approved by CDLI
Atf update submitted by Dahl, Jacob L. on 2007-04-26 at 16:14:16 with credits to Dahl, Jacob L.
Artifact | Revision | Changes |
MDP 26S, 5223 (P009322) | 1958403 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
2(N30D@b) only appears a few times in words list
2(N30D@b) only appears a few times in signs list
&P009322 = MDP 26S, 5223 @obverse @column 1 1. M157~a , 2. X# , [...] 3. [...] M384~d M297 , [...] 4. [...] , 1(N14) 1(N14@b) 5. X# [...] , [...] @reverse @column 1 1. [...] , 1(N24) 1(N24@b) 2(N30D@b) @top 1. 1(N34) |
MDP 26S, 5224 (P009323) | 1958408 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
Words list not available
Signs list not available
&P009323 = MDP 26S, 5224 @obverse @column 1 1. M157~a , 2. 2(N45) 8(N14) 2(NYY) 3(N01)# |
MDP 26S, 5226 (P009324) | 1958411 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M180~a only appears a few times in words list
M180~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P009324 = MDP 26S, 5226 @obverse @column 1 1. M180~a , 2. X# , [...] |
MDP 26S, 5227 (P009325) | 1958415 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
|M153+M075~g+M153| only appears a few times in words list
|M153+M075~g+M153| only appears a few times in signs list
&P009325 = MDP 26S, 5227 @obverse @column 1 1. M038~e , 1(N01) 2. M203~c , 1(N01) 3. |M377+M377| [...] , [...] 4. [...] |M153+M075~g+M153|# , 1(N01) 5. M365 , 1(N01) 6. X# , [...] |
MDP 26S, 5228 (P009326) | 1958419 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009326 = MDP 26S, 5228 @obverse @column 1 1. M157# , 2. M010~2 , 4(N01) |
MDP 26S, 5229 (P009327) | 1958423 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009327 = MDP 26S, 5229 @obverse @column 1 1. [...] , 2. X# , 1(N14)# 3. X# , 1(N14)# 4. X# , [...] 5. [...] , [...] 1(N30C)# 6. M122 M054 M288 , 9(N14) [...] 7. [...] , 2(N14)# 3(N01)# |
MDP 26S, 5230 (P009328) | 1958427 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009328 = MDP 26S, 5230 @obverse @column 1 1. X# , 2. M388 M096#? [...] , [...] 3. [...] M285~c , 2(N01) 4. M048~d M009# [...] , [...] 5. [...] , 2(N01)# |
MDP 26S, 5231 (P009329) | 1958431 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
|M019+X| does not appear in words list
|M019+X| does not appear in signs list
&P009329 = MDP 26S, 5231 @obverse @column 1 1. M157 , 2. |M019+X#| M388# M315 [...] , 4(N01)# 4. M347 M352~n? M004 M325 , 2(N01) |
MDP 26S, 5232 (P009330) | 1958435 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M101~d only appears a few times in words list
M101~d only appears a few times in signs list
&P009330 = MDP 26S, 5232 @obverse @column 1 1. [...] , 2. [...] , [...] 3. M387~c , 4(N01) 4. M346~b , 1(N01)# 5. [...] , [...] 6. [...] M057~b M218 , 2(N14) 7. M145 M218~b# , 2(N01)# 8. X# [...] , [...] 9. [...] , 3(N14) 5(N01) 10. M346~b , 5(N01) 11. M387 M024#? [...] , [...] 12. [...] , [...] 2(N01) 13. M346~b? , 1(N01) 14. M139 M388 M057~a M240#? M097~h# M004 [...] , [...] @reverse @column 1 1. M259# M219 M218 , 1(N14) 5(N01) 2. M346~b , 4(N01)# 3. [...] M388 M032 M101~d# M096#? M348 , 2(N01)# 4. [...] , 3(N01) 5. M346~b , [...] |
MDP 26S, 5233 (P009331) | 1958439 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009331 = MDP 26S, 5233 @obverse @column 1 1. M010# , 2(N14) |
MDP 26S, 5234 (P009332) | 1958443 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009332 = MDP 26S, 5234 @obverse @column 1 1. |M195+M057#| , 2. M388 |M106+M288| [...] , [...] |
MDP 26S, 5235 (P009333) | 1958447 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M510 only appears a few times in words list
M510 only appears a few times in signs list
&P009333 = MDP 26S, 5235 @obverse @column 1 1. [...] , 2. [...] M128#? M096 [...] , [...] 3. [...] M250~ba# M066~a , 1(N01) 4. M388 [...] , [...] @reverse @column 1 1. [...] , 1(N01) 2. M510 X# [...] , [...] 3. [...] M367? , 2(N01) 4. M388 [...] , [...] |
MDP 26S, 5236 (P009334) | 1958451 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009334 = MDP 26S, 5236 @obverse @column 1 1. M157~a , 2. M038~a , [...] 3. [...] , 1(N01) 4. X# , [...] |
MDP 26S, 5237 (P009335) | 1958455 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009335 = MDP 26S, 5237 @obverse @column 1 1. M005~a , 2. M391 , 2(N01) 3. M288# , 1(N45) 3(N14)# |
MDP 26S, 5238 (P009336) | 1958459 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M250~p only appears a few times in words list
M250~p only appears a few times in signs list
&P009336 = MDP 26S, 5238 @obverse @column 1 1. [...] , 2. [...] , 1(N01)# 3. [...] M371 M288 , 1(N14) 4. M365 [...] , [...] 5. [...] M250~p M263 M218 M288# , [...] |
MDP 26S, 5239 (P009337) | 1958463 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M285~b only appears a few times in words list
M285~b only appears a few times in signs list
&P009337 = MDP 26S, 5239 @obverse @column 1 1. [...] , 2. [...] , 1(N24) 1(N30D) 3. M131~e# [...] , [...] 4. [...] M304 M388 M285~b M288 , 1(N14) 2(N01)# 5. [...] , [...] 6. [...] M388#? M285~c#? M288 , 1(N39B)# 1(N24)# |
MDP 26S, 5240 (P009338) | 1958467 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M103~b does not appear in words list
M115 only appears a few times in words list
M103~b does not appear in signs list
M115 only appears a few times in signs list
&P009338 = MDP 26S, 5240 @obverse @column 1 1. [...] , 2. [...] , 1(N45) 6(N14) [...] 3. [...] , [...] X# 4. M305# M388 M110 M242~b# M096 [...] , [...] 4.B. [...] , 2(N01)# 1(N39B)# 4.C. X# X# , 1(N01)# 5. [...] M320# M288 , 1(N01) 1(N39B) 1(N24) 6. [...] M103~b# M254~a X# M387~c M288 , 5(N01) 3(N39B) 1(N14) 7. [...] X# , 2(N14) 1(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N30D) 8. [...] M259#? M281~f M096 M288 , 3(N14) 2(N01) [...] 9. [...] , [...] 1(N24) 10. M304 M388# M115# |M296+M296| M288# , 1(N14) 3(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N24) 2(N30C) 11. [...] M288# , 1(N01)# 1(N39B) 1(N24) 12. [...] , 2(N01)# 13. M073~b M230~a M096 M288 , 3(N01) |
MDP 31, 001 (P009340) | 1958475 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M049~da only appears a few times in words list
|M009~d+M346+M009~d| only appears a few times in words list
M049~da only appears a few times in signs list
|M009~d+M346+M009~d| only appears a few times in signs list
&P009340 = MDP 31, 001 @obverse @column 1 1. X# , 2. M388#? M288#? M049~da M109# |M009~d+M346+M009~d| , 2(N01)# [...] |
MDP 31, 002 (P009341) | 1958479 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009341 = MDP 31, 002 @obverse @column 1 1. X# , 9(N01) 2. X , 1(N01) 3. M001 , 9(N01) 4. [...] , 9(N01) 5. M033 , 1(N01) 6. M001 , 8(N01) 7. M033 , 1(N01) 8. [...] , 9(N01) 9. M033# , 1(N01)# 10. M001 , 9(N01) 11. M033 , 1(N01) 12. M001# , 6(N01)# 13. [...] , 1(N01) 14. M001 , 1(N14) 15. M006 , 5(N01) 16. M033 , 5(N01) @reverse @column 1 1. X# , 5(N14) 6(N01) 2. M106~a , 3(N01) 3. M033 , 4(N01) 4. M354#? , 1(N34) 3(N14) 5. M260#? , 1(N14) 1(N01) 6. M354#? , 4(N14)# |
MDP 31, 003 (P009342) | 1958483 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
X(NXX) does not appear in words list
X(NXX) does not appear in signs list
&P009342 = MDP 31, 003 @obverse @column 1 1. [...] , 2. X# , 8(N14) 4(N01) 3. M096~d , 4(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N24)# 4. X# , 5(N01)# @reverse @column 1 1. X# M288#? , 1(N45) 2(N01) X(NXX) |
MDP 31, 004 (P009343) | 1958487 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M048~g only appears a few times in words list
M217~ea only appears a few times in words list
M034~a only appears a few times in words list
|M127+M127| only appears a few times in words list
M149~g only appears a few times in words list
M295~i only appears a few times in words list
M317~b only appears a few times in words list
M295~a only appears a few times in words list
M048~g only appears a few times in signs list
M217~ea only appears a few times in signs list
M034~a only appears a few times in signs list
|M127+M127| only appears a few times in signs list
M149~g only appears a few times in signs list
M295~i only appears a few times in signs list
M317~b only appears a few times in signs list
M295~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P009343 = MDP 31, 004 @obverse @column 1 1. [...] , 2. [X X X M288 , 2(N01)] 3. M376# , 1(N08A) 4. M124# [X M288] , 2(N01)# 5. M376 , 1(N08A) 6. |M175+M288| M048~g M110~b M288#? , 2(N01) 7. M376# , 1(N08A)# 8. M124#? [...] M149~a M288 , 2(N01) 9. M376 , 1(N08A) 10. M217~ea M032 M096~1 M066 M288# , 2(N01) 11. M376# , 1(N08A) 12. M309~d X# X# [...] M288 , 2(N01) 13. M367~i , 1(N01) 14. M124 M034~a M218 M288 , 2(N01) 15. M367~i , 1(N01) 16. M149~a2 M352~s M371 M288# , 2(N01) 17. M376 , 1(N08A) 18. X# X# M288 , 2(N01) 19. M376 , 1(N08A) 20. M097~h? |M127+M127| M057~a2 M149~g M288# , 2(N01) 21. M376# , 1(N08A) 22. M066 M262? M096~1 M149~a2 M288 , 2(N01)# 23. M376 , 1(N08A) 24. M218 M295~i M149~a2 M288 , 2(N01) 25. M376# , 1(N08A)# 26. [X] X# M288# , 2(N01) 27. M376# , 1(N08A)# 28. X# X# X# M288 , 2(N01)# 29. M376# , 1(N08A) 30. M371# X [M288] , [2(N01)] 31. [M376 , 1(N08A)] 32. [X X M288 , 2(N01)] 33. [M376 , 1(N08A)] 34. [X X M288 , 2(N01)] 35. M367~i# , 1(N01)# 36. X# M371 M029~a#? M288 , 2(N01) @reverse @column 1 1. M376# , 1(N08A) 2. M317~b M207 M057~a4 M288 , 4(N01) 3. M367~i# , 1(N01)# 4. M124 M207# M295~a M371 M288 , 2(N01) 5. M367~i , 1(N01) 6. M210~d M388 M263 M347? M371 M288 , 2(N01) 7. M367~i# , 1(N01)# 8. M147~d M124 M029~b M096~1 M288 , 2(N01) 9. M376 , 1(N08A) $(Seal) 10. M288# , 7(N14) 2(N01) 11. M376 , 8(N01) 12. M367~i , 5(N01)# |
MDP 31, 005 (P009344) | 1958491 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M210~h only appears a few times in words list
M210~h only appears a few times in signs list
&P009344 = MDP 31, 005 @obverse @column 1 1. 4(N01) , 2. M210~h , |
MDP 31, 006 (P009345) | 1958495 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009345 = MDP 31, 006 @obverse @column 1 1. 2(N01) , 2. X? , |
MDP 31, 007 (P009347) | 1958499 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M247~d only appears a few times in words list
M297~bc only appears a few times in words list
|M001+M379~d| only appears a few times in words list
|M003~b+M379~c| only appears a few times in words list
M247~d only appears a few times in signs list
M297~bc only appears a few times in signs list
|M001+M379~d| only appears a few times in signs list
|M003~b+M379~c| only appears a few times in signs list
&P009347 = MDP 31, 007 @obverse @column 1 1. M247~d , 2. M297~bc# , 2(N01) 3(N39B) 3. |M001+M379~d| , 1(N24) 2(N30C) 4. M297~b# , 1(N24@b) 2(N30C@b) 5. M314 , 1(N01)# 1(N39B) 6. |M003~b+M379~c| , 1(N39B) 1(N24)#? 7. M297~b# , 1(N39B@b) 1(N24@b) |
MDP 31, 008 (P009348) | 1958503 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009348 = MDP 31, 008 @obverse @column 1 1. 1(N01) 4(N39B)# 2. X# , 1(N01) 2(N39B) 3. X# , 1(N01) 3(N39B) 4. M059 , 2(N39B) 5. X , 4(N01) @reverse @column 1 1. 4(N01) 3(N39B)# |
MDP 31, 009 (P009349) | 1958507 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @reverse
&P009349 = MDP 31, 009 @reverse @column 1 1. [...] X , 3(N01)# 2. X X X X X , 2(N01)# $(Seal = geometric design) 3. [...] , 3(N01) 4. X# M263~a M288 , 3(N14) 2(N01)# 5. [...] |
MDP 31, 010 (P009350) | 1958511 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M073~c only appears a few times in words list
M386~d only appears a few times in words list
M073~c only appears a few times in signs list
M386~d only appears a few times in signs list
&P009350 = MDP 31, 010 @obverse @column 1 1. X# , 2. M328~b M288~d# , 1(N14) 3. M073~c , 1(N01) 4. M386~d , 1(N01) 5. X# , 2(N01) @reverse @column 1 1. M288~d , 1(N14) 4(N01) |
MDP 31, 011 (P009351) | 1958515 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M098 only appears a few times in words list
M098 only appears a few times in words list
M098 only appears a few times in signs list
M098 only appears a few times in signs list
&P009351 = MDP 31, 011 @obverse @column 1 1. M157# , 2. M195 M098? , 1(N45) 8(N14) 2(N01) 2(N39B) 3. M098? , 6(N14) 4(N01) 1(N39B) 1(N30C) |
MDP 31, 012 (P009352) | 1958519 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009352 = MDP 31, 012 @obverse @column 1 1. M195 , 2. M203~c M288 X# , 1(N01) |
MDP 31, 013 (P009353) | 1958523 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M283 only appears a few times in words list
M291~f only appears a few times in words list
M283 only appears a few times in signs list
M291~f only appears a few times in signs list
&P009353 = MDP 31, 013 @obverse @column 1 1. M157 , 2. M009~a X# , 2(N01)# 3. [...] , 4(N01) 4. M283 , 5(N01) 5. M291~f , 5(N01) |
MDP 31, 014 (P009354) | 1958527 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
|M325+M044| only appears a few times in words list
M207~ca only appears a few times in words list
|M325+M044| only appears a few times in signs list
M207~ca only appears a few times in signs list
&P009354 = MDP 31, 014 @obverse @column 1 1. M365 , 2. X# |M325+M044#?| M376 , 4(N14) 3. M207~ca?# , |
MDP 31, 015 (P009355) | 1958531 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M033~c only appears a few times in words list
M270~d only appears a few times in words list
M387~ha only appears a few times in words list
M265~2 only appears a few times in words list
M033~c only appears a few times in signs list
M270~d only appears a few times in signs list
M387~ha only appears a few times in signs list
M265~2 only appears a few times in signs list
&P009355 = MDP 31, 015 @obverse @column 1 1. M157 , 2. M305 M033~c# M270~d# , 2(N01) 3. |M036+1(N30D)| , 1(N14) 4. M387~ca |M036+1(N30C)| , 2(N14) 5. M305 M387~ha |M036+1(N30C)| , 2(N14) 6. M340 M054# M265~2# , 2(N01)# 7. [X] |M036+1(N30D)| , 6(N01) @top 1. 1(N01) |
MDP 31, 016 (P009356) | 1958535 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @reverse
M064 only appears a few times in words list
X(NXX) does not appear in words list
M064 only appears a few times in words list
M136~n only appears a few times in words list
M228~g only appears a few times in words list
M228~g only appears a few times in words list
X(NXX) does not appear in words list
M228~g only appears a few times in words list
M064 only appears a few times in signs list
X(NXX) does not appear in signs list
M064 only appears a few times in signs list
M136~n only appears a few times in signs list
M228~g only appears a few times in signs list
M228~g only appears a few times in signs list
X(NXX) does not appear in signs list
M228~g only appears a few times in signs list
&P009356 = MDP 31, 016 @reverse @column 1 1. [...] , 2. X# M244 M064# , [...] 3. M230# , 2(N01)# 4. [...] , X(NXX)# 5. M372 X X M263~a M370? M347? M004 |M131+M388| M101 M064# X , [...] 6. M136~n M263~a , 2(N01) 7. X X X M263 , 1(N01) 8. M372 X# , [...] 9. M228~g , 2(N01) 10. M263 , 5(N01) 11. M029~b X M096 X X M260~1 , 1(N14) 12. M228~g , X(NXX) 13. [...] , 1(N01) 14. X# X# 2(N14)# 8(N01) 15. M228~g , 3(N01) 16. [...] , 2(N01)# |
MDP 31, 017 (P009357) | 1958539 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M210~ba only appears a few times in words list
M317~g only appears a few times in words list
M210~ba only appears a few times in signs list
M317~g only appears a few times in signs list
&P009357 = MDP 31, 017 @obverse @column 1 1. M210~ba , 2. M293~b# , 1(N14) 2(N01) 3(N39B) 3. M317~g @top 1. 2(N01) |
MDP 31, 018 (P009358) | 1958543 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M252~t only appears a few times in words list
M326~a only appears a few times in words list
M252~t only appears a few times in signs list
M326~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P009358 = MDP 31, 018 @obverse @column 1 1. M252~t? , 1(N14) 1(N01) 2. M326~a , |
MDP 31, 019 (P009359) | 1958547 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M252~i only appears a few times in words list
M136~k only appears a few times in words list
M210~b only appears a few times in words list
M252~i only appears a few times in signs list
M136~k only appears a few times in signs list
M210~b only appears a few times in signs list
&P009359 = MDP 31, 019 @obverse @column 1 1. M059 , 1(N14) 2. M252~i# , 4(N01) 3. M136~k , 1(N14) 4. M210~b , 1(N14) 5. [...] , 1(N14) 6. X# , 1(N14) 7. M147 , 1(N14) @reverse @column 1 1. , 6(N14) 4(N01) |
MDP 31, 020 (P009360) | 1958551 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009360 = MDP 31, 020 @obverse @column 1 1. M157 , 2. M039~c? |M218~d+M288| , 1(N01) 3. M288 , 1(N34) 2(N45) 8(N14) 1(N01) 2(N39B) 1(N30C) 1(N30D) @top 1. 2(N01) |
MDP 31, 021 (P009361) | 1958555 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M316~a only appears a few times in words list
X(NXX) does not appear in words list
X(NXX) does not appear in words list
M316 does not appear in words list
M316~a only appears a few times in signs list
X(NXX) does not appear in signs list
X(NXX) does not appear in signs list
M316 does not appear in signs list
&P009361 = MDP 31, 021 @obverse @column 1 1. M388#? , 2. M316~a X# , X(NXX)# 3. [X] , [X(NXX)] 2(N30C) 4. M316# X , 6(N23)# 1(N30C) |
MDP 31, 022 (P009362) | 1958559 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M302~ca only appears a few times in words list
M302~ca only appears a few times in signs list
&P009362 = MDP 31, 022 @obverse @column 1 1. M059~d , 2. M081? M302~ca , 3(N14) 4(N01) 3. M059~d , 2(N14) 6(N01) 4. X# X , 7(N01) 5. M054# , 5(N14)# 2(N01) |
MDP 31, 023 (P009363) | 1958563 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M266~f only appears a few times in words list
M266~f only appears a few times in signs list
&P009363 = MDP 31, 023 @obverse @column 1 1. M278 , 3(N39B) 2. M387# , 4(N39B) 3. X# , 2(N39B) 4. M266~f M387 , 1(N39B) 1(N30C) |
MDP 31, 024 (P009364) | 1958567 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009364 = MDP 31, 024 @obverse @column 1 1. [...] , 2. |M305+M342#| , 2(N01) 3. M291 M371 M320# , 1(N01)# 4. X# M301 M057 , 1(N01) 5. M263~1 M347# [...] , [...] 6. [...] , 1(N01) 7. X# X# X# , [...] @reverse @column 1 1. X# X# X [...] , [...] |
MDP 31, 025 (P009365) | 1958571 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M228~gb only appears a few times in words list
M278~f only appears a few times in words list
M290~a only appears a few times in words list
M278~f only appears a few times in words list
M290~a only appears a few times in words list
M228~gb only appears a few times in signs list
M278~f only appears a few times in signs list
M290~a only appears a few times in signs list
M278~f only appears a few times in signs list
M290~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P009365 = MDP 31, 025 @obverse @column 1 1. M228~gb , 2. M278~f |M351+1(N14)| , 1(N34) 3(N01) 3. X# , [...] 4. M290~a , 7(N01) 5. M064~a , 1(N14) 6. X , 5(N01) @reverse @column 1 1. [...] , 6(N01) 2. M278~f , 2(N14) 3. [...] , 3(N01)# 4. X , 5(N01) 5. X , 5(N01) 6. M290~a#? , 7(N01) 7. M064~a , 1(N14) |
MDP 31, 026 (P009366) | 1958575 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009366 = MDP 31, 026 @obverse @column 1 1. M367~c , 8(N14) 2. X# , 1(N14) 6(N01) 3. M367 , 3(N14)# 6(N01) 4. X# , 9(N01) 5. X# M367 , 1(N14) @reverse @column 1 1. M367~c , 1(N23) 5(N14) 1(N01) |
MDP 31, 027 (P009367) | 1958579 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M278~g only appears a few times in words list
M293~d only appears a few times in words list
M293~d only appears a few times in words list
M278~g only appears a few times in signs list
M293~d only appears a few times in signs list
M293~d only appears a few times in signs list
&P009367 = MDP 31, 027 @obverse @column 1 1. M305 , 2. M269~b , 2(N01) 3. M260 , 2(N01) 4. |M036+1(N30D)| , 3(N39B) 1(N24)# 5. M379 , 1(N30C) 6. M278~g , 1(N30C) 7. M293~d , 1(N30C)# 2(N30D)#? 8. X#? , 1(N39B) 9. M210~g , 3(N39B) 1(N24) @reverse @column 1 1. M293~d , 2(N01) 1(N39B) 1(N24) 2(N30C)? |
MDP 31, 028 (P009368) | 1958583 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
3(N39C) only appears a few times in words list
3(N39C) only appears a few times in signs list
&P009368 = MDP 31, 028 @obverse @column 1 1. M387~h , 2. M297# , 9(N14) 4(N01) 1(N39B) 1(N30C) @top 1. 3(N39C) |
MDP 31, 029 (P009369) | 1958587 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
&P009369 = MDP 31, 029 @obverse @column 1 1. |M377+M320+M377#| , 2. M157 M206~d , 4(N01)# 3. [...] M371 , 2(N01) @reverse @column 1 1. [...] , [...] 3(N01)# |
MDP 31, 030 (P009370) | 1958591 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
|X+M383+X| only appears a few times in words list
M320~n only appears a few times in words list
M124~a only appears a few times in words list
|X+M383+X| only appears a few times in signs list
M320~n only appears a few times in signs list
M124~a only appears a few times in signs list
&P009370 = MDP 31, 030 @obverse @column 1 1. |X+M383+X#| , 2. M376 M388 M352~o? M320~n M371 X X , 2(N01)# 3. X# M371 , 2(N01) 4. M124~a# X# X# , 2(N01) 5. X# X# M218# , 2(N01)# 7. X# X# M242~ab#? M096#? , 2(N01) 8. X# X# , 2(N01) 9. X# X# X# , 2(N01)# @reverse @column 1 1. [...] , 2(N14)# 2(N01)# |
MDP 31, 031 (P009371) | 1958595 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M314~f only appears a few times in words list
2(N51G) only appears a few times in words list
3(N51G) only appears a few times in words list
|M195+X| only appears a few times in words list
2(N51G) only appears a few times in words list
7(N23) only appears a few times in words list
2(N51G) only appears a few times in words list
M195~m only appears a few times in words list
2(N51G) only appears a few times in words list
7(N23) only appears a few times in words list
2(N54G) only appears a few times in words list
3(N51G) only appears a few times in words list
M314~f only appears a few times in signs list
2(N51G) only appears a few times in signs list
3(N51G) only appears a few times in signs list
|M195+X| only appears a few times in signs list
2(N51G) only appears a few times in signs list
7(N23) only appears a few times in signs list
2(N51G) only appears a few times in signs list
M195~m only appears a few times in signs list
2(N51G) only appears a few times in signs list
7(N23) only appears a few times in signs list
2(N54G) only appears a few times in signs list
3(N51G) only appears a few times in signs list
&P009371 = MDP 31, 031 @obverse @column 1 1. |M327+X| , 2. M388 M387? M263 M314~f M096#? M388# M301 M372 M367~c# , 2(N51G) 5(N23) 3. X# X# M066 M367~c# , 3(N51G) 1(N23) 4. |M195+X|# X# X# X# X# M367~c#? , 2(N51G) 7(N23) 5. M066 X# X# X# M367~c#? , 2(N51G)# 6(N23) 6. M195~m# X# X# M367~c# , 2(N51G) 7(N23) @reverse @column 1 1. M367~c#? , 2(N54G) 3(N51G) 6(N23) #Note one N54G is 5(N51G) |
MDP 31, 032 (P009372) | 1958599 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
M249~g only appears a few times in words list
M249~g only appears a few times in signs list
&P009372 = MDP 31, 032 @obverse @column 1 1. |M327+X| , 2. M388 M249~g M297# X# M217# , 2(N01) |