Update event

approved by Firth, Richard

Other Entity update submitted by Firth, Richard on 2024-06-11 at 13:56:18 with credits to Firth, Richard

Changes to other entities in this update

Entity Revision Changes
Publication "Aramaic and figural stamp impressions on bricks of the sixth century B.C. from Babylon" 109074
entry_type_id 2
bibtexkey Sass2010WVDOG127
designation WVDOG 127, 30 no. 12 (cat. no. 54)
title Aramaic and figural stamp impressions on bricks of the sixth century B.C. from Babylon
year 2010
series Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft
volume 127
publisher Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz
1 Sass, Benjamin
sequence 0
2 Marzahn, Joachim
sequence 1
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