Composite No.: Q006387
Primary Publication: Frayne, Douglas R. (1990) RIME 4 .03.06.add21 (Laws of Hammurapi) composite
Collection: —
Museum no.: —
Provenience: Babylon (mod. Bābil)
Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
Object Type: —
Material: clay
Date: Hammurapi.00.00.00
atf: lang akk
object composite text
surface a
1. i3-nu an s,i-ru-um
ts: īnu anum ṣīrum
en: When the august Anu,
2. _lugal_ {d}a-nun-na-ki
ts: šar anunnakī
en: king of the Anunnaku,
3. {d}en-lil2
ts: enlil
en: and Enlil,
4. be-el sza-me-e
ts: bēl šamê
en: lord of heaven
5. u3 er-s,e-tim
ts: u erṣetim
en: and earth,
6. sza-i-im
ts: šā’im
en: who determines
7. szi-ma-at _kalam_
ts: šīmāt mātim
en: the destinies of the land,
8. a-na {d}marduk
ts: ana marduk
en: to Marduk,
9. _dumu_ re-esz-ti-im
ts: mārim rēštîm
en: the firstborn son
10. sza {d}en-ki
ts: ša ea
en: of Ea,
11. {d}en-lil2-ut
ts: illilūt
en: supreme power
12. kisz ni-szi3
ts: kiššat nišī
en: over all peoples,
13. i-szi-mu-szum
ts: išīmušum
en: allotted,
14. in i-gi4-gi4
ts: in igigī
en: among the Igigu,
15. u2-szar-bi2-u3-szu
ts: ušarbi’ušu
en: exalted him,
16. babila{ki}
ts: bābilam
en: Babylon
17. szum-szu s,i-ra-am ib-bi-u3
ts: šumšu ṣīram ibbi’u
en: with its august name named,
18. in ki-ib-ra-tim
ts: in kibrātim
en: and within the regions
19. u2-sza-t,e4-ru-szu
ts: ušāterušu
en: made it supreme;
20. i-na li-ib-bi-szu
ts: ina libbišu
en: and within it
21. szar-ru-tam da-ri2-tam
ts: šarrūtam dārītam
en: eternal kingship
22. sza ki-ma sza-me-e
ts: ša kīma šamê
en: whose, like heaven
23. u3 er-s,e-tim
ts: u erṣetim
en: and earth,
24. isz-da-sza
ts: išdāša
en: foundations
25. szu-ur2-szu-da
ts: šuršudā
en: are fixed,
26. u2-ki-in-nu-szum
ts: ukinnušum
en: established for him;
27. i-nu-mi-szu
ts: inūmišu
en: at that time,
28. {disz}ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
ts: ḫammurapi
en: Hammurapi
29. ru-ba-am
ts: rubâm
en: the prince
30. na-a'-dam
ts: na’dam
en: pious,
31. pa-li-ih i3-li2 ia-ti
ts: pāliḫ ilī yâti
en: who venerates the gods, me
32. mi-sza-ra-am
ts: mīšaram
en: justice
33. i-na ma-tim
ts: ina mātim
en: in the land,
34. a-na szu-pi2-i-im
ts: ana šūpîm
en: to make prevail,
35. ra-ga-am u3 s,e-nam
ts: raggam u ṣēnam
en: the wicked and the evil
36. a-na hu-ul-lu-qi2-im
ts: ana ḫulluqim
en: to destroy,
37. dan-nu-um
ts: dannum
en: that the strong
38. en-sza-am
ts: enšam
en: the weak
39. a-na la ha-ba-li-im
ts: ana la ḫabālim
en: not oppress,
40. ki-ma {d}utu
ts: kīma šamaš
en: like Šamaš
41. a-na _sag-ge6_
ts: ana ṣalmāt qaqqadim
en: to the black-headed ones
42. wa-s,e-e-em-ma
ts: waṣêmma
en: to rise,
43. ma-tim
ts: mātim
en: the land
44. nu-wu-ri-im
ts: nuwwurim
en: to illuminate,
45. an
ts: anum
en: Anu
46. u3 {d}en-lil2
ts: u enlil
en: and Enlil
47. a-na szi-ir ni-szi
ts: ana šīr nišī
en: the flesh of the people
48. t,u2-ub-bi-im
ts: ṭubbim
en: to improve,
49. szu-mi ib-bu-u2
ts: šumī ibbû
en: by my name named.
50. {disz}ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
ts: ḫammurapi
en: Hammurapi,
51. re-iu-um
ts: re’ûm
en: the shepherd,
52. ni-bi-it
ts: nibīt
en: selected
53. {d}en-lil2 a-na-ku
ts: enlil anāku
en: by the god Enlil am I,
54. mu-kam-me-er
ts: mukammer
en: he who heaps
55. nu-uh2-szi-im
ts: nuḫšim
en: high abundance
56. u3 t,u2-uh2-di-im
ts: u ṭuḫdim
en: and plenty
57. mu-sza-ak-li-il
ts: mušaklil
en: who perfects
58. mi-im-ma szum-szu
ts: mimma šumsu
en: every possible thing
59. a-na nibru{ki} _dur-an-ki_
ts: ana nippur markas šamê u erṣetim
en: for Nippur Band-of-Heaven-and-Earth,
60. za-ni-nu-um
ts: zāninum
en: provider
61. na-a'-du-um
ts: na’dum
en: pious
62. sza e2-kur
ts: ša ekur
en: of Ekur;
63. _lugal_ le-iu-um
ts: šarrum lē’ûm
en: capable king,
64. mu-te-er {iri}eridu{ki}
ts: mutēr eridu
en: restorer of Eridu,
65. a-na asz-ri-szu
ts: ana ašrišu
en: to its place,
66. mu-ub-bi-ib
ts: mubbib
en: purifier
67. szu-luh e2-abzu
ts: šuluḫ e’abzu
en: of the rites of E’abzu
68. ti-i-ib
ts: tīb
en: the onslaught
69. ki-ib-ra-at
ts: kibrāt
en: of the regions
70. er-be2-tim
ts: erbettim
en: four
71. mu-szar-bi2 zi-ik-ru
ts: mušarbi zikru
en: who magnifies the name
72. babila{ki}
ts: bābilim
en: of Babylon,
73. mu-t,i3-ib
ts: muṭīb
en: who sweetens
74. li-ib-bi {d}marduk
ts: libbi marduk
en: heart of Marduk
75. be-li2-szu
ts: bēlišu
en: his lord,
76. sza u4-mi-szu
ts: ša ūmīšu
en: whose days
77. iz-za-zu
ts: izzazzu
en: he stands
78. a-na e2-sag-il2
ts: ana esagila
en: for Esagila;
79. _numun_ szar-ru-tim
ts: zēr šarrūtim
en: seed of royalty,
80. sza {d}suen
ts: ša sîn
en: he whom Sîn
81. ib-ni-u3-szu
ts: ibniušu
en: created
82. mu-na-ah-hi-isz
ts: munaḫḫiš
en: enricher
83. {iri}uri5{ki}
ts: urim
en: of Ur
84. wa-asz-ru-um
ts: wašrum
en: humble,
85. mu-usz-te-mi-qum
ts: muštēmiqum
en: talented,
86. ba-bil2 _he2-gal2_
ts: bābil ḫegallim
en: who provides abundance
87. a-na e2-kisz-nu-gal2
ts: ana egišnugal
en: for Egishnugal;
88. _lugal_ ta-szi-im-tim
ts: šar tašīmtim
en: discerning king
89. sze-mu {d}utu da-num2
ts: šēmû šamaš dannum
en: who listens to Šamaš, strong,
90. mu-ki-in
ts: mukīn
en: who establishes
91. _suhusz_ zimbir{ki}
ts: išdī sippar
en: the foundations of Sippar,
92. mu-sza-al-bi-isz
ts: mušalbiš
en: who drapes
93. wa-ar-qi2-im
ts: warqim
en: with greenery
94. gi-gu-ne-e {d}a-a
ts: gigunē aya
en: the sacred building if Aya,
95. mu-s,i-ir
ts: muṣīr
en: who made famous
96. e2-babbar
ts: ebabbar
en: Ebabbar,
97. sza ki szu-ba-at sza-ma-i
ts: ša kî šubat šamā’ī
en: akin to the residence of heaven;
98. _ur-sag_ ga-mi-il
ts: qarrādum gāmil
en: warrior, who shows mercy
99. larsa{ki}
ts: larsa
en: to Larsa
100. mu-u4-di-isz e2-babbar
ts: muddiš ebabbar
en: who renews the Ebabbar
101. a-na {d}utu
ts: ana šamaš
en: for Šamaš
102. re-s,i-szu
ts: rēṣišu
en: his ally;
103. be-lum mu-ba-li2-it,
ts: bēlum muballiṭ
en: the lord who revitalizes
104. unu{ki}
ts: uruk
en: Uruk
105. sza-ki-in me-e
ts: šākin mê
en: who provides waters
106. nu-uh2-szi-im
ts: nuḫšim
en: of abundance
107. a-na ni-szi-szu
ts: ana nišīšu
en: for its people
108. mu-ul-li
ts: mullî
en: who raises
109. re-esz e2-an-na
ts: rēš eanna
en: the head of Eanna
110. mu-kam-me-er
ts: mukammer
en: who heaps up
111. hi-is,-bi-im
ts: ḫiṣbim
en: bountiful produce
112. a-na _an_-nim
ts: ana anim
en: for Anum
113. u3 {d}inanna
ts: u ištar
en: and Ištar
114. _an-dul3_ ma-tim
ts: ṣulūl mātim
en: the protecting canopy of the land
115. mu-pa-ah-hi-ir
ts: mupaḫḫir
en: who gathers together
116. ni-szi sa6-ap-ha-tim
ts: nišī sapḫātim
en: the scattered peoples
117. sza i3-si-in{ki}
ts: ša isin
en: of Isin,
118. mu-t,a-ah-hi-id
ts: muṭaḫḫid
en: who supplies
119. nu-uh2-szi-im
ts: nuḫšim
en: abundance
120. _e2_ e2-gal-mah
ts: bīt egalmaḫ
en: for the house of Egalmaḫ,
121. _uszumgal lugal_-ri2
ts: ušumgal šarrī
en: dragon among kings,
122. ta-li-im
ts: talīm
en: beloved brother
123. {d}za-ba4-ba4
ts: zababa
en: of Zababa
124. mu-szar-szi-id
ts: mušaršid
en: founder
125. szu-ba-at {iri}kisz{ki}
ts: šubat kiš
en: of the settlement of Kish,
126. mu-usz-ta-as2-hi-ir
ts: muštasḫir
en: who surrounds
127. me-le-em-mi
ts: melimmī
en: with splendor,
128. e2-me-te-ur-sag
ts: e-mete-ursag
en: the E-mete-ursag
129. mu-usz-te-es,-bi
ts: mušteṣbî
en: who arranges
130. pa-ar-s,i2 ra-bu-u2-tim
ts: parṣī rabûtim
en: the great rites
131. sza {d}inanna
ts: ša ištar
en: of Ištar
132. pa-qi2-id bi-tim
ts: pāqid bītim
en: who takes charge of the house of
133. hur-sag-kalam-ma
ts: ḫursag-kalamma
en: Ḫursag-kalama
134. sa-par4 na-ki-ri
ts: sapar nakirī;
en: throw-net for the enemies,
135. sza {d}er3-ra ru-szu
ts: ša erra rūšu
en: whom Erra, his companion,
136. u2-sza-ak-szi-du
ts: ušakšidu
en: has caused to achieve,
137. ni-iz-ma-su2
ts: nizmassu
en: his heart’s desire,
138. mu-sza-te-er
ts: mušāter
en: who enlarges
139. {iri}gu2-du8-a{ki}
ts: kutî
en: Kutû,
140. mu-ra-ap-pi2-isz
ts: murappiš
en: who augments
141. mi-im-ma szum-szu
ts: mimma šumšu
en: everything
142. ana <e2>-mes-lam
ts: ana emeslam
en: for Emeslam;
143. ri-mu-um
ts: rīmum
en: the wild bull,
144. ka-ad-ru-um
ts: kadrum
en: fierce one,
145. mu-na-ak-ki-ip za-i-ri
ts: munakkip zā’irī
en: who gores the enemy,
146. na-ra-am {d}tu-tu
ts: narām tutu
en: beloved of Tutu,
147. mu-ri-isz
ts: murīš
en: the one who makes exult
148. {iri}bar-si2-pa2{ki}
ts: barsippa
en: Borsippa,
149. na-a'-du-um
ts: na’dum
en: the pious one
150. la mu-up-pa-ar-ku-u2-um
ts: lā mupparkûm
en: who does not fail in his duties
151. a-na e2-zi-da
ts: ana ezida
en: to the Ezida temple,
152. i-lu _lugal_-ri2
ts: ilū šarrī
en: gods of kings;
153. mu-de _igi-gal2_-im
ts: mudē igigallim
en: the one who is steeped in wisdom,
154. mu-sza-ad-di-il
ts: mušaddil
en: who enlarges
155. me-re-esz-tim
ts: mēreštim
en: the cultivated area
156. sza dil-bat{ki}
ts: ša dilbat
en: of Dilbat,
157. mu-ga-ar-ri-in _guru7-guru7_
ts: mugarrin karê
en: who heaps up the silos
158. a-na {d}urasz
ts: ana uraš
en: for Uraš,
159. ga-asz-ri-im
ts: gašrim
en: the mighty one;
160. be-lum si2-ma-at
ts: bēlum simat
en: the lord, worthy
161. ha-at,-t,i-im
ts: ḫaṭṭim
en: of the scepter
162. u3 a-ge-em
ts: u agêm
en: and crown
163. sza u2-sza-ak-li-lu-szu
ts: ša ušaklilušu
en: bestowed upon him
164. e-ri-isz-tum
ts: erištum
en: by the wise
165. {d}ma-ma
ts: mama
en: Mama,
166. mu-ki-in
ts: mukīn
en: who devised
167. u2-s,u2-ra-tim
ts: uṣurātim
en: the plans
168. sza kesz3{ki}
ts: ša keš
en: of Kesh,
169. mu-de-esz-szi
ts: mudeššī
en: who provides
170. ma-ka-li el-lu-tim
ts: mākalī ellūtim
en: the pure food offerings
171. a-na {d}nin-tu
ts: ana nintu
en: for Nintu;
172. mu-usz-ta-lum
ts: muštālum
en: the judicious one,
173. gi-it-ma-lum
ts: gitmālum
en: the noble one,
174. sza-i-im
ts: šā’im
en: who allots
175. mi-ri-tim
ts: mirītim
en: pasturage
176. u3 ma-asz-qi2-tim
ts: u mašqītim
en: and watering place
177. a-na lagasz{ki}
ts: ana lagaš
en: for the cities of Lagash
178. u3 gir2-su{ki}
ts: u girsîm
en: and Girsu,
179. mu-ki-il
ts: mukīl
en: who provides
180. ni-in-da-be2-e
ts: nindabê
en: food-offerings,
181. ra-bu-tim
ts: rabûtim
en: plentiful,
182. a-na e2-ninnu
ts: ana eninnu
en: for the Eninnu;
183. mu-tam-me-eh a-a-bi
ts: mutammeḫ ayyābī
en: who seizes the enemies,
184. mi-gi4-ir
ts: migir
en: beloved of
185. te-li-tim
ts: telītim
en: the able one (Ištar),
186. mu-sza-ak-li-il
ts: mušaklil
en: who perfects
187. te-re-tim
ts: tērētim
en: the oracles
188. sza zabala2{ki}
ts: ša zabala
en: of Zabala,
189. mu-ha-ad-di
ts: muḫaddi
en: who gladdens
190. li-ib-bi {d}esz18-dar
ts: libbi ištar
en: the stomach Ishtar;
191. ru-bu-um el-lum
ts: rubûm ellum
en: the pure prince,
192. sza ni-isz qa2-ti-szu
ts: ša nīš qātišu
en: whose prayers
193. {d}iszkur i-du-u2
ts: adad idû
en: Adad acknowledges,
194. mu-ne-eh
ts: munēḫ
en: appeaser
195. li-ib-bi {d}iszkur
ts: libbi adad
en: of the heart of Adad,
196. gu2-ra-di-im
ts: qurādim
en: the hero
197. i-na {iri}im{ki}
ts: ina karkara
en: in Karkara,
198. mu-usz-ta-ak-ki-in
ts: muštakkin
en: who installs
199. si2-ma-tim
ts: simātim
en: the proper appointments
200. i-na e2-u4-gal-gal
ts: ina eudgalgal
en: throughout the Eudgalgal;
201. _lugal_ na-di-in
ts: šarrum nādin
en: the king who gives
202. na-pi2-isz-tim
ts: napištim
en: life
203. a-na adab{ki}
ts: ana adab
en: to Adab,
204. a-sze-er
ts: āšer
en: who organizes
205. _e2_ e2-mah
ts: bīt emaḫ
en: the house Emaḫ;
206. e-te-el _lugal_-ri2
ts: etel šarrī
en: lord of kings,
207. qa2-ba-al
ts: qabal
en: warrior,
208. la ma-ha-ri-im
ts: lā maḫārim
en: without peer,
209. szu i-qi2-szu
ts: šū iqīšu
en: he who granted
210. na-ap-sza-tam
ts: napšatam
en: life
211. a-na {iri}masz-gan-szabra{ki}
ts: ana maškan-šāpir
en: to Maškan-šāpir,
212. mu-sze-esz-qi2
ts: mušešqi
en: who gives waters
213. nu-uh2-szi-im
ts: nuḫšim
en: of abundance
214. a-na <e2>-mes-lam
ts: ana emeslam
en: to the Emeslam;
215. em-qum
ts: emqum
en: wise one,
216. mu-tab-bi-lum
ts: muttabbilum
en: the organizer,
217. szu ik-szu-du
ts: šū ikšudu
en: he who has mastered
218. na-ga-ab ur2-szi-im
ts: nagab uršim
en: all wisdom,
219. mu-usz-pa-az-zi-ir
ts: mušpazzir
en: who shelters
220. ni-szi ma3-al-nag-a {ki}
ts: nišī malgium
en: the people of Malgium
221. in ka-ra-szi-im
ts: ina karašîm
en: in the face of annihilation,
222. mu-szar-szi-du
ts: mušaršidu
en: who founds
223. szu-ba-ti-szi-in
ts: šubātišin
en: their settlements
224. in nu-uh2-szi-in
ts: in nuḫšim
en: in abundance,
225. a-na {d}en-ki
ts: ana enki
en: who for Ea
226. u3 {d}dam-gal-nun-na
ts: u damkina
en: and Damkina
227. mu-szar-bu-u2
ts: mušarbû
en: who magnify
228. szar-ru-ti-szu
ts: šarrūtišu
en: his kingship,
229. da-ri2-isz i-szi-mu
ts: dāriš išīmu
en: forever decreed
230. zi-bi el-lu-tim
ts: zībī ellūtim
en: pure food offerings
231. a-sza-re-ed _lugal_-ri2
ts: ašared šarrī
en: leader of kings,
232. mu-ka-an-ni-isz
ts: mukanniš
en: who subdues
233. da-ad-mi
ts: dadmē
en: the settlements
234. {i7}buranun-na
ts: purattim
en: of the Euphrates
235. i3-tum {d}da-gan
ts: ittum dagan
en: by the oracular command of Dagan,
236. ba-ni-szu
ts: bānîšu
en: his creator,
237. szu ig-mi-lu
ts: šū igmilu
en: who showed mercy
238. ni-szi me-ra{ki}
ts: nišī mera
en: to the people of Mari
239. u3 tu-tu-ul{ki}
ts: u tuttul
en: and Tuttul;
240. ru-bu-um
ts: rubûm
en: the prince,
241. na-a'-du-um
ts: na’dum
en: pious,
242. mu-na-wi-ir
ts: munawwer
en: who brightens
243. pa-ni {d}tiszpak
ts: pānī tišpak
en: the face of Tišpak,
244. sza-ki-in ma-ka-li el-lu-tim
ts: šākin ellūtim
en: who provides pure feasts
245. a-na {d}nin-a-zu
ts: ana ninazu
en: for Ninazu,
246. sza-t,i3-ip ni-szi-szu
ts: šāṭip nišīšu
en: who sustains his people
247. in pu-usz-qi2-im
ts: in pušqim
en: in crisis,
248. mu-ki-in-nu
ts: mukinnu
en: who secures
249. isz-di-szi-in
ts: išdīšin
en: their foundations
250. qer-bu-um
ts: qerbum
en: in the midst
251. babila{ki}
ts: bābilim
en: of Babylon
252. szu-ul-ma-ni-isz
ts: šulmāniš
en: in peace;
253. _sipa_ ni-szi3
ts: rē’î nišī
en: shepherd of the people,
254. sza ep-sze-tu-szu
ts: ša epšētušu
en: whose deeds
255. e-li {d}esz18-dar t,a-ba
ts: eli ištar ṭābā
en: to Ištar are pleasing,
256. mu-ki-in-ni {d}esz18-dar
ts: mukinni ištar
en: who establishes Ištar
257. i-na e2-ul-masz
ts: ina eulmaš
en: in the Eulmaš
258. qer-bu-um
ts: qerbum
en: in the midst
259. a-ga-de3{ki}
ts: akkade
en: of Akkad-
260. re-bi-tim
ts: rebītim;
en: City
261. mu-sze-pi2 ki-na-tim
ts: mušēpī kīnātim
en: who proclaims truth,
262. mu-szu-sze-er am-mi
ts: mušūšer ammi
en: who guides the population properly,
263. mu-te-er
ts: mutêr
en: who restores
264. {d}lamma-szu
ts: lamassīšu
en: its protective spirit
265. da-mi-iq-tim
ts: damiqtim
en: benevolent,
266. a-na {iri}a-szur4{ki}
ts: ana aššur
en: to Assur;
267. mu-sze-ep-pi2 na-bi-hi
ts: mušeppi nābiḫī
en: who quells the rebellious,
268. _lugal_ sza i-na ni-nu-a{ki}
ts: šarrum ša ina ninua
en: the king who in Nineveh
269. i-na e2-mes-mes
ts: ina emesmes
en: in the Emesmes
270. u2-szu-pi2-u3
ts: ušūpi’u
en: proclaimed
271. me-e {d}inanna
ts: mê ištar
en: the rites for Ishtar;
272. na-a'-du-um
ts: na’dum
en: the pious one,
273. mu-usz-te-mi-qum
ts: muštēmiqum
en: who prays ceaselessly
274. a-na _dingir gal-gal_
ts: ana ilī rabûtim
en: for the great gods,
275. li-ip-li-pi2
ts: liplippim
en: scion
276. sza {disz}su-mu-la-il3
ts: ša sumu-la-el
en: of Sumu-la-el,
277. _ibila_ da-num2
ts: aplum dannum
en: mighty heir
278. sza {disz}{d}suen-mu-ba-li2-it,
ts: ša sîn-muballiṭ
en: of Sîn-muballiṭ,
279. _numun_ da-ri2-um
ts: zērum dārium
en: eternal seed
280. sza szar-ru-tim
ts: ša šarrūtim
en: of royalty,
281. _lugal_ da-num2
ts: šarrum dannum
en: mighty king,
282. {d}utu-szu
ts: šamšu
en: solar disk
283. babila{ki}
ts: bābilim
en: of Babylon,
284. mu-sze-s,i2 nu-ri-im
ts: mušēṣi nūrim
en: who spreads light
285. a-na ma-at
ts: ana māt
en: over the lands
286. szu-me-ri2-im
ts: šumerim
en: of Sumer
287. u3 ak-ka-di-im
ts: u akkadim
en: and Akkad,
288. _lugal_ mu-usz-te-esz-mi
ts: šarrum muštešmi
en: king who makes obedient,
289. ki-ib-ra-at
ts: kibrāt
en: the regions
290. ar-ba-im
ts: arba’im
en: four,
291. mi-gi4-ir {d}inanna a-na-ku
ts: migir ištar anāku
en: favored of Ištar, am I.
292. i-nu-ma
ts: inūma
en: When
293. {d}marduk
ts: marduk
en: Marduk
294. a-na szu-te-szu-ur ni-szi
ts: ana šutēšur nišī
en: just ways for the people
295. _kalam_ u2-si-im
ts: mātim ūsim
en: of the land, appropriate behavior
296. szu-hu-zi-im
ts: šūḫuzim
en: to provide
297. u2-wa-e-ra-an-ni
ts: uwa’’eranni
en: commanded me,
298. ki-it-tam
ts: kittam
en: truth
299. u3 mi-sza-ra-am
ts: u mīšaram
en: and justice
300. i-na _ka_ ma-tim
ts: ina pī mātim
en: as the declaration of the land
301. asz-ku-un
ts: aškun
en: I established,
302. szi-ir ni-szi u2-t,i-ib
ts: šīr nišī uṭīb
en: the flesh of the people I sweetened.
303. i-nu-mi-szu
ts: inūmišu
en: At that time:
law 1
304. szum-ma a-wi-lum a-wi-lam
ts: šumma awīlum awīlam
en: If a man a man
305. u2-ub-bi-ir-ma
ts: ubbirma
en: accused, and
306. ne-er-tam e-li-szu
ts: nērtam elišu
en: murder against him
307. id-di-ma
ts: iddima
en: threw, and
308. la uk-ti-in-szu
ts: la uktīnšu
en: has not proven it,
309. mu-ub-bi-ir-szu
ts: mubbiršu
en: his accuser
310. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: shall be killed.
law 2
311. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
312. ki-isz-pi2
ts: kišpī
en: sorcery
313. e-li a-wi-lim id-di-ma
ts: eli awīlim iddima
en: against a man threw, and
314. la uk-ti-in-szu
ts: la uktīnšu
en: has not proven it,
315. sza e-li-szu
ts: ša elišu
en: against whom
316. ki-isz-pu na-du-u2
ts: kišpū nadū
en: sorcery was thrown
317. a-na {d}i7
ts: ana id
en: to Id
318. i-il-la-ak
ts: illak
en: shall go,
319. {d}i7 i-sza-al-li-a-am-ma
ts: id išalliamma
en: into Id he shall jump;
320. szum-ma {d}i7
ts: šumma id
en: if Id
321. ik-ta-sza-su2
ts: iktašassu
en: has overcome him,
322. mu-ub-bi-ir-szu
ts: mubbiršu
en: his accuser
323. _e2_-su2 i-tab-ba-al
ts: bissu itabbal
en: his household shall carry away;
324. szum-ma a-wi-lam szu-a-ti
ts: šumma awīlam šuati
en: if that man
325. {d}i7
ts: id
en: Id
326. u2-te-eb-bi-ba-asz-szu-ma
ts: utebbibaššuma
en: has cleansed him, and
327. isz-ta-al-ma-am
ts: ištālmam
en: he has emerged whole,
328. sza e-li-szu
ts: ša elīšu
en: who against him
329. ki-isz-pi2 id-du-u2
ts: kišpī iddû
en: sorcery threw
330. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: shall be killed;
331. sza {d}i7
ts: ša id
en: who into Id
332. isz-li-a-am
ts: išliam
en: jumped
333. _e2_ mu-ub-bi-ri-szu
ts: bīt mubbirišu
en: the household of his accuser
334. i-tab-ba-al
ts: itabbal
en: shall carry away.
law 3
335. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
336. i-na di-nim
ts: ina dīnim
en: in a case
337. a-na szi-bu-ut
ts: ana šībūt
en: to testimony
338. sa3-ar-ra-tim
ts: sarrātim
en: of falsehood
339. u2-s,i-a-am-ma
ts: ūṣiamma
en: went forth, and
340. a-wa-at iq-bu-u2
ts: awāt iqbû
en: the words that he spoke
341. la uk-ti-in
ts: la uktīn
en: has not proven,
342. szum-ma di-nu-um szu-u2
ts: šumma dīnum šū
en: if that judgment
343. di-in na-pi2-isz-tim
ts: dīn napištim
en: is a judgment of life
344. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man
345. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: shall be killed.
law 4
346. szum-ma a-na szi-bu-ut
ts: šumma ana šībūt
en: If to testimony
347. _sze_ u3 _ku3-babbar_
ts: îm u kaspim
en: of grain or silver
348. u2-s,i-a-am
ts: ūṣiam
en: he went out,
349. a-ra-an
ts: aran
en: the punishment
350. di-nim szu-a-ti
ts: dīnim šuati
en: of that case
351. it-ta-na-asz-szi
ts: ittanašši
en: he shall bear.
law 5
352. szum-ma da-a-a-nu-um
ts: šumma dayyānum
en: If a judge
353. di-nam i-di-in
ts: dīnam idīn
en: a case judged,
354. pu-ru-sa3-am
ts: purussâm
en: a decision
355. ip-ru-us2
ts: iprus
en: reached,
356. ku-nu-uk-kam
ts: kunukkâm
en: a sealed document
357. u2-sze-zi-ib
ts: ušezib
en: deposited,
358. wa-ar-ka-nu-um-ma
ts: warkānumma
en: then later
359. di-in-szu i-te-ni
ts: dīnšu iteni
en: his judgment has changed,
360. da-a-a-nam szu-a-ti
ts: dayyānam šuati
en: that judge,
361. i-na di-in i-di-nu
ts: ina dīn idīnu
en: the case that he judged
362. e-ne-em
ts: enêm
en: having changed,
363. u2-ka-an-nu-szu-ma
ts: ukannūšuma
en: they shall prove,
364. ru-gu-um-ma-am
ts: rugummâm
en: the claim
365. sza i-na di-nim szu-a-ti
ts: ša ina dīnim šuati
en: that in that case
366. ib-ba-asz-szu-u2
ts: ibbaššû
en: arose
367. _a-ra2_ 1(u) 2(disz)-szu
ts: adi šinšerīšu
en: 12-fold
368. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give;
369. u3 i-na pu-uh2-ri-im
ts: u ina puḫrim
en: and in the assembly
370. i-na _{gesz}gu-za_
ts: ina kussîm
en: from the seat
371. da-a-a-nu-ti-szu
ts: dayyānūtišu
en: of his judgship
372. u2-sze-et-bu-u2-szu-ma
ts: ušetbûšuma
en: they shall lift him up, and
373. u2-ul i-ta-ar-ma
ts: ul itârma
en: he shall not return and
374. it-ti da-a-a-ni
ts: itti dayyānī
en: with the judges
375. i-na di-nim
ts: ina dīnim
en: in a case
376. u2-ul usz-ša-ab
ts: ul uššab
en: he shall not sit.
law 6
377. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
378. _nig2-gur10 dingir_
ts: makkūr ilim
en: the property of a god
379. u3 _e2-gal_
ts: u ekallim
en: or the palace
380. isz-ri-iq
ts: išriq
en: stole,
381. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man
382. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: shall be killed;
383. u3 sza szu-ur2-qa2-am
ts: u ša šurqam
en: further, the one who the stolen property
384. i-na qa2-ti-szu
ts: ina qātišu
en: in his hand
385. im-hu-ru
ts: imḫuru
en: received,
386. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: shall be killed.
law 7
387. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
388. lu _ku3-babbar_
ts: lu kaspam
en: either silver
389. lu _ku3-sig17_
ts: lu ḫurāṣam
en: or gold,
390. lu _ARAD2_ lu _geme2_
ts: lu wardam lu amtam
en: or a male-slave or a female-slave
391. lu _gu4_ lu _udu_
ts: lu alpam lu immeram
en: or an ox or a sheep,
392. lu _ansze_
ts: lu imēram
en: or donkey,
393. u3 lu mi-im-ma szum-szu
ts: u lu mimma šumšu
en: or anything else,
394. i-na qa2-at _dumu_ a-wi-lim
ts: ina qāt mār awīlim
en: from the hand of the son of a man
395. u3 lu _ARAD2_ a-wi-lim
ts: u lu warad awīlim
en: or the slave of a man
396. ba-lum szi-bi
ts: balum šībī
en: without witnesses
397. u3 ri-ik-sa-tim
ts: u riksātim
en: or binding contracts
398. isz-ta-am
ts: ištām
en: has purchased,
399. u3 lu a-na ma-s,a-ru-tim
ts: u lu ana maṣṣarūtim
en: or else for safekeeping
400. im-hu-ur
ts: imḫur
en: received,
401. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man
402. szar-ra-aq id-da-ak
ts: šarrāq iddâk
en: is a thief, he shall be killed.
law 8
403. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en:If a man
404. lu _gu4_ lu _udu_ lu _ansze_ lu _szah2_
ts: lu alpam lu immeram lu imēram lu šahâm
en: either an ox or a sheep or a donkey or a pig
405. u3 lu _{gesz}ma2_
ts: u lu eleppam
en: or a barge
406. isz-ri-iq
ts: išriq
en: stole,
407. szum-ma sza i-lim
ts: šumma ša ilim
en: if that of a god,
408. szum-ma sza _e2-gal_
ts: šumma ša ekallim
en: if that of the palace,
409. _a-ra2_ 3(u)-szu
ts: adi šalāšâšu
en: 30-fold
410. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give;
411. szum-ma sza _|MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: šumma ša muškēnim
en: if belonging to an m.,
412. _a-ra2_ 1(u)-szu i-ri-a-ab
ts: adi esrīšu irīab
en: 10-fold he shall replace it;
413. szum-ma szar-ra-qa2-nu-um
ts: šumma šarrāqānum
en: if that thief
414. sza na-da-nim la i-szu
ts: ša nadānim lā īšu
en: (the means) of giving does not have,
415. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: he shall be killed.
law 9
416. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
417. sza mi-im-mu-szu hal-qu2
ts: ša mimmûšu ḫalqu
en: whose property went missing
418. mi-im-ma-szu
ts: mimmâšu
en: his property,
419. hal-qa2-am
ts: ḫalqam
en: missing,
420. i-na qa2-ti a-wi-lim
ts: ina qāti awīlim
en: in the hand of a man
421. is,-s,a-ba-at
ts: iṣṣabat
en: has seized,
422. a-wi-lum sza hu-ul-qum
ts: awīlum ša ḫulqum
en: the man who the missing property
423. i-na qa2-ti-szu
ts: ina qātišu
en: in his hand
424. s,a-ab-tu
en: was seized,
425. na-di-na-nu-um-mi id-di-nam
ts: nādinanummi iddinam
en: “A seller sold it to me,
426. ma-har szi-bi-mi
ts: maḫar šibīmi
en: before witnesses
427. a-sza-am
ts: ašām
en: I purchased,”
428. iq-ta-bi
ts: iqtabi
en: has said,
429. u3 be-el hu-ul-qi2-im
ts: u bēl ḫulqim
en: and the lord of the missing property
430. szi-bi mu-de
ts: šībī mūdê
en: “Witnesses knowers
431. hu-ul-qi2-ia-mi
ts: ḫulqiyami
en: of my missing property
432. lu-ub-lam
ts: lūblam
en: let me bring,”
433. iq-ta-bi
ts: iqtabi
en: has said;
434. sza-a-a-ma-nu-um
ts: šayyāmānum
en: that purchaser
435. na-di-in
ts: nādin
en: the seller
436. id-di-nu-szum
ts: iddinušum
en: who sold to him
437. u3 szi-bi
ts: u šībī
en: and the witnesses
438. sza i-na mah-ri-szu-nu
ts: ša ina maḫrišunu
en: in front of whom
439. i-sza-mu it-ba-lam
ts: išāmu itbalam
en: he bought, produced,
440. u3 be-el hu-ul-qi2-im
ts: u bēl ḫulqim
en: and the lord of the missing property
441. szi-bi mu-de hu-ul-qi2-szu
ts: šībī mūdê ḫulqišu
en: witnesses, knowers of his missing property
442. it-ba-lam
ts: itbalam
en: produced:
443. da-a-a-nu
ts: dayyānū
en: the judges
444. a-wa-a-ti-szu-nu
ts: awātīšunu
en: his words
445. i-im-ma-ru-ma
ts: immarūma
en: shall inspect and
446. szi-bu sza mah-ri-szu-nu
ts: šībū ša maḫrišunu
en: witnesses before whom
447. szi-mu-um
ts: šīmum
en: the purchase
448. isz-sza-mu
ts: iššāmu
en: was purchased
449. u3 szi-bu mu-de
ts: u šībū mūdê
en: and witnesses, knowers
450. hu-ul-qi2-im
ts: ḫulqim
en: of the missing property
451. mu-du-su2-nu
ts: mūdūssunu
en: their knowledge
452. ma-har i-lim
ts: maḫar ilim
en: before the god
453. i-qa2-ab-bu-ma
ts: iqabbûma
en: shall speak
454. na-di-na-nu-um
ts: nādinānum
en: that seller
455. szar-ra-aq id-da-ak
ts: šarrāq iddâk
en: is a thief, he shall be killed;
456. be-el hu-ul-qi2-im
ts: bēl ḫulqim
en: the lord of the missing property
457. hu-lu-uq-szu
ts: ḫuluqšu
en: his missing property
458. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: shall take;
459. sza-a-a-ma-nu-um
ts: šayyāmānum
en: that purchaser
460. a-na bi-it
ts: ana bīt
en: from the house
461. na-di-na-nim
ts: nādinānim
en: of the seller
462. _ku3-babbar_ isz-qu2-lu
ts: kasap išqulu
en: silver that he weighed out
463. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: shall take.
law 10
464. szum-ma sza-a-a-ma-nu-um
ts: šumma šayyāmānum
en: if that purchaser
465. na-di-in
ts: nādin
en: the seller
466. id-di-nu-szum
ts: iddinušum
en: who sold to him
467. u3 szi-bi sza i-na mah-ri-szu-nu
ts: u šībī ša ina maḫrišunu
en: the witnesses in front of whom
468. i-sza-mu
ts: išāmu
en: he purchased
469. la it-ba-lam
ts: lā itbalam
en: did not produce,
470. be-el hu-ul-qi2-im-ma
ts: bēl ḫulqimma
en: whereas the lord of the stolen property
471. szi-bi mu-de
ts: šībī mūdê
en: witnesses, knowers
472. hu-ul-qi2-szu it-ba-lam
ts: ḫulqišu itbalam
en: of his stolen property produced,
473. sza-a-a-ma-nu-um
ts: šayyāmānum
en: that seller
474. szar-ra-aq id-da-ak
ts: šarrāq iddak
en: is a thief, he shall be killed;
475. be-el hu-ul-qi2-im
ts: bēl ḫulqim
en: the owner of the missing property
476. hu-lu-uq-szu
ts: ḫuluqšu
en: his missing property
477. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: shall take.
law 11
478. szum-ma be-el hu-ul-qi2-im
ts: šumma bēl ḫulqim
en: If the lord of missing property
479. szi-bi mu-de
ts: šībī mūdê
en: witnesses, knowers of
480. hu-ul-qi2-szu
ts: ḫulqišu
en: his missing property
481. la it-ba-lam
ts: la itbalam
en: did not produce,
482. sa3-ar
ts: sar
en: he is a liar,
483. tu-usz-sza-am-ma id-di
ts: tušāmma iddi
en: slander he has leveled,
484. id-da-ak
ts: iddak
en: he shall be killed.
law 12
485. szum-ma na-di-na-nu-um
ts: šumma nādinānum
en: If the seller
486. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šimtim
en: to (his) destiny
487. it-ta-la-ak
ts: ittalak
en: has gone,
488. sza-a-a-ma-nu-um
ts: šayyāmānum
en: the purchaser
489. i-na bi-it
ts: ina bīt
en: from the household
490. na-di-na-nim
ts: nādinānim
en: of the seller
491. ru-gu-um-me-e
ts: rugummê
en: the claim
492. di-nim szu-a-ti
ts: dīnim šuāti
en: of that case
493. _a-ra2_ 5(disz)-szu
ts: adi hamšīšu
en: 5-fold
494. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: shall take.
law 13
495. szum-ma a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: šumma awīlum šū
en: If that man
496. szi-bu-szu la qer-bu
ts: šībūšu lā qerbū
en: his witnesses are not near
497. da-a-a-nu a-da-nam
ts: dayyānū adānam
en: the judges a deadline
498. a-na _iti 6(disz)-kam_
ts: ana šeššet arḫī
en: for the 6th month (hence)
499. i-sza-ak-ka-nu-szum-ma
ts: išakkanūšumma
en: they shall set for him,
500. szum-ma i-na _iti 6(disz)-kam_
ts: šumma ina šeššet arḫī
en: if in the 6th month
501. szi-bi-szu la ir-di-a-am
ts: šībīšu lā irdiam
en: his witnesses did not bring in,
502. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man
503. sa3-ar
ts: sar
en: is a liar;
504. a-ra-an di-nim szu-a-ti
ts: aran dīnim šuāti
en: the punishment of that case
505. it-ta-na-asz-szi
ts: ittanašši
en: he will bear.
law 14
506. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlim
en: If a man
507. _dumu_ a-wi-lim
ts: mār awīlim
en: the son of a man,
508. s,e-eh-ra-am
ts: ṣeḫram
en: a young one,
509. isz-ta-ri-iq
ts: ištariq
en: has stolen,
510. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: he shall be killed.
law 15
511. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
512. lu _ARAD2 e2-gal_
ts: lu warad ekallim
en: either a male-slave of the palace
513. lu _geme2 e2-gal_
ts: lu amat ekallim
en: or a female-slave of the palace,
514. lu _ARAD2 |MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: lu warad muškēnim
en: or a male-slave of an m.,
515. lu _geme2 |MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: lu amat muškēnim
en: or a female-slave of an m.,
516. _abul_ usz-te-s,i2
ts: abullam uštēṣi
en: through a city gate has let go out,
517. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: he shall be killed.
law 16
518. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
519. lu _ARAD2_ lu _geme2_
ts: lu wardam lu amtam
en: either a male-slave or a female-slave,
520. hal-qa2-am
ts: halqam
en: missing,
521. sza _e2-gal_
ts: ša ekallim
en: of the palace
522. u3 lu _|MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: lu muškēnim
en: or of an m.,
523. i-na bi-ti-szu
ts: ina bītišu
en: in his household
524. ir-ta-qi2-ma
ts: irtaqima
en: has harbored,
525. a-na szi-si-it
ts: ana šisīt
en: at the cries
526. na-gi-ri-im
ts: nāgirim
en: of the herald
527. la usz-te-s,i2-a-am
ts: lā uštēṣiam
en: has not let him go out,
528. be-el _e2_ szu-u2
ts: bēl bītim šū
en: that lord of a household
529. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: shall be killed.
law 17
530. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
531. lu _ARAD2_ lu _geme2_
ts: lu wardam lu amtam
en: either a male-slave or female-slave,
532. hal-qa2-am
ts: ḫalqam
en: missing,
533. i-na s,e-ri-im
ts: ina ṣērim
en: in open space
534. is,-ba-at-ma
ts: iṣbatma
en: did seize, and
535. a-na be-li2-szu
ts: ana bēlišu
en: to his lord
536. ir-te-di-a-asz-szu
ts: irtediaššu
en: has led him,
537. _2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
ts: šinā šiqil kaspam
en: 2 shekels of silver
538. be-el _ARAD2_
ts: bēl wardim
en: the lord of the slave
539. i-na-ad-di-isz-szum
ts: inaddiššum
en: will give him.
law 18
540. szum-ma _ARAD2_ szu-u2
ts: šumma wardum šū
en: If that slave
541. be-el-szu
ts: bēlšu
en: his lord
542. la iz-za-kar
ts: lā izzakar
en: has not declared,
543. a-na _e2-gal_
ts: ana ekallim
en: to the palace
544. i-re-ed-de-szu
ts: ireddešu
en: he will lead him
545. wa-ar-ka-su2
ts: warkassu
en: his background
546. ip-pa-ar-ra-as2-ma
ts: ipparrasma
en: will be decided, and
547. a-na be-li2-szu
ts: ana bēlišu
en: to his lord
548. u2-ta-ar-ru-szu
ts: utarrūšu
en: they shall return him.
law 19
549. szum-ma _ARAD2_
ts: šumma wardam
en: If the slave,
550. szu-a-ti
ts: šuāti
en: that one,
551. i-na bi-ti-szu
ts: ina bītišu
en: in his household
552. ik-ta-la-szu
ts: iktalašu
en: he has held,
553. wa-ar-ka _ARAD2_
ts: warka wardum
en: later the slave
554. i-na qa2-ti-szu
ts: ina qātišu
en: in his hand
555. it-ta-as,-ba-at
ts: ittaṣbat
en: has been seized,
556. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man
557. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: shall be killed.
law 20
558. szum-ma _ARAD2_
ts: šumma wardum
en: If a slave
559. i-na qa2-at
ts: ina qāt
en: from the hand of
560. s,a-bi-ta-ni-szu
ts: ṣābitānišu
en: of his seizer
561. ih-ta-li-iq
ts: iḫtaliq
en: has gone missing,
562. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man
563. a-na be-el _ARAD2_
ts: ana bēl wardim
en: to the lord of the slave
564. ni-isz i-lim
ts: nīš ilim
en: life of the god
565. i-za-kar-ma
ts: izakkarma
en: shall declare, and
566. u2-ta-asz-szar
ts: utaššar
en: he shall go free.
law 21
567. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
568. bi-tam
ts: bītam
en: a house
569. ip-lu-usz
ts: ipluš
en: breached,
570. i-na pa-ni
ts: ina pānī
en: in the face of
571. pi2-il-szi-im
ts: pilšim
en: the breach,
572. szu-a-ti
ts: šuāti
en: that one,
573. i-du-uk-ku-szu-ma
ts: idukkūšuma
en: they shall kill him, and
574. i-ha-al-la-lu-szu
ts: ihallalūšu
en: hang him.
law 22
575. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
576. hu-ub-tam
ts: ḫubtam
en: a robbery
577. ih-bu-ut-ma
ts: iḫbutma
en: has commited, and
578. it-ta-as,-ba-at
ts: ittaṣbat
en: he has been siezed,
579. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man
580. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: shall be killed.
law 23
581. szum-ma ha-ab-ba-tum
ts: šumma ḫabbātum
en: If the robber
582. la it-ta-as,-ba-at
ts: la ittaṣbat
en: has not been siezed,
583. a-wi-lum
ts: awīlum
en: the man
584. ha-ab-tum
ts: ḫabtum
en: robbed
585. mi-im-ma-szu
ts: mimmâšu
en: all of his
586. hal-qa2-am
ts: ḫalqam
en: missing items
587. ma-ha-ar
ts: maḫar
en: in front of
588. i-lim
ts: ilim
en: god
589. u2-ba-ar-ma
ts: ubârma
en: shall establish, and
590. _iri_
ts: ālum
en: the city
591. u3 ra-bi-a-nu-um
ts: u rabiānum
en: and the mayor
592. sza i-na er-s,e-ti-szu-nu
ts: ša ina erṣetišunu
en: in whose region
593. u3 pa-t,i-szu-nu
ts: u paṭṭišunu
en: and district
594. hu-ub-tum
ts: ḫubtum
en: the robbery
595. ih-ha-ab-tu
ts: iḫḫabtu
en: has was commited
596. mi-im-ma-szu
ts: mimmâšu
en: whatever of his
597. hal-qa2-am
ts: ḫalqam
en: missing items
598. i-ri-a-ab-bu-szum
ts: iriābbūšum
en: they shall replace for him.
law 24
599. szum-ma na-pi2-isz-tum
ts: šumma napištum
en: If it is a capital (crime),
600. _iri_ u3 ra-bi-a-nu-um
ts: ālum u rabiānum
en: the city and the mayor
601. _1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: išten mina kaspim
en: 1 mina of silver
602. a-na ni-szi-szu
ts: ana nišīšu
en: for his people
603. i-sza-qa2-lu
ts: išaqqalū
en: shall weigh out.
law 25
604. szum-ma i-na _e2_ a-wi-lim
ts: šumma ina bīt awīlim
en: If in a house of a man
605. i-sza-tum
ts: išātum
en: a fire
606. in-na-pi2-ih-ma
ts: innapiḫma
en: is lighted, and
607. a-wi-lum
ts: awīlum
en: a man
608. sza a-na bu-ul-li-im
ts: ša ana bullîm
en: who for extinguishing(?)
609. il-li-ku
ts: illiku
en: went,
610. a-na nu-ma-at
ts: ana numāt
en: towards the furnishings
611. be-el _e2_
ts: bēl bītim
en: of the owner of the house
612. i-in-szu isz-szi-ma
ts: īnšu iššima
en: his eye cast, and
613. nu-ma-at
ts: numāt
en: the furnishings
614. be-el _e2_
ts: bēl bītim
en: of the owner of the house
615. il-te-qe2
ts: ilteqe
en: has taken,
616. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man
617. a-na i-sza-tim szu-a-ti
ts: ana išātim šuati
en: into that fire
618. in-na-ad-di
ts: innaddi
en: shall be thrown.
law 26
619. szum-ma lu _aga3-us2_
ts: šumma lu rēdûm
en: If either a soldier
620. u3 lu _szu-ku6_
ts: u lu bā'erum
en: or a fisherman
621. sza a-na har-ra-an szar-ri-im
ts: ša ana ḫarrān šarrim
en: who on a campaign of the king
622. a-la-ak-szu
ts: alakšu
en: his going
623. qa2-bu-u2
ts: qabû
en: was ordered
624. la il-li-ik
ts: lā illik
en: did not go,
625. u3 lu _{lu2}hun-ga2_
ts: u lu agram
en: or a hireling
626. i-gur-ma
ts: īgurma
en: hired, and
627. pu-uh2-szu
ts: pūḫšu
en: as his substitute
628. it,-t,a-ra-ad
ts: iṭṭarad
en: has sent,
629. lu _aga3-us2_
ts: lu rēdûm
en: either that soldier
630. u3 lu _szu-ku6_ szu-u2
ts: u lu bā'erum šū
en: or that fisherman
631. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: shall be killed;
632. mu-na-ag-gi-ir-szu
ts: munaggiršu
en: his denouncer
633. _e2_-su2
ts: bīssu
en: his household
634. i-tab-ba-al
ts: itabbal
en: shall carry away.
law 27
635. szum-ma lu _aga3-us2_
ts: šumma lu rēdûm
en: If a foot soldier
636. u3 lu _szu-ku6_
ts: u lu bā'erum
en: or a fisherman
637. sza i-na dan-na-at
ts: ša ina dannat
en: who in the forces
638. szar-ri-im
ts: šarrim
en: of the king
639. tu-ur2-ru
ts: turru
en: was taken captive,
640. wa-ar-ki-szu
ts: warkišu
en: subsequently
641. _a-sza3_-szu u3 _{gesz}kiri6_-szu
ts: eqelšu u kirâšu
en: his field and his garden
642. a-na sza-ni-im
ts: ana šanîm
en: to another
643. id-di-nu-ma
ts: iddinūma
en: they gave,
644. i-li-ik-szu
ts: ilikšu
en: his i.
645. it-ta-la-ak
ts: ittalak
en: he has performed;
646. szum-ma it-tu-ra-am-ma
ts: šumma ittūramma
en: if he has returned, and
647. _iri_-szu ik-ta-asz2-dam
ts: alšu iktašdam
en: has reached his city,
648. _a-sza3_-szu u3 _{gesz}kiri6_-szu
ts: eqelšu u kirâšu
en: his field and his garden
649. u2-ta-ar-ru-szum-ma
ts: utarrūšumma
en: they shall return to him, and
650. szu-ma i-li-ik-szu
ts: šūma ilikšu
en: that one his i.
651. i-il-la-ak
ts: illak
en: shall perform.
law 28
652. szum-ma lu _aga3-us2_
ts: šumma lu rēdûm
en: If a foot soldier
653. u3 lu _szu-ku6_
ts: u lu bā'erum
en: or a fisherman
654. sza i-na dan-na-at
ts: ša ina dannat
en: who in the forces
655. szar-ri-im
ts: šarrim
en: of the king
656. tu-ur2-ru
ts: turru
en: was taken captive,
657. _dumu_-szu il-kam
ts: māršu ilkam
en: his son the i.
658. a-la-kam i-le-i
ts: alākam ile’’i
en: is able to perform,
659. _a-sza3_ u3 _{gesz}kiri6_
ts: eqlam u kirâm
en: field and garden
660. in-na-ad-di-isz-szum-ma
ts: innaddiššumma
en: shall be given to him, and
661. i-li-ik a-bi-szu
ts: ilik abišu
en: the i. of his father
662. i-il-la-ak
ts: illak
en: he shall perform.
law 29
663. szum-ma _dumu_-szu
ts: šumma māršu
en: If his son
664. s,e-he-er-ma
ts: ṣeḫerma
en: is (too) young and
665. i-li-ik a-bi-szu
ts: ilik abišu
en: the i. of his father
666. a-la-kam
ts: alākam
en: to perform
667. la i-le-i
ts: lā ile’’i
en: is not able,
668. sza-lu-usz-ti _a-sza3_ u3 _{gesz}kiri6_
ts: šalušti eqlim u kirîm
en: one third of the field and garden
669. a-na um-mi-szu
ts: ana ummišu
en: to his mother
670. in-na-ad-di-in-ma
ts: innaddinma
en: shall be given and
671. um-ma-szu
ts: ummašu
en: his mother
672. u2-ra-ab-ba-szu
ts: urabbašu
en: shall raise him.
law 30
673. szum-ma lu _aga3-us2_
ts: šumma lu rēdûm
en: If a foot soldier
674. u3 lu _szu-ku6_
ts: u lu bā'erum
en: or a fisherman
675. _a-sza3_-szu _{gesz}kiri6_-szu u3 _e2_-su2
ts: eqelšu kirâšu u bīssu
en: his field, his garden, and his house
676. i-na pa-ni il-ki-im
ts: ina pāni ilkim
en: in the face of the i.
677. id-di-ma
ts: iddima
en: threw down, and
678. u4-da-ap-pi2-ir
ts: udappir
en: absconded,
679. sza-nu-um
ts: šanûm
en: another
680. wa-ar-ki-szu
ts: warkišu
en: subsequently
681. _a-sza3_-szu _{gesz}kiri6_-szu
ts: eqelšu kirâšu
en: his field, his garden,
682. u3 _e2_-su2
ts: u bīssu
en: and his house
683. is,-ba-at-ma
ts: iṣbatma
en: seized, and
684. _mu 3(disz)-kam_
ts: šalāš šanāt
en: three years
685. i-li-ik-szu
ts: ilikšu
en: his i.
686. it-ta-la-ak
ts: ittalak
en: has performed;
687. szum-ma it-tu-ra-am-ma
ts: šumma ittūramma
en: if he has returned and
688. _a-sza3_-szu _{gesz}kiri6_-szu u3 _e2_-su2
ts: eqelšu kirâšu u bīssu
en: his field garden and house
689. i-ir-ri-isz
ts: irriš
en: requests,
690. u2-ul in-na-ad-di-isz-szum
ts: ul innaddiššum
en: it shall not be given to him;
691. sza is,-s,a-ab-tu-ma
ts: ša iṣṣabtuma
en: who has seized and
692. i-li-ik-szu
ts: ilikšu
en: his i.
693. it-ta-al-ku
ts: ittalku
en: has performed—
694. szu-ma i-il-la-ak
ts: šūma illak
en: that one shall perform.
law 31
695. szum-ma sza-at-tam
ts: šumma šattam
en: If for a year
696. isz-ti-a-at-ma
ts: ištiatma
en: just one,
697. u4-da-ap-pi2-ir-ma
ts: uddappirma
en: he has been missing, and
698. it-tu-ra-am
ts: ittūram
en: he has returned,
699. _a-sza3_-szu _{gesz}kiri6_-szu u3 _e2_-su2
ts: eqelšu kirāšu u bīssu
en: his field, his orchard, and his house
700. in-na-ad-di-isz-szum-ma
ts: innaddišumma
en: shall be given to him, and
701. szu-ma i-li-ik-szu
ts: šūma ilikšu
en: that one, his ilkum(-service)
702. i-il-la-ak
ts: illak
en: shall perform.
law 32
703. szum-ma lu _aga3-us2_
ts: šumma rēdûm
en: If a soldier
704. u3 lu _szu-ku6_
ts: u lu bā'erum
en: or a fisherman
705. sza i-na har-ra-an
ts: ša ina harrān
en: who in a campaign
706. szar-ri-im
ts: šarrim
en: of the king
707. tu-ur2-ru
ts: turru
en: was taken captive,
708. _dam-gar3_ ip-t,ur-ra-asz-szu-ma
ts: tamkārum ipṭuraššuma
en: (and) a merchant has redeemed him, and
709. _iri_-szu usz-ta-ak-szi-da-asz-szu
ts: ālšu uštakšidaššu
en: and his town he has caused him to reach;
710. szum-ma i-na bi-ti-szu
ts: šumma ina bītišu
en: if in his house
711. sza pa-t,a-ri-im
ts: ša paṭārim
en: that of redeeming
712. i-ba-asz-szi
ts: ibašši
en: is,
713. szu-ma ra-ma-an-szu
ts: šūma ramānšu
en: that one his own self
714. i-pa-at,-t,a-ar
ts: ipaṭṭar
en: shall redeem;
715. szum-ma i-na bi-ti-szu
ts: šumma ina bītišu
en: if in his house
716. sza pa-t,a-ri-szu
ts: ša paṭārim
en: that of redeeming
717. la i-ba-asz-szi
ts: la ibašši
en: is not,
718. i-na _e2 dingir iri_-szu
ts: ina bīt ili ālišu
en: from the house of the god of his city
719. ip-pa-at,-t,ar2
ts: ippaṭṭar
en: he shall be redeemed;
720. szum-ma i-na _e2_
ts: šumma ina bīt
en: if in the house
721. _dingir iri_-szu
ts: ili ālišu
en: of the god of his city
722. sza pa-t,a-ri-szu
ts: ša paṭārišu
en: that of his redeeming
723. la i-ba-asz-szi
ts: la ibašši
en: is not,
724. _e2-gal_ i-pa-at,-t,a-ar-szu
ts: ekallum ipaṭṭaršu
en: the palace shall redeem him;
725. _a-sza3_-szu _{gesz}kiri6_-szu
ts: eqelšu kirāšu
en: his field, his orchard
726. u3 _e2_-su2
ts: u bīssu
en: and his house
727. a-na ip-t,e-ri-szu
ts: ana ipṭerišu
en: for his redemption
728. u2-ul in-na-ad-di-in
ts: ūl innaddin
en: shall not be given.
law 33
729. szum-ma lu _gidri-gidri_
ts: šumma lu ša-ḫaṭṭātim
en: If a captain
730. u3 lu _nu-banda3_
ts: u lu laputtûm
en: or lieutenant
731. _erin2_ ni-is-ha-tim
ts: ṣāb nisḫātim
en: desserters
732. ir-ta-szi
ts: irtaši
en: has acquired
733. u3 lu a-na _kaskal_
ts: u lu ana ḫarrān
en: or to a campagain
734. szar-ri-im
ts: šarrim
en: of the king
735. _{lu2}hun-ga2_ pu-ha-am
ts: agram pūḫam
en: a hired replacement
736. im-hu-ur-ma
ts: imḫurma
en: he received and
737. ir-te-de
ts: irtede
en: and has led off,
738. lu _gidri-gidri_
ts: lu ša-ḫaṭṭātim
en: either that captain
739. u3 lu _nu-banda3_ szu-u2
ts: u lu laputtûm šū
en: or that lieutenant
740. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: shall be killed.
law 34
741. szum-ma lu _gidri-gidri_
ts: šumma lu ša-ḫaṭṭātim
en: if a captain
742. u3 lu _nu-banda3_
ts: u lu laputtûm
en: or a lieutenant
743. nu-ma-at _aga3-us2_ il-te-qe2
ts: numāt rēdîm ilteqe
en: the household furnishings of a soldier has taken,
744. _aga3-us2_ ih-ta-ba-al
ts: rēdâm iḫtabal
en: a footsoldier has done wrong,
745. _aga3-us2_ a-na ig-ri-im
ts: rēdâm ana igrim
en: a footsoldier to hire
746. it-ta-di-in
ts: ittadin
en: has given,
747. _aga3-us2_ i-na di-nim
ts: rēdâm ina dīnim
en: a footsoldier in a legal case
748. a-na dan-nim isz-ta-ra-ak
ts: ana dannim ištarak
en: to a strong one has presented,
749. qi2-isz-ti szar-ru-um
ts: qīšti šarrum
en: a gift the king
750. a-na _aga3-us2_ id-di-nu
ts: ana rēdîm iddinu
en: to the footsoldier gave
751. il-te-qi
ts: ilteqi
en: has taken,
752. lu _gidri-gidri_
ts: lu ša-ḫaṭṭātim
en: either that captain
753. u3 lu _nu-banda3_ szu-u2
ts: u lu laputtûm šū
en: or that lieutenant
754. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: shall be killed.
law 35
755. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
756. _ab2-gu4-hi-a_
ts: liātim
en: large cattle
757. u3 _u8-udu-hi-a_
ts: u ṣēnī
en: or small cattle
758. sza szar-ru-um
ts: ša šarrum
en: which the king
759. a-na _aga3-us2_
ts: ana rēdîm
en: to a footsoldier
760. id-di-nu
ts: iddinu
en: gave
761. i-na qa2-ti _aga3-us2_
ts: ina qāti rēdîm
en: from the hand of a footsoldier
762. isz-ta-am
ts: ištām
en: purchased,
763. i-na _ku3-babbar_-szu
ts: ina kaspišu
en: from his silver
764. i-te-el-li
ts: ītelli
en: he shall forfeit.
law 36
765. _a-sza3_-um _{gesz}kiri6_ u3 _e2_
ts: eqlum kirûm u bîtum
en: The field, orchard, or house
766. sza _aga3-us2 szu-ku6_
ts: ša rēdîm bā’erim
en: of a soldier, fisherman
767. u3 na-szi bi-il-tim
ts: ša nāši biltim
en: or carrier of a load,
768. a-na _ku3-babbar_
ts: ana kaspim
en: for silver
769. u2-ul i-na-ad-di-in
ts: ul innaddin
en: shall not be given.
law 37
770. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
771. _a-sza3 {gesz}kiri6_ u3 _e2_
ts: eqlam kirâm u bītam
en: a field, orchard, or house
772. sza _aga3-us2 szu-ku6_
ts: ša rēdîm bā’erim
en: of a soldier, fisherman
773. u3 na-szi _gun_
ts: ša nāši biltim
en: or carrier of a load,
774. isz-ta-am
ts: ištām
en: has purchased,
775. t,up-pa-szu
ts: ṭuppašu
en: his tablet
776. ih-he-ep-pe2
ts: iḫḫeppe
en: shall be smashed
777. u3 i-na _ku3-babbar_-szu
ts: u ina kaspišu
en: and his silver
778. i-te-el-li
ts: ītelli
en: he shall forfeit;
779. _a-sza3 {gesz}kiri6_ u3 _e2_
ts: eqlum kirûm u bītum
en: the field, orchard, or house
780. a-na be-li2-szu
ts: ana bēlišu
en: to its owner
781. i-ta-ar
ts: itâr
en: shall return.
law 38
782. _aga3-us2 szu-ku6_
ts: rēdûm bā’erum
en: A soldier, fisherman
783. u3 na-szi _un_
ts: u nāši biltim
en: or carrier of a load
784. i-na _a-sza3 {gesz}kiri6_ u3 _e2_
ts: ina eqlim kirîm u bītim
en: from a field, orchard, or house
785. sza il-ki-szu
ts: ša ilkišu
en: of his ilkum(-service)
786. a-na asz-sza-ti-szu
ts: ana aššatišu
en: to his wife
787. u3 _dumu-munus_-szu
ts: u mārtišu
en: or his daughter
788. u2-ul i-sza-at,-t,a-ar
ts: ūl išaṭṭar
en: shall not write over,
789. u3 a-na i-il-ti-szu
ts: u ana e’iltišu
en: or for his e’iltum(-debt)
790. u2-ul i-na-ad-di-in
ts: ūl inaddin
en: shall not give.
law 39
791. i-na _a-sza3 kiri6_ u3 _e2_
ts: ina eqlim kirîm u bītim
en: From a field, orchard, or house
792. sza i-sza-am-mu-ma
ts: ša išammuma
en: that he purchases and
793. i-ra-asz-szu-u2
ts: iraššû
en: owns
794. a-na asz-sza-ti-szu
ts: ana aššatīšu
en: to his wife
795. u3 _dumu-munus_-szu
ts: u mārtišu
en: or his daughter
796. i-sza-at,-t,ar2
ts: išaṭṭar
en: he shall write over,
797. u3 a-na e-hi-il-ti-szu
ts: u ana e’iltišu
en: or for his e’iltum(-debt)
798. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: shall give.
law 40
799. _lukur dam-gar3_
ts: nadītum tamkārum
en: A nadītum, a merchant
800. u3 il-kum a-hu-u2-um
ts: u ilkum aḫûm
en: or another ilkum(-service holder)
801. _a-sza3_-szu _{gesz}kiri6_-szu
ts: eqelšu kirāšu
en: his field, his orchard,
802. u3 _e2_-su2 a-na _ku3-babbar_
ts: u bissu ana kaspim
en: or his house for silver
803. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: shall sell;
804. sza-a-a-ma-nu-um
ts: šayyāmānum
en: the buyer
805. i-li-ik _a-sza3_
ts: īlik eqlim
en: the ilkum(-service) of the field
806. _{gesz}kiri6_ u3 _e2_
ts: kirîm u bītim
en: orchard, or house
807. sza i-sza-am-mu
ts: ša išammu
en: that he purchases
808. i-il-la-ak
ts: illak
en: shall perform.
law 41
809. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
810. _a-sza3 {gesz}kiri6_ u3 _e2_
ts: eqlam kirâm u bītam
en: a field, orchard, or house,
811. sza _aga3-us2 szu-ku6_
ts: ša rēdîm bā’erim
en: of a soldier, fisherman,
812. u3 na-szi bi-il-tim
ts: u nāši biltim
en: or carrier of the burden
813. u2-pi2-ih
ts: upīḫ
en: accepted
814. u3 ni-ip-la-tim
ts: u niplātim
en: and compensatory (payment)
815. id-di-in
ts: iddin
en: gave;
816. _aga3-us2 szu-ku6_
ts: rēdûm bā’erum
en: the footsoldier, fisherman,
817. u3 na-szi bi-il-tim
ts: u nāši biltim
en: or carrier of the burden
818. a-na _a-sza3_-szu _{gesz}kiri6_-szu u3 _e2_-szu
ts: ana eqlišu kirîšu u bītišu
en: for his field, his orchard, or his house
819. i-ta-ar
ts: itâr
en: shall reclaim,
820. u3 ni-ip-la-tim
ts: u niplātim
en: and the compensatory (payment)
821. sza in-na-ad-nu-szum
ts: ša innadnušum
en: that was given him
822. i-tab-ba-al
ts: itabbal
en: shall carry away.
law 42
823. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
824. _a-sza3_ a-na er-re-szu-tim
ts: eqlam ana errēšūtim
en: a field for cultivation
825. u2-sze-s,i-ma
ts: ušēṣīma
en: rented, and
826. i-na _a-sza3 sze_ la usz-tab-szi
ts: ina eqlim âm lā uštabši
en: in the field grain has not caused to be present,
827. i-na _a-sza3_ szi-ip-ri-im
ts: ina eqlim šiprim
en: of in the field his work
828. la e-pe2-szi-im
ts: lā epēšim
en: not doing
829. u2-ka-an-nu-szu-ma
ts: ukannūšūma
en: they shall prove, and
830. _sze_ ki-ma i-te-szu
ts: âm kīma itēšu
en: grain like (that) of his neighbor
831. a-na be-el _a-sza3_
ts: ana bēl eqlim
en: to the owner of the field
832. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: shall give.
law 43
833. szum-ma _a-sza3_-am la i-ri-isz-ma
ts: šumma eqlam lā irīšma
en: If the field he has not cultivated and
834. it-ta-di
ts: ittadi
en: has left fallow,
835. _sze_ ki-ma i-te-szu
ts: âm kīma itēšu
en: grain like (that) of his neighbor
836. a-na be-el _a-sza3_
ts: ana bēl eqlim
en: to the owner of the field
837. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give,
838. u3 _a-sza3_ sza id-du-u2
ts: u eqlam ša iddû
en: and field that he left fallow
839. ma-a-a-ri
ts: mayyārī
en: with plow
840. i-ma-ah-ha-as,
ts: imaḫḫaṣ
en: he shall strike
841. i-sza-ak-ka-ak-ma
ts: išakkakma
en: and harrow, and
842. a-na be-el _a-sza3_
ts: ana bēl eqlim
en: to the owner of the field
843. u2-ta-ar
ts: utâr
en: return.
law 44
844. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: if a man
845. _{a-sza3}kankal_
ts: kankallam
en: a k.-(field)
846. a-na _mu 3(disz)_
ts: ana šalaš šanātim
en: for 3 years
847. a-na te-ep-ti-tim
ts: ana teptītim
en: for opening
848. u2-sze-s,i-ma
ts: ušēṣīma
en: rented, and
849. a-ah-szu id-di-ma
ts: aḫšu iddima
en: he was negligent, and
850. _a-sza3_ la ip-te-te
ts: eqlam lā iptete
en: the field has not opened
851. i-na re-bu-tim
ts: ina rebūtim
en: in the fourth
852. sza-at-tim
ts: šattim
en: year
853. _a-sza3_ ma-a-a-ri
ts: eqlam mayyārī
en: field with plow
854. i-ma-ah-ha-as,
ts: imaḫḫaṣ
en: he shall strike
855. i-mar-ra-ar
ts: imarrar
en: hoe
856. u3 i-sza-ak-ka-ak-ma
ts: u išakkakma
en: and harrow, and
857. a-na be-el _a-sza3_
ts: ana bēl eqlim
en: to the owner of the field
858. u2-ta-ar
ts: utâr
en: return
859. u3 _1(bur3) GAN2-e_
ts: u būrem
en: and per bur3
860. _u sze gur_
ts: ešer kur âm
en: 10 kor grain
861. i-ma-ad-da-ad
ts: imaddad
en: measure out.
law 45
862. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: if a man
863. _a-sza3_-szu a-na _gun_
ts: eqelšu ana biltim
en: his field towards rent
864. a-na er-re-szi-im
ts: ana errēšim
en: for cultivating
865. id-di-in-ma
ts: iddinma
en: gave
866. u3 _gun a-sza3_-szu
ts: u bilat eqlišu
en: and the load of his field
867. im-ta-ha-ar
ts: imtaḫar
en: has received,
868. wa-ar-ka _a-sza3_
ts: warka eqlam
en: later the field
869. {d}iszkur ir-ta-hi-is,
ts: adda irtaḫis
en: Adad has devastated
870. u3 lu bi-ib-bu-lum
ts: u lu bibbilum
en: or a flood
871. it-ba-al
ts: itbal
en: carried away,
872. bi-ti-iq-tum
ts: bitiqtum
en: the loss
873. sza er-re-szi-im-ma
ts: ša errēšimma
en: is of the cultivator.
law 46
874. szum-ma _gun a-sza3_-szu
ts: šumma bilat eqlišu
en: If the rent for his field
875. la im-ta-ha-ar
ts: lā imtaḫar
en: he has not received,
876. u3 lu a-na mi-isz-la-ni
ts: u lū ana mišlāni
en: or on terms of a half share
877. u3 lu a-na sza-lu-usz
ts: u lū ana šaluš
en: or a third share
878. _a-sza3_ id-di-in
ts: eqlam iddin
en: the field he gave,
879. _sze_ sza i-na _a-sza3_
ts: še’am ša ina eqlim
en: whatever grain
880. ib-ba-asz-szu-u2
ts: ibbaššû
en: there is remaining
881. er-re-szum
ts: errēšum
en: the cultivator
882. u3 be-el _a-sza3_
ts: u bēl eqlim
en: and the owner of the field
883. a-na ap-szi-te-em
ts: ana apšītêm
en: in the agreed proportions
884. i-zu-uz-zu
ts: izuzzu
en: shall divide.
law 47
885. szum-ma er-re-szum
ts: šumma errēšum
en: If the cultivator
886. asz-szum i-na sza-at-tim
ts: aššum ina šattim
en: because in the year
887. mah-ri-tim
ts: maḫrītim
en: previous
888. ma-na-ha-ti-szu
ts: mānaḫātišu
en: his expenses
889. la il-qu2-u2
ts: lā ilqû
en: did not take,
890. _a-sza3_ e-re-sza-am iq-ta-bi
ts: eqlam erēšam iqtabi
en: the field to cultivate has ordered,
891. be-el _a-sza3_
ts: bēl eqlim
en: the owner of the field
892. u2-ul u2-up-pa-as
ts: ul uppas
en: shall not object;
893. er-re-su-ma
ts: errēssuma
en: his same cultivator
894. _a-sza3_-szu i-ir-ri-isz-ma
ts: eqelšu irrišma
en: his field shall cultivate, and
895. i-na _buru14_
ts: ina ebūrim
en: at the harvest
896. ki-ma ri-ik-sa-ti-szu
ts: kīma riksātišu
en: in accordance with his contract
897. _sze_ i-le-qe2
ts: še’am ileqqe
en: the grain shall take.
law 48
898. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
899. hu-bu-ul-lum
ts: ḫubullum
en: a debt
900. e-li-szu
ts: elišu
en: lodged against him
901. i-ba-asz-szi-ma
ts: ibaššīma
en: has, and
902. _a-sza3_-szu
ts: eqelšu
en: his field ,
903. {d}iszkur
ts: adad
en: Adad
904. ir-ta-hi-is,
ts: irtaḫiṣ
en: has devastated,
905. u3 lu-u2 bi-ib-bu-lum
ts: u lū bibbulum
en: or a flood
906. it-ba-al
ts: itbal
en: sweeps away the crops
907. u3 lu-u2 i-na lā me-e
ts: u lū ina lā mê
en: or due to insufficient water
908. _sze_ i-na _a-sza3_
ts: še’um ina eqlim
en: grain grown in the field
909. la it-tab-szi
ts: lā ittabši
en: there is none,
910. i-na sza-at-tim szu-a-ti
ts: ina šattim šuāti
en: in that year
911. _sze_ a-na be-el hu-bu-ul-li-szu
ts: še’am ana bēl ḫubullišu
en: grain to his creditor
912. u2-ul u2-ta-ar
ts: ul utâr
en: he shall not return;
913. t,up-pa-szu
ts: ṭuppašu
en: his tablet
914. u2-ra-at,-t,a-ab
ts: uraṭṭab
en: he shall suspend performance,
915. u3 s,i-ib-tam
ts: u ṣibtam
en: interest
916. sza sza-at-tim szu-a-ti
ts: ša šattim šuāti
en: for that year
917. u2-ul i-na-ad-di-in
ts: ul inaddin
en: he shall not give.
law 49
918. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
919. _ku3-babbar_ it-ti _dam-gar3_
ts: kaspam itti tamkārim
en: silver from a merchant
920. il-qe2-ma
ts: ilqēma
en: took, and
921. _a-sza3_ ep-e-tim
ts: eqel epšētim
en: a field prepared for planting
922. sza _sze_ u3 lu _sze-gisz-i3_
ts: ša še’im u lū šamaššammī
en: with either grain or sesame
923. a-na _dam-gar3_ id-di-in
ts: ana tamkārim iddin
en: to the merchant gave,
924. _a-sza3_ e-ri-isz-ma
ts: eqlam erišma
en: “The field cultivate and
925. _sze_ u3 lu-u2 _sze-gisz-i3_
ts: še’am u lū šamaššammī
en: as much grain or sesame
926. sza ib-ba-asz-szu-u2
ts: ša ibbaššû
en: as will be grown
927. e-si-ip ta-ba-al
ts: esip tabal
en: collect and take away,”
928. iq-bi-szum
ts: iqbīšum
en: said to him;
929. szum-ma er-re-szum
ts: šumma errēšum
en: if the cultivator
930. i-na _a-sza3 sze_
ts: ina eqlim še’am
en: in the field grain
931. u3 lu _sze-gisz-i3_
ts: u lū šamaššammī
en: or sesame
932. usz-tab-szi
ts: uštabši
en: has produced,
933. i-na _buru14 sze_ u3 _sze-gisz-i3_
ts: ina ebūrim še’am u šamaššammī
en: at the harvest the grain or sesame
934. sza i-na _a-sza3_ ib-ba-asz-szu-u2
ts: ša ina eqlim ibbaššû
en: that in the field is grown
935. be-el _a-sza3_-ma
ts: bēl eqlimma
en: only the owner of the field
936. i-le-qe2-ma
ts: ileqqēma
en: shall take, and
937. _sze_ sza _ku3-babbar_-szu
ts: še’am ša kaspišu
en: the grain (equivalent to) his silver
938. u3 s,i-ba-su2
ts: u ṣibassu
en: and the interest on it
939. sza it-ti _dam-gar3_
ts: ša itti tamkārim
en: that from the merchant
940. il-qu2-u2
ts: ilqû
en: he took,
941. u3 ma-na-ha-at
ts: u mānaḫāt
en: and the expenses
942. e-re-szi-im
ts: erēšim
en: of the cultivation
943. a-na _dam-gar3_
ts: ana tamkārim
en: to the merchant
944. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 50
945. szum-ma _a-sza3_ er-sza-am
ts: šumma eqel <še’im> eršam
en: If a field with barley
946. u3 lu-u2
ts: u lū
en: or
947. _a-sza3 sze-gisz-i3_
ts: eqel šamaššammī
en: a field with sesame
948. er-sza-am id-di-in
ts: eršam iddin
en: plowed and sown he gave,
949. _sze_ u3 lu _sze-gisz-i3_
ts: še’am u lū šamaššammī
en: the barley or sesame
950. sza i-na _a-sza3_
ts: ša ina eqlim
en: that in the field
951. ib-ba-asz-szu-u2
ts: ibbaššû
en: is grown,
952. be-el _a-sza3_-ma
ts: bēl eqlimma
en: only the owner of the field
953. i-le-qe2-ma
ts: ileqqēma
en: shall take, and
954. _ku3-babbar_ u3 s,i-ba-su2
ts: kaspam u ṣibassu
en: the silver and its interest
955. a-na _dam-gar3_ u2-ta-ar
ts: ana tamkārim utâr
en: to the merchant shall return.
law 51
956. szum-ma _ku3-babbar_
ts: šumma kaspam
en: If silver to repay
957. a-na tu-ur2-ri-im
ts: ana turrim
en: to return
958. la i-szu
ts: lā išu
en: he does not have,
959. _sze-gisz-i3_
ts: <še’am ulu> šamaššammī
en: <either barley or> sesame
960. a-na ma-hi-ra-ti-szu-nu
ts: ana maḫīrātišunu
en: according to their market value
961. sza _ku3-babbar_-szu
ts: ša kaspišu
en: for his silver
962. u3 s,i-ib-ti-szu
ts: u ṣibtišu
en: and its interest
963. sza it-ti _dam-gar3_ il-qu2-u2
ts: ša itti tamkārim ilqû
en: that from the merchant he took
964. a-na _ka_ s,i-im-da-at
ts: ana pī ṣimdat
en: in accordance with the edict
965. szar-ri-im
ts: šarrim
en: of the king
966. a-na _dam-gar3_ i-na-ad-di-in
ts: ana tamkārim inaddin
en: to the merchant he shall give.
law 52
967. szum-ma er-re-szum
ts: šumma errēšum
en: If the cultivator
968. i-na _a-sza3_ sze-am
ts: ina eqlim še’am
en: in the field barley
969. u3 lu _sze-gisz-i3_
ts: u lū šamaššammī
en: or sesame
970. la usz-tab-szi
ts: lā uštabši
en: should not produce
971. ri-ik-sa-ti-szu
ts: riksātišu
en: his contract
972. u2-ul i-in-ni
ts: ul inni
en: he shall not alter.
law 53
973. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
974. a-na _kar a-sza3_-szu
ts: ana kār eqlišu
en: the embankment of (the irrigation canal of) his field
975. du-un-nu-nim
ts: dunnunim
en: to reinforce
976. a-ah-szu id-di-ma
ts: aḫšu iddīma
en: neglects, and
977. _kar_-szu
ts: kāršu
en: its embankment
978. la u2-dan-ni-in-ma
ts: lā udanninma
en: does not reinforce, and
979. i-na _kar_-szu
ts: ina kārišu
en: in its embankment
980. pi2-tum it-te-ep-te
ts: pītum ittepte
en: and then a breach opens
981. u3 _a-gar3_ me-e usz-ta-bil2
ts: u ugāram mê uštābil
en: and the common irrigated area the water to carry away allows,
982. a-wi-lum
ts: awīlum
en: the man
983. sza i-na _kar_-szu
ts: ša ina kārišu
en: in whose embankment
984. pi2-tum ip-pe2-tu-u2
ts: pītum ippetû
en: the breach opened
985. _sze_ sza u2-hal-li-qu2
ts: še’am ša uḫalliqu
en: the barley whose loss he caused
986. i-ri-a-ab
ts: iriab
en: shall replace.
law 54
987. szum-ma _sze_ ri-a-ba-am
ts: šumma še’am riābam
en: If the grain to replace
988. la i-le-i
ts: lā ile’i
en: he cannot replace
989. szu-a-ti
ts: him
en: xxx
990. u3 bi-sza-szu
ts: u bīšašu
en: and his property
991. a-na _ku3-babbar_
ts: ana kaspim
en: for silver
992. i-na-ad-di-nu-ma
ts: inaddinūma
en: they shall give;
993. _dumu a-gar3-mesz_
ts: mārū ugārim
en: and the residents of the common irrigated area
994. sza _sze_-szu-nu
ts: ša še’šunu
en: whose barley crops
995. mu-u2 ub-lu
ts: mû ublu
en: the water carried away
996. i-zu-uz-zu
ts: izuzzu
en: shall divide (the proceeds).
law 55
997. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
998. a-tap-pa-szu
ts: atappašu
en: his branch of the canal neighbor’s field,
999. a-na szi-qi2-tim ip-te
ts: ana šiqītim ipte
en: for irrigation opened
1000. a-ah-szu id-di-ma
ts: aḫšu iddīma
en: and negligently
1001. _a-sza3_ i-te-szu
ts: eqel itēšu
en: his neighbor’s field
1002. me-e usz-ta-bil2
ts: mê uštābil
en: the water to carry away allowed,
1003. _sze_ ki-ma i-te-szu
ts: še’am kīma itēšu
en: barley like that of his neighbor
1004. i-ma-ad-da-ad
ts: imaddad
en: he shall measure out.
law 56
1005. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1006. me-e ip-te-ma
ts: mê iptēma
en: water opened, and
1007. ep-sze-tim sza _a-sza3_ i-te-szu
ts: epšētim ša eqel itēšu
en: whatever work has been done in his neighbor’s field
1008. me-e usz-ta-bil2
ts: mê uštābil
en: the water has let carry away,
1009. _1(bur3) GAN2-e_
ts: ana išten burim
en: per bur3 or field
1010. _1(u) sze gur_
ts: ešer kur še’am
en: 10 gur of barley
1011. i-ma-ad-da-ad
ts: imaddad
en: he shall measure out.
law 57
1012. szum-ma _sipa_
ts: šumma rē’ûm
en: If a shepherd
1013. a-na sza-am-mi
ts: ana šammī
en: with plants
1014. _u8 udu hi-a_ szu-ku-lim
ts: ṣēnim šūkulim
en: sheep and goats to feed
1015. it-ti be-el _a-sza3_
ts: itti bēl eqlim to graze
en: with the owner of the field
1016. la im-ta-gar3-ma
ts: lā imtagarma
en: has not agreed, and
1017. ba-lum be-el _a-sza3_
ts: balum bēl eqlim
en: without the permission of the owner of the field
1018. _a-sza3 u8 udu hi-a_
ts: eqlam ṣēnam
en: on the field sheep and goats
1019. usz-ta-ki-il
ts: uštākil
en: feeds,
1020. be-el _a-sza3 a-sza3_-szu
ts: bēl eqlim eqelšu
en: the owner of the field his field
1021. i-is,-s,i-id
ts: iṣṣid
en: shall harvest
1022. _sipa_ sza i-na ba-lum
ts: rē’ûm ša ina balum
en: and the shepherd who without (the permission)
1023. be-el _a-sza3_
ts: bēl eqlim
en: of the owner of the field
1024. _a-sza3 u8 udu hi-a_
ts: eqlam ṣēnam
en: on the field sheep and goats
1025. u2-sza-ki-lu
ts: ušākilu
en: fed,
1026. e-le-nu-um-ma
ts: elēnumma
en: in addition
1027. _1(bur3) GAN2-e_
ts: ana išten burim
en: per bur3 or field
1028. _2(u) sze gur_
ts: 20 kur še’am
en: 20 gur of barley
1029. a-na be-el _a-sza3_
ts: ana bēl eqlim
en: to the owner of the field
1030. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: shall give.
law 58
1031. szum-ma isz-tu _u8 udu hi-a_
ts: šumma ištu ṣēnum
en: If, after the sheep and goats
1032. i-na _a-gar3_
ts: ina ugārim
en: from the common irrigated area
1033. i-te-li-a-nim
ts: ītelianim
en: have come up
1034. ka-an-nu ga-ma-ar-tim
ts: kannu gamartim
en: when the pennants announcing the termination of pasturing
1035. i-na _abul_
ts: ina abullim
en: around the main city-gate
1036. it-ta-ah-la-lu
ts: ittaḫlalu
en: are wound
1037. _sipa u8 udu hi-a_
ts: rē’ûm ṣēnam
en: the shepherd the sheep and goats
1038. a-na _a-sza3_ id-di-ma
ts: ana eqlim iddīma
en: into a field releases
1039. _a-sza3 u8 udu hi-a_
ts: eqlam ṣēnam
en: and in the field the sheep and goats
1040. usz-ta-ki-il
ts: uštākil
en: has fed,
1041. _sipa a-sza3_ u2-sza-ki-lu
ts: rē’ûm eqel ušākilu
en: the shepherd the field where he fed
1042. i-na-s,a-ar-ma
ts: inaṣṣarma
en: shall guard, and
1043. i-na _buru14_
ts: ina ebūrim
en: at the harvest
1044. _1(bur3) GAN2-e_
ts: ana išten burim
en: per 1 bur3 of field
1045. _1(gesz2) sze gur_
ts: išten šuši kur še’am
en: 60 kur of barley
1046. a-na be-el _a-sza3_
ts: ana bēl eqlim
en: to the owner of the field
1047. i-ma-ad-da-ad
ts: imaddad
en: he shall measure out.
law 59
1048. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1049. ba-lum be-el _{gesz}kiri6_
ts: balum bēl kirîm
en: without (the permission of) the owner of the date orchard
1050. i-na _{gesz}kiri6_ a-wi-lim
ts: ina kirī awīlim
en: in a date orchard of a man
1051. i-s,a-am ik-ki-is
ts: iṣam ikkis
en: a tree cut down,
1052. 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: mišil mina kaspam
en: 1/2 mina of silver
1053. i-sza-qal
ts: išaqqal
en: he shall weigh out.
law 60
1054. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1055. _a-sza3_ a-na _{gesz}kiri6_ za-qa2-pi2-im
ts: eqlam ana kirîm zaqāpim
en: a field as a date orchard to plant
1056. a-na _nu-{gesz}kiri6_ id-di-in
ts: ana nukaribbim iddin
en: to an orchardist gave,
1057. _nu-{gesz}kiri6_
ts: nukaribbum
en: and the orchardist
1058. _{gesz}kiri6_ iz-qu2-up
ts: kiriam izqup
en: the orchard planted,
1059. _mu 4(disz)-kam_
ts: erbe šanātim
en: for 4 years
1060. _{gesz}kiri6_ u2-ra-ab-ba
ts: kiriam urabba
en: the orchard he shall cultivate;
1061. i-na ha-mu-usz-tim
ts: ina ḫamuštim
en: in the fifth
1062. sza-at-tim
ts: šattim
en: year,
1063. be-el _{gesz}kiri6_
ts: bēl kirîm
en: the owner of the orchard
1064. u3 _nu-{gesz}kiri6_
ts: u nukaribbum
en: and the orchardist
1065. mi-it-ha-ri-isz
ts: mitḫāriš
en: (the yield) equally
1066. i-zu-zu
ts: izuzzu
en: shall divide;
1067. be-el _{gesz}kiri6_
ts: bēl kirîm
en: the owner of the orchard
1068. _ha-la_-szu
ts: zittašu
en: his share
1069. i-na-sa3-aq-ma
ts: inassaqma
en: shall select and
1070. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: take.
law 61
1071. szum-ma _nu-{gesz}kiri6_
ts: šumma nukaribbum
en: If the orchardist
1072. _a-sza3_ i-na za-qa2-pi2-im
ts: eqlam ina zaqāpim
en: the planting of (the date orchard in) the field
1073. la ig-mur-ma
ts: lā igmurma
en: did not complete
1074. ni-di-tam i-zi-ib
ts: nidītam īzib
en: but an uncultivated area left,
1075. ni-di-tam
ts: nidītam
en: the uncultivated area
1076. a-na li-ib-bi _ha-la_-szu
ts: ana libbi zittišu
en: in his share
1077. i-sza-ak-ka-nu-szum
ts: išakkanūšum
en: they shall set for him.
law 62
1078. szum-ma _a-sza3_
ts: šumma eqlam
en: If the field
1079. sza in-na-ad-nu-szum
ts: ša innadnušum
en: that was given to him
1080. a-na _{gesz}kiri6_ la iz-qu2-up
ts: ana kirîm lā izqup he did not plant—
en: as a date orchard
1081. szum-ma _ab-sin2_
ts: šumma šer’um
en: if it is arable land,
1082. _gun a-sza3_
ts: bilat eqlim
en: the yield of the field
1083. sza sza-na-tim
ts: ša šanātim
en: for the years
1084. sza in-na-du-u2
ts: ša innadû
en: it is left fallow
1085. _nu-{gesz}kiri6_
ts: nukaribbum
en: the orchardist
1086. a-na be-el _a-sza3_
ts: ana bēl eqlim
en: to the owner of the field
1087. ki-ma i-te-szu
ts: like that of his neighbor
1088. i-ma-ad-da-ad
ts: imaddad
en: shall measure out;
1089. u3 _a-sza3_ szi-ip-ra-am
ts: u eqlam šipram
en: furthermore the required field work
1090. i-ip-pe2-esz-ma
ts: ippešma
en: he shall perform, and
1091. a-na be-el _a-sza3_ u2-ta-ar
ts: ana bēl eqlim utâr
en: to the owner of the field return it.
law 63
1092. szum-ma _a-sza3 dubad_
ts: šumma eqlum apītum
en: If it is fallow land,
1093. _a-sza3_ szi-ip-ra-am
ts: eqlam šipram
en: the required field work
1094. i-ip-pe2-esz-ma
ts: ippešma
en: he shall perform, and
1095. _a-sza3_ be-el _a-sza3_
ts: ana bēl eqlim
en: to the owner of the field
1096. u2-ta-ar
ts: utâr
en: return it;
1097. u3 _1(bur3) GAN2-e_
ts: u ana išten burim
en: and per bur3 of field
1098. 1(u) _sze gur_
ts: ešer kur še’am
en: 10 gur barley
1099. sza sza-at-tim
ts: ša šattim
en: per year
1100. isz-ti-a-at
ts: ištiat
en: each
1101. i-ma-ad-da-ad
ts: imaddad
en: he shall measure out.
law 64
1102. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1103. _{gesz}kiri6_-szu
ts: kirāšu
en: his orchard
1104. a-na _nu-{gesz}kiri6_
ts: ana nukaribbim
en: to a orchardist
1105. a-na ru-ku-bi-im
ts: ana rukkubim
en: to pollinate (the date palms)
1106. id-di-in
ts: iddin
en: gave,
1107. _nu-{gesz}kiri6_
ts: nukaribbum
en: the orchardist
1108. a-di _{gesz}kiri6_ s,a-ab-tu
ts: adi kirâm ṣabtu
en: as long as the orchard he holds,
1109. i-na bi-la-at _{gesz}kiri6_
ts: ina bilat kirîm
en: of the yield of the orchard
1110. szi-it-ti-in
ts: šittīn
en: two thirds
1111. a-na be-el _{gesz}kiri6_
ts: ana bēl kirîm
en: to the owner of the orchard
1112. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: he shall give
en: xxx
1113. sza-lu-usz-tam
ts: šaluštam
en: and one third
1114. szu-u2 i-le-qe2
ts: šū ileqqe
en: that one shall take.
law 65
1115. szum-ma _nu-{gesz}kiri6_
ts: šumma nukaribbum
en: If the orchardist
1116. _{gesz}kiri6_ la u2-ra-ak-ki-ib-ma
ts: kirâm lā urakkibma
en: (date palms in the) orchard did not pollinate, and
1117. bi-il-tam um-ta-t,i
ts: biltam umtaṭṭi
en: thus the yield diminished,
1118. _nu-{gesz}kiri6_
ts: nukaribbum
en: the orchardist
1119. bi-la-at _{gesz}kiri6_
ts: bilat kirîm
en: a yield for the orchard
1120. a-na i-te-szu
ts: ana <bēl kirîm kīma> itēšu
en: to <the owner of the orchard like that of> his neighbor
n lines broken
1121'. i-ma-ad-da-ad
ts: imaddad
en: he shall measure out.
1122'. [...]
ts: [...]
en: ...
1123'. s,i-ba-a-at _ku3-babbar_
ts: ṣibāt kaspim
en: interest of the silver,
1124'. ma-la il-qu2-u2
ts: mala ilqû
en: as much as he took,
1125'. i-sa-ad-dar-ma
ts: isaddarma
en: he shall go about and
1126'. u4-mi-szu
ts: ūmīšu
en: per his days
1127'. i-ma-an-nu-u2-ma
ts: imannūma
en: he shall calculate, and
1128'. _dam-gar3_-szu
ts: tamkāršu
en: his merchant
1129'. i-ip-pa-al
ts: ippal
en: he shall satisfy.
law 101
1130'. szum-ma a-szar il-li-ku
ts: šumma ašar illiku
en: If where he went
1131'. ne-me-lam
ts: nēmelam
en: profit
1132'. la i-ta-mar
ts: lā ītamar
en: he has not seen,
1133'. _ku3-babbar_ il-qu2-u2
ts: kasap ilqû
en: the silver he took
1134'. usz-ta-sza-na-ma
ts: uštašannāma
en: twofold
1135'. _szaman2-la2_ a-na _dam-gar3_
ts: šamallûm ana tamkārim
en: the trading agent to the merchant
1136'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: shall give.
law 102
1137'. szum-ma _dam-gar3_
ts: šumma tamkārum
en: If a merchant
1138'. a-na _szaman2-la2_
ts: ana šamallîm
en: to a trading agent
1139'. _ku3-babbar_ a-na ta-ad-mi-iq-tim
ts: kaspam ana tadmiqtim
en: silver for an investment venture
1140'. it-ta-di-in-ma
ts: ittadinma
en: has given, and
1141'. a-szar il-li-ku
ts: ašar illiku
en: where he went
1142'. bi-ti-iq-tam
ts: bitiqtam
en: a loss
1143'. i-ta-mar
ts: ītamar
en: he has seen,
1144'. qa2-qa2-ad _ku3-babbar_
ts: qaqqad kaspim
en: the capital of silver
1145'. a-na _dam-gar3_ u2-ta-ar
ts: ana tamkārim utâr
en: to the merchant he shall return,
law 103
1146'. szum-ma har-ra-nam
ts: šumma ḫarrānam
en: If a trip
1147'. i-na a-la-ki-szu
ts: ina alākišu
en: in his going
1148'. na-ak-ru-um
ts: nakrum
en: enemy forces
1149'. mi-im-ma sza na-szu-u2
ts: mimma ša našû
en: whatever he is transporting
1150'. usz-ta-ad-di-szu
ts: uštaddīšu
en: have made him abandon,
1151'. _szaman2-la2_ ni-isz i-lim
ts: šamallûm nīš ilim
en: the trading agent by the life of a god
1152'. i-za-kar-ma
ts: izakkarma
en: shall swear, and
1153'. u2-ta-asz-szar
ts: ūtaššar
en: he shall be released,
law 104
1154'. szum-ma _dam-gar3_
ts: šumma tamkārum
en: If a merchant gives
1155'. a-na _szaman2-la2_
ts: ana šamallîm
en: to a trading agent
1156'. _sze siki i3-gisz_
ts: še’am šipātim šamnam
en: barley, wool, oil,
1157'. u3 mi-im-ma bi-sza-am
ts: u mimma bīšam
en: or any other commodity
1158'. a-na pa-sza-ri-im
ts: ana pašārim
en: for local transactions
1159'. id-di-in
ts: iddin
en: gave,
1160'. _szaman2-la2 ku3-babbar_
ts: šamallûm kaspam
en: the trading agent the silver
1161'. i-sa-ad-dar-ma
ts: isaddarma
en: shall up and
1162'. a-na _dam-gar3_
ts: ana tamkārim
en: to the merchant
1163'. u2-ta-ar
ts: utâr
en: return;
1164'. _szaman2-la2_ ka-ni-ik _ku3-babbar_
ts: šamallûm kanīk kaspim
en: the trading agent a sealed document for (each payment in) silver
1165'. sza a-na _dam-gar3_
ts: ša ana tamkārim
en: that to the merchant
1166'. i-na-ad-di-nu
ts: inaddinu
en: he gives
1167'. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: shall take.
law 105
1168'. szum-ma _szaman2-la2_
ts: šumma šamallûm
en: If the trading agent
1169'. i-te-gi-ma
ts: ītegīma
en: has been negligent, and
1170'. ka-ni-ik _ku3-babbar_
ts: kanīk kaspim
en: a sealed document for (each payment in) silver
1171'. sza a-na _dam-gar3_
ts: ša ana tamkārim
en: that to the merchant
1172'. id-di-nu
ts: iddinu
en: he gave
1173'. la-il-te-qe2
ts: lā ilteqe
en: has not taken,
1174'. _ku3-babbar_ la ka-ni-ki-im
ts: kasap lā kanīkim
en: any silver not of a sealed document
1175'. a-na ni-ik-ka-as-si2-im
ts: ana nikkassim
en: in the account
1176'. u2-ul isz-sza-ak-ka-an
ts: ul iššakkan
en: shall not be placed.
law 106
1177'. szum-ma _szaman2-la2_
ts: šumma šamallûm
en: If the trading agent
1178'. _ku3-babbar_ it-ti _dam-gar3_
ts: kaspam itti tamkārim
en: silver from the merchant
1179'. il-qe2-ma
ts: ilqēma
en: took, but
1180'. _dam-gar3_-szu
ts: tamkāršu
en: then his merchant
1181'. it-ta-ki-ir
ts: ittakir
en: contradicts,
1182'. _dam-gar3_ szu-u2
ts: tamkārum šū
en: that merchant
1183'. i-na ma-har i-lim u3 szi-bi
ts: ina maḫar ilim u šībī
en: before god and witnesses
1184'. i-na _ku3-babbar_ le-qe2-em
ts: ina kaspim leqêm
en: concerning the silver taken
1185'. _szaman2-la2_ u2-ka-an-ma
ts: šamallâm ukânma
en: against the trading agent shall prove, and
1186'. _szaman2-la2 ku3-babbar_
ts: šamallûm kaspam
en: the trading agent of silver
1187'. ma-la il-qu2-u2
ts: mala ilqû
en: however much he took,
1188'. _a-ra2_ 3(disz)-szu a-na _dam-gar3_
ts: adi šalāšīšu ana tamkārim
en: 3-fold to the merchant
1189'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: shall give.
law 107
1190'. szum-ma _dam-gar3 ku3-babbar_
ts: šumma tamkārum kaspam
en: If a merchant silver
1191'. _szaman2-la2_ i-qi2-ip-ma
ts: šamallâm iqīpma
en: to a trading agent entrusted, and
1192'. _szaman2-la2_ mi-im-ma
ts: šamallûm mimma
en: the trading agent everything
1193'. sza _dam-gar3_ id-di-nu-szum
ts: ša tamkārum iddinušum
en: that the merchant gave him
1194'. a-na _dam-gar3_-szu
ts: ana tamkārišu
en: to his merchant
1195'. ut-te-er
ts: uttēr
en: has returned,
1196'. _dam-gar3_ mi-im-ma
ts: tamkārum mimma
en: but the merchant everything
1197'. sza _szaman2-la2_
ts: ša šamallûm
en: that the trading agent
1198'. id-di-nu-szum
ts: iddinušum
en: gave him
1199'. it-ta-ki-ir-szu
ts: ittakiršu
en: has contradicted,
1200'. _szaman2-la2_ szu-u2
ts: šamallûm šū
en: that trading agent
1201'. i-na ma-har i-lim u3 szi-bi
ts: ina maḫar ilim u šībī
en: before god and witnesses
1202'. _dam-gar3_ u2-ka-an-ma
ts: tamkāram ukânma
en: against the merchant shall prove, and
1203'. _dam-gar3_ asz-szum _szaman2-la2_-szu
ts: tamkārum aššum šamallâšu
en: the merchant, because his trading agent
1204'. ik-ki-ru
ts: ikkiru
en: he contradicted,
1205'. mi-im-ma sza il-qu2-u2
ts: mimma ša ilqû
en: whatever he took
1206'. _a-ra2_ 6(disz)-szu
ts: adi šiššīšu
en: 6-fold
1207'. a-na _szaman2-la2_
ts: ana šamallêm
en: to the trading agent
1208'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 108
1209'. szum-ma _munus-kurun-na_
ts: šumma sābītum
en: If an alewife
1210'. a-na _sa10 kasz_
ts: ana šīm šikarim
en: for the price of beer
1211'. _sze_ la im-ta-har
ts: še’am lā imtaḫar
en: barley has not accepted,
1212'. i-na _na4_ ra-bi-tim
ts: ina abnim rabītim
en: but by the large stone
1213'. _ku3-babbar_ im-ta-har
ts: kaspam imtaḫar
en: silver has accepted,
1214'. u3 _ganba kasz_
ts: u maḫīr šikarim
en: and the market price of beer
1215'. a-na _ganba sze_ um-ta-t,i
ts: ana maḫīr še’im umtaṭṭi
en: to the market price of barley has reduced,
1216'. _munus-kurun-na_ szu-a-ti
ts: sābītam šuāti
en: against that alewife
1217'. u2-ka-an-nu-szi-ma
ts: ukannūšima
en: they shall prove, and
1218'. a-na me-e
ts: ana mê
en: into the water
1219'. i-na-ad-du-u2-szi
ts: inaddûši
en: they shall cast her.
law 109
1220'. szum-ma _munus-kurun-na_
ts: šumma sābītum
en: If an alewife:
1221'. sa3-ar-ru-tum
ts: sarrūtum
en: criminals
1222'. i-na _e2_-sza
ts: ina bītiša
en: in her house
1223'. it-tar-ka-su2-ma
ts: ittarkasūma
en: have gathered, and
1224'. sa3-ar-ru-tim szu-nu-ti
ts: sarrūtim šunūti
en: those criminals
1225'. la is,-s,a-ab-tam-ma
ts: lā iṣṣabtamma
en: she has not seized
1226'. a-na _e2-gal_
ts: ana ekallim
en: to the palace
1227'. la ir-de-a-am
ts: lā irdeam
en: led off,
1228'. _munus-kurun-na_ szi-i
ts: sābītum šī
en: that alewife
1229'. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: shall be killed.
law 110
1230'. szum-ma _lukur nin-dingir_
ts: šumma nadītum ugbabtum
en: If a nadītu or an ugbabtu
1231'. sza i-na _ga2-gi4-a_
ts: ša ina gagîm
en: who within the cloister
1232'. la wa-asz-ba-at
ts: lā wašbat
en: does not reside
1233'. _e2 kurun-na_ ip-te-te
ts: bīt sībim iptete
en: a tavern has opened
1234'. u3 lu a-na _kasz_
ts: u lū ana šikarim
en: for beer
1235'. a-na _e2 kurun-na_
ts: ana bīt sībim
en: a tavern
1236'. i-te-ru-ub
ts: īterub
en: has entered,
1237'. a-wi-il-tam szu-a-ti
ts: awīltam šuāti
en: that woman
1238'. i-qal-lu-u2-szi
ts: iqallûši
en: they shall burn.
law 111
1239'. szum-ma _munus-kurun-na_
ts: šumma sābītum
en: If an alewife
1240'. 1(disz) _kasz dida ka gag_
ts: ištēn pīḫam
en: one vat of beer
1241'. a-na qi2-ip-tim id-di-in
ts: ana qīptim iddin
en: as a loan(?) gave,
1242'. i-na _buru14_
ts: ina ebūrim
en: at the harvest
1243'. 5(ban2) _sze_ i-le-qe2
ts: ḫamšat sūt še’am ileqqe
en: 5 sūtu of barley she shall take.
law 112
1244'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1245'. i-na har-ra-nim
ts: ina ḫarrānim
en: in a trading expedition
1246'. wa-szi-ib-ma
ts: wašibma
en: is engaged, and
1247'. _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 na4_
ts: kaspam ḫurāṣam abnam
en: silver, gold, precious stones
1248'. u3 bi-isz qa2-ti-szu
ts: u bīš qātišu
en: or any other goods of his hand
1249'. a-na a-wi-lim
ts: ana awīlim
en: to a man
1250'. id-di-in-ma
ts: iddinma
en: gave, and
1251'. a-na sze20-bu-ul-tim
ts: ana šēbultim
en: under consignment
1252'. u2-sza-bil2-szu
ts: ušābilšu
en: caused him to transport,
1253'. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man
1254'. mi-im-ma sza szu-bu-lu
ts: mimma ša šūbulu
en: and that which was consigned
1255'. a-szar szu-bu-lu
ts: ašar šūbulu
en: where it was to be consigned
1256'. la id-di-in-ma
ts: lā iddinma
en: did not give, but
1257'. it-ba-al
ts: itbal
en: took away,
1258'. be-el sze20-bu-ul-tim
ts: bēl šēbultim
en: the owner of the consigned property
1259'. a-wi-lam szu-a-ti
ts: awīlam šuāti
en: against that man
1260'. i-na mi-im-ma
ts: ina mimma
en: of whatever
1261'. sza szu-bu-lu-ma
ts: ša šūbuluma
en: consignment
1262'. la id-di-nu
ts: lā iddinu
en: he did not give
1263'. u2-ka-an-nu-szu-ma
ts: ukânšuma
en: shall prove, and
1264'. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man
1265'. _a-ra2_ 5(disz)-szu mi-im-ma
ts: adi hamšīšu mimma
en: 5-fold the whatever
1266'. sza in-na-ad-nu-szum
ts: ša innadnušum
en: had been given to him
1267'. a-na be-el szi-bu-ul-tim
ts: ana bēl šēbultim
en: to the owner of the consigned property
1268'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: shall give.
law 113
1269'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1270'. e-li a-wi-lim
ts: eli awīlim
en: against a man
1271'. _sze_ u3 _ku3-babbar_ i-szu-ma
ts: še’am u kaspam išūma
en: of barley or silver has (a claim),
1272'. i-na ba-lum be-el _sze_
ts: ina balum bēl še’im
en: without (obtaining permission from) the owner of the barley
1273'. i-na na-asz-pa-ki-im
ts: ina našpakim
en: from the granary
1274'. u3 lu i-na ma-asz-ka-nim
ts: u lū ina maškanim
en: or from the threshing floor
1275'. _sze_ il-te-qe2
ts: še’am ilteqe
en: barley has taken,
1276'. a-wi-lam szu-a-ti
ts: awīlam šuāti
en: that man
1277'. i-na ba-lum be-el _sze_
ts: ina balum bēl še’im
en: without (obtaining permission from) the owner of the barley
1278'. i-na na-asz-pa-ki-im
ts: ina našpakim
en: from the granary
1279'. u3 lu i-na _kislah_
ts: u lū ina maškanim
en: or from the threshing floor
1280'. i-na _sze_ le-qe2-em
ts: ina še’im leqêm
en: of barley taking
1281'. u2-ka-an-nu-szu-ma
ts: ukannūšuma
en: they shall prove, and
1282'. _sze_ ma-la il-qu2-u2
ts: še’am mala ilqû
en: as much barley as he took;
1283'. u2-ta-ar
ts: utâr
en: he shall return;
1284'. u3 i-na mi-im-ma szum-szu
ts: u ina mimma šumšu
en: moreover, whatever
1285'. ma-la id-di-nu
ts: mala iddinu
en: he gave,
1286'. i-te-el-li
ts: he shall forfeit.
en: xxx
law 114
1287'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man .
1288'. e-li a-wi-lim
ts: eli awīlim
en: against a man
1289'. _sze_ u3 _ku3-babbar_
ts: še’am u kaspam
en: of barley or silver
1290'. la i-szu-ma
ts: lā išūma
en: (a claim) does not have, but
1291'. ni-pu-su2 it-te-pe2
ts: nipûssu ittepe
en: but a member of his household has distrained, and
1292'. a-na ni-pu-tim
ts: ana nipûtim
en: for a distrainee,
1293'. isz-ti-a-at
ts: ištiat
en: each one,
1294'. 1/3(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: šaluš mina kaspam
en: 1/3 mina of silver
1295'. i-sza-qal
ts: išaqqal
en: he shall weigh out.
law 115
1296'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man has ,
1297'. e-li a-wi-lim
ts: eli awīlim
en: against a man
1298'. _sze_ u3 _ku3-babbar_
ts: še’am u kaspam
en: of barley or silver
1299'. i-szu-ma
ts: išūma
en: (a claim) has, and
1300'. ni-pu-su2 ip-pe2-ma
ts: nipûssu ippēma
en: a member of his household distrained, and
1301'. ni-pu-tum
ts: nipûtum
en: the distrainee
1302'. i-na _e2_ ne-pi2-sza
ts: ina bīt nēpīša
en: in the house of her distrainer
1303'. i-na szi-ma-ti-sza
ts: ina šīmātiša
en: to her destiny
1304'. im-tu-ut
ts: imtūt
en: has died, ,
1305'. di-nu-um szu-u2
ts: dīnum šū
en: that case
1306'. ru-gu-um-ma-am
ts: rugummâm
en: no claim
1307'. u2-ul i-szu
ts: ul išu
en: has.
law 116
1308'. szum-ma ni-pu-tum
ts: šumma nipûtum
en: If the distrainee
1309'. i-na _e2_ ne-pi2-sza
ts: ina bīt nēpīša
en: in the house of her distrainer
1310'. i-na ma-ha-s,i2-im
ts: ina maḫāṣim
en: from beating
1311'. u3-lu i-na usz-szu-szi-im
ts: u lū ina uššušim
en: or other physical abuse
1312'. im-tu-ut
ts: imtūt
en: has died,
1313'. be-el ni-pu-tim
ts: bēl nipûtim
en: the owner of the distrainee
1314'. _dam-gar3_-szu
ts: tamkāršu
en: against his merchant
1315'. u2-ka-an-ma
ts: ukânma
en: shall prove, and
1316'. szum-ma _dumu_ a-wi-lim
ts: šumma mār awīlim
en: if (the distrainee) is the son of a man,
1317'. _dumu_-szu i-du-uk-ku
ts: mārašu idukkū
en: his (the distrainer’s) son they shall kill;
1318'. szum-ma _ARAD2_ a-wi-lim
ts: šumma warad awīlim
en: if the slave of a man,
1319'. 1/3(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: 1/3 mana kaspam
en: 1/3 mina of silver
1320'. i-sza-qal
ts: išaqqal
en: he shall weigh out;
1321'. u3 i-na mi-im-ma szum-szu
ts: u ina mimma šumšu
en: moreover, whatever
1322'. ma-la id-di-nu
ts: mala iddinu
en: he gave,
1323'. i-te-el-li
ts: ītelli
en: he shall forfeit.
law 117
1324'. szum-ma a-wi-lam
ts: šumma awīlam
en: If a man
1325'. e-'i3-il-tum
ts: e’iltum
en: an obligation
1326'. is,-ba-su2-ma
ts: iṣbassuma
en: held, and
1327'. _dam_-su2 _dumu_-szu u3 _dumu-munus_-su2
ts: aššassu mārašu u mārassu
en: his wife, his son, or his daughter
1328'. a-na _ku3-babbar_ id-di-in
ts: ana kaspim iddin
en: for silver he sold
1329'. u3 lu a-na ki-isz-sza-tim
ts: u lū ana kiššātim
en: or into debt service
1330'. it-ta-an-di-in
ts: ittandin
en: has given,
1331'. _mu 3(disz)-kam_
ts: šalaš šanātim
en: three years
1332'. _e2_ sza-a-a-ma-ni-szu-nu
ts: bīt šayyāmānišunu
en: in the house of their buyer
1333'. u3 ka-szi-szi-szu-nu
ts: u kāšišišunu
en: or of the one who holds them
1334'. i-ip-pe2-szu i-na re-bu-tim
ts: ippešū ina rebūtim
en: they shall perform service; in the fourth
1335'. sza-at-tim
ts: šattim
en: year
1336'. an-du-ra-ar-szu-nu
ts: andurāršunu
en: their release
1337'. isz-sza-ak-ka-an
ts: iššakkan
en: shall be secured
law 118
1338'. szum-ma _ARAD2_ u3 lu _geme2_
ts: šumma wardam u lū amtam
en: If a male or female slave
1339'. a-na ki-isz-sza-tim
ts: ana kiššātim
en: into debt service
1340'. it-ta-an-di-in
ts: ittandin
en: he has given,
1341'. _dam-gar3_ u2-sze-te-eq
ts: tamkārum ušetteq
en: the merchant may extend the term (beyond three years),
1342'. a-na _ku3-babbar_ i-na-ad-din
ts: ana kaspim inaddin
en: for silver may give;
1343'. u2-ul ib-ba-qar
ts: ul ibbaqqar
en: there are no grounds for a claim.
law 119
1344'. szum-ma a-wi-lam
ts: šumma awīlam
en: If a man
1345'. e-'i3-il-tum
ts: e’iltum
en: an obligation
1346'. is,-ba-su2-ma
ts: iṣbassuma
en: held, and
1347'. _geme2_-su2 sza _dumu-mesz_ ul-du-szum
ts: amassu ša mārī uldušum
en: his slave woman who has borne him children
1348'. a-na _ku3-babbar_ it-ta-din
ts: ana kaspim ittadin
en: for silver he has given,
1349'. _ku3-babbar dam-gar3_ isz-qu2-lu
ts: kasap tamkārum išqulu
en: the silver that the merchant weighed out
1350'. be-el _geme2_ i-sza-qal-ma
ts: bēl amtim išaqqalma
en: the owner of the slave woman shall weigh out;
1351'. _geme2_-su2 i-pa-t,ar2
ts: amassu ipaṭṭar
en: his slave woman he shall redeem.
law 120
1352'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1353'. sze-szu a-na na-asz-pa-ku-tim
ts: še’ašu ana našpakūtim
en: his barley for grain storage
1354'. i-na _e2_ a-wi-lim
ts: ina bīt awīlim
en: in the house of a man
1355'. isz-pu-uk-ma
ts: išpukma
en: heaped up, and
1356'. i-na qa2-ri-tim
ts: ina qarītim
en: in the storage bin
1357'. i-ib-bu-u2-um it-tab-szi
ts: ibbûm ittabši
en: a loss has occured,
1358'. u3 lu be-el _e2_
ts: u lū bēl bītim
en: or the owner of the house
1359'. na-asz-pa-kam ip-te-ma
ts: našpakam iptēma
en: the granary opened, and
1360'. _sze_ il-qe2
ts: še’am ilqe
en: the barley took,
1361'. u3 lu _sze_ sza a-na _e2_-szu
ts: u lū še’am ša ina bītišu
en: or the barley that in his house
1362'. isz-sza-ap-ku
ts: iššapku
en: was heaped up
1363'. a-na ga-am-ri-im
ts: ana gamrim
en: completely
1364'. it-ta-ki-ir
ts: ittakir
en: has contradicted,
1365'. be-el _sze_ ma-har i-lim
ts: bēl še’im maḫar ilim
en: the owner of the barley before the god
1366'. sze-szu u2-ba-ar-ma
ts: še’ašu ubârma
en: his barley shall prove, and
1367'. be-el _e2_
ts: bēl bītim
en: the owner of the house
1368'. _sze_ sza il-qu2-u2
ts: še’am ša ilqû
en: the barley that he took (in storage)
1369'. usz-ta-sza-na-ma
ts: uštašannāma
en: he shall double, and
1370'. a-na be-el _sze_
ts: ana bēl še’im
en: to the owner of the barley
1371'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: give.
law 121
1372'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1373'. i-na _e2_ a-wi-lim
ts: ina bīt awīlim
en: in the house of a man
1374'. _sze_ isz-pu-uk
ts: še’am išpuk
en: barley heaped up,
1375'. i-na sza-na-at
ts: ina šanat
en: per annum
1376'. a-na _1(asz) sze gur-e 5(disz) sila3 sze_
ts: ana išten kur še’im ḫamšat qa še’am
en: and 1 kor of barley, 5 silas of barley
1377'. _a2_ na-asz-pa-ki-im
ts: idī našpakim
en: as rent of the granary
1378'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 122
1379'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1380'. a-na a-wi-lim
ts: ana awīlim
en: to a man
1381'. _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_
ts: kaspam ḫurāṣam
en: silver, gold,
1382'. u3 mi-im-ma szum-szu
ts: u mimma šumšu
en: or anything else
1383'. a-na ma-s,a-ru-tim
ts: ana maṣṣarūtim
en: for safekeeping
1384'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: is giving,
1385'. mi-im-ma ma-la
ts: mimma mala
en: anything
1386'. i-na-ad-di-nu
ts: inaddinu
en: that he is giving
1387'. szi-bi-u2-kal2-lam
ts: šībī ukallam
en: before witnesses he shall uncover,
1388'. ri-ik-sa-tim
ts: riksātim
en: a contract,
1389'. i-sza-ak-ka-an-ma
ts: išakkanma
en: he shall place, and
1390'. a-na ma-s,a-ru-tim
ts: ana maṣṣarūtim
en: for safekeeping
1391'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 123
1392'. szum-ma ba-lum szi-bi
ts: šumma balum šībī
en: If without witnesses,
1393'. u3 ri-ik-sa-tim
ts: u riksātim
en: or contract
1394'. a-na ma-s,a-ru-tim
ts: ana maṣṣarūtim
en: for safekeeping
1395'. id-di-in-ma
ts: iddinma
en: he gave, and
1396'. a-šar id-di-nu
ts: ašar iddinu
en: where he gave
1397'. it-ta-ak-ru-szu
ts: ittakrūšu
en: they have contradicted,
1398'. di-nu-um szu-u2
ts: dīnum šū
en: that case
1399'. ru-gu-um-ma-am
ts: rugummâm
en: a claim
1400'. u2-ul i-szu
ts: ul išu
en: has none.
law 124
1401'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1402'. a-na a-wi-lim
ts: ana awīlim
en: to a man
1403'. _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_
ts: kaspam ḫurāṣam
en: silver, gold,
1404'. u3 mi-im-ma szum-szu
ts: u mimma šumšu
en: or anything else
1405'. ma-har szi-bi
ts: maḫar šībī
en: before witnesses
1406'. a-na ma-s,a-ru-tim
ts: ana maṣṣarūtim
en: for safekeeping
1407'. id-di-in-ma
ts: iddinma
en: gave, and
1408'. it-ta-ki-ir-szu
ts: ittakiršu
en: he contradicted him,
1409'. a-wi-lam szu-a-ti
ts: awīlam šuāti
en: against that man
1410'. u2-ka-an-nu-szu-ma
ts: ukannūšuma
en: they shall prove, and
1411'. mi-im-ma sza ik-ki-ru
ts: mimma ša ikkiru
en: that which he contradicted
1412'. usz-ta-sza-na-ma
ts: uštašannāma
en: he shall double, and
1413'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: give.
law 125
1414'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1415'. mi-im-ma-szu
ts: mimmâšu
en: his property
1416'. a-na ma-s,a-ru-tim id-di-in-ma
ts: ana maṣṣarūtim iddinma
en: for safekeeping gave, and
1417'. a-szar id-di-nu
ts: ašar iddinu
en: where he gave
1418'. u3 lu a-na pi2-il-szi-im
ts: u lū ina pilšim
en: either by through a breach
1419'. u3 lu i-na na-ba-al-ka-at-tim
ts: u lū ina nabalkattim
en: or by scaling
1420'. mi-im-mu-szu
ts: mimmûšu
en: his property
1421'. it-ti mi-im-me-e
ts: itti mimmê
en: together with the property
1422'. be-el _e2_ ih-ta-li-iq be-el _e2_ sza i-gu-ma
ts: bēl bītim iḫtaliq bēl bītim ša īgūma
en: of the owner of the house has been lost, the owner of the house who was careless
1423'. mi-im-ma sza a-na
ts: mimma ša ana
en: that which
1424'. ma-s,a-ru-tim id-di-nu-szum-ma
ts: maṣṣarūtim iddinušumma
en: for safekeeping was given to him and
1425'. u2-hal-li-qu2
ts: uḫalliqu
en: was lost,
1426'. u2-sza-lam-ma
ts: ušallamma
en: shall make whole, and
1427'. a-na be-el _nig2-gur11_
ts: ana bēl makkūrim
en: to the owner of the property
1428'. i-ri-a-ab
ts: iriab
en: shall restore;
1429'. be-el _e2_
ts: bēl bītim
en: the owner of the house
1430'. mi-im-ma-szu hal-qa2-am
ts: mimmâšu ḫalqam
en: for his own lost property
1431'. isz-te-ne-i-ma
ts: ištene’īma
en: shall continue to search, and
1432'. it-ti szar-ra-qa2-ni-szu
ts: itti šarrāqānišu
en: from the one who stole it from him
1433'. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: shall take.
law 126
1434'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1435'. mi-im-mu-szu
ts: mimmûšu
en: whose property
1436'. la ha-li-iq-ma
ts: lā ḫaliqma
en: is not lost, and
1437'. mi-im-me-e
ts: mimmê
en: “My property
1438'. ha-li-iq iq-ta-bi
ts: ḫaliq iqtabi
en: is lost” has declared,
1439'. ba-ab-ta-szu
ts: babtašu
en: his city quarter
1440'. u2-te-eb-bi-ir
ts: ūtebbir
en: has accused,
1441'. ki-ma mi-im-mu-szu
ts: kīma mimmûšu
en: that his property
1442'. la hal-qu2
ts: lā ḫalqu
en: was not lost
1443'. ba-ab-ta-szu
ts: babtašu
en: his city quarter
1444'. i-na ma-har i-lim
ts: ina maḫar ilim
en: before the god
1445'. u2-ba-ar-szu-ma
ts: ubâršuma
en: shall prove against him, and
1446'. mi-im-ma
ts: mimma
en: whatever
1447'. sza ir-gu-mu
ts: ša irgumu
en: he claimed
1448'. usz-ta-sza-na-ma
ts: uštašannāma
en: he shall double, and
1449'. a-na ba-ab-ti-szu
ts: ana babtišu
en: to his city quarter
1450'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: give.
law 127
1451'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1452'. e-li _nin-dingir_
ts: eli ugbabtim
en: against an ugbabtu
1453'. u3 a-sza-at a-wi-lim
ts: u aššat awīlim
en: or against the wife of a man
1454'. u2-ba-nam u2-sza-at-ri-is,-ma
ts: ubānam ušatriṣma
en: causes a finger to be pointed in accusation, but
1455'. la uk-ti-in
ts: lā uktīn
en: has not proven it,
1456'. a-wi-lam szu-a-ti
ts: awīlam šuāti
en: that man
1457'. ma-har da-a-a-ni
ts: maḫar dayyānī
en: before the judges
1458'. i-na-at,-t,u3-u2-szu
ts: inaṭṭûšu
en: they shall flog;
1459'. u3 mu-ut-ta-su2
ts: u muttassu
en: further, half of his hair
1460'. u2-gal-la-bu
ts: ugallabū
en: they shall shave off.
law 128
1461'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1462'. asz-sza-tam
ts: aššatam
en: a wife
1463'. i-hu-uz-ma
ts: īḫuzma
en: married, but
1464'. ri-ik-sa-ti-sza
ts: riksātiša
en: a contract for her
1465'. la isz-ku-un
ts: lā iškun
en: did not draw up ,
1466'. _munus_ szi-i
ts: sinništum šī
en: that woman
1467'. u2-ul asz-sza-at
ts: ul aššat
en: is not a wife.
law 129
1468'. szum-ma asz-sza-at a-wi-lim
ts: šumma aššat awīlim
en: If the wife of a man
1469'. it-ti zi-ka-ri-im
ts: itti zikarim
en: with a male,
1470'. sza-ni-im
ts: šanîm
en: a second one,
1471'. i-na i-tu-lim
ts: ina itūlim
en: lying
1472'. it-ta-as,-bat
ts: ittaṣbat
en: has been seized
1473'. i-ka-su2-szu-nu-ti-ma
ts: ikassûšunūtima
en: they shall bind them and
1474'. a-na me-e
ts: ana mê
en: into the water
1475'. i-na-ad-du-u2-szu-nu-ti
ts: inaddûšunūti
en: throw them;
1476'. szum-ma be-el asz-sza-tim
ts: šumma bēl aššatim
en: if the owner of the wife
1477'. asz-sza-su2 u2-ba-la-at,
ts: aššassu uballaṭ
en: his wife lets live,
1478'. u3 szar-ru-um
ts: u šarrum
en: then the king
1479'. _ARAD2_-su2 u2-ba-la-at,
ts: warassu uballaṭ
en: his subject shall let live.
law 130
1480'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1481'. asz-sza-at a-wi-lim
ts: aššat awīlim
en: the wife of a man
1482'. sza zi-ka-ra-am
ts: ša zikaram
en: whom a male
1483'. la i-du-u2-ma
ts: lā idûma
en: has not known, and
1484'. i-na _e2_ a-bi-sza
ts: ina bīt abiša
en: who in the house of her father
1485'. wa-asz-ba-at
ts: wašbat
en: was residing,
1486'. u2-kab-bil2-szi-ma
ts: ukabbilšima
en: pinned down, and
1487'. i-na su-ni-sza
ts: ina sūniša
en: in her lap
1488'. it-ta-ti-il-ma
ts: ittatīlma
en: has lain, and
1489'. is,-s,a-ab-tu-szu
ts: iṣṣabtūšu
en: they have seized him:
1490'. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man
1491'. id-da-ak
ts: iddâk
en: shall be killed;
1492'. _munus_ szi-i
ts: sinništum šī
en: that woman
1493'. u2-ta-a-sza-ar
ts: ūtaššar
en: shall be released.
law 131
1494'. szum-ma asz-sza-at
ts: šumma aššat
en: If the wife
1495'. a-wi-lim
ts: awīlim
en: of a man
1496'. mu-sa3 u2-ub-bi-ir-szi-ma
ts: mussa ubbiršima
en: her husband accused (of adultery), but
1497'. it-ti zi-ka-ri-im sza-ni-im
ts: itti zikarim šanîm
en: with another male
1498'. i-na u2-tu-lim
ts: ina utūlim
en: lying
1499'. la is,-s,a-bi-it
ts: lā iṣṣabit
en: she has not been seized,
1500'. ni-isz i-lim
ts: nīš ilim
en: by the life of the god
1501'. i-za-kar-ma
ts: izakkarma
en: she shall swear, and
1502'. a-na _e2_-sza i-ta-ar
ts: ana bītiša itâr
en: to her house return.
law 132
1503'. szum-ma asz-sza-at
ts: šumma aššat
en: If the wife
1504'. a-wi-lim
ts: awīlim
en: of a man
1505'. asz-szum zi-ka-ri-im sza-ni-im
ts: aššum zikarim šanîm
en: involving another male,
1506'. u2-ba-nu-um
ts: ubānum
en: a finger
1507'. e-li-sza
ts: eliša
en: against her
1508'. it-ta-ri-is,-ma
ts: ittariṣma
en: has been pointed, but
1509'. it-ti zi-ka-ri-im
ts: itti zikarim
en: with a male,
1510'. sza-ni-im
ts: šanîm
en: a second one,
1511'. i-na u2-tu-lim
ts: ina utūlim
en: lying
1512'. la it-ta-as,-ba-at
ts: lā ittaṣbat
en: she has not been seized
1513'. a-na mu-ti-sza
ts: ana mutiša
en: for her husband.
1514'. {d}i7
ts: id
en: into Id
1515'. i-sza-al-li
ts: išalli
en: she shall plunge.
law 133
1516'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1517'. isz-sza-li-il-ma
ts: iššalilma
en: was captured, and
1518'. i-na _e2_-szu
ts: ina bītišu
en: in his house
1519'. sza a-ka-lim
ts: ša akālim
en: provisions
1520'. i-ba-asz-szi
ts: ibašši
en: exist,
1521'. asz-sza-su2
ts: aššassu
en: his wife
1522'. a-di mu-sa3 s,a-ab-tu
ts: adi mussa ṣabtu
en: until her husband was seized
1523'. pa-gar3-sza
ts: pagarša
en: her body
1524'. i-na-s,a-ar
ts: inaṣṣar
en: shall guard,
1525'. a-na _e2_ sza-ni-im
ts: ana bīt šanîm
en: to the house of another
1526'. u2-ul i-ir-ru-ub
ts: ul irrub
en: she shall not enter;
1527'. szum-ma _munus_ szi-i
ts: šumma sinništum šī
en: if that woman
1528'. pa-gar3-sza
ts: pagarša
en: her body
1529'. la is,-s,ur-ma
ts: lā iṣṣurma
en: did not guard, but
1530'. a-na _e2_ sza-ni-im
ts: ana bīt šanîm
en: to the house of another
1531'. i-te-ru-ub
ts: īterub
en: has entered,
1532'. _munus_ szu-a-ti
ts: sinništam šuāti
en: against that woman
1533'. u2-ka-an-nu-szi-ma
ts: ukannūšima
en: they shall prove, and
1534'. a-na me-e
ts: ana mê
en: into the water
1535'. i-na-ad-du-u2-szi
ts: inaddûši
en: cast her.
law 134
1536'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1537'. isz-sza-li-il-ma
ts: iššalilma
en: was captured, and
1538'. i-na _e2_-szu
ts: ina bītišu
en: in his house
1539'. sza a-ka-li-im
ts: ša akālim
en: provisions
1540'. la i-ba-asz-szi
ts: lā ibašši
en: ther are none,
1541'. asz-sza-su2
ts: aššassu
en: his wife
1542'. a-na _e2_ sza-ni-im
ts: ana bīt šanîm
en: the house of another
1543'. i-ir-ru-ub
ts: irrub
en: shall enter;
1544'. _munus_ szi-i
ts: sinništum šī
en: that woman
1545'. ar-nam u2-ul i-szu
ts: arnam ul išu
en: a penalty will not receive.
law 135
1546'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1547'. isz-sza-li-il-ma
ts: iššalilma
en: was captured and
1548'. i-na _e2_-szu
ts: ina bītišu
en: in his house, children,
1549'. sza a-ka-li-im
ts: ša akālim
en: provisions
1550'. la i-ba-asz-szi
ts: lā ibašši
en: are non,
1551'. a-na pa-ni-szu
ts: ana panīšu
en: before his return
1552'. asz-sza-su2
ts: aššassu
en: his wife
1553'. a-na _e2_ sza-ni-im
ts: ana bīt šanîm
en: the house of another
1554'. i-te-ru-ub-ma
ts: īterubma
en: has entered, and
1555'. _dumu-mesz_ it-ta-la-ad
ts: mārī ittalad
en: sons has born,
1556'. i-na wa-ar-ka
ts: ina warka
en: and afterwards
1557'. mu-sa3 it-tu-ra-am-ma
ts: mussa ittūramma
en: her husband has returned and
1558'. _iri_-szu
ts: ālšu
en: his city
1559'. ik-ta-asz2-dam
ts: iktašdam
en: has reached
1560'. _munus_ szi-i
ts: sinništum šī
en: that woman
1561'. a-na ha-wi-ri-sza
ts: ana ḫāwiriša
en: to her first husband
1562'. i-ta-ar
ts: itâr
en: shall return;
1563'. _dumu-mesz_ wa-ar-ki
ts: mārū warki
en: the children the estate
1564'. a-bi-szu-nu
ts: abišunu
en: of their father
1565'. i-il-la-ku
ts: illaku
en: shall inherit.
law 136
1566'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man and , and
1567'. _iri_-szu id-di-ma
ts: ālšu iddīma
en: his city deserted and
1568'. it-ta-bi-it
ts: ittābit
en: has flown,
1569'. wa-ar-ki-szu
ts: warkišu
en: after his departure
1570'. asz-sza-su2
ts: aššassu
en: his wife
1571'. a-na _e2_ sza-ni-im
ts: ana bīt šanîm
en: another’s house
1572'. i-te-ru-ub
ts: īterub
en: has entered:
1573'. szum-ma a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: šumma awīlum šū
en: if that man
1574'. it-tu-ra-am-ma
ts: ittūramma
en: then has returned and
1575'. asz-sza-su2
ts: aššassu
en: his wife
1576'. is,-s,a-ba-at
ts: iṣṣabat
en: seized,
1577'. asz-szum _iri_-szu
ts: aššum ālšu
en: because his city
1578'. i-ze-ru-ma
ts: izēruma
en: he hated, and
1579'. in-na-bi-tu
ts: innabitu
en: fled,
1580'. asz-sza-at mu-na-ab-tim
ts: aššat munnabtim
en: the wife of the deserter
1581'. a-na mu-ti-sza
ts: ana mutiša
en: to her husband
1582'. u2-ul i-ta-ar
ts: ul itâr
en: shall not return.
law 137
1583'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1584'. a-na {munus}szu-gi4-tim
ts: ana šugītim
en: a šugītu
1585'. sza _dumu-mesz_ ul-du-szum u3 lu _lukur_ sza _dumu-mesz_
ts: ša mārī uldušum u lū nadītim ša mārī
en: who bore him children or a nadītu who with children
1586'. u2-szar-szu-szu
ts: ušaršûšu
en: provided him,
1587'. e-ze2-bi-im
ts: ezēbim
en: to divorce
1588'. pa-ni-szu
ts: panīšu
en: his face
1589'. isz-ta-ka-an
ts: ištakan
en: has set,
1590'. a-na _munus_ szu-a-ti
ts: ana sinništim šuāti
en: to that woman
1591'. sze-ri-ik-ta-sza
ts: šeriktaša
en: her dowry
1592'. u2-ta-ar-ru-szi-im
ts: utarrūšim
en: they shall return
1593'. u3 mu-ut-ta-at
ts: u muttat
en: and one half
1594'. _a-sza3 {gesz}kiri6_ u3 bi-szi-im
ts: eqlim kirîm u bīšim
en: of (her husband’s) field, orchard, and property
1595'. i-na-ad-di-nu-szi-im-ma
ts: inaddinūšimma
en: they shall give her, and
1596'. _dumu-mesz_-sza
ts: mārīša
en: her children
1597'. u2-ra-ab-ba
ts: urabba
en: she shall raise
1598'. isz-tu _dumu-mesz_-sza
ts: ištu mārīša
en: after her children
1599'. ur2-ta-ab-bu-u2
ts: urtabbû
en: she has raised,
1600'. i-na mi-im-ma
ts: ina mimma
en: from whatever
1601'. sza a-na _dumu-mesz_-sza
ts: ša ana mārīša
en: that to her sons
1602'. in-na-ad-nu
ts: innadnu
en: is given,
1603'. zi2-it-tam
ts: zittam
en: a share
1604'. ki-ma ap-lim isz-te-en
ts: kīma aplim ištēn
en: like that of one heir
1605'. i-na-ad-di-nu-szi-im-ma
ts: inaddinūšimma
en: they shall give her, and
1606'. mu-tu li-ib-bi-sza
ts: mutu libbiša
en: a husband of her choice
1607'. i-ih-ha-as-si2
ts: iḫḫassi
en: shall marry her.
law 138
1608'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1609'. hi-ir-ta-szu
ts: ḫīrtašu
en: his first-ranking wife
1610'. sza _dumu-mesz_ lā ul-du-szum
ts: ša mārī lā uldušum
en: who children did not bear him,
1611'. i-iz-zi-ib
ts: izzib
en: is divorcing,
1612'. _ku3-babbar_ ma-la
ts: kaspam mala
en: silver as much as
1613'. ter-ha-ti-sza
ts: terḫatiša
en: was her bridewealth
1614'. i-na-ad-di-isz-szi-im
ts: inaddiššim
en: he shall give her;
1615'. u3 sze-ri-ik-tam
ts: u šeriktam
en: and the dowry
1616'. sza isz-tu _e2_ a-bi-sza ub-lam
ts: ša ištu bīt abiša ublam
en: that from the house of her father she brought
1617'. u2-sza-lam-szi-im-ma
ts: ušallamšimma
en: restore to her, and
1618'. i-iz-zi-ib-szi
ts: izzibši
en: he shall divorce her.
law 139
1619'. szum-ma ter-ha-tum
ts: šumma terḫatum
en: If there is no bridewealth,
1620'. la i-ba-asz-szi
ts: lā ibašši
en: xxx
1621'. 1(disz) ma-na _ku3-babbar_
ts: išten mina kaspam
en: 1 mina of silver
1622'. a-na u2-zu-ub-be2-em
ts: ana uzubbêm
en: as a divorce settlement
1623'. i-na-ad-di-isz-szi-im
ts: inaddiššim
en: he shall give her.
law 140
1624'. szum-ma _|MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: šumma muškēnum
en: If he is an m.,
1625'. 1/3(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: šuluš mina kaspam
en: 1/3 mina of silver
1626'. i-na-ad-di-isz-szi-im
ts: inaddiššim
en: he shall give her.
law 141
1627'. szum-ma asz-sza-at a-wi-lim
ts: šumma aššat awīlim
en: If the wife of a man
1628'. sza i-na _e2_ a-wi-lim
ts: ša ina bīt awīlim
en: who in the house of the man
1629'. wa-asz-ba-at
ts: wašbat
en: is residing
1630'. a-na wa-s,e-em
ts: ana waṣêm
en: to leaving
1631'. pa-ni-sza
ts: panīša
en: her face
1632'. isz-ta-ka-an-ma
ts: ištakanma
en: has set, and
1633'. si2-ki-il-tam
ts: sikiltam
en: goods
1634'. i-sa3-ak-ki-il
ts: isakkil
en: she appropriates,
1635'. _e2_-sa3 u2-sa3-ap-pa-ah
ts: bīssa usappaḫ
en: her household possessions squanders,
1636'. mu-sa3 u2-sza-am-t,a
ts: mussa ušamṭa
en: her husband disparages,
1637'. u2-ka-an-nu-szi-ma
ts: ukannūšima
en: they prove it against her;
1638'. szum-ma mu-sa3
ts: šumma mussa
en: and if her husband
1639'. e-ze2-eb-sza
ts: ezēbša
en: of divorcing her
1640'. iq-ta-bi
ts: iqtabi
en: has spoken,
1641'. i-iz-zi-ib-szi
ts: izzibši
en: he shall divorce her;
1642'. ha-ra-an-sza
ts: ḫarrānša
en: her travel expenses,
1643'. u2-zu-ub-bu-sza
ts: uzubbūša
en: her divorce settlement,
1644'. mi-im-ma
ts: mimma
en: or anything else
1645'. u2-ul in-na-ad-di-isz-szi-im
ts: ul innaddiššim
en: shall not be given to her;
1646'. szum-ma mu-sa3
ts: šumma mussa
en: if her husband
1647'. la e-ze2-eb-sza iq-ta-bi
ts: lā ezēbša iqtabi
en: of not divorcing her has spoken,
1648'. mu-sa3 _munus_ sza-ni-tam
ts: mussa sinništam šanītam
en: then her husband another woman
1649'. i-ih-ha-az
ts: iḫḫaz
en: may marry;
1650'. _munus_ szi-i
ts: sinništum šī
en: that (first) woman
1651'. ki-ma _geme2_
ts: kīma amtim
en: as a slave woman
1652'. i-na _e2_ mu-ti-sza
ts: ina bīt mutiša
en: in the house of her husband
1653'. usz-sza-ab
ts: uššab
en: shall reside.
law 142
1654'. szum-ma _munus_ mu-sa3 i-ze-er-ma
ts: šumma sinništum mussa izērma
en: If a woman her husband hated, and
1655'. u2-ul ta-ah-ha-za-an-ni
ts: ul taḫḫazanni
en: “You will not have marry me”
1656'. iq-ta-bi
ts: iqtabi
en: has stated,
1657'. wa-ar-ka-sa3
ts: warkassa
en: her circumstances
1658'. i-na ba-ab-ti-sza
ts: ina bābtiša
en: of her city quarter
1659'. ip-pa-ar-ra-as2-ma
ts: ipparrasma
en: shall be investigated, and
1660'. szum-ma na-as,-ra-at-ma
ts: šumma naṣratma
en: if she is circumspect and
1661'. hi-t,i-tam
ts: ḫiṭītam
en: fault
1662'. la i-szu
ts: lā išu
en: has none,
1663'. u3 mu-sa6
ts: u mussa
en: but her husband
1664'. wa-s,i2-ma
ts: waṣīma
en: is wayward and
1665'. ma-ga-al
ts: magal
en: greatly
1666'. u2-sza-am-t,a-szi
ts: ušamṭāši
en: disparages her
1667'. _munus_ szi-i
ts: sinništum šī
en: that woman
1668'. ar-nam u2-ul i-szu
ts: arnam ul išu
en: has no penalty;
1669'. sze-ri-ik-ta-sza
ts: šeriktaša
en: her dowry
1670'. i-le-qe2-ma
ts: ileqqēma
en: she shall take, and
1671'. a-na _e2_ a-bi-sza
ts: ana bīt abiša
en: for the house of her father
1672'. it-ta-al-la-ak
ts: ittallak
en: shall depart.
law 143
1673'. szum-ma la na-as,-ra-at-ma
ts: šumma lā naṣratma
en: If she is not circumspect, but
1674'. wa-s,i2-a-at
ts: waṣiat
en: is wayward,
1675'. bi-sa3 u2-sa3-ap-pa-ah
ts: bīssa usappaḫ
en: her household possessions squanders,
1676'. mu-sa3 u2-sza-am-t,a
ts: mussa ušamṭa
en: her husband disparages,
1677'. _munus_ szu-a-ti
ts: sinništam šuāti
en: that woman
1678'. a-na me-e
ts: ana mê
en: into the water
1679'. i-na-ad-du-u2-szi
ts: inaddûši
en: they shall cast
law 144
1680'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1681'. _lukur_ i-hu-uz-ma
ts: nadītam īḫuzma
en: a nadītu married, and
1682'. _lukur_ szi-i
ts: nadītum šī
en: that nadītu
1683'. _geme2_ a-na mu-ti-sza
ts: amtam ana mutiša
en: a slave woman to her husband
1684'. id-di-in-ma
ts: iddinma
en: gave, and
1685'. _dumu-mesz_ usz-tab-szi
ts: mārī uštabši
en: sons has (thus) provided,
1686'. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: (but) that man
1687'. a-na {munus}szu-gi4-tim
ts: ana šugītim
en: a šugītu
1688'. a-ha-zi-im
ts: aḫāzim
en: to marry
1689'. pa-ni-szu
ts: panīšu
en: his face
1690'. isz-ta-ka-an
ts: ištakan
en: has set,
1691'. a-wi-lam szu-a-ti
ts: awīlam šuāti
en: with that man
1692'. u2-ul i-ma-ag-ga-ru-szu
ts: ul imaggarūšu
en: they will not agree;
1693'. {munus}szu-gi4-tam
ts: šugītam
en: the šugītu
1694'. u2-ul i-ih-ha-az
ts: ul iḫḫaz
en: he shall not marry.
law 145
1695'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1696'. _lukur_ i-hu-uz-ma
ts: nadītam īḫuzma
en: nadītu married, and
1697'. _dumu-mesz_ la u2-szar-szi-szu-ma
ts: mārī lā ušaršīšuma
en: with children she did not provide him, and
1698'. a-na {munus}szu-gi4-tim
ts: ana šugītim
en: a šugītu
1699'. a-ha-zi-im
ts: aḫāzim
en: to marry
1700'. pa-ni-szu
ts: panīšu
en: his face
1701'. isz-ta-ka-an
ts: ištakan
en: has set,
1702'. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man
1703'. {munus}szu-gi4-tam
ts: šugītam
en: the šugītu
1704'. i-ih-ha-az
ts: iḫḫaz
en: shall marry,
1705'. a-na _e2_-szu
ts: ana bītišu
en: into his house
1706'. u2-sze-er-re-eb-szi
ts: ušerrebši
en: he shall let her enter;
1707'. {munus}szu-gi4-tum szi-i
ts: šugītum šī
en: that šugītu
1708'. it-ti _lukur_
ts: itti nadītim
en: with the nadītu
1709'. u2-ul usz-ta-ma-ah-ha-ar
ts: ul uštamaḫḫar
en: shall not match herself up.
law 146
1710'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1711'. _lukur_ i-hu-uz-ma
ts: nadītam īḫuzma
en: a nadītu married, and
1712'. _geme2_ a-na mu-ti-sza
ts: amtam ana mutiša
en: a slave woman to her husband
1713'. id-di-in-ma
ts: iddinma
en: she gave, and
1714'. _dumu-mesz_ it-ta-la-ad
ts: mārī ittalad
en:s children has born,
1715'. wa-ar-ka-nu-um
ts: warkānum
en: after which
1716'. _geme2_ szi-i
ts: amtum šī
en: that slave woman
1717'. it-ti be-el-ti-sza
ts: itti bēltiša
en: with her mistress
1718'. usz-ta-tam-hi-ir
ts: uštatamḫir
en: has set herself equal,
1719'. asz-szum _dumu-mesz_ ul-du
ts: aššum mārī uldu
en: because children she bore,
1720'. be-le-sa3
ts: bēlessa
en: her mistress
1721'. a-na _ku3-babbar_
ts: ana kaspim
en: for silver
1722'. u2-ul i-na-ad-di-isz-szi
ts: ul inaddišši
en: will not give her;
1723'. ab-bu-ut-tam
ts: abbuttam
en: the slave-hairlock
1724'. i-sza-ak-ka-an-szi-ma
ts: išakkanšimma
en: she shall place upon her, and
1725'. it-ti _geme2 hi-a_
ts: itti amātim
en: with the slave women
1726'. i-ma-an-nu-szi
ts: imannūši
en: she shall reckon her.
law 147
1727'. szum-ma _dumu-mesz_
ts: šumma mārī
en: If children
1728'. la u2-li-id
ts: lā ūlid
en: she did not bear,
1729'. be-le-sa3
ts: bēlessa
en: her mistress
1730'. a-na _ku3-babbar_
ts: ana kaspim
en: for silver
1731'. i-na-ad-di-isz-szi
ts: inaddišši
en: shall give her.
law 148
1732'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1733'. asz-sza-tam
ts: aššatam
en: a wife
1734'. i-hu-uz-ma
ts: īḫuzma
en: married, and
1735'. la-a'-bu-um
ts: la’bum
en: la’bum(-disease)
1736'. is,-s,a-ba-as-si2
ts: iṣṣabassi
en: siezed her,
1737'. a-na sza-ni-tim
ts: ana šanītim
en: for another
1738'. a-ha-zi-im
ts: aḫāzim
en: marrying
1739'. pa-ni-szu
ts: panīšu
en: his face
1740'. isz-ta-ka-an
ts: ištakkan
en: he has set,
1741'. i-ih-ha-az
ts: iḫḫaz
en: will marry;
1742'. asz-sza-su2
ts: aššassu
en: his wife
1743'. sza la-a'-bu-um
ts: ša la’bum
en: whom la’bum-disease
1744'. is,-ba-tu
ts: iṣbatu
en: seized
1745'. u2-ul i-iz-zi-ib-szi
ts: ul izzibši
en: he will not divorce;
1746'. i-na _e2_ i-pu-szu
ts: ina bīt īpušu
en: in quarters he constructed
1747'. usz-sza-am-ma
ts: uššamma
en: she shall reside and
1748'. a-di ba-al-t,a-at it-ta-na-asz-szi-szi
ts: adi balṭat ittanaššīši
en: as long as she lives he shall support her.
law 149
1749'. szum-ma _munus_ szi-i
ts: šumma sinništum šī
en: If that woman
1750'. i-na _e2_ mu-ti-sza
ts: ina bīt mutiša
en: in the house of her husband
1751'. wa-sza-ba-am
ts: wašābam
en: to reside
1752'. la im-ta-gar3
ts: lā imtagar
en: has not been in agreement,
1753'. sze-ri-ik-ta-sza
ts: šeriktaša
en: her dowry
1754'. sza isz-tu _e2_ a-bi-sza
ts: ša ištu bīt abiša
en: that from the house of her father
1755'. ub-lam
ts: ublam
en: she brought
1756'. u2-sza-lam-szim-ma
ts: ušallamšimma
en: he shall make whole for her,
1757'. it-ta-al-la-ak
ts: ittallak
en: and she shall depart.
law 150
1758'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1759'. a-na asz-sza-ti-szu
ts: ana aššatišu
en: to his wife
1760'. _a-sza3 {gesz}kiri6 e2_
ts: eqlam kirâm bītam
en: a field, orchard, house,
1761'. u3 bi-sza-am
ts: u bīšam
en: or movable property,
1762'. isz-ru-uk-szim
ts: išrukšim
en: presented,
1763'. ku-nu-uk-kam
ts: kunukkam
en: a sealed document
1764'. i-zi-ib-szi-im
ts: īzibšim
en: left for her,
1765'. wa-ar-ki mu-ti-sza
ts: warki mutiša
en: after her husband’s death
1766'. _dumu-mesz_-sza u2-ul i-pa2-qa2-ru-szi
ts: mārūša ul ipaqqarūši
en: her children shall not bring a claim against her;
1767'. um-mu-um
ts: ummum
en: the mother
1768'. wa-ar-ka-sa3
ts: warkassa
en: her estate
1769'. a-na _dumu_-sza
ts: ana māriša
en: to her child
1770'. sza i-ra-am-mu
ts: ša irammu
en: that she loves
1771'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: shall give;
1772'. a-na a-hi-im
ts: ana aḫîm
en: to an outsider
1773'. u2-ul i-na-ad-di-in
ts: ul inaddin
en: she shall not give.
law 151
1774'. szum-ma _munus_
ts: šumma sinništum
en: If a woman
1775'. sza i-na _e2_ a-wi-lim
ts: ša ina bīt awīlim
en: who in the house of a man
1776'. wa-asz-ba-at
ts: wašbat
en: is residing
1777'. asz-szum be-el hu-bu-ul-lim
ts: aššum bēl ḫubullim
en: that a creditor
1778'. sza mu-ti-sza
ts: ša mutiša
en: of her husband
1779'. la s,a-ba-ti-sza
ts: lā ṣabātiša
en: not seize her (for his debts)
1780'. mu-sa3 ur2-ta-ak-ki-is
ts: mussa urtakkis
en: her husband bound contractually,
1781'. t,up-pa-am
ts: ṭuppam
en: a tablet
1782'. usz-te-zi-ib
ts: uštēzib
en: has left,
1783'. szum-ma a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: šumma awīlum šū
en: if that man
1784'. la-ma _munus_ szu-a-ti
ts: lāma sinništam šuāti
en: before that woman
1785'. i-ih-ha-zu
ts: iḫḫazu
en: he marries,
1786'. hu-bu-ul-lum
ts: ḫubullum
en: a debt
1787'. e-li-szu
ts: elišu
en: against him
1788'. i-ba-asz-szi
ts: ibašši
en: exists,
1789'. be-el hu-bu-ul-li-szu
ts: bēl ḫubullīšu
en: his creditors
1790'. asz-sza-su2
ts: aššassu
en: his wife
1791'. u2-ul i-s,a-ba-tu
ts: ul iṣabbatū
en: shall not seize
1792'. u3 szum-ma _munus_ szi-i
ts: u šumma sinništum šī
en: and if that woman
1793'. la-ma a-na _e2_ a-wi-lim
ts: lāma ana bīt awīlim
en: before she the house of a man
1794'. i-ir-ru-bu
ts: irrubu
en: enters
1795'. hu-bu-ul-lum
ts: ḫubullum
en: a debt
1796'. e-li-sza
ts: eliša
en: against her
1797'. i-ba-asz-szi
ts: ibašši
en: exists,
1798'. be-el hu-bu-ul-li-sza
ts: bēl ḫubullīša
en: her creditors
1799'. mu-sa3 u2-ul i-s,a-ba-tu
ts: mussa ul iṣabbatū
en: her husband shall not seize.
law 152
1800'. szum-ma isz-tu
ts: šumma ištu
en: If after
1801'. _munus_ szi-i
ts: sinništum šī
en: that woman
1802'. a-na _e2_ a-wi-lim
ts: ana bīt awīlim
en: the house of a man
1803'. i-ru-bu
ts: īrubu
en: entered,
1804'. e-li-szu-nu
ts: elišunu
en: against them
1805'. hu-bu-ul-lum
ts: ḫubullum
en: a debt
1806'. it-tab-szi
ts: ittabši
en: has been incurred,
1807'. ki-la-la-szu-nu
ts: kilallāšunu
en: both of them
1808'. _dam-gar3_ i-ip-pa-lu
ts: tamkāram ippalū
en: the merchant shall satisfy.
law 153
1809'. szum-ma asz-sza-at a-wi-lim
ts: šumma aššat awīlim
en: If the wife of a man
1810'. asz-szum zi-ka-ri-im
ts: aššum zikarim
en: on account of a male,
1811'. sza-ni-im
ts: šanîm
en: another one,
1812'. mu-sa3 usz-di-ik
ts: mussa ušdīk
en: her husband haskilled,
1813'. _munus_ szu-a-ti i-na ga-szi-szi-im
ts: sinništam šuāti ina gašīšim
en: that woman on a pole
1814'. i-sza-ak-ka-nu-szi
ts: išakkanūši
en: they shall place.
law 154
1815'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1816'. _dumu-munus_-su2
ts: mārassu
en: his daughter
1817'. il-ta-ma-ad
ts: iltamad
en: has known,
1818'. a-wi-lam szu-a-ti
ts: awīlam šuāti
en: that man
1819'. _iri_ u2-sze-es,-s,u2-u2-szu
ts: ālam ušeṣṣûšu
en: from the city they shall banish.
law 155
1820'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1821'. a-na _dumu_-szu
ts: ana mārišu
en: for his son
1822'. _e2-gi4-a_ i-hi-ir-ma
ts: kallatam iḫīrma
en: a bride selected, and
1823'. _dumu_-szu il-ma-si2
ts: mārušu ilmassi
en: and his son carnally knows her,
1824'. szu-u2 wa-ar-ka-nu-um
ts: šū warkānumma
en: he himself after which
1825'. i-na su2-ni-sza
ts: ina sūniša
en: in her lap
1826'. it-ta-ti-il-ma
ts: ittatīlma
en: has lain,
1827'. is,-s,a-ab-tu-szu
ts: iṣṣabtūšu
en: they have seized him
1828'. a-wi-lam szu-a-ti
ts: awīlam šuāti
en: that man
1829'. i-ka-su2-szu-ma
ts: ikassûšuma
en: they shall bind and
1830'. a-na me-e
ts: ana mê
en: into the water
1831'. i-na-ad-du-u2-szi
ts: inaddûšu
en: cast.
law 156
1832'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1833'. a-na _dumu_-szu
ts: ana mārišu
en: for his son
1834'. _e2-gi4-a_
ts: kallatam
en: a bride
1835'. i-hi-ir-ma
ts: iḫīrma
en: selected, and
1836'. _dumu_-szu la il-ma-si2-ma
ts: mārušu lā ilmassima
en: his son did not know her, and
1837'. szu-u2 i-na su2-ni-sza
ts: šū ina sūniša
en: that one in her lap
1838'. it-ta-ti-il
ts: ittatīl
en: has lain,
1839'. _1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: 1/2 mana kaspam
en: 1/2 mina of silver
1840'. i-sza-qal-szi-im-ma
ts: išaqqalšimma
en: he shall weigh our for her, and
1841'. u3 mi-im-ma
ts: u mimma
en: moreover, whatever
1842'. sza isz-tu
ts: ša ištu
en: from .
1843'. _e2_ a-bi-sza
ts: bīt abiša
en: the house of her father
1844'. ub-lam
ts: ublam
en: she brought
1845'. u2-sza-lam-szi-im-ma
ts: ušallamšimma
en: he shall make whole for her, and
1846'. mu-tu li-ib-bi-sza
ts: mutu libbiša
en: a husband of her choice
1847'. i-ih-ha-as-si2
ts: iḫḫassi
en: shall marry her.
law 157
1848'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man,
1849'. wa-ar-ki a-bi-szu
ts: warki abišu
en: after his father(’s death),
1850'. i-na su2-un um-mi-szu
ts: ina sūn ummišu
en: in the lap of his mother
1851'. i-ta-ti-il
ts: ittatīl
en: has lain,
1852'. ki-la-li-szu-nu
ts: kilallīšunu
en: both of them
1853'. i-qal-lu-u2-szu-nu-ti
ts: iqallûšunūti
en: they shall burn.
law 158
1854'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man,
1855'. wa-ar-ki a-bi-szu
ts: warki abišu
en: after his father(’s death),
1856'. i-na su2-un
ts: ina sūn
en: in the lap
1857'. ra-bi-ti-szu
ts: rabītišu
en: of his (the father’s) principal wife
1858'. sza _dumu-mesz_ wa-al-da-at
ts: ša mārī waldat
en: who sons bore
1859'. it-ta-as,-ba-at
ts: ittaṣbat
en: has been seized,
1860'. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man
1861'. i-na _e2 a-ba_
ts: ina bīt abim
en: from the house of the father
1862'. in-na-as-sa3-ah
ts: innassaḫ
en: shall be torn out.
law 159
1863'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1864'. sza a-na _e2_ e-mi-szu
ts: ša ana bīt emišu
en: who to the house of his father-in-law,
1865'. bi-ib-lam
ts: biblam
en: the ceremonial marriage prestation
1866'. u2-sza-bi-lu
ts: ušābilu
en: has brought,
1867'. ter-ha-tam id-di-nu
ts: terḫatam iddinu
en: who the bridewealth gave,
1868'. a-na _munus_ sza-ni-tim
ts: ana sinništim šanītim
en: to another woman and declare to his father-in-law,
1869'. ub-ta-al-li-is,-ma
ts: uptallisma
en: has been diverted, and
1870'. a-na e-mi-szu
ts: ana emišu
en: to his father-in-law
1871'. _dumu-munus_-ka
ts: māratka
en: “Your daughter,
1872'. u2-ul a-ha-az iq-ta-bi
ts: ul aḫḫaz iqtabi
en: I will not marry” has said,
1873'. a-bi _dumu-munus_
ts: abi mārtim
en: the father of the daughter
1874'. mi-im-ma
ts: mimma
en: whatever
1875'. sza ib-ba-ab-lu-szum
ts: ša ibbablušum
en: was brought to him
1876'. i-tab-ba-al
ts: itabbal
en: shall carry off.
law 160
1877'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1878'. a-na _e2_ e-mi-im
ts: ana bīt emim
en: to the house of his father-in-law
1879'. bi-ib-lam
ts: biblam
en: the ceremonial marriage prestation
1880'. u2-sza-bi-il
ts: ušābil
en: brought.
1881'. ter-ha-tam
ts: terḫatam
en: the bridewealth,
1882'. id-di-in-ma
ts: iddinma
en: gave, and
1883'. a-bi _dumu-munus_
ts: abi mārtim
en: the father of the daughter
1884'. _dumu-munus_-i u2-ul a-na-ad-di-ik-kum
ts: mārtī ul anaddikkum
en: “My daughter I will not give to you”
1885'. iq-ta-bi
ts: iqtabi
en: has said,
1886'. mi-im-ma ma-la
ts: mimma mala
en: everything
1887'. ib-ba-ab-lu-szum
ts: ibbablušum
en: brought to him
1888'. usz-ta-sza-an-na-ma
ts: uštašannāma
en: he shall double, and
1889'. u2-ta-ar
ts: utâr
en: return.
law 161
1890'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1891'. a-na _e2_ e-mi-szu
ts: ana bīt emišu
en: to the house of his father-in-law
1892'. bi-ib-lam u2-sza-bil2
ts: biblam ušābil
en: the ceremonial marriage prestation has brought,
1893'. ter-ha-tam
ts: terḫatam
en: the bridewealth
1894'. id-di-in-ma
ts: iddinma
en: gave, and
1895'. i-bi-ir-szu
ts: ibiršu
en: his comrade declares ,
1896'. uk-tar-ri-su2
ts: uktarrissu
en: slanders him
1897'. e-mu-szu
ts: emušu
en: (with the result that) his father-in-law
1898'. a-na be-el asz-sza-tim
ts: ana bēl aššatim
en: to the lord of the wife
1899'. _dumu-munus_-i u2-ul ta-ah-ha-az
ts: mārtī ul taḫḫaz
en: “You will not marry my daughter,”
1900'. iq-ta-bi
ts: iqtabi
en: has said,
1901'. mi-im-ma ma-la
ts: mimma mala
en: everything
1902'. ib-ba-ab-lu-szum
ts: ibbablušum
en: that had been brought to him
1903'. usz-ta-sza-an-na-ma
ts: uštašannāma
en: he shall double and
1904'. u2-ta-ar
ts: utâr
en: he return;
1905'. u3 asz-sza-su2
ts: u aššassu
en: moreover, his (intended) wife
1906'. i-bi-ir-szu
ts: ibiršu
en: his comrade
1907'. u2-ul i-ih-ha-az
ts: ul iḫḫaz
en: shall not marry.
law 162
1908'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1909'. asz-sza-tam
ts: aššatam
en: a wife
1910'. i-hu-uz
ts: īḫuz
en: married,
1911'. _dumu-mesz_ u2-li-sum2-ma
ts: mārī ūlissumma
en: sons she bore him, and
1912'. _munus_ szi-i
ts: sinništum šī
en: that woman
1913'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to (her) fate
1914'. it-ta-la-ak
ts: ittalak
en: has gone,
1915'. a-na sze-ri-ik-ta-sza
ts: ana šeriktiša
en: to her dowry
1916'. a-bu-sza
ts: abuša
en: her father
1917'. u2-ul i-ra-ag-gu-um
ts: ul iraggum
en: shall have no claim;
1918'. sze-ri-ik-ta-sza
ts: šeriktaša
en: her dowry
1919'. sza _dumu-mesz_-sza-ma
ts: ša mārīšama
en: is that of her sons.
law 163
1920'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1921'. asz-sza-tam
ts: aššatam
en: a wife
1922'. i-hu-uz-ma
ts: īḫuzma
en: married, but
1923'. _dumu-mesz_ la u2-szar-szi-szu
ts: mārī lā ušaršīšu
en: with sons she did not provide him,
1924'. _munus_ szi-i
ts: sinništum šī
en: that woman
1925'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to (her) fate
1926'. it-ta-la-ak
ts: ittalak
en: has gone,
1927'. szum-ma ter-ha-tam
ts: šumma terḫatam
en: if the bridewealth
1928'. sza a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: ša awīlum šū
en: that that man
1929'. a-na _e2_ e-mi-szu ub-lu
ts: ana bīt emišu ublu
en: to his father-in-law’s house brought
1930'. e-mu-szu
ts: emušu
en: his father-in-law
1931'. ut-te-er-szum
ts: uttēršum
en: has returned to him,
1932'. a-na sze-ri-ik-ti
ts: ana šerikti
en: to the dowry
1933'. _munus_ szu-a-ti
ts: sinništim šuāti
en: of that woman
1934'. mu-sa3 u2-ul i-ra-ag-gu-um
ts: mussa ul iraggum
en: her husband shall have no claim;
1935'. sze-ri-ik-ta-sza
ts: šeriktaša
en: her dowry belongs
1936'. sza _e2_ a-bi-sza-ma
ts: ša bīt abišama
en: is that of the house of her very father.
law 164
1937'. szum-ma e-mu-szu
ts: šumma emušu
en: If his father-in-law
1938'. ter-ha-tam
ts: terḫatam
en: the bridewealth
1939'. la ut-te-er-szum
ts: lā uttēršum
en: has not returned to him,
1940'. i-na sze-ri-ik-ti-sza
ts: ina šeriktiša
en: from her dowry
1941'. ma-la ter-ha-ti-sza
ts: mala terḫatiša
en: anything of her bridewealth
1942'. i-har-ra-as,-ma
ts: iḫarraṣma
en: he shall deduct, and
1943'. sze-ri-ik-ta-sza
ts: šeriktaša
en: (the balance of) her dowry
1944'. a-na _e2_ a-ta-sza
ts: ana bīt abiša
en: to the house of her father
1945'. u2-ta-ar
ts: utâr
en: return.
law 165
1946'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1947'. a-na _ibila_-szu
ts: ana aplišu
en: to his heir
1948'. sza i-in-szu mah-ru
ts: ša īnšu maḫru
en: on whom his eye rests,
1949'. _a-sza3 {gesz}kiri6_ u3 _e2_
ts: eqlam kirâm u bītam
en: a field, orchard, or house
1950'. isz-ru-uk
ts: išruk
en: presented,
1951'. ku-nu-kam isz-t,ur-szum
ts: kunukkam išṭuršum
en: a sealed contract wrote him,
1952'. wa-ar-ka a-bu-um
ts: warka abum
en: after the father
1953'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to (his) fate
1954'. it-ta-al-ku
ts: ittalku
en: has gone,
1955'. i-nu-ma ah-hu
ts: inūma aḫḫū
en: when the brothers
1956'. i-zu-uz-zu
ts: izuzzū
en: (the estate) divide,
1957'. qi2-isz-ti a-bu-um
ts: qīšti abum
en: the gift the father
1958'. id-di-nu-szum
ts: iddinušum
en: gave to him
1959'. i-le-qe2-ma
ts: ileqqēma
en: he (the favorite son) shall take, and
1960'. e-le-nu-um-ma
ts: elēnumma
en: and apart from that gift .
1961'. i-na _nig2-gur11 e2 a-ba_
ts: ina makkūr bīt abim
en: from the property of the house of the father
1962'. mi-it-ha-ri-isz
ts: mitḫāriš
en: equally
1963'. i-zu-uz-zu
ts: izuzzū
en: they shall divide the property.
law 166
1964'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1965'. a-na _dumu-mesz_ sza ir-szu-u2
ts: ana mārīšu ša irbû (text: iršû)
en: for his sons who are grown
1966'. asz-sza-tim i-hu-uz
ts: aššātim īḫuz
en: wives seized,
1967'. a-na _dumu_-szu
ts: ana mārišu
en: for his son,
1968'. s,e-eh-ri-im
ts: ṣeḫrim
en: the young one,
1969'. asz-sza-tam
ts: aššatam
en: a wife
1970'. la i-hu-uz
ts: lā īḫuz
en: did not seize,
1971'. wa-ar-ka a-bu-um
ts: warka abum
en: after the father,
1972'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to (his) fate
1973'. it-ta-al-ku
ts: ittalku
en: has gone,
1974'. i-nu-ma ah-hu
ts: inūma aḫḫū
en: when the brothers
1975'. i-zu-uz-zu
ts: izuzzū
en: (the estate) divide
1976'. i-na _nig2-gur11 e2 a-ba_
ts: ina makkūr bīt abim
en: from the property of the house of the father
1977'. a-na a-hi-szu-nu
ts: ana aḫišunu
en: for their brother
1978'. s,e-eh-ri-im
ts: ṣeḫrim
en: the young one
1979'. sza asz-sza-tam
ts: ša aššatam
en: who a wife
1980'. la ah-zu
ts: lā aḫzu
en: did not marry,
1981'. e-li-a-at
ts: eliāt
en: in addition
1982'. zi-it-ti-szu
ts: zittišu
en: to his inheritance share
1983'. _ku3-babbar_ ter-ha-tim
ts: kasap terḫatim
en: the silver (value) of the bridewealth
1984'. i-sza-ak-ka-nu-szum-ma
ts: išakkanūšumma
en: they shall establish, and
1985'. asz-sza-tam
ts: aššatam
en: a wife
1986'. u2-sza-ah-ha-zu-szu
ts: ušaḫḫazūšu
en: cause him to marry.
law 167
1987'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
1988'. asz-sza-tam
ts: aššatam
en: a wife
1989'. i-hu-uz-ma
ts: īḫuzma
en: married, and
1990'. _dumu-mesz_ u2-li-sum2
ts: mārī ūlissum
en: sons she bore him,
1991'. _munus_ szi-i
ts: sinništum šī
en: that woman
1992'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to (her) fate
1993'. it-ta-la-ak
ts: ittalak
en: has gone,
1994'. wa-ar-ki-sza
ts: warkiša
en: and after her (death)
1995'. _munus_ sza-ni-tam
ts: sinništam šanītam
en: another woman
1996'. i-ta-ha-az-ma
ts: ītahazma
en: he has married, and
1997'. _dumu-mesz_ it-ta-la-ad
ts: mārī ittalad
en: sons she has borne,
1998'. wa-ar-ka-nu-um
ts: warkānum
en: after which
1999'. a-bu-um a-na szi-im-tim
ts: abum ana šīmtim
en: the father to (his fate)
2000'. it-ta-al-ku
ts: ittalku
en: has gone,
2001'. _dumu-mesz_ a-na um-ma-tim
ts: mārū ana ummātim
en: the sons according to the mothers
2002'. u2-ul i-zu-uz-zu
ts: ul izuzzu
en: will not divide;
2003'. sze-ri-ik-ti
ts: šerikti
en: the dowries
2004'. um-ma-ti-szu-nu
ts: ummātišunu
en: of their (respective) mothers
2005'. i-le-qu2-ma
ts: ileqqûma
en: they shall take, and
2006'. _nig2-gur11 e2 a-ba_
ts: makkūr bīt abim
en: from the property of the house of the father
2007'. mi-it-ha-ri-isz
ts: mitḫāriš
en: equally
2008'. i-zu-uz-zu
ts: izuzzū
en: (the estate) divide.
law 168
2009'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2010'. a-na _dumu_-szu
ts: ana mārišu
en: to his son’s
2011'. na-sa-hi-im
ts: nasāḫim
en: tearing out (from the inheritance)
2012'. pa-nam isz-ta-ka-an
ts: panam ištakan
en: the face has set,
2013'. a-na da-a-a-ni
ts: ana dayyānī
en: to the judges,
2014'. _dumu_-i a-na-sa3-ah iq-ta-bi
ts: mārī anassaḫ iqtabi
en: “My son I would disinherit” has said,
2015'. da-a-a-nu
ts: dayyānū
en: the judges
2016'. wa-ar-ka-su2
ts: warkassu
en: his case
2017'. i-par2-ra-su-ma
ts: iparrasuma
en: shall investigate and
2018'. szum-ma _dumu_ ar-nam kab-tam
ts: šumma mārum arnam kabtam
en: if the son a grave offense
2019'. sza i-na ap-lu-tim
ts: ša ina aplūtim
en: of from sonship
2020'. na-sa-hi-im
ts: nasāḫim
en: being torn out
2021'. la ub-lam
ts: lā ublam
en: did not carry,
2022'. a-bu-um _dumu_-szu
ts: abum mārašu
en: the father his son
2023'. i-na ap-lu-tim
ts: ina aplūtim
en: from sonship
2024'. u2-ul i-na-sa3-ah
ts: ul inassaḫ
en: shall not tear out.
law 169
2025'. szum-ma ar-nam kab-tam
ts: šumma arnam kabtam
en: If he a grave offense
2026'. sza i-na ap-lu-tim
ts: ša ina aplūtim
en: of from sonship
2027'. na-sa-hi-im
ts: nasāḫim
en: being torn out
2028'. a-na a-bi-szu
ts: ana abišu
en: by his father
2029'. it-ba-lam
ts: itbalam
en: he had borne,
2030'. a-na isz-ti-isz-szu
ts: ana ištiššu
en: for his first one
2031'. pa-ni-szu ub-ba-lu
ts: pānīšu ubbalū
en: his face they shall carry;
2032'. szum-ma ar-nam kab-tam
ts: šumma arnam kabtam
en: if a grave offense
2033'. a-di szi-ni-szu it-ba-lam
ts: adi šinīšu itbalam
en: a second time he has borne,
2034'. a-bu-um _dumu_-szu
ts: abum mārašu
en: the father his son
2035'. i-na ap-lu-tim
ts: ina aplūtim
en: from sonship
2036'. i-na-sa3-ah
ts: inassaḫ
en: shall tear out.
law 170
2037'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man’s
2038'. hi-ir-ta-szu
ts: ḫīrtašu
en: first-ranking wife
2039'. _dumu-mesz_ u2-li-sum2
ts: mārī ūlissum
en: sons bore to him
2040'. u3 _geme2_-su2
ts: u amassu
en: and his slave woman
2041'. _dumu-mesz_ u2-li-sum2
ts: mārī ūlissum
en: sons bore to him,
2042'. a-bu-um
ts: abum
en: the father
2043'. i-na bu-ul-t,i3-szu
ts: ina bulṭišu
en: during his lifetime
2044'. a-na _dumu-mesz_ sza _geme2_ ul-du-szum
ts: ana mārī ša amtum uldušum
en: to the sons whom the slave woman bore to him,
2045'. _dumu-mesz_-u2-a iq-ta-bi
ts: mārūa iqtabi
en: “My sons,” has said,
2046'. it-ti _dumu-mesz_ hi-ir-tim
ts: itti mārī ḫīrtim
en: with the sons of the first-ranking wife
2047'. im-ta-nu-szu-nu-ti
ts: imtanūšunūti
en: has counted them,
2048'. wa-ar-ka a-bu-um
ts: warka abum
en: after the father
2049'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to (his) fate
2050'. it-ta-al-ku
ts: ittalku
en: has gone,
2051'. i-na _nig2-gur11 e2 a-ba_
ts: ina makkūr bīt abim
en: from the property of the house of the father
2052'. _dumu-mesz_ hi-ir-tim
ts: mārū ḫīrtim
en: the sons of the first-ranking wife
2053'. u3 _dumu-mesz geme2_
ts: u mārū amtim
en: and the sons of the slave woman
2054'. mi-it-ha-ri-isz
ts: mitḫāriš
en: equally
2055'. i-zu-uz-zu
ts: izuzzū
en: (the estate) shall divide
2056'. _ibila dumu_ hi-ir-tim
ts: aplum mār ḫīrtim
en: the heir is a son of the first-ranking wife:
2057'. i-na zi-it-tim
ts: ina zittim
en: a share
2058'. i-na-sa3-aq-ma
ts: inassaqma
en: he shall first select and
2059'. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: take.
law 171
2060'. u3 szum-ma a-bu-um
ts: u šumma abum
en: But if the father
2061'. i-na bu-ul-t,i3-szu
ts: ina bulṭišu
en: during his lifetime
2062'. a-na _dumu-mesz_ sza _geme2_ ul-du-szum
ts: ana mārī ša amtum uldušum
en: to (or: concerning) the sons whom the slave woman bore to him
2063'. _dumu-mesz_-u2-a la iq-ta-bi
ts: mārūya lā iqtabi
en: “My sons” should not declare
2064'. wa-ar-ka a-bu-um
ts: warka abum
en: after the father
2065'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to his fate
2066'. it-ta-al-ku
ts: ittalku
en: has gone,
2067'. i-na _nig2-gur11 e2 a-ba_
ts: ina makkūr bīt abim
en: the property of the paternal estate
2068'. _dumu-mesz geme2_
ts: mārū amtim
en: the sons of the slave woman
2069'. it-ti _dumu-mesz_ hi-ir-tim
ts: itti mārī ḫīrtim
en: with the sons of the first-ranking wife
2070'. u2-ul i-zu-uz-zu
ts: ul izuzzu
en: will not divide;
2071'. an-du-ra-ar
ts: andurār
en: the release
2072'. _geme2_ u3 _dumu-mesz_-sza
ts: amtim u mārīša
en: of the slave woman and of her sons
2073'. isz-sza-ak-ka-an
ts: iššakkan
en: shall be secured;
2074'. _dumu-mesz_ hi-ir-tim
ts: mārū ḫīrtim
en: the sons of the first-ranking wife
2075'. a-na _dumu-mesz geme2_
ts: ana mārī amtim
en: against the sons of the slave woman
2076'. a-na wa-ar-du-tim
ts: ana wardūtim
en: of slavery
2077'. u2-ul i-ra-ag-gu-mu
ts: ul iraggumu
en: will not make claims;
2078'. hi-ir-tum
ts: ḫīrtum
en: the first-ranking wife
2079'. sze-ri-ik-ta-sza
ts: šeriktaša
en: her dowry
2080'. u3 nu-du-un-na-am
ts: u nudunnâm
en: and the marriage settlement
2081'. sza mu-sa3
ts: ša mussa
en: which her husband
2082'. id-di-nu-szi-im
ts: iddinušim
en: gave to her
2083'. i-na t,up-pi2-im
ts: ina ṭuppim
en: as in a document
2084'. isz-t,u2-ru-szi-im
ts: išṭurušim
en: he wrote for her,
2085'. i-le-qe2-ma
ts: ileqqēma
en: shall take
2086'. i-na szu-ba-at
ts: ina šubat
en: in her the dwelling
2087'. mu-ti-sza usz-sza-ab
ts: mutiša uššab
en: of her husband she shall reside,
2088'. a-di ba-al-t,a-at i-ik-ka-al
ts: adi balṭat ikkal
en: as long as she is alive she shall eat,
2089'. a-na _ku3-babbar_
ts: ana kaspim
en: for silver to her own sons
2090'. u2-ul i-na-ad-di-in
ts: ul inaddin
en: she will not give it;
2091'. wa-ar-ka-sa3
ts: warkassa
en: her estate
2092'. sza _dumu-mesz_-sza-ma
ts: ša mārīšama
en: is that of her sons only.
law 172
2093'. szum-ma mu-sa3
ts: šumma mussa
en: If her husband
2094'. nu-du-un-na-am
ts: nudunnâm
en: a marriage settlement
2095'. la id-di-isz-szi-im
ts: lā iddiššim
en: does not make for her,
2096'. sze-ri-ik-ta-sza
ts: šeriktaša
en: her dowry
2097'. u2-sza-la-mu-szi-im-ma
ts: ušallamūšimma
en: they shall make whole for her,
2098'. i-na _nig2-gur11_
ts: ina makkūr
en: and of the property
2099'. _e2_ mu-ti-sza
ts: bīt mutiša
en: of her husband’s estate
2100'. zi2-it-tam
ts: zittam
en: a share
2101'. ki-ma _ibila_ isz-te-en
ts: kīma aplim ištēn
en: like that of one heir
2102'. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: she shall take;
2103'. szum-ma _dumu-mesz_-sza
ts: šumma mārūša
en: if her sons
2104'. asz-szum i-na _e2_ szu-s,i2-im
ts: aššum ina bītim šūṣîm
en: in order from the household to coerce her to depart
2105'. u2-sa3-ah-ha-mu-szi
ts: usaḫḫamuši
en: pressure her
2106'. da-a-a-nu
ts: dayyānū
en: the judges
2107'. wa-ar-ka-sa3
ts: warkassa
en: her case
2108'. i-par2-ra-su-ma
ts: iparrasuma
en: shall investigate, and
2109'. _dumu-mesz_ ar-nam
ts: mārī arnam
en: on the sons a penalty
2110'. i-im-mi-du
ts: immidu
en: shall impose;
2111'. _munus_ szi-i
ts: sinništum šī
en: that woman
2112'. i-na _e2_ mu-ti-sza
ts: ina bīt mutiša
en: from the household of her husband
2113'. u2-ul us,-s,i2
ts: ul uṣṣi
en: will not depart;
2114'. szum-ma _munus_ szi-i
ts: šumma sinništum šī
en: if that woman
2115'. a-na wa-s,e-em
ts: ana waṣêm
en: to departing
2116'. pa-ni-sza
ts: pānīša
en: her face
2117'. isz-ta-ka-an
ts: ištakan
en: has set,
2118'. nu-du-un-na-am
ts: nudunnâm
en: the marriage settlement
2119'. sza mu-sa3
ts: ša mussa
en: which her husband
2120'. id-di-nu-szi-im
ts: iddinušim
en: gave to her
2121'. a-na _dumu-mesz_-sza
ts: ana mārīša
en: to her sons
2122'. i-iz-zi-ib
ts: izzib
en: she shall leave;
2123'. sze-ri-ik-tam
ts: šeriktam
en: the dowry
2124'. sza _e2_ a-bi-sza
ts: ša bīt abiša
en: from the household of her father
2125'. i-le-qe2-ma
ts: ileqqēma
en: she shall take and
2126'. mu-ut li-ib-bi-sza
ts: mut libbiša
en: a husband of her choice
2127'. i-ih-ha-as-si2
ts: iḫḫassi
en: shall marry her.
law 173
2128'. szum-ma _munus_ szi-i
ts: šumma sinništum šī
en: If that woman
2129'. a-szar i-ru-bu
ts: ašar īrubu
en: where she entered
2130'. a-na mu-ti-sza
ts: ana mutiša
en: to her husband
2131'. wa-ar-ki-im
ts: warkîm
en: the later one,
2132'. _dumu-mesz_ it-ta-la-ad
ts: mārī ittalad
en: sons has borne,
2133'. wa-ar-ka _munus_ szi-i im-tu-ut
ts: warka sinništum šī imtūt
en: after that woman dies,
2134'. sze-ri-ik-ta-sza
ts: šeriktaša
en: her dowry.
2135'. _dumu-mesz_ mah-ru-tum
ts: mārū maḫrûtum
en: sons former
2136'. u3 wa-ar-ku-tum
ts: u warkûtum
en: and latter sons
2137'. i-zu-uz-zu
ts: izuzzu
en: shall divide.
law 174
2138'. szum-ma a-na mu-ti-sza
ts: šumma ana mutiša
en: If to her husband,
2139'. wa-ar-ki-im
ts: warkîm
en: the latter one,
2140'. _dumu-mesz_ la it-ta-la-ad
ts: mārī lā ittalad
en: sons she she has not borne,
2141'. sze-ri-ik-ta-sza
ts: šeriktaša
en: her dowry.
2142'. _dumu-mesz_ ha-wi-ri-sza-ma
ts: mārū ḫāwirišama
en: only the sons of her first husband
2143'. i-le-qu2-u2
ts: ileqqû
en: shall take.
law 175
2144'. szum-ma lu _ARAD2 e2-gal_
ts: šumma lu warad ekallim
en: If a slave of the palace
2145'. u3 lu _ARAD2_
ts: u lū warad
en: or a slave
2146'. _|MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: muškēnim
en: of a commoner
2147'. _dumu-munus_ a-wi-lim
ts: mārat awīlim
en: a daughter of an awīlum
2148'. i-hu-uz-ma
ts: īḫuzma
en: married, and
2149'. _dumu-mesz_
ts: mārī
en: sons
2150'. it-ta-la-ad
ts: ittalad
en: she has borne,
2151'. be-el _ARAD2_
ts: bēl wardim
en: the owner of the slave
2152'. a-na _dumu-mesz_
ts: ana mārī
en: against the sons
2153'. _dumu-munus_ a-wi-lim
ts: mārat awīlim
en: of the daughter of an awīlum
2154'. a-na wa-ar-du-tim
ts: ana wardūtim
en: of slavery
2155'. u2-ul i-ra-ag-gu-um
ts: ul iraggum
en: will have no claims.
law 176
2156'. u3 szum-ma _ARAD2 e2-gal_
ts: u šumma warad ekallim
en: And if a slave of the palace
2157'. u3 lu _ARAD2 |MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: u lū warad muškēnim
en: or a slave of a commoner
2158'. _dumu-munus_ a-wi-lim
ts: mārat awīlim
en: a daughter of an awīlum
2159'. i-hu-uz-ma
ts: īḫuzma
en: married, and
2160'. i-nu-ma i-hu-zu-szi
ts: inūma īḫuzuši
en: when he married her
2161'. qa2-du-um
ts: qadum
en: together
2162'. sze-ri-ik-tim
ts: šeriktim
en: with the dowry
2163'. sza _e2_ a-bi-sza
ts: ša bīt abiša
en: from the household of her father
2164'. a-na _e2 ARAD2 e2-gal_
ts: ana bīt warad ekallim
en: to the household of the slave of the palace
2165'. u3 lu _ARAD2 |MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: u lū warad muškēnim
en: or of the slave of the commoner
2166'. i-ru-ub-ma
ts: īrubma
en: entered, and
2167'. isz-tu in-ne-em-du
ts: ištu innemdū
en: subsequent to the time that they move in together
2168'. _e2_ i-pu-szu
ts: bītam īpušū
en: a household they established,
2169'. bi-sza-am ir-szu-u2
ts: bīšam iršû
en: possessions accumulated
2170'. wa-ar-ka-nu-um-ma
ts: warkānumma
en: after which
2171'. lu _ARAD2 e2-gal_
ts: lu warad ekallim
en: either the slave of the palace
2172'. u3 lu _ARAD2 |MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: u lū warad muškēnim
en: or the slave of the commoner
2173'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to his fate
2174'. it-ta-la-ak
ts: ittalak
en: has gone,
2175'. _dumu-munus_ a-wi-lim
ts: mārat awīlim
en: the daughter of an awīlum
2176'. sze-ri-ik-ta-sza
ts: šeriktaša
en: her dowry
2177'. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: shall take;
2178'. u3 mi-im-ma
ts: u mimma
en: furthermore, everything
2179'. sza mu-sa3 u3 szi-i
ts: ša mussa u šī
en: that her husband and she
2180'. isz-tu in-ne-em-du
ts: ištu innemdū
en: subsequent to the time that they moved in together
2181'. ir-szu-u2
ts: iršû
en: accumulated
2182'. a-na szi-ni-szu
ts: ana šinīšu
en: into two parts
2183'. i-zu-uz-zu-ma
ts: izuzzūma
en: they shall divide, and
2184'. mi-isz-lam be-el _ARAD2_
ts: mišlam bēl wardim
en: half the owner of the slave
2185'. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: shall take,
2186'. mi-isz-lam
ts: mišlam
en: half
2187'. _dumu-munus_ a-wi-lim
ts: mārat awīlim
en: the daughter of an awīlum
2188'. a-na _dumu-mesz_-sza i-le-qe2
ts: ana mārīša ileqqe
en: for her sons shall take.
2189'. szum-ma _dumu-munus_ a-wi-lim
ts: šumma mārat awīlim
en: If the daughter of an awīlum
2190'. sze-ri-ik-tam la i-szu
ts: šeriktam lā išu
en: a dowry does not have,
2191'. mi-im-ma sza mu-sa3 u3 szi-i
ts: mimma ša mussa u šī
en: everything that her husband and she
2192'. isz-tu in-ne-em-du
ts: ištu innemdū
en: subsequent to the time that they moved in together
2193'. ir-szu-u2
ts: iršû
en: accumulated,
2194'. a-na szi-ni-szu
ts: ana šinīšu
en: into two parts
2195'. i-zu-uz-zu-ma
ts: izuzzūma
en: they shall divide, and
2196'. mi-isz-lam be-el _ARAD2_
ts: mišlam bēl wardim
en: half the owner of the slave
2197'. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: shall take,
2198'. mi-isz-lam
ts: mišlam
en: half
2199'. _dumu-munus_ a-wi-lim
ts: mārat awīlim
en: the daughter of an awīlum
2200'. a-na _dumu-mesz_-sza i-le-qe2
ts: ana mārīša ileqqe
en: for her sons shall take.
law 177
2201'. szum-ma _nu-mu-su_
ts: šumma almattum
en: If a widow
2202'. sza _dumu-mesz_-sza
ts: ša mārūša
en: whose sons
2203'. s,e-eh-he-ru
ts: ṣeḫḫerū
en: are still young
2204'. a-na _e2_ sza-ni-im
ts: ana bīt šanîm
en: the household of another
2205'. e-re-bi-im
ts: erēbim
en: to enter
2206'. pa-ni-sza
ts: pānīša
en: her face
2207'. isz-ta-ka-an
ts: ištakan
en: has set,
2208'. ba-lum da-a-a-ni
ts: balum dayyānī
en: without (the prior approval of) the judges
2209'. u2-ul i-ir-ru-ub
ts: ul irrub
en: she will not enter;
2210'. i-nu-ma
ts: inūma
en: When
2211'. a-na _e2_ sza-ni-im
ts: ana bīt šanîm
en: the household of another
2212'. i-ir-ru-bu
ts: irrubu
en: she enters,
2213'. da-a-a-nu
ts: dayyānū
en: the judges
2214'. wa-ar-ka-at
ts: warkat
en: the background of
2215'. _e2_ mu-ti-sza
ts: bīt mutiša
en: the household of her husband,
2216'. pa-ni-im
ts: panîm
en: the former one,
2217'. i-par2-ra-su-ma
ts: iparrasūma
en: shall investigate , and
2218'. _e2_ sza mu-ti-sza
ts: bītam ša mutiša
en: the household of her husband,
2219'. pa-ni-im
ts: panîm
en: the former one,
2220'. a-na mu-ti-sza
ts: ana mutiša
en: to her husband,
2221'. wa-ar-ki-im
ts: warkîm
en: the latter one,
2222'. u3 _munus_ szu-a-ti
ts: u sinništim šuāti
en: and to that woman
2223'. i-pa-aq-qi2-du-ma
ts: ipaqqidūma
en: they shall entrust, and
2224'. t,up-pa-am
ts: ṭuppam
en: a tablet (inventorying the estate)
2225'. u2-sze-ez-ze-bu-szu-nu-ti
ts: ušezzebūšunūti
en: they shall have them record;
2226'. _e2_ i-na-s,a-ru
ts: bītam inaṣṣarū
en: the household they shall guard,
2227'. u3 s,e-eh-he-ru-tim
ts: u ṣeḫḫerūtim
en: the young sons
2228'. u2-ra-ab-bu-u2
ts: urabbû
en: they shall raise
2229'. u2-ni-a-tim
ts: uniātim
en: the household goods
2230'. a-na _ku3-babbar_
ts: ana kaspim
en: for silver
2231'. u2-ul i-na-ad-di-nu
ts: ul inaddinū
en: they shall not give;
2232'. sza-a-a-ma-nu-um
ts: šāyyāmānum
en: a buyer
2233'. sza u2-nu-ut
ts: ša unūt
en: who the household goods
2234'. _dumu-mesz nu-mu-su_
ts: mārī almattim
en: of the sons of a widow
2235'. i-sza-am-mu
ts: išammu
en: buys,
2236'. i-na _ku3-babbar_-szu
ts: ina kaspišu
en: his silver
2237'. i-te-el-li
ts: ītelli
en: shall forfeit;
2238'. _nig2-gur11_ a-na be-li2-szu
ts: makkūrum ana bēlišu
en: the property to its owner
2239'. i-ta-ar
ts: itâr
en: shall revert.
law 178
2240'. szum-ma _nin-dingir lukur_
ts: šumma ugbabtum nadītum
en: If an ugbabtu, a nadītu,
2241'. u3 lu _{munus}zi-ik-ru-um_
ts: u lū sekretum
en: or a sekretu exists
2242'. sza a-bu-sza
ts: ša abuša
en: whose father
2243'. sze-ri-ik-tam
ts: šeriktam
en: a dowry
2244'. isz-ru-uk-szi-im
ts: išrukušim
en: awards to her
2245'. t,up-pa-am
ts: ṭuppam
en: a tablet
2246'. isz-t,u2-ru-szi-im
ts: išṭurušim
en: wrote for her,
2247'. i-na t,up-pi2-im
ts: ina ṭuppim
en: but the tablet
2248'. sza isz-t,u2-ru-szi-im
ts: ša išṭurušim
en: that he wrote
2249'. wa-ar-ka-sa3
ts: warkassa
en: her estate
2250'. e-me e-li-sza
ts: ēma eliša
en: to whomever
2251'. t,a-bu na-da-nam
ts: ṭābu nadānamma
en: she pleases to give,
2252'. la isz-t,ur-szi-im-ma
ts: lā išṭuršimma
en: did not write her, and
2253'. ma-la li-ib-bi-sza
ts: mala libbiša
en: full discretion
2254'. la u2-sza-am-s,i2-szi
ts: lā ušamṣīši
en: he did not grant her,
2255'. wa-ar-ka a-bu-um
ts: warka abum
en: after the father
2256'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to his fate
2257'. it-ta-al-ku
ts: ittalku
en: has gone,
2258'. _a-sza3_-sza u3 _kiri6_-sza
ts: eqelša u kirāša
en: her field and her orchard
2259'. ah-hu-sza
ts: aḫḫūša
en: her brothers
2260'. i-le-qu2-ma
ts: ileqqûma
en: shall take, and
2261'. ki-ma e-mu-uq
ts: kīma emūq
en: in accordance with the value
2262'. zi-it-ti-sza
ts: zittiša
en: of her inheritance share
2263'. _sze-ba i3-ba_ u3 _siki-ba_
ts: ipram piššatam u lubūšam
en: food, oil, and clothing allowances
2264'. i-na-ad-di-nu-szim-ma
ts: inaddinūšimma
en: they shall give to her, and
2265'. li-ib-ba-sza
ts: libbaša
en: her stomach
2266'. u2-t,a-ab-bu
ts: uṭabbū
en: they shall sweeten;
2267'. szum-ma ah-hu-sza
ts: šumma aḫḫūša
en: if her brothers
2268'. ki-ma e-mu-uq
ts: kīma emūq
en: in accordance with the value
2269'. zi-it-ti-sza
ts: zittiša
en: of her inheritance share
2270'. _sze-ba i3-ba_ u3 _siki-ba_
ts: ipram piššatam u lubūšam
en: food, oil, and clothing allowances
2271'. la it-ta-ad-nu-szi-im-ma
ts: lā ittadnušimma
en: have not given to her, and
2272'. li-ib-ba-sza
ts: libbaša
en: her stomach
2273'. la ut,-t,i-ib-bu
ts: lā uṭṭibbū
en: they have not sweetened,
2274'. _a-sza3_-sza u3 _kiri6_-sza
ts: eqelša u kirāša
en: her field and her orchard
2275'. a-na er-re-szi-im
ts: ana errēšim
en: to any agricultural tenant
2276'. sza e-li-sza t,a-bu
ts: ša eliša ṭābu
en: she pleases
2277'. i-na-ad-di-in-ma
ts: inaddinma
en: she shall give, and
2278'. er-re-sa3
ts: errēssa
en: her agricultural tenant
2279'. it-ta-na-asz-szi-szi
ts: ittanaššīši
en: shall support her;
2280'. _a-sza3 {gesz}kiri6_
ts: eqlam kirâm
en: the field, orchard,
2281'. u3 mi-im-ma
ts: u mimma
en: and anything else
2282'. sza a-bu-sza
ts: ša abuša
en: which her father
2283'. id-di-nu-szi-im
ts: iddinušim
en: gave to her
2284'. a-di ba-al-t,a-at i3-kal
ts: adi balṭat ikkal
en: s long as she lives she shall eat;
2285'. a-na _ku3-babbar_
ts: ana kaspim
en: but for silver
2286'. u2-ul i-na-ad-di-in
ts: ul inaddin
en: she shall not give it;
2287'. sza-ni-a-am
ts: šaniām
en: another (person’s obligations)
2288'. u2-ul u2-up-pa-al
ts: ul uppal
en: she shall not satisfy;
2289'. ap-lu-sa3
ts: aplūssa
en: her inheritance
2290'. sza ah-hi-sza-ma
ts: ša aḫḫīšama
en: it that of her brothers alone.
law 179
2291'. szum-ma _nin-dingir lukur_
ts: šumma ugbabtum nadītum
en: If there is an ugbabtu, a nadītu,
2292'. u3 lu {munus}_zi-ik-ru-um_
ts: u lū sekretum
en: or a sekretu
2293'. sza a-bu-sza
ts: ša abuša
en: whose father
2294'. sze-ri-ik-tam
ts: šeriktam
en: a dowry
2295'. isz-ru-uk-szi-im
ts: išrukušim
en: awarded to her
2296'. ku-nu-kam
ts: kunukkam
en: and a sealed document
2297'. isz-t,u2-ru-szi-im
ts: išṭurušim
en: wrote for her,
2298'. i-na t,up-pi2-im
ts: ina ṭuppim
en: in the tablet
2299'. sza isz-t,u2-ru-szi-im
ts: ša išṭurušim
en: that he wrote for her
2300'. wa-ar-ka-sa3
ts: warkassa
en: her estate
2301'. e-ma e-li-sza t,a-bu
ts: ēma eliša ṭābu
en: to whomever she pleases
2302'. na-da-nam
ts: nadānam
en: to give
2303'. isz-t,ur-szi-im-ma
ts: išṭuršimma
en: he wrote for her, and
2304'. ma-la li-ib-bi-sza
ts: mala libbiša
en: full discretion
2305'. usz-tam-s,i2-szi
ts: uštamṣīši
en: gave her—
2306'. wa-ar-ka a-bu-um
ts: warka abum
en: after the father
2307'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to his fate
2308'. it-ta-al-ku
ts: ittalku
en: has gone,
2309'. wa-ar-ka-sa3
ts: warkassa
en: her estate
2310'. e-ma e-li-sza t,a-bu
ts: ēma eliša ṭābu
en: to whomever she pleases
2311'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: she shall give
2312'. ah-hu-sza
ts: aḫḫūša
en: her brothers
2313'. u2-ul i-ba-aq-qa2-ru-szi
ts: ul ipaqqaruši
en: shall not raise a claim.
law 180
2314'. szum-ma a-bu-um
ts: šumma abum
en: If a father
2315'. a-na _dumu-munus_-szu
ts: ana mārtišu
en: to his daughter
2316'. _lukur ga2-gi4-a_
ts: nadīt gagîm
en: who is a nadītu of the cloister
2317'. u3 lu {munus}_zi-ik-ru-um_
ts: u lū sekretim
en: or a sekretu
2318'. sze-ri-ik-tam
ts: šeriktam
en: a dowry
2319'. la isz-<ru>-uk-szi-im
ts: lā išrukšim
en: did not award
2320'. wa-ar-ka a-bu-um
ts: warka abum
en: after the father
2321'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to his fate
2322'. it-ta-al-ku
ts: ittalku
en: has gone,
2323'. i-na _nig2-gur11 e2 a-ba_
ts: ina makkūr bīt abim
en: of the property of the household of the father
2324'. zi2-it-tam ki-ma
ts: zittam kīma
en: a share like
2325'. ap-lim isz-te-en
ts: aplim ištēn
en: that of one heir
2326'. i-za-az-ma
ts: izâzma
en: she shall divide, and
2327'. a-di ba-al-t,a-at
ts: adi balṭat
en: as long as she lives
2328'. i-ik-ka-al
ts: ikkal
en: she shall eat;
2329'. wa-ar-ka-sa3
ts: warkassa
en: her estate
2330'. sza ah-hi-sza-ma
ts: ša aḫḫīšama
en: is that of her brothers alone.
law 181
2331'. szum-ma a-bu-um
ts: šumma abum
en: If a father
2332'. _lukur nu-gig_
ts: nadītam qadištam
en: as a nadītu, a qadištu,
2333'. u3 lu _nu-bar_
ts: u lū kulmašītam
en: or a kulmašītu
2334'. a-na _dingir_ isz-szi-ma
ts: ana ilim iššīma
en: to the deity dedicates (his daughter), but
2335'. sze-ri-ik-tam
ts: šeriktam
en: a dowry
2336'. la isz-ru-uk-szi-im
ts: lā išrukšim
en: does not award to her,
2337'. wa-ar-ka a-bu-um
ts: warka abum
en: after the father
2338'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to his fate
2339'. it-ta-al-ku
ts: ittalku
en: has gone,
2340'. i-na _nig2-gur11 e2 a-ba_
ts: ina makkūr bīt abim
en: from the property of the paternal household
2341'. _igi 3(disz)-gal2 ibila_-sza
ts: šalušti aplūtiša
en: her one-third share as her inheritance,
2342'. i-za-az-ma
ts: izâzma
en: she shall divide, and
2343'. a-di ba-al-t,a-at
ts: adi balṭat
en: as long as she lives brothers.
2344'. i-ik-ka-al
ts: ikkal
en: she shall eat;
2345'. wa-ar-ka-sa3
ts: warkassa
en: her household
2346'. sza ah-hi-sza-am-ma
ts: ša aḫḫīšama
en: is of to her brothers alone.
law 182
2347'. szum-ma a-bu-um
ts: šumma abum
en: If a father
2348'. a-na _dumu-munus_-szu
ts: ana mārtišu
en: to his daughter
2349'. _lukur_ {d}marduk
ts: nadīt marduk
en: who is a nadītu dedicated to Marduk
2350'. sza babila#{ki}
ts: ša bābilim
en: of Babylon
2351'. sze-ri-ik-tam
ts: šeriktam
en: a dowry
2352'. la isz-ru-uk-szi-im
ts: lā išrukšim
en: did not award
2353'. ku-nu-kam
ts: kunukkam
en: or in a sealed document
2354'. la isz-t,ur-szi-im
ts: lā išṭuršim
en: does not record it for her,
2355'. wa-ar-ka a-bu-um
ts: warka abum
en: after the father
2356'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to his fate
2357'. it-ta-al-ku
ts: ittalku
en: has gone,
2358'. i-na _nig2-gur11 e2 a-ba_
ts: ina makkūr bīt abim
en: from the property of the paternal household
2359'. _igi 3(disz)-gal2 ibila_-sza
ts: šalušti aplūtiša
en: her one-third share of inheritance
2360'. it-ti ah-hi-sza
ts: itti aḫḫīša
en: with her brothers
2361'. i-za-az-ma
ts: izâzma
en: she shall divide, but
2362'. il-kam
ts: ilkam
en: a service obligation
2363'. u2-ul i-il-la-ak
ts: ul illak
en: she shall not perform;
2364'. _lukur_ {d}marduk
ts: nadīt marduk
en: a nadītu dedicated to Marduk
2365'. wa-ar-ka-sa3
ts: warkassa
en: her household
2366'. e-ma e-li-sza
ts: ēma eliša
en: as she
2367'. t,a-bu
ts: ṭābu
en: pleases
2368'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: shall give.
law 183
2369'. szum-ma a-bu-um
ts: šumma abum
en: If a father
2370'. a-na _dumu-munus_-szu szu-gi4-tim
ts: ana mārtišu šugītim
en: to his daughter who is a šugītu
2371'. sze-ri-ik-tam
ts: šeriktam
en: a dowry
2372'. isz-ru-uk-szi-im
ts: išrukšim
en: awarded,
2373'. a-na mu-tim
ts: ana mutim
en: to a husband
2374'. id-di-isz-szi
ts: iddišši
en: gives her
2375'. ku-nu-uk-kam
ts: kunukkam
en: and in a sealed document
2376'. isz-t,ur-szi-im
ts: išṭuršim
en: records it for her
2377'. wa-ar-ka a-bu-um
ts: warka abum
en: after the father
2378'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to his fate
2379'. it-ta-al-ku
ts: ittalku
en: has gone,
2380'. i-na _nig2-gur11 e2 a-ba_
ts: ina makkūr bīt abim
en: from the property of the paternal estate
2381'. u2-ul i-za-az
ts: ul izâz
en: she shall not divide.
law 184
2382'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2383'. a-na _dumu-munus_-szu
ts: ana mārtišu
en: to his daughter
2384'. szu-gi4-tim
ts: šugītim
en: who is a šugītu
2385'. sze-ri-ik-tam
ts: šeriktam
en: a dowry
2386'. la isz-ru-uk-szim
ts: lā išrukšim
en: did not award
2387'. a-na mu-tim
ts: ana mutim
en: and her to a husband
2388'. la id-di-isz-szi
ts: lā iddišši
en: did not give her,
2389'. wa-ar-ka a-bu-um
ts: warka abum
en: after the father
2390'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: to his fate
2391'. it-ta-al-ku
ts: ittalku
en: has gone,
2392'. ah-hu-sza
ts: aḫḫūša
en: her brothers
2393'. ki-ma e-mu-uq _e2 a-ba_
ts: kīma emūq bīt abim
en: proportionate to the value of the paternal estate
2394'. sze-ri-ik-tam
ts: šeriktam
en: a dowry
2395'. i-szar-ra-ku-szi-im-ma
ts: išarrakūšimma
en: shall award to her, and
2396'. a-na mu-tim
ts: ana mutim
en: to a husband.
2397'. i-na-ad-di-nu-szi
ts: inaddinūši
en: they shall give her.
law 185
2398'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2399'. s,e-eh-ra-am
ts: ṣeḫram
en: a young child
2400'. i-na me-e-szu
ts: ina mêšu
en: at birth
2401'. a-na ma-ru-tim
ts: ana mārūtim
en: in adoption
2402'. il-qe2-ma
ts: ilqēma
en: took, and
2403'. ur2-ta-ab-bi-szu
ts: urtabbīšu
en: then has raised him,
2404'. tar-bi-tum szi-i
ts: tarbītum šī
en: that rearling
2405'. u2-ul ib-ba-aq-qar
ts: ul ibbaqqar
en: shall not be reclaimed.
law 186
2406'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2407'. s,e-eh-ra-am
ts: ṣeḫram
en: a young child
2408'. a-na ma-ru-tim il-qe2
ts: ana mārūtim ilqe
en: in adoption took,
2409'. i-nu-ma
ts: inūma
en: and when
2410'. il-qu2-u2-szu
ts: ilqûšu
en: he took him,
2411'. a-ba-szu
ts: abašu
en: his father
2412'. u3 um-ma-szu
ts: u ummašu
en: and mother
2413'. i-hi-a-at,
ts: iḫiaṭ
en: he (the child?) is seeking
2414'. tar-bi-tum szi-i
ts: tarbītum šī
en: that rearling
2415'. a-na _e2_ a-bi-szu
ts: ana bīt abišu
en: to his father’s house
2416'. i-ta-ar
ts: itâr
en: shall return.
law 187
2417'. _dumu giri3-se3-ga_
ts: mār girseqîm
en: A child of a courtier
2418'. mu-za-az _e2-gal_
ts: muzzaz ekallim
en: who is a palace attendant
2419'. u3 _dumu {munus}zi-ik-ru-um_
ts: u mār sekretim
en: or a child of a sekretu
2420'. u2-ul ib-ba-aq-qar
ts: ul ibbaqqar
en: shall not be reclaimed.
law 188
2421'. szum-ma _dumu um-mi-a_
ts: šumma mār ummânim
en: If a craftsman
2422'. _dumu_ a-na tar-bi-tim
ts: ṣeḫram ana tarbītim
en: a young child to raise
2423'. il-qe2-ma
ts: ilqēma
en: took, and
2424'. szi-pi2-ir qa2-ti-szu
ts: šipir qātišu
en: his craft
2425'. usz-ta-hi-su2
ts: uštāḫissu
en: has taught him,
2426'. u2-ul ib-ba-qar
ts: ul ibbaqqar
en: he will not be reclaimed.
law 189
2427'. szum-ma szi-pi2-ir qa2-ti-szu
ts: šumma šipir qātišu
en: his craft
2428'. la usz-ta-hi-su2
ts: lā uštāḫissu
en: he has not taught him,
2429'. tar-bi-tum szi-i
ts: tarbītum šī
en: that rearling
2430'. a-na _e2_ a-bi-szu
ts: ana bīt abišu
en: to his father’s house
2431'. i-ta-ar
ts: itâr
en: shall return.
law 190
2432'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2433'. s,e-eh-ra-am
ts: ṣeḫram
en: the young child
2434'. sza a-na ma-ru-ti-szu
ts: ša ana mārūtišu
en: whom in adoption
2435'. il-qu2-szu-ma
ts: ilqûšuma
en: he took, and
2436'. u2-ra-ab-bu-szu
ts: urabbûšu
en: raised,
2437'. it-ti _dumu-mesz_-szu
ts: itti mārīšu
en: with his sons
2438'. la im-ta-nu-szu
ts: lā imtanūšu
en: has not counted,
2439'. tar-bi-tum szi-i
ts: tarbītum šī
en: that rearling
2440'. a-na _e2_ a-bi-szu
ts: ana bīt abišu
en: to his father’s house
2441'. i-ta-ar
ts: itâr
en: shall return
law 191
2442'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2443'. s,e-eh-ra-am
ts: ṣeḫram
en: the young child
2444'. sza a-na ma-ru-ti-szu
ts: ša ana mārūtišu
en: whom in adoption
2445'. il-qu2-szu-ma
ts: ilqûšuma
en: he took and
2446'. u2-ra-ab-bu-u2-szu
ts: urabbûšu
en: raised,
2447'. _e2_-ba i-pu-usz
ts: bīssu īpuš
en: his household (by reckoning as equal with any future sons) established,
2448'. wa-ar-ka _dumu-mesz_
ts: warka mārī
en: but afterwards he has sons (of his own)
2449'. ir-ta-szi-ma
ts: irtašīma
en: he has had, and
2450'. a-na tar-bi-tim na-sa-hi-im
ts: ana tarbītim nasāḫim
en: to disinherit the rearling
2451'. pa-nam isz-ta-ka-an
ts: panam ištakan
en: his face has set,
2452'. _dumu_ szu-u2 re-qu2-su2
ts: ṣeḫrum šū rēqūssu
en: that young child empty-handed
2453'. u2-ul it-ta-al-la-ak
ts: ul ittallak
en: shall not depart;
2454'. a-bu-um mu-ra-bi-szu
ts: abum murabbīšu
en: the father who raised him
2455'. i-na _nig2-gur11_-szu
ts: ina makkūrišu
en: from his property
2456'. _igi 3(disz)-gal2 ibila_-szu
ts: šalušti aplūtišu
en: a one-third share
2457'. i-na-ad-di-isz-szum-ma
ts: inaddiššumma
en: shall give him, and
2458'. it-ta-la-ak
ts: ittallak
en: he shall depart;
2459'. i-na _a-sza3 {gesz}kiri6_
ts: ina eqlim kirîm
en: from field, orchard
2460'. u3 _e2_
ts: u bītim
en: or house
2461'. u2-ul i-na-ad-di-isz-szum
ts: ul inaddiššum
en: he shall not give him.
law 192
2462'. szum-ma _dumu giri3-se3-ga_
ts: šumma mār girseqîm
en: If the child of a courtier
2463'. u3 lu _dumu {munus}zi-ik-ru-um_
ts: u lū mār sekretim
en: or the child of a sekretu
2464'. a-na a-bi-im
ts: ana abim
en: to the father
2465'. mu-ra-bi-szu
ts: murabbīšu
en: who raised him
2466'. u3 um-mi-im
ts: u ummim
en: or to the mother
2467'. mu-ra-bi-ti-szu
ts: murabbītišu
en: who raised him
2468'. u2-ul a-bi at-ta
ts: ul abī atta
en: “You are not my father,”
2469'. u2-ul um-mi at-ti iq-ta-bi
ts: ul ummī atti iqtabi
en: or “You are not my mother,” has said,
2470'. _eme_-szu
ts: lišānšu
en: his tongue
2471'. i-na-ak-ki-su
ts: inakkisū
en: they shall cut out.
law 193
2472'. szum-ma _dumu giri3-se3-ga_
ts: šumma mār girseqîm
en: If the child of a courtier
2473'. u3 lu _dumu {munus}zi-ik-ru-um_
ts: u lū mār sekretim
en: or the child of a sekretu
2474'. _e2_ a-bi-szu
ts: bīt abišu
en: with his father’s house
2475'. u2-we-ed-di-ma
ts: uweddīma
en: identified, and
2476'. a-ba-am
ts: abam
en: and the father eye.
2477'. mu-ra-bi-szu
ts: murabbīšu
en: who raised him
2478'. u3 um-ma-am
ts: u ummam
en: or the mother
2479'. mu-ra-bi-su2
ts: murabbīssu
en: who raised him
2480'. i-ze2-er-ma
ts: izērma
en: repudiated, and
2481'. a-na _e2_ a-bi-szu
ts: ana bīt abišu
en: for his father’s house
2482'. it-ta-la-ak
ts: ittalak
en: has departed,
2483'. i-in-szu
ts: īnšu
en: his eye
2484'. i-na-sa3-hu
ts: inassaḫū
en: they shall pluck out.
law 194
2485'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2486'. _dumu_-szu a-na mu-sze-ni-iq-tim
ts: mārašu ana mušēniqtim
en: his son to a wet nurse
2487'. id-di-in-ma
ts: iddinma
en: gave, and
2488'. _dumu_ szu-u2
ts: ṣeḫrum šū
en: that child
2489'. i-na qa2-at mu-sze-ni-iq-tim
ts: ina qāt mušēniqtim
en: while in the care of the wet nurse
2490'. im-tu-ut
ts: imtūt
en: has died,
2491'. mu-sze-ni-iq-tum
ts: mušēniqtum
en: and the wet nurse
2492'. ba-lum a-bi-szu
ts: balum abišu
en: without (the consent of his the dead child’s) father
2493'. u3 um-mi-szu
ts: u ummišu
en: and mother
2494'. _dumu_ sza-ni-a-am-ma
ts: ṣeḫram šaniamma
en: for another child
2495'. ir-ta-ka-as2
ts: irtakas
en: she has contracted,
2496'. u2-ka-an-nu-szi-ma
ts: ukannūšima
en: they shall convict her, and
2497'. asz-szum ba-lum a-bi-szu
ts: aššum balum abišu
en: because without (the consent of his the dead child’s) father
2498'. u3 um-mi-szu
ts: u ummišu
en: and mother
2499'. _dumu_ sza-ni-a-am
ts: ṣeḫram šaniam
en: for another child
2500'. ir-ku-su
ts: irkusu
en: she contracted,
2501'. _ubur_-sza
ts: tulāša
en: her breast
2502'. i-na-ak-ki-su
ts: inakkisū
en: they shall cut off.
law 195
2503'. szum-ma _dumu a-ba_-szu
ts: šumma mārum abašu
en: If a child his father
2504'. im-ta-ha-as,
ts: imtaḫaṣ
en: has struck,
2505'. _kiszib3-la2_-szu
ts: rittašu
en: his hand
2506'. i-na-ak-ki-su
ts: inakkisū
en: they shall cut off.
law 196
2507'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2508'. i-in _dumu_ a-wi-lim
ts: īn mār awīlim
en: the eye of another man
2509'. uh2-tap-pi2-id
ts: uḫtappid
en: has blinded,
2510'. i-in-szu
ts: īnšu
en: his eye
2511'. u2-ha-ap-pa-du
ts: uḫappadū
en: they shall blind.
law 197
2512'. szum-ma _giri3-pad-ra2_ a-wi-lim
ts: šumma eṣemti awīlim
en: If the bone of man
2513'. isz-te-bi-ir
ts: ištebir
en: he has broken,
2514'. _giri3-pad-ra2_-szu
ts: eṣemtašu
en: his bone
2515'. i-sze-eb-bi-ru
ts: išebbirū
en: they shall break.
law 198
2516'. szum-ma i-in _|MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: šumma īn muškēnim
en: If the eye of an m.
2517'. uh2-tap-pi2-id
ts: uḫtappid
en: he has blinded,
2518'. u3 lu _giri3-pad-ra2 |MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: u lū eṣemti muškēnim
en: or the bone of an m.
2519'. isz-te-bi-ir
ts: ištebir
en: has broken,
2520'. _1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: ištēn mina kaspam
en: 1 mina of silver.
2521'. i-sza-qal
ts: išaqqal
en: he shall weigh out.
law 199
2522'. szum-ma i-in _ARAD2_ a-wi-lim
ts: šumma īn warad awīlim
en: If the eye of a slave of a man
2523'. uh2-tap-pi2-id
ts: uḫtappid
en: he has blinded,
2524'. u3 lu _giri3-pad-ra2 ARAD2_ a-wi-lim
ts: u lū eṣemti warad awīlim
en: or the bone of a slave of a man
2525'. isz-te-bi-ir
ts: ištebir
en: has broken,
2526'. mi-szi-il _sa10_-szu
ts: mišil šīmišu
en: half his value
2527'. i-sza-qal
ts: išaqqal
en: he shall weigh out.
law 200
2528'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2529'. szi-in-ni a-wi-lim
ts: šinni awīlim
en: the tooth of a man
2530'. me-eh-ri-szu
ts: meḫrišu
en: of his own rank
2531'. it-ta-di
ts: ittadi
en: has knocked out,
2532'. szi-in-na-szu i-na-ad-du-u2
ts: šinnašu inaddû
en: his tooth they shall knock out.
law 201
2533'. szum-ma szi-in-ni
ts: šumma šinni
en: If the tooth
2534'. _|MASZ.EN.GAG|_ it-ta-di
ts: muškēnim ittadi
en: of an m. he has knocked out,
2535'. _1/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: šaluš mina kaspam
en: 1/3 mina of silver
2536'. i-sza-qal
ts: išaqqal
en: he shall weigh out.
law 202
2537'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2538'. le-e-et a-wi-lim
ts: lēt awīlim
en: the cheek of a man
2539'. sza e-li-szu ra-bu-u2
ts: ša elišu rabû
en: who is of status higher than his own
2540'. im-ta-ha-as,
ts: imtaḫaṣ
en: has struck,
2541'. i-na pu-uh2-ri-im
ts: ina puḫrim
en: in the assembly
2542'. i-na _{kusz}usan3 gu4_
ts: ina qinnaz alpim
en: with an ox whip.
2543'. 1(disz) szu-szi im-mah-ha-as,
ts: ištēn šūši immaḫḫaṣ
en: sixty times he shall be flogged.
law 203
2544'. szum-ma _dumu_ a-wi-lim
ts: šumma mār awīlim
en: If the son of a man should strike
2545'. le-e-et _dumu_ a-wi-lim
ts: lēt mār awīlim
en: the cheek of a man
2546'. sza ki-ma szu-a-ti
ts: ša kīma šuāti
en: who is his equal
2547'. im-ta-ha-as,
ts: imtaḫaṣ
en: has struck,
2548'. _1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: ištēn mina kaspam
en: 1 mina of silver
2549'. i-sza-qal
ts: išaqqal
en: he shall weigh out.
law 204
2550'. szum-ma _|MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: šumma muškēnum
en: If an m.
2551'. le-e-et _|MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: lēt muškēnim
en: the cheek of an m.
2552'. im-ta-ha-as,
ts: imtaḫaṣ
en: has struck
2553'. _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_ i-sza-qal
ts: ešeret šiqil kaspam išaqqal
en: 10 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.
law 205
2554'. szum-ma _ARAD2_ a-wi-lim
ts: šumma warad awīlim
en: If a man’s slave
2555'. le-e-et _dumu_ a-wi-lim
ts: lēt mār awīlim
en: the cheek of the son of a man
2556'. im-ta-ha-as,
ts: imtaḫaṣ
en: has struck,
2557'. u2-zu-un-szu
ts: uzunšu
en: his ear
2558'. i-na-ak-ki-su
ts: inakkisū
en: they shall cut off.
law 206
2559'. szum-ma a-wi-lum a-wi-lam
ts: šumma awīlum awīlam
en: If a man a man
2560'. i-na ri-is-ba-tim
ts: ina risbatim
en: during a brawl
2561'. im-ta-ha-as,-ma
ts: imtaḫaṣma
en: has struck, and
2562'. si2-im-ma-am
ts: simmam
en: a wound
2563'. isz-ta-ka-an-szu
ts: ištakanšu
en: has inflict upon him
2564'. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man
2565'. i-na i-du-u2
ts: ina idû
en: “Knowlingly
2566'. la am-ha-s,u2
ts: lā amḫaṣu
en: I did not strike,”
2567'. i-tam-ma
ts: itamma
en: shall swear,
2568'. u3 _a-zu_ i-ip-pa-al
ts: u asâm ippal
en: and the doctor’s bill he shall satisfy.
law 207
2569'. szum-ma i-na ma-ha-s,i2-szu
ts: šumma ina maḫāṣišu
en: If from his beating
2570'. im-tu-ut
ts: imtūt
en: he has died,
2571'. i-tam-ma-ma
ts: itammāma
en: he shall also swear;
2572'. szum-ma _dumu_ a-wi-lim
ts: šumma mār awīlim
en: if he (the victim) is a the son of a man,
2573'. _1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: mišil mina kaspam
en: 1/2 mina of silver
2574'. i-sza-qal
ts: išaqqal
en: he shall weigh out.
law 208
2575'. szum-ma _dumu |MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: šumma mār muškēnim
en: If he (the victim) is the son of an m.,
2576'. _1/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: šaluš mina kaspam
en: 1/3 mina of silver
2577'. i-sza-qal
ts: išaqqal
en: he shall weigh out.
law 209
2578'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2579'. _dumu-munus_ a-wi-lim
ts: mārat awīlim
en: a daughter of a man
2580'. im-ha-as,-ma
ts: imḫaṣma
en: has struck, and
2581'. sza li-ib-bi-sza
ts: ša libbiša
en: her fetus
2582'. usz-ta-di-szi
ts: uštaddīši
en: has caused her to miscarry,
2583'. _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_
ts: ešeret šiqil kaspam
en: 10 shekels of silver
2584'. a-na sza li-ib-bi-sza
ts: ana ša libbiša
en: for her fetus
2585'. i-sza-qal
ts: išaqqal
en: he shall weigh out.
law 210
2586'. szum-ma _munus_ szi-i
ts: šumma sinništum šī
en: If that woman
2587'. im-tu-ut
ts: imtūt
en: has died,
2588'. _dumu-munus_-su2
ts: mārassu
en: his daughter
2589'. i-du-uk-ku
ts: idukkū
en: they shall kill.
law 211
2590'. szum-ma _dumu-munus |MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: šumma mārat muškēnim
en: If a daughter of an m.
2591'. i-na ma-ha-s,i2-im
ts: ina maḫāṣim
en: by the beating
2592'. sza li-ib-bi-sza
ts: ša libbiša
en: her fetus
2593'. usz-ta-ad-di-szi
ts: uštaddīši
en: has caused her to miscarry,
2594'. _5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
ts: ḫamšat šiqil kaspam
en: 5 shekels of silver
2595'. i-sza-qal
ts: išaqqal
en: he shall weigh out.
law 212
2596'. szum-ma _munus_ szi-<i>
ts: šumma sinništum šī
en: If that woman
2597'. im-tu-ut
ts: imtūt
en: she has died,
2598'. _1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: mišil mina kaspam
en: 1/2 mina of silver
2599'. i-sza-qal
ts: išaqqal
en: he shall weigh out.
law 213
2600'. szum-ma _geme2_ a-wi-lim
ts: šumma amat awīlim
en: If the female slave of a man
2601'. im-ha-as,-ma
ts: imḫaṣma
en: he has struck, and
2602'. sza li-ib-bi-sza
ts: ša libbiša
en: her fetus
2603'. usz-ta-ad-di-szi
ts: uštaddīši
en: has caused her to miscarry,
2604'. _2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
ts: šina šiqil kaspam
en: 2 shekels of silver
2605'. i-sza-qal
ts: išaqqal
en: he shall weigh out.
law 214
2606'. szum-ma _geme2_ szi-i
ts: šumma amtum šī
en: If that female slave
2607'. im-tu-ut
ts: imtūt
en: has died,
2608'. 1/3(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: šaluš mina kaspam
en: 1/3 mina of silver
2609'. i-sza-qal
ts: išaqqal
en: he shall weigh out.
law 215
2610'. szum-ma _a-zu_
ts: šumma asûm
en: If a physician
2611'. a-wi-lam si2-im-ma-am kab-tam
ts: awīlam simmam kabtam
en: upon a man major surgery
2612'. i-na _gir2 gag zabar_
ts: ina karzilli siparrim
en: with a bronze lancet
2613'. i-pu-usz-ma
ts: īpušma
en: has performed, and
2614'. a-wi-lam ub-ta-al-li-it,
ts: awīlam ubtalliṭ
en: the man has healed,
2615'. u3 lu na-kap-ti a-wi-lim
ts: u lū nakkapti awīlim
en: or opens a man’s temple
2616'. i-na _gir2 gag zabar_
ts: ina karzilli siparrim
en: with a bronze lancet
2617'. ip-te-ma
ts: iptēma
en: has opened, and
2618'. i-in a-wi-lim
ts: īn awīlim
en: the man’s eye
2619'. ub-ta-al-li-it,
ts: ubtalliṭ
en: has healed
2620'. _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_
ts: ešeret šiqil kaspam
en: 10 shekels of silver (as his fee)
2621'. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: he shall take.
law 216
2622'. szum-ma _dumu |MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: šumma mār muškēnim
en: If he (the patient) is the son of an m.,
2623'. _5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
ts: ḫamšat šiqil kaspam
en: 5 shekels of silver (as his fee)
2624'. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: he shall take.
law 217
2625'. szum-ma _ARAD2_ a-wi-lim
ts: šumma warad awīlim
en: If he (the patient) is a man’s slave,
2626'. be-el _ARAD2_ a-na _a-zu_
ts: bēl wardim ana asîm
en: the slave’s owner to the physician
2627'. 2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_
ts: šina šiqil kaspam
en: 2 shekels of silver
2628'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: shall give.
law 218
2629'. szum-ma _a-zu_ a-wi-lam
ts: šumma asûm awīlam
en: If a physician upon a man
2630'. si2-im-ma-am kab-tam
ts: simmam kabtam
en: major surgery
2631'. i-na _gir2 gag zabar_
ts: ina karzilli siparrim
en: with a bronze lancet
2632'. i-pu-usz-ma
ts: īpušma
en: performed, and
2633'. a-wi-lam usz-ta-mi-it
ts: awīlam uštamīt
en: the man’s death has caused,
2634'. u3 lu na-a2-ti a-wi-lim
ts: u lū nakkapti awīlim
en: or a man’s temple
2635'. i-na _gir2 gag zabar_
ts: ina karzilli siparrim
en: with a bronze lancet
2636'. ip-te-ma i-in a-wi-lim
ts: iptēma īn awīlim
en: opened, and the man’s eye
2637'. uh2-tap-pi2-id
ts: uḫtappid
en: has blinded,
2638'. _kiszib3-la2_-szu i-na-ki-su
ts: rittašu inakkisū
en: his hand they shall cut off.
law 219
2639'. szum-ma _a-zu_ si2-im-ma-am kab-tam
ts: šumma asûm simmam kabtam
en: If a physician major surgery
2640'. _ARAD2 |MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: warad muškēnim
en: upon a slave of an m.
2641'. i-na _gir2 gag zabar_
ts: ina karzilli siparrim
en: with a bronze lancet
2642'. i-pu-usz-ma usz-ta-mi-it
ts: īpušma uštamīt
en: performed, and caused his death,
2643'. _ARAD2_ ki-ma _ARAD2_ i-ri-ab
ts: wardam kīma wardim iriab
en: slave like slave he shall replace.
law 220
2644'. szum-ma na-kap-ta-szu
ts: šumma nakkaptašu
en: If his (the m.’s slave’s) temple
2645'. i-na _gir2 gag zabar_
ts: ina karzilli siparrim
en: with a bronze lancet
2646'. ip-te-ma
ts: iptēma
en: he opened, and
2647'. i-in-szu uh2-tap-<pi2>-da
ts: īnšu uḫtappid
en: his eye has blinded,
2648'. _ku3-babbar_ mi-szi-il
ts: kaspam mišil
en: silver of half
2649'. _sa10_-szu i-sza-qal
ts: šīmišu išaqqal
en: his value he shall weigh out.
law 221
2650'. szum-ma _a-zu_
ts: šumma asûm
en: If a physician
2651'. _giri3-pad-ra2_ a-wi-lim
ts: eṣemti awīlim
en: a man’s bone
2652'. sze-bi-ir-tam
ts: šebirtam
en: broken
2653'. usz-ta-li-im
ts: uštallim
en: has set,
2654'. u3 lu sze-er-ha-nam
ts: u lū šer’ānam
en: or a muscle
2655'. mar-s,a-am
ts: marṣam
en: sick
2656'. ub-ta-al-li-it,
ts: ubtalliṭ
en: has healed,
2657'. be-el s,e-em-mi-im
ts: bēl ṣemmim
en: the patient
2658'. a-na _a-zu_
ts: ana asîm
en: to the physician
2659'. 5(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_
ts: ḫamšat šiqil kaspam
en: 5 shekels of silver
2660'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: shall give.
law 222
2661'. szum-ma _dumu |MASZ.EN.GAG|_
ts: šumma mār muškēnim
en: If he (the patient) is a son of an m.,
2662'. _3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
ts: šalšat šiqil kaspam
en: 3 shekels of silver
2663'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 223
2664'. szum-ma _ARAD2_ a-wi-lim
ts: šumma warad awīlim
en: If he (the patient) is a man’s slave,
2665'. be-el _ARAD2_
ts: bēl wardim
en: the slave’s owner
2666'. a-na _a-zu_
ts: ana asîm
en: to the physician
2667'. _2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
ts: šina šiqil kaspam
en: 2 shekels of silver
2668'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: shall give.
law 224
2669'. szum-ma _a-zu gu4_
ts: šumma asî alpim
en: If a doctor of ox
2670'. u3 lu _ansze_
ts: u lū imērim
en: or donkey
2671'. lu _gu4_ u3 lu _ansze_
ts: lu alpam u lū imēram
en: upon an ox or a donkey
2672'. s,e-em-ma-am kab-tam
ts: ṣemmam kabtam
en: major surgery
2673'. i-pu-usz-ma
ts: īpušma
en: performed, and
2674'. ub-ta-al-li-it,
ts: ubtalliṭ
en: has healed,
2675'. be-el _gu4_ u3 lu _ansze_
ts: bēl alpim u lū imērim
en: the owner of the ox or of the donkey
2676'. _igi 6(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar_
ts: šuduš kaspam
en: 1/6 (of a shekel) of silver
2677'. a-na _a-zu_
ts: ana asîm
en: to the physician
2678'. _a2_-szu
ts: idīšu
en: as his fee
2679'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: shall give
law 225
2680'. szum-ma _gu4_ u3 lu _ansze_
ts: šumma alpam u lū imēram
en: If upon an ox or a donkey
2681'. si2-im-ma-am kab-tam
ts: simmam kabtam
en: major surgery
2682'. i-pu-usz-ma
ts: īpušma
en: he performed, and
2683'. usz-ta-mi-it
ts: uštamīt
en: has caused to die,
2684'. _igi 4(disz)-gal2 sa10_-szu
ts: rabiat šīmišu
en: 1/4 of its value
2685'. a-na be-el _gu4_ u3 lu _ansze_
ts: ana bēl alpim u lū imērim
en: to the owner of the ox or donkey
2686'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give
law 226
2687'. szum-ma _szu-i_
ts: šumma gallābum
en: If a barber
2688'. ba-lum be-el _ARAD2_
ts: balum bēl wardim
en: without the consent of the slave’s owner
2689'. ab-bu-ti _ARAD2_ la sze-e-em
ts: abbutti wardim lā šêm
en: the slave-hairlock of a slave that is not his
2690'. u2-ga-al-li-ib
ts: ugallib
en: shaved off,
2691'. _kiszib3-la2 szu-i_ szu-a-ti
ts: ritti gallābim šuāti
en: that barber’s hand
2692'. i-na-ak-ki-su2
ts: inakkisū
en: they shall cut off.
law 227
2693'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2694'. _szu-i_ i-da-as,-ma
ts: gallābam idāṣma
en: a barber misinforms, and
2695'. ab-bu-ti
ts: abbutti
en: the slave-hairlock
2696'. _ARAD2_ la sze-e-em
ts: wardim lā šêm
en: of a slave that is not his
2697'. ug-da-al-li-ib
ts: ugdallib
en: has shaved off,
2698'. a-wi-lam szu-a-ti
ts: awīlam šuāti
en: that man
2699'. i-du-uk-ku-szu-ma
ts: idukkūšuma
en: they shall kill and
2700'. i-na _ka2_-szu
ts: ina bābišu
en: in his own doorway
2701'. i-ha-al-la-lu-szu
ts: iḫallalūšu
en: shall hang him;
2702'. _szu-i_ i-na i-du-u2
ts: gallābum ina idû
en: the barber “Knowingly
2703'. la u2-gal-li-bu
ts: lā ugallibu
en: I did not shave it off”
2704'. i-tam-ma-ma
ts: itammāma
en: shall swear,
2705'. u2-ta-asz-szar
ts: ūtaššar
en: and he shall be released.
law 228
2706'. szum-ma _szitim_
ts: šumma itinnum
en: If a builder
2707'. _e2_ a-na a-wi-lim
ts: bītam ana awīlim
en: a house for a man
2708'. i-pu-usz-ma
ts: īpušma
en: constructed, and
2709'. u2-sza-ak-li-il-szum
ts: ušaklilšum
en: it was to his satisfaction,
2710'. a-na _1(disz) sar e2_
ts: ana 1 musar bītim
en: for each sar of house
2711'. _2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
ts: šina šiqil kaspam
en: 2 shekels of silver
2712'. a-na qi2-isz-ti-szu
ts: ana qīštišu
en: as his compensation
2713'. i-na-ad-di-isz-szum
ts: inaddiššum
en: he shall give him.
law 229
2714'. szum-ma _szitim_
ts: šumma itinnum
en: If a builder
2715'. a-na a-wi-lim
ts: ana awīlim
en: for a man
2716'. _e2_ i-pu-usz-ma
ts: bītam īpušma
en: a house constructed, but
2717'. szi-pi2-ir-szu
ts: šipiršu
en: does not make his work sound
2718'. la u2-da-an-ni-in-ma
ts: lā udanninma
en: does not make sound, and
2719'. _e2_ i-pu-szu
ts: bīt īpušu
en: the house that he constructed
2720'. im-qu2-ut-ma
ts: imqutma
en: collapses and
2721'. be-el _e2_ usz-ta-mi-it
ts: bēl bītim uštamīt
en: the owner of the house has caused to die,
2722'. _szitim_ szu-u2 id-da-ak
ts: itinnum šū iddâk
en: that builder shall be killed.
law 230
2723'. szum-ma _dumu_ be-el _e2_
ts: šumma mār bēl bītim
en: If a son of the owner of the house
2724'. usz-ta-mi-it
ts: uštamīt
en: he has caused to die,
2725'. _dumu szitim_ szu-a-ti
ts: mār itinnim šuāti
en: a son of that builder
2726'. i-du-uk-ku
ts: idukkū
en: they shall kill.
law 231
2727'. szum-ma _ARAD2_ be-el _e2_
ts: šumma warad bēl bītim
en: If a slave of the owner of the house
2728'. usz-ta-mi-it
ts: uštamīt
en: he caused to die,
2729'. _ARAD2_ ki-ma _ARAD2_
ts: wardam kīma wardim
en: a slave like the slave
2730'. a-na be-el _e2_
ts: ana bēl bītim
en: to the owner of the house
2731'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 232
2732'. szum-ma _nig2-gur11_
ts: šumma makkūram
en: If property
2733'. uh2-ta-al-li-iq
ts: uḫtalliq
en: has gone lost,
2734'. mi-im-ma
ts: mimma
en: anything
2735'. sza u2-hal-li-qu2
ts: ša uḫalliqu
en: that was lost
2736'. i-ri-ab
ts: iriab
en: he shall replace;
2737'. u3 asz-szum _e2_ i-pu-szu
ts: u aššum bīt īpušu
en: moreover, because the house that he constructed
2738'. la u2-dan-ni-nu-ma
ts: lā udanninuma
en: he did not make sound and
2739'. im-qu2-tu
ts: imqutu
en: it collapsed,
2740'. i-na _nig2-gur11_
ts: ina makkūr
en: from property
2741'. ra-ma-ni-szu
ts: ramanišu
en: of his own
2742'. _e2_ im-qu2-tu i-ip-pe2-esz
ts: bīt imqutu ippeš
en: the house that collapsed he shall construct (anew).
law 233
2743'. szum-ma _szitim e2_
ts: šumma itinnum bītam
en: If a builder a house
2744'. a-na a-wi-lim i-pu-usz-ma
ts: ana awīlim īpušma
en: for a man constructed but
2745'. szi-pi2-ir-szu
ts: šipiršu
en: his work
2746'. la usz-te-es,-bi-ma
ts: lā ušteṣbīma
en: he did not make conform to specifications, and
2747'. _e2-gar8_ iq-tu-up
ts: igārum iqtūp
en: a wall has buckled,
2748'. _szitim_ szu-u2
ts: itinnum šū
en: that builder
2749'. i-na _ku3-babbar_ ra-ma-ni-szu
ts: ina kasap ramanišu
en: with silver of his own
2750'. _e2-gar8_ szu-a-ti
ts: igāram šuāti
en: that wall
2751'. u2-dan-na-an
ts: udannan
en: shall make sound.
law 234
2752'. szum-ma _ma2-lah5_
ts: šumma malāḫum
en: If a boatman
2753'. _{gesz}ma2 1(gesz2) gur_
ts: elip šūš kur
en: a boat of 60-kur capacity
2754'. a-na a-wi-lim ip-he
ts: ana awīlim ipḫe
en: for a man caulked,
2755'. _2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
ts: šina šiqil kaspam
en: 2 shekels of silver
2756'. a-na qi2-isz-ti-szu
ts: ana qīštišu
en: as his compensation
2757'. i-na-ad-di-isz-szum
ts: inaddiššum
en: he shall give him.
law 235
2758'. szum-ma _ma2-lah5_
ts: šumma malāḫum
en: If a boatman
2759'. _{gesz}ma2_ a-na a-wi-lim
ts: elippam ana awīlim
en: a boat for a man
2760'. ip-he-ma
ts: ipḫema
en: caulked, but
2761'. szi-pi2-ir-szu
ts: šipiršu
en: but his work
2762'. la u2-tak2-ki-il-ma
ts: lā utakkilma
en: did not satisfactorily complete and
2763'. i-na sza-at-tim-ma szu-a-ti
ts: ina šattimma šuāti
en: within that very year
2764'. _{gesz}ma2_ szi-i
ts: elippum šī
en: that boat
2765'. is,-s,a-bar
ts: iṣṣabar
en: has foundered
2766'. hi-t,i-tam ir-ta-szi
ts: ḫiṭītam irtaši
en: or a structural defect has revealed,
2767'. _ma2-lah5_
ts: malāḫum
en: the boatman
2768'. _{gesz}ma2_ szu-a-ti
ts: elippam šuāti
en: that boat
2769'. i-na-qar-ma
ts: inaqqarma
en: shall dismantle, and
2770'. i-na _nig2-gur11_ ra-ma-ni-szu
ts: ina makkūr ramanišu
en: at his own expense
2771'. u2-dan-na-an-ma
ts: udannanma
en: make it sound, and
2772'. _{gesz}ma2_ dan-na-tam
ts: elippam dannatam
en: the sound boat
2773'. a-na be-el _{gesz}ma2_
ts: ana bēl elippim
en: to the owner of the boat
2774'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 236
2775'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2776'. _{gesz}ma2_-szu
ts: elippašu
en: his boat
2777'. a-na _ma2-lah5_
ts: ana malāḫim
en: to a boatman
2778'. a-na ig-ri-im
ts: ana igrim
en: for hire
2779'. id-di-in-ma
ts: iddinma
en: gave, and
2780'. _ma2-lah5_ i-gi-ma
ts: malāḫum īgīma
en: the boatman is negligent and
2781'. _{gesz}ma2_ ut,-t,e4-bi
ts: elippam uṭṭebbi
en: the boat has caused to sink
2782'. u3 lu uh2-ta-al-li-iq
ts: u lū uḫtalliq
en: or to become lost,
2783'. _ma2-lah5 {gesz}ma2_
ts: malāḫum elippam
en: the boatman the boat
2784'. a-na be-el _{gesz}ma2_
ts: ana bēl elippim
en: for the owner of the boat
2785'. i-ri-a-ab
ts: iriab
en: shall replace.
law 237
2786'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2787'. _ma2-lah5_ u3 _{gesz}ma2_
ts: malāḫam u elippam
en: a boatman and a boat
2788'. i-gur-ma
ts: īgurma
en: hired, and
2789'. _sze siki i3-gisz zu2-lum_
ts: âm šipātim šamnam suluppī
en: and with barley, wool, oil, dates,
2790'. u3 mi-im-ma szum-szu
ts: u mimma šumšu
en: or anything else
2791'. sza s,e-nim
ts: ša ṣênim
en: of lading
2792'. i-s,e-en-szi
ts: iṣēnši
en: loaded it,
2793'. _ma2-lah5_ szu-u2
ts: malāḫum šū
en: and that boatman
2794'. i-gi-ma
ts: īgīma
en: is negligent and
2795'. _{gesz}ma2_ ut,-t,e4-eb-bi
ts: elippam uṭṭebbi
en: the boat has caused to sink
2796'. u3 sza li-ib-bi-sza
ts: u ša libbiša
en: or its cargo
2797'. uh2-ta-al-li-iq
ts: uḫtalliq
en: has become lost,
2798'. _ma2-lah5_
ts: malāḫum
en: the boatman
2799'. _{gesz}ma2_ sza u2-t,e4-eb-bu-u2
ts: elippam ša uṭebbû
en: the boat that he sank
2800'. u3 mi-im-ma
ts: u mimma
en: and any
2801'. sza i-na li-ib-bi-sza
ts: ša ina libbiša
en: of its cargo
2802'. u2-hal-li-qu2
ts: uḫalliqu
en: that he lost
2803'. i-ri-a-ab
ts: iriab
en: shall replace.
law 238
2804'. szum-ma _ma2-lah5_
ts: šumma malāḫum
en: If a boatman
2805'. _{gesz}ma2_ a-wi-lim
ts: elip awīlim
en: a man’s boat
2806'. u2-t,e4-eb-bi-ma
ts: uṭṭebbīma
en: has caused to sink and
2807'. usz-te-li-a-asz-szi
ts: uštēliašši
en: has raised it,
2808'. _ku3-babbar_ mi-szi-il _sa10_-sza
ts: kaspam mišil šīmiša
en: silver of half of its value
2809'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give
law 239
2810'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2811'. _ma2-lah5_ i-gur
ts: malāḫam īgur
en: a boatman hired,
2812'. _6(asz) sze gur_
ts: šeššet kur še’am
en: 6 kor barley
2813'. i-na sza-na-at
ts: ina šanat
en: per year
2814'. i-na-ad-di-isz-szum
ts: inaddiššum
en: he shall give him.
law 240
2815'. szum-ma _{gesz#}ma2_
ts: šumma elip
en: If a boat
2816'. sza ma-hi-ir-tim
ts: ša māḫirtim
en: of an upstream boat skipper
2817'. _{gesz}ma2_ sza mu-uq-qe2-el-pi2-tim
ts: elip ša muqqelpītim
en: with a boat of a downstream boat skipper
2818'. im-ha-as,-ma
ts: imḫaṣma
en: struck, and
2819'. ut,-t,e4-eb-bi
ts: uṭṭebbi
en: has sunk it,
2820'. be-el _{gesz}ma2_ sza _{gesz}ma2_-szu t,e4-bi-a-at
ts: bēl elippim ša elippašu ṭebiat
en: the owner of the boat that sank
2821'. mi-im-ma sza i-na _{gesz}ma2_-szu hal-qu2
ts: mimma ša ina elippišu ḫalqu
en: whatever of his boat that was lost
2822'. i-na ma-har i-lim
ts: ina maḫar ilim
en: before the god
2823'. u2-ba-ar-ma
ts: ubârma
en: shall establish, and
2824'. sza ma-hi-ir-tim
ts: ša māḫirtim
en: the upstream boat skipper
2825'. sza _{gesz}ma2_ sza mu-uq-qe2-el-pi2-tim
ts: ša elip ša muqqelpītim
en: who the boat of the downstream boat skipper
2826'. u2-t,e4-eb-bu-u2
ts: uṭebbû
en: sank,
2827'. _{gesz}ma2_-szu u3 mi-im-ma-szu hal-qa2-am
ts: elippašu u mimmašu ḫalqam
en: his boat and his lost property
2828'. i-ri-a-ab-szum
ts: iriabšum
en: shall replace for him.
law 241
2829'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2830'. _gu4_ a-na ni-pu-tim
ts: alpam ana nipûtim
en: an ox
2831'. it-te-pe2
ts: ittepe
en: has distrained,
2832'. _1/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_ i-sza-qal
ts: šaluš mina kaspam išaqqal
en: 1/3 mina of silver he shall weigh out.
laws 242-243
2833'. szum-ma a-wi-lum _gu4_
ts: šumma awīlum alpam
en: If a man an ox
2834'. a-na _mu 1(disz)_ i-gur
ts: ana šattim ištiat īgur
en: for one year rented,
2835'. _a2 gu4-a2-ur3-ra_
ts: idī alpim ša warka
en: as the hire of an ox for the rear (of the team)
2836'. _4(asz) sze gur_
ts: erbet kur âm
en: 4 kor barley,
2837'. _a2 gu4 ab2 muru2 sag_
ts: idī alpim ša qabla
en: as the hire of an ox for the middle (of the team)
2838'. _3(asz) sze gur_ a-na be-li2-szu
ts: šalāšat kur âm ana bēlišu
en: 3 kor barley to its owner
2839'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 244
2840'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2841'. _gu4 ansze_ i-gur-ma
ts: alpam imēram īgurma
en: an ox or a donkey rented, and
2842'. i-na s,e-ri-im
ts: ina ṣērim
en: in the open country
2843'. _ur-mah_ id-du-uk-szu
ts: nēšum iddūkšu
en: a lion has killed it,
2844'. a-na be-li2-szu-ma
ts: ana bēlišuma
en: it is on its owner.
law 245
2845'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2846'. _gu4_ i-gur-ma
ts: alpam īgurma
en: an ox rented, and
2847'. i-na me-gu-tim
ts: ina mēgûtim
en: either by negligence
2848'. u3 lu i-na ma-ha-s,i2-im
ts: u lū ina maḫāṣim
en: or by striking
2849'. usz-ta-mi-it
ts: uštamīt
en: has caused it to die,
2850'. _gu4_ ki-ma _gu4_
ts: alpam kīma alpim
en: an ox like the ox
2851'. a-na be-el _gu4_
ts: ana bēl alpim
en: for the owner of the ox
2852'. i-ri-a-ab
ts: iriab
en: he shall replace.
law 246
2853'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2854'. _gu4_ i-gur-ma
ts: alpam īgurma
en: an ox rented, and
2855'. _giri3_-szu isz-te-bi-ir
ts: šēpšu ištebir
en: its leg has broken
2856'. u3 lu la-bi-a-an-szu
ts: u lū labiānšu
en: or its neck tendon
2857'. it-ta-ki-is
ts: ittakis
en: has cut,
2858'. _gu4_ ki-ma _gu4_
ts: alpam kīma alpim
en: an ox like the ox
2859'. a-na be-el _gu4_
ts: ana bēl alpim
en: for the owner of the ox
2860'. i-ri-a-ab
ts: iriab
en: he shall replace.
law 247
2861'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2862'. _gu4_ i-gur-ma
ts: alpam īgurma
en: an ox rented, and
2863'. _igi_-szu uh2-tap-pi2-id
ts: īnšu uḫtappid
en: its eye has blinded,
2864'. _ku3-babbar_ mi-szi-il _sa10_-szu
ts: kaspam mišil šīmišu
en: silver of half of its value
2865'. a-na be-el _gu4_
ts: ana bēl alpim
en: to the owner of the ox
2866'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 248
2867'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2868'. _gu4_ i-gur-ma
ts: alpam īgurma
en: an ox rented, and
2869'. _si_-szu isz-bi-ir
ts: qaranšu iš<te>bir
en: its horn has broken
2870'. _kun_-su2 it-ta-ki-is
ts: zibbassu ittakis
en: its tail has cut off,
2871'. u3 lu {uzu}_sa-sal_-szu
ts: u lū šašallašu
en: its hoof tendon
2872'. it-ta-sa-ak
ts: ittasak
en: has injured,
2873'. _ku3-babbar igi 4(disz)-gal2 sa10_-szu
ts: kaspam rabiat šīmišu
en: silver equal of 1/4 of its value
2874'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 249
2875'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2876'. _gu4_ i-gur-ma
ts: alpam īgurma
en: an ox rented, and
2877'. i-lum im-ha-su2-ma
ts: ilum imḫassuma
en: a god struck it
2878'. im-tu-ut
ts: imtūt
en: and it has died
2879'. a-wi-lum sza _gu4_ i-gu-ru
ts: awīlum ša alpam īguru
en: the man who the ox rented
2880'. ni-isz i-lim
ts: nīš ilim
en: by the life of the god
2881'. i-za-kar-ma
ts: izakkarma
en: shall swear and
2882'. u2-ta-asz-szar
ts: ūtaššar
en: he shall be released.
law 250
2883'. szum-ma _gu4_ su2-qa2-am
ts: šumma alpum sūqam
en: If an ox while through the streets
2884'. i-na a-la-ki-szu
ts: ina alākišu
en: is passing
2885'. a-wi-lam
ts: awīlam
en: a man
2886'. ik-ki-ip-ma
ts: ikkipma
en: gored, and
2887'. usz-ta-mi-it
ts: uštamīt
en: has caused him to die,
2888'. di-nu-um szu-u2
ts: dīnum šū
en: that case
2889'. ru-gu-um-ma-am
ts: rugummâm
en: a basis for a claim
2890'. u2-ul i-szu
ts: ul išu
en: has none.
law 251
2891'. szum-ma _gu4_ a-wi-lim
ts: šumma alap awīlim
en: If a man’s ox
2892'. na-ak-ka-pi2-ma
ts: nakkāpīma
en: is a known gorer, and
2893'. ki-ma na-ak-ka-pu-u2
ts: kīma nakkāpû
en: that it is a gorer
2894'. ba-ab-ta-szu
ts: bābtašu
en: his city quarter
2895'. u2-sze-di-szum-ma
ts: ušēdīšumma
en: let him know, but
2896'. qar-ni-szu
ts: qarnīšu
en: its horns
2897'. la u2-szar-ri-im
ts: lā ušarrim
en: he did not blunt(?)
2898'. _gu4_-szu la u2-sa-an-ni-iq-ma
ts: alapšu lā usanniqma
en: or his ox did not control, and
2899'. _gu4_ szu-u2
ts: alpum šū
en: that ox
2900'. _dumu_ a-wi-lim
ts: mār awīlim
en: a son of a man
2901'. ik-ki-ip-ma
ts: ikkipma
en: gored and
2902'. usz-ta-mi-it
ts: uštamīt
en: it caused him to die,
2903'. _1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: mišil mina kaspam
en: a half mina of silver
2904'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he (the owner) shall give.
law 252
2905'. szum-ma _ARAD2_ a-wi-lim
ts: šumma warad awīlim
en: If it is the slave of a man,
2906'. _1/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
ts: šaluš mina kaspam
en: 1/3 mina of silver
2907'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 253
2908'. szum-ma a-wi-lum a-wi-lam
ts: šumma awīlum awīlam
en: If a man a man
2909'. a-na pa-ni _a-sza3_-szu
ts: ana pānī eqlišu
en: at the face of his field
2910'. u2-zu-uz-zi-im
ts: uzuzzim
en: to stand
2911'. i-gur-ma
ts: īgurma
en: hired, and
2912'. _al du3-a_-am
ts: aldâm
en: with the stored barley
2913'. i-qi2-ip-szu
ts: iqīpšu
en: entrusted him,
2914'. _ab2 gu4 hi-a_ ip-qi2-sum2
ts: liātim ipqissum
en: the cattle handed over to him,
2915'. a-na _a-sza3_ e-re-szi-im u2-ra-ak-ki-su2
ts: ana eqlim erēšim urakkissu
en: and for the cultivation of the field contracted with him—
2916'. szum-ma a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: šumma awīlum šū
en: if that man
2917'. _sze numun_ u3 lu _sza3-gal_
ts: zēram u lū ukullâm
en: the seed or fodder
2918'. isz-ri-iq-ma
ts: išriqma
en: stole, and
2919'. i-na qa2-ti-szu
ts: ina qātišu
en: in his possession,
2920'. it-ta-as,-ba-at
ts: ittaṣbat
en: it has been seized,
2921'. _kiszib3-la2_-szu i-na-ak-ki-su
ts: rittašu inakkisū
en: his hand they shall cut off.
law 254
2922'. szum-ma _al du3-a_-am
ts: šumma aldâm
en: If the stored barley
2923'. il-qe2-ma _ab2 gu4 hi-a_
ts: ilqēma liātim
en: he took, and the cattle
2924'. u2-te-en-ni-isz
ts: ūtenniš
en: has weakened,
2925'. ta-asz-na _sze_ sza im-ḫu-ru
ts: tašna âm ša imḫuru
en: twofold the barley that he received
2926'. i-ri-ab
ts: iriab
en: he shall replace.
law 255
2927'. szum-ma _ab2 gu4 hi-a_
ts: šumma liāt
en: If cattle
2928'. a-wi-lim a-na ig-ri-im
ts: awīlim ana igrim
en: of the man for hire
2929'. it-ta-di-in
ts: ittadin
en: he has given,
2930'. u3 lu _{sze}numun_ isz-ri-iq-ma
ts: u lū zēram išriqma
en: or seed grain stole and
2931'. i-na _a-sza3_ la usz-tab-szi
ts: ina eqlim lā uštabši
en: in the field has not caused (a harvest) to be,
2932'. a-wi-lam szu-a-ti
ts: awīlam šuāti
en: that man
2933'. u2-ka-an-nu-szu-ma
ts: ukannūšuma
en: they shall convict and
2934'. i-na _buru14 1(bur3) GAN2-e_
ts: ina ebūrim ana bur eqlim
en: at the harvest per bur3
2935'. _1(gesz2) sze gur_ i-ma-ad-da-ad
ts: šūš kur âm imaddad
en: 60 kor barley he shall measure out.
that is, twice the norm harvest per bur3.
law 256
2936'. szum-ma pi2-ha-su2
ts: šumma pīḫassu
en: If his obligation
2937'. a-pa-lam la i-le-i
ts: apālam lā ile’i
en: to satisfy he is not able,
2938'. i-na _a-sza3_ szu-a-ti i-na _ab2 gu4 hi-a_
ts: ina eqlim šuāti ina liātim
en: through that field by the cattle
2939'. im-ta-na-asz-sza-ru-szu
ts: imtanaššarūšu
en: they shall have him dragged around.
law 257
2940'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2941'. _engar_ i-gur
ts: ikkaram īgur
en: an agricultural laborer hired,
2942'. 8(asz) _sze gur_
ts: samānat kur âm
en: 8 kor of barley
2943'. i-na _mu 1(disz)-kam_
ts: ina šattim ištiat
en: per year
2944'. i-na-ad-di-isz-szum
ts: inaddiššum
en: he shall give him.
law 258
2945'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2946'. _sza3 gu4_ i-gur
ts: kullizam īgur
en: an ox driver hired,
2947'. _6(asz) sze gur_
ts: šeššet kur âm
en: 6 kor of barley
2948'. i-na _mu 1(disz)-kam_
ts: ina šattim ištiat
en: per year
2949'. i-na-ad-di-isz-szum
ts: inaddiššum
en: he shall give him.
law 259
2950'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2951'. {gesz}apin i-na _a-gar3_
ts: epinnam ina ugārim
en: a plow from the common irrigated area
2952'. isz-ri-iq
ts: išriq
en: stole,
2953'. _5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
ts: ḫamšat šiqil kaspam
en: 5 shekels of silver
2954'. a-na be-el _{gesz}apin_
ts: ana bēl epinnim
en: to the owner of the plow
2955'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 260
2956'. szum-ma _{gesz}apin tug2-gur10_
ts: šumma ḫarbam
en: a clod-breaking plow
2957'. u3 lu _GAN2 ur3_
ts: u lū maškakātim
en: or a harrow
2958'. isz-ta-ri-iq
ts: ištariq
en: he has stolen,
2959'. _3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
ts: šalāšat šiqil kaspam
en: 3 shekels of silver
2960'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 261
2961'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2962'. _na-gada_ a-na _ab2 gu4 hi-a_
ts: nāqidam ana liātim
en: a herdsman the cattle
2963'. u3 _u8 udu hi-a_
ts: u ṣēnim
en: and the sheep and goats
2964'. re-im i-gur
ts: re’îm īgur
en: to herd hired,
2965'. _8(asz) sze gur_
ts: samānat kur âm
en: 8 kor of barley
2966'. i-na _mu 1(disz)-kam_
ts: ina šattim ištiat
en: per year
2967'. i-na-ad-di-isz-szum
ts: inaddiššum
en: he shall give him
law 262
2968'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
2969'. _gu4_ u3 lu _udu_
ts: alpam u lū immeram
en: an ox or a sheep
2970'. a-na [...]
ts: ana ...
en: to ...
2971'. [...]
ts: ...
en: ...
2972'. [...]
ts: ...
en: ...
2973'. [...]
ts: ...
en: ...
2974'. [...]
ts: ...
en: xxx
2975'. [...]
ts: ...
en: ...
2976'. [...]
ts: ...
en: ...
law 263
2977'. szum-ma _gu4_ u3 lu _udu_
ts: šumma alpam u lū immeram
en: If the ox or sheep
2978'. sza in-na-ad-nu-szum
ts: ša innadnušum
en: that were given to him
2979'. uh2-ta-al-li-iq
ts: uḫtalliq
en: he has caused to be lost,
2980'. _gu4_ ki-ma _gu4_
ts: alpam kīma alpim
en: an ox like the ox of comparable value
2981'. _udu_ ki-ma _udu_
ts: immeram kīma immerim
en: or a sheep like the sheep
2982'. a-na be-li2-szu-nu
ts: ana bēlišu
en: for its owner
2983'. i-ri-a-ab
ts: iriab
en: he shall replace.
law 264
2984'. szum-ma _sipa_
ts: šumma rē’ûm
en: If a shepherd,
2985'. sza _ab2 gu4 hi-a_
ts: ša liātum
en: to whom cattle
2986'. u3 lu _u8 udu hi-a_
ts: u lū ṣēnum
en: or sheep and goats
2987'. a-na re-im
ts: ana re’îm
en: for shepherding
2988'. in-na-ad-nu-szum
ts: innadnušum
en: were given,
2989'. _a2_-szu ga-am-ra-tim
ts: idīšu gamrātim
en: his complete hire
2990'. ma-hi-ir
ts: maḫir
en: was received
2991'. li-ib-ba-szu t,a-ab
ts: libbašu ṭāb
en: to his satisfation,
2992'. _ab2 gu4 hi-a_
ts: liātim
en: cattle
2993'. us,-s,a-ah-hi-ir
ts: uṣṣaḫḫir
en: has let decrease in number,
2994'. _u8 udu hi-a_
ts: ṣēnam
en: or the sheep and goats
2995'. us,-s,a-ah-hi-ir
ts: uṣṣaḫḫir
en: has let decrease in number,
2996'. ta-li-it-tam um-ta-t,i
ts: tālittam umtaṭṭi
en: or the offspring has let diminsh in number,
2997'. a-na _ka_ ri-ik-sa-ti-szu
ts: ana pī riksātišu
en: as per the terms of his contract
2998'. ta-li-it-tam
ts: tālittam
en: for the (loss of) offspring
2999'. u3 bi-il-tam
ts: u biltam
en: and load (by-products)
3000'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 265
3001'. szum-ma _sipa_
ts: šumma rē’ûm
en: If a shepherd,
3002'. sza _ab2 gu4 hi-a_
ts: ša liātum
en: to whom cattle
3003'. u3 lu _u8 udu hi-a_
ts: u lū ṣēnum
en: or sheep and goats
3004'. a-na re-im
ts: ana re’îm
en: for shepherding
3005'. in-na-ad-nu-szum
ts: innadnušum
en: were given
3006'. u2-sa-ar-ri-ir-ma
ts: usarrirma
en: acted criminally and
3007'. szi-im-tam ut-ta-ak-ki-ir
ts: šimtam uttakkir
en: the brand has changed,
3008'. u3 a-na _ku3-babbar_
ts: u ana kaspim
en: and for silver
3009'. it-ta-di-in
ts: ittadin
en: has given,
3010'. u2-ka-an-nu-szu-ma
ts: ukannušuma
en: they shall convict him and
3011'. _a-ra2_ 1(u)-szu sza isz-ri-qu2
ts: adi ešrīšu ša išriqu
en: tenfold that that he stole
3012'. _ab2 gu4 hi-a_
ts: liātim
en: cattle
3013'. u3 _u8 udu hi-a_
ts: u ṣēnam
en: or sheep and goats
3014'. a-na be-li2-szu-nu
ts: ana bēlišunu
en: for their owner
3015'. i-ri-a-ab
ts: iriab
en: he shall replace
law 266
3016'. szum-ma i-na _tur3_
ts: šumma ina tarbaṣim
en: If, in an enclosure,
3017'. li-pi2-it _dingir_ it-tab-szi
ts: lipit ilim ittabši
en: an epidemic has broken out,
3018'. u3 lu _ur-mah_ id-du-uk _sipa_ ma-har _dingir_
ts: u lū nēšum iddūk rē’ûm maḫar ilim
en: or a lion made a kill, the shepherd before the god
3019'. u2-ub-ba-am-ma
ts: ubbamma
en: shall clear himself, and
3020'. mi-qi2-it-ti _tur3_
ts: miqitti tarbaṣim
en: the losses of the enclosure
3021'. be-el _tur3_ i-mah-har-szu
ts: bēl tarbaṣim imaḫḫaršu
en: the owner of the enclosure shall accept.
law 267
3022'. szum-ma _sipa_ i-gu-ma
ts: šumma rē’ûm īgūma
en: If the shepherd is negligent and
3023'. i-na _tur3_ pe2-sa3-tam usz-tab-szi
ts: ina tarbaṣim pissatam uštabši
en: in the enclosure mange(?) has caused to spread,
3024'. _sipa_ hi-t,i-it pe2-sa3-tim
ts: rē’ûm ḫiṭīt pissatim
en: the shepherd the damage of the mange(?)
3025'. sza i-na _tur3_ u2-sza-ab-szu-u2
ts: ša ina tarbaṣim ušabšû
en: that in the enclosure has caused to spread
3026'. _ab2 gu4 hi-a_ u3 _u8 udu hi-a_
ts: liātim u ṣēnam
en: in cattle or in sheep and goats
3027'. u2-sza-lam-ma
ts: ušallamma
en: shall make good, and
3028'. a-na be-li2-szu-nu
ts: ana bēlišunu
en: to their owner.
3029'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: shall give.
law 268
3030'. szum-ma a-wi-lum _gu4_
ts: šumma awīlum alpam
en: If a man an ox
3031'. a-na di-a-szi-im i-gur
ts: ana diāšim īgur
en: for threshing rented,
3032'. _2(ban2) sze a2_-szu
ts: šina sūt ûm idūšu
en: 2 ban2 of barley is its hire.
law 269
3033'. szum-ma _ansze_
ts: šumma imēram
en: If he a donkey
3034'. a-na di-a-szi-im i-gur
ts: ana diāšim īgur
en: for threshing rented,
3035'. _1(ban2) sze a2_-szu
ts: ištēn sūt ûm idūšu
en: 1 ban2 of barley is its hire.
law 270
3036'. szum-ma _masz2_
ts: šumma urīṣam
en: If he a goat
3037'. a-na di-a-szi-im i-gur
ts: ana diāšim īgur
en: for threshing rented,
3038'. _1(disz) sila3 sze a2_-szu
ts: ištēn qa ûm idūšu
en: 1 qa of barley is its hire.
law 271
3039'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
3040'. _ab2 gu4 hi-a {gesz}mar-gid2-da_
ts: liātim ereqqam
en: cattle, a wagon,
3041'. u3 mu-ur2-te-di-sza i-gur
ts: u murteddīša īgur
en: and its driver rented,
3042'. i-na _u4 1(disz)-kam 3(barig) sze_
ts: ina ūmim ištēn šaluš parsikat âm
en: per day 3 parsiktu of barley
3043'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 272
3044'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
3045'. _{gesz}mar-gid2-da_-ma
ts: ereqqamma
en: only the wagon
3046'. a-na ra-ma-ni-sza i-gur
ts: ana ramaniša īgur
en: for himself rented,
3047'. i-na _u4 1(disz)-kam 4(ban2) sze_
ts: ina ūmim ištēn erbet sūt âm
en: per day 4 sutu of barley
3048'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give
law 273
3049'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
3050'. _{lu2}hun-ga2_ i-gur
ts: agram īgur
en: a laborer hired,
3051'. isz-tu re-esz sza-at-tim
ts: ištu rēš šattim
en: from the beginning of the year
3052'. a-di ha-am-szi-im _iti_-im
ts: adi ḫamšim warḫim
en: until (the end of) the fifth month
3053'. _6(disz) sze ku3-babbar_
ts: 6 uṭṭet kaspam
en: 6 barleycorns of silver
3054'. i-na _u4 1(disz)-kam_
ts: ina ūmim ištēn
en: per day
3055'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give;
3056'. isz-tu szi-szi-im _iti_-im
ts: ištu šiššim warḫim
en: from the sixth month
3057'. a-di ta-aq-ti-da sza-at-tim
ts: adi taqtīt šattim
en: until the end of the year
3058'. _5(disz) sze ku3-babbar_
ts: ḫamšat uṭṭet kaspam
en: 5 barleycorns of silver
3059'. i-na _u4 1(disz)-kam_
ts: ina ūmim ištēn
en: per day
3060'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 274
3061'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
3062'. _dumu um-mi-a_
ts: mār ummânim
en: a craftsman
3063'. i-ig-ga-ar
ts: iggar
en: is hiring,
3064'. _a2 {lu2}hun-ga2_
ts: idī agrim
en: as wage of the hireling
3065'. 5(disz) _sze ku3-babbar_
ts: ḫamšat uṭṭet kaspam
en: : 5 barleycorns of silver;
3066'. _a2 {lu2}tug2-du8-a_
ts: idī kāmidim
en: as wage of a woven-textile worker,
3067'. 5(disz) _sze ku3-babbar_
ts: ḫamšat uṭṭet kaspam
en: 5 barleycorns of silver;
3068'. _a2 {lu2}gada_
ts: idī ša kitîm(?)
en: as wage of a linen-worker(?),
3069'. _n(disz) sze ku3-babbar_
ts: n uṭṭet kaspam
en: n barleycorns of silver;
3070'. _a2 bur-gul_
ts: idī purkullim
en: as wage of a stone-cutter,
3071'. _n(disz) sze ku3-babbar_
ts: n uṭṭet kaspam
en: n barleycorns of silver;
3072'. _a2 zadim_
ts: idī sasinnim(?)
en: as wage of a bow-maker,
3073'. n(disz) _sze ku3-babbar_
ts: n uṭṭet kaspam
en: n barleycorns of silver;
3074'. _a2 simug_
ts: idī nappāḫim
en: as wage of a smith,
3075'. _n(disz) sze ku3-babbar_
ts: n uṭṭet kaspam
en: n barleycorns of silver;
3076'. _a2 nagar_
ts: idī naggārim
en: as wage of a carpenter,
3077'. _4(disz)? sze ku3-babbar_
ts: erbet(?) uṭṭet kaspam
en: 4(?) barleycorns of silver;
3078'. _a2 aszgab_
ts: idī aškāpim
en: as wage of a leatherworker,
3079'. _n(disz) sze ku3-babbar_
ts: n uṭṭet kaspam
en: n barleycorns of silver;
3080'. _a2 ad-kup4_
ts: idī atkuppim
en: as wage of a reedworker,
3081'. _n(disz) sze ku3-babbar_
ts: n uṭṭet kaspam
en: n barleycorns of silver;
3082'. _a2 szitim_
ts: idī itinnim
en: as wage of a builder,
3083'. _n(disz) sze ku3-babbar_
ts: x uṭṭet kaspam
en: n barleycorns of silver
3084'. i-na _u4 1(disz)-kam_
ts: ina ūmim ištēn
en: per day
3085'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 275
3086'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
3087'. [_ma2..._] i-gur
ts: elep ... īgur
en: a ...-boat rented,
3088'. i-na _u4 1(disz)-kam_
ts: per day
en: ina ūmim ištēn
3089'. _3(disz) sze ku3-babbar a2_-szu
ts: šalāšat uṭṭet kaspum idūša
en: 3 barleycorns of silver is its hire.
law 276
3090'. szum-ma ma-hi-ir-tam i-gur
ts: šumma māḫirtam īgur
en: If a boat for traveling upstream he rented,
3091'. _2(disz) 1/2(disz) sze ku3-babbar a2_-sza
ts: šina mišil uṭṭet kaspam idīša
en: 2 1/2 barleycorns of silver as his wage
3092'. i-na _u4 1(disz)-kam_
ts: ina ūmim ištēn
en: per day
3093'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 277
3094'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
3095'. _{gesz}ma2 1(gesz2) gur_ i-gur
ts: eleppi šūšim kur īgur
en: rents a boat of 60-kor capacity,
3096'. i-na _u4 1(disz)-kam_
ts: ina ūmim ištēn
en: per day
3097'. _igi 6(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar a2_-sza
ts: šuduš kaspam idīša
en: one sixth (of a shekel) of silver as its hire
3098'. i-na-ad-di-in
ts: inaddin
en: he shall give.
law 278
3099'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
3100'. _ARAD2 geme2_ i-sza-am-ma
ts: wardam amtam išāmma
en: a slave or slave woman purchased, and
3101'. _iti_-szu la im-la-ma
ts: waraḫšu lā imlāma
en: within his one-month period
3102'. be2-en-ni e-li-szu
ts: benni elišu
en: epilepsy over him
3103'. im-ta-qu2-ut a-na na-di-na-ni-szu
ts: imtaqut ana nādinānišu
en: has descended, to his seller
3104'. u2-ta-ar-ma
ts: utârma
en: he shall return him, and
3105'. sza-a-a-ma-nu-um
ts: šāyyamānum
en: the buyer
3106'. _ku3-babbar_ isz-qu2-lu
ts: kasap išqulu
en: the silver that he weighed out
3107'. i-le-qe2
ts: ileqqe
en: shall take back.
law 279
3108'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
3109'. _ARAD2 geme2_ i-sza-am-ma
ts: wardam amtam išāmma
en: a slave or slave woman purchased, and
3110'. ba-aq-ri ir-ta-szi
ts: baqrī irtaši
en: then claims have arisen,
3111'. na-di-na-an-szu
ts: nādinānšu
en: his seller
3112'. ba-aq-ri i-ip-pa-al
ts: baqrī ippal
en: the claims shall satisfy.
law 280
3113'. szum-ma a-wi-lum
ts: šumma awīlum
en: If a man
3114'. i-na ma-at
ts: ina māt
en: in a country
3115'. nu-ku-ur2-tim
ts: nukurtim
en: foreign
3116'. _ARAD2 geme2_ sza a-wi-lim
ts: wardam amtam ša awīlim
en: a slave or slave woman of a man
3117'. isz-ta-am
ts: ištām
en: has purchased,
3118'. i-nu-ma
ts: inūma
en: and while
3119'. i-na li-ib-bu _kalam_
ts: ina libbū mātim
en: within the (i.e., his own) country
3120'. it-ta-al-kam-ma
ts: ittalkamma
en: he has been travelling about,
3121'. be-el _ARAD2_ u3 lu _geme2_
ts: bēl wardim u lū amtim
en: and the owner of the slave or slave woman
3122'. lu _ARAD2_-su2 u3 lu _geme2_-su2
ts: lu warassu u lū amassu
en: his slave or slave woman
3123'. u2-te-ed-di
ts: ūteddi
en: has identified—
3124'. szum-ma _ARAD2_ u3 lu _geme2_ szu-nu
ts: šumma wardum u amtum šunu
en: if the slave and slave woman
3125'. _dumu-mesz_ ma-tim
ts: mārū mātim
en: are natives of the country,
3126'. ba-lum _ku3-babbar_-ma
ts: balum kaspimma
en: without any payment
3127'. an-du-ra-ar-szu-nu
ts: andurāršunu
en: their release
3128'. isz-sza-ak-ka-an
ts: iššakkan
en: shall be secured.
law 281
3129'. szum-ma _dumu-mesz_ ma-tim sza-ni-tim
ts: šumma mārū mātim šanītim
en: If they are natives of another country,
3130'. sza-a-a-ma-nu-ma
ts: šāyyamānum
en: the buyer
3131'. i-na ma-har i-lim
ts: ina maḫar ilim
en: before the god
3132'. _ku3-babbar_ isz-qu2-lu
ts: kasap išqulu
en: the silver that he paid
3133'. i-qa-ab-bi-ma
ts: iqabbīma
en: shall declare, and
3134'. be-el _ARAD2_ u3 lu _geme2_
ts: bēl wardim u lu amtim
en: the owner of the slave or slave woman
3135'. _ku3-babbar_ isz-qu2-lu a-na _dam-gar3_
ts: kasap išqulu ana tamkārim
en: the silver that he paid to the merchant
3136'. i-na-ad-di-in-ma
ts: inaddinma
en: shall give, and
3137'. lu _ARAD2_-su2 lu _geme2_-su2 i-pa-t,ar
ts: lu warassu lu amassu ipaṭṭar
en: and his slave or slavewoman he shall redeem.
law 282
3138'. szum-ma _ARAD2_ a-na be-li2-szu
ts: šumma wardum ana bēlišu
en: If a slave to his owner
3139'. u2-ul be-li2 at-ta
ts: ul bēlī atta
en: “You are not my owner,”
3140'. iq-ta-bi
ts: iqtabi
en: has declared,
3141'. ki-ma _ARAD2_-su2
ts: kīma warassu
en: that he is indeed his slave
3142'. u2-ka-an-szu-ma
ts: ukânšuma
en: (the owner) shall bring proof against him, and
3143'. be-el-szu u2-zu-un-szu i-na-ak-ki-is
ts: bēlšu uzunšu inakkis
en: his owner his ear shall cut off.
3144'. di-na-a-at
ts: dīnāt
en: These are the decisions
3145'. mi-sza-ri-im
ts: mīšarim
en: of justice
3146'. sza {disz}ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
ts: ša ḫammurapi
en: that Hammurapi,
3147'. szar-ru-um le-u2-um
ts: šarrum lē’ûm
en: the able king,
3148'. u2-ki-in-nu-ma
ts: ukinnuma
en: established, and
3149'. ma-tam u2-sa-am ki-nam
ts: mātam ussam kīnam
en: the land along the course of truth
3150'. u3 ri-dam dam-qa2-am
ts: u rīdam damqam
en: and the correct way of life
3151'. u2-sza-as,-bi-tu
ts: ušaṣbitu
en: has directed.
3152'. {disz}ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
ts: ḫammurapi
en: Hammurapi,
3153'. szar-ru-um gi-it-ma-lum a-na-ku
ts: šarrum gitmālum anāku
en: noble king, am I.
3154'. a-na _sag-ge6_
ts: ana ṣalmāt qaqqadim
en: toward the black-headed ones
3155'. sza {d}en-lil2 isz-ru-kam
ts: ša enlil išrukam
en: whom Enlil presented to me,
3156'. re-u2-si2-na
ts: rē’ûssina
en: whose shepherding
3157'. {d}marduk i-din-nam
ts: marduk iddinam
en: Marduk gave me,
3158'. u2-ul e-gu
ts: ul ēgu
en: I have not been careless
3159'. a-hi u2-ul ad-di
ts: aḫī ul addi
en: or negligent;
3160'. asz-ri szu-ul-mi-im
ts: ašrī šulmim
en: peaceful places
3161'. esz-te-i-szi-na-szim
ts: ešte’īšināšim
en: I have sought for them
3162'. pu-usz-qi2 wa-asz-t,u2-tim
ts: pušqī wašṭūtim
en: serious difficulties
3163'. u2-pe-et-ti
ts: upetti
en: I removed;
3164'. nu-ra-am u2-sze-s,i-szi-na-szi-im
ts: nūram ušēṣišināšim
en: light over them I spread.
3165'. i-na _{gesz}tukul_ da-an-nim
ts: ina kakkim dannim
en: With the mighty weapon
3166'. sza {d}za-ba4-ba4
ts: ša zababa
en: that Zababa
3167'. u3 {d}inanna
ts: u ištar
en: and Ishtar
3168'. u2-sza-at-li-mu-nim
ts: ušatlimunim
en: bestowed upon me,
3169'. i-na _igi-gal2_
ts: ina igigallim
en: with the wisdom
3170'. sza {d}en-ki i-szi-ma-am
ts: ša ea išīmam
en: that Ea allotted to me,
3171'. i-na le-u2-tim
ts: ina lē’ûtim
en: with the ability
3172'. sza {d}marduk id-di-nam
ts: ša marduk iddinam
en: that Marduk gave me,
3173'. na-ak-ri e-li-isz
ts: nakrī eliš
en: enemies above
3174'. u3 sza-ap-li-isz as-su2-uh2
ts: u šapliš assuḫ
en: and below I annihilated,
3175'. qa2-ab-la-tim u2-be2-el-li
ts: qablātim ubelli
en: wars I ended,
3176'. szi-ir ma-tim
ts: šīr mātim
en: the well-being of the land
3177'. u2-t,i3-ib
ts: uṭīb
en: I enhanced,
3178'. ni-szi da-ad-mi
ts: nišī dadmī
en: the people of all settlements
3179'. a-bu-ur2-ri
ts: aburrī
en: in safe pastures
3180'. u2-szar-bi2-is,
ts: ušarbiṣ
en: I made lie down,
3181'. mu-gal-li-tam
ts: mugallitam
en: intimidation
3182'. u2-ul u2-szar-szi-szi-na-ti
ts: ul ušaršīšināti
en: I did not let them suffer.
3183'. _dingir gal-gal_
ts: ilū rabûtum
en: The great gods
3184'. ib-bu-u2-nin-ni-ma
ts: ibbûninnima
en: having chosen me,
3185'. a-na-ku-ma
ts: anākuma
en: I am indeed
3186'. _sipa_ mu-sza-al-li-mu-um
ts: rē’ûm mušallimum
en: the shepherd who brings peace,
3187'. sza _{gesz}gidri_-szu
ts: ša ḫaṭṭašu
en: whose scepter
3188'. i-sza-ra-at
ts: išarat
en: is just.
3189'. s,i-li2 t,a-bu-um
ts: ṣillī ṭābum
en: My benevolent shade
3190'. a-na _iri_-ia
ts: ana āliya
en: over my city
3191'. ta-ri-is,
ts: tariṣ
en: is spread,
3192'. i-na ut-li-ia
ts: ina utliya
en: on my lap
3193'. ni-szi _kalam_ szu-me-ri2-im
ts: nišī māt šumerim
en: the people of the lands of Sumer
3194'. u3 ak-ka-di-im
ts: u akkadîm
en: and Akkad
3195'. u2-ki-il
ts: ukīl
en: I kept.
3196'. i-na la-ma-si2-ia
ts: ina lamassiya
en: Under my protective spirit,
3197'. ih-hi-sza
ts: iḫḫišā
en: they prospered;
3198'. i-na szu-ul-mi-im
ts: ina šulmim
en: in peace
3199'. at-tab-ba-al-szi-na-ti
ts: attabbalšināti
en: I maintained them,
3200'. i-na ne-me-qi2-ia
ts: ina nēmeqiya
en: with my skillful wisdom
3201'. usz-tap-zi2-ir-szi-na-ti
ts: uštapziršināti
en: I sheltered them.
3202'. dan-nu-um en-sza-am
ts: dannum enšam
en: That the mighty the weak
3203'. a-na la ha-ba-lim
ts: ana lā ḫabālim
en: not wrong,
3204'. _nu-siki nu-mu-su_
ts: ekūtam almattam
en: for the waif and the widow
3205'. szu-te-szu-ri-im
ts: šutēšurim
en: to provide just ways.
3206'. i-na babila{ki}
ts: ina bābilim
en: in Babylon,
3207'. _iri_ sza an u3 {d}en-lil2
ts: ālim ša anum u enlil
en: the city of which Anu and Enlil
3208'. re-szi-szu
ts: rēšīšu
en: the head
3209'. u2-ul-lu-u2
ts: ullû
en: raised,
3210'. i-na e2-sag-il2
ts: ina esagila
en: within the Esagila,
3211'. _e2_ sza ki-ma sza-me-e
ts: bītim ša kīma šamê
en: the house of which like heaven
3212'. u3 er-s,e-tim _suhusz_-szu ki-na
ts: u erṣetim išdāšu kīnā
en: and earth the foundations are fixed,
3213'. di-in ma-tim a-na di-a-nim
ts: dīn mātim ana diānim
en: the judgments of the land to render,
3214'. pu-ru-se2-e ma-tim
ts: purussê mātim
en: the verdicts of the land
3215'. a-na pa-ra-si-im
ts: ana parāsim
en: to give,
3216'. ha-ab-lim szu-te-szu-ri-im
ts: ḫablim šutēšurim
en: for the wronged to provide just ways,
3217'. a-wa-ti-ia szu-qu2-ra-tim
ts: awâtiya šūqurātim
en: my precious pronouncements
3218'. i-na _na-ru_-ia asz-t,ur-ma
ts: ina narîya ašṭurma
en: upon my stela I have inscribed, and
3219'. i-na ma-har _alan_-ia
ts: ina maḫar ṣalmiya
en: before the statue of me,
3220'. _lugal_ mi-sza-ri-im
ts: šar mīšarim
en: the king of justice,
3221'. u2-ki-in
ts: ukīn
en: I set it up.
3222'. _lugal_ sza in _lugal_-ri2
ts: šarrum ša in šarrī
en: King among kings
3223'. szu-tu-ru a-na-ku
ts: šūturu anāku
en: preeminent am I.
3224'. a-wa-tu-u2-a na-as2-qa2
ts: awâtūa nasqā
en: My pronouncements are choice,
3225'. le-u2-ti sza-ni-nam
ts: lē’ûtī šāninam
en: my ability rivalry.
3226'. u2-ul i-szu
ts: ul išû
en: has none.
3227'. i-na qi2-bi-it {d}utu
ts: ina qibīt šamaš
en: By the command of Šamaš,
3228'. da-a-a-nim ra-bi-im
ts: dayyānim rabîm
en: the great judge
3229'. sza _an_ u3 _ki_
ts: ša šamê u erṣetim
en: of heaven and earth,
3230'. mi-sza-ri i-na _kalam_
ts: mīšarī ina mātim
en: may my justice in the land
3231'. li-isz-te-pi2
ts: lištēpi
en: prevail.
3232'. i-na a-wa-at
ts: ina awat
en: By the order
3233'. {d}marduk be-li2-ia
ts: marduk bēliya
en: of Marduk, my lord,
3234'. u2-s,u2-ra-tu-u2-a
ts: uṣurātūa
en: may my engraved image
3235'. mu-sza-si2-kam a-ir-szi-a
ts: mušassikam ay iršia
en: by someone who would remove it not be confronted.
3236'. i-na e2-sag-il2
ts: ina esagila
en: In the Esagil ly
3237'. sza a-ra-am-mu szu-mi i-na da-mi-iq-tim
ts: ša arammu šumī ina damiqtim
en: that I love may my name favorably
3238'. a-na da-ar
ts: ana dār
en: always
3239'. li-iz-za-ki-ir
ts: lizzakir
en: be remembered.
3240'. a-wi-lum ha-ab-lum
ts: awīlum ḫablum
en: Let any wronged man
3241'. sza a-wa-tam
ts: ša awatam
en: who a lawsuit
3242'. i-ra-asz-szu-u2
ts: iraššû
en: has
3243'. a-na ma-ha-ar _alan_-ia
ts: ana maḫar ṣalmiya
en: before the statue of me,
3244'. _lugal_ mi-sza-ri-im
ts: šar mīšarim
en: the king of justice,
3245'. li-il-li-ik-ma
ts: lillikma
en: come and
3246'. _na-ru_-i
ts: narî
en: my stela
3247'. sza-at,-ra-am
ts: šaṭram
en: inscribed
3248'. li-isz-ta-as2-si-ma
ts: lištassīma
en: let him have read aloud to him,
3249'. a-wa-ti-ia
ts: awâtiya
en: my pronouncements
3250'. szu-qu2-ra-tim
ts: šūqurātim
en: precious
3251'. li-isz-me-ma
ts: lišmēma
en: may he hear and
3252'. _na-ru_-i a-wa-tam
ts: narî awatam
en: my stela the lawsuit
3253'. li-kal2-lim-szu
ts: likallimšu
en: let reveal for him;
3254'. di-in-szu li-mu-ur2
ts: dīnšu līmur
en: his case may he examine,
3255'. li-ib-ba-szu
ts: libbašu
en: his (troubled) heart
3256'. li-na-ap-pi2-isz-ma
ts: linappišma
en: may he calm, and
3257'. {disz}ha-am-mu-ra-pi2-mi
ts: Ḫammurapimi
en: “Ḫammurabi,
3258'. be-lum sza ki-ma a-bi-im
ts: bēlum ša kīma abim
en: the lord, who like a father
3259'. wa-li-di-im
ts: wālidim
en: and begetter
3260'. a-na ni-szi
ts: ana nišī
en: to his people,
3261'. i-ba-asz-szu-u2
ts: ibaššû
en: is,
3262'. a-na a-wa-at
ts: ana awat
en: to the command
3263'. {d}marduk be-li2-szu
ts: marduk bēlišu
en: of Marduk, his lord,
3264'. usz-ta-ak-ti-it-ma
ts: uštaktitma
en: submitted himself
3265'. ir-ni-ti {d}marduk
ts: irnitti marduk
en: and victory for Marduk
3266'. e-li-isz
ts: eliš
en: above
3267'. u3 sza-ap-li-isz
ts: u šapliš
en: and below
3268'. ik-szu-ud
ts: ikšud uštēšer
en: achieved.
3269'. li-ib-bi {d}marduk
ts: libbi marduk
en: the stomach of Marduk,
3270'. be-li2-szu u2-t,i3-ib
ts: bēlišu uṭīb
en: his lord, he gladdened
3271'. u3 szi-ra-am t,a-ba-am
ts: u šīram ṭābam
en: and the well-being
3272'. a-na ni-szi
ts: ana nišī
en: of the people
3273'. a-na da-ar i-szi-im
ts: ana dār išīm
en: eternally he secured,
3274'. u3 ma-tam
ts: u mātam
en: and for the land
3275'. usz-te-sze-er
ts: uštēšer
en: provided just ways.”
3276'. a2-ni-tam
ts: annītam
en: This
3277'. li-iq-bi-ma
ts: liqbīma
en: may he say, and
3278'. i-na ma-har
ts: ina maḫar
en: before
3279'. {d}marduk be-li2-ia
ts: marduk bēliya
en: Marduk, my lord,
3280'. {d}s,ar-pa-ni-tum
ts: Ṣarpānītum
en: and Ṣarpānītu,
3281'. be-el-ti-ia
ts: bēltiya
en: my lady
3282'. i-na li-ib-bi-szu
ts: ina libbišu
en: with his stomach
3283'. ga-am-ri-im
ts: gamrim
en: whole
3284'. li-ik-ru-ba-am
ts: likrubam
en: may he pray for me.
3285'. sze-du-um la-ma-sum2
ts: šēdum lamassum
en: May the protective spirits,
3286'. _dingir dingir_ e-ri-bu-ut
ts: ilū ēribūt
en: the gods who enter
3287'. e2-sag-il2
ts: esagila
en: the Esagila,
3288'. _sig4_ e2-sag-il2
ts: libitti esagila
en: the brickwork of the Esagila,
3289'. i-gi-ir-re-e
ts: igirrê
en: my portents
3290'. u4-mi-sza-am
ts: ūmišam
en: daily
3291'. i-na ma-har
ts: ina maḫar
en: before
3292'. {d}marduk be-li2-ia
ts: marduk bēliya
en: Marduk, my lord,
3293'. {d}s,ar-pa-ni-tum
ts: Ṣarpānītum
en: and Ṣarpānītu,
3294'. be-el-ti-ia
ts: bēltiya
en: my lady
3295'. li-dam-mi-qu2
ts: lidammiqu
en: make auspicious.
3296'. a-na wa-ar-ki-a-at
ts: ana warkiāt
en: In the future
3297'. _u4_-mi
ts: ūmī
en: days
3298'. a-na ma-ti-ma
ts: ana matima
en: at any time
3299'. _lugal_ sza i-na _kalam_
ts: šarrum ša ina mātim
en: may any king who in the land
3300'. ib-ba-asz-szu-u2
ts: ibbaššû
en: should appear
3301'. a-wa-a-at
ts: awât
en: the pronouncements
3302'. mi-sza-ri-im
ts: mīšarim
en: of justice
3303'. sza i-na _na-ru_-ia
ts: ša ina narîya
en: that upon my stela
3304'. asz-t,u2-ru li-s,ur
ts: ašṭuru liṣṣur
en: I inscribed, observe.
3305'. di-in ma-tim
ts: dīn mātim
en: the judgments
3306'. sza a-di-nu
ts: ša adīnu
en: that I rendered
3307'. pu-ru-se2-e _kalam_
ts: purussē mātim
en: and the verdicts of the land
3308'. sza ap-ru-su
ts: ša aprusu
en: that I gave,
3309'. a u2-na-ak-ki-ir
ts: ay unakkir
en: may he not alter,
3310'. u2-s,u2-ra-ti-ia
ts: uṣurātiya
en: nor my engraved image
3311'. a u2-sza-si2-ik
ts: ay ušassik
en: remove.
3312'. szum-ma a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: šumma awīlum šū
en: If that man
3313'. ta-szi-im-tam i-szu-ma
ts: tašīmtam išūma
en: has discernment, and
3314'. ma-su2 szu-te-szu-ra-am i-le-i
ts: māssu šutēšuram ile’i
en: of providing just ways for his land is capable,
3315'. a-na a-wa-a-tim
ts: ana awātim
en: the pronouncements
3316'. sza i-na _na-ru_-ia asz-t,u2-ru li-qul2-ma
ts: ša ina narîya ašṭuru liqūlma
en: I have inscribed upon my stela may he heed, and
3317'. ki-ib-sa-am ri-dam
ts: kibsam rīdam
en: the traditions, the proper conduct,
3318'. di-in _kalam_ sza a-di-nu
ts: dīn mātim ša adīnu
en: the judgments of the land that I judged,
3319'. pu-ru-se2-e _kalam_
ts: purussē mātim
en: the decisions of the land
3320'. sza ap-ru-su
ts: ša aprusu
en: that I rendered,
3321'. _na-ru_-um szu-u2
ts: narûm šū
en: may that stela
3322'. li-kal2-lim-szu-ma
ts: likallimšuma
en: reveal for him, and
3323'. s,a-al-ma-at qa2-qa2-di-szu
ts: ṣalmāt qaqqadišu
en: for his black-headed ones
3324'. li-isz-te-sze-er
ts: lištēšer
en: may he provide just ways.
3325'. di-in-szi-na li-di-in
ts: dīnšina lidīn
en: May he their judgments render,
3326'. pu-ru-sa3-szi-na
ts: purussāšina
en: may he their verdicts
3327'. li-ip-ru-us2
ts: liprus
en: give
3328'. i-na ma-ti-szu ra-ga-am
ts: ina mātišu raggam
en: from his land the wicked
3329'. u3 s,e-nam li-su2-uh2
ts: u ṣēnam lissuḫ
en: and the evil may he eradicate
3330'. szi-ir ni-szi-szu
ts: šīr nišīšu
en: the well-being of his people
3331'. li-t,i-ib
ts: liṭīb
en: may he enhance.
3332'. {disz}ha-am-mu-ra-pi2
ts: Ḫammurapi
en: Hammurapi, .
3333'. _lugal_ mi-sza-ri-im
ts: šar mīšarim
en: king of justice,
3334'. sza {d}utu ki-na-tim
ts: ša Šamaš kīnātim
en: to whom Šamaš (insight into) the truth
3335'. isz-ru-ku-szum a-na-ku
ts: išrukušum anāku
en: has granted, am I.
3336'. a-wa-tu-u2-a na-as2-qa2
ts: awâtūa nasqā
en: My pronouncements are choice,
3337'. ep-sze-tu-u2-a
ts: epšētūa
en: and my achievements
3338'. sza-ni-nam
ts: šāninam
en: a rival
3339'. u2-ul i-sza-a
ts: ul išâ
en: have none;
3340'. e-la a-na la ha-si2-im
ts: ela ana lā ḫassim
en: only to the fool,
3341'. ri-qa2
ts: rēqa
en: are they meaningless,
3342'. a-na em-qi2-im
ts: ana emqim
en: but to the wise
3343'. a-na ta-na-da-tim szu-s,a-a
ts: ana tanādātim šūṣâ
en: they are praiseworthy.
3344'. szum-ma a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: šumma awīlum šū
en: If that man (a future ruler)
3345'. a-na a-wa-ti-ia
ts: ana awâtiya
en: my pronouncements
3346'. sza i-na _na-ru_-ia asz-t,u2-ru
ts: ša ina narîya ašṭuru
en: that upon my stela I have inscribed
3347'. i-qul2-ma
ts: iqūlma
en: heeds, and
3348'. di-ni la u2-sza-as-si2-ik
ts: dīnī lā ušassik
en: my judgments does not reject,
3349'. a-wa-ti-ia
ts: awâtiya
en: my pronouncements
3350'. la usz-te-pe-el
ts: lā uštepīl
en: does not change,
3351'. u2-s,u2-ra-ti-ia
ts: uṣurātiya
en: my engraved image
3352'. la u2-na-ki-ir
ts: lā unakkir
en: does not alter,
3353'. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man,
3354'. ki-ma ia-ti
ts: kīma yâti
en: just as (he has done) for me,
3355'. _lugal_ mi-sza-ri-im
ts: šar mīšarim
en: the king of justice,
3356'. {d}utu _{gesz}gidri_-szu
ts: šamaš ḫaṭṭašu
en: may Šamaš his staff (reign)
3357'. li-ir-ri-ik
ts: lirrik
en: lengthen;
3358'. ni-szi-szu
ts: nišīšu
en: and his people
3359'. i-na mi-sza-ri-im li-re
ts: ina mīšarim lirē
en: with justice may he shepherd.
3360'. szum-ma a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: šumma awīlum šū
en: (But) should that man
3361'. a-na a-wa-ti-ia
ts: ana awâtiya
en: my pronouncements,
3362'. sza i-na _na-ru_-ia
ts: ša ina narîya
en: that upon my stela
3363'. asz-t,u2-ru
ts: ašṭuru
en: I have inscribed
3364'. la i-qul2-ma
ts: lā iqūlma
en: not heed
3365'. er-re-ti-ia
ts: errētiya
en: and should he my curses
3366'. i-me-esz-ma
ts: imēšma
en: slight, and
3367'. er-re-et i3-li2
ts: errēt ilī
en: the curses of the gods
3368'. la i-dur-ma
ts: lā īdurma
en: not fear and
3369'. di-in a-di-nu
ts: dīn adīnu
en: thus the judgments that I judged
3370'. up-ta-as-si2-is
ts: uptassis
en: overturn
3371'. a-wa-ti-ia
ts: awâtiya
en: my pronouncements
3372'. usz-te-pe-el
ts: uštepēl
en: change
3373'. u2-s,u2-ra-ti-ia
ts: uṣurātiya
en: my engraved image
3374'. ut-ta-ak-ki-ir
ts: uttakkir
en: alter
3375'. szu-mi sza-at-ra-am
ts: šumī šaṭram
en: my inscribed name
3376'. ip-szi-it,-ma
ts: ipšiṭma
en: erase and
3377'. szum-szu isz-ta-t,ar2
ts: šumšu ištaṭar
en: and his own name (in its place) inscribe—
3378'. asz-szum er-re-szum szi-na-ti
ts: aššum errētim šināti
en: or should he, because of fear of these curses,
3379'. sza-ni-a-am-ma
ts: šaniamma
en: have someone else
3380'. usz-ta-hi-iz
ts: uštāḫiz
en: do so—
3381'. a-wi-lum szu-u2
ts: awīlum šū
en: that man,
3382'. lu _lugal_
ts: lu šarrum
en: whether a king,
3383'. lu _en_
ts: lu bēlum
en: a lord,
3384'. lu _ensi2_
ts: lu iššiakkum
en: a governor,
3385'. u3 lu a-wi-lu-tum
ts: u lū awīlūtum
en: or a human
3386'. sza szu-ma-am na-bi-a-at
ts: ša šumam nabiat
en: called by any name,
3387'. an ra-bu-um
ts: anum rabûm
en: may the great Anu,
3388'. a-bu i3-li2
ts: abu ilī
en: father of the gods,
3389'. na-bu-u2 _bala_-ia
ts: nābû palêya
en: who has proclaimed my reign,
3390'. _me-lam2_ szar-ru-tim
ts: melimmī šarrūtim
en: of the sheen of royalty
3391'. li-t,e4-er-szu
ts: līṭeršu
en: deprive him
3392'. _{gesz}gidri_-szu
ts: ḫaṭṭašu
en: his staff
3393'. li-isz-bi-ir
ts: lišbir
en: break,
3394'. szi-ma-ti-szu li-ru-ur
ts: šīmātišu līrur
en: and his destiny curse.
3395'. {d}en-lil2 be-lum
ts: enlil bēlum
en: May Enlil, the lord,
3396'. mu-szi-im szi-ma-tim
ts: mušīm šīmātim
en: who determines destinies,
3397'. sza qi2-bi2-su2
ts: ša qibīssu
en: whose utterance
3398'. la ut-ta-ka-ru
ts: lā uttakkaru
en: cannot be countermanded,
3399'. mu-szar-bu-u3
ts: mušarbû
en: who magnifies
3400'. szar-ru-ti-ia
ts: šarrūtiya
en: my kingship,
3401'. te-szi la szu-up-pi2-im
ts: tēšî lā šubbîm
en: disorder that cannot be quelled
3402'. ga-ba-ra-ah
ts: gabaraḫ
en: and a rebellion
3403'. ha-la-qi2-szu
ts: ḫalāqišu
en: of his obliteration
3404'. i-na szu-ub-ti-szu
ts: ina šubtišu
en: even in his own residence
3405'. li-sza-ab-bi-ha-asz-szum
ts: lišappiḫaššum
en: incite against him;
3406'. _bala_ ta-ne-hi-im
ts: palê tānēḫim
en: a reign of groaning,
3407'. _u4_-mi i-s,u2-tim
ts: ūmī īṣūtim
en: of few days,
3408'. sza-na-a-at
ts: šanāt
en: of years
3409'. hu-sza-ah-hi-im
ts: ḫušaḫḫim
en: of famine,
3410'. ek-le-et
ts: eklet
en: of darkness
3411'. la na-wa-ri-im
ts: lā nawārim
en: without illumination,
3412'. mu-ut ni-t,i-il i-nim
ts: mūt niṭil īnim
en: and of sudden death
3413'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: as his fate
3414'. li-szi-im-szum
ts: lišīmšum
en: may he cast;
3415'. ha-la-aq _iri_-szu
ts: ḫalāq ālišu
en: the obliteration of his city,
3416'. na-as2-pu-uh2 ni-szi-szu
ts: naspuḫ nišīšu
en: the dispersion of his people,
3417'. szar-ru-su2 szu-pe2-lam
ts: šarrūssu šupēlam
en: the supplanting of his dynasty,
3418'. szum-szu u3 zi-kir-szu
ts: šumšu u zikiršu
en: and that his name and his memory
3419'. i-na ma-tim
ts: ina mātim
en: from the land
3420'. la szu-ub-sza-a-am
ts: lā šubšâm
en: be blotted out,
3421'. i-na _ka_-szu kab-tim
ts: ina pīšu kabtim
en: with his venerable speech
3422'. li-iq-bi
ts: liqbi
en: may he declare.
3423'. {d}nin-lil2
ts: ninlil
en: May Ninlil,
3424'. _ama_ ra-bi2-tum
ts: ummum rabītum
en: the great mother,
3425'. sza qi2-bi2-sa3
ts: ša qibīssa
en: whose utterance
3426'. i-na e2-kur kab-ta-at
ts: ina ekur kabtat
en: in the Ekur is honored,
3427'. _nin_ mu-dam-mi-qa2-at
ts: bēltum mudammiqat
en: the mistress who makes auspicious
3428'. i-gi-ir-re-ia
ts: igirrēya
en: my portents
3429'. a-szar szi-ip-t,i-im
ts: ašar šipṭim
en: at the place of litigation
3430'. u3 pu-ru-se2-em
ts: u purussêm
en: and verdict
3431'. i-na ma-har {d}en-lil2
ts: ina maḫar enlil
en: before Enlil
3432'. a-wa-su2 li-le-mi-in
ts: awassu lilemmin
en: his case denounce;
3433'. szu-ul-pu-ut ma-ti-szu
ts: šulput mātišu
en: the destruction of his land,
3434'. ha-la-aq ni-szi-szu
ts: ḫalāq nišīšu
en: the obliteration of his people,
3435'. ta-ba-ak na-pisz-ti-szu
ts: tabāk napištišu
en: and the spilling of his life force
3436'. ki-ma me-e
ts: kīma mê
en: like water
3437'. i-na _ka_ {d}en-lil2
ts: ina pī enlil
en: by the pronouncement of Enlil
3438'. szar-ri-im
ts: šarrim
en: king
3439'. li-sza-asz-ki-in
ts: lišaškin
en: may she induce.
3440'. {d}en-ki _nun_ ra-bi-um
ts: ea rubûm rabium
en: May Ea, the great prince,
3441'. sza szi-ma-tu-szu
ts: ša šīmātušu
en: whose destinies
3442'. i-na mah-ra i-la-ka
ts: ina maḫra illaka
en: take precedence,
3443'. _abgal_ i3-li2
ts: apkal ilī
en: the sage among the gods,
3444'. mu-de mi-im-ma szum-szu
ts: mudē mimma šumšu
en: all-knowing,
3445'. mu-sza-ri-ku
ts: mušāriku
en: who lengthens
3446'. _u4_-um ba-la-t,i-ia
ts: ūm balāṭiya
en: the days of my life,
3447'. uz-nam
ts: uznam
en: of all understanding
3448'. u3 ne-me-qam
ts: u nēmeqam
en: and wisdom
3449'. li-t,e4-er-szu-ma
ts: līṭeršuma
en: deprive him, and
3450'. i-na mi-szi-tim
ts: ina mīšītim
en: and into confusion
3451'. li-it-ta-ar-ru-szu
ts: littarrūšu
en: may he lead him;
3452'. _i7-i7_-szu
ts: nārātišu
en: his rivers
3453'. i-na na-ag-bi-im
ts: ina nagbim
en: at the source
3454'. li-is-ki-ir
ts: liskir
en: may he dam up;
3455'. i-na er-s,e-ti-szu
ts: ina erṣetišu
en: in his land
3456'. {d}asznan
ts: ašnan
en: barley,
3457'. na-pi2-isz-ti ni-szi
ts: napišti nišī
en: life of the people,
3458'. a u2-sza-ab-szi
ts: ay ušabši
en: may he not allow.
3459'. {d}utu da-a-a-nu-um ra-bi-um
ts: šama dayyānum rabium
en: May Šamaš, the great judge
3460'. sza sza-me-e
ts: ša šamê
en: of heaven
3461'. u3 er-s,e-tim
ts: u erṣetim
en: and earth,
3462'. mu-usz-te-sze-er
ts: muštēšer
en: who provides just ways
3463'. sza-ak-na-at na-pi2-isz-tim
ts: šaknat napištim
en: for all living creatures,
3464'. be-lum tu-kul2-ti
ts: bēlum tukultī
en: the lord, my trust,
3465'. szar-ru-su2 li-is-ki-ip
ts: šarrūssu liskip
en: his kingship overturn;
3466'. di-in-szu
ts: dīnšu
en: his judgments
3467'. a i-di-in
ts: ay idīn
en: may he not render;
3468'. u2-ru-uh2-szu li-szi
ts: uruḫšu līši
en: his path may he confuse
3469'. _DU_ um-ma-ni-szu
ts: išdī ummānišu
en: and the morale of his army
3470'. li-isz-he-el-s,i2
ts: lišḫelṣi
en: undermine;
3471'. i-na bi-ri-szu
ts: ina bīrišu
en: when divination is performed for him,
3472'. _uzu_ lem-nam
ts: šīram lemnam
en: an inauspicious omen
3473'. sza na-sa-ah
ts: ša nasāḫ
en: of the uprooting
3474'. _suhusz_ szar-ru-ti-szu
ts: išdī šarrūtišu
en: of the foundations of his kingship
3475'. u3 ha-la-aq ma-ti-szu li-isz-ku-un-szum
ts: u ḫalāq mātišu liškunšum
en: and the obliteration of his land may he provide;
3476'. a-wa-tum ma-ru-usz-tum
ts: awatum maruštum
en: may the malevolent word
3477'. sza {d}utu ar-hi-isz
ts: ša šamaš arḫiš
en: of Šamaš swiftly
3478'. li-ik-szu-su2
ts: likšussu
en: overtake him,
3479'. e-li-isz
ts: eliš
en: above
3480'. i-na ba-al-t,u2-tim
ts: ina balṭūtim
en: from among the living
3481'. li-is-su2-uh2-szu
ts: lissuḫšu
en: may he uproot him
3482'. sza-ap-li-isz
ts: šapliš
en: and below
3483'. i-na er-s,e-tim
ts: ina erṣetim
en: in the nether world
3484'. _gidim4-gidim4_-szu
ts: eṭemmašu
en: his ghost
3485'. me-e li-sza-az-mi
ts: mê lišaṣmi
en: for water make thirst.
3486'. {d}suen be-el sza-me-e
ts: sîn bēl šamê
en: May Sîn, lord of heaven,
3487'. _dingir_ ba-ni
ts: ilum bānî
en: my creator god
3488'. sza te-re-su2
ts: ša têressu
en: whose oracular decision
3489'. i-na i3-li2 szu-pa-a-at
ts: ina ilī šūpât
en: among the gods prevails,
3490'. _aga {gesz}gu-za_ sza szar-ru-tim
ts: agâm kussiam ša šarrūtim
en: of the crown and throne of kingship
3491'. li-t,e4-er-szu
ts: līṭeršu
en: deprive him
3492'. ar-nam kab-tam
ts: arnam kabtam
en: and an onerous punishment,
3493'. sze-re-su2 ra-bi-tam
ts: šēressu rabītam
en: a great penalty for him,
3494'. sza i-na zu-um-ri-szu
ts: ša ina zumrišu
en: that from his body
3495'. la i-hal-li-qu2
ts: lā iḫalliqu
en: will not depart
3496'. li-mu-su2-ma
ts: līmussuma
en: impose upon him;
3497'. _u4_-mi _iti-iti_
ts: ūmī warḫī
en: every day, month,
3498'. sza-na-a-at _bala_-szu
ts: šanāt palēšu
en: and year of his reign
3499'. i-na ta-ne-hi-im
ts: ina tānēḫim
en: with groaning
3500'. u3 di-im-ma-tim
ts: u dimmatim
en: and mourning
3501'. li-sza-aq-ti
ts: lišaqti
en: may he conclude;
3502'. kam-ma-al szar-ru-tim
ts: kammāl šarrūtim
en: a contender for the kingship
3503'. li-sza-at,-t,i-il-szu
ts: lišaṭṭilšu
en: may he unveil before him;
3504'. ba-la-t,am
ts: balāṭam
en: a life
3505'. sza it-ti mu-tim
ts: ša itti mūtim
en: that with death
3506'. szi-ta-an-nu
ts: šitannu
en: is equal
3507'. a-na szi-im-tim
ts: ana šīmtim
en: as fate
3508'. li-szi-im-szum
ts: lišīmšum
en: may he decree for him;
3509'. {d}iszkur be-el _he2-gal2_
ts: adad bēl ḫegallim
en: May Adad, lord of abundance,
3510'. _gu2-gal_ sza-me-e
ts: gugal šamê
en: the canal-inspector of heaven
3511'. u3 er-s,e-tim
ts: u erṣetim
en: and earth,
3512'. re-s,u2-u2-a
ts: rēṣūa
en: my helper,
3513'. zu-ni i-na sza-me-e
ts: zunnī ina šamê
en: of the benefits of rain from heaven
3514'. mi-lam
ts: mīlam
en: and flood
3515'. i-na na-ag-bi-im
ts: ina nagbim
en: from the springs
3516'. li-t,e4-er-szu
ts: līṭeršu
en: deprive him,
3517'. ma-su2
ts: māssu
en: and his land
3518'. i-na hu-sza-ah-hi-im
ts: ina ḫušaḫḫim
en: through destitution
3519'. u3 bu-bu-tim
ts: u bubūtim
en: and famine
3520'. li-hal-li-iq
ts: liḫalliq
en: may he obliterate;
3521'. e-li _iri_-szu
ts: eli ālišu
en: over his city
3522'. ez-zi-isz
ts: ezziš
en: fiercely
3523'. li-is-si-ma
ts: lissīma
en: may he roar,
3524'. ma-su2 a-na _du6_ a-bu-bi-im
ts: māssu ana til abūbim
en: and his land into the abandoned hills left by flood
3525'. li-te-er
ts: litēr
en: may he turn;
3526'. {d}za-ba4-ba4
ts: zababa
en: May Zababa,
3527'. qar-ra-du-um ra-bi-um
ts: qarrādum rabium
en: the great warrior,
3528'. _dumu_ re-esz-tu-um
ts: mārum rēštûm
en: the first-born son
3529'. sza e2-kur
ts: ša ekur
en: of the Ekur,
3530'. a-li-ku im-ni-ia
ts: āliku imniya
en: who travels at my right side,
3531'. a-szar tam2-ha-ri-im
ts: ašar tamḫārim
en: upon the field of battle
3532'. _{gesz}tukul_-szu li-isz-bi-ir
ts: kakkašu lišbir
en: his weapon smash;
3533'. u4-ma-am a-na mu-szi-im
ts: ūmam ana mūšim
en: day into night
3534'. li-te-er-szum-ma
ts: litēršumma
en: may he turn for him, and
3535'. na-ki-ir-szu e-li-szu
ts: nakiršu elišu
en: his enemy over him
3536'. li-isz-zi-iz
ts: lišziz
en: make triumph;
3537'. {d}inanna be-le-et
ts: ištar bēlet
en: May Ishtar, mistress
3538'. _me6_ u3 _szen-szen_
ts: tāḫazim u qablim
en: of battle and warfare,
3539'. pa-ti-a-at
ts: pātiat
en: who bares
3540'. _{gesz}tukul_-ia
ts: kakkiya
en: my weapon,
3541'. la-ma-si2
ts: lamassī
en: my protective spirit
3542'. da-mi-iq-tum
ts: damiqtum
en: benevolent,
3543'. ra-i-ma-at _bala_-ia
ts: rā’imat palêya
en: who loves my reign,
3544'. i-na li-ib-bi-sza
ts: ina libbiša
en: with her stomach
3545'. ag-gi-im
ts: aggim
en: angry
3546'. i-na uz-za-ti-sza
ts: ina uzzātiša
en: and fury
3547'. ra-bi2-a-tim
ts: rabiātim
en: great,
3548'. szar-ru-su2 li-ru-ur
ts: šarrūssu līrur
en: his kingship curse;
3549'. dam-qa2-ti-szu
ts: damqātišu
en: his auspicious omens
3550'. a-na le-em-ne-tim
ts: ana lemnētim
en: into calamities
3551'. li-te-er
ts: litēr
en: may she turn;
3552'. a-szar _me6_ u3 _szen-szen_
ts: ašar tāḫazim u qablim
en: on the field of war and battle
3553'. _{gesz}tukul_-szu
ts: kakkašu
en: his weapon
3554'. li-isz-bi-ir
ts: lišbir
en: may she break;
3555'. i-szi-tam
ts: išītam
en: into confusion
3556'. sa3-ah-ma-asz-tam
ts: saḫmaštam
en: and rebellion
3557'. li-isz-ku-un-szum
ts: liškunšum
en: plunge him,
3558'. qar-ra-di-szu
ts: qarrādīšu
en: his warriors,
3559'. li-sza-am-qi2-it
ts: lišamqit
en: strike down,
3560'. da-mi-szu-nu
ts: damīšunu
en: with their blood
3561'. er-s,e-tam li-isz-qi2
ts: erṣetam lišqi
en: the earth drench,
3562'. gu-ru-un
ts: gurun
en: a heap
3563'. sza-al-ma-at
ts: šalmāt
en: of the corpses
3564'. um-ma-na-ti-szu
ts: ummānātišu
en: of his soldiers
3565'. i-na s,e-ri-im
ts: ina ṣērim
en: upon the plain
3566'. li-it-ta-ad-di
ts: littaddi
en: make,
3567'. _erin2_-szu-ma re-ma-am
ts: ummānšu rēmam
en: and his soldiers mercy
3568'. a-i u2-szar-szi
ts: ay ušarši
en: may she not show;
3569'. szu-a-ti
ts: šuāti
en: as for him,
3570'. a-na qa2-at na-ak-ri-szu
ts: ana qāt nakrīšu
en: into the hand of his enemies
3571'. li-ma-al-li-szu-ma
ts: limallīšuma
en: may she deliver him,
3572'. a-na ma-at nu-ku-ur2-ti-szu
ts: ana māt nukurtišu
en: and to the land of his enemy
3573'. ka-mi-isz li-ru-szu
ts: kamîš līrūšu
en: may she lead him bound captive.
3574'. {d}ne3-eri11-gal
ts: nergal
en: May Nergal,
3575'. dan-nu-um i-na i3-li2
ts: dannum ina ilī
en: the mighty one among the gods,
3576'. qa2-ba-al la ma-ha-ar
ts: qabal lā maḫār
en: the irresistible onslaught,
3577'. mu-sza-ak-szi-du
ts: mušakšidu
en: who enables me
3578'. ir-ni-ti-ia
ts: irnittiya
en: to achieve my triumphs,
3579'. i-na ka-szu-szi-szu
ts: ina kašūšišu
en: with his overpowering weapon
3580'. ra-bi-im
ts: rabîm
en: great,
3581'. ki-ma i-sza-tim
ts: kīma išātim
en: like a fire
3582'. ez-ze-tim sza a-pi2-im
ts: ezzetim ša apim
en: raging in a reed thicket
3583'. ni-szi-szu
ts: nišīšu
en: his people
3584'. li-iq-me
ts: liqmi
en: burn;
3585'. in _{gesz}tukul_-szu dan-nim
ts: ina kakkišu dannim
en: with his mighty weapon
3586'. li-sza-t,i3-szu-ma
ts: lišaṭṭīšuma
en: may he have him beaten,
3587'. bi-ni-a-ti-szu
ts: biniātišu
en: and his limbs
3588'. ki-ma s,a-lam t,i-t,i-im
ts: kīma ṣalam ṭiddim
en: like (those of) a statue of clay
3589'. li-ih-bu-usz
ts: liḫbuš
en: shatter.
3590'. {d}nin-tu
ts: nintu
en: May Nintu,
3591'. _nin_ s,i-ir-tum
ts: bēltum ṣīrtum
en: august mistress
3592'. sza ma-ta-tim
ts: ša mātātim
en: of the lands,
3593'. _ama_ ba-ni-ti
ts: ummum bānītī
en: the mother, my creator,
3594'. _ibila_ li-t,e4-re-szu-ma
ts: aplam līṭeršuma
en: of an heir deprive him
3595'. szu-ma-am
ts: šumam
en: and offspring
3596'. a u2-szar-szi-szu
ts: ay ušaršīšu
en: not let him have;
3597'. i-na qer-bi-it ni-szi-szu
ts: ina qerbīt nišīšu
en: among his people
3598'. _numun_ a-wi-lu-tim
ts: zēr awīlūtim
en: a human seed
3599'. a ib-ni
ts: ay ibni
en: may she not allow.
3600'. {d}nin-kar-ra-ak
ts: ninkarrak
en: May Ninkarrak,
3601'. _dumu-munus_ an-nim
ts: mārat anim
en: daughter of Anu,
3602'. qa2-bi-a-at
ts: qābiat
en: who promotes
3603'. dum-qi2-ia
ts: dumqiya
en: my cause
3604'. i-na e2-kur
ts: ina ekur
en: in the Ekur,
3605'. mur-s,a-am kab-tam
ts: murṣam kabtam
en: cause a grievous malady,
3606'. _a2-sag3_ le-em-nam
ts: asakkam lemnam
en: an evil demonic disease,
3607'. si2-im-ma-am mar-s,a-am
ts: simmam marṣam
en: a serious carbuncle
3608'. sza la i-pa-asz-sze-hu
ts: ša lā ipaššeḫu
en: that cannot be soothed,
3609'. _a-zu_ qe2-re-eb-szu
ts: asûm qerebšu
en: that a physician the cause
3610'. la i-lam-ma-du
ts: lā ilammadu
en: cannot learn,
3611'. i-na s,i2-im-di
ts: ina ṣimdi
en: that with bandages
3612'. la u2-na-ah-hu-szu
ts: lā unaḫḫušu
en: he cannot ease,
3613'. ki-ma ni-szi-ik mu-tim la in-na-sa3-hu
ts: kīma nišik mūtim lā innassaḫu
en: that, like the bite of death, cannot be expunged,
3614'. i-na bi-ni-a-ti-szu
ts: ina biniātišu
en: upon his limbs
3615'. li-sza-s,i-a-asz-szum-ma
ts: lišāṣiaššumma
en: cause to break out,
3616'. a-di na-pi2-isz-ta-szu
ts: adi napištašu
en: until his life
3617'. i-be2-el-lu-u2
ts: ibellû
en: comes to an end
3618'. a-na et,-lu-ti-szu
ts: ana eṭlūtišu
en: his lost virility
3619'. li-da-dam-ma-am
ts: liddammam
en: may he bewail.
3620'. _dingir gal-gal_
ts: ilū rabûtum
en: May the great gods
3621'. sza sza-me-e
ts: ša šamê
en: of heaven
3622'. u3 er-s,e-tim
ts: u erṣetim
en: and earth,
3623'. {d}a-nun-na
ts: anunnakū
en: all the Anunnaku
3624'. i-na _szunigin_-szu-nu
ts: ina napḫarišunu
en: in their totality,
3625'. sze-ed bi-tim
ts: šēd bītim
en: the protective spirit of the house,
3626'. _sig4_ e2-babbar-ra
ts: libitti ebabbara
en: the very brickwork of the Ebabbar,
3627'. szu-a-ti
ts: šuāti
en: that one,
3628'. _numun_-szu
ts: zērašu
en: his seed,
3629'. ma-su2 _erin2_-szu
ts: māssu ṣābašu
en: his land, his troops,
3630'. ni-szi-szu
ts: nišīšu
en: his people,
3631'. u3 um-ma-an-szu
ts: u ummānšu
en: and his army
3632'. er-re-tam
ts: erretam
en: with a curse
3633'. ma-ru-usz-tam li-ru-ru
ts: maruštam līrurū
en: terrible curse.
3634'. er-re-tim
ts: errētim
en: With the curses,
3635'. an-ni-a-tim
ts: anniātim
en: these,
3636'. {d}en-lil2
ts: enlil
en: may Enlil,
3637'. i-na _ka_-szu
ts: ina pīšu
en: whose command
3638'. sza la ut-ta-ak-ka-ru
ts: ša lā uttakkaru
en: cannot be countermanded,
3639'. li-ru-ur-szu-ma
ts: līruršuma
en: curse him, and
3640'. ar-hi-isz
ts: arḫiš
en: may they swiftly
3641'. li-ik-szu-da-szu
ts: likšudāšu
en: overtake him!
Total 1 record(s)