Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by CDLI on 2006-10-12 at 12:27:07 with credits to CDLI

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
SAT 1, 319 (P131427) 2067316
ATF: Parsing failed on line 19 near character 2
kum-ku-sze3 does not appear in words list
{a}az-am3 only appears a few times in words list
&P131427 = SAT 1, 319
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(gesz2) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. 1(gesz2) ziz2 gur i3-dub a-sza3 gi-dah-ha-ta
#lem: n; ziz[emmer]; gur[unit]; idub[granary]; aszag[field]; FN
3. sa2-du11 {d}nin-gir2-su-sze3
#lem: sadug[offerings]; DN
4. ki ba-zi-ta
#lem: ki[place]; zid[right]
5. mu kum-ku-sze3
#lem: mu[name]; PN
6. kiszib3 a-ad-da dumu az-am3
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN; dumu[child]; PN
1. iti mu-szu-du7
#lem: itud[month]; MN
2. mu ki-masz{ki}
#lem: mu[year]; GN
3. hu-ur5-ti{ki} ba-hul
#lem: GN; hulu[destroy]
1. a-ad-da
#lem: PN
2. dumu {a}az-am3
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
3. sza3-tam {d}nin-gir2-su
#lem: szatam[official]; DN
SAT 1, 320 (P131428) 2067319
ATF: Parsing failed on line 23 near character 2
sze-KIN-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
&P131428 = SAT 1, 320
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 8(asz) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. sze ur5-ra
#lem: sze[barley]; urra[loan]
3. i3-dub a-sza3 gesz-gi-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; aszag[field]; gi[thicket]
4. ki ur-{d}nansze-ta
#lem: ki[place]; RN
5. lu2-giri17-zal
#lem: PN
1. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
2. mu lu2-giri17-zal-sze3
#lem: mu[name]; PN
3. kiszib3 en-in-na-dan nu-banda3 gu4 ib2-ra
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN; nubanda[overseer]; gud[ox]; rah[beat]
4. iti diri sze-KIN-ku5
#lem: itud[month]; dirig[exceed]; MN
5. mu ha-ar-szi{ki} hu-ur5-ti{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; GN; hulu[destroy]
SAT 1, 325 (P131431) 2067331
ATF: Parsing failed on line 16 near character 2
&P131431 = SAT 1, 325
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
$ n lines broken
# broken
1. 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda 1(disz) i3 id-gur2 lugal-ezem sukkal
#lem: n; sila[unit]; kasz[beer]; n; sila[unit]; ninda[bread]; n; i[oil]; idgurum[ladle?]; PN; sukkal[secretary]
2. 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda 1(disz) i3 id-gur2 e-mul sukkal
#lem: n; sila[unit]; kasz[beer]; n; sila[unit]; ninda[bread]; n; i[oil]; idgurum[ladle?]; PN; sukkal[secretary]
3. 3(ban2) kasz 2(ban2) ninda lugal 5(disz) i3 id-gur2 elam mar-ha-szi{ki}-ke4 szu ba-ti
#lem: n; kasz[beer]; n; ninda[bread]; lugal[king]; n; i[oil]; idgurum[ladle?]; GN; GN; szu[hand]; tej[approach]
4. 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda 1(disz) i3 id-gur2 [...]
#lem: n; sila[unit]; kasz[beer]; n; sila[unit]; ninda[bread]; n; i[oil]; idgurum[ladle?]; u
5. iti ezem-{d}dumu-zi
#lem: itud[month]; MN
SAT 1, 326 (P131432) 2067334
ATF: Parsing failed on line 17 near character 2
he-gal2-la-ta only appears a few times in words list
&P131432 = SAT 1, 326
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(barig) sze lugal
#lem: n; sze[barley]; lugal[king]
2. sze ur5-ra
#lem: sze[barley]; urra[loan]
3. i3-dub he?-gal2-la-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; jal[be]
4. ki sanga {d}nin-mar{ki}-ka
#lem: ki[place]; sajja[official]; DN
5. kiszib3 ku4-ra-ni-i3-sa6 nar
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN; nar[musician]
1. iti amar-a-a-si
#lem: itud[month]; MN
2. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
1. ku4-ra-ni-i3-sa6
#lem: PN
2. dumu lugal-[{gesz}gigir]
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
SAT 1, 327 (P131433) 2067337
ATF: Parsing failed on line 21 near character 2
sza3-da-nu-du10 does not appear in words list
wa-a only appears a few times in words list
&P131433 = SAT 1, 327
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(asz) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. lu2-{d}li9-si4
#lem: PN
3. 2(barig) sza3-da-nu-du10
#lem: n; PN
4. 2(barig) wa-a
#lem: n; PN
5. i3-dub he?-gal2-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; jal[be]
6. lu2-{d}li9-si4
#lem: PN
7. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
1. iti amar-a-a-si
#lem: itud[month]; MN
2. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
SAT 1, 328 (P131434) 2067340
ATF: Parsing failed on line 19 near character 2
&P131434 = SAT 1, 328
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. sze ur5-ra engar sza3-gu4 e2 {d}inanna-me
#lem: sze[barley]; urra[loan]; engar[farmer]; PN; e[house]; DN
3. ki sanga {d}nin-mar{ki}-ta
#lem: ki[place]; sajja[official]; DN
4. kiszib3 ze2-na nu-banda3 gu4
#lem: kiszib[seal]; zena[midrib]|zena[weapon]; nubanda[overseer]; gud[ox]
1. ugula sanga {d}nin-mar{ki}
#lem: ugula[overseer]; sajja[official]; DN
2. i3-dub a-sza3 he?-gal2-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; aszag[field]; jal[be]
3. iti amar-a-a-si
#lem: itud[month]; MN
4. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
1. ze2-na
#lem: zena[midrib]|zena[weapon]
2. nu-banda3 gu4
#lem: nubanda[overseer]; gud[ox]
3. dumu u-bar
#lem: dumu[child]; ubar[foreigner]
SAT 1, 329 (P131435) 2067343
ATF: Parsing failed on line 17 near character 2
he-gal2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P131435 = SAT 1, 329
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(asz) gur lugal sze gesz-i3
#lem: n; gur[unit]; lugal[king]; sze[barley]; jeszi[sesame]
2. numun a-sza3 he?-gal2-sze3
#lem: numun[seed]; aszag[field]; jal[be]
3. ki lu2-{d}nin-gir2-su dumu ba-zi-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN; dumu[child]; zid[right]
1. {d}utu-mu
#lem: PN
2. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
3. iti gu4-ra2-bi2-mu2-mu2
#lem: itud[month]; MN
4. mu us2-sa ki-masz{ki} mu us2-sa
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; mu[year]; us[follow]
SAT 1, 330 (P131436) 2067346
ATF: Parsing failed on line 21 near character 2
{gesz}gesztu-a-mu only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}gesztu-mu-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ni-MUNUS does not appear in words list
&P131436 = SAT 1, 330
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(barig) sze lugal
#lem: n; sze[barley]; lugal[king]
2. sze ur5-ra
#lem: sze[barley]; urra[loan]
3. i3-dub he?-gal2-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; jal[be]
4. ki sanga {d}nin-mar{ki}-ta
#lem: ki[place]; sajja[official]; DN
5. {gesz}gesztu-a-mu szu ba-ti
#lem: jesztug[ear]; szu[hand]; tej[approach]
1. mu {gesz}gesztu-mu-sze3
#lem: mu[name]|mu[year]; jesztug[ear]
2. kiszib3 ni-MUNUS ib2-ra
#lem: kiszib[seal]; X; rah[beat]
3. iti amar-a-a-si
#lem: itud[month]; MN
4. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
1. ur-mes
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu ur-{d}lamma
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
4. ugula sa12-du5
#lem: ugula[overseer]; sajDUN[recorder]
SAT 1, 331 (P131437) 2067349
ATF: Parsing failed on line 19 near character 2
&P131437 = SAT 1, 331
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(barig) sze lugal sze ur5-ra
#lem: n; sze[barley]; lugal[king]; sze[barley]; urra[loan]
2. i3-dub he?-gal2-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; jal[be]
3. ki sanga {d}nin-mar{ki}-ta
#lem: ki[place]; sajja[official]; DN
4. ka5-a-mu szu ba-ti
#lem: PN; szu[hand]; tej[approach]
5. mu ka5-a-mu-sze3
#lem: mu[name]; PN
6. kiszib3 ur-{d}lamma ib2-ra
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN; rah[beat]
1. iti amar-a-a-si
#lem: itud[month]; MN
2. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
1. ur-{d}lamma
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu lugal-sa6-ga
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
4. sa12-du5 {d}[...]
#lem: sajDUN[recorder]; DN
SAT 1, 332 (P131438) 2067352
ATF: Parsing failed on line 19 near character 2
&P131438 = SAT 1, 332
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(disz) engar 1(barig) sze lugal-ta
#lem: n; engar[farmer]; n; sze[barley]; PN
2. 4(disz) sza3-gu4 1(barig)-ta
#lem: n; PN; n
3. sze-bi 1(asz) 1(barig) gur
#lem: sze[barley]; n; n; gur[unit]
4. i3-dub a-sza3 he?-gal2
#lem: idub[granary]; aszag[field]; jal[be]
5. ki sanga {d}nin-mar{ki}-ta
#lem: ki[place]; sajja[official]; DN
1. kiszib3 lu2-gu-la nu-banda3 gu4
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN; nubanda[overseer]; gud[ox]
2. iti mu-szu-du7
#lem: itud[month]; MN
3. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
1. lu2-gu-la
#lem: PN
2. dumu lugal-[...]
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
3. nu-banda3 gu4
#lem: nubanda[overseer]; gud[ox]
SAT 1, 335 (P131440) 2067360
ATF: Parsing failed on line 18 near character 2
sa-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
&P131440 = SAT 1, 335
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(barig) sze lugal
#lem: n; sze[barley]; lugal[king]
2. sze ur5-ra i3-dub he?-gal2-ta
#lem: sze[barley]; urra[loan]; idub[granary]; jal[be]
3. ki sanga {d}nin-mar{ki}-ta
#lem: ki[place]; sajja[official]; DN
4. da-da nar* sa-ke4
#lem: PN; nar[musician]; sa[bundle]
1. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
$ (*(blank line))
2. iti amar-a-a-si
#lem: itud[month]; MN
3. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
SAT 1, 336 (P131441) 2067363
ATF: Parsing failed on line 27 near character 2
ur-{d}nin-tu-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P131441 = SAT 1, 336
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 4(barig) sze lugal
#lem: n; sze[barley]; lugal[king]
2. ur-mes dumu lugal-ma2-gur8-re
#lem: PN; dumu[child]; PN
3. 3(barig) lu2-{d}na-ru2-a dumu banda3{da}
#lem: n; PN; dumu[child]; banda[junior]
4. 2(barig) szu-i gu2-en-na
#lem: n; szu'i[barber]; gu'enak[assembly]|gu'ena[silt]|gu'enak[official]
5. 2(barig) ur-gu-la dumu sza13-dub-ba
#lem: n; PN; dumu[child]; bisajdubak[archivist]
6. sze ur5-ra
#lem: sze[barley]; urra[loan]
1. i3-dub he?-gal2-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; jal[be]
2. ki sanga {d}nin-mar{ki}-ta
#lem: ki[place]; sajja[official]; DN
3. mu sza3-ku3-ge dumu ur-{d}nin-tu-sze3
#lem: mu[name]; PN; dumu[child]; PN
4. kiszib3 sukkal-di-de3
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
5. iti amar-a-a-si
#lem: itud[month]; MN
6. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
1. sukkal-di-de3
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu ur-{d}nin-tu
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
SAT 1, 337 (P131442) 2067366
ATF: Parsing failed on line 23 near character 2
&P131442 = SAT 1, 337
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(asz) 1(barig) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. ad-da
#lem: PN
3. 3(barig) ba-zi-ge
#lem: n; PN
4. 3(barig) szesz-kal-la
#lem: n; PN
5. 3(barig) a-a-u4-su3-sze3
#lem: n; PN
6. 3(barig) lugal-u2-szim-e
#lem: n; PN
1. ga2-nun a-sza3 he?-gal2-ta
#lem: janun[storehouse]; aszag[field]; jal[be]
2. ki a-ab-ba-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
3. iti amar-a-a-si
#lem: itud[month]; MN
4. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
SAT 1, 338 (P131443) 2067369
ATF: Parsing failed on line 21 near character 2
sze-KIN-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
&P131443 = SAT 1, 338
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 5(asz) sze gur lugal sze zi3 KA
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]; sze[barley]; zid[flour]; u
2. 5(asz) gur sze ur5-ra
#lem: n; gur[unit]; sze[barley]; urra[loan]
3. i3-dub he?-gal2-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; jal[be]
4. ki ur-{d}ba-ba6-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
5. esz3 didli-me
#lem: esz[shrine]; didli[several]
1. kiszib3 lu2-{d}dumu-zi ugula
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN; ugula[overseer]
2. nu-banda3 lu2-{d}utu
#lem: nubanda[overseer]; PN
3. iti diri sze-KIN-ku5
#lem: itud[month]; dirig[exceed]; MN
4. mu ha-ar-szi{ki} hu-ur5-ti{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. lu2-{d}dumu-zi
#lem: PN
2. dumu ur-ge6-par4-ra
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
3. gudu4 {d}inanna
#lem: gudug[priest]; DN
SAT 1, 340 (P131445) 2067377
ATF: Parsing failed on line 19 near character 2
im-bi-a-ba-ta only appears a few times in words list
sze-KIN-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
&P131445 = SAT 1, 340
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 8(asz) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. sze ur5-ra
#lem: sze[barley]; urra[loan]
3. i3-dub im-bi-a-ba-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; PN
4. ki ba-zi-ta
#lem: ki[place]; zid[right]
5. lu2-uru11{ki}
#lem: PN
1. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
2. iti sze-KIN-ku5
#lem: itud[month]; MN
3. mu ur-bi2-lum{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; hulu[destroy]
SAT 1, 341 (P131446) 2067380
ATF: Parsing failed on line 21 near character 2
sze-KIN-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
&P131446 = SAT 1, 341
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. [...]
#lem: u
2. [...]
#lem: u
3. {d}ig-alim
#lem: DN
4. nu-banda3 ur-{d}nin-ma-da
#lem: nubanda[overseer]; PN
5. i3-dub e2-duru5 inim-{d}inanna-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; eduru[village]; PN
1. ki ba-zi-ta
#lem: ki[place]; zid[right]
2. kiszib3 ur-{d}ba-ba6 ugula
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN; ugula[overseer]
3. iti sze-KIN-ku5
#lem: itud[month]; MN
4. mu ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. ur-{d}ba-ba6
#lem: PN
2. dumu ur-sa6-ga
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
SAT 1, 342 (P131447) 2067383
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 10: da-da nar*
gu4-eme-ka-ka only appears a few times in words list
&P131447 = SAT 1, 342
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 7(gesz2) 3(u) 7(asz) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; n; n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. {d}utu-bar-ra engar
#lem: PN; engar[farmer]
3. a-sza3 inim-ma-dingir tur
#lem: aszag[field]; FN; tur[small]
4. a-sza3 gu4-eme-ka-ka
#lem: aszag[field]; FN
$ (blank space)
SAT 1, 343 (P131448) 2067387
ATF: Parsing failed on line 21 near character 2
bur-e2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
gesz-bi-gar-ra does not appear in words list
&P131448 = SAT 1, 343
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(u) 2(asz) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. sze numun a-sza3 im-bi-a-ba
#lem: sze[barley]; numun[seed]; aszag[field]; FN
3. u3 a-sza3 bur-e2-sze3
#lem: u[and]; aszag[field]; FN
4. gur sze gesz e3-a
#lem: gur[unit]; sze[barley]; jesz[tree]; e[leave]
5. ki ur-sa6-ga-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
6. kiszib3 ur-tur sanga
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN; sajja[official]
1. i3-dub a-sza3 gesz-bi-gar-ra
#lem: idub[granary]; aszag[field]; FN
2. mu si-mu-ur4-um{ki}
#lem: mu[year]; GN
3. lu-lu-bu-um a-ra2 9(disz)-kam ba-hul
#lem: PN; ara[times]; n; hulu[destroy]
1. ur-nigar{gar}
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu ur-sa6-ga
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
4. nu-banda3 kuruszda
#lem: nubanda[overseer]; kuruszda[fattener]
SAT 1, 344 (P131449) 2067390
zi-zi-ba only appears a few times in words list
bi2-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
sa12-du5-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
&P131449 = SAT 1, 344
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 4(u) sze gur lugal a-sza3 im-bi-a-ba
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]; aszag[field]; FN
2. sze a-sza3-ga gar-ra
#lem: sze[barley]; aszag[field]; jar[place]
3. sza3-bi-ta
#lem: szag[heart]
4. 7(asz) gur
#lem: n; gur[unit]
5. sze a-sza3-ga gal2-la
#lem: sze[barley]; aszag[field]; jal[be]
1. la2-ia3 3(u) 3(asz) gur
#lem: la'u[arrears]; n; n; gur[unit]
2. egir5 sze a-sza3 gar-ra-ta
#lem: ejir[back]; sze[barley]; aszag[field]; jar[place]
3. u4-de3 de6-a
#lem: ud[sun]; de[bring]
4. pu2-ta {d}szara2-kam di in-na-du11
#lem: PN; PN; did[lawsuit]; dug[speak]
5. zi-zi-ba
#lem: zi[rise]
6. bi2-du11-ga
#lem: PN
7. ba-zi inim-bi si bi2-sa2
#lem: zig[issue]; inim[word]; si[horn]; sa[equal]|sig[tie]
8. ur-sa6-ga sa12-du5-ke4
#lem: PN; sajDUN[recorder]
9. nam-erim2-bi in-ku5
#lem: NERU[enemy]; kud[cut]
10. ur-sa6-ga dumu e2-ur2-bi
#lem: PN; dumu[child]; PN
11. u3 pu2-ta
#lem: u[and]; PN
SAT 1, 345 (P131450) 2067393
ATF: Parsing failed on line 17 near character 2
&P131450 = SAT 1, 345
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 4(u) 1(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; n; n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. sze numun-sze3
#lem: sze[barley]; numun[seed]
3. i3-dub inim-ma-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; inim[word]
4. ki szu-esz-dar-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
5. kiszib3 a-a-kal-la
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
1. mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. a-kal-la
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu [ab-ba-gi]-na
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
4. sa12-du5
#lem: sajDUN[recorder]
SAT 1, 346 (P131451) 2067396
ATF: Parsing failed on line 19 near character 2
&P131451 = SAT 1, 346
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(u) 8(asz) sze gur
#lem: n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
2. gur gibil sze-ba-ta
#lem: gur[unit]; gibil[new]; szeba[ration]
3. i3-dub igi-{gesz}kiri6-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; X
4. ki ur-{d}nin-gesz-zi-da
#lem: ki[place]; PN
1. ur-nig2
#lem: PN
2. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
3. mu {d}szu-{d}suen
#lem: mu[year]; RN
4. lugal e2 {d}szara2 mu-du3
#lem: lugal[king]; e[house]; DN; du[build]
SAT 1, 347 (P131452) 2067399
ki-BAD-a-gug4 only appears a few times in words list
KU-szuku-nig2-du10 does not appear in words list
gibil-lugal-uszum:gal does not appear in words list
uszum:gal does not appear in signs list
&P131452 = SAT 1, 347
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. a-sza3 sahar-dub-ba
#lem: aszag[field]; saharduba[rubbish]
2. lu2-{d}na-ru2-a dumu ur-{d}ba-ba6 i3-dab5
#lem: PN; dumu[child]; PN; dab[seize]
3. a-sza3 ki-BAD-a-gug4
#lem: aszag[field]; FN
4. a-sza3 KU-szuku-nig2-du10
#lem: aszag[field]; FN
5. lu2-giri17-zal
#lem: PN
1. dumu lugal-me3 i3-dab5
#lem: dumu[child]; PN; dab[seize]
2. a-sza3 gibil-lugal-uszum:gal
#lem: aszag[field]; FN
3. ur-ba-gara2 dumu ur-{d}suen i3-dab5
#lem: PN; dumu[child]; PN; dab[seize]
4. a-sza3 inim-ma-dingir
#lem: aszag[field]; FN
5. lu2-{d}igi-ma-sze3 dumu ug3-IL2
#lem: PN; dumu[child]; ujjaja[porter]
6. a-sza3 zi-ga da-da-ga
#lem: aszag[field]; zig[issue]; PN
7. ur-{d}lamma dumu nig2-u2-rum
#lem: PN; dumu[child]; nijurum[property]
8. a-sza3 {u2}kiszi17 a-sza3 nin-a2-zi-da
#lem: aszag[field]; FN; aszag[field]; FN
9. ur-gu-la i3-dab5
#lem: PN; dab[seize]
10. a-sza3 he2-gal2
#lem: aszag[field]; hejal[plenty]
11. ur-{d}ba-ba6 dumu sanga
#lem: PN; dumu[child]; sajja[official]
SAT 1, 348 (P131453) 2067402
ATF: Parsing failed on line 23 near character 2
lu2-iri-sag-ga2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P131453 = SAT 1, 348
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(gesz2) 3(u) sze gur lugal sze numun-sze3
#lem: n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]; sze[barley]; numun[seed]
2. i3-dub inim-ma-dingir-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; PN
3. ki szu-esz-dar-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
4. lu2-iri-sag-ga2
#lem: PN
5. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
6. mu lu2-iri-sag-ga2-sze3
#lem: mu[name]; PN
7. kiszib3 ur-gu-la dumu ga-ni
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN; dumu[child]; ga[milk]
8. ib2-ra
#lem: rah[beat]
1. mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. ur-gu-la
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu ga-ni
#lem: dumu[child]; ga[milk]
SAT 1, 349 (P131454) 2067405
ATF: Parsing failed on line 23 near character 2
kar-sag-zi-ta only appears a few times in words list
&P131454 = SAT 1, 349
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 3(u) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. gur sze gesz e3-a
#lem: gur[unit]; sze[barley]; jesz[tree]; e[leave]
3. szu-esz-dar
#lem: PN
4. i3-dub kar-sag-zi-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; PN
5. sze a-sza3 du11-ga-ni-zi
#lem: sze[barley]; aszag[field]; FN
6. ki szu-esz-dar-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
1. kiszib3 ba-ni-li2 u3 gu3-de2-a dumu ur-{d}utu
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN; u[and]; RN; dumu[child]; PN
2. ib2-ra
#lem: rah[beat]
3. mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. lu2-{d}inanna
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu ur-sa6
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
1. gu3-de2-a
#lem: RN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu ur-{d}utu
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
4. [nu-banda3]
#lem: nubanda[overseer]
SAT 1, 350 (P131455) 2067409
ATF: Parsing failed on line 25 near character 2
sila4-ne only appears a few times in words list
&P131455 = SAT 1, 350
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(gesz2) 2(u) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. i3-dub sila4-ne
#lem: idub[granary]; sila[lamb]
3. ma2-a si-ga nibru{ki}
#lem: ma[ship]; sig[cast]; GN
4. ki ba-zi-ta
#lem: ki[place]; zid[right]
5. ur-mes
#lem: PN
6. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
1. giri3 [...]
#lem: jiri[via]; u
2. [...]
#lem: u
3. [...]
#lem: u
4. mu [...]
#lem: mu[year]; u
5. lugal [...]
#lem: lugal[king]; u
6. ba-[...]
#lem: PN
SAT 1, 351 (P131456) 2067412
ATF: Parsing failed on line 17 near character 2
lugal-us2-sa-ki-ta only appears a few times in words list
&P131456 = SAT 1, 351
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(asz) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. sze szuku-ra sza3-gu4
#lem: sze[barley]; szukur[ration]; PN
3. i3-dub a-sza3 lugal-us2-sa-ki-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; aszag[field]; FN
4. ki ur-{d}nansze-ta
#lem: ki[place]; RN
1. kiszib3 ad-da-mu
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
2. iti ezem-{d}ba-ba6
#lem: itud[month]; MN
3. mu [...] mu us2-sa
#lem: mu[year]; u; mu[year]; us[follow]
1. ad-da-mu
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu lugal-iri-da
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
4. sa12-du5 {d}nin-dar-a
#lem: sajDUN[recorder]; DN
SAT 1, 352 (P131457) 2067415
ATF: Parsing failed on line 23 near character 2
{d}iszkur-kam only appears a few times in words list
&P131457 = SAT 1, 352
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(u) 6(disz) erin2 1(barig) 3(ban2) sze lugal
#lem: n; n; erin[people]; n; n; sze[barley]; lugal[king]
2. sze-bi 7(asz) 4(barig) gur
#lem: sze[barley]; n; n; gur[unit]
3. sza3-gal erin2 bala tusz-a
#lem: szaggal[food]; erin[people]; bala[turn]; tusz[sit]
4. i3-dub {d}nin-hur-sag-lu2-ku3-nun-ta
#lem: idub[granary]; PN
6. ki ba-zi-ta
#lem: ki[place]; zid[right]
1. kiszib3 {d}iszkur-kam ugula
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN; ugula[overseer]
2. nu-banda3 ur-{d}ig-alim
#lem: nubanda[overseer]; PN
3. e2 nam-ha-ni
#lem: e[house]; PN
4. iti amar-a-a-si
#lem: itud[month]; MN
5. mu ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; hulu[destroy]
SAT 1, 353 (P131458) 2067418
ATF: Parsing failed on line 19 near character 2
&P131458 = SAT 1, 353
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(u) 3(asz) sze gur gar-ra
#lem: n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; jar[place]
2. a2-bi 2(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
#lem: a[labor]; n; n; jurusz[male]; ud[day]; n
3. a2 hun-ga2 {gesz}gaba-tab
#lem: a[arm]; huj[hire]; gabatab[pole]
4. ki gu-za-ni-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
1. kiszib3 ab-ba-mu
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
2. a-sza3 a-gar3-gibil
#lem: aszag[field]; FN
3. mu us2-sa ki-masz{ki}
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN
1. ab-ba-mu
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu na-ba-sa6
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
SAT 1, 354 (P131459) 2067421
ATF: Parsing failed on line 21 near character 2
{d}ga2-tum2-du10 does not appear in words list
lugal-lagasz{ki} only appears a few times in words list
&P131459 = SAT 1, 354
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(u) 2(asz) sze gur lugal
#lem: n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. sza3-gal erin2 [...]
#lem: szaggal[food]; erin[people]; u
3. e2 {d}ga2-tum2-[du10]
#lem: e[house]; DN
4. i3-dub elam-e-[ne]
#lem: idub[granary]; GN
5. ki szu-esz-dar-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
6. kiszib3 lugal-geszkim-zi
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
1. nu-banda3 su-szim-a
#lem: nubanda[overseer]; PN
2. mu ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. lugal-geszkim-zi
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu lugal-lagasz{ki}
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
SAT 1, 355 (P131460) 2067424
ATF: Parsing failed on line 33 near character 2
{uruda}e2-gir2 only appears a few times in words list
lugal-amar-gal only appears a few times in words list
&P131460 = SAT 1, 355
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(disz) {uruda}e2-gir2
#lem: n; X
2. 8(disz) {uruda}ha-zi
#lem: n; hazin[ax]
3. 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz) {uruda}ha-bu3-da
#lem: n; n; n; habuda[hoe]
4. 1(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) {uruda}kin
#lem: n; n; kin[sickle]
5. ki-la2-bi 2(asz) gu2 1(u) 2(disz) ma-na 9(disz) gin2
#lem: kila[weight]; n; gun[load]; n; n; mana[unit]; n; gij[unit]
6. ki lugal-ti-ra-asz2-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
7. ba-zi-ir
#lem: zir[break]
1. ur-{d}dumu-zi
#lem: PN
2. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
3. giri3 ur-{gesz}gigir sa12-du5
#lem: jiri[via]; PN; sajDUN[recorder]
4. giri3 a-ab-ba
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
5. giri3 lugal-amar-gal
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
6. u3 ba-zi dub-sar
#lem: u[and]; zig[issue]; dubsar[scribe]
7. mu us2-sa ki-masz{ki} ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[destroy]; mu[year]; us[follow]
SAT 1, 356 (P131461) 2067427
ATF: Parsing failed on line 27 near character 2
{d}nanna-kar-zi-da only appears a few times in words list
&P131461 = SAT 1, 356
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) 5(u) 7(disz) {uruda}ha-bu3-da
#lem: n; n; n; n; habuda[hoe]
2. 1(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 2(u) {uruda}kin
#lem: n; n; n; kin[sickle]
3. ki-la2-bi 6(asz) gu2 3(u) 7(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na 2(disz) gin2
#lem: kila[weight]; n; gun[load]; n; n; n; mana[unit]; n; gij[unit]
1. ba-zi-ir
#lem: zir[break]
2. ki lugal-im-ru-a-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
3. ur-{d}nin-gesz-zi-da
#lem: PN
4. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
5. giri3 ba-zi
#lem: jiri[via]; zig[issue]
6. giri3 ur-nigar{gar}
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
7. u3 ur-{d}lamma
#lem: u[and]; PN
8. mu en {d}nanna-kar-zi-da ba-hun
#lem: mu[year]; en[priest]; DN; huj[hire]
SAT 1, 357 (P131462) 2067430
ATF: Parsing failed on line 23 near character 2
&P131462 = SAT 1, 357
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(gesz2) 1(disz) {uruda}ha-bu3-da
#lem: n; n; habuda[hoe]
2. ki-la2-bi 1(u) 2(disz) ma-na
#lem: kila[weight]; n; n; mana[unit]
3. ba-zi-ir
#lem: zir[break]
4. ki lugal-im-ru-a-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
5. ur-{d}nin-gesz-zi-da
#lem: PN
1. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
2. giri3 nam-mah szabra
#lem: jiri[via]; nammah[greatness]; szabra[administrator]
3. giri3 ur-{d}nansze dub-sar
#lem: jiri[via]; RN; dubsar[scribe]
4. iti ezem-{d}dumu-zi
#lem: itud[month]; MN
5. mu en-mah-gal-an-na
#lem: mu[year]; PN
6. en {d}nanna ba-hun
#lem: en[priest]; DN; huj[hire]
SAT 1, 360 (P131464) 2067438
ATF: Parsing failed on line 25 near character 2
&P131464 = SAT 1, 360
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(u) 9(disz) {uruda}ha-bu3-da
#lem: n; n; habuda[hoe]
2. ki-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2 1(u) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na
#lem: kila[weight]; n; gun[load]; n; n; n; mana[unit]
3. ur-{d}nin-gesz-zi-da
#lem: PN
4. ba-<zi>-ir
#lem: zir[break]
5. lugal-ti-ra-asz2
#lem: PN
1. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
2. giri3 lugal-ki-gal
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
3. giri3 ba-zi dub-sar
#lem: jiri[via]; zig[issue]; dubsar[scribe]
4. u3 a-ab-ba
#lem: u[and]; PN
5. iti munu4-gu7
#lem: itud[month]; MN
6. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
SAT 1, 361 (P131465) 2067441
ATF: Parsing failed on line 23 near character 2
&P131465 = SAT 1, 361
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(u) 3(disz) {uruda}ha-bu3-da
#lem: n; n; habuda[hoe]
2. ki-la2-bi 2(u) 1(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na 4(disz) gin2
#lem: kila[weight]; n; n; n; mana[unit]; n; gij[unit]
3. ba-la2
#lem: la[hang]
4. ki lugal-im-ru-a-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
1. ur-{d}nin-gesz-zi-da
#lem: PN
2. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
3. giri3 na-ni
#lem: jiri[via]; RN
4. giri3 ur-{d}ba-ba6 dumu ur-nig2
#lem: jiri[via]; PN; dumu[child]; PN
5. mu ma2-dara4-ab-zu ba-ab-du8
#lem: mu[year]; ON; du[spread]
SAT 1, 362 (P131466) 2067444
ATF: Parsing failed on line 8 near character 2
sum only appears a few times in words list
&P131466 = SAT 1, 362
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 4(barig) 4(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 lugal sag sum sikil
#lem: n; n; n; sila[unit]; lugal[king]; saj[head]; szum[garlic]; sikil[pure]
2. igi 3(disz) gal2 1(u) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) sze ku3-babbar
#lem: igi[face]; n; jal[be]; n; n; n; sze[barley]; kugbabbar[silver]
3. si-i3-tum nig2-ka9 ak
#lem: situm[balance]; nijSZID[account]; ak[do]
4. kiszib3 a-tu dumu ur-sa6-ga
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN; dumu[child]; PN
5. mu us2-sa ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; us[follow]; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. a-tu
#lem: PN
2. dub-sar
#lem: dubsar[scribe]
3. dumu ur-sa6-ga
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
SAT 1, 363 (P131467) 2067447
ATF: Parsing failed on line 19 near character 2
kilib only appears a few times in words list
sum only appears a few times in words list
lul-x-ta does not appear in words list
&P131467 = SAT 1, 363
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 5(disz) kilib sum gaz?*
#lem: n; gilim[rope]|kilib[total]; szum[garlic]; gaz[kill]
2. ki lul-x*#-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
$ (seal)
3. ma2 u4-zal-la
#lem: ma[ship]; udzalla[third]
1. e2-gal ba-an-ku4
#lem: egal[palace]; kur[enter]
2. giri3 ur-bad3-dur2*-ra
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
$ 1 line blank
3. iti GAN2-masz
#lem: itud[month]; MN
4. mu amar*-{d}suen lugal
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
@column 1
1. {d}szul-gi
#lem: RN
2. nita kal-ga
#lem: nita[male]; kalag[strong]
3. lugal uri5{ki}-ma
#lem: lugal[king]; GN
@column 2
1. lugal an-[ub]-da [limmu2-ba]
#lem: lugal[king]; anubda[quarter]; limmu[four]
2. ur-{d}[lamma]
#lem: PN
3. di-[ku5]
#lem: dikud[judge]
4. ARAD2-[zu]
#lem: PN
SAT 1, 364 (P131468) 2067450
ATF: Parsing failed on line 14 near character 2
sum only appears a few times in words list
a-ki only appears a few times in words list
&P131468 = SAT 1, 364
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(barig) 2(ban2) 2(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 7(disz) gin2
#lem: n; n; n; n; sila[unit]; n; gij[unit]
2. numun sum sar lugal
#lem: numun[seed]; szum[garlic]; sar[garden]; lugal[king]
3. ki ur-e2-gal-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
4. kiszib3 a-ki dam-gar3
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN; damgar[merchant]
5. mu ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. ur-nigar{gar}
#lem: PN
2. dumu ur-sa6-ga
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
3. dam-gar3
#lem: damgar[merchant]
SAT 1, 365 (P131469) 2067453
ATF: Parsing failed on line 19 near character 2
kilib only appears a few times in words list
sum only appears a few times in words list
&P131469 = SAT 1, 365
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(u) kilib sum sikil
#lem: n; gilim[rope]|kilib[total]; szum[garlic]; sikil[pure]
2. ki lu2-{d}gesz-bar-e3-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
3. ma2 u4-zal-la
#lem: ma[ship]; udzalla[third]
4. e2-gal-la ba-an-ku4
#lem: egal[palace]; kur[enter]
1. giri3 ur-mes
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
2. sza3 uri5{ki}
#lem: szag[heart]; GN
3. iti sze-il2-la
#lem: itud[month]; MN
4. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
SAT 1, 366 (P131470) 2067456
ATF: Parsing failed on line 17 near character 2
sum only appears a few times in words list
&P131470 = SAT 1, 366
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(asz) 4(barig) 5(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 gur lugal
#lem: n; n; n; n; sila[unit]; gur[unit]; lugal[king]
2. numun sum gaz
#lem: numun[seed]; szum[garlic]; gaz[kill]
3. ki nig2-gur11-ta
#lem: ki[place]; nijGA[property]
4. a-gi4
#lem: PN
5. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
1. mu ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; hulu[destroy]
1. ur-nigar{gar}
#lem: PN
2. dumu ur-sa6-ga
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
3. dam-gar3
#lem: damgar[merchant]
SAT 1, 367 (P131471) 2067459
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 23: 5(disz) kilib sum gaz?*
&P131471 = SAT 1, 367
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(disz) sipa?
#lem: n; sipad[shepherd]
2. a-sza3-sze3
#lem: aszag[field]
3. ugula gu3-de2-a ab-ba iri
#lem: ugula[overseer]; RN; PN; iri[city]
1. 1(disz) usz2 lu2-{d}nin-gir2-su [...]
#lem: n; usz[die]; PN; u
2. 1(disz) usz2 lu2-ur-sag-pa-e3 szesz tab-ba
#lem: n; usz[die]; PN; szesz[brother]; tab[double]
3. gu3-de2-a ab-ba iri
#lem: RN; PN; iri[city]
SAT 1, 368 (P131472) 2067462
ATF: Parsing failed on line 19 near character 2
{gesz}ab-ba-lum only appears a few times in words list
tir-{gesz}ab-ba only appears a few times in words list
e-su-dar-ta only appears a few times in words list
&P131472 = SAT 1, 368
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(u) {gesz}ab-ba-lum
#lem: n; X
2. 6(gesz2) {gesz}nu-<ur2>-ma {gesz}ab-ba
#lem: n; nurma[pomegranate]; jesza'abak[tree]
3. tir-{gesz}ab-ba e-su-dar-ta
#lem: PN; X
1. mar-sa-sze3
#lem: marsa[depot]
2. nam-mah
#lem: nammah[greatness]
3. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
4. mu hu-hu-nu-ri{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; hulu[destroy]
SAT 1, 370 (P131474) 2067469
ATF: Parsing failed on line 21 near character 2
&P131474 = SAT 1, 370
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(disz) ma2 2(u) gur ra-gaba unu{ki}
#lem: n; ma[ship]; n; gur[unit]; ragaba[rider]; GN
2. 1(disz) ma2 2(u) gur en-nu
#lem: n; ma[ship]; n; gur[unit]; PN
3. 4(disz) ma2 1(gesz2) gur in-nu-da
#lem: n; ma[ship]; n; gur[unit]; nu[not]
4. 4(disz) ma2 1(gesz2) gur zi3
#lem: n; ma[ship]; n; gur[unit]; zid[flour]
5. 4(disz) ma2 1(gesz2) gur ninda
#lem: n; ma[ship]; n; gur[unit]; ninda[bread]
1. |SZU+LAGAB| 1(u) 4(disz) ma2 hi-a
#lem: szunijin[total]; n; n; ma[ship]; hi[mix]
2. ma2 [...] a2-bi 1(u) 2(disz) 2/3(disz)
#lem: ma[ship]; u; a[labor]; n; n; n
3. u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam
#lem: ud[day]; n; n
4. iti ezem-{d}szul-gi
#lem: itud[month]; MN
5. mu sza-asz-ru-um{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; hulu[destroy]
SAT 1, 371 (P131475) 2067472
ATF: Parsing failed on line 19 near character 2
&P131475 = SAT 1, 371
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(disz) ma2 1(gesz2) gur
#lem: n; ma[ship]; n; gur[unit]
2. 1(disz) ma2 1(u) gur
#lem: n; ma[ship]; n; gur[unit]
3. ma2 lugal-siki-su13
#lem: ma[ship]; PN
4. dumu ur-{d}lamma ensi2
#lem: dumu[child]; PN; ensik[ruler]
1. sza3 gir2-su{ki}
#lem: szag[heart]; GN
2. giri3 lugal-ma2-gur8-re sukkal
#lem: jiri[via]; PN; sukkal[secretary]
3. iti ezem-{d}szul-gi
#lem: itud[month]; MN
4. mu {d}amar-{d}suen lugal-e
#lem: mu[year]; RN; lugal[king]
5. ur-bi2-lum{ki} mu-hul
#lem: GN; hulu[destroy]
SAT 1, 372 (P131476) 2067475
ATF: Parsing failed on line 19 near character 2
ma-an-sum does not appear in words list
&P131476 = SAT 1, 372
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) sa2 gi SZID
#lem: n; n; sa[equal]; gi[reed]; SZID[pot]
2. ga2-nun gesz-ta
#lem: janun[storehouse]; jesz[tree]
3. ki ma-an-sum dumu a-da-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN; dumu[child]; PN
1. kiszib3 ur-nigar{gar}
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
2. nu-banda3 e2 muhaldim
#lem: nubanda[overseer]; e[house]; muhaldim[cook]
3. nibru{ki}-sze3 bala tusz
#lem: GN; bala[turn]; tusz[sit]
4. iti ezem-{d}li9-si4
#lem: itud[month]; MN
5. mu [...]
#lem: mu[year]; u
1. ur-nigar{gar}
#lem: PN
2. dumu ur-sukkal
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
SAT 1, 373 (P131477) 2067478
ATF: Parsing failed on line 25 near character 2
{d}szul-sza3-ga-na-ka only appears a few times in words list
&P131477 = SAT 1, 373
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(gesz2) 2(u) sa gi SZID
#lem: n; n; sa[bundle]; gi[reed]; SZID[pot]
2. 6(gesz2) 5(u) 1(disz) sa gi izi
#lem: n; n; n; sa[bundle]; gi[reed]; izi[fire]
3. gi-sal4 e2 {d}szul-sza3-ga-na-ka
#lem: X; e[house]; DN
1. giri3 amar-szuba3
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
2. 7(gesz2) 3(u) sa gi izi
#lem: n; n; sa[bundle]; gi[reed]; izi[fire]
3. {gesz}ig szitim-e-ne
#lem: ig[door]; szidim[builder]
4. ur-kun simug szu ba-ti
#lem: PN; simug[smith]; szu[hand]; tej[approach]
5. zi-ga e2 {d}szul-sza3-ga-na du3-a
#lem: zig[issue]; e[house]; DN; du[build]
6. e2 kiszib3-ba-ta
#lem: e[house]; kiszib[seal]
7. mu ki-masz{ki} u3 hu-ur5-ti{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; u[and]; GN; hulu[destroy]
SAT 1, 374 (P131478) 2067481
ATF: Parsing failed on line 15 near character 2
KA-ra only appears a few times in words list
unu6 only appears a few times in words list
&P131478 = SAT 1, 374
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(disz) {gi}kid KA-ra ma2 1(gesz2) gur
#lem: n; kid[mat]; kan[gate]; ma[ship]; n; gur[unit]
2. ma2 zi3 KA-sze3
#lem: ma[ship]; zid[flour]; kan[gate]
3. ki lu2-{d}nin-gir2-su-ta
#lem: ki[place]; PN
1. kiszib3 a-kal-la
#lem: kiszib[seal]; PN
2. iti szu-numun
#lem: itud[month]; szunumun[seed]
3. mu en unu6 gal an-na ba-hun
#lem: mu[year]; en[priest]; unu[dwelling]; gal[big]; an[sky]; huj[hire]
1. ur-{d}ig-alim
#lem: PN
2. dumu ur-sa6-ga
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
3. dub-sar zi3
#lem: dubsar[scribe]; zid[flour]
SAT 1, 375 (P131479) 2067484
ATF: Parsing failed on line 14 near character 2
dur-ru-um-i3-li2 only appears a few times in words list
sagi-da only appears a few times in words list
&P131479 = SAT 1, 375
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 5(disz) sila3 kasz 3(disz) sila3 ninda 1(disz) i3 id-gur2 lu2-sza-lim sukkal lu2 sa-gaz-sze3 gen-na
#lem: n; sila[unit]; kasz[beer]; n; sila[unit]; ninda[bread]; n; i[oil]; idgurum[ladle?]; PN; sukkal[secretary]; lu[person]; sagaz[robber]; jen[go]
2. 5(disz) sila3 kasz 3(disz) sila3 ninda 1(disz) i3 id-gur2 dur-ru-um-i3-li2 sukkal lu2-kal-la sagi-da gen-na
#lem: n; sila[unit]; kasz[beer]; n; sila[unit]; ninda[bread]; n; i[oil]; idgurum[ladle?]; PN; sukkal[secretary]; PN; szagia[cup-bearer]; jen[go]
3. 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda 1(disz) i3 id-gur2 er3-ra-ba-ni lu2 kas4
#lem: n; sila[unit]; kasz[beer]; n; sila[unit]; ninda[bread]; n; i[oil]; idgurum[ladle?]; PN; lu[person]; kasz[runner]
4. zi-ga u4 5(disz)-kam
#lem: zig[issue]; ud[day]; n
5. iti ezem-{d}dumu-zi
#lem: itud[month]; MN
SAT 1, 376 (P131480) 2067487
ATF: Parsing failed on line 41 near character 2
ku3-sa6 only appears a few times in words list
&P131480 = SAT 1, 376
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(barig) ziz2 lugal ur-{d}nin-gesz-zi-da
#lem: n; ziz[emmer]; lugal[king]; PN
2. 3(barig) ziz2 lugal ab-ba-mu gudu4 {d}szusz3-{d}ba-ba6
#lem: n; ziz[emmer]; lugal[king]; PN; gudug[priest]; PN
3. 3(barig) ziz2 lugal ur-{d}sza-u18-sza
#lem: n; ziz[emmer]; lugal[king]; PN
4. 3(barig) ziz2 lugal ur-{d}lamma dumu u2-da
#lem: n; ziz[emmer]; lugal[king]; PN; dumu[child]; utul[tureen]
5. 3(barig) ziz2 lugal hu-wa-wa dam-gar3
#lem: n; ziz[emmer]; lugal[king]; PN; damgar[merchant]
6. 3(barig) ziz2 lugal du11-ga
#lem: n; ziz[emmer]; lugal[king]; dug[speak]
7. 3(barig) ziz2 lugal ku3-sa6
#lem: n; ziz[emmer]; lugal[king]; PN
8. 3(barig) ziz2 lugal ik-s,ur2 dam-gar3
#lem: n; ziz[emmer]; lugal[king]; u; damgar[merchant]
9. 3(barig) ziz2 lugal lu2-{d}ba-ba6
#lem: n; ziz[emmer]; lugal[king]; PN
10. 1(asz) gur ziz2 lugal dingir-ra ugula
#lem: n; gur[unit]; ziz[emmer]; lugal[king]; dijir[deity]; ugula[overseer]
11. 1(asz) 1(barig) ziz2 lugal ur-{d}nansze gu-za-la2
#lem: n; n; ziz[emmer]; lugal[king]; RN; guzala[official]
12. 3(barig) ziz2 lugal ur-{d}asznan
#lem: n; ziz[emmer]; lugal[king]; PN
13. 1(barig) ziz2 lugal bur-ma-am3
#lem: n; ziz[emmer]; lugal[king]; PN
1. sze-ba geme2 usz-<bar>
#lem: szeba[ration]; geme[worker]; uszbar[weaver]
2. 1(u)
#lem: n
3. |SZU+LAGAB| 8(asz) 2(barig) gur ziz2 sa2-du11-sze3
#lem: szunijin[total]; n; n; gur[unit]; ziz[emmer]; sadug[offerings]
4. giri3 e2-zi-mu
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
5. iti munu4-gu7
#lem: itud[month]; MN
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