Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by CDLI on 2006-10-12 at 12:13:30 with credits to CDLI

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
MDP 06, 294 (P008086) 1953343
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
&P008086 = MDP 06, 294
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M157 ,
2. M387~c M340 M297~b , 1(N14) 2(N01) 2(N39B)
3. |M305+M342#| ,
MDP 06, 297 (P008087) 1953348
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M24 does not appear in words list
|M317+M260| only appears a few times in words list
M54 does not appear in words list
M24 does not appear in signs list
|M317+M260| only appears a few times in signs list
M54 does not appear in signs list
&P008087 = MDP 06, 297
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , [...]
3. [...] M288 , 3(N01) 1(N39B)# [...]
4. [...] , [...]
5. [...] M124 M386~a M24 M371 [...] , [...]
6. [...] , [...]
7. [...] , [...] 2(N39B) 1(N24)
8. M124# X# [...] , [...]
9. [...] , [...]
10. [...] |M317+M260#?| M54 M386~a M124 X# [...] , [...]
11. [...] , [...]
MDP 06, 299 (P008088) 1953353
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
&P008088 = MDP 06, 299
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , [...] 1(N24)# 1(N30C) 1(N30D) 1(N39C)
3. M288 , 1(N45) 4(N14)# [...]
4. [...] , [...]
5. [...] M288 , 9(N14) 4(N01) 3(N39B) [...]
6. [...] , [...] 2(N01)# 3(N39B) 1(N24) 2(N30C) [...]
7. [...] , [...] 1(N30C)# 1(N30D) 1(N39C)
8. [...] , [...]
@column 1
1. M288 , 3(N34)
MDP 06, 300 (P008089) 1953358
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M295~v does not appear in words list
M295~v does not appear in signs list
&P008089 = MDP 06, 300
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , [...]
3. [...] X# [...] , [...]
4. [...] X# , 2(N01)
5. M288 M295~v , 2(N01)
6. M301 X [...] , [...]
7. [...] M157? , 1(N01)
8. X# M145~a M371 , 2(N01)
9. M145~a [...] , [...]
@column 1
1. X M110~b#? M380~b , 1(N01)
2. M332~d , [...]
MDP 06, 301 (P008090) 1953363
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
|M348+M4| does not appear in words list
|M348+M4| does not appear in signs list
&P008090 = MDP 06, 301
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
1. [...] , [...]
2. [...] M320# M377# M288 , [...]
3. [...] , 2(N01)
4. |M348+M4| M223~b# X# , [...]
MDP 06, 303 (P008092) 1953372
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M269~a3! only appears a few times in words list
M269~a3! only appears a few times in signs list
&P008092 = MDP 06, 303
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] M263~e#? , 1(N01)
3. X [...] , [...]
4. [...] M269~a3#?! , 1(N30C) 1(N30D)#?
5. [...] , [...] 1(N30C)#
@column 1
1. M288#? , 1(N01) 1(N24) 2(N30C)# 1(N30D)
MDP 06, 304 (P008093) 1953377
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M101~b only appears a few times in words list
M24 does not appear in words list
M33 does not appear in words list
M59~f does not appear in words list
M101~b only appears a few times in signs list
M24 does not appear in signs list
M33 does not appear in signs list
M59~f does not appear in signs list
&P008093 = MDP 06, 304
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] , [...]
2. [...] , 1(N14)# 2(N01)#
3. X [...] , [...]
4. [...] , 1(N14)
5. M101~b , 2(N14)
6. [...] X# M230 M24# M33# , 1(N14)
7. M146# X , [...]
8. [...] , [...] 1(N14) 1(N01)
9. [...] M254~a#? , [...]
10. [...] , 1(N01)#
11. [...] M387~a M110# , [...]
12. [...] , 1(N01)
13. [...] M153 M59~f# , [...]
14. [...] , [...]
15. [...] M309#? M314# [...]
MDP 06, 305 (P008094) 1953382
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M103~a does not appear in words list
M103~a does not appear in signs list
&P008094 = MDP 06, 305
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M157# ,
2. [...] |M157+M288| , [...]
3. M328~b M103~a M286#? , [...]
4. [...] , [...] 4(N39B) 1(N30C)#
5. M219#? , 1(N39B) 1(N24) 2(N30C)#
@column 1
1. [...] X , 1(N39B)# [...]
2. [...] , 3(N39B)
MDP 06, 306 (P008095) 1953387
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M141 only appears a few times in words list
M49~d does not appear in words list
M141 only appears a few times in signs list
M49~d does not appear in signs list
&P008095 = MDP 06, 306
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] , [...]
2. [...] , [...]
3. [...] M387 M141 M49~d M315 , 1(N39B)
4. X [...] , [...]
MDP 06, 307 (P008096) 1953392
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M200 does not appear in words list
M200 does not appear in signs list
&P008096 = MDP 06, 307
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] , [...]
2. M218#? , 1(N14)# 2(N01)#
3. M254~a# X# [...] , [...]
4. M200# M296# M288# , 1(N45) 1(N14)#
MDP 06, 308 (P008097) 1953397
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M96, does not appear in words list
M96, does not appear in signs list
&P008097 = MDP 06, 308
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] , [...]
2. [...] M109 M96#?, [...]
3. [...] , 3(N01)
@column 1
1. M288#? , 2(N14) 1(N01)#?
MDP 06, 309 (P008098) 1953402
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M66 does not appear in words list
M372~a only appears a few times in words list
M66 does not appear in words list
M66 does not appear in signs list
M372~a only appears a few times in signs list
M66 does not appear in signs list
&P008098 = MDP 06, 309
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] , [...]
2. [...] M66 M288 , 1(N14) 2(N01)
3. [...] , 1(N45)
4. M254~a M372~a M288 , 1(N14)# [...]
5. M388 M66 M352~n M370 M218 M288 , [...]
6. [...] , [...] 9(N14)
MDP 06, 310 (P008099) 1953407
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M321~fa only appears a few times in words list
M32 does not appear in words list
M311 only appears a few times in words list
M321~f only appears a few times in words list
M321~ha only appears a few times in words list
M321~fa only appears a few times in signs list
M32 does not appear in signs list
M311 only appears a few times in signs list
M321~f only appears a few times in signs list
M321~ha only appears a few times in signs list
&P008099 = MDP 06, 310
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M157 ,
2. M319 M218 M321~fa , 8(N01)
3. [...] , 1(N01)
4. M32 , 6(N01)
5. M376 , 1(N14) 8(N01)#
6. [...] , 9(N01)
7. M311#? M376 , 3(N14)
8. [...] M321~f , 2(N01)
9. [...] M321~ha , [...]
MDP 06, 311 (P008100) 1953412
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
|M370+M72+M370| does not appear in words list
M54 does not appear in words list
M24~a1 does not appear in words list
M24~a does not appear in words list
|M370+M46+M370| does not appear in words list
M57~b does not appear in words list
M54 does not appear in words list
|M370+M72+M370| does not appear in signs list
M54 does not appear in signs list
M24~a1 does not appear in signs list
M24~a does not appear in signs list
|M370+M46+M370| does not appear in signs list
M57~b does not appear in signs list
M54 does not appear in signs list
&P008100 = MDP 06, 311
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , [...]
3. [...] , 1(N01)
4. |M370+M72+M370| , 1(N01)
5. M54 , 1(N01)
6. M288 , 1(N01) 1(N39B) 1(N24)
7. M124 M370 M24~a1 M371 , [...]
8. M332~d? M24~a M371 M376 M370 X , [...]
9. X# , 2(N01)
10. |M370+M46+M370#?| [...] , [...]
@column 1
1. [...] , 2(N39B) 1(N24)
2. M57~b , [...]
3. M288 , 1(N01)
4. M218 M295~e M54 , [...]
5. [...] M288#? , 3(N14) 5(N01) 4(N39B)
MDP 06, 312 (P008101) 1953417
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M44 does not appear in words list
M96 does not appear in words list
M32 does not appear in words list
M44 does not appear in signs list
M96 does not appear in signs list
M32 does not appear in signs list
&P008101 = MDP 06, 312
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] , [...]
2. [...] X# M240# , [...]
3. [...] X# M223# M44 , 1(N24)
4. M218 , [...]
5. [...] , 3(N01)
6. M314# X# M96 , 2(N01)
7. M218 M32 , [...]
8. [...] , 2(N01)
MDP 06, 313 (P008102) 1953422
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
1(N8A) does not appear in words list
M112~e only appears a few times in words list
|M157+M381| only appears a few times in words list
1(N8A) does not appear in signs list
M112~e only appears a few times in signs list
|M157+M381| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008102 = MDP 06, 313
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , 2(N01)
3. M288#? , 2(N39B)
4. [...] , 2(N01) 1(N8A)
5. M112~e , 1(N39B)
6. M288#? , 4(N01) [...]
7. |M157+M381#| , [...]
MDP 06, 314 (P008103) 1953427
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M57~a does not appear in words list
M96 does not appear in words list
M66~a does not appear in words list
M48~c does not appear in words list
M57~a does not appear in signs list
M96 does not appear in signs list
M66~a does not appear in signs list
M48~c does not appear in signs list
&P008103 = MDP 06, 314
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M157 ,
2. M57~a# M240# M96 M218 M139 M388#? M66~a# M219 M218 M288 , 1(N14)
3. M48~c
MDP 06, 315 (P008104) 1953432
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M72 does not appear in words list
|M157+M57| does not appear in words list
M72 does not appear in words list
M46 does not appear in words list
M1 only appears a few times in words list
M72 does not appear in signs list
|M157+M57| does not appear in signs list
M72 does not appear in signs list
M46 does not appear in signs list
M1 only appears a few times in signs list
&P008104 = MDP 06, 315
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. M329#? , 1(N01)
3. M370 M376 M72 , 1(N01)#
4. |M157+M57?| M297 M72 , [...]
5. M370# M46# , 1(N01)
6. M388 M376 M1 , 1(N01)
7. |M370~b+M388| , 1(N01)#
8. M288 , 1(N01) 2(N39B)
9. [...] , 1(N01)
10. M124 , 1(N01)
11. |M370+M388+M370| , 2(N01)
12. |M370~b+M388| , 2(N01)
13. X# , 1(N01)# 2(N39B)#
MDP 06, 316 + 322 + 324 + MDP 26S, 335 + Sb 15247 (P008105) 1953437
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M54 does not appear in words list
|M370~b+M72| does not appear in words list
|M157+M153| only appears a few times in words list
M72 does not appear in words list
M54 does not appear in words list
|M370~b+M72| does not appear in words list
M9 does not appear in words list
M371, only appears a few times in words list
M57 does not appear in words list
M72 does not appear in words list
M72 does not appear in words list
|M370~b+X| only appears a few times in words list
M9 does not appear in words list
M54 does not appear in words list
M54 does not appear in words list
M54 does not appear in signs list
|M370~b+M72| does not appear in signs list
|M157+M153| only appears a few times in signs list
M72 does not appear in signs list
M54 does not appear in signs list
|M370~b+M72| does not appear in signs list
M9 does not appear in signs list
M371, only appears a few times in signs list
M57 does not appear in signs list
M72 does not appear in signs list
M72 does not appear in signs list
|M370~b+X| only appears a few times in signs list
M9 does not appear in signs list
M54 does not appear in signs list
M54 does not appear in signs list
&P008105 = MDP 06, 316
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. M54 , 1(N01)
3. |M370~b+M72| , 1(N01)
4. M288 , [...]
5. |M157+M153| M297~b M72 , 1(N01)
6. M54# , [...]
7. [...] , 1(N01)
8. |M370~b+M72| , 1(N01)
9. [...] , [...]
10. M124 M318~a M9 [M371?], [...]
11. M373 , 1(N01)
12. M288# , [...]
@column 1
1. M57# M72# , 1(N01)#
2. M370#? , [...]
3. M386~a M386~a M370# M376 M72#? , 1(N01)
3B. |M370~b+X#| , 1(N01)#
# line squeezed inbetween two other lines
4. [...] , [...] 1(N24)
5. M124 M218 M371 M332~d?# , 1(N01)
6. M388# M387 M9 M371 M54 , [...]
7. M54# M386~a X# , 1(N01)
8. M218 M388 M332~d#? , [...]
MDP 06, 317 (P008106) 1953443
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M5~a does not appear in words list
M257~d only appears a few times in words list
M295~da only appears a few times in words list
M1 only appears a few times in words list
M9 does not appear in words list
M6 does not appear in words list
M5~a does not appear in signs list
M257~d only appears a few times in signs list
M295~da only appears a few times in signs list
M1 only appears a few times in signs list
M9 does not appear in signs list
M6 does not appear in signs list
&P008106 = MDP 06, 317
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M157 ,
2. M5~a M257~d M348 M346 , 9(N14) 8(N01)
3. M263~1 M295~da X# , 5(N14) 1(N01)
4. |M218+M320#| X# M1 , 9(N14)
5. M9#? [...] , [3(N14) 4(N01)]
6. M136~a#? M6 , 2(N14)
@column 1
1. M346 , 2(N23) 9(N14) 3(N01)
MDP 06, 318 (P008107) 1953448
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
|M153+M29| does not appear in words list
|M153+M29| does not appear in signs list
&P008107 = MDP 06, 318
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M157 ,
2. X# M288#? , 3(N01)
3. |M153+M29#?| , [...]
1. 1(N34)
MDP 06, 319 (P008108) 1953453
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M4 does not appear in words list
M241~b does not appear in words list
|M348+X| only appears a few times in words list
M54 does not appear in words list
M97~h does not appear in words list
|M175+M387~c| only appears a few times in words list
M193~b only appears a few times in words list
|M377~e+M377~e| only appears a few times in words list
M9 does not appear in words list
M301~aa only appears a few times in words list
M66~a does not appear in words list
M228 only appears a few times in words list
M97~h does not appear in words list
M304~a only appears a few times in words list
M4 does not appear in words list
M4 does not appear in signs list
M241~b does not appear in signs list
|M348+X| only appears a few times in signs list
M54 does not appear in signs list
M97~h does not appear in signs list
|M175+M387~c| only appears a few times in signs list
M193~b only appears a few times in signs list
|M377~e+M377~e| only appears a few times in signs list
M9 does not appear in signs list
M301~aa only appears a few times in signs list
M66~a does not appear in signs list
M228 only appears a few times in signs list
M97~h does not appear in signs list
M304~a only appears a few times in signs list
M4 does not appear in signs list
&P008108 = MDP 06, 319
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M157 ,
2. M388 X M4# M263# M218# M348 , 3(N01)#
3. X# M241~b , [...]
4. [...] , [...] 1(N01) 1(N24)
5. X , 3(N01)
6. X X M329 |M348+X| M124# M346 , [...]
7. [...] , [...]
8. [...] X , [...]
9. [...] , [...]
10. [...] M218 , 4(N01)
11. M263# M329 , [...]
12. [...] , [...]
13. [...] M54#? , [...]
14. [...] , [...]
15. M371 M332~d#? M218 , 1(N01)#
@column 1
1. X M388? M254~a#? M347# X , [...]
2. M387~ee , 3(N01)
3. [...] , [...]
4. [...] X# M97~h# M218# , 1(N01)
5. |M175+M387~c|#? M193~b , 1(N14)
6. M387~l M388 M387 M329 , 3(N01)
7. |M377~e+M377~e#| M388 M146#? X# , 3(N01)
8. M9 M301~aa M66~a , 3(N01)
9. M387 M377~e M347 [...] , [...]
10. M228# M295# M218 , 3(N01)
11. X# M388 M97~h M318~a M371 , 3(N14)
12. M304~a [...] , [...]
13. [...] , [...]
14. [...] , [...] 3(N14)
15. M139 M388 M146# M4 M263 M218 M346 , 1(N14) 4(N01)
MDP 06, 320 (P008109) 1953458
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M97~h does not appear in words list
M4 does not appear in words list
M316 does not appear in words list
M66 does not appear in words list
M97~h does not appear in signs list
M4 does not appear in signs list
M316 does not appear in signs list
M66 does not appear in signs list
&P008109 = MDP 06, 320
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , 1(N01)
3. [...] M388 M332~d , [...]
4. [M97~h?] M4 M218 , 2(N01)
5. M305# M316#? X# , [...]
6. [...] , [...] 1(N30C)
6. M305 M388 M66#? M352~o M218 |M218+M320#| , [...]
7. [...] , 1(N30C) 1(N30D)
8. X# , [...]
MDP 06, 321 (P008110) 1953463
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M1 only appears a few times in words list
M96 does not appear in words list
M1 only appears a few times in signs list
M96 does not appear in signs list
&P008110 = MDP 06, 321
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] M388 , [...]
3. [...] X# M218 , 8(N01)
4. [...] , 2(N01)
5. M297 , 1(N14)
6. M262 M380 X# , [...]
7. [...] , [...] 6(N01)
8. |M327+M342#?| M388 M259? M219 , [...] 2(N01)
9. M219# M1 M230 M96 , 1(N14)
MDP 06, 323 (P008112) 1953473
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M57~a does not appear in words list
M59~f1 does not appear in words list
M97~h does not appear in words list
M99 does not appear in words list
M57~a does not appear in signs list
M59~f1 does not appear in signs list
M97~h does not appear in signs list
M99 does not appear in signs list
&P008112 = MDP 06, 323
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M157#? ,
3. M388# M57~a M240# M59~f1 [...] , [...]
4. M377~e M97~h#? M262~1 , 1(N01)
5. [...] , [...]
6. M99 M390 M218 , 1(N01)
7. [...] , 1(N01)
8. [...] , [...]
9. [...] , [...] 2(N01)
10. M352~o , [...]
MDP 06, 325 (P008114) 1953483
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M103~b does not appear in words list
M111~i only appears a few times in words list
M66 does not appear in words list
M32 does not appear in words list
M5 does not appear in words list
M103~b does not appear in signs list
M111~i only appears a few times in signs list
M66 does not appear in signs list
M32 does not appear in signs list
M5 does not appear in signs list
&P008114 = MDP 06, 325
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M157# ,
2. X M103~b# M111~i# M66 X , [...]
3. M32 , 6(N01)
4. M5 , 3(N01)
@column 1
1. [...] , 2(N14) 3(N01)#
MDP 06, 326 (P008115) 1953488
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
1(N8A) does not appear in words list
X(NXX) does not appear in words list
M3~b does not appear in words list
M32 does not appear in words list
M96~d does not appear in words list
1(N8A) does not appear in signs list
X(NXX) does not appear in signs list
M3~b does not appear in signs list
M32 does not appear in signs list
M96~d does not appear in signs list
&P008115 = MDP 06, 326
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. X# M131# , 1(N01)#
3. X# , 1(N01)#
4. [...] , [...]
5. M305# , 2(N01)#
6. M329# M376# , 1(N8A)#
7. [...] , [...]
8. X# , 1(N01)#
9. X# , 1(N01)#
10. M180#? , X(NXX)#?
11. [...] , [...]
12. [...] , 1(N01)#?
13. M3~b# M175#? M32# , 1(N01)
14. M96~d X# M376# , [...]
15. X# X# M131# , [...]
16. [...] , [...]
@column 1
#traces of total
MDP 06, 327 (P008116) 1953494
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M323~b only appears a few times in words list
|M157+M381| only appears a few times in words list
M323~b only appears a few times in signs list
|M157+M381| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008116 = MDP 06, 327
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. X# X# , [...]
3. M323~b# M111~a , 1(N39B)# [...]
@column 1
1. |M157+M381#| , 1(N39B)
2. M340#? , 3(N39B) 1(N24)
MDP 06, 328 (P008117) 1953499
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M9 does not appear in words list
M240~b only appears a few times in words list
M57~a does not appear in words list
M224~a only appears a few times in words list
M96 does not appear in words list
M9 does not appear in signs list
M240~b only appears a few times in signs list
M57~a does not appear in signs list
M224~a only appears a few times in signs list
M96 does not appear in signs list
&P008117 = MDP 06, 328
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. M388 M346 , 1(N01)
3. M9# X# , [...]
4. X# M240~b M57~a , 1(N14) 4(N01)
5. M346 , 2(N01)
6. M387 M224~a , 4(N01)
7. M96 , 1(N14) 1(N01)
@column 2
1. [...] X# , 1(N01)
2. M329#? [...] , [...]
@column 1
1. X X
@column 2
1. [...] , 3(N01)#
MDP 06, 329 (P008118) 1953504
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M197 only appears a few times in words list
M56 does not appear in words list
M197 only appears a few times in signs list
M56 does not appear in signs list
&P008118 = MDP 06, 329
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , [...] 3(N39B)# [...]
3. [...] , [...] 2(N39B)#
4. |M305+X#| [...] , [...]
5. [...] , [...] 1(N24)# 2(N30C)#? [...]
@column 1
1. [...] , 3(N39B)
2. M197#? [...] , [...]
3. [...] , [...] 2(N39B) 1(N24)
4. X# , [...]
5. |M305+X#?| M56? , [...]
6. X# , [...]
MDP 06, 330 (P008119) 1953509
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M1 only appears a few times in words list
M263~h only appears a few times in words list
M302~a only appears a few times in words list
M32 does not appear in words list
M32 does not appear in words list
M103~a does not appear in words list
M96 does not appear in words list
M282 only appears a few times in words list
M96 does not appear in words list
1(N8A) does not appear in words list
|M305+M180| only appears a few times in words list
M32 does not appear in words list
M1 only appears a few times in signs list
M263~h only appears a few times in signs list
M302~a only appears a few times in signs list
M32 does not appear in signs list
M32 does not appear in signs list
M103~a does not appear in signs list
M96 does not appear in signs list
M282 only appears a few times in signs list
M96 does not appear in signs list
1(N8A) does not appear in signs list
|M305+M180| only appears a few times in signs list
M32 does not appear in signs list
&P008119 = MDP 06, 330
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M157# ,
2. M391 , 3(N01)
3. [...] , 2(N01)
4. M376 , 3(N01)
5. [...] , 3(N01)
6. M1 , 7(N01)
7. M376 , 6(N01)
8. M149~a , 2(N01)?
9. M263~h X# , [...]
10. [...] , 2(N01)
11. M302~a , 2(N01)
12. |M136+X#| M32? , 1(N14) 5(N01)
13. M325~d M32 , 3(N01)
14. M376 , [...]
15. M203~a , 1(N01)
16. M103~a X# X# M96 M282 M96 M376 , 1(N01) 1(N8A)#?
#Monaco has M282
17. M325~d M149~a X# , [...]
18. [...] , [...]
19. |M305+M180| M32# , 1(N01)
20. X# , 5(N01)
21. M149~a1 , 2(N01)
22. X# M149~a ,
MDP 06, 331 (P008120) 1953514
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
|M157~a+M131~d| only appears a few times in words list
|M157~a+M131~d| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008120 = MDP 06, 331
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] M109 [...] , [...]
3. [...] , 1(N39B)
4. |M157~a+M131~d| , [...]
MDP 06, 334 (P008122) 1953523
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
|M195+M57| does not appear in words list
M10~2 does not appear in words list
M32 does not appear in words list
M96 does not appear in words list
M66 does not appear in words list
M419 does not appear in words list
M66 does not appear in words list
M66 does not appear in words list
M96~c does not appear in words list
M66 does not appear in words list
3(N39C) only appears a few times in words list
M5~a does not appear in words list
M10~2 does not appear in words list
M270 only appears a few times in words list
M96 does not appear in words list
|M195+M57| does not appear in signs list
M10~2 does not appear in signs list
M32 does not appear in signs list
M96 does not appear in signs list
M66 does not appear in signs list
M419 does not appear in signs list
M66 does not appear in signs list
M66 does not appear in signs list
M96~c does not appear in signs list
M66 does not appear in signs list
3(N39C) only appears a few times in signs list
M5~a does not appear in signs list
M10~2 does not appear in signs list
M270 only appears a few times in signs list
M96 does not appear in signs list
&P008122 = MDP 06, 334
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M157 ,
2. |M195+M57| M391 X# [...] , [...]
3. |M305+M320| M10~2 , 1(N45) 6(N14)# 2(N01)#?
4. M314# M32 M96 M288 , 2(N14) 2(N39B) 1(N24)
5. [...] , 2(N14)# 2(N39B) 1(N24)
6. M263 M387~ef# M66 M288 , [...]
7. M247~a# M386#? M218 X# X# M309#? M419# , [...]
8. M223 M66? M218 M288 , 1(N14)
9. X# |M218+M320#?| M371 , [...]
10. M66#? M352~o# M96~c#? M288 , 5(N14)#
11. M254~c#? M371 X# , [...]
12. X X M66 M288 , 3(N39C) 1(N24)#
13. [...] , [...] 1(N01)
14. M5~a |M153+M342#?| M288 , 1(N34) 1(N45) [...]
15. |M305+X#?| M10~2 , 7(N14)
16. M270 X M96 M288 , 2(N14)
MDP 06, 337 (P008123) 1953528
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M96 does not appear in words list
M96 does not appear in words list
M66 does not appear in words list
M80~b does not appear in words list
M1~b does not appear in words list
M96 does not appear in signs list
M96 does not appear in signs list
M66 does not appear in signs list
M80~b does not appear in signs list
M1~b does not appear in signs list
&P008123 = MDP 06, 337
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , 2(N01)
3. M153 M96 M96# M66 M348 , 2(N14) 2(N01)
4. M346 , 1(N01)
5. [...] , 5(N14)
6. M262 M352~n M320 , 2(N01)
7. M346 , 1(N01)
8. M305 M388 M128 X# , [...]
9. [...] , 4(N01)#
10. M346 , 1(N01)
11. M254~a M263 , [...]
@column 1
1. [...] , [...] 2(N01)#
2. M80~b M1~b , [...]
MDP 06, 342 (P008124) 1953534
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M419 does not appear in words list
M9 does not appear in words list
|M195+M38~a| does not appear in words list
M56 does not appear in words list
M57 does not appear in words list
M5~a does not appear in words list
M419 does not appear in signs list
M9 does not appear in signs list
|M195+M38~a| does not appear in signs list
M56 does not appear in signs list
M57 does not appear in signs list
M5~a does not appear in signs list
&P008124 = MDP 06, 342
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] , 4(N01)
3. M263 M419 M371#? , [...]
4. X# M251~c M9 , 2(N01)
5. |M195+M38~a#| M301 M56 , 1(N45)
6. M57 , 1(N14)
7. M5~a# M388 M386~a M230 X# , [...]
MDP 06, 343 (P008125) 1953539
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M4 does not appear in words list
|M370+M46+M370| does not appear in words list
|M370+M72+M370| does not appear in words list
M46 does not appear in words list
|M370+M46+M370| does not appear in words list
|M370+M46+M370| does not appear in words list
|M370+M72+M370| does not appear in words list
|M370~b+M72| does not appear in words list
M9 does not appear in words list
M3~c does not appear in words list
M1 only appears a few times in words list
M281~a only appears a few times in words list
M3~b does not appear in words list
|M370+M46+M370| does not appear in words list
M4 does not appear in signs list
|M370+M46+M370| does not appear in signs list
|M370+M72+M370| does not appear in signs list
M46 does not appear in signs list
|M370+M46+M370| does not appear in signs list
|M370+M46+M370| does not appear in signs list
|M370+M72+M370| does not appear in signs list
|M370~b+M72| does not appear in signs list
M9 does not appear in signs list
M3~c does not appear in signs list
M1 only appears a few times in signs list
M281~a only appears a few times in signs list
M3~b does not appear in signs list
|M370+M46+M370| does not appear in signs list
&P008125 = MDP 06, 343
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. M4 M136~c M124 M263~b# [...] , [...]
3. [...] , [...] 1(N01)
4. |M370+M46+M370#?| , 1(N01)
5. |M370+M72+M370| , 2(N01)#
6. M46 , 1(N01)
7. |M370+M46+M370| , 1(N01)
8. M288 , 6(N01)#
9. |M370+M46+M370| , 1(N01)
10. M288 , 1(N01) 3(N39B) 1(N24)
11. |M370+M72+M370#| , 2(N01)
12. |M370~b+M72#?| , 2(N01)
13. M288 , 4(N01) 1(N39B)#
14. M288 , 2(N01)
15. M371 M9 M371 M3~c , 2(N01)
16. M370 M1# [...] , [...]
17. M281~a# M3~b , 1(N01)
18. M370 M376 [...] , 1(N8B)#
19. |M370+M46+M370| , 1(N01)
#last line on edge? but gone now?
MDP 06, 344 (P008126) 1953544
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M56 does not appear in words list
M4 does not appear in words list
M243~n only appears a few times in words list
M96 does not appear in words list
M96 does not appear in words list
M57 does not appear in words list
M56 does not appear in signs list
M4 does not appear in signs list
M243~n only appears a few times in signs list
M96 does not appear in signs list
M96 does not appear in signs list
M57 does not appear in signs list
&P008126 = MDP 06, 344
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M203~c# ,
2. M387# X# M329# M377~e M223 M218# M56#? [...] , [...]
3. M4 X# , 1(N14)
4. M347 M243~n M128#? M96 , [...]
5. M387 X M96 X M57#? M329# [...] , [...]
@column 1
1. M288# , 8(N14) 3(N01)
MDP 06, 345 (P008127) 1953549
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
&P008127 = MDP 06, 345
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M288# , 1(N01)
2. X# |M153+X| [...] , [...]
MDP 06, 346 (P008128) 1953554
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M419 does not appear in words list
M419 does not appear in signs list
&P008128 = MDP 06, 346
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. [...] ,
2. [...] M419#? [...] M305#?
3. [...] X X X , 1(N01)#
MDP 06, 347 (P008129) 1953559
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M340~b only appears a few times in words list
M340~b only appears a few times in signs list
&P008129 = MDP 06, 347
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M157 ,
2. M340~b# , [...]
3. [...] , [...]
1. 1(N34)
MDP 06, 348 (P008130) 1953564
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
&P008130 = MDP 06, 348
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M292 M111~a , 1(N01) 2(N39B)#
2. [...] , [...]
MDP 06, 349 (P008131) 1953569
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
|M195+M57| does not appear in words list
|M195+M57| does not appear in signs list
&P008131 = MDP 06, 349
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. |M195+M57#| ,
2. M365 , 2(N01)#
3. [...] , 1(N14) 4(N01)
4. X# , [...]
@column 1
1. [...] , [...] 1(N01)#
MDP 06, 350 (P008132) 1953574
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @obverse
M332~e only appears a few times in words list
|M228+M320| only appears a few times in words list
|M157~a+M131~d| only appears a few times in words list
M332~e only appears a few times in signs list
|M228+M320| only appears a few times in signs list
|M157~a+M131~d| only appears a few times in signs list
&P008132 = MDP 06, 350
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qpe
@column 1
1. M157 ,
2. M388 M262 M372 M388 M377~e M347 X# X# M288 , 1(N14)
3. M332~e |M228+M320| M371 , 1(N14)
4. |M157~a+M131~d?| , [...]
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