Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by CDLI on 2006-10-12 at 12:38:48 with credits to CDLI

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
MDP 43, 488 (P285646) 2145422
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
3(N65~t) only appears a few times in words list
2(N66~t) only appears a few times in words list
4(N64~t) only appears a few times in words list
2(N45~t) only appears a few times in words list
3(N65~t) only appears a few times in signs list
2(N66~t) only appears a few times in signs list
4(N64~t) only appears a few times in signs list
2(N45~t) only appears a few times in signs list
&P285646 = MDP 43, 488
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. 3(N65~t) 2(N66~t) 4(N64~t) 2(N45~t) 4(N14~t) ,
MDP 43, 553 (P285647) 2145423
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
5(N14~t) only appears a few times in words list
5(N14~t) only appears a few times in signs list
&P285647 = MDP 43, 553
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. 5(N14~t) ,
MDP 43, 664 (P285648) 2145424
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
&P285648 = MDP 43, 664
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. [...] ,
CahDAFI 8, 17 12 (P285649) 2145425
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
8(N01~t) only appears a few times in words list
8(N01~t) only appears a few times in signs list
&P285649 = S.Acr.I.277.1991.1
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. 8(N01~t) 3(N39~t) ,
CahDAFI 8, 16 06 (P285650) 2145426
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
&P285650 = S.Acr.I.277.2049.1
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. 3(N01~t) ,
CahDAFI 8, 18 17 (P285651) 2145427
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
&P285651 = S.Acr.I.277.2067.2
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. 1(N01~t)? 1(N39~t) ,
CahDAFI 8, 17 14 (P285652) 2145428
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
7(N14~t) only appears a few times in words list
7(N14~t) only appears a few times in signs list
&P285652 = S.Acr.I.277.2089.1
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. 7(N14~t)? 3(N01~t) ,
CahDAFI 8, 17 16 (P285653) 2145429
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
7(N01~t) only appears a few times in words list
7(N01~t) only appears a few times in signs list
&P285653 = S.Acr.I.277.2111.2
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. 1(N14~t)? 7(N01~t) ,
CahDAFI 8, 15 03 (P285654) 2145430
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
6(N01~t) only appears a few times in words list
6(N01~t) only appears a few times in signs list
&P285654 = S.Acr.I.277.2111.3
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. 6(N01~t) ,
CahDAFI 8, 17 13 (P285655) 2145431
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
7(N01~t) only appears a few times in words list
7(N01~t) only appears a few times in signs list
&P285655 = S.Acr.I.277.2130.1
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. 7(N01~t) ,
CahDAFI 8, 16 08 (P285656) 2145432
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
&P285656 = S.Acr.I.277.2130.4
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. 1(N14~t)? 1(N01~t) 1(N39~t)? ,
CahDAFI 8, 17 11 (P285657) 2145433
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
&P285657 = S.Acr.I.277.2142.2
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. [1(N14~t)?] 2(N01~t) ,
CahDAFI 8, 15 01 (P285658) 2145434
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
3(N14~t) only appears a few times in words list
5(N01~t) only appears a few times in words list
3(N14) only appears a few times in words list
5(N01) only appears a few times in words list
3(N14~t) only appears a few times in signs list
5(N01~t) only appears a few times in signs list
3(N14) only appears a few times in signs list
5(N01) only appears a few times in signs list
&P285658 = S.Acr.I.277.2142.3
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. 3(N14~t) 5(N01~t) ,
1. 3(N14) 5(N01) ,
CahDAFI 8, 15 02 (P285659) 2145435
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
1(N45) only appears a few times in words list
4(N14) only appears a few times in words list
1(N01) only appears a few times in words list
1(N45) only appears a few times in signs list
4(N14) only appears a few times in signs list
1(N01) only appears a few times in signs list
&P285659 = S.Acr.I.277.2173.4
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. 1(N34~t) 4(N14~t) 1(N01~t) ,
1. 1(N45)? 4(N14) 1(N01) ,
M II 133 (P285660) 2145436
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
11(N03~t) does not appear in words list
11(N01) only appears a few times in words list
11(N03~t) does not appear in signs list
11(N01) only appears a few times in signs list
&P285660 = M II 133
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. 11(N03~t)#? ,
@column 1
1. 11(N01) ,
Before Writing I 111, fig. 58 (P285661) 2145437
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
&P285661 = Before Writing I 111, fig. 58
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. 1(N34~t)? 2(N14~t) ,
Before Writing I 121, fig. 65 (P285662) 2145438
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
&P285662 = Before Writing I 121, fig. 65
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
1. ,
Anonymous 285666 unpublished unassigned ? (P285666) 2145442
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in words list
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in signs list
&P285666 = RGK 20060101
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(u@c) nita 4(ban2@c)
2. |SZU+LAGAB| 2(asz@c) 3(barig@c) 2(ban2@c) sze gur a-ga-de3{ki}
3. sze-ba 1(disz) iti
4. ugula lul-gu-ak nar
1. 1(disz) mu 6(disz) iti
JCS 29, 219-222 (P285667) 2145443
ATF: Syntax error at line 14 col 7: $ rest of
kas-KAL does not appear in words list
munu8 only appears a few times in words list
munu8-bi-ta only appears a few times in words list
e2-u4-sakar-ra only appears a few times in words list
KA-PA-x does not appear in words list
x-KA only appears a few times in words list
GESZ-GAG-TUG2 does not appear in words list
ninda-gir2 does not appear in words list
5(asz@45) does not appear in words list
{gesz}gigir2-kam only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}gigir2-kam only appears a few times in words list
szu-nir-da only appears a few times in words list
DU-DU-ra does not appear in words list
e2-sza3-ga-ke4! only appears a few times in words list
kas-KAL does not appear in words list
gisz-kin-ti does not appear in words list
HA only appears a few times in words list
kas-KAL does not appear in words list
zabar3-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
e2-bappir3-ka only appears a few times in words list
i3-DU-DU-ra does not appear in words list
lugal-lu2-gu10 does not appear in words list
lu2-bappir3 does not appear in words list
munu8 only appears a few times in signs list
munu8 only appears a few times in signs list
5(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
ke4! only appears a few times in signs list
gisz does not appear in signs list
gu10 only appears a few times in signs list
&P285667 = JCS 29, 219-222
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang akk
@column 1
1. 1(asz@c) nig2-x kas-KAL
2. 1/2(asz@c) munu8
3. 1/2(asz@c) x
4. 4(ban2@c) kas [x] zi3? munu8-bi-ta
5. e2-u4-sakar-ra#
6. i3-gu7
7. [x] KA#?-PA-[x x]-KA
$ rest of column missing
@column 2
1. ensi2
2. GESZ-GAG-TUG2 {d}nansze-ka
3. GAG gibil e#-gen-na#?-a
4. esz3 i3-gu7
5. 1(asz@c) dug kas ge6
6. 1(asz@c) ninda-gir2 [ba]-an-ne2 5(asz@45) du8
7. {gesz#}gigir2-kam#?
8. x x x [...]
$ rest of column missing
@column 3
1. {gesz}gigir2-kam
2. 1(asz@c) sa2-du11 kas ge6
3. lu2 szu?-nir?-da DU-DU-ra
4. i3#-gu7
5. 1(asz@c) sa2-du11 kas ge6
6. [ar3]-du2 e2#-sza3#-ga-ke4!
7. i3-gu7
8. 1(asz@c) dug kas-KAL
9. 2(asz@c) dug# kas# ge6#
10. kas [nag?] ensi2#?-[ka?]
11. [x] x [x] gu7# x [x]
$ rest of column missing
@column 4
1. 1(asz@c) dug kas ge6
2. azlag3#
3. 1(asz@c)# dug kas ge6
4. sagi#
5. [1(asz@c)] dug kas ge6#
6. gisz-kin#-ti
7. 1(asz@c) HA x kas dug#?
8. kas x [x] x [x x]
9. 1(asz@c) [...]
10. 1(asz@c) [...]
$ rest of column missing
@column 5
1. [...]
2. BU#? [...]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. x [...]
$ rest of column missing
@column 6
$ column missing
@column 1'
1'. [...] x [...]
2'. e2? [...]
3'. ba-[x]
4'. [...]
@column 2'
1'. x [...]
2'. 1(asz@c) x [...]
3'. x x [(x)] x
4'. 1(asz@c) mudx(LAK449) kas ge6
5'. 1(asz@c) dug kas-KAL
6'. kas zabar3-sze3
7'. e2-bappir3-ka ba-de2
@column 3'
1'. [...] x x [...]
2'. ba-x x i3-DU-DU-ra
$ rest of column blank
@column 4'
$ column blank
@column 5'
$ column blank
@column 6'
1'. 3(barig@c) ziz2? x x
2'. [x] x
3'. lugal-lu2-gu10
4'. lu2-bappir3 3(|ASZxDISZ@t|)
RA 063, 097-098 (P285668) 2145449
ATF: Syntax error at line 5 col 2: @column
lagas{ki}-ka does not appear in words list
lagas only appears a few times in signs list
&P285668 = RA 63, p. 97-98
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang akk
@column 1
1. pisan-dub
2. sze nig2-en-na
3. asza5 bala-a
4. ganun bala-a
5. e-da-gal2
@column 2
1. bara2-nam-tar-ra
2. dam lugal-an-da
3. ensi2
4. lagas{ki}-<ka> 2(|ASZxDISZ@t|)
RA 063, 098-099 (P285669) 2145453
ATF: Syntax error at line 5 col 2: @column
lagas{ki}-ka does not appear in words list
lagas only appears a few times in signs list
&P285669 = RA 63, p. 98-99
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang akk
@column 1
1. pisan-dub
2. sze nig2-en-na
3. asza5#-ga bala-a
4. ganun#-na bala-a
5. e-da-gal2
6. bara2-nam-tar-ra
@column 2
1. dam lugal-an-da
2. ensi2
3. lagas{ki}-ka 6(|ASZxDISZ@t|)
YOS 01, 09 (P293446) 2148738
&P293446 = YOS 01, 09
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. [{d}]szara2#
2. [nir-gal2 an]-na#
$ several lines missing
1. {d}ba-ba6
2. nin-a-ni
3. lu2-sa6-ga
4. nam-ti-la-ni-sze3
5. u3 nam-ti
6. dam dumu-na-sze3
7. a mu-na-ru
$ several lines missing
TCBI 2/2, 01 (P313093) 2150442
lugal-usarx(|LAL2.LAGAB|) does not appear in words list
lu2-{d}sul-gi-ra does not appear in words list
a-ri2-bi-ta only appears a few times in words list
lu2-SAR-ke4-ne-ta does not appear in words list
eren2-na does not appear in words list
gu2-u3-lu only appears a few times in words list
mu-na-du3-a only appears a few times in words list
|SZU+NIGIN2| does not appear in words list
|SZU+NIGIN2| does not appear in words list
|SZU+NIGIN2| does not appear in words list
nisi-da only appears a few times in words list
{d}suen-il3-szu does not appear in words list
{d}gu-la-ka only appears a few times in words list
{d}i-bi2-{d}suen-e only appears a few times in words list
gu2-eden-na does not appear in words list
gu2-eden-na does not appear in words list
mu-ka does not appear in words list
usarx(|LAL2.LAGAB|) does not appear in signs list
sul only appears a few times in signs list
|SZU+NIGIN2| does not appear in signs list
|SZU+NIGIN2| does not appear in signs list
|SZU+NIGIN2| does not appear in signs list
&P313093 = ZA 95, 176
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ column missing
@column 2
$ column missing
@column 3
$ (beginning of column missing)
1'. [...] 1(disz)# ma-na# [x gin2] ku3 x [...]
2'. giri3# lu2-tur#-tur# [dumu] lugal-usarx(|LAL2.LAGAB|)
3'. 1/3(disz)# ma-na 3(disz) 5/6(disz) gin2 ku3 zu2-lum
4'. 1(disz)#? gin2 6(disz) sze ku3 {gesz}haszhur
5'. giri3# ku3-{d}nin-ur4-ra
$ 1 line blank
7'. [ki] ku3-{d}nin-ur4-ra-ta#
8'. 1(u) 6(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 2(u) 1(disz) sze ku3
9'. la2#-ia3 su-ga i3-nun
10'. ki# a-tu-ta
11'. [...] gin2 ku3 sa10-am3 udu masz2
12'. giri3# szesz-kal-la dumu na-silim
13'. [...] gin2 sa10-am3 gu4
14'. [giri3] lu2#-{d}sul-gi-ra
15'. [...] gin2 {d}szara2-i3-zu
16'. [...] gin2# gu-du-du
17'. [...] gin2# usz-mu
18'. [...] gin2# ku3-babbar
19'. [giri3?] lugal-e2-mah-e
$ 3 lines missing
@column 4
$ (beginning of column missing)
1'. [...] 2(disz)#? gin2 ku3 esza
2'. {d}inanna zabala4{ki}
3'. ki lugal-nesag-e-ta
4'. 1(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3 ur-{d}nin-su sipa
5'. 3(disz) gin2 ku3 sza3-ku3-ge sipa
6'. la2-ia3 su-ga siki kusz-bi-sze3
7'. ki lu2-{d}ha-ia3-ta
8'. 6(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 2(u) 3(disz) sze ku3 mun gazi
9'. giri3 du11-ga-zi-da
10'. 4(disz) 5/6(disz) gin2 3(disz) sze ku3 mun gazi
11'. giri3 lu2-{d}nin-ur4-ra
12'. 5(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3 la2-ia3 su-ga gi
13'. ki szesz-kal-la dumu a-ri2-bi-ta
14'. 1(u) gin2 ku3 a2 szu-ku6-e-ne
15'. ki lugal-he2-gal2 dumu ur-{d}suen-ta
16'. 1/2(disz) ma-na 2(disz) gin2 ku3 gi#
17'. ki ur-{d}utu enku#-[ta]
18'. 1/3(disz) ma-na x [...]
$ 3 lines missing
@column 1
1. ki gu#-[du-du-ta]
2. 5(disz) gin2 ku3 U2 x
3. ki lu2-SAR-ke4-[ne-ta]
4. 5(disz) ma-na 1(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2# [ku3]
5. ki dam-gar3-ne-ta#
6. 1(u) gin2 ku3 pa muszen
7. ki enku u3 agar4-nigin2-e-ne-ta
8. 1(disz) 5/6(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
9. ki ARAD2-mu dumu gu2-tar-ta
10. 1(disz) gin2 ki na-ba-sa6-ta
11. 2(disz) gin2 ki szesz-a-ni-ta
12. la2-ia3 su-ga a2 eren2-na
13. 1(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 la2-ia3 su-ga i3-nun
14. sipa a-a-kal-la ensi2
15. giri3 gu-du-du
16. 2/3(disz) ma-na ku3 la2-ia3 sze lu2 nig2-dab5-ba bala-a-ka
17. 8(disz) 5/6(disz) gin2 la2-ia3 su-ga i3-nun
18. ki ku3-{d}nin-ur4-ra-ta
19. 6(disz) gin2 la2-ia3 su-ga masz2 ur-e2-masz
20. ki a-du-ta
21. giri3 ur-{d}szara2 dumu gu2-u3-lu
22. 3(disz) gin2 igi 6(disz)-gal2 9(disz) sze ku3 la2-ia3 su-ga i3-nun mu-na-du3-a mah ba-du3
23. ki a-tu-ta
24. , 6(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-<na> 9(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 9(disz) sze
25. |SZU+NIGIN2| 3(disz) ma-na 3(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 3(disz) 1/2(disz) sze ku3-babbar
26. sag na4-bi 1(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 5(disz) sze
@column 2
1. |SZU+NIGIN2|# 1(u) 9(disz) ma-na [4(disz)] 1/2(disz) gin2 1(u) 2(disz) sze ku3-babbar
2. sag nu-tuku#
$ 1 line blank
4. |SZU+NIGIN2| 2(u) 2(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 8(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 2(u) 1/2(disz) sze ku3-babbar
5. sag nig2-gur11-ra-kam
6. sza3-bi-ta
7. 1(u) 2(disz) ma-na ku3 har giri17 gu4 u3 har tur-tur
8. bi2-gu7-bi 4(disz) gin2
9. 5(disz) gin2 ku3-sig17 husz-a 1(u) 5(disz)-ta
10. ku3-bi 1(disz) ma-na 1(u) 5(disz) gin2
11. masz2-da-ri-a lugal
12. ezem 3(disz)-a-ba
13. 4(disz) gin2 ku3-sig17 husz-a 1(u) 5(disz)-ta
14. nig2-buru14-da ku4-ra
15. 4(disz) gin2 ku3-sig17 husz-a 1(u) 5(disz)-ta
16. ku6# nisi-da ku4-ra
17. sza3 nibru{ki}
18. 4(disz) gin2 ku3-sig17 husz-a 1(u) 5(disz)-ta
19. sza3 tum-malx(TUR3){ki}
20. masz2-da-ri-a {d}szu-{d}suen
21. 1(disz) gin2 ku3-sig17 husz-a 1(u) 5(disz)-ta
22. masz2-da-ri-a {d}i-bi2-{d}suen lugal-e aga3 szu ti-a
23. [ku3-bi] 5(disz) 1/2(disz)# ma-na
24. [1/3(disz) ma-na har] ku3-babbar
@column 3
1. [nig2-ba? {d}]suen#-il3-szu sagi
2. alan {d}szu-{d}suen e2 {d}szara2-ka ku4-ra
3. 2/3(disz)# ma-na har ku3-babbar
4. nig2-ba ur-{d}ig-alim lu2 aga3
5. alan {d}szu-{d}suen e2 {d}gu-la-ka ku4-ra
6. 2/3(disz)# ma-na har ku3-babbar
7. nig2-ba ha-ba-at lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal a2-ag2-ga2 sig5 {d}i-bi2-{d}suen-e nam-lugal szu ti-a de6-a
$ 1 line blank
9. kiszib ensi2-ka
10. 4(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
11. szu-nir gu2-eden-na
12. sza3 umma{ki}
13. 1(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
14. szu-nir gu2-eden-na
15. sza3 a-pi4-sal4{ki}
$ 1 line blank
17. nig2-dab5 za3 mu-ka
18. 2(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na 3(disz) gin2 1(u) 5(disz) sze ku3-babbar
19. ugu2# dam-gar3 ba-a-gar
20. [diri 1(disz)] ma-na 1(u) 5(disz) gin2 igi 6(disz)-gal2 1(u) 2(disz) 1/2(disz) sze ku3-babbar
21. [nig2]-ka9 ak mu {d}szu-{d}suen lugal-e ma2-gur8 [mah {d}]en-lil2 {d}nin-lil2 [mu-ne]-dim2
@column 4
# traces along right edge
$ column missing
CDLN 2014/6 (P313095) 2150449
&P313095 = Missing designation
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(u) 1(disz) udu niga
2. 2(disz) sila4 niga
3. 2(disz) u8 niga
4. 1(disz) u8 gukkal niga
5. 1(u) 3(disz) masz2 gal niga
6. sa2-du11 {d}nin-lil2-la2
7. u4 3(u) la2 1(disz)-kam
$ surface missing
1. 3(u) la2 1(disz)
ZA 095, 166 (P315278) 2150454
a-wa-at only appears a few times in words list
ra-bi2-tim only appears a few times in words list
qar-di3-szu only appears a few times in words list
KAK-tim does not appear in words list
isz-ti-na-a only appears a few times in words list
isz-pu-ur2-ma only appears a few times in words list
hu-ub2-nu-ri{ki} does not appear in words list
u3-sza-ri-id-u2 only appears a few times in words list
{d}ru-hu-ra-ti-ir only appears a few times in words list
isz-lu-ul only appears a few times in words list
ma-ha-ar only appears a few times in words list
be-li2-su only appears a few times in words list
u3-ru-asz2-szu only appears a few times in words list
ma-ri-sza only appears a few times in words list
di3-in-su only appears a few times in words list
i3-di3-in-ma only appears a few times in words list
uru{ki}-su does not appear in words list
u3-ti-ir-szu only appears a few times in words list
...-szu only appears a few times in words list
e2-su2 only appears a few times in words list
ib-ni-szum only appears a few times in words list
uru{ki}-am does not appear in words list
szum-szu only appears a few times in words list
KAK does not appear in signs list
&P315278 = ZA 95, 166
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. {d}amar#-{d}[suen]
2. da#-num2#
3. _lugal uri5{ki}_
4. u3 _lugal_
5. ki-ib-ra-tim
6. ar-ba-im
7. i3-nu
8. i3-na
9. a-wa-at {d}en-lil2
10. ra-bi2-tim
11. qar-di3-szu
12. in 3(u) KAK-tim
13. isz-ti-na-a
14. isz-pu-ur2-ma
15. hu-ub2-nu-ri{ki}
16. u3-sza-ri?-id?-u2?
17. u3 {d}ru-hu-ra#-[ti-ir]
18. isz-lu-ul [...]
19. [a]-na# ma-ha-ar
@column 2
1. {d}en-lil2
2. be-li2-su
3. u3-ru-asz2-szu
4. {d}nin-hur-sag
5. a-na {d}amar-{d}suen
6. ma-ri-sza
7. di3-in-su
8. i3-di3-in-ma
9. a-na _uru{ki}_-su
10. u3-ti-ir-szu
11. [...]-szu
12. _e2_-su2
13. ib-ni-szum
14. u3 _uru{ki}_-am
15. _e2?_ [{d}]amar-{d}suen
16. szum-szu
17. isz-ku-un#
AoF 10, 215 (P315279) 2150457
en-na-at only appears a few times in words list
a-ma-an-esz4-dar only appears a few times in words list
SAL-U2-HUB2 does not appear in words list
za-bi-ri2-im only appears a few times in words list
geme2-za does not appear in words list
&P315279 = AoF 10, 215
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang akk
1. tu-da-na-ap-szum
2. en-na-at {d}en-lil2
3. a-ma-an-esz4-dar SAL-U2-HUB2
4. sza-at za-bi-ri2-im
5. _geme2_-za
RIME 1.15.add010.01, ex. 01 (P315280) 2150458
lugal-dilmun only appears a few times in words list
&P315280 = CT 07, 04 BM 012033
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang akk
1. {d}nansze
2. ba-zi
3. lugal-dilmun
4. [x] si-gar
ARET 03, 358 (P315437) 2150502
ATF: Syntax error at line 5 col 2: @column
x-ru12-LUM only appears a few times in words list
NAM-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
1(asz@45)/2 does not appear in words list
ha-bu3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}ma-... only appears a few times in words list
mi-da-mu only appears a few times in words list
da-nu-gu2{ki} only appears a few times in words list
du-a-NE-ir{ki} only appears a few times in words list
IB2-la2 only appears a few times in words list
1(asz@45)/2 does not appear in signs list
&P315437 = ARET 03, 358
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1'. x-ru12-LUM
2'. mi-nu
3'. ar#-mi{ki}
4'. [...]
@column 2
2'. _gaba-ru_
3'. _e2_
4'. _en_
5'. TAR-5 GIN2-DILMUN [...]
@column 3
1'. {d}KU-ra
2'. gu2-da-da-num2{ki}
3'. 1(asz@c) GIN2-DILMUN _ku3:babbar_
4'. _nam-ku5_
5'. [...]
@column 4
1'. _nam-ku5#_
2'. _e2_
3'. {d}KU-ra
4'. 1(u@c) GIN2-DILMUN _ku3:babbar_
5'. NAM-_ku5_
6'. en-na-il#
7'. [...]
@column 5
1'. [...] 3(asz@c) GIN2-DILMUN _ku3:babbar_
2'. _nam-ku5_
3'. _e2_
4'. {d}KU-ra
5'. 3(asz@c) GIN2-DILMUN _ku3:babbar_
6'. _nam-ku5_
7'. du#-bi2-[zi]-kir [...]
@column 6
1'. [... GIN2]-DILMUN# _ku3-sig17_
2'. _UKKEN-ak_
3'. 1(asz@c) _an-dul3_
4'. |SZU2+SZA| _la2_ 1(asz@45)/2 GIN2-DILMUN _ku3:babbar_
5'. 9(asz@c) GIN2-DILMUN _ku3-sig17_
6'. ha-bu3
7'. _nig2-ba_
8'. {d}ma#-[...]
@column 7
1'. _nig2-kaskal_
2'. mi-da-mu
3'. da-nu-gu2{ki}
4'. 6(asz@c) GIN2-DILMUN _ku3:babbar_
5'. 2(asz@c) bu-DI
6'. {d}a-da-ma
7'. du-a-NE-ir{ki}
8'. 3(asz@c) [...]
@column 8
1'. [... gu2]-li-[lum]
2'. _gurusz-gurusz_
3'. 3(asz@c) GIN2-DILMUN _ku3:babbar_
4'. IB2-_la2_
5'. isz-da-ma2
6'. 2(asz@c) GIN2-DILMUN _ku3:babbar_
7'. [...]
ARET 03, 378 (P315438) 2150509
NE-sze3-dum{ki} only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}i3-gesz only appears a few times in words list
2(asz@45) does not appear in words list
{gesz}LAK355 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}LAK355 only appears a few times in words list
tur! only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}LAK355 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}ildag4 only appears a few times in words list
3(asz@45) does not appear in words list
1(asz@45) does not appear in words list
3(asz@45) does not appear in words list
2(asz@45) does not appear in words list
2(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
LAK355 only appears a few times in signs list
LAK355 only appears a few times in signs list
tur! only appears a few times in signs list
LAK355 only appears a few times in signs list
3(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
1(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
3(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
2(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
&P315438 = ARET 03, 378
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1'. [...] 8(asz@c) mi-at _sze_ gu2-bar
2'. NE-sze3-dum{ki}
3'. 1(asz@c) mi-at _{gesz}i3-gesz_
4'. 1(u@c) _la2_ 2(asz@45) _gan2-kesz2{ki} {gesz}gesztin_
5'. 1(asz@c) _la-ha_ [...]
@column 2
1'. [...] 1(gesz2@c) 1(asz@c) _la-ha i3-gesz_
2'. 8(asz@c) li-im _sze_ gu2-bar
3'. 3(u@c) _gu4_
4'. 1(gesz2@c) 1(u@c) 3(asz@c) [x] _{gesz}szudun_ [...]
@column 3
1'. 3(u@c) 3(asz@c) {gesz}LAK355 {gesz}TASKARIN
2'. 5(u@c) {gesz}LAK355 _tur!_
3'. {gesz}TASKARIN
4'. 5(u@c) _{gesz}LAK355 {gesz}ildag4_
@column 4
2'. 1(u@c) _la2_ 3(asz@45) _ma-na ku3:babbar_
3'. 1(u@c) _la2_ 1(asz@45) _zara6{tug2}_ 5(asz@c) _aktum{tug2}_
4'. 1(u@c) _la2_ 3(asz@45) _dul3{tug2}_ 2(asz@45) ma-ri2{ki}
FAOS 09/2, Ur 08 (P315439) 2150515
arad2-da-a-ne2 does not appear in words list
&P315439 = FAOS 09/2, Ur 08
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}nin#-[...]
2. x x [...]
$ several lines missing
1. u3 a-ab-ba
2. arad2-da-a-ne2
3. a mu-na-ru#
FAOS 09/2, Ur 13 (P315440) 2150517
&P315440 = FAOS 09/2, Ur 13
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
$ several lines missing
1. [...] x [...] na [...]
2. a mu-na-ru#
FAOS 09/2, Ur 14 (P315441) 2150519
&P315441 = FAOS 09/2, Ur 14
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}[...]
2. lugal# [...]
$ several lines missing
FAOS 09/2, Ur 15 (P315442) 2150521
&P315442 = FAOS 09/2, Ur 15
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
$ several lines missing
1. [...] x
2. [a mu-na]-ru
FAOS 09/2, Ur 17 (P315443) 2150523
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 12: [...] nir#?*
&P315443 = FAOS 09/2, Ur 17
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
$ several lines missing
1. [...] {d}asznan#*? [x]
2. [...] nir#?* NI x
3. [...] x AB x [x]
$ several lines missing
FAOS 09/2, Ur 20 (P315444) 2150525
&P315444 = FAOS 09/2, Ur 20
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
$ several lines missing
1. nita# kal#-[ga]
2. lugal uri5#{ki}-ma#
1. lugal ki#-[en]-gi ki-uri#-[ke4]
2. e2-a-[ni]
3. [mu-na-du3]
FAOS 09/2, Ur 27 (P315445) 2150527
nin-an-na-sag-e only appears a few times in words list
&P315445 = FAOS 09/2, Ur 27
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
$ several lines missing
1. [...] ba-ba
2. nam-ti
3. da-da-sze3#
4. nin-an-na-sag-e#?
5. a mu-na-ru
FAOS 09/2, Shulgi 2 (P315446) 2150529
ATF: Syntax error at line 17 col 2: @column
kal-ga-ni only appears a few times in words list
{na4}KU does not appear in words list
lagasz{ki}-ka-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ugula-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
IM{ki} only appears a few times in words list
&P315446 = FAOS 09/2, Shulgi 2
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}ba-ba6
2. munus sa6-ga
3. dumu an-na
4. nin iri ku3-ga
5. nin-a-ni
6. nam-mah-ni
7. ensi2
8. lagasz{ki}
9. agrig kal-ga-ni
10. {na4}KU ig-sze3
11. mu-na-dim2
@column 2
1. {d}ig-alim#
2. lugal-a-ni
3. nam-ti
4. [nam-mah]-ni#
5. ensi2
6. lagasz{ki}-ka-sze3
7. ur-ab-ba
8. sukkal-mah
9. [dumu {d}utu-kam ugula-ke4]
10. [u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3]
11. [a mu-na-ru]
@column 3
1. [{d}]szul#-gi
2. lugal# uri2{ki}-ma
3. lu2# IM{ki}
4. in#-du3-[a]
FAOS 09/2, Text 5 (P315447) 2150531
a-gu2-gi only appears a few times in words list
lu2-du10-ga only appears a few times in words list
ku3-{d}en-lil2 only appears a few times in words list
nam-ti-la-...-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P315447 = FAOS 09/2, Text 5
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. {d#}ba-ba6
2. nin-a-ni
3. a-gu2-gi
4. dam lu2#-du10-ga
5. ku3-{d#}en-lil2#
6. nam-ti-la#-[...-sze3]
7. a mu-na-ru
$ several lines missing
RIME 3/2.01.02.add098, ex. 01 (P315457) 2150537
IM{ki} only appears a few times in words list
dur9{ur3}-ka-ni only appears a few times in words list
&P315457 = RIME 3/1, 1.0.10
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. [{d?}]szul#-gi
2. lugal# uri2{ki}-ma
3. lu2# IM{ki}
4. in#-du3-[a]
1. [...] x x
2. ensi2#
3. lagasz#{ki}-ke4
1. [e2] ansze# dur9{ur3}-ka#-ni
2. [mu-na]-du3
$ several lines missing
BiOr 50, 682 (P315458) 2150539
&P315458 = BiOr 50, 682
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. [{d}ba]-ba6#
2. [munus sa6]-ga
3. [dumu an]-na
4. [nin-a-ni]
5. [...]
6. [ensi2]
@column 2
1. [lagasz{ki}-ke4]
2. nam#-ti#-[la]-ni#-sze3
3. a mu-na-ru#
4. alan-ba#
5. [nin]-mu [x x]
6. mu#?-bi#?
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