Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Brumfield, Sara on 2011-11-18 at 09:59:08 with credits to Brumfield, Sara

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
CUSAS 13, 195 (P329111) 2156273
da-da-mu only appears a few times in words list
a-na-asz only appears a few times in words list
ku5-ra2-ni only appears a few times in words list
nu-ma-tum3 only appears a few times in words list
U3-nin-nin does not appear in words list
x-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
U3 only appears a few times in signs list
&P329111 = CUSAS 13, 195
$ (first line missing)
1'. na#-be2-a
2'. da-da-mu
3'. u3-na-du11
4'. a-na-asz KA ku5-ra2-ni nu-ma-tum3
5'. U3-nin-nin
1. [...] x-ke4
$ (4 lines broken, last line missing)
CUSAS 13, 198 (P329112) 2156274
ATF: Parsing failed on line 14 near character 1
&P329112 = CUSAS 13, 198
#atf: lang akk
$ (beginning broken)
1'. [in] a#-ga#-de3#{ki}
2'. isz#-de3
3'. x-mah
1. _ma2-gid2_
2. u-sza-ab
3. li-ru-nim#
$ (rest lost, perhaps uninscribed)
CUSAS 13, 194 (P329114) 2156275
x-ur only appears a few times in words list
a-LUL does not appear in words list
SIMUG does not appear in words list
AN-ba-ni does not appear in words list
sza-ki-TU-IB does not appear in words list
bu-tu-ur only appears a few times in words list
ig-bi2-u3-ni does not appear in words list
SIMUG does not appear in signs list
&P329114 = CUSAS 13, 194
1. 1(asz@c) i-ti-ti#
2. [1(asz@c)] i3-li2-a-hi
3. [1(asz@c)] x-ur
4. 1(asz@c) a-LUL SIMUG
5. 1(asz@c)# isz-ku-un#
6. dub#-sar#
7. abba2# x x [...]
1. en-ma#
2. da-da
3. a#-na AN-ba-ni
4. 1(asz@c) sza-ki-TU-IB
5. bu-tu-ur#
6. ig-bi2-u3-ni
$ (uninscribed case)
CUSAS 13, 093 (P329131) 2156276
kasz-sig5 does not appear in words list
kasz-giri3 only appears a few times in words list
musz-tum2 does not appear in words list
x-NINDA2 does not appear in words list
&P329131 = CUSAS 13, 093
1. 1(asz@c) kasz-sig5
2. 1(asz@c) kasz-giri3#
$ blank space
3. musz#-tum2
1. iti x-NINDA2
CUSAS 13, 095 (P329133) 2156277
ATF: Parsing failed on line 18 near character 1
kasz-sig5 does not appear in words list
ur-en-nu only appears a few times in words list
kasz-sig5 does not appear in words list
kasz-giri3 only appears a few times in words list
kasz-giri3 only appears a few times in words list
kasz-giri3 only appears a few times in words list
|SZU.NIGIN2| does not appear in words list
kasz-sig5 does not appear in words list
|SZU.NIGIN2| does not appear in words list
kasz-giri3 only appears a few times in words list
e2-lunga3 only appears a few times in words list
|SZU.NIGIN2| does not appear in signs list
|SZU.NIGIN2| does not appear in signs list
&P329133 = CUSAS 13, 095
1. 1(asz@c) kasz-sig5
2. ur#-{d}inanna
3. 1(asz@c) ur-en-nu
4. 1(asz@c) kasz-sig5 1(asz@c) kasz-giri3
5. sila-ta
6. 1(asz@c) kasz-giri3
1. e2-ur2
2. 2(asz@c)# kasz#-giri3#
3. [...]
$ blank space
4. [|SZU.NIGIN2| 3(asz@c) kasz]-sig5#
5. [|SZU.NIGIN2| 4(asz@c) kasz]-giri3#
6. [mu]-DU e2-lunga3 u4 2(disz)
CUSAS 13, 099 (P329134) 2156278
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 5: AN-[(
kasz-sig5 does not appear in words list
AN-su-dan does not appear in words list
i-ti-lum does not appear in words list
ga-li2-isz-na-id does not appear in words list
|SZU.NIGIN2| does not appear in words list
kasz-sig5 does not appear in words list
|SZU.NIGIN2| does not appear in signs list
&P329134 = CUSAS 13, 099
1. 5(asz@c) kasz-sig5
2. AN-[(su)]-dan
3. szu-gal5:[la2]
4. 1(asz@c) [i-ti]-lum#
5. sa2-du11 u4 2(disz)
1. 1(asz@c) lukur ga#-li2-isz-na-id
$ blank space
2. |SZU.NIGIN2| 7(asz@c) kasz-sig5
3. kasz zi-ga
$ (remaining lines uninscribed)
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