na-su13-de3
12. a du10 e-na-de2-e
13. szu-tur
14. {d}en-lil2
15. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
16. an a-a ki ag2-ni
16. an a-a ki-ag2-ni
17. nam-szita-mu
18. he2-na-be2
19. nam-ti-mu
20. nam-ti
21. ha-ba-dah-he
22. kur u2-sal-la
23. ha-mu-da-nu2
24. nam-lu2-u18
25. u2-szim-gin7
26. szu dagal ha-mu-dab6-du11
27. ubur an-na-ke4
28. si ha-mu-dab6-sa2
29. kalam-e
30. ki sa6-ga
31. igi ha-mu-da-du8
32. nam sa6-ga
33. mu-tar-re-esz2-a!
34. szu na-mu-da-ni-bala-e-ne
35. sipa sag gu4-gal2
36. da-ri2 he2-me
37. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
38. {d}en-lil2
39. lugal ki ag2-ni
39. lugal ki-ag2-ni
40. a mu-na-ru
RIME, ex. 93 (P222903) 2220072
&P222903 = RIME, ex. 93
#atf: lang sux
@object bowl
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
3. lugal-za3-ge-si
4. lugal unu{ki}-ga
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. iszib an-na
7. lu2-mah
8. {d}nisaba
9. dumu U2-U2
10. ensi2# umma{ki}
11. lu2#-mah
12. {d}nisaba-ka
13. igi zi bar-ra
14. an lugal kur-kur-ka
15. ensi2 gal
16. {d}en-lil2
17. gesztu2 szum2-ma
18. {d}en-ki
19. mu pa3-da
20. {d}utu
21. sukkal-mah
22. {d}suen
23. szagina
24. {d}utu
25. u2-a {d}inanna
26. dumu tu-da
27. {d}nisaba
28. ga zi gu7-a
29. {d}nin-hur-sag
30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga
31. sag a2 e3-a
32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|)
33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka
34. agrig-mah
35. dingir-re-ne-ra
36. u4 {d}en-lil2
37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
38. lugal-za3-ge-si
39. nam-lugal
40. kalam-ma
41. e-na-szum2-ma-a
42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4
43. si e-na-sa2-a
44. kur-kur giri3-na
45. e-ni-se3-ga-a
46. utu-e3-ta
@column 2
1. utu-szu2-sze3
2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a
3. u4-ba
4. a-ab-ba
5. sig-ta-ta
6. idigna
7. buranun-be2
8. a-ab-ba
9. igi-nim-ma-sze3
10. giri3-bi
11. si e-na-sa2
12. utu-e3-ta
13. utu-szu2-sze3
14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le
15. [gaba]-szu#-gar
16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku
17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la
18. mu-da-nu2
19. kalam!-e
20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e
21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi
22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra
23. ki unu{ki}-ge
24. me nam-nun-sze3
25. mu-na-tar-e-ne
26. u4-ba
27. unu{ki}-ge
28. giri17-zal-a
29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le
30. uri5{ki}-e
31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3
32. mu-dab6-il2
33. larsa{ki}
34. iri ki ag2
34. iri ki-ag2
35. {d}utu-ke4
36. a-ne hul2-la
37. mu-da-e
38. umma{ki}
39. iri ki ag2
39. iri ki-ag2
40. {d}szara2-ke4
41. a2 mah
42. mu-dab6-il2
43. ki zabala5?{ki}-e
44. u8 sila4 gur5-a-gin7
45. sig4 mu-da-gi4-gi4
46. |KI.AN|{ki}-ke4
@column 3
1. gu2 an-sze3
2. mu-dab6-zi#
3. lugal-za3-ge#-si
4. lugal unu[{ki}-ga]
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. |KIN.KIN|-ma
7. {d}en-lil2
8. lugal-ni
9. nibru{ki}-a
10. nidba gal-gal
11. e-na-su13-de3
12. a du10 e-na-de2-e
13. szu-tur
14. {d}en-lil2
15. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
16. an a-a ki ag2-ni
16. an a-a ki-ag2-ni
17. nam-szita-mu
18. he2-na-be2
19. nam-ti-mu
20. nam-ti
21. ha-ba-dah-he
22. kur u2-sal-la
23. ha-mu-da-nu2
24. nam-lu2-u18
25. u2-szim-gin7
26. szu dagal ha-mu-dab6-du11
27. ubur an-na-ke4
28. si ha-mu-dab6-sa2
29. kalam-e
30. ki sa6-ga
31. igi ha-mu-da-du8
32. nam sa6-ga
33. mu-tar-re-esz2-a!
34. szu na-mu-da-ni-bala-e-ne
35. sipa sag gu4-gal2
36. da-ri2 he2-me
37. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
38. {d}en-lil2
39. lugal ki ag2-ni
39. lugal ki-ag2-ni
40. a mu-na-ru
RIME, ex. 94 (P222904) 2220073
&P222904 = RIME, ex. 94
#atf: lang sux
@object bowl
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
3. lugal-za3-ge-si
4. lugal unu{ki}-ga
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. iszib an-na
7. lu2-mah
8. {d}nisaba
9. dumu U2-U2
10. ensi2# umma{ki}
11. lu2#-mah
12. {d}nisaba-ka
13. igi zi bar-ra
14. an lugal kur-kur-ka
15. ensi2 gal
16. {d}en-lil2
17. gesztu2 szum2-ma
18. {d}en-ki
19. mu pa3-da
20. {d}utu
21. sukkal-mah
22. {d}suen
23. szagina
24. {d}utu
25. u2-a {d}inanna
26. dumu tu-da
27. {d}nisaba
28. ga zi gu7-a
29. {d}nin-hur-sag
30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga
31. sag a2 e3-a
32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|)
33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka
34. agrig-mah
35. dingir-re-ne-ra
36. u4 {d}en-lil2
37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
38. lugal-za3-ge-si
39. nam-lugal
40. kalam-ma
41. e-na-szum2-ma-a
42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4
43. si e-na-sa2-a
44. kur-kur giri3-na
45. e-ni-se3-ga-a
46. utu-e3-ta
@column 2
1. utu-szu2-sze3
2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a
3. u4-ba
4. a-ab-ba
5. sig-ta-ta
6. idigna
7. buranun-be2
8. a-ab-ba
9. igi-nim-ma-sze3
10. giri3-bi
11. si e-na-sa2
12. utu-e3-ta
13. utu-szu2-sze3
14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le
15. [gaba]-szu#-gar
16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku
17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la
18. mu-da-nu2
19. kalam!-e
20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e
21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi
22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra
23. ki unu{ki}-ge
24. me nam-nun-sze3
25. mu-na-tar-e-ne
26. u4-ba
27. unu{ki}-ge
28. giri17-zal-a
29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le
30. uri5{ki}-e
31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3
32. mu-dab6-il2
33. larsa{ki}
34. iri ki ag2
34. iri ki-ag2
35. {d}utu-ke4
36. a-ne hul2-la
37. mu-da-e
38. umma{ki}
39. iri ki ag2
39. iri ki-ag2
40. {d}szara2-ke4
41. a2 mah
42. mu-dab6-il2
43. ki zabala5?{ki}-e
44. u8 sila4 gur5-a-gin7
45. sig4 mu-da-gi4-gi4
46. |KI.AN|{ki}-ke4
@column 3
1. gu2 an-sze3
2. mu-dab6-zi#
3. lugal-za3-ge#-si
4. lugal unu[{ki}-ga]
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. |KIN.KIN|-ma
7. {d}en-lil2
8. lugal-ni
9. nibru{ki}-a
10. nidba gal-gal
11. e-na-su13-de3
12. a du10 e-na-de2-e
13. szu-tur
14. {d}en-lil2
15. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
16. an a-a ki ag2-ni
16. an a-a ki-ag2-ni
17. nam-szita-mu
18. he2-na-be2
19. nam-ti-mu
20. nam-ti
21. ha-ba-dah-he
22. kur u2-sal-la
23. ha-mu-da-nu2
24. nam-lu2-u18
25. u2-szim-gin7
26. szu dagal ha-mu-dab6-du11
27. ubur an-na-ke4
28. si ha-mu-dab6-sa2
29. kalam-e
30. ki sa6-ga
31. igi ha-mu-da-du8
32. nam sa6-ga
33. mu-tar-re-esz2-a!
34. szu na-mu-da-ni-bala-e-ne
35. sipa sag gu4-gal2
36. da-ri2 he2-me
37. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
38. {d}en-lil2
39. lugal ki ag2-ni
39. lugal ki-ag2-ni
40. a mu-na-ru
RIME, ex. 95 (P222905) 2220074
&P222905 = RIME, ex. 95
#atf: lang sux
@object bowl
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
3. lugal-za3-ge-si
4. lugal unu{ki}-ga
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. iszib an-na
7. lu2-mah
8. {d}nisaba
9. dumu U2-U2
10. ensi2# umma{ki}
11. lu2#-mah
12. {d}nisaba-ka
13. igi zi bar-ra
14. an lugal kur-kur-ka
15. ensi2 gal
16. {d}en-lil2
17. gesztu2 szum2-ma
18. {d}en-ki
19. mu pa3-da
20. {d}utu
21. sukkal-mah
22. {d}suen
23. szagina
24. {d}utu
25. u2-a {d}inanna
26. dumu tu-da
27. {d}nisaba
28. ga zi gu7-a
29. {d}nin-hur-sag
30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga
31. sag a2 e3-a
32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|)
33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka
34. agrig-mah
35. dingir-re-ne-ra
36. u4 {d}en-lil2
37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
38. lugal-za3-ge-si
39. nam-lugal
40. kalam-ma
41. e-na-szum2-ma-a
42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4
43. si e-na-sa2-a
44. kur-kur giri3-na
45. e-ni-se3-ga-a
46. utu-e3-ta
@column 2
1. utu-szu2-sze3
2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a
3. u4-ba
4. a-ab-ba
5. sig-ta-ta
6. idigna
7. buranun-be2
8. a-ab-ba
9. igi-nim-ma-sze3
10. giri3-bi
11. si e-na-sa2
12. utu-e3-ta
13. utu-szu2-sze3
14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le
15. [gaba]-szu#-gar
16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku
17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la
18. mu-da-nu2
19. kalam!-e
20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e
21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi
22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra
23. ki unu{ki}-ge
24. me nam-nun-sze3
25. mu-na-tar-e-ne
26. u4-ba
27. unu{ki}-ge
28. giri17-zal-a
29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le
30. uri5{ki}-e
31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3
32. mu-dab6-il2
33. larsa{ki}
34. iri ki ag2
34. iri ki-ag2
35. {d}utu-ke4
36. a-ne hul2-la
37. mu-da-e
38. umma{ki}
39. iri ki ag2
39. iri ki-ag2
40. {d}szara2-ke4
41. a2 mah
42. mu-dab6-il2
43. ki zabala5?{ki}-e
44. u8 sila4 gur5-a-gin7
45. sig4 mu-da-gi4-gi4
46. |KI.AN|{ki}-ke4
@column 3
1. gu2 an-sze3
2. mu-dab6-zi#
3. lugal-za3-ge#-si
4. lugal unu[{ki}-ga]
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. |KIN.KIN|-ma
7. {d}en-lil2
8. lugal-ni
9. nibru{ki}-a
10. nidba gal-gal
11. e-na-su13-de3
12. a du10 e-na-de2-e
13. szu-tur
14. {d}en-lil2
15. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
16. an a-a ki ag2-ni
16. an a-a ki-ag2-ni
17. nam-szita-mu
18. he2-na-be2
19. nam-ti-mu
20. nam-ti
21. ha-ba-dah-he
22. kur u2-sal-la
23. ha-mu-da-nu2
24. nam-lu2-u18
25. u2-szim-gin7
26. szu dagal ha-mu-dab6-du11
27. ubur an-na-ke4
28. si ha-mu-dab6-sa2
29. kalam-e
30. ki sa6-ga
31. igi ha-mu-da-du8
32. nam sa6-ga
33. mu-tar-re-esz2-a!
34. szu na-mu-da-ni-bala-e-ne
35. sipa sag gu4-gal2
36. da-ri2 he2-me
37. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
38. {d}en-lil2
39. lugal ki ag2-ni
39. lugal ki-ag2-ni
40. a mu-na-ru
RIME, ex. 97 (P268311) 2220075
&P268311 = RIME, ex. 97
#atf: lang sux
@object vase
# reconstruction
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
3. lugal-za3-ge-si
4. lugal unu{ki}-ga
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. iszib an-na
7. lu2-mah
8. {d}nisaba
9. dumu U2-U2
10. ensi2# umma{ki}
11. lu2#-mah
12. {d}nisaba-ka
13. igi zi bar-ra
14. an lugal kur-kur-ka
15. ensi2 gal
16. {d}en-lil2
17. gesztu2 szum2-ma
18. {d}en-ki
19. mu pa3-da
20. {d}utu
21. sukkal-mah
22. {d}suen
23. szagina
24. {d}utu
25. u2-a {d}inanna
26. dumu tu-da
27. {d}nisaba
28. ga zi gu7-a
29. {d}nin-hur-sag
30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga
31. sag a2 e3-a
32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|)
33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka
34. agrig-mah
35. dingir-re-ne-ra
36. u4 {d}en-lil2
37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
38. lugal-za3-ge-si
39. nam-lugal
40. kalam-ma
41. e-na-szum2-ma-a
42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4
43. si e-na-sa2-a
44. kur-kur giri3-na
45. e-ni-se3-ga-a
46. utu-e3-ta
@column 2
1. utu-szu2-sze3
2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a
3. u4-ba
4. a-ab-ba
5. sig-ta-ta
6. idigna
7. buranun-be2
8. a-ab-ba
9. igi-nim-ma-sze3
10. giri3-bi
11. si e-na-sa2
12. utu-e3-ta
13. utu-szu2-sze3
14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le
15. [gaba]-szu#-gar
16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku
17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la
18. mu-da-nu2
19. kalam!-e
20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e
21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi
22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra
23. ki unu{ki}-ge
24. me nam-nun-sze3
25. mu-na-tar-e-ne
26. u4-ba
27. unu{ki}-ge
28. giri17-zal-a
29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le
30. uri5{ki}-e
31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3
32. mu-dab6-il2
33. larsa{ki}
34. iri ki ag2
34. iri ki-ag2
35. {d}utu-ke4
36. a-ne hul2-la
37. mu-da-e
38. umma{ki}
39. iri ki ag2
39. iri ki-ag2
40. {d}szara2-ke4
41. a2 mah
42. mu-dab6-il2
43. ki zabala5?{ki}-e
44. u8 sila4 gur5-a-gin7
45. sig4 mu-da-gi4-gi4
46. |KI.AN|{ki}-ke4
@column 3
1. gu2 an-sze3
2. mu-dab6-zi#
3. lugal-za3-ge#-si
4. lugal unu[{ki}-ga]
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. |KIN.KIN|-ma
7. {d}en-lil2
8. lugal-ni
9. nibru{ki}-a
10. nidba gal-gal
11. e-na-su13-de3
12. a du10 e-na-de2-e
13. szu-tur
14. {d}en-lil2
15. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
16. an a-a ki ag2-ni
16. an a-a ki-ag2-ni
17. nam-szita-mu
18. he2-na-be2
19. nam-ti-mu
20. nam-ti
21. ha-ba-dah-he
22. kur u2-sal-la
23. ha-mu-da-nu2
24. nam-lu2-u18
25. u2-szim-gin7
26. szu dagal ha-mu-dab6-du11
27. ubur an-na-ke4
28. si ha-mu-dab6-sa2
29. kalam-e
30. ki sa6-ga
31. igi ha-mu-da-du8
32. nam sa6-ga
33. mu-tar-re-esz2-a!
34. szu na-mu-da-ni-bala-e-ne
35. sipa sag gu4-gal2
36. da-ri2 he2-me
37. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
38. {d}en-lil2
39. lugal ki ag2-ni
39. lugal ki-ag2-ni
40. a mu-na-ru
RIME, ex. 98 (P268312) 2220076
&P268312 = RIME, ex. 98
#atf: lang sux
@object vase
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2
2. lugal kur-kur-ra
3. lugal-za3-ge-si
4. lugal unu{ki}-ga
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. iszib an-na
7. lu2-mah
8. {d}nisaba
9. dumu U2-U2
10. ensi2# umma{ki}
11. lu2#-mah
12. {d}nisaba-ka
13. igi zi bar-ra
14. an lugal kur-kur-ka
15. ensi2 gal
16. {d}en-lil2
17. gesztu2 szum2-ma
18. {d}en-ki
19. mu pa3-da
20. {d}utu
21. sukkal-mah
22. {d}suen
23. szagina
24. {d}utu
25. u2-a {d}inanna
26. dumu tu-da
27. {d}nisaba
28. ga zi gu7-a
29. {d}nin-hur-sag
30. lu2 {d}mes-sanga-unu{ki}-ga
31. sag a2 e3-a
32. {d}nin-girimx(|A.BU.HA.DU|)
33. nin unu{ki}-ga-ka
34. agrig-mah
35. dingir-re-ne-ra
36. u4 {d}en-lil2
37. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
38. lugal-za3-ge-si
39. nam-lugal
40. kalam-ma
41. e-na-szum2-ma-a
42. igi kalam!-ma-ke4
43. si e-na-sa2-a
44. kur-kur giri3-na
45. e-ni-se3-ga-a
46. utu-e3-ta
@column 2
1. utu-szu2-sze3
2. gu2 e-na-gar-ra-a
3. u4-ba
4. a-ab-ba
5. sig-ta-ta
6. idigna
7. buranun-be2
8. a-ab-ba
9. igi-nim-ma-sze3
10. giri3-bi
11. si e-na-sa2
12. utu-e3-ta
13. utu-szu2-sze3
14. [{d]}en#-lil2-le
15. [gaba]-szu#-gar
16. nu#-mu-ni-tuku
17. kur-kur u2!-sal-la
18. mu-da-nu2
19. kalam!-e
20. a-<ne> hul2-la mu-da-e
21. bara2-bara2 ki-en-gi
22. ensi2 kur-kur-ra
23. ki unu{ki}-ge
24. me nam-nun-sze3
25. mu-na-tar-e-ne
26. u4-ba
27. unu{ki}-ge
28. giri17-zal-a
29. u4 mu-da-zal-zal-le
30. uri5{ki}-e
31. gu4-gin7 sag an-sze3
32. mu-dab6-il2
33. larsa{ki}
34. iri ki ag2
34. iri ki-ag2
35. {d}utu-ke4
36. a-ne hul2-la
37. mu-da-e
38. umma{ki}
39. iri ki ag2
39. iri ki-ag2
40. {d}szara2-ke4
41. a2 mah
42. mu-dab6-il2
43. ki zabala5?{ki}-e
44. u8 sila4 gur5-a-gin7
45. sig4 mu-da-gi4-gi4
46. |KI.AN|{ki}-ke4
@column 3
1. gu2 an-sze3
2. mu-dab6-zi#
3. lugal-za3-ge#-si
4. lugal unu[{ki}-ga]
5. lugal kalam-ma
6. |KIN.KIN|-ma
7. {d}en-lil2
8. lugal-ni
9. nibru{ki}-a
10. nidba gal-gal
11. e-na-su13-de3
12. a du10 e-na-de2-e
13. szu-tur
14. {d}en-lil2
15. lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4
16. an a-a ki ag2-ni
16. an a-a ki-ag2-ni
17. nam-szita-mu
18. he2-na-be2
19. nam-ti-mu
20. nam-ti
21. ha-ba-dah-he
22. kur u2-sal-la
23. ha-mu-da-nu2
24. nam-lu2-u18
25. u2-szim-gin7
26. szu dagal ha-mu-dab6-du11
27. ubur an-na-ke4
28. si ha-mu-dab6-sa2
29. kalam-e
30. ki sa6-ga
31. igi ha-mu-da-du8
32. nam sa6-ga
33. mu-tar-re-esz2-a!
34. szu na-mu-da-ni-bala-e-ne
35. sipa sag gu4-gal2
36. da-ri2 he2-me
37. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
38. {d}en-lil2
39. lugal ki ag2-ni
39. lugal ki-ag2-ni
40. a mu-na-ru
RIME composite (P462114) 2220077
&P462114 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}nin-gal
#tr.en: To the goddess Ningal,
2. dam ki ag2
2. dam ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved spouse
3. {d}suen-na
#tr.en: of Sin,
4. nin-a-ni
#tr.en: his lady,
5. nam-ti
#tr.en: for the life
6. {d}utu-he2-gal2
#tr.en: of Utuḫegal,
7. nita kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty man,
8. lugal unu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: king of Uruk
9. lugal an ub-da limmu5-ba-ka-sze3
#tr.en: and king of the four world quarters,
10. ur-{d}namma
#tr.en: Ur-Namma,
11. szagina
#tr.en: military governor
12. uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: of Ur
13. ama-a-tu
#tr.en: and house-born servant
14. e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la
#tr.en: of the Ekišnugal temple (of Sin),
15. szesz-a-ni
#tr.en: his brother,
$ rest broken
RIME, ex. 01 (P216772) 2220078
&P216772 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. [{d}nin]-gal#
2. [dam ki] ag2#
2. [dam ki]-ag2#
3. [{d}]suen#-na
4. [nin]-a-ni
5. nam#-ti
6. {d}utu-he2-gal2
7. nita kal-ga
8. lugal unu{ki}-ga#
9. lugal an# [ub]-da limmu5#-[ba-ka-sze3]
10. ur-[{d}namma]
@column 2
1. szagina#
2. uri5{ki}-[ma]
3. ama-[a-tu]
4. e2-kisz#-[nu]-gal2#-[la]
5. szesz#-[a-ni]
$ rest broken
RIME 3/, ex. 43 (P248542) 2220079
&P248542 = RIME 3/, ex. add57
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
$ beginning broken
1'. {d#}en#-[ki]
2'. lugal# ki ag2-ga2-ni-ir
3'. abzu# ki ag2-ga2#-ni
2'. lugal# ki-ag2-ga2-ni-ir
3'. abzu# ki-ag2-ga2#-ni
4'. mu#-na-du3
RIME 3/ composite (P432281) 2220080
ATF: Syntax error at line 86 col 9: $ blank line
Words list not available
Signs list not available
&P432281 = RIME 3/ & RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
# (RIME 3/
1'. AN x [x (x)]
#tr.en: ...
2'. szu nu-bal-x
#tr.en: is not overturned.
3'. gidlam4-ni
#tr.en: Her husband,
4'. en {d}nu-nam-nir-re
#tr.en: lord Nunamnir,
5'. nig2 al du11-ga-ni
#tr.en: the thing she requested
6'. nu-un-szi-ib2-kesz2-re
#tr.en: does not block.
7'. {d}nin-lil2
#tr.en: Ninlil,
8'. nun kur-kur-ra diri-ga
#tr.en: princess greater than all the lands,
9'. nin ki ag2
9'. nin ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved mistress
10'. {d}szu-{d}suen-na-ke4
#tr.en: of Šu-Sin,
11'. u4 nam-ti
#tr.en: when life
12'. zi su3-[(x)] gal2
#tr.en: producing long days,
13'. aga men gidri u4 su3-ra2
#tr.en: a tiara and crown, a long-lasting scepter,
14'. {gesz}gu-za nam-lugal
#tr.en: a throne and kingship
15'. suhusz gi-na
#tr.en: with firm foundation,
16'. mu he2-gal-la
#tr.en: years of abundance
17'. {gesz}tukul a-ma-ru
#tr.en: a weapon - the flood
18'. ni2 gal mu-szub
#tr.en: which casts great fear,
19'. a2-an-kar2
#tr.en: the a'ankar weapon,
20'. a2 me3
#tr.en: the arm of battle,
21'. a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2
#tr.en: the arm of heroism
22'. ni2 me-lam2-bi
#tr.en: whose fearsomeness and divine radiance
23'. an-ne2 us2-sa
#tr.en: reaches to the sky,
24'. za#?-pa-ag2-bi
#tr.en: whose roar
25'. ki-bala-a dul4-dul4-lu
#tr.en: covers the rebellious land,
$ n lines broken
26'. giri3 [...]
#tr.en: ...
27'. {d}nin-lil2 [x x]
#tr.en: Ninlil ...
28'. {d}szu-{d}suen [x x]
#tr.en: for Šu-Sin ...
29'. ki gidlam4-[na-ta]
#tr.en: from her spouse (Enlil)
30'. {d}nin-lil2 a x x
#tr.en: Ninlil ...
31'. al im-ma-an-du11
#tr.en: did make a request for it.
32'. {d}nin-lil2 dam ki ag2
32'. {d}nin-lil2 dam ki-ag2
#tr.en: For Ninlil, beloved spouse
33'. {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: of Enlil,
34'. gidlam4-ni en {d}nu-nam-nir-re
#tr.en: her husband lord Nunamnir
35'. gal-bi tum2-ma-e
#tr.en: who has wrought greatly -
36'. {d}szu-{d}suen
#tr.en: to Šu-Sin,
37'. ARAD ki ag2
37'. ARAD ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved servant
38'. {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: of Enlil,
39'. lugal {d}en-lil2-le sza3-ga-na
#tr.en: king whom Enlil in his heart
40'. in-pa3
#tr.en: did choose,
$ blank line
# here RIME proposes <shepherd of the land>
41'. u3 an ub-da limmu2-ba
#tr.en: and of the four quarters,
42'. lugal kal-ga lugal uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: mighty king, king of Ur,
43'. lugal an ub-da limmu2-ba
#tr.en: king of the four world quarters,
44'. ARAD ki ag2-ga2-ni-ir
44'. ARAD ki-ag2-ga2-ni-ir
#tr.en: her beloved servant,
45'. mu-na-an-szum2-ma-a
#tr.en: having given (the requests) to him,
46'. u4-ba szimaszki{KI}
#tr.en: at that time, Šimaški,
47'. ma-da ma-da za-ab-sza-li{ki}
#tr.en: the lands of Zabšali
48'. za3 an-sza3-an{ki}-ta
#tr.en: from the border of Anšan,
$ n lines broken
49'. x [...]
50'. IM [...]
51'. alam [...]
#tr.en: an image ...
52'. PI? x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
53'. mu-[dim2?]
#tr.en: he fashioned(?),
54'. {d}nin-lil2
#tr.en: and to Ninlil
55'. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress
56'. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: for his life
57'. a mu-na-ru
#tr.en: he dedicated it.
58'. zi NE {d}en-lil2
59'. zi NE gi
60'. zi NE gi
61'. zi NE gi
62'. {d}en-lil2 in-ku5
#tr.en: Enlil cut it off.
$ blank space
63'. {d}en-lil2 lugal kur-kur-ra
#tr.en: To Enlil, the king of all the lands,
64'. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
65'. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
#tr.en: Enlilbani,
66'. lugal kal-ga lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
#tr.en: the mighty king, king of Isin
67'. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
68'. ki ag2 {d}en-lil2
68'. ki-ag2 {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: beloved of Enlil
69'. u3 {d}[nin-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4]
#tr.en: and Nininsina,
70'. nig2-[...]
#tr.en: a thing ...
$ rest broken
RIME 3/, ex. 01 &amp; RIME, ex. 01 (P227139) 2220081
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
nu-bal-x only appears a few times in words list
nu-un-szi-ib2-kesz2-re only appears a few times in words list
{d}szu-{d}suen-na-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
he2-gal-la only appears a few times in words list
mu-szub only appears a few times in words list
a2-an-kar2 only appears a few times in words list
nam-ur-sag-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
me-lam2-bi only appears a few times in words list
dul4-dul4-lu only appears a few times in words list
gidlam4-na-ta only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-an-du11 only appears a few times in words list
tum2-ma-e only appears a few times in words list
sza3-ga-na only appears a few times in words list
szimaszki{KI} only appears a few times in words list
za-ab-sza-li{ki} only appears a few times in words list
za3! only appears a few times in words list
an-sza3-an{ki}-ta only appears a few times in words list
alam-... only appears a few times in words list
in-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
&P227139 = RIME 3/, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
# (RIME 3/
@column 1
1'. AN x [x (x)]
2'. szu nu-bal-x
3'. gidlam4-ni
4'. en {d}nu-nam-nir-re
5'. nig2 al du11-ga-ni
6'. nu-un-szi-ib2#-kesz2-re
7'. {d}nin-lil2
8'. nun kur-kur-ra diri-ga
9'. nin ki ag2
9'. nin ki-ag2
10'. {d}szu-{d}suen#-na#-ke4
11'. u4 nam-ti
12'. zi su3 gal2
13'. aga men [gidri] u4 su3-ra2
14'. {gesz}gu-za nam#-lugal
15'. suhusz gi-na
16'. mu he2#-gal#-[la]
17'. {gesz}tukul a-ma-ru
18'. ni2 gal mu-szub
19'. a2-an-kar2
20'. a2 me3
21'. a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2
22'. ni2 me-lam2-bi
23'. an-ne2 us2-sa
24'. za#?-pa-ag2-bi
25'. ki-bala-a dul4-dul4-lu
@column 2
1'. giri3 [...]
2'. {d}nin-lil2# [x x]
3'. {d}szu-{d}suen [x x]
4'. ki gidlam4-[na-ta]
5'. {d}nin-lil2 a x x
6'. al im-ma-an-du11
7'. {d}nin-lil2 dam ki ag2
7'. {d}nin-lil2 dam ki-ag2
8'. {d}en-lil2-la2
9'. gidlam4-ni en {d}nu-nam-nir-re
10'. gal-bi tum2-ma-e
11'. {d}szu-{d}suen
12'. ARAD ki ag2
12'. ARAD ki-ag2
13'. {d}en-lil2-la2
14'. lugal {d}en-lil2-le sza3-ga-na
15'. in-pa3
$ blank line
16'. u3 an ub-da limmu2-ba
17'. lugal kal-ga lugal uri5{ki}-ma
18'. lugal an ub-da limmu2-ba
19'. ARAD ki ag2-ga2-ni-ir
19'. ARAD ki-ag2-ga2-ni-ir
20'. mu-na-an-szum2-ma-a
21'. u4-ba szimaszki{KI}
22'. ma-da ma-da za-ab-sza-li{ki}
23'. za3! an-sza3-an{ki}-ta
# text: U3
@column 3
1'. x [...]
2'. IM [...]
3'. alam-[...]
4'. PI? x x [...]
5'. mu-[dim2?]
6'. {d}nin-lil2
7'. nin-a-ni-ir
8'. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
9'. a mu-na-ru
1. zi NE {d}en-lil2
2. zi NE gi
3. zi NE gi
4. zi NE gi
5. {d}en-lil2 in-ku5
$ blank space
6. {d}en-lil2 lugal kur-kur-[ra]
7. lugal-a-ni-[ir]
8. {d}en-lil2-ba-[ni]
9. lugal kal-ga lugal i3-si-in#[{ki}-na]
10. lugal ki-en#-[gi ki-uri]
11. ki ag2 [{d}en-lil2]
11. ki-ag2 [{d}en-lil2]
12. u3 {d#}[nin-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4]
13. nig2-[...]
$ rest broken
RIME composite (P448279) 2220082
dib2-ba only appears a few times in words list
{d}szu-i3-li-szu only appears a few times in words list
{d}en-lil only appears a few times in words list
an-sza-an{ki}-na-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
sar-ra-ba only appears a few times in words list
...-da-ab only appears a few times in words list
na-an-na-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
|SIG4.ZI|-bi only appears a few times in words list
{d}szu-nir-ba only appears a few times in words list
|SIG4.ZI| only appears a few times in signs list
&P448279 = RIME
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}nanna
#tr.en: For Nanna,
2. nir-gal2 an-ki-a
#tr.en: sovereign in heaven and earth,
3. dumu nun zi
#tr.en: righteous princely son
4. {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: of Enlil,
5. en asza-ni an-ki-sze3
#tr.en: lord who alone over heaven and earth
6. dingir-re-ne-er za3 dib2-ba
#tr.en: surpasses all gods,
7. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
8. {d}szu-i3-li-szu
#tr.en: Šu-ilišu,
9. dingir kalam-ma-na
#tr.en: god of his country,
10. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: strong king,
11. lugal uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Ur,
12. ki ag2 an
12. ki-ag2 an
#tr.en: beloved by An,
13. {d}en-lil
#tr.en: Enlil
14. u3 {d}nanna-ke4
#tr.en: and Nanna,
15. {d}szu-nir gal
#tr.en: a great divine standard,
16. gesz buru14-a tum4-ma
#tr.en: a tree fit for harvest,
17. u6 di-de3 he2-du7
#tr.en: an ornament to marvel at,
18. ku3-sig17
#tr.en: with gold,
19. ku3 za-gin3-na gun3-a
#tr.en: silver, and lapis lazuli made colorful,
20. munus ul-la2 sig7-ga
#tr.en: a woman(?) green with flower buds(?),
21. alan ku3-babbar
#tr.en: a silver figure
22. x x gi x x x
#tr.en: ...
$ n lines broken
23'. u4 [...]
24'. mu [...]
25'. uri5{ki?} [...]
26'. x-[...]
27'. za3 an-sza-an{ki}-na-sze3 sag2 du11-ga
#tr.en: (the people) which had been scattered to the border of Anšan,
28'. ki-tusz-ba gi-na-a
#tr.en: having secured them in their dwelling places,
29'. mu-na-dim2
#tr.en: he fashioned it for him,
30'. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: and for his life
31'. a mu-na-ru
#tr.en: he dedicated it to him.
32'. lu2 a2 nig2-hul-dim2-ma
#tr.en: A person who an act of evil
33'. [...] ib2-szi-ag2-ge26-a
#tr.en: shall order against it,
34'. mu sar-ra-ba
#tr.en: or its inscription
35'. szu bi2-ib2-ur3-a
#tr.en: shall erase
36'. mu-ni bi2-ib2-sar-re-a
#tr.en: and write his own name upon it,
37'. x [...]
38'. x [...]
$ n lines broken
39'. PA NI [...]-da-ab [...]
#tr.en: ...
40'. {gesz}gu-za-na
#tr.en: may his throne's
41'. suhusz-bi na-an-na-ge-en
#tr.en: foundation not be kept secure for him,
42'. sahar-ra ha-ab-da-tusz
#tr.en: and may it sit in the dust.
43'. bara2-ga-na |SIG4.ZI|-bi a-nir ha-ab-da-gi4-gi4
#tr.en: May laments echo off the walls of his cult daises.
44'. tur3-ra-ni he2-[...]
#tr.en: May his cattle pens ...,
45'. amasz-a-ni he2-x-[...]
#tr.en: and may his sheepfolds ...
46'. {d}en-ki-ke4
#tr.en: After Enki
47'. he2-gal an-ki-ka
#tr.en: (the water), the abundance of heaven and earth
48'. inim a-ba-an-da-an-gi4
#tr.en: has revoked,
49'. i7-mah a-{ku6}esztub de6-a-na
#tr.en: his Imah canal that brought the early flooding
50'. sahar ha-an-da-si-si
#tr.en: may he fill with silt.
51'. ma-x-[...]
52'. AN [...]
53'. x [...]
$ n lines broken
54'. x x x [...]
55'. u4 da-ri2-sze3 x
#tr.en: ... forever.
56'. {d}szu-nir-ba
#tr.en: This divine standard:
57'. {d}nun-bi bar an-ki
#tr.en: 'Its divine prince is the ... of heaven and earth'
58'. mu-bi
#tr.en: is its name.
$ blank space
RIME, ex. 01 (P225590) 2220083
{d}szu-il3-li2-su only appears a few times in words list
u6-di-de3 only appears a few times in words list
gun3-na only appears a few times in words list
an-sza-an{ki}-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
sag3 only appears a few times in words list
...-da-ab-... only appears a few times in words list
na-an-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
{d}su-nir-ba only appears a few times in words list
&P225590 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. {d}nanna
2. nir-gal2 an-ki-a
3. dumu nun zi
4. {d}en-lil2-la2
5. en asza-ni an-ki-sze3
6. dingir-re-ne-er za3 dib-ba
7. lugal-a-ni-ir
8. {d}szu-il3-li2-su
9. dingir kalam-ma-na
10. lugal kal-ga
11. lugal uri5{ki}-ma
12. ki ag2 an
12. ki-ag2 an
13. {d}en-lil2
14. u3 {d}nanna-ke4
15. {d}szu-nir gal
16. gesz buru14-a tum4-ma
17. u6-di-de3 he2-du7
18. ku3-sig17
19. ku3 za-gin3-na gun3-na
20. munus ul-la2 sig7-[ga]
21. alan ku3-[babbar]
22. x-(x) GI x [x x]
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. [u4 ...]
2. mu# [...]
3. uri5#{[ki]} [...]
4. x [...]
5. za3 an#-[sza-an{ki}-sze3] sag3 [du11-ga]
6. ki-tusz-ba gi-na#?-[a]
7. mu-na-dim2
8. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
9. a mu#-na-ru#
10. lu2# [a2 nig2 hul-dim2-ma]
11. [... ib2-szi-ag2-ge26-a]
12. mu#-[sar-ra-ba]
13. szu [bi2-ib2-ur3-a]
14. mu-[ni bi2-ib2-sar-re-a]
15. x [...]
16. x [...]
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ n lines broken
1'. PA NI# [...]-da-ab#-[...]
2'. {gesz}gu-[za-na]
3'. suhusz-bi na-an#-[ge-en]
4'. sahar-ra ha-ab-da#-[tusz]
5'. bara2-ga-na sig4 zi#-[bi] a-nir ha-ab-da#-[gi4-gi4]
6'. tur3-ra-ni he2-[...]
7'. amasz*-a-ni he2-[...]
8'. {d}en-ki-ke4
9'. he2-gal2 an-ki-ka
10'. inim a-ba-an-da-an-gi4
11'. i7-mah a-{ku6}esztub de6-a-na
12'. sahar ha-an-da#-si#-[si]
13'. ma-x-[...]
14'. AN [...]
15'. x [...]
$ rest broken
@column 2
$ n lines broken
1'. x x x [...]
2'. u4 da-ri2-sze3? x
3'. {d}su-nir-ba
4'. {d}nun-bi bar an-ki
5'. mu-bi
$ double ruling
$ blank space
RIME composite (P448284) 2220084
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 1: 1.
lu2-ulu4 only appears a few times in words list
nu-kuru5-bi does not appear in words list
ulu4 only appears a few times in signs list
&P448284 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
1. {d}nanna
#tr.en: Nanna,
2. sag gal dingir-dingir a-nun-ke4-ne
#tr.en: great head of the Anuna gods,
3. nir-gal2 e2-kur-ra
#tr.en: the most authoritative one of the Ekur,
4. me-ni an-ki-da gu2 la2-a
#tr.en: whose divine powers embrace heaven and earth
5. u18-ru sag2 nu-di
#tr.en: and which no storm can dissipate,
6. en asza-ni dingir pa e3-a
#tr.en: the lord who alone is a god who comes forth resplendentdly,
7. dumu sag {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: the first-born son of Enlil,
8. me ul-li2-a ki-be2 gi4-gi4
#tr.en: in order to restore the ancient divine attributes,
9. gesz-hur uri2{ki}-ma
#tr.en: and the divine plans of Ur
10. si sa2-e-de3
#tr.en: to set right,
11. dumu nun-e e2-kur-ta
#tr.en: from the Ekur the princely son
12. me mah ib2-ta-an-e3
#tr.en: brought forth the exalted divine powers,
13. {d}i-din-{d}da-gan
#tr.en: and to Iddin-Dagan,
14. gesztu2 szum2-ma {d}en-ki-ka-ra
#tr.en: given wisdom by Enki,
15. mas-su2 inim pa3-de3
#tr.en: to the leader who reveals the matter,
16. nig2-nam gal-zu-ra
#tr.en: who knows everything well,
17. sipa zi ki ag2-ga2-ni-ir
17. sipa zi ki-ag2-ga2-ni-ir
#tr.en: to the righteous shepherd whom he loves,
18. szu-ne2 im-ma-an-szum2
#tr.en: he (Nanna) put them into his hands.
19. {d}i-din-{d}da-gan
#tr.en: Iddin-Dagan,
20. lugal kal-ga lugal uri2{ki}-ma
#tr.en: the strong king, king of Ur
21. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
22. ki ag2 {d}nanna u3 {d}nin-gal-ke4
22. ki-ag2 {d}nanna u3 {d}nin-gal-ke4
#tr.en: beloved of Nanna and Ningal,
23. mu-na-dim2 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: he fashioned (this) for him, and for his life
24. a mu-na-ru
#tr.en: he dedicated it to him.
25. lu2 a2 nig2-hul-dim2-ma
#tr.en: A person who a wicked command
26. ib2-szi-ag2-ge26-a nig2 dim2-ma-mu
#tr.en: shall issue against it, and that which I have fashioned
27. ib2-ze-re-a
#tr.en: shall efface,
28. mu-sar-ra-ba szu bi2-ib2-ur3-a
#tr.en: or shall erase its inscription
29. mu-ni bi2-ib2-sar-re-a
#tr.en: and write his own name upon it,
30. asz2-bala-a-ba-ke4-esz lu2-kur2
#tr.en: or, because of the curse, another person
31. szu ba-an-zi-zi-a
#tr.en: he shall get to raise a hand against it,
32. lu2-bi lugal he2-a
#tr.en: that person, whether a king,
33. en he2-a u3 lu2-ulu4 sag zi-gal2
#tr.en: an en-priest, or an ordinary living person
34. mu-ni sa4-a he2-a
#tr.en: called by name,
35. lu2-be2 mu na-an-du12-du12
#tr.en: may that person not acquire a name
36. numun na-mi-i-i
#tr.en: and may he not produce progeny.
37. lu2-ba {d}nanna lugal-mu
#tr.en: That person may Nanna my master
38. {d}nin-gal nin-mu
#tr.en: and Ningal my mistress
39. nam ha-ba-an-da-kuru5-ne
#tr.en: curse,
40. {d}utu {d}inanna maszkim nu-kuru5-bi he2-a
#tr.en: and may Utu and Inanna be it's unstoppable enforcer
41. u4 da-ri2-sze3
#tr.en: forever.
RIME, ex. 01 (P225585) 2220085
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 1: 1.
lu2-ulu4 only appears a few times in words list
nu-kuru5-bi does not appear in words list
ulu4 only appears a few times in signs list
&P225585 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object tablet
1. {d}[nanna]
2. sag gal dingir-dingir [a-nun-ke4-ne]
3. nir-gal2 [e2-kur-ra]
4. me-ni an-ki-da# [gu2 la2-a]
5. u18-ru sag2 [nu-di]
6. en asza-ni [dingir pa e3-a]
7. [dumu sag {d}en-lil2-la2]
8. [me ul-li2-a ki-be2 gi4-gi4]
9. [gesz-hur] uri2#{ki}-[ma]
10. [si] sa2-[e]-de3#
11. [dumu] nun-e e2-kur-ta
12. me mah ib2-ta-an-e3
13. [{d}i-din]-{d}da-gan
14. gesztu2 szum2#-ma {d}en-ki-ka-ra
15. mas-su2 inim pa3-de3
16. nig2-nam gal-zu-ra
17. sipa zi ki ag2-ga2-ni-ir
17. sipa zi ki-ag2-ga2-ni-ir
18. szu-ne2 im-ma-an-szum2
19. {d}i-din-{d}da-gan
20. lugal kal-ga lugal uri2{ki}-ma
21. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
22. ki ag2 {d}nanna u3 {d}nin-gal-ke4
22. ki-ag2 {d}nanna u3 {d}nin-gal-ke4
23. mu-na-dim2 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
24. a mu-na-ru
25. lu2 a2 nig2-hul-dim2-[ma]
26. ib2-szi-ag2-ge26-a nig2 dim2#-[ma-mu]
27. ib2-ze-re-[a]
28. mu-sar-ra-ba <szu> bi2-ib2#-[ur3-a]
29. mu-ni bi2-ib2-sar-[re-a]
30. asz2-bala-a-ba-ke4-esz lu2-kur2
31. szu ba-an-zi-zi-a
32. lu2-bi lugal he2-a
33. en he2-a u3 lu2-ulu4 sag zi-gal2
34. mu-ni sa4-a he2-a
35. lu2-be2 mu na-an-du12-du12
36. numun na-mi-i-i
37. lu2-ba {d}nanna lugal#-mu
38. {d}nin-gal nin-mu
39. nam ha-ba-an-da-kuru5-ne
40. {d}utu {d}inanna maszkim nu-kuru5-bi he2-a
41. u4 da-ri2-sze3
RIME, ex. 02 (P225584) 2220086
nu-kuru5-bi does not appear in words list
&P225584 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. {d}nanna
2. sag gal dingir-dingir a-nun-ke4-ne
3. nir-gal2 e2-kur-ra
4. me-ni an-ki-da gu2 la2-a
5. u18-ru sag2 nu-di
6. en asza-ni dingir pa e3-a
7. dumu sag
8. {d}en-lil2-la2
9. me ul-li2-a ki-be2 gi4-gi4
10. gesz-hur uri2#{ki#}-ma#
11. si [sa2-e-de3]
$ rest broken
@column 2
$ n lines broken
1'. {d}i-din-{d}da-gan
2'. lugal kal-ga
3'. lugal uri2{ki}-ma
4'. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
5'. ki ag2 {d}nanna#
5'. ki-ag2 {d}nanna#
6'. {d}nin-gal-ke4#
7'. mu-na-dim2#
8'. nam-ti-la#-[ni-sze3]
9'. a mu#-[na-ru]
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ broken
@column 2
$ n lines broken
1'. nam# [ha-ba-an-da-kuru5-ne]
2'. {d}[utu]
3'. {d}[inanna]
4'. maszkim nu-[kuru5-bi] he2-a
5'. u4 da-ri2-sze3
RIME composite (P448285) 2220087
ATF: Syntax error at line 5 col 1: 1.
in-gub only appears a few times in words list
&P448285 = RIME, ex. 01 & RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
1. {d}nin-lil2
#tr.en: For Ninlil,
2. nin dingir-re-e-ne-ra
#tr.en: queen of the gods,
3. {d}i-din-{d}da-gan lugal-e
#tr.en: Iddin-Dagan, the king,
4. uruda uruda alan gal-gal min-a-bi mu-na-dim2
#tr.en: fashioned two big copper statues
5. nibru{ki}-sze3 nu-un-de6
#tr.en: but did not bring them to Nippur.
6. szu {d}i-din-{d}da-gan-ta
#tr.en: From (the hands of) Iddin-Dagan
7. en-na {d}en-lil2-ba-ni lugal-e
#tr.en: until Enlil-bani, the king,
8. mu 1(gesz2) 5(u) 7(disz)-kam
#tr.en: it was 117 years
9. sza3 i3-si-in-na-ka i3-su8-ge-esz-am3
#tr.en: that they stood in Isin.
10. {d}nin-lil2-le sza3 hul2-la-ni-ta
#tr.en: Ninlil, with a happy heart
11. al in-du3 in-du11-ma
#tr.en: desired it and gave command, and so
12. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: Enlil-bani, the strong king,
13. lugal i3-si-in-na lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: king of Isin, king of Sumer and Akkad,
14. ki ag2 {d}en-lil2 u3 {d}nin-lil2
14. ki-ag2 {d}en-lil2 u3 {d}nin-lil2
#tr.en: beloved of Enlil and Ninlil,
15. {uruda}alan gal-gal min-a-bi
#tr.en: those two big copper statues
16. sza3 i3-si-in-na-ta
#tr.en: from within Isin
17. nibru{ki}-sze3 in-de6
#tr.en: to Nippur he had brought.
18. kisal-mah e2 ga2-gesz-szu2-a-ka
#tr.en: In the great courtyard of the Gageššua temple
19. {d}nin-lil2 nin-a-ni-ir mu-na-gub
#tr.en: before Ninlil his mistress he set them up.
20. mu-bi-sze3 {d}nin-lil2-le
#tr.en: Because of this, Ninlil
21. nam-ti {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
#tr.en: of the life of Enlil-bani
22. ki {d}en-lil2-la2-ta u4-bi ba-ni-in-su3
#tr.en: from (her) place (beside) Enlil she did lengthen its days.
23. lu2 mu-sar-ra-ba szu bi2-<ib-ur3-ra>
#tr.en: A person who shall erase this inscription,
24. {d}en-lil2 lugal-mu u3 {d}nin-lil2 nin-mu
#tr.en: may Enlil my master and Ninlil my mistress
25. nam ha-ba-an-da-ku5-ru-ne
#tr.en: curse him.
$ single ruling
26. {d}nin-lil2 nin dingir-re-e-ne-ra
#tr.en: For Ninlil, queen of the gods,
27. {d}i-din-{d}da-gan lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: Iddin-Dagan, the strong king,
28. {uruda}alan ezen mah?-na mu-na-dim2
#tr.en: fashioned for her a copper statue ...
29. igi-ni-sze3 in-gub
#tr.en: and set it up before her.
30. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3 a mu-na-ru
#tr.en: For his life he dedicated it to her.
31. lu2 a2 nig2-hul-dim2-ma ib2-szi-ag2-ge26-a
#tr.en: A person who shall issue a wicked order
32. nig2 dim2-ma-mu ib2-x-be2-<a>
#tr.en: and shall ... that which I have fashioned,
33. mu-sar-ra-ba mu-ni bi2-<ib2-sar-re-a>
#tr.en: who shall write his name on my inscription,
34. asz2-bala-ba-a-ke4-esz
#tr.en: or because of the curse
35. <lu2-kur2 szu ba-an-zi-zi-a>
#tr.en: shall incite another person to do it,
36. lu2-ba {d}en-lil2 lugal-mu {d}nin-lil2 nin-mu
#tr.en: that person may Enlil my master, Ninlil my mistress,
37. {d}da-gan dingir-ga2 nam ha-ba-an-da-ku5-ru-ne
#tr.en: and Dagan my (personal) god curse him.
RIME, ex. 01 &amp; RIME, ex. 01 (P342802) 2220088
&P342802 = RIME, ex. 01 & RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}nin-lil2
2. nin dingir-re-e-ne-ra
3. {d}i-din-{d}da-gan lugal-e
4. {uruda}alan gal-gal min-a-bi mu-na-dim2
5. nibru{ki}-sze3 nu-un-de6
6. szu {d}i-din-{d}da-gan-ta
7. en-na {d}en-lil2-ba-ni lugal-e
8. mu 1(gesz2) 5(u) 7(disz)-kam
9. sza3 i3-si-in-na-ka i3-su8-ge-esz-am3
10. {d}nin-lil2-le sza3 hul2-la-ni-ta
11. al in-du3 in-du11-ma
12. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni lugal kal-ga
13. lugal i3-si-in-na lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
14. ki# ag2 {d}en-lil2 u3 {d}nin-lil2
14. ki#-ag2 {d}en-lil2 u3 {d}nin-lil2
15. {uruda}alan gal-gal min-a-bi
1. sza3 i3-si-in-na-ta
2. nibru{ki}-sze3 in-de6
3. kisal-mah e2-ga2-gesz-szu2-a-ka
4. {d}nin-lil2 nin-a-ni-ir mu-na-gub
5. mu-bi-sze3 {d}nin-lil2-le
6. nam-ti {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
7. ki {d}en-lil2-la2-ta u4-bi ba-ni-in-su3
8. lu2 mu-sar-ra-ba szu bi2-<ib-ur3-ra>
9. {d}en-lil2 lugal-mu u3 {d}nin-lil2 nin-mu
10. nam ha-ba-an-da-ku5-ru-ne
$ single ruling
11. {d}nin-lil2 nin dingir-re-e-ne-ra
12. {d}i-din-{d}da-gan lugal kal-ga
13. {uruda}alan ezen mah?-na mu-na-dim2
14. igi-ni-sze3 in-de6
15. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3 a mu-na-ru
16. lu2 a2 nig2-hul-dim2-ma ib2-szi-ag2-ge26-a
17. nig2 dim2-ma-mu ib2-x-be2-<a>
18. mu-sar-ra-ba mu-ni bi2-<ib2-sar-re-a>
19. asz2-bala-ba-a-ke4-esz
20. <lu2-kur2 szu ba-an-zi-zi-a>
21. lu2-ba {d}en-lil2 lugal-mu {d}nin-lil2 nin-mu
22. {d}da-gan dingir-ga2 nam ha-ba-an-da-ku5-ru-ne
RIME, ex. 01 (P423444) 2220089
&P423444 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. u2-a nibru{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga
7. en unu#{[ki]}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
10. dam ki ag2
10. dam ki-ag2
11. {d}inanna
RIME, ex. 02 (P423445) 2220090
&P423445 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan#
2. u2-a nibru#{[ki]}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga#
7. en unu#{ki}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na#
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri#
10. dam ki ag2#
10. dam ki-ag2#
11. {d}inanna
RIME, ex. 03 (P423446) 2220091
&P423446 = RIME, ex. 03
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. u2-a nibru{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga
7. en unu#{ki}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
9. lugal ki#-en-gi# ki#-uri#
10. dam ki ag2#
10. dam ki-ag2#
11. {d}inanna
RIME, ex. 05 (P423447) 2220092
&P423447 = RIME, ex. 05
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d#}isz#-[me-{d}da-gan]
2. [u2-a nibru{ki}]
3. sag#-[us2]
4. uri5#{ki#}-[ma]
5. u4-da# [gub]
6. eridu#[{ki}-ga]
7. en# unu#{ki#}-ga#
8. lugal# [i3-si-in{ki}-na]
9. [lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri]
10. dam# ki# ag2#
10. dam# ki#-ag2#
11. {d}inanna#
RIME, ex. 06 (P423448) 2220093
&P423448 = RIME, ex. 06
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d#}isz-me-{d}da#-gan#
2. u2-a nibru{ki#}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki#}-ma
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga#
7. [en unu{ki}-ga]
8. [lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na]
9. [lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri]
10. [dam ki ag2]
10. [dam ki-ag2]
11. [{d}inanna]
RIME, ex. 07 (P423449) 2220094
&P423449 = RIME, ex. 07
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. u2-a nibru{[ki]}
3. sag#-us2
4. uri5#{ki}-ma
5. u4#-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga
7. en unu#{ki}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-[na]
9. lugal ki-en#-gi# ki#-uri
10. dam ki ag2#
10. dam ki-ag2#
11. {d}inanna#
RIME, ex. 08 (P423450) 2220095
&P423450 = RIME, ex. 08
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d#}[da]-gan#
2. u2-a nibru{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma#
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga#
7. en unu{ki}-ga#
8. lugal i3-si-in#{ki#}-na#
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
10. dam ki ag2
10. dam ki-ag2
11. {d}inanna#
RIME, ex. 09 (P423451) 2220096
&P423451 = RIME, ex. 09
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da#-gan
2. u2#-a nibru{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga
7. en unu#{ki}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
10. dam ki ag2
10. dam ki-ag2
11. {d}inanna
RIME, ex. 10 (P423452) 2220097
&P423452 = RIME, ex. 10
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. u2-a nibru{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga
7. en unu{ki}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na#
9. lugal ki-en-gi# ki-[uri]
10. dam# [ki ag2]
10. dam# [ki-ag2]
11. [{d}inanna]
RIME, ex. 11 (P423453) 2220098
&P423453 = RIME, ex. 11
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz#-me-{d}da-gan
2. u2-a nibru{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga
7. en unu{ki}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki#}-na
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
10. dam ki ag2
10. dam ki-ag2
11. {d}inanna
RIME, ex. 12 (P423454) 2220099
&P423454 = RIME, ex. 12
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan#
2. u2-a nibru#{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da# gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga
7. en unu{ki}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
10. dam ki ag2
10. dam ki-ag2
11. {d}inanna
RIME, ex. 13 (P423455) 2220100
&P423455 = RIME, ex. 13
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. u2-a nibru{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da [gub]
6. eridu{ki}-[ga]
7. en unu#{ki}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki#}-na
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
10. dam ki ag2
10. dam ki-ag2
11. {d#}inanna
RIME, ex. 14 (P423456) 2220101
&P423456 = RIME, ex. 14
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da#-[gan]
2. u2-a nibru{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga
7. en unu#{ki}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
10. dam ki ag2
10. dam ki-ag2
11. {d}inanna
RIME, ex. 15 (P423457) 2220102
&P423457 = RIME, ex. 15
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {[d]}isz-me-{d}da#-gan#
2. u2-a nibru{ki#}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki#}-ga
7. en unu#[{ki}-ga]
8. lugal i3-si-in#{ki}-na#
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
10. dam ki ag2
10. dam ki-ag2
11. {d}inanna
RIME, ex. 16 (P371187) 2220103
&P371187 = RIME, ex. 16
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. u2-a nibru{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5#{ki}-ma#
5. u4-da# [gub]
6. eridu{ki}-ga#
7. en unu#{[ki]}-ga#
8. lugal i3-si#-in#{ki#}-na
9. lugal ki-en#-gi ki#-uri
10. dam ki ag2
10. dam ki-ag2
11. {d}inanna
RIME, ex. 17 (P270018) 2220104
&P270018 = RIME, ex. 17
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. u2-a nibru{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga
7. en unu{ki}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
10. dam ki ag2
10. dam ki-ag2
11. {d}inanna
RIME, ex. 18 (P270019) 2220105
&P270019 = RIME, ex. 18
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. u2-a nibru{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga
7. en unu{ki}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
10. dam ki ag2
10. dam ki-ag2
11. {d}inanna
RIME, ex. 23 (P263437) 2220106
&P263437 = RIME, ex. 23
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d#}isz#-me-{d}da#-gan#
2. u2-a nibru{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-[ga]
7. en unu{ki}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
10. dam ki ag2#
10. dam ki-ag2#
11. {d}inanna#
RIME, ex. add30 (P461405) 2220107
&P461405 = RIME, ex. add30
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. u2-a nibru{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga
7. en unu{ki}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
10. dam ki ag2
10. dam ki-ag2
11. {d}inanna
RIME, ex. 10 (P428305) 2220108
&P428305 = RIME, ex. 10
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
$ 3 lines broken
4. uri5#[{ki}-ma]
5. u4-da# [gub]
6. eridu#{ki}-[ga]
7. [en] unu#[{ki}-ga]
8. [lugal] kal#-[ga]
9. lugal# [i3]-si#-[in]{ki#}-na#
10. lugal# ki#-en#-gi# ki#-uri#
11. dam# ki# ag2#
11. dam# ki#-ag2#
12. {d#}inanna#-ka
RIME, ex. 01 (P225577) 2220109
an-gal does not appear in words list
&P225577 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. nita kal-ga
3. lugal i-si-in{ki}-na
4. lugal an ub-da limmu2-ba-ke4
5. u4 nibru{ki}
6. iri ki ag2
6. iri ki-ag2
7. {d}en-lil2-la2
8. gu2-bi
9. mu-un-du8
10. erin2-bi kaskal-ta
11. ba-ra-an-zi-ga-a
12. bad3-gal
13. i3-si-in{ki}-na
14. mu-un-du3
15. bad3-ba
16. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
17. {d}en-lil2-da a2 an-gal
18. mu-bi-im
RIME, ex. 01 (P427993) 2220110
&P427993 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ra
3. u4 {d}en-lil2-le
4. {d}nin-urta
5. ur-sag kal-ga-ni
6. maszkim-sze3
7. mu-ni-in-tuk-a
8. szita mi-tum sag ninnu
9. mu-na-dim2
10. szeg12 al-ur3-ra
11. {gesz}tukul ki ag2-a-ni
11. {gesz}tukul ki-ag2-a-ni
12. mu-na-an-gub-ba-am3
RIME, ex. 03 (P263434) 2220111
&P263434 = RIME, ex. 03
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ra
3. u4 {d}en-lil2-le
4. {d}nin-urta
5. ur-sag kal-ga-ni
6. maszkim-sze3
7. mu-ni-in-tuk-a
8. szita mi-tum sag ninnu
9. mu-na-dim2
10. szeg12 al-ur3-ra
11. {gesz}tukul ki ag2-a-ni
11. {gesz}tukul ki-ag2-a-ni
12. mu-na-an-gub-ba-am3
RIME, ex. 04 (P263439) 2220112
&P263439 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
$ beginning broken
1'. mu#-ni#-in#-tuku#-a#
2'. szita mi-tum sag ninnu
3'. mu-na-dim2
4'. szeg12 al-ur3-ra
5'. {gesz}tukul ki ag2-a-ni
5'. {gesz}tukul ki-ag2-a-ni
6'. mu-na-an-gub-ba-am3
RIME, ex. 05 (P263445) 2220113
&P263445 = RIME, ex. 05
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ra
3. u4 {d}en-lil2-le
4. {d}nin-urta
5. ur-sag kal-ga-ni
6. maszkim-sze3
7. mu-ni-in-tuk-a
8. szita mi-tum sag ninnu
9. mu-na-dim2
10. szeg12 al-ur3-ra
11. {gesz}tukul ki ag2-a-ni
11. {gesz}tukul ki-ag2-a-ni
12. mu-na-an-gub-ba-am3
RIME, ex. 06 (P263446) 2220114
&P263446 = RIME, ex. 06
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ra
3. u4 {d}en-lil2-le
4. {d}nin-urta
5. ur-sag kal-ga-ni
6. maszkim-sze3
7. mu-ni-in-tuk-a
8. szita mi-tum sag ninnu
9. mu-na-dim2
10. szeg12 al-ur3-ra
11. {gesz}tukul ki ag2-a-ni
11. {gesz}tukul ki-ag2-a-ni
12. mu#-na-an-gub-ba-am3
RIME composite (P448294) 2220115
&P448294 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
#tr.en: Išme-Dagan,
2. u2-a nibru{ki}
#tr.en: provider of Nippur,
3. sag-us2
#tr.en: constant attendant
4. uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: of Ur,
5. u4-da gub
#tr.en: who stands daily at the service
6. eridu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: of Eridu,
7. en unu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: en-priest of Uruk,
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}
#tr.en: king of Isin,
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: king of Sumer and Akkad,
10. dam ki ag2
10. dam ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved spouse
11. {d}inanna-ka-ke4
#tr.en: of Inanna -
12. bad3 gal BAD3{ki}
#tr.en: the great wall of Durum,
13. iri{ki} nam-szagina
#tr.en: the city of his military governorship
14. nam-dumu-na-ka-ni
#tr.en: and his princeship,
15. mu-un-du3
#tr.en: he built.
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P293561) 2220116
&P293561 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
2. u2-a nibru{ki}
3. sag-us2
4. uri5{ki}-ma
5. u4-da gub
6. eridu{ki}-ga
7. en unu{ki}-ga
8. lugal i3-si-in{ki}
9. lugal ki-en-gi ki#-uri#
10. dam ki ag2#
10. dam ki-ag2#
11. {d}inanna-ka-ke4
12. bad3 gal BAD3{ki}
13. iri{ki} nam-szagina
14. nam-dumu-na-ka-ni
15. mu-un#-du3
RIME composite (P448295) 2220117
&P448295 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}nanna
#tr.en: For Nanna,
2. dumu sag
#tr.en: first-born son
3. {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: of Enlil
4. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
5. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
#tr.en: Išme-Dagan,
6. u2-a nibru{ki}
#tr.en: provider of Nippur,
7. sag-us2
#tr.en: constant attendant
8. uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: of Ur,
9. u4-da gub
#tr.en: who stands daily at the service
10. eridu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: of Eridu,
11. en unu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: en-priest of Uruk,
12. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
#tr.en: king of Isin,
13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: king of Sumer and Akkad,
14. dam ki ag2
14. dam ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved spouse
15. {d}inanna-ka-ke4
#tr.en: of Inanna,
16. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: for his life
17. a mu-na-ru
#tr.en: he dedicated it (this vase).
RIME, ex. 01 (P270012) 2220118
&P270012 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object vase
@surface a
1. {d}nanna
2. dumu sag
3. {d}en-lil2-la2
4. lugal-a-ni-ir
5. {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
6. u2-a nibru{ki}
7. sag-us2
8. uri5{ki}-ma
9. u4-da gub
10. eridu{ki}-ga
11. en unu{ki}-ga
12. lugal# i3-si-in{ki}-na
13. lugal# ki#-en-gi ki-uri
14. dam# ki ag2#
14. dam# ki-ag2#
15. {[d]}inanna-ka-ke4#
16. [nam]-ti#-la-ni-sze3#
17. [a mu]-na#-ru
RIME composite (P448296) 2220119
&P448296 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}nin-gal
#tr.en: For the goddess Ningal,
2. erisz sag il2
#tr.en: the proud lady,
3. me-ni me nu-sa2
#tr.en: whose divine powers are unrivaled powers,
4. ad gi4-gi4 gal-zu
#tr.en: wise counsellor,
5. nam-nin-a tum2-ma
#tr.en: one fitting for queenship,
6. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: her mistress -
7. en-an-na-tum2-ma
#tr.en: Enanatuma,
8. en ki ag2 {d}nanna
8. en ki-ag2 {d}nanna
#tr.en: beloved en-priestess of Nanna
9. en {d}nanna
#tr.en: and en-priestess of Nanna
10. sza3 uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: at Ur (as well),
11. dumu {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
#tr.en: daughter of Išme-Dagan
12. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
#tr.en: the king of Sumer and Akkad,
13. alam-ba
#tr.en: this statue
14. agrun-na-sze3
#tr.en: into the (cultic) bedroom
15. mu-na-de6
#tr.en: she had it brought to her (Ningal)
16. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: and for her life
17. a mu-na-ru
#tr.en: she dedicated it to her.
RIME, ex. 01 (P270014) 2220120
&P270014 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object statuette
@surface a
1. {d}nin-gal
2. erisz sag il2
3. me-ni mu nu-sa2
4. ad gi4-gi4 gal-zu
5. nam-nin-a tum2-ma
6. nin-a-ni-ir
7. en-an-na-tum2-ma
8. en ki ag2 {d}nanna
8. en ki-ag2 {d}nanna
9. en {d}nanna
10. sza3 uri5{ki}-ma
11. dumu {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
12. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
13. alam#-ba
14. agrun-na-sze3
15. mu-na-de6
16. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
17. a mu-na-ru
RIME composite (P448305) 2220121
&P448305 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}inanna
#tr.en: For Inanna
2. mu-ur5{ki}
#tr.en: of the city Mur(um),
3. {d}inanna-ka-ni-ir
#tr.en: her personal goddess,
4. nam-ti
#tr.en: for the life
5. {d}li-pi2-it-esz4-dar
#tr.en: of Lipit-Ištar,
6. sipa gesz tuku
#tr.en: the shepherd who heeds
7. dingir-re-e-ne
#tr.en: the gods,
8. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: king of Sumer and Akkad,
9. dam {d}inanna-ka-sze3
#tr.en: and spouse of Inanna,
10. la-ma-sa3-tum
#tr.en: Lammasatum
11. ama-ne2
#tr.en: his mother,
12. u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: also for her own life,
13. e2-mar-uru5
#tr.en: the Stormwind House,
14. {e2}szutum ki ag2-ga2-ni
14. {e2}szutum ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: her beloved storehouse,
15. sza3 i3-si-in{ki}-na-ka
#tr.en: in the center of Isin
16. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: she built for her.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431516) 2220122
&P431516 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}inanna
2. mu-ur5{ki}
3. {d}inanna-ka-ni-ir
4. nam-ti
5. {d}li-pi2-it-esz4-dar
6. sipa gesz tuku
7. dingir-re-e-ne
8. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
9. dam {d}inanna-ka-sze3
10. la-ma-sa3-tum
11. ama-ne2
12. u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
13. e2-mar-uru5
14. {e2}szutum ki ag2-ga2-ni
14. {e2}szutum ki-ag2-ga2-ni
# reading SZUTUM with RIME, precise writing unclear
15. sza3 i3-si-in{ki}-na-ka
16. mu-na-du3
RIME composite (P448311) 2220123
guru6-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
guru6 only appears a few times in signs list
&P448311 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}na-na-a
#tr.en: To Nanaia
2. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his lady,
3. nam-ti
#tr.en: for the life
4. {d}bur-{d}suen
#tr.en: of Bur-Sin,
5. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: king of Sumer and Akkad,
6. ki ag2 {d}inanna
6. ki-ag2 {d}inanna
#tr.en: the beloved of Inanna
7. u3 {d}na-na-a-sze3
#tr.en: and Nanaia,
8. {d}na-na-a-ib2-sa2
#tr.en: Nanaia-ibsa,
9. lukur ki ag2 kaskal-la-ka-ne2
9. lukur ki-ag2 kaskal-la-ka-ne2
#tr.en: his beloved lukur priestess of the road,
10. u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: also for her own life,
11. a mu-na-ru
#tr.en: she dedicated it (this plate).
12. lu2 a-gu2-bi
#tr.en: A person who this agu plate
13. su {d}na-na-a-ta
#tr.en: from the body of Nanaia
14. ib2-ta-ab-zi-zi-a
#tr.en: shall remove,
15. sza3-ge guru6-sze3
#tr.en: and either for a free-will offering
16. u3 in-ga2-ga2-a
#tr.en: uses it
17. u3 ib2-zi-re-a
#tr.en: or destroys it,
18. {d}na-na-a
#tr.en: may Nanaia
19. nin-mu
#tr.en: my mistress
20. asz2 gig-ga he2-en-dab
#tr.en: let him be seized by a painful curse.
RIME, ex. 01 (P345856) 2220124
kara2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
kara2 only appears a few times in signs list
&P345856 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object plate
@surface a
1. {d}na-na-a
2. nin-a-ni-ir
3. nam-ti
4. {d}bur-{d}suen
5. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
6. ki ag2 {d}inanna#
6. ki-ag2 {d}inanna#
7. u3 {d}na-na-a-sze3#
8. {d}na-na-a-ib2-sa2
9. lukur ki ag2 kaskal-la-ka-ne2
9. lukur ki-ag2 kaskal-la-ka-ne2
10. u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
11. a mu-na-ru
12. lu2 a-gu2-bi
13. su {d}na-na-a-ta
14. ib2-ta-ab-zi-zi-a
15. sza3-ge kara2-sze3
16. u3 in-ga2-ga2-a
17. u3 ib2-zi-re-a#
18. {d}na-na-a
19. nin-mu
20. asz2 gig-ga he2-en#-dab
RIME, ex. 01 (P225574) 2220125
&P225574 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra
3. nibru{ki}
4. lugal kal-ga
5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da
8. {d}inanna
9. ki ag2 {d}en-lil2
9. ki-ag2 {d}en-lil2
10. u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4
11. bad3 gal
12. i3-si-in{ki}-na
13. mu-du3
14. bad3-ba
15. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
16. suhusz-_ki-in_
17. mu-bi-im
RIME, ex. 04-05 (P430893) 2220126
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 20: u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}#
ki-in only appears a few times in words list
&P430893 = RIME, ex. 04-05
#atf: lang sux
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra
3. nibru{ki}
4. lugal kal-ga
5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da
8. {d}inanna
@column 2
1. ki ag2 {d}en-lil2
1. ki-ag2 {d}en-lil2
2. u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4
3. bad3 gal
4. i3-si-in{ki}-na
5. mu-du3
6. bad3-ba
7. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
8. suhusz ki-in
9. mu-bi-im
@surface b
1. {d}en-lil2#-[ba-ni]
2. sipa nig2-nam# [szar2-ra]
3. nibru#{ki#}
4. lugal kal#-ga#
5. lugal i3-si#-[in{ki}-na]
6. lugal ki-en#-[gi ki-uri]
7. dam sza3-ge [pa3-da]
8. {d}[inanna]
9. ki# ag2 {d}en#-[lil2]
9. ki#-ag2 {d}en#-[lil2]
10. u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}#-[na-ka-ke4]
11. bad3 gal#
12. i3-si-in{ki#}-[na]
13. mu-du3#
14. bad3-[ba]
15. {d}en-lil2#-[ba-ni]
16. suhusz-ki-in#
17. mu-bi-im#
RIME, ex. 06 (P270010) 2220127
&P270010 = RIME, ex. 06
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra
3. nibru{ki}
4. lugal kal-ga
5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na#
6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da
8. {d}inanna#
9. ki ag2 {d}en-lil2
9. ki-ag2 {d}en-lil2
10. u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4
11. bad3 gal
12. i3-si-in{ki}-[na]
13. mu-du3#
14. bad3-[ba]
15. {d}en#-[lil2-ba-ni]
16. suhusz-_ki-in#_
17. mu-bi-im
RIME, ex. 10 (P223407) 2220128
&P223407 = RIME, ex. 10
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. [{d}en-lil2]-ba#-ni
2. sipa# [nig2-nam] szar2#-ra
3. [nibru]{ki}
4. [lugal kal]-ga
5. [lugal] i3#-si-in{ki}-na
6. [lugal] ki#-en-gi ki#-uri
7. [dam] sza3#-ge# pa3#-da
8. {[d]}inanna
9. [ki ag2] {d}en-lil2
9. [ki-ag2] {d}en-lil2
10. [u3 {d}nin]-isin2#{si}-na
11. [bad3] gal#
12. [i3-si-in]{ki}-na
13. [mu]-du3
14. [bad3]-ba
15. [{d}en]-lil2#-ba-ni
16. [suhusz-_ki]-in_
17. [mu]-bi#-im#
RIME, ex. add11 (P342632) 2220129
&P342632 = RIME, ex. add11
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra
3. nibru{ki}
4. lugal kal-ga
5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da
8. {d}inanna
9. ki ag2 {d}en-lil2
9. ki-ag2 {d}en-lil2
10. u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4
11. bad3 gal
12. i3-si-in{ki}-na
13. mu-du3
14. bad3-ba
15. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
16. suhusz-_ki-in_
17. mu-bi-im
RIME composite (P448320) 2220130
&P448320 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
#tr.en: Enlilbani,
2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra
#tr.en: shepherd who has made everything plentiful
3. nibru{ki}
#tr.en: for Nippur,
4. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: mighty king,
5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
#tr.en: king of Isin
6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da
#tr.en: spouse chosen by the heart
8. {d}inanna
#tr.en: of Inanna,
9. ki ag2
9. ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved
10. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: of Enlil
11. u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4
#tr.en: and Nininsina,
12. bad3 i3-si-in{ki}-na ba-sumun-a
#tr.en: the wall of Isin which had gotten old
13. gibil-bi-sze3 in-du3
#tr.en: he built anew.
RIME, ex. 01 (P225339) 2220131
ba-sumun-na only appears a few times in words list
&P225339 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra
3. nibru{ki}
4. lugal kal-ga
5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da
8. {d}inanna
9. ki ag2
9. ki-ag2
10. {d}en-lil2
11. u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4
12. bad3 i3-si-in{ki}-na
13. ba-sumun-na
14. gibil-bi-sze3
15. in-du3
RIME, ex. 02-03 (P247891) 2220132
&P247891 = RIME, ex. 02-03
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra
3. nibru{ki}
4. lugal kal-ga
5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da
8. {d}inanna
9. ki ag2
9. ki-ag2
10. {d}en-lil2
11. u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4
12. bad3 i3-si-in{ki}-na ba-sumun-a
13. gibil-bi-sze3 in-du3
@surface b
@column 1
1. {[d}en-lil2-ba]-ni
2. [sipa nig2-nam] szar2#-ra
3. nibru#{ki}
4. lugal kal-ga
5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
6. lugal ki-en-gi ki]-uri
7. dam# sza3-ge pa3-da
@column 2
8. {d}inanna#
9. ki ag2
9. ki-ag2
10. {d}en-lil2#
11. u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-[ka-ke4]
12. bad3 i3-si-in{ki}-na ba-sumun-[a]
13. gibil-bi-sze3# in-[du3]
RIME, ex. add04-05 (P387687) 2220133
&P387687 = RIME, ex. 04-05
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra
3. nibru{ki}
4. lugal kal-ga
5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
7. dam sza3-ge pa3-da
8. {d}inanna
9. ki ag2
9. ki-ag2
10. {d}en-lil2
11. u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4
12. bad3 i3-si-in{ki}-na ba-til-a
13. gibil-bi-sze3 in-du3
@surface b
@column 1
1. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
2. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra
3. nibru{ki}
4. lugal kal-ga
5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
6. lugal# ki#-en-gi [ki]-uri#
7. dam# [sza3-ge] pa3#-da#
@column 2
8. {d}inanna
9. ki ag2
9. ki-ag2
10. {d}en-lil2
11. u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4
12. bad3 i3-si-in{ki}-na ba-til-a
13. gibil-bi-sze3# in-[du3]
RIME composite (P448322) 2220134
{d}nin-ib-gal does not appear in words list
&P448322 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}nin-ib-gal
#tr.en: For Nanibgal,
2. nin sza3-la2 su3
#tr.en: the merciful lady
3. ga-ti-e ki ag2
3. ga-ti-e ki-ag2
#tr.en: who loves ex-votos,
4. szu12 a-ra-zu gesz tuku
#tr.en: who listens to prayer and supplication,
5. ama zalag-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: the pure mother,
6. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
#tr.en: Enlilbani,
7. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra
#tr.en: the shepherd who made everything plentiful
8. nibru{ki}
#tr.en: of Nippur,
9. engar sze mah
#tr.en: the farmer who makes the barley grow high
10. uri2{ki}-ma
#tr.en: of Ur,
11. me eridu{ki}-ga ku3-ku3-ge
#tr.en: who makes holy the divine attributes of Eridu,
12. en ki ag2
12. en ki-ag2
#tr.en: the beloved en priest
13. unu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: of Uruk,
14. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty king,
15. lugal i3-i-in{ki}-na
#tr.en: king of Isin
16. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
17. dam sza3-ge pa3-da
#tr.en: the spouse chosen by the heart
18. {d}inanna-ke4
#tr.en: of Inanna,
19. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
19. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: her beloved temple
20. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P286598) 2220135
{d}nin-ib-gal does not appear in words list
&P286598 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}nin-ib-gal
2. nin sza3-la2 su3
3. ga-ti-e ki ag2
3. ga-ti-e ki-ag2
4. szu12 a-ra-zu gesz tuku
5. ama zalag-a-ni-ir
6. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
7. sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra
8. nibru{ki}
9. engar sze mah
10. uri2{ki}-ma
11. me eridu{ki}-ga ku3-ku3-ge
12. en ki ag2
12. en ki-ag2
13. unu{ki}-ga
14. lugal kal-ga
15. lugal i3-i-in{ki}-na
16. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
17. dam sza3-ge pa3-da
18. {d}inanna-ke4
19. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
19. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
20. mu-na-du3
RIME composite (P448323) 2220136
&P448323 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}nin-tin-ug5-ga
#tr.en: For Nintinuga,
2. nin ti-la ug5-ga
#tr.en: the lady who revives the dead,
3. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
4. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
#tr.en: Enlilbani,
5. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty king,
6. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
#tr.en: king of Isin
7. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
8. ki ag2 {d}en-lil2
8. ki-ag2 {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: one beloved by Enlil
9. u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4
#tr.en: and Nininsina,
10. e2-ni2-dub2-bu
#tr.en: the House of Resting,
11. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
11. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: her beloved temple,
12. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P392108) 2220137
&P392108 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}nin-tin-ug5-ga
2. nin ti-la ug5-ga
3. nin-a-ni-ir
4. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
5. lugal kal-ga
6. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
7. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
8. ki ag2 {d}en-lil2
8. ki-ag2 {d}en-lil2
9. u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4
10. e2-ni2-dub2-bu
11. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
11. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
12. mu-na-du3
RIME composite (P448324) 2220138
&P448324 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}sud3
#tr.en: For Sud
2. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
3. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
#tr.en: Enlilbani,
4. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty king,
5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na-ke4
#tr.en: king of Isin,
6. e2-dim-gal-an-na
#tr.en: the Great Mast of Heaven House,
7. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
7. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: her beloved temple,
8. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
RIME, ex. 01 (P247887) 2220139
&P247887 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone head
@surface a
1. {d}sud3
2. nin-a-ni-ir
3. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
4. lugal kal-ga
5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na-ke4
6. e2-dim-gal-an-na
7. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
7. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
8. mu-na-du3
RIME composite (P448327) 2220140
gig2-ge does not appear in words list
ebur does not appear in words list
ma-ra-su3-ud does not appear in words list
gig2-ga does not appear in words list
gig2 does not appear in signs list
ebur does not appear in signs list
gig2 does not appear in signs list
&P448327 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
1. [...]
2. [...] x
3. [...]-me#?-en
#tr.en: ... am I.
4. esz3 nibru{ki}
#tr.en: To the shrine of Nippur,
5. dur-an-ki-a-sze3
#tr.en: the Bond of Heaven and Earth,
6. gu3 zi-de3-esz ma-an-de2
#tr.en: he truly called me.
7. sag-ki zalag-ga-ni
#tr.en: His pure brow
8. mu-szi-in-bar
#tr.en: he directed towards me,
9. nam du10 mu-un-tar
#tr.en: and a good fate he determined for me:
10. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni
#tr.en: Enlilbani,
11. szu du11-ga-mu-me-en
#tr.en: my accomplishment, you are.
12. a2 nun
#tr.en: Princely power
13. hu-mu-ta-gal2
#tr.en: there shall be with you.
14. {d}a-nun-na
#tr.en: The Anuna gods
15. ku3 an-sze3
#tr.en: to the holy heaven
16. [x] he2-ni-tum2?-ma?
#tr.en: may you(?) ...
17. [x] x x x x
18. [...]
19. [...]
20. [...] x
21. x x
22. nam-he2
#tr.en: Abundance
23. hu-mi-diri-ge
#tr.en: may you make surpassing there.
24. kalam-ma
#tr.en: In the nation
25. x x x gal2?
#tr.en: ...
26. ma?-ra?-gal2
#tr.en: I have produced for you.
27. ub-da limmu2-ba
#tr.en: In the four world quarters
28. gaba-ri
#tr.en: a rival
29. na-an-tuk-tuk-un
#tr.en: may you not have.
30. ug3 sag gig2-ge
#tr.en: To the Black Headed People
31. ba-du10-ge-me-en
#tr.en: you are the one who is pleasing.
32. {d}utu-bi
#tr.en: Their sun god
33. he2-me-en
#tr.en: may you be.
34. mu nam-ti-la
#tr.en: Years of life
35. bala u4-bi
#tr.en: and a reign whose days
36. su3-su3-ra2
#tr.en: are very long
37. sag-e-esz
#tr.en: as a gift
38. mu-rig7
#tr.en: I have presented.
39. esz3 nibru{ki}
#tr.en: (In) the shrine of Nippur
40. gu2 an-sze3
#tr.en: your neck towards heaven
41. [he2-em-mi-zi]
#tr.en: may you raise up.
42. [...]
43. [...] x
44. ab-sin2-bi
#tr.en: Its furrows
45. mu-e-dagal
#tr.en: you have made broad.
46. x x AN
#tr.en: ...
47. ebur#? luh
#tr.en: At its harvest, clean
48. ku3-ku3-ga-bi-sze3
#tr.en: and most holy,
49. u4-szu2-usz
#tr.en: daily
50. ha-ba-gub-be2-en
#tr.en: you have indeed served,
51. gesz-tag-bi
#tr.en: and its offerings,
52. nig2 mu-szi-bar-ra
#tr.en: things which I have examined,
53. ma-tum2
#tr.en: you have brought to me.
54. szeg12 e2-kur-ra-ke4
#tr.en: The brickwork of the Ekur
55. he2-em-da-hul2
#tr.en: has indeed rejoiced over them.
56. utu-e3-ta
#tr.en: From east
57. u4-szu2-usz
#tr.en: to west
58. nam-sipa-bi
#tr.en: their shepherdship
59. ma-ra-szum2
#tr.en: I have given you.
60. nam-lugal-zu
#tr.en: Your rule
61. pa-e3 bi2-ak
#tr.en: I have made resplendent,
62. u4-bi
#tr.en: and its days
63. ma-ra-su3-ud
#tr.en: I have extended for you.
64. x x ma
#tr.en: ...
65. [...]-sze3
#tr.en: ...
66. [...]
#tr.en: ...
67. mu-ra-ge-en
#tr.en: I have secured for you.
68. aga me-lam2
#tr.en: A crown with a divine halo
69. u6 di-de3
#tr.en: to marvel at,
70. he2-du7
#tr.en: distinguished in appearance,
71. sag-za ba-kesz2-re6
#tr.en: is bound upon your head.
72. za3 kur-ra-sze3
#tr.en: To the borders of the foreign land
73. mi-ni-mah-en
#tr.en: I have exalted you,
74. tesz2-bi-sze3
#tr.en: and all together
75. mu-se3-ke-en
#tr.en: you have united them.
76. ki-bala-a
#tr.en: In the rebellious land
77. iri{ki} du11-ga-zu-ta
#tr.en: the city which at your command
78. la-ba-x
#tr.en: did not ...,
79. bad3 mu-gul
#tr.en: you destroyed (its) wall,
80. giri3-zu-ta
#tr.en: and at your feet
81. gesz he2-szi-szu2-e
#tr.en: you cast fetters upon them.
82. enkar szibir
#tr.en: The enkar weapon, the shepherd's staff,
83. gidri nig2 gi-na
#tr.en: and the lawful scepter
84. ug3 sag gig2-ga
#tr.en: by which the Black Headed People
85. lah5-lah5-e
#tr.en: are led,
86. u4 da-ri2-sze3
#tr.en: forever
87. szu zi
#tr.en: faithfully in hand
88. mu-e-gar
#tr.en: you have taken.
89. x-[x]-x
#tr.en: ...
90. [x x] x-me-en
#tr.en: ... are you.
91. inim sza3 nu-zu
#tr.en: The word whose inner meaning is not known
92. na-me
#tr.en: no one
93. nu-kur2-ru-dam
#tr.en: can alter.
94. nam tar-ra-mu
#tr.en: My fate
95. du-ri2-sze3
#tr.en: forever
96. ha-mu-un-gar
#tr.en: you have established.
97. {d}en-lil2-le
#tr.en: Enlil -
98. szeg12 e2-kur-ra-ta
#tr.en: there from within the brickwork of the Ekur
99. nam-mu
#tr.en: my fate
100. mi-ni-in-tar-ra
#tr.en: having been decreed by him,
101. nibru{ki}
#tr.en: in Nippur
102. nig2-si-sa2
#tr.en: justice
103. mu-ni-in-gar
#tr.en: I(?) established,
104. nig2-gi-na
#tr.en: and lawfulness
105. pa bi2-e3
#tr.en: I made come forth resplendently.
106. udu-gin7 ka u2 gu7
#tr.en: As for sheep, food for eating
107. ba-ni-in-kin
#tr.en: I sought out for them
108. u2 sig7-ga bi2-gu7
#tr.en: and let them eat green plants.
109. {gesz}szu-dul9 dugud-da
#tr.en: The heavy yoke
110. gu2-bi im-ta-zi
#tr.en: I lifted from their necks,
111. dur2? gi-na bi2-tusz
#tr.en: and in a secure abode I made them dwell.
112. nibru{ki}-a
#tr.en: In Nippur,
113. nig2-gi-na
#tr.en: righteousness
114. mi-ni-in-gar-ra
#tr.en: having established there,
115. sza3-bi mu-du10-ga
#tr.en: and having gladdened their hearts,
116. i3-si-in{ki}
#tr.en: Isin
117. iri{ki} an-ne2
#tr.en: the city, An
118. {d}en-lil2#-le
#tr.en: and Enlil
119. {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ra
#tr.en: to Nininsina
120. sag-e-esz
#tr.en: as a gift
121. mu-un-ni-in-rig7-esz
#tr.en: did present,
122. nig2-gi
#tr.en: and law
123. nig2-si-sa2
#tr.en: and justice
124. mu-ni-in-gar
#tr.en: I established there (also).
125. sza3 kalam-ma mu-du10
#tr.en: I gladdened the heart of the nation.
126. sze nig2-ku5-ra
#tr.en: The barley tax
127. igi-5(disz)-gal2 i3-me-a
#tr.en: which used to be one-fifth,
128. igi-1(u)-gal2-la
#tr.en: into one-tenth
129. he2-mi-ku4
#tr.en: I turned it.
130. |MASZ.EN.KAK|
#tr.en: Commoners
131. iti-da
#tr.en: per month
132. u4 4(disz)-am3
#tr.en: (only) four days
133. he2-gub
#tr.en: I made serve.
134. masz2-ansze
#tr.en: The livestock
135. e2-gal-la-ke4
#tr.en: of the palace
136. a-sza3 x x ki?-x-a
#tr.en: which in the fields ...
137. x x x
#tr.en: and about which the ...
138. i-{d}utu
#tr.en: complaints
139. bi2-in-esz-a
#tr.en: did voice,
140. masz2-ansze
#tr.en: (those) livestock
141. e2-gal-la
#tr.en: of the palace
142. ab-sin2-ta
#tr.en: from the furrows
143. he2-em-ta-e3
#tr.en: I did send forth.
144. i-{d}utu se3-ga
#tr.en: That which was subject to complaint
145. nig2-gig-ga
#tr.en: into a forbidden thing
146. he2-ni-ku4
#tr.en: I turned.
147. di-ku5 nig2-gi-e
#tr.en: A judge who righteousness
148. ki ag2-me-en
148. ki-ag2-me-en
#tr.en: does love, am I.
149. nig2-erim2!
#tr.en: Evil
150. nig2-a2-zi
#tr.en: and violence
151. u2-gu he2-ni-de2
#tr.en: I made disappear.
152. lu2 si-sa2
#tr.en: The just man
153. x-ge
#tr.en: to the ...
154. he2-mi-gi4
#tr.en: I restored.
RIME, ex. 01 (P268919) 2220141
gig2-ge does not appear in words list
ebur does not appear in words list
ma-ra-su3-ud does not appear in words list
gig2-ga does not appear in words list
ki!-ag2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
lu2-si-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
gig2 does not appear in signs list
ebur does not appear in signs list
gig2 does not appear in signs list
&P268919 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. [...]
2. [...] x
3. [...]-me#?-en
4. esz3# nibru{ki}
5. dur#-an-ki-a-sze3
6. gu3 zi-de3-esz ma-an-de2
7. sag-ki zalag-ga-ni
8. mu-szi-in-bar
9. nam du10 mu-un-tar
10. {d}en-<lil2-ba-ni>
11. szu du11-ga-mu-me-en
12. a2# nun
13. hu-mu-ta-gal2
14. {d}[a]-nun-na
15. ku3# an-sze3
16. [x] he2-ni-tum2?-ma?
17. [x] x x x x
18. [...]
19. [...]
@column 2
1. [...] x
2. x x
3. nam-he2#
4. hu-mi-diri-ge
5. kalam-ma
6. x x x gal2?
7. ma?-ra#?-gal2
8. ub?-da#? limmu2-ba
9. gaba-ri
10. na-an-tuk-tuk-un
11. ug3 sag gig2-ge
12. ba-du10-ge-me-en
13. {d}utu-bi
14. he2-me-en
15. mu nam-ti-la
16. bala u4-bi
17. su3-su3-ra2
18. sag-e-esz
19. mu-rig7
20. esz3 nibru{ki}
21. gu2 an-sze3#
22. [he2-em-mi-zi]
23. [...]
24. [...] x
@column 3
1. ab#-sin2-bi
2. mu-e-dagal
3. x x AN
4. ebur#? luh
5. ku3-ku3-ga-bi-sze3
6. u4-szu2-usz
7. ha-ba-gub-be2-en
8. gesz-tag-bi
9. nig2 mu-szi-bar-ra
10. ma-tum2
11. szeg12 e2-kur-ra-ke4
12. he2-em-da-hul2
13. utu-e3-ta
14. u4-szu2-usz
15. nam-sipa-bi
16. ma-ra-szum2
17. nam-lugal-zu
18. pa-e3 bi2-ak
19. u4-bi
20. ma-ra-su3-ud
21. x x ma
22. [...]-sze3
23. [...]
24. mu-ra-ge-en
@column 4
1. aga me-lam2
2. u6 di-de3
3. he2-du7
4. sag-za ba-kesz2-re6
5. za3 kur-ra-sze3
6. mi-ni-mah-en
7. tesz2-bi-sze3
8. mu-se3-ke-en
9. ki-bala-a
10. iri{ki} du11-ga-zu-ta
11. la-ba-x
12. bad3 mu-gul
13. giri3-zu#-ta#
14. gesz he2-szi-szu2-e
15. enkar szibir#
16. gidri nig2 gi#-na
17. ug3 <sag> gig2-<ga>
18. lah5-lah5-e
19. u4 da-ri2-sze3
20. szu zi
21. mu-e#-gar
22. x-[x]-x
23. [x x] x-me-en
@column 5
1. inim sza3 nu-zu
2. na-me
3. nu-kur2-ru-dam
4. nam tar-ra-mu
5. du-ri2-sze3
6. ha-mu-un?-gar
7. {d}en-<lil2>-le
8. szeg12 e2-kur-ra-ta
9. nam-mu
10. mi-ni-in-tar-ra
11. nibru#{ki}
12. nig2-si-sa2
13. mu-ni-in-gar
14. nig2-gi-[na]
15. pa bi2-e3
16. udu-gin7 ka u2 gu7#
17. ba-ni-in-kin#
18. u2 sig7#-ga# bi2-gu7
19. {gesz}szu-dul9 dugud-da
20. gu2-bi im-ta-zi
21. dur2? gi-na bi2-tusz
22. nibru{ki}-a
23. nig2-gi-na
24. mi-ni-in-gar-ra
@column 1
1. sza3-bi mu-du10-ga
2. i3-si-in{ki}
3. iri{ki} an-ne2
4. {d}en-lil2#-le
5. {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ra
6. sag-e-esz
7. mu-un-ni-in-rig7-esz
8. nig2-gi
9. nig2-si-sa2
10. mu-ni-in-gar
11. sza3 kalam-ma mu-du10
12. sze nig2-ku5-ra
13. igi-5(disz)-gal2 i3-me-a
14. igi-1(u)-gal2-la
15. he2-mi-ku4
17. iti-da
18. u4 4(disz)-am3
19. he2-gub
20. masz2-ansze
21. e2-gal-la-ke4
22. a-sza3 x x ki?-x-a
23. x x x
@column 2
1. i-{d}utu
2. bi2-in-esz-a
3. masz2-ansze
4. e2-gal-la
5. ab-sin2-ta
6. he2-em-ta-e3
7. i-{d}utu se3-ga
8. nig2-gig-ga
9. he2-ni-ku4
10. di-ku5 nig2-gi-e
11. ki! ag2-me-en
11. ki!-ag2-me-en
12. nig2-erim2!
13. nig2-a2-zi
14. u2-gu he2-ni-de2
15. lu2-si-sa2
16. x-ge
17. he2-mi-gi4
RIME composite (P448328) 2220142
ATF: Syntax error at line 48 col 7: #tr.en:is its name.
&P448328 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}za-am-bi-ia
#tr.en: Zambiya,
2. sipa ni2 tuku
#tr.en: shepherd who has respect
3. nibru{ki}
#tr.en: for Nippur,
4. engar gu mah tum2
#tr.en: farmer who brings tall flax
5. sze mah tum2
#tr.en: and brings tall barley
6. esz3 dur-an-ki-sze3
#tr.en: to the shrine Duranki,
7. u2-a zi
#tr.en: faithful provider
8. kisal e2-gal-mah-a
#tr.en: who the courtyard of the Egalmah
9. nig2 nam-he si-si
#tr.en: fills with abundant things,
10. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
#tr.en: king of Isin
11. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
12. dam igi il2-la
#tr.en: spouse regarded
13. {d}inanna
#tr.en: by Inanna,
14. ki ag2 {d}en-lil2
14. ki-ag2 {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: and loved by Enlil
15. u3 {d}nin-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4
#tr.en: and Nininsina,
16. bad3 gal
#tr.en: the great wall
17. i3-si-in{ki}-na
#tr.en: of Isin
18. mu-du3
#tr.en: he built.
19. bad3-ba
#tr.en: Of that wall,
20. {d}za-am-bi-a
#tr.en: Zambiya
21. _na-ra-am_ esz4-dar
#tr.en: is the Beloved of Ištar
22. mu-bi-im
#tr.en:is its name.
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P390510) 2220143
&P390510 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. {[d]}za#-am#-bi-ia
2. sipa ni2 tuku
3. nibru{ki}
4. engar gu mah tum2
5. sze mah tum2
6. esz3# dur-an-ki-sze3
7. u2-a zi
8. kisal e2-gal-mah-a#?
9. nig2# nam-he# si-si
10. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na#?
11. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
@column 2
1. dam igi il2#-la#
2. {d}inanna
3. ki ag2# {d}en-lil2
3. ki-ag2# {d}en-lil2
4. u3 {d}nin#-isin2{si}-na-ka-ke4#
5. bad3 gal
6. i3#-si-in{ki}-na
7. mu-du3
8. bad3-ba
9. {d}za-am-bi-a
10. _na-ra-am_ esz4-dar
11. mu-bi-im
RIME composite (P448618) 2220144
du-ga-ni-ir only appears a few times in words list
&P448618 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}da-gan
#tr.en: For Dagan,
2. en gal kur-kur-ra
#tr.en: the great lord of all the lands,
3. dingir sag du-ga-ni-ir
#tr.en: the god who created him,
4. {d}ur-du6-ku3-ga
#tr.en: Urdukuga,
5. sipa nig2-nam tum3
#tr.en: the shepherd who brings everything
6. nibru{ki}
#tr.en: for Nippur,
7. engar mah
#tr.en: the exalted farmer
8. an {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: of An and Enlil,
9. u2-a e2-kur-ra
#tr.en: who provides for the Ekur,
10. he2-gal2 du8-du8
#tr.en: who heaps up abundance
11. e2-szu-me-sza4
#tr.en: for the Ešumeša
12. e2-gal-mah-a
#tr.en: and the Egalmah (temples),
13. sa2-du11 esz3-ta ba-ba-a
#tr.en: who the regular offerings which were expropriated from the sanctuaries
14. dingir-re-e-ne-er
#tr.en: to the gods
15. in-ne-eb2-gur-ra
#tr.en: did return,
16. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty king,
17. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
#tr.en: king of Isin
18. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
19. dam igi zi bar-ra
#tr.en: spouse regarded faithfully
20. {d}inanna-ke4
#tr.en: by Inanna,
21. e2-tusz-ki-gar-ra
#tr.en: the Well-Founded Residence House
22. i3-si-in{ki}-na
#tr.en: in Isin,
23. ki-tusz ku3 ki ag2-ga2-ni
23. ki-tusz ku3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved sacred residence,
24. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
RIME, ex. 01 (P452291) 2220145
&P452291 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}da-gan
2. en gal kur-kur-ra
3. dingir sag-du-ga-ni-ir
4. {d}ur-du6-ku3-ga
5. sipa nig2-nam tum3
6. nibru{ki}
7. engar mah
8. an {d}en-lil2-la2
9. u2-a e2-kur-ra
10. he2-gal2 du8-du8
11. e2-szu-me-sza4
12. e2-gal-mah-a
13. sa2-du11 esz3-ta ba-ba-a
14. dingir-re-e-ne-er
15. in-ne-eb2-gur-ra
16. lugal kal-ga
17. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
18. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
19. dam igi zi bar-ra
20. {d}inanna-ke4
21. e2-tusz-ki-gar-ra
22. i3-si-in{ki}-na
23. ki-tusz ku3 ki ag2-ga2-ni
23. ki-tusz ku3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
24. mu-na-du3
RIME, ex. 04-05 (P286226) 2220146
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
&P286226 = RIME, ex. 04-05
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
# (YOS 9, 29)
@column 1
1. {d}da#-gan#
2. en gal kur-kur-ra
3. dingir sag-du-ga-ni-ir
4. {d}ur-du6-ku3-ga
5. sipa nig2-nam tum3
6. nibru{ki}
7. engar mah
8. an {d}en-lil2-la2
9. u2-a e2-kur-ra
10. he2-gal2 du8-du8
11. e2-szu-me-sza4
12. e2-gal-mah-a
@column 2
1. [sa2-du11 esz3-ta ba-ba-a]
2. dingir#-[re-e-ne-er]
3. in-ne#-[eb2-gur-ra]
4. lugal kal#-[ga]
5. lugal i3-si#-[in{ki}-na]
6. lugal ki-en#-[gi] ki-[uri]
7. dam igi zi bar-ra#
8. {d}inanna-ke4
9. e2-tusz-ki-gar-ra
10. i3-si-in{ki}-na
11. ki-tusz ku3 ki ag2-ga2-ni
11. ki-tusz ku3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
12. mu-na-du3
@surface b
# (YOS 9, 30)
1. {d}da-gan
2. en gal kur-kur-ra
3. [dingir sag-du-ga-ni]-ir
4. [{d}ur-du6-ku3-ga]
5. [sipa nig2-nam tum3]
6. [nibru{ki}]
7. [engar mah]
8. [an {d}en-lil2-la2]
9. [u2-a e2-kur-ra]
10. [he2-gal2 du8-du8]
11. e2-szu#-[me-sza4]
12. e2-gal-[mah-a]
13. sa2-du11 esz3-ta# ba#-ba#-a#
14. dingir-re-e-ne-er
15. in-ne-eb2-gur-ra
16. lugal kal-ga
17. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
18. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
19. dam igi zi bar-ra
20. {d}inanna#-ke4
21. e2-tusz-ki-gar-ra
22. i3-si-in{ki}-na#
23. ki#-tusz ku3 ki ag2-ga2-ni
23. ki#-tusz ku3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
24. mu-na-du3
RIME composite (P448330) 2220147
du6-edin-na only appears a few times in words list
&P448330 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}lu2-lal3
#tr.en: For Lulal
2. du6-edin?-na
#tr.en: of (the city) Du-Edina,
3. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
4. ur-du6-ku3-ga
#tr.en: Urdukuga,
5. sipa nig2-nam tum3
#tr.en: shepherd who brings everything
6. nibru{ki}
#tr.en: for Nippur,
$ n lines broken
7'. dam igi zi bar-ra
#tr.en: spouse regarded faithfully
8'. {d}inanna-ke4
#tr.en: by Inanna,
9'. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
9'. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved temple
10'. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
RIME, ex. 01 (P225729) 2220148
du6-eden-na only appears a few times in words list
eden only appears a few times in signs list
&P225729 = RIME, 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {[d]}lu2#-lal3
2. [du6]-eden#?-na
3. [lugal-a]-ni#-ir
4. [ur-du6-ku3]-ga
5. [sipa nig2-nam] tum3
6. [nibru]{ki#}
$ n lines broken
1'. [dam igi zi bar-ra]
2'. [{d}inanna]-ke4
3'. [e2 ki] ag2#-ga2-ni
3'. [e2 ki]-ag2#-ga2-ni
4'. [mu-na]-du3
RIME composite (P448331) 2220149
&P448331 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}suen-ma-gir
#tr.en: Sin-magir,
2. sipa u2-a
#tr.en: the shepherd, the provider
3. e2 an {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: for the temples of An and Enlil,
4. nig2-nam du8-du8
#tr.en: the one who heaps up everything
5. e2-gal-mah-a
#tr.en: for the Egalmah (temple),
6. engar sa2-du11 szum2-szum2-mu
#tr.en: farmer who constantly gives regular offerings
7. dingir ug3 du3-a-bi-sze3
#tr.en: to the gods of all the people,
8. sza3 hul2-hul2 erin2-a-na
#tr.en: who gladdens the hearts of his men,
9. mu pa3-da {d}namma
#tr.en: having a name chosen by Nanna,
10. sze-ga {d}nin-isin2{si}-na
#tr.en: obedient one of Nininsina,
11. nam-lugal an-da ak-da-ni-sze3
#tr.en: the one who for the exercising of kingship with An
12. iri-na mu-un-suh-a
#tr.en: in his city was selected by him,
13. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty king,
14. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
#tr.en: king of Isin
15. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
16. dam sza3 ki ag2 {d}inanna
16. dam sza3 ki-ag2 {d}inanna
#tr.en: the spouse (of) the loving heart of Inanna,
17. ki-nu2 gi-rin-na tum2-ma
#tr.en: who is fitting for the flowered bed -
18. bad3 gal du-nu-um{ki}-ma
#tr.en: the great wall of Dunnum
19. mu-du3
#tr.en: he built.
20. bad3-ba
#tr.en: Of that wall,
21. {d}suen-ma-gir
#tr.en: "Sin-magir
22. suhusz ma-da-na ge-en-ge-en
#tr.en: makes secure the foundations of his country"
23. mu-bi-im
#tr.en: is its name.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431569) 2220150
&P431569 = RIME, 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}suen-ma-gir
2. sipa u2-a
3. e2 an {d}en-lil2-la2
4. nig2-nam du8-du8
5. e2-gal-mah-a
6. engar sa2-du11 szum2-szum2-mu
7. dingir ug3 du3-a-bi-sze3
8. sza3 hul2-hul2 erin2-a-na
9. mu pa3-da {d}namma
10. sze-ga {d}nin-isin2{si}-na
11. nam-lugal an-da ak-da-ni-sze3
12. iri-na mu-un-suh-a
13. lugal kal-ga
14. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
15. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
16. dam sza3 ki ag2 {d}inanna
16. dam sza3 ki-ag2 {d}inanna
17. ki-nu2 gi-rin-na tum2-ma
18. bad3 gal du-nu-um{ki}-ma
19. mu-du3
20. bad3-ba
21. {d}suen-ma-gir
22. suhusz ma-da-na ge-en-ge-en
23. mu-bi-im
RIME composite (P448332) 2220151
&P448332 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}ak-tup-pi2-tum
#tr.en: For the goddess Aktuppitum
2. kiri8-tab
#tr.en: of Kiritab,
3. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: her mistress,
4. nam-ti
#tr.en: for the life
5. {d}suen-ma-gir
#tr.en: of Sin-magir,
6. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty king,
7. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
#tr.en: king of Isin,
8. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
9. nu-t,u3-up-tum
#tr.en: Nutuptum,
10. lukur ki ag2 [kaskal]-la-ka-ni
10. lukur ki-ag2 [kaskal]-la-ka-ni
#tr.en: his traveling lukur woman,
11. [ama] ibila-na-ke4
#tr.en: the mother of his heir,
12. {e2}szutum ki ag2-ga2-ni
12. {e2}szutum ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: her beloved storehouse,
13. u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: also for her own life,
14. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: she built for her.
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431572) 2220152
&P431572 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}ak-tup-pi2-tum
2. kiri8-tab
3. nin-a-ni-ir
4. nam-ti#
5. {d}suen-ma-gir
6. lugal kal-ga
7. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
8. lugal ki-en-gi# ki-uri-ke4#
9. nu-t,u3-up-tum
10. lukur ki ag2 [kaskal]-la#-ka-ni
10. lukur ki-ag2 [kaskal]-la#-ka-ni
11. [ama] ibila#-na-ke4
12. {e2}szutum ki ag2-ga2-ni
12. {e2}szutum ki-ag2-ga2-ni
13. u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
14. mu-na-du3
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431577) 2220153
&P431577 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu
>>Q002005 001
2. sag-us2
>>Q002005 002
3. nibru{ki}
>>Q002005 003
4. sipa sze-ga an-na
>>Q002005 004
5. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku
>>Q002005 005
6. nun sza3 ki ag2
6. nun sza3 ki-ag2
>>Q002005 006
7. {d}nin-isin2{si}-na
>>Q002005 007
8. engar nig2 tum2-tum2
>>Q002005 008
9. guru7 gu2 gur-gur-re
>>Q002005 009
10. u2-a zi
>>Q002005 010
11. esz3 e2-gal-mah-a
>>Q002005 011
12. lugal kal-ga
>>Q002005 012
13. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
>>Q002005 013
14. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
>>Q002005 014
15. me-te nam-en-na
>>Q002005 015
16. {d}inanna-ra tum2-ma
>>Q002005 016
17. bad3 gal
>>Q002005 017
18. i3-si-in{ki}-na
>>Q002005 018
19. mu-du3
>>Q002005 019
20. bad3-ba
>>Q002005 020
21. {d}da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu
>>Q002005 021
22. mi-gir {d}nin-urta
>>Q002005 022
23. mu-bi-im
>>Q002005 023
RIME composite (P448337) 2220154
{d}mar-du2 does not appear in words list
&P448337 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}mar-du2
#tr.en: For Mardu,
2. dumu an-na
#tr.en: the son of An,
3. me-ni ku3-ku3-ga
#tr.en: whose divine powers are most holy,
4. dingir-ra-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his god,
5. {d}da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu
#tr.en: Damiq-ilišu,
6. sipa sze-ga an-na
#tr.en: obedient shepherd of An,
7. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku
#tr.en: one who gives heed to Enlil,
8. nun sza3 ki ag2
8. nun sza3 ki-ag2
#tr.en: prince beloved of the heart
9. {d}nin-isin2{si}-na
#tr.en: of Nininsina,
10. engar nig2 tum2-tum2
#tr.en: farmer who many deliveries
11. guru7 gu2 gur-gur-re
#tr.en: piles up in the grain stores,
12. u2-a zi
#tr.en: faithful provider
13. esz3 e2-gal-mah
#tr.en: of the shrine Egalmah,
14. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty king,
15. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
#tr.en: king of Isin
16. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
17. me-te nam-en-na
#tr.en: suited to the office of the en priest
18. {d}inanna-ra tum2-ma
#tr.en: befitting Inanna -
19. e2-me-sikil
#tr.en: the Emesikil,
20. {e2}szutum ki ag2-ga2-ni
20. {e2}szutum ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved storehouse,
21. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P392109) 2220155
{d}mar-du2 does not appear in words list
&P392109 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}mar-du2
2. dumu an-na
3. me-ni ku3-ku3-ga
4. dingir-ra-a-ni-ir
5. {d}da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu
6. sipa sze-ga an-na
7. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku
8. nun sza3 ki ag2
8. nun sza3 ki-ag2
9. {d}nin-isin2{si}-na
10. engar nig2 tum2-tum2
11. guru7 gu2 gur-gur-re
12. u2-a zi
13. esz3 e2-gal-mah
14. lugal kal-ga
15. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
16. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
17. me-te nam-en-na
18. {d}inanna-ra tum2-ma
19. e2-me-sikil
20. {e2}szutum ki ag2-ga2-ni
20. {e2}szutum ki-ag2-ga2-ni
21. mu-na-du3
RIME composite (P448338) 2220156
u2-s,a-ar-pa-ra{ki} only appears a few times in words list
&P448338 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. [{d}ne3-eri11-gal]
#tr.en: For Nergal
2. u2-s,a-ar-[pa-ra{ki}]
#tr.en: of Us,apara,
3. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
4. {d}da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu
#tr.en: Damiq-ilišu,
5. sipa sze-ga an-na
#tr.en: obedient shepherd of An,
6. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku
#tr.en: one who gives heed to Enlil,
7. nun sza3 ki ag2
7. nun sza3 ki-ag2
#tr.en: prince beloved of the heart
8. {d}nin-isin2{si}-na
#tr.en: of Nininsina,
9. engar nig2 tum2-tum2
#tr.en: farmer who many deliveries
10. guru7 gu2 gur-gur-re
#tr.en: piles up in the grain stores,
11. u2-a zi
#tr.en: faithful provider
12. esz e2-gal-mah
#tr.en: of the shrine Egalmah,
13. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty king,
14. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na
#tr.en: king of Isin
15. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
16. me-te nam en-na
#tr.en: suited to the office of en priest
17. {d}inanna tum2-ma
#tr.en: befitting Inanna -
18. e2-ki-tusz-bi-du10
#tr.en: the Ekitušbidug,
19. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
19. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved temple,
20. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431580) 2220157
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 19: u2-s,a-ar#-[pa-ra-(
u2-s,a-ar-pa-ra-an{ki} only appears a few times in words list
&P431580 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. [{d}ne3-eri11-gal]
2. u2-s,a-ar#-[pa-ra-(an){ki}]
3. lugal#-a-ni-ir#
4. {d}da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu
5. sipa sze#-ga an-na
6. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku
7. nun sza3 ki ag2#
7. nun sza3 ki-ag2#
8. {d}nin-isin2{si}-na
9. engar nig2 tum2-tum2
10. guru7 gu2 gur-gur-re
11. u2-a zi
12. [esz e2-gal]-mah#
13. [lugal] kal#-ga
14. lugal# i3-si-in{ki}-na
15. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
16. me-te nam en-na
17. {d}inanna tum2-ma
18. e2-ki-tusz-bi-du10
19. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
19. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
20. mu-na-du3
RIME composite (P448345) 2220158
uri2{ki}-ma-ka-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P448345 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}da-gan
#tr.en: For Dagan,
2. en dingir gal-gal-e-ne
#tr.en: lord of the great gods,
3. dingir-ra-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: her god,
4. nam-ti
#tr.en: for the life
5. gu-un-gu-nu-um
#tr.en: of Gungunum,
6. nita kal-ga
#tr.en: the strong man,
7. lugal uri2{ki}-ma-ka-sze3
#tr.en: the king of Ur,
8. en-an-na-tum2-ma
#tr.en: Enanatuma,
9. en ki ag2 {d}nanna
9. en ki-ag2 {d}nanna
#tr.en: beloved en priestess of Nanna
10. sza3 uri2{ki}-ma
#tr.en: in Ur,
11. dumu {d}isz-me-{d}da-gan
#tr.en: daughter of Išme-Dagan
12. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: the king of Sumer and Akkad,
13. e2-esz3-me-dagal-la
#tr.en: the E’ešmedagala,
14. {e2}szutum ku3-ga-ni
#tr.en: his sacred storehouse,
15. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: she built for him
16. u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: and for her own life
17. a mu-na-ru
#tr.en: she dedicated it to him.
RIME composite (P448349) 2220159
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 17: sag-ki#? [zalag-(
mar-du2-me-en does not appear in words list
&P448349 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
$ beginning broken
1'. [e2]-kur#-ra# he2-du7
#tr.en: distinguished one of the Ekur temple,
2'. [dumu] zil an gal-e
#tr.en: the good son whom great An
3'. nir szum2-ma
#tr.en: gave authority,
4'. me nig2-nam-ma
#tr.en: the divine powers of everything
5'. szu-ni-sze3 gal2-la
#tr.en: having been put into his hands,
6'. dingir ku3 an sikil-la
#tr.en: holy god who in the pure heaven
7'. dub3 gar-ra
#tr.en: is seated,
8'. nir zi mah kalam-ma
#tr.en: exalted steadfast authority of the nation,
9'. e2 ki-tusz mah
#tr.en: who in the exalted residence
10'. ki ku3-ga
#tr.en: on a sacred place
11'. bara2 ri-a
#tr.en: lay down a dais,
12'. giri17-zal-la dur2-gar
#tr.en: and who is seated (there) in luxury,
13'. gal-di gal-zu mah
#tr.en: excelling, all-knowing, exalted,
14'. esz-bar-e sa-di
#tr.en: properly arriving at divine decisions,
15'. giri17-zal a-a ugu-na
#tr.en: the delight of the father who begot him,
16'. ki ag2 geszkim-ti
16'. ki-ag2 geszkim-ti
#tr.en: beloved one, trusted one
17'. e2-kur-ra
#tr.en: of the Ekur,
18'. {d}nin-lil2-le
#tr.en: one whom Ninlil
19'. tu-da
#tr.en: bore,
20'. {d}nanna
#tr.en: for Nanna
21'. lugal ki ag2-mu-ra
21'. lugal ki-ag2-mu-ra
#tr.en: my beloved master -
22'. a#-bi-sa-re-e
#tr.en: I, Abi-sare,
23'. [sipa] gesz tuku
#tr.en: heedful shepherd,
24'. [ki] ag2# {d}suen-na
24'. [ki]-ag2# {d}suen-na
#tr.en: beloved of Sin,
25'. nita# kal-ga
#tr.en: the strong man,
26'. lugal# uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Ur,
27'. _ra-bi2-a-nu-um_ mar-du2-me-en
#tr.en: an Amorite chieftain,
28'. u4 ul-li2-a-ta
#tr.en: since ancient times
29'. alan ku3-babbar
#tr.en: a statue (made) of silver
30'. {na4}|NIG2.GUL.DA|-ta
#tr.en: and carnelian(?)
31'. nu-ub-ta-gal2-la-am3
#tr.en: never having existed,
$ n lines broken
32'. gesztu2# mah#
#tr.en: great wisdom
33'. nig2-nam-ma diri-ga
#tr.en: surpassing everything,
34'. ga2-ra ha-ma-an-szum2
#tr.en: he did indeed give to me.
35'. alan ku3-babbar
#tr.en: The statue made of silver
36'. {na4}|NIG2.GUL.DA|-ta ak-a
#tr.en: and carnelian(?),
37'. kin gal-esz
#tr.en: a work greatly
38'. nam-ku3-zu ak
#tr.en: and expertly crafted,
39'. me-dim2-bi
#tr.en: whose limbs
40'. me-dim2-ma diri-ga
#tr.en: surpassed (ordinary) limbs,
41'. nig2 ar2-esz dib-ba#
#tr.en: a thing passing beyond (ordinary) praise,
42'. gi16-sa ak#
#tr.en: fashioned with jewels,
43'. alan ku3-[babbar]
#tr.en: a statue of silver,
44'. nig2 da-[ri2]
#tr.en: an everlasting thing
45'. e2 {d}nanna#-[ta]
#tr.en: which from the temple of Nanna
46'. nu-kur2-[ru-da]
#tr.en: should never be removed,
47'. e2 {d}nanna#-[ka]
#tr.en: in the temple of Nanna
48'. sa-ra im-[x x]
#tr.en: was ...,
49'. ga2-[e]
#tr.en: I,
50'. a-bi2-sa-[re-e]
#tr.en: Abi-sare,
51'. lu2 sa-ra [...]
#tr.en: the man who the ...
52'. sa-ra mu-[x x]
#tr.en: did ...,
53'. alan-[mu]
#tr.en: my statue
54'. u4-szu2-[usz-e]
#tr.en: so that daily
55'. sa6-ga-[mu]
#tr.en: my goodness
56'. gesztu2 {d}[nanna-sze3 ...]
#tr.en: would be brought(?) to the hearing of Nanna,
57'. ru-gu2-[de3]
#tr.en: opposing him
58'. mu-na-[gub]
#tr.en: I stood it up,
59'. nam-ti#-[mu-se3]
#tr.en: and for my life
60'. a mu#-[na-ru]
#tr.en: I dedicated it to him.
61'. alan#-[ba]
#tr.en: Of that statue,
62'. a-bi2#-[sa-re-e]
#tr.en: 'Abi-sare ...' (is its name).
$ n lines broken
63'. x [...]
64'. x [...]
65'. e x [...]
66'. x [...]
67'. ha-[...]
68'. KA# [...]
69'. ha#-[...]
70'. x [...]
71'. [...]
$ n lines broken
72'. x [...]
73'. x [...]
74'. ki [...]
75'. x [...]
$ n lines broken
76'. x [...]
77'. NE [...]
78'. nu-un#-[...]
#tr.en: and he has not ...
79'. lugal-[bi]
#tr.en: that king
80'. sag-ki#? [zalag-(ga)]
#tr.en: may the shining brow
81'. {d}nanna#
#tr.en: of Nanna
82'. an-ta he2#-[gi4]
#tr.en: send him out in front(?).
83'. {d}nin-[gal]
#tr.en: May Ningal
84'. he2-en-da#-[hul2]
#tr.en: rejoice over him.
85'. e2-kisz-nu-gal2#-[la]
#tr.en: In the Ekišnugal temple
86'. gu2 an-[sze3]
#tr.en: his neck up high
87'. he2-ni-in-[zi-zi]
#tr.en: may he raise.
88'. {d}[alad]
#tr.en: May a male guardian angel
89'. x (x) x gi4-[x x]
#tr.en: ...
90'. inim he2-ni#-ib#-sa6-[sa6]
#tr.en: say favorable words regarding him.
91'. nig2-gi-na
#tr.en: To rightness
92'. i-{d}utu-bi#
#tr.en: and appeals for justice
93'. u4-szu2-usz#-[e]
#tr.en: daily
94'. {d}lamma-ra-ni he2-[sze-sze]
#tr.en: may his female guardian angel be agreeable
95'. u4 da-ri2-[sze3]
#tr.en: forever.
96'. lu2 a2 nig2 hul-dim2-ma#
#tr.en: A person who an order for a wicked thing
97'. ib2-<szi-ag2>-ge26-a
#tr.en: shall issue against it,
98'. nig2-dim2-ma-mu#
#tr.en: who my creation
99'. ib2-zi-re-a
#tr.en: shall efface,
100'. mu-sar-ra-mu
#tr.en: or my inscription
101'. szu bi2-ib2-ur3-a
#tr.en: shall erase
102'. mu-ni
#tr.en: and his name
103'. bi2-ib2-sar-re-a
#tr.en: shall write upon it,
104'. ki-gub-ba-bi
#tr.en: or its standing place
105'. ib2-szi-ib-kur2-a
#tr.en: shall alter regarding it,
106'. e2-nig2-GA-ra
#tr.en: or into a storehouse
107'. i-ni-ib-ku4-ku4-a
#tr.en: shall bring it,
108'. [asz2]-bala#-ba-ke4-esz
#tr.en: or because of this curse
109'. [lu2-kur2 szu ba-an-zi-zi-a]
#tr.en: shall incite another person to (do) it,
110'. [lu2-ba {d}nanna]
#tr.en: that person may Nanna
111'. lugal-mu
#tr.en: my master
112'. {d}nin-gal
#tr.en: and Ningal
113'. nin-mu
#tr.en: my mistress
114'. nam ha-ba-an-da-ku5-ne
#tr.en: both curse.
115'. iri{ki}-bi
#tr.en: May that one's city
116'. du6-du6-ra
#tr.en: among the ruined mounds
117'. he2-en-szid
#tr.en: be counted.
118'. i7-da-be2
#tr.en: May its canal
119'. a nam-tum3
#tr.en: not bring forth water,
120'. a-sza3-ga-ne3
#tr.en: and his fields
121'. sze nam-tum3
#tr.en: not bring forth barley.
122'. [iri]{ki}-ni
#tr.en: May his city
123'. [gi]-gu3#-ta
#tr.en: from off the terrace(?)
124'. he2#-[ta-dag]-dag#-ge#
#tr.en: be demolished.
125'. nam-ti
#tr.en: May life
126'. nig2-gig-ga-ni he2-a
#tr.en: be a bitter thing for him.
127'. {gesz}isimu3{sar}-ne2
#tr.en:  May his offshoots
128'. {gesz}isimu3{sar}
#tr.en: (further) offshoots
129'. na-an-tuku-tuku
#tr.en: not acquire.
130'. {d}nin-gir2-su
#tr.en: May the god Ningirsu
131'. lugal {gesz}tukul-ke4
#tr.en: the lord of weapons,
132'. {gesz}tukul-ni
#tr.en: his weapon
133'. he2-eb-ta-hasz-e
#tr.en: break apart.
134'. {d}nin-gublaga
#tr.en: May Ningublaga
135'. dumu sag
#tr.en: the first-born son
136'. {d}nanna-ke4
#tr.en: of Nanna,
137'. maszkim
#tr.en: be its (the curse's) bailiff
138'. nu-kur2-ra-bi he2-a
#tr.en: that never changes
139'. u4 da-ri2-sze3
#tr.en: forever.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431602) 2220160
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 17: sag-ki#? [zalag-(
mar-du2-me-en does not appear in words list
kin-gal-esz only appears a few times in words list
&P431602 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [e2]-kur#-ra# he2-du7
2'. [dumu] zil an gal-e
3'. nir szum2-ma
4'. me nig2-nam-ma
5'. szu-ni-sze3 gal2-la
6'. dingir ku3 an sikil-la
7'. dub3 gar-ra
8'. nir zi mah kalam-ma
9'. e2 ki-tusz mah
10'. ki ku3-ga
11'. bara2 ri-a
12'. giri17-zal-la dur2-gar
13'. gal-di gal-zu mah
14'. esz-bar-e sa-di
15'. giri17-zal a-a ugu-na
16'. ki ag2 geszkim-ti
16'. ki-ag2 geszkim-ti
17'. e2-kur-ra
18'. {d}nin-lil2-le
19'. tu-da
20'. {d}nanna
21'. lugal ki ag2-mu-ra
21'. lugal ki-ag2-mu-ra
22'. a#-bi-sa-re-e
23'. [sipa] gesz tuku
24'. [ki] ag2# {d}suen-na
24'. [ki]-ag2# {d}suen-na
25'. nita# kal-ga
26'. lugal# uri5{ki}-ma
27'. _ra-bi2-a-nu-um_ mar-du2-me-en
28'. u4 ul-li2-a-ta
29'. alan ku3-babbar
30'. {na4}|NIG2.GUL.DA|-ta
31'. nu-ub-ta-gal2-la-am3
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. gesztu2# mah#
2'. nig2-nam-ma diri-ga
3'. ga2-ra ha-ma-an-szum2
4'. alan ku3-babbar
5'. {na4}|NIG2.GUL.DA|-ta ak-a
6'. kin-gal-esz
7'. nam-ku3-zu ak
8'. me-dim2-bi
9'. me-dim2-ma diri-ga
10'. nig2 ar2-esz dib-ba#
11'. gi16-sa ak#
12'. alan ku3-[babbar]
13'. nig2 da-[ri2]
14'. e2 {d}nanna#-[ta]
15'. nu-kur2-[ru-da]
16'. e2 {d}nanna#-[ka]
17'. sa-ra im-[x x]
18'. ga2-[e]
19'. a-bi2-sa-[re-e]
20'. lu2 sa-ra [...]
21'. sa-ra mu-[x x]
22'. alan-[mu]
23'. u4-szu2-[usz-e]
24'. sa6-ga-[mu]
25'. gesztu2 {d}[nanna-sze3]
26'. ru-gu2-[de3]
27'. mu-na-[gub]
28'. nam-ti#-[mu-se3]
29'. a mu#-[na-ru]
30'. alan#-[ba]
31'. a-bi2#-[sa-re-e]
@column 3
$ beginning broken
1'. x [...]
2'. x [...]
3'. e x [...]
4'. x [...]
5'. ha-[...]
6'. KA# [...]
7'. ha#-[...]
8'. x [...]
9'. [...]
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. x [...]
2'. x [...]
3'. ki [...]
4'. x [...]
$ rest broken
@column 2
1. x [...]
2. NE [...]
3. nu-un#-[...]
4. lugal-[bi]
5. sag-ki#? [zalag-(ga)]
6. {d}nanna#
7. an-ta he2#-[gi4]
8. {d}nin-[gal]
9. he2-en-da#-[hul2]
10. e2-kisz-nu-gal2#-[la]
11. gu2 an-[sze3]
12. he2-ni-in-[zi-zi]
13. {d}[alad]
14. x (x) x gi4-[x x]
15. KA he2-ni#-ib#-sa6-[sa6]
16. nig2-gi-na
17. i-{d}utu-bi#
18. u4-szu2-usz#-[e]
19. {d}lamma-ra-ni he2-[sze-sze]
20. u4 da-ri2-[sze3]
21. lu2 a2 nig2 hul-dim2-ma#
22. ib2-<szi-ag2>-ge26-a
23. nig2-dim2-ma-mu#
24. ib2-zi-re-a
25. mu-sar-ra-mu
26. szu bi2-ib2-ur3-a
27. mu-ni
28. bi2-ib2-sar-re-a
29. ki-gub-ba-bi
30. ib2-szi-ib-kur2-a
31. e2-nig2-GA-ra
32. i-ni-ib-ku4-ku4-a
33. [asz2]-bala#-ba-ke4-esz
34. [lu2-kur2 szu ba-an-zi-zi-a]
35. [lu2-ba {d}nanna]
@column 3
1. lugal-mu
2. {d}nin-gal
3. nin-mu
4. nam ha-ba-an-da-ku5-ne
5. iri{ki}-bi
6. du6-du6-ra
7. he2-en-szid
8. i7-da-be2
9. a nam-tum3
10. a-sza3-ga-ne3
11. sze nam-tum3
12. [iri]{ki}-ni
13. [gi]-gu3#-ta
14. he2#-[ta-dag]-dag#-ge#
15. nam-ti
16. nig2-gig-ga-ni he2-a
17. {gesz}isimu3{sar}-ne2
18. {gesz}isimu3{sar}
19. na-an-tuku-tuku
20. {d}nin-gir2-su
21. lugal {gesz}tukul-ke4
22. {gesz}tukul-ni
23. he2-eb-ta-hasz-e
24. {d}nin-gublaga
25. dumu sag
26. {d}nanna-ke4
27. maszkim
28. nu-kur2-ra-bi he2-a
29. u4 da-ri2-sze3
RIME composite (P448353) 2220161
&P448353 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}inanna
#tr.en: For Inanna,
2. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
3. {d}su-mu-el3
#tr.en: Sumu-el,
4. nita kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty man,
5. lugal uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Ur
6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
7. {e2}szutum ku3
#tr.en: the sacred storehouse,
8. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
8. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: her beloved house
9. sza3 uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: in Ur,
10. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431606) 2220162
&P431606 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}inanna
2. nin-a-ni-ir
3. {d}su-mu-el3
4. nita kal-ga
5. lugal uri5{ki}-ma
6. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
7. {e2}szutum ku3
8. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
8. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
9. sza3 uri5{ki}-ma
10. mu-na-du3
RIME composite (P448361) 2220163
nu2-da only appears a few times in words list
&P448361 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object compoite text
@surface a
1. {d}nin-gal
#tr.en: For Ningal,
2. gidlam2 ku3
#tr.en: the holy spouse
3. {d}asz-im5-babbar2-ra
#tr.en: of Ašimbabbar,
4. nin ki ag2-a-ni-ir
4. nin ki-ag2-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his beloved lady,
5. nu-ur2-{d}iszkur
#tr.en: Nur-Adad,
6. nita kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty man,
7. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
8. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa,
9. sag-en3-tar
#tr.en: who cares for
10. esz3 e2-babbar2-ra
#tr.en: the Ebabbar shrine,
11. szul {d}utu
#tr.en: the young man whom Utu
12. sza3 ku3-ga-ni-a
#tr.en: in his holy heart
13. zi-de3-esz
#tr.en: truly
14. bi2-in-pa3-da
#tr.en: has chosen,
15. gidri szum2-ma
#tr.en: given the scepter
16. {d}nanna-ke4
#tr.en: by Nanna,
17. kur gu2 gar-gar
#tr.en: subjugator of the foreign lands
18. {d}utu-ke4
#tr.en: of Utu,
19. mu du10 sa4-a
#tr.en: called a good name
20. {d}iszkur-ra-ke4
#tr.en: by Iškur,
21. szul ni2 tuku
#tr.en: reverent youth
22. u2-ma-ne2 sa2-di
#tr.en: who attains his victories,
23. u4 sza3 uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: when the inside of Ur
24. bi2-in-du10-ga-a
#tr.en: he had made enjoyable,
25. nig2-erim2 i-{d}utu
#tr.en: evil and appeals for justice
26. ib2-ta-an-zi-ga
#tr.en: he had removed from it,
27. {gesz}gu-za
#tr.en: the throne
28. larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: of Larsa's
29. suhusz-bi
#tr.en: foundation
30. mu-un-gi4-ne2
#tr.en: making secure,
31. ug3 sag2 du11-ga-bi
#tr.en: and its scattered people
32. ki-be2 bi2-in-gi4-a
#tr.en: having returned to their places,
33. agrun ku3
#tr.en: a sacred cella,
34. e2 nam-mu4-ka-ni
#tr.en: her house of dressing,
35. a2 nu2-da
#tr.en: and the bedroom
36. szul {d}suen-na-ka
#tr.en: of the young man Suen,
37. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: for his life
38. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
39. agrun nig2 ul-e
#tr.en: The cella as it was in the distant past
40. ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
#tr.en: he restored for her.
RIME, ex. 02 (P270015) 2220164
&P270015 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}nin-gal
2. gidlam2 ku3
3. {d}asz-im5-babbar2-ra
4. nin ki ag2-a-ni-ir
4. nin ki-ag2-a-ni-ir
5. nu-ur2-{d}iszkur
6. nita kal-ga
7. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
8. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
9. sag-en3-tar
10. esz3 e2-babbar2-ra
11. szul {d}utu
12. sza3 ku3-ga-ni-a
13. zi-de3-esz
@column 2
14. bi2#-[in-pa3-da]
15. gidri szum2-ma
16. {d}nanna-ke4
17. kur gu2 gar-gar
18. {d}utu-ke4
19. mu du10 sa4-a
20. {d}iszkur-ra-ke4
21. szul ni2 tuku
22. u2-ma-ne2 sa2-di
23. u4 sza3 uri5{ki}-ma
24. bi2-in-du10-ga-a
25. nig2-erim2
26. i-{d}utu#
$ rest broken
# remainder on missing shank of cone
RIME, ex. 05 (P225367) 2220165
&P225367 = RIME, ex. 05
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}nin-gal
2. gidlam2 ku3
3. {d}asz-im5-babbar2-ra
4. nin ki ag2-a-ni-ir
4. nin ki-ag2-a-ni-ir
5. nu-ur2-{d}iszkur
6. nita kal-ga
7. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
8. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
9. sag-en3-tar
10. esz3 e2-babbar2-ra
11. szul {d}utu
12. sza3 ku3-ga-ni-a
13. zi-de3-esz
14. bi2-in-pa3-da
15. gidri szum2-ma
16. {d}nanna-ke4
17. [kur gu2 gar-gar]
18. [{d}utu-ke4]
19. [mu du10 sa4-a]
20. [{d}iszkur-ra-ke4]
21. [szul ni2 tuku]
22. [u2-ma-ne2 sa2-di]
23. [u4 sza3 uri5{ki}-ma]
24. [bi2-in-du10-ga-a]
25. [nig2-erim2 i-{d}utu]
26. ib2-ta-an-zi-ga
27. {gesz}gu-za
28. larsa{ki}-ma
29. suhusz-bi
30. mu-un-gi4-ne2
31. ug3 sag2 du11-ga-bi
32. ki-be2 bi2-in-gi4-a
33. agrun ku3
34. e2 nam-mu4-ka-ni
35. a2-nu2-da
36. szul {d}suen-na-ka
37. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
38. mu-na-du3
39. agrun nig2 ul-e
40. ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
RIME composite (P448362) 2220166
&P448362 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. nu-ur2-{d}iszkur
#tr.en: Nur-Adad,
2. nita kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty man,
3. engar zi uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: the steadfast farmer of Ur,
4. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa,
5. me esz3 e2-babbar-ra
#tr.en: who the divine attributes of the Ebabbar shrine
6. ku3-ku3-ge
#tr.en: makes sacred -
7. eridu{ki} u4 ul-li2-a-ta
#tr.en: that city Eridu, which since olden days
8. szu mu-un-hul-a-ba
#tr.en: had been allowed to fall into ruin,
9. bala nig2-si-sa2-mu-usz
#tr.en: for my reign of justice
10. du3-de3 al bi2-du11
#tr.en: I desired to rebuild it.
11. {d}en-ki-ke4
#tr.en: And as for the god Enki,
12. ki-tusz ku3 ki ag2-ga2-ni
12. ki-tusz ku3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved sacred residence
13. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: I built for him,
14. gesz-hur ul-li2-a-ka-ni
#tr.en: and his ancient divine plan
15. ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
#tr.en: I restored.
RIME, ex. 01 (P345487) 2220167
&P345487 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. nu-ur2-{d}iszkur
2. nita kal-ga
3. engar zi uri5{ki}-ma
4. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
5. me esz3 e2-babbar-ra
6. ku3-ku3-ge
7. eridu{ki} u4 ul-li2-a-ta
8. szu mu-un-hul-a-ba
9. bala nig2-si-sa2-mu-usz
10. du3-de3 al bi2-du11
11. {d}en-ki-ke4
12. ki-tusz ku3 ki ag2-ga2-ni
12. ki-tusz ku3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
13. mu-na-du3
14. gesz-hur ul-li2-a-ka-ni
15. ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
RIME, ex. 02 (P428551) 2220168
&P428551 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. nu#-ur2-{d}iszkur
2. nita kal-ga
3. engar# zi uri5{ki}-ma
4. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
5. me esz3 e2-babbar-ra
6. ku3#-ku3#-ge
7. eridu{ki} u4 ul-li2-a-ta
8. szu mu-un-hul-a-ba
9. bala nig2-si-sa2-mu-usz#
10. du3-de3 al bi2-du11
11. {d}en-ki-ke4
12. ki-tusz ku3 ki ag2-ga2-ni
12. ki-tusz ku3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
13. mu-na-du3
14. gesz-hur ul-li2-a-ka-ni#
15. [ki]-be2# mu-na-gi4#
RIME, ex. 05 (P270036) 2220169
&P270036 = RIME, ex. 05
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
$ (abraded)
1. nu-ur2-{d}iszkur
2. nita kal-ga
3. engar zi uri5{ki}-ma
4. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
5. me esz3 e2-babbar-ra
6. ku3-ku3-ge
7. eridu{ki} u4 ul-li2-a-ta
8. szu mu-un-hul-a-ba
9. bala nig2-si-sa2-mu-usz
10. du3-de3 al bi2-du11
11. {d}en-ki-ke4
12. ki-tusz ku3 ki ag2-ga2-ni
12. ki-tusz ku3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
13. mu-na-du3
14. gesz-hur ul-li2-a-ka-ni
15. ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
RIME, ex. 06 (P270022) 2220170
&P270022 = RIME, ex. 06
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. nu#-ur2-{d}iszkur #
2. nita kal-ga
3. engar zi# uri5#{ki}-ma#
4. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
5. iszib esz3 e2-babbar#-ra#
6. ku3#-ku3-ge
7. eridu{ki} u4 ul-li2#-a-ta
8. szu mu-un-hul-a#-ba#
9. bala nig2-si-sa2-mu#-usz
10. du3-de3 al bi2-du11
11. {d}en-ki-ke4
12. ki#-[tusz] ku3# ki# ag2#-ga2-ni
12. ki#-[tusz] ku3# ki#-ag2#-ga2-ni
13. mu#-na-du3
14. gesz#-hur# ul#-li2-a-ka-ni
15. ki#-be2# mu#-na-gi4#
RIME composite (P448365) 2220171
ATF: Syntax error at line 5 col 1: 6.
&P448365 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
$ 5 lines broken
6. x [...]-x-ga
#tr.en: ...
7. en pirig [gal ka-asz]-bar an-ki
#tr.en: (for) the lord, great lion, the decider of heaven and earth,
8. am an-sze3 izi-gar-gin7 ga2-ga2
#tr.en: wild bull who is set against the sky like a torch,
9. szul [zi ...] an dagal-la
#tr.en: steadfast youth ... of wide heaven,
10. di ku5 [...]-ra
#tr.en: the ... judge
11. ti-la ug5-[ga en3 tar]-bi-im
#tr.en: who attends to the living and the dead,
12. me-be2 asz-a-ni [szu du7-du7]
#tr.en: who alone makes perfect those divine powers,
13. nun [szul {d}utu]
#tr.en: the prince, youthful Utu,
14. an# [x] x x x [x (x)] mah
#tr.en: exalted ...,
15. men ku3-ga [gal-bi] tum2-ma
#tr.en: most suited for the holy crown,
16. arhusz2 su3 ga-ti-e ki ag2
16. arhusz2 su3 ga-ti-e ki-ag2
#tr.en: filled with compassion, who loves ex-votos,
17. a-ra-zu-e gesz tuku
#tr.en: who listens to prayers,
18. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: for his master,
19. {d}suen-i-din-nam nita kal-ga
#tr.en: Sin-iddinam, the mighty man,
20. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
21. sipa zi larsa2{ki}-ma
#tr.en: faithful shepherd of Larsa,
22. gesz hur eridu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: who the divine plan of Eridu
23. ki-be2 bi2-in-gi4-a
#tr.en: did restore,
24. me szu du7-du7 lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: who perfects the divine attributes of Lagaš
25. gir-su{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: and Girsu,
26. ibila kal-ga sza3 a-a-na du10-du10
#tr.en: mighty heir who gladdens the heart of his father,
27. dumu-sag {d}iszkur-ke4
#tr.en: first-born son of Iškur,
28. alan gub ku3-babbar a-a ugu-na
#tr.en: a silver standing statue of the father who begot him,
29. nu-ur2-{d}iszkur
#tr.en: Nur-Adad,
30. lugal larsa2{ki}-ma-ke4
#tr.en: the king of Larsa,
31. [me]-dim2 sa6
#tr.en: with beautiful features,
32. im-sar-ra si3-ga
#tr.en: set with inscriptions,
33. mu-na-dim2
#tr.en: he fashioned for him,
34. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: and for his life
35. a mu-na-ru
#tr.en: he dedicated to him.
36. kisal-mah esz3 e2-babbar-ra
#tr.en: In the main courtyard of the shrine Ebabbar,
37. ki u6-di kalam-ma-ka
#tr.en: the most wonderous place of the nation,
38. e2 mah siskur2-ra
#tr.en: in his exalted temple, for offerings
39. he2-du7-na
#tr.en: most suitable,
40. bi2-in-gub
#tr.en: he stood it up.
RIME, ex. 01 (P343060) 2220172
e2-mah only appears a few times in words list
&P343060 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ 5 lines broken
6. x [...]-x-ga
7. en pirig# [gal ka-asz]-bar# an-ki
8. am# an#-sze3# izi#-gar#-gin7# ga2-ga2
9. szul# [zi ...] an dagal-la
10. di# ku5# [...]-ra
11. ti-la ug5#-[ga en3 tar]-bi-im
12. me-be2 asz-a-ni# [szu du7-du7]
13. nun [szul {d}utu]
14. an# [x] x x x [x (x)] mah#
15. men ku3-ga [gal-bi] tum2#-ma
16. arhusz2 su3 ga-ti-e ki ag2
16. arhusz2 su3 ga-ti-e ki-ag2
17. a-ra-zu-e gesz tuku
18. lugal-a-ni-ir
19. {d}suen-i-din-nam nita kal-ga
20. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
21. sipa zi larsa2{ki}-ma
22. gesz hur eridu{ki}-ga
23. ki-be2 bi2-in-gi4-a
24. me szu du7-du7 lagasz{ki}
25. gir-su{ki}-ke4
26. ibila kal-ga sza3 a-a-na du10-du10
27. dumu-sag {d}iszkur-ke4
28. alan gub ku3-babbar a-a ugu-na
29. nu-ur2-{d}iszkur
30. lugal larsa2{ki}-ma-ke4
31. [me]-dim2# sa6
32. im#-sar#-ra si3-ga
33. mu-na-dim2
34. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
35. a mu-na-ru
36. kisal#-mah esz3 e2-babbar-ra
37. ki u6-di kalam-ma-ka
38. e2-mah siskur2-ra
39. he2-du7-na
40. bi2-in-gub
# rest of tablet (two literary letters) not transliterated
RIME composite (P448367) 2220173
&P448367 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}utu
#tr.en: For Utu
2. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
3. {d}suen-i-din-na-am
#tr.en: Sin-iddinam,
4. nita kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty man,
5. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
6. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa
7. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
8. e2-babbar
#tr.en: the Ebabbar,
9. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
9. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved temple,
10. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: for his life
11. mu-na-ni-in-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
12. me gesz-hur
#tr.en: The divine attributes and divine plans
13. nam-en-na-ka-ni
#tr.en: of the office of en priest
14. u4 ul-li2-a-asz
#tr.en: for all future days
15. pa gal mu-na-an-e3
#tr.en: he made greatly resplendent for him.
RIME, ex. 01 (P428306) 2220174
&P428306 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}utu
2. lugal-a-ni-ir
3. {d}suen-i-din-na-am
4. nita kal-ga
5. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
6. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
7. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
8. e2-babbar
9. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
9. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
10. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
11. mu-na-ni-in-du3
12. me gesz-hur
13. nam-en-na-ka-ni
14. u4 ul-li2-a-asz
15. pa gal mu-na-an-e3
RIME composite (P448368) 2220175
x-de3 only appears a few times in words list
&P448368 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}suen-i-din-na-am
#tr.en: Sin-iddinam,
2. nita kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty man,
3. u2-a uri2{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
4. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa
5. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
$ 12 lines broken
18. [...] x-de3
#tr.en: in order to ...,
19. {d}utu lugal-mu
#tr.en: to Utu my master
20. inim in-na-sa6-sa6
#tr.en: I spoke pleasing words,
21. a-ra-zu sza3-ge de6-a-ga2
#tr.en: and to the prayers of my heart’s desire
22. hu-mu-szi-in-sze
#tr.en: he was agreeable.
23. u4-bi-a sze-ga {d}utu
#tr.en: At that time, through the willingness
24. lugal-ga2-ta
#tr.en: of my master,
25. e2-babbar e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
25. e2-babbar e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: the Ebabbar, his beloved temple,
26. hu-mu-na-du3
#tr.en: I built for him.
27. hur-sag il2-la-gin7
#tr.en: Like a lifted up mountain range
28. sag hu-mu-na-ni-il2
#tr.en: I raised up (its) top for him,
29. ki-tusz sza3 du10-ga-na
#tr.en: and in his residence which pleases the heart
30. {d}utu he2-em-mi-tusz
#tr.en: I let Utu dwell.
RIME, ex. 01 (P345952) 2220176
x-x-x-de3 only appears a few times in words list
&P345952 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object brick stamp
@surface a
$ beginning broken
1'. [x-x]-x-de3
2'. {[d]}utu# lugal-mu
3'. inim# in-na-sa6-sa6
4'. [a]-ra#-zu sza3-ge de6-a-ga2
5'. hu-mu-szi-in-sze
6'. u4-bi-a sze-ga {d}utu
7'. lugal-ga2-ta
8'. e2-babbar e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
8'. e2-babbar e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
9'. hu-mu-na-du3
10'. hur-sag il2-la-gin7
11'. sag hu-mu-na-ni-il2
12'. ki-tusz sza3 du10-ga-na
13'. {d}utu he2-em-mi-tusz
RIME composite (P448369) 2220177
u4-ul-li2-a-asz only appears a few times in words list
&P448369 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}utu
#tr.en: For Utu,
2. en di-ku5 an-ki
#tr.en: lord and judge of heaven and earth,
3. gal-zu esz-bar
#tr.en: learned in decision,
4. nig2-gi-e bar tam-e
#tr.en: who chooses the right,
5. lugal e2-babbar-ra
#tr.en: the king of the Ebabbar temple,
6. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
7. {d}suen-i-din-na-am
#tr.en: Sin-iddinam,
8. sipa nig2-nam du8-du8
#tr.en: the shepherd who provides everything in abundance
9. nibru{ki}
#tr.en: for Nippur,
10. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: the provider of Ur,
11. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa,
12. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
13. e2-babbar
#tr.en: the Ebabbar,
14. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
14. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved temple,
15. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: for his life
16. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
17. diri u4-ul-li2-a-asz
#tr.en: More than in past times
18. ki-tusz-bi mu-na-an-dagal
#tr.en: he enlarged its residence.
19. nig2 ak-bi-sze3
#tr.en: For that which was done
20. {d}utu
#tr.en: may Utu
21. he2-en-da-hul2
#tr.en: rejoice over him,
22. ti nig2 du10
#tr.en: and a good life
23. u4-bi ib2-gu-ul-la
#tr.en: whose days will be made great
24. nig2-ba-asz
#tr.en: as a gift
25. he2-en-na-ba-e
#tr.en: may he allot to him.
RIME, ex. 01 (P272838) 2220178
&P272838 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}utu
2. en di-ku5 an-ki
3. gal-zu esz-bar
4. nig2-gi-e bar tam-e
5. lugal e2-babbar-ra
6. lugal-a-ni-ir
7. {d}suen-i-din-na-am
8. sipa nig2-nam du8-du8
9. nibru{ki}
10. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
11. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
12. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
13. e2-babbar
14. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
14. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
1. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
2. mu-na-du3
3. diri u4 ul-li2-a-asz
4. ki-tusz-bi mu-na-an-dagal
5. nig2 ak-bi-sze3
6. {d}utu
7. he2-en-da-hul2
8. ti nig2 du10
9. u4-bi ib2-gu-ul-la
10. nig2-ba-asz
11. he2-en-na-ba-e
RIME composite (P448370) 2220179
&P448370 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. u4 {d}utu esz3 e2-babbar-ra
#tr.en: When Utu the shrine Ebabbar's
2. nam#-bi mu-un-tar-ra-a
#tr.en: fate did determine,
3. me# gesz-hur szu [du7-du7-de3]
#tr.en: to perfect the divine attributes and plans
4. [...] x x x [...]
#tr.en: ...,
5. [ki]-tusz-bi dagal#-[e-de3]
#tr.en: to enlarge its residence,
6. gal#-le-esz KA# [...]
#tr.en: and greatly to ....
7. x-asz mu-un#-[du11-ga]
#tr.en: ... he having spoken(?),
8. u4#-ba {d}suen-i-din#-[na-am]
#tr.en: then it was towards me, Sin-iddinam,
9. nita kal-[ga]
#tr.en: the mighty man,
10. u2-a uri5{ki}-[ma]
#tr.en: the provider of Ur,
11. lugal larsa{ki}-[ma]
#tr.en: the king of Larsa
12. lugal ki-en-gi# ki-uri-me#-[en]
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
13. szul {d}utu kur kilib3-ba-ni-[ta]
#tr.en: that youthful Utu, out of all the lands,
14. igi zi mu-szi-in#-[bar]
#tr.en: did direct his steadfast eye.
15. nam-sipa larsa{ki}-ma#-[sze3]
#tr.en: To the shepherdship of Larsa
16. hu-mu-un-il2-[le-en]
#tr.en: he raised me up,
17. erin2 ma-da lu-a-bi
#tr.en: its troops of numerous areas
18. inim-mu-sze3 he2-em-mi-in#-[tusz]
#tr.en: at my command he made dwell,
19. a2 ag2-ga2 gal-gal-la#-[bi]
#tr.en: and all the great orders for them
20. szu-mu-sze3 he2-em-mi-in#-[si]
#tr.en: he put fully into my hands.
21. ki-tusz sza3 du10-ga-na
#tr.en: His residence which gladdens his heart
22. szu dagal di-de#
#tr.en: to enlarge widely,
23. nam ni2-tuku-mu-sze3
#tr.en: in view of my reverence,
24. a2#-bi hu-mu#-da-an-ag2
#tr.en: regarding it he gave me orders.
25. u4#-bi-a {d}utu lugal-mu-ur2
#tr.en: At that time, Utu my master,
26. inim sa6-sa6-ge-mu-ta
#tr.en: through my pleasing words (of prayer)
27. iri{ki}-ga2 i-{d}utu
#tr.en: (any cause for) complaint from my city
28. he2-eb2-ta-zi
#tr.en: he removed.
29. ugnim larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: The army of Larsa
30. asz-bi um-mi-tusz
#tr.en: I having made dwell together as one,
31. a2 sza3-gal i3-szesz4
#tr.en: wages, food, ointment,
32. sza3 du10-ga-bi-de3
#tr.en: (enough) to please the heart,
33. lu2 kin ak-bi-sze3
#tr.en: to the men doing that work
34. ha-ba-szum2-szum2
#tr.en: I did give.
35. sza3 mu asz-ka
#tr.en: During a single year
36. szeg12 al-ur5-ra-bi
#tr.en: the baked bricks for it
37. he2-bi2-du8
#tr.en: I baked there,
38. e2-babbar-ra [e2 ki ag2]-ga2-ni
38. e2-babbar-ra [e2 ki-ag2]-ga2-ni
#tr.en: and the Ebabbar, his beloved temple,
39. hur#-sag-gin7 ki sikil#-[la]
#tr.en: like a mountain range on a pure place
40. [gi-gun4]-na# mah-bi
#tr.en: its exalted high terrace
41. [hu-mu]-na#-du3
#tr.en: I built for him.
42. [u4 esz3 e2-babbar]-ra
#tr.en: When the Ebabbar shrine (itself)
43. [hu-mu-du3]-a
#tr.en: I had built,
44. x [...]
#tr.en: ...
$ 4 lines broken
49. [a2 lu2 1(disz)-e]
#tr.en: The wages per person were:
50. [n sze gur-ta]
#tr.en: ... kor of barley each,
51. zu2-lum 2(disz) sila3-ta
#tr.en: 2 sila of dates each,
52. ga-ara3 2(disz) sila3-ta
#tr.en: 2 sila of cheese each,
53. duh sze-gesz-i3 2(disz) sila3-ta
#tr.en: 2 sila of sesame bran each,
54. i3 2(disz) gin2-ta-am3
#tr.en: 2 shekels of oil each,
55. amasz nig2-gu7-e szub-ba
#tr.en: apart from the sheepfold edibles,
56. u4 asz-a
#tr.en: in one day
57. ur5-gin7 szu ha-ba-ra-an-ti
#tr.en: thus one received.
58. u4 bala# sa6-ga-ga2
#tr.en: In the days of my excellent reign,
59. {d}utu lugal-mu
#tr.en: which Utu my master
60. ga2-ar ma-an-szum2-ma-a
#tr.en: gave to me,
61. sze 4(asz) gur-ta
#tr.en: 4 kor barely,
62. zu2-lum 1(u) 2(asz) gur-ta
#tr.en: 12 kur dates,
63. siki 1(u) 5(disz) ma-na-ta
#tr.en: 15 minas of wool,
64. i3-gesz 3(ban2)-ta
#tr.en: 3 ban oil,
65. i3-szah2 5(ban2)-ta-am3
#tr.en: 5 ban of lard,
66. ganba sza3 uri5{ki}
#tr.en: at the market rate in Ur,
67. larsa{ki} u3 ma-da-ga2-[ka]
#tr.en: Larsa, and in my land,
68. ku3 1(disz) gin2-e
#tr.en: 1 shekel silver
69. ur5-gin7 ha-ba-ra-[sa10]
#tr.en: thusly did purchase.
70. {d}suen-i-din-na#-[am] nun gal x [...]
#tr.en: Sin-iddinam, the great prince ...,
71. sig tum3-tum2 x [x x]
#tr.en: who carried off the lower lands,
72. u4-ba sag-ki# [zalag]
#tr.en: at that time, (with) a shining countenance
73. sza3 hul2 iri{ki}-ga2-[ka]
#tr.en: which gladdens the heart of my city,
74. esz3 e2-babbar-ra#
#tr.en: on the shrine Ebabbar
75. kin-bi hu-mu-ni-til#
#tr.en: its work I did finish,
76. sza3 {d}utu
#tr.en: (and so) the hearts of Utu
77. u3 {d}{sze3}szer7-da
#tr.en: and (his consort) Šerda
78. hu-mu-du10
#tr.en: I did please.
RIME composite (P448373) 2220180
&P448373 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}utu
#tr.en: For Utu,
2. en nig2-gi
#tr.en: the lord of truth,
3. sag-kal an-ki
#tr.en: foremost one of heaven and earth,
4. diri {d}a-nun-ke4-ne
#tr.en: surpassing (all) the Anuna gods,
5. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
6. {d}suen-i-din-na-am
#tr.en: Sin-iddinam,
7. nita kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty man,
8. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
9. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa
10. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
11. e2-babbar ki-tusz ku3 ki ag2-ga2-ni
11. e2-babbar ki-tusz ku3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: the Ebabbar, his beloved sacred residence,
12. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: for his life
13. mu-na-ni-in-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
14. me gesz-hur
#tr.en: The divine powers and divine plans
15. a-ra2 mah-ka-ne2
#tr.en: of his exalted ways
16. su3-ud-ra2-sze3
#tr.en: to the distant future
17. pa gal mu-na-an-e3
#tr.en: he made greatly resplendent for him.
18. du11-ga du11-ga
#tr.en: Through the commands
19. {d}nanna {d}utu-bi-ta
#tr.en: of Nanna and Utu,
20. e2-babbar
#tr.en: in the Ebabbar
21. e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-ka
#tr.en: and the Ekišnugal temples,
22. {d}suen-i-din-na-am
#tr.en: may Sin-iddinam,
23. ni2 tuku {d}a-nun-ke4-ne
#tr.en: one who fears the Anunna gods,
24. nidba szu du7-du7 he2-a
#tr.en: be one who makes perfect food offerings
25. u4 da-ri2-sze3
#tr.en: forever.
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431653) 2220181
&P431653 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}utu
2. en nig2-gi
3. sag-kal an-ki
4. diri {d}a-nun-ke4-ne
5. lugal-a-ni-ir
6. {d}suen-i-din-na-am
7. nita kal-ga
8. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
9. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
10. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
11. e2-babbar ki-tusz ku3 ki ag2-ga2-ni
11. e2-babbar ki-tusz ku3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
12. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
13. mu-na-ni-in-du3
14. me gesz-hur
15. a-ra2 mah-ka-ne2
16. su3-ud-ra2-sze3
17. pa gal mu-na-an-e3
18. du11-ga du11-ga
19. {d}nanna {d}utu-bi-ta
20. e2-babbar
21. e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-ka
22. {d}suen-i-din-na-am
23. ni2 tuku {d}a-nun-ke4-ne
24. nidba szu du7-du7 he2-a
25. u4 da-ri2-sze3
RIME 4.02.10.add02 composite (P448371) 2220182
ATF: Parsing failed on line 39 near character 1
an-na-tak4-tak4 only appears a few times in words list
&P448371 = RIME 4.02.10.add02 composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}utu
#tr.en: For Utu,
2. en pirig [gal]
#tr.en: the lord, the big lion,
3. {gesz}si-gar an-na-[tak4-(tak4)]
#tr.en: who opens the bolt of heaven,
4. di-ku5 sig igi-nim-ma
#tr.en: judge of the upper and lower lands,
5. lugal e2-babbar2-ra
#tr.en: king of the Ebabbar,
6. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
7. {d}suen-i-ri-ba-am
#tr.en: Sin-iribam,
8. nita kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty man,
9. dumu ga-esz{ki}-ra-bi
#tr.en: son of Ga'eš-rabi,
10. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
11. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa
12. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
13. e2-babbar2
#tr.en: the Ebabbar temple,
14. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
14. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved residence,
15. esz3 giri17-zal-la-ka-ni
#tr.en: his shrine of delight,
16. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
17. dag ki-gar u4 ul da-ri2-sze3
#tr.en: The dwelling, the place founded for all future time,
#tr.en: he built for him.
19. inim sa6-sa6-ge zi-da-ni-sze3
#tr.en: Over the one making pleasing words, steadfastly
20. {d}utu he2-en-na-hul2
#tr.en: may Utu rejoice,
21. he2-[...]
#tr.en: and may he ...
22. ti-la-ni sa6-ga
#tr.en: As for his beautiful life,
23. u4-bi he2-eb2-su3-ud-de3
#tr.en: may he extend its days.
RIME 4.02.10.add02, ex. 01 (P253796) 2220183
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 26: {gesz}si-gar an-na-[tak4-(
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 38: [{gesz}si]-gar an#-[na]-ke3# tak4#?-[(
an-na-ke3 only appears a few times in words list
giri17-zal-la-ni only appears a few times in words list
da-ri-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
zi-da!-ni-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P253796 = RIME 4.02.10.add02, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cylinder
@surface a
@column 1
1. {[d]}utu
2. [en] pirig# [gal?]
3. [{gesz}si]-gar an#-[na]-ke3# tak4#?-[(tak4)]
4. [di]-ku5 sig igi-nim#-[ma]
5. lugal e2-babbar2-ra
6. lugal-a-ni-ir#
7. {d}suen-i-ri-ba-am
8. nita kal-ga
9. dumu# ga-esz{ki}-ra-bi
10. [u2]-a uri5{ki}-ma#
11. [lugal] larsa{ki#}-ma#
12. lugal# ki-en-gi# ki-uri#-ke4#
@column 2
1. e2-babbar2
2. ki-tusz# ki ag2-ga2-ni#
2. ki-tusz# ki-ag2-ga2-ni#
3. esz3# giri17#-zal-la#-ni#
4. mu#-na-du3#
5. dag# e2 ki-gar u4 ul# da-ri#-[sze3]
6. mu#-na-an-[du3]
7. inim# sa6-sa6#-[ge] [zi]-da#!-ni#-[sze3]
8. {d}[utu he2-en-na-hul2]
9. he2-x-[...]
10. ti-la-ni# sa6-ga#
11. u4-bi he2-eb2-su3-ud-de3#
RIME 4.02.10.add02, ex. 03 (P225324) 2220184
da-ri2-ka-ni only appears a few times in words list
HUR only appears a few times in words list
HUR only appears a few times in signs list
&P225324 = RIME 4.02.10.add02, ex. 03
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
$ column missing
@column 2
1. [e2]-babbar2#
2. [ki-tusz] ki# ag2-ga2-[ni]
2. [ki-tusz] ki#-ag2-ga2-[ni]
3. [esz3] giri17#-zal-la-ka#-[ni]
4. [mu]-na-du3#
5. [dag] e2# ki-gar u4 ul# [da-ri2]-ka-ni
6. [mu-na]-an-[du3?]
7. [inim] sa6-sa6-ge [zi]-da-ni-sze3#
8. {[d]}utu he2-en-na-[hul2?]
9. [ti]-la HUR#? sa6-[ga]
10. [u4-bi] he2-[eb2]-su3#-ud-de3#
RIME composite (P448383) 2220185
&P448383 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}nin-gesz-zi-da
#tr.en: For the god Ningišzida,
2. szagina uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: governor-general of Ur,
3. {d}suen-i-qi2-sza-am
#tr.en: Sin-iqišam,
4. nita kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty man,
5. dumu {d}suen-i-ri-ba-am
#tr.en: son of Sin-iribam,
6. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: the provider of Ur,
7. lugal larsa2{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa,
8. [e2]-nig2-gi-na
#tr.en: the House of Law,
9. [e2] ki-tusz
#tr.en: the temple and residence
10. [ki] ag2-ni
10. [ki]-ag2-ni
#tr.en: beloved by him
11. [mu]-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
RIME, ex. 01 (P225713) 2220186
&P225713 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}nin-gesz-zi-da
2. szagina uri5{ki}-ma
3. {d}suen-i-qi2-sza-am
4. nita kal-ga
5. dumu {d}suen-i-ri-ba-am
6. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
7. lugal larsa2{ki}-ma
8. [e2]-nig2-gi-na
9. [e2] ki-tusz
10. [ki] ag2-ni
10. [ki]-ag2-ni
11. [mu]-na-du3
RIME composite (P448388) 2220187
&P448388 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}nin-gal
#tr.en: For Ningal,
2. nin mah-di
#tr.en: the illustrious lady,
3. me kilib3-ba sag il2
#tr.en: who lifts her head in all divine powers,
4. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
5. ARAD2-{d}suen
#tr.en: Warad-Sin,
6. u2-a nibru{ki}
#tr.en: provider of Nippur,
7. ensi2 uri5{ki}
#tr.en: governor of Ur,
8. larsa{ki}
#tr.en: Larsa,
9. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: Lagaš,
10. u3 ma-da ku-ta-al-la{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: and the land of Kutalla,
11. u4 {d}nin-gal
#tr.en: when Ningal
12. szu12-da-a-ne2
#tr.en: owing to his prayers
13. in-de3-gub-a
#tr.en: stood(?) with him,
14. e2-i7-lu2-ru-gu2-kalam-ma
#tr.en: the Temple Ordeal River of the Country,
15. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
15. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: her beloved temple,
16. u4 ul ba-du3-a-ta
#tr.en: having been built in ancient times
17. uru4 e2-gar8-bi ba-sumun
#tr.en: its foundation and wall had become old -
18. temen-bi nu-mu-un-kur2
#tr.en: he did not alter its (original) foundation
19. ur2 libir-a-be2
#tr.en: but upon its old base
20. dag-si-ru-um bi2-in-ak
#tr.en: he (merely) made repairs
21. ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
#tr.en: and restored it.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431670) 2220188
&P431670 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
# reconstruction
@surface a
1. {d}nin-gal
2. nin mah di
3. me kilib3-ba sag il2
4. nin-a-ni-ir
5. ARAD2-{d}suen
6. u2-a nibru{ki}
7. ensi2 uri5{ki}
8. larsa{ki}
9. lagasz{ki}
10. u3 ma-da ku-ta-al-la{ki}-ke4
11. [u4 {d}nin-gal]
12. [szu12-da-a-ne2]
13. [in-de3-gub-a]
14. e2-i7-lu2-ru-gu2-kalam-ma
15. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
15. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
16. u4 ul ba-du3-a-ta
17. uru4 e2-gar8-bi ba-sumun
18. temen-bi nu-mu-un-kur2
19. ur2 libir-a-be2
20. dag-si-ru-um bi2-in-ak
21. ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
RIME composite (P448389) 2220189
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 18: [ku-ta-al-la{ki}-(
&P448389 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. [{d}nin]-isin2{si}-na
#tr.en: For Nininsina,
2. [dumu]-sag an-na
#tr.en: first-born child of An,
3. [e2-gi4]-a e2-kur-ra
#tr.en: daughter-in-law of the Ekur temple,
4. [nin-a]-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
5. [ARAD2-{d}]suen
#tr.en: Warad-Sin,
6. [u2-a] nibru{ki}
#tr.en: the provider of Nippur,
7. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
8. [uri2]{ki}
#tr.en: of Ur,
9. [larsa]{ki}
#tr.en: Larsa,
10. [lagasz]{ki}
#tr.en: Lagaš,
11. [u3 ma]-da
#tr.en: and the land
12. [ku-ta-al-la{ki}-(a)]-ke4
#tr.en: of Kutalla,
13. [u4 {d}nin-isin2]{si}-na
#tr.en: when Nininsina
14. [szu12-da-a]-ne2
#tr.en: at his prayers
15. [in-de3-gub]-a
#tr.en: stood with him,
16. [e2-gal]-mah
#tr.en: the Egalmah temple,
17. [ki-tusz ku3 ki] ag2-ga2-ni
17. [ki-tusz ku3 ki]-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: her beloved sacred residence,
18. [sza3 uri2]{ki}-ma-ka
#tr.en: in Ur,
19. [nam-ti]-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: for his life
20. [mu-na-ni]-in-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
21. [nig2 ak]-bi-sze3
#tr.en: Because of this deed,
22. {[d]}nin-isin2{si}-na
#tr.en: may Nininsina
23. [he2]-en-da-tam
#tr.en: trust in him,
24. [nam-ti u4] mah-bi
#tr.en: and a life of very many days
25. [nam]-lugal sza3 hul2-la
#tr.en: and a happy kingship
26. [nam]-e-esz he2-en-na-tar-re
#tr.en: may she decree as a fate for him.
RIME, ex. 01 (P225723) 2220190
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 18: [ku-ta-al-la{ki}-(
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 26: [u4 {d}nin-isin2]{si#}-na*
&P225723 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. [{d}nin]-isin2#{si}-na
2. [dumu]-sag# an-na
3. [e2-gi4]-a# e2-kur-ra
4. [nin-a]-ni-ir
5. [ARAD2-{d}]suen
6. [u2-a] nibru#{ki}
7. ensi2#
8. [uri2]{ki}
9. [larsa]{ki}
10. [lagasz]{ki}
11. [u3 ma]-da
12. [ku-ta-al-la{ki}-(a)]-ke4
13. [u4 {d}nin-isin2]{si#}-na*
14. [szu12-da-a]-ne2
15. [in-de3-gub]-a
16. [e2-gal]-mah
17. [ki-tusz ku3 ki] ag2-ga2#-ni
17. [ki-tusz ku3 ki]-ag2-ga2#-ni
18. [sza3 uri2]{ki#}-ma-ka
19. [nam-ti]-la#-ni-sze3
20. [mu-na-ni]-in-du3
21. [nig2 ak]-bi-sze3
22. {[d]}nin#-isin2{si}-na
23. [he2]-en#-da-tam
24. [nam-ti u4] mah-bi
25. [nam]-lugal# sza3 hul2-la
26. [nam]-e-esz he2-en-na-tar-re
RIME composite (P448397) 2220191
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
&P448397 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}nanna
#tr.en: For Nanna,
2. en an ku3-ge dalla e3
#tr.en: the lord who shines splendidly against the holy sky,
3. dumu-sag {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: first-born son of Enlil,
4. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
5. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
#tr.en: I, Kudur-mabuk,
6. ad-da kur mar-du2
#tr.en: father of the Amorite land,
7. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak
#tr.en: son of Simtu-šilḫak,
8. igi-du8 {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: the seer of Enlil,
9. {d}nin-lil2-da sze-ga-am3
#tr.en: who is agreeable to Ninlil,
10. e2-babbar-da ni2-tuku
#tr.en: who has fear of the Ebabbar,
11. u2-a e2-kur-ra
#tr.en: provider of the Ekur,
12. sag-us2 e2-kisz-nu-gal2
#tr.en: constant supporter of the Ekišnugal,
13. lu2 sza3 nibru{ki} du10-du10-me-en
#tr.en: the man who makes pleasant the heart of Nippur,
14. u4 {d}nanna a-ra-zu-mu
#tr.en: when Nanna to my supplications
15. mu-szi-in-sze-ga-am3
#tr.en: was agreeable,
16. hul-gal2-e-ne sag e2-babbar-ra
#tr.en: the evildoers who ... in the Ebabbar
17. bi2-in-sal-esz-a
#tr.en: did ...
18. szu-mu-sze3 bi2-in-si-a
#tr.en: when into my hands he put them,
19. masz-gan2-szabra{ki}
#tr.en: Maškam-šapir
20. kar-ra-{d}utu{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: and Kar(a)-Šamaš
21. larsa{ki}-sze3 he2-em-mi-gi4
#tr.en: he (Nanna) returned to Larsa.
22. {d}nanna lugal-mu
#tr.en: 'Nanna my master,
23. za-e-me-en ba-e-ak
#tr.en: it is you who have done it;
24. ga2-e a-na-mu-me-en
#tr.en: I myself, what am I by myself?'
25. nam-bi-sze3
#tr.en: Because of this,
26. {d}nanna lugal-mu
#tr.en: while to Nanna my master
27. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-ga2
#tr.en: I was making beautiful words (or prayer),
28. ga2-nun-mah
#tr.en: the Ganunmah,
29. e2 ku3-babbar ku3-sig17
#tr.en: the house of silver and gold,
30. uri3 erim3 dugud
#tr.en: the sanctuary of the heavy treasures
31. {d}suen-na-ka
#tr.en: of Sin,
32. u4 ul-li2-a-ta
#tr.en: since in ancient times
33. ba-du3-a-ba ba-sumun
#tr.en: it had been built but now had grown old,
34. nam-ti-mu-sze3
#tr.en: for my life
35. u3 nam-ti
#tr.en: and the life
36. ARAD-{d}suen dumu-mu
#tr.en: of Warad-Sin my son,
37. lugal larsa{ki}-ma-sze3
#tr.en: the king of Lagaš,
38. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: I built it
39. ki-bi-sze3 he2-em-mi-gi4
#tr.en: and did indeed restore it.
40. nig2 ak-mu-sze3
#tr.en: At my deeds
41. {d}nanna lugal-mu
#tr.en: may Nanna my master
42. ha-ma-hul2-e
#tr.en: rejoice over me,
43. nam-tar nam-ti-la
#tr.en: and a fate of (long) life,
44. bala du10-ga
#tr.en: a good reign,
45. {gesz}gu-za suhusz gi-na
#tr.en: and a throne with a secure foundation
46. sag-e-esz
#tr.en: as a gift
47. ha-ma-ab-rig7-ge
#tr.en: may he grant me.
48. sipa ki ag2
48. sipa ki-ag2
#tr.en: The beloved shepherd
49. {d}nanna he2-me-en
#tr.en: of Nanna may I be,
50. u4-mu he2-su3-su3-ud
#tr.en: and may my (life)time be long lasting.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431673) 2220192
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
&P431673 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}nanna
2. en an ku3-ge dalla e3
3. dumu-sag {d}en-lil2-la2
4. lugal-a-ni-ir
5. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
6. ad-da kur mar-du2
7. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak
8. igi-du8 {d}en-lil2-la2
9. {d}nin-lil2-da sze-ga-am3
10. e2-babbar-da ni2-tuku
11. u2-a e2-kur-ra
12. sag-us2 e2-kisz-nu-gal2
13. lu2 sza3 nibru{ki} du10-du10-me-en
14. u4 {d}nanna a-ra-zu-mu
15. mu-szi-in-sze-ga-am3
16. hul-gal2-e-ne sag e2-babbar-ra
17. bi2-in-sal-esz-a
18. szu-mu-sze3 bi2-in-si-a
19. masz-gan2-szabra{ki}
20. kar-ra-{d}utu{ki}-ke4
21. larsa{ki}-sze3 he2-em-mi-gi4
22. {d}nanna lugal-mu
23. za-e-me-en ba-e-ak
24. ga2-e a-na-mu-me-en
25. nam-bi-sze3
@column 2
1. {d}nanna lugal-mu
2. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-ga2
3. ga2-nun-mah
4. e2 ku3-babbar ku3-sig17
5. uri3 erim3 dugud
6. {d}suen-na-ka
7. u4 ul-li2-a-ta
8. ba-du3-a-ba ba-sumun
9. nam-ti-mu-sze3
10. u3 nam-ti
11. ARAD-{d}suen dumu-mu
12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma-sze3
13. mu-na-du3
14. ki-bi-sze3 he2-em-mi-gi4
15. nig2 ak-mu-sze3
16. {d}nanna lugal-mu
17. ha-ma-hul2-e
18. nam-tar nam-ti-la
19. bala du10-ga
20. {gesz}gu-za suhusz gi-na
21. sag-e-esz
22. ha-ma-ab-rig7-ge
23. sipa ki ag2
23. sipa ki-ag2
24. {d}nanna he2-me-en
25. u4-mu he2-su3-su3-ud
RIME, ex. 45 (P431698) 2220193
&P431698 = RIME, ex. 45
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [szu-mu]-sze3# bi2#-[in-si-a]
2'. [masz]-gan2#-szabra#[{ki}]
3'. [kar-ra]-{d}utu{ki}-ke4#
4'. [larsa]{ki#}-sze3# he2#-em-mi#-gi4#
5'. [{d}]nanna# lugal-mu
6'. [za-e]-me#-en ba-e-ak
7'. ga2#-e a-na-mu-me-en
8'. [nam]-bi#-sze3#
@column 2
1. [{d}nanna] lugal#-mu#
2. [inim sa6]-sa6#-ge#-da-ga2#
3. [ga2]-nun#-mah#
4. [e2 ku3]-babbar# ku3#-sig17#
5. uri3# erim3# dugud
6. [{d}suen]-na#-ka
7. [u4 ul-li2]-a#-ta#
8. [ba-du3-a-ba] ba#-sumun#
9. [nam-ti]-mu#-sze3
10. [u3] nam#-ti
11. [ARAD2-{d}]suen# dumu-mu#
12. [lugal] larsa#{ki#}-ma#-sze3#
13. mu#-na#-du3
14. [ki-bi]-sze3# he2#-em-mi-gi4
15. [nig2] ak-mu-sze3
16. [{d}]nanna# lugal-mu
17. ha#-ma#-hul2-e
18. nam#-tar# nam-ti-la
19. bala# du10#-ga#
20. {gesz#}gu#-za suhusz gi-na
21. sag#-e-esz
22. ha-ma-ab-rig7-ge
23. sipa ki ag2
23. sipa ki-ag2
24. {d}nanna he2-me-en
25. u4-mu he2-su3-su3-ud
RIME 4.02.13.x1001, ex. 01-02 (P225703) 2220194
ag2-x does not appear in words list
ki-tesz only appears a few times in words list
tesz only appears a few times in signs list
&P225703 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
$ 9 lines broken
10. ku?-ta#?-[al-la{ki}-ke4]
11. e2 {kusz}suhub-bi# x [...]
12. gesz a x x [...]
13. esz3 uri5#[{ki} ...]
14. iri ki [ag2-x x]
15. kalam [...-sze3]
16. ki-[tesz sa3 du10-ga-na]
17. nam#-[ti-mu-sze3]
18. u3#? [nam-ti]
$ rest broken
@surface b
@column 1
1. [{d}...]
2. [...]
3. [lugal-a-ni-ir]
4. [ARAD2-{d}suen]
5. [u2-a nibru{ki}]
6. [ensi2 uri2{ki}]
7. [larsa{ki}]
8. [lagasz{ki}]
9. [u3 ma-da]
10. [ku?-ta?-al-la{ki}]-ke4#
11. [e2 {kusz}suhub-bi x ...]
12. [gesz a x x ...]
13. [esz3 uri5{ki} x] x
14. [iri ki ag2-x] x
14. [iri ki-ag2-x] x
15. [kalam ...]-sze3
16. [ki-tusz sa3 du10-ga]-na
17. [nam-ti-mu-sze3]
18. [u3 nam]-ti
@column 2
1. [ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk]
2. [a-a ugu-ga2-ke4]
3. [hu-mu]-na#-gub#
4. [diri u4-bi]-ta#-x-ka#
5. [e2-szu]-si3#-ga-bi
6. [he2]-bi2-gu-ul
7. hur#-sag-gin7 sag-bi hu-mu-ni-il2
8. u6*-di kalam-ma-sze3
9. he2-bi2-gub
10. ni2-tuku-mu-sze3
11. inim# sa6-sa6-ge-da-mu
12. a2-ag2-ga2 lugal-ga2
13. sa2-di mu-un-zu-a-ar
14. sag-ki zalag-ga-bi
15. igi hul2 he2-en-szi-bar
16. ti u4 su3-ra2
17. bala sza3 hul2-la-da
1836. sag-e-esz ha-ma-ab-rig7-ge
RIME 4.02.13.x1003 composite (P448400) 2220195
a-a-ni-ta only appears a few times in words list
&P448400 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {[d]}nin-mah
#tr.en: For Ninmah,
2. [e2]-gi4-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: daughter-in-law of Ur,
3. x du11-ga a-a-ni-ta
#tr.en: ... through her father,
4. dalla e2-nun-na
#tr.en: bright(?) one of the Enun (or: agrun-cella)
5. me-te unu7 gal
#tr.en: ornament of the great sanctuary,
6. gesz-hur-bi sikil-la
#tr.en: whose divine plan is pure,
7. gidlamx(|SAL.USZ.DI.DAM|) ku3 nin szar-ra za3-dib
#tr.en: sacred spouse, surpassing all ladies,
8. sag-en3-tar
#tr.en: who cares for
9. x dingir-dingir-re-e-ne
#tr.en: the ... of all the gods,
10. nidba gal szum2-ma
#tr.en: given large food offerings,
11. nam-nun-na diri-ga
#tr.en: surpassing in princeliness,
12. me gal-gal-la tum2#-ma
#tr.en: fit for many great divine powers,
13. ki ag2 dumu zil-e
13. ki-ag2 dumu zil-e
#tr.en: beloved by the Good Son,
14. szu12-de3 gesztu2 tuku
#tr.en: one who listens to prayer,
15.  nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
RIME 4.02.13.x1003, ex. 01 (P225592) 2220196
du11-ga-a-a-ni-ta only appears a few times in words list
unu7-gal only appears a few times in words list
&P225592 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
1. {[d]}nin#-mah
2. [e2]-gi4#-a uri5{ki}-ma
3. x du11-ga-a-a-ni-ta
4. dalla e2-nun-na
5. me-te unu7-gal
6. gesz-hur-bi sikil-la
7. gidlamx(|SAL.USZ.DI.DAM|) ku3 nin szar-ra za3-dib
8. sag-en3-tar
9. x dingir-dingir-re-e-ne
1. nidba gal szum2-ma
2. nam-nun-na diri-ga
3. me gal-gal-la tum2#-ma
4. ki ag2 dumu zil-e
4. ki-ag2 dumu zil-e
5. szu12-de3 gesztu2 tuku
6.  nin-a-ni-ir
RIME composite (P448403) 2220197
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 4: dur*
{m}ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk does not appear in words list
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
{m}ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk does not appear in words list
szu-il2-la2 only appears a few times in words list
za3-za3-bi only appears a few times in words list
numun-x-... only appears a few times in words list
&P448403 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}nanna en gal
#tr.en: For Nanna the great lord,
2. u4 an ku3-ge si
#tr.en: light that fills holy heaven,
3. men nun-na sag il2
#tr.en: who holds high the head with the princely crown,
4. dingir zi u4 ge6-bi he2-he2
#tr.en: steadfast god who mixes day and night,
5. iti ge-en-ge-en
#tr.en: who verifies the months,
6. mu silim-ma
#tr.en: who makes whole the years,
7. sza3 e2-kur-ra-ke4 sun5-na
#tr.en: who within the Ekur humbly
8. esz-bar zi szu ti
#tr.en: receives trustworthy divine decisions
9. ki a-a-ugu-na-ke4
#tr.en: at the place of the father who begot him,
10. dumu ki ag2 {d}nin-lil2-la2
10. dumu ki-ag2 {d}nin-lil2-la2
#tr.en: the beloved son of Ninlil,
11. {d}asz-im2-babbar2-re
#tr.en: for Ašimbabbar,
12. {szu}szu12 a-ra-zu gesz tuku
#tr.en: who listens to prayers and supplications,
13. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
14. {m}ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
#tr.en: Kudur-mabuk,
15. ad-da kur mar-du2
#tr.en: father of the Amorite land,
16. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak
#tr.en: son of Simti-šilḫak
17. lu2 szu-gar e2-babbar2-ra-ke4
#tr.en: a man who a favor to the Ebabbar
18. bi2-in-gi4-a
#tr.en: repaid
19. {d}utu lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: and for Utu his master
20. szu bi2-in-tag-ga-am3
#tr.en: decorated it,
21. ug3 bir-re-a
#tr.en: who the scattered people
22. gu2-bi kar2-kar2-ra
#tr.en: brought together,
23. erin2# suh3-suh3-a-bi
#tr.en: and their disorganized forces
24. si bi2-in-si-sa2
#tr.en: straightened out,
25. ka ma-da-na
#tr.en: who made his land
26. tesz2-bi ib2-ta-se3-ga
#tr.en: altogether harmonious,
27. sag-du hul-du-bi
#tr.en: who the heads of its enemies
28. tibirx(|TAGxNE|)-ra bi2-ra
#tr.en: did slap,
29. gesz-bur! ma-da-na
#tr.en: the snare of his land
30. gu2-erim2-gal2-la-am3
#tr.en: by whom all those who were enemies
31. bi2-in-hasz-am3
#tr.en: were smashed,
32. ki-tusz nun szul {d}utu
#tr.en: who, in the princely residence, made youthful Utu,
33. di-ku5 mah an-ki
#tr.en: the exalted judge of heaven and earth,
34. larsa{ki}-ma nig2 sa2-du11 gen-na-ka
#tr.en: in Larsa, whither came regular offerings,
35. su du10 bi2-in-tusz-am3
#tr.en: did make to dwell in physical comfort.
36. {m}ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk sipa sun5-na
#tr.en: I, Kudur-mabuk, the humble shepherd,
37. esz3 e2-babbar2-ra-sze3
#tr.en: who for the Ebabbar shrine
38. nam-szita-a-asz gub-ba-me-en
#tr.en: serves standing in prayer,
39. u4 an-ne2 {d}en-lil2-le
#tr.en: when An and Enlil,
40. {d}en-ki {d}nin-mah-bi
#tr.en: and Enki and Ninmah,
41. {gesz}gidri zi un5 lah4-lah4 he2-du7
#tr.en: a trusty scepter suited for leading the people,
42. bala me da-ri2
#tr.en: and a reign of lasting divine power
43. me-bi nu-kur2-ru-de3
#tr.en: whose power is unalterable,
44. du11-ga mah {d}nanna {d}utu-ta
#tr.en: at the exalted commands of Nanna and Utu
45. nam-si-sa2-a-mu-sze3
#tr.en: because of my justness,
46. ma-ni-in-szum2-mu-usz-am3
#tr.en: they did give to me,
47. nam-bi-sze3 inim sa6-sa6-ge-en-mu-ne
#tr.en: because of this, as I made beautiful words,
48. x NI [...]
#tr.en: ...
49. [...]
#tr.en: ...
50. x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
51. igi-a x [...]
#tr.en: before ...
52. mul ku3 [...]
#tr.en: holy stars ...
53. su-lim [...]
#tr.en: brilliance ...
54. {gesz}gu-[za ...]
#tr.en: the throne ...
55. ba-x [...]
#tr.en: ...
56. sza3 [...]
#tr.en: within ...
57. ra [...]
#tr.en: ...
58. x [...]
#tr.en: ...
59. {gesz}gu-za-a-bi [...]
#tr.en: that throne ...
60. ku3-sig17 husz-a [gar-ra]
#tr.en: which was plated with red gold,
61. u4 ti-le-mu [...]
#tr.en: my lifetime ..
62. kin-ga2 re-esz x [...]
#tr.en: worked ...
63. alan {d}nanna me-dim2-[bi]
#tr.en: a statue of Nanna whose features
64. zi-da ak-da x [...]
#tr.en: were finely made ...
65. x [...]
#tr.en: ...
66. x x x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
67. gal-le-esz x [...]
#tr.en: greatly ...
68. 2(disz) {d}lamma di nam-[...]
#tr.en: Two female guardian deities ...
69. i5-gar sa6-sa6-ge-[a-mu-sze3]
#tr.en: who for my(?) producing of propitious oracular utterances
70. u4-szu2-usz gal2-la nu-usz x [...]
#tr.en: are present daily ...,
71. za3-za3-be2 he2-bi2-gub-e
#tr.en: I made stand at its edges.
72. alan szu-de!-a-mu-sze3
#tr.en: Towards my praying statue
73. szu-il2-la2 gibil-la2
#tr.en: new šu'illa petitions
74. a-ra2-zu-gin7 ma-ab-la2 temen {gesz}gu-za-a-ba
#tr.en: as well as prayers they extended for me, and at the base of the throne
75. he2-bi2-ge-en-ge-en
#tr.en: I set them securely.
76. amar an-na kilib3-ba galam-ma-ka
#tr.en: For a Calf of Heaven, in thoroughly skillfully made,
77. me za3-za3-bi he2-bi3-kin-kin
#tr.en: I sought out its ... divine attributes.
78. gu4 ab2-ba limmu2-bi
#tr.en: Four breed bulls
79. he2-bi3-ge-en-ge-en
#tr.en: I secured there.
80. dur* gal-bi gesz-gan2{a-num2}-ta
#tr.en: Its large seat? with kiškanum wood,
81. nir-nir-ra pirig masz2 szub-am3
#tr.en: the crosspieces being lions felling kids,
82. ku3 luh-ha gar-ra
#tr.en: were plated with refined silver.
83. zi nam-ti-la-mu-sze3
#tr.en: For my life
84. u3 nam-ti ARAD2-{d}[suen]
#tr.en: and the life of Warad-Sin
85. dumu-mu mu-u2 numun-x-[...]
#tr.en: my son, the young man, offspring ...,
86. mu da-ri2 dumu-x [...]
#tr.en: with a lasting name, son of ...,
87. u2-<a> uri5{ki}-ma e2-[babbar ni2-tuku]
#tr.en: provider of Ur, who reveres the Ebabbar,
88. [lugal] larsa{ki}-ma a mu-[na]-ru#
#tr.en: king of Larsa, I dedicated it to him.
89. u4-a u4-da egir-[bi-sze3]
#tr.en: If today or afterwards
90. [lu2] {gesz}gu-za-[ba a2 nig2-hul]-dim2-ma
#tr.en: a person an order of wickedness who against this throne
91. ib#-szi-<ag2>-ga2-am3
#tr.en: shall issue,
92. [nig2]-dim2-ma-mu ib2-zi-re-a
#tr.en: who shall efface my creation
93. [e2]-nig2-GA-ra i-ni-in-ku4-ku4-a
#tr.en: or have it brought it into a storehouse,
94. [x]-ti# si-sa2-ka ib2-zi-re-ba
#tr.en: or the well-ordered ... having effaced
95. {[gesz]}gu-za-a-bi-sze3
#tr.en: for that throne
96. ib2#-ta-kur2-ru-u2-a
#tr.en: shall remove that from it,
97. nisag a2-ki-te x-[...]-la
#tr.en: the first fruit offerings of ...
98. ki-nag abzu-a-sze3
#tr.en: to the libation place of the abzu,
99. u4 tu-ud-bi-da e3-a
#tr.en: which emerged at the same time as the day of its birth.
100. u4 {na4}x {gesz}gu-za-a-ba
#tr.en: When the ... stones into that throne
101. u3-mu-dim2
#tr.en: I had worked,
102. {d}nanna lugal-la-ni
#tr.en: (for) Nanna, his master,
103. en3-bi-esz ga2-ga2-am3
#tr.en: which until now were inlaid(?),
104. a-ba-an-gi
#tr.en: after he had secured(?) it,
105. a2 nig2-hul-da-ni-ta
#tr.en: through a wicked act by him
106. ib2-ta-kur2-ru-a
#tr.en: he removes them from it,
107. dingir kur2-ra u3 lugal-e
#tr.en: and to a different god by a king
108. gaba-ri-ni-ta
#tr.en: who is his peer
109. nig2-ba ba-ab-szum2-mu-a
#tr.en: as a gift it he shall give them,
110. mu-sar-ra-a-ba
#tr.en: or its inscription
111. szu bi2-ib2-<ur3>-ra-de3
#tr.en: he shall erase
112. mu-ni ib2-sar-re-de3
#tr.en: and his own name he shall write (on it),
113. asz2-bal-la2-ba-ke4-<esz>
#tr.en: or because of this curse
114. lu2 kur2 szu ba-an-zi-zi
#tr.en: he incites another person to it,
RIME, ex. 01 (P225587) 2220198
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 4: dur*
{m}ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk does not appear in words list
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
NUN only appears a few times in words list
{m}ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk does not appear in words list
mu-u2-numun-x-... only appears a few times in words list
e2-babbar-du only appears a few times in words list
&P225587 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. {d}nanna en gal
2. u4 an ku3-ge si
3. men nun-na sag il2
4. dingir zi u4 ge6-bi he2-he2
5. iti ge-en-ge-en
6. mu silim-ma
7. sza3 e2-kur-ra-ke4 sun5-na
8. esz-bar zi szu ti
9. ki a-a-ugu-na-ke4
10. dumu ki ag2 {d}nin-lil2-la2
10. dumu ki-ag2 {d}nin-lil2-la2
11. {d}asz-im2-babbar2-re
12. {szu}szu12 a-ra-zu gesz tuku
13. lugal-a-ni-ir
14. {m}ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
15. ad-da kur mar-du2
16. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak
17. lu2 szu-gar e2-babbar2-ra-ke4
18. bi2-in-gi4-a
19. {d}utu lugal-a-ni-ir
20. [szu] bi2#?-in-tag-ga-am3
21. [ug3 bir-re-a]
22. [gu2]-bi kar2-kar2-ra
23. [erin2] suh3-suh3-a-bi
24. si# bi2-in-si-sa2
25. ka# ma-da-na
26. tesz2#-bi ib2-ta-se3-ga
27. sag#-du hul-du-bi
@column 2
1. tibirx(|TAGxNE|)-ra bi2-ra#
2. gesz-bur! ma-da-na
3. gu2-erim2-gal2-la-am3
4. bi2-in-hasz-am3
5. ki-tusz NUN szul {d}utu
6. di-ku5 mah an-ki
7. larsa{ki}-ma nig2 sa2-du11 gen-na-ka
8. su du10 bi2-in-tusz-am3
9. {m}ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk sipa sun5-na
10. esz3 e2-babbar2-ra-sze3
11. nam-szita-a-asz gub-ba-me-en
12. u4 an-ne2 {d}en-lil2-le
13. {d}en-ki {d}nin-mah-bi
14. {gesz}gidri zi un5 lah4-lah4 he2-du7
15. bala me da-ri2
16. me-bi nu-kur2-ru-de3
17. du11-ga mah {d}nanna {d}utu#-[ta]
18. nam-si-sa2-a-mu-[sze3]
19. ma-ni-in#-szum2#-[mu-usz-am3]
20. nam-bi-sze3 inim# [sa6-sa6-ge-en-mu-ne]
21. x NI# [...]
22. [...]
23. x x [...]
24. igi-a x [...]
25. mul ku3# [...]
26. su-lim [...]
27. {gesz}gu#-[za ...]
28. ba-x [...]
29. sza3 [...]
30. ra# [...]
@column 1
1. x [...]
2. {gesz}gu-za#-a#-bi [...]
3. ku3-sig17 husz#-a [gar-ra]
4. u4 ti-le-mu# [...]
5. kin-ga2 re-esz x [...]
6. alan {d}nanna me-dim2-[bi]
7. zi-da ak-da x [...]
8. x [...]
9. x x x x [...]
10. gal-le-esz x [...]
11. 2(disz) {d}lamma di nam#-[...]
12. i5-gar sa6-sa6-ge#-[a-mu-sze3]
13. u4-szu2-usz gal2-la nu-usz x [...]
14. za3-za3-be2 he2-bi2-gub-e
15. alan szu-de!-a-mu-sze3
16. szu il2-la2 gibil-la2
17. a-ra2-zu-gin7 ma-ab-la2 temen {gesz}gu-za-a-ba
18. he2-bi2-ge-en-ge-en
19. amar an-na kilib3-ba galam-ma-ka
20. me za3-za3-be2 he2-bi3-kin-kin
21. gu4 ab2-ba limmu2-bi
22. he2-bi3-ge-en-ge-en
23. dur* gal-bi gesz-gan2*{a-num2}-ta
24. nir-nir-ra pirig masz2 szub-am3
25. ku3 luh-ha gar-ra
26. zi nam-ti-la-mu#-sze3
27. u3 nam-ti ARAD2-{d#}[suen]
28. dumu-mu mu-u2-numun-x-[...]
29. mu da-ri2 dumu-x [...]
30. u2-<a> uri5{ki}-ma e2-[babbar-du ni2-tuku]
@column 2
1. [lugal] larsa{ki}-ma a mu-[na]-ru#
2. u4#-a u4-da egir-[bi-sze3]
3. [lu2] {gesz}gu-za-[ba a2 nig2-hul]-dim2#-ma
4. ib#-szi-<ag2>-ga2-am3
5. [nig2]-dim2-ma-mu ib2-zi-re-a
6. [e2]-nig2-GA*-ra i-ni-in-ku4-ku4-a
7. [x]-ti# si-sa2-ka ib2-zi-re-ba
8. {[gesz]}gu-za-a-bi-sze3
9. ib2#-ta-kur2-ru-u2-a
10. nisag a2-ki-te x-[...]-la#
11. ki-nag abzu-a-sze3
12. u4 tu-ud-bi-da e3-a
13. u4 {na4}x {gesz}gu-za-a-ba
14. u3-mu-dim2
15. {d}nanna lugal-la-ni
16. en3-bi-esz ga2-ga2-am3
17. a-ba-an*-gi
18. a2 nig2-hul-da-ni-ta
19. ib2-ta-kur2-ru-a
20. dingir kur2-ra u3 lugal-e
21. gaba-ri-ni-ta
22. nig2-ba ba-ab-szum2-mu-a
23. mu-sar-ra-a-ba
24. szu bi2-ib2-<ur3>-ra-de3
25. mu-ni ib2-sar-re-de3
26. asz2#-bal-la2-ba-ke4-<esz>
27. lu2#-kur2 szu ba-an-zi-zi
$ blank space
RIME composite (P448404) 2220199
ATF: Syntax error at line 8 col 7: #tr.en:come forth from the holy heavens,
mu-un-ni-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
tar-re-da only appears a few times in words list
&P448404 = RIME compoite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {[d]}nanna
#tr.en: For Nanna,
2. [an ku3]-ta pa e3-a
#tr.en:come forth from the holy heavens,
3. men x-x-sze3 tum2-ma
#tr.en: worthy of the ... crown,
4. szul hi-li
#tr.en: appealing youth
5. zi-sza3-gal2 tu
#tr.en: who begets divine inspiration,
6. mu-ni a-re-esz kal
#tr.en: whose name is praiseworthy and precious,
7. ibila sza3 zi-ta e3-a
#tr.en: heir come out of a fine womb,
8. ki ag2 e2-kur-ra
8. ki-ag2 e2-kur-ra
#tr.en: beloved of the Ekur,
9. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master -
10. ARAD2-{d}suen
#tr.en: Warad-Sin,
11. nun sze-ga nibru{ki}
#tr.en: the prince agreeable to Nippur,
12. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
13. sag-en3-tar gir2-su{ki}
#tr.en:who tends to Girsu
14. ki lagasz{ki}-[a]
#tr.en:in the state of Lagaš,
15. e2-babbar-da [ni2 te]-ge26
#tr.en: one who reveres the Ebabbar temple,
16. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: the king of Larsa
17. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
#tr.en:and king of Sumer and Akkad,
18. u4 {d}nanna lugal-a-ne2
#tr.en: when Nanna his master
19. szu12 a-ra-zu-ni
#tr.en: to his prayers and supplications
20. in-szi-in-sze-ga
#tr.en: became agreeable,
21. 7(disz) {uruda}alan i7-da
#tr.en: seven river statues
22. {uruda}nig2-dur2-bur3 he2-gal2-la
#tr.en: and fermenting vats of abundance
23. szu-bi-a
#tr.en: into their hands
24. mu-un-ni-gal2
#tr.en: he put.
25. u4 ezem siskur2-ra-ka
#tr.en: On the day of the offering festival,
26. kasz gesztin uluszin3
#tr.en: beer, wine, and sweetened emmer-beer
$ n lines broken
27'. lu2 [a2 nig2-hul-dim2-ma]
#tr.en: A person who an order of evil-doing
28'. ib2-[szi-ag2-ge26-a]
#tr.en: shall issue against it,
39'. nig2-[dim2-ma-mu]
#tr.en: who my creation
40'. [ib2-zi-re-a]
#tr.en: shall efface,
41'. [e2-nig2-GA-ra]
#tr.en: or into a storehouse
42'. i-ni-ib2-[ku4-ku4-a]
#tr.en: shall have it brought,
43'. asz2-bal-a-ba-ke4-esz
#tr.en: or because of this curse
44'. lu2-kur2
#tr.en: a stranger
45'. szu ba-an-zi-zi-a
#tr.en: shall incite to do this,
46'. u4 ezem siskur2-ra-ka
#tr.en: or on the day of the offering festival
47'. {uruda}nig2-dur2-bur3-bi e3-de3 ib2-tak4-tak4-a
#tr.en: shall hold back from setting out these fermenting vats
48'. lu2-ba
#tr.en: that person,
49'. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: Enlil,
50'. {d}suen
#tr.en: Sin,
51'. {d}en-ki
#tr.en: Enki,
52'. {d}nin-mah-bi
#tr.en: and Ninmaḫ,
53'. kilib3 dingir gal-gal-e-ne
#tr.en: and all the great gods,
54'. ki nam tar-re-da
#tr.en: when in the place where the fates are determined
55'. inim-ma-ni un-kid2-da
#tr.en: they have pinched off his words,
56'. e-ne u3 numun-a-ni
#tr.en: him and his seed
57'. sza3 kalam-ma-ka
#tr.en: in the country
58'. nam-mu-ni-ib2-ga2-ga2-e-ne
#tr.en: may they not allow to become established.
59'. 3(u)!
#tr.en: 30 (draft line count)
RIME, ex. 01 (P225589) 2220200
mu-un-ne2-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
ib2-szi-re-a only appears a few times in words list
nam-tar-re-da only appears a few times in words list
&P225589 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. {[d]}nanna#
2. [an ku3]-ta# pa e3-a#
3. men# x-x-sze3# tum2-ma
4. szul hi-li
5. zi#-sza3*-gal2 tu
6. mu-ni a-re-esz kal
7. ibila# sza3 zi-ta e3-a
8. ki ag2 e2-kur-ra
8. ki-ag2 e2-kur-ra
9. lugal-a-ni-ir
10. ARAD2#-{d}suen
11. nun sze-ga nibru{ki}
12. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
13. sag-en3-tar gir2-su{ki}
14. ki lagasz{ki}-[a]
15. e2-babbar-da# [ni2 te]-ge26
16. lugal# larsa#{ki}-ma
17. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
18. u4 {d}nanna lugal-a-ne2
19. szu12 a-ra-zu-ni
20. in-szi-in-sze-ga
21. 7(disz) {uruda}alan i7-da
22. {uruda}nig2-dur2-bur3 he2-gal2-la
23. szu-bi-a
24. mu-un-ne2-gal2
25. u4 ezem siskur2-ra-ka
26. kasz gesztin uluszin3
@column 2
$ n lines broken
1'. lu2# [a2 nig2-hul-dim2-ma]
2'. ib2#-[szi-ag2-ge26-a]
3'. nig2#-[dim2-ma-mu]
4'. [ib2-szi-re-a]
5'. [e2-nig2-GA-ra]
6'. i-ni-ib2#-[ku4-ku4-a]
7'. asz2-bal-a-ba-ke4-esz
8'. lu2-kur2
9'. szu ba-an-zi-zi-a
10'. u4 ezem siskur2-ra-ka
11'. {uruda}nig2-dur2-bur3-bi e3-de3 ib2-tak4-tak4-a
12'. lu2-ba
13'. {d}en-lil2
14'. {d}suen
15'. {d}en-ki
16'. {d}nin-mah-bi
17'. kilib3 dingir gal-gal-e-ne
@column 1
1'. ki nam-tar-re-da
2'. inim-ma-ni un-kid2-da
3'. e-ne u3 numun-a-ni
4'. sza3 kalam-ma-ka
5'. nam-mu-ni-ib2-ga2-ga2-e-ne
6'. 3(u)!
RIME composite (P448410) 2220201
egir-a-ne2 only appears a few times in words list
&P448410 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. ARAD2-{d}suen
#tr.en: I, Warad-Sîn,
2. nita kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty man,
3. sipa nig2-gi mu2-[mu2]
#tr.en: shepherd who makes justice blossom,
4. ki ag2 {d}en-[lil2]
4. ki-ag2 {d}en-[lil2]
#tr.en: beloved of Enlil,
5. {d}nanna {d}utu-bi
#tr.en: Nanna and Utu,
6. e2-babbar-da ni2-tuku
#tr.en: who reveres the Ebabbar,
7. u2-a e2-kur-[ra]
#tr.en: provider of the Ekur,
8. lu2 sza3 nibru{ki} du10-[du10]
#tr.en: the man who pleases the heart of Nippur,
9. sag-us2 e2-kisz-nu-gal2
#tr.en: the constant supporter of the Ekišnugal,
10. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa
11. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
12. dumu ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
#tr.en: son of Kudur-mabuk
13. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la-me-en
#tr.en: and father of Emutbala -
14. {d}nanna lugal-mu inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-mu
#tr.en: Nanna my master, with my making excellent words,
15. uri2{ki} dagal-e-de3
#tr.en: about widening Ur,
16. ki-sa2-a-bi szu pesz11-e-de3
#tr.en: expanding its platform
17. diri nig2 u4-bi-da-ka
#tr.en: more than any previous one,
18. ki-gar-bi gu-ul-lu-de3
#tr.en: enlarging its grounds,
19. mu mah tuku-tuku-de3
#tr.en: and (so) making it acquire a great name,
20. en3 u3-bi2-tar
#tr.en: after I made (oracular) inquiries,
21. egir-a-ne2 bi2-zukum
#tr.en: I trod after him
22. [sun5-na]-bi u3-gul im-ma-[an-ga2-ga2]
#tr.en: and humbly addressed pleas for it.
23. [{d}nanna lugal]-mu mu-[szi-in-sze]
#tr.en:  Nanna my master was agreeable to me.
24. [nam-ti-mu-sze3 u3 nam-ti]
#tr.en: For my life and the life
25. [ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk a-a tu-da-ga2-ke4]
#tr.en: of Kudur-mabuk, the father who begot me,
26. [iri kur] nam-ti-la
#tr.en: in the city, the mountain of life
27. [ki he2-gal2]-la-ka
#tr.en: and place of abundance,
28. [ki-tusz kilib3-gal2 dingir-re]-e-ne-ke4
#tr.en: the residence (where) the assembly of the gods
29. [nam-ni mu]-un-tar-ra
#tr.en: determined his destiny,
30. [mu-ni-gin7] diri-ga
#tr.en: which like his name is surpassing,
31. [sag an]-e us2-sa
#tr.en: whose head reaches the sky,
32. [a2-bi szu-ta kin ki en3 tar] gar-ra
#tr.en: whose arms seeking with hands the place where inquiries are placed,
33. an-dul3 dagal-la-ni kur-kur-ra sza-mu-un-me
#tr.en: whose wide shadow he therefore made to be over all the lands,
34. ug3 sag-ge6-ga ur2-be2 mu-un-lu-lu
#tr.en: at its base he multiplied the Black Headed People,
35. nam-ti kar-kar-re-me-esz
#tr.en: they who betook their lives there,
36. bad3 gal-bi hu-mu-du3
#tr.en: its great wall I built.
37. hur-sag sig7-ga-gin ki sikil-la he2-bi2-mu2
#tr.en: Like a verdant mountin range I made it grow upon a pure place.
38. mu nam-mah-bi-<gin7> sag-bi hu-mu-ni-in-il2
#tr.en: Like its name and majesty I raised up its top there.
39. u6-di kalam-ma-sze3 pa gal-le-esz he2-bi2-in-e3
#tr.en: As a marvel of the nation I made it appear greatly resplendent.
40. u4 bad3 uri2{ki}-ma mu-du3-a
#tr.en: When I built the wall of Ur,
41. a2 lu2 1(disz)-e 3(ban3) sze-ta
#tr.en: the wages for one man were: 3 ban barley,
42. 2(disz) [sila3] ninda-ta 2(disz) sila3 kasz-ta
#tr.en: 2 sila bread, 2 sila beer,
43. 2(disz) gin2 i3-gesz-ta
#tr.en: and 2 shekels oil;
44. u4 asz-a ur5-gin7 szu ha-ba-an-ti
#tr.en: one received this per one day.
45. sza3 ma-da-ga2-ka i-{d}utu he2-eb2-ta-zi
#tr.en: Throughout my country I removed complaints.
46. sag-ki zalag sza3 hul2-la-ga2-ka
#tr.en: With my shining brow and happiness of heart
47. kin-bi asil-la2 ul4-le-esz he2-em-mi-til
#tr.en: this work I joyfully and quickly finished.
48. [gesztu2 dagal nam-ku3-zu]-mu-sze3 gal-bi hu-mu-du3
#tr.en: With my wide intelligence and wisdom I built it grandly.
49. [bad3-bi {d}nanna suhusz] ma-da [ge-en-ge-en]
#tr.en: That wall Nanna Makes Firm the Foundation of the Country
50. [mu-sze3 he2-em-mi-sa4]
#tr.en: I named.
51. [nig2 ak-mu]-sze3
#tr.en: For my deed,
52. {d}nanna lugal-mu hu-mu-hul2-le-en
#tr.en: O Nanna my master, may you rejoice over me,
53. u4 sza3 hul2-la bala nam-he2-a
#tr.en: and may days of happiness, a reign of abundance,
54. ti nig2 du10 mu he2-gal2-la-ka
#tr.en: a good life, years of plenty,
55. {gesz}gu-za suhusz gi-na
#tr.en: and a throne with a secure foundation
56. sag-e-esz ha-ma-ab-rig7-ge
#tr.en: be presented to me.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431745) 2220202
&P431745 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
# conflatd text
@surface a
1. ARAD2#-{d}suen#
2. nita# kal-ga#
3. sipa nig2-gi mu2#-[mu2]
4. ki ag2 {d}en#-[lil2]
4. ki-ag2 {d}en#-[lil2]
5. {d}nanna {d}utu-bi
6. e2-babbar-da ni2-tuku#
7. u2-a e2-kur-[ra]
8. lu2 sza3 nibru{ki} du10-[du10]
9. sag-us2 e2-kisz-nu-gal2#
10. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
11. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
12. dumu ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
13. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la-me-en
14. {d}nanna lugal-mu inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-mu
15. uri2{ki} dagal-e-de3
16. ki-sa2-a-bi szu pesz11-e-de3
17. diri nig2 u4-bi-da-ka
18. ki-gar-bi gu-ul-lu-de3
19. mu mah tuku-tuku-de3
20. en3 u3-bi2-tar
21. egir#-a-ni bi2-zukum
22. [sun5-na]-bi# u3-gul im-ma#-[an-ga2-ga2]
23. [{d}nanna lugal]-mu# mu-[szi-in-sze]
24. [nam-ti-mu-sze3 u3 nam-ti]
25. [ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk a-a tu-da-ga2-ke4]
26. [iri kur] nam#-ti-la#
27. [ki he2-gal2]-la-ka#
28. [ki-tusz kilib3-gal2 dingir-re]-e-ne-ke4
29. [nam-ni mu]-un#-tar-ra
30. [mu-ni-gin7] diri-ga
31. [sag an]-e us2-sa
32. [a2-bi szu-ta kin ki en3 tar] gar#-ra#
33. an-dul3 dagal-la-ni kur-kur-ra sza-mu-un-me
34. ug3 sag-ge6-ga ur2-be2 mu-un-lu-lu
35. nam-ti kar-kar-re-me-esz
36. bad3# gal-bi hu-mu-du3
37. hur-sag sig7-ga-gin ki sikil-la he2-bi2-mu2
38. mu nam-mah-bi-<gin7> sag-bi hu-mu-ni-in-il2
39. u6-di kalam#-ma-sze3 pa gal-le-esz he2-bi2-in-e3
40. u4 bad3# uri2#{ki}-ma mu-du3-a
41. a2# lu2 1(disz)-e 3(ban3) sze-ta
42. 2(disz)# [sila3] ninda-ta 2(disz) sila3 kasz-ta
43. 2(disz)# gin2 i3-gesz-ta
44. u4 asz-a ur5-gin7 szu ha-ba-an-ti
45. sza3 ma-da-ga2-ka i-{d}utu he2-eb2-ta-zi
46. sag-ki zalag sza3 hul2-la-ga2-ka
47. kin-bi asil-la2 ul4-le-esz he2-em-mi-til
48. [gesztu2 dagal nam-ku3-zu]-mu#-sze3 gal-bi hu-mu-du3
49. [bad3-bi {d}nanna suhusz] ma#-da# [ge-en-ge-en]
50. [mu-sze3 he2-em-mi-sa4]
51. [nig2 ak-mu]-sze3#
52. {d}nanna# lugal#-mu# hu#-mu#-hul2#-le-en#
53. u4 sza3 hul2-la bala nam-he2-a
54. ti nig2 du10 mu he2-gal2-la-ka
55. {gesz}gu-za suhusz gi-na
56. sag-e-esz ha-ma-ab-rig7-ge
RIME composite (P448412) 2220203
ak-ak-de3 does not appear in words list
sikil-be2 only appears a few times in words list
ma-da-be2-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
PAD-KU-PAD-de3 only appears a few times in words list
&P448412 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. u4 an {d}en-lil2-bi
#tr.en: When An and Enlil
2. nun da-ri2 a-a dingir-re-e-ne
#tr.en: the eternal princes, the fathers of the gods,
3. nam tar-tar-re-me-esz
#tr.en: they who decide the fates,
4. {d}nanna dumu zi-le
#tr.en: to Nanna, the good son,
5. ki ag2 e2-kur-ra-ra
5. ki-ag2 e2-kur-ra-ra
#tr.en: the beloved of the Ekur -
6. u4-szu2-usz nam-sun5-na
#tr.en: who daily, in humility,
7. szu-kin dab5-be2-da-ni-sze3
#tr.en: while prostrating himself
8. igi-bi-a al-gub-ba
#tr.en: standing before them,
9. ka ba-bi-sze3 gizzal im-szi-<ak>
#tr.en: heeds what they say
10. du11-ga-bi-sze3 mu-un-gur-e
#tr.en: and bows to their commands -
11. gu3 hul2 mu-ni-in-de2-esz
#tr.en: they spoke to him happily.
12. ad-gi4 an-ki-ka
#tr.en: The counsel of heaven and earth,
13. umusz ka-asz-bar-re {d}a-nun-na
#tr.en: the good advice and divine decisions of the Anunna gods,
14. szu-na bi2-in-gar-re-esz
#tr.en: they placed in his hands.
15. uri2{ki} ki-sur-ra dingir-re-ne gar-ra-na
#tr.en: In his city Ur, the demarcated territory of the gods,
16. bala sa6-ga su3-ra2-sze3 ak-de3
#tr.en: to exercise a good reign for the future,
17. bara2-bi sukud il2-de3
#tr.en: to raise high its dais(es),
18. kilib3 da-ga-an sag zi-gal2-la
#tr.en: and all the assembly of living beings
19. gu2-un il2-i-de3
#tr.en: to make bear tribute
20. giri3-ne2 szu-ne2 ri-e-de3
#tr.en: and set it down at his feet and his hands,
21. inim ku3 nig2 nu-kur2-ru-da-ne-ne
#tr.en: their holy word, which cannot be altered,
22. gi-ne2-sze3 bi2-in-ne-esz-am3
#tr.en: they firmly spoke.
23. u4-bi-a {d}asz-im2-babbar-re
#tr.en: At that time, Ašimbabbar,
24. esz-bar-re gal-zu dumu {d}nin-lil2-la2-ke4
#tr.en: wise as to decisions, the son of Ninlil,
25. igi an {d}en-lil2-bi-ta
#tr.en: who before An and Enlil
26. sag il2-la ul-le-esz e3-da-ni
#tr.en: in beauty had come forth head held high,
27. ma-da inim-a-ne2 te-en-te-ne
#tr.en: who soothes the land with his word,
28. sag-ge6 zi-de3-esz bi2-in-e3-a
#tr.en: who has faithfully manifested it to the Black Headed People,
29. ug3 szar2-ra-bi-sze3 arhusz bi2-in-tuku-am3
#tr.en: and has shown compassion to its numerous people,
30. iri-ni uri5{ki}-ma ama sig{ig} kur-ra
#tr.en: in his city Ur, the weak(?) mother of the land,
31. sag-ki zalag sza3 hul2-la-ni-ta
#tr.en: with his shining brow and happy heart
32. <igi> mu-un-na-szi-bar-re-en
#tr.en: he(?) looked at her(?),
33. sag-ni bi2-in-il2-la
#tr.en: and having raised his head
34. mu mah bi2-in-tuku-am3
#tr.en: he made it acquire an exalted name.
35. hur-sag a-ab-ba nam-he2-bi gu7-de3
#tr.en: Letting it have the use of the abundance of the sea and mountains
36. me3 szen kalam-ma hub2-sa-ra ak-ak-de3
#tr.en: and (as well) making it rush into war and battle in the nation,
37. sag-e-esz im-mi-in-rig7
#tr.en: he gave it as a gift.
38. sipa-gin7 zi-gal2 tum2-tum2-e-de3
#tr.en: To provide refuge for the living,
39. ma-da-bi-im szu-a gi4-gi4-de3
#tr.en: to return what was their land to their control,
40. sza3-be2 a ga2-ga2-de3 u4-bi su3-su3-u5-de3
#tr.en: to establish water therein, and (so) to prolong their lives
41. inim sikil-be2 bi2-in-tum3
#tr.en: by their word they brought him to do this.
42. nam-bi-sze3 ARAD-{d}suen
#tr.en: For this, Warad-Sîn,
43. gal-zu gesztu2 tuku-tuku nig2-gi-na ki ag2-me-en
43. gal-zu gesztu2 tuku-tuku nig2-gi-na ki-ag2-me-en
#tr.en: me, the wise one possessing intelligence, who loves what is right,
44. sza3 ama-ugu-mu-ta ku3-ge-esz gun3-a-me-en
#tr.en: me who was colored(?) in sacred fashion from the very womb of my mother,
45. nam-sipa kalam-ma-na mu-un-gar-re-en
#tr.en: he (Nanna) placed me in the position of shepherd in his land.
46. nam-si-sa2-ga2 gidri ma-an-szum2
#tr.en: For my rectitude he gave me the scepter,
47. bala hul2-la szu zi ma-ni-in-gar
#tr.en: bestowed upon me a happy reign,
48. _<ni>-szi3_ lu-lu-a-ni inim-mu-sze3 ma-ni-in-dur2
#tr.en: and made his numerous people dwell under my command.
49. e2-temen-ni2-gur3-ru gibil-gibil-de3
#tr.en: To renovate the Etemenniguru temple,
50. ur3 esz3 e2-babbar gur-re-de3
#tr.en: to thicken the base(?) of the shrine Ebabbar,
51. iri{ki} dingir ma-da-be2-e*-ne du3-u3-de3
#tr.en: to rebuild the cities of the gods of the land,
52. DA DU8 szub-ba-bi PAD-KU-PAD-de3
#tr.en: to ... their fallen ...
53. gesz-hur libir sukud ili2-de3
#tr.en: to raise high the old divine plans,
54. szu-luh ha-lam-ma-bi ki-be2 gi4-gi4-de3
#tr.en: to restore their forgotten lustration rites,
55. {d}nanna en me an-ki szu du7
#tr.en: Nanna, the lord who perfects the divine attributes of heaen and earth,
56. nam ni2-tuku-mu-sze3 a2-bi hu-mu-da-<<ki>>-ag2
#tr.en: because of my reverence he ordered me to do this.
57. ad-gi4-a-mu ki-bi-sze3 nig2 sag-bi-sze3 e3-a
#tr.en: My counsel for that(?) is a superior thing,
58. en3-tar galam-ma-mu nig2 sag2 nu-di-dam
#tr.en: my skillful care is a thing that cannot be disrupted.
59. a-ra2 nam-lugal-la-ga2 ug3-ga2 zu-zu-de3
#tr.en: About lettiing my people know the ways of my kingship
60. nam-gal nam-mah-ga2 u4 da-ri2-sze3 gal2-le-de3
#tr.en: about making my greatness and majesty exist forever,
61. uri5{ki} dagal-e-de3
#tr.en: about widening Ur,
62. ki-sa2-a-bi szu pesz11-e-de3
#tr.en: expanding its platform,
63. diri nig2 u4-bi-ta-ka
#tr.en: and greater than previously
64. ki-gar-bi gu-ul-[lu]-de3
#tr.en: enlarging its grounds,
65. en3 u3-bi2-tar egir-[a-ni] bi2-zukum
#tr.en: after I had inquired about these (things), I trod after him
66. sun5-na-bi u3-gul2 mu-[na]-ni-in-gar
#tr.en: and humbly I addressed pleas to him.
67. {d}nanna lugal-<mu> mu-szi-in-sze
#tr.en: Nanna, my master, was agreeable to me.
68. nam-ti-mu-sze3 u# nam-ti
#tr.en: For my life and the life
69. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk a-a tu-da-ga2-ke4
#tr.en: of Kudur-mabuk, the father who begot me -
70. iri kur nam-ti-la ki he2-gal2-la-ka
#tr.en: the city, the mountain of life and place of abundance,
71. ki-tusz kilib3-gal2 dingir-re-e-ne-ke4
#tr.en: the residence and assembly (place) of the gods,
72. nam-bi mu-un-tar-re-sza?
#tr.en: whose destiny they (the gods) having decided,
73. mu-ni-gin7 diri-ga
#tr.en: whose name is surpassing,
74. sag an-e us2-sa
#tr.en: with top reaching the heavens,
75. a2-bi szu-ta kin en3-tar gar-ra
#tr.en: whose arms seek with the hands the put inquiries,
76. an-dul3 dagal-la-ni kur kalam-ma dul
#tr.en: whose wide shadow covers foreign land as well as the nation,
77. ur2 du10-ga-ni-ta ug3 sag-ge6-ga
#tr.en: from whose good base the Black Headed People
78. mu-un-lu2-lu2 nam-ti kar-kar-re-mesz
#tr.en: he has multiplied, those who betake their lives (there) -
79. bad3-bi du3-u3-de3 szu-ga2 im-mi-gar
#tr.en: the building of its wall he placed in my hands.
80. muru4-ba iti 5(disz)-am3 ba-ra-ab-zal
#tr.en: In the middle of that, five months had not elapsed
81. szeg12-bi hu-mu-du8
#tr.en: when I had baked its bricks.
82. bad3 gal-bi hu-mu-til
#tr.en: I finished that great wall
83. bad3-si-bi hu-mu-il2
#tr.en: and raised up its parapets.
84. hur-sag sig7-ga-gin7 ki sikil-la he2-bi2-mu2
#tr.en: Like a verdant mountain range I made it grow on a pure place.
85. sukud-ra2-bi he2-bi2-diri su-lim he2-bi2-du8-du8
#tr.en: Its height I made surpassing and set free its awesome radiance.
86. mu nam-mah-bi-gin7 sag-bi hu-mu-ni-in-il2
#tr.en: Commensurate with its name and greatness I raised up its top.
87. u6-di kalam-ma-sze3
#tr.en: As a marvel of the nation
88. pa gal-le-esz he2-bi2-in-e3
#tr.en: I made it grandly resplendent.
89. uru4-ba temen nam-lugal-la-ga2
#tr.en: In its foundations, for the foundation documents of my kingship
90. ki he2-em-ma-ni-in-pa3
#tr.en: I sought out the place.
91. abul-la-ba sag he2-bi2-il2
#tr.en: I raised the top of its main gate.
92. eg2{eg} sur-ra-ba hu-mu-kal
#tr.en: I strengthened its demarcating levee,
93. szeg12-bi hu-mu-da
#tr.en: circled it with bricks,
94. _hi-ri2-tum_-bi hu-mu-ba-al
#tr.en: and dug its moat.
95. _ma-du-um_-bi hu-mu-dub
#tr.en: I heaped up its ...
96. u4 bad3 uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: When the wall of Ur
97. mu-du3-a
#tr.en: I built,
98. a2 lu2 1(disz)-e 3(ban3) sze-ta
#tr.en: the wages for one man were: 3 ban barley,
99. 2(disz) sila3 ninda-ta 2(disz) sila3 kasz-ta 2(disz) gin2 i3-gesz-ta
#tr.en: 2 sila bread, 2 sila beer, 2 shekels oil,
100. u4 asz-a ur5-gin7 szu ha-ba-an-ti
#tr.en: in one day a man received thus.
101. sza3 ma-da-ga2-ka
#tr.en: From the midst of my land
102. i-{d}utu he2-eb2-ta-zi
#tr.en: I removed (cause for) complaint.
103. sag-ki zalag sza3 hul2-la-ga2-ka
#tr.en: With my shining brow and happy heart
104. kin-bi asil-la2-a ul4-le-<<de3>>-esz he2-em-mi-til
#tr.en: I finished this work quickly and joyfully.
105. gesztu2 dagal nam-ku3-zu-mu-ta gal-bi <he2>-em-mi-kin
#tr.en: With my wide intelligence and wisdom I did the work in grand fashion.
106. bad3-ba {d}nanna suhusz ma-da ge-en-ge-en
#tr.en: That wall: Nanna Makes Firm the Foundations of the Land
107. mu-sze3 he2-em-mi-sa4
#tr.en: I named it.
108. nig2 ak-mu-sze3 {d}nanna lugal-mu hu-mu-hul2-le-en
#tr.en: For my deeds, O Nanna my master, may you rejoice over me,
109. u4 sza3 hul2-la bala nam-<he2>-a
#tr.en: and may days of happiness, a reign of abundance,
110. nam nu-kam2-me mu he2-gal2-la-ka
#tr.en: a fate which cannot be overturned(?), years of plenty,
111. gesz-szub ti nig2 du10 ha-la nam-lugal-la
#tr.en: a good life as (my) lot and kingship as (my) portion,
112. sag-e-esz ha-ma-ab-rig7-ge
#tr.en: be presented to me.
113. nam-sipa-mu nibru{ki}-a uri5{ki} larsa{ki}-bi
#tr.en: May my shepherdship in Nippur, Ur, and Larsa
114. su3-ud-sze3 nam-ba-kur2-ru
#tr.en: never ever be altered.
115. nun ki ag2 {d}nanna {d}nin-gal-bi he2-em
115. nun ki-ag2 {d}nanna {d}nin-gal-bi he2-em
#tr.en: May I be the prince beloved of Nanna and Ningal.
116. u4-mu he2-su3-su3-ud
#tr.en: May my days be long.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431750) 2220204
ak-ak-de3 does not appear in words list
ma-da-be2-ke4-ne only appears a few times in words list
DA-GABA only appears a few times in words list
SZUKU-KU-SZUKU-de3 only appears a few times in words list
gu-lu-x-de3 only appears a few times in words list
&P431750 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object barrel
@surface a
1. u4 an {d}en-lil2-bi
2. nun da-ri2 a-a dingir-re-e-ne
3. nam tar-tar-re-me-esz
4. {d}nanna dumu zi-le
5. ki ag2 e2-kur-ra-ra
5. ki-ag2 e2-kur-ra-ra
6. u4-szu2-usz nam-sun5-na
7. szu-kin dab5-be2-da-ni-sze3
8. igi-bi-a al-gub-ba
9. ka ba-bi-sze3 gizzal im-szi-<ak>
10. du11-ga-bi-sze3 mu-un-gur-e
11. gu3 hul2 mu-ni-in-de2-esz
12. ad-gi4 an-ki-ka
13. umusz ka-asz-bar-re {d}a-nun-na
14. szu-na bi2-in-gar-re-esz
15. uri2{ki} ki-sur-ra dingir-re-ne gar-ra-na
16. bala sa6-ga su3-ra2-sze3 ak-de3
17. bara2-bi sukud il2-de3
18. kilib3 da-ga-an sag zi-gal2-la
19. gu2-un il2-i-de3
20. giri3-ne2 szu-ne2 ri-e-de3
21. inim# ku3 nig2 nu-kur2-ru-da-ne-ne
22. gi-ne2-sze3 bi2-in-ne-esz-am3
23. u4-bi-a {d}asz-im2-babbar-re
24. esz-bar-re gal-zu dumu {d}nin-lil2-la2-ke4
25. igi an {d}en-lil2-bi-ta
26. sag il2-la ul-le-esz e3-da-ni
27. ma-da inim-a-ne2 te-en-te-ne
28. sag-ge6 zi-de3-esz bi2-in-e3-a
29. ug3 szar2-ra-bi-sze3 arhusz bi2-in-tuku-am3
30. iri-ni uri5{ki}-ma ama sig{ig} kur-ra
31. sag-ki zalag sza3 hul2-la-ni-ta
32. mu-un-na-szi-bar-re-en
33. sag-ni# bi2#-in-il2-la
34. mu mah bi2-in-tuku-am3
35. hur-sag a-ab-ba nam-he2-bi gu7-de3
36. me3 szen kalam-ma hub2-sa-ra ak-ak-de3
37. sag-e-esz im-mi-in-rig7
38. sipa-gin7 zi#-gal2 tum2-tum2-e-de3
39. ma-da-bi-im szu-a gi4-gi4-de3
40. sza3-be2 a ga2-ga2-de3 u4-bi su3-su3-u5-de3
41. inim sikil-bi bi2-in-tum3
42. nam-bi-sze3 ARAD-{d}suen
43. gal-zu gesztu2 tuku-tuku nig2-gi-na ki ag2-me-en
43. gal-zu gesztu2 tuku-tuku nig2-gi-na ki-ag2-me-en
44. sza3 ama-ugu-mu-ta ku3-ge-esz gun3-a-me-en
45. nam-sipa kalam-ma-na mu-un-gar-re-en
46. nam-si-sa2-ga2 gidri ma-an-szum2
47. bala hul2-la szu-zi ma-ni-in-gar
48. _<ni>-szi3_ lu-lu-a-ni inim-mu-sze3 ma-ni-in-dur2
49. e2-temen-ni2-gur3-ru gibil-gibil-de3
50. ur3 esz3 e2-babbar gur-re-de3
51. iri{ki} dingir ma-da-be2-ke4-ne du3-u3-de3
52. DA-GABA szub-ba-bi SZUKU-KU-SZUKU-de3
53. gesz-hur libir sukud ili2-de3
54. szu-luh ha-lam-ma-bi ki-be2 gi4-gi4-de3
55. {d}nanna en me an-ki szu du7
56. nam ni2-tuku-mu-sze3 a2-bi hu-mu-da-<<ki>>-ag2
57. ad-gi4-a-mu ki-bi-sze3 nig2 sag-bi-sze3 e3-a
58. en3-tar galam-ma-mu nig2 sag2 nu-di-dam
59. a-ra2 nam-lugal-la-ga2 ug3-ga2 zu-zu-de3
60. nam-gal nam-mah-ga2 u4 da-ri2-sze3 gal2-le-de3
61. uri5{ki} dagal-e-de3
62. ki-sa2-a-bi szu pesz11-e-de3
63. diri nig2 u4-bi-ta-ka
64. ki-gar-bi gu-lu-[x]-de3
65. en3 u3-bi2-tar egir-[a-ni] bi2#-zukum
66. sun5-na-bi u3-gul2 mu#-[na]-ni#-in-gar
67. {d}nanna lugal-<mu> mu-szi-in#-sze
68. nam-ti-mu-sze3 u3# nam-ti
69. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk a-a tu-da#-ga2-ke4
70. iri kur nam-ti-la# ki# he2-gal2-la-ka
71. ki-tusz kilib3-gal2 dingir-re-e-ne-ke4
72. nam-bi mu-un-tar-re#-sza#?
73. mu-ni-gin7 diri-ga
74. sag an-e us2-sa
75. a2-bi szu-ta kin en3-tar gar-ra
76. an-dul3 dagal-la-ni kur kalam-ma dul
77. ur2 du10-ga-ni-ta ug3 sag-ge6-ga
78. mu-un-lu2-lu2 nam-ti kar-kar-re-mesz
79. bad3-bi du3-u3-de3 szu-ga2 im-mi-gar
80. muru4-ba iti 5(disz)-am3 ba-ra-ab-zal
81. szeg12-bi hu-mu-du8
82. bad3 gal-bi hu-mu-til
83. bad3-si-bi hu-mu-il2
84. hur-sag sig7-ga-gin7 ki sikil-la he2-bi2-mu2
85. sukud-ra2-bi he2-bi2-diri su-lim he2-bi2-du8-du8
86. mu nam-mah-bi-gin7 sag-bi hu-mu-ni-in-il2
87. u6-di kalam-ma-sze3
88. pa gal-le-esz he2-bi2-in-e3
89. uru4-ba temen nam-lugal-la-ga2
90. ki he2-em-ma-ni-in-pa3
91. abul-la-ba sag he2-bi2-il2
92. eg2{eg} sur-ra-ba hu-mu-kal
93. szeg12-bi hu-mu-da
94. _hi-ri2-tum_-bi hu-mu-ba-al
95. _ma-du-um_-bi hu-mu-dub
96. u4 bad3 uri5{ki}-ma
97. mu-du3-a
98. a2 lu2 1(disz)-e 3(ban3) sze#-ta
99. 2(disz) sila3 ninda-ta 2(disz) sila3 kasz-ta 2(disz) gin2 i3-gesz-ta
100. u4 asz-a ur5-gin7 szu ha-ba-an-ti
101. sza3 ma-da-ga2-ka
102. i-{d}utu he2-eb2-ta-zi
103. sag-ki zalag sza3 hul2-la-ga2-ka
104. kin-bi asil-la2-a ul4-le-<<de3>>-esz he2-em-mi-til
105. gesztu2 dagal nam-ku3-zu-mu-ta gal-bi <he2>-em-mi-kin
106. bad3-ba {d}nanna suhusz ma-da ge-en-ge-en
107. mu-sze3 he2-em-mi-sa4
108. nig2 ak-mu-sze3 {d}nanna lugal-mu hu-mu-hul2-le-en
109. u4 sza3 hul2-la bala nam-<he2>-a
110. nam nu-kam2-me mu he2-gal2-la-ka
111. gesz-szub ti nig2 du10 ha-la nam-lugal-la
112. sag-e-esz ha-ma-ab-rig7-ge
113. nam-sipa-mu nibru{ki}-a uri5{ki} larsa{ki}-bi
114. su3-ud-sze3 nam-ba-kur2-ru
115. nun ki ag2 {d}nanna {d}nin-gal-bi he2-em
115. nun ki-ag2 {d}nanna {d}nin-gal-bi he2-em
116. u4-mu he2-su3-su3-ud
RIME composite (P448414) 2220205
{d}utu-be2 only appears a few times in words list
&P448414 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite text
@surface a
1. {d}nergal
#tr.en: For Nergal,
2. en ir9 kur a2-gal2
#tr.en: mighty lord of the netherworld, strong one,
3. dumu-sag {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: first-born son of Enlil,
4. lugal-mu-ur2
#tr.en: my master,
5. ARAD2-{d}suen
#tr.en: I, Warad-Sîn,
6. sag-en3-tar e2-babbar-ra
#tr.en: who takes care of the Ebabbar temple,
7. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provier of Ur,
8. {d}en-lil2-le gar-ra
#tr.en: put in place by Enlil,
9. {d}nanna {d}utu-be2 ki ag2
9. {d}nanna {d}utu-be2 ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved by Nanna and Utu,
10. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa
11. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
12. dumu ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
#tr.en: son of Kudur-mabuk
13. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la
#tr.en: and father of Emutbala,
14. lu2 szu gar e2-babbar-ra-ke4
#tr.en: a man who a favor for the Ebabbar
15. bi2-in-gi4-a
#tr.en: did repay,
16. sun5-sun5-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne-er
#tr.en: who most humbly before the great gods
17. zi ti-le-ni-sze3 gub-ba-me-en
#tr.en: stands serving for his life's sake,
18. {d}nergal
#tr.en: (for) Nergal,
19. nam [(x)] x-ni-ta
#tr.en: through his ...
20. a2-dah {gesz}tukul-la-ga2
#tr.en: the helper of my weapon,
21. nam-ga-me-esz3 ak-da-ga2
#tr.en: in my having established a colleague status (with him),
22. e2 libir-ra-ka-ni
#tr.en: his old temple
23. e2 ku3-ga ki-tusz sza3 du10-ga-na
#tr.en: the sacred temple and residence which gladdens his heart,
24. nam-ti-mu-sze3
#tr.en: for my life
25. u3 nam-ti
#tr.en: and the life
26. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
#tr.en: of Kudur-mabuk,
27. a-a ugu-ga2-sze3
#tr.en: the father who begot me,
28. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: I built for him.
29. hur-sag su3-ra2-gin7
#tr.en: like a distant mountain range
30. u6-di ug3 szar2-ra-ba he2-bi2-gub
#tr.en: I made it stand as a marvel to the numerous people.
31. nig2 ak-ak-da-ga2
#tr.en: For the things I have done
32. {d}nergal dingir-mu
#tr.en: may Nergal my god
33. hu-mu-hul2-le
#tr.en: rejoice over me.
34. nam-tar nam-ti-la
#tr.en: A fate of life,
35. bala su3-ra2
#tr.en: a long reign,
36. {gesz}gu-za gi-na
#tr.en: and a secure throne
37. sag-e-esz ha-ma-ab-rig7
#tr.en: may he present to me.
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431762) 2220206
gar!(BUR)-ra only appears a few times in words list
gar!(BUR) only appears a few times in signs list
&P431762 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}nergal#
2. en ir9 kur a2-gal2
3. dumu-sag {d}en-lil2-la2
4. lugal-mu-ur2
5. ARAD2-{d}suen
6. sag-en3-tar e2-babbar-ra
7. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
8. {d}en-lil2-le gar!(BUR)-ra
9. {d}nanna {d}utu-bi ki ag2
9. {d}nanna {d}utu-bi ki-ag2
10. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
11. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
12. dumu ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
13. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la
14. lu2 szu gar e2-babbar-ra-ke4
15. bi2-in-gi4-a
16. sun5-sun5-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne-er
17. [zi] ti#-le-ni-sze3 gub-ba-me-en
# dividing ruling in copy is not on the original
18. {[d]}nergal#
@column 2
1. [nam (x) x-ni-ta]
2. [a2-dah {gesz}tukul-la-ga2]
3. nam-ga-me-esz3 ak-da-ga2#
4. e2 libir-ra-ka-ni
5. e2 ku3-ga ki-tusz sza3 du10-ga-na
6. nam-ti-mu-sze3
7. u3 nam-ti
8. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
9. a-a ugu-ga2-sze3
10. mu-na-du3
11. hur-sag su3-ra2-gin7
12. u6-di ug3 szar2-ra-ba he2-bi2-gub
13. nig2 ak-ak-da-ga2
14. {d}nergal dingir-mu
15. hu-mu-hul2-le
16. nam-tar nam-ti-[la]
17. bala su3-[ra2]
18. {gesz}gu-za gi#-[na]
19. sag-e-esz ha-ma-ab-rig7
RIME, ex. 03 (P431763) 2220207
ha-ma-ab-rig7-ga only appears a few times in words list
&P431763 = RIME, ex. 03
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. [{d}]nergal#
2. [en ARAD2 kur] a2#-gal2
3. [dumu-sag {d}]en#-lil2-la2
4. lugal#-mu-ur2
5. [ARAD2]-{d#}suen
6. sag#-en3#-tar kur e2-babbar-ra
7. [u2-a] uri5{ki}-ma
8. [{d}]en#-lil2 gar-ra
9. [{d}]nanna# {d}utu-bi ki ag2
9. [{d}]nanna# {d}utu-bi ki-ag2
10. lugal# larsa{ki}-ma
11. lugal# ki-en-gi ki-uri
12. dumu# ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
13. ad#-da e-mu-ut-ba-la
14. lu2 szu gar e2-babbar-ra-ke4
15. bi2-in-gi4-a
16. sun5-sun5-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne-er
17. [zi] ti#-le-ni-sze3 gub-ba-me-en
18. [{d}]nergal#
19.a. nam# x x-ni#-ta#
19.b. a2-dah {gesz}tukul-la-ga2
20. nam#-ga#-me-esz3 ak-da-ga2
21. [e2] libir-ra-ka-ni
22. e2# ku3-ga ki-tusz sza3 du10-ga-na
23. nam#-ti-mu-sze3
24. u3# nam-ti
25. [ku]-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
26. [a-a] ugu-ga2-sze3
27. mu#-na-du3
28. [hur]-sag# su3#-ra2-gin7
29. [u6-di] ug3# szar2#-ra#-ba# he2-bi2-gub
30. [nig2] ak#-ak-da#-ga2
31. [{d}]nergal# dingir-mu
32. [hu-mu]-hul2#-le
33. nam-tar nam-ti-[la]
34. bala su3-[ra2]
35. [{gesz}gu-za] gi-na
36. [sag-e-esz] ha#-ma#-ab-rig7-ga
RIME composite (P448426) 2220208
&P448426 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}inanna nin gu2-sag
#tr.en: For Inanna, the mistress of everything,
2. me kilib3-ba du10 gal2
#tr.en: who makes good(?) all the divine powers,
3. a2-ag2-ga2 kalam szu dab5-be2
#tr.en: who holds in her hands the (divine) instructions of the nation,
4. dumu gal {d}suen-na
#tr.en: the great daughter of Sīn,
5. nin-a-ne-ne-er
#tr.en: their mistress,
6. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
#tr.en: Kudur-mabuk,
7. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la
#tr.en: the father of Emutbala
8. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak
#tr.en: and son of Simti-šilḫak,
9. u3 ri-im-{d}suen dumu-ni
#tr.en: and Rīm-Sîn his son,
10. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki}
#tr.en: the prince who reveres Nippur,
11. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa
13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad -
14. e2-me-ur4-ur4
#tr.en: the Temple That Gathers the Divine Powers,
15. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
15. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: her beloved residence,
16. nam-ti-la-ne-ne-sze3
#tr.en: for their lives
17. mu-na-du3-usz
#tr.en: they built for her.
18. sag-bi mu-ni-in-il2-isz
#tr.en: They raised up its top there
19. hur-sag-gin7 bi2-in-mu2-usz
#tr.en: and made it grow like a mountain range.
20. nam-bi-sze3
#tr.en: Because of this,
21. {d}inanna nin an-ki-ke4
#tr.en: Inanna, the queen of heaven and earth,
22. u3-mu-ne-hul2
#tr.en: may she rejoice at them,
23. nam-ti u4 mah-ba
#tr.en: and lives with exalted days,
24. mu su13-ra2 bala gi-na
#tr.en: long years, a secure reign,
25. gu3 kalam tesz2-a se3-ke
#tr.en: the unifying of the nation
26. nam-lugal du-ri2-sze3 ak-de3
#tr.en: and the exercising of the kingship forever
27. mu-ru-ub dingir gal-gal-e-ne-ta
#tr.en: from the midst of all the great gods
28. nam he2-en-ne-eb2-tar-re
#tr.en: may she determine as destiny for them.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431778) 2220209
&P431778 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object canephor
@surface a
1. {d}inanna nin gu2-sag
2. me kilib3-ba du10 gal2
3. a2-ag2-ga2 kalam szu dab5-be2
4. dumu gal {d}suen-na
5. nin-a-ne-ne-er
6. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
7. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la
8. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak
9. u3 ri-im-{d}suen dumu-ni
10. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki}
11. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
14. e2-me-ur4-ur4
15. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
15. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
16. nam-ti-la-ne-ne-sze3
17. mu-na-du3-usz
18. sag-bi mu-ni-in-il2-isz
19. hur-sag-gin7 bi2-in-mu2-usz
20. nam-bi-sze3
21. {d}inanna nin an-ki-ke4
22. u3-mu-ne-hul2
23. nam-ti u4 mah-ba
24. mu su13-ra2 bala gi-na
25. gu3 kalam tesz2-a se3-ke
26. nam-lugal du-ri2-sze3 ak-de3
27. mu-ru-ub dingir gal-gal-e-ne-ta
28. nam he2-en-ne-eb2-tar-re
RIME, ex. 02 (P371189) 2220210
&P371189 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
@object canephor
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}inanna nin gu2#-sag
2. me kilib3-ba [du10] gal2
3. a2-ag2-ga2 kalam szu dab5-be2
4. dumu gal {d}suen-na
5. nin#-a-ne-ne-er
6. [ku]-du#-ur-ma-bu-uk
7. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la
8. dumu si-im-ti-szi#-il#-ha-ak
9. u3 ri-im-{d}suen dumu-ni
10. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki}
11. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
14. e2-me-ur4-ur4
15. ki-tusz ki# ag2-ga2#-ni
15. ki-tusz ki#-ag2-ga2#-ni
@column 2
1. nam-ti-la-ne-ne-sze3#
2. mu-na-du3-usz
3. sag-bi mu-ni-in-il2-isz
4. hur-sag-gin7 bi2-in-mu2-usz#
5. nam-bi-[sze3]
6. {d}inanna nin an-ki-[ke4]
7. u3-mu-ne-[hul2]
8. nam-ti u4 mah#-[ba]
9. mu su13-ra2 [bala gi-na]
10. gu3 kalam tesz2#-a [se3-ke]
11. nam-lugal [du]-ri2#-[sze3] ak-de3#
12. mu-ru-ub dingir# [gal-gal]-e-ne-ta#
13. nam he2-en-ne-eb2-tar-re
RIME composite (P448427) 2220211
e2-sza3-hul2-la only appears a few times in words list
&P448427 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}na-na-a
#tr.en: For Nanaia,
2. nin hi-li sze-er-ka-an di
#tr.en: lady adorned with allure,
3. nam-sa6-ga-ni gal diri
#tr.en: whose beauty is surpassingly great,
4. dumu zi-le an gal-la
#tr.en: the good daughter of great An,
5. nin-a-ne-ne-er
#tr.en: their mistress -
6. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
#tr.en: Kudur-mabuk,
7. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la
#tr.en: father of Emutbala
8. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak
#tr.en: and son of Simti-šilḫak,
9. u3 ri-im-{d}suen dumu-ni
#tr.en: also Rīm-Sîn his son,
10. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki}
#tr.en: the prince who reveres Nippur,
11. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa
13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
14. e2-sza3-hul2-la
#tr.en: the Temple That Gladdens the Heart,
15. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
15. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: her beloved residence,
16. nam-ti-la-ne-ne-sze3
#tr.en: for their lives
17. mu-na-du3-usz
#tr.en: they built for her.
18. sag-bi mu-ni-in-il2-isz
#tr.en: Its top they raised up high there
19. hur-sag-gin7 bi2-in-mu2-usz
#tr.en: and like a mountain range they made it grow.
20. ur5-sze3-am3
#tr.en: For this,
21. {d}na-na-a
#tr.en: may Nanaia,
22. nin {d}lamma-ke4
#tr.en: queen of the female guardian angels,
23. u3-mu-ne-hul2
#tr.en: rejoice at them,
24. nam-lugal sza3 hul2-la
#tr.en: and a kingship of happiness,
25. bala nam-sa6-ga
#tr.en: a reign of goodness,
26. {d}lamma szu-a gi4-gi4
#tr.en: and a responsive(?) guardian angel
27. ki an {d}inanna-ta
#tr.en: from An and Inanna
28. al hu-mu-un-ne-de3-be2
#tr.en: may she request from them.
RIME, ex. 01 (P371188) 2220212
&P371188 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object canephor
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}na-na-a
2. nin hi-li sze-er-ka-an di
3. nam-sa6-ga-ni gal diri
4. dumu zi-le an gal-la
5. nin-a-ne-ne-er
6. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
7. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la
8. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak
9. u3 ri-im-{d}suen dumu-ni
10. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki}
11. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
14. e2 sza3 hul2-la
15. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
15. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
@column 2
1. nam-ti-la-ne-ne-sze3
2. mu-na-du3-usz
3. sag-bi mu-ni-in-il2-isz
4. hur-sag-gin7 bi2-in-mu2-usz
5. ur5-sze3-am3
6. {d}na-na-a
7. nin {d}lamma-ke4
8. u3-mu-ne-hul2
9. nam-lugal sza3 hul2-la
10. bala nam-sa6-ga
11. {d}lamma szu-a gi4-gi4
12. ki an {d}inanna-ta
13. al hu-mu-un-ne-de3-be2
RIME, ex. 02 (P386352) 2220213
mu-ni-in-il2-i-isz only appears a few times in words list
&P386352 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}na-na-a
2. nin hi-li sze-er-ka-an di
3. nam-sa6-ga-ni gal diri
4. dumu zi-le an gal-la
5. nin-a-ne-ne-er
6. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
7. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la
8. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak
9. u3 ri-im-{d}suen dumu-ni
10. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki}
11. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
14. e2 sza3 hul2-la
1. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
1. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
2. nam-ti-la-ne-ne-sze3
3. mu-na-du3-usz
4. sag-bi mu-ni-in-il2-i-isz
5. hur-sag-gin7 bi2-in-mu2-usz
6. ur5-sze3-am3
7. {d}na-na-a
8. nin {d}lamma-ke4
9. u3-mu-ne-hul2
10. nam-lugal sza3 hul2-la
11. bala nam-sa6-ga
12. {d}lamma szu-a gi4-gi4
13. ki an {d}inanna-ta
14. al hu-mu-un-ne-de3-eb2-be2
RIME, ex. 04 (P368694) 2220214
&P368694 = RIME, ex. 04
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}na-na-a
2. nin hi-li sze-er-ka-an di
3. nam-sa6-ga-ni gal diri
4. dumu zi-le an gal-la
5. nin-a-ne-ne-er
6. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
7. ad-da e-mu-ut-ba-la
8. dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak
9. u3 ri-im-{d}suen dumu-ni
10. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki}
11. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
13. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
14. e2 sza3 hul2-la
1. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
1. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
2. nam-ti-la-ne-ne-sze3
3. mu-na-du3-usz
4. sag-bi mu-ni-in-il2-isz
5. hur-sag-gin7 bi2-in-mu2-usz
6. ur5-sze3-am3
7. {d}na-na-a
8. nin {d}lamma-ke4
9. u3-mu-ne-hul2
10. nam-lugal sza3 hul2-la
11. bala nam-sa6-ga
12. {d}lamma szu-a gi4-gi4
13. ki an {d}inanna-ta
14. al hu-mu-un-ne-de3-eb2-be2
RIME composite (P448428) 2220215
he2-ni-in-sza2-szar2 only appears a few times in words list
&P448428 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}dumu-zi
#tr.en: For Dumuzi,
2. en siskur2
#tr.en: lord of offerings,
3. gidlam2 ki ag2 {d}inanna
3. gidlam2 ki-ag2 {d}inanna
#tr.en: beloved spouse of Inanna,
4. sipa edin dagal-la
#tr.en: shepherd who in the broad steppe
5. tum2-tum2-e he2-du7
#tr.en: is fit to bring in (all the animals),
6. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
7. ri-im-{d}suen
#tr.en: Rīm-Sîn,
8. nita ni2-tuku nibru{ki}
#tr.en: a man who reveres Nippur,
9. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
10. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa
11. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
12. e2-i3-gara2-su3
#tr.en: the Temple Filled with Fat and Cream,
13. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
13. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved residence
14. tusz-a-ni-sze3 tum2-ma
#tr.en: which is suitable for his habitation,
15. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: for his life
16. u3 nam-ti
#tr.en: and the life
17. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
#tr.en: of Kudur-mabuk,
18. a-a ugu-na-sze3
#tr.en: the father who begot him,
19. u4 ul-sze3 mu-du3
#tr.en: he built for future days.
20. ur5-sze3-am3
#tr.en: For this,
21. {d}dumu-zi lugal-a-ni
#tr.en: may Dumuzi his master,
22. u3-mu-un-szi-hul2
#tr.en: when he has rejoiced over him,
23. tur3 amasz-a
#tr.en: in the cattle pens and sheepfolds
24. gu4 udu he2-ni-in-sza2-szar2
#tr.en: multiply the cattle and sheep.
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431790) 2220216
he2-ni-in-sza2-szar2 only appears a few times in words list
&P431790 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}dumu-zi
2. en siskur2
3. gidlam2 ki ag2 {d}inanna
3. gidlam2 ki-ag2 {d}inanna
4. sipa edin dagal-la
5. tum2-tum2-e he2-du7
6. lugal-a-ni-ir
7. ri-im-{d}suen
8. nita ni2-tuku nibru{ki}
9. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
10. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
11. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
12. e2-i3-gara2-su3
13. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
13. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
14. tusz-a-ni-sze3 tum2-ma
15. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
16. u3 nam-ti
17. ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk
18. a-a ugu-na-sze3
19. u4 ul-sze3 mu-du3
20. ur5-sze3-am3
21. {d}dumu-zi lugal-a-ni
22. u3-mu-un-szi-hul2
23. tur3 amasz-a
24. gu4 udu he2-ni-in-sza2-szar2
RIME composite (P448430) 2220217
&P448430 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}en-ki
#tr.en: For Enki,
2. en nam gal tar-tar-re
#tr.en: the lord who determines the great destinies,
3. a2 kilib3-ba ag2-e
#tr.en: who issues all the instructions,
4. gal-zu en sa2-gar
#tr.en: the all-knowing one, lord, counselor
5. dingir gal-gal-e-ne-er
#tr.en: of the great gods,
6. umusz galga szum2-mu
#tr.en: who provides good counsel and understanding,
7. nun gal du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me-dam
#tr.en: great prince whose pronouncements cannot be altered,
8. inim-ma-ni u18-ru
#tr.en: whose word is powerful,
9. he2-gal2 szar2-re
#tr.en: who multiplies abundance,
10. ug3-a asilax(|EZEMxX|) si-si
#tr.en: who fills the people with joy
11. zi-gal2-la-asz ha-la szum2-mu
#tr.en: and apportions the shares to living beings,
12. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master -
13. ri-im-{d}suen
#tr.en: Rīm-Sîn,
14. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki}
#tr.en: the prince who reveres Nippur,
15. u2-a uri2{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
16. sag-en3-tar
#tr.en: who cares for
17. gir2-su{ki} ki-lagasz{ki}-a
#tr.en: Girsu and the whole area of Lagaš,
18. me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7
#tr.en: who makes perfect the divine powers and plans of Eridu,
19. e2-babbar-da ni2-te-ge26
#tr.en: who shows fear of the Ebabbar,
20. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa
21. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
22. lu2 e2 dingir-re-e-ne szu gibil bi2-in-ak
#tr.en: the man who renovated the temples of the gods,
23. gesz-hur szu-luh gal-bi szu im-mi-in-du7-a
#tr.en: who, having correctly performed their great divine plans and lustration rites,
24. nam-szita a-ra-zu-e u4-szu2-usz-e gub-ba
#tr.en: daily stands serving at the šita and arazu prayers -
25. e2-gesztu2-szu-du7
#tr.en: the Temple Which Perfects Understanding,
26. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
26. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved residence,
27. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
28. diri u4-bi-ta-sze3
#tr.en: More than previously
29. e2-szu-se3-ga-bi mu-dagal
#tr.en: he expanded the Ešusega house,
30. sag-bi im-mi-in-il2
#tr.en: raised up its top,
31. hur-sag-gin7 bi2-in-mu2
#tr.en: and made it grow like a mountain range.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431793) 2220218
&P431793 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object canephor
@surface a
1. {d}en-ki
2. en nam gal tar-tar-re
3. a2 kilib3-ba ag2-e
4. gal-zu en sa2-gar
5. dingir gal-gal-e-ne-er
6. umusz galga szum2-mu
7. nun gal du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me-dam
8. inim-ma-ni u18-ru
9. he2-gal2 szar2-re
10. ug3-a asilax(|EZEMxX|) si-si
11. zi-gal2-la-asz ha-la szum2-mu
12. lugal-a-ni-ir
13. ri-im-{d}suen
14. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki}
15. u2-a uri2{ki}-ma
16. sag-en3-tar
17. gir2-su{ki} ki-lagasz{ki}-a
18. me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7
19. e2-babbar-da ni2-te-ge26
20. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
21. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
22. lu2 e2 dingir-re-e-ne szu gibil bi2-in-ak
23. gesz-hur szu-luh gal-bi szu im-mi-in-du7-a
24. nam-szita a-ra-zu-e u4-szu2-usz-e gub-ba
25. e2-gesztu2-szu-du7
26. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
26. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
27. mu-na-du3
28. diri u4-bi-ta-sze3
29. e2-szu-se3-ga-bi mu-dagal
30. sag-bi im-mi-in-il2
31. hur-sag-gin7 bi2-in-mu2
RIME, ex. 02 (P431794) 2220219
&P431794 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}en-ki
2. en nam gal tar-tar-re
3. a2 kilib3-ba ag2-e
4. gal-zu en sa2-gar
5. dingir gal-gal-e-ne-er
6. umusz galga szum2-mu
7. nun gal du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me-dam
8. inim-ma-ni u18-ru
9. he2-gal2 szar2-re
10. ug3-a asilax(|EZEMxX|) si-si
11. zi-gal2-la-asz ha-la szum2-mu
12. lugal-a-ni-ir
13. ri-im-{d}suen
14. nun ni2-tuku nibru{ki}
15. u2-a uri2{ki}-ma
16. sag-en3-tar
1. gir2-su{ki} ki-lagasz{ki}-a
2. me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7
3. e2-babbar-da ni2-te-ge26
4. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
5. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
6. lu2 e2 dingir-re-e-ne szu gibil bi2-in-ak
7. gesz-hur szu-luh gal-bi szu im-mi-in-du7-a
8. nam-szita a-ra-zu-e u4-szu2-usz-e gub-ba
9. e2-gesztu2-szu-du7
10. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
10. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
11. mu-na-du3
12. diri u4-bi-ta-sze3
13. e2-szu-se3-ga-bi mu-dagal
14. sag-bi im-mi-in-il2
15. hur-sag-gin7 bi2-in-mu2
RIME composite (P448432) 2220220
&P448432 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}nin-szubur
#tr.en: For Ninšubur,
2. nin sukkal zi an-na
#tr.en: the lady, the trusty messenger of An,
3. me ku3-ga szu du7
#tr.en: who perfects the holy divine powers,
4. sag il2 igi-sze3 du dingir-re-e-ne
#tr.en: the one who proudly goes at the fore of the gods,
5. a2-ag2-ga2 szum2-mu gal-zu
#tr.en: who gives the instructions, all-knowing,
6. sza3 kusz2 sza3 du10-du10 {d}inanna
#tr.en: who counsels and pleases the heart of Inanna,
7. nam-szita-e ki ag2
7. nam-szita-e ki-ag2
#tr.en: who loves prayer,
8. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
9. ri-im-{d}suen
#tr.en: Rīm-Sîn,
10. nita kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty man,
11. sipa inim sa6-sa6-ge nibru{ki}
#tr.en: the shepherd who makes beautiful words to Nippur,
12. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
13. e2-babbar-da ni2 te-ge26
#tr.en: who shows fear of the Ebabbar,
14. me eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7
#tr.en: who constantly makes perfect the divine powers of Eridu,
15. sag-en3-tar gir2-su{ki} ki-lagasz{ki}-a
#tr.en: tho tends to Girsu and the whole area of Lagaš.
16. lu2 e2 dingir-re-e-ne szu gibil bi2-in-ak
#tr.en: the man who renovated the temples of the gods,
17. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: the king of Larsa
18. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad -
19. u4 ugnim unu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: when the armies of Uruk,
20. i3-si-in{ki}
#tr.en: Isin,
21. ka2-dingir-ra{ki}
#tr.en: Babylon,
22. ra-pi2-qum{ki}
#tr.en: Rapiqum,
23. su-ti-um{ki}-be2
#tr.en: and Sutium
24. {gesz}tukul in-sag3-ga
#tr.en: he struck with weapons,
25. me3-ba
#tr.en: in that battle,
26. ARAD-ne-ne lugal unu{ki}-ga in-dab5-ba
#tr.en: when he had seized ARADnene, king of Uruk,
27. musz-gin7 sag-ga2-ne2
#tr.en: and, as with a snake, upon his head
28. giri3-ni in-us2-sa
#tr.en: he had laid his foot,
29. u4-ba e2-nin-be2-tum2
#tr.en: then the Temple Fitting for Its Mistress,
30. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
30. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: her beloved temple,
31. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: for his life
32. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
33. diri u4-bi-ta-sze3
#tr.en: More than previously
34. e2-szu-se3-ga-bi mu-dagal
#tr.en: its Ešusega he explanded
35. sag-bi im-mi-in-il2
#tr.en: raised up its top,
36. gal-le-esz mu-na-an-gun3
#tr.en: and made it grandly colorful.
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431799) 2220221
&P431799 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}nin-szubur
2. nin sukkal zi an-na
3. me ku3-ga szu# du7
4. sag il2 igi#-[sze3] du dingir-re#-e-ne
5. a2-ag2-ga2 szum2-mu gal-zu
6. sza3 kusz2 sza3 du10-du10 {d}inanna
7. nam-szita-e ki ag2
7. nam-szita-e ki-ag2
8. nin-a-ni-ir
9. ri-im-{d}suen
10. nita kal-ga
11. sipa inim sa6-sa6-ge nibru{ki}
12. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
13. e2-babbar-da ni2 te-ge26
14. me eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7
15. sag-en3-tar gir2-su{ki} ki-lagasz{ki}-a
16. lu2 e2 dingir-re-e-ne szu gibil bi2-in-ak
17. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
@column 2
1. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
2. u4 ugnim unu{ki}-ga
3. i3-si-in{ki}
4. ka2-dingir-ra{ki}
5. ra-pi2-qum{ki}
6. su-ti-um{ki}-be2
7. {gesz}tukul in-sag3-ga
8. me3-ba
9. ARAD-ne-ne lugal unu{ki}-ga in-dab5-ba
10. musz-gin7 sag-ga2-ne2
11. giri3-ni in-us2-sa
12. u4-ba e2-nin-be2-tum2
13. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
13. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
14. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
15. mu-na-du3
16. diri u4-bi-ta-sze3
17. e2-szu-se3-ga-bi mu#-dagal#
18. sag-bi im-mi-in-il2#
19. gal-le-esz mu-na#-[an]-gun3#
RIME composite (P448433) 2220222
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 2: [(
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 2: [(
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 34: larsa{ki}-<<ma>>-sze3 mu-un-[ku4-(
&P448433 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. [{d}nin]-lil2
#tr.en: For Ninlil,
2. [...] me-lam2-ma sag il2
#tr.en: who ... lifts her head in a divine radiance,
3. [... gal]-le-esz gar-ra
#tr.en: ... greatly established,
4. [...]-x-a
#tr.en: ...
5. [...] tar-ra
#tr.en: ...
6. [...]-ha
#tr.en: ...
7. [nin-a-ni]-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
8. [ri-im-{d}]suen#
#tr.en: Rīm-Sîn.
9. [nita] kal#-ga
#tr.en: the mighty man,
10. [sipa inim sa6-sa6]-ge nibru{ki}
#tr.en: the shepherd who makes words beautiful for Nippur
11. [u2-a uri2{ki}]-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
12. [me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7]-du7#
#tr.en: who makes perfect the divine powers and plans of Eridu,
13. [sag-en3-tar gir2]-su#{ki}
#tr.en: who tends to Girsu
14. [ki-lagasz{ki}-a-ke4]
#tr.en: and the area of Lagaš
15. [lugal larsa{ki}-ma]
#tr.en: king of Larsa
16. [lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4]
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
17. [u4 ugnim unu{ki}-ga]
#tr.en: when the armies of Uruk,
18. [i3-si-in{ki} ka2-dingir-ra]{ki}
#tr.en: Isin, Babylon,
19. [ra-pi2-qum]{ki}
#tr.en: Rapiqum,
20. [su-ti-um]{ki}-bi#
#tr.en: and Sutium
21. [{gesz}tukul in]-sag3-ga
#tr.en: he struck with weapons,
22. [(me3-ba) ARAD]-ne#-ne
#tr.en: and (in that battle) ARADnene,
23. [lugal unu{ki}]-ga# in-dab5*-ba
#tr.en: the king of Uruk, he seized,
24. [(musz-gin7) sag-ga2]-na [giri3]-ni# in-us2-sa
#tr.en: and (as with a snake) he laid his foot upon his head,
25. [iri didli ma]-da [unu]{ki}-ga
#tr.en: and the various cities of the land of Uruk
26. [...] sza3 {d}en#-lil2#-le
#tr.en: which ... Enlil
27. [mu-na]-an-szum2-ma-a
#tr.en: had given to him,
28. [{gesz}tukul] kal#-ga {d}nin-urta
#tr.en: by means of the mighty weapon of Ninurta,
29. a2 zi-da du-na-ta
#tr.en: the one that goes at his right side,
30. geszkim sa6-ga {d}nanna-ta#
#tr.en: by means of the favorable sign of Nanna,
31. nam-nir-gal2 {d}nergal#
#tr.en: and by means of the authority of Nergal,
32. dingir# sag# du-ga#-[na-ta]
#tr.en: the god who begot him,
33. {gesz}esi-da-bi# [x x x]
#tr.en: its ebony ...
34. nam-ra-ak u3# [x x]
#tr.en: booty and ...
35. larsa{ki}-<<ma>>-sze3 mu-un-[ku4-(ra)]
#tr.en: he brought into Larsa.
36. {d}nin-lil2 nin-a-ne2
#tr.en: Ninlil, his mistress,
37. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-ne2
#tr.en: at his making words beautiful,
38. szu12#-da-a-ne2 gesz in-ni-in-tuku-am3
#tr.en: listened to his prayers
39. szu-il2-la-a-ni in-szi-in-sze-ga-am3
#tr.en: and was agreeable to his Raised Hand entreaties.
40. u4-ba e2-nin-bi-sze3-tum2
#tr.en: At that time, the Temple Worthy of its Lady,
41. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
41. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: her belovd residence,
42. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: for his life
43. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
44. diri u4-bi-da-sze3
#tr.en: More than previously
45. e2-szu-si3#-[ga]-bi mu-ZA3
#tr.en: its Ešusiga house he widened(!),
46. sag-bi im-mi-in-il2
#tr.en: raised up its top,
47. hur-sag-gin7 mu-na-mu2
#tr.en: and made it grow for her like a mountain range.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431800) 2220223
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 2: [(
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 2: [(
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 34: larsa{ki}-<<ma>>-sze3 mu-un-[ku4-(
{d}nin!-lil2 only appears a few times in words list
&P431800 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. [{d}nin]-lil2
2. [...] me-lam2-ma sag il2
3. [... gal]-le-esz gar-ra
4. [...]-x-a
5. [...] tar-ra
6. [...]-ha
7. [nin-a-ni]-ir
8. [ri-im-{d}]suen#
9. [nita] kal#-ga
10. [sipa inim sa6-sa6]-ge# nibru{ki}
11. [u2-a uri2{ki}]-ma
12. [me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7]-du7#
13. [sag-en3-tar gir2]-su#{ki}
14. [ki-lagasz{ki}-a-ke4]
15. [lugal larsa{ki}-ma]
16. [lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4]
17. [u4 ugnim unu{ki}-ga]
18. [i3-si-in]{ki#}
19. [ka2-dingir-ra]{ki}
20. [ra-pi2-qum]{ki}
21. [su-ti-um]{ki}-bi#
22. [{gesz}tukul in]-sag3-ga
23. [(me3-ba) ARAD]-ne#-ne
24. [lugal unu{ki}]-ga# in-dab5*-ba
25. [(musz-gin7) sag-ga2]-na [giri3]-ni# in-us2-sa
26. [iri didli ma]-da [unu]{ki}-ga
27. [...] sza3 {d}en#-lil2#-le
28. [mu-na]-an-szum2-ma-a
29. [{gesz}tukul] kal#-ga {d}nin-urta
@column 2
29. a2 zi-da du-na-ta
30. geszkim sa6-ga {d}nanna-ta#
31. nam-nir-gal2 {d}nergal#
32. dingir# sag# du-ga#-[na-ta]
33. {gesz}esi-da-bi# [x x x]
34. nam-ra-ak u3# [x x]
35. larsa{ki}-<<ma>>-sze3 mu-un-[ku4-(ra)]
36. {d}nin#!-lil2 nin-a-ne2
37. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-ne2#
38. szu12#-da-a-ne2 gesz in-ni-in-tuku-am3
39. szu-il2-la-a-ni in-szi-in-sze-ga-am3
40. u4-ba e2-nin-bi-sze3-tum2
41. ki#-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
41. ki#-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
42. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
43. mu-na-du3
44. diri u4-bi-da-sze3
45. e2-szu-si3#-ga#-bi mu-ZA3
46. sag-bi im-mi-in-il2
47. hur-sag-gin7 mu-na-mu2
RIME composite (P448434) 2220224
ki-an-a-na only appears a few times in words list
szu2-a-asz only appears a few times in words list
ra-pi5-qum{ki} only appears a few times in words list
su-ti-um{ki}-ma only appears a few times in words list
mu-sag3-ga only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-isin2{si}-in only appears a few times in words list
mu-si3-si3-ga only appears a few times in words list
nig2-GA only appears a few times in words list
sa6-sa6-ge4-da-mu-ne only appears a few times in words list
&P448434 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}nin-gesz-zi-da
#tr.en: For Ningšzida,
2. ur-sag i-szi ni2 di sag-ki-bi sur2 hu-hu-ul
#tr.en: hero with a radiance which inspires fear, whose brow destroys(?) in rage,
3. {gesz}gu-za-la2 ki-an-a-na szu2-a-asz na de5 eri11-gal-la
#tr.en: chair-bearer who ... the ki’an, counselor of the netherworld,
4. dingir zi sag-en3-tar e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la me nun-na szu du7
#tr.en: steadfast god who cares for the Ekišnugal, who perfects the princely divine powers,
5. lugal-mu-ra
#tr.en: my master,
6. {d}ri-im-{d}suen
#tr.en: I, Rīm-Sîn,
7. nita kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty man,
8. sipa inim sa6-sa6-ge nibru{ki}
#tr.en: the shepherd who makes words beautiful for Nippur,
9. me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga ku3-ku3-ge
#tr.en: who makes holy the divine powers and plans of Eridu,
10. u2-a uri2{ki}-ma
#tr.en: the provider of Ur,
11. sag-en3-tar gir2-su{ki} ki-lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: who tends to Girsu and the whole area of Lagaš,
12. lu2 e2 dingir-re-e-ne szu gibil bi2-in-ak
#tr.en: a man who renovated the temples of the gods,
13. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: the king of Larsa
14. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-me-en
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad -
15. u4 ugnim unu{ki}
#tr.en: when the armies of Uruk,
16. i3-si-in{ki} ka2-dingir-ra{ki}
#tr.en: Isin, Babylon,
17. ra-pi5-qum{ki} su-ti-um{ki}-ma
#tr.en: Rapiqum, and Sutium
18. {gesz}tukul mu-sag3-ga
#tr.en: I struck with weapons,
19. me3-ba ARAD-ne-ne lugal unu{ki}-ga mu-dab5-ba
#tr.en: and in that battle I captured ARADnene, the king of Uruk,
20. inim an lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ta
#tr.en: through the word of An the king of the gods,
21. du11-ga mah {d}en-lil2 lugal-ga2-ta
#tr.en: through the exalted utterance of Enlil my master,
22. {d}nin-lil2 nin-ga2-ta
#tr.en: through Ninlil my mistress,
23. {d}nin-urta ur-sag kal-ga a2 zi-da du-ga2-ta
#tr.en: through Ninurta the mighty hero, my one who goes at the right side,
24. {d}nuska2 sukkal-mah ad-da e2-gal-ga2-ta
#tr.en: through Nuska the chief minister and father of my palace,
25. gesztu2 {d}en-ki-ke4 ma-an-szum2-ma-ta
#tr.en: through the wisdom given me by Enki,
26. {d}nin-hur-sag du10 ki si-ig-ge4-ga2-ta
#tr.en: through Ninhursag, the one who puts goodness on the earth,
27. geszkim sa6-ga {d}nanna-ta
#tr.en: through the favorable (lunar) signs of Nanna,
28. nam-nir-gal2 {d}utu lugal-ga2-ta
#tr.en: through the authority of Utu my master,
29. a2-ag2-ga2 sa6-ga {d}iszkur-ta
#tr.en: through the positive instructions of Iškur,
30. usu {d}nergal dingir sag du-ga2-ta
#tr.en: through the power of Nergal, the god who begot me,
31. {d}inanna nin me3-ga2-ta
#tr.en: through Inanna, the mistress of my battles,
32. {d}nin-isin2{si}-in nin a2-ga2-ta
#tr.en: through Nininsina, the mistress of my military forces,
33. {d}nin-szen-szen-na ma-zalag-ga2-ta
#tr.en: through Ninšenšena my one who shines for me -
34. iri didli ma-da unu{ki}-ga mu-si3-si3-ga
#tr.en: when the various cities of the land of Uruk I had struck down,
35. nam-ra-ak nig2-GA a-na gal2-la-bi
#tr.en: and the booty and property, however much it was,
36. larsa{ki}-sze3
#tr.en: to Larsa
37. im-mi-ku4-ra
#tr.en: I had brought in,
38. u4-ba {d}nin-gesz-zi-da
#tr.en: at that time, to Ningišzida
39. lugal-mu-ra
#tr.en: my master
40. inim sa6-sa6-ge4-da-mu-ne
#tr.en: while I was making beautiful words (of prayer)
41. e2-nig2-gi-na
#tr.en: the Temple of Righteousness,
42. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
42. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved residence,
43. nam-ti-la-mu-sze3 mu-na-du3
#tr.en: I built for him for my life.
44. sag-bi mu-ni-il2
#tr.en: I raised up its top
45. hur-sag-gin7 mu-na-mu2
#tr.en: and made it grow up like a mountain range.
RIME composite (P448435) 2220225
im-mi-in-gun3 only appears a few times in words list
&P448435 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}nanna
#tr.en: For Nanna,
2. en gal me-lam2-ma sag il2
#tr.en: the great lord who raises his head in an aura of fearsome splendor
3. an-ki-a pa e3
#tr.en: and appears resplendently in heaven and earth,
4. su-lim dagal sze-er-zi-bi mu2-mu2
#tr.en: who makes grow broad awesome brilliance and radiance
5. ug3 szar2-ra-asz u4 ga2-ga2
#tr.en: and generates light for the numerous peoples,
6. nun u18-ru me-ni a-re-esz kal
#tr.en: powerful prince whose divine powers are praiseworthy and mighty,
7. nig2-nam-ma-ni ku3-ku3-ug
#tr.en: everything of whom is most holy,
8. dumu zi-le kur-gal {d}en-lil2-le
#tr.en: best son of Great Mountain Enlil,
9. nun ki ag2 e2-kur-ra
9. nun ki-ag2 e2-kur-ra
#tr.en: prince beloved by the Ekur temple,
10. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
11. ri-im-{d}suen
#tr.en: Rīm-Sîn,
12. sipa gu2-un kar2 nibru{ki}
#tr.en: the shepherd who makes the tribute sparkle for Nippur,
13. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
14. sag-en3-tar
#tr.en: who tends to
15. gir2-su{ki} ki-lagasz{ki}-a
#tr.en: Girsu and the area of Lagaš
16. me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7
#tr.en: who makes perfect the divine powers and plans of Eridu,
17. e2-babbar-da ni2 te-ge26
#tr.en: who shows fear of the Ebabbar,
18. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: the king of Larsa
19. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
20. lu2 e2 dingir-re-e-ne
#tr.en: the man who the temples of the gods
21. szu gibil bi2-in-ak-a
#tr.en: did renovate,
22. gesz-hur szu-luh ku3-ga
#tr.en: who the divine plans and lustration rites
23. szu gal mu-du7-a
#tr.en: has carried out most perfectly,
24. nam-szita a-ra-zu di
#tr.en: who, performing šita and arazu prayers,
25. u4-szu2-usz-e gub-ba
#tr.en: stands serving daily -
26. szutumx(|E2.GI.NA.AB.TUM|) ku3 {d}nanna
#tr.en: the holy storehouse of Inanna,
27. ki-tusz ni2 dub2-bu-da-ni
#tr.en: the residence where she can relax,
28. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: for his life
29. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
30. diri u4-bi-ta-sze3
#tr.en: More than previously
31. e2-szu-si3-ga-bi mu-dagal
#tr.en: he widened its Ešusiga house,
32. sag-bi im-mi-in-il2
#tr.en: raised up its top
33. gal-le-esz im-mi-in-gun3
#tr.en: and colored it in a grand manner.
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431802) 2220226
im-mi-gun3 only appears a few times in words list
&P431802 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}nanna
2. en gal me-lam2-ma sag il2
3. an-ki-a pa e3
4. su*-lim dagal sze-er-zi-bi mu2-mu2
5. ug3 szar2-ra-asz u4 ga2-ga2
6. nun u18-ru me-ni a-re-esz kal
7. nig2-nam-ma-ni ku3-ku3-ug
8. dumu zi-le kur-gal {d}en-lil2-le
9. nun ki ag2 e2-kur-ra
9. nun ki-ag2 e2-kur-ra
10. lugal-a-ni-ir
11. ri-im-{d}suen
12. sipa gu2-un kar2 nibru{ki}
13. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
14. sag-en3-tar
15. gir2-su{ki} ki-lagasz{ki}-a
16. me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7
@column 2
1. e2-babbar-da ni2 te-ge26#
2. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
3. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
4. lu2 e2 dingir-re-e-ne#
5. szu gibil bi2-in-ak-a#
6. gesz-hur szu-luh ku3-ga
7. szu gal mu-du7-a
8. nam-szita a-ra-zu di
9. u4-szu2-usz-e gub-ba
10. szutumx(|E2.GI.NA.AB.TUM|) ku3 {d}nanna
11. ki-tusz ni2 dub2-bu-da-ni
12. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
13. mu-na-du3
14. diri u4-bi-ta-sze3
15. e2-szu-si3-ga-bi mu-dagal
16. sag-bi im-mi-in-il2
17. gal-le-esz im-mi-gun3
RIME composite (P448436) 2220227
ma-ni-in-si-esz-a only appears a few times in words list
e2-a2-ag2-ga2-szum2-mu only appears a few times in words list
&P448436 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}nin-szubur
#tr.en: For Ninšubur,
2. en gal me kilib3-ba ag2-e
#tr.en: great lord who measures out all the divine powers,
3. sza3 inim sa6-ge gal-zu
#tr.en: who well knows the essence of making fine words (of prayer),
4. sukkal-mah sza3 kusz2-u3 an gal-la
#tr.en: chief minister and counselor of great An
5. du11-ga-ni igi-sze3 du
#tr.en: whose utterances take precedence,
6. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master -
7. ri-im-{d}suen
#tr.en: Rīm-Sîn,
8. sipa gu2-un kar2 nibru{ki}
#tr.en: the shepherd who makes the tribute/taxes sparkle for Nippur,
9. me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7
#tr.en: who makes perfect the divine powers and plans of Eridu,
10. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
#tr.en: provider of Ur,
11. e2-babbar-da ni2 te-ge26
#tr.en: who shows fear of the Ebabbar,
12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma#
#tr.en: the king of Larsa
13. lugal# ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad -
14. u4 an {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: when An, Enlil,
15. {d}en-ki
#tr.en: and Enki,
16. dingir gal-gal-e-ne
#tr.en: the great gods,
17. unu{ki} iri ul
#tr.en: Uruk, the ancient city,
18. szu-mu-sze3 ma-ni-in-si-esz-a
#tr.en: they put into my hand,
19. {d}nin-subur lugal-mu-ur2
#tr.en: for Ninšubur my master,
20. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-mu-ta
#tr.en: through my making fine words (of prayer),
21. e2-a2-ag2-ga2-szum2-mu
#tr.en: the Temple That Gives Instructions,
22. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
22. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved residence,
23. nam-ti-mu-sze3
#tr.en: for my life
24. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: I built for him.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431806) 2220228
ATF: Parsing failed on line 23 near character 30
ma-ni-in-si-esz-a, only appears a few times in words list
a, only appears a few times in signs list
&P431806 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}nin-szubur#
2. en gal me kilib3-ba ag2-e
3. sza3 inim sa6-ge gal-zu
4. sukkal-mah sza3 kusz2-u3 an gal-la
5. du11-ga-ni igi-sze3 du
6. lugal-a-ni-ir
7. ri-im-{d}suen
8. sipa gu2-un [kar2] nibru{ki}
9. me gesz-hur eridu{ki}-ga szu du7-du7
10. u2-a uri5{ki}-ma
11. e2-babbar-da ni2 te-ge26
12. lugal larsa{ki}-ma#
1. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
2. u4 an {d}en-lil2
3. {d}en-ki
4. dingir gal-gal-e-ne
5. unu{ki} iri ul
6. szu-mu-sze3 ma-ni-in-si-esz-a,
7. {d}nin-subur lugal-mu-ur2
8. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-mu-ta
9. e2 a2-ag2-ga2 szum2-mu
10. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni
10. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-ni
11. nam-ti-mu-sze3
12. mu-na-du3
RIME composite (P448438) 2220229
&P448438 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
$ beginning broken
1'. [x x x x] NE si
#tr.en: ...
2'. [x x x x] gesz-szub-bi
#tr.en: ... their lots,
3'. [x x] al# bi2-in-du11-ga
#tr.en: having requested ...,
4'. [en-an]-e-du7
#tr.en: Enanedu,
5'. [en ki] ag2 {d}inanna
5'. [en ki]-ag2 {d}inanna
#tr.en: the beloved en priestess of Inanna,
6'. [x] x-e sza3 ku3-ge pa3-da
#tr.en: ... chosen by (her) sacred heart,
7'. [dumu] ku-du-ur-ma-<bu>-uk
#tr.en: daughter of Kudur-mabuk,
8'. [gesztu2] {d}en-ki-ke4
#tr.en: to whom Enki wisdom
9'. [mu-na-an]-szum2-ma
#tr.en: did give,
10'. [me e2-kisz]-nu#-gal2-ta mu-un-ur4-ur4
#tr.en: gathered up the divine powers from the Ekišnugal temple,
11'. [x x x]-x {d}nanna i7 he2-gal2 tum2
#tr.en: and the canal ..., the canal which brings abundance,
12'. [x x x] TE nu-x-x-x-[x]
#tr.en: ...
$ n lines broken
13'. [x x] kur-gal [x x x x]
#tr.en: ... Great Mountain (Enlil) ...,
14'. iri [x]-x-pa x x [x]
#tr.en: the city ...,
15'. iri e2-szu-{d}suen{[ki]}
#tr.en: the city Bīt-Šu-Sîn,
16'. iri im-gur-{d}gibil6{[ki]}
#tr.en: the city Imgur-Gibil,
17'. bad3{[ki]}
#tr.en: Dũrum,
18'. ki-sur-ra{[ki]}
#tr.en: Kisurra,
19'. unu{ki} lugal-ne-[ne]
#tr.en: and Uruk - their kings
20'. u3 ma-da ma-da-ne-[ne]
#tr.en: and all their lands -
21'. szu-ne2 sa2 bi2-in-du11-[ga]
#tr.en: when he had conquered them,
22'. ugu-ne-a bi2-in-[x-(x)]
#tr.en: over them(!) he ...,
23'. bad3-bi im#-mi-[in-si3]
#tr.en: and he demolished their walls.
24'. nam-bi-[sze3 ...]
#tr.en: Because of this,
25'. [x] x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
$ rest broken
RIME, ex. 01 (P431808) 2220230
bi2-in-du11-ga! only appears a few times in words list
&P431808 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [x x x x] NE# si
2'. [x x x x] gesz-szub-bi
3'. [x x] al# bi2-in-du11-ga!
4'. [en-an]-e-du7
5'. [en ki] ag2 {d}inanna
5'. [en ki]-ag2 {d}inanna
6'. [x] x-e sza3 ku3-ge pa3-da
7'. [dumu] ku-du-ur-ma-<bu>-uk
8'. [gesztu2] {d}en-ki-ke4
9'. [mu-na-an]-szum2-ma
10'. [me e2-kisz]-nu#-gal2-ta mu-un-ur4-ur4
11'. [x x x]-x {d}nanna i7 he2-gal2 tum2
12'. [x x x] TE nu-x-x-x-[x]
$ rest broken
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. [x x] kur#-gal# [x x x x]
2'. iri# [x]-x-pa# x x [x]
3'. iri e2-szu-{d#}suen#{[ki]}
4'. iri im-gur-{d}gibil6#{[ki]}
5'. bad3{[ki]}
6'. ki-sur-ra{[ki]}
7'. unu{ki} lugal#-ne#-[ne]
8'. u3 ma-da ma-da-ne#-[ne]
9'. szu-ne2 sa2 bi2-in-du11#-[ga]
10'. ugu-ne-a bi2-in#-[x-(x)]
11'. bad3-bi im#-mi#-[in-si3]
12'. nam-bi-[sze3 ...]
13'. [x] x x [...]
$ rest broken
RIME composite (P448439) 2220231
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 19: [larsa{ki}] ki-ur3*
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 28: ug3 szar2-ra-mu-sze3 u2 gu7*
gal-gal-be2 only appears a few times in words list
ka-be2 only appears a few times in words list
u3-bi2-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
&P448439 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. [u4 an {d}en-lil2 {d}en]-ki {d}nin-mah-[bi]
#tr.en: When An, Enlil, Enki, and Ninmah
2. [igi zi] mu-un-szi-bar-[re-esz-a]
#tr.en: directed a righteous eye towards me,
3. [larsa{ki}] ki-ur3* ki ag2-ga2-[ne-ne]
3. [larsa{ki}] ki-ur3* ki-ag2-ga2-[ne-ne]
#tr.en: and when for Larsa, their beloved leveled place,
4. [nam-bi] mu-un-tar-re-[esz-a]
#tr.en: they determined its destiny.
5. [inim nu]-kur2-ru-ba-ne-ne-a u3-tu-bi bi2-ne2-[esz-a]
#tr.en: and with their unalterable word they commanded its creation,
6. [bala] nam-he2 a nu-szilig-ge
#tr.en: and a reign of abundance with unceasing water
7. [sag-e]-esz mu-un-rig7-ge*-esz
#tr.en: they presented to me.
8. [a da]-ri2# ha-la kalam-ma-ka
#tr.en: Everlasting water as the portion of the nation,
9. [a] {i7}idigna {i7}buranun-na-bi-da
#tr.en: water which the Tigris and Euphrates
10. u4 ul-li2-a-ta mu-un-tum3-be2-esz-a
#tr.en: since ancient times had always brought forth
11. u4 na-me-ka a-bi nu-szilig-ge
#tr.en: and at no time ever ceases,
12. masz-bi {i7}{d}ma-mi-szar-ra-at i7 he2-gal kalam-ma
#tr.en: half of it the Mamišarrat Canal, the canal of abundance of the nation,
13. a-bi {i7}idigna {i7}buranun-[na-bi]-da
#tr.en: whose waters were from the Tigris and the Euphrates,
14. u3-ba-e-ni-in-kar
#tr.en: when it had taken them away from there
15. a-ab-ba-sze3 ha-ba-an-de2
#tr.en: it poured them into the Sea.
16. en {d}nu-nam-nir-e du11-[ga-ni] sag ba-an-du
#tr.en: Lord Nunamnir, whose utterances create with great care,
17. sipa sza3 du10-ga-na-ka-sze3 mu-un-szi-in-[gur]
#tr.en: turned towards the shepherd who pleased him
18. gu3 hul2 u3-mu-un-de2 nam du10 mu-ni-in-tar
#tr.en: and, having spoken joyously, determined for him a good fate:
19. i7 ba-al-e-de3 ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: (namely) to dig canals in order into Sumer and Akkad
20. a he2-gal2-la tum3-u3-de3
#tr.en: to bring waters of abundance,
21. a-gar3 gal-gal-be2 sze [gu]-nu mu2-mu2-de3
#tr.en: to make the speckled barley grow on its great agricultural tracts,
22. pu2 {gesz}kiri6-bi x [...] x lal3 gesztin du8-u3-de3
#tr.en: to make its irrigated orchards richly produce date syrup and grapes,
23. ambar-bi ku6 [muszen] ul-e-esz gar-gar-e-<de3>
#tr.en: to make its marshes joyfully provide fish and birds,
24. kur-gal {d}en-lil2-le a2 gal mu-da-an-ag2
#tr.en: Great Mountain Enlil issued the great orders.
25. sipa ni2-tuku a2 [{d}en]-lil2 lugal-a-ni-sze3 i3-du-[a]-me-en
#tr.en: I who am the (god-)fearing shepherd who walks beside Enlil,
26. {d}ri-im-{d}suen-me-en lu2 kur-gal {d}en-lil2-la2-ma-en
#tr.en: I, Rīm-Sîn, who am the man of Great Mountain Enlil,
27. igi-gal2 tuku gesztu2 [zi] szu du7
#tr.en: one who possesses wisdom and perfects true intelligence,
28. {d}ri-im-{d}suen sipa [zi] sag-ge6-ga-me-en
#tr.en: I, Rīm-Sîn, the faithful shepherd of the Blacked Headed (People),
29. gesztu2 dagal {d}en-[ki-ke4] ma-ni-in-szum2-ma-a
#tr.en: when the wide wisdom given to me by Enki
30. u3-mu-ni-in-sa6 i7-da bal-e-de3
#tr.en: he improved(?) regarding it, to dig the canal
31. sza3-mu he2-bi2-in-[tum2]
#tr.en: he inspired me.
32. [...]-le sza3 u3-mu-ni-x-[(x)]
#tr.en: When Enlil(?) had inspired(?) me to do it,
33. [i7]-bi za3 {i7}{d}ma-mi-szar2-ra-at i7 [he2-gal2 kalam-ma-ka]
#tr.en: that canal alongside the Mama-šarrat canal, the canal of abundance of the nation,
34. [... hu]-mu-ba-al
#tr.en: ... I dug,
35. [...]
#tr.en: ...
36. [x] galam-bi gesz-hur ha-ba-ak x x [...]
#tr.en: and skillfully I executed the plans ...
37. ug3 szar2-ra nam-sipa-bi {d}en-lil2 ma-[an-szum2-ma]
#tr.en: When the numerous peoples whose shepherding Enlil gave to me
38. sig-ta igi-nim-sze3 u3-mu-un-[nigin]
#tr.en: from below and above I had brought together,
39. usu kal-ga-mu-ta hu-mu-un-kin
#tr.en: by my mighty strength I did the task.
40. e min-a-bi hur-sag-gin7 u3-mu-un-dim2 me-lam2 hu-mu-[du8-du8]
#tr.en: When I had built its two levees like a mountain range, I filled them up with divine radiance.
41. ka-be2 a he2-gal2-la u3-bi2-ge-en
#tr.en: After I had secured abundant water at its intake,
42. kun-bi hu-mu-un-su3-e
#tr.en: I continued extending its outlet.
43. gu2-gu2-be2 u2-szim giri17-zal-a hu-me3-szar2-szar2
#tr.en: Upon its banks I multiplied luxuriant sweet-smelling grasses.
44. i7-bi {i7}tug2-ma-at-{d}er3-ra
#tr.en: That canal - the Tuqmat-Erra Canal
45. mu-bi he2-bi2-ib-sa4
#tr.en: they named it.
46. a da-ri2 {i7}idigna {i7}buranun-na-bi-da
#tr.en: The everlasting waters of both the Tigris and the Euphrates
47. hu-mu-ni-in-gi4
#tr.en: I restored.
48. {d}ri-im-{d}suen lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: I, Rīm-Sîn, the king of Larsa
49. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-me-en
#tr.en: and king of Sumer and Akkad,
50. kalam dagal-la-mu suhusz-bi hu-mu-un-ge-en
#tr.en: I made secure the foundations of my wide country.
51. iri a2-dam-bi ki-bi-sze3 he2-mi-in-gi4
#tr.en: I restored its cities and settlements.
52. ug3 szar2-ra-mu-sze3 u2 gu7* a nag he2-bi2-in-gar
#tr.en: For my numerous people I established food to eat and water to drink.
53. ki-en-gi ki-uri gu3 tesz2 u3-bi2-se3-ke
#tr.en: When I had unified harmoniously Sumer and Akkad,
54. sza3 {d}en-lil2-la2 hu-mu-un-du10
#tr.en: I indeed pleased the heart of Enlil.
55. nam-bi-sze3 an {d}en-lil2 {d}en-ki {d}nin-mah-bi
#tr.en: For this, may An, Enlil, Enki and Ninmah
56. nam-ti u4 su3-ra2{ra} ga2-ra ha-ma-ni-in-szum2
#tr.en: give to me a long life,
57. bala he2-gal2-la {gesz}gu-za suhusz gi-na
#tr.en: and a reign of abundance, a throne with a firm foundation
58. sag-e-esz ha-ma-ab-rig7-e-ne
#tr.en: may they present to me.
59. te-me-en mu pa3-da nam-lugal-ga2 a-ar2 u3-bi2-sar
#tr.en: When I have had foundation documents inscribed to praise my royal revealed name,
60. u4 ul-li2-a-sze3 ug3 szar2-ra a-ar2 mu-un-ak-ak-ne
#tr.en: the numerous peoples will praise me forever.
RIME, ex. 01 (P225591) 2220232
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 19: [larsa{ki}] ki-ur3*
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 28: ug3 szar2-ra-mu-sze3 u2 gu7*
du11-ga-ne2 only appears a few times in words list
gal-gal-bi only appears a few times in words list
u3-bi2-in-ge-en only appears a few times in words list
&P225591 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
1. [u4 an {d}en-lil2 {d}en]-ki# {d}nin-mah-[bi]
2. [igi zi] mu-un-szi-bar-[re-esz-a]
3. [larsa{ki}] ki-ur3* ki ag2-ga2#-[ne-ne]
3. [larsa{ki}] ki-ur3* ki-ag2-ga2#-[ne-ne]
4. [nam-bi] mu-un-tar-re-[esz-a]
5. [inim nu]-kur2-ru-ba-ne-ne#-a u3-tu-bi bi2-ne2#-[esz-a]
6. [bala] nam#-he2 a nu-szilig-ge#
7. [sag-e]-esz mu-un#-rig7-ge*-esz
8. [a da]-ri2# ha-la kalam-ma-ka
9. [a] {i7}idigna {i7}buranun-na-bi-da
10. u4# ul-li2-a-ta mu-un-tum3-be2-esz-a
11. u4 na-me-ka a-bi nu-szilig-ge
12. masz-bi {i7}{d}ma-mi-szar-ra-at i7 he2-gal# kalam-ma
13. a-bi {i7}idigna {i7}buranun-[na-bi]-da
14. u3-ba-e-ni-in#-kar
15. a-ab-ba-sze3 ha#-ba-an-de2
16. en {d}nu-nam-nir-e du11#-[ga-ne2] sag ba-an-du
17. sipa sza3 du10-ga-na#-ka#-sze3 mu-un-szi-in#-[gur]
18. gu3 hul2 u3-mu-un-de2# nam# du10 mu-ni-in-tar#
19. i7 ba-al-e-de3 ki#-en-gi ki-uri
20. a he2-gal2-la tum3#-u3-de3
21. a-gar3 gal-gal-bi sze [gu]-nu# mu2-mu2-de3
22. pu2 {gesz}kiri6-bi x [...] x lal3 gesztin du8-u3-de3
23. ambar-bi# ku6# [muszen] ul-e-esz gar-gar#-e-<de3>
24. kur-gal# {d}en-lil2-le a2# gal mu#-da-an#-ag2#
25. sipa ni2-tuku a2 [{d}en]-lil2 lugal-a-ni-sze3 i3-du#-[a]-me-en
26. {d}ri-im-{d}suen-me-en# lu2# kur-gal {d}en-lil2-la2-ma-en#
27. igi#-gal2 tuku gesztu2# [zi] szu du7
28. {d}ri-im-{d}suen sipa [zi] sag-ge6-ga-me-en
29. gesztu2# dagal {d}en-[ki-ke4] ma-ni-in-szum2#-ma-a#
30. u3#-mu-ni-in-sa6# i7-da bal-e-de3#
31. sza3#-mu he2-bi2-in-[tum2]
32. [...]-le sza3 u3-mu-ni-x-[(x)]
33. [i7]-bi za3 {i7}{d}ma-mi-szar2-ra-at i7 [he2-gal2 kalam-ma-ka]
34. [... hu]-mu#-ba#-al#
35. [...]
1. [x] galam-bi gesz-hur ha-ba-ak x x [...]
2. ug3# szar2-ra nam-sipa-bi {d}en-lil2 ma-[an-szum2-ma]
3. sig#-ta igi-nim-sze3 u3-mu-un#-[nigin]
4. usu# kal#-ga-mu-ta hu-mu-un#-kin#
5. e min-a-bi hur-sag-gin7# u3-mu-un-dim2 me-lam2 hu-mu#-[du8-du8]
6. ka-bi a he2#-gal2#-la u3-bi2-<in>-ge-en#
7. kun-bi hu#-mu-un-su3-e
8. gu2-gu2-be2 u2-szim# giri17-zal-a hu-me3-szar2-szar2
9. i7-bi {i7}tug2-ma-at-{d}er3-ra
10. mu-bi he2#-bi2#-ib-sa4
11. a da-ri2 {i7}idigna {i7#}buranun-na-bi-da
12. hu-mu#-ni-in-gi4
13. {d}ri-im-{d}suen lugal larsa{ki}-ma
14. lugal ki#-en-gi ki-uri-me-en
15. kalam dagal-la-mu suhusz-bi hu-mu-un-ge#-en#
16. iri a2-dam-bi ki-bi-sze3 he2-mi-in#-gi4
17. ug3 szar2-ra-mu-sze3 u2 gu7* a nag he2-bi2-in#-gar
18. ki-en-gi ki-uri gu3 tesz2 u3-bi2-se3-ke
19. sza3 {d}en-lil2-la2 hu-mu-un-du10
20. nam-bi-sze3 an {d}en-lil2 {d}en-ki {d}nin-mah-bi
21. nam-ti u4 su3-ra2{ra} ga2-ra ha-ma-ni-in-szum2
22. bala# he2-gal2-la {gesz}gu-za suhusz gi-na
23. sag#-e-esz ha-ma-ab-rig7-e-ne
24. te#-me-en mu pa3-da nam-lugal-ga2 a-ar2 u3-bi2-sar
25. u4# ul-li2-a-sze3 ug3 szar2-ra a-ar2 mu-un-ak-ak-ne
$ double ruling
$ rest blank
RIME composite (P448440) 2220233
&P448440 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}nin-e2-gal
#tr.en: For Ninegal,
2. nin gal me kilib3 szu-na dab5-be2
#tr.en: the great lady who holds all the divine powers in her hands,
3. ug3 szar2-ra-asz igi-bi gal2
#tr.en: who sees the numerous peoples,
4. na-de5 mah szita5-du3 sag-ge6
#tr.en: exalted counselor, overseer of the Black Headed (People)
5. a-ra2-bi za3 nu-sa2
#tr.en: whose ways are unrivaled,
6. nir-gal2 ukken-na du11-ga-ni igi-sze3 du
#tr.en: authoritative one of the assembly, whose utterance takes precedence,
7. mu-ni a-re-esz gi7
#tr.en: whose name is ... for praise,
8. dingir zi ki a-a ugu-ni-ta
#tr.en: steadfast goddess from the father who engendered her,
9. ka ba-ni sze-ga
#tr.en: whose speech is favorable,
10. dumu gal {d}suen-na
#tr.en: great daughter of Suen,
11. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: her mistress,
12. si-ma-at-{d}inanna
#tr.en: Simat-Ištar,
13. dam ki ag2
13. dam ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved wife
14. {d}ri-im-{d}suen
#tr.en: of Rīm-Sîn
15. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: the king of Larsa,
16. dumu-munus ARAD2-{d}nanna-ke4
#tr.en: daughter of Warad-Nanna -
17. u4 {d}nin-e2-gal nin-a-ne2
#tr.en: when Ninegal her mistress
18. mu sa6-ga-ni in-sa4-a
#tr.en: called her good name,
19. e2-a2-ag2-ga2-kilib3-ur4-ur4
#tr.en: the Temple That Assembles All the Instructions,
20. ki-tusz nam-dingir-bi-sze3 tum2-ma
#tr.en: the residence worthy of her divinity,
21. nam-ti {d}ri-im-{d}suen
#tr.en: in order that the life of Rīm-Sîn
22. u4 da-ri2-sze3 gal2-le-de3
#tr.en: might exist forever,
23. u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: and for her own life,
24. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: she built.
25. diri u4-bi-ta-sze3
#tr.en: More than previously
26. e2-szu-si3-ga-bi mu-un-dagal
#tr.en: she widened its Ešusiga house,
27. temen mu pa3-da nam-nin-a-ka-na
#tr.en: and foundation documents revealing her queenly name
28. u4 su3-ra2-sze3 im-mi-in-gar
#tr.en: she placed there for all future time.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431811) 2220234
&P431811 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}nin-e2-[gal]
2. nin gal me kilib3 szu-na [dab5-be2]
3. ug3 szar2-ra-[asz igi-bi gal2]
4. na-de5 mah [szita5-du3 sag-ge6]
5. a-ra2-bi [za3 nu-sa2]
6. [nir-gal2 ukken-na du11-ga-ni igi-sze3 du]
7. [mu-ni a-re-esz gi7]
8. [dingir zi ki a-a ugu-ni-ta]
9. [ka ba-ni sze-ga]
10. [dumu gal {d}suen-na]
11. [nin-a-ni-ir]
12. si-[ma-at]-{d}inanna
13. dam ki ag2
13. dam ki-ag2
14. {d}ri-im-{d}suen
15. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
16. dumu-munus ARAD2-{d}nanna-ke4
17. u4 {d}nin-e2-gal nin-a-ne2
18. mu sa6-ga-ni in-sa4-a
19. e2 a2-ag2-ga2 kilib3 ur4-ur4
20. ki-tusz nam-dingir-bi-sze3 tum2-ma
21. nam-ti {d}ri-im-{d}suen
22. u4 da-ri2-sze3 gal2-le-de3
23. u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
24. mu-na-du3
25. diri u4-bi-ta-sze3
26. e2-szu-si3-ga-bi mu-un-dagal
27. temen mu pa3-da nam-nin-a-ka-na
28. u4 su13-ra2-sze3 im-mi-in-gar
RIME composite (P448441) 2220235
&P448441 = 	RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}nin-e2-gal
#tr.en: For Ninegal,
2. nin gal kilib3 sag-ge6 szar2-ra-ba
#tr.en: the great lady, who all the Black Headed (People)
3. an {d}en-lil2 {d}en-ki-bi
#tr.en: An, Enlil, and Enki
4. szu-ni-sze3 bi2-in-si-esz-a
#tr.en: filled into her hands,
5. di esz-bar-bi si sa2-sa2-e
#tr.en: who correctly delivers verdicts and decisions,
6. sa2-gar-gar en3-tar-tar gal-zu
#tr.en: the all-knwing counselor and inquirer,
7. gu2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne-ka
#tr.en: the one who among all the great gods
8. inim mah du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me
#tr.en: whose august spoken words cannot be altered,
9. ki igi zalag-ga-ni an dagal-la dag-ga
#tr.en: where her bright eye roams in the wide heaven roaming,
10. ki igi zi bar-ra-na
#tr.en: in the place where she directs her trusty eye,
11. {d}lamma nir-gal2
#tr.en: a trusty protective genie
12. bi2-ib2-szum2-mu-a
#tr.en: she provides,
13. dingir arhusz su3 szu-nigin-bi du10
#tr.en: goddess with far-reachng mercy, whose compassion is sweet,
14. szud3 a-ra-zu-e gesz tuku
#tr.en: who listens to prayers and entreaties,
15. dumu-gal {d}suen-na
#tr.en: great daughter of the god Suen,
16. a2-ag2-ga2 an-ki-a ur4-ur4
#tr.en: who assembles the commands of heaven and earth,
17. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: her lady -
18. si-ma-at-{d}inanna
#tr.en: Simat-Eštar,
19. dam ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved spouse
20. {d}ri-im-{d}suen
#tr.en: of Rim-Sin,
21. szul gesz tuku {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: the youth who listens to the Enlil,
22. igi-du8-a an-na sza3 ku3-ge pa3-da
#tr.en: and looks to An, chosen by the pure heart,
23. lugal ki ag2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne
23. lugal ki-ag2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne
#tr.en: king beloved of the great gods,
24. szu-il2-la-ni sze-ga
#tr.en: whose šuila prayers find favor,
25. sipa gu2-un kar2 nibru{ki}
#tr.en: shepherd who makes the tribute sparkle(?) for Nippur,
26. me gesz-hur szu du7 eridu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: who perfects the divine powers and plans of Eridu,
27. engar zi u2-a uri2{ki}-ma
#tr.en: reliable farmer, provider of Ur,
28. e2-babbar-da ni2 te-ge26
#tr.en: who reverences Ebabbar,
29. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: king of Larsa,
30. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
#tr.en: king of Sumer and Akkad:
31. munus sun5-na
#tr.en: (Simat-Eštar), the humble woman,
32. me-te lugal-sze3 tum2-ma
#tr.en: ornament befitting the king,
33. inim sa6-sa6-ge-bi mah-a
#tr.en: whose lofty finely crafted words
34. {d}nin-e2-gal-ka-sze3
#tr.en: are for Ninegal,
35. u4 {d}nin-e2-gal nin-a-ne2
#tr.en: when Ninegal, her lady,
36. mu sa6-ga-ne2 gu3 zi bi2-in-de2-a
#tr.en: faithfully spoke her good name,
37. e2-a2-ag2-ga2-kilib3-ur4-ur4
#tr.en: the Temple That Assembles All the Instructions,
38. ki-tusz nam-dingir-bi-sze3 tum2-ma
#tr.en: the residence befitting her divinity,
39. sag-bi hur-sag gal-gin7 im-mi-in-il2
#tr.en: she raised up its top like a mountain,
40. nam-ti {d}ri-im-{d}suen
#tr.en: and so that the life of Rim-Sin
41. u4 da-ri2-sze3 gal2-le-de3
#tr.en: whould exist forever,
42. u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: and for her own life,
43. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: she built it for him,
44. temen mu pa3-da
#tr.en: and foundation documents revealing the name
45. nam-nin-a-ka-na
#tr.en: of her queenliness
46. u4 su3-ra2-sze3 im-mi-in-gar
#tr.en: for future days she put there.
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431817) 2220236
&P431817 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}nin-e2-gal
2. nin gal kilib3 sag-ge6 szar2-ra-ba
3. an {d}en-lil2 {d}en-ki-bi
4. szu-ni-sze3 bi2-in-si-esz-a
5. di esz-bar-bi si sa2-sa2-e
6. sa2-gar-gar en3-tar-tar gal-zu
7. gu2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne-ka
8. inim mah du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me
9. ki igi zalag-ga-ni an dagal-la dag-ga
10. ki igi zi bar-ra-na
11. {d}lamma nir-gal2
12. bi2-ib2-szum2-mu-a
13. dingir arhusz su3 szu-nigin-bi du10
14. szud3 a-ra-zu-e gesz tuku
15. dumu-gal {d}suen-na
16. a2-ag2-ga2 an-ki-a ur4-ur4
17. nin-a-ni-ir
18. si-ma-at-{d}inanna
19. dam ki-ag2
20. {d}ri-im-{d}suen
21. szul gesz tuku {d}en-lil2-la2
22. igi-du8-a an-na sza3 ku3-ge pa3-da
23. lugal ki ag2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne
23. lugal ki-ag2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne
@column 2
1. szu-il2-la-ni sze-ga
2. sipa gu2-un kar2 nibru{ki}
3. me gesz-hur szu du7 eridu{ki}-ga
4. engar zi u2-a uri2{ki}-ma
5. e2-babbar-da ni2 te-ge26
6. lugal larsa2{ki}-ma
7. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
8. munus sun5-na
9. me-te lugal-sze3 tum2-ma
10. inim sa6-sa6-ge-bi mah-a
11. {d}nin-e2-gal-ka-sze3
12. u4 {d}nin-e2-gal nin-a-ne2
13. mu sa6-ga-ne2 gu3 zi bi2-in-de2-a
14. e2-a2-ag2-ga2-kilib3-ur4-ur4
15. ki-tusz nam-dingir-bi-sze3 tum2-ma
16. sag-bi hur-sag gal-gin7 im-mi-in-il2
17. nam-ti {d}ri-im-{d}suen
18. u4 da-ri2-sze3 gal2-le-de3
19. u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
20. mu-na-du3
21. temen mu pa3-da
22. nam-nin-a-ka-na
23. u4 su3-ra2-sze3 im-mi-in-gar
RIME, ex. 06 (P345855) 2220237
&P345855 = RIME, ex. 06
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}nin-e2-gal
2. nin gal kilib3 sag-ge6 szar2-ra-ba
3. an {d}en-lil2 {d}en-ki-bi
4. szu-ni-sze3 bi2-in-si-esz-a
5. di esz-bar-bi si sa2-sa2-e
6. sa2-gar-gar en3-tar-tar gal-zu
7. gu2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne-ka
8. inim mah du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me
9. ki igi zalag-ga-ni an dagal-la dag-ga
10. ki igi zi bar-ra-na
11. {d}lamma nir-gal2
12. bi2-ib2-szum2-mu-a
13. dingir arhusz su3 szu-nigin-bi du10
14. szud3 a-ra-zu-e gesz-tuku
15. dumu-gal {d}suen-na
16. a2-ag2-ga2 an-ki-a ur4-ur4
17. nin-a-ni-ir
18. si-ma-at-{d}inanna
19. dam ki-ag2
20. {d}ri-im-{d}suen
21. szul gesz tuku {d}en-lil2-la2
22. igi-du8-a an-na sza3 ku3-ge pa3-da
23. lugal ki ag2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne
23. lugal ki-ag2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne
@column 2
1. szu-il2-la-ni sze-ga
2. sipa gu2-un kar2 nibru{ki}
3. me gesz-hur szu du7 eridu{ki}-ga
4. engar zi u2-a uri2{ki}-ma
5. e2-babbar-da ni2 te-ge26
6. lugal larsa{ki}-ma
7. lugal# ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4
8. munus sun5-na
9. me-te lugal#-sze3 tum2-ma
10. inim sa6-sa6-ge-bi mah-a
11. {d}nin-e2-gal-ka-sze3
12. u4 {d}nin-e2-gal nin-a-ne2
13. mu sa6-ga-ne2 gu3 zi bi2-in-de2-a
14. e2-a2-ag2-ga2-kilib3-ur4-ur4
15. ki-tusz nam-dingir-bi-sze3 tum2-ma
16. sag-bi hur-sag gal-gin7 im-mi-in-il2
17. nam-ti {d}ri-im-{d}suen
18. u4 da-ri2-sze3 gal2-le-de3
19. u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
20. mu-na-du3
21. temen mu pa3-da
22. nam-nin-a-ka-na
23. u4 su3-ra2-sze3 im-mi-in-gar
RIME composite (P448444) 2220238
szu-tag only appears a few times in words list
&P448444 = rime composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. en-an-e-du7
#tr.en: Enanedu,
2. en {d}nanna
#tr.en: en priestess of Nanna,
3. nam gal nam-en-na sza3 ku3-ta nam-gi7 an-na
#tr.en: having the great fate of the en office from the womb on, a nobility of heaven,
4. sza3 ki ag2 {d}nin-gal-e nig2-UD nam-en-na bar szu-ta gar
4. sza3 ki-ag2 {d}nin-gal-e nig2-UD nam-en-na bar szu-ta gar
#tr.en: beloved of (her) heart, the brightness(?) of the en office set upon her body by Ningal's own hand,
5. me-te e2-kisz-nu-gal2 za3-sza4 utah-he u9-na
#tr.en: fitting one of the Ekišnugal temple, the rival of high heaven,
6. he2-du7 agrun-na u4 sa-sa-ha kalam-sze3 e3
#tr.en: ornament of the agrun cella, burning light coming forth for the nation,
7. aga nam-en-<na>-sze3 ku3-ge-esz-e tum2-ma
#tr.en: sacredly suited for the crown of the en office,
8. gesz-hur szu-luh nam-dingir-sze3 zi-de3#-esz pa3-da
#tr.en: properly chosen for the divine plans and lustrations of the en office,
9. nun ni2-tuku du8 mah e2 lugal-la-na-sze3 szu luh-luh-ha-ta al-gub-bu
#tr.en: reverent princess who serves at the lustrations for the exalted platform of the royal house,
10. en-an-e#-du7
#tr.en: I, Enanedu,
11. en igi-du8-a {d}nanna {d}nin-gal-bi
#tr.en: the en priestess who may look upon Nanna and Ningal
12. uri5{ki} iri{ki} za3-e3 ki-en-gi-ra
#tr.en: (in) Ur, the foremost city of Sumer,
13. ki szu-tag za-na-ru en {d}asz-im2-babbar-e
#tr.en: where zanaru instruments are played for Ašimbabbar,
14. lu2 gi6-par3 nam-en-bi-sze3 ki sikil-la du3-a gal-bi tum2-ma-me-en
#tr.en: a person most fitting for the gipar built on a pure place for its office of en -
15. u4 {d}nanna {d}nin-gal-bi
#tr.en: when Nanna and Ningal
16. sag-ki zalag-ga-ne-ne-a igi bar-ra-bi nam-ti-la
#tr.en: having looked (at me) with their shining brows, and life
17. igi hul2-la-bi mu-un-szi-in-szum2#-esz-am3
#tr.en: and a joyous regard they gave to me,
18. esz3 e2-kisz-nu-gal2 ki-tusz nam#-dingir#-ne#-ne#-a#
#tr.en: and in the shrine Ekišnugal, the residence of their divinity,
19. mu-mu mi-ni-in-mah-esz-a
#tr.en: they having exalted my name,
20. ka-mu sikil-la nam#-szita# nam-ti-la mu-un-gar-re-esz-am3
#tr.en: having placed in my pure mouth prayers of life,
21. szu si-sa2-mu u4 nam-ti {d}ri-im-{d}suen
#tr.en: and my correctly guiding hand - in order that the life of Rīm-Sîn,
22. szesz tam-ma-<<na>>-mu
#tr.en: my twin(!) brother,
23. su3-USZ-u5-de3 mu-un-de3-ri-esz#-a
#tr.en: could be extended - they, togther with him, did exert it,
24. kur gu2-erim2-gal2-la-ni
#tr.en: and so his foreign enemies
25. szu-ni-sze3 bi2#-in#-si-isz-<<esz>>-[a]
#tr.en: they having put fully into his hands -
26. u4-ba gi6-par3 ku3-ga# ki-tusz nam-en-na-mu
#tr.en: at that time, the sacred gipar, my residence of the en office,
27. szeg12-bi ur2-bi-ta# nu-us2-sa
#tr.en: its bricks no longer lying against(?) its base,
28. en-a-e-du7
#tr.en: I, Enanedu,
29. en mu mah zi-de3-esz [sa4]-a
#tr.en: en priestess, truly named with an exalted name,
30. dumu ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk-me-en
#tr.en: the daughter of Kudur-mabuk,
31. gi6-par3 ku3-ga ur2-bi sun-a szeg12 zi-du he2-ni-us2
#tr.en: I laid correctly fitting bricks against the old base of the sacred gipar.
32. e2-gar8-bi szu-si tag-ga im dul3 hu-mu-ak
#tr.en: I covered with plaster its inner walls fitted to (within) a finger-length.
33. e2-bi gibil-be2-esz hu-mu-tu
#tr.en: I created that house anew.
34. u4-ba unu2 ses ba-an-tum3 kislah nam-tar-ra
#tr.en: At that time, the Hall That Has Brought Bitterness, the cleared land of 'fates'
35. en-en-e-ne libir-ra-me-esz
#tr.en: (where) the old en priestesses were,
36. ki-bi bad3 nu-dab6 gu2-gir3-bi EDIN-BUR2-bi he2-szub#
#tr.en: that place was not encircled with a wall, and its entrances and its .. had collapsed.
37. en-nu-un ba-ra-gar ki-bi ba-ra-sikil
#tr.en: No watch was set up and that place was no longer pure.
38. ga2-e gesztu2 gal-zu-mu-ta
#tr.en: I, by my great wisdom,
39. nam-tar u4-da egir-ra ki-bi bi2-kin-kin
#tr.en: sought out a place for (going to one's) fate forever afterward.
40. diri ki-nu2 en-en-e-ne libir-ra-me-esz
#tr.en: Surpassing the resting place of the old en priestesses
41. u2-zu-ug dagal-la hu-mu-gar
#tr.en: I established a broad sacred area.
42. ki-bi szub-ba bad3 gal-e hu-mu-dab6
#tr.en: I surrounded that collapsed place with a big wall,
43. en-nu-un kal-ga bi2-gar ki-bi hu-mu-sikil
#tr.en: set there a strong watch, and I purified that place.
44. mu pa3-da nam-en-na-mu pa3-pa3-de3-de3
#tr.en: To show my name chosen for the office of en,
45. kin-bi ki-bi-sze3 he2-em-mi-gar
#tr.en: I did indeed restore this work.
46. temen ar2 nam-en-na-mu mu-sar
#tr.en: Foundation documents in praise of my office of en I had inscribed
47. u4 a-na gal2-la#-ka-ta he2-em-mi-us2#
#tr.en: and had it laid there for whatsoever time it may exist.
48. bad3-bi# ni2 te-ge26-mu he2#-em#-i mu#-bi# he2#-em#-mi-sa4#
#tr.en: I named that wall: May the One Who Shows Fear of Me Be Praised.
RIME, ex. 01 (P431821) 2220239
ki-szu-tag only appears a few times in words list
&P431821 = rime, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. en-an-e-du7
2. en {d}nanna
3. nam gal nam-en-na sza3 ku3-ta nam-gi7 an-na
4. sza3 ki ag2 {d}nin-gal-e nig2-UD nam-en-na bar szu-ta gar
4. sza3 ki-ag2 {d}nin-gal-e nig2-UD nam-en-na bar szu-ta gar
5. me-te e2-kisz-nu-gal2 za3-sza4 utah-he u9-na
6. he2-du7 agrun-na u4 sa-sa-ha kalam-sze3 e3
7. aga nam-en-<na>-sze3 ku3-ge-esz-e tum2-ma
8. gesz-hur szu-luh nam-dingir-sze3 zi-de3#-esz pa3-da
9. nun ni2-tuku du8 mah e2 lugal-la-na-sze3 szu luh-luh-ha-ta al-gub-bu
10. en-an-e#-du7
11. en igi-du8-a {d}nanna {d}nin-gal-bi
12. uri5{ki} iri{ki} za3-e3 ki-en-gi-ra
13. ki-szu-tag za-na-ru en {d}asz-im2-babbar-e
14. lu2 gi6-par3 nam-en-bi-sze3 ki sikil-la du3-a gal-bi tum2-ma-me-en
15. u4 {d}nanna {d}nin-gal-bi
16. sag-ki zalag-ga-ne-ne-a igi bar-ra-bi nam-ti-la
17. igi hul2-la-bi mu-un-szi-in-szum2#-esz-am3
18. esz3 e2-kisz-nu-gal2 ki-tusz nam#-dingir#-ne#-ne#-a#
19. mu-mu mi-ni-in-mah-esz-a
20. ka-mu sikil-la nam#-szita# nam-ti-la mu-un-gar-re-esz-am3
21. szu si-sa2-mu u4 nam-ti {d}ri-im-{d}suen
22. szesz tam-ma-<<na>>-mu
23. su3-USZ-u5-de3 mu-un-de3-ri-esz#-a
24. kur gu2-erim2-gal2-la-ni
25. szu-ni-sze3 bi2#-in#-si-isz-<<esz>>-[a]
26. u4-ba gi6-par3 ku3-ga# ki-tusz nam-en-na-mu
27. szeg12-bi ur2-bi-ta# nu-us2-sa
28. en-a-e-du7
29. en mu mah zi-de3-esz [sa4]-a
30. dumu ku-du-ur-ma-bu-uk-me-en
31. gi6-par3 ku3-ga ur2-bi sun-a szeg12 zi-du he2-ni-us2
32. e2-gar8-bi szu-si tag-ga im dul3 hu-mu-ak
33. e2-bi gibil-be2-esz hu-mu-tu
34. u4-ba unu2 ses ba-an-tum3 ki u4 nam-tar-ra
35. en-en-e-ne libir-ra-me-esz
36. ki-bi bad3 nu-dab6 gu2-gir3-bi EDIN-BUR2-bi he2-szub#
37. en-nu-un ba-ra-gar ki-bi ba-ra-sikil
38. ga2-e gesztu2 gal-zu-mu-ta
39. nam-tar u4-da egir-ra ki-bi bi2-kin-kin
40. diri ki-nu2 en-en-e-ne libir-ra-me-esz
41. u2-zu-ug dagal-la hu-mu-gar
42. ki-bi szub-ba bad3 gal-e hu-mu-dab6
43. en-nu-un kal-ga bi2-gar ki-bi hu-mu-sikil
44. mu pa3-da nam-en-na-mu pa3-pa3-de3-de3
45. kin-bi ki-bi-sze3 he2-em-mi-gar
46. temen ar2 nam-en-na-mu mu-sar
47. u4 a-na gal2-la#-ka-ta he2-em-mi-us2#
48. bad3-bi# ni2 te-ge26-mu he2#-em#-i mu#-bi# he2#-em#-mi-sa4#
RIME 4.02.14.x2006 composite (P448450) 2220240
{d}dingir-mar-du2 does not appear in words list
&P448450 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}dingir-mar-du2
#tr.en: To Dingir-Mardu,
2. en gal ni2 husz# ri#
#tr.en: great lord who oppresses with fierce fearsomeness,
3. me sikil-la za3 kesz2
#tr.en: with pure divine powers bound to his side,
4. dingir zi dumu ki# ag2 {d}en-lil2-[la2]
4. dingir zi dumu ki#-ag2 {d}en-lil2-[la2]
#tr.en: steadfast god, beloved son of Enlil,
5. szud3 a-ra-zu#-e gesz tuku
#tr.en: who listens to prayer,
6. lu2 ni2# te#-ge26-na#
#tr.en: who to those who fear him
7. {d}lamma bi2-ib2-szum2#-mu#-a
#tr.en: provides guardian angels,
8. dingir-ra-ni-ir
#tr.en: his god,
9. nam-ti
#tr.en: for the life
10. {d}ri-im-{d}suen
#tr.en: of Rīm-Sîn,
11. lugal larsa{ki}-ma-sze3
#tr.en: king of Larsa,
12. bara2-sze-sag-nig2#-sa6-ga-ni
#tr.en: Barašesag-nigsagani,
13. dumu ra-szi-{d}en-[...]
#tr.en: son of Raši-En...,
14. sza-u18-sza x [...]
#tr.en: (this) ... sappu bowl,
15. me-te lugal#-[ni-sze3 tum2-ma]
#tr.en: a proper thing suitable for his king,
16. [u3-mu-dim2]
#tr.en: when he had fashioned
17. [sa2-du11 nig2 sa6-ga-ni]
#tr.en: in order his excellent regular offerings
18. kin#-[kin]-de3
#tr.en: to prepare(?),
19. zi [...]
#tr.en: for ... life
20. a-ra-[zu-sze3]
#tr.en: (and) prayers,
21. ARAD2 ni2#-[tuku-ne2]
#tr.en: his (god-)fearing servant
22. a mu-[na-ru]
#tr.en: dedicated it to him.
RIME 4.02.14.x2006, ex. 01 (P308203) 2220241
{d}dingir-mar-du2 does not appear in words list
zi-... only appears a few times in words list
&P308203 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@surface a
1. {d}dingir-mar-du2
2. en gal ni2 husz# ri#
3. me sikil-la za3 kesz2
4. dingir zi dumu ki# ag2 {d}en-lil2-[la2]
4. dingir zi dumu ki#-ag2 {d}en-lil2-[la2]
5. szud3 a-ra-zu#-e gesz tuku
6. lu2 ni2# te#-ge26-na#
7. {d}lamma bi2-ib2-szum2#-mu#-a
8. dingir-ra-ni-ir
9. nam-ti
10. {d}ri-im-{d}suen
11. lugal larsa{ki}-ma-sze3
12. bara2-sze-sag-nig2#-sa6-ga-ni
13. dumu ra-szi-{d}en-[...]
14. sza-u18-sza x [...]
15. me-te lugal#-[ni-sze3 tum2-ma]
16. [u3-mu-dim2]
17. [sa2-du11 nig2 sa6-ga-ni]
18. kin#-[kin]-de3
19. zi-[...]
20. a-ra-[zu-sze3]
21. ARAD2 ni2#-[tuku-ne2]
22. a mu-[na-ru]
RIME composite (P448460) 2220242
&P448460 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}inanna
#tr.en: For Inanna,
2. dingir ib2-ba gu2-en-na sag il2
#tr.en: the angry goddess, with head held high in the throne room,
3. an-ta-gal2 kur-kur-ra dalla
#tr.en: exalted one, brightest in all the lands,
4. musz3-me-bi i-szi si
#tr.en: whose face is full of radiance,
5. dingir zi sza3 gur-ru-bi du10-ga
#tr.en: steadfast goddess whose proud heart is good,
6. arhusz su13 la-ra-ah nig2-gig-ga
#tr.en: she of far-reaching compassion who those in straights and sickness
7. szu dab5-be2 gal-zu-a-asz
#tr.en: she knows well how to take in hand,
8. nin-mu-ra
#tr.en: my lady -
9. nam-ti
#tr.en: for the life
10. {d}ri-im-{d}suen
#tr.en: of Rīm-Sîn,
11. lugal larsa{ki}-ma-sze3
#tr.en: king of Larsa,
12. u3 li-ri-isz-ga-am-lum dumu-munus-a-ni
#tr.en: and of Lirīš-gamlum his daughter,
13. {d}ri-im-{d}suen-{d}sza-la-ba-asz-ta-szu
#tr.en: I, Rīm-Sîn-Šala-bāštašu,
14. dam ki ag2 {d}ri-im-{d}suen
14. dam ki-ag2 {d}ri-im-{d}suen
#tr.en: beloved wife of Rīm-Sîn,
15. dumu-munus {d}suen-ma-gir-ke4
#tr.en: daughter of Sîn-māgir,
16. munus sun5-na
#tr.en: the humble woman,
17. me-te nam-lugal-sze3 tum2-ma-me*-en
#tr.en: ornament worthy of kingship -
18. u4 nin-mu mu nam-sa6-ga
#tr.en: when my lady by a beautiful name
19. gu3 zi-de3-esz ma-an-de2-<a>
#tr.en: truly called me,
20. nam-bi-sze3 {d}inanna-ra
#tr.en: for this, to Inanna,
21. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-mu-ne
#tr.en: as I made fine words (of prayer),
22. dug {na4}_u2-szu3_
#tr.en: a vessel of diorite stone
23. a sikil-la szu tag-ga-sze3 tum2-ma
#tr.en: suitable for pure touching-water -
24. nig2 u4-bi-ta nin! igi-du-mu-ne
#tr.en: something which previously no queen who came before me
25. ba-ra-an-dim2-ma-a
#tr.en: had ever fashioned -
26. u3-mu-dim2
#tr.en: when I had fashioned it,
27. ka2 ku3 kisal-mah e2-me-ur4-ur4
#tr.en: at the sacred gate of the main courtyard of the Emeurur temple
28. ki u6-di kalam-ma-ka
#tr.en: a place of marvel of the nation
29. ul-sze3 mu-ni-gub
#tr.en: I happily set it up .
30. szu lu2 hul hesz5{esz2}-ta
#tr.en: In order from evil-doers and violent men
31. li-ri-isz-ga-am-lum kar-re-de3
#tr.en: to keep Lirīš-gamlum away,
32. a2-sag3 asz-bur2 su-a-na gal2-la
#tr.en: and the asakku or ašbur diseases that may be in her body
33. ni2 nu-zu-ur2 szum2-mu-de3
#tr.en: to give over (instead) to that which knows not fear,
34. sza3-hal igi-ni-a zi-zi-i-de3
#tr.en: to remove the šahal from within her eye,
35. zi-ne2 uri3 ak-de3
#tr.en: and to act as guardian for her life,
36. nam-ti li-ri-isz-ga-am-lum dumu-munus-mu
#tr.en: for the life of Lirīš-gamlum my daughter
37. u3 nam-ti-mu-sze3
#tr.en: and for my own life,
38. geme2 ni2-tuku-ni-me-en
#tr.en: I, the servant who has fear of her (Inanna),
39. a mu-na-ru
#tr.en: dedicated it (this object) to her.
40. u4-me-da u4-da egir-bi-sze3
#tr.en: For ever after today,
41. lu2 kin ak-a-mu ib2-zi-ir-re-a
#tr.en: a person who may efface the work I have made,
42. ki-gub-ba-bi ib2-da-ab-kur2-ru-a
#tr.en: who shall remove it from its standing place
43. ki kur2-ra bi2-ib2-gub-bu-a
#tr.en: and stand it up in another place,
44. mu-sar-ra-ba szu bi2-ib2-ur3-a
#tr.en: who shall erase its inscription
45. mu-ni bi2-ib2-sar-re-a
#tr.en: and inscribe his own name upon it,
46. asz2-bala-ba-ke4-esz
#tr.en: or because of this curse
47. lu2-kur2 szu ba-an-zi-zi-i-a
#tr.en: shall incite a stranger to it,
48. lu2-ba {d}inanna nin kur-kur-ra-ke4
#tr.en: upon that person may Inanna, queen of all the lands,
49. sza3 ib2-ba lipisz bal-a-ne2
#tr.en: with her angry heart and fury
50. asz2 gig-ga he2-en-e
#tr.en: wreak upon him a grievous curse.
RIME, ex. 01 (P286396) 2220243
&P286396 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object portion of base for basin
@surface a
@column 1
1. {d}inanna
2. dingir ib2-ba gu2-en-na sag il2
3. an-ta-gal2 kur-kur-ra dalla
4. musz3-me-bi i-szi si
5. dingir zi sza3 gur-ru-bi du10-ga
6. arhusz su13 la-ra-ah nig2-gig-ga
7. szu dab5-be2 gal-zu-a-asz
8. nin-mu-ra
9. nam-ti
10. {d}ri-im-{d}suen
11. lugal larsa{ki}-ma-sze3
12. u3 li-ri-isz-ga-am-lum dumu-munus-a-ni
13. {d}ri-im-{d}suen-{d}sza-la-ba-asz-ta-szu
14. dam ki ag2 {d}ri-im-{d}suen
14. dam ki-ag2 {d}ri-im-{d}suen
15. dumu-munus {d}suen-ma-gir-ke4
16. munus sun5-na
17. me-te nam-lugal-sze3 tum2-ma-me*-en
18. u4 nin-mu mu nam-sa6-ga
19. gu3 zi-de3-esz ma-an-de2-<a>
20. nam-bi-sze3 {d}inanna-ra
21. inim sa6-sa6-ge-da-mu-ne
22. dug {na4}_u2-szu3_
23. a sikil-la szu tag-ga-sze3 tum2-ma
24. nig2 u4-bi-ta nin! igi-du-mu-ne
25. ba-ra-an-dim2-ma-a
@column 2
1. u3-mu-dim2
2. ka2 ku3 kisal-mah e2-me-ur4-ur4
3. ki u6-di kalam-ma-ka
4. ul-sze3 mu-ni-gub
5. szu lu2 hul hesz5{esz2}-ta
6. li-ri-isz-ga-am-lum kar-re-de3
7. a2*-sag3 asz-bur2 su-a-na gal2-la
8. ni2 nu-zu-ur2 szum2-mu-de3
9. sza3-hal igi-ni-a zi-zi-i-de3
10. zi-ne2 uri3 ak-de3
11. nam-ti li-ri-isz-ga-am-lum dumu-munus-mu
12. u3 nam-ti-mu-sze3
13. geme2 ni2-tuku-ni-me-en
14. a mu-na-ru
15. u4-me-da u4-da egir-bi-sze3
16. lu2 kin ak-a-mu ib2-zi-ir-re-a
17. ki-gub-ba-bi ib2-da-ab-kur2-ru-a
18. ki kur2-ra bi2-ib2-gub-bu-a
19. mu-sar-ra-ba szu bi2-ib2-ur3-a
20. mu-ni bi2-ib2-sar-re-a
21. asz2-bala-ba-ke4-esz
22. lu2-kur2 szu ba-an-zi-zi-i-a
23. lu2-ba {d}inanna nin kur-kur-ra-ke4
24. sza3 ib2-ba lipisz bal-a-ne2
25. asz2 gig-ga he2-en-e
RIME composite (P448469) 2220244
hu-mu-da-an-ag3 only appears a few times in words list
lugal-lugal-a-ne2-er only appears a few times in words list
&P448469 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object comosite
@surface a
1. u4 {d}utu
#tr.en: When Utu,
2. en gal an-ki-bi-da
#tr.en: great lord of heaven and earth,
3. lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4
#tr.en: king of the gods,
4. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
#tr.en: at me, Hammurapi,
5. nun sze-ga-ni-me-en
#tr.en: the prince agreeable to him,
6. igi zalag-ga-na
#tr.en: with his shining eyes
7. hul2-la-bi
#tr.en: happily
8. mu-un-bar-re-en
#tr.en: looked,
9. nam-lugal da-ri2
#tr.en: and an everlasting kingship
10. bala u4 su3-ra2
#tr.en: and a reign of long days
11. ma-ni-in-rig7
#tr.en: he presented to me;
12. suhusz ma-da
#tr.en: and the foundation of the land,
13. nam-en-bi ak-de3
#tr.en: to exercise the lordship over which
14. ma-an-szum2-ma
#tr.en: he gave to me,
15. ma-ni-in-ge4-en
#tr.en: he made secure for me;
16. zimbir{ki}
#tr.en: of Sippar
17. ka2-dingir-ra{ki} ug3-bi
#tr.en: and Babylon their people
18. ki-tusz ne-ha tusz-u3-da
#tr.en: to settle in peaceful habitations
19. inim ku3 nu-kur2-ru-da-na
#tr.en: with his holy word that cannot be altered
20. bi2-in-du11-ga-a
#tr.en: he commanded me,
21. bad3 zimbir{ki}
#tr.en: and the wall of Sippar
22. du3-u3-da
#tr.en: to build
23. sag-bi il2-i-da
#tr.en: and its top to raise up
24. a2 gal hu-mu-da-an-ag3
#tr.en: he gave me the great order.
25. u4-ba
#tr.en: At that time,
26. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
#tr.en: I, Hammurapi,
27. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty king,
28. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki}
#tr.en: king of Babylon,
29. ni2-tuku
#tr.en: (god-)fearing one
30. {d}utu-da gesz tuku
#tr.en: who heeds Utu,
31. ki ag2 {d}{sze3}szer7-da
31. ki-ag2 {d}{sze3}szer7-da
#tr.en: who is the beloved of Šerda,
32. sza3 du10-ga {d}amar-utu
#tr.en: who pleases the heart of Marduk
33. lugal-la-ni-me-en
#tr.en: his master -
34. usu mah {d}utu-ke4
#tr.en: by the exalted strength which Utu
35. ma-ni-in-szum2
#tr.en: gave me,
36. ugnim zi-ga
#tr.en: through a troop levy
37. ma-da-mu-ta
#tr.en: of my land
38. usz8 bad3 zimbir{ki}
#tr.en: the foundation of the wall of Sippar
39. sahar-ta hur-sag gal-gin7
#tr.en: with earth like a huge mountain
40. sag-bi he2-em-mi-il2
#tr.en: its top I raised up,
41. bad3 mah hu-mu-du3
#tr.en: and the great wall I built.
42. u4 ul-li2-a-ta
#tr.en: That which since olden days
43. lugal-lugal-a-ne2-er
#tr.en: among all the kings
44. lugal na-me
#tr.en: no king
45. ba-ra-an-dim2-ma
#tr.en: had ever built,
46. {d}utu lugal-ga2
#tr.en: for Utu my master
47. gal-bi hu-mu-na-du3
#tr.en: I built in a grand manner.
48. bad3-bi
#tr.en: That wall:
49. du11-ga {d}utu-ta
#tr.en: By the Command of Utu
50. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
#tr.en: May Hammurapi
51. gaba-ri na-an-tuku-tuku
#tr.en: Have No Equal
52. mu-bi-im
#tr.en: is its name.
53. bala sa6-ga-ga2
#tr.en: In my favorable reign
54. {d}utu-ke4
#tr.en: which Utu
55. mu-un-sa4-a
#tr.en: called,
56. zimbir{ki}
#tr.en: for Sippar,
57. iri{ki} ul-la
#tr.en: the ancient city
58. {d}utu-ke4
#tr.en: of Utu,
59. erin2-bi {gesz}dusu-ta
#tr.en: its men from corvēe work
60. {d}utu-ra he2-bi2-zi
#tr.en: for Utu I removed.
61. i7-bi
#tr.en: Its canal
62. hu-mu-ba-al
#tr.en: I dug,
63. ki-in-gub-ba
#tr.en: and in its emplacements
64. a da-ri2
#tr.en: perpetual water
65. he2-em-mi-gar
#tr.en: I established.
66. he-nun he2-gal2-bi
#tr.en: Abundance and plenty
67. he2-ni-gar-gar
#tr.en: I established everywhere there.
68. ug3 zimbir{ki}-sze3
#tr.en: For the people of Sippar
69. asila he2-bi2-gar
#tr.en: I produced joy,
70. nam-ti-ga2
#tr.en: and (so) for my life
71. szud3 he2-em-mi-sza4-asz
#tr.en: they indeed prayed.
72. su {d}utu lugal-ga2
#tr.en: What for the well-being of Utu my master
73. {d}a-a nin-mu
#tr.en: and Aia my mistress
74. du10-ga-ra he2-bi2-ak
#tr.en: was good I did.
75. mu sa6-ga-mu
#tr.en: That my good name
76. u4-szu2-usz
#tr.en: daily
77. dingir-gin7 pa3-de3-da
#tr.en: might be revealed like (that of) a god,
78. du-ri2-sze3
#tr.en: and that forever
79. nu-ha-lam-e
#tr.en: it may not be forgotten,
80. ka ug3-ta he2-bi2-gar
#tr.en: I put it in the mouths of the people.
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P431836) 2220245
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 4: nun*
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 17: nam-lugal da-ri2*
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 7: suhusz*
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 9: ni2-tuku*
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 20: usu mah {d}utu#-ke4*
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 20: gal-bi hu-mu-na-du3*
hu-mu-da-an-ag3 only appears a few times in words list
&P431836 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. u4 {d}utu
2. en gal an-ki-bi-da
3. lugal dingir-re-e-ne-<ke4>
4. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
5. nun* sze-ga-ni-me-en
6. igi zalag-ga-na
7. hul2-la-bi
8. mu-un-bar-re-en
9. nam-lugal da-ri2*
10. bala u4 su13-ra2
11. ma-ni-in-rig7
12. suhusz* ma-da
13. nam-en-bi ak-de3
14. ma-an-szum2-ma
15. ma-ni-in-ge4*-en
16. zimbir{ki}
17. ka2-dingir-ra{ki} ug3-bi
18. ki-tusz ne-ha tusz-u3-da
19. inim ku3 nu*-kur2*-ru-da-na
20. bi2-in-du11-ga-a
21. bad3 zimbir{ki}
22. du3-u3-da
23. sag-bi il2-i-da
24. a2 gal hu-mu-da-an-ag3
25. u4-ba
26. ha-am-mu-<ra>-pi2
27. lugal kal-ga
@column 2
1. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki}
2. ni2-tuku*
3. {d}utu-da gesz tuku
4. ki ag2 {d}{sze3}szer7#-da#
4. ki-ag2 {d}{sze3}szer7#-da#
5. sza3 du10-ga {d}amar-utu
6. lugal-la#-ni-me-en
7. usu mah {d}utu#-ke4*
8. ma-ni-in-[szum2]
9. ugnim# zi#-ga#
10. ma#-da-mu-ta
11. [usz8] bad3 zimbir{ki}
12. sahar#-ta hur-sag gal-gin7
13. sag-bi he2-em-mi-il2#
14. bad3 mah hu-mu-du3
15. u4 ul-li2-a-ta
16. lugal-lugal-e-ne-er
17. lu2 na-me
18. ba-ra-an-dim2-ma
19. {d}utu lugal-ga2
20. gal-bi hu-mu-na-du3*
21. bad3-bi
22. du11-ga {d}utu-ta
23. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
24. gaba-ri na-an-tuku-tuku
25. mu-bi-im
26. bala sa6-ga#-[ga2]
27. {d}utu-[ke4]
@column 3
1. mu#-[un-sa4-a]
2. zimbir#{[ki]}
3. iri#[{ki} ul-la]
4. {d}[utu-ke4]
5. [erin2-bi {gesz}dusu-ta]
6. [{d}utu-ra he2-bi2-zi]
7. [i7-bi]
8. [hu-mu-ba-al]
9. [ki-in-gub-ba]
10. [a da-ri2]
11. [he2-em-mi-gar]
12. [he-nun he2-gal2-bi]
13. [he2-ni-gar-gar]
14. [ug3 zimbir{ki}-sze3]
15. asila [he2-bi2-gar]
16. nam-[ti-ga2]
17. szud3 [he2-em-mi-sza4-asz]
18. su [{d}utu lugal-ga2]
19. {d}[a-a nin-mu]
20. du10-ga#-[ra he2-bi2-ak]
21. mu [sa6-ga-mu]
22. [u4-szu2-usz]
23. [dingir-gin7 pa3-de3-da]
24. [du-ri2-sze3]
25. [nu-ha-lam-e]
26. [ka ug3-ta he2-bi2-gar]
RIME composite (P448480) 2220246
ATF: Parsing failed on line 81 near character 1
{d}amar-utu-ra does not appear in words list
{d}amar-utu-ra does not appear in words list
{d}amar-utu-me-en does not appear in words list
&P448480 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
#tr.en: Hammurapi,
2. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty king,
3. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki}
#tr.en: king of Babylon
4. lugal an ub-da limmu2
#tr.en: and king of the four world quarters,
5. kalam dim2-dim2-me
#tr.en: builder of the nation,
6. lugal nig2 ak-ak-bi
#tr.en: king whose deeds
7. su {d}utu
#tr.en: to the well-being of Utu
8. {d}amar-utu-ra
#tr.en: and Marduk
9. ba-du10-ga-me-en
#tr.en: are pleasing, I -
10. bad3 zimbir{ki}
#tr.en: the wall of Sippar
11. sahar-ta
#tr.en: with earth
12. hur-sag gal-gin7
#tr.en: like a great mountain
13. sag-bi
#tr.en: its top
14. he2-em-mi-il2
#tr.en: I truly raised.
15. ambar-ra hu-mu-ni-nigin2
#tr.en: With a marsh I surrounded it.
16. {i7}buranun
#tr.en: The Euphrates
17. zimbir{ki}-sze3
#tr.en: all the way up to Sippar
18. hu-mu-ba-al
#tr.en: indeed I dug,
19. kar silim-ma-ke4
#tr.en: and alongside a safe harbor
20. hu-mu-ni-us2
#tr.en: I set it.
21. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
#tr.en: Hammurapi,
22. kalam dim2-dim2-me
#tr.en: builder of the nation,
23. lugal nig2 ak-ak-bi
#tr.en: king whose deeds
24. su {d}utu
#tr.en: to the well-being of Utu
25. {d}amar-utu-ra
#tr.en: and Marduk
26. ba-du10-ga-me-en
#tr.en: are pleasing, I -
27. zimbir{ki}
#tr.en: Sippar
28. ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-bi-da-ke4
#tr.en: and Babylon
29. ki-tusz ne-ha
#tr.en: in peaceful residences
30. du-ri2-sze3
#tr.en: eternally
31. he2-em-mi-tusz
#tr.en: I made to dwell.
32. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
#tr.en: Hammurapi,
33. sze-ga {d}utu
#tr.en: favored one of Utu,
34. ki ag2 {d}amar-utu-me-en
34. ki-ag2 {d}amar-utu-me-en
#tr.en: beloved of Marduk, I -
35. u4 ul-li2-a-ta
#tr.en: that which from days of old
36. lugal lugal-e-ne-er
#tr.en: no king among kings
37. ba-ra-an-dim2-ma
#tr.en: had ever built,
38. {d}utu lugal-ga2
#tr.en: for Utu my master
39.gal-bi hu-mu-na-du3
#tr.en: in a truly grand manner I built.
RIME, ex. 01 (P430807) 2220247
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @column
{d}amar-utu-ra does not appear in words list
{d}amar-utu-ra does not appear in words list
{d}amar-utu-me-en does not appear in words list
&P430807 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@column 1
1. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
2. lugal kal-ga
3. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki}
4. lugal an ub-da limmu2
5. kalam dim2-dim2-me
6. lugal nig2 ak-ak-bi
7. su {d}utu
8. {d}amar-utu-ra
9. ba-du10-ga-me-en
10. bad3 zimbir{ki}
11. sahar-ta
12. hur-sag gal-gin7
13. sag-bi
14. he2-mi-il2
15. ambar-ra hu-mu-ni-nigin2
16. {i7}buranun
17. zimbir{ki}-sze3!
18. hu-mu-ba-al
19. kar silim-ma-ke4
20. hu-mu-ni-us2
@column 2
21. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
22. kalam dim2-dim2-me
23. lugal nig2 ak-ak-bi
24. su {d}utu
25. {d}amar-utu-ra
26. ba-du10-ga-me-en
27. zimbir{ki}
28. ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-bi-da-ke4
29. ki-tusz ne-ha
30. du-ri2-sze3
31. he2-em-mi-tusz
32. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
33. sze-ga {d}utu
34. ki ag2 {d}amar-utu-me-en
34. ki-ag2 {d}amar-utu-me-en
35. u4 ul-li2-a-ta
36. lugal lugal-e-ne-er
37. ba-ra-an-dim2-ma
38. {d}utu lugal-ga2
39. gal-bi hu-mu-na-du3!
RIME composite (P448482) 2220248
&P448482 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}utu
#tr.en: For Utu,
2. en an-ki-bi-da
#tr.en: lord of heaven and earth,
3. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
4. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
#tr.en: Hammurapi,
5. gu3 de2-a an-na
#tr.en: called by An,
6. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku
#tr.en: one who listens to Enlil,
7. sze-ga {d}utu
#tr.en: favored of Utu,
8. sipa ki ag2
8. sipa ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved shepherd
9. {d}amar-utu-ke4
#tr.en: of Marduk,
10. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: mighty king,
11. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki}
#tr.en: king of Babylon,
12. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: king of Sumer and Akkad,
13. lugal an ub-da limmu2-ba-ke4
#tr.en: king of the four world quarters,
14. lugal bara2-bara2
#tr.en: king who the daises
15. dingir gal-gal-e-ne
#tr.en: of the great gods
16. szu gibil bi2-in-ak-a
#tr.en: did renovate,
17. u4 {d}utu
#tr.en: when Utu
18. ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: Sumer and Akkad
19. nam-en-bi ak-de3
#tr.en: to rule
20. mu-na-an-szum2-ma-ta
#tr.en: he gave to him,
21. esz2-kiri3-bi
#tr.en: and their nose-rope
22. szu-ni-sze3
#tr.en: into his hands
23. bi2-in-si-a
#tr.en: he put fully,
24. {d}utu
#tr.en: for Utu,
25. en geszkim-ti-la-ni-ir
#tr.en: his trusted lord,
26. larsa{ki}-ma
#tr.en: in Larsa
27. iri nam-en-na-ka-na
#tr.en: in the city of his lordship,
28. e2-babbar
#tr.en: the Ebabbar,
29. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
29. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved temple,
30. mu-na-ni-in-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
RIME, ex. 01 (P365476) 2220249
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @column
&P365476 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. {d}utu
2. en an-ki-bi-da
3. lugal-a-ni-ir
4. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
5. gu3 de2-a an-na
6. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku
7. sze-ga {d}utu
8. sipa ki ag2
8. sipa ki-ag2
9. {d}amar-utu-ke4
10. lugal kal-ga
11. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki}
12. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
13. lugal an ub-da limmu2-ba-ke4
14. lugal bara2-bara2
15. dingir gal-gal-e-ne
@column 2
1. szu gibil bi2-in-ak-a
2. u4 {d}utu
3. ki-en-gi ki-uri
4. nam-en-bi ak-de3
5. mu-na-an-szum2-ma-ta
6. esz2-kiri3-bi
7. szu-ni-sze3
8. bi2-in-si-a
9. {d}utu
10. en geszkim-ti-la-ni-ir
11. larsa{ki}-ma
12. iri nam-en-na-ka-na
13. e2-babbar
14. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
14. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
15. mu-na-ni-in-du3
RIME composite (P448484) 2220250
&P448484 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}inanna zabala{ki}
#tr.en: For Inanna of Zabalam,
2. nin me-lam2-ma-ni
#tr.en: the lady whose divine radiance
3. an-ki-a dul-la2
#tr.en: covers heaven and earth,
4. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
5. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
#tr.en: Hammurapi,
6. gu3 de2-a an-na
#tr.en: one called by An,
7. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku
#tr.en: who listens to Enlil,
8. sze-ga {d}utu
#tr.en: favored one of Enlil,
9. sipa sza3 du10-du10
#tr.en: shepherd who pleases the heart
10. {d}amar-utu-ke4
#tr.en: of Marduk,
11. nun sza3 ki ag2
11. nun sza3 ki-ag2
#tr.en: prince beloved
12. {d}inanna-ke4
#tr.en: of Inanna,
13. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty king,
14. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki}
#tr.en: king of Babylon,
15. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: king of Sumer and Akkad,
16. lugal an ub-da limmu2-ba-ke4
#tr.en: king of the four world quarters,
17. lugal bara2-bara2
#tr.en: the king who the daises
18. dingir gal-gal-e-ne
#tr.en: of the great gods
19. szu gibil
#tr.en: did
20. bi2-in-ak-a
#tr.en: renovate -
21. u4 {d}inanna
#tr.en: when Inanna
22. geszkim sa6-ga-ni
#tr.en: her favorable sign
23. ki-en-gi ki-uri
#tr.en: of Sumer and Akkad
24. nam-en-bi ak-de3
#tr.en: to exercise the rule
25. mu-na-an-szum2-ma-ta
#tr.en: she gave to him,
26. esz2-kiri3-bi
#tr.en: and their nose-rope
27. szu-ni-sze3
#tr.en: into his hands
28. bi2-in-si-a
#tr.en: she put fully,
29. {d}inanna
#tr.en: for Inanna
30. ki ag2-ga2-ni-ir
30. ki-ag2-ga2-ni-ir
#tr.en: his beloved one,
31. zabala{ki}
#tr.en: in Zabalam
32. iri nam-nin-a-ka-na
#tr.en: her city of ladyship,
33. e2-zi-kalam-ma
#tr.en: the Temple - Life of the Nation,
34. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
34. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: her beloved temple,
35. mu-na-ni-in-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
RIME, ex. 01 (P365475) 2220251
&P365475 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}inanna zabala{ki}
2. nin me-lam2-ma-ni
3. an-ki-a dul-la2
4. nin-a-ni-ir
5. ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
6. gu3 de2-a an-na
7. {d}en-lil2-da gesz tuku
8. sze-ga {d}utu
9.  sipa sza3 du10-du10
10. {d}amar-utu-ke4
11. nun sza3 ki ag2
11. nun sza3 ki-ag2
12. {d}inanna-ke4
13. lugal kal-ga
14. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki}
15. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri
16. lugal an ub-da limmu2-ba-ke4
1. lugal bara2-bara2
2. dingir gal-gal-e-ne
3. szu gibil
4. bi2-in-ak-a
5. u4 {d}inanna
6. geszkim sa6-ga-ni
7. ki-en-gi ki-uri
8. nam-en-bi ak-de3
9. mu-na-an-szum2-ma-ta
10. esz2-kiri3-bi
11. szu-ni-sze3
12. bi2-in-si-a
13. {d}inanna
14. ki ag2-ga2-ni-ir
14. ki-ag2-ga2-ni-ir
15. zabala{ki}
16. iri nam-nin-a-ka-na
17. e2-zi-kalam-ma
18. e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni
18. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
19. mu-na-ni-in-du3
RIME 4.03.06.x1001 composite (P448488) 2220252
ur2-x only appears a few times in words list
asz2-bala-ba-ke4-esz only appears a few times in words list
&P448488 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] e NE [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. [... za]-e-da nu lugal nu [...]
#tr.en: ... without you (Utu), no king is ...
3'. [...] za-e-me-en a2-[...]
#tr.en: ... you are, ...
4'. [...] x ni2-tuku sze-ga-zu nam-nir-[gal2 ...]
#tr.en: ... one who fears and is favored by you, authority ...
5'. x x [...] nig2-kal-la-zu gal-bi nam-[...]
#tr.en: (at) your valued ..., greatly ...
6'. {uruda}du8 szen-na masz2-ansze gal-bi dim2-dim2-ma te-me-en [...] nam-ti-la-ni u4-bi su3-su3-dam NI ba-ra-ni-in-[...] e2-babbar2 e2 ki ag2-zu du-ri2-sze3 sza-[x]-x [...]
6'. {uruda}du8 szen-na masz2-ansze gal-bi dim2-dim2-ma te-me-en [...] nam-ti-la-ni u4-bi su3-su3-dam NI ba-ra-ni-in-[...] e2-babbar2 e2 ki-ag2-zu du-ri2-sze3 sza-[x]-x [...]
#tr.en: A pure copper du8 vessel(?), grandly constructed with wild animals, with a foundation ... to extend the days of his life, ..., Ebabbar, your beloved house, forever ...
7'. {d}utu lugal-e ni2 te-ge26 gal-zu-me-en gal-bi AN x [...] sza3 du10-ga ur5 sa6-ge an-ta he2-bi2-x-[...] an-ki-bi-ta he2-mu-x-[...]
#tr.en: O master Utu, I am one who knows well to fear you, ... may a happy heart and good liver do ..., in heaven and earth may ...
8'. {d}a-a gidlam-[zu ...] nig2-hul2-la [...] ki-ba [...]
#tr.en: Aia, your spouse, ... joy ... in that place ...
$ n lines broken
9'. [...] x x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
10'. [...] ki-gub-ba mu-ni-ib-[...]
#tr.en: Who shall alter where it stands,
11'. [...] x-bi ki-tusz-bi-a mu-ni-ib-[...]
#tr.en: or do ... to that place where it resides,
12'. a2#? ur2-x [...] mu-ni-ib-tusz-x [...]
#tr.en: or who makes it reside in ...
13'. mu-ni-ib2-GIRI16 e2-a kin kur2-sze3 mu-ni-ib-x-[...]
#tr.en: or who shall ... it, or in a temple for a different purpose shall ... it,
14'. e2 azag ki igi nu-bar-re-da-sze3 i-ni-ib-ku4-ku4-[...]
#tr.en: or who shall bring it into a cultically taboo house where it cannot be seen,
15'. mu-sar-ra-ga2 szu bi2-ib2-ur3-ru-a mu-ni bi2-ib2-sar-[re-a]
#tr.en: or who shall erase my inscription and write his name upon it,
16'. asz2-bala-ba-ke4-esz lu2-kur2 szu ba-an-zi-zi-[...]
#tr.en: or because of this curse shall incite a stranger to do it,
17'. u3-bi2-ib2-ku5-e nig2-hul alam-ga2 in-ga-[...]
#tr.en: who, having broken it, shall do an evil thing to my image -
18'. lu2-bi lugal he2-a en he2-a ensi2 he2-a u3 nam-lu2-ulu3 [he2-a]
#tr.en: that person, be he a king or a lord or a governor or an ordinary human being,
19'. ib2-ba gu-la {d}utu-ke4 he2-x x x [...]
#tr.en: may the great fury of Utu ...,
20'. esz-bar ha-lam-a-ni e2-babbar2-ta hu-mu-[...]
#tr.en: may he ... the decision: his obliteration from the Ebabbar.
21'. an lugal dingir-e-ne-ke4 bala-ni za3 mu-ni-ib2-[...] iri-bi? du6 ka!-ar2-sze3 NI A nam-ha-lam ma-da NI# GAR# [...] mu-ru-ub dingir-re-e-ne-e-ra inim mi-[...-kid2]
#tr.en: An, the king of the gods, shall ... aside his reign, shall ... his cities to mounds and ruins ... obliteration, his? land will slander(?) him in the midst of the gods,
22'. [...] x an-ki-bi-ta uzu hul uzu bun2 du8-du8 uzu GIRI16? [...]
#tr.en: ... from heaven and earth, piled up damaged flesh, blown-up flesh, ...
23'. [...] ki me3 szen-szen-na gar3-dar-bi-sze3 he2-gal2 erin2-ni-sze3 [...] x x x he2-bi2-ib2-[...]
#tr.en: Let there be ... in the places of battle and combat for his subduing, let ... for his troops.
24'. [...] ti-la szer7-da gu-la-ni ba-ni-x [...]
#tr.en: ... life, his great crime shall be ...
25'. [...] a-nir sze-sza4 he2-ni-ib-til-e [...]
#tr.en: ... may it end in laments and moans.
26'. [...] x x usz x ni x [...]
27'. [...] x [...]
# (multiple Akkadian glosses not transliterated)
RIME 4.03.06.x1001, ex. 01 (P274219) 2220253
ur2-ka only appears a few times in words list
e2-azag only appears a few times in words list
asz2-bala-ba!-ke4!-esz only appears a few times in words list
&P274219 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] e NE# [...]
2'. [... za]-e#-da nu lugal nu-[...]
3'. [...] za-e-me-en a2# [...]
4'. [...] x ni2#-tuku sze-ga-zu nam-nir#-[gal2 ...]
5'. x x [...] nig2-kal-la-zu gal-bi nam#-[...]
6'. {uruda}du8 szen#-na# masz2-ansze gal-bi dim2-dim2-ma te-me-en# [...] nam-ti-la-ni u4-bi su3-su3-dam NI# ba-ra-ni-in#-[...] e2-babbar2 e2 ki ag2-zu du-ri2#-sze3# sza#-[x]-x [...]
6'. {uruda}du8 szen#-na# masz2-ansze gal-bi dim2-dim2-ma te-me-en# [...] nam-ti-la-ni u4-bi su3-su3-dam NI# ba-ra-ni-in#-[...] e2-babbar2 e2 ki-ag2-zu du-ri2#-sze3# sza#-[x]-x [...]
7'. {d}utu lugal-e# ni2 te-ge26 gal-zu-me-en gal-bi AN x [...] sza3 du10-ga ur5 sa6-ge an-ta he2-bi2-x-[...] an-ki#-bi-ta he2#-mu-x-[...]
8'. {d}a-a gidlam-[zu ...] nig2-hul2-la [...] ki-ba# [...]
$ rest broken
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x x [...]
2'. [...] ki-gub-ba mu-ni-ib#-[...]
3'. [...] x-bi ki-tusz-bi-a mu-ni-ib#-[...]
4'. a2# ur2-ka#? [...] mu-ni-ib-tusz-x [...]
5'. mu-ni-ib2-GIRI16 e2-a kin kur2-sze3 mu-ni-ib-x-[...]
6'. e2-azag ki igi nu-bar-re-da-sze3 i-ni-ib-ku4-ku4#-[...]
7'. mu-sar-ra-ga2 szu bi2-ib2-ur3-ru-a mu-ni bi2-ib2-sar#-[re-a]
8'. asz2-bala-ba!-ke4!-esz lu2-kur2 szu ba-an-zi-zi#-[...]
9'. u3-bi2-ib2-ku5-e nig2-hul alam-ga2 in-ga-[...]
10'. lu2-bi lugal he2-a en he2-a ensi2 he2-a u3 nam-lu2-ulu3# [he2-a]
11'. ib2-ba gu-la {d}utu-ke4 he2 x x x [...]
12'. esz-bar ha-lam-a-ni e2-babbar2-ta hu-mu#-[...]
13'. an lugal dingir-e-ne-ke4 bala-ni za3 mu-ni-ib2#-[...] iri-bi? du6 ka!-ar2-sze3 NI A nam-ha-lam ma-da NI# GAR# [...] mu-ru-ub dingir-re-e-ne-e-ra inim mi#-[...-kid2]
14'. [...] x an-ki-bi#-ta uzu hul uzu bun2 du8-du8 uzu GIRI16#? [...]
15'. [...] ki# me3 szen#-szen-na gar3-dar-bi-sze3 he2-gal2 erin2-ni-sze3 [...] x x x he2-bi2-ib2-[...]
16'. [...] ti#-la szer7-da gu-la-ni ba-ni-x [...]
17'. [...] a-nir sze-sza4 he2-ni-ib-til-e [...]
18'. [...] x x usz x ni x [...]
19'. [...] x [...]
$ rest broken
# (multiple Akkadian glosses not transliterated)
RIME 4.03.06.x2001 composite (P448489) 2220254
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
&P448489 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. [{d}asz]-ra-tum
#tr.en: For the goddess Ašratum,
2. e2-gi4-a an-na
#tr.en: daughter-in-law of An,
3. nam-nin-a tum2-ma
#tr.en: one fit for ladyship,
4. nin hi-li ma-az-bi
#tr.en: lady of allure and voluptuousness,
5. hur-sag-ga2
#tr.en: in the mountains
6. mi2 zi-de3-esz du11-ga
#tr.en: gently cared for,
7. nin sza3-la2 su3
#tr.en: lady of far-reaching compassion
8. gidlam2-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: who to her spouse
9. inim ni2-tuku-bi sa6-ga
#tr.en: makes fine reverent words,
10. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
11. nam-ti
#tr.en: for the life
12. ha-am-mu-ra-[pi2]
#tr.en: of Hammurapi,
13. lugal mar-[du2]
#tr.en: king of the Amorites,
14. i-tur2-asz-du-[um]
#tr.en: Itūr-ašdum,
15. ra-bi-a-an i7 si2-la2-ku
#tr.en: chief of the Silakku canal (district),
16. dumu szu-ba-an-an-[ke4]
#tr.en: son of Šubā-ilān,
17. {d}lamma me-te nam-dingir-[ra-na]
#tr.en: a guardian angel (figurine) befitting her divinity,
18. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-[na]
18. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-[na]
#tr.en: in her beloved residence,
19. ARAD ni2-tuku-[ne2]
#tr.en: her (god-)fearing servant
20. u6-di-de3 bi2-[in-gub]
#tr.en: set it up there to be marveled at.
RIME 4.03.06.x2001, ex. 01 (P431861) 2220255
mar-du2 does not appear in words list
&P431861 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object slab
@surface a
1. [{d}asz]-ra-tum
2. e2#-gi4#-a an-na
3. nam-nin-a tum2-ma
4. nin hi-li ma-az-bi
5. hur-sag-ga2
6. mi2 zi#-de3-esz du11-ga
7. nin sza3-la2 su3
8. gidlam2-a-ni-ir
9. inim ni2-tuku-bi sa6-ga
10. nin-a-ni-ir
11. nam-ti#
12. ha-am-mu-ra#-[pi2]
13. lugal mar-[du2]
14. i-tur2-asz-du#-[um]
15. ra-bi-a-an i7 si2#-la2-ku
16. dumu szu-ba-an-an#-[ke4]
17. {d}lamma me-te nam-dingir#-[ra-na]
18. ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-[na]
18. ki-tusz ki-ag2-ga2-[na]
19. ARAD ni2-tuku#-[ne2]
20. u6-di-de3 bi2#-[in-gub]
RIME, ex. 01 &amp; RIME, ex. 02 (P286233) 2220256
{gesz}tukul!-ta only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ni-tusz! only appears a few times in words list
{d}{sze3!}szer7-da-ta only appears a few times in words list
{d}amar-utu-bi-da-ka does not appear in words list
ur5-sze3!-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ge-en-ge-en! only appears a few times in words list
hul2-hul2-la-bi-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
8(disz)-am3! only appears a few times in words list
ka-ar-me-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}amar-utu-bi-da-ka does not appear in words list
&P286233 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
@column 1
1. u4 {d}en-lil2-le
2. lugal dingir-re-e-ne
3. en gal kur-kur-ra-ke4
4. {d}utu-ra igi sa6-ga-na
5. mu-un-szi-in-bar-ra-am3
6. zimbir{ki}
7. iri ul ki-szu-pesz-a-ni
8. bad3-bi du3-u3-de3
9. e2-babbar-ra
10. ki-be2 gi4-gi4-de3
11. u6-nir gi-gun4-na mah-a-ni
12. sag-bi an-gin7 il2-i-de3
13. {d}utu {d}{sze3!}szer7-da-bi
14. ki-tusz# ku3#-ne-ne-a
15. asila nig2 hul2-hul2-la-bi-sze3 ku4-ku4-de3
16. inim nig2 nu-kur2-ru-da-na
17. bi2-in-du11-ga-a
18. u4-bi-a
19. ur#-sag szul {d#}utu
20. nam gal {d}en-lil2-le
21. zimbir{ki#} e2-babbar-ra
22. mu-ni-in-tar-ra-sze3
23. hul2-la-gin7
24. im-ma-na-ni-ib2-gar#
25. sa-am-su-i-lu-na
26. lugal szu du11-ga-ni-me-en
27. gu3 hul2 ma-an-de2
28. a2-bi mu-da-an-ag2#
29. u4-bi-a
30. kilib3 ki-en-gi ki#-uri#
31. lu2 gu2# mu#-da#-ab-du3#-usz-a
32. sza2 mu asz-a-ka#
33. a-ra2# 8(disz)-am3
34. {gesz}tukul!-ta he2#-em#-mi#-sag3
35. iri didli gu2#-bar-ra-mu-ne
@column 2
1. du6 _ka#-ar2-me_-sze3 he2-ni-ku4
2. lu2-erim2
3. lu2-hul-gal2#
4. suhusz-bi kalam-ta he2#-em-mi-bu
5. kur gu2-si-a
6. du11-ga-ga2 hu-mu#-ni-tusz!
7. nig2 u4 ul-li2-a-ta
8. szeg12 e2-babbar-ra
9. ba-dim2-ma-ta
10. lugal igi-du-ne#-ne#-er
11. lugal na-me
12. {d}utu ba-ra-mu-un-szi-in-sze-ga-am3
13. bad3 zimbir{ki}
14. nu-mu-na-ta-an-du3-am3
15. sa-am-su-i-lu-na
16. ki ag2# {d}utu
16. ki-ag2# {d}utu
17. {d}{sze3!}szer7-da-bi
18. lugal kal-ga
19. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki}
20. lugal an ub-da limmu2
21. lugal du11-ga-ni
22. ki {d}utu
23. {d}{sze3!}szer7-da-ta sze-ga-me-en
24. du11-ga du11-ga {d}utu
25. {d}amar-utu-bi-da#-ka
26. ugnim zi-ga
27. ma-da-mu-ta
28. sza3 mu-ba-ka
29. szeg12-bi mu-ni-du8
30. bad3 zimbir{ki}
31. [hur]-sag# gal-gin7 mu-ni-il2
32. e2#-babbar-ra KI szu# gibil! im-mi-ak
33. u6-nir gi-gun4#-na mah-ne#-ne
@column 3
1. sag-bi an-gin7 mi-ni-il2
2. {d}utu {d}iszkur
3. {d}{sze3#}szer7#-da#-bi#
4. ki#-tusz# ku3#-ne#-ne#-a
5. asila# nig2# hul2#-hul2#-la#-bi#-sze3#
6. mi#-ni-ku4#
7. e2#-babbar-ra#
8. {d}lamma# sa6#-ga#-bi# im#-mi#-gi4#
9. su# {d#}utu {d}iszkur#
10. {d}{sze3#}szer7#-da#-bi#
11. du10-ga#-ra# im#-[mi]-ak#
12. nig2 du11#-ga# {d}utu
13. {d}amar-utu-bi-da#-ke4#
14. ki-bi-sze3 im-mi-gar
15. bad3-ba {d}utu
16. sa-am-su#-i-lu#-na#-ra#
17. nam-nir nam#-kal#-ga
18. u3 nam-ti-la-ke4#
19. sag-e-esz2 mu-ni-in-rig7
20. mu-bi-im
21. ur5-sze3!-am3 {d}utu#
22. sag nam-bara2-ga-ni#
23. sza-mu-un-il2#-la#
24. nam-ti sza3 du10-ga gi16-sa ak-a
25. nam-lugal za3-sza4 nu-tuku-a
26. {gesz}gidri nig2-si-sa2
27. kalam ge-en-ge-en!
28. {gesz}tukul! kal-ga gesz-gaz lu2-kur2-e-ne
29. nam-en ub-da limmu2-ba
30. du-ri2-sze3 ak-da nig2-ba-ni#-sze3 mu-na-an-szum2
@surface b
@column 1
1. u4 {d}en-lil2#-le#
2. lugal dingir-re-e-ne#
3. en gal kur-kur-ra-ke4
4. {d}utu-ra# igi sa6#-ga-na
5. mu-un-szi-in-bar-ra-am3#
6. zimbir{ki#}
7. iri ul ki-szu-pesz-a-ni
8. bad3-bi du3-u3-de3#
9. e2-babbar-ra#
10. ki-be2 gi4-gi4-de3
11. u6-nir gi-gun4-na# mah-a-ni#
12. sag-bi an-gin7 il2-i-de3#
13. {d}utu {d}{sze3#}szer7#-da#-[bi]
14. ki-tusz! ku3-ne-ne-a
15. asila# nig2 hul2-hul2-la-bi#-sze3! ku4-ku4-de3
16. inim nig2 nu-kur2-ru-da-na
17. bi2-in-du11-ga-a
18. u4-bi#-a
19. ur-sag szul# {d}utu
20. nam gal {d}en-lil2-le
21. zimbir{ki} e2-babbar-ra
22. mu#-ni-in-tar-ra-sze3
23. hul2#-la#-gin7
24. im#-ma#-na-ni-ib2#-gar
25. sa-am-su-i-lu-na
26. lugal# szu du11-ga-ni-me-en
@column 2
1. gu3 hul2# ma#-an-de2#
2. a2#-bi# mu#-da#-an-ag2#
3. u4-bi-a#
4. kilib3 [ki-en]-gi# ki#-uri#
5. lu2# gu2# mu#-da#-ab#-du3-usz#-a#
6. sza2 mu# asz-a-ka#
7. a-ra2 8(disz)#-am3!
8. {gesz}[tukul-ta he2]-em#-mi#-sag3
9. iri didli gu2#-bar-ra-mu#-ne#
10. du6# _ka#-ar#-<me>_-sze3# he2#-ni-ku4#
11. lu2#-erim2
12. lu2#-hul-gal2
13. suhusz#-bi kalam-ta
14. [he2]-em#-mi-bu
15. kur# gu2#-si#-a
16. du11-[ga]-ga2# hu-mu#-ni-tusz
17. nig2 u4 ul#-li2-a-ta
18. szeg12# e2-babbar-ra
19. ba-dim2-ma-ta
20. lugal igi-du#-ne#-ne-er
21. lugal na-me
22. {d}utu ba-ra#-mu-un-szi-in-sze-ga-am3
# (verb is split into two ruled lines, second indented)
23. bad3 zimbir#{ki#}
24. nu-mu-na#-ta-an-du3-am3
25. sa-am-su-i-lu-na
26. ki ag2 {d}utu
26. ki-ag2 {d}utu
@column 3
1. {d#}{sze3#}szer7#-da#-bi#
2. [lugal kal]-ga
3. lugal# ka2#-dingir-ra#{ki#}
4. [lugal] an ub-da# [limmu2]
5. [lugal] du11-ga-ni
6. ki# {d}utu
7. {d}{sze3}szer7#-da#-ta sze#-[ga]-me-en#
8. du11#-ga [du11]-ga# {d}utu
9. {d}amar-utu#-bi#-da#-ka#
10. ugnim# zi-ga
11. ma#-da#-mu-ta#
12. sza3# mu#-ba-ka#
13. szeg12-bi mu#-[ni-du8]
14. bad3# zimbir#{[ki]}
15. hur#-sag# [gal-gin7] mi-ni-[il2]
# (written on two ruled lines, second indented)
16. e2#-babbar#-ra szu# gibil# im#-mi#-ak#
17. u6-nir gi-gun4#-na# mah-ne#-ne#
18. sag-bi an-gin7 mi#-ni-il2
19. {d}utu {d}iszkur
20. {d}{sze3}szer7-da#-bi#
21. ki-tusz ku3-ne#-ne-a
22. asila nig2 hul2#-hul2-la-bi-sze3
23. mi-ni-ku4
24. e2-babbar-ra
@column 4
1. {d}lamma sa6#-ga#-bi# im#-mi-[gi4]
2. su# {d#}utu {d}iszkur
3. {d}{sze3#}szer7#-da#-bi#
4. [du10]-ga-ra im-mi#-[ak]
5. nig2 du11-ga {d}utu
6. {d}amar#-utu-bi-da#-ke4#
7. ki-bi-sze3# im#-mi#-[gar]
8. bad3-ba {d#}utu
9. sa#-am-su#-i#-[lu]-na#-ra#
10. nam#-nir# nam#-kal-ga
11. u3# nam#-ti-la#-ke4#
12. sag-e#-esz2# mu-ni-in-rig7
13. mu#-bi-im
14. ur5#-sze3-am3 {d}utu
15. sag nam-bara2-ga-ni
16. sza-mu-un-il2-la
17. nam#-ti sza3 du10-ga
18. gi16#-sa ak#-a
19. [nam]-lugal za3-sza4 nu-tuku-a
20. {gesz#}gidri# nig2#-si#-sa2
21. kalam# ge#-en#-ge-en
22. {gesz}tukul kal-ga
23. gesz-gaz# lu2#-kur2-e-ne
24. nam#-en# ub#-da limmu2-ba
25. [du]-ri2-sze3# ak-da
26. nig2-ba-ni-sze3
27. mu-na-an-szum2
RIME, ex. 03 (P268899) 2220257
igi-du-ne-ne!-er only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-na-ta-an-du3-am3 only appears a few times in words list
&P268899 = RIME, ex. 03
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. [u4 {d}en-lil2-le]
2. [lugal dingir-re-e-ne]
3. [en gal kur-kur-ra-ke4]
4. [{d}utu-ra] igi [sa6-ga-na]
5. [mu-un-szi]-in?-bar-[ra-am3]
6. zimbir#{ki}
7. [iri] ul ki-szu-pesz-a#-[ni]
8. bad3#-bi du3-u3-de3
9. e2#-babbar-ra
10. [ki]-be2 gi4-gi4-de3
11. u6#-nir# gi-gun4#-na mah-a-ni#
12. sag#-bi an-gin7 il2-i-de3
13. {[d]}utu# {d}{sze3}szer7-da-bi
14. [ki-tusz] ku3-ne-ne-a
15. [asila nig2] hul2-hul2-la-bi-sze3 ku4#-ku4-de3
16. [inim nig2] nu-kur2-ru-da-na
17. [bi2]-in#-du11-ga-a
18. [u4]-bi-a
19. [ur-sag] szul# {d}utu
20. [nam gal] {[d]}en-lil2-le
21. [zimbir]{ki#} e2#-babbar-ra
22. [mu-ni]-in#-tar-ra-sze3
23. [hul2]-la#-gin7
24. [im-ma-na]-ni#-ib2-gar
$ rest broken
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. [x (x)] x [...] x [...]
2'. lu2-erim2 x [...]
3'. suhusz-bi kalam-[ta] he2-em#-mi#-[bu]
4'. kur gu2-si-[a]
5'. du11-ga-ga2 hu-mu-[ni-tusz]
6'. nig2 u4 ul-li2-a-[ta]
7'. szeg12 e2-babbar-[ra]
8'. ba-dim2-ma#-[ta]
9'. lugal igi-du#-[ne]-ne!-[er]
10'. lugal na-[me]
11'. {d}utu ba-ra-mu-[un]-szi-in-sze-ga-[am3]
12'. bad3 zimbir{ki}
13'. hu-mu-un-na-ta-an-du3-[am3]
14'. sa-am-su-i-lu#-na#
15'. ki ag2 {d}[utu]
15'. ki-ag2 {d}[utu]
16'. {d}{sze3}szer7#-da-bi#
17'. lugal kal#-[ga]
18'. lugal# ka2#-dingir-ra#{[ki]}
19'. [lugal] an# ub#-[da limmu2]
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [szeg12-bi] mu#-ni#-[du8]
2'. [bad3] zimbir#{[ki]}
3'. hur-sag gal-gin7 [mu]-ni-[il2]
4'. e2-babbar#-ra [szu gibil] im#-mi-[ak]
5'. u6-nir gi-gun4#-[na] mah-ne-[ne]
6'. sag-bi an-gin7 mi-ni-il2
7'. {d}utu {d}iszkur#
8'. {d}{sze3}szer7-da-bi#
9'. ki-tusz ku3-ne-ne#-[a]
10'. asila nig2 hul2-hul2#-la-bi-[sze3]
11'. mi-ni-ku4#
12'. e2-babbar-[ra]
13'. {d}lamma# sa6-ga-[bi] im-mi-gi4#
14'. su {d}utu {d}[iszkur]
15'. {d}{sze3}szer7-da-[bi]
16'. du10-ga-ra im-mi-[ak]
17'. nig2 du11-ga {d}[utu]
18'. {d}amar-utu-bi-da#-[ke4]
19'. ki-bi-sze3 im-mi#-[gar]
20'. bad3-ba [{d}utu]
21'. sa-am-su-[i-lu-na-ra]
22'. nam-nir# [nam-kal-ga]
$ rest broken
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. [nam-lugal za3]-sza4# [nu]-tuku-a
2'. {[gesz]}gidri nig2-si-sa2
3'. kalam# ge-en-ge-en
4'. {gesz#}tukul kal-ga [gesz]-gaz lu2-kur2-e-ne
5'. [nam]-en ub-da limmu2-ba
6'. [du]-ri2#-sze3 ak-da
7'. [nig2]-ba#-ni-sze3
8'. [mu]-na#-an-szum2
$ double ruling
$ blank space
RIME composite (P448503) 2220258
gal-e-ne-er only appears a few times in words list
bal-e-dam only appears a few times in words list
in-zu-a only appears a few times in words list
szilig-ga-me-esz only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-da-ab-bal-bal-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
udug-za only appears a few times in words list
ba-me-da-an-ag2 only appears a few times in words list
asz3-nun-na{ki} only appears a few times in words list
nu-un-na-an-gal2-la only appears a few times in words list
nam-mi-in-tum2 only appears a few times in words list
gir2-ta only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-gaz only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-si3 only appears a few times in words list
ugnim-ni-ta only appears a few times in words list
&P448503 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}en-lil [nam-lugal-la-ni]
#tr.en: Enlil, whose kingship
2. dingir-e-ne-[er]
#tr.en: of all the gods
3. ib2-gu-[la ...]
#tr.en: is the greatest,
4. sipa nam [tar-re]
#tr.en: the shepherd who determines the destinies,
5. {d}za-ba4-ba4 {d}inanna
#tr.en: because Zababa and Inanna
6. [nun] gal-e-ne-er
#tr.en: among the great (divine) princes
7. gu3-mur in-ak-esz-a-asz
#tr.en: were the most heroic,
8. [igi ku3]-ga-na nam-mu-un-ne-szi-du8
#tr.en: he looked at them with his holy eyes.
9. [iri] kisz{ki}
#tr.en: The city Kiš,
10. [ki-szu]-pesz sag-ga2
#tr.en: their foremost cult site
11. [ki-tusz] mah-a-ne-ne
#tr.en: and exalted residence,
12. [bad3]-bi du3-u3-de3
#tr.en: to build its wall
13. [sag]-bi diri nig2 u4-bi-da-ka il2-i-da
#tr.en: and to raise up its top more than before
14. [sza3-ga]-ne2 zi-de3-esz nam-mu-un-tum2
#tr.en: his heart truly moved him.
15. [{d}en]-lil2 en gal
#tr.en: And Enlil, the great lord,
16. [du11-ga]-ni szu nu bal-e-dam
#tr.en: whose utterance cannot be overturned
17. [nam] ib2-tar-re-da
#tr.en: and a fate which he determines
18. [nu-kur2]-ru-[da]
#tr.en: cannot be altered,
$ n lines broken
19'. [u3-ma-a]-ni sa2
#tr.en: To him (Zababa) who his victories
20'. [du11-ga]-ar
#tr.en: achieves,
21'. [{d}inanna dumu-munus]-am3
#tr.en: and Inanna, the daughter
22'. [... ki ag2-ga2]-na
22'. [... ki-ag2-ga2]-na
#tr.en: whom he loves,
23'. [nin nam-dingir-ra]-na
#tr.en: the lady whose divinity
24'. [nu-mu-un]-da-sa2-e-a-asz
#tr.en: is unrivaled,
25'.-8'. [igi hul2-la-na] mu-un-ne-szi-in-bar-ma
#tr.en: his joyful eyes he directed towards them, and
26'. [inim sza3 du10]-ga-ke4
#tr.en: words of heart-felt happiness
27'. [mu]-un-da-ab-be3
#tr.en: he spoke with them.
28'. [sa-am-su-i]-lu-na
#tr.en: Samsu-iluna,
29'. [sukkal] kal-ga
#tr.en: my envoy, mighty
30'. [nu-kusz2]-u3-mu
#tr.en: and untiring,
31'. [sza3 tum2-ma]-mu
#tr.en: who the desire of my heart
32'. [ki-bi-sze3 gar-ra in-zu]-a
#tr.en: knows how to put in place,
33'. [gesz-nu11 zalag-ga-ni he2-me-en-ze2]-en
#tr.en: may you both be his shining light.
$ n lines broken
34'. [dingir-e-ne-er] szilig-[ga-me-esz]
#tr.en: (Zababa and Ištar) the most majestic of the gods,
35'. inim a-a-bi {d}[en-lil2]
#tr.en: at the words that their father Enlil
36'. in-ne-szi-in-du11-[ga-asz]
#tr.en: had spoken to them,
37'. sza3-bi hi-li su13 in-hul2
#tr.en: their hearts rejoiced full of delight.
38'. sa-am-su-i-lu-[na]
#tr.en: To Samsu-iluna,
39'. lugal kal-ga sipa ur-[sag]
#tr.en: the mighty king, the shepherd and hero,
40'. szu du11-ga-ne-ne-er
#tr.en: their accomplishment,
41'. sag-ki nam-ti-la-bi
#tr.en: their countenances of life
42'. zalag-ge-esz nam-mu-un-szi-in-zi-ge-esz
#tr.en: they lifted shiningly towards him,
43'. inim ul mu-un-da-ab-bal-bal-e-ne
#tr.en: and joyfully they conversed with him.
44'. sa-am-su-i-lu-na
#tr.en: O Samsu-iluna,
45'. numun da-ri2 dingir-e-ne-ke4
#tr.en: eternal seed of kingship,
46'. he2-du7 nam-lugal-la
#tr.en: one fitting for kingship,
47'. {d}en-lil2-le
#tr.en: Enlil
48'. nam-tar-ra-zu mi-ni-ib2-gal
#tr.en: has magnified your destiny.
49'. udug-za silim-ma-ta ak-de3
#tr.en: To act with well-being as (your) guardian genies
50'. a2 ba-me-da-an-ag2
#tr.en: he has commanded us.
51'. za3 zi-da-za u3-su8-en-de3-en
#tr.en: When we shall have gone at your right side
52'. lu2 gu2 mu-e-da-ab-du3-usz-a
#tr.en: the persons who hate you
53'. sag gesz ba-ab-ra-ra-an-de3-en
#tr.en: we shall smite,
54'. lu2 erim2 gal2-la-zu-ne
#tr.en: and your foes
55'. szu-za mi-ni-ib2-si-ge-en-de3#-en#
#tr.en: we shall put into your hands.
56'. iri kisz{ki} ki-szu-[pesz ...] x [...]
#tr.en: The city Kiš, our [awe-inpiring] cult site,
57'. bad3-bi u3-[du3 ...]
#tr.en: build its wall!
58'. nig2 szu igi-[du-na-da] diri-[bi2-ib2]
#tr.en: Make it greater than what was there before!
59'. sa-am-su-[i-lu-na]
#tr.en: Samsu-iluna,
$ n lines broken
60'. [dingir]-ni lugal [asz3-nun-na{ki}]
#tr.en: Iluni, the king of Ešnunna,
61'. inim-ma-na gesz-[tug2 nu-un-na]-an-gal2-[la]
#tr.en: who did not heed his words,
62'. szu im-mi-[in-du8]
#tr.en: he held onto.
63'. {gesz}si-gar gu2 [du3-a-ta]
#tr.en: With his neck held in a neck-stock
64'. nam-mi-in-[tum2]
#tr.en: he brought him in,
65'. zi-ni gir2-[ta] im-mi-in-[gaz]
#tr.en: and his life he slew with a knife.
66'. ka kilib3 ki-en-gi4 [ki]-uri#
#tr.en: All of Sumer and Akkad
67'. tesz2-a im-[mi-in-si3]
#tr.en: he caused to be of one mind.
68'. an-ub-da limmu2-[ba]
#tr.en: The four world quarters
69'. du11-ga-na mi-[ni-in-tusz]
#tr.en: under his command he caused to dwell.
70'. u4-ba sa-am-[su-i-lu-na] nita kal#-[ga]
#tr.en: At that time, Samsu-iluna, the mighty man,
71'. usu ugnim-ni-[ta]
#tr.en: through the strength of his army,
72'. iri kisz{[ki]} [mu-un-du3]
#tr.en: rebuilt the the city Kiš.
73'. _hi-ri-tum_-[bi mu-un-ba-al]
#tr.en: He dug its canal,
74'. sahar gal-[ta suhusz-bi]
#tr.en: and with much earth its foundation
$ rest broken
RIME, ex. 01 (P447977) 2220259
ATF: Parsing failed on line 23 near character 4
gal-e-ne-er only appears a few times in words list
bal-e-dam only appears a few times in words list
in-zu-a only appears a few times in words list
szilig-ga-me-esz only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-da-ab-bal-bal-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
udug-za only appears a few times in words list
ba-me-da-an-ag2 only appears a few times in words list
asz3-nun-na{ki} only appears a few times in words list
nu-un-na-an-gal2-la only appears a few times in words list
nam-mi-in-tum2 only appears a few times in words list
gir2-ta only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-gaz only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-si3 only appears a few times in words list
ugnim-ni-ta only appears a few times in words list
&P447977 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object barrel
@surface a
1. {d}en-lil# [nam-lugal-la-ni]
2. dingir-e-ne#-[er]
3. ib2-gu#-[la ...]
4. sipa nam [tar-re]
5. {d}za-ba4-ba4 {d}inanna#
6. [nun] gal#-e-ne-er
7. gu3#-mur in-ak-esz-a-asz
8. [igi ku3]-ga#-na nam-mu-un#-ne-szi-du8
9. [iri] kisz{ki}
10. [ki-szu]-pesz# sag-ga2
11. [ki-tusz] mah-a-ne-ne
12. [bad3]-bi du3-u3-de3
13. [sag]-bi diri nig2 u4-bi-da-ka il2-i-da
14. [sza3-ga]-ni zi-de3-esz nam#-mu-un-tum2
15. [{d}en]-lil2 en gal
16. [du11-ga]-ni szu nu bal-e-dam
17. [nam] ib2-tar-re-da#
18. [nu-kur2]-ru#-[da]
$ 1-2 lines broken
1'. [u3-ma-a]-ni# sa2
2'. [du11-ga]-ar
3'. [{d}inanna dumu-munus]-am3#
4'. [... ki ag2-ga2]-na
4'. [... ki-ag2-ga2]-na
5'. [nin nam-dingir-ra]-na
6'. [nu-mu-un]-da-sa2-e-a-asz
7'.-8'. [igi hul2-la-na] mu#-un-ne-szi-in#-bar-ma
9'. [inim sza3 du10]-ga-ke4
10'. [mu]-un#-da-ab-be3
11'. [sa-am-su-i]-lu#-na
12'. [sukkal] kal#-ga
13'. [nu-kusz2]-u3-mu
14'. [sza3 tum2-ma]-mu
15'. [ki-bi-sze3 gar-ra in-zu]-a
16'. [gesz-nu11 zalag-ga-ni he2-me-en-ze2]-en#
$ n lines broken
1''. [dingir-e-ne-er] szilig#-[ga-me-esz]
2''. inim _a-a-bi_ {d}[en-lil2]
3''. in-ne-szi-in-du11-[ga-asz]
4''. sza3-bi hi-li su13 in-hul2#
5''. sa-am-su-i-lu-[na]
6''. lugal kal-ga sipa ur#-[sag]
7''. szu du11-ga-ne-ne-er
8''. sag-ki nam-ti-la-bi
9''. zalag-ge-esz nam-mu-un-szi-in#-zi-ge-esz
10''. inim ul mu-un-da-ab-bal-bal-e-ne
11''. sa-am-su-i-lu-na
12''. numun da-ri2 dingir-e-ne-ke4
13''. he2-du7 nam-lugal-la
14''. {d}en-lil2-le
15''. nam-tar-ra-zu mi-ni-ib2-gal
16''. udug-za silim-ma-ta ak-de3
17''. a2 ba-me-da-an-ag2
18''. za3 zi-da-za u3-su8-en-de3-en
19''. lu2 gu2 mu-e-da-ab-du3-usz-a
20''. sag gesz ba-ab-ra-ra-an-de3-en
21''. lu2 erim2 gal2-la-zu-ne
22''. szu-za mi-ni-ib2-si-ge#-en-de3#-en#
23''. iri kisz{ki} ki-szu#-[pesz ...] x [...]
24''. bad3-bi u3-[du3 ...]
25''. nig2 szu igi-[du-na-da] diri-[bi2-ib2]
26''. sa-am-su#-[i-lu-na]
$ n lines broken
1'''. [dingir]-ni# lugal# [asz3-nun-na{ki}]
2'''. inim-ma-na gesz-[tug2 nu-un-na]-an-gal2#-[la]
3'''. szu im-mi#-[in-du8]
4'''. {gesz}si-gar gu2 [du3-a-ta]
5'''. nam-mi-in-[tum2]
6'''. zi-ni gir2-[ta] im-mi-in#-[gaz]
7'''. ka kilib3 ki-en-gi4# [ki]-uri#
8'''. tesz2-a im-[mi-in-si3]
9'''. an-ub-da limmu2#-[ba]
10'''. du11-ga-na mi#-[ni-in-tusz]
11'''. u4-ba sa-am-[su-i-lu-na] nita kal#-[ga]
12'''. usu ugnim#-ni-[ta]
13'''. iri kisz{[ki]} [mu-un-du3]
14'''. _hi-ri-tum#_-[bi mu-un-ba-al]
15'''. sahar# gal#-[ta suhusz-bi]
$ rest broken
RIME 4.03.07.x1001 composite (P448507) 2220260
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 28: [...] gal ni2 husz-bi ri-ga*
&P448507 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x x
#tr.en: ...
2'. [...]-x bi2-in-sa4-a
#tr.en: which he named ...,
3'. [...]-bi# bi2-ib2-il2-la
#tr.en: its ... which they had raised up,
4'. [x dingir-re]-e#-ne-ka mi-ni-ib2-gu-ul-la
#tr.en: which they had made great in the ... of the gods,
5'. [...] gal ni2 husz-bi ri-ga* ezem-ezem-da mi-ni-in-da-tusz
#tr.en: great ..., beset by its fierce fearsomeness, seated with him at the festivals,
6'. [...] x x nam-en-na-ka dur2 gal-le-esz in-na-an-gar
#tr.en: on a ... of lordship she grandly took at seat before him.
7'. [...] x x x la nig2 sa6-ga-ni
#tr.en: ... her good ...
8'. [a2] zi#-da-na mi-ni-in-gub
#tr.en: he erected on her right side.
9'. [...] _zi-ik-ru-uk-ki_
#tr.en: ... At Your Command
10. [...] AN _li-ib-lu-ut,_ mu-bi-im
#tr.en: ... May He Live is its name.
$ single ruling
11'. [x x] x-a-an-na dam ki ag2 {d}amar-utu
11'. [x x] x-a-an-na dam ki-ag2 {d}amar-utu
#tr.en: ... of An, beloved wife of Marduk,
12'. [...] bi2#-in-dag2-dag2-ga
#tr.en: he having made ... clean there,
13'. [...] x x bi2-in-gar-ra
#tr.en: and having set ... there,
14'. [...] x-in#-[x]
#tr.en: he did ...
$ n lines broken
15'. x x x x x mu x [...]
#tr.en: ...
16'. mu-ru-ub dingir-re-e-ne x [...]
#tr.en: in the midst of the gods ...
17'. {d}zar-pa-ni-tum ama ugu-mu-um [...]
#tr.en: Zarpanītum, the mother who bore me, ...
18'. gesz tuku-a inim-gar x x [...]
#tr.en: the one who listens, who complaints ...,
19'. inim {d}amar-utu lugal-x-[...]
#tr.en: the word of Marduk, king ...
20'. e2-sag-il2-la x [...]
#tr.en: Into the Esagila temple ...
21'. he2-en-na-ab-ku4-[ku4-re]
#tr.en: may he bring it.
22'. nam-za3-tag-ga [...]
#tr.en: The overthrow ...
23'. i7 iri-na-ka [...]
#tr.en: In the canal of his city ...
24'. a-sza3 iri-na-ka [...]
#tr.en: In the fields of his city ...
25'. ezem PA dingir-e-ne-ke4 [...]
#tr.en: By the ... festivals of the gods ...
26'. gesz-tag-ga mu pa3#-da [...] za3 [...]
#tr.en: the sacrifice(s), chosen by name ...
27'. x [...]
$ rest broken
RIME 4.03.07.x1001, ex. 01 (P343134) 2220261
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 28: [...] gal ni2 husz-bi ri-ga*
nig2-sa6-ga-ni only appears a few times in words list
&P343134 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x x
2'. [...]-x bi2-in-sa4-a
3'. [...]-bi# bi2-ib2-il2-la
4'. [x dingir-re]-e#-ne-ka mi-ni-ib2-gu-ul-la
5'. [...] gal ni2 husz-bi ri-ga* ezem-ezem-da mi-ni-in-da-tusz
6'. [...] x x nam-en-na-ka dur2 gal-le-esz in-na-an-gar
7'. [...] x x x la nig2-sa6-ga-ni
8'. [a2] zi#-da-na mi-ni-in-gub
9'. [...] _zi-ik-ru-uk-ki_
10. [...] AN _li-ib-lu-ut,_ mu-bi-im
$ single ruling
11'. [x x] x-a-an-na dam ki ag2 {d}amar-utu
11'. [x x] x-a-an-na dam ki-ag2 {d}amar-utu
12'. [...] bi2#-in-dag2-dag2-ga
13'. [...] x x bi2-in-gar-ra
14'. [...] x-in#-[x]
$ rest broken
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. x x x x x mu x [...]
2'. mu-ru-ub dingir-re-e-ne x [...]
3'. {d}zar-pa-ni-tum ama ugu-mu-um [...]
4'. gesz tuku-a inim gar x x [...]
5'. inim {d}amar-utu lugal-x-[...]
6'. e2-sag-il2-la x [...]
7'. he2-en-na-ab-ku4-[ku4-re]
8'. nam-za3-tag-ga [...]
9'. i7 iri-na-ka [...]
10'. a-sza3 iri-na-ka [...]
11'. ezem PA dingir-e-ne-ke4 [...]
12'. gesz-tag-ga mu pa3#-da [...] za3 [...]
13'. x [...]
$ rest broken
RIME composite (P448512) 2220262
ATF: Parsing failed on line 65 near character 2
ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-a only appears a few times in words list
mar-du2{ki}-a-me-en does not appear in words list
su-mu-la-il3-a does not appear in words list
ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-a only appears a few times in words list
nam-lugal-la-ga2-a only appears a few times in words list
mah-ni only appears a few times in words list
ib2-ta-sa4-a only appears a few times in words list
he2-...-an-...-gar-ra-ta only appears a few times in words list
{m}{d}EN-u2-sza-al-li-im does not appear in words list
{m}da-bi-bi does not appear in words list
&P448512 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. am-mi-di-[ta]-na
#tr.en: Ammi-ditana,
2. lugal kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty king,
3. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-a
#tr.en: king of Babylon,
4. lugal kisz{ki}-a
#tr.en: king of Kiš,
5. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri{[ki]}-ke4
#tr.en: king of Sumer and Akkad,
6. lugal da-ga-an# kur mar-du2{ki}-a-me-en
#tr.en: king of the totality of the Amorite lands am I -
7. sza3-bal-bal
#tr.en: descendant
8. su-mu-la-il3-a
#tr.en: of Sūmû-la-il,
9. dumu# ur-sag gal
#tr.en: son of the great champion
10. a-bi-e-szu-uh-a-me-en
#tr.en: Abī-ešuḫ am I -
11. sze-ga {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: one favored of Enlil,
12. ki ag2 [...]
12. ki-ag2 [...]
#tr.en: beloved of ...
$ n lines broken
13'. ka2#-dingir-ra{ki}-a
#tr.en: in Babylon
14'. iri{ki}
#tr.en: the city
15'. nam-lugal-la-ga2-a
#tr.en: of my kingship,
16'. inim mah?-ni an-ki-[a] ib2-ta-sa4-[a]
#tr.en: which he called by his exalted word in heaven and earth.
17'. u4-bi-[a]
#tr.en: At the time,
18'. nam-ku3-zu-[a]
#tr.en: through the expertise
19'. {d}en-[ki-ke4]
#tr.en: which Enki
20'. szu-a he2?-[...]-an-[...-gar-ra-ta]
#tr.en: did transmit to me,
21'. x [...]
22'. x [...]
$ n lines broken
23'. [x]-bi [...]
#tr.en: its ...
24'. [...] ki-tusz asil-la2-[ka]
#tr.en: ... in a residence of joy
25'. [he2]-bi2-i3-dur2-ru
#tr.en: I indeed made dwell.
26'. bad3-bi
#tr.en: That wall:
27'. {d}asal-lu2-hi
#tr.en: By Asalluhi
28'. lu2 im-a bi2-in-bur2-ru-da-a
#tr.en: the person who may make a breach through the clay
29'. im ki-a ha-ra-ab-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: may he be turned into clay in the netherworld
30'. mu-bi-im
#tr.en: is its name.
31'. _sza2_ {m}{d}EN-u2-sza-al-li-im
#tr.en: (Property) of Bēl-ušallim,
32'. a {m}da-bi-bi lu2 _a-szi-pu_
#tr.en: offspring of Dābibi the exorcist.
RIME, ex. 01 (P447988) 2220263
ATF: Syntax error at line 25 col 9: $ blank line
ka2-dingir-ra{ki}-a only appears a few times in words list
mar-du2{ki}-a-me-en does not appear in words list
hi-pi only appears a few times in words list
esz-szu does not appear in words list
su-mu-la-il3-a does not appear in words list
{m}{d}EN-u2-sza-al-li-im does not appear in words list
{m}da-bi-bi does not appear in words list
&P447988 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
# Neo-Babylonian copy of an older inscription
1. am-mi-di-[ta-na]
2. lugal kal-[ga]
3. lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki#}-[a]
4. lugal kisz{ki#}-[a]
5. lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri#{[ki]}-[ke4]
6. lugal da-ga-an# kur mar-du2{ki}-a-me-en#
7. _hi-pi esz-szu_ sza3-bal-bal#
8. su-mu-la-il3-a#
9. dumu ur-sag gal#
10. a-bi-e-szu-uh-a-me-en
11. sze-ga# {d}en-lil2-la2
12. ki ag2# {d}[(x)]-x
12. ki-ag2# {d}[(x)]-x
$ rest broken
$ broken
$ n lines broken
1'. [x (x)]-bi [...]
2'. [...] ki-tusz asil-la2-[ka]
3'. [he2]-bi2-i3-dur2-ru
$ blank line
4'. bad3-bi
5'. {d}asal-lu2-hi
6'. lu2 im-a bi2-in-bur2-ru-da-a
7'. im ki-a ha-ra-ab-ga2-ga2
8'. mu-bi-im#
9'. _sza2_ {m}{d}EN-u2-sza-al-li-im
10'. a# {m}da#-[bi]-bi lu2 _a-szi-pu_
RIME composite (P448525) 2220264
&P448525 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}suen-ga-szi-id
#tr.en: Sin-kašid,
2. lugal unu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: king of Uruk
3. lugal am-na-nu-um
#tr.en: and king of Amnanum,
4. u2-a e2-an-na
#tr.en: provider of the Eanna,
5. u4 e2-an-na
#tr.en: when the Eanna,
6. mu-du3-a
#tr.en: he built,
7. ni-szi-i-ni-szu
#tr.en: for Nīši-īnīšu
8. erisz-dingir {d}lugal-banda3{da}
#tr.en: the eriš-dingir priestess of Lugalbanda,
9. dumu-munus ki ag2-ga2-ni-ir
9. dumu-munus ki-ag2-ga2-ni-ir
#tr.en: his beloved daughter
10. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: who for his life
11. ba-hun-ga2
#tr.en: had been installed,
12. ge6-par3 ku3
#tr.en: the sacred Gipar,
13. e2 nam-erisz-dingir-ra-ka-ni
#tr.en: her house of the office of the eriš-dingir priestess,
14. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
RIME, ex. 01-02 (P448091) 2220265
&P448091 = RIME, ex. 01-02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}suen-ga-szi-id
2. lugal unu{ki}-ga
3. lugal am-na-nu-um
4. u2-a e2-an-na
5. u4 e2-an-na
6. mu-du3-a
7. ni-szi-i-ni-szu
8. erisz-dingir {d}lugal-banda3{da}
9. dumu-munus ki ag2-ga2-ni-ir
9. dumu-munus ki-ag2-ga2-ni-ir
10. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
11. ba-hun-ga2
12. ge6-par3 ku3
13. e2 nam-erisz-dingir-ra-ka-ni
14. mu-na-du3
RIME composite (P448526) 2220266
ATF: Syntax error at line 24 col 7: #tr.en he (Enki) had given to him regarding it,
&P448526 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}en-ki
#tr.en: For Enki,
2. en dumu-sag mah an-na
#tr.en: the lord, exalted first-born son of An,
3. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
4. {d}suen-ga-szi-id
#tr.en: Sîn-kāšid,
5. lugal unu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: king of Uruk,
6. lugal am-na-nu-um
#tr.en: king of Amnanum,
7. u2-a e2-an-na
#tr.en: and the provider of the Eanna temple,
8. u4 e2-an-na mu-du3-a
#tr.en: when he had built the Eanna,
9. gesztu2 nig2 mah-a
#tr.en: and tremendous intelligence
10. mu-na-ni-in-szum2-ma
#tr.en he (Enki) had given to him regarding it,
11. ki-tusz ku3 ki ag2-ga2-ni
11. ki-tusz ku3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
#tr.en: his beloved sacred residence
12. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for him.
13. bala nam-lugal-la-ka-ne2
#tr.en: For the term of his kingship,
14. 3(asz) sze gur-ta
#tr.en: 3 kor of barley,
15. 1(u) 2(disz) ma-na siki-ta
#tr.en: 12 minas of wool
16. 1(u) ma-na uruda-ta
#tr.en: 10 minas of copper
17. 3(ban3) i3-gesz-ta
#tr.en: or 3 ban of vegetable oil
18. ganba ma-da-na-ka
#tr.en: at the market rate of his land
19. ku3-babbar 1(disz) gin2-e
#tr.en: for 1 shekel of silver
20. he2-eb2-da-sa10
#tr.en: could be bought.
21. mu-a-ni mu he2-gal2-la he2-a
#tr.en: May his years be years of abundance.
RIME, ex. 01 (P448092) 2220267
&P448092 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}en-ki
2. en dumu-sag mah an-na
3. lugal-a-ni-ir
4. {d}suen-ga-szi-id
5. lugal unu{ki}-ga
6. lugal am-na-nu-um
7. u2-a e2-an-na
8. u4 e2-an-na mu-du3-a
9. gesztu2 nig2 mah-a
10. mu-na-ni-in-szum2-ma
11. ki-tusz ku3 ki ag2-ga2-ni
11. ki-tusz ku3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni
12. mu-na-du3
13. bala nam-lugal-la-ka-ne2
14. 3(asz) sze gur-ta
15. 1(u) 2(disz) ma-na siki-ta
16. 1(u) ma-na uruda-ta
17. 3(ban3) i3-gesz-ta
18. ganba ma-da-na-ka
19. ku3-babbar 1(disz) gin2-e
20. he2-eb2-da-sa10
21. mu-a-ni mu he2-gal2-la he2-a
RIME, ex. add04 (P432734) 2220268
mu-na-ni-in-szum2-ma-a only appears a few times in words list
&P432734 = RIME, ex. add04
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d}en-ki
2. en dumu-sag mah an-na
3. lugal-a-ni-ir
4. {d}suen-ga-szi-id
5. lugal unu{ki}-ga
6. lugal am-na-nu-um
7. u2-a e2-an-na
8. u4 e2-an-na mu-du3-a
9. gesztu2 nig2# mah-a
10. mu-na-ni#-in#-szum2#-ma#-a
11. ki-tusz ku3 ki ag2#-ga2#-ni# mu-na-du3
11. ki-tusz ku3 ki-ag2#-ga2#-ni# mu-na-du3
13. bala nam#-lugal#-la#-ka#-ne2#
14. 3(asz) sze# gur-ta
15. 1(u) 2(disz) ma-na siki-ta
16. 1(u) ma-na uruda-ta
17. 3(ban3) i3-gesz-ta
18. ganba ma-da-na-ka
19. ku3-babbar 1(disz) gin2#-e
20. he2-eb2-da-sa10
21. mu-a-ni mu he2-gal2-la he2-a
$ double ruling
$ blank space
RIME composite (P448528) 2220269
&P448528 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}iszkur dumu an-[na]
#tr.en: For Iškur, son of An,
2. ku3-gal2 an-ki-[ra]
#tr.en: canal inspector of heaven and earth,
3. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
4. {d}suen-ga-[szi-id]
#tr.en: Sîn-kāšid,
5. lugal unu{ki}-[ga]
#tr.en: king of Uruk,
6. lugal am-na-nu-[um]
#tr.en: king of Amnanum,
7. e2 u4 gal-gin7 ki husz-[a du3-a]
#tr.en: the House Like a Big Storm Built in a Fierce Place,
8. e2 ki ag2-ga2-[ni]
8. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-[ni]
#tr.en: his beloved temple,
9. mu-na-[du3]
#tr.en: he built for him.
10. u4-ba bala nam-lugal-la-[ka-na]
#tr.en: At that time, in the term of his kingship
11. 3(asz) sze gur-[ta]
#tr.en: 3 kor barley,
12. [1(u) 2(disz)] ma-na [siki-ta]
#tr.en: 12 minas of wool,
13. [1(u)] ma-na [uruda-ta]
#tr.en: 10 minas of copper,
14. 3(ban3) i3-gesz-[ta]
#tr.en: or 3 ban vegetable oil,
15. ganba ma-da-na-[ka]
#tr.en: at the market rates of his land,
16. [ku3]-babbar 1(disz) gin2-[e]
#tr.en: by 1 shekel of silver
17. [he2]-eb2-da-[sa10]
#tr.en: could be bought.
18. mu-a-ni mu he2-[gal2-la he2-a]
#tr.en: May his years be years of abundance.
RIME, ex. 01 (P448097) 2220270
nam-lugal-la-ga2-ka only appears a few times in words list
&P448097 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
$ (= text of ex. 01 incorparating several variants)
@surface a
1. {d#}iszkur dumu an-[na]
2. ku3#-gal2 an-ki-ra#
3. lugal-a-ni-ir#
4. {d}suen-ga-[szi-id]
5. lugal# unu{ki}-[ga]
6. lugal# am-na-nu-[um]
7. e2# u4 gal-gin7 ki husz-[a du3-a]
8. e2# ki ag2-ga2-[ni]
8. e2# ki-ag2-ga2-[ni]
9. mu-na-[du3]
10. u4#-ba bala nam-lugal-la-ga2#-[ka]
11. 3(asz)# sze gur-[ta]
12. [1(u) 2(disz)] ma-na# [siki-ta]
13. [1(u)] ma-na# [uruda-ta]
14. 3(ban3)# i3-gesz-[ta]
15. ganba# ma#-da-ga2-ka#
16. [ku3]-babbar# 1(disz) gin2#-[e]
17. [he2]-eb2-da-[sa10]
18. [mu]-mu mu he2#-[gal2-la he2-a]
RIME, ex. 02 (P448098) 2220271
&P448098 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
@object cone
@surface a
1. {d#}iszkur dumu an-[na]
2. ku3#-gal2 an-ki-[ra]
3. lugal#-a-ni-ir#
4. {d}suen#-ga-[szi-id]
5. lugal# unu{ki#}-[ga]
6. lugal# am-na#-nu-[um]
7. e2# u4 gal-gin7 ki# husz-[a du3-a]
8. e2# ki ag2-ga2-[ni]
8. e2# ki-ag2-ga2-[ni]
9. mu#-na-[du3]
10. u4#-ba bala nam-lugal-la#-[ka-na]
11. 3(asz)# sze gur#-[ta]
12. [1(u) 2(disz)] ma-na# [siki-ta]
13. [1(u)] ma-na# [uruda-ta]
14. 3(ban3)# i3-gesz-[ta]
15. ganba# ma-da-na-[ka]
16. [ku3]-babbar# 1(disz) gin2#-[e]
17. [he2]-eb2#-da-[sa10]
18. mu#-a-ni mu he2#-[gal2-la he2-a]
RIME composite (P448533) 2220272
&P448533 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}na-na-a
#tr.en: For Nanaia,
2. dumu ki ag2 an-na
2. dumu ki-ag2 an-na
#tr.en: beloved daughter of An,
3. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
4. {[d]}suen-ga-mi-il
#tr.en: Sîn-gāmil,
5. nita kal-ga
#tr.en: the mighty man,
6. lugal unu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: king of Uruk
7. lugal am-[na]-nu-um
#tr.en: and king of Amnanum,
8. [dumu {d}]suen-i-ri-ba-am
#tr.en: daughter of Sîn-irībam,
9. [e2]-me-ur4-ur4
#tr.en: the Temple Which Gathers All the Divine Powers,
10. [e2] la-la-ka-ni
#tr.en: her temple of charm,
11. [mu]-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for her
12. [x x]-ab-da-tusz
#tr.en: and made ... reside therewith(?).
13. [...] a-x-asz un-gibil
#tr.en: After he had renovated the ...,
14. [...] x x x x-a
15. [...]-ra-ba
16. [...]-e x-su3?
17. [...] x x x gal2?
18. [...]-a
RIME, ex. 01 (P225304) 2220273
&P225304 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d#}na-na-a
2. dumu# ki ag2# an#-na#
2. dumu# ki-ag2# an#-na#
3. nin#-a-ni-ir
4. {[d]}suen#-ga-mi-il
5. nita# kal#-ga
6. lugal# unu{ki}-ga
7. lugal# am-[na]-nu-um
8. [dumu {d}]suen#-i-ri-ba-am
9. [e2]-me-ur4-ur4
10. [e2] la-la-ka-ni
11. [mu]-na-du3
12. [x x]-ab#-da#-tusz
13. [...] a-x-asz un-gibil
14. [...] x x x x-a
15. [...]-ra-ba
16. [...]-e# x-su3#?
17. [...] x x x gal2#?
18. [...]-a
RIME composite (P448537) 2220274
&P448537 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}inanna
#tr.en: For Inanna,
2. nin gal e2-an-na
#tr.en: great queen of the Eanna temple,
3. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his lady,
4. an-am3
#tr.en: Anam,
5. sipa zi unu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: faithful shepherd of Uruk,
6. sze-ga an {d}inanna
#tr.en: favored by An and Inanna,
7. dumu ki ag2
7. dumu ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved son
8. {d}inanna-ke4
#tr.en: of Inanna,
9. kisal bar-ra
#tr.en: the outer courtyard
10. e2 ge6-par3 en-na
#tr.en: of the Gipar house of the en priest(ess),
11. ki-tusz sza3 hul2-la-na
#tr.en: her residence which makes the heart happy,
12. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
RIME, ex. 01 (P345489) 2220275
&P345489 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}inanna
2. nin gal e2-an-na
3. nin-a-ni-ir
4. an-am3
5. sipa zi unu{ki}-ga
6. sze-ga an {d}inanna
7. dumu ki ag2
7. dumu ki-ag2
8. {d}inanna-ke4
9. kisal bar-ra
10. e2 ge6-par3 en-na
1. ki-tusz# [sza3 hul2]-la#-na
2. mu#-[na]-du3#
RIME, ex. 02 (P293562) 2220276
&P293562 = RIME, ex. 02
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}inanna
2. nin gal e2-an-na
3. nin-a-ni-ir
4. an-am3
5. sipa zi unu{ki}-ga
6. sze-ga an {d}inanna
7. dumu ki ag2
7. dumu ki-ag2
8. {d}inanna-ke4
9. kisal bar-ra
10. e2 ge6-par3 en-na
1. ki-tusz sza3 hul2-la-na
2. mu-na-du3
RIME composite (P448538) 2220277
&P448538 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}inanna
#tr.en: For Inanna,
2. nin gal e2-an-na
#tr.en: great queen of the Eanna temple,
3. nin-mu-ra
#tr.en: my mistress,
4. an-am3 sipa zi
#tr.en: Anam, the faithful shepherd
5. unu{ki}-ga-ke4
#tr.en: of Uruk,
6. agrig szu dim4-ma
#tr.en: the prudent steward
7. sze-ga an {d}inanna
#tr.en: favored by An and Inanna,
8. dumu ki ag2
8. dumu ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved son
9. {d}inanna-me-en
#tr.en: of Inanna, I -
10. u4 e2 an {d}inanna
#tr.en: when the temple of An and Inanna,
11. nig2 dim2-dim2 libir-ra
#tr.en: the old constructions
12. {d}ur-{d}namma
#tr.en: of (the Ur kings) Ur-Namma
13. {d}szul-gi-ra-ke4
#tr.en: and Šulgi,
14. mu-un-gibil4-a
#tr.en: I had renovated
15. ki-be2 bi2-gi4-a
#tr.en: and restored,
16. e2 ge6-par3 en-na
#tr.en: a gipar house of the en priestess,
17. ki-tusz sza3 hul2-la-na
#tr.en: her residence which makes the heart happy,
18. la-la-bi-sze3 tum2-ma
#tr.en: one worthy of her allure,
19. mu-un-ki-gar
#tr.en: I founded.
20. e2 gibil4-gin7
#tr.en: As (if it were) a new temple
21. hu-mu-u3-tu
#tr.en: I did indeed create it.
22. {gesz}ig gal-gal erin-a
#tr.en: Large doors of cedar
23. _{gesz}e-lam-ma-kum_
#tr.en: and elamakkum wood
24. hur-sag-ta de6-a
#tr.en: brought from the mountains,
25. {gesz}ig i3 szesz2
#tr.en: doors anointed with oil
26. {kusz}a2-si-bi
#tr.en: with leather straps,
27. alan sa6-ga
#tr.en: beautiful statues,
28. ul zabar husz szu du7
#tr.en: and embellishing rosettes of ruddy bronze,
29. me-te e2-e-ke4
#tr.en: ornaments that to the temple
30. ba-ab-du7
#tr.en: were suitable,
31. e2-be2 hu-mu-si-si
#tr.en: I put into that temple.
32. lu2 mu-sar-ra-ba
#tr.en: A person who this inscription
33. szu bi2-ib2-ur3-a
#tr.en: shall erase
34. mu-ni
#tr.en: and his name
35. bi2-ib-sar-re-a
#tr.en: shall write upon it,
36. an gal
#tr.en: may great An,
37. a-a dingir-re-e-ne
#tr.en: the father of the gods,
38. {d}inanna nin an-ki-ke4
#tr.en: and Inanna, the queen of heaven and earth,
39. asz2 hul-bi
#tr.en: a destroying curse for it
40. he2-em-bal-esz
#tr.en: inflict upon him.
RIME, ex. 01 (P293444) 2220278
&P293444 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. {d}inanna
2. nin gal e2-an-na
3. nin-mu-ra
4. an-am3 sipa zi
5. unu{ki}-ga-ke4
6. agrig szu dim4-ma
7. sze-ga an {d}inanna
8. dumu ki ag2
8. dumu ki-ag2
9. {d}inanna-me-en
10. u4 e2 an {d}inanna
11. nig2 dim2-dim2 libir-ra
12. {d}ur-{d}namma
13. {d}szul-gi-ra-ke4
14. mu-un-gibil4-a
15. ki-be2 bi2-gi4-a
16. e2 ge6-par3 en-na
17. ki-tusz sza3 hul2-la*-na
18. la-la-bi-sze3 tum2-ma
19. mu-un-ki-gar
20. e2 gibil4-gin7
@column 2
1. hu-mu-u3-tu
2. {gesz}ig gal-gal erin-a
3. _{gesz}e-lam-ma-kum_
4. hur-sag*-ta de6-a
5. {gesz}ig i3 szesz2
6. {kusz}a2*-si*-bi
7. alan sa6-ga
8. ul zabar husz szu du7
9. me-te e2-e-ke4
10. ba-ab-du7
11. e2-be2 hu-mu-si-si
12. lu2 mu-sar-ra-ba
13. szu bi2-ib2-ur3-a
14. mu-ni
15. bi2-ib-sar-re-a
16. an gal
17. a-a dingir-re-e-ne
18. {d}inanna nin an-ki-ke4
19. asz2 hul-bi
20. he2-em-bal-esz
RIME composite (P448539) 2220279
&P448539 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. an lugal dingir-re-e-ne
#tr.en: For An, king of the gods,
2. lugal-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his master,
3. {d}inanna nin gal e2-an-na
#tr.en: and Inanna, the great queen of the Eanna temple,
4. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
5. an-am3 sipa zi
#tr.en: Anam, the faithful shepherd
6. unu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: of Uruk,
7. dumu ki ag2
7. dumu ki-ag2
#tr.en: the beloved son
8. {d}inanna-ke4
#tr.en: of Inanna,
9. u4 e2-an-na libir
#tr.en: when the old Eanna
10. mu-un-gibil
#tr.en: he has renovated
11. ki-be2 bi2-gi4-a
#tr.en: and restored
12. {gesz}ig i3-szesz2
#tr.en: a door anointed with oil
13. al-gub-bu
#tr.en: will be set up.
RIME, ex. 01 (P448141) 2220280
&P448141 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object door socket
@surface a
1. an lugal dingir-re-e-ne
2. lugal-a-ni-ir
3. {d}inanna nin gal e2-an-na
4. nin-a-ni-ir
5. an-am3 sipa zi
6. unu{ki}-ga
7. dumu ki ag2
7. dumu ki-ag2
8. {d}inanna-ke4
9. u4 e2-an-na libir
10. mu-un-gibil
11. ki-be2 bi2-gi4-a
12. {gesz}ig i3-szesz2
13. al-gub-bu
RIME composite (P448541) 2220281
&P448541 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}inanna
#tr.en: For Inanna
2. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
3. an-am3 sipa zi
#tr.en: Anam, the faithful shepherd
4. unu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: of Uruk,
5. dumu ki ag2
5. dumu ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved son
6. {d}inanna-ke4
#tr.en: of Inanna,
7. u4 e2-a-ni libir
#tr.en: when her old temple
8. mu-un-gibil
#tr.en: he renovated
9. ki-be2 bi2-gi4-a
#tr.en: and restored,
10. a gu3 nun di-dam
#tr.en: that the water (passing by it) could roar
11. mu-un-du3
#tr.en: he built it (of baked bricks).
RIME, ex. 01 (P293445) 2220282
&P293445 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}inanna
2. nin-a-ni-ir
3. an-am3 sipa zi
4. unu{ki}-ga
5. dumu ki ag2
5. dumu ki-ag2
6. {d}inanna-ke4
7. u4# e2-a-ni libir
8. mu-un-gibil
1. ki-be2 bi2-gi4-a
2. a gu3 nun di-dam
3. mu-un-du3
RIME composite (P448549) 2220283
uru17 only appears a few times in words list
&P448549 = RIME composite
#atf: lang sux
@object composite
@surface a
1. {d}inanna
#tr.en: For Inanna,
2. nin uru17 an-na
#tr.en: the powerfu queen of heaven,
3. nin-a-ni-ir
#tr.en: his mistress,
4. me-ku-bi
#tr.en: Mê-Kūbi,
5. dumu-munus bil2-la-ma
#tr.en: the daughter of Bilalama,
6. ensi2
#tr.en: governor
7. asz2-nun-na{ki}
#tr.en: of Ešnunna,
8. dam ki ag2
8. dam ki-ag2
#tr.en: beloved wife
9. tan-{d}ru-hu-ra-ti-ir
#tr.en: of Tan-ruhuratir,
10. ensi2
#tr.en: governor
11. szuszin{ki}
#tr.en: of Susa,
12. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
#tr.en: for his life
13. e2 {d}inanna
#tr.en: the temple of Inanna
14. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built for her.
RIME, ex. 01 (P448154) 2220284
nin-uru17-an-na only appears a few times in words list
&P448154 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang sux
@object brick
@surface a
1. {d}inanna
2. nin-uru17-an-na
3. nin-a-ni-ir
4. me-ku-bi
5. dumu-munus bil2-la-ma
6. ensi2
7. asz2-nun-na{ki}
8. dam ki ag2#
8. dam ki-ag2#
9. tan-{d}ru-hu-ra-ti-ir
10. ensi2
11. szuszin{ki}
12. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
13. e2 {d}inanna
14. mu-na-du3
RIME composite (P448587) 2220285
&P448587 = RIME composite
#atf: lang akk
@object composite
@surface a
1. i-tur2-{d}utu
#tr.en: Itūr-Šamaš,
2. ra-bi2-an
#tr.en: chief
3. ra-ba-bi-ma
#tr.en: of the Rabbeans,
4. _dumu_ i-din-dingir
#tr.en: son of Iddin-Ilum,
5. _ensi2_
#tr.en: governor
6. ki-sur-ra{ki}
#tr.en: of Kisurra,
7. _ki ag2 {d}utu_
7. _ki-ag2 {d}utu_
#tr.en: beloved of Šamaš
8. u3 an-nu-ni-tum
#tr.en: and Annunītum.
RIME, ex. 01 (P448231) 2220286
&P448231 = RIME, ex. 01
#atf: lang akk
@object brick
@surface a
1. i-tur2-{d}utu
2. ra-bi2-an
3. ra-ba-bi-ma
4. _dumu_ i-din-dingir
5. _ensi2_
6. ki-sur-ra{ki}
7. _ki ag2 {d}utu_
7. _ki-ag2 {d}utu_
8. u3 an-nu-ni-tum
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