Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Dahl, Jacob L. on 2009-09-05 at 06:39:40 with credits to Dahl, Jacob L.

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
CDLB 2003/004 (P212396) 2111952
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
|U4.1(N14)| only appears a few times in words list
2(N29A~b) only appears a few times in words list
1(N30~e) only appears a few times in words list
1(N29A~b) only appears a few times in words list
|GI+GI| does not appear in words list
|U4.1(N14)| only appears a few times in signs list
2(N29A~b) only appears a few times in signs list
1(N30~e) only appears a few times in signs list
1(N29A~b) only appears a few times in signs list
|GI+GI| does not appear in signs list
&P212396 = CDLB 2003/4
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpc
@column 1
1.a. 8(N01)# , GAR |U4x2(N57)| AB~a
1.b. 1(N28) , |U4x1(N57)| SZE~a
1.c. 2(N39~a) 1(N24) , |U4.1(N14)| SZE~a
1.d1. 1(N01)# [...] , [...] SZE~a
1.d2. 4(N14)# , X [...]
2.a. 1(N14) , |U4x1(N01)| |LAGAB~axSZITA~a1| PAP~a#?
2.b. 1(N24) , |U4x1(N57)|
2.c. 1(N04) 1(N01) 1(N41) 1(N39~a) , |U4x(1(N14).2(N01))|# [...]
3.a. 1(N01) , X |U4x1(N01)?| GUG2#?
3.b. 2(N41) 2(N29A~b) , |U4x(1(N14).2(N01))|
4.a. 5(N01)#? , |U4x1(N01)#|? X
4.a. 5(N01)#? , |U4x1(N01)|#? X
4.b1. 2(N39~a) 1(N24) , |U4x1(N01)|
4.b2. 1(N28)#? , SZE~a# BULUG3?# [...]
4.c. 1(N14) 1(N01) 1(N39~a) , |U4x(1(N14).2(N01))|
@column 1
1.a. X? 1(N28)# , |U4x1(N57)|# SZE~a
1.b. 2(N01)# 1(N24)# , |U4x1(N01)#|
1.b. 2(N01)# 1(N24)# , |U4x1(N01)|#
1.c. 4(N14)# 1(N01) 1(N39~a) , |U4x(1(N14).2(N01))|# SZE~a#
1.d. [...] 2(N01)?# [...] , SZE~a# TAR~a 1(N30~e)
2.a. 1(N41) , |U4x1(N01)|
2.b. 2(N04)# 4(N41)# 2(N29~a)# , |U4x(1(N14).2(N01))|
2.c. 1(N41) 1(N39~a) 1(N24~b) 1(N29A~b)# 1(N30~a)# [...] , [...]
3. 5(N14)# 1(N04) 1(N24) 1(N26) 1(N31)#? , SZE~a# |U4x(1(N14).2(N01))|#
4. KASZ~b DA~a AN AB~a |GI+GI|#? BAR?#
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